#margaret brundige
tvb1852-1853 · 3 years
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(T.V. Brundige Diary, Jan 26 & 27th, 1852)
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In which our narrator gets broody when his wife goes Out without him (gasp) and he has to have lunch with the kids.
Transcript & Notes
MONDAY, January 26, 1852.
Weather. Cloudy, early part of the morning. balance of the day clear and mild _
Rose at 7 o'c, and performed my family alter duties, and after breakfasting started on a collecting tour, previous to my going to my place of business, which I reached about 10 o'c, without having met with any success in collecting. Remained at my counting room during the morning, engaged with my regular business, until 1/2 past 1, when I returned home to dinner, after which, I spent an hour in my yard, cleaning out the Snow + Ice, when I again went to my store for the balance of the afternoon. Nothing of importance has occurred with me to day_ After supper, I accompanied my wife round to Uncle John Toy's, where I spent a very pleasant evening, with the family, until after 9 o'c when we returned home, when I read the morning paper, and then, at 1/2 past 10 o'c, retired to rest __
TUESDAY, January 27, 1852.
Weather. Clear and very unpleasant overhead 〜 walking very wet_
After eating a hearty breakfast, I went to the Lexington market, and after procuring my marketing, to my place of business, where I remained, engaged all the morning. Upon my return home to dinner, found my beloved had gone out to dine, and I had to partake of mine, with my two little boys, which seemed a lonely affair, indeed I feel, even for a day, the loss of her, who is all, and everyhthing, to me, and I shudder at the thought of what I should feet at the loss of one so dear to me, by death, God forbid such an affliction, is my sincere + ardent prayer_
Passed the evening at home with my family, read the newspaper, and in conversation spent the hours until 1/2 past 9 o'c, when I retured for the night 〜
[Ed. Notes: Morbid much, TV? Still, it's nice to hear some personal commentary from him for a change. Margaret died in 1901, age 78; TVB died in 1903, age 84. His "little ones" are John Toy Brundige (named after Margaret's uncle, presumably), and Thomas Worthington Brundige, born 1845 and 1847, so 7 and 5 years old at this point.
The Monday paper: Probably the daily edition of The Baltimore Sun, which in those days was just 4 pages. The city, New York, and even New Orleans are still cleaning up from recent snows, as is TVB. I'm intrigued by a column raising the need for a new city water supply, as it apparently resulting in the old 1881 Loch Raven dam where my grandparents used to take me to feed fish and ducks.
The Tuesday paper mentions a ship bound for Liberia, Africa, with 175 freed slaves from Baltimore to Georgia, funded by the Methodist Episcopal Mission: possibly the same one that TBV donated to two Sundays ago.]
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weemsbotts · 3 years
From a Letter to a Grave: Echoes of Dumfries Residents
By: Lisa Timmerman, Executive Director
Timothy Brundige’s correspondence and detailed records went beyond constructing the literary tastes most popular by his customers. Fast forward to 1821, and we find a grim time for the Town of Dumfries as various illnesses plagued residents. This grim time for Dumfries continued as people left following the siltation of Quantico Creek. Officials abandoned the Dumfries Courthouse in 1822 with visitors later noting Dumfries was in a state of “decay”.
Timothy Brundige (Dumfries, Virginia) to Seth Botts (near Flemingsburg, Kentucky), 09/05/1821
“I duly recd. your letter of the 22d. August last night. Yesterday Isham E. Hedges was in my store and appeared to be in as good health as usual He came in to ask me if I would agree that the Court should appoint me one of the Commissioners for settling up his accts. as Executor of his Fathers Estate, or with you as one of the Executors, or both, however I have been unwell for a week or two past therefore I declined acting.
“This place has been more Sickly with Ague and fever, and Bilious complaints, for abut Six Weeks past than I ever recollect Knowing for 37 years, the time I have lived here. Robert Graham, James Ried, and James Hayes, have all died within a few months past. John Lawson Junr. son of John Lawson died last week. Dr. John Bronaugh and George Smith have both been unwell for some time past. Dr. B. dropsical, and Geo. Smith water in the Chest. I hope they will both get over it. Luke Cannon, Geo. Williams, Colo. John Linton, James Deneale, Dr. Spence, Jno. Lawson, William Smith, and Thomas Chapman are all yet alive. Ths. Chapman has been in bad health for more than twelve months past, and fear some complaint is fixed on him that cannot be fully removed. Old Mr. Gallagher is yet living also. Those I have mentioned are nearly all the old Stock about Dumfries now left, since you resided in this part of the Country. Old Josias Stone died a few weeks ago. Times is excessive hard and Dull but little money in Circulation. The price of Wheat 85 Cents Corn 40¢ flour $5. Tobacco about $3. Oats 25¢ but little of either coming to market. I am Respectfully yr. Obt. Servt.”
Dropsical is a reference to the condition dropsy, referring to visible swelling under the skin aka edema. Depending upon the severity, it can be very painful and difficult and is a symptom of various diseases – mortality attributed to dropsy in the early 1800s could be reclassified if data was/is available. “Water in the chest” probably referred to pleural effusion when fluid collects between the lungs and chest cavity. As of 2015, it was still one of the most encountered disease processes recorded by clinicians. By the early 1800s, physicians knew drainage was key, although it appears significant advancement of closed water-seal chest drainage came at the end of the 19th century. However, it should be noted that thoracic drainage dates to the 5th century B.C.E. with Hippocrates in Greece.
Correspondence and medical references only form part of the story. As Brundige noted, many of his acquaintances either died or were unwell and we can find some clues to those persons in Dumfries Cemetery. Our records* indicate four total deaths in 1821: James Reid, 07/20/1821; John Lawson, 08/30/1821; Bernard Gallagher, 10/15/1821; and Margaret Smith, 10/21/1821. For the rest of the men named, we only have cemetery records for a George Smith on 08/30/1822, one William Smith on 02/02/1825, and another William Smith on 02/12/1829.
The actual tombstones also record valuable and sentimental records.
William Smith: “Sacred to the memory of William Smith, who departed this life at his residence near Dumfries on the 12th day of February 1829, aged 67 years & 4 months. The state pf Maryland was the birth place of the dead and for many years before his death he was a resident of Dumfries, Prince William County, Virginia. During that time he sustained the character of an honest upright and benevolent man. He was a tender and affectionate husband, a sincere friend a kind and diligent master.”
George Smith (unconfirmed if same person named by Brundige): “Sacred to the memory of George Smith. If truth, if friendship or a soul sincere devotions wish the worm and ardent pray’r of heartfelt piety could honour save or virtue ransom from the silent grave, this stone had not a wife’s sad grief expressed nor told that here thy sacred relicks rest.”
John Lawson, Jr.: “Here lies all that was mortal of John Lawson Junr. Who was born 24th Augt 1798 and died 30th Augt 1821. He lived beloved. He died lamented. By all who knew him this stone is erected with the view to commemorate” (rest of the epitaph underground).
Timothy Brundige: “Sacred in memory of Timothy Brundige who departed this life on the 15th September 1822 aged 68 years.”
Timothy Brundige married Charlotte Molohon (deceased: 1807) in 1785 and Mary Linton (deceased: 1815) in 1811. Brundige died on 09/15/1822; both him and Charlotte were buried in Dumfries Cemetery.
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(HDVI Archives Family Research on Brundige)
*Thanks to a massive community effort, we have comprehensive data of those buried in the cemetery along with the epitaphs, as the DAR, SAR, family historians, and genealogists all shared their research with HDVI.
Note: Did William Howard Taft get stuck in a bathtub? Did Thomas Jefferson greet official visitors to the White House in a robe? Join us virtually on President’s Day, Monday, 02/21, at 10:00am to answer these questions and more in our free “Debunk Me: Presidential Tall Tales” program! Click here for more info and tickets.
