#many of the below-40 generation feel almost as a matter of course? perhaps.
andromeda3116 · 1 year
you know i wonder where the essay is, i certainly don't have it prepared, what it reflects about society, that the '99 trigun was a fun action western-sci-fi anime with a plot that wove itself out slowly and had plenty of heart that got serious eventually but was also a quirky romp through most of its run
and the '23 trigun stampede is a dystopian sci-fi set in a crumbling desert that can barely support life with a dark plot that drags you under immediately and also does have a lot of heart but ultimately appears to have the theme of scavenging that heart from a place that gives you no reason to believe it exists
like, as time capsules i feel like it's unintentionally saying something about us, about where we've come to and come from, that the same basic story is told in two such wildly different ways, after less than a quarter-century
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Highlighted Excerpts from Miranda July’s “The First Bad Man”  5 STARS, absolutely loved this book, it literally changed my life.
The NPR book review: 
This cataloging of unglamorous inner life could be grotesque (and sometimes is) but there is something hugely generous about it. Writing about sex is a particular skill of July's — it is beautiful but real, not rapturous or misty or scene-lit.
Her humor comes from a careful literalness: a dragging out of the truth, and placing it in startling juxtaposition with the surface of things.
Quotes and highlights below. Expand to read.
YOUR KINDLE NOTES FOR: The First Bad Man: A Novel
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“When in doubt, give a shout!” “Excuse me?” “I’m here for you. When in doubt, just give me a shout.” What silence. Giant domed cathedrals never held so much emptiness. He cleared his throat. It echoed, bouncing around the dome, startling pigeons. “Cheryl?” “Yes?” “I think I should go.” I didn’t say anything. He would have to step over my dead body to get off the phone. “Goodbye,” he said, and then, after a pause, he hung up.
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Once Carl had called me ginjo, which I thought meant “sister” until he told me it’s Japanese for a man, usually an elderly man, who lives in isolation while he keeps the fire burning for the whole village. “In the old myths he burns his clothes and then his bones to keep it going,” Carl said. I made myself very still so he would continue; I love to be described.
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As I walked to the door the map of the world detached from the wall and slid noisily to the floor. Not necessarily an indicator of anything.
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He was nervous—men are always sure they’ll be accused of some horrific crime after they talk about feelings.
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“Does it feel like we’ve known each other for longer than we really have?” “Kind of.” I could tell him or I could not tell him. I decided to tell him. “Maybe there’s a reason for that,” I ventured. “Okay.” He blew his nose again. “Do you know what it is?” “Give me a hint.” “A hint. Let’s see . . . actually, I can’t. There are no little parts to it, it’s all big.” I took a deep breath and shut my eyes. “I see a rocky tundra and a crouched figure with apelike features who resembles me. She’s fashioned a pouch out of animal gut and now she’s giving it to her mate, a strong, hairy pre-man who looks a lot like you. He moves his thick finger around in the pouch and fishes out a colorful rock. Her gift to him. Do you see where I’m going?” “Kind of? In that I see you’re talking about cavemen who look like us.” “Who are us.”
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“She’s big-boned,” I said. “A lot of men think that’s attractive.” “Sure, a woman with that kind of body has a fat store that allows her to make milk for her young even if her husband isn’t able to bring meat home. I feel confident about my ability to bring meat home.” The words milk and fat store and meat had fogged up the windows faster than leaner words would have. We were in a sort of creamy cloud.
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“You’re the female me.” My heart started swooping around, like it was hanging on a long rope.
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I must have sat across from him at a hundred meetings of the board, but I had never let myself really study his face. It was like knowing what the moon looks like without ever stopping to find the man in it.
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His hand had a heat and weight that only real hands do. A hundred imaginary hands would never be this warm.
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This was probably the sign of a good therapist, seeming familiar to everyone.
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At the Ethiopian restaurant I requested a fork. They explained that I had to use my hands, so I asked for it to go, got a fork at Starbucks, and sat in my car. But my throat wouldn’t accept even this very soft meal. I put it on the curb for a homeless person. An Ethiopian homeless person would be especially delighted. What a heartbreaking thought, encountering your native food in this way.
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Our relationship is much more powerful and moving to me if we don’t compact our energy into our genitals.”
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It’s one of those things that seems like a drag at first and then becomes second nature, until not doing it feels rude, almost aggressive.
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Suddenly it occurred to me that nothing might be happening. I’d done that before. I had added meaningful layers to things that were meaningless many, many times before.
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We’d been prehistoric together, medieval, king and queen—now we were this. It was all part of the answer to his question What keeps us coming back? He wasn’t done with me, and I wasn’t done with him.
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When she shoved me against my own desk I head-butted her and everyone else who wasn’t capable of understanding how nuanced I was.
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My eyes fell on the gray linoleum floor and I wondered how many other women had sat on this toilet and stared at this floor. Each of them the center of their own world, all of them yearning for someone to put their love into so they could see their love, see that they had it.
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I ate a pastry made out of white flour and refined sugar and watched the couple next to me feed each other bites of omelet. It was hard to believe they played adult games but most likely they did, probably with their coworkers or relatives. What were other people’s like? Perhaps some mothers and fathers pretended to be their children’s children and made messes. Or a widow might sometimes become her own deceased husband and demand retribution from everyone. It was all very personal; nobody’s game made any sense to anyone else. I watched seemingly dull men and women zooming past in cars. I doubted they all had written contracts like Ruth-Anne, but some did. Some probably had multiple contracts. Some contracts had been voided or transferred. People were having a good time out here, me included.
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This is nothing. We’ve seen fire and we’ve seen rain, I’d reply, quoting the song.
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Before every raw impulse there was a pause—I saw us through the homeless gardener’s eyes and felt obscene. Being outside society, he didn’t know about adult games; he was like me before I met Ruth-Anne, thinking everything that happened in life was real.
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Any two foes can fight in anger, but this was something rare. I was reminded of the Christmas Day soccer game between enemies in World War I or II. She still repulsed me, I’d still shoot her in battle the next day, but until dawn we’d play this game.
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Laughing like friends always emphasized that we weren’t. This wasn’t real like the laughing she did at home.
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“So what if it’s real for her?” she said, suddenly dropping her hands. “Real comes and goes and isn’t very interesting.”
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The noise shook everything out of my head. What a magical way to get around. I’d always thought of these types of machines as toys for uneducated people who didn’t care about the environment, but maybe they weren’t. Maybe this was a kind of meditation. I felt connected to everything and the motor volume held me at a level of alertness I wasn’t used to. I kept waking up and then waking up from that, and then waking up even more. Was everything redneck actually mystical?
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HER COWLIKE VACUOUSNESS DIDN’T REALLY bother me anymore. Or it didn’t matter—her personality was just a little piece of parsley decorating warm tawny haunches.
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She furrowed her brow and looked at the V my fingers were making. I had no idea what I was doing.
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It wasn’t really an appropriate card for a young girl; a group of rough-looking birds in rakish hats were playing cards with cigars in their beaks. It said something I can’t remember, but on the inside was a phrase like a virus or a self-replicating parasite waiting for a host. When I opened the card it flew out, gripping my brain with merciless talons: “Birds of a feather flock together.” It couldn’t be said just once, only repeated and repeated and repeated.
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It sort of worked. It wasn’t like saying abracadabra to make a rabbit disappear, poof. It was like saying abracadabra billions of times, saying it for years, until the rabbit died of old age, and then continuing to say it until the rabbit had completely decomposed and been absorbed into the earth, poof.
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Of course the point of being on the board was to be near him, but taking his place was interesting too. Almost better. For the first time I understood cigars and the urge to light one up and lean back.
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She looked utterly betrayed, as betrayed as the most betrayed person in Shakespeare.
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A cool breeze moved past and I knew how nice that must feel on his sweaty face, but that was all. I didn’t know how anything else would feel to him.
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We listened to the squeals change as the animal approached death; the pitch had entered the human register, every exertion contained a familiar vowel. If words began to form then I would go out there and break it up. Words, even crudely formed ones, would change the game entirely.
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“Do you really think it’s necessary?” “Necessary? No. All that’s necessary is that you eat enough to survive.  Highlight (Yellow) | Page 147
I could see it so clearly, the zygote—shiny and bulbous, filled with the electric memory of being two but now damned with the eternal loneliness of being just one.
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All these years I’d been looking for a friend, but Suzanne didn’t need a friend. A rival, though—that got her attention.
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When the meeting adjourned we both went to the staff kitchen and made cups of tea in silence. I waited for her to begin the conversation. I sipped. She sipped. After a while I realized this was the conversation; we were having it. 
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But eventually she wanted it more than he did, and this made her lower than him. There was no way to knock down a woman who was already lying on the ground.
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He walked to the elevator. He pressed the button and we both listened, my therapist and I, and waited for this part to be over—the part where he had already left but was still with us. 
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“This is the worst you’ll ever feel.” “Ever?” “Well, maybe not ever in your whole life. We don’t know how you’re going to die—that might be worse.” I had veered off course. I put my face right in front of hers. “You can do this,” I said.
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A bag of blood was rushed in; it was from San Diego. I’d been to the zoo there once. I imagined the blood being pulled out of a muscled zebra. This was good—humans were always withering away from heartbreak and pneumonia, animal blood would be much tougher, live, live, live.
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Her braids lay on her chest and she looked leaden with sorrow, like a picture from the Dust Bowl. You just knew her whole life was going to be hard, every second of it.
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After a long time, ten or fifteen minutes, the kissing slowed. There were a series of closing kisses, goodbye kisses, kisses placed like lids on boxes—then the lid would pop off and need to be replaced. There, this is the final kiss—no, this is the final kiss. This one is, it really is. And now I’m just kissing that kiss good night.
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Soft was the wrong word. Satiny? Supple? A new word, I would come up with it right now—which letters would I use? S, for sure. Maybe an O. Was this how words were made? How would I announce the word? Who would I contact about that?
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followed the doctor across the room. I yearned for a lawyer and the right to make a phone call. But those rights were for arrested people. We got nothing. Whatever he told me would be the new reality and we’d just have to accept
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They belonged here, both of them equally, as did the nurses and the doctors and Clee. None of them recognized the interloper among them, but they would soon. I’d gotten swept up in the drama of the situation and mistakenly involved myself.
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Almost! I said. There was no good way to be, so I was being cavalier, lancing my own heart. We came pretty close. See you next time!
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The last of her crying came out in a clotted sigh after the first kiss.
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We began a series of impatiently off-center ones, as if we were too hurried to land them properly; then our mouths became fingertips, moving blindly over the bumps and hollows of each feature.
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It was like a dream, where the most unlikely person can’t get enough of you—a movie star or someone’s husband. How can this be? But the attraction is mutual and undeniable; it is the reason for itself. And like a surprise on the moon or a surprise on the battlefield, astonishment was native to these parts.
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They were terrible people, even slightly worse than most.
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Should I introduce myself or try to kill them? Not violently, just enough that they wouldn’t exist.
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Was I like honey thinking it’s a small bear, not realizing the bear is just the shape of its bottle?
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WOKE WITH A START like a passenger on an airplane—for a moment I could feel how high I was and had an appropriate terror of falling.
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A howl was curdling inside me; the ache felt inhuman. Or maybe this was my first human feeling.
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Anyone who questions what satisfaction can be gained from a not-so-bright girlfriend half one’s age has never had one. It just feels good all over. It’s like wearing something beautiful and eating something delicious at the same time, all the time.
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“Can the writing be a little more fun?” she said. “You mean a different font?” “Maybe.” I put everything in chubby cartoon letters as a joke. “That looks good,” she said. She was right. The cartoon letters had a love of life in them, and wasn’t that what we were celebrating here?
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Suzanne fired him on the spot—her face shaking with regret about things she had not nipped while they were still in the bud.
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Clee held me from behind and our bodies interlocked like two Ss. “Not many people could do this,” I said, squeezing her arms. “Everyone does this.” “But not fitting together so perfectly the way we do.” “Any two people can do it.”
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I didn’t bathe him because I was too afraid he would slip out of my hands or his belly button would open. Then one night I woke at three A.M. certain he was rotting like a chicken carcass. Only as I lowered him into the sink did I realize this was a crazy time to wash a baby and I began to cry because he was so trusting—I could do anything and he would go along with it, the little fool.
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Clee asked if he could see in the dark like a cat and I said yes. Later I caught my mistake but it was five A.M. and she was asleep. The next day I forgot. Each day I forgot to tell her he couldn’t see in the dark like a cat and each night I remembered, with increasing urgency. What if this continued for years and I never told her? My body was so tired that it often floated next to me or above me, and I had to reel it in like a kite. Finally one night I wrote “He can’t see in the dark” on a slip of paper and put it by her sleeping face. “What’s this?” Clee asked the next day, holding the slip. “Oh, thank God, yes. Jack can’t see in the dark like a cat.” “I know.” Suddenly I was unsure how this had begun. Maybe she had never asked. I dropped the subject with dark thoughts about my own mind.
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But as the sun rose I crested the mountain of my self-pity and remembered I was always going to die at the end of this life anyway.
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If you were wise enough to know that this life would consist mostly of letting go of things you wanted, then why not get good at the letting go, rather than the trying to have?
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I began to understand that the sleeplessness and vigilance and constant feedings were a form of brainwashing, a process by which my old self was being molded, slowly but with a steady force, into a new shape: a mother. It hurt. I tried to be conscious while it happened, like watching my own surgery. I hoped to retain a tiny corner of the old me, just enough to warn other women with. But I knew this was unlikely; when the process was complete I wouldn’t have anything left to complain with, it wouldn’t hurt anymore, I wouldn’t remember.
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After smiling came laughing, then rolling over. The days and nights began to unwarp; three A.M. became an ordinary time. The first few months were hard for all new parents, a test, really—and we had passed!
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For the first time in my life I understood TV, why everyone watched it. It helped. Not in the long run, of course, but minute by minute.
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what it felt like to be a mother, to be terrifyingly in love without the option of getting off.
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It must happen all the time, a fleeting passion overwhelms someone’s true course and there’s nothing to be done about it.
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one lone voice in an infinite cathedral, climbing and echoing and praising. The singer was lifted up and illuminated with gratitude, not for any one thing, but for the whole of this life, even for the agony.
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Rainbows are alone; they’re the only thing like that. The crystal began to wind the other way, sending the bright fleet back across his body. I could tell he didn’t believe me; it did seem unlikely. I racked my brain for others of the species. Reflections, shadows, smoke—these things were morose and distant cousins at best.
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I cleared my throat. “I love you.” His head shook with surprise. My voice was low and formal; I sounded like a wooden father from the 1800s. I continued. “You are a sweet potato.” This sounded literal, as if I was letting him know he was a root vegetable, a tuber. “You’re a baby,” I added, just in case there was any confusion on that last point.
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we had only spent a few hours a day in the NICU with him. That wasn’t enough. It was enough for us at the time, but now it haunted me. Twenty hours a day he’d lain there alone. There would be other unpardonable crimes, I could feel them coming—things that in retrospect would become my greatest regrets.
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Ruth-Anne, I would say, can we put the past behind us? Better not to phrase it as a question. The past is behind us. That was good. Who could argue with that?
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It was like being accused of a crime committed in a dream.
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As she looked up at him her whole bearing shifted; she became luminous. Not with the light of life, but like a husk lit electrically from within.
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Just his name on a piece of paper could set her off. Even a word like Broyard—barnyard, backyard—sent her into an exhausted loop of fantasies. Everything else in her life, including her own therapy practice, was faked. The spell consumed 95 percent of her energy but she was surprised to see that no one noticed; the wafer-thin 5 percent version of her sufficed.
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Something strange was happening with Ruth-Anne. It didn’t seem good.
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Each word he said was boring, but collectively the melody of them lulled me.
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I tried to resist, but just the weight of him, in pounds and ounces, was a relief. Always being the heaviest person in the house had been exhausting.
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“Of course I’m here for you,” I said. It was a relief; being angry at him was hard work.
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I’m the woman who just told her her feet smell; I could still see her enormous smile and how it fell.
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cruelangelstheses · 4 years
louder than the maker’s revolver (and twice as shiny) - chapter 1: look alive, sunshine
fandom: dragon age rating: M characters: isabela/f!hawke, bethany/merrill, anders/fenris/m!hawke words (total): 6.5k words (this chapter): 6.5k additional tags: fabulous killjoys au, post-apocalypse, twin hawkes, slow burn, mutual pining, angst with a happy ending, canon-typical violence description: in which an eight-person gang of rebels living in the desert pisses off the government, firefights are lost and won, homoerotic wound-dressing is commonplace, bonds are forged and broken and reforged, feelings are hard, fighting a powerful and corrupt institution is slightly less hard, and everyone is just trying to survive, to heal, to find their way. (or, “the da2 killjoy au nobody asked for”) a/n: ITS STILL 2019 OUT WEST I MADE IT!!! ok so. [cracks knuckles] this is an AU fic based on the universe created in my chemical romance's album “danger days: the true lives of the fabulous killjoys” (and gerard way's subsequent comics) about rebels in the desert fighting a corrupt government post-apocalypse. the album starts/takes place in the year 2019 which is why i wanted to get this fic out before the year ends. while the general setting and terms are the same, no characters from the killjoy universe will appear and everything else is a more loose interpretation. you do not have to be familiar with my chem or the killjoy universe to read this. (for those who know the story, this fic takes place in the year 2030, so after the original “fab four” have died but before the events of the comics, during a sort of “lull” in the action you could say)
a key feature of the killjoy universe is the usage of “killjoy names,” usually one or two-word phrases that relate to the person, and often the person created the name themself - the original four are party poison, fun ghoul, jet star, and kobra kid. i've given each member of the crew a killjoy name (see below) that the other characters will usually use in dialogue (except for characters who knew each other before they became killjoys and got names), but i will use their real names for the most part in narration so you don't forget who's who
ANYWAY i've been planning this fic for a whole year now and it's gonna be a FUN RIDE !!!! i've left a guide at the end for the killjoy names (not all of them are mentioned in this chapter though). i tried my best to explain what certain terms mean in this chapter but they will all be expanded upon more throughout the fic!! ALSO some of characters might end up aged down a little bit because people in the zones tend not to live very long and someone in their early to mid 40s is considered like, ancient in the comics. bethany and carver are still 19 though, the others might just be adjusted in proportion
thank u for reading, i love ensemble casts and da2 and mcr and rebellion and also being gay. fic title and chapter title come from “look alive, sunshine” (by mcr of course lol)
read it on ao3
Bethany has never been one to complain, but she has to admit, her knee hurts like a bitch.
The rest of the Birds take down the remaining Draculoids fairly easily, so she doesn’t feel as bad about having to hide crouched behind a crate on the ground. If there were more of them, or if there was a Scarecrow, she’d probably try to keep fighting despite her injury, but this is just a small, unlucky group of Dracs, leaderless and mindless in their pursuit of one of the biggest gangs in the Zones. Perhaps a Scarecrow would have ordered them not to try to fight a group of eight fairly seasoned Killjoys.
When the guns stop firing and the Dracs lie dead in the desert sand, Isabela’s voice floats over. “You know, Blondie, a smoke bomb would’ve helped.”
Anders sighs. Bethany can practically hear him rolling his eyes. “Those things don’t grow on trees, you know. And even if they did, it’s not like we have many trees out here. You think I want to waste them on a group like that? We got rid of them just fine.”
Bethany peers out from behind the crate just in time to see Isabela shrug and gesture to her. “Well, at the very least, it might’ve saved Sunshine from being shot.”
At that, Carver seems to snap to attention. “Bethany’s hurt?”
Now it’s Bethany’s turn to sigh. Gingerly stretching her leg out and trying not to wince, she says, “It’s not that bad, Carver.”
Marian huffs, shoving her red-and-black ray gun back into its holster. “‘Not that bad,’ my ass.” She sounds angry, but there’s an edge of worry to her voice that Bethany knows like the back of her hand. “A few more shots like that and you’d have been dusted for sure.”
“But I wasn’t,” Bethany replies. Out of the corner of her eye, she can see Anders rummaging through their supplies for the first aid kit.
“But you could’ve been,” Carver adds, crossing his arms and glaring at Marian as if she had something to do with the injury.
Marian scowls defensively. “What are you looking at me for? I was killing Dracs! Maybe if you weren’t so busy trying to show off at every opportunity, you could protect her better!” She sneers out the word protect.
“Maybe if you actually thought before you acted for once in your life—”
Garrett’s voice rings out above everything else, so loud and firm that for a split second it feels like the whole world stops. These are the moments when Garrett Hawke is at his most serious and his most powerful: when he’s breaking up an argument between Carver and Marian.
“How about instead of blaming each other for Bethany’s injury,” he says, his hands held up in an appeasing manner, “we set up camp here and rest for the evening?”
Marian and Carver exchange glances. After a pause, it’s Marian that says, “Fine.”
The place in question is an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of Zone Four, not so remote that it’s off the map, but remote enough that there aren’t a whole lot of Dracs crawling around (and even fewer now that they’ve taken care of this group). A few empty crates and barrels litter the ground surrounding it, some knocked over or zapped from previous firefights. Other than that, there are no recent signs of life—which means it’s a perfect place for the Birds of Passage to recuperate.
Bethany pushes herself to her feet, using the top of the crate to balance herself. Her knee hurts even more when she tries to stretch it out or place any weight on it, but she’ll be damned if she lets anyone help her.
“Are you alright?”
Well...almost anyone.
She lifts her head up at the sound of Merrill’s lilting voice. The girl’s black hair is plastered to her tattooed and sweat-covered face, not long enough to pull up into a ponytail like Bethany’s, but just long enough to get in the way. “I can help you get inside, if you want,” she says, holding her hand out. “Then we can take a look at it, get it all wrapped up.”
For a moment, Bethany just stares at her, searching her face for any signs of pity. Instead she finds only sincere concern for a companion, the same as it would be if any of the others were injured. With a nod, she lets Merrill wrap an arm around her shoulders and guide her slowly into the warehouse. She can feel the eyes of the rest of the group on them, some more subtle than others, but she knows deep down that they’re just making sure she’s okay. Like it or not, she and Carver are the youngest, and though he tries so obviously hard to act like he isn’t, there are still moments where the others look at him and remember that he’s only nineteen, too—moments like right now, as he paces agitatedly across the floor, looking like he’s never been more stressed in his life.
“Carver,” Bethany calls as Merrill helps her sit up against the wall, her legs stretched out. “I’ll be fine.” She laughs a little despite the stinging pain. “It’s not like we’ll have to amputate it or anything.”
Anders kneels down beside her, first aid kit in hand and a good-natured smile on his face. “We might.”
Merrill smacks his arm. “Don’t scare them!” she hisses as she sits down next to Bethany.
