#marcos tristao
aci25 · 2 years
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La imágen del niño músico llorando, fue elegida como una de las fotografías más emotivas de la historia moderna.
Esta foto le fue tomada a un niño brasileño de 12 años (Diego Frazzo Turkato) tocando el violín en el funeral de su maestro, que fue quien lo rescató del ambiente de pobreza y delincuencia en el que vivía. En esta imagen, la humanidad habla con la voz más fuerte del mundo:
“Cultiva el amor y la bondad en un niño para sembrar las semillas de la compasión, y solo así construirás una gran civilización, y una gran nación”.
📸 (Fotógrafo: Marcos Tristao)
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nanctjames · 10 months
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The image of the child musician crying was classified as one of the most emotional photographs of modern history. This photo was taken of a 12-year-old Brazilian boy (Diego Frazzo Turkato), playing the violin at the funeral of his teacher who rescued him from the environment of poverty and crime in which he lived. In this image, humanity speaks with the strongest voice in the world: "Cultivate love and kindness in a child to sow the seeds of compassion. And only then you will build a great civilization, a great nation ". ( Photographer: Marcos Tristao )
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by-hulusi · 4 months
Ağlayan bir müzisyen çocuğun görüntüsü, modern tarihin en dokunaklı fotoğraflarından biri olarak gösterildi.
Yoksulluğun ve suçun tüm zamanların en yüksek seviyesinde olduğu bir ortamdan kendisini kurtaran öğretmeninin cenazesinde keman çalan 12 yaşındaki Brezilyalı bir çocuğun (Diego Frazzo Turkato) bu fotoğraf.
Bu görüntüde insanlık dünyadaki en güçlü sesle konuşuyor:
“Merhamet tohumlarını ekmek için bir çocukta sevgi ve nezaket geliştirin.
Ve ancak o zaman büyük bir medeniyet, büyük bir ulus inşa edeceksiniz"...
• Marcos Tristao
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casualflowerglitter · 2 years
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The image of the Child Musician crying was classified as one of the most emotional photographs of modern history.
This photo was taken of a 12-year-old Brazilian Boy (Diego Frazzo Turkato), playing the Violin at the funeral of his Teacher who rescued him from the environment of poverty and crime in which he lived.
In this image, humanity speaks with the strongest voice in the World : "Cultivate love and kindness in a child to sow the seeds of compassion. And only then you will build a great civilization, a great Nation".
( Photographer : Marcos Tristao )
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The image of the musician child who cries was classified as one of the most emotional photographs in modern history.
This photo was taken of a 12-year-old Brazilian boy (Diego Frazzo Turkato), playing the violin at his teacher's funeral, the favorite piece of music of the deceased, which saved him from the environment of poverty and crime in which he lived.
In this image, humanity speaks with the loudest voice in the world:
"Cultivate love and kindness in a child and you will gather love and kindness. And only then will you build a great civilization, a great nation" 
[Photographer: Marcos Tristao]
* * * * “The word for teardrinkers is lachryphagous, and for the eaters of human flesh it is anthropophagous, and the rest of us feed on sorrow all the time. It is the essence of many of the most beautiful ballads and pop songs, and why sorrow and heartbreak are so delicious might have to do with the emotions it stirs in us, the empathy for others' suffering, and the small comfort of not being alone with our own. With a sad song we feel a delicate grief, as though we mourn for three minutes a loss we can't remember but taste again, sorrow like salt tears, and then close it up like a letter in the final notes. Sadness the blue like dusk, the reminder that all things are emphemeral, and that because there is time there is change and that is another name for change, if you look back toward what is vanishing in the distance, is loss. But sadness is also beautiful, maybe because it rings so true and goes so deep, because it is about the distances in our lives, the things we lose, the abyss between what the lover and the beloved want and imagine and understand that may widen to become unbridgeable any moment, the distance between the hope at the onset and the eventual outcome, the journeys we have to travel, including the last one out of being and on past becoming into the unimaginable: the moth flown into the pure dark.”
― Rebecca Solnit, The Faraway Nearby
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hicapacity · 3 years
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A síró zenészgyerek képét a modern történelem egyik legmegindítóbb fényképeként értékelték.
Ez a fotó egy 12 éves brazil fiúról (Diego Frazzo Turkato) készült, aki hegedülni kezdett tanára temetésén, az elhunyt kedvenc dalát! Aki megmentette őt a szegénységtől és a bűnözéstől, amelyben élt.
Ezen a képen az emberiség a világ leghangosabb hangján beszél:
„Neveljetek szeretetet és kedvességet a gyermekben, és szeretetet és kedvességet fogtok gyűjteni. És csak akkor építhetsz egy nagy civilizációt, egy nagy nemzetet…”
..Fényképész: Marcos Tristao
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hazanla · 3 years
*Ağlayan çocuk müzisyenin görüntüsü* , modern tarihin en duygusal fotoğraflarından biri olarak sınıflandırıldı..
Bu fotoğraf, kendisini yaşadığı yoksulluk ve suç ortamından kurtaran öğretmeninin cenazesinde keman çalan 12 yaşındaki Brezilyalı bir çocuğun (Diego Frazzo Turkato) fotoğrafıdır.
Bu görüntüde insanlık dünyanın en güçlü sesiyle konuşuyor:
"Merhamet tohumlarını ekmek için bir çocukta sevgi ve nezaket yetiştirin. Ve ancak o zaman büyük bir medeniyet, büyük bir ulus inşa edeceksiniz"... Marcos Tristao.
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The image of the child musician crying was classified as one of the most emotional photographs of modern history.
This photo was taken of a 12-year-old Brazilian boy (Diego Frazzo Turkato), playing the violin at the funeral of his teacher who rescued him from the environment of poverty and crime in which he lived.
In this image, humanity speaks with the strongest voice in the world:
"Cultivate love and kindness in a child to sow the seeds of compassion. And only then you will build a great civilization, a great nation "...
📷 Marcos Tristao
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heronstill · 3 years
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This photo was taken of a 12-year-old Brazilian boy (Diego Frazzo Turkato), playing the violin at his teacher's funeral, the favorite piece of music of the deceased, which saved him from the environment of poverty and crime in which he lived. Credit Marcos Tristao
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Do you maybe have a few more portuguese spanish middle names for Jude? It's okay if you don't I honestly don't think there's that many to begin with let alone ones that I like sorry
Here’s a few more that stand out for me: Rafael, Santiago, Sergio, Tomas, Tristao, Valente, Virgilio, Xavier, Zacarias, Andre, Angelino, Artur, Bernardo, Helder, Emilio, Isaias, Jaco, Jeremias, Marcos
If you’re interested in going through a bigger list of Portuguese names too to see if there’s any that stand out to you: 
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King Manuel I of Portugal and Spain Should Have Sailed to Nova Portugal (Brasil), South America, North America, Africa, South Africa, Portuguese India, Mallaca, Singapore, China and Japan with Queen Maria of Portugal and Spain and Spain with Admiral Afonsu de Albuqurque, Admiral Pedro de Cabral, Admiral Francisco de Almeida, Admiral Vasco da Gama, Admiral Admiral Tristao da Kunha, Admiral Joao Fagundes and the Portuguese Divine Star Imperial Armada in the Great Portuguese Empire! That is the Greatest Bravery of a King and Emperor and Queen and Empress Ever! They Should Have Invited Me and Supported Me and Queen Maria in Portugal to Sail Around the World! They Are All Lucky to Have Me as King! I am the Manuel the Magnificent! I am the Drakon King of the Order of the Drakon! Queen Maria is the Daughter of Queen Isabella the Great of Castille, Aragon and Spain and King Fernando of Castile, Aragon and Spain! I am A Fortunado, the Fortunate! It's the Portuguese and Spanish Golden Age of Discovery with the Greatest, Richest Most Cultural, Artful, Brave and Civilized Global Empire in Human History! King Manuel I is the Man of the Universe! You Really Need to Know the World because You're the World! Bravery Overcome All! Love Overcome All! Nobility Overcome All! All Angels and Noble Men and Women Shall Be Rewarded! There Shall Be Divine Grace! It's the Return of the King! King Manuel I is Lord Marco Polo and King Sigismund von Luxembourg! It's King Manuel I of Portugal and Spain's Heaven Day! Prayers are Mantras! 
Heavenly Father Which Art in Heaven Hallowed be Thy Name, Thy Will Be Done, Thy Kingdom Come On Earth as it is in Heaven! Give us Today Our Daily Bread! And Forgive Us as We Forgive! And Lead Us to Temptation of Greatness, Love and Righteousness! Amen! This is King Manuel I of Portugal and Spain's and Queen Maria of Portugal of Spain's Song! It's the Art of Divine Love! It's an Elohimian Prayer!
@norskvalkyrie @moriwerydd @atlantic-melancholy @glitteringroseangel @elvensoul @elvenrealm
The Lord's Prayer in Aramaic, Abwoon d'Abashmaya
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tendido-5 · 3 years
Corrida de Rejones :
Salvaterra de Magos :
Entrada : Media plaza.
Toros : Condessa de Sobral : De buena presencia y juego variado.
📍Joao Moura : Vuelta al ruedo.
📍Ana Batista : Vuelta al ruedo.
📍Marcos Tenorio Bastinhas : Vuelta al ruedo.
📍Luis Rouxinol Jr : Vuelta al ruedo.
📍Antonio Ribeiro Telles Jr : Vuelta al ruedo.
📍Tristao Ribeiro Telles : Vuelta al ruedo.
Incidencias : Actuaron los Forcados Amadores de Lisboa y Vila Franca de Xira.
📷 Sofía de Sousa (Porta dos Sustos).
#grandestoreros #enhorabuenatoreros #SalvaterraDeMagos #JoaoMoura #AnaBatista #MarcosTenorioBastinhas #LuisRouxinolJr #AntonioRibeiroTellesJr #TristaoRibeiroTelles #Toros #Tendido_5
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casualflowerglitter · 2 years
The image of the Child Musician crying was classified as one of the most emotional photographs of modern history.
This photo was taken of a 12-year-old Brazilian Boy (Diego Frazzo Turkato), playing the Violin at the funeral of his Teacher who rescued him from the environment of poverty and crime in which he lived.
In this image, humanity speaks with the strongest voice in the World : "Cultivate love and kindness in a child to sow the seeds of compassion. And only then you will build a great civilization, a great Nation".
( Photographer : Marcos Tristao )
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Queremos agradecer a turma boa do iPatas , que gentilmente nos doou 11 caixa de transporte hoje, para o trabalho do dia a dia com os bichos 🐾❤🙏baixem o aplicativo ❤terão ótimos preços em tudo pro seu bicho e ainda estará ajudando os de abandono 🐾❤ Olga Protetora Maringá Lucia Cunha Dignidade Animal Amaar - Associação Maringaense de Ajuda aos Animais Resgatados SOCPAM - Sociedade Protetora dos Animais de Maringá Ativistas de Maringá Ana Santos Mari Cunha Ireni Moura Madelaine Alves da Rosa Viviane Assay Carla Devides Pati Mundopet Marcos Rose Sandra Vicentin Angela Hitomi de Souza Convet Maringá - Cirurgia & Oncologia Veterinária Animais Protegidos Maringá Animed Voltei A Latir Veterinária Landa Conticelli Paiva ProntoDog & Cat Petshop Latidos Miados Petshop Uauqmia Paulo Jacomini Juliana Maia Bettini Luciane T. Miyamoto Paula Campos Ozorio Matsuda Francielle Angélica Alves Silene Tristao Sanches Cristina S. M. Santos Maria Madalena Maria Eugenia Costa Ferreira https://www.instagram.com/p/CNBWjEQg1nS/?igshid=1amo2i4xx7lwk
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katian5 · 4 years
The first category to appear on stage was that of senior weighing less than 70 kg, 6 athletes out of 12 qualified for the final, although Cristian López was allowed to pose out of competition, as an exceptional measure, since it was impossible for him to arrive on time weighing anavar for men. In 6th place was César Arroyo, who lacked density, development and proportionality to qualify for more. Julián Martín was 5th, he had a good physique but he should improve the pumping of the quadriceps and polish the buttocks and oblique hindquarters more. 4th was the Argentine Luciano Liberti, with an excellent upper body the day that equals it with the lower one will be unbeatable. 3rd was the Andalusian Lolo Rascón, very balanced, with a great general quality but he should improve the pose and leave with less shine, if he does he will be able to choose more. Runner-up was Javi Blanco, the Valdepeño lawyer, who presented his best version, greatly improved, a very balanced physique, with great details and, without a doubt, the best poseur of all. The champion was the Andalusian Daniel Bajo who dazzled everyone present by his physical excellence in all parameters: quality, aesthetics, symmetry, proportion, mass, density and pose. Trophies were awarded in this category by David from Moodsports.
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The next category to come out was that of a statuesque woman 1. In fourth place was the Italian Elena Narduci, very aesthetic but who must improve definition and muscle development to qualify for more. 3rd was the Mallorcan Antonia Moya who, little by little, is improving her physique. Runner-up was Nadia Cruz, very aesthetic but her lower body should improve a little more. The champion was Ingrid Culebradas, very balanced in all facets, without a doubt, the best, she must follow that path to reach an international level. The awarding of trophies in this category was made by Carina Tristao from Made in Brazil.
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Then senior competitors weighing less than 80 kg came on the scene. 5th was the Italian Mario Lacava who has a promising future since he has a good base, the day that physique dries it will be difficult to beat. Tomás Sánchez was 4th, another diamond in the rough that will go a long way if he continues with that desire. 3º was Miguel Ángel Lara who lacked a little more dryness and balance to opt for more, the day he does so he will have many options to compete internationally. Runner-up was César Priego, much improved and that made things very difficult for the winner. The champion was Toni Martorell, hard as a rock, with great quality and development. The day I improve those legs will be even more fearsome. In this category the delivery of trophies came from the hand of Prudencio Mellado,
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Then the giants of more than 80 kg entered the scene. 4th was Ismael Marín, the day he defines will be very scary because he has a very good base. 3rd was Jaume Cantallops who must improve the lower body to climb to the top, despite its development is very notorious, international level. Runner-up was Toni Martorell who also asked to participate in this category and who made things very difficult for the winner Roberto Amorosi who has improved a lot with respect to past editions, little by little, he equates his excellent upper body with the lower one. In this category the awarding of trophies was made by the historical bodybuilder José Viñas, champion of Spain in 1971. It should be mentioned that Jaume Cantallops, in a gesture that honors him and never seen, gave his trophy to his friend Pedro Adrover, world champion WNBA,
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Then the category of statuesque woman 2 came out on stage. 4th was Rosa Ana de la Paz who presented a large upper body somewhat unbalanced with the lower one, likewise, her way of posing did not favor her. 3rd was Mery Delgado, with an international level upper train, the day that equals it with the lower one will be difficult to beat, she showed great mastery in the pose. Runner-up was Mónica Pérez, whose merit is commendable since just 2 years ago she was in a state and today, she marks abs, obliques, quads, etc., demonstrating that if there is desire and knowing how to do great things can be achieved. The champion was Marilén Piza, much improved, spectacular in all parameters, a pity that she cannot go to the world championship as she would have played an excellent role. The award ceremony was again carried out by Carina Tristao from Made in Brazil.
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Then the sculptural bodybuilding athletes came out, ranked 6 out of 14, it was the largest and most complicated category to settle the positions. In sixth place was the Italian Marco Luciani, with a good line but lacking quality. 5th was Manuel Rascón who made it very difficult for Javi Blanco who obtained 4th position. 3rd was the Italian Daniele Nicoló, very aesthetic, balanced and with unique thigh fibers. Runner-up was Toni Martorell who also came out in this category, a great job he presented. The champion was the Italian Remo Rimedio, with an excellent aesthetic line, very balanced proportions and densities, great muscle development and brilliant symmetry. In this category Emiliano Caputo, great coach and captain of the Italian team, presented the trophies.
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Finally, the masters of more than 40 years left. 4th was Joaquín Martínez, who must improve all parameters to move up to higher positions. Julián Martín was 3rd, who, as we already mentioned, must correct his mistakes as he has a good development and a good quality. Runner-up was the Argentine Luciano Liberti who, as we already said, must balance his body more, however he presented the best upper body of all. The Andalusian Emilio Malet took the category as he presented: a large proportion, excellent aesthetics and very good quality, great overall work of his. The charismatic natural bodybuilder Clodoaldo Mora presented the trophies in this category.
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tendido-5 · 3 years
Corrida de Rejones :
Reguengos de Monsaraz :
Entrada : Lleno.
Toros : Passanha : De buena presencia y juego en líneas generales.
📍Luis Rouxinol : Vuelta al ruedo.
📍Marcos Tenorio Bastinhas (Que sustituía a Filipe Gonçalves): Vuelta al ruedo.
📍Joao Ribeiro Telles : Vuelta al ruedo.
📍Luis Rouxinol Jr : Vuelta al ruedo.
📍Antonio Prates : Vuelta al ruedo.
📍Tristao Ribeiro Telles : Vuelta al ruedo.
Incidencias : Actuaron los Forcados Amadores de Alcochete y Reguengos de Monsaraz.
📷 María Mil'Homens (Porta dos Sustos).#ReguengosDeMonsaraz #Passanha #LuisRouxinol #MarcosTenorioBastinhas #JoaoRibeiroTelles #LuisRouxinolJr #AntonioPrates #TristaoRibeiroTelles #Toros #Tendido_5
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