#many of my blorbos i have noticed have green hair
qualiacumque · 5 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers ♡
sure why not
1). spending easy time with friends is literally the best thing in the world and i say this as a very shy and introverted person. when i was in college and all my friends lived nearby i would spend a huge portion of my time just chillin with them.
2). the sounds of animal calls make me happy - i've been learning to identify birdsong lately, but beyond that every evening where i live the air is full with the sound of spring peepers (frogs)
3). making stuff makes me happy. i'm only an amateur at most of the stuff-making hobbies i attempt, but it's always fun nevertheless
4). right now i'm listening to all a playlist of different versions of the fire emblem theme over time so i'm gonna say all my blorbos from the funny emblem games and other such media franchises make me happy.
5). learning new stuff makes me happy. i'm literally a wikipedia boyfriend, i will just straightup read wikipedia articles for fun, anywhere, anytime.
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shepscapades · 9 months
So the part 5 thing huh? Welp IT'S GOOD I LOVE IT
Because X is my blorbo I just wanted to point out some things here
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MMMMMMMM HE HAS LONG HAIR??? I mean *looks at my posts* long hair fits him absolutely [Still not sure if he has long hair or not but looks like he has his hair tied in a ponytail or in a bun, I don't know it just looks like it on the second image]
[oh and also he called him "Doc" again, instead of Docm which I don't know what could mean in this situation yet, but one day it'll probably make sense as we get more parts]
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This Etho right here looks either terrified or confused, and I think it's because
X is going to go absolutely crazy and he's scared that X is now in control [based on the "you dropped your crown king'' caption that might refer to Etho who isn't the attacker anymore but could also refer to Xisuma which I'll explain later]
2. He finally snapped back into his senses
3. he sees X without his helmet for the first time and his good 'ol computer brain is like '??????? Who tf is that"
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"you dropped your crown king" could also refer to X as his helmet got destroyed in process [being the crown] and from what I know, we don't know the reason for why X wears helmet in this AU. The most popular headcannon for his armour and helmet is that he's a voidwalker and can't breathe in the overworld, we don't know if it's a thing in this AU but if it is that could mean that now he's powerless, he "dropped his crown" - he became weaker, powerless against his enemy. Also Doc looks kinda scared, or maybe just surprised after seeing X's face for probably first time. [if he's scared, then he's probably aware of Xisuma's condition when it comes to air]
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But also poor Doc he looks horrified
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*looking for lore through old posts* huh these seem familiar... WAIT
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[it's in Polish sorry, but it says 13th October]
SO THE COMIC HAS BEEN SKETCHED OUT SO EARLY?? Damn those really take long to do, I mean I was aware of that fact but It's been like 3 months since those sneak peeks have been posted and WOW THAT'S A WHOLE LOT OF MOTIVATION YOU HAVE HERE SHEP
[also only now noticed how in this panel Etho's body sketch is red as a sign that he's the danger in Doc's eyes and Xisuma's is green/blue. Oh and in the first sketch X didn't have his hair visible in the visor hee hee ]
So yes, loved it, even if there were only 3 images I still think it's amazing ! We got to see your Xisuma a bit [he- he handsome -makes big eyes]
Sorry for the long ask again!! just!! excited!!
Now I'm going into my drawing cave as I'm full of inspiration already bye bye <333
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(also also to reiterate, I have no idea how long part 6 will take since I just kinda have rough storyboarding for the rest of the comic, and classes just started up again— this is my exhibition semester so most of my drawing energy will be prioritized for my grad gallery… we will wait to see how much energy I have left by the day for destruction :3)
ALSO ALSO ALSO! “You dropped your crown king” was absolutely me trying to find a silly caption for what’s supposed to be a serious/dramatic part of the story while also referencing the fact that Xisuma’s helmet shattered/fell off— there are many conspiracies and clues to be had here but I just wanted to clarify that that line is not one of them SFKDFGHJ
I will therefore also not directly respond to anything else being discussed here BUT thank you as always for sharing your theories and analysis!! It always makes my day >:D
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spicybylerpolls · 7 months
Hi! Adding my two cents to the bad fanfiction writing debate.
Lots of fanfic authors don't read anything but fanfiction, and are more interested in their favorite characters than they are in reading or writing itself. Obviously, big readers make good writers, and for that you need to read lots of things, not just fanfiction written by other fans who don't have editors of any sort. You need to read novels, nonfiction, articles, copy, textbooks, even the back of crisp packets.
