romoppi · 2 years
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Happy March 5th Persona 3 fans!
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kaed3haras · 7 months
is march 5th the persona fandom’s version of holy saturday
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yanderederee · 2 years
Nerds are Cute
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March5th, 2004
Nav:Start! › here! › after!
Academics has always been somewhat easy for you for as long as you can remember, earning high scores on most every subject. There wasn’t a lot as to why, it was just how it was. 
So meeting Keisuke Baji, who had the exact opposite problem, was a bit of a curve ball. Sure, you’ve tutored probably half of the class by this point in one subject or another, but for him to have such awful scores in every single subject? 
Still, you put on a smile as the dark haired boy handed you back the paper you’d scribbled some practice questions (as well as examples that mimicked said questions in a way so he could relate back to). Skimming over the paper, the crude handwriting next to your own was a little funny, but you hold back the giggle. How could you joke with the boy when he was staring so intensely at you, begging to whichever gods he could that he did something right. 
His expression only falters further the longer you stare. “Dammit…” He cursed to himself and ruffled his neatly slicked back hair. “No, no! You did better this time!” You reassured softly, laying the paper in between the two of you as you take out a red pen from your supplies.
“You actually almost got all of them right! You just forgot this part here…” You pointed to one of your examples, tracing it back to the answer he’d given. “Just keep in mind that …”
You couldn't read his expression well, given the glare of his large glasses. But if you had to guess, the raised eyebrow and deepened frown showed ‘I still don't get it’. 
Careful not to sigh or get impatient with the poor guy, you catch his attention to look back up at you, and instead give him a big grin. “Hey, stop all that! You’ll get the hang of it soon enough!” He didn’t seem too impressed, but the displeased expression from before had lifted. Baji didn’t have a lot to contribute when it came to the subject, so he just shrugged, and listened to you explain where his misunderstanding tripped him up. 
“Sorry for keeping you out so late again,” Baji sighed, looking away when you batted your eyes curiously up at him. Dredging the walk back to your respective homes, he apologizes in a quiet tone. “I’ll work hard so you won’t have to in the future.”
You finally let out a laugh, accidentally elbowing the nerdy looking boy a little harder than intended.  “I don’t mind! I’m usually bored out of my mind at home anyway, I like being out late.” You reassured once again, earning a little quip of his brow. “Your folks not on your case about showing up late?” He asked, recalling his mom chewing him out the last time he’d returned at three in the morning. 
You stifle a nervous chuckle, as it was your turn to shrug. “Nah… Theyy… Usually work late.” The answer sounded like a lie, but it was the truth. It just wasn’t something you talked about much. In fact, you never did talk much about yourself.
Sensing the awkward air surrounding the question, Baji didn’t have much interest in probing. “I get that. My mom used to work long hours too.” He talked, stretching his arms behind his neck. Once coming across a cross section, you notice your paths were soon to divert. “Ah, well, I’ll see you tomorrow!” You chirped at Baji, but faltered when you noticed he shifted to walk your direction again. 
“It’s late, not really safe to walk home alone.” He explained upon your questionless tilt of the head. 
Sure, it was the gentlemanly thing to do, but it still made your heart flutter. Usually when he kept you at school past sundown, he seemed far too distracted, and ran to wherever he had to be in a hurry after they got to the school gate. “Oh, uh, thanks!” You smiled, catching up to him with a few sped up steps. “I’ve been hearing rumors about some gangsters roaming around at night.” 
You had only intended to keep up the conversation, but Baji seemed to give an overly nervous shrug at your comment. “Yeah well the rumors are true, so try to avoid walkin’ alone when it's dark.” He said, almost like a warning, but almost like a plea. 
“My, aren’t you considerate.” You giggled at the gentle pink that crossed what little features you could see. “Well, I appreciate it. It does get a little creepy sometimes.” You admitted sheepishly, earning Baji to look at you with a characteristically unreadable look. “How far down are ya?” He asked, looking down the rather long path. You were right, it was creepy, especially after the sun made its descent. 
Had Baji been a weaker willed individual, he might have shuddered at how eerie the quiet could be. “Mmmm, at the end of the road, I turn right, walk a little more, take a left, and it's only a few paces past that.” You considered the route in your head. “Usually about a 20 minute walk, give or take.” You shrugged. 
Baji never took into consideration how long it’d take him to make the trip from home to school, but he started thinking maybe he should, given he has no idea if a 20 minutes route was normal or not. The conversation died a little while he thought about that to himself, you looking down at your shoes as you two walked. 
However, just as you’d reached the end of the long strip of road, instead of turning right, as you’d instructed, you halted, turning your attention to the left. Noticing your pause, Baji turned around and tilted his head, waiting for you wordlessly. “Do… you hear that?” You whispered, eyes narrowing as you took a step to the left, careful not to make too much noise. 
Instantly, Baji’s mind renders danger. Quickly, in three long strides, he’s in front of you, listening intently. 
And as the quiet took over again, something soft peaked in his ears. Looking at each other in urgency, you both seem to understand the source. You were the first to break out into a run, Baji following only a few steps behind. 
Just as you two had predicted, a scared, long mewl dragged across the night. “Poor thing…” You gasped gently, and bent to inspect the injured cat weakly trying to hiss away from your gentle touch. 
Baji’s heart squeezed with hurt when looking upon the poor feline. Its legs were definitely broken, both of its hind legs seeming puffy and limp. “Careful,” He instructed gently, bending close beside you as he reached out the knuckle of his pointer finger, waiting for the cat to smell and gently rub his cheek across it. 
He gave a soft smile to the poor creature, giving it a cautious pet, inspecting for any further injuries. Before he could have the chance, you found yourself stripping yourself of your cardigan, intending to wrap the cat with it. Baji looked over at your form, shock overtaking him once he noticed the tears streaming down your cheeks, a soft sob piercing something inside him. 
“D-do you know what you’re doing? I-I’ve never…” You drew out, sniffling with uncertainty. 
God, he really hated moments like these. He had no idea how to react in these situations, when people showed vulnerability around him. ‘What would mom do?’ seemed to be the first thing he thought, repeating exactly what he thought she’d do. 
Baji patted your back twice, and took the cardigan from your hands slowly. “Dunno, but anything’s better than leaving it here.” Wrapping the cat gently into the fabric, he gingerly pulled it into his arms, his heart squeezing sadly again when the action earned him a pained hiss. “I know, I know…” He whispered to the feline, looking at just how dirty the cat’s face was.  
“I-I have first aid at my house, b-but I don’t know where any vets are..” You mumbled while wiping the tears with the back of your hand, expression still showing intense sadness for the animal. 
“I can take him first thing in the morning,” it was his turn to reassure you now. “But we should really get the poor guy cleaned up as fast as possible.” 
Nodding with determination, you find yourself speed walking back the way you came. “Then let's hurry, please.” You pleaded almost not waiting for him to catch up as you showed the way.
Upon arrival, you invited Baji in hastily. Throwing off your shoes in one quick action, your bag dropped like trash, you hurry yourself to another part of the house.
‘Damn,’ Baji thought to himself, sweating a little once you declared the average, yet very well decorated house to be your own. ‘What the hell do her parents even do?’ While lost in thought, too uncomfortable in the new situation to move from the front entrance. 
You peek back, and give a cute pout when you see he hasn’t moved a step. Wait, did he just think cute? Quickly whipping it from his thoughts, the painted animal brought him back to reality. “Come on, I have some water running.” You announced, disappearing again. 
Nervously, Baji kicked off his shoes neatly, and carefully made his way to where you'd peaked out from. When was the last time he felt this nervous? Why was he nervous to begin with? He thought it might have had something to do with the fact that he still had on his glasses and his hair was still tied back uncomfortably. 
You two cared for the animal gently, taking your time so as to not hurt the poor thing any further. 
Once cleaned up and properly wrapped, Baji seemed to grow a darker expression, which again, you couldn’t quite see. “Baji?” You asked cautiously. 
“Her legs,” he spoke through his teeth, as though holding back something in him. “They were purposefully broken.” Baji had realized this only a few moments ago. A sharp gasp cut through your throat. “You mean… Someone.. Broke her legs…? B-but, Why?” You asked, almost losing your composure. 
“Some real sick bastards out there.” Baji stroked the cat affectionately. You’d made the cat a bed out of a throw pillow laying on the couch— the cardigan from before now in the wash and replaced with a sweater you'd taken out of the dryer. “I can take her back to my place so I can take her to the vet in the morning.” 
You nodded, expression still hurt as you also gave the tired kitty a rub on the chin. 
She was a pretty cat, a calico, maybe. But her hair was longer than the average calico, so maybe not. Still, her tri color fur dried with your aid, and her fluff seemed to put your mind at ease a bit. 
“C-can I give her a name?” You ask, perking at the thought. Baji shrugged. “I don’t care?” 
Thoughtfully, you continued to pet the pretty kitty, who lay in your classmate’s arms. 
“I’ve… Never named an animal before.” You admit with a laugh, the excitement of being able to do so blooming in your chest. Unsure of how to reply, Baji remained quiet as he looked at your kind expression. His heart squeezed itself again, without knowing why, this time. 
“Ah!” You softly gasped, a grin breaking out, a sparkle pairing in your eyes. 
“How about Sango?” You asked, as though the cat would respond. Fortunately for your innocent heart, the cat seemed to twitch its ears, lifting its head from its sleeping position against Baji’s chest. 
Flabbergasted at the response, your features beam with absolute joy. “I think she likes it?” You chirped, eyes seeing past Baji’s glasses for the first time. Completely taken aback, he feels his face get hot. “Y-yeah, I guess.”
Deciding that 10pm was late enough, you bid Baji a farewell, sending him off with a bag of oranges for the trouble. 
Once out of sight of your house, Baji lets out an exaggerated sigh, earning a purred ‘mrr?’ from Sango. 
“What the hell…” He grumbled to himself, tugging his long black locks out from the pony tail. You’d never seen him without his glasses and hair slicked back, and for some reason, he’s kept that up. It probably had something to do with how people seemed to be more willing to approach him that way.
Usually, his routine would consist of running out of the torture building that was school as soon as the bell rang, entertaining himself with his action manga, or Toman. While he was grateful for your efforts to keep him in good grades, once you’d given the go ahead, he was darting for the exit.
Today however, the Toman meetup had been rescheduled for whatever reason. He simply didn’t have anything to do, so he thought he might as well make sure the goody two shoes helping him made it home in one piece. Not that he’d ever considered the alternative before, but upon coming across Sango, he found himself thinking about it. 
The journey back home was quick, lost in thought for the majority of it. 
“Morning Baji!” You beamed with exaggerated enthusiasm, leaning against his desk. “How’s Sango?” You asked, the name feeling foreign still. 
Half asleep, Baji jerked his head upwards, glasses half way off his face to peeked a half lidded, unfocused brown eye. He’d spent the entire night stupidly overthinking, so much so that by the time the vet’s office had opened, bags had already formed. He mumbled, fixing himself and rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. 
“Right, the cat.” He yawned, and leaned back in his seat, hands stuffed deep into his pockets. 
“Her legs are really busted up, they said. She probably won’t be able to walk again.” He recited, glancing over your distraught features. “But they have this uh, I guess like a cat wheelchair? ‘Said after they look over her for a few days they can see about letting her try it out.” 
Instantly flooded with relief, you sigh. “Thank goodness…” You whisper, the glossy sheen over your eyes not going unnoticed. “Oh! But vet appointments cost right? Please let me handle the cost.” You insisted, eyes peering into his once again. Why the hell do you do that, he looks away to hide the confusing feeling that was surely present on his face. 
“It wasn’t much, don’t s-” he was about to brush it off until he felt a sting on his forehead. Normally, he would sport a pissed off expression and yell at you, but knowing that wouldn’t do any good, he simply sat there bewildered. 
“Whatever, if you won’t tell me I’ll just reimburse accordingly.” You huffed, and while fumbling with your change purse, he was quick to stop you. “Don’t.” He said sternly, earning yet another cute pout— Again, why did he think that was cute? How lame.
“Look, really, it’s fine. I’ll help take responsibility.” He reassured again, earning a soft look from you. He found himself lost in your expression for a moment. “If you say so…” You mumbled, slowly retreating your coins. 
The school day went by without much other excitement. Though, Baji found himself growing increasingly annoyed as he simply could not focus on the teachings ahead. Mostly because they didn't make any sense, but partially because his gaze drifted from the board to the back of your head. You sat two rows in front of him, and one to the side on his left.
 He noticed the way you twirl your pencil in concentration.
The way you roll your neck every so often.
How when you found yourself stuck on something, that cute pouting expression would make itself known.
You wore your heart on your sleeve, for the most part. Watching you put his mind at ease. 
There was a spare moment of consideration to ask you to join him, Chifuyu, and Ryusei for lunch, but very quickly swatted the idea away.
He couldn’t get you associated with their questionable reputation for one, and it’d be awkward, for everyone. So, lunch went by as per usual, except Baji’s spaced out expression caught the attention of his two admirers. 
“What's up?” Chifuyu asked, nudging Baji in the shoulder, earning a surprised blink. “Nothing.” He shrugged off, focusing back on whatever junk Chifuyu had come back with from the dining hall. It almost would have been believable, too. “I dunno, you’ve kinda been out of it all day, you came in looking like a corpse man.” Ryusei vouched. “Somethin’ keep you up last night?” 
Baji groaned at their persistence, and barked back. “I said it’s nothin’ so drop it. Got caught up in this manga, that's all.” He huffed, considering walking back early to spare him any further teasing. Luckily, the two backed off. 
The school bell rang for its final toll, almost getting an excited reaction out of Baji when he realized that meant it would be just you two again before long. “Bajiiii~!” Ryusei sang as he swayed his arm around the nerdy looking boy. “Been a while since we last hung, let’s hit the arcade.” He grinned mischievously. 
Before Baji had the chance to tell him to bug off, he noticed your gaze land on him, a little surprised. Shit.
Yet, against his expectations, you composed yourself with a wide smile and turned back to pack your things. Why were you packing your things? As far as he knew, you were supposed to tutor him for half an hour every day until his grades got into a decent range. 
“Hellooooo, earth to poindexter?” Ryusei attempted to get his attention, following his gaze. 
Then it clicked. Baji noticed the change in his friend’s demeanor, and glared at him. The glare itself spoke volumes.
Don’t you dare. 
For ONCE, in his life, Ryusei showed restraint, holding his arms up in surrender. 
He was never going to let Baji live this down, especially when he told Chifuyu.
You are here…› next! › …
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sisallacertavt · 2 years
💫🐉Feb27th - March5th Schedule🐉💫
My numbers have grown enough that I am close to getting Twitch affililate so this week I am doing a big push to make that happen.
Reblogs appreciated
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tularue11 · 7 months
Reposted @dramaclubfox The MPU is back in action! 💥 Don't miss the Season 2 premiere of #AlertOnFOX March 5. #ALERT #ScottCaan #DaniaRamirez #RyanBroussard #AdeolaRole #foxtv #JamieFoxx #sonytv #Hulu ##cantwait #March5th #AlertMPU #watchit
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lutraverselemonde · 4 years
out of water
Location: Burlesque Club ‘L’Étoile’, Wizarding London Time: 1am, 5th of March Status: Closed, for @inconsolcble
Lu didn’t mind the hate-spewing conversation topics amongst their more generous patrons. After all, how did they affect Lu personally? And one had to remember that the regions of raging anger and lust sat quite closely in the brain, so really, just letting their patrons rage about Muggleborns was doing half the job already. But Ganymede’s wasn’t that big, and after a certain amount of nights spent there, you inevitably ran into the same people, all of which usually preferred to think you an exclusive shiny little item for their own private collection. So it came that every other night, Lu chose bars and clubs of lesser Pureblood prestige. 
They were sitting at a table decorated with empty champagne coupes when a boy walked into L’Étoile who simply did not belong here. Not only wore he -- in Lu’s eyes -- rags, but he was also of such a demeanour it was as though he was scared to enjoy himself too much. “What does he fear? To be scooped up by one of our large-wigged ladies who’re serving the tables?” Lu asked, giving their seat neighbour a nudge and redirected her gaze towards the boy, now standing pressed against a wall. Clarissa cackled. “Should we go save him?” She placed a hand on Lu’s shoulder: ‘And you think you’d scare him less?’
Lu returned their attention to the stage where yet another number of terrible singing and even worse dancing began. There certainly were too many sequins and too few items of clothes; it was a divine night. And until then, they had quite enjoyed themselves, the thick air in the room making it impossible to escape the alcohol’s effect, the laughter bright and piercing into your chest, and the music -- albeit awful -- loud enough to make you forget about everything else. Well. Until then indeed. Now their mind was on the boy by the door -- ah, he had moved, a little closer to the bar, but he didn’t look any less terrified. What a poor creature. Who on earth had recommended him this place? Was this his first night out, ever? Was he looking for someone? Lu shook their head and decided it was none of their business.
About an hour later, the last poor girl had embarrassed herself on stage and the bar was ringing its last round. Something Lu would never get used to. It was hardly one in the morning and they were already sending people home… Nevertheless, Lu got up and, as so many, headed towards the bar. It was then that they saw that the boy was very much still there. He was sitting at an empty table at the back now, but looked no less lost and out of place. Was he perhaps a spy? Lu shook their head once more and … ended up buying two cocktails. Grand, pink, very sweet and adorned with a ridiculous amount of umbrellas and fruits. One they placed before him, the other they kept in their hand as they sat by his side. “So tell me, I’m burning to know, who of the Queens here is your mum?” 
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badblair · 4 years
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EVERY WAYHAUGHT FANFIC READERS DREAM! I’ve been wanting this to happen for 4 years!!! It’s finally here, the Stetson kiss 🥰🥰 ~ #wayhaught #dominiqueprovostchalkley #katbarrell #fiveforwynonna #win4wynonna #fightforwyonna #wynonnaearpseason4 #wynonnaearpseason5 #waverlyearp #nicolehaught #sheriffnicolehaught #season4B #earpsisters #wynaught #earpsoon #march5th (at Purgatory) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLFouDmAAyp/?igshid=12n6uqy80kt6e
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todaysave · 5 years
#march5 #march5th #5march #birthdaysong #happybirthday #tiktokindia #tiktok_india #india #usa #tiktokusa #turkey #tiktok #tiktokturkey #birthday #kpop (Seoul, South Korea에서) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9UfdEnndVa/?igshid=1vpjutt7lfy3m
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Happy 29th. Birthday to my beloved friend Kenn Duffy!!!!!!! :) <3 #greylodge #mayfairphilly #march5th #29thbirthday #kennduffy #beerandnachos #march2020 #winter2020 #rip https://www.instagram.com/p/B9X3nZoJg5K/?igshid=14rzfwpfvlq5z
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roxeechulo · 6 years
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It was a beautiful day in the "TRUE" 6. #seattle #queenanneseattle #thespaceneedle #march5th #the206 #thetrue6 (at Queen Anne, Seattle) https://www.instagram.com/the_teacher_and_the_rapper/p/Bup3Nmkh4moZZgafyZjPt95rpLrBHRojPZ-jww0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1wyh4unrp6xho
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delirmesanati · 6 years
26 yaşından sonra yeniden doğmak
17-25 yaş arası ben, beni ben yapan şeyler dediğim her şey!
çeyrek asır
bugün benim annemin vajinasından çıktığım gün değil ama bugün benim doğum günüm.
öncelikle sıçmam gerek
son 25 yılın verdiği sağlıklı yaşam & lifli besin & diyet & kilo verme çabamın sonucu olarak son 25 yılımı sıçmam gerek
sıçıyorum, son 25 yıl zar zor çıkıyor kıçımdan
daha önceki bir güne dönmüş gibi değil attığım her adım beni bugüne getirmiş gibi sıçıyorum
saçlarım kıvırcık ve bir drag queen doğuruyorum
saçlarım dalgalı ve yüzüme hafif bir makyaj yapıyorum
göbeğimi açıp dar bir tayt ve büstiyer giyiyorum
saçlarım dalgalı ve dans ediyorum
doğum günümü kutluyorum
bugün benim doğum günüm
bugüne kadar beni bugünkü ben haline getiren şeyleri kutluyorum
beni ben yapan şeyleri değil, beni ben yapan şeyler bugüne kadar hep değiştiler ve aslında hepsi birer araçtılar.
20li yaşlarımın başında beni ben yaptığını düşündüğüm her şeyi kaybettim
25 yaşına kadar beni ben yapan şeyleri kaybettiğimde 26 yaşından sonraki bene hazırlanıyormuşum aslında
25 yaş!
başlarda sendroma girersiniz,yaşlanma sendromu, ama sonra anlarsınız ki hayatın en dante yerindesinizdir aslında..aslında en gençlik 25dir, 25sinizdir, ve birayı diplersiniz. 25sinizdir ve daha genç olamazsınız. 25i dibine kadar harcarsınız, son damlasına kadar.
siz bu dünyayı yaşarken etrafınıza bi bakarsınız ki her şey siktiri boktan bir değişim içerisinde, ruh eşiniz alkolizmden rehabilitasyona yatar, en yakın arkadaşınız boşanmanın eşiğine gelir, mentorunuz kürtaj olur, eşim dediğiniz yön değiştirir. ve siz olmak istediğiniz uğruna olmak istemediğiniz bir kişiliğe sahip olursunuz. geçmişe dönmek çare olmaz artık hiç bir şeye. artık dönecek bi geçmiş kalmamıştır. alkolizm, boşanma, kürtaj, vazgeçiliş ve kaybediş... bunlar geriye alınamaz şeylerdir. 
hani sen 24 yaşına kadar olduramadığın tek şeyin senin olduramadığın tek şeyin aşık olduğunla beraber olamamak olduğunu varsayardın ve bunun tek olduramazın olduğunu savunurdun ve bunu kabullenmiştin ya. hayatın sana daha büyük sürprizleri varmış işte. hayat bundan çok daha fazlasıymış işte.
en azından çeyrek asırdan sonra dünya sırtına daha fazlasını yüklemek için sırtında bekliyormuş da sen bilmiyormuşsun. hıh. saff. çok saf. aşkın hayattaki tek umulmaz tek olmaz sanacak kadar safmışsın işte. saff.
26ya gelmek üzereyken büyük bir sessizlik kaplar ortalığı. sen de ölüm sessizliği, ben deyim doğum sessizliği.
6 ay süren ayrılış, yokluk, yoksunluk, kaybediş ve acı..
tanımlanması zor belki imkansız sessizlik ölüm sessizliği
geçen 25 senenin hesaplaşması
geçen 25 senenin acısı ve kekremsi tadı
geçen 25 yıl ve sen bunun neresindesin?
başında mısın? mutlu olduğunu sandığın bi anında mısın? zengin olduğunu sandığın bi anında mısın? sen olduğunu sandığın bi anında mısın?
sen boşluktasın ve araftasın. belirsizliklerin denizinde yüzmektesin. yoruldun. yaraların acıdı. alışkanlıkların ve yaşamın nefesini zorladı. 
ama bebeğim sen hayattasın, ve su yüzüne çıktın sonunda .
sen yeniden doğdun
bugün senin doğum günün bebeğim kutla.
kadeh kaldır
saçların kıvırcık ve bugün senin doğum günün
sırf sen istediğin için de değil
sen doğdun diye
sana rağmen
bugün senin doğum günün
hadi bebeğim kalk ve kutla
bugün annenle babanın fotoğrafını kucağına alıp ağladığın doğum günlerinden biri değil
bugün kendini doğurduğun ve kendinle bunu kutlayıp kadeh kaldırdığın, tüylerini diken diken eden doğum günün. 
sen bugün hem doğdun hem doğurdun
kutla bebeğim kutla
bugün üşüme
çünkü ben yanındayım
sen benim bebeğimsin ve ben seni sarıyorum
ve sana söz veriyorum yalnız büyümeyeceksin
bugün bu çocuk senin doğmak istediğin bi dünyaya doğdu.
tamamen kendi yarattığın ve içinde olmak istediğin dünyaya doğdun.
sen olmak istediğinden, beraber olmak istediğinden vazgeçmeyerek
özüne sadık
sen yeniden doğdun
doğum günün kutlu olsun bebeğim
iyi ki doğdun.
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missscientist94 · 3 years
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A new beginning Another milestone traveled To everlasting #SundayHaiku #Beginning #March5th (at Barangay Anoling, General Nakar, Quezon) https://www.instagram.com/p/CawBxkvvqdm6s6SniLTHgxOP3uk5CHjdFnymFk0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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tularue11 · 7 months
#ScottCaan #ALERT #AlertonFox #foxtv #hulu #JasonGrant #HawaiiFive0 #Danno #entourage #mercy #OneDayAsALion #thedogproblem #gonein60seconds #intotheblue #oceans11 #oceans12 #oceans13 #enemyofthestate #varsityblues #actor #artist #photographer #gorgeous #blonde #babe #edit #March5th #comingsoon
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qolempowerment · 4 years
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#claudettecolvin @ApexMuseum #WomensHistoryMonth #March5th @alettertoclaudettecolvin (at Atlanta, Georgia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLX_Kk4hR-n/?igshid=1gdkltsk4tur8
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mccoytheartist · 4 years
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〽️ Pre-Save my debut album! Available 3.5.21 https://smarturl.it/mc-coy-album #MCCoy #NewAlbum #HipularRecords #NewMusic #NewAlbum #IndependentArtist #March5th (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLV0NbFLVwg/?igshid=ypcl6gbzzmht
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joseaesquea · 4 years
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Reposted from @claressashields 18 MORE DAYS TIL FITE (fight) TIME ! DO I LOOK READY? ARE Y’ALL READY!? PPV link in bio! #GWOAT #Claressashields #PPV #ShieldsDicaire #March5th (at New York, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLVbZqfpp5X/?igshid=1e850krkd2r5x
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