#so basically both of them could potentially date a demon
heli-writes · 2 months
Heartbreak and other nuisances, part 2.
Pairing: Pro-hero!Deku x female!reader
Summary: Love is never easy, especially when you're the number one hero of Japan. After getting dumped by his childhood love, Deku just can't seem to get it right, much to his mother's disappointment. When he meets y/n, he is convinced it will just be a one-night stand. Or being fuck buddies. His broken heart stands in his way. And you've got your own demons to fight.
Disclaimer: nsfw, smut, oral sex, fingering, vaginal sex, angst, heartbreak, bisexuality
[Please don't read if you are sensible to or triggered by the topics mentioned above.]
Minors do not interact.
Note: I finally got around to write a second part of this!
Part 1, Part 2
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Izuku massages his temples. It's been just a couple of hours but the day is already too long. Izuku considers himself the kind of hero who prefers working outside, on the street. Patrolling, taking on missions, actively helping and saving people. That's why he became a hero in the first place.
He's shy by nature and therefore working with the press and fans is not really his thing. Over the years, he learned to play along. Smile at fans, give funny answers in interviews and always seem collected and content. Truth is though, most of these times he feels rather uncomfortable. Despite his reputation, it's still hard to believe that people look up to him, and idolize him even. Inside, he's still that weird quirkless nerd Kacchan always made fun of.
Interviews are even worse. He feels like these interviewers are always out to get him. Try to squeeze something juicy out of him, something scandalous, something that could potentially ruin his career.
“Mr. Deku, you're almost up.”
A worker from the TV station rips him out of his thoughts. He puts on a brave smile and gives her a nod.
“Alright, I'm ready whenever!”, he tells the worker.
The worker disappears and Izuku can hear the TV host introduce his appearance.
Time to put on a show, he thinks.
So far the questions have been tame. Mostly, the male host asked him about his work on the street and some upcoming fan events. Stuff he feels comfortable talking about. The female host chirped in here and there asking about his costume and the heroes that he teams up with from time to time. Izuku is very glad she didn't ask about his rivalry with Dynamight.
“So while we're talking about fans. We all know you are very popular with the ladies. Tell us, Deku, can you give our viewers some hope? Would you ever be open to dating a fan?”, the female host flashes him some pearly white teeth. Deku doesn't like where this is going. Predictable, expectable? Yes, both. Uncomfortable? Also yes.
“Well, I don't see why I wouldn't. I used to be a huge fan of All Might and he's basically my dad now.”, Izuku chuckles. He hopes mentioning All Might and his relationship with his mother is enough to divert the interviewer's curiosity. He rarely talks about them publicly. So, basically, he's throwing her a bone.
“I bet that's a huge relief for our viewers. But would any of them even have a chance? Are you open to date at the moment?”, the hostess continues her prodding.
An image of you pined beneath him flashes through his mind. Is he ready to date? He doesn't know.
Izuku gives her an awkward laugh.
“I guess I have to disappoint. The job is filling my days, thoughts and heart. I'm afraid there is not much room for anything else.”, he tells her.
When the woman gives him a Cheshire cat smile, he knows she's about to say something bad. Bad for him, but good for her.
“Yes, I bet serious dating must be hard in your line of work. But what about casual dating? There have been reports of you being seen with different women over the last year.”, she tells him innocently.
Izuku wants to roll his eyes. Really? That's where she is going? As if being photographed with someone means he's dating them.
Another image of you is flashing through his mind. This time you're sitting across from him in that bar. Looking all pretty in that dress, giving him bedroom eyes.
He's sure no one took pictures of you. His PR team would've given him hell if an image like that was leaked. Also, he's not dating you, not even casually. He slept with you one time.
And yet you left your contacts at his place.
“I'm afraid I'm not the type to date causally.”, he tells the interviewer and flashes her one of his signature smiles. Checkmate. Izuku feels triumphant when he sees the hostess's disappointed smile.
It disappears when the camera zooms in on her. “Well, ladies, you've heard it here! If our favorite hero falls for you, he's all in!”, she tells the camera with a booming smile.
Izuku feels more exhausted than he usually does. After he was finally allowed to go backstage again, people swarmed him. His PR team clapped him on the back, praising his witty answers. A backstage worker asked for an autograph for his kid. When he finally can retire to his dressing room, he's spent.