Even writers who have beta'd works are often working with other fans who don't have any professional experience or training in how to edit. Some writers are intuitive, sure, but they can always benefit from editing.
My pet hate: describing a character by their hair colour when its irrelevant to the plot. Maybe your character finds it sexy, and you're writing a sex scene. But if it's just there so you dont have to saythe characters name again, then your sentence structure itself needs reviewing.
All this said, fanfic is meant to be fun so it's a space where people are free to be a bit shit and learn haha, which is great. I just think it's a bit gross when people get angry at criticism. Sure, you didn't ask for critique, but by putting your work out there, you kind of did. Any artist who shares work (in any platform) should expect to be critiqued. Obviusly there is meanness and then there is criticism, but if a lot of fanfic writers are young people with egos and hormones running wild, it's no surprise they can't handle criticism well. Accepting criticism gracefully and learning from it is something writers and artists of all kinds learn when training in their field. But like I said, if your fanfic writer isn't interested in the craft of writing, and only their character/fandom, then they won't be interested in improvement in that way.
Hmm, yeah I've definitely experienced some fanfic that seems to... let's say... have beef with the basic grammatical structures of the English language. (Honestly, most of us use A03, but back when Wattpad was more widely used, this was even more noticeable. Sometimes it was genuinely hard to decipher what people were trying to say). You're right about some fanfic writers being very green and unrefined, more interested in just engaging with their fandom and getting their feelings about their favorite characters out there than in storycraft best practices. (That's probably where fanfic got the negative reputation it has in some corners of the world, where people see it as unserious and as writing that's "less" real).
That being said, there's also a lot of amazing fanfic writers out there in the Byler fandom and in every fandom, and they should be given their flowers. Many of these stories are better than Hollywood movies and bestselling books. And fandom is ultimately about fun, so if someone genuinely isn't interested in the craft of writing and just wants their blorbos to kiss, I'd say that's fine too. There's an audience for that, there's really no right way or wrong way to do things, and there's obviously a fine line between constructive criticism and just mean-spirited attacks. But I think it's ultimately a balancing act. Curating your own taste both in writing and reading takes time.
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aforgottenballad · 2 years
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you have so many blogs so I simply chose the one that matches mine header-wise. Anyway, i know nothing about this anime/manga but this kid has green hair, sharp teeth and fun monster slippers and i respect that. hope she's a blorbo of yours or at least blorbo-adjacent. Happy birth
AAAAAA 💕💕 Clara my beloved daughter you chose well!! Thank you so so much!!
I love the bright colors and the background, it suits her so well and you got her big goofy smile perfectly !! 💖💗💕
Oh my god I just noticed the little devil horns and teeth on the flowers that's such a cute detail 😭😭😭
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stripesandblossoms · 2 years
https://archiveofourown.org/works/37950898/chapters/95145871#workskin@adrinetteapril Sorry if this isn't enough blorbos but I promise it'll get better? Won't be offended if you don't reblog or if you only want to post the bit where they're interacting.Prompt: AU (Canon Divergence, following Penalteam)
Adrien was giddy with excitement.
For once, it was no difficult task to drag himself out of bed at 5 in the morning (especially after a longer patrol than normal, swapping Miraculouses and training Berlioz how to use his). For once, however, getting up at 5 didn’t mean an hour of showering, primping, hair styling and makeup in order to be ready for a dawn photoshoot.
Today, there was a bus waiting at school to take him, his friends, his class, his entire cohort away for three glorious days of freedom, adventure, and bonding in the French countryside; no phone reception, no lessons, no extra-curriculars, no cold vast bedroom, no lonely meals. No Ladybug. That was the only thing he’d probably miss while he was away. And Plagg, he thought, slipping Wayzz’ Turtle bracelet over his wrist and greeting the little green Kwami.
Still, it was only a few days. Ziplining! Kayaking! Roasting marshmallows! Sharing a tent! They might even get to see some stars.
Adrien was practically vibrating as he slung his duffel bag over one shoulder and went downstairs.
Nathalie (back to overworking, now she had that brace) stepped out of his father’s atelier as he approached the front door, double-checking that he’d packed everything on the list they’d been given. (Sunscreen? Yes. Swimwear? Towel? Yes. Waterproof bag protector? Yes. Toothbrush? Yes. Enough clean underwear? Yes. Outdoor clothes [with a wrinkled nose]? Yes. Sheets? Yes.) He fought to retain his composure, to not explode in excitement and impatience before she finally nodded him away and he could escape, escape, escape.