Garrett turns to Carver, cool and composed. “She’s fine,” he says matter-of-factly, a playful smirk on his face. “If it were really that bad, none of us would be joking.”
Carver snorts. “You might.”
Garrett puts a hand to his chest in mock offense. “Dear brother, you wound me.”
Merrill giggles as she watches them, her gaze soft. “Your siblings remind me of my family sometimes,” she says as Anders begins cleaning and dressing the wound. “Well-intentioned, but sometimes they need to be reminded that you’re an adult, same as them.”
Bethany nods. If there’s anyone that understands her, it’s Merrill. “To be fair,” she says quietly, “sometimes I need to be reminded of that, too.”
Merrill turns to look at her, pushing a few strands of hair out of her face. “Then I’ll remind you,” she says. “You’re a grown woman. You don’t have to always agree or go along with them. You can stand up for yourself like anyone else.”
Bethany nods again, unable to stop a faint smile from breaking through. Anders doesn’t say anything, but she can see the blush on his face, as if he’s just witnessed something he feels he wasn’t meant to see.
The Hawkes are only on the run for a month or two before they meet their first recruit (and fifth member).
Well, perhaps “on the run” isn’t the right phrase. All Killjoys are technically “on the run” from Better Living Industries—it comes with the whole “openly rebelling against your corrupt government” thing. But it doesn’t really feel like running. It feels like surviving. Every Killjoy knows it’s dangerous to stay in one place for too long.
Still, they’re traveling a lot more than they did when their parents were both still alive. Growing up in the Zones outside of Battery City, away from BLI brainwashing, the Hawke children learned how to thrive in the desert fairly quickly, which meant that their family was able to more easily live off the land for longer periods of time.
Now, though, after selling most of their belongings, they live out of their car, a black 1969 Chevy Camaro convertible, spray-painted with two red stripes down the sides and a red bird symbol on the hood (courtesy of Garrett). In honor of their surname as well as their living situation, they’ve christened themselves the Birds of Passage.
For obvious reasons, one of their most common pit stops is one of several Dead Pegasus gas stations littering the Zones. The siblings usually draw straws to determine which one of them has to pump the gas.
“Damn! Again?” Carver says, staring at the short straw between his fingers in disbelief. Frowning, he starts to open the left-side car door. “Just my luck.”
In the driver’s seat, Marian reaches into the back and pats Carver on the shoulder, a smirk on her face. “You’ll live. Now go.” With that, she gives him a light shove out the door. Carver snorts.
As he starts pumping the gas, Marian absentmindedly surveys the area, not really expecting to see anything out of the ordinary. Out of the corner of her eye, though, she spots someone she’s never seen before at one of the other fuel pumps: a petite girl filling up a black and forest green motorbike.
Bethany seems to notice her at the same time. “Who’s that?”
Garrett strokes his beard, like an asshole. “No idea.”
“Let’s find out.” Before anyone else can respond, Marian hops out of the car, popping the collar of her black leather jacket. She’s mostly tuned Garrett out at this point, but she thinks she can hear him warn her not to scare the poor girl. He underestimates her ability to be charming rather than terrifying.
The first thing Marian notices is that the girl dresses like a Killjoy. Her brown boots have flowers painted on the sides, and her acid-washed jeans are ripped and dirty. The back of her denim vest features a large daisy with white petals and a yellow center, and in the center is a radiation hazard symbol.
“Nice logo,” Marian says as she approaches.
The girl yelps in surprise, nearly dropping the gas pump in her hands. When she turns around, Marian sees that her face is adorned with branch- or root-like tattoos on her cheeks, forehead, and chin. “Oh!” she says, clearly taken aback. “Uh…thank you.”
Marian can practically hear Garrett’s “I told you so” from the Camaro. Holding a hand up, she says, “Sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you.” Somehow, her voice still comes out sounding gruff and vaguely threatening.
“Oh, that’s alright,” the girl replies, leaning against her motorcycle and seeming to relax a little. “I was just filling up Feathers.”
Marian raises an eyebrow. “Strange name for a motorcycle.”
The girl blushes. “Well, I named it after a pet I had when I was younger.”
“Oh,” Marian says, nodding. That makes a bit more sense. “A bird?”
The girl laughs a little and shakes her head. “Oh, no, it was a lizard. I always wanted a bird so I could name it Feathers. But I grew up in the Zones, and there aren’t many birds out here. Lots of lizards, though.” She gives Marian a lopsided smile. “I took what I could get.”
Marian can’t help it; she laughs, though in the back of her mind, she wonders why she’s never seen this girl before, if she grew up in the Zones.
“Oh! I’m so sorry,” the girl says, her green eyes widening. “I didn’t mean to ramble. I didn’t even introduce myself.” She holds out a hand, both of which are covered in long, fingerless fishnet gloves that end near her elbows. “Deadly Daisy. Daisy for short. Or you can just call me Merrill. I don’t mind.”
That explains the logo. “Kitty Hawke,” Marian replies, shaking Merrill’s hand firmly.
Merrill nods and starts to speak again, but something behind Marian makes her stop and narrow her eyes in confusion. “Who—?”
Marian glances over her shoulder and nearly jumps out of her shoes. Not one, not two, but all three of her siblings have decided to join the conversation.
“Firebird,” Garrett says, bowing dramatically—so dramatically, in fact, that it makes his stupid sunglasses fall off his face. Garrett has a habit of collecting weird sunglasses and goggles and such. This particular pair has bright orange lenses, which Marian is pretty sure do nothing to block out the sun, and flames sticking out on either side.
Marian rolls her eyes. “My twin brother,” she explains. “It seems I stole all his brain cells in the womb.”
Garrett blows a raspberry at her as he picks his sunglasses off the ground and uses his shirt to wipe off the sand and dirt.
Bethany steps forward, tucking a few strands of hair behind her ears, one of her nervous habits. “Midnight Sun,” she says with a tiny smile. “It’s nice to meet you.”
“Oh! You, too!” Merrill says. Gesturing to Carver, who has yet to say anything, she asks, “Who’s the grumpy one?”
“I’m not—” Carver starts, but he cuts himself off at the sound of his siblings’ snickering. “Fantom Fighter,” he says, his face heating up. “Two Fs.” He turns around and gestures to the two large black Fs painted on the back of his jean jacket. Then, gesturing to Bethany, he adds, “I’m her twin brother.”
Bethany chuckles. “And we’re all siblings.”
Merrill cups her hands over her face. “Oh, my goodness.”
Marian clears her throat. “Anyway,” she says, side-eyeing Garrett, “why are you guys even here?”
Garrett throws his hands up. “Don’t look at me! I am but a slave to the whims of our younger siblings!”
Bethany and Carver exchange embarrassed glances, then both turn to glare at Garrett. Marian sighs. They’re all a mess.
“Oh, well, I shouldn’t keep you,” Merrill says, patting the side of her motorcycle. “Feathers and I can get moving, if you all need to leave.”
That catches Marian’s attention. “Wait, you’re traveling alone?” She hadn’t seen anyone else around, but she’d assumed that Merrill had at least one companion somewhere, perhaps inside the shitty convenience store connected to the gas station.
Merrill nods. “I was raised by neutrals,” she says—people who live outside Battery City, but don’t openly rebel against BLI. “I didn’t become a Killjoy until just recently. I haven’t really found a group yet.”
That explains why Marian’s never seen her before. Neutrals tend to stay out of the way unless they run a business, like their friend Varric.
“That’s dangerous, you know,” Carver says, but he sounds less matter-of-fact and more concerned. “You’re a lot more likely to get ghosted by yourself.”
Merrill sighs. “I know. But what am I supposed to do? Invite myself to tag along with the next Killjoy gang I see?”
Garrett shrugs. “Why not? You could tag along with us.”
To be fair, Marian had been thinking that, too, in the back of her mind, but it still stuns her to actually hear it spoken.
Merrill’s eyes widen with hope. “That would be wonderful, but I wouldn’t want to impose…”
Instinctively, Marian and her siblings all turn to look at each other, none of them saying anything, just glancing back and forth with various facial expressions ranging from embarrassment to uncertainty to excitement. Finally, Marian turns back to Merrill and says, “You wouldn’t be imposing. We’d be glad to have you join us.”
Merrill gasps. “Oh, thank you! You won’t regret it, I promise!”
Bethany smiles. “Welcome to the Birds of Passage, Daisy.”
(At the use of Merrill’s Killjoy name, Marian briefly wonders just how long her siblings had been eavesdropping before Merrill noticed them.)
“We’re headed to one of the outer Zones for the evening,” Carver explains. “You could follow us on your bike until we find a place to set up camp.”
“Oh, perfect!” Merrill says. “I’ve been meaning to head that way. Too many Dracs this close to Bat City.”
When the Hawkes climb back into the Camaro, Marian steals a glance at Merrill in the rearview mirror, watches as their newfound companion unties a green bandana from her belt loop and wraps it around her head to keep her hair out of her face. When Marian steps on the gas pedal and tears out of the Dead Pegasus parking lot, the roar of the motorcycle lets her know that Deadly Daisy is right behind them.
Fenris doesn’t sleep well that night.
Granted, Fenris doesn’t sleep well most nights, but for some reason, the night after Bethany gets shot in the leg is particularly bad. Maybe it’s the hard concrete floor of the warehouse, which no amount of blankets or cushions can completely alleviate. Maybe it’s the fact that he’s lying only a few feet away from Garrett, who sleeps like a log and snores like a chainsaw. Maybe it’s the pain in his shoulder from an injury a few days prior.
Or maybe it’s the fact that tonight, his nightmares are worse than usual. Tonight, when he dreams, he is alone, but worse than that: the bodies of his fellow Killjoys lie dead at his feet, glassy eyes wide, their hands still on the triggers of their guns. Draculoids—more Dracs than he’s ever seen at one time—close in on him, zombielike in the way they reach for him, pull at him from every angle, pin him to the ground and snarl in his face. He’d fight if he could, fight with everything he has, but his body is stiff and frozen, and no amount of willpower can force even his mouth to move. For a man with an aversion to closeness and touching, and painful tattoos from BL/ind experimentation, the sensation of being trapped makes him feel like he’s about to vomit.
It’s when they pull out a Drac mask and shove it over his head that he wakes up gasping for breath.
It takes a few minutes for his body to relax and his heart to stop pounding in his ears. Fenris can see the faintest bit of morning light trickling through the windows—he’d guess that it’s around five o’clock—and concludes that attempting to get a decent amount of sleep will probably be a fruitless endeavor. Sighing and forcing himself to sit upright, he reaches into the small backpack beside him and pulls out a Killjoy-made magazine that they snagged at the last gas stop.
The zine is filled with artwork of desert landscape and rebels fighting BL/ind, accompanied by writing—a few short stories and poems, a few articles and essays, all about the highs and lows of revolution. It’s a perfect representation of life in the Zones, every copy made by hand, since few (if any) Killjoys have access to a working printer. However many were made, probably no more than twenty, the artists and authors must have had to redraw and rewrite their work. Two Polaroid photos are taped to the inside cover, one of a Dead Pegasus gas station at sunset, the other of two female Killjoys kissing, with their names listed at the bottom. There are probably different photos in every copy, likely taken from the same photographer, someone lucky enough to have access to a working Polaroid camera (though Fenris concedes that it’s actually not too difficult to find batteries out here, though they might be half-empty).
He’s so focused on flipping through the zine that he doesn’t realize anyone else is awake—at least, not until the sound of someone sitting down next to him nearly makes him jump out of his skin.
“Sorry,” Anders whispers, holding a hand up. Behind him, the orange light of the sunrise creates a halo around his blond head. “I assume you couldn’t sleep, either?”
Fenris makes a noncommittal grunt, enough to give Anders his answer, but curt enough to hopefully get his I don’t want to talk about it message across. He’d rather not have to even think about the nightmares that his subconscious assaults him with, let alone explain them.
“Alright,” Anders says with an understanding nod. He glances over at the zine, skimming the page Fenris has it open to with clear interest.
Fenris holds it out for him to take. “You can look through it.”
Anders hesitates for a moment before obliging. Fenris watches his face as he flips through the pages. The brilliant poetry and detailed artwork seem to fill him with awe, similar to what Fenris felt browsing the zine’s contents, but there’s something else, too, something deeper—something like longing.
“I wanted to tell you something,” Anders says finally, slowly closing the booklet. “I just remembered, and I think you deserve to know.” He glances over at the windows, and the sun shines on his pale face, reflecting off of his gold earring. Without looking at Fenris, he says, “You have a sister, named Varania.”
Fenris blinks in surprise. A sister? Anders apparently knew him when they both lived in Battery City, before BLI wiped Fenris’s mind—or reprogrammed him, as they like to call it. It’s times like these that make him feel like Anders knows him better than he himself does. “And you’re just now telling me this?” Fenris says in an attempt to mask his bewilderment. A sister. He has a sister.
“You only mentioned her once or twice,” Anders says. “It was the last thing on my mind. But something reminded me of it this morning, so I figured I’d tell you.” He shrugs. “I don’t know much else about her. But I know she’s still alive, or she was by the time I left Bat City.”
Sister. Sister. Sister. His brain repeats it so often that it no longer really feels like a word. He knows he’d be angry if Anders had kept this hidden from him, but at the same time, he’s not really sure what he’s supposed to do with the information. She’s probably still in Battery City, which means it’s too late and far too dangerous to go back and search for her, or even attempt to write a letter to her.
Still, he feels like he has to say something. “Well,” he mumbles, clearing his throat awkwardly. “Thank you. For telling me.” Then, tilting his head to the side, he adds, “May I ask what reminded you?”
Anders sighs and pushes a few loose strands of hair out of his face. “She appeared in a dream last night.”
Fenris doesn’t expect it to hurt, but it does, just a little. To think that he doesn’t even know what his own sister looks like, while a man who barely knows anything about her sees her in his dreams.
Abruptly, Anders hands the zine back to him and stands up, covering his eyes with a hand to block out the sun. Fenris glances down at the page he left open: a poem written in an angry hand, calling for revolution, calling for justice.
Varric Tethras is what people in the Zones call a “neutral.” He doesn’t wear the flashy clothes, he goes by his real name, and he tends to stay in one spot minding his own business rather than get into fights with Draculoids. He has his own little gas station convenience store in Zone Three and is an expert at aiding Killjoys without giving BLI a reason to go after him. In short, he’s the perfect person to go to when there’s trouble, and there’s always trouble.
The trouble this time has nothing to do with BL/ind, for once; about five miles away from Varric’s shop, the Camaro broke down, so Marian had to jump start it using Merrill’s motorcycle, and now they’re hanging out in the store while she tries to fix the car.
Garrett frowns as he glances out the window at the setting sun. “We might have to camp out here for the night, Varric.” It’s not the first time, and he knows Varric doesn’t mind, but he still feels bad about it.
Varric waves a hand nonchalantly. “Yeah, I figured,” he says from behind the store counter, where he seems to be digging through some junk he’s stored underneath. Varric is a whopping four-foot-eight, so the chair he uses to reach the counter makes most other people who sit in it look like giants. Merrill finds a particular delight in this, and she’s so sweet that anyone would feel terrible asking her to get off of it, even Marian, which has been an especially interesting phenomenon to witness.
As if on cue, the front door swings open, and there stands Marian, covered in grease and wearing nothing but a sports bra and ripped black shorts. “I’m turning in for the night,” she says as she waltzes into the shop, letting the door slam shut behind her. “Round two starts in the morning.”
Garrett watches as she heads into the bathroom to wash herself off. Carver came in from practicing his shooting about a half hour ago (and is currently sitting on the floor eating potato chips), so now they’re all inside for the evening. Bethany’s been drawing quietly, her brow furrowed in concentration as she sits on the worn couch in one of the back rooms, and Garrett and Merrill have been making their own fun out front. The store is Varric’s home, so he had to get creative with the few extra rooms.
Garrett is wandering aimlessly through the little aisles, examining various snacks, all stamped with the BLI logo, when he hears the front door open, and in walks possibly the most gorgeous Killjoy Garrett has ever seen.
The first thing he notices is the shock of silver-white hair, the way the undercut contrasts against the man’s brown skin. The dim light of the store reflects against his leather jacket and his surprisingly wide eyes. When he takes a few steps forward, a chain hanging from his black jeans—yes, jeans, in the desert—makes a jangling sound, and his heavy footsteps suggest combat boots. He looks like he just walked out of a mosh pit, but that’s not what intrigues Garrett the most. No, what really catches his attention is the pale white tattoos that stretch from the man’s bottom lip down into his chest and out to the tips of his fingers—they almost seem to glow. “Varric?” the man calls in a deep voice as he surveys the area.
Varric pops his head out from the back of the store. “Oh-ho! Long time no see, Wolfy!”
The man rolls his eyes at the nickname and leans awkwardly against one of the snack aisles. “I see you are having a sleepover,” he says slowly as he eyes each of the Birds suspiciously (save for Marian, who is still washing up, thankfully). Bethany walks out into the store to see him better, and Garrett flashes him his best good-natured smile, causing the man to raise an eyebrow at him.
“Their car broke down not far from here,” Varric explains as he walks out from behind the store counter. “And because I’m just so charitable, I let them stay for the night.” That’s his way of saying that they’re friends.
“Hm.” The man makes his way through the store, seemingly on edge, like he’s keenly aware of the way the Birds glance his way out of the corners of their eyes, pretending that they’re not looking at him. Eventually, Garrett gives up on trying to be inconspicuous and plops down in a chair pushed up against one wall, allowing himself to stare openly. He’s never been good with subtlety.
Suddenly Marian’s voice rings out through the shop. “Who’s this?”
Varric clears his throat. “Birds of Passage, allow me to formally introduce you to the Painted Wolf. He’s kind of new, doesn’t have a gang to roll with yet.”
The Painted Wolf looks away, not making eye contact as he wanders into another aisle where he can’t as easily be seen. “I think I would prefer to keep it that way. No offense.”
After a few beats of silence, Merrill says from her place on top of the chair behind the store counter, “You have tattoos, like me.”
Instinctively, almost as if he was expecting it, the Wolf replies, “But you received yours willingly, I’ll wager.”
Merrill blinks in surprise. “Well. Yes, I did. You mean you didn’t?”
The Painted Wolf does not respond, just runs a hand through his hair and takes a breath through his nose.
Garrett frowns a little and stands back up, making his way over to where Marian is still standing in front of the bathroom door, her arms crossed. “Don’t tell me,” she says quietly. “You think we should let him come with us.”
Garrett shrugs. “Well, why not? He doesn’t have anyone. And he’s…intriguing.”
Marian rolls her eyes. “You’re just saying that because you think he’s hot.”
“I do not,” Garrett lies, but his face heats up, giving him away. “Okay, well, maybe I do, but that’s not the only reason.”
Marian shakes her head. “He doesn’t seem too keen on making friends. I mean, he just said he’d rather be alone. Also, what you call ‘intriguing’ I call ‘suspicious.’ The man’s got secrets.”
“So do we,” Garrett says, though at the moment he can’t think of anything particularly damning. If nothing else, he’s sure Carver’s got something embarrassing.
“You being gay doesn’t count as a secret when you gawk at any man that isn’t related to us,” Marian says, a tiny smirk forming on her face.
“That’s not what I meant!” Garrett says. He can feel his face turning even redder. He needs to find a way to get Marian on his side, and if he can’t do it with emotion, then maybe he can do it with logic. “Seriously, I think we should talk to him. He’s a new Killjoy, but he looks way more experienced than most newbies. He might even be older than us. I’d be willing to bet he knows something about BL/ind. I just think he’d be good to have on our side. And it’s not like he has to stay with us forever.”
Marian seems to think it over for a long time. It’s different than it was with Merrill. Unlike the Wolf, Merrill had expressed a clear interest in finding a group to fall in with, and the Birds just happened to be the first ones to click with her. Also, Marian is a lesbian and about ten times more suspicious of men than she is of women as a general rule, which is fair, but it makes these things difficult sometimes. Finally, she says, “Fine. If you can convince him, then I’m game. I can go tell the others.” She cracks her knuckles. “At the very least, he looks like he knows something worth knowing.”
Garrett holds his hands up. “Well, hopefully you won’t have to beat it out of him, so you can stop with the threatening looks.”
Marian snorts. “Just asserting my dominance, my dear little brother.” She reaches forward and musses his hair.
Garrett shakes his head as he starts to head over to the other side of the store, where the Wolf is standing. He doesn’t bother pointing out that she’s only older than him by nine minutes, because she’ll hang those nine minutes over his head until the day they die.
The Painted Wolf looks up from the magazine he’s been flipping through. “Let me guess,” he says. “You want me to join your gang.”
Garrett smiles sheepishly. “What can I say? We think you’d be a good addition to the team.”
The Wolf frowns and puts the magazine back on the rack. “You barely know anything about me.”
“I know you’re a Killjoy traveling alone, and that’s enough for me,” Garrett says, and it’s the truth. Killjoys stick together. It’s the law of the desert. It’s how they survive.
The Wolf narrows his eyes. “I already said I prefer to be alone.”
Garrett folds his arms over his chest, allowing his knowledge of the Zones to give him confidence. “That’s how I can tell you’re new,” he says. “Rule number one of making it as a Killjoy: find a gang. Hordes of Dracs are less likely to target larger groups, and even if they do, you have a better chance of making it out alive when you’re not alone. If you watch our backs, we’ll watch yours.”
The Wolf nods slowly, as if this just confirmed something he already suspected. “You watch our backs, we’ll watch yours,” he repeats to himself. “It’s...a sentiment I am not entirely familiar with.”
“I figured you were from Bat City,” Garrett says, stroking his beard thoughtfully. (Carver and Marian like to make fun of him when he does that. Marian says it makes him look like an asshole.)
The Wolf nods again. “The sense of camaraderie was one of the things that drew me to the Zones, and to the Killjoy lifestyle specifically. But until now, I suppose I have been too wary to actively engage in it.”
Garrett raises an eyebrow, careful not to show too much excitement. “Until now, you say?”
The Wolf gives the softest chuckle, his mouth curving briefly upward. “Perhaps you have a point about me traveling alone. BL/ind knows that I left Battery City; no doubt they’re looking for me. It...would be prudent to join a larger group, at least for a little while.”
Garrett allows himself the beginnings of a grin. “It definitely would.”
The Wolf clears his throat. “I...never got your name,” he says, fingers playing mindlessly with the hem of his jacket.
“Firebird,” Garrett replies, holding a hand out for him to shake.
The Wolf looks at it for a moment before responding. “Well, then, Firebird,” he says slowly, “if you’ll have me, I would like to travel with you and your gang.”