He slumps down in the chair in front of the big mirror with the big, round Hollywood-style lightbulbs around it. The bright light burns in his eyes. He takes a look at the reflection that stares back at him. The light makes him paler than he is. His skin looks almost ghostly and the makeup on his face suddenly does very little to hide the dark circles under his eyes. But, hey, at least his hair still looks perfect.
He can't seem to look away from his own image. For a moment he wonders if it's self-conceit so many heroes seem to carry. He watches his eyebrow furrow. That's not it. It's more like... looking at a stranger and trying to figure them out. What are they thinking? Do they have good intentions or bad ones? Can they be trusted? He scans his face like he does with villains and people in the street when he's patrolling.
He comes up with nothing.
He sighs and pushes a hand into the pocket of his pants. His fingers brush over the rough edges of the paper that's been sitting there for a couple of days now. By now the card must be bent and cracked. He pulls out your business card and looks at it.
Tutela Idumentis LLC Y/N L/N y/n.l/[email protected] +1 711 23456
Of course, he's been nosy about the company on the card, so he googled it. Very quickly he ended up at an online store of a workwear clothing brand. Turns out, there's also a store of the brand here in Musutafu. Considering the lack of a title on your business card, he assumes you must work there as a store worker or something. Seems as if you aren't even a store manager.
He turns the card over and back to the front. He's tempted to send a text to the number on the card. That's why you left it, right? He sighs and shoves the card back into his pocket. Like he's done quite a few times before.
He doesn't need to text you. It's a bad idea. You both made it clear that you don't want a relationship. A hookup is fine, but turning it into a regular thing? That's the way you get caught by the press. Also, he's not sure if he can trust you. You had this aura around you. Kind of sneaky. And there's a devilish spark behind your eyes. He feels like it's best not to mess with you. He had a good night, you left and kept quiet about it. No big deal.
He decides that it's best to go home now. He gathers his things including a duffle bag with his hero costume and makes his way to the door. Usually, his security team would make sure that there is a car waiting for him but today he drove himself to the TV station. It gives him a certain authority over his own day instead of being dragged from one place to another. Lately, he's been feeling that most things lie outside of his control, so he enjoys these little decisions he can make for himself. Even if his head of security isn't always happy about them.
He manages to avoid most people on his way to the parking garage. After he's put his bag into the trunk, he slides into the driver's seat. He takes out his phone to put in the route back home. When he activates the mobile data on his phone, a flood of messages comes in. He's ignoring most of them but something catches his eye.
📷 @dynamight posted a new picture
He clicks on the notification and is led to Katsuki's Instagram page. He swallows hard when he sees the image Kacchan posted. It's a young woman in a white summer dress turning her back towards the camera with her arm outstretched behind her holding Katsuki's hand that can be seen at the bottom of the photo.
Izuku has met Kacchan's girlfriend before, even if it was only in passing. And yet the image of her burned itself into Izuku's mind. He's certain that it's her in the picture. Obviously, they are still together. But more importantly: Now they're officially together. That's more Izuku ever got from Katsuki.
Katsuki kept his relationship under wraps. Of course, there were rumors that he was seeing someone because the press always finds out. But he never commented on it, not even to deny the allegations.
And now he posted her. For the whole world to see. Telling everybody proudly: “That's my girl!”. No “We need to be careful.” or “Can you imagine what happens if this gets out?”. Izuku tries to swallow the lump in his throat. He feels betrayed. It's unfair. Why does this woman get what he wanted? What he waited for for so long? And she gets it this quickly? It makes him want to hate Katsuki. He's not sure what is boiling in his stomach, hurt or anger. Maybe both.
Quickly, he swipes the app away and opens maps.
He thought about it the whole way home. He was brooding over the implications of the picture Katsuki posted. About how it will change Katsuki's life and his work as a hero. From now on, he probably will bring his girlfriend to every red carpet event. The same events Izuku is invited to. Pushing the image of him and her further down his throat.
The silence of his apartment welcomes him. He doesn't turn on the big lights just yet. Instead, he opens the refrigerator and stays in the cool, dim light of it. He rummages through it to find something edible but nothing seems to raise his appetite.
He opens his phone again. Stares at the picture for a while. Then, he pulls out your business card. He puts the card and the phone next to each other on the counter. Stares at them until they blur together in his vision. His heart is pounding.
Finally, he picks up his phone again and types in your number.