He hardly even noticed (or cared) that his father hadn’t even said goodbye.
The bus was already waiting at the school when his car pulled up. Ms Mendeleiev was carefully stacking bags under the bus. Adrien added his duffel to the pile, had his name marked off by Miss Bustier, and raced up the stairs.
`This was it! He was on a bus, leaving Paris with his friends! Would Nino be here already? Would he have saved Adrien a seat? Adrien anxiously scanned the half-full seats. It was strange seeing several kids in more casual attire than normal. Ah! There was Nino! Waving! Adrien started forward eagerly, then stopped, crestfallen to see that his best friend already had a seatmate- his girlfriend, Alya.
‘Hey, Adrien, my man!’ Nino called. `We saved you a seat!’
He patted the back of the empty seat in front of him. Adrien slid in, smiling at his friends and trying not to let his disappointment show. Of course Nino and Alya would want to sit together; he should have expected this.
Nino draped himself over the back of Adrien’s seat.
‘Hey, dude, you don’t mind if Alya and me spend some time together on the bus, do you? Girls and boys’ll bunk separately, ya know?’
‘No, of course not.’ Adrien reassured them.
‘Besides,’ chimed in Alya, appearing over his seat too, ‘we’re not going to force you to be alone. You’ll sit with Marinette!’
That thought brightened Adrien up considerably.
‘Where is Marinette?’ He asked.
Alya rolled her eyes.
Marinette was running late.
It was 5:50 and the bus was leaving in 10 minutes but she was still shoving clothes into her backpack with a toothbrush hanging out of her mouth whilst Kwamii zoomed around her offering a litany of suggestions that ranged from helpful to obstructionist.
‘This is why I need Tikki,’ she groaned as Pollen and Ziggy zoomed past with underwear and swimmers. Daizzi followed with so many photos of Adrien they were spilling out of their paws in a horrifyingly embarrassing trail that was not coming on this trip! Before she could say more, Llong intercepted the little pig, to their distress.
‘The Guardian needs these to remind her of her love!’
‘The Guardian will be with her love,’ Llong reminded Daizzi, gesturing at Orikko to tidy up the dropped photos.
Sass flew up to hover near Marinette as she spat in her sink.
‘Do not delude yourssself, Guardian. Even Tikki could not have organissed you thiss early.’
‘You’re right, Sass,’ she sighed, as she turned to see Stompp attempting to shove her giant cat pillow into her backpack, while Mullo hovered nearby with a pot-plant. ‘Why did I think I’d have time to pack in the morning!?’
A knock sounded from the trapdoor under Marinette’s feet, making her jump. The Kwamii vanished into their favourite hiding places.
‘Are you nearly ready, sweetie? Your bus leaves in five minutes.’
‘Yeah, Mum, I’m coming now!’ Called Marinette, dashing over to her bag, removing a strand of decorative bunting, and shoving her towel in before straining at the zip.
Her mum pushed through the trapdoor.
‘Marinette, you’re not even dressed!’
She looked down at herself and yelled again.
‘I’m still in my pyjamas!’
‘You better hurry,’ Sabine advised, smoothly taking Marinette’s backpack and zipping it up easily as her daughter whirled back to her closet, clothes flurrying over her shoulders as she searched for something suitable.
‘Oh, dear, you’ve left a tray of food on your desk. I’ll take it down with me. We don’t want mould to grow while you’re away.’
The food was for the Kwamii.
‘NO!’ Blurted Marinette, emerging from her closet. ‘I mean, leave it there! It’s for a … a science experiment!’
‘Well, alright then. We’ll be down in the bakery. Don’t forget to say goodbye!’
Marinette threw on the leggings and tshirt she’d found and pulled on a pair of old joggers instead of her regular ballet flats. She reached for her hair ties but pulled up short as Kaalki suddenly flew up close to her face, bearing the massive sun hat that usually sat on her mannequin.
‘Excuse me, most glorious Guardian, but I believe you will require this magnificent adornment in order to make your outfit truly extraordinary!’
‘Kaalki!’ complained Marinette, ‘I don’t have time for this! And I’m not going for a, a walk on a promenade or to the beach, I’m going camping`. No accessories!’
She reached under the pouting horse for her hair ties, slipping them over her wrist. She’d do her hair on the bus.
‘I think there is one accessory you need, Guardian,’ said Llong, approaching her.
‘No, there isn’t!’
‘Are you quite sure?’ The little red dragon held up their Miraculous with one paw.
‘Oh. Right. Thanks, Llong. Sorry for snapping.’
Marinette took the choker and fastened it around her neck. The red bead flashed and changed to bubblegum pink.
She’d thought long and hard about which Miraculous to wear while Tentochu was filling in for her. Something that wouldn’t stand out too much, and would be less likely to fall off while doing hazardous outdoor activities. Especially with her… less than predictable clumsiness. Especially around Adrien. She’d considered Ziggy because their power was so similar to what she was used to, or Barkk, but dismissed the former as the clips would be too easy to lose if her hair came loose, and the latter because Barkk was too easily excitable. Besides that, plenty of fruit should be provided for snacks that she could sneak to Llong, and the Dragon Miraculous had the added benefit of not being wielded by anyone in her class and was thus less likely to be recognised.
‘Okay, guys, do not leave this room while I am gone! And don’t make too much noise. Be good! Sass is in charge.’
She’d rather have left Wayzz in charge, as he’d watched over them all when Master Fu was Guardian. But she’d given Wayzz a more important task.
And she slammed the trapdoor shut.
Marinette flew down the stairs of her family’s apartment. She dashed through the attached bakery, kissed her Papa on the cheek and hugged her Maman. They pressed upon her a giant sack of pastries (‘enough to share with everyone on the bus!’) which Marinette accepted with a gasp and another embrace each.
‘You’d best hurry, dear,’ said Sabine, with a careful eye across the road where the bus waited outside Marinette’s school, where Ms Mendeleiev was closing the undercarriage, and so she was off again, the bakery bag slung over her shoulder like a Santa sack. She was lucky; there was no traffic at the crossing and she ran across the road without waiting for a green light. Ms Mendeleiev stomped up the stairs of the bus and the door closed with a wheesh behind her.
‘Wait!’ Marinette called, waving her spare arm.
To her relief, a clamour of voices was audible from inside the bus, Rose’s high tone cutting through as she shouted;
‘There she is!’
A busload of faces pressed against the kerbside windows, waving and calling incoherently. Only one stood out to her. Adrien’s golden hair shone like a beacon.
Marinette’s heart gave a great lurch in her chest and she nearly tripped flat onto her face in front of her whole year group. Instead, windmilling her arms so hard they blurred, she skidded to a stop in front of the bus’ door right as it creaked open to accept her. She fell through gratefully, to raucous cheers and Ms Mendeleiev’s scowl.
‘Sorry, Ms Mendeleiev!’ Marinette panted.
‘This is unacceptable, Miss Dupain-Cheng. It’s bad enough that your tardiness regularly interrupts class and the instruction of your peers, but to hold up an entire bus from their departure for an excursion is inconsiderate and inexcusable.’
‘That’s enough, Ms Mendeleiev,’ Mr Damocles cut in pompously.
‘Yes. Marinette is here now, Marie,’ Miss Bustier chimed in. ‘Here, Marinette, put your bags on this empty seat. Oh! What’s all this?’
‘My parents sent pastries for everyone.’
‘How nice!’
‘There’s to be no eating on the bus!’ Barked Miss Mendeleiev.
‘Yes, unfortunately these will have to wait until we stop for a break. Alright, go find a seat for yourself.’
Alya and Nino were waving her down the bus. And Adrien. All of them were gesturing her towards the seat they’d saved; a seat next to him. Marinette felt her face flame with colour as she met his green eyes, blazing with happiness above a toothy grin.
The bus started moving as Marinette made her way down the aisle. She swayed awkwardly with the motion, grabbing at the handles. Her face burned, knowing Adrien and everyone else were watching her. She tried not to look up. That would throw her again, and she was having a hard enough time keeping her footing as it was.
Just a couple more seats to go.
She could do this! She ran along the tops of buses just fine while fighting supervillains.
She was almost there, anyway. All she had to do was lower herself gracefully into the seat next to Adrien and smile at him and say ‘good morning’. At a normal volume. That should be simple enough to not mix up.
And then, just as Marinette was about to slip into her seat, the bus lurched around a corner and she was thrown face-first across Adrien’s lap.
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