(Sources: HDVI Archives: Brundige Family File:“An 1821 Dumfries, Virginia, Letter, contributed by Michael Melnick, printed from FamilyTreeMaker, CD210NGS Quarterly, Volumes 1-85, Disk 1, Volume 58; Akulian, Jason, and David Feller-Kopman. “The past, current and future of diagnosis and management of pleural disease.”Journal of thoracic disease vol. 7, Suppl 4 (2015): S329-38. doi:10.3978/j.issn.2072-1439.2015.11.52; Walcott-Sap, Sarah and Mithran Sukumar. A History of Thoracic Drainage: From Ancient Greeks to Wound Sucking Drummers to Digital Monitoring. CTSNet, https://www.ctsnet.org/article/history-thoracic-drainage-ancient-greeks-wound-sucking-drummers-digital-monitoring)
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letyourmindpe14 · 6 years
Tình yêu thương giúp người dân California, Mỹ vượt qua biển lửa
Những đám cháy lớn vẫn tiếp tục hoành hành và gây ra nhiều thiệt hại tại bang California (Mỹ), nhưng không thể dập tắt tình yêu thương giữa con người.  
Y tá Allyn Pierce tại thị trấn Paradise đã lái chiếc xe tải xuyên qua biển lửa để giải cứu các nạn nhân ở một bệnh viện. Sau khi ông hoàn thành nhiệm vụ, chiếc xe cháy rụi hoàn toàn.
Nhiều người tốt bụng cũng cung cấp nơi ở cho những bệnh nhân hoặc người cao tuổi trong tình hình hàng nghìn cư dân mất nhà cửa do cháy rừng.
Cụ Lee Brundige - cựu chiến binh 93 tuổi khi sơ tán khỏi Paradise đã được giúp đỡ bởi một cặp vợ chồng trong lúc họ đang đang phân phát thức ăn cho các nạn nhân của đám cháy.
Cô Tracy Grant cho biết, cụ Brundige từ chối đề nghị nghỉ lại căn nhà của họ. Thay vào đó, cụ già khăng khăng nghỉ tại ôtô của mình, và chỉ nhận gối và chăn màn của đôi vợ chồng.
“Tôi không muốn để cụ ở đó, nhưng cụ rất độc lập”, Grant nói. Nhiều khả năng ngôi nhà của cụ đã bị tàn phá trong đám cháy. Tuy nhiên, khi đám cháy ngày càng lan rộng, Grant khăng khăng yêu cầu cụ Brundige chuyển vào ở cùng gia đình. “Cụ có thể ở với chúng tôi bao lâu tùy thích”, cô nói.
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Các tình nguyện viên phát thực phẩm miễn phí tại bang California, Mỹ. (Ảnh: Getty)
Một đoàn các phương tiện đang trên đường đi sơ tán đã được một người lính cứu hỏa dũng cảm dẫn đường tới nơi an toàn. Anh cũng không quản ngại nguy hiểm, nhảy vào biển lửa gần hồ Concow, thuộc vùng núi tại thị trấn Paradise để làm nhiệm vụ.
Gần 20 người chạy trốn khỏi đám cháy bằng cách nhảy vào con lạch khi lửa bắt đầu lan đến. Sau đó, họ cố bơi tới một hòn đảo hẻo lánh và được những người dân sống tại đây bơi thuyền ra ứng cứu. Những người bị bỏng và một cụ ông 90 tuổi bị hạ thân nhiệt lập tức được đưa tới bệnh viện.
Một người thu gom rác thải có tên Dane Cummings trong khi làm việc tại Magalia, ngoại ô thị trấn Paradise, đã đi kiểm tra khu vực có nhiều người cao tuổi sinh sống và giải cứu cụ già neo đơn Margaret Newsum, 93 tuổi.
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Người thu gom rác tốt bụng Dane Cummings và cụ bà Margaret Newsum. (Ảnh: KCRA)
“Tôi quết định phải đưa cụ ra khỏi đó. Tôi không có nhiều kiến thức về các vụ cháy, tôi chỉ biết rằng nếu lửa lan tới ngọn đồi đó, họ sẽ gặp nguy hiểm”, ông Cummings nói. Vậy là, trong suốt 5 giờ sau đó, ông đã lái xe vượt qua biển lửa đưa cụ bà tới nơi an toàn.
Camp Fire là đám cháy gây thiệt hại về người nhiều nhất trong lịch sử bang California đồng thời phá hủy hoàn toàn thị trấn Paradise. Đám cháy nhỏ hơn Woosley đã khiến 3 người thiệt mạng. Hơn 100 người, chủ yếu trong độ tuổi 80-90 hiện mất tích.
Hoàng Anh (Tổng hợp)
from Đại Kỷ Nguyên - Feed - https://ift.tt/2Fr6C8v via IFTTT
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lookintomyeyeblog · 6 years
Tình yêu thương giúp người dân California, Mỹ vượt qua biển lửa
Những đám cháy lớn vẫn tiếp tục hoành hành và gây ra nhiều thiệt hại tại bang California (Mỹ), nhưng không thể dập tắt tình yêu thương giữa con người.  
Y tá Allyn Pierce tại thị trấn Paradise đã lái chiếc xe tải xuyên qua biển lửa để giải cứu các nạn nhân ở một bệnh viện. Sau khi ông hoàn thành nhiệm vụ, chiếc xe cháy rụi hoàn toàn.
Nhiều người tốt bụng cũng cung cấp nơi ở cho những bệnh nhân hoặc người cao tuổi trong tình hình hàng nghìn cư dân mất nhà cửa do cháy rừng.
Cụ Lee Brundige - cựu chiến binh 93 tuổi khi sơ tán khỏi Paradise đã được giúp đỡ bởi một cặp vợ chồng trong lúc họ đang đang phân phát thức ăn cho các nạn nhân của đám cháy.
Cô Tracy Grant cho biết, cụ Brundige từ chối đề nghị nghỉ lại căn nhà của họ. Thay vào đó, cụ già khăng khăng nghỉ tại ôtô của mình, và chỉ nhận gối và chăn màn của đôi vợ chồng.
“Tôi không muốn để cụ ở đó, nhưng cụ rất độc lập”, Grant nói. Nhiều khả năng ngôi nhà của cụ đã bị tàn phá trong đám cháy. Tuy nhiên, khi đám cháy ngày càng lan rộng, Grant khăng khăng yêu cầu cụ Brundige chuyển vào ở cùng gia đình. “Cụ có thể ở với chúng tôi bao lâu tùy thích”, cô nói.
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Các tình nguyện viên phát thực phẩm miễn phí tại bang California, Mỹ. (Ảnh: Getty)
Một đoàn các phương tiện đang trên đường đi sơ tán đã được một người lính cứu hỏa dũng cảm dẫn đường tới nơi an toàn. Anh cũng không quản ngại nguy hiểm, nhảy vào biển lửa gần hồ Concow, thuộc vùng núi tại thị trấn Paradise để làm nhiệm vụ.
Gần 20 người chạy trốn khỏi đám cháy bằng cách nhảy vào con lạch khi lửa bắt đầu lan đến. Sau đó, họ cố bơi tới một hòn đảo hẻo lánh và được những người dân sống tại đây bơi thuyền ra ứng cứu. Những người bị bỏng và một cụ ông 90 tuổi bị hạ thân nhiệt lập tức được đưa tới bệnh viện.
Một người thu gom rác thải có tên Dane Cummings trong khi làm việc tại Magalia, ngoại ô thị trấn Paradise, đã đi kiểm tra khu vực có nhiều người cao tuổi sinh sống và giải cứu cụ già neo đơn Margaret Newsum, 93 tuổi.
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Người thu gom rác tốt bụng Dane Cummings và cụ bà Margaret Newsum. (Ảnh: KCRA)
“Tôi quết định phải đưa cụ ra khỏi đó. Tôi không có nhiều kiến thức về các vụ cháy, tôi chỉ biết rằng nếu lửa lan tới ngọn đồi đó, họ sẽ gặp nguy hiểm”, ông Cummings nói. Vậy là, trong suốt 5 giờ sau đó, ông đã lái xe vượt qua biển lửa đưa cụ bà tới nơi an toàn.
Camp Fire là đám cháy gây thiệt hại về người nhiều nhất trong lịch sử bang California đồng thời phá hủy hoàn toàn thị trấn Paradise. Đám cháy nhỏ hơn Woosley đã khiến 3 người thiệt mạng. Hơn 100 người, chủ yếu trong độ tuổi 80-90 hiện mất tích.
Hoàng Anh (Tổng hợp)
from Đại Kỷ Nguyên - Feed - https://ift.tt/2Fr6C8v via IFTTT
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tvb1852-1853 · 3 years
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(T.V. Brundige Diary, Jan 18th & 19th, 1852.)
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In which our narrator is snowed in, but manages a social call with Uncle John Toy the next day— leaving yours truly with a genealogical puzzle to solve.
Transcript & Notes
Sunday January 18th. 1852.
Weather. Snow the entire day˷ very deep˷
Rose about 8 o'c, and partook of a hearty breakfast, after which, being so unpleasant outdoors, I concluded to spend the day at home and accordingly devoted the greatest portion of the day to reading, but a large portion of it, I fear, was not as profitably spent as I felt it to be my privilege and duty, I too often found myself engaged in little matters that would have better became another day, and also engaged in conversation, which was neither for my profit or the glory of God, and my conscience, at the close of the day, condemned me, for the manner in which I have spent it ˷˷˷˷ Passed the evening at home also, and feeling overcome with sleep, soon after supper, I retired to rest about 1/2 past 8 o'c˷
MONDAY, January 19th, 1852.
Weather. Clear, and excessively cold.
This day finds me again in the full enjoyment of my usual health, as well as the continued good health of my dear family, for which, I desire to thank a good and gracious God˷ After breakfasting I found the Snow so deep, that I concluded to ride, in an omnibus, to my place of business, where I have been engaged through the morning ˷ By invitation, myself and wife dined, to-day, at Uncle Jno Toy's, with Mr + Mrs Evans, Mrs Brundige, and one or two others, and I enjoyed myself very much, spending a very agreeable time until 4 o;c, when we returned home, and I remained there the balance of the afternoon and evening˷ After supper read awhile, and at 10 o'c sought that rest which our poor perishing bodies daily require ˷˷
[Ed. Notes: Aha! Jno is an old-fashioned abbreviation for John or Johnathan, like Wm for William.
I've fallen down the rabbit hole of Ancestry.com trying to track down Uncle Toy and the parents of Thomas V. Brundige's wife, Margaret Toy Brundige née Margaret Toy Smith. I have three pieces of evidence:
References to Uncle John Toy in the diary; he seems to fit the profile of mid-19th century printer John Dallam Toy, who was a well-loved figure around Baltimore according to several sources.
A Baltimore Sun clipping announced that TV Brundige was John D Toy's executor in 1875 when he died without heir.
Geneological records show that John D. Toy married a Margaret Smith (NOT Toy), who died young, while his sister Susannah Dallam Toy married a Francis Smith in 1820, which would be the right age for them to be Margaret T. Brundige née Smith's parents. Trouble is, I can't find proof she is, indeed, their daughter, and that Uncle John in the diary is indeed John D. Toy.
All of which is getting fairly far into the weeds of tedium, but it annoys me that as usual, we've got so much more information about the gents than the ladies. At least in the process of digging, I learned that Margaret T. Brundige won prizes for her currant wine and "cherry bounce," i.e. liquor. But the poor woman's obituary said she died of "nervous exhaustion." :( ]
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tvb1852-1853 · 3 years
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(T.V. Brundige Diary, Jan 28th & 29th, 1852)
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In which our protagonist pays more social calls to various members of the Toy/Dallam clans, prominent families in Baltimore into which the Smiths (ThomasV's wife) and Brundiges intermarried.
Transcript & Notes:
WEDNESDAY, January 28, 1852.
Weather. Morning, clear and cold. Afternoon rather cloudy and damp .
Rose about 7 o'c, after having rather an uncomfortable night, my cough troubling me a good deal. After breakfast, I repaired, as usual, to my place of business, where I have been occupied, with my regular duties, throughout the day, without meeting with any important circumstances.
Upon my return home to dinner, found Cousin Rebecca Wilson, there, from Long Green, who dined, and will remain, with us some days. Upon my return home found my wife about going around to Uncle Jno Toy's, and I accompanied her there, and met with Mrs Chew + Miss Mary Dallam, who had just arrived from Deer Creek, remained about a half hour, when we returned home, and I passed the balance of the evening there, and retired to rest about 1/2 past 9 o'c.
THURSDAY, January 29th, 1852.
Weather. Clear, and very mild.
This day finds me in the enjoyment of my accustomed health, and comforts_ After breakfast I went to the Hanover Market to make some purchases, and from there to my place of business, where I have been engaged throughout the day. Mrs Honeywell, Miss Priscilla Toy + Miss Caroline Smith, dined with us to day, and Miss H + Miss S, together with Mr Honeywell took supper and spent the evening with us, which I passed quite pleasantly and agreeably with them,
Mr H, I find to be quite a gentleman in his manners, and I felt a good deal of pleasure in conversing with him, upon a variety of subjects, in which I found him well informed. They took their leave about 10 o'c, after which I devoted a half hour in reading the morning paper, and then retired to rest.
[Ed. Note: I'm slowly untangling the names in the diary, starting with Uncle John Toy, whose identity is certain because he made TV Brundige his executor. Mary Dallam is a first cousin once removed of Uncle John, and Mrs Honeywell is his niece. My hunch is that TV Brundige's wife Margaret, née Toy Smith, will turn out to be Mrs Honeywell's sister. See diagram below. The trouble is, my dad threw a spanner in the works by claiming Margaret's parents are a mysterious Winston Smith and Susan Coleman, who do exist, but seem to have absolutely no connection to any of these people... and why would they give her the middle name Toy?!]
Baltimore Sun Newspaper OTD: Jan 28: Reports averaged about 45 degrees; snow and ice continue to cause trouble for shipping and weather for sleighing, even resulting in a road rage accident. Jan 29 more of same. Both these papers cover maritime trade and shipping accidents, proceedings of federal and state assemblies, lectures held at Maryland Institute (local version of Royal Society) on the Franklin Expedition, and Kossuthmania (a forgotten Hungarian celebrity and champion of democracy).
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tvb1852-1853 · 3 years
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(T.V. Brundige Diary, Jan 4th & 5th, 1852.)
In which our narrator goes to church and ponders materialism vs. religion.
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Transcript & Notes
Sunday January 4th 1852.
Weather. A portion of the morning, clear, the balance of the day cloudy and damp.
After breakfasting prepared myself to attend worship at Charles St Church, whither I went in company with my mother in law + my little Johny, and heard an excellent sermon, from Rev'd Mr Hirst, from 1st verses of 5' Chap Gallatians, addressed more particularly to the young converts who have recently attached themselves to the church, but I found in it much for my own benefit. After sermon, I partook of the holy sacrament of the Lords Supper. After dinner, read my Bible until 4 o'c, when I went round to Uncle Jno Toy's and spent the afternoon, and also remained to supper, returning home about 8 o'c, with my beloved wife, who also took supper there, and after reading the "Christian Advocate + Journal" until 1/2 past 9, retired to rest, thankful to God that I had my existence in a land of so many privileges and opportunities.
MONDAY, January 5th, 1852.
Weather. The greater part of the day cloudy and damp.
This day finds me in the enjoyment of my usual health and comforts, as well as the health of my dear family, for all of which, I desire to attest my gratitude, to the Author and Giver of all, by an upright walk and holy conversation. After breakfasting, I repaired, as usual, to my place of business, where I have been engaged all through the day, and nothing, of consequence, has transpired with me.
I am still striving to make my calling and election sure, though I feel that I come very ^far short of my privileges, that I love the world and its vanities too much, and desire to hold religion in one hand, whilst I take the world in the other, God grant me grace to live more to his honor + glory! Passed the evening at home, and retired to rest at 1/2 past 10 o'c
[Ed. Notes: "election" in the Calvinist sense. In 1898 History of Baltimore, Md by Henry Elliot Shepherd, p. 378, I found Rev. Dr. William Hirst serving as minister at the Mt. Vernon Place Methodist Episcopal Church on Charles St, which was at the corner of Charles and Fayette Streets from 1843-1869. I think the Brundiges attended the Charles St congregation into the 1970s; I seem to remember my grandmother going there.
Little Johnny is 6. I'm still trying to identify wife Margaret T Brundige's parents.]
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