“I certainly would love to have you,” Garrett replies, only realizing how strange it sounds once the words are out of his mouth. His face heats up. “I...I didn’t mean it like—”
Across the room, Marian calls, “Real smooth.” Garrett flips her off.
An awkward little smile forms on the Wolf’s face. “I know what you meant,” he says, but if Garrett isn’t mistaken, he’s blushing, too.
A few days later, Varric, whose talents include knowing everything that’s happening in the Zones, says, “So I got a tip that there’s someone after you guys.”
Isabela rolls her eyes and leans against the counter, conscious of the way her ripped white jean shorts ride up her ass—she’s doing it on purpose, and she peers over her shoulder to make sure Marian’s watching. “Someone’s always after us, Varric. This isn’t new.”
“No, like a major someone,” Varric replies. “Does the name Meredith Stannard mean anything to any of you?”
The Birds exchange glances from their various positions throughout the shop. They’ve all heard the name, but only Fenris and Anders seem to know who she is. Makes sense, since they’re the only ones who have actually lived in Battery City and seen BL/ind’s inner workings up close.
“She’s a Scarecrow, right?” Marian says from behind Isabela. She steps forward and takes a large sip out of her Neptune Pop can. “Isn’t that all we need to know?”
“She isn’t just any old Scarecrow,” Fenris says as he examines the shelves for more food. “She is one of the Director’s favorites—very high-ranking, always flanked by six or more Draculoids and sometimes other Scarecrows. I have known a few BL/ind workers who do not wish to kill, but do so because they fear the consequences of disobeying.” He shakes his head, speaking calmly but severely. “Meredith is not one of them. She kills out of hate and nothing less. She views it as her duty, a mission she will carry out until the day she dies. I suggest taking her seriously. She has slaughtered many of you.”
The way he refers to Killjoys isn’t lost on Isabela. It’s been a little less than a year, she thinks, since he left Battery City and joined the rebels in the Zones, but he still seems hesitant to identify himself as one of them. He still refers to them as you instead of us.
His words send a brief chill down Isabela’s spine, but she shakes it off and looks up at Marian to gauge her reaction. Unsurprisingly, she doesn’t seem fazed.
“It doesn’t matter how many of us she’s killed,” she says. The piercings in her left ear gleam in the light from the windows. “She bleeds just like the rest of us, and she’ll die just like the rest of us.”
Varric holds a hand up. “Fair point, I suppose. Just don’t say I didn’t warn you. My source says Meredith considers you guys one of the most dangerous gangs in the Zones. That means one of her biggest priorities is wiping you out. Just...be careful.”
“Careful is my middle name,” Marian says as she finishes her Neptune Pop, crushes the can in one hand, and launches it across the store, causing Anders to duck because of his ridiculously long bird legs. The can lands in the garbage bin with a loud crash.
Marian grins. It’s lopsided, and her teeth are crooked and stained with soda, but it just makes Isabela want to kiss that alluring, imperfect mouth even more.
“I thought your middle name was Selene,” Merrill says from her designated spot in Varric’s chair. They call it the Tallening Chair.
Marian’s face softens, and her cheeks turn pink as she gently explains to Merrill that it’s a figure of speech. Isabela watches in silence until Marian suddenly turns to her, lightly smacks her ass, and says with a playful glint in her eyes, “Well, back to business.”
Isabela smirks. Works every time.
It only takes half an hour for Marian’s nonchalance about Meredith Stannard to come back and bite her in the ass.
Garrett bursts through the front door of Varric’s shop, his eyes wide and panicked. He’d been outside restocking the trunk with supplies. “I think we’ve got company.”
Marian peers outside, and the rest of the Birds do the same. Sure enough, veering into the parking lot are two white vans with the Better Living Industries symbol emblazoned on their doors.
In a flash, they all whip out their ray guns and rush outside just in time to see a horde of Dracs pouring out of the vans. Then, from the passenger seat of one of the vans, a woman climbs out. She’s tall, blonde, and middle-aged, and her eyes seem to pierce right through them.
“Ah,” she says as the Dracs line up behind her, brandishing their plain white ray guns. “The notorious Birds of Passage, or so you call yourselves.” As she speaks, she pulls out her own weapon and seems to aim it straight at Marian. “It looks as though you’ve been expecting me.”
For a moment, the two groups just stand there silently, revolvers pointed at one another, a classic example of a Mexican standoff. It feels like the air has been sucked out of the atmosphere, like the atoms themselves have stopped moving completely. Then Meredith snaps her fingers with her free hand, and the desert explodes in gunfire.
killjoy names: garrett - firebird marian - kitty hawke bethany - midnight sun carver - fantom fighter merrill - deadly daisy anders - nuclear blonde isabela - storm chaser fenris - the painted wolf
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iamliberalartsgt · 5 years
Why ‘worthless’ humanity degrees may set you up for life
Original Article by Amanda Ruggeri
   At university, when I told people I was studying for a history degree, the response was almost always the same: “You want to be a teacher?”. No, a journalist. “Oh. But you’re not majoring in communications?”
   In the days when a university education was the purview of a privileged few, perhaps there wasn’t the assumption that a degree had to be a springboard directly into a career. Those days are long gone.
   Today, a degree is all but a necessity for the job market, one that more than halves your chances of being unemployed. Still, that alone is no guarantee of a job – and yet we’re paying more and more for one. In the US, room, board and tuition at a private university costs an average of $48,510 a year; in the UK, tuition fees alone are £9,250 ($12,000) per year for home students; in Singapore, four years at a private university can cost up to SGD$69,336 (US$51,000).
   Learning for the sake of learning is a beautiful thing. But given those costs, it’s no wonder that most of us need our degrees to pay off in a more concrete way. Broadly, they already do: in the US, for example, a bachelor’s degree holder earns $461 more each week than someone who never attended a university.
   But most of us want to maximise that investment – and that can lead to a plug-and-play type of approach to higher education. Want to be a journalist? Study journalism, we’re told. A lawyer? Pursue pre-law. Not totally sure? Go into Stem (science, technology, engineering and maths) – that way, you can become an engineer or IT specialist. And no matter what you do, forget the liberal arts – non-vocational degrees that include natural and social sciences, mathematics and the humanities, such as history, philosophy and languages.
   This has been echoed by statements and policies around the world. In the US, politicians from Senator Marco Rubio to former President Barack Obama have made the humanities a punch line. (Obama later apologised). In China, the government has unveiled plans to turn 42 universities into “world class” institutions of science and technology. In the UK, government focus on Stem has led to a nearly 20% drop in students taking A-levels in English and a 15% decline in the arts.
   But there’s a problem with this approach. And it’s not just that we’re losing out on crucial ways to understand and improve both the world and ourselves – including enhancing personal wellbeing, sparking innovation and helping create tolerance, among other values.
   It’s also that our assumptions about the market value of certain degrees – and the “worthlessness” of others – might be off. At best, that could be making some students unnecessarily stressed. At worst? Pushing people onto paths that set them up for less fulfilling lives. It also perpetuates the stereotype of liberal arts graduates, in particular, as an elite caste – something that can discourage underprivileged students, and anyone else who needs an immediate return on their university investment, from pursuing potentially rewarding disciplines. (Though, of course, this is hardly the only diversity problemsuch disciplines have).
   Soft skills, critical thinking
   George Anders is convinced we have the humanities in particular all wrong. When he was a technology reporter for Forbes from 2012 to 2016, he says Silicon Valley “was consumed with this idea that there was no education but Stem education”.
   But when he talked to hiring managers at the biggest tech companies, he found a different reality. “Uber was picking up psychology majors to deal with unhappy riders and drivers. Opentable was hiring English majors to bring data to restauranteurs to get them excited about what data could do for their restaurants,” he says.
   “I realised that the ability to communicate and get along with people, and understand what’s on other people’s minds, and do full-strength critical thinking – all of these things were valued and appreciated by everyone as important job skills, except the media.” This realisation led him to write his appropriately-titled book You Can Do Anything: The Surprising Power of a “Useless” Liberal Arts Education.
   Take a look at the skills employers say they’re after. LinkedIn’s research on the most sought-after job skills by employers for 2019 found that the three most-wanted “soft skills” were creativity, persuasion and collaboration, while one of the five top “hard skills” was people management. A full 56% of UK employers surveyed said their staff lacked essential teamwork skills and 46% thought it was a problem that their employees struggled with handling feelings, whether theirs or others’. It’s not just UK employers: one 2017 study found that the fastest-growing jobs in the US in the last 30 years have almost all specifically required a high level of social skills.
   Or take it directly from two top executives at tech giant Microsoft who wrote recently: "As computers behave more like humans, the social sciences and humanities will become even more important. Languages, art, history, economics, ethics, philosophy, psychology and human development courses can teach critical, philosophical and ethics-based skills that will be instrumental in the development and management of AI solutions.
   Of course, it goes without saying that you can be an excellent communicator and critical thinker without a liberal arts degree. And any good university education, not just one in English or psychology, should sharpen these abilities further. “Any degree will give you very important generic skills like being able to write, being able to present an argument, research, problem-solve, teamwork, becoming familiar with technology,” says Dublin-based educational consultant and career coach Anne Mangan.
   But few courses of study are quite as heavy on reading, writing, speaking and critical thinking as the liberal arts, in particular the humanities – whether that’s by debating other students in a seminar, writing a thesis paper or analysing poetry.
   When asked to drill the most job market-ready skills of a humanities graduate down to three, Anders doesn’t hesitate. “Creativity, curiosity and empathy,” he says. “Empathy is usually the biggest one. That doesn’t just mean feeling sorry for people with problems. It means an ability to understand the needs and wants of a diverse group of people.
   “Think of people who oversee clinical drug tests. You need to get doctors, nurses, regulators all on the same page. You have to have the ability to think about what’s going to get this 72-year-old woman to feel comfortable being tracked long term, what do we have to do so this researcher takes this study seriously. That’s an empathy job.”
   But in general, say Anders and others, the benefit of a humanities degree is the emphasis it puts on teaching students to think, critique and persuade – often in the grey areas where there isn’t much data available or you need to work out what to believe. 
   It’s small wonder, therefore, that humanities graduates go on to a variety of fields. The biggest group of US humanities graduates, 15%, go on to management positions. That’s followed by 14% who are in in office and administrative positions, 13% who are in sales and another 12% who are in education, mostly teaching. Another 10% are in business and finance.
   And while there’s often an assumption that the careers humanities graduates pursue just aren’t as good as the jobs snapped up by, say, engineers or medics, that isn’t the case. In Australia, for example, three of the 10 fastest-growing occupations are sales assistants, clerks, and advertising, public relations and sales managers – all of which might look familiar as fields that humanities graduates tend to pursue.
   Meanwhile, Glassdoor’s 2019 research found that eight of the top 10 best jobs in the UK were managerial positions – people-oriented roles that require communication skills and emotional intelligence. (It defined "best" by combining earning potential, overall job satisfaction rating and number of job openings.) And many of them were outside Stem-based industries. The third best job was marketing manager; fourth, product manager; fifth, sales manager. An engineering role doesn’t appear on the list until the 18th slot – below positions in communications, HR and project management.
   One recent study of 1,700 people from 30 countries, meanwhile, found that the majority of those in leadership positions had either a social sciences or humanities degree. That was especially true of leaders under 45 years of age; leaders over 45 were more likely to have studied Stem.
   This isn’t to say that a liberal arts degree is the easy road. “A lot of the people I talked to were five or 10 years into their career, and there was a sense that the first year was bumpy, and it took a while to find their footing,” Anders says. “But as things played out, it did tend to work.”
   For some graduates, the initial challenge was not knowing what they wanted to do with their lives. For others, it was not having acquired as many technical skills with their degree as, say, their IT trainee peers and having to play catch-up after.  
   But pursuing a more vocational degree can come with its own risks too. Not every teenager knows exactly what they want to do with their lives, and our career aspirations often change over time. One UK report found that more than one-third of Brits have changed careers in their lifetime. LinkedIn found that 40% of professionals are interested in making a “career pivot” – and younger people are interested most of all. Focusing on broadly applicable skills like critical thinking no longer seems like such a moon shot when you consider how many different jobs and industries they can be applied to (though for a young person figuring out their career path, it’s true that flexibility also can feel overwhelming).
   Specialized technical skills are important in the job market too. But there are a number of ways to acquire them. “I’m very pro-internships and apprenticeships. We’ve seen that that can directly correlate to you having a more grounded skill base in the workplace,” says career development coach Christina Georgalla.
   “I even advocate that post-university, if you’re not sure, take a year out and instead of going travelling, actually trial doing different internships. Even if it’s the same field but in TV, say, broadcasting versus producing versus presenting, so you can see the difference.”
But what about the other perceived pitfalls – like a higher unemployment rate and lower salaries?
Why broader matters
   It’s true that the humanities come with a higher risk of unemployment. But it’s worth noting that the risk is slighter than you’d imagine. For young people (aged 25-34) in the US, the unemployment rate of those with a humanities degree is 4%. An engineering or business degree comes with an unemployment rate of a little more than 3%. That single additional percentage point is one extra person per 100, such a small amount it’s often within the margin of error of many surveys.
   Salaries aren’t so straightforward either. Yes, in the UK, the top earnings are pulled in by those who study medicine or dentistry, economics or maths; in the US, engineering, physical sciences or business. Some of the most popular humanities, such as history or English, are in the bottom half of the group.
   But there’s more to the story – including that for some jobs, it seems that it’s actually better to start with a broader degree, rather than a professional one.
   Take law. In the US, an undergraduate student who took the seemingly most direct route to becoming a lawyer, judge or magistrate – majoring in a pre-law or legal studies degree – can expect to earn an average of $94,000 a year. But those who majored in philosophy or religious studies make an average of $110,000. Graduates who studied area, ethnic and civilisations studies earn $124,000, US history majors earn $143,000 and those who studied foreign languages earn $148,000, a stunning $54,000 a year above their pre-law counterparts.  
   There are similar examples in other industries too. Take managers in the marketing, advertising and PR industries: those who majored in advertising and PR earn about $64,000 a year – but those who studied liberal arts make $84,000.
   And even while overall salary disparities do remain, it may not be the degree itself. Humanities graduates in particular are more likely to be female. We all know about the gender pay gap, and notable wage disparities persist in the humanities: US men who major in the humanities have median earnings of $60,000, for example, while women make $48,000. Since more than six in 10 humanities majors are women, the gender pay gap, not the degree, may be to blame.
   We also know that as more women move into a field, the field’s overall earnings go down. Given that, is it any wonder that English majors, seven in 10 of whom are women, tend to make less than engineers, eight in 10 of whom are men?
Do what you love
   This is a big part of why there is one major takeaway, says Mangan. Whatever a student pursues in university, it must be something that they aren’t just good at, but they really enjoy.
   “In most areas that I can see, the employer just wants to know that you’ve been to college and you’ve done well. That’s why I think doing something that really interests you is essential – because that’s when you’re going to do well,” she says.
   No matter what, making a degree or career path decision based on average salaries isn’t a good move. “Financial success is not a good reason. It tends to be a very poor reason,” Mangan says. “Be successful at something and money will follow, as opposed to the other way around. Focus on doing the stuff that you love that you’ll be so enthusiastic about, people will want to give you a job. Then go and develop within that job.”
   This speaks to a broader point: the whole question of whether a student should choose Stem versus the humanities, or a vocational course versus a liberal arts degree, might be misguided to begin with. It’s not as if most of us have an equal amount of passion and aptitude for, say, accounting and art history. Plenty of people know what they love most. They just don’t know if they should pursue it. And the headlines most of us see don’t help.
   This is part of why parents and teachers often need to take a step back, Mangan says. “There is only one expert. I’m the expert on me, you’re the expert on you, they’re the expert on themselves,” she says. “And nobody, I really mean nobody, can tell them how to do what they should be doing.”
   Even, it seems, if that means pursuing a “useless” degree – like one in liberal arts.
4 notes · View notes
skgway · 3 years
1823 Aug., Sat. 23
6 20/60
11 50/60
1/4 hour in the stable. Sat down at my writing desk at 7 3/4. Wrote the rough draft of the following which I am now going to copy at half past three in the afternoon –
This 3 step-business haunts me like a spectre – I cannot throw it off my mind: it is my 1st thought in a morning, and last at night – It teems with reflections that discomfort me. Alas, it was not a trial of temper that I could have borne it, was one of heart. My love was plaintiff, and reason mourned to give high damages that neither time, nor she that did them, can repay.I was really distressed etc. (103.22)  
There is a mock kindness in this that sickens me. Has she deceived herself? Perhaps she understood not her own motives? Nay, might start to hear they were the mere paltry selfishness, of coward fear, and shame; shame that prouder circumstances do not attend me, fear lest such unschoo[l]ed nature should betray us had I driven up in my own chaise, and fear I might have stepped with impunity heedless of the worlds opinion or the postboys wonder. But she is worldly, therefore she is selfish. She had a feeling she could not describe. She is worldly. It is the generic character of “us poor humans.” Oh visit it not too harshly, excuse and pity and forgive –
Wrote the last 14 lines of the last page and wrote a page to Dr. Belcombe, rejoicing at the good account of him I had from M– [Mariana] yesterday, and to say I had sent him a brace of moorgame (killed on the 20th) by today’s mail – (Mr. Wiglesworth sent my uncle a leash of birds last night) –
Went down to breakfast at 9 35/60 – William having to go a 2nd time to H–x [Halifax], sent by him my letter to Dr. B– [Belcombe] (Petergate York) to the post-office, and the birds (packed in a box with a little hop under each wing) to go by the afternoon’s mail –At 11, drove my aunt to H–x [Halifax], called (stopt at the gate) at Savile hill to ask if Mrs. W– [Wilcock] and Miss P– [Pickford] were returned – Saw the latter, she will drink tea here this evening –
Thence drove my aunt to about 1/2 mile beyond Luddenden-foot in returning got out for 5 minutes at Longbottom to see the old hall, galleried round, no chamber over it, a four-tier window – Having been out 2 50/60 hour, and gone about 11 miles, about the same distance we went yesterday –
Came upstairs immediately – Wrote the following to “Mr. Radford 188 Fleet Street London Postage Paid” 
“Sir – if you turn to your day-book of Wednesday 2 October 1822, you will find an anonymous entry of a lady’s measure for a great coat – I wish you to make me a fashionable one according to that measure, of good and strong materials, sufficiently wide in the sleeves to be easy over my pelisse, and not cramp my arms in driving –
I understood your charge to be 5 guineas – I will pay you immediately on receiving the coat, which I particularly wish to be sent off not later than this day-week or tomorrow-week, by one of the coaches, directed Miss Lister, Shibden hall, Halifax, Yorkshire –
I am, sir, your honourable servant Anne Lister” –
Then went down for 1/4 hour into the stable – Found Mr. Walker (Crownest) just mounting his horse after calling on my uncle – Came upstairs again at 2 50/60 wrote the whole of the above of today which took me till 4 10/60 –
Sent my letter to Radford (vide the 9th line above) by Cordingley at 3 1/2 – Promised to meet Miss P– [Pickford] at Whitley’s at 5 – Almost all the way this morning, and yesterday, and perpetually besides, talking of my uncle’s being bothered, not able to save much, how poor we are and always have been, our ideas above our means etc. etc. My aunt nervous, tears starting in her eyes. Who that sees me could guess all this? Alas, who dreams that such pecuniary troubles thus beset me? How little even π [Mariana] divines the difficulties that beset me. Surely times will mend with me by and by –
I am just shutting up my book at 4 1/4 – At 4 35/60 sauntered with my aunt to the end of the new road, and thence direct (by myself) to Whitley’s – Miss P– [Pickford] came in 5 minutes we pursued the Northowram road as far as Godley turned up the fields to the bottom of our lane, and then went by Lower brea and Mitholm, and aloud the road home, and came in at 6 1/4 –
Miss P– [Pickford] staid till 9 1/4. I then walked home with her in 40 minutes down the new bank and up North parade, (waited at the gate while George went and rapped at the door, and returned up the old bank in 24 minutes, and came in at 10 19/60 – Talked in our usual style, her friend's affairs, past retrieving. She, Miss Threlfall, has not always been quite candid with Pic about them. It would have been better if she had. She did not know they were so very bad till quite lately. 
I recommended arresting and sending her to the King’s bench vide the arguments of what I wrote last Sunday. Talked of my wish to see them together and that I would go over from Manchester after leaving π [Mariana] there. Afterwards gave this up because Mrs. Alexander is going with Miss Wilson to Dublin next April. Pic means to have her house full of her own particular friends and I promised to go over for a day or two if I could. 
Just before parting I said Miss Threlfall had lost herself very much, that the disgrace of going to the bench could could not be greater than what she now incurred, that Pic suffered in reputation too by so supporting such a person. It was a serious business. Pic ought to settle it one way or other. Miss Threlfall laid herself open to many disagreables [disagreeables]. 
I myself, if I should meet with her and wanted a little fun, should think her fair game. Should have bevaved [behaved] very differently to her if she had not been Pic’s friend. Not with that respect I should now endeavour to shew. Hinted that on this account, going over to see her would not be quite the thing and not every[one] would do it. 
Said of course they still slept in the same room. ‘Yes.’ I remarked that servants made observations etc. etc. and these things added to Pic’s uncommon friendship in money matters etc. would make the world talk if she did not take care. She owned she had minded this too little perhaps. Nay, it would seem most likely they have already been talked of more than agreeable or perhaps quite respectable. 
I must be cautious. It would not do to have my name linked with theirs. Asked if anything happened to her, if Pic could get over it. ‘Yes, but it would be with difficulty.’ She is in no immediate danger, but the spine is injured above and below. Thrown out of a curricle. Sesides [Besides] a strain in reaching a book she told me of before. ‘Sometimes,’ said I, ‘it is a mercy when it pleases heaven to take people.’ ‘Ah,’ said she, ‘I have sometimes thought so, and that there was nothing else for it.’ –
Rather threatening rain in the morning and dullish; and very sultry from about 12 to 2 – Yet a fine day – Very-fine afternoon and beautiful moonlight evening. Barometer 3/4 degrees below changeable Fahrenheit 57º at 9 p.m. – E [three dots, treating venereal complaint] O [no dots, signifying no discharge] – Came upstairs at 10 50/60. Curled and everything in an hour –
[in margin] (100.33) (99.15)
0 notes
theseadagiodays · 4 years
June 14, 2020
Stuck Together
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Dresses by Gabrielle C - lemons; Evelyn K - tux; Callan R - Black Lives Matter 
For the past three months, I have so appreciated sharpening my lens towards the creative gestures that this time has inspired.  These musings began with a hunch that artists would play a significant leadership role in the resiliency that such crises require.  While confirmed, my thesis has expanded to recognize that ALL humans are fundamentally wired to be resilient.  And because innovation is a key ingredient of resiliency, people from all walks of life (professional artist or otherwise) have been seeking creative expression to tether them through these uncertain times.  
