#march 2021 daily
transboykirito · 1 year
ha reblogging that video made me realise i'm like, either just this week a year sober or next week i'm a year sober but like. yknow. i'm a year sober. that's so fucking cool
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heymacy · 1 year
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dogstomp · 2 years
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Dogstomp #2483 - October 20th
Patreon / Twitter / Discord Server  
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sanchoyo · 1 year
literally cannot tell if I’m having a manic episode or actually genuinely just hyper+happy bc it’s finally getting warm and pretty outside and perhaps that’s Doing Away With my bad 3 month long seasonal depression for the time being 🤔 I mean it’s ….nice? To have so much sudden energy the past like, week or so, but also vaguely accompanied with feelings of Dread bc 1. Why 2. How long will it last 3. Can I stop any Impulses and avoid doing anything Regrettable while I am Like This. Bc the track record historically has not been GREAT
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drivemysoul · 2 years
randomly thinking about how 2021 was the worst year of my life
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ms-demeanor · 4 months
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IDK that I've ever put it in one post before, but here's the transplant speedrun.
1 - Valentines day 2021, he's admitted to the hospital. We take a pre-hospital selfie then I shave his head and he shaves his beard because he doesn't want to deal with hair at the hospital. Me and his mom drop him off; at that point you can only visit someone as they are actually dying and we're told that he's going to stay in the hospital until he gets a transplant or he dies, and if he's rejected as a transplant recipient he'll receive palliative care in this hospital.
2 - First week of March, they allow patients to have one screened visitor; this is our first visit - I take photos in the hospital to show his mom because at this point he has a pump in his shoulder and it is difficult for him to move his arms to use his phone. He has also been confined to a bed since the week he arrived because he's on the ECMO machine, so he can't walk or move around, though they stand him up every once in a while. At one point one of the ecmo tubes pulls out of his femoral artery, which is Not! Great! He also needed a blood transfusion about every two days at that point, which worried the doctors because it increased his likelihood of rejecting. But he had been approved for transplant at that point!
The first thing he said to me on this visit was "look, I have abs" and then he showed me his abs because it turns out when you're really really dying of heart failure your body begins to eat itself.
3 - Now That's What I Call Jaundice (cardiac cirrhosis is liver failure as a result of heart failure and it's pretty much the big giant neon flashing sign of heart failure that says "hey you're fucking dying" so if you've got heart failure and your bilirubin number is off or the whites of your eyes are yellow please kick up a gigantic stink until they check your liver; large bastard's GP, who is my doctor, who I hate, saw his bloodwork with a very high bilirubin number a month before he was diagnosed with cardiac cirrhosis and wrote it off as a testing fluke fuck that guy)
4 - Don't let the sad face fool you, he's acting pathetic so that his mom will stop yelling about the fact that I'm bringing him cookies. He's allowed to have cookies. At that point he weighed 98kg and was outsourcing his heartbeat, he was allowed to eat whatever he wanted. (have i mentioned that I was moving us from Vegas to LA at this time? I was bringing him cookies because I'd baked hundreds of peanut butter cookies and other cookies to use up the flour, sugar, and peanut butter in the vegas house)
5 - Mid-march, he's got a match! He called me when I was in Vegas filling up the truck with another load and I drove right back and to the hospital. Once he went in for surgery I drove to his mom's house and crashed, then woke up and drove to our storage unit and unpacked the truck while I waited to hear from the doctors. I was unloading a bookcase when I got the call. (There wasn't any point in waiting alone in the hospital for sixteen hours; either he was going to make it or he wasn't and someone was going to have to unload the truck at some point. People have been weird about this, like I should have been sitting at his side all the time, but there was a two-hour daily limit for most visits and look i have sat in a waiting room while this dude had a thirteen hour surgery i do not need a repeat of that experience without the soothing balm of nicotine getting me through it; so unloading a truck it was)
6 - Two days after surgery and kind of mad about it. His chest hurt a lot (obviously) but, like, a lot a lot because they'd had to open him up for the bypass just two years earlier.
7 - First walk outside of his room after transplant in early April; he needed a LOT of PT because of how much muscle he'd lost. He lost sixty pounds in the hospital before the surgery, and only gained back about twenty while he was in there.
8 - A visit from the tiny doggo
9 - I come to visit and I've got a new phone with a portrait mode so he steals it and takes stupid pictures for a few minutes. Dude is bored and restless; this is in late april and he's feeling well enough to be moody. ETA: There is a jar of pickles in front of him because he'd been fluid limited for a long time and his salt levels were off and when he got to the hospital they were like "you need electrolytes and a lot of salt" and he was like "sweetheart can you please please please bring me delicious salty things" so I was bringing him jars of pickled mushrooms and garlic stuffed olives and just a huge number of pickles that he kept trying to share with the nurses. "Alli brought the mushrooms again; would you like a pickled mushroom? I have fancy toothpicks to share them with!"
10 - He comes home for the first time in early May; he ends up getting readmitted two more times because of complications before finally being released in early July. ETA: The second time he got readmitted it was for something that he wasn't at all worried about but that they needed to monitor for a couple weeks so he was *SO BORED* and actually feeling pretty okay; so at one point when I was leaving the parking garage at 8pm my car wouldn't start, I did some troubleshooting with the manual and the internet and didn't figure it out, so I called him and he tried to troubleshoot over the phone and got frustrated and was begging his nurses to let him come out to the parking structure to work on my car (they refused) - I ended up getting a tow and fixing it when I replaced the battery terminals.
Photos are all posted with his permission.
Also I dyed my hair purple between photos one and two because it's his favorite color. I also bought a blue dress, red tights, and yellow shoes to wear to visit him because he always teases me for wearing so much black.
I just love him a lot. It was a hard couple years there, but things are getting better.
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project-sekai-facts · 5 months
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Only one date is ever mentioned in-game, that being 2021. Considering that the Virtual Singer Fan Festa seems to be a stand-in for Magical Mirai 2021, we can assume that the Scramble Fan FESTA! event takes place in September 2021 (the real-life MM2021 was delayed to November due to covid-19, but the pandemic doesn't exist in-universe and MM Tokyo usually takes place at the beginning of September). There are Leo/need Daily Life social media posts that show them attending Magical Mirai, and do state the year of the event, but these can be considered promotional material for the event itself rather than canon material, especially since the characters address in-game that only one year has passed since the start of the story (despite the fact they have celebrated new year's day 4 times now. Timeloop things).
Based on this date, we can actually place exactly when every main character was born. The cutoff date for Japanese schools is April 1st, making Ena the oldest main character, being a 3rd year with a birthday of April 30th, followed by Tsukasa on May 17th, so on so forth all the way down to Kohane, a 2nd year with a birthday of March 2nd.
Considering when Scramble Fan FESTA is set, Ena, who was a 2nd year at the time, would be 17 years old. That would place her date of birth as April 30th, 2004. Additionally, while Kohane, a first year at the time, should be 15 during the event, the game considers her to be 16 due to using a set age for every grade bracket. Regardless, the event setting places her date of birth as March 2nd, 2006.
Based on this, we can conclude that:
Ena, Tsukasa, Rui, and Shizuku were born in 2004
Mafuyu, Kanade, Airi, Minori, Saki, Toya, Nene, An, Ichika, Mizuki, Emu, Haruka, Honami, and Akito were born in 2005
Shiho and Kohane were born in 2006
This also means that Ena, Tsukasa and Rui are all older than the MEIKO software (released November 5th 2004), and everyone except Kohane is older than the KAITO software (released February 17th 2006). Every main character is older than Miku, the Kagamines, and Luka based on this information.
Using the information around set ages*, we can also work out rough estimates for when the side characters were born. For example, Arata, who was 19 during the first 3 years of the game, is 3 years older than the members of VBS who were all considered to be 16. Since the members of VBS were born in the April 2005 - April 2006 school year range, Arata was likely born in the 2002-2003 school year range.
* based on how characters like Youta and Miu, who are said to be the same age as Leo/need, were both confirmed to be 16 years old before the 3rd anniversary age-up. Also Haruka's age is confirmed as 16 at a point in time when she shouldn't be 16. Timeloop things.
Based on this, the oldest living side character, Kounosuke, who was 55 pre-3rd anniversary and 39 years older than Emu, was probably born between April 1966 and April 1st 1967. On the younger side of things, Hanano, who was 14 pre-3rd anni, was likely born between April of 2007 and 2008. I've put the rest of the estimated side character DOBs under the cut.
assumed age as of 3rd anniversary in brackets (literally just pre-age-up age + 1)
Rakunosuke Otori - April 2nd 1922 ~ April 1st 1923 (98 (at time of death. would be 100 if still alive))
Kounosuke Otori - April 2nd 1966 ~ April 1st 1967 (56)
Jean Riley - 1967~1968 (55)
Harumichi Aoyagi - 1968~1969 (54)
Shin'ei Shinonome - 1973~1974 (49)
Mr Yoisaki - 1975~1976 (47)
Ken Shiraishi - 1978~1979 (44)
Taiga Kotaki - 1978~1979 (44)
Yuuka Kazamatsuri - 1990~1991 (32)
Keisuke Otori - 1991~1992 (31)
Shousuke Otori - 1994~1995 (28)
Tatsuya Okazaki - 1999~2000 (23)
Ayaka Saito - 2001~2002 (21)
Hinata Otori - 2001~2002 (21)
Iori - 2002~2003 (20)
Mio - 2002~2003 (20)
Arata Tono - 2002~2003 (20)
Souma Miyata - 2002~2003 (20)
Kotaro Mita - 2004~2005 (18)
Sakurako Seiryuin - 2004~2005 (18)
Nanami "Nanamin" Hayakawa - 2004~2005 (18)
Futaba Natsuno - 2004~2005 (18)
Ayumi Tabata - 2004~2005 (18)
Hibiki Miyake - 2004~2005 (18)
Shuuta Hayashi - 2004~2005 (18)
Ibuki Taniyama - 2004~2005 (18)
Yuina Uchiyama - 2005~2006 (17)
Shouta Hayashi - 2005~2006 (17)
Miu Takagi - 2005~2006 (17)
Youta Yoshizaki - 2005~2006 (17)
Riho Hasegawa - 2005~2006 (17)
Saku Kousaka - 2005~2006 (17)
Mai - 2006~2007 (16)
Hanano Yoshizaki - 2007~2008 (15)
These ages were given in the 3rd fanbook, but there is not really any way to tell if these are the characters' ages at introduction or ages after the 3rd anniversary age-up. Here are both possible DOB ranges.
Mrs Asahina - 1980/81 or 1981/82 (41)
Yoshiki Shindou - 1982/83 or 1983/84 (39)
Yuuki Akiyama - 1999/2000 or 2000/01 (22)
Asahi Genbu - 2003/4 or 2004/5 (18)
Arisa Higure - 2004/5 or 2005/6 (17)
Additional notes (mod is rambling atp):
Rakunosuke died when he was 98 years old. In the WxS main story, Emu says that he died a year ago. Assuming Emu was 15 at the time, they have an age gap of around 83 years. The year of birth listed here was based on that assumption.
We know that Kanade's mother died aged 30, but we do not know when she died. She is still alive in flashbacks set roughly 10 years prior to the events of game.
We do not have confirmed ages for Nagi, Reki, Sakaki, MMJ's landlady or Mafuyu's father yet.
Rui suggests that Reki is the same age as him in A Story Where You Are The Star. However since it's more vague than Asahi, I left it out. However, Asahi was since confirmed as 18 when he was compared to Reki as being similar age, it is likely that Reki is also around 18 years old.
Nagi's age is left blank in the fanbook due to it not being revealed that she was dead at the time of publication. She is younger than Taiga, but we don't know by how much, but nonetheless she was likely born in the early 1980s.
No NPCs are given exact birthdays
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melyzard · 5 months
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*this article is from 2021
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*this article is from March 2023 (and has a lot more interesting breakout data such as who is targeted more and by which sites) (the answer won't surprise you)
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sissa-arrows · 4 months
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L’Ile Saint Denis is in the most diverse department of France. It’s also one of the poorest in mainland France but one of those who contribute the most to the economy… police violence are daily for the people in that département especially in the low incomes neighborhoods… no fucking wonder people in the department are proud of this and identify a lot with Palestinians.
Edit: I added alternative text for the picture. Also just for the record the mayor who made this possible is a Black Muslim man and he did it in 2021. So far each year for the anniversary (March 31st) the town organized a meal to teach people about the living condition of Palestinians.
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ingravinoveritas · 20 days
irvinis replied to your post "Among other things...”
@ingravinoveritas Don't you think Michael had time to imagine for a second that this was really an epitaph and David had to say it (regardless of the context in which it was all presented as a joke)? The moment he wipes away his tears. Apparently, this is something very British, but at Michael’s age, after Covid... I don’t think such thoughts did not occur to him.
@irvinis Oh, absolutely. I think it definitely was that very British thing of feeling a lot of powerful emotions and trying to deflect from them with humor. I also wouldn't be surprised if this made Michael think of when he was in New York and very sick with Covid in 2021 and David was checking in on him on a daily basis. Or maybe much more recently, when Michael was ill at the beginning of March and missed several performances of Nye. With Michael being in London, it could be that David was checking in on him again, but this time in person. Bringing Michael tea, or rubbing his shoulders, or sitting close to him in bed and reading as he drifts off to sleep.
I feel like these are the moments that would bring that tear to Michael's eye. The moments that make you think about mortality and who you want there with you when things get really hard. And a eulogy is meant to be delivered by a loved one--someone you're close with, someone who could easily speak for you. Someone who knew you the best. And Michael chose David to be that person.
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So yes, I think Michael's tears here were bittersweet. Mostly humor, but with just a tinge of sadness mixed in. And the comfort of knowing that he would never have to worry about a eulogy as long as David was the one giving it...
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bridenore · 2 months
Recs masterlist part three : past fests
I’ve been doing drarry recs posts every week for a while and it’s getting harder and harder to navigate through all theses posts. So here is a masterlist of all the posts I made so far.
Note : the masterlist is now split into three parts. I have apparently reached the maximum number of links you can include in a single post. Part one is here Favorites, authors, themes and length and part two is here Ongoing fests.
Last updated : March 25th 2024 (Added since last update)
Previous update : September 25th 2023
Past Fests (the last edition was held before 2022)
Big Bangs : Harry Big Bang 2015, HD Big Bang 2011, Draco Big Bang 2010, Big Bang Baby 2008, Big Bang Baby 2007, Big Bang Baby 2005
Consent fest : 2019, 2018
Daily Deviant : Banging Birthday 2020
Harry submits : 2012
HD Canon fest : 2011
HD Collab : 2019
HD Eight Year : 2015
HD Glompfest : 2019, 2017, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010
HD Holidays : 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007 winter, 2007 summer, 2006
HD Hurtfest : 2020 , 2016, 2015, 2014
HD Inspired : Animagus, Back to school, Mpreg
HP Creature fest : 2016
HD Remix : 2021, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015 , 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2007, 2006
HD Smoochfest : 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009
HD Tropes : 2019, 2016, 2014, 2013
HD World Cup : 2009, 2008
HP Animagus Fest : 2021
HP Creature Fest : 2016
HP Kinkfest : 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010
Special events :  Lock Down fest 2020
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bleue-flora · 3 months
So um, in light of my last post I was inspired to look into other dsmp people's ages because I feel like we don’t really think about it too often and oh does it make things interesting…
Just for reference and consideration, here are some United States Legal Age Minimums:
Drive: 16-18
Adult: 18-21
Vote: 18
Drink Alcohol: 21
Political Office: 25 (Representative) 30 (Senator) 35 (President)
Military: 17-18
Also Note: On average the brain is scientifically not fully developed until age 25 - and oh wouldn't you know it 90% of the server fall under that, meaning no wonder we have a bunch of wars their prefrontal cortex isn't fully developed and wouldn't you know it that part of the brain is responsible for regulating attention, behavior, and emotion as well as the processing that Actions Have Consequences... huh whelp that makes sense.
Anyways… age data is below (I didn't do everyone nor every event - nobody got time for that ;D... I didn't have time for this to begin with lol...) But I specifically want to highlight that not only was Dream 21 from Jan-Aug of his Imprisonment, but Sam was also 21 till Jun, and Quackity was literally 20 while he was daily torturing Dream... 20?! They were roughly a year apart, all of them so close. Like can you imagine, treating your peer like that? Sam is like a couple months older than Dream and that's it. Quackity can't even drink legally in the United States. That's insane...
(* to signify canonical Immortality)
Ok, so the full list of members and ages is at the bottom, but first, here are so key events I picked just to highlight their ages at the time.
Server Creation - April 24, 2020
GeorgeNotFound - 23 Callahan - 23 Dream - 20 Sapnap - 19
L'Manberg War - August 2, 2020
BadBoyHalo - 25 WilburSoot - 23 GeorgeNotFound - 23 Callahan - 23 Punz - 23 Eret - 21 Awesamdude - 21 Dream - 20 Fundy - 20 Skeppy - 20 Ponk - 20 Quackity - 19 Sapnap - 19 Niki Nihachu - 19 Jack Manifold - 17 Purpled - 16 Tubbo - 16 Tommy - 16
Pogtopia vs Manberg War - November 16th, 2020
Philza - 32* BadBoyHalo - 25 HBomb - 26 WilburSoot - 24 GeorgeNotFound - 24 Callahan - 23 Punz - 23 Karl Jacobs -22 Antfrost - 22 CaptainPuffy - 22 Eret - 21 Technoblade - 21* Awesamdude - 21 Dream - 21 Connor - 21 Schlatt - 21 Fundy - 21 Skeppy - 20 Ponk - 20 Quackity - 19 Sapnap - 19 Niki Nihachu - 19 Jack Manifold - 18 Purpled - 17 Ranboo - 17 Tubbo - 16 Tommy - 16
Exile - December 4, 2020
Ghostbur - 24 Technoblade - 21* Dream - 21 Ranboo - 17 Tubbo - 16 Tommy - 16
Doomsday - January 6, 2021
Philza - 32* HBomb - 27 Callahan - 23 Punz - 23 CaptainPuffy - 22 Eret - 21 Technoblade - 21* Dream - 21 Fundy - 21 Ponk - 20 Quackity - 20 Sapnap - 19 Niki Nihachu - 19 Jack Manifold - 18 Ranboo - 17 Tubbo - 17 Tommy - 16
Disc Confrontation - January 20, 2021
HBomb - 27 BadBoyHalo - 25 Callahan - 24 Punz - 23 Antfrost - 22 CaptainPuffy - 22 Eret - 22 Awesamdude - 21 Dream - 21 Ponk - 20 Quackity - 20 Sapnap - 19 Niki Nihachu - 19 Jack Manifold - 18 Ranboo - 17 Tubbo - 17 Tommy - 16
Quackity’s First Prison Visit - March 16, 2021
Awesamdude - 21 Dream - 21 Quackity - 20
Techno's Visit- June 6, 2021
Technoblade - 22* Awesamdude - 21 Dream - 21
Jailbreak - November 28, 2021
Philza - 33* HBomb - 27 BadBoyHalo - 26 George - 25 Callahan - 24 Punz - 24 Karl Jacobs - 23 Antfrost - 23 CaptainPuffy - 23 Foolish Gamers - 22 Eret - 22 Technoblade - 22* Awesamdude - 22 Dream - 22 Connor - 22 Fundy - 22 Skeppy - 21 Hannahxxrose - 21 Ponk - 21 Quackity - 20 Sapnap - 20 Niki Nihachu - 20 Jack Manifold - 19 Purpled - 18 Ranboo - 18 Tubbo - 17 Tommy - 17
Comprehensive List From Oldest to Youngest: Name - Date of Birth (Current Age) - [Join Date] Age when Joined
Philza- March 1, 1988 (36) – [Nov 16, 2020]  32 *Immortal*
HBomb- Jan 4, 1994 (30) – [Sept 22, 2020]  26
BadBoyHalo- April 2, 1995 (28) – [May 19, 2020]  25
Wilbur- Sept 14, 1996 (27) – [July 12, 2020] 23
GeorgeNotFound- Nov 1, 1996 (27) – [April 24, 2020]  23
Callahan- Jan 19, 1997 (27) – [April 24, 2020]  23 
Punz- Jan 31, 1997 (27) – [July 7, 2020]  23  
Karl Jacobs- July 19, 1998 (25) – [Aug 26, 2020]  22 
Antfrost- Aug 27, 1998 (25) – [Sep 5, 2020]  22 
Captain Puffy- Sept 18, 1998 (25) – [Nov 16, 2020]  22
Foolish Gamers- Dec 18, 1998 (25) – [Jan 16, 2021]  22 *Immortal*
Eret- Jan 9, 1999 (25) – [July 19, 2020]  21
Technoblade- June 1, 1999 (23) – [Sept 22, 2020]  21 *Immortal*
Awesamdude - June 8, 1999 (24) – [April 28, 2020]  20 
Dream - Aug 12, 1999 (24) – [April 24, 2020]  20
Connor- Aug 26, 1999 (24) – [Nov 16, 2020]  21
Schlatt- Sept 10, 1999 (24) – [Sept 20, 2020]  21 
Fundy- Oct 10, 1999 (24) – [July 7, 2020]  20 
Skeppy- Jan 17, 2000 (24) – [July 18, 2020]  20 
Ponk- April 18, 2000 (23) – [May 7, 2020]  20 
Quackity- Dec 28, 2000 (23) – [Aug 11, 2020]  19 
Sapnap- March 1, 2001 (23) – [April 24, 2020]  19 
Niki Nihachu- Nov 3, 2001 (22) – [Aug 6, 2020]  18 
Jack Manifold- Aug 14, 2002 (21) – [Aug 3, 2020]  17 
Purpled- Oct 24, 2003 (20) – [July 9, 2020]  16
Ranboo- Nov 2, 2003 (20) – [Nov 17, 2020]  17 
Tubbo- Dec 23, 2003 (20) – [July 7, 2020]  16 
Tommy- April 9, 2004 (19) – [July 4, 2020]  16 
They are all babies confirmed... things make so much more sense... brain development guys it's important ;)
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stormblessed95 · 7 months
Just wanted to share this post where we can clearly see these two posts are two days apart. Now in the first ss it's the picture yg posted on his story saying they all met and vmin left 10min before taking the picture. And the next ss is when one day jm randomly commented on weverse "i miss you" and jk replied "me too" and just min later jk went live.
Many were confused if he's saying"miss you too" to armys or to jm but we got our answer as soon as he started his live where he actually named the live something as him watching jm's suchwita ep. And so he went on watching 1.5 hrs live jm's content where he also listened to few here n there random songs. But the live was dedicated to park jimin. Thing is he literally was pretty much quite while watching the ep only made few comments. Asked armys not to comment Cause he's not gonna or not reading comments and he was pretty much quite while watching the ep and as soon as the ep ended he himself said that "i didn't even talk much" meaning he was concentrated on the ep mind you the first ever suchwita ep he watched (said by jk himself). We all know jk can't concentrate on something he's not interested in.
The reason i posted is many many times i see jkkrs and antis going havok whenever jm says "i missed you" to jk they think it's a sign that they didn't meet e/o in ages and that's why he said that so in this case we can clearly see all of them met on 25th march and jk commented "me too" on 27th and in reply to that comment jm said to him "I'll meet you soon, and your live was cute" so from that we can clearly see that even if jk and jm meet e/o daily they can still somehow miss e/o. That live was definitely because he was missing jm cause he was just watching jm's content only and wasnt interacting much with armys which he should have done if he was missing armys actually but no he was missing jm and hence the live. He himself asked armys not to comment in this live when he usually reads comments in all of his lives so this live was definitely for armys. Another beautiful thing was that he was sleepy yet he stayed and watched many of jm's content (which he's done only for him atleast until now). later on jm's live even he said that why was he even watching my videos when he was sleepy and should have slept.
There's another case which is from 2021 jm's birthday live. So jm went to busan for 1-2 days (he said he went to busan or something) and he went live on his birthday from jk's studio and when he called jk to join him cause he felt awkward doing live after many months so what we see is jk entering his studio right in 1 single minute after jm called him and jk was busy doing gym he still went to jm right in one min after he called him. So when jk enters the first thing jm says is "i missed you" now mind you we have seen it in DVD behind that that was the day they were practising we have clips of that day of them practising that means they met before jm's live i mean of course Cause jm must have asked jk to give him his studio for sometime to do a live so they must have met before the live BUT as soon as jk enters that's the first thing jm says...that he missed jk.
Another example is jk's birthday in 2020 where jm made a post saying "it's nice seeing you after not seeing you for some time" and he was there(in paris) only for like 4 days or something.
What I'm trying to tell by this long ass post is that just because jm said "i missed you or miss you" doens't always mean that they haven't met e/o for months it's just means jm misses jk even if he doens't sees him for some time. He can miss jk even if he met jk 1 hr before that's how their bond is. That's how attached they are. That's how close they are. So next time when you see jm saying to jk that i miss you make sure to remind yourself of these moments (I'm not at all saying that's always the reason but I'm giving another point of view based on their previous conversations/moments)
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Anon I wish I knew who you were because lowkey you were inside my fucking head. It's weird. Don't do it again 🥴🥰😂🤣 *I say lovingly* honestly though, I literally this morning before work was thinking about this EXACT TOPIC. And starting thinking about "plot points" aka examples to bring up to prove my point. You wrote it differently than I probably would have. We ARE different people and therefore use different diction and have slight thought variations. ... lol but basically you wrote the post for me. Thanks. I appreciate it!
I'll just add that I too, whine about missing my partner terribly whenever we are apart for like 5 hours. And I tell them "I miss you" all the time when we are apart. And we LIVE together and spent like 90% of all our time together 🤣 it's FULLY believable to think they had a meal together and are texting each other even a few hours later "I miss you" for me. Lol
Things definitely aren't as melodramatic as people make it out to be for sure. It's just really stinking cute. At least for me. And for this anon who decided to share my brain today. 🤣 thanks for your rant/post anon!
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 3 months
If the rumored Met Gala drop did indeed happen in 2018, right before the wedding, then the (rumored) Givenchy dressing room incident could have also been why. No way Anna wouldn’t have heard about that quickly.
I hadn't even thought of that!
Yes, absolutely, 100%. Anna Wintour knows everyone and she absolutely would've heard about what went down at Givenchy. Edward Enninful too. And now that you mention it, I wonder if others in British fashion also heard about it and that may have affected who sent clothes to Meghan. I imagine so - fashion is a small world too. But how many of them believed Meghan when she said it was just wedding stress and she's not really like that. We know Enninful got somehow duped, since he looked pretty chummy with her in all the behind-the-scenes stuff for the September edition she did.
Anyway. For all the new-to-royal watching anons (and a refresher for everyone else!), this is is the the lowdown on the "Givenchy incident."
In November 2018, Camilla Tominey/The Telegraph published a story that Meghan made Kate cry during the bridesmaid fittings. (This is the original article, behind a paywall; I'll post excerpts below the cut. This is the Daily Mail's version of it.)
In March 2021, Oprah asked about this incident in the interview and Meghan revealed that "the reverse happened"; that Kate had made Meghan cry. Later on social media, Camilla doubled down on her sources that it was Meghan who made Kate cry.
About two weeks after oprah, Empress received the original Givenchy tea about Meghan's beyond-bridezilla behavior for the wedding. (Also, this is the post we're referring to by "Givenchy Anon" or "Givenchy tea".)
In July 2022, Tom Bower confirmed the bridezilla behavior and the bridesmaid dress fitting incidents in Revenge. Here is the Daily Mail's report.
In January 2023, Harry wrote about the bridesmaid dress fitting in Spare. This the Daily Mail's article about Harry's version of events. Camilla Tominey again doubled down on her sources via social media. (Also around this time, there was a rumor that Camilla had seen the actual text messages of Meghan gloating that she had made Kate cry and when Kate came to apologize, Meghan had slammed the door in her face after taking the flowers.)
Then the Daily Mail tracked down the tailor who's at the center of the bridesmaid dress fitting r2ow. That story is here. (Here is the exclusive behind-the-paywall version, which was the first story written about the tailor.)
Then in December, Sassy got some follow-up tea about Meghan's behavior around the wedding. The wedding tea is about 2/3s of the way down.
Kate and Meghan: Is the royal sisterhood really at breaking point? by Camilla Tominey, 26 Nov 2018
It was only a matter of time before all eyes would be on Kate and Meghan and how well they did – or didn’t – get on. The royal sisterhood has not been under this much scrutiny since a young Princess Diana and an excitable Fergie joined the household in the Eighties.
But the talk of a growing froideur between Kate and Meghan really ramped up following rumours of an apparent falling out between the pair in the run up to the Sussexes’ wedding in May. The Telegraph has spoken to two separate sources who claim Kate was left in tears following a bridesmaids dress fitting for Princess Charlotte. “Kate had only just given birth to Prince Louis and was feeling quite emotional,” said one insider. The incident happened around the time Meghan was reported to have also “upset” the Queen by asking to wear an emerald tiara instead of the one offered by the 92-year-old monarch. It came after a book by veteran royal journalist Robert Jobson described Harry as “petulant and short-tempered” in the build up to the Windsor Castle wedding. He allegedly told staff with a raised voice: “What Meghan wants, Meghan gets” and when reports reached the Queen, she asked to see her grandson privately and “put him firmly in his place”, Mr Jobson wrote. Rumours of any lingering ill feeling between the Queen and Meghan appear wide of the mark, however. The two women, who share a love of dogs, enjoyed each other’s company at their first solo engagement together in Cheshire in June - even if Meghan did inadvertently break protocol by not wearing a hat. And earlier this month the Queen entrusted Meghan to “look after” Elke Budenbender, wife of the German president during the Remembrance commemorations in a move which saw her separated from the Duchess of Cambridge who was on an adjacent balcony with the Queen and the Duchess of Cornwall. Despite being welcomed into the family fold, the attitude “below stairs” has apparently not been universally positive, with some giving the relationship “five years”. 
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An introduction to VR multiple units, part 5: Sm6
The Sm6 Allegro. When I started this series about our multiple units, I first thought I would cover the Sm6 in the "operated for others" -series, then thought I would leave it out altogether... but events overtook my plans and now I'm introducing them as VR's own multiple units, although they are not yet in operation as VR trains.
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An Sm6 unit on the Kerava-Lahti line, currently the only bit of high-speed rail in Finland, 2011. Teemu Peltonen, Vaunut.org.
Since the 1990s, two daily return trains had been operated between Helsinki and Saint Petersburg, Russia: the Sibelius, which used VR carriages, and the Repin, which used RŽD carriages. In 2006, the two rail operators decided to replace the locomotive-hauled trains, which took five hours to make the trip, with jointly-owned high-speed trains. For this purpose, a new jointly-owned subsidiary Karelian Trains was established.
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Two Sm6's during pre-service entry test runs at Vainikkala, the border station between Finland and Russia, with the locomotive-hauled St. Petersburg train Sibelius on the right. Lari Nylund, Vaunut.org.
After a round of tenders, Karelian Trains opted for the Pendolino design (already used by VR in the form of the Sm3) from Alstom in 2007, with four units to be delivered in 2010 (there was also an option for two additional units, which was never taken up). Although the exterior design of the new Sm6 units was almost identical to the Sm3, in terms of technology they feature numerous improvements compared to the older class, and were outfitted to operate both on the Russian and Finnish electric systems. Due to the small difference in gauge between the two countries (Russia uses 1520 mm but Finland 1524 mm) the trains were given near-unique gauge of 1522 mm.
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Interior of the Sm6's first-class carriage as delivered. Otto Karikoski, Wikimedia Commons.
Branded Allegro, the new Sm6 units begun operations in December 2010, cutting the travel time between Helsinki and St. Petersburg to 3½ hours. In addition to services offered on Sm3 units, the Sm6 has (or perhaps more accurately had) a space for the border patrol to use, as passport control was done en-route on the train, and a kid's playroom. The original grey-dominated interiors were replaced by new, more colourful blue designs in 2018-2019.
The new interiors were not in use for long before the Covid-19 pandemic caused for passenger train services between Finland and Russia to be suspended in March 2020. The Allegro services were restored in December 2021 (the Helsinki-Moscow sleeper train Tolstoy, however, was not), and ran for less than four months until closed again in March 2022 after Russia's invasion of Ukraine. (VR subsequently stopped freight traffic to Russia too - other Finnish rail operators continue to serve freight to and from Russia, however).
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Second-class carriage in the post-2019 look. VR.
After March 2022, the four Sm6 units languished at VR's Ilmala depot in Helsinki, without maintenance as RŽD refused to make any payments for their share in Karelian Trains (which, although jointly Finnish-Russian owned, was registered in Finland). In March 2023, when Finnish prime minister Sanna Marin visited Kiev, Ukrainian Railroads requested the Sm6 units be handed over to them, but nothing ever came of this. Instead, in December 2023, when Karelian Trains was on the brink of bankruptcy due to RŽD not paying their share of the company's bills, VR bought out Karelian Trains and took over the Sm6 units.
The trains will be given a thorough technical refit, which will include removal of the systems to operate with Russian electrification, and will enter services on routes within Finland in 2025. How they will be branded is unknown, though a VR representative said in an interview they will not be called Allegro. Presumably this will make the Sm6 the first VR rolling stock class to be fully painted in the new livery.
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misfitwashere · 2 months
Moscow Terror
A Chronology that Might Help Predict
Timothy Snyder
Mar 22, 2024
1. US warns that Russia will invade Ukraine.  General disbelief, daily Russian mockery. (December 3 2021-February 24 2022)
2.  Russia invades Ukraine, kills tens of thousands of people, kidnaps tens of thousands of children, commits other ongoing war crimes (February 24 2022-present)
3.  Russia blames US for Russia's invasion of Ukraine (March 2022-present)
4. US warns of terror attack in Moscow.  Putin denies any risk and mocks the United States. (March 7 and March 19 2024).Since Russia invaded Ukraine, its riot police and security forces have been tasked with terror measures in Ukraine and suppressing dissent in Russia.
5.  Terror attack near Moscow, ISIS takes responsibility, Russia meanwhile kills Ukrainian citizens with drones and missiles as it has for more than two years. (today, March 22 2024)
6.  Russia's security apparatus, focused on bringing carnage to Ukraine, has failed in Moscow.  Russia's leaders, focused on demonizing the US, did not protect Russians.  What next?  Where to direct the blame?
7.  It would not be very surprising if the Kremlin blames Ukraine and the United States for terror in Moscow and uses the Moscow attack to justify continuing and future atrocities in Ukraine.
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