To say you're surprised to hear from the Nr. 1 hero of Japan again is an understatement. After a couple of days have passed without him texting you, you actually forgot about him. You don't dwell on hookups very long, even when they're rich and famous. You've met quite a few rich and famous people in your lifetime and you have to say that most of them are absolute pricks. Especially the male ones.
So, you were quite surprised when Izuku texted you inviting you for dinner. You find that invitation rather odd. Didn't he just recently say in an interview that he doesn't date? Casually or otherwise? And if he wants to hook up again, he doesn't really need to take you out first. After all, you know where he lives and you most certainly are down to go again.
He may be a rich famous prick, but at least he knows what he's doing in bed. Well, to be fair, he didn't strike you as a prick. Maybe a bit desperate for praise, but all in all he was quite respectful. At least he didn't use your contact info to force a signed NDA out of you.
You wipe at the side of your eye. Your eyeliner didn't turn out the way you want it to look like. You contemplate wiping it off completely but you decide it's probably not worth it anyway. It's likely your makeup won't stay in place this evening anyway. At least, that's your intention.
It'd be kind of funny if Izuku had serious intentions with this date. Well, not really, but it's always funny to you when men are easily wrapped around your finger. It's funny to see men's logical thinking going out of the window when a female body is involved.
You slip into the fancy dress you picked for tonight. Izuku told you that the restaurant he's taking you requires formal wear. You find it comical that he invites you out to such a fancy dinner. You wonder if letting him come inside is enough for him to fall in love. It makes you think he's a little bit pathetic. You're not interested in a relationship. You've got work to do and high ambitions. Romantic relations tend to stand in one's way. Moreover, you never were the relationship kind of person.
Your phone rings and you see that Izuku texted you that he's waiting for you downstairs. You grab your purse and make your way to the door.
Izuku expected you to live in a small apartment in the city. Probably in an area with cheap corner stores and buildings that have long passed their prime days. Somewhere cheap, but not run down. Somewhere where people with normal jobs or many children live.
However, you live in the suburbs. In a nice neighborhood with families that have two cars in their driveways and a simple, but modern architecture. Apparently, you have a whole house to yourself. He wonders if it's your childhood home.
He parks the car in front of your front door and shoots you a text. Waiting for you, he feels kind of nervous. He wonders if this is really a good idea. He's not sure what he hopes to come from this. He's not ready to move on and he's sick and tired of superficial meetings and onenightstands. He concludes he must be trying to numb himself from the fact that he won't find love anytime soon or ever for that matter.
He swallows hard when he sees you stepping outside the door. You're wearing a long, red dress with a slit that goes up to your hip leaving the plumpness of your upper leg exposed. He did tell you that the place he's taking you requires formal wear but this dress looks like you certainly had something different in mind than just grabbing dinner. You're stunning and Izuku suddenly feels intimidated by you. Clearly, you're dressed to kill, or rather to fuck.
You walk up to his car and get in at the passenger side.
“Hey.”, you greet him with a toothy smile and Izuku has to admit that the smile makes you look even more stunning.
“Hey”, he tells you back. He knows he must sound a bit stiff, but to be fair he has no idea where he is going with all this.
An awkward silence befalls the car as he starts the engine and pulls out of your street. You can see how tense Izuku is. Clearly, he's nervous or at least highly uncomfortable. You wonder why he invited you in the first place. Also, you find it strange how the usually confident, sympathetic hero is reduced to... this. Somehow you doubt it's due to him being intimidated by your sex appeal.
When Izuku doesn't start a conversation, you do. You attempt to make some small talk with him.
“So, how was work today?”, you ask him. Izuku takes a moment to answer.
“It's been alright, I guess.”, he replies vaguely. Internally, you want to groan. You opened up the stage for him to boast about his work. That's what men like to do, right? Especially men who work in his field! You manage to avoid rolling your eyes.
“Alright, how are things on the street then? Patrol keeping you busy?”, you continue to ask him. You can hear Izuku breathing in in relaxation.
“It's been alright. Some villains here and there but mostly things are quiet.”, he tells you.
“Really, I mean that must mean you can relax a lot, right?”, you say teasingly. Izuku lets out a laugh and you think it's a nice sound.
“I wish that was the case. But a hero's work does not stop at patrolling.”, he tells you.
“I bet. All that press work. And do you not also lead charity for the quirkless? I've always wondered what that is about. Since when do quirkless people need charity? Just because they're quirkless, doesn't mