#marble tile sealing nyc
johnnystonework · 2 years
Marble and Grout Repair by Johnnystonework
Johnnystonework is the right company to restore your natural stone. Whenever you need marble restoration NYC just make a call and these experts will bring back the beauty of your stone. The pros ensure that marble to its original beauty in no time at all. Moreover, they can also alter the final finish of the stone to a gloss, matte, or satin luster. This company is recognized for our excellent marble cleaning and restoration, knowledge, expertise and ability to share and implement best cleaning and hygiene practices. They always follow the latest standards and provide each service accordingly. Their restoration process can increase your stone’s value 
Commercial Marble Restoration 
Remember, the first impression of your business is crucial. This means you should have a good impact on your clients because you have no second chance to make an impression. One of the first things your visitors will notice is the floor and how well it is maintained. Johnnystonework has already handled a lot of projects for commercial properties, lobbies, and restaurants. Due to their regular marble restoration NYC, your high-end floors will be kept looking brand new for a long time. 
Residential Marble Restoration 
The expertly trained technicians from Johnnystonework are specialists in the art of transforming your home’s scratched, cracked, or damaged marble. Having many years of experience in the industry, they have developed an exceptionally successful restoration process which includes:
 Just count on this team to restore your home’s stone surfaces and enhance their beauty and presentation.
The Process of Marble Restoration 
You can expect the following process if you deal with this company to restore the natural beauty of your marble stone. First they discuss the project with our clients. This helps to assess the condition of your stone. They will then provide you with a suitable quote for the restoration process. If you approve the quote, these experts start the process by cleaning and etching the surface to create a good bonding surface for the new sealer. After that, they apply a penetrating sealer which helps reduce absorption and prevents cracking. The duration of marble restoration typically depends on the size of the property. Just contact this team and be sure they will leave your home looking like new again.
Grout Repair Services
At Johnnystonework, the whole team is committed to helping you bring back the beauty of your tiles as well. They offer tile and grout repair Long Island so they won’t look dull and grimy. Once the experts have grout cleaned professionally, there is no going back to the old days of scrubbing and cleaning only to get them looking clean as much as possible. In fact, tiles are scrubbed and treated with a protective finish so that your room will look as good as the day the tiles were new.
The experts have got all on hand to provide the best grout repair on Long Island. They use the right products and the right tools to scrub and clean out grouting and surfaces of tiles. They never damage tiles because they know how to handle the process. It means that getting down on your knees and scrubbing for several hours to remove the dirt and grime is no longer about you. As a result, you get sparkling kitchen or bathroom surfaces to admire.
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sareyen · 4 years
Das Haus am See: The Lake House Cherik AU (Part 1/3)
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A Lake House Cherik AU: Charles and Erik both lived in the lake house, Charles in 2017, and Erik in 2019. By magic or fate, the two find out that the house’s letter box is able to send letters through time - and, in doing so, the two fall in love despite living in two different years. They vow to meet in the future, but fate is fickle, and time waits for no one.
Chapter 1
Erik grunted as he hauled the last of his boxes into the back of his car, cursing under his breath when the boot struggled to close. After some rearranging, Erik managed to fit all of his belongings into the back, grateful that he had never been the type to hoard.
Pulling out a pen and paper, Erik leaned on the boot of his car, quickly scrawling a concise note to the future tenant of the lakeside house overlooking Chautauqua Lake. 
To the new tenant,
Welcome. As the previous tenant, I hope that you find everything to be in working order. I’ve filed my change of address with the post office, but their services are unreliable at best. If anything slips through, could you please forward my mail? My new address is below.
Thank you.
Also, the burn in the wall above the kitchen stove was there when I moved in, as was the box in the attic. You can do whatever you want with that.
E. Lehnsherr.
Erik quickly folded the paper and shoved it into an envelope, licking the seal and sliding it into the slightly rusted red letterbox at the front of the house, flicking down the red flag on the box.
Erik took a moment to appreciate the house he has lived in for the past year and a half, corner of his mouth lifting. Erik took in the rustic red brick house with its blue-tiled roof, the white trimmed windows and flourishing green front lawn.
Early in the afternoon, the house was cast in a warm golden glow, light reflecting off the lake water in the distance. The house looked warm and lived in, a far cry from how it had looked when Erik had first moved in; barren, with wilting plants in pots hanging on the porch, grass yellowing, dust collecting on every antique piece of furniture inside it.
When Erik had first moved in, the lake house had been cold and barren, much like Erik himself. Erik had moved into the house a year and a half ago after everything with Magda had crumbled to pieces, the multiple miscarriages taking their toll and culminating in a messy divorce. Erik had felt dead inside, moving out of the suffocating city and taking temporary leave from his job as an estate planning lawyer to take some time to gather himself in solitude.
Erik had not thought that he would become so attached to the lake house, which was almost 7 hours by road from the hustle and bustle of NYC. Living alone in tranquillity had made Erik remember his childhood in Germany with his parents, of happier and calmer times. The house had helped him heal, and even though memories of Magda still made his heart ache a little, Erik had learned to shoulder it.
Erik gazed at the house fondly for a moment longer, before turning around to his car packed full of his meagre things, ready to make the trip back to the city and the real world, leaving this little slice of serenity behind.
Charles pulled up to his holiday home on the Chautauqua lakefront in his car (or “Rust Bucket” as his dear sister, Raven, endearingly called it). It was beyond Raven’s comprehension as to why Charles, a successful novelist, didn’t go and by himself a new car when he could obviously afford it.
In the end, Charles was sentimental, and clung to things longer than he should. That probably stemmed from the fact that, as a child, he hadn’t had much to hold onto, very little to hold dear. His father had died when he was young, and his step-father was controlling and over-bearing, leaving Charles little in the way of worldly possessions.
But, Charles had been given the gift of heart and wit, and with that, he had built a career in prose. Inspired by his difficult childhood, Charles had created a book series about disenfranchised outcasts with special powers – outcasts that were as extraordinary as they were feared, beautiful but distrusted. Charles wrote about outcasts who could stand up for themselves, to cement their place in the world despite being beaten down at every corner, who would persevere even in the darkest of times.
The series spoke to anyone who had been alienated, who had been mocked for being different. It had become a platform on social commentary, on racism and homophobia, on class struggle and the inequalities that run rampant in the world.
The final book in the “X” tetralogy had been published only recently, and Charles’s fans were eager to find out if the New York Times best-selling author Francis Graymalkin was writing anything new.
Unfortunately, Charles had fallen into a writing slump – after concluding the X series, Charles found himself lost. The X series had consumed his life for the past decade, and now that it was finished, Charles did not know what to do. He had half-formed ideas rattling around in his head, but none that really inspired him.
It had been Raven’s idea to go and do some ‘soul-searching’, as she called it. Charles assumed she had gotten the idea from her current partner, a star-sign-abiding hippie who claimed that she could see the future. Apparently, Charles getting out of NYC would do him some good, and Charles had been inclined to agree – a change in scenery may be what he needed to find his writing inspiration again, and if not, he could at least get a holiday out of it.
It had been after Charles’s first ‘X’ novel had reached critical acclaim that he bought the lakeside house. He hadn’t really understood what had drawn him to it so much, but something in his mind screamed at him to buy it. It had been a charming house, two-storeys and made of red brick. It was a somewhat old house too, but looked well-loved and charmingly worn. Charles, who lived in well-loved and charmingly worn cardigans and enjoyed nothing more than curling up in a blanket with a cup of warm tea had been smitten by the quant property immediately.
Charles didn’t know how long he would live in this lakeside house for, since he didn’t know how long it would take him to complete a new novel. Getting out of his car, Charles didn’t begin unpacking just yet. It had been years since he’d been to the property and he had hired someone to maintain it, but he wanted to look at it for himself.
Charles unlocked the door and took a turn about the spacious house; warm wooden interior, large bay windows that overlooked the lake, antique furniture that looked both mismatched and fitting in the same breath. Charles smiled to himself, running his finger along a dark marble countertop in the kitchen, before opening the large doors to the back veranda by the lake.
“Home sweet home,” Charles murmured to nobody but himself and the lake, which rippled in response as a gust of wind brushed across it. Charles breathed in and out, before walking back to the front of the house.
It was then that he noticed the letterbox’s flag was tilted down, and Charles blinked curiously – no one had lived in the lake house ever since Charles bought it nine years ago, and he knew that the caretakers wouldn’t be sending mail out from his address.
Charles opened the letterbox then, and inside was a single letter in crisp white paper that looked too fresh to have been sitting there for a long time. Holding the letter in his hands, neat and heavy-handed lettering with ‘To the resident’ on the front, Charles glanced around.
He was alone, the secluded house still and quiet.
Charles walked plonked himself down some low stone walling lining the outside of the house, ripping open the letter with his finger.
“Previous tenant?” Charles read aloud, frowning. Unless this letter was from someone living there a decade ago, it had to be a prank, or a mistake. Charles read on, raising a brow about the kitchen burn marks and the box in the attic. When Charles had walked around the house moments earlier, he hadn’t noticed anything amiss in the kitchen, curiosity beginning to bubble in his stomach.
Jumping up with vigour, Charles clutched the letter tightly as he headed directly to the kitchen, inspecting the wall that was supposed to be singed. Charles inspected his kitchen carefully, but there were no burn marks to be seen anywhere.
“A prank?” Charles mused to himself, looking back at the letter. “Box in the attic?”
Charles checked there too, but all he found there were cobwebs and dust, making him sneeze. Climbing back down from the attic, Charles chuckled at his fanciful beliefs. This E. Lehnsherr was either a jokester, or awfully confused.
Charles quickly threw the letter onto the kitchen table, not thinking too much about it, too busy moving his things in and unpacking the rest when the movers came – he always had a lot of things, never being able to let the things he treasured go.
It was a two weeks later that it happened.
Charles had never had the most skill in the kitchen, a simple stir-fry the extent of his culinary expertise. Today, he had been particularly scatterbrained, frustrated by his lack of creativity and being stuck writing the same three paragraphs over and over, not feeling inspired in the slightest. To top it off, Charles hadn’t slept particularly well – the nightmares of his childhood had tempered with age, but every now and then, they would make his nights hell.
Half asleep and dazed, Charles had taken his eye off his saucepan, the flames catching on some of his food and bursting upwards in a roaring flame. Charles squeaked, quickly turning off the burner and tugging the saucepan off the heat, singing his finger in the process. Charles hissed, jamming his finger under cold water as the flames died down.
Looking glumly at his smoky-borderline-charcoal dinner, Charles suddenly realised that the wall was burned.
‘Also, the burn in the wall above the kitchen stove was there when I moved in, as was the box in the attic. You can do whatever you want with that.’
“Impossible,” Charles whispered to himself, hastily turning off the tap, charred dinner forgotten. Charles stumbled over to his kitchen table that had become covered with paper, books and empty tea-cups, rummaging around for the letter he had haphazardly thrown there weeks ago. Under a water bill and his worn copy of Jane Eyre, Charles found the letter from E. Lehnsherr.
Or fate?
Raven’s hippie girlfriend would definitely say fate, that it was written in the stars or in her tea leaves.
Whether it was mere coincidence or true, divine fate, Charles deemed that he should at least respond to the letter, considering E. Lehnsherr had left his new address. Scrounging up a pen from a pocket in his cardigan and ripping out some paper from the leather-bound notebook he always carried around, Charles wrote back.
January 21st, 2017
Dear Mr/Ms Lehnsherr,
I received your letter, but I believe there has been some sort of misunderstanding. I purchased this lake house nine years ago and have never rented it out in that time, leaving it empty for all of these years. Perhaps your letter was meant for the Sandburg cottage down the shore, since that, to my knowledge, has been unoccupied for years.
More importantly, I am curious about the supposed burn marks in the kitchen, for when I moved in the wall was pristine. Just moments ago, however, I was attempting to make a chicken stir-fry and singed the wall above the stove, just as your letter had said. How could you know about that, when it only just happened?
Kindest regards,
C. F. Xavier
Charles smiled at the letter, before carefully folding it up and sliding it into an envelope, placing it back into the letterbox and flicking the flag down.
Suddenly, he felt the urge to write. He wasn’t one hundred percent sure what he would write about, but it would stem from a mysterious letter from a man that seemed to know about things before they happened.
“Getting back into the swing of things, Sugar?” Emma asked as she slid into the chair opposite Erik in the breakroom, nursing an expensive cappuccino from the luxurious company coffee machine. Erik fiddled with his own plain black coffee, snorting.
“Estate law isn’t rocket science, Emma,” Erik said offhandedly, Emma chuckling as she flicked her long blonde hair off her shoulder, smoothing her crisp white silk blouse.
“Yes, but you’ve been out of action for almost two years. It would be normal to be a little rusty,” Emma replied, Erik shrugging. “And with your own experience, sometimes estate planning law can be… emotional.”
Erik gave Emma a warning glance, his co-worker encroaching on dangerous territory. Emma just smiled at him coolly, unfazed by his cutting gaze. Even though Erik was notoriously private and solitary by nature, people knew about his troubled marriage and the reason for his brief leave from work. Though Erik was no divorce lawyer, managing wills and estates after someone’s death had hit a bit too close to home, and even now, people walked around him on eggshells.
“It’s fine, Emma,” Erik responded, the woman humming as she sipped on her cappuccino. “It’s just numbers and law, nothing more.”
“Hm, heartless as always, Sugar,” Emma chuckled, getting up and patting Erik’s shoulder. “Seems like you have gone back to your usual self after your little retreat. Congratulations.”
Erik rolled his eyes, not feeling like he should be congratulated at all. He had always been somewhat emotionally detached – not emotionless, because Erik felt. Has felt. He loved Magda, greatly, and he had hurt when he lost her. He had also known hurt after all of their miscarriages, after the deaths of his parents. Erik, at this point, was used to loss.
That’s why estate planning law was, at times, hard – dealing with the affairs of those recently deceased and looking into the eyes of their mourning relatives, Erik could relate. After losing Magda, Erik had needed a break, to rebuild the walls around his heart.
And he had rebuilt them, or so he thought.
When Erik returned to his office after his break, he found his boss, Sebastian Shaw, waiting for him.
“Ah, Lehnsherr, there you are,” Shaw said, thin lips pulling back in a grin. Erik was not overly fond of his boss, who was too cut-throat at times, but that made him damn good lawyer. It was from him that Erik learnt to push clients and their opposition to get the most that they could, but a part of Erik could never quite meet Shaw’s callousness.
“What is it?” Erik asked, voice clipped. Shaw just grinned at Erik’s brusque tone, eyeing his best lawyer carefully.
“I know it’s only been a short time since you’ve been back working with us, but you were always my best. Our services have been requested to manage to estate of a high-profile client,” Shaw said, Erik’s eyes narrowing.
“If you’re coming to me with this, it must be a big client,” Erik said carefully, Shaw chuckling.
“Quick, as always. Yes, it is a big client. Do you know the author, Francis Graymalkin?”
“Author of the X tetralogy?” Erik asked slowly, heart thundering. Shaw nodded, and Erik frowned, heart squeezing. “He died around two years ago, though.”
Erik was a huge fan of Francis Graymalkin’s work, having read the first novel in the famous X series, ‘First Class’, just after it had been released. At that point, the book hadn’t gained the traction and fame it was now renowned for, but it had spoken to Erik deeply. Francis Graymalkin’s words were full of soul, witty at times, startlingly emotional at others. Through Francis Graymalkin’s words, Erik could feel his character’s pain and their elation, and though the political and social commentary was oftentimes naïve and pacifistic, Francis Graymalkin always made sure to touch on all sides of an argument. While he clearly lauded the integrationist perspective in his novels, he did not discount the separatist standpoint that one of his characters, Magneto, championed.
Francis Graymalkin’s work helped Erik through the pain of his mother’s death, which occurred a few months before the release of the second novel, which saw the characters persevering through a dismal future even when all hope seemed lost. The fourth book was what helped Erik get through the mess with Magda – ‘Phoenix’ touched on the loss of a character that the protagonist considered a daughter and the ramifications of that. The book ended on a note of hope, which Erik clung to.
Francis Graymalkin was notoriously private, not showing his face once, though he had penned numerous interviews over the years. Erik read every one of them, finding the man intriguing, sometimes snorting at his political views that so often contradicted Erik’s own but were so thoughtfully explained that Erik couldn’t discredit them at all. Even though Erik had never met Francis Graymalkin, nor had he ever seen the man’s face, the author had done more for Erik than anyone else before.
Erik had heard that the author had begun writing a new novel, and that he had been in the final stages of completing it before he died. Erik had been eager to read it, even if Francis Graymalkin said that it was vastly different from his previous work – a romance novel, of sorts, apparently. Sadly, reading it was now a dream that would be left unfulfilled, because Francis Graymalkin was dead, his story left unfinished.
“Yes, from memory it was a car accident two years ago. I think this it’ll be two years to the day in a month,” Shaw said, sounding cold and detached. Erik swallowed thickly, angry that the life of someone so inspirational had been snuffed out just like that by a simple hunk of moving metal. “Some new things have come to light in the man’s will. To put it short, a family squabble has erupted, and the man’s sister has hired our services. Since this is a high-profile case involving millions, I need you to take over the cases I’m currently working. I’m going to need to pour all of my effort into the Graymalkin estate proceedings.”
Erik wasn’t surprised that Shaw was hogging the Graymalkin estate, because Erik would’ve done the same if he were in Shaw’s shoes, though for entirely different reasons. Shaw liked high-profile, lucrative work, but Erik just wanted to see the affairs of one of his favourite authors realised as he willed it.
But, Shaw was his boss, and he had no reason to contest the man’s plan, not when his argument solely hinged on being a fan of Francis Graymalkin’s novels.
“Fine,” was all Erik said, Shaw clapping his hands together once, satisfied.
“Excellent! I’ll send you the details of the estates I’m settling after my meeting with Francis Graymalkin’s sister,” Shaw said, leaving Erik’s office with little else.
Erik sighed, suddenly feeling a lot more drained, and counted down the hours until he could go home. Erik suddenly felt the urge to just curl up in bed and read one of Francis Graymalkin’s novels. Remember the man’s death struck something in the German man, and it was almost funny how Erik immediately sought comfort in the dead man’s own books.
When Erik went home, he realised that his copies of Francis Graymalkin’s books were nowhere to be found. They weren’t in any of the half-unpacked boxes he had pushed against the walls of his newly built apartment, they weren’t in his bookshelf stacked with law tomes and other novels, and they weren’t anywhere in his car.
“Shit,” Erik muttered, shower-damp hair dripping down the back of his bare neck as he padded around his apartment, the smell of fresh paint still making his head spin a little despite airing out the room the day he moved in.
If the books weren’t here in his new apartment, they had to be at the lake house. Considering Erik drove straight from there to his new abode in NYC, that was the only logical option.
So, it was on that weekend, that Erik made the seven-hour (or six, at the speed Erik drove), trip back to the Chautauqua lake house.
Erik could have easily bought the series anew at a bookstore, but something about that idea irked him – his copies were well-read, dog-eared in spots, coffee stains dropped on some pages. The spines of the paperbacks were worn, and the covers faded, but they were familiar under the pads of Erik’s fingers, and reminded him of hours spent reading and coming alive through Francis Graymalkin’s words.
Erik wasn’t often sentimental, but Francis Graymalkin tended to stir up unfamiliar feelings in Erik’s soul.
Erik had contacted the real estate agency managing the property, who temporarily returned his keys to let him gather his final things – since Erik left a few weeks ago, only the young lady that apparently owned it had come here, but that things were in contention since there was some sort of dispute regarding the property’s true owner. Erik didn’t inquire too much about it, wanting to gather his books and make the drive home, not keen to spend more than a day on the road.
Erik found the box he had missed behind the couch, which had since been covered up with white cloth. The house seemed duller and emptier without inhabitants, and for some reason, it felt like the building was holding its breath. Waiting.
For what, Erik didn’t quite know.
Erik gave the house a silent farewell for a second time, loading the single box of books into his backseat. As he was getting into the car, Erik noticed the letter box’s flag was up, signifying that mail had been delivered. Considering Erik was the house’s last tenant, he cursed the post office’s shoddy work at listening to his change of address notice, getting back out of his car and trudging over to the metal contraption.
Opening it, Erik found a few bills that had slipped through his change of address notice, and some junk mail that he swiftly ignored. Erik was about to close the letterbox when he noticed a letter beneath a flyer for a local pizza shop – it was not the letter Erik had left there two weeks ago, and strangely, it was addressed to him.
‘To E. Lehnsherr,’ was printed on the front in elegant cursive, and Erik picked it up.
“What the hell?” Erik muttered, tucking his bills under his arm and ripping open the letter, grey eyes running from side to side as he read it, brow creasing. Then, Erik scoffed. Though its author was eloquent and polite, they seemed to be confused – an older individual, with dementia, perhaps. The letter was dated February 9th, 2017 – but, as Erik checked again, it was currently Saturday the 9th of February, 2019.
To be stuck two years in the past, this C. F. Xavier was either an idiot, or a poor, lost soul.
Even more ridiculous was the fact that this person (whom Erik assumed to be the lake house’s contentious female owner the real estate agent had mentioned visiting) thought that no one lived here, when Erik had literally moved out two weeks ago. C. F. Xavier must be confused, and Erik felt that he needed to correct the person, or at least give them a healthy dose of reality.
Erik walked back to his car, opening the box of books in his backseat to find some paper to write on. Erik found an old notebook, ripping out an empty back page before scribbling down a response to C. F. Xavier.
February 9th, 2019
Dear Ms Xavier,
I am familiar with the cottage that you mentioned, and I assure you that I did not mistake my own address. Unfortunately, you seem to be confused – I’ve lived at this lake house for almost two years, and have since moved to ---, NYC. It would be great if you could forward my mail to this address if you receive any.
And, by the way, it’s 2019. It has been all year – ask anyone.
Erik may have been a little aggressive by underlining 2019 so heavily, but he didn’t care too much, folding the letter inside the empty letterbox and flicking down the flag.
Walking back to his car, Erik suddenly heard the squeak of metal behind him, turning with a slightly startled jump.
The letter box’s flag was up.
Erik’s eyes darted around his surroundings, trying to look for the prankster, but it was quiet.
Then, the flag jerked itself down without a hand touching it.
Erik’s heart hammered, his long legs surging forward and his hands ripping open the letter box. The folded letter he had just placed in there had disappeared, and something else had replaced it. It was from the same paper C. F. Xavier’s initial note had been written on, and on it was the same refined cursive scrawl.
He had just received a reply from C. F. Xavier, a C. F. Xavier who was nowhere to be seen.
Charles almost screamed when he saw the flag move itself, blue eyes staring at the metal letterbox with a mixture of fear and rapture. Charles nibbled on the end of his pen, unblinking, waiting for the phantom to move the letterbox again.
“Come on, my friend…” Charles goaded the lake house phantom, gasping when, after a long, laborious length of time, the flag shoved itself down. “Good God.”
Charles opened the letterbox, and found that the paper he had placed face down only about five minutes ago was now face up, with E. Lehnsherr’s – Erik’s – distinct scrawl beneath Charles’s own lettering. Charles couldn’t help but laugh, breathless and giddy, reading the mysterious letter with excitement.
February 4th, 2017
Dear Erik,
My friend, I’m not sure about you, but it is the year 2017 where I am. You told me to ask anyone, and I did – I texted my sister and my friends, and they all assure me that it is indeed 2017.
While our incongruous dates are confounding, I am more intrigued as to how you are responding to me. I am not well-versed in practical jokes or magic, so may I ask, how are you doing this?
P.S. I’m not sure what lead you to believe that I am Ms. Xavier, but I am usually addressed as Mr. Xavier. However, please just address me as Charles.
I am as confused as you are – if anyone is the magician, it’s you. I’ve been watching this letterbox, and no one has touched it.
P.S. The real estate agent said that this property was owned by a woman. I didn’t mean to offend you, nor assume your gender.
Charles blinked, swallowing deeply. This was…
Charles sucked in a breath, planting himself on the grass in front of the letterbox, ripping a new piece of paper from his notebook and writing with fervour.
Don’t worry, you did not offend me in the slightest, and even if you did, I’m rather pre-occupied worrying about the fact that we can even have this conversation.
My mind is fanciful by nature, and I can think of a few different scenarios that read like fiction – but, with what is happening, fiction seems to be our new reality. Since you are adamant that you are living in 2019, and I am even more sure that it is currently 2017, I’d wager that this letterbox is some sort of time-travelling device.
Either that, or I am going insane. Please tell me that I am not alone in my insanity, my friend.
Charles placed the letter in the letterbox, flicked the flag, and waited.
He did not have to wait long for a response.
It seems that you aren’t alone in your insanity. But, I think I am more insane for thinking that your illogical logic is… logical. In case you are still in disbelief, I have a coin minted in 2018 – not 2019, but futuristic enough.
Erik grinned down at his response, pulling out a 2018 dime from his pocket and placing it atop the letter. Erik willed in his heart for the coin to be sent through smoothly, not sure about the limitations of this time-travelling device in the shape of a letter box. Erik waited for Charles’s response eagerly.
He, too, did not wait long.
A dime from the future – how much do you think it would go for on the market? Some coin collectors can be positively rabid.
I joke, though. Erik, this is amazing. Whatever physics are at work here, I can’t even begin to explain it – I may have a degree in biophysics, amongst other things, but my knowledge on time travel tells me that the very concept is a myth. Science fiction. I’m not sure what I could send you to prove that I am indeed from the past, but it seems like you believe me thus far.
Here is a biscuit that’s expiring soon – in March 2017, to be precise. So, about a month from now (my time).
Before sending the letter, Charles had pat himself down, trying to think of something to give Erik but coming up empty – everything Charles had could be easily procured in the future. Still, Charles felt like he should send Erik something – in the end, he placed a plastic-wrapped biscuit alongside his letter, flicking down the flag as he held Erik’s 2018-minted dime in his palm, the metal warm.
I’m sure you would be called a fraud if you tried to sell a dime from the future. Frankly, I think I would be the only person who would believe you.
And Charles, in your opinion, would the biscuit be safe to consume? Technically, two years haven’t passed in the biscuit’s lifetime.
If I met you now, you wouldn’t believe me any way – because, for you, this conversation hasn’t even happened yet.
And that is marvellous to think about, isn’t it? Positively groovy. Also, please try the biscuit – if you become ill, let me know.
Erik let out a choked laugh, eyeing the biscuit he had left sitting atop the letter box. The thought that Charles had procured it and thoughtfully given it to Erik made something churn in the German’s belly. Whether that was a side effect of the strange warmth spreading in his chest or because his stomach pre-empted the food poisoning the expired-but-unexpired biscuit would give him, Erik couldn’t tell.
Still, Erik opened the plastic packaging, swallowing down the biscuit in two bites.
It was sweet.
Groovy? Really, Charles? How old are you?
I had pegged you for a senile old man at first, since you seemed to be stuck two years in the past – I think you just confirmed my suspicions.
(And the biscuit was delicious.)
Charles snorted at Erik’s response, not feeling offended but elated instead – Charles’s heart was thumping wildly, lurching ever time the letter box would rattle. Charles couldn’t stop the smile spreading across his face as he hastily penned a reply to his new friend.
A senile old man? You wound me, Erik!
And I’m 31. So, in your time, I would be 33. But, since you’ve made fun of me for my age, how old are you then? Twelve?
Almost. Triple it.
You’re 36 in 2019, then? So, you’d be a youthful 34-year-old right now.
Congratulations, Charles. You can do math.
Erik chuckled to himself, licking his lips as he sent the snarky and teasing response.
How long had it been, since Erik could speak with someone so easily? So naturally?
It had been a long time – maybe ever since Magda?
Or maybe even before that?
This infantile mocking is why I thought you were 12, Erik. But I do apologise – I shouldn’t make fun of my elders.
Charles wasn’t sure if he was teasing or flirting now – maybe a mixture of both. But, God, talking to Erik lit something inside Charles that had been dormant for a long time.
Who’s the child now? Are you sure you’re not in elementary school still, Charles?
I graduated from high-school when I was 16, actually. So, no, I am far from being in elementary school, my friend. Unfortunate, because I think we could have become great friends in the playground, considering we are both apparently 12-years-old.
I have no doubt about that, Charles.
But, you mentioned that you have a degree in biophysics?
Well, a PhD in biophysics, to be precise.
Erik’s eyebrows went up when he read Charles’s response. The man had sounded educated in his responses, but this was impressive. Charles was an intellectual, and that was something Erik appreciated. Still, he felt the need to tease the (slightly) younger man.
Are you bragging?
No, my friend. If I were bragging, I’d tell you about my other PhDs in genetics, anthropology and psychology. Oh, and my meagre Bachelor’s degree in English.
Erik choked when he read Charles’s reply, grey eyes bulging. Gott, Charles was a genius. Was he even real?
Time travelling was one thing, but someone like Charles Xavier – funny, intelligent, cheeky Charles Xavier – existing?
Erik could hardly believe it.
So, you’re a 12-year-old child genius then?
You’re the one who said it, my friend. Not me.
What about you? What did 12-year-old you grow up to become?
Charles wanted to know more about this man who lived in the future – sure, Charles was curious about other things about the future unknown to him, like world events, new technologies, political intrigue – but more than that, he wanted to know about the man who lived in it.
A man that, in what was a handful of minutes that spanned two years, Charles felt bound to.
Raven’s girlfriend was, maybe, right about something.
A lawyer, specialising in estate planning law. No PhDs here, so I have nothing to brag about.
You’re selling yourself short, Erik. I’d wager that it isn’t easy becoming a lawyer, having to pass the bar amongst other things. Not to mention the fact that your job involves professional arguing – I enjoy a good debate myself, but I could never become a lawyer.
Erik smiled at that. He could feel that Charles’s words were genuine and spoken from the heart. There was something about the way he wrote that made it seem like he bore his heart on the page, something that Erik had always struggled with.
But, talking to Charles like this, Erik felt lighter.
And I could never complete 4 PhDs. Oh, and a bachelors in writing – how could I forget?
Why do I feel like you’re mocking me again, my friend?
Because I am.
Hmph – that’s the noise I made just then. It’s a shame that you can’t hear it in person.
And God, Charles wanted to hear Erik’s voice. To speak with him – but sadly, he was two years too early.
What if I could?
Erik’s heart hammered – Gott, he wanted to hear Charles’s voice. He wondered if Charles’s voice would match his gentle, elegant cursive. If it did, he imagined Charles to be soft-spoken, maybe with a posh accent. For some reason that seemed to match Charles’s written voice well. But, from what Erik could tell, Charles had a mischievous streak – the man was surprising, in every way.
What do you mean?
What if I called you, in my time?
Charles almost dropped his pen when he read Erik’s words, eyes widening to blue saucers.
You mean, in the future?
That’s another way of saying it.
Very well, I’ll bite. Here’s my number: XX XXXX XXXX
Call me.
Erik found himself breathless all of a sudden, staring at the string of numbers.
Charles’s number.
Erik hadn’t felt like this since he was actually 12-years-old.
Is this how you give people your number in bars, Charles?
“Are you flirting with me, Erik?” Charles asked himself incredulously, though his cheeks coloured.
‘God, I hope you’re flirting with me, my friend.’
No, usually I just skip that step and take them home.
But enough stalling, Erik – have you called future me yet?
Erik couldn’t help the surprised laugh that erupted from his throat. Charles, Charles, Charles.
Not yet – Charles, I will call you at precisely 3:05pm on Monday, the 9th of February 2019. Which, for me, is a minute from now.
“I’ll be waiting,” Charles vowed to no one but himself, wondering where he would be in two years, waiting for Erik to call. Would he be back home in NYC, tucked away in his office? Or would he be at his publisher’s, excusing himself from a meeting with his editor, Moira MacTaggert, to answer Erik’s impending call in private?
Or, maybe, Charles would have tried to surprise Erik. Charles could surprise him by showing up at the lake house, since he knew that Erik was there, right now.
Why hadn’t Charles done that already?
Alright. I’ll be waiting for your call, Erik.
Erik’s hands were shaking as he dialled Charles’s number, double and triple checking to make sure the digits were correct.
He pressed call.
The phone rang for a few beats, and then a few more, and then for many, many more. Eventually, the robotic female voice told Erik that Charles did not pick up, and Erik’s heart fell, disappointment flooding him over a man two years away.
Erik didn’t know what to do, and ten minutes passed – there hadn’t been this much of a lag between their sent letters, and Erik was surprised when the letter box flag jerked up and then down.
Erik hastily checked it, pocketing his phone once again. 
Have you called future me yet, my friend?
I did – you didn’t pick up, you asshole.
Charles frowned. He hadn’t picked up? Why hadn’t he picked up?
Future Charles, you idiot.
Well. I’m disappointed in future me. Something must have held me up. I do apologise, my friend. Please believe me when I say that I want nothing more than to answer your call.
Gosh, I’m making excuses for a me that doesn’t exist yet.
But, please, Erik – trust me when I say that I am very sorry.
Erik sighed, reading Charles’s message over and over. He did seem awfully apologetic, and maybe he was right – even though this was now for Erik, for Charles it was two years in the future. Many things could’ve changed for the man in that time. He could have simply forgotten, he may have moved countries and changed time zones, or maybe, knowing Charles, he overworked himself getting a 5th PhD and was passed out over his desk.
Erik noticed that the sky was beginning to glow orange, sunset approaching, cursing under his breath. If he didn’t start driving home now, it would be well past midnight by the time he got back to his apartment.
No apologies needed, Charles. Two years is a long time, and I’m sure you were just busy – working on your 5th PhD, perhaps?
And, sadly, I have to leave now – I was only here to pick up some books that I had left behind. I’ve got to drive back to NYC now.
Charles read Erik’s letter, frowning. Was this it, then?
Charles didn’t want this to be it. 
Oh, that’s sad news, my friend – this conversation with you, no matter how brief, has meant more to me than you know. I’m not sure what magic is at work here, but I will be here in a week’s time. I would very much like to speak to you again, Erik, if you wanted.
Charles waited with bated breath, hands pressed together tightly as he eyed the letter box flag.
Charles opened the letter box, surprised to find Erik’s letter wedged between the pages of a worn book – The Once and Future King.
I’d also like to speak with you again – this… means a lot to me, too. I hate to leave so soon, but I’ll give you this to help pass the time before I can return. It’s my favourite novel – considering you have a bachelors in English, you may have already read it, but still.
Until next week, Charles.
Charles laughed, fingering the pages of the book before dropping his forehead to its cover, breathing in the smell of old pages and something like cologne.
Erik’s cologne.
“I’ll be waiting, my friend,” Charles whispered, getting up and walking back into the lake house, not waiting a moment before going into the study and booting up his laptop, which was open to the novel he had begun working on when he had first received a reply from Erik.
“Days of Future Past – by Francis Graymalkin”.
Next chapter (2/3) → 
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cupcakeshit · 5 years
Does Your Decorative Concrete Floors Residential Pass The Test? 7 Things You Can Improve On Today
We do not charge a dime! Our estimate support is one hundred% free of charge. We do not request ANY economic facts and you'll use us as again and again as you prefer. You do not have any obligations. We find you skilled concrete flooring pros that best meet the requires within your job, but when you are not fully happy with the estimates presented, You're not obligated to move ahead. We do the job with many concrete flooring providers to deliver major support... The Masonry Pros in our community specialise in all types of concrete flooring jobs which include foundation, patio, driveway, pathway, and all kinds of other residence renovation and residential enhancement jobs.
You’ll also have to have a trowel or spreader — I appreciated working with a couple of different measurements — plus an previous bucket and spoon for mixing the Feather Complete.
In turn, your contractor could have the assurance that his function will probably be appreciated and you’ll fully grasp what it will take to attain the very best quality operate. So right before your project commences, make sure you meet using your contractor and give him the chance to tell you these five things he would like you to find out.
This kitchen was remodeled and updated with Wainscoting complete Focus on the walls and glass backsplash tiles. The tan tile floor was outdated as well as the homeowner needed a thing far better wanting. The area in the tile was diamond grinded. Then a primer was utilized. Employing Miracote products and solutions, a patch leveler identified as RMII was applied and used to smooth out the floor and fill the grout strains.
This aid brace is applied at any fringe of the access floor where by a exact Slash was produced to your UNIPANEL with out leaving any mini pedestals at the sting of your panel.
Concrete is Just about the most reliable components in the development sector. When injury is obvious, a specialist contractor can evaluate the extent of your damage to Look at if it could take advantage of a decorative concrete resurfacing or refinishing or if it necessitates a complete concrete repair or replacement.
Polished concrete presents several of the toughest flooring obtainable. By grinding and refining your concrete we are able to produce a lot of levels of gloss and combination publicity to suit your design and style and funds. Polished concrete has a wide array of colors from which to choose to generate the ultimate look!
Stained oncrete can hold up from kitchen area spills together with slipping objects without having staining or breaking. In combination with its toughness, concrete floor cleaning is very easy simply because you do not need to bother with damaging it with harsh solutions.
H2o-dependent stains, On the flip side, develop a lot more strong and dependable colors mainly because it is non-reactive. A coating of sealer will boost the colors extra and shield it from fading.
Outdoor concrete architectural constructions such as this gazebo are colored and sealed to maintain their visual appeal and Visible appeal.
Right after it’s mixed, I Permit it sit for 1 minute while in the bucket to obtain a sort of “soft set”, then I would pour it out onto the floor and use the trowel to spread it. The primary layer went straight on the plywood. (I swept and dusted it really well beforehand.)
The venture right here provides flooring solutions for NYC apartment structures faced with an expensive remediation career to get rid of asbestos tile. In this instance we were being equipped to use self leveling concrete above 1940′s asbestos tiles which has a very low shrink solution.
This toilet of the designer show residence about the North Shore of Lengthy Island obtained the glance of a standard marble tile floor through a cement overlay. The tile sample was laid out over the cement overlay and each tile was separately hand painted to simulate Carrera Marble.
We have been a household owned Flooring Firm which includes in excess of 20+ yrs experience. We specialize in Flooring Set up.Our flooring experts is going to be there along with you step-by-step making certain everything is correctly planned out.
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nyc concrete flooring experts
NYC concrete flooring experts offer quality artistry
There are various kinds of flooring finishings, among them is the epoxy flooring coating which is commonly made use of on commercial floors, private garage, and basement floors and even office centers. The epoxy consists of two parts; the material element which is a light, smell free and colorless, and the other component is the hardener which is typically dark in the shade and has a solid scent. With the appropriate mix and correct amount, the combination will develop a chemical reaction, therefore, creating a solid plastic material assured to last for a long time. Hire epoxy floor installers near me for quality work.
What is epoxy?
Epoxy is a material constructed from a liquid polymer and is transformed into a durable polymer with proper blend because of a chain reaction. An epoxy which is polymer based is chemical resistant to degeneration, mechanically challenging and very adhesive. Epoxy is also warmth resistant and an excellent insulator for electrical purposes. Epoxy floor coating contractors near me are here to guide you in a better way.
What are the benefits of epoxy floor finishing?
For one, epoxy flooring finishing is very reliable when it concerns sturdiness. The blend can likewise be adjusted according to the specific requirement of your garage or center. The resin can be readjusted to fulfill your desired solidity or flexibility. And since it can be changed, you can also request to add color on the blend ahead up with your preferred style and shade of your garage flooring. By utilizing epoxy floor coating, you get a long lasting and at the very same time, an attractive layer on your carpet.
Is epoxy risk-free and straightforward to apply?
Epoxy is secure, and there are no known unsafe results of the chemicals utilized in the blend. There are epoxy paints that come premixed for application on reduced web traffic floors or high-efficiency epoxy flooring coverings that you incorporate from container A with bucket B that you mix with a drill and blending paddle. It additionally has a high resistance to chemicals such as gasoline, salt, oil, oil, and solvents. Take a look at epoxy floor coating companies near me that offer reasonable costs services.
Advancements in Epoxy Floor Layer Modern Technology
Epoxy layer top quality covers a variable depending upon use. There are Do It Yourself sets available for basements and garage floorings. You obtain what you pay for. Epoxy paint sets discovered in lots of house enhancement stores are a little bit more than a paint that can not hold up against the warm tires of your vehicle or vehicle regardless of what it states on the tag. In recent times on the internet stores have presented high performance Do It Yourself systems with a long lasting urethane top coat. Specialist installers will certainly use systems with sand built into various layers for rush hour in warehouses and high web traffic areas.
Since your floor is deeply cleansed, it is ready to have a stunning epoxy surface added. The Manhattan concrete in new york NY will include a stunning shine to your flooring. We can change the shine from a semigloss to a high mirror surface, with several levels of shine in between. The epoxy coating is not just for beauty; it is placed down to protect your floors and will undoubtedly last for several years. It seals out dust and stains, and it is straightforward to maintain. Epoxy finishes will certainly include years of added carefree, useful life to your floors.
Technological improvement has made our life easy and premium. Due to current advances in brightening strategies and equipment, both new and old concrete floors are acquiring high-gloss finish which does not need finishes or waxes. Because of exceptional toughness, strength and performance of concrete polish, several offices, retail, and warehouses selecting a polished concrete floor covering.
There are many advantages of Manhattan concrete in NYC over other flooring material choices:
Durability: Concrete floors are robust and resilient. These floors do not tarnish quickly. Further, these floors are not vulnerable to fracture or divide like ceramic tile or linoleum. Along with this, there is no requirement to alter the flooring time to time as in case of rugs, PVC, marble or stone. With appropriate care and routine maintenance, it will offer the best performance for years to find. Appropriately maintained concrete floors could exist as long as the piece exists. Numerous functions make them the most preferably matched and economical level covering alternative in both the short and long term.
The concrete floors have a dense surface area, which assists in preventing the oil or chemical penetration of the surface. Because of this particular attribute, concrete floors are preferably fit for a storehouse, commercial and commercial applications. As the flooring is abrasion immune, it can be made use of in tune with the market criteria.
Regular wiping and cleansing will undoubtedly ensure that refined concrete flooring is much less slippery as contrasted to other floor covering substitutes. Besides resilience and efficiency, it uses superior aesthetic appeals. Unlike other sorts of level covering, exceptional looks of concrete gloss can be preserved easily with marginal maintenance. The premium quality surface and gloss makes these floors best-suited choice for a variety of functions. So, what are you waiting? Despite whether it is your store, mall or house, the concrete gloss is the best flooring choice.
Concrete polishing is a genuine process, and it is one that can substantially profit local business owner on a long-term basis. Rather than managing the daily upkeep of various other kinds of floor covering, you can develop the impression of a brand new flooring by using the polishing process on your existing concrete floors. If you intend to make a statement, you have your contractor do some refinishing also, so you can include color and character to your building's inside too.
Concrete polishing offers your flooring a high shine, which adds class to its or else dull coating. A specialist will undoubtedly bring in a big device that will buff down a thin layer externally of your flooring. This will not only even out your flooring if it has been incorrectly set up, yet it will leave your concrete floor with a stunning finish that lasts for years. Concrete sprucing up is also a terrific selection if you want doing environmentally friendly reconstruction, as the procedure of polishing concrete includes no dangerous or hazardous chemicals. This makes it much healthier for you, your family members, and the environment.
Concrete floor covering is fast turning into one of the most popular products to be utilized in the house. It provides severe convenience and is more of a green option rather than other materials and floor covering choices. It is entirely allergen-free and is an excellent choice to carpeting, that can keep dust and pet dog dander.
Concrete is likewise very simple to tidy and does not warp as timber flooring does. It has an aesthetic appeal that is among the most urban-styled offered. Whether you stay in a high-end loft apartment or condo or you have a modern-day and industrial residence, a southside concrete polishing in NYC can be the perfect addition to it. Alternatively, lots of people use this sturdy material in their garage to guarantee a gorgeous look and safety integrity.
Click This Site for getting more information related to epoxy floor installers near me.
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rachelmorris305 · 7 years
A White Kitchen Goes for a Touch of Shine
How to up the ante with a neutral like white? Go high-gloss!
White, high-gloss cabinets are a popular feature in many Sweeten renovations (the photos above are from the following projects: Ursula, Jill and Aaron, and an Upper West Side kitchen).
Editor’s Note: This feature, originally published summer 2015, is one of our favorite dramatic makeovers. An overpowering closet flanking the existing galley kitchen seemed to squeeze the entry even tighter. Then the walls came down, and the white cabinets got glossy with a finish that amplifies when natural light hits it. The affordability of this full kitchen from IKEA is an extra bonus. The takeaway: a bit of shiny goes a long way.
“Sweeten made the process super easy to get bids and ultimately find a great contractor. I’m really glad I found you guys.”
– Lee Hoffman, Manhattan homeowner
Here’s one of those before and afters that’s hard to believe at first glance. Lee Hoffman, the CEO and founder of the photo-sharing app Memoir, bought a 1+ bedroom, 1 bathroom co-op in Midtown East. The original kitchen and bathroom were beyond forlorn; the kitchen was hidden behind a walled entryway – more of a hallway than a room. This might have been initially helpful given its 1978 vintage, but not ideal in an apartment that depended on the kitchen window for extra light in the living room. And we can only assume that this bathroom had seen better days, right? Lee did months and months of research on ways to update the space and came to Sweeten to find a contractor who could give some serious attention to this unloved little kitchen and bath pair. We sent this Sweeten general contractor to handle things, envisioning some nice new cabinets and tile—the usual works. We definitely did not see this whole new look coming!
While there is more than enough to see in these “before” photos, Lee found himself up against one major, invisible force: the co-op’s previous tenant had been a smoker and the original stock finishes were covered in smoky residue. The kitchen was virtually sealed off from the living room, and its big window was partially blocked by cabinetry and a fridge that had been wedged into the galley. Lee knew he could swap in new cabinets and appliances, but when he learned that the dividing wall was non-load-bearing, he began to picture taking down the wall to let light into the living room from two directions. He put together a lengthy list of big and small updates (wall demolition all the way down to soft-close cabinets) and took the same approach to bring light and modern appeal to the crumbling bathroom.
Lee took on the kitchen with all of the resolve of a tech entrepreneur. He spent a month talking to every cabinet maker in NYC before accepting that even the lowest price for a high-end, custom-built set was way beyond what he was willing to put in for the entire project. Even the next tier down felt costly, and the slightly more budget-friendly options at big box retailers didn’t seem like an obvious slam dunk. After reading positive reviews about IKEA cabinets, and realizing that a whole new IKEA line was about to hit the market, he found himself psyched by the look of the white, high-gloss lacquer Sektion option. The cost-benefit of going with IKEA was immediately evident: for well under $10k, Lee got a full set of kitchen cabinets and was really happy with the quality. The downside? Getting delivery right took weeks of follow-up and re-shipments to get all of the pieces on site. A great deal overall, but most definitely not without headaches and hand-holding. But details, details…take a look at what happened when the wall came down and the cabinets went in!
Lee’s research paid off in other parts of the kitchen. He loved the look of white marble and spent six months on the hunt for a quartz countertop with a similar feel, ultimately landing on a porcelain slab by Euro West with an almost-identical yet indestructible effect. Lee compared the slab side by side with marble at Mark and Benneton in Brooklyn and never looked back. To keep his budget focused, Lee decided to skip a typical tiled backsplash. With the newly opened room, and with an upper row of cabinets only on one side, it ended up being a smart choice. Lee thought carefully about cabinet placement—drawers only along the left (16″ depth to maximize open space) and a slim row of upper cabinets centered on the right. The team installed the counter-depth Liebherr fridge against the back wall and lined up all other appliances: a Samsung stove, a stainless steel Blomberg dishwasher, and a Blanco Quatrus sink on the opposite side, leaving plenty of room in all directions for food prep and hosting.
Lee was entirely unsentimental about the bathroom. Everything had to go and in its place, lots of clean, bright whites and crisp glass. He found happiness in a touchless San Souci Kohler toilet, “designed for OCD people,” in his words, and also went with a Kohler recessed medicine cabinet above the Fresca sink vanity. The bathroom hardware is all Hansgrohe – we love that full shower suite with all of its bells and whistles. Lee’s heavy research brought in one more big catch: he found a specialty frameless shower glass from Mirage Shower Doors that eliminates the slight green aura that lots of shower doors end up with and lets the Glassos white wall tiles do their thing.
Big thanks to Lee and the Sweeten team for a stunning redo, and for all of this insider research!
KITCHEN RESOURCES: Porcelain slab countertop: Euro West. Sink: Blanco Quatrus. Stove: Samsung. Dishwasher: Blomberg. Fridge: Leibherr. White, high-gloss cabinets: IKEA Sektion.
BATHROOM RESOURCES: Toilet: Kohler. Sink vanity: Fresca. Shower panel: Mirage Shower Doors. Hardware: Hansgrohe.
If you’re thinking about getting IKEA cabinets for your kitchen, check out our comparison guide that weighs the pros and cons of IKEA vs. custom cabinets.
Sweeten handpicks the best general contractors to match each project’s location, budget, and scope, helping until project completion. Follow the blog for renovation ideas and inspiration and when you’re ready to renovate, start your renovation on Sweeten.
A post from originally from Sweeten
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catskillconversion · 7 years
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Some temporary rear landscaping.
The area directly outside the rear windows will eventually be completely covered by a concrete/steel deck clad in matching tile/marble to the interior. This will complete the “inside-outside” look we designed into the original plans. But as we are still finishing the rest of the house and those fab decks are a year away, we figured a little beautification of the immediate rear dirt was in order. The goal was to spend as little as possible (because it will eventually be dug up) yet be clean and pleasant to view from inside when looking out.
The stone wall was already there (from the previous house), so we added the plant bed, flowers, black mulch, wood edging (salvaged from old roof trusses from original house), hidden timed water irrigation, 45 ft of sod and cheap-o plastic sprinkler system from Lowe’s.
The bluegrass sod was cheap (at $.85/SF from Lowe’s, it’s cheaper than seeding/protecting/growing grass yourself), as was the mulch ($2/40 lb bag). The flowers weren’t cheap, but can be moved when the time comes. And the two watering systems were $35 each (after some trial and error with junk that didn’t work). The pea gravel was delivered -- we only needed $35 worth. We got lucky with top soil -- didn't need any because ours was decent.
Labor was provided free by me and Steph ;)
All in all it looks pretty good I think. And an excellent visual return on the relatively minor investment.
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epoxy flooring nyc
Transform Your House and add value to a property with epoxy floor coating contractors near me
In the current times, residential polished concrete floors in NYC has ended up being significantly prominent for homes and industrial establishments. It is due to the durability and expense effectiveness that it offers in addition to its remarkable and robust charm. It is readily available in numerous finishes like discolored concrete.
You can include bespoke layouts of acid stained concrete to any part of your building. It is an excellent option for both exterior and interior flooring. Concrete floors are yet to acquire mainstream approval, yet they're gradually and progressively obtaining a foothold. They're flexible and blend well with practically every design. Here are a few reasons why hiring NYC concrete flooring experts make good sense.
a) Long lasting: Unlike various other floor types, concrete can withstand extreme stress. This is one of the numerous reasons that they're favored for storehouses and manufacturing facilities. When made use of for residential objectives, they do not damage or break. They're immune to scratches triggered by heels, furniture or animals. Concrete floorings when preserved well can last for more than a century! To keep the shine, all you require to do is to brighten the flooring once every few years. Hire concrete floor coating contractors near me that offer quality workmanship.
b) Versatile: You can produce unimaginable styles by mixing and matching colors. You can recreate the appearance of wood floors by producing slab like imprints or recreate the timeless look of granite/marble flooring by blending concrete with various colors and discolorations. It's virtually like a new canvas financing itself to the musician to develop masterpieces.
c) Easy to preserve: Sand and dust bits may scratch the surface area causing polished concrete to shed its luster and wiping the flooring with soapy water once a week aids to maintain the carpet clean. You may likewise have to opt for the concrete layer or sealing periodically depending on the degree of web traffic. Concrete nevertheless absorbs oil, ink, food and other stains. Make sure that they're cleaned immediately with a clean towel.
Despite having numerous apparent benefits, individuals commonly stay clear of concrete floorings as they're considered as well cold and loud. Yes, concrete floor covering is crisp, yet not higher than all-natural stones or ceramic floor tiles. Besides, you can continuously embed the floor with home heating cables that keep the floor warm during winter seasons. Concrete does not support and hence the problem of these floors being loud. This can be dealt with by placing area rugs, pillows, or various other materials that give a cushioning impact.
Advantages of Sleek Concrete Flooring
- Reduced tracked-in dust - A favorite technique of resurfacing stained or split concrete - Limitless design and color selections - Safe and slip-resistant - Permit moisture/water to vaporize and allow the concrete floorings to take a breath naturally - Won't chip, peel off or bubble - Guarantees optimal toughness and toughness
Epoxy is called a very sturdy kind of glue giving customers with high degrees of bonding homes. Epoxy is viewed as something that is far more above many paste style adhesives. The components of epoxy are offered in 2 plans that need mixing before use. These components are resins and hardeners. Lots of commercial and business buildings utilize epoxy floor covering in their building centers due to the countless the cost-saving and safety and security benefits it gives to individuals. Take a look at floor coating companies near me that offer reasonable costs offer.
Epoxy floor covering usually is located in some places, including cellars, and garage floors, indoor patios, retailers, restaurants, medical facilities, producing facilities, and laboratories, which all need robust and resilient flooring. Some house owners also desire their kitchen floorings to be made with coated with epoxy. Besides the resilience of epoxy flooring, it can hold up against damage that is caused by various chemical services. This indicates not only will it not be damaged by chemical flooring cleaners, however, if a laboratory has epoxy flooring and some chemicals spill, but it also will certainly not wreck the carpet.
Epoxy layer for floors is likewise extremely economical compared to other types of floor coatings including carpeting, tile, timber, and plastic. Polyurea pains usually set you back approximately four times the quantity of epoxy floor covering, and homeowners or entrepreneur do not see any advantages of from the boosted cost. It is incredibly cost-effective, and because it is resilient, epoxy floor covering is a long lasting financial investment. Men and women will certainly not require to do consistent touch-up work because of its long lasting results.
Epoxy flooring in NYC covering for organizations has many benefits. One is that an epoxy flooring will ward off the water, dirt, dust, chemicals and any various other type of discoloring that carpet will take in. Carpeting stains easily and catches dirt and dust within. Tile fends off most discolorations and dust, however, is weak and can chip conveniently. Wood floorings are costly and can be conveniently damaged by water. Marble is gorgeous, yet far more expensive than decorated concrete.
Using epoxy to a wanted surface is relatively easy. The designated location for the application has to be cleansed. The next action is to etch the concrete with chemicals made for epoxy floor covering. A base shade (as in a garage flooring) is used first, as the epoxy usually is clear. This base is as straightforward as painting on wall paint (make sure to reduce in the corners). Hire epoxy flooring installer in NYC that will gives you best advice and suggestion.
If wanted, flakes or various other fillers can be included for shade and style. After the skim coat has dried, it is time to roll on the epoxy resins. The epoxy can be dyed various shades to match the owner's wishes. The whole process can be completed usually within 48 hours, with no unpleasant carpet hairs, sawdust, glue or waster product to tidy up.
Epoxy flooring does not need much work. As soon as mounted, owners do not need to have a hard time much with deep cleansing regimens. This is why hazardous chemicals and solutions are not even required! Apart from saving money, you will not be harming the planet. Today, it is very vital to appreciate the numerous ecological problems. Various industrial business owners understand what it indicates to be socially liable. If you want to enhance your total production, you could take into consideration adhering to specific regulations and codes. The more you keep an eye out for others safety, the much better it is.
Check Out The Website for getting more information related to residential polished concrete floors in nyc. 
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rachelmorris305 · 7 years
A White Kitchen Goes for a Touch of Shine
How to up the ante with a neutral like white? Go high-gloss!
White, high-gloss cabinets are a popular feature in many Sweeten renovations (the photos above are from the following projects: Ursula, Jill and Aaron, and an Upper West Side kitchen).
Editor’s Note: This feature, originally published summer 2015, is one of our favorite dramatic makeovers. An overpowering closet flanking the existing galley kitchen seemed to squeeze the entry even tighter. Then the walls came down, and the white cabinets got glossy with a finish that amplifies when natural light hits it. The affordability of this full kitchen from IKEA is an extra bonus. The takeaway: a bit of shiny goes a long way.
“Sweeten made the process super easy to get bids and ultimately find a great contractor. I’m really glad I found you guys.”
– Lee Hoffman, Manhattan homeowner
Here’s one of those before and afters that’s hard to believe at first glance. Lee Hoffman, the CEO and founder of the photo-sharing app Memoir, bought a 1+ bedroom, 1 bathroom co-op in Midtown East. The original kitchen and bathroom were beyond forlorn; the kitchen was hidden behind a walled entryway – more of a hallway than a room. This might have been initially helpful given its 1978 vintage, but not ideal in an apartment that depended on the kitchen window for extra light in the living room. And we can only assume that this bathroom had seen better days, right? Lee did months and months of research on ways to update the space and came to Sweeten to find a contractor who could give some serious attention to this unloved little kitchen and bath pair. We sent this Sweeten general contractor to handle things, envisioning some nice new cabinets and tile—the usual works. We definitely did not see this whole new look coming!
While there is more than enough to see in these “before” photos, Lee found himself up against one major, invisible force: the co-op’s previous tenant had been a smoker and the original stock finishes were covered in smoky residue. The kitchen was virtually sealed off from the living room, and its big window was partially blocked by cabinetry and a fridge that had been wedged into the galley. Lee knew he could swap in new cabinets and appliances, but when he learned that the dividing wall was non-load-bearing, he began to picture taking down the wall to let light into the living room from two directions. He put together a lengthy list of big and small updates (wall demolition all the way down to soft-close cabinets) and took the same approach to bring light and modern appeal to the crumbling bathroom.
Lee took on the kitchen with all of the resolve of a tech entrepreneur. He spent a month talking to every cabinet maker in NYC before accepting that even the lowest price for a high-end, custom-built set was way beyond what he was willing to put in for the entire project. Even the next tier down felt costly, and the slightly more budget-friendly options at big box retailers didn’t seem like an obvious slam dunk. After reading positive reviews about IKEA cabinets, and realizing that a whole new IKEA line was about to hit the market, he found himself psyched by the look of the white, high-gloss lacquer Sektion option. The cost-benefit of going with IKEA was immediately evident: for well under $10k, Lee got a full set of kitchen cabinets and was really happy with the quality. The downside? Getting delivery right took weeks of follow-up and re-shipments to get all of the pieces on site. A great deal overall, but most definitely not without headaches and hand-holding. But details, details…take a look at what happened when the wall came down and the cabinets went in!
Lee’s research paid off in other parts of the kitchen. He loved the look of white marble and spent six months on the hunt for a quartz countertop with a similar feel, ultimately landing on a porcelain slab by Euro West with an almost-identical yet indestructible effect. Lee compared the slab side by side with marble at Mark and Benneton in Brooklyn and never looked back. To keep his budget focused, Lee decided to skip a typical tiled backsplash. With the newly opened room, and with an upper row of cabinets only on one side, it ended up being a smart choice. Lee thought carefully about cabinet placement—drawers only along the left (16″ depth to maximize open space) and a slim row of upper cabinets centered on the right. The team installed the counter-depth Liebherr fridge against the back wall and lined up all other appliances: a Samsung stove, a stainless steel Blomberg dishwasher, and a Blanco Quatrus sink on the opposite side, leaving plenty of room in all directions for food prep and hosting.
Lee was entirely unsentimental about the bathroom. Everything had to go and in its place, lots of clean, bright whites and crisp glass. He found happiness in a touchless San Souci Kohler toilet, “designed for OCD people,” in his words, and also went with a Kohler recessed medicine cabinet above the Fresca sink vanity. The bathroom hardware is all Hansgrohe – we love that full shower suite with all of its bells and whistles. Lee’s heavy research brought in one more big catch: he found a specialty frameless shower glass from Mirage Shower Doors that eliminates the slight green aura that lots of shower doors end up with and lets the Glassos white wall tiles do their thing.
Big thanks to Lee and the Sweeten team for a stunning redo, and for all of this insider research!
KITCHEN RESOURCES: Porcelain slab countertop: Euro West. Sink: Blanco Quatrus. Stove: Samsung. Dishwasher: Blomberg. Fridge: Leibherr. White, high-gloss cabinets: IKEA Sektion.
BATHROOM RESOURCES: Toilet: Kohler. Sink vanity: Fresca. Shower panel: Mirage Shower Doors. Hardware: Hansgrohe.
If you’re thinking about getting IKEA cabinets for your kitchen, check out our comparison guide that weighs the pros and cons of IKEA vs. custom cabinets.
Sweeten handpicks the best general contractors to match each project’s location, budget, and scope, helping until project completion. Follow the blog for renovation ideas and inspiration and when you’re ready to renovate, start your renovation on Sweeten.
A post from originally from Sweeten
0 notes
rachelmorris305 · 7 years
A White Kitchen Goes for a Touch of Shine
How to up the ante with a neutral like white? Go high-gloss!
White, high-gloss cabinets are a popular feature in many Sweeten renovations (the photos above are from the following projects: Ursula, Jill and Aaron, and an Upper West Side kitchen).
Editor’s Note: This feature, originally published summer 2015, is one of our favorite dramatic makeovers. An overpowering closet flanking the existing galley kitchen seemed to squeeze the entry even tighter. Then the walls came down, and the white cabinets got glossy with a finish that amplifies when natural light hits it. The affordability of this full kitchen from IKEA is an extra bonus. The takeaway: a bit of shiny goes a long way.
“Sweeten made the process super easy to get bids and ultimately find a great contractor. I’m really glad I found you guys.”
– Lee Hoffman, Manhattan homeowner
Here’s one of those before and afters that’s hard to believe at first glance. Lee Hoffman, the CEO and founder of the photo-sharing app Memoir, bought a 1+ bedroom, 1 bathroom co-op in Midtown East. The original kitchen and bathroom were beyond forlorn; the kitchen was hidden behind a walled entryway – more of a hallway than a room. This might have been initially helpful given its 1978 vintage, but not ideal in an apartment that depended on the kitchen window for extra light in the living room. And we can only assume that this bathroom had seen better days, right? Lee did months and months of research on ways to update the space and came to Sweeten to find a contractor who could give some serious attention to this unloved little kitchen and bath pair. We sent this Sweeten general contractor to handle things, envisioning some nice new cabinets and tile—the usual works. We definitely did not see this whole new look coming!
While there is more than enough to see in these “before” photos, Lee found himself up against one major, invisible force: the co-op’s previous tenant had been a smoker and the original stock finishes were covered in smoky residue. The kitchen was virtually sealed off from the living room, and its big window was partially blocked by cabinetry and a fridge that had been wedged into the galley. Lee knew he could swap in new cabinets and appliances, but when he learned that the dividing wall was non-load-bearing, he began to picture taking down the wall to let light into the living room from two directions. He put together a lengthy list of big and small updates (wall demolition all the way down to soft-close cabinets) and took the same approach to bring light and modern appeal to the crumbling bathroom.
Lee took on the kitchen with all of the resolve of a tech entrepreneur. He spent a month talking to every cabinet maker in NYC before accepting that even the lowest price for a high-end, custom-built set was way beyond what he was willing to put in for the entire project. Even the next tier down felt costly, and the slightly more budget-friendly options at big box retailers didn’t seem like an obvious slam dunk. After reading positive reviews about IKEA cabinets, and realizing that a whole new IKEA line was about to hit the market, he found himself psyched by the look of the white, high-gloss lacquer Sektion option. The cost-benefit of going with IKEA was immediately evident: for well under $10k, Lee got a full set of kitchen cabinets and was really happy with the quality. The downside? Getting delivery right took weeks of follow-up and re-shipments to get all of the pieces on site. A great deal overall, but most definitely not without headaches and hand-holding. But details, details…take a look at what happened when the wall came down and the cabinets went in!
Lee’s research paid off in other parts of the kitchen. He loved the look of white marble and spent six months on the hunt for a quartz countertop with a similar feel, ultimately landing on a porcelain slab by Euro West with an almost-identical yet indestructible effect. Lee compared the slab side by side with marble at Mark and Benneton in Brooklyn and never looked back. To keep his budget focused, Lee decided to skip a typical tiled backsplash. With the newly opened room, and with an upper row of cabinets only on one side, it ended up being a smart choice. Lee thought carefully about cabinet placement—drawers only along the left (16″ depth to maximize open space) and a slim row of upper cabinets centered on the right. The team installed the counter-depth Liebherr fridge against the back wall and lined up all other appliances: a Samsung stove, a stainless steel Blomberg dishwasher, and a Blanco Quatrus sink on the opposite side, leaving plenty of room in all directions for food prep and hosting.
Lee was entirely unsentimental about the bathroom. Everything had to go and in its place, lots of clean, bright whites and crisp glass. He found happiness in a touchless San Souci Kohler toilet, “designed for OCD people,” in his words, and also went with a Kohler recessed medicine cabinet above the Fresca sink vanity. The bathroom hardware is all Hansgrohe – we love that full shower suite with all of its bells and whistles. Lee’s heavy research brought in one more big catch: he found a specialty frameless shower glass from Mirage Shower Doors that eliminates the slight green aura that lots of shower doors end up with and lets the Glassos white wall tiles do their thing.
Big thanks to Lee and the Sweeten team for a stunning redo, and for all of this insider research!
KITCHEN RESOURCES: Porcelain slab countertop: Euro West. Sink: Blanco Quatrus. Stove: Samsung. Dishwasher: Blomberg. Fridge: Leibherr. White, high-gloss cabinets: IKEA Sektion.
BATHROOM RESOURCES: Toilet: Kohler. Sink vanity: Fresca. Shower panel: Mirage Shower Doors. Hardware: Hansgrohe.
If you’re thinking about getting IKEA cabinets for your kitchen, check out our comparison guide that weighs the pros and cons of IKEA vs. custom cabinets.
Sweeten handpicks the best general contractors to match each project’s location, budget, and scope, helping until project completion. Follow the blog for renovation ideas and inspiration and when you’re ready to renovate, start your renovation on Sweeten.
A post from originally from Sweeten
0 notes
rachelmorris305 · 7 years
A Long Townhouse Sets the Right Flow for Modern Living (Part 2)
While renovating their Brooklyn brownstone, Nazli and Larry discovered the merits of a dark, painted pantry and that heated floors were indeed worth fighting for
We’re back again this week with Part 2 of Nazli and Larry’s historic Brooklyn brownstone renovation in Bedford-Stuyvesant. If you missed it—check out Part I where Nazli walked us through their planning process and showed off the foyer and guest suite. Here, she shows off the rest of the parlor floor, including the kitchen, the dining room, and the powder room. Nazli explains the challenge of merging modern and traditional within the confines of a townhouse’s long and narrow configuration. Read on for her thoughts on powder rooms (wackiness is key), decorative mantels (rather pointless), and coming to terms with the budget required to achieve the renovation you want (very tough).
Guest post by Bedford-Stuyvesant homeowner Nazli
  Front parlor/foyer entry
I think the biggest challenge to any renovation is…the renovators obviously. There will always be a push and pull between the architect, the contractor, and the owners. And most of the time, that will yield a better product than any single entity could have envisioned (but not always). I think our Sweeten architect was fantastic in coming up with some great solutions to space challenges–especially on the parlor floor, where I insisted we needed a half-bath that was nowhere near the kitchen (because, gross), a hall closet, and a kitchen pantry. She really provided a lot of help in making sure the house was up to code and that the spaces flowed. Our contractor (and my husband’s best friend), did an awesome job of value engineering so we could get the most bang for our buck. The decorating of the spaces was left mostly to me and it was interesting trying to figure out my own taste.
We, like all imperfect clients, wanted this Brooklyn brownstone renovated on a contractor’s-grade budget. Obviously, we were being silly and went way over budget (and right at what our contractor told us it would cost; we were just deeply in denial about the cost of construction in NYC). The mechanicals in a home are so expensive that basically most of the money was gone before we made a single design choice. And for me, I care deeply about the fixtures, finishes, and materials and I wasn’t about to cheap out on the things we had to see and use every day. So just be honest with yourself about what you want and what you’re willing to pay or give up for it.
Standing in front parlor looking through the kitchen into the dining room
I was most excited about the kitchen—if that hasn’t already been made clear. I love throwing huge parties and dinners, and I like to spend my alone time cooking. It’s also a natural gathering spot, so it was exciting to think about getting the most out of the space. Turns out the space configuration of a Brooklyn brownstone made it hard to do that, but it still served us well—I am super happy with a long island (11 feet long!), a BlueStar stove, and the different stations for cooking, eating, making coffee, or baking.
The kitchen is my happy spot and I’ve spent years thinking about what makes a good kitchen. Is this ideal space planning? Nope. Is this my idea of a good time? For sure. The challenge was how to devise an open-plan area that was going to take up so much of the parlor floor without making it feel like a separate room. My solution was to forgo upper cabinets so there’s a clear line of vision from the front of the room all the way to the dining room. This created a storage challenge for me, of course, which we solved with a kitchen pantry. I wanted the pantry to be open so that I could see and access all my ingredients easily, but I also didn’t want a lot of visual clutter. I painted the cabinets and shelves a deep gray (same color as the island cabinets), which makes the whole space disappear once I turn out the light. I found a piece of scrap marble at the stone yard which I used for the kitchen backsplash and the countertops along the back wall closest to the pantry. Marble is expensive and hard to maintain, so my thought was to use it in low-use areas to give the look and feel of the material throughout the kitchen without spending that much. For the island and other countertop, I used poured concrete, which is a material I love. Surprisingly, it’s also pretty delicate, but it’s subtle and earthy and I like how it ages. The kitchen is, again, more traditional than I would have preferred, but I think the concrete and the open shelving give it a more modern touch. Also, I fought to get a second sink in the kitchen and am so happy I won that battle. It’s handy to set up a water station so people can grab water or rinse out cups without interrupting my cooking space.
I can’t say enough about how much I love these herringbone walnut floors. We splurged on these floors and went with the less costly white oak for the upstairs floors because…well, just look at them. My original vision was to have the tile floor in the kitchen, but it made more sense to continue the wood on the whole parlor floor and save the tile for the back extension. We mocked up the island with plywood and adjusted it until I was happy with the dimensions—how it felt to go from sink to stove, or how easy it was to take food out of the fridge and place it on the counter. That kind of stuff is important to me, and this was the first time I really got to design my own kitchen for myself. Everything is a bit taller and it suits me just great.
A note on accessibility: I’ve had friends and families with different mobility and impairment issues—whether wheelchair-bound, deaf, or arthritic—and time spent with them has made me very conscious of what it means to design well for many. A landmarked Brooklyn brownstone is a nightmare for anyone with a wheelchair, a walker, or a stroller, and I also saw firsthand some of the challenges that my design choices presented. The first set of cabinet pulls in the kitchen were a lovely set of straight, minimalist tab pulls. I loved that they gave the kitchen a more modern look. Cue my mother and mother-in-law coming over all the time and struggling with the pulls. They couldn’t grasp the straight pull with their arthritic fingers. I switched them out right away for pulls with a fully curved handle. Now they can just stick their finger under the pull, and a small motion opens the drawers. People keep talking about their “forever homes,” but really think about how you, your guests, and your children will have to adapt to the spaces as everyone starts to get older.
Dining room/bar
On the other end of our Brooklyn brownstone, and connected to the kitchen, is the dining room and bar. We love this room. We really felt like this room, a back extension added in the 1910s, was the reason we bought this place. Then we sadly rebuilt the entire room, but somehow, it’s still our favorite space in the house. So that was a great surprise—buying a house because of one room and then recreating it and still having that be the best spot in the house. It’s our dining room and bar, but we also have space under the dining bench to store all of Nacho’s gear so that he can draw and play at the table while I am cooking.
From being in other friends’ homes, I knew that extensions were always freezing cold and hard to heat. All I wanted was Moroccan tile for this room (in fact, for the whole house, but we just didn’t have the budget for that). Everyone fought me on adding radiant heating to the subfloor, but it’s by far the warmest room during the winter. Larry and I often come home and lie down on the floor and accidentally fall asleep! During the summer, this is the room we hang out in while kids run in and out of the house to the backyard. The best surprise? That giant Tiffany stained-glass window, which was hidden by a crappy 1970’s bookcase on the inside and vinyl siding on the outside. As soon as we bought the house, we ripped down the bookcase hoping we’d find a window, and lo and behold, we did. It was in near perfect condition. We completely sealed it with clear glass on the outside to avoid damage and heat loss, as we did with all the other stained glass details around the parlor floor. There was a large fireplace in this room, but I couldn’t figure out how to fit the mantel and Larry’s bar, and after much cajoling, I finally convinced Larry to agree to rip out the fireplace. The mantel has a new home in the living room, where the original had been removed previously. I will say, to the horror of preservationists everywhere, that I wish we didn’t have our mantels—they don’t work, they take up too much space, and they create artificial focal points in every room. Maybe if they were marble, I’d appreciate them more. It’s form without function, which I have no love for.
The powder room was a tough one to figure out. I hate the idea of guests having to go upstairs to use the bathroom, and with a small child, it’s great to have a bathroom on every floor. I think powder rooms should be wacky. This one is tiny, so doing a fun wallpaper or paint color was relatively cheap. I love the electric Cole & Sons Palms wallpaper—it adds a touch of fun to an otherwise formal dining room. I also love the pop of color from the door to the powder room. We hated having the stained glass window facing a dull orange wall because it cast a weird orangey glow into the room. Rather than fight it, though, we decided to paint the door an amped up version of that wall to tie the colors together in a fun way.
Thanks so much for sharing your gorgeous parlor floor spaces with us, Nazli and Larry! We can’t wait to see the rest of the home next week.
KITCHEN RESOURCES: Cabinets: custom. Cabinet pulls: Rejuvenation. Knobs: myknobs.com. Sink: Kohler. Fridge: Gaggenau. Range: BlueStar. Dishwasher: Bosch. Poured concrete countertops: Oso Industries. Marble countertops: PR Stone. Chelsea Gray paint color: Benjamin Moore.
DINING ROOM/BAR RESOURCES: Tiles: Cle Tile. Sconces: Rejuvenation. Abyss trim color: Benjamin Moore.
POWDER ROOM RESOURCES: Sink: Duravit. Faucet, toilet paper holder, hooks, and soap dispenser: Grohe. Wallpaper: Cole & Sons.
Jerry and Janet gut renovated a historic Brooklyn brownstone with an exterior that was in desperate need of a facelift and a virtually unsalvageable interior. The results are a perfect marriage of modern and traditional.
Sweeten handpicks the best general contractors to match each project’s location, budget, and scope, helping until project completion. Follow the blog for renovation ideas and inspiration and when you’re ready to renovate, start your renovation on Sweeten.
A post from originally from Sweeten
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