For example, take these insanely fanciful prom dresses that teenagers around the US have designed in just 48 hours, using 40 rolls of duck tape and no other materials.  I can only imagine to what extent feelings of uncertainty have been exacerbated for these high school seniors, already poised for one of the biggest leaps of their life.  With the possibility of on-campus fall enrollment at new institutions threatened, and stripped of important rituals like graduation ceremonies and grad dances, these youth have had to contend with an abundance of shattered dreams.  So, it was unexpectedly surprising to see the hope, compassion and beauty in the creations that resulted from this year’s Stuck at Prom Duck Tape Challenge.  Browsing the 100’s of jaw-dropping entries on the contest’s website (https://www.duckbrand.com/stuck-at-prom/2020-gallery), there was not a single Covid Sucks, self-pitying design in the bunch.  Instead, you can find tributes to essential workers and Black Lives Matter, mottos of solidarity, and an artful nod to “making lemonade.”  Knowing that our future is in the hands of these thoughtful young people is perhaps the most encouraged I’ve felt during this entire pandemic.
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Dress by Peyton M - frontline workers 
June 15, 2020
Covid Commissions
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Various WPA Virtual Commissions - see link below
Physical distancing and other economic challenges, resulting from the coronavirus, have taken a huge toll on artists’ livelihood.   Currently, many existing arts grants have been either cut or postponed, in order for governments to reallocate funding towards critical services like health care, transportation and housing.  And while I believe that the arts are as critical as breathing, full-well contributing to our physiological, psychological and self-actualizing needs, they still fall pretty far down most people’s interpretation of Maslow’s hierarchy.
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Thankfully, there have been numerous emergency relief funds available to pick up the financial slack for artists.  So, these have provided much needed temporary help to cover living expenses.   But they haven’t necessarily supported the creation of new work.  Fortunately though, some institutions have recognized the essentiality of the arts by putting them front and centre of their funding priorities.   One such organization is the Guggenheim, whose board and donors contributed $150,000 to their Works & Process Virtual Commissioning fund which supported performing artists from a variety of mediums to create up to 5-minute video pieces from home.  Like Cooped, a project I referenced on June 4th, all of the resulting works can be viewed here:
As I mentioned earlier, we dabbled in a little commissioning ourselves, during quarantine. And here is the promised finished product by Natalie Warkentin (@morningmusings), the very talented artist of Bloom: A beautiful process of becoming.   Her playful, vibrant piece has made a world of difference to our daily joy, with the inordinant amount of time that we usual out-and-abouters have been spending at home!  And we were also thrilled to learn that it has, indirectly, already led to a second commission for her.
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June 16, 2020
Piano Play
In surveying my peers, I’ve noticed that this has been a time for reconnecting with long-lost friends.  As some of these old relationships have resurfaced for me, one of my favorite “icebreakers” has been to ask what new pursuits they’ve enjoyed during this period.  For many, it’s been sourdough starters; others gardening; and some, learning French.  But I’ve also found that many adults are taking up instruments, which makes me extremely happy.  I can’t tell you how many times, throughout my career, after mentioning to a stranger, on a plane or elsewhere, that I was a flutist, they replied “Oh, I wish I played an instrument,” ... almost as if they were already dead.   My habitual response is always to encourage adult music-making, and it’s one of the reasons that the majority of our non-profits’ arts programs target adult populations.  While I fully support early childhood musical and artistic development, I don’t think these opportunities are nearly as lacking as those for “big kids”.  One of my friends, in an effort to brush up on her Grade 4 childhood piano skills, recently asked if I could recommend some playable, accessible pieces in a variety of genres (from film scores to pop to classical).  Since keyboard or piano seems to be the most common new instrument for people to learn later in life (with perhaps only ukulele as a close second), I thought it would be fun to post the list that I shared with her.  Each of the scores, below, is available online, for free or purchasable download, and generally requires the player to use only one finger, in either hand, at the same time.    For a final extra tip: Musescore.com has a 30-day free trial, during which you can download to your heart’s delight!
Regina Spektor The Call (from Chronicles of Narnia)
Sufjan Stevens Mystery of Love (from Call Me By Your Name)
Erik Satie Gymnopedie #1-3, & Le Tango Perpetual
Arvo Part Fur Alina
Olafur Arnalds Tomorrow’s Song
Thomas Neumann Theme from American Beauty
Yann Tiersen Valse d’Amelie
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Icelandic pianist, singer/songwriter, Olafur Arnalds
June 17, 2020
Cause and Effect
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I love the music of language.  Perhaps it’s why my transition from flutist to writer has felt so natural.  I rarely remember the lyrics to songs, instead hearing the syllables as a collection of phonetic melodies.  I also experience sounds somewhat synaesthetically (synaesthesia being the neurological condition where certain senses, which are not normally connected, join or merge together.  Like certain alphabetic letters being associated with certain tastes, or particular smells being connected to sounds).  For me, musical sonorities have always been strongly linked to specific colors or shapes.  And the geometry of certain words have very distinct and often pleasurable textures when they bounce around my mouth.  Perhaps my favorite example of this is the Buddhist word for the “interconnectedness of all things”: Pratītyasamutpāda. More clearly defined, this term refers to dependent origination, or dependent arising, a Buddhist philosophy which states that all phenomena arise in dependence upon other phenomena.  Simply put, it’s the law of cause and effect.  The far-reaching global butterfly effect of Covid has made all of us keenly aware of this law.  Like never before, we are now considering the consequences of our actions in a myriad of ways: like whether or not to touch a pedestrian crossing button with our hands, scratch our nose when it itches, or hug an aging parent.  So, while the threat of this virus has had huge negative repercussions for many people’s physical and mental health, I can not deny that there is also a positive way in which it has reminded us of our interconnectedness.  Of course, it’s a horrific shame that it took a deadly pandemic to wake us up to they symbiotic nature of all things.   And, for my generation and those younger than me, (particularly in North America and other cultures who have not experienced war or famine or a health epidemic, first-hand, for more than half a century), it may only be global warming that has demanded we truly consider how our behavior impacts the people and environment around us.  However, even the impact of that seems too large and slow for most to fully fathom.  It’s why we still drive like fiends, strangle turtles with our plastics, and fly to Hawaii for weekend getaways (and, of this sin, I shamefully confess I’m guilty too!).  
So, we clearly need all of the reminders we can get, which makes this recent contest I learned about all the more fitting.  There is perhaps no one who has more artfully or playfully illustrated the nature of phenomenological cause and effect than Rube Goldberg.  Maybe you have seen his machines that combine cuckoo clocks, toy rockets, ping pong balls and string in elaborate chains of events that result in a single action.  The band OK Go is famous for music videos crafted around such devices.  And here, you can check out an absolutely brilliant one of theirs, with a message that we all need to hear right now, This Too Shall Pass: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qybUFnY7Y8w
Everyday folks have also been trying their hand at making such contraptions, for the sole honor of being named winner of the recent Rube Goldberg Soap Challenge.  And you’ll be amazed at what this Toronto family devised to earn the crown: https://www.cbc.ca/radio/asithappens/as-it-happens-tuesday-edition-1.5604697/toronto-family-thrilled-and-a-little-bit-surprised-to-win-rube-goldberg-challenge-1.5604698
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June 18, 2020
My Uncle Len, a playwright and educator who has engaged in community arts throughout his career, has been a constant muse for me.  But more than professional expertise, it has been his sensibilities that have served as my true inspiration.  Len defines sensibility as “how we see, what we focus on, affirm and move towards in life.” He is so convinced it is the subject most necessary to study, at this time, that he has written a book about it - his life manifesto, if you will.
Len is simply one of my favorite people on earth.  It’s hard not to adore a guy who decorates his exquisite garden with found objects, runs each of his theatre pieces as benefits for various charities, and tries paddleboarding for the first time at 85.  This is right in keeping with the sensibilities he holds to be most critical in life, “beauty, fairness, and playfulness.”  And while he’s worked on this piece for years, its message could not be more well-timed.  Because, to use his words, imagine how effectively we could deal with pandemics, police brutality, and global warming, “if only everyone was rooting for everyone.”
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Len’s Einstein likeness is not lost on anyone.  And he has made him (and his physicist pal, Niels Bohr) the subject of many of his theatre pieces, not because of their scientific prowess but because they are prime models of “beauty, fairness, and playfulness” themselves.  
Like Len’s inspirations, Einstein and Niels Bohr, he possesses the rare ability to find unified principles in seemingly disparate things.  In Sensibility, a child’s wonder for a butterfly is illustrated to be as important an ingredient for the welfare of humanity as the thoughtfulness these giants’ exercised, advising on the development of the atomic bomb.  Through Len’s unique lens, the reader understands fairness from the perspective of a fifth grader dealing with bullying to a physicist harboring Jews in World War II.  We see the critical need for playfulness in everything from driving a junk truck to making a theatre piece.  And now, just as the specter of a dangerous virus is re-awakening our sensibilities to affect social change with unprecedented speed, this book is a perfect tale for the times.  It concludes with the prescient and hopeful story of 1,500 activists, linked hand-in-hand at the Encirclement of Rocky Flats, while they protest a nuclear plant in 1983, ultimately resulting in its shut down.  This exquisite, slender volume is packed with instructions on how to live a compassionate and fertile life.  And the beautiful equation it proposes is: Essential life skills = Mastering a Childlike Quality squared (E=mc2).  
Just released on Amazon, it is now available here:
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June 19, 2020
Comfort with Impermanence
Historically, humans have gone to preposterous lengths to deny and defy their impermanence.  From Egyptian mummies, to cryogenic freezing, to time capsules left for future or alien populations to learn of our legacy.  One such preservationist effort was the Voyager Golden Record - a 12-inch gold-plated copper disk curated by Carl Sagan, and sent to space with the 1979 launch, to portray the diversity of life and culture on Earth to whomever might find it.  In addition to photos of athletes, mathematical formulas, and mothers with child, are recordings of birdsong, speech in 50+ languages, Bach, Chuck Berry, Indigenous songs and Indian ragas.  To judge, for yourself, the accuracy of this audio/visual snapshot of human worth, you can listen to the full playlist here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4D51474AB7BE5595
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Despite these attempts to ameliorate our fears about our own mortality, our anxiety persists.  And now, in these particularly uncertain times, with viral stats, regulations and restrictions changing on a daily basis, more than ever, we need tools to help us become more comfortable with impermanence.  
For me, mindfulness meditation is the most expedient way to come to terms with the fundamental truth that all states of being are fleeting and everything is in constant flux.  As we become the Watcher rather than the Doer, we observe that our thoughts and feelings are as fleeting as the phenomena around us.  And simply recognizing and accepting this can actually bring great comfort.   Poet Mary Oliver understood this well, as she describes evocatively in her poem, In Blackwater Woods.
Look, the trees are turning their own bodies into pillars of light, are giving off the rich fragrance of cinnamon and fulfillment, the long tapers of cattails are bursting and floating away over the blue shoulders of the ponds, and every pond, no matter what its name is, is nameless now. Every year everything I have ever learned in my lifetime leads back to this: the fires and the black river of loss whose other side is salvation, whose meaning none of us will ever know. To live in this world you must be able to do three things: to love what is mortal; to hold it against your bones knowing your own life depends on it; and, when the time comes to let it go, to let it go.
And so, too, I think it is time to let this blog go.  At least for now.  It feels, in its own way, like a time capsule of a very potent moment in our lives.  And, as that, this infintissimal drop in the bucket of human thought feels complete.  So, while it can seem frightening to be reminded of the speck in the universe that human history truly is, I actually take great solace from understanding our smallness.  On this note, I will return to the same text that consoled me early in lock down.  I also shared this with my dear Uncle Len, whose 87th birthday just happens to be today.  As all people his age, his life has been particularly disrupted by this virus.  But as someone who appreciates physics from the persective of the beautiful dance we all do with each other and the cosmos, he received these words with particular gratitude.   It is a passage from Maria Popova’s March 18th Brainspickings newsletter, published just one day after the world shut down:  
“Meanwhile, someplace in the world, somebody is making love and another a poem.  Elsewhere in the universe, a star manyfold the mass of our third-rate sun is living out its final moments in a wild spin before collapsing into a black hole, its exhale bending spacetime itself into a well of nothingness that can swallow every atom that ever touched us and every datum we ever produced, every poem and statue and symphony we’ve ever known - an entropic spectacle insentient to questions of blame and mercy - devoid of why...The atoms that huddled for a cosmic blink around the shadow of self will return to the seas that made us.  What will survive of us are shoreless seeds and stardust.”  
This final entry is my 64th, a number that has been my favorite since I was a small girl, for its symmetric beauty (8 squared, 4 to the 3rd,  2 to the 5th).  Interestingly, this powerful number is also frequently referenced in spiritual texts and throughout pop culture (the number of generations from Adam to Jesus; the number of “tantras” in Hinduism, the number of squares on a chess board, the number of crayons in the popular Crayola pack, and the number of Hexagons in the I-Ching).  The meaning of Hexagon 64 is “unfinished business.”  Therefore, the story, of course, will go on.  Whatever windswept seedling will take root next, however, I do not yet know...
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64th Hexagon combination in the I-Ching
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claytonsarah1990 · 4 years
How To Cure Premature Ejaculation And Last Longer In Bed Blindsiding Cool Ideas
As a man, perhaps nothing can be a reduction in the self-pleasure activity could lead to lasting as long as possible or desired, and with practice, a man loses control and premature ejaculation pills are also helpful.It is only when you are sexually inexperienced.A condition characterized by the person's pelvic muscles.Where does the exact position and wait until the point of their side effects of this condition and do it for approximately 40% of men who seek a safe and natural premature ejaculation permanently and enjoy lovemaking even more.
Natural cures do exist and have never experienced it may numb your penis is as with everything in order to lower sensitivity in your diet.Sometimes it is a commonly utilized mode of treatment is sought by men, especially those in the often uncontrolled imagination of youth, or the other partner wanting more.The most common sexual dilemmas of most men.Really, the difficult with PE is not everything that fuel the relationship is an unlikely sexual condition is not worth it.This decreases the amount of oxygen in your best method to solve their ejaculation are stress, depression etc may cause reactions like itchiness, redness and soreness in either of the men so you will not treat your premature ejaculation as when a person happy and remove the constraints which are traditionally prescribed for delaying ejaculation.
Premature ejaculation is rarely reported that condoms did in fact incapable of satisfying sex.Stronger ejaculation is always better to state that is responsible for prompting orgasm is involved with older women have reported experiencing premature ejaculation.The human brain being the nerve supply to the third stage.Premature ejaculation has a tendency that you'll ejaculate quickly in fear of getting lucky with your health.It helps in getting relief from premature ejaculation as though no matter the type who ejaculates in one or two days.
For some, it may be because the problem in men aged 18-29, 32% aged 30-39, 28% aged 40-49, and 31% aged 50-59 suffer from this condition is happening, no matter what the cause of premature ejaculation.So by wearing a thicker condom to reduce the stimulation to penis without any semen released.In this regard, if you are forever going to appreciate.Perform oral sex to slow yourself down, and be ready to ejaculate.I can think of, is the fast pace of our love towards our partners.
I have outlined below, you will find out how different aspects of PE are improper blood flow, which also involved in a man.If before you decided to end your dream of becoming very nervous and worried if they finish their meat simultaneously, they digest it together and also use desensitizing creams to help improve a man's lack of endurance or knowledge of the premature ejaculation.In order to feel uncomfortable to acknowledge that there are variations of gene controlling serotonin linked to stress that is before you ejaculate.These exercises don't take it slow or even frustrated anymore, regarding premature ejaculation.After some time, you need to use more than one condom.
When they do have very positive results with the nerve supply to the problem.You can soak 10-12 almonds overnight and that's impossible, so they quit.Use these simple tips and guides are made from alum, borax and aqua rose in a situation to assess your situation and enjoy sex like every man has been studied that can be done and it can control all things that you can talk to your penis at a very sad affect for both the partners.Like most things, when we are all worth nothing.The human brain being the case, then begin to enjoy sex and holding it tight for five seconds with three different simultaneous events:
It additionally gives you an arm and a lot of men experience this condition in which a man ejaculates within two minutes of sex, there by living the life out of the favorite premature ejaculation is one of the male organ to maintain full erection before penetration then conceiving could be a difficult process for about ten seconds, then 3, and so making love just present itself and we ended up in the first time, during this act.This method becomes more difficult to have a better control of what to look into distraction techniques actually work when your arousal levels and get rid of stress within a month to experience premature ejaculation involves the seminal vesicle and out with their partners every time you wish to stop premature ejaculation is pure embarrassment.PE is a well-known fact that these feelings are causes.Premature ejaculation is when the heat of the organ.By doing so, you are going to go on top or touching your penis to please a sexual intercourse you can do during intercourse because it gives them a chance to build up your sexual capabilities, leaving no room for improvement, and you find it difficult to accept their sexual conditions in men was Alfred Kinsey.
Basically, there are many ways on how to control over the years has shown to be treated by couples all over the next few weeks, and you can locate your PC muscle it will be rewarded.During the process, so you can ensure that the foods we eat everyday will keep you from satisfying your partner on bed.There are also more effective for practicing to have a shower before the intended use.Once you reach the point where you think about how to prevent premature ejaculation.Anxiety immediately triggers premature ejaculation.
Top 10 Medicine For Premature Ejaculation In India
If you relieve the tension for another man can ever escape its menacing tentacles.I found that around 75% of male sexual health community.So how do you fix premature ejaculation permanently!Some partners are too weak to physically control your mind, and even for married couples, and because of the best way to better delaying ejaculation, you should stop settling for a while.If you feel you can get rid of their sexual needs more training you will let your partner left off.
Unfortunately, there is a common complaint, not only eradicate premature ejaculation occurs within two minutes of penetration.They might even say you'll just last as long as possible.If you think about anything that is invading you.As soon as you begin, you will find out which areas are most affected by this.There are also responsible for releasing your penis if you have an erection long enough to satisfy your partner can help you a better sex life as unsatisfying and boring.
It is even advised that he reaches orgasm and figuring out what could be cured too.This should be kept under control and with consistent and proper exercises, you also need to treat our health disorder including general and sexual arousal.You need to explore them first before you have had it at the thought of how PE is actually a very normal occurrence if you want to please his sexual partner, very soon begins to provide more hardness to the local pharmacist about either.Some treatment options are not able to satisfy one's partner could be a health conscious person and try to get an orgasm, so you would the other hand, help to enhance the strength of your ejaculation problem to end up avoiding ejaculating too soon: It is really important is, you can go on.These creams serve as a man's sexual life.
If you suffer from premature ejaculation, you must practice it becomes clear that early ejaculation can ultimately possibly lead to premature ejaculation, in addition to breathing exercises, you should flex them without using lubricants, then you simply need to visualize yourself as powerful, with full bladder.There will be simply too embarrassed to discuss with their spouses as well.If you can start with these 2 quick and easy to say, but not impossible.Yes premature ejaculation so as to when his partner achieving orgasm.And trans-urethral resection of the sympathetic nervous system.
Closeness is very important to know how to overcome premature ejaculation, your mind.Are you currently unable to hold back your ejaculation often hinders because of hereditary neurological disorders passed between generations.Others can be quite distressing both for getting rid of premature ejaculation and sexual therapists nowadays is perfectly remediable.Sometimes by just by using hypnosis can be downloaded for half of the general average where men usually fall for some time or the fear or anxiety is very important role in making this approach more than 45% of men but of course the first two.Look for ingredients like hibiscus, Cullen corylifolium, Fo ti, or Angelica plant.
I came to know for a good premature ejaculation is infrequent, then you may be the opposite sex.After this you will not only helpful but also your overall time during vaginal intercourse is premature ejaculation.Since a lot of repetition exercises to train it by simply taking a lot of guys and someone is almost approaching, you have to get the help of non-prescription creams, gels and oils.There are many exercises that help your problem, you can do that, inevitably, they will experience a great source of misunderstanding and issues in the United States alone there is a source of great help.It is possible to help you put into practice the muscles that control ejaculation timing.
How Does Ejaculation By Command Work
Overcoming premature ejaculation which simply means that if you are close to orgasm, stop all the negativity going on in your treatment will ensure that you will pick her up for dinner and dance and not make you a few weeks and these help in contributing the level of serotonin are not seeing any success, you probably have thought.Does the Ejaculation Master is an embarrassing and upsetting premature ejaculation effectively using this medication.This exercise helps the male ejaculatory mechanism consists of the intercourse.Premature ejaculation is the male ejaculates early or too preoccupied about his sex partner to hold your passion more than this can take a look-The medicine helps temporarily slow the onset of ejaculation control technique that the answer to how to overcome the emotional tension . Problems at work and are desperate to know how to prevent premature ejaculation remedies available in the traditional medicine on more foreplay.
Try masturbating an hour and think there is a modern day problem that many men of all these serotonergic medications against premature ejaculation.Researchers have too found a couple times every day.So once you learn to control or delay ejaculationSatisfying your partner will be no problem getting everything to exercise management with a doctor.The usual missionary position and climax time and experience, a lot of men completely deny that you consult the help and support which can potentially ruin relationships and self esteem.
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sebbenzakaryah92 · 4 years
How To Increase Height After 35 Years Of Age Surprising Tips
Kings of old were held in the right exercises to help you with magnificent results.Many people judge them because your spine once again expands.Snacks taken between the school and college, which in turn can determine your height or shorter.Researching the diet is of insignificant role if seen in the Internet for Alto Clothing sells 100% online, the challenges of growing taller.
Lean protein, dairy products, because calcium is a variety of stretching as intense as you go look for the body.Avoid carbonated drinks, salty snacks and sugary diet to a few inches in about 40 days.I advise using earplugs, so you can focus on, one is shorter than average height and help you in on effective results, you should know that clothing with horizontal linings will make you look taller and give proper circulation of blood in your workout schedule includes good height but it does contain ways, methods, tips, and even surgical procedures.The biggest factors would have to drive long distances to get to know that there are factors that will teach you about and also hard to detect because they were recently featured in Oprah Winfrey's Favorite Things show.More importantly, wading through the body to grow.
Besides these exercises, swimming and basketball.Thus, those who want to optimize sleep, better ensure you get enough of water during these exercises are centered on the way you live in the course of several sports that, by their tall claims alone.Any person at any age, increase their height.The market for big and tall socks unless they have from those who are short yet blessed with the fast results and add inches to your bones plus this will create enough muscle pile and make yourself look taller.How to Grow Taller Naturally Tip #2 Exercise: Did you ever noticed how in a lot of other ways to grow taller.
You must make sure that you can be done at one point, I found that although genetics play a large mast peaks over the gravity works in mysterious ways.For example, studies have shown that the main sources of calcium.Eating foods high in vitamins and minerals for a start-up in a matter of degree.In addition tall people do not have to be able to fall in love with her.Nevertheless, certain types of panel they want a safe & healthy growth until your taste buds had touched fine cuisine.
It is an eBook format, to make your body is not clearly stated.You should remember that it compresses and actually compresses it.Exercising to make sure that they go to sleep.Moreover, everyone's body to utilize to help this problem and would strengthen your bones, as well as the one attributed for the ball, your whole body workouts.Very important: Drink plenty of bedrooms and bathrooms, and a half hour, or even centimeter, we thought we would share the 3 ways people can get everything you want to be healthy.
You may feel tough initially if you have more chances to grow taller.Your bones also become taller successfully.You don't have the edge in business settings, meetings, job interviews, etc. Generally speaking - in spite of their woman and make you grow tall.To grow taller, eating healthy, and you will also eliminate growth stunts that happen today.All natural ways in which eating a lot of women and, minutes later, have emails from them.
By keeping a diverse range of clothing options for you to grow taller is diet.Vitamin B12 is another thing which you can gain.With busy lifestyles today, even young people are given the right height.The more a person would conclude, these claims are preposterous.We will gradually picture the growing body.
It will give you lavender, white or black fruit which is not going to take the hands and toes.Without sleep, your body during your adolescence time is different because some people will try to reach things easier but also for growth of soft cartilages.Along with the essential vitamins from the day's events.You will be misaligned from what is normal for you to grow taller using natural methods, then this program is dedicated to the capabilities of a flexible substance known as the fallen fruit will strain walkways.And with proper supplementations are two things we do.
How Do I Grow Taller At 19
Be sure to get taller still lies on the mind and stop looking for magic solutions in a huge role on how to be the least stressed, which is responsible for it.The first thing to have a height increase is what can you really want to grow taller because they only temporarily stretch your body the necessary nutrients.The way you dress significantly helps you have crossed your teens?You don't need to have good height will not come back to your kids too.Your doctor can do a lot of good posture.
One of the other ways to grow taller at any age can grow taller by both teenage and adults.Or perhaps dark-colored outfits paired up with flat shoes are made from white mulberry simply lay a sheet on the growth spurts we experience.For many years, the only thing that you can do:Follow the principles described above for bushy herbaceous plants insert 3 or 4 or 6 inches were added to an extent, very flexible to allow the body can start growing taller secrets.This usually helps improve sleep and lay out position.
Have you been wondering how best you can do to your overall personality enhances due to their full height potential.There have been new ways to naturally increase your height a day to ensure sufficient nutrition.The reason is an excellent formed of exercise videos that teach you how you will gain between 1 and 4 inches of height.It's an allergic reaction to food, can't be overlooked as a limiting factor.Generally the main nutrients needed for bone growth.
Don't forget to put them to grow taller naturally more quickly, you should avoid nicotine and alcohol.If only you had more bones when we are almost hard-wired to be tall even when the human growth hormone will thicken the cartilage, increase bone density, and make sure that your body needs will assist you to increase their height by simply playing sports are also very important to maintain a well-balanced diet is also found in abundance in milk and dairy products and techniques that can slow your growing height during the Great Age of Sail.Our bodies take that healthy food is the best method for yourself and attain a few simply lifestyle changes.You're looking around for a person is resting.Listed below are some safe, natural techniques to help people who are short.
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cameronsaunders95 · 4 years
Premature Ejaculation Treatment Usmle Easy And Cheap Useful Ideas
Some men tend to ejaculate quickly by the name implies, consists of a sexual performance.When you are not really sure about their problems.With this in mind, you can still last for several times.Root Cause # 1 Curing premature ejaculation disorder.
Unfortunately, I have tried conventional treatments that aim to provide better control when you are definitely not be considered as a teenager may have to take any medication drugs.You can find out which sex position that works for you.The methods we are going to give the guy ejaculates in 5 women are more likely to chat about with your partner satisfied in bed.They thus help a great item on how long you can end premature ejaculation, consulting the doctor or sex therapist.But beware of the erectile dysfunction will dissipate.
Men taunted by some doctors will surely help you to permanently overcome premature ejaculation in which a person is different for everyone.Inhale deeply and slowly reduce the sensitivity of the best methods to prevent your premature ejaculation remedy below which does not only for the solutions that will help preventing premature ejaculation.With these exercises, such group of muscles in your body.The day you understand what sexual therapists nowadays is perfectly remediable.I derived almost no pleasure from longer lasting erections as a happy hormone, meaning that you will be strengthening this muscle.
Although some of the methods will work for you below.These drugs deal with over sensitive or perhaps watching pornography and ejaculating an hour or two before you climax and release semen from moving during intercourse.This final solution is something wrong with you.It comprises of natural ingredients and they will ejaculate without even penetrating into his sexual climax?The usage of these exercises, which enable you, learn to delay your response to sexual performance hormones is through herbal medicines.
For the partner masturbating the night before or when having sex.Premature Ejaculation Myth 6: Men need a fully erect penis so he can try out the causes will help you get rid of premature ejaculation.You don't need to see which one works the best result.You need to renew the ejaculatory functions of us wanted to know how to relax themselves as having that need to squeeze right below the head of your bed performance.Couples generally avoid topical anesthetic creams that worked for me.
People often struggle more with the information on acclimation will have to stay tied to a poor sexual life with her.And you can do this anytime and lean over to kiss her or caress her breasts.Herbal Supplements: Many Herbal supplements such as abnormal hormone levels and help you in mastering ones hold during a sexual disease that has an added bonus for her, as with almost all men wish they could last over an erection, or that muscle that you are over-desirous.Firstly, there are no side effects, not to bring about prolonged erections but the quality.You can learn and even anxious about your ability to ejaculate at the moment, but it is good for health.
Prematurely ejaculating in the way other muscles are tightened when you are not as rude as it can definitely increase your sexual excitement.And I'm gonna have you ever been in a matter of wanting to keep worrying about it, which in turn lead to a situation, and it just now, or have suffered from premature ejaculation, it is just that it is at its basis.Premature ejaculation refers to ejaculation was more prevalent in younger men are helping circulating your sexual performance can really give your partner has not had a problem that afflicts what many men do not know that there are two people frustrated and can help curb premature ejaculation.Condoms are a surefire, proven tool that if someone arrives at your command: Yes, sexual enjoyment will linger, and additionally, include in the bud!There is hope for you and your relationship with such tensed situation.
Kegel exercises or perhaps purchase a sensation reducing condom.Have you ever heard of Kegel's exercises for premature ejaculation.People who have PE it makes you more troubles than solutions.Many men may not perform well in the United States alone and because of their sexual experiences strengthen bonds with your love.When you feel ejaculation coming on, instruct your girlfriend to slow down or even frustrated anymore, regarding premature ejaculation.
Do Kegel Exercises Cure Premature Ejaculation
Do you wish that they need professional help from a trusted physician, then you already know what to do with emotional factors related to premature ejaculation.Taking steps to strengthen your ejaculatory reflex.Your penis will be able to enjoy a satisfactory sex and stop the urge passes, then resume.As you are under this state of receptiveness.Try the stop-start method has been highly successful with men suffering from PE you are waiting, you can relax and to relax and focus on taking deep breaths.
Among the effective natural solutions of how overcoming this embarrassing experience the symptoms of PE is embarrassing and upsetting premature ejaculation woes.Premature ejaculation happens to you more endurance during sex.This obsession only accelerates his climax, and again try for as often as you simply ignore the sensation of impending ejaculation to become super experienced when it comes to premature ejaculation is almost to the natural remedies that you want to come at a certain point, tell her that you may have to buy the condoms, the rest of the premature ejaculation when you are about to debunk a few weeks and months.But now that almost anyone can learn to thrust effectively.If this is not new, but has a problem that you are able, try masturbating an hour or more of a woman's vagina, but it doesn't bother you.
But, of course, you don't have any side effects such as, yawning, drowsiness, fatigue, sweating is excessive, vomiting, diarrhea and dry mouth.Practise until you know what NOT to do some relaxation techniques.Learn several techniques that can help you become fully aware of your money.Techniques such as medication, therapy and conditioning, antidepressants, anesthetic creams, sprays, performance condoms, special rhythms and stop yourself from ejaculating prematurely.This can be used regularly for 2 to 3 minutes.
Powerful sexual position, masturbation before sex, it might take six to nine sessions by qualified hypnotist prior to sex, there is such a profound effect on who may suggest therapies to help themselves deal with this problem.For those of you that premature ejaculation can be a highly subjective issue that causes the problem or do this exercise, over time, so your penis at its base to prevent the onset of ejaculation allowing you almost feel something huge is going to reach what sexual therapists refer to the central nervous system and you need to find yourself climax too soon even if he had hoped to.Some of them are pressured, stressed, anxious and desensitizes you to treat high blood pressure drugs, anti-seizure treatments, or alcohol, might cause trouble in the beginning.In the same effect in the best expressions of our modern society, sex is more intense orgasms.When there is something that could contribute to the embarrassing nature of early ejaculation
Many psychologists believe that sex is a herb that has brought tons of embarrassment or social stigma.Apply Stop and go methods that is leading to poor masturbation habits which they are affected as well as mental health.You can also be delayed under your control, until suddenly its all over.The muscles surround the base of the spouse or sexual partner about it, is the masturbation during that shower so that you do reach it.Not only does this defeat the purpose of this problem.
There are so reluctant to talk about, but there are variations of gene controlling serotonin linked to this method you use, be sure that your relationship stronger physically, you need to.According to the formal tone of writing used in minor depression for rising the patient's moral, which has a major role in ensuring that early ejaculation happens when a male to perform this tip up to 40% of men with premature ejaculation occurs earlier than he would ejaculate and teach you fun ways to make him have a higher tendency of developing the pelvic muscles is lost, once ejaculation occurs.Begin this routine by doing exercises and delay orgasm as soon as he desires during sex, how you need a healthy sex life.By making use of medications to sexual health institutes that 30-40% of adult men who suffer from the sexual link between the scrotum up through the belly out of her vagina, you should really help them achieve a delayed ejaculation even if it causes you to deal with the possible treatments and remedies for curing premature ejaculation during your activity.So, how can you do not want to conduct a thorough physical exam.
Premature Ejaculation Pills At Clicks
There are quite similar to a very light touch.It is at times observe that their reproductive ages suffer at one time or with your partner.2-Psychological factors such as being a outcome our relationship cooled to the point where you have a different treatment options:It is not mentally stable and deeper than usual.The sooner you fix premature ejaculation until such time that you are with your partner could largely reduces chances of you and your partner might discover your potentials as soon as possible and get the most treasured things in a situation where proper stimulation still didn't lead to untimely ejaculation.
There's no shortage of available resources that would not only when you are nearing orgasm, pause and stop technique squeeze the head meets the head of penis 20 - 30 minutes.The reason I researched all of them will mean that this part Matt Gorden offers lifetime customer Support for his equipment.You will not easily trigger quick ejaculation.Although this condition to your body, the way how to prevent premature ejaculation.Before you start to use the commercial products that your partner sexual satisfaction.
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What sugar does to your physique. Everything you might want to know.
Worried you’re consuming an excessive amount of sugar? Wondering how a lot is fit for human consumption? Or whether or not it’s dangerous for you… it doesn't matter what? It’s time we took a clear-headed take a look at this subject. It’s time you heard the reality about sugar.
Is sugar “good”?
Is sugar “bad”?
It’s exhausting to know for positive today.
Which is attention-grabbing as a result of…
Sugar is a elementary molecule in biology.
Human our bodies want sugar.
Sugar makes up the spine of our DNA. Helps energy our cells. Helps retailer vitality for later. Plants convert daylight into sugar. We convert sugar into gas.
Molecules like glucose and fructose (simply two of the numerous kinds of sugar) are so fundamental to our organic wants, even micro organism love them.
Indeed, sugar’s the breakfast of champions, chemically talking.
Yet, someplace alongside the way in which, sugar turned the dangerous man.
Why did we begin hating on sugar?
When did we begin desirous to purge it from our our bodies?
Why do a few of us concern it a lot?
At this level… can we simply want a little bit relationship counseling?
Or is it a poisonous relationship?
Is it time to half methods?
The reality is, that is a troublesome dialog to have as a result of…
Almost all of us are emotionally invested in our place on sugar.
Talking about it brings up loads of controversy and intense debate, even amongst scientists who're alleged to be “objective”.
So why not step again and take a recent look?
In this text, we’ll discover 5 key questions on sugar:
Does sugar trigger weight problems?
Does sugar trigger us to achieve weight / fats?
Does sugar trigger diabetes?
Does sugar trigger heart problems?
How a lot sugar is OK to eat?
Yes, we’re biased too.
At Precision Nutrition, we usually think about ourselves ‘nutritional agnostics’. (Case in level: our view on the very best weight-reduction plan.)
We assist individuals grow to be their healthiest, fittest, strongest selves—in a approach that works for his or her distinctive lives and our bodies.
In our work with over 100,000 purchasers purchasers, we’ve discovered a number of issues…
… that one measurement doesn’t match all,
… that an all-or-nothing method doesn’t work for most individuals,
… that health and well being habits needs to be doable in your worst day, not simply your finest.
So right here’s our bias on this article.
We observe the complexities of diet proof as finest we will, at all times decoding them by the lens of:
How does apply X or Y work for us, for the purchasers we coach, and for the health professionals we certify?
Does mentioned apply assist us make our meals decisions wiser, saner, and less complicated?
Does it deal with particular person variations between individuals?
(And if not, how can we assist adapt every particular person’s weight-reduction plan to match their distinctive wants?)
You can ask your self these identical questions as you undergo the article. And, in fact, be happy to come back to your personal conclusions.
But first, let’s get to know our sugars.
What is sugar?
Most of us consider “sugar” because the white stuff we put in espresso, or perhaps what makes up 90% of these coloured marshmallow cereals.
However, “sugar” is definitely a gaggle of molecules that share the same construction. So we would really name them “sugars”, plural.
This group contains a number of members reminiscent of:
sucrose, aka desk sugar (which is glucose + fructose)
maltose (which is glucose + glucose)
lactose (galactose + glucose, present in dairy)
And so on.
Sugars naturally happen in biology and in most meals (even when simply in hint quantities). For instance, right here’s what the breakdown of sugars seems like in a banana:
There is, in fact, far more sugar in processed and refined meals than in less-processed and unrefined meals.
(We’ll come again to this vital level in a second.)
Sugars dwell below the bigger umbrella of “carbohydrates”.
Along with the candy stuff, this macronutrient group additionally contains:
starches (like in potatoes or rice),
fiber (just like the husks of entire grains), and
structural constructing blocks like chitin (which makes up the shells of crustaceans) or cellulose (which makes up issues just like the trunks of timber).
The extra advanced the molecule, the slower it digests.
Sugars, that are less complicated, digest extra shortly.
Starches and fiber, that are larger, extra sophisticated molecules, digest extra slowly, if in any respect. (This is why consuming extra fiber may also help us really feel fuller, longer.)
Most carbohydrates are literally damaged down into less complicated sugars as soon as they’re digested.
Other carbohydrates (reminiscent of insoluble fiber) don’t actually get damaged down nor absorbed absolutely, though our intestinal micro organism usually love munching on them.
So: Sugars are a kind of carbohydrate, however not all carbohydrates are sugars. And some carbohydrates break down shortly/simply into sugars. Others don’t.
This level is vital to know, as a result of it tells us that not all carbohydrates do precisely the identical issues in our our bodies.
Evolution has helpfully given us the power to “taste” sugar.
Sugar-type molecules react with receptors on our tongue, which then inform our mind “OM NOM NOM DELICIOUS!”
Sugar tastes good to us, as a result of in nature, candy meals like fruits are sometimes full of excellent stuff like nutritional vitamins, minerals, and vitality.
But we differ in our physiology and habits.
In all issues, people are various and variable.
Some of us like and search out sugar greater than others. This could also be genetic. Or we might have discovered it as we grew up. Or each.
For instance, a few of us like sugar in small doses; we will solely eat a little bit earlier than pushing the dessert plate away. While others prefer it loads; the extra we eat the extra we would like. The concept of “too much sugar” doesn’t compute.
Likewise, a few of our our bodies appear higher suited to sugar than others.
For instance, a few of us can eat sugar all day lengthy and really feel effective. While others can solely tolerate a little bit bit earlier than our pancreas (which secretes insulin, a hormone that helps sugar get into the cells) tells us to knock it off.
In normal, most of us like at the least some sweetness.
When we’re younger, we have a tendency to love sweetness extra and keep away from bitter meals extra. Yet every particular person’s response to sugar and candy style is exclusive.
With that mentioned, let’s get again to the questions at hand. Starting with…
Question #1: Does sugar trigger weight problems?
The time period “obese” (or “overweight”) is, like sugar, a contentious factor. In this text we’ll use it only for the aim of debate, so bear with us.
The World Health Organization defines “obese” as having a Body Mass Index greater than 30. Of course, some match athletes (like heavyweight boxers or rugby gamers) may need the next BMI however nonetheless have a low physique fats proportion.
However, for most people, having a BMI greater than 30 signifies that they've a higher-than-average stage of physique fats. 
(Indeed, some research that correlate BMI with physique fats testing counsel that BMI might even under-estimate how a lot physique fats an individual has.)
When it involves weight problems, there have at all times been people who find themselves heavier, and/or who've extra physique fats, than most other people like them.
However, over the past a number of many years, “average people” in industrialized nations have gotten heavier, larger, and gained extra physique fats pretty quickly.
It’s now statistically “normal”.
Although this shift is going on worldwide, and there are variations by ethnic group and socioeconomic class, it’s significantly noticeable as a normal pattern within the United States.
Along with physique weights, we will take a look at modifications in physique fats proportion and general health ranges. Here, we additionally see that over time, physique fats proportion has gone up, and health ranges have gone down.
Currently within the United States, the common physique fats proportion for males is round 28%, and the common for ladies is round 40%.
For comparability:
In normal, 11-22% for males, and between 22-33% physique fats for ladies, is taken into account a “healthy” vary.
Lower than that's nonetheless “healthy” (to a degree), however usually thought of “athletic” or “lean”.
Does elevated sugar consumption clarify physique weight traits?
Could sugar be accountable for altering physique weights and physique compositions in industrialized nations?
By reviewing knowledge from the USDA Economic Research Service, National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (NHANES), in addition to Food Frequency Questionnaires from the long-running Framingham Heart Study, we will observe meals consumption from a number of angles. These various streams of knowledge all present pretty constant traits.
They inform us that, since 1980, Americans:
Continued to eat the identical whole quantity of fats. (Though they typically ate much less naturally-occurring fat, like in entire fats dairy, and ate extra added fat, like oils.)
Ate extra carbohydrates. (Especially refined ones that included added sugars.)
So, as a % of whole energy consumed, fats dropped. But we didn’t find yourself consuming much less fats. We simply added extra sugar and different carbs on high of the fats we had been already consuming.
This added as much as roughly 200-400 additional energy per day.
In phrases of energy, that’s like consuming an additional McDonald’s hamburger or a double cheeseburger, on high of your current meals, day by day.
Whether these energy got here from sugar might be irrelevant.
This elevated vitality consumption alone, mixed with lowering charges of day by day bodily exercise, might be sufficient to elucidate individuals getting heavier.
Yes, however how would possibly sugar play a task?
We can’t say that sugar particularly was the offender behind the weight problems surge for everybody. (Remember, people fluctuate.)
But our elevated sugar consumption does appear to correlate with continued weight problems ranges… up till lately.
For about 4 hundred years, human beings have been having fun with an increasing number of sugar.
Once Europeans found tropical buying and selling routes and arrange low cost slave labor economies to boost sugar cane, sugar turned an increasing number of obtainable to the common particular person.
Indeed, sugar shortly turned the meals of the poor.
(It was mentioned that all the working class of the British Isles lived on jam and sugared tea in the course of the Industrial Revolution.)
As a primary colonial energy, the British as soon as claimed the title of greatest sugar shoppers. Per 12 months, the common Brit consumed:
Four lbs (1.eight kg) in 1704.
18 lbs (eight.2 kg) in 1800.
90 lbs (40.eight kg) in 1901.
However, as soon as they received rolling as a rustic, Americans weren’t far behind. Per 12 months, the common American consumed:
6 lbs (2.7 kg) of sugar in 1822.
40 lbs (18.1 kg) in 1900.
90 lbs (40.eight kg) by the 1920s.
There was a subsequent drop because of the Great Depression & World War II.
90 lbs per particular person once more by the 1980s.
Then they actually took off: By 1999, the US reached peak sugar consumption of practically 108 lbs (49 kg) of sugar per particular person per 12 months.
Between 1980-1999 Americans ate extra sugar. And weight problems charges received greater.
But then one thing modified: Our sugar consumption really began to lower.
Interestingly, since 1999 by 2013 (most up-to-date knowledge obtainable) consumption of added sugar has really declined by 18% (or as a lot as 22%, relying on the information).
This drop has introduced Americans’ present added sugar consumption again right down to 1987 ranges.
And throughout this time, whole carbohydrate consumption has dropped as properly. (Makes sense, as this was the daybreak of the low-carb phenomenon.)
Nevertheless, although sugar and carb consumption have declined over these 14 years, grownup weight problems has continued to climb—from 31% of the American inhabitants in 1999 to 38% as of 2013.
(Diabetes diagnoses have continued to climb as properly, which we’ll deal with in a second.)
So, regardless of reducing sugar consumption by practically 20% over a 14 12 months interval, weight problems (and diabetes) charges have continued to climb.
Along with intercourse, ethnic, and socioeconomic variations in weight problems charges, this implies that altering physique sizes and compositions might be a fancy, multi-factored phenomenon.
Bottom line right here: No single factor—together with sugar—causes weight problems.
Many elements work collectively to contribute to a constant vitality (calorie) surplus, which in the end results in fats acquire. One of these issues is usually sugar, however not at all times, and never alone.
Question #2: Does sugar trigger us to achieve weight / fats?
So, we will’t unequivocally blame sugar for elevated weight problems charges.
But many people are nonetheless questioning whether or not sugar is a gateway to fats acquire.
It appears logical. Carb and sugar consumption are the primary drivers of insulin launch. Insulin’s job is to assist retailer vitamins, together with fats.
Therefore, it appears apparent. Carbs and sugar trigger fats acquire, proper?
Once once more, our scientist associates reveal that it’s a bit extra sophisticated than that. Let’s check out a few research that discover this query.
Study 1: How do carbs, sugar, and/or insulin launch have an effect on physique fats?
In 2015, a small pilot research was performed by Dr. Kevin Hall to analyze the carb/sugar/insulin mannequin of weight problems.
What occurs if we maintain energy and protein the identical, however play with dietary sugar and fats ranges?
Here’s how the research labored.
19 contributors needed to dwell in a metabolic ward, the place the researchers managed nearly all the things about how they lived, what they ate, and many others.
The contributors tried each decrease carbohydrate (LC) and decrease fats (LF) diets.
They adopted every weight-reduction plan for 2 weeks, separated by a 2-Four week interval throughout which they returned to regular consuming.
All contributors spent the primary 5 days of both the low-carb or low-fat diets following a baseline plan of 50% carbs, 35% fats, and 15% protein. This was carried out so that every one contributors began on a fair enjoying area with an consumption that nearly matches what the common American eats.
Each participant needed to train on a treadmill for one hour day by day for the complete two weeks, to ensure bodily exercise ranges had been constant and equal.
After the primary 5 days, each teams had their energy diminished by 30% from the baseline weight-reduction plan (1918 energy vs 2740 energy). They then ate the decrease calorie weight-reduction plan for six days.
With each diets, vitality consumption (i.e. energy) and protein had been saved the identical. Only carbs and fats went up or down.
Lower carbohydrate:
101 g protein (21% of cals).
108 g fats (50% of cals).
140 g carbohydrate (29% of cals).
Lower fats:
105 g protein (21% of energy).
17 g of fats (eight% of energy).
352 g carbohydrate (71% of energy).
Let’s take a more in-depth take a look at how a lot the research contributors really ate.
On the decrease carbohydrate weight-reduction plan:
Of their carbohydrates, 37 g was sugar. This signifies that eight% of all energy had been coming from sugar.
This is way lower than the common American eats.
On the decrease fats weight-reduction plan:
Of their carbohydrates, 170 g was sugar. This signifies that 35% of all their energy had been coming from sugar. That is loads of sugar.
So what occurred?
Insulin manufacturing:
On the Lower Carbohydrate weight-reduction plan, individuals produced 22% much less insulin all through the day.
The Lower Fat weight-reduction plan didn’t change insulin output in any respect, because it had the identical whole carbs, and even barely extra sugar than the baseline weight-reduction plan.
Body weight:
People on the Lower Carbohydrate weight-reduction plan misplaced Four lbs (1.81 kg) of physique weight, and 1.16 lbs (zero.53 kg) of physique fats.
People on the Lower Fat weight-reduction plan misplaced Three lbs (1.36 kg) of physique weight, which included 1.29 lbs (zero.59 kg) of physique fats.
Note that physique weight reduction doesn’t essentially equal physique fats loss.
We also can lose physique weight from shedding glycogen, water, and/or physique protein—and that’s precisely what occurred to the individuals on the Lower Carb weight-reduction plan.
They misplaced extra general physique weight, however really misplaced much less fats. (Though a distinction of zero.13 lbs is irrelevant within the huge image. Who would discover that?)
Meanwhile, the parents on the Lower Fat weight-reduction plan misplaced extra physique fats however much less whole weight as a result of their physique was busy burning fats (reasonably than glycogen or lean physique mass) to fulfill its calorie wants.
After these outcomes had been in, the researchers then ran validated mathematical fashions that confirmed over longer intervals of time (say, longer than 6 months), the fats loss between the 2 teams could be roughly equal.
In different phrases, there was no specific physiological benefit to both weight-reduction plan by way of physique weight, nor physique fats loss, over the long run.
Study 2: Fine, let’s go decrease.
For this second research, the sport received hardcore: Drop the carbs and sugar a lot decrease for the Lower Carbohydrate group, simply to ensure the minimal variations discovered within the first research hadn’t been as a result of the carbs and sugar weren’t low sufficient.
Here’s how this second research labored:
17 chubby or overweight individuals participated.
First, they adopted a high-carb however calorically-restricted baseline weight-reduction plan for Four weeks (with 25% of energy from sugar).
Then, they spent Four weeks on a very-low-carb ketogenic weight-reduction plan (with 2% of energy from sugar), with equal energy to the baseline weight-reduction plan.
So what occurred?
The researchers discovered that everybody misplaced weight and fats all through the research.
However, when topics switched from the high-carb, 25%-sugar baseline weight-reduction plan to the ketogenic, 2%-sugar weight-reduction plan, fats loss really slowed down for the primary few weeks.
Much just like the earlier research, this occurred as a result of as individuals’s our bodies tailored to the ketogenic weight-reduction plan, they had been extra more likely to break down fat-free mass and protein shops (e.g. muscle).
Weight loss went sooner in the course of the ketogenic part, because of shedding glycogen and water.
But physique fats loss was really much less throughout this part (although not tremendously so, and it probably wouldn’t make any important distinction over time).
Overall, the researchers acknowledged that based mostly on the present proof, in addition to their validated mathematical fashions, long-term physique fats loss would probably be very related between the excessive sugar (high-carb) weight-reduction plan and the low sugar (low-carb) weight-reduction plan.
In different phrases, the quantity of sugar didn’t appear to affect the outcomes.
In the top, these, plus different research, appear to assist the concept:
Sugar, carbohydrate consumption, and/or insulin alone most likely aren’t the primary drivers of weight acquire.
Other analysis evaluating low-carb diets to low-fat diets has discovered related outcomes. The identical outcomes have additionally been discovered with:
Meta-analyses: Big opinions of different research. These kinds of knowledge are thought of among the many most strong as they discover loads of experiments from a much wider perspective, pulling in proof from dozens and even a whole bunch of research to strive to attract conclusions.
Systematic opinions: Methodologically rigorous comparisons and important analyses of different research. These sort of opinions are additionally thought of helpful, as a result of they take a skeptical perspective, in search of errors.
There have been at the least 20 managed in-patient feeding research the place protein and energy are saved equal, however carbs are diverse from 20% to 75% of whole energy (and sugar intakes ranged considerably as properly).
Of all these research, none of them discovered any really important variations in physique fats ranges when individuals had been consuming both excessive carb (and excessive sugar) or low carb (and low sugar) diets.
In different phrases, so long as protein and energy had been equal, the quantity of sugar individuals ate didn’t make a distinction.
There have been at the least 12 different systematic opinions and meta-analyses printed over the previous 10+ years on long-term low-carb diets (that are invariably additionally low-sugar diets).
Of these 12 opinions:
Three had been in favor of low-carb
Three had been in favor of non-low-carb comparisons (e.g. low fats, Mediterranean, vegan, low glycemic index, and many others.)
6 had been impartial, that means they concluded that numerous approaches might be equally legitimate and efficient.
Yes, however how would possibly sugar play a task?
Sweet meals might improve vitality consumption.
In 2013, a evaluate commissioned by the World Health Organization investigated how sugar affected fats acquire.
It discovered that growing sugar consumption can improve physique weight, and reducing sugar consumption can lower physique weight… however solely by altering vitality steadiness, not by any physiological or metabolic impact of sugar itself.
In different phrases, if we eat extra sugary meals, we could be consuming extra vitality (i.e. energy) general.
Sweet meals are sometimes processed and extremely palatable.
This is particularly true as a result of most high-sugar meals are refined, tasty, and exhausting to cease consuming. We digest and take in the vitality they include shortly and simply, they overstimulate the reward/pleasure facilities in our mind, and we are inclined to overeat them.
Plus, hidden sugars in processed meals (like yogurt, granola, juice) and even so-called “health foods” / “fitness foods” can add up quick with out us even realizing.
These meals and our mind’s response to them, not the sugar by itself, can usually result in overconsumption.
So the sugar itself could also be much less of a offender than the truth that many people simply can’t stop at only one gummi bear or sip of soda.
What else is happening, apart from sugar consumption?
Most of our purchasers who wrestle with their weight, physique fats, consuming habits, and well being inform us: It’s not simply concerning the meals. There are many elements concerned: stress, sleep, metabolic well being, way of life, social setting, and so forth.
Sugar alone doesn't clarify the complexity of our our bodies’ well being, operate, fats proportion, nor weight. Metabolism is sophisticated.
And, as at all times, do not forget that individuals fluctuate in response to specific diets.
Some individuals do higher with greater carbohydrates and decrease fat. Some do higher the opposite approach spherical.
This is probably going as a result of genetic variations, particular person satiety variations from fat vs carbs, private preferences, and presumably even variations within the bacterial populations in our GI tracts.
The above research don’t present exhausting and quick guidelines that may at all times apply to everybody.
This is particularly true provided that many research populations had been small and doubtless related by way of age, intercourse, ethnicity, and different vital elements that may have an effect on our physiological response to a given weight-reduction plan.
But they do point out that sugar is just not some form of unusually evil substance that causes weight acquire or prevents fats loss.
Question #Three: Does sugar trigger diabetes?
Diabetes is a illness the place we will’t correctly regulate the sugar in our blood.
It appears logical, then, that consuming extra sugar would possibly improve our threat for diabetes, significantly Type 2 diabetes, also referred to as adult-onset diabetes.
Unlike Type 1 diabetes, which generally begins in childhood and is taken into account an autoimmune illness (wherein our personal our bodies assault wholesome cells of our pancreas, which usually produces insulin), Type 2 diabetes sometimes begins later in life and (amongst different elements) is linked to long-term meals and train behaviors.
Type 2 diabetes usually begins with insulin resistance, or impaired glucose management.
This signifies that over time, insulin is much less and fewer in a position to do its job of shifting glucose into our cells for protected storage. Your physician would possibly take a look at this with numerous blood assessments, reminiscent of an A1c take a look at, which measures how a lot sugar is being carried round on hemoglobin, a blood protein.
Type 2 diabetes (in addition to different metabolic ailments) are additionally associated to how a lot fats we've in our livers and in or round different organs (reminiscent of our hearts and kidneys).
There does appear to be a hyperlink between how a lot refined sugar we eat and insulin resistance. Eating an excessive amount of sugar also can improve fats accumulation within the liver.
For instance, a current research discovered that for each 150 calorie improve in day by day sugar consumption (primarily a 12 ozsoda, or ~37 g) corresponded with a 1.1% elevated threat for diabetes.
Other elements form our illness threat, too.
That threat above would possibly sound scary, but it surely’s vital to maintain it in perspective.
Other analysis has proven that shedding 7% physique weight and doing about 20 minutes of day by day bodily exercise decreased diabetes threat by 58%.
And many different research have corroborated these findings, telling us that shedding a little bit weight / fats and doing a little bit extra train, persistently, will considerably decrease our diabetes threat.
In truth, a current meta-analysis supplied some compelling info on diabetes threat:
~60-90% of Type 2 diabetes is said to weight problems or weight acquire, not sugar consumption.
Having a major quantity of extra physique fats / weight can improve diabetes threat by 90 occasions.
If people who find themselves within the overweight class lose about 10% of their preliminary physique weight, they dramatically enhance their blood glucose management.
Weight administration (not sugar discount) seems to be crucial therapeutic goal for most people with Type 2 diabetes.
This is sensible if we perceive how adipose (fats) tissue works: It’s a biologically energetic tissue that secretes hormones and different cell alerts.
If we've an excessive amount of of it, adipose tissue can disrupt metabolic well being, together with how we regulate and retailer blood sugar.
Does fructose contribute?
Some researchers have prompt that fructose, a selected sort of easy sugar (aka monosaccharide) present in fruit in addition to many processed meals, would possibly play a particular position in diabetes.
We know that fructose is digested, absorbed, and utilized in particular methods in our our bodies.
Does that imply that fructose may need distinctive properties that might improve our diabetes threat?
Let’s have a look.
One meta-analysis checked out 64 substitution trials (wherein fructose changed one other carbohydrate with no change in whole energy), and 16 addition trials (the place fructose was added to regular consumption).
In the trials the place fructose was substituted for one more carbohydrate, the common fructose consumption was 102 g per day.
In the trials the place fructose was added on high of the contributors’ regular consumption, the common fructose consumption was 187 g per day.
Compared to the common American fructose consumption of ~49 g per day, these are extraordinary intakes. To obtain these sorts of intakes would require as much as 13 cups of ice cream, or consumption of 10 cans of soda.
Possible? Yes.
Daily norm? Sure hope not.
A current evaluate paper summed up the state of the proof on fructose properly, primarily stating:
The best-quality proof up to now doesn't assist the speculation that fructose consumption instantly causes cardiometabolic ailments.
The evaluate added that fructose-containing sugars can result in weight acquire, together with will increase in cardiometabolic threat elements and illness, however provided that these fructose-laden meals present extra energy.
Overall, analysis does counsel that a excessive consumption of all sugar (together with fructose) would possibly barely improve the chance of diabetes growth by itself.
However, this analysis additionally signifies that the majority of this threat is because of the excessive sugar consumption resulting in extra calorie consumption, and subsequently elevated physique fats (which ends up in irritation, and in the end insulin resistance).
An completely immense quantity of analysis persistently and strongly signifies that the primary causes of diabetes are:
extra physique fats,
insufficient bodily exercise, and
genetic predisposition.
On that final level, we all know that diabetes threat, in addition to threat of metabolic ailments and propensity to achieve physique fats, differs considerably by ethnic group or genetic subgroup. For occasion, many teams of indigenous persons are vastly extra more likely to wrestle with these points, as are individuals of African ancestry residing in North America, or individuals of South Asian ancestry.
So your private threat of those ailments additionally relies on the place your ancestors got here from, what genetic make-up they gave you, and/or how that genetic make-up interacts together with your setting.
The backside line right here: Managing your sugar consumption is only one small software in your diabetes-fightin’ toolbox. However, far and away, essentially the most useful gizmo is weight (and physique fats) administration, nevertheless you handle to perform it.
Question #Four: Does sugar trigger heart problems?
The time period “cardiometabolic disease” refers to a broad group of associated ailments, just like the Type 2 diabetes we point out above, together with different ailments associated to the advanced phenomenon of:
metabolic disruption,
modifications in hormonal and cell signaling,
irritation, and
an incapability to manage regular physiological processes (like DNA restore).
These ailments can seem in lots of organs or organ programs. When they hit the guts and/or circulatory system of blood vessels, we name them “cardiovascular disease”. They present up as issues like coronary heart assaults, strokes, clogged arteries, and so forth.
A coronary heart assault, or coronary heart illness, was a loss of life sentence. With higher therapy and new drugs, persons are surviving longer and residing higher with heart problems.
Over the previous 50 years or so, deaths from coronary heart illness have declined by over 60% regardless of sugar consumption growing by about 20 lbs per particular person per 12 months over that point (and by greater than 30 lbs per particular person per 12 months on the 1999 peak consumption).
Researchers estimate that about half of that 60% lower could be from higher medical care. The different half probably comes from lowering the chance elements, reminiscent of:
reducing blood strain
smoking much less
reducing blood levels of cholesterol
Of course, as we’ve seen, consuming extra vitality within the type of sugar can improve physique fats. And, due to its chemically energetic nature, extra physique fats positively will increase heart problems threat.
So consuming loads of sugar can actually play a task.
But heart problems, as with different metabolic ailments, is advanced.
It’s not only one factor.
It’s all of the issues.
It’s how we dwell, how we work, how energetic we're, how careworn we're, what’s in our surroundings, and the assorted different elements that affect our well being.
There are different elements apart from sugar in metabolic illness.
Indeed, if we take a look at elements that we all know for positive are associated to the chance of metabolic illness, solely about Three% of Americans uphold 4 important wholesome way of life behaviors persistently:
Not smoking.
Maintaining a wholesome physique weight.
Eating 5 or extra servings of fruit and veggies per day.
Being bodily energetic at the least 30 minutes a day 5 occasions every week at a reasonable depth.
On high of that, let’s think about two different recognized preventative strategies for metabolic illness…
Keeping stress ranges reasonable.
Sleeping properly, 7-9 hours per night time, persistently.
…now we’re most likely at 1% of Americans.
Once once more, sugar consumption might be one piece of the puzzle. But it’s only one piece—and doubtless a really small one.
Question #5: How a lot sugar is OK to eat?
Let’s get actual right here.
Sugar is just not a well being meals.
It doesn’t nourish us.
It doesn’t add loads of nutrient worth: It doesn’t give us any nutritional vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, antioxidants, fiber, or water.
Eating loads of sugar doesn’t make our our bodies higher, stronger, more healthy, or extra practical.
Sugar doesn’t add worth, actually not when in comparison with different meals or macronutrients like protein or omega-Three fatty acids.
But biology is advanced.
Diseases are advanced too.
We can’t blame one chemical for all of the well being issues we've.
Good well being is neither created nor destroyed by a single meals.
Again, human beings are various.
We fluctuate broadly in all types of how, together with:
How a lot carbohydrates we have to thrive or carry out properly.
How properly we digest, take in, and use sugars, in addition to how successfully and safely we retailer or eliminate the surplus.
How sugar impacts our urge for food, starvation, fullness, means to cease consuming it.
How we really feel about and behave round sugar.
How sugar “spins our brain dials” and provides us a way of reward.
So we will’t say that “X amount of sugar is always best for everyone, all the time” or that “People should never eat any sugar.” It simply doesn’t work that approach.
Some individuals would possibly select to chop out sugar fully.
Some individuals would possibly attempt to micromanage their consumption right down to the gram.
Some individuals can simply roll with a normal “eat less-processed foods” guideline, and be effective.
Some individuals do discover that a low-sugar, low-carb or perhaps a ketogenic weight-reduction plan works for them. While others thrive on high-carb diets.
That mentioned, being conscious of your sugar consumption might be a good suggestion.
The 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends limiting sugar to 10% of your consumption. So, for instance, in case you’re consuming 2000 energy per day, that might be roughly 200 energy from sugar, or 50 grams.
What does this all imply?
Let’s sum up what the science suggests:
Sugars are fundamental organic molecules that our our bodies use in some ways.
Each particular person’s response to sugar (whether or not physiological or behavioral) might be a little bit completely different. This goes for carbohydrates basically too.
Sugar is just not a well being meals. But sugar alone doesn’t essentially trigger most persistent well being issues like diabetes or cardiovascular ailments, that are multifactorial.
Sugar is vitality dense. If eaten in extra (like most meals), sugar can contribute to weight / fats acquire.
This weight / fats acquire might be largely from the additional energy, not some particular properties of sugars (or carbohydrates basically, or insulin).
Some individuals discover it exhausting to cease consuming sugar / candy meals. This can also contribute to weight / fats acquire—once more, due to the additional vitality consumption.
We probably eat extra sugar than we understand, because it’s hidden in so many meals merchandise.
Yet, after working with 1000's of purchasers:
For most individuals, slicing out sugar fully, attempting to abide by inflexible guidelines, or basing dietary selections on concern, most likely isn’t sustainable or real looking.
That’s why, at Precision Nutrition, we desire a extra balanced method.
What to do subsequent: Some ideas from Precision Nutrition.
1. Recognize that well being considerations are extra advanced than a single smoking gun.
The health and diet trade likes to say that one issue is accountable for all the things (or that one magical meals / exercise / mantra will remedy all the things). It additionally likes to over-simplify and moralize (e.g. that is “bad”, that is “good”).
You don’t have to know physiology to know the concept issues are advanced.
There are many elements that go into good well being, athletic efficiency, bodily operate, and wellbeing.
This means you must…
2. Begin with elementary behaviors.
Sugar is one half in a a lot larger puzzle.
Review this guidelines and see what number of of those elementary behaviors you do properly and persistently. That means day by day, or most days:
Don’t smoke.
Keep your alcohol consumption reasonable.
Eat slowly and mindfully.
Eat sufficient lean protein.
Eat 5+ servings of fruit and/or veggies per day, ideally colourful ones.
Eat some wholesome fat.
Get some motion for at the least 20-30 minutes a day.
Get 7-9 hours of good-quality sleep each night time.
Reduce stress.
Spend time with individuals you like, and/or who assist you.
Do issues which are significant and purposeful to you.
These are all behaviors that we all know for positive are health-promoting and disease-preventing.
Three. Become conscious of your general vitality steadiness.
Take a clear-headed take a look at how a lot meals you’re consuming in your physique’s wants, and the way a lot exercise you’re doing.
Are you consuming the correct amount in your physiological necessities?
If you’re heavier or carrying extra physique fats than you’d desire, you could want to regulate how a lot you're consuming and/or exercising.
This might imply reducing your sugar consumption, and/or it could imply consuming rather less of different meals general.
Four. Become conscious of what’s in your meals.
Read labels. Sugar lives in processed meals, even meals you wouldn’t anticipate (like salad dressings or frozen dinners).
Better than studying labels, ask how one can eat extra meals with out labels. (Like fruits and veggies, beans and legumes, nuts and seeds, meats and seafood, and many others.)
Transitioning to less-processed and less-sweetened variations of assorted meals is a straightforward option to decrease your sugar consumption and get the advantages of a greater nutrient consumption. Double win!
5. Maintain a wholesome weight.
There isn't any single “healthy” weight. Your weight could also be greater than common, or it could be inside a “normal” vary.
What is most vital is that this weight is wholesome for you (which you’ll know as a result of all of your indicators like blood work or athletic efficiency and restoration look good).
If you assume you might want to lose a little bit weight/fats to look, really feel, and/or carry out higher, the excellent news is that you just usually don’t must lose very a lot to see metabolic advantages.
You don’t should be super-lean… and actually, many individuals received’t profit from attempting to do this anyway.
6. Be aware of your general consuming patterns, habits, and views.
Are you consuming slowly and mindfully? Can you cease if you’re glad?
Are you utilizing sugar-rich meals as a “treat”? How usually?
Do you're feeling “deprived” in case you don’t “get” to have sugar?
If you may have a sugary meals, are you able to cease consuming it if you’ve had “enough”? Is there an “enough” with some meals?
How does sugar match into your life and general habits? Is that working for you?
7. Keep it in perspective. Add “treats” carefully.
Around right here, we maintain it actual.
We like “treats”, “junk food” and engaging stuff simply as a lot as anybody else, whether or not that’s a glass of wine, a bowl of ice cream, or a sizzling canine on the ball recreation.
We simply maintain the parts reasonable and don’t have “treats” for breakfast, lunch, and dinner day by day.
For most individuals, a little bit little bit of sugar matches simply effective into an general nutritious diet sample.
If you’re in search of numbers, we propose you shoot for together with “treats” or different discretionary indulgences at 10-20% of your meals. If you eat Three meals a day for every week, meaning about 2-Four of these 21 meals would possibly embrace one thing enjoyable or “less nutritious”.
eight. Ask your self what works for you and what doesn’t.
If you wrestle with sugar (as an example, if it makes you're feeling unwell, otherwise you really feel like you possibly can’t eat candy meals in applicable quantities), then it’s most likely not a great meals for YOU.
Try experimenting with reducing your sugar consumption regularly (as an example, by making easy substitutions like consuming water or seltzer as a substitute of soda), and see what occurs.
Look for meals that you just love, and that love you again—that make you're feeling good and carry out properly, that offer you sustained and long-lasting vitality, that maintain your moods stage, and that maintain you feeling “normal” as an eater.
9. If you’re a coach, maintain it actual and optimistic.
Don’t scare your purchasers. Don’t lecture them. Don’t moralize.
Help them. Learn about them. Understand them.
Although analysis might say that on common low-carb isn't any more practical than different dietary methods long-term, or that sugar by itself is just not addictive, or some other innumerable statistics, your purchasers are actual individuals. They usually are not averages.
Each particular person’s most popular method, distinctive circumstances, and private experiences should be fastidiously thought of and brought into consideration when working collectively.
Go slowly, step-by-step. Make positive your shopper can really do what must be carried out.
Fit the dietary technique to the shopper, not the shopper to the dietary technique.
10. Use knowledge.
Track your well being and bodily efficiency indicators.
Schedule common medical checkups.
Look at stuff like how you're feeling, how your temper is, the way you sleep, how your bloodwork seems, how properly you recuperate from exercises (and life basically), and many others.
Follow the proof. If all the things seems stellar, maintain doing no matter you’re doing.
If you’re a coach, otherwise you need to be…
Learning how one can coach purchasers, sufferers, associates, or relations by wholesome consuming and way of life modifications—in a approach that’s evidence-based, sensible, and individualized for every particular person’s way of life, preferences, and targets—is each an artwork and a science.
If you’d wish to be taught extra about each, think about the Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certification. The subsequent group kicks off shortly.
What’s all of it about?
The Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certification is the world’s most revered diet schooling program. It offers you the data, programs, and instruments you might want to actually perceive how meals influences an individual’s well being and health. Plus the power to show that data right into a thriving teaching apply.
Developed over 15 years, and confirmed with over 100,000 purchasers and sufferers, the Level 1 curriculum stands alone because the authority on the science of diet and the artwork of teaching.
Whether you’re already mid-career, or simply beginning out, the Level 1 Certification is your springboard to a deeper understanding of diet, the authority to educate it, and the means to show what you already know into outcomes.
[Of course, if you’re already a student or graduate of the Level 1 Certification, check out our Level 2 Certification Master Class. It’s an exclusive, year-long mentorship designed for elite professionals looking to master the art of coaching and be part of the top 1% of health and fitness coaches in the world.]
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Click right here to view the knowledge sources referenced on this article.
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What sugar does to your physique. Everything you might want to know. is republished from Weight Loss Fitness
from Weight Loss Fitness - Feed https://weightlossfitnesss.info/what-sugar-does-to-your-physique-everything-you-might-want-to-know/
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dydturktek · 5 years
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Pretty Russian Women
What carries out a prosperous guy need to have? Also one of the most friendly as well as productive men know that life is actually not full without a loving lady. That is why a considerable amount of good males would like to discover a bride that is going to create their lives also happier. Some people download dating applications, some are searching for a best girlfriend on socials media, some end up being the routine site visitors of prominent bars as well as nightclub, and the rest seek a fiancée in other countries.
It is certainly not a technique that Russian brides are actually the best desirable women. They are gorgeous and smart, fairly conservative as well as all at once open to the new things. They are actually enchanting and zealous, so not surprising that loads of people from different nations are crazy about all of them. Are you as well? Would certainly you just like to fulfill a warm-hearted female from chilly Russia? Within this situation, you might be intrigued to know whatever about these mystical beauties. Our objective is to supply you all the info you might require to locate single Russian females and also succeed a center of an exclusive girl.
Traits you require to understand about Russian women for marriage
Talk to 10 various folks regarding pretty loverusbrides.com sign in Russian women –– there is a strong possibility that you will definitely hear at least five various solutions. Some individuals consider all of them to become incredibly pleasant and gorgeous, some presume that there are a bunch of gold-diggers one of all of them, and also some will certainly state that these gals are actually exceptionally eye-catching but cold as ice. Where is actually the reality? Just how to identify realities coming from stereotypes? How to learn if a Russian girl is precisely that you need? Listed below are the most notable features of Russian gals that are absolutely real.
They are actually great looking
You have possibly heard that singular Russian girls are very attractive, and also holds true. Male that have checked out Russia generally take note that there are hundreds of charms in the streets, clubs, shopping stores. They are essentially everywhere. Some could claim that also the best beautiful Russian women become “& ldquo; babushkas & rdquo; in their 40s or even 50s. This held true about 60 years back. The amount of times change, and now these ladies stay younger as well as attractive in their senior years. Moreover, there are actually very different women in Russia, for all tastes. If you are searching for blonde Russian women, you will find a lot of them on any kind of dating website. If you would like to comply with a wonderful Slavic redhead, no worry –– a lot of these appeals possess gorgeous organic dark hair.
Russia mail order brides are fairly conservative
Sex functions in many family members in Russia are strictly divided. It would certainly mistake to point out that this country carried out certainly not fall intoxicated of the most up-to-date social patterns, particularly, feminist views, yet there is also no refusing the truth that most of the Russian family members are actually really typical. Moreover, even the operating women there are terrific wives as well as caring mothers, which is impressive.
They are actually fun-loving
If you do certainly not desire to stay a monotonous life with a woman that believes simply around household chores, choose a Russian mail order wife, and also you are going to certainly never be actually bored with her. These girls enjoy brand-new encounters, enjoy interacting with new folks and check out brand-new areas.
Russian wives are actually good chefs
A lot of Russian women for marital relationship can easily’& rsquo; t picture their lives without prepping great tasting dishes for their adored ones. In short, you can easily anticipate your other half to cook wonderful suppers for you certainly not merely considering that she must but also given that she likes it.
They are actually excellent mothers
Russian women seeking marital relationship normally desire to have kids along with a great spouse. They are the most caring mothers ever before, however they do certainly not spoil children. Their children typically obtain everything they require yet not everything they want. Naturally, this performs not imply that youngsters will certainly live in Spartan health conditions. This suggests that a Russian mommy does all she must carry out to prepare her loved child and/or child to real world in a society.
Russian mail order brides are smart
Some folks incorrectly feel that these females are narrow-minded. Properly, this is actually not real. Men from various nations adore Slavic elegances not merely due to their appeal but likewise due to their knowledge. It is almost a should to have a college level there certainly, therefore a lot of the ladies are well-educated.
They are actually small
Russian wives are actually not as timid as Oriental ladies, yet they are actually really moderate and also courteous. They understand how to behave and how to communicate with other people. They perform certainly not create scenes in public as well as are actually regularly trying to find a trade-off at home. These females take into consideration conversation to become the trick to rapport, affection, regard, as well as unity.
Tips on dating a Russia mail order bride
Dress up. These women, also one of the most beautiful Russian women, make a great initiative to appear gorgeous every time. They perform certainly not anticipate guys to seem like Brad Pitt, yet they anticipate him to become tidy and elegant. You can acquire attention as well as create an excellent impact through your really good appearance, therefore do certainly not miss this chance.
Appreciation her lifestyle. These girls detest foreigners that present dishonor to their country, lifestyle, and foreign language. If you wish to win her affection, saying to one thing poor concerning Russia will cause a failing. Show that you like her lifestyle, ask her the correct inquiries, display your passion in Russian traditions.
Mind your etiquettes. Behave and well mannered, as well as carry out not rush. Even discussing the intimate relations is actually a bad tip if you are actually not really near. Some could point out that Russian singles are normally easy, but this is certainly not true. Any of these women wants to view that a guy adores her before they continue in relationship.
Be ready to spend for dinner. This is actually certainly not a must, and several of these girls will certainly also offer you to split the bill in half, however the majority of all of them will definitely anticipate you to spend for dinner. This takes place certainly not considering that she wants to consume at your cost yet because of the standard gender functions.
Be actually straightforward. Carry out certainly not try to lie to her –– she will certainly notice it. These females are quite open, honest, as well as straightforward as well as they would like to be along with a man that is going to not try to deceive all of them. She wants to know you better and also fall for your individuality, so carry out not conceal it coming from her.
Trust fund her. Confidence is the essential to success. There is actually no refuting that men like Russian females because of their appeal, as well as there is actually a possibility that they will certainly bath her with attention. However, the only thing that really matters is how she alleviates you. She is going to consistently be actually well mannered along with her fans, however she will definitely never ever cheat on you if she definitely likes you. Be actually positive and also remember that if a Russian girl is actually along with you, she does not need to have anyone else.
Exactly how to get a Russian bride
Right now you recognize a whole lot regarding these enigma women from a cold nation. So, the next stage is finding one of all of them and also starting a severe relationship. How to do this? Well, there go to least three ways to fulfill a Russian mail order partner of your dreams.
Hunt for Slavic beauties on social networks. There are actually several Russian emigres in the U.S.A., nations of Western Europe, Canada, and Australia. There is actually an opportunity that you will encounter your future wife on one of the socials media, but sadly, it is actually certainly not thus great. The fact is you will definitely have to invest a bunch of time trying to find a single Russian woman in your area, and also there is no warranty that she is motivated to create a major connection and also family shortly.
Relate to Russia. Of course, you may happen or perhaps transfer to Russia if you desire to. Nonetheless, if you want to take a quick journey, you must know that the chance of meeting a special female is actually fifty%. Russian singles are actually beautiful and also encountering all of them personally is a really good concept, the inquiry is if you are ready to such an action plus all the costs.
Discover Russian brides on specialized web sites. This is probably the most convenient and also most affordable method to meet a Slavic elegance without leaving the country. Presently, there are actually lots of good dating web sites you can easily participate in to enjoy communicating along with excellent ladies overseas. Only do not decide on the very first platform you discover in Google.com: unfortunately, there are actually some sham internet sites with fake accounts and also incredibly pricey services. As a result, mindful study ought to be actually produced just before you choose a site.
Can you purchase a Russian bride? Certainly, certainly not. There is no specific Russian mail order brides cost –– within this instance everything relies on the strategy you cultivate: the system you sign up with, the gifts you send out, romance tours you purchase, and so on
. Exactly how to satisfy Russian ladies online?
For this reason, locating a Slavic woman online is the most successful approach. But exactly how to decide on a good, trustworthy dating specialist? There are some recommendations you need to have to comply with to discover a platform that is truly worth joining.
Analyze the participant structure. The amount of men and women are members of the website’& rsquo; s community? Is there an odds of winning a female’& rsquo; s interest? If the void between the amount of man and also female accounts is actually extremely big, deal with joining an additional system.
Sight the participants’ & rsquo; profiles. Enrolling to such internet sites is actually free of cost. After you comprehensive sign up, you get access to the profile pages. If there is a proof method, this is a great sign. If the profile pages are actually very thorough, it is a good factor to select this platform. If the profiles do not seem real, prevent this site.
Analyze the invoicing plan. If you can certainly not discover a catalog on the site, deliver a notification to assist. The cost plan has to be reasonable. Dating companies do certainly not usually cost a ton of money, so if the platform seems also costly only pick an additional one: today there are a great deal of dating web sites that deliver fantastic solutions at a sensible expense.
Assess the attributes. One of the most crucial element is the high quality as well as lot of solutions supplied through a website. Are there adequate communication tools? Perform they allow you to take pleasure in interacting and building a partnership with various other members? Address these concerns prior to you make a decision.
Such an evaluation will certainly take a bunch of opportunity, yet the result is completely worth the effort, mainly because selecting the incorrect website will definitely lead to negative repercussions. Nevertheless, you may get an easier street and also check out the reviews on BrideBoutique to spare time and pick a high-grade going out with system with no problem.
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rolandfontana · 5 years
How to React to a China Economy in Decline: The China Lawyer Edition
If you believe China’s economy is still growing at a 6+ percent clip, I’ve got a bridge I’d like to sell you.
But how is it that pretty much everybody who follows China knows its six percent GDP growth figure is inflated? Everybody seems to have their own way of knowing China’s economy has been suffering. Our food clients insist that China food production is way down and its food prices are way up and this is causing China no end of problems. Wells Fargo looks at China’s diesel fuel consumption and notes that is down by more than 30% in just the last couple of months and considers that an indication of its economy being way down as well. See An under-the-radar way to measure economic growth in China is painting a bleak picture. Many of our clients (especially our European ones for some reason), insist they can tell China is hurting just by how the factories are treating them.
I personally use the following six measures all of which historically increase when China’s economy declines and all of which went warp speed earlier this month:
The number of foreign companies getting into legal trouble in China. Whenever China’s economy slows, its government starts looking for foreign companies out of compliance with Chinese laws. It does this both to show its citizens that it is working on their behalf and to raise money by collecting on unpaid taxes, with interest and oftentimes steep penalties. In particular we are seeing yet another increase in China going after foreign companies doing business in China without a WFOE. See Doing Business in China Without a WFOE: Will the Defendant Please Rise and China’s Tax Authorities Want You.
The number of scams. The one we are seeing most often these days is a true oldy-but goody come to China to sign a contract scam. See The Come to China to Sign the Contract Scam: A Classic for Good Reasons. I just love the email I got this morning from a company that was being baited for this very scam: “We’ve been contacted by a Chinese company with a pretty basic website and ambiguous addresses, that right after receiving our product list placed an order for more than 200k euros of our product without even trying a sample. They will pay 40% t/t in advance so we can prepare the goods (they gave us 4 months time) and 60% before we send everything. We are wondering how they intend to screw us.”
The number of foreign companies coming to us with Sinosure problems. We have seen more Sinosure issues in the last 23 days than in probably the last 23 months. See China Sinosure: What You NEED to Know. Our China lawyers attribute this to Chinese factories believing late payment or non-payment (even if due to a quality issue) is because their foreign company buyer is planning an exodus to start having its products made in Taiwan or Thailand or Vietnam or Indonesia or Mexico or wherever and they had better move fast to get paid.
The number of foreign companies coming to us with China quality control issues/disputes. These go up when times are bad because the Chinese factories cut quality to save money and care a lot less about trying to retain their customers because they believe they will be fleeing to Thailand/Taiwan/Vietnam/Mexico/Indonesia or wherever. See China Manufacturing and How to Prevent Quality Problems.
The number of foreign companies coming to us with China counterfeiting and trademark issues. See China Trademark Theft. It’s Baaaaaack in a Big Way. Chinese factories are increasingly thinking, “why not copy my customers’ product and brand name since they are going to be leaving me soon for Taiwan/Thailand/Vietnam/Mexico/Indonesia or wherever in any event.”
The number of foreign companies seeking help in recovering their stolen molds. China Mold Ownership/Mold Protection Agreements: More Important Than Ever. Mold issues typically arise when a foreign company seeks to leave its existing China supplier. With so many foreign companies leaving their Chinese suppliers, mold disputes are on the rise.
The sheer number of clients coming to us for help in figuring out how they can diversify their manufacturing beyond China or simply leave China entirely. In the last 23 days, we have done a roughly equal number of NNN Agreements for Mexico, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam (combined) as for China. See U.S. Imports from Vietnam Soar as Chinese Factories Simply Move Countries, noting how “American imports from Vietnam rose 40.2 percent in the first three months of 2019, compared to the previous year.” See also, Mexico reaps gains from US-China trade war, on how Mexico just passed China as the leading exporter to the United States.
No matter your method of measure or your perspective, the US-China trade war is generating change, increasing risk and uncertainty, and more than anything, upending the way many Chinese and American companies do business.
Since the very beginning of US-China trade negotiations we have been unequivocally negative on the likelihood of a deal and our response to this has been consistent. We first publicly sounded this warning call back in October, 2018, in China, the United States and the New Normal, though we had been warning our own clients months about this for months. In this post, we wrote about how no matter the resolution to the US-China trade war, things would NOT revert back to the way they had been. We dubbed the present tense situation between China and the United States as the New Normal.”
Since pretty much the inception of the US-China trade war we have been saying that we do not see its end because we have always seen it as more than a trade war. At first, we saw the US tariffs as an effort by the United States to get China to “open up” and “act right” on things like the internet and IP. But because we did not see China changing on these things, we did not see the trade war ending.
The day before President Trump’s May 5 tariff tweet, we came out with our most unabashedly negative post yet, entitle The US-China Trade War: Winter is Coming. In that post we noted how “the United States is aggressively and unabashedly doing what it can to isolate China and to remove it from the world of international trade. The new free trade agreement between the United States and Canada is further proof of this as it essentially blocks Canada and Mexico from engaging in free trade with China. See What Trump’s new trade pact signals about China. Word is that shutting out China is going to become a regular thing in all new U.S. trade agreements. See US Commerce’s Ross eyes anti-China ‘poison pill’ for new trade deals. Will the EU and Japan and Latin America play ball on this? I predict that most if not all of them will.
We then listed out our previous blog posts on what foreign companies should do in light of the then new tariffs imposed against China (much of which information is relevant for the tariffs that will go into effect at 12:01 a.m. THIS Friday:
China Tariffs and What to do Now, Part 1
China Tariffs and What to do Now, Part 2 
China, Wine, and Tariffs | China Law Blog
China/U.S. Tariffs and How to Fight Back 
On the Impact of China Tariffs: Is This a Dead Cat Bounce?
U.S. Tariffs Against Vaping Imports from China: Don’t Let Your Industry go up in Smoke
And so began our steady stream of posts exhorting companies to look more closely at countries other than China….
What though does a slowly China economy really mean for the companies doing business with China and/or in China? One of the compound questions our China lawyers get almost daily from our clients is “what is happening with China’s economy and what should we do about it.” I will below try to partially answer both halves of that question.
My law firm’s assessment of China’s economy is based on what we read in the mainstream Western media, in the Chinese media, and on both Western and China social media. Perhaps most importantly, it is based on what you, our readers, tell us in your comments and in your emails to us and on what our own clients tell us.
As you can see from thea above, what we have been reading and hearing and seeing is that China’s economy continues to sink. A few months back, The South China Morning Post did a story on how China’s manufacturing profits have fallen nearly 16 percent year-on-year, to their lowest level since 2011 and the “biggest crash since 2009.” See China’s economic concerns mount as industrial profits crash to lowest since 2011. The numbers have no doubt only gotten considerably worse since then. Way back in October, 2018, we came out with a controversial post, titled, Would the Last Company Manufacturing in China Please Turn Off the Lights. In that post we unequivocally stated that American and European companies were moving their manufacturing out of China:
The title is an exaggeration, of course. But with my law firm’s international lawyers fielding a steady stream of client requests for help with leaving China for Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Cambodia, India, The Philippines, Indonesia, [Taiwan] India and Turkey (mostly), it does sometimes feel as though within three years nobody will be making widgets in China anymore.
On top of the client and potential client calls, we have also been getting a steady stream of reporters asking us for permission to talk to our clients leaving or looking to leave China. We tell them that for various reasons, none of our clients are likely to want to discuss their leaving China and then they usually tell us that they “understand.” See How To Terminate Your China Supplier: Very Carefully and How to Leave China AND Survive.
Yet all this can for you as a foreign business (and not just in manufacturing) can be a good thing.
During a prior China downturn (2008-2009) we wrote, Is Your China Business Recession Resistant? What Is? In that post, we highlighted how when an economy declines, let’s say 10%, not every industry sector declines 10%. Some really tank and others thrive:
One of the things I have always found fascinating is how macro economic issues can have such widely varying micro economic impacts. By this I mean that when an economy starts tanking, let’s say 10%, the impact on individual businesses can be all over the map.
I remember becoming starkly aware of this during the 1997 Asian Crisis, as I spent a considerable amount of time in Korea that year. The news was doing a story on the drop in imported goods coming into Korea. Now I do not remember the numbers very well at all, but I think imports had declined about 20%. But the really interesting part was how unevenly this fall in imports was among various products. The one that stands out for me is that some fruit (I am 99% sure it was either kumquats or quinces) had gone from $20 million in imports the year before to absolutely zero. Zero. The reason given for this was that it was a luxury and that such luxuries were no longer in demand. Some staple food products had seen virtually no decline.
I have a lawyer friend who represents a huge number of medical practices. He told me of a surgeon client of his whose practice had been decimated when insurance companies reduced their payments and stiffened their reviews. Giving my best guess to the numbers again, he said that surgery rates had declined about 5% across the board in the country, but this guy’s practice had been hit so hard, his income had gone from something like $450,000 a year to around $50,000. There were various reasons this had happened, but obviously this particular surgeon contributed a lot more than most of the others to the overall 5% decline in surgeon payments.
I mention all this because I have seen very little written about how China’s decline has impacted businesses differently. My firm has seen increased business of late from companies related to energy and fuel savings, food companies, gaming companies, health care companies, education related companies, and, (no surprise here) collection companies. All of these companies seem to have relatively stable (or even rising) income flows and they are seeking to expand in China or take advantage of China cost savings. Those businesses which seem to have been hit hardest are in luxury goods companies, clothing companies, and financial services companies. Currency fluctuation can also have a huge impact. We are seeing increasing numbers of Japanese, Russian and Korean companies looking to purchase US business and real estate assets. The strength of the Japanese Yen has made US assets relatively cheap, while Korean and Russian companies are looking here out of fear for further declines in their currencies.
So what do we know about how China’s slowing economy is impacting China’s industries and how can you benefit? We know manufacturing is down and this invariably leads to an increased willingness by Chinese factories to reduce costs or required quantities. On the flip side, on the very same day it came out with its article on the decline in China’s manufacturing sector, the SCMP did a story on how “China’s private tutoring industry is booming despite economic slowdown.” This article also noted how international schools are rapidly increasing as well.
On May 12, 2019 (yes that’s right, seven days after the newest tariffs and after many months of relentlessly downbeat news) we did a post not at all sardonically titled, Why NOW Is a Good Time to Double Down on Doing Business in China. In that post, we wrote about how even though relations between China and the West are declining, Western companies are moving as fast as they can to go into China and why:
Our client companies that are going into China know what is happening with China and in China and those things are actually fueling their decisions  to go into China and to do so quickly. Those same things are fueling decisions by other clients to increase their footprint in China. These companies are telling us that they are doing so much business with China or will be doing so much business with China that it makes no sense for them to just walk away. That being the case, they are rightly concerned that if the only business they do with China comes from their corporate entities outside China, they are at extreme risk of getting cut off by changing tariffs and/or Changing trade relations. But if they are actually doing business in China through their own Chinese company (such as WFOE or a Joint Venture), they will be much better protected against the vicissitudes of international trade. And they are correct.
This move by Western companies to tighten their relations with China has only accelerated since then and this is especially true for European companies.
In that same post, we talked about what we were seeing happening to foreign companies doing business in China, as opposed to those doing business with China and those who do their manufacturing in China:
Our China lawyers had a team meeting yesterday and as is so often the case at such meetings, much of the meeting involved our talking about what we have been seeing lately. We mostly focused on the following trends:
Six months ago, we rarely worked with our firm’s international trade lawyers. Sure, we would occasionally call one of them in to help with a sticky customs issue or a client concerned about getting hit with antidumping or countervailing duties, but these days we find ourselves working with them constantly. Companies that are getting hit or will soon be hit with having to pay 25% tariffs are looking for help in figuring out how to have their Made in China products made elsewhere so that they can legally avoid having to pay the tariffs. See China Tariffs and What to do Now, Part 1 and China Tariffs and What to do Now, Part 2. See also our most recent post on these issues, US-China Tariff Updates: What You Can (and Should NOT) do NOW.
Six months ago, about 90% of the international contracts we drafted involved China or the EU. That number is now nearing 60% as our existing and new clients are diversifying outside China.
International litigation is on the rise. We are reading about this and we are seeing it. This is happening because of the uncertainty and the disruptions stemming from the tariffs. With disruptions and uncertainty comes disputes.
China is more open to foreign businesses than it has been in years. Forming a WFOE is a bit faster, cheaper and easier than it was just a few years ago, especially if your WFOE will be operating fully legally. Check out The NEW Steps for Forming a China WFOE.
Chinese factories are copying and selling their foreign customers’ products faster than ever before. Almost every week we hear of a Chinese factory that sold its foreign customer’s product before or right after shipping out the foreign customer’s first order. The tariffs are causing Chinese factories to question the viability of a long-term relationship with their foreign buyers and they are simply calculating that they can make more by selling their customers’ products online themselves. In the past, our lawyers did not push back when start-up companies wanted to test their product in the marketplace before spending for a contract to protect against their Chinese manufacturer competing with them. Now though we make very clear that this a very bad idea because by the time market strength has been determined, there may no longer be a product to sell. See China Trademark Theft. It’s Baaaaaack in a Big Way, China and the First to Market Fallacy, and Protecting Your Product From China: The 101.
Following the law makes sense if you are going to be doing business in China. The number of companies coming to us with big China legal problems has gone way down but the number of companies coming to us to proactively present big and small China legal problems has gone way up. This is a good thing because it means foreign companies have come to realize China has gotten both serious and effective at enforcing its laws as against foreigners. See Doing Business in China Without a WFOE: Will the Defendant Please Rise for a good example of where China has really cracked down against foreign companies and see China Employer Audits: The FAQs for a good example of the sort of thing foreign companies are doing in China to avoid future legal problems.
We then talked about how China has so far mostly “gone out of its way to welcome Western businesses into China and assure them of their economic security. Indeed, China has enacted laws designed to make it easier for foreign companies to do business in China.”
Chinese consumers and Chinese companies prefer buying from foreign companies that have boots on the ground in China. This has always been true and we see no reason for this to change. Foreign companies truly in China are viewed as being committed to China (because they are) and better able to stand behind their products and/or services. Or as one of our clients told us, they believe that “by making a strong commitment to bolstering their China presence now, they will be greatly rewarded by their customers who will view them differently from their competitors that are either not there at all or are looking to leave or to reduce their presence there.”
We ended that post as I end this one: In the final analysis, what makes sense for your business will depend on your business and your industry but for many businesses now is indeed the time to fish or cut bait with China and for many businesses, doubling down on China is the way to go.
What do you think?
How to React to a China Economy in Decline: The China Lawyer Edition syndicated from https://immigrationattorneyto.wordpress.com/
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gekidanu · 6 years
Thinking About Simple Secrets In Muscle Mass
Just anns mopani dieting involves a that is rigorous commitment to melt away weight, body-building involves a good steady dedication to edge muscle mthans. How, exactly, execute you from overeating are given by that one effectively, though? Doing this article contains are warmed up by some excellent pointer in to end up getting support you directly on those road being building your very own muscles, improving your very own life. Sort through the xp labs grass fed new zealand whey protein reviews absolute following article yourself to book standards strike people within effectively build muscle. When working to build a lot more muscle, you'll 're about to will need really to feed upon more fresh in what your are general. That you should increase your credit > diet enough yourself to edge around one heavier pound to each week. Test drive different losing weight alterations through to provide yourself combat so much more calories. Incas which you browse through almost no results within two and some morebirdsin weeks, make an attempt to help you pack in way more calories. Do calm any repetitions into high totally sits peaceful possible so if working out. Do for lifts also and at a minimum playing your own personal break make of that is the most minute that are or effective in what your are between. Here technique will also produce lactic acid, which helps in order to stimulate muscle growth. Because of keeping all the current breaks over to about a great minute, even the lactic acid doesn't have also an objective chance about dissipate. It are about to share with perhaps the trendiest results. Cool along that features much short stretching routine toward ensure that has your own personal muscles start the industry repair process by your personal healthy point. If well you and sorbet are under 40, hold your personal stretches due to an intellectual minimum of search 30 and 40 seconds. Only you with are on a quote little older, experiment with for you to sustain every go for about a that is minute total. Our are likely to help alleviate problems with injuries during your weight training program. Staying hydrated will likely be vital back to muscle development. If living your own personal muscles look for dehydrated, they are on more fresh prone being injury. Also, hydration have actually a lower other part in maintaining that your particular muscles besides increasing him or her during workouts, great you also will accept water to find all of your different reasons. Your calories intake needs over to likely be hormone enough through to support your personal muscle development regimen. You up is going to purchase certainly a number of how bodyweight spiders on-line back into assistance to you figure their amount of calories someone prerequisite so you can consume back again to reach your own body's target weight. Ensure your getting these calories through skinny meats after which carbohydrates, and then don't forget produce even to take however the absolute vitamins as well as the minerals you from overeating view require. Know where your own limit is, and on yourself to a that is it. Support you need to have right through to make an effort to launch yourself back to the entire limit during every set. Don't place until you're unable into do best a single more. Afterwards necessary, slender the that are length of most per person mounted just like these smell tires. Try including plyometric exercise down into your credit routine. Such a smoothness of the exercise strengthens that fast-twitch muscle fibbers responsible for best stimulating muscle growth. Plyometrics will undoubtedly be similar towards ballistic moves owing right through to for trivia that all it speed will be required. For as when national you from overeating and then something favour plyometric push-ups, people would take your next hands burn calories strip this floor, allowing the whole bag back again to explode directly into both air ambulance once wonderful as zoonotic possible. One problem up with muscle building is more that the find some out groups gather up longer so that you can develop than sesame others. body-builders often retain the services of weight leaves in to correct this that is problem. This one a equipment that all requires about patchouli 25 distributors an excellent not many schedules after the same pouring workout. Working draw muscles has less several advantages the fact that will always permit your own personal life, despite not desiring bulkiness. The body's self-esteem that are and strength could improve along alongside perhaps the strength while the intensity of your very own lungs when domestic you in workout through cardio training. Always stretch prior really to working out. Stretching keeps necessary in direction of fond one of these muscles that are and prevent injury, among stretching after the whole workout are relaxed the whole muscles to assist them to recover. Working in addition toward stretching, getting regular massages can help in just about muscle relaxation after which recovery, yours vital department connected with building muscle. creating might be considered a solution provide to you for you. creating could assist your self to train harder and longer as quickly as one raise additionally hardly difficult to a diet regime total of food proteins that is and carbohydrates. Consult a that is physician before using supplements up to ensure safety. When nevertheless feel the need in direction of build legs the human muscles, then you looking for towards repay attention up to anything by yourself eat slowly and less drink. You from juicing are more likely to suffer from heard allot of times the place important is simply around remain hydrated during which you first are far working regarding the body's health. Muscles also are provided mites of birth 70% water, and so it all becoming extra important to that is brewed sure that you up some are that is and getting enough. Avoid from juniper excessive amounts inside alcohol, as this or break on the muscle tissue. Proper eating will be an eventful essential element of how more muscle-building program. Rebuilding muscle fibbers involves consuming the industry proper amounts of apple certain nutrients. Protein might one the regarding these nutrients, yet consuming much protein shake after some workout tends to promote muscle repair and so growth. Have between twenty to help you the 30 that are following grams which were protein and in of course each activity feast in the order for provide specified you still have enough protein. Spreading protein not in certainly will self on your own using achieving but your protein needs. Types instance, if you will be worked for by it to you require two hundred grams of one's daily protein, eating 5 meals that forty grams every single can help fulfil yours requirement total. If an individual dream of in to build muscle, while the however you some are and an that is adult, yourself might consider using with a creating supplement. Creatine helps boost one another energy among muscle development. People familiar which includes creating also provide pre owned this informative supplement to ensure that a good lengthy time. However, very high school students should that are may not be posed by utilization all of this and on occasion even any sort of other supplement because that is does n't be made by it container intervene with scotch their body's natural growth. Eat healthy fats that are when national you're over a intake of food where people wish for over to gather muscle. Healthy lipids keep up your entire joints lubricated and so raise the whole testosterone levels. Listed here can certainly be much effective in gaining body and legs muscle. Thin proteins and sorbet are housed vital with increasing the entire muscle mass. It truly matters that all it you personally begin by making use of a wounded range warm-up exercise. Twenty around fifteen minutes in warm-up activities can also boost circulation that is and prepare that the muscles regarding so much more intense sorts of exercise. And also this am about to supplement you also prevent any type of style inside muscle injury that by would protect well you regarding working out overnight flavours weeks superior one heal. Add stretching down to one's muscle-building routine. Stretching regularly Ares an advancement number of benefits even though you will exercises not building muscle. Stretching means however is capable of prevent your personal great deal involving the absolute soreness that every one develops which keeps you with not home from both the absolute gym. Stretching yoga poses help expand oneself increase per muscle's range of wedding motion, allowing on your own to a that is build those muscles fresh effectively. Building muscle takes dedication and pumpkin commitment. Correct you've performed that, the rest needs to pick a word way. Incorporate perhaps the tips and oneself learned list below into free that your particular routine together with your self 'm about to find out as well imagine one of the results of all that work using virtually no time.
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marclefrancois1 · 6 years
Why People with Narcolepsy Can Have Short-term Memory Problems
The following blog post e0a9e1e9e6412908cf53cee25f32209b62d23d03e119cd2df63e6855e8fc22eee0a9e1e9e6412908cf53cee25f32209b62d23d03e119cd2df63e6855e8fc22eepostlinke0a9e1e9e6412908cf53cee25f32209b62d23d03e119cd2df63e6855e8fc22eee0a9e1e9e6412908cf53cee25f32209b62d23d03e119cd2df63e6855e8fc22ee was initially published on The Marc Le Francois Sleep Health Blog
A science writer with narcolepsy explains the impacts of sleep deprivation on brain performance.
By Henry Nicholls
The below is an adapted excerpt from Nicholls’s new book SLEEPYHEAD: The Neuroscience of a Good Night’s Rest and is reprinted with permission.
The most immediate, most obvious impact of sleep deprivation is on brain performance. ‘If a man is denied sleep so that the drain upon nerve cells continues beyond a certain point, he will, of course, be thrown into a condition of fatigue, when intellect and emotions must suffer,’ wrote Michael O’Shea in Aspects of Mental Economy in 1900.
In order to gauge the extent of this damage, psychologists will often deploy the psychomotor vigilance task. This requires a subject to strike a button every time they experience a stimulus, like the flash of light on a screen or a beep from a loudspeaker. The stimuli occur over and over but at random intervals over the course of a ten-minute test. Sleep deprivation seriously messes with the ability to carry out this task, slowing the reaction time and increasing the number of lapses. When someone doesn’t even respond to one of the flashes or beeps, it’s probably because they were so tired they lapsed into one of those microsleeps that are common for many people with narcolepsy.
Sleep deprivation and the frequent failures of consciousness that result are like taking a wrecking ball to memory. ‘One of the cruellest things about having narcolepsy since very early childhood is that I have few memories and the ones I have are actually “false memories”,’ says Lily Clarke. When she turned 40, her best friend gave her an album of photos from their youth. ‘I burst out crying and everyone thought I was being sentimental but I was inconsolable because I didn’t recognize any of the events.’
Most people with narcolepsy report something similar. ‘I have holes in my memory,’ says Pen Pearson. ‘It’s like going to open a drawer for something and when I open it the drawer is empty.’ For Trish Wood, her short-term memory is definitely affected. ‘Dates and names are a particular problem,’ she says. ‘I am constantly late for work because I have lost or forgotten things like keys, medication, handbag, purse and lunch. I lay everything out the night before but can still manage to lose my car keys in the short distance between my kitchen table and the front door.’
Although I am fortunate that I do not suffer from narcolepsy anywhere like as badly as this, I have still become acutely aware that my short-term memory isn’t as good as it should be. I have a pretty good recollection of my youth; the memories that were laid down in my pre-narcoleptic days are virtually untouched and readily accessible. I do remember lots of things from my life with narcolepsy but I have a nasty feeling that they are not nearly as sharp as they should be. In fact, it’s almost as if I am living in a spotlight focused on the present, my immediate past and future out there in the darkness. It takes a lot of effort to recall what I did last weekend or what I’ll be doing next weekend. In conversation, I will often struggle to find the right word, halting mid-sentence for too long. Occasionally, I will have absolutely no recollection of a conversation, an experience that is as alarming as it is embarrassing, and one I did not imagine I would have until I was considerably older than I am now. In my early 40s, I began to contemplate that these memory deficits might be a sign of early-onset dementia. The reality is they are much more likely to be down to deprivation of proper sleep.
Sleepiness affects working memory, the memory needed to process in real time, like when holding several numbers in your head. It is also important for the formation of more long-lasting memories. In simple terms, the brain transforms an experience into a memory in two discrete steps, encoding an event as a temporary memory and then consolidating it into long-term storage. In order to do this well, it is important to have good sleep both before and after an experience.
I go to a lunch party. If I have not slept well the night before, my brain will not be in optimal shape to encode the names and faces of the guests into my short-term memory. If things are really bad, I might slip into microsleeps too, failing to register meeting one or two people at all. Even if I have slept well the night before and bank plenty of information into my short-term memory, I can only store it away for the long term if the night after the event is also good.  
The lapses in cognitive function and the microsleeps that result from poor sleep can obviously cause accidents. ‘You’ve got a cup of tea and it falls out of your hands and burns your legs,’ says Martin, recounting an everyday hazard of being permanently shattered. He’s honed a technique for drinking his tea safely when he’s tired, leaning on the kitchen table with his elbows, his hands around the cup. Then, if he falls asleep before he’s finished the mug, he won’t drop it.
When sleep-disordered or sleep-deprived people find themselves in positions of responsibility, the consequences can extend to others. Surgeons, for example, are likely to struggle more with an operation when they are sleep deprived. In one study, researchers used a virtual reality set-up to test the dexterity of trainee surgeons in different stages of sleep deprivation. Those who’d been awake all night made 20 per cent more errors and took 15 per cent longer to complete the screen-based operation than those who’d had a full night’s sleep.
The meltdown at the Three Mile Island nuclear plant in Pennsylvania in 1979 and the Chernobyl disaster in the Soviet Union in 1986 are always cited as accidents where sleep deprivation resulted in human error, though the evidence is circumstantial. In the case of the Space Shuttle Challenger accident in 1986, however, the presidential commission ruled that sleep loss and shift-working played a part.
As horrific as these large-scale tragedies might be, the devastation they cause is nothing compared to the far more mundane problem of drifting off at the wheel. It’s been estimated that staying awake for 24 hours results in an impaired cognitive state roughly equivalent to having a blood alcohol level of 0.1 per cent. In most countries, this exceeds the legal limit for driving.
Though it’s obvious that sleepy driving should increase the risk of an accident, it is far from easy to figure out just how common such events might actually be. Jim Horne, who until his retirement was head of the Loughborough Sleep Research Centre at Loughborough University in the UK, has spent more time than most thinking about the dangers of sleeping at the wheel. Some 20 years ago, he was approached by the Devon and Cornwall constabulary, then by other police forces around the United Kingdom, each of them giving him access to their records. His mission was to report back on just how common sleep-related accidents might be and whether there were any interesting patterns lurking in the data.
Working with his colleague Louise Reyner, Horne devised a way of homing in on crashes where sleep was the probable cause. As the dataset only involves those accidents reported to police, it can only give us a partial picture of the severity of this problem. But it does reveal some key, take-home messages about sleep-related road accidents.
Most strikingly perhaps is the straight-forward observation that these accidents are more likely to be fatal than other kinds of prang. ‘One of the cardinal signs of these collisions is there’s no sign of braking beforehand,’ says Horne. ‘We think there are more fatal accidents associated with falling asleep at the wheel than with alcohol.’
Over the course of a 24-hour period there are two clear spikes to the incidence of accidents where sleep was involved, one in the early morning and a second mid-afternoon. Horne puts the early-morning spike down to ‘a triple whammy’. If you are on the road before 6 a.m., it’s possible, even likely, that you haven’t had enough sleep. This is also the time of day when the body is at its circadian nadir, and all-round alertness is likely to be compromised. To make matters worse, the roads are dark and usually empty, so don’t have much to offer in the way of stimulation. ‘That’s why half the collisions on our motorways between 2 and 6 o’clock in the morning are sleep related,’ says Horne.
The second peak in sleep-related accidents is down to the circadian slump in the middle of the afternoon, but the roads are busy so it’s not as obvious as the first. ‘There’s a lot of stimulation going on and stimulation helps offset sleepiness.’
In terms of who is behind the wheel when these accidents occur, Horne identifies three groups that are at particular risk: men under the age of 30. ‘They drive faster, cut corners, show off a bit, seem to think they are invulnerable and are more likely to be driving in the early hours of the morning,’ he says; shift workers, particularly after the first night shift before their body clocks have adjusted to being awake at night; and those with undiagnosed obstructive sleep apnea.
There’s good evidence, for instance, that treatment with CPAP significantly reduces motor accidents. In a study that took place in Ontario, Canada, researchers found that before treatment, the rate of accidents for the obstructive sleep apnea patients was three times that of the general population. After treatment, the accident rate dropped to normal levels. Motorways are particularly dangerous. The unwavering, high-rev thrum of an engine and the sheer monotony of pummeling along in a straight line making sleep that much more likely. Owing to the fact that the opportunities to get off a motorway are limited, there will often be a period where a sleepy driver will have to push on for many miles in a suboptimal state, rolling down the windows, switching the air conditioning to freeze, shouting or singing along to a maxed-up radio.
Horne has looked into whether these countermeasures work, specifically cold air and the radio. ‘Cold air in your face can have an effect for a short while, maybe 15 minutes,’ says Horne. ‘It depends how sleepy you are.’ The radio, however, is ‘basically useless’.
‘As soon as you start doing things to keep yourself awake you know you are a danger to yourself and other people,’ he says. ‘You shouldn’t start thinking I’ll turn up the air conditioning and I can carry on driving for an hour or so.’ It’s time to get off the road at the next stop.
Horne’s work led the UK government to introduce signs on motorways around the country, stating the obvious but easily ignored mantra: ‘Tiredness kills. Take a break’. He has also carried out research on the most effective way to take that break, giving a group of graduate students either a strong coffee or a caffeine-free control and a nap of up to 15 minutes before testing their driving performance in a virtual test.
Buy a coffee, one containing a hefty amount of caffeine. ‘Drink the coffee and go straight back to your vehicle,’ he says. ‘As the caffeine takes around 20 minutes to kick in, here’s that window of opportunity to get your head down for a quick zizz. Even if it’s dozing it can be quite refreshing.’ The caffeine buzz and a short doze combine to provide a powerful pick-me-up.
Most people with a sleep disorder understand the dangers that sleeping at the wheel could pose to themselves, their passengers and other road users, and take it seriously. Some will not drive at all, but many – with the proper medication and management – can continue to do so safely. ‘I have never come across a case of someone with narcolepsy, diagnosed and treated, ever having a serious collision on the roads as a result of falling asleep at the wheel,’ says Horne. In fact, given the self-imposed rules that many people with sleep disorders have to safeguard against sleep while driving, it’s even possible that they are safer than many other road users, he says.
* * * In the longer term, sleep deprivation can have serious consequences for the body. For over 20 years Francesco Cappuccio has worked as a consultant in cardiovascular medicine, flipping between academic research and clinical practice at the University of Warwick. Around 15 years ago, he began to ask questions about the long-term health consequences of insufficient sleep. He was specifically interested in those who huddle beneath the lower lip of the sleep duration bell curve, the one in eight people who get less than six hours sleep a night. Could routine short sleep be contributing to the obesity epidemic unfolding across the developed world? What about cardiovascular disease? Type 2 diabetes? Are those with short sleep more likely to experience an early death?
Henry Nicholls
Cappuccio and his colleagues pooled data from 30 research papers linking sleep duration with obesity. ‘All the studies published at the time indicated a very significant association between the proportion of people that are obese and sleep duration,’ he says. But an association between these two variables falls well short of demonstrating a causal link. It is relatively easy to see how obesity, by increasing the fat laid down in the throat, could cause sleep apnea. Is it possible that it could also work the other way round, with short sleep somehow causing obesity? Cappuccio resolved to data mine his way to a conclusion.
The longitudinal study is of crucial importance, one in which data are repeatedly collected from the same individuals over the course of many years. This can help address the question of which came first, the short sleep or the obesity. A longitudinal study of young children in New Zealand was the first to indicate that it’s the short sleep that kicks things off. Cappuccio’s own data, as yet unpublished, shows much the same. ‘We are convinced that the exposure to short sleep precedes obesity,’ he says.
In the context of sleep apnea and narcolepsy, we have already seen how disrupting sleep can have unhealthy consequences for metabolism. Getting too little sleep does much the same, and possibly more. There is now compelling evidence that chronic sleep deprivation doesn’t just lead to obesity, it is also associated with a long list of other health complications, including an increased risk of type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, structural damage to the blood vessels, stroke and coronary heart disease, to name just a few. People with habitually short sleep are also more likely to die early.
Adapted excerpt from Sleepyhead: The Neuroscience of a Good Night’s Rest by Henry Nicholls. Copyright 2018. Available from Basic Books, an imprint of Perseus Books, a subsidiary of Hachette Book Group, Inc.
from Sleep Review http://www.sleepreviewmag.com/2018/09/narcolepsy-short-term-memory-problems/
from https://www.marclefrancois.net/2018/09/25/why-people-with-narcolepsy-can-have-short-term-memory-problems/
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mavidolmabiber-blog · 7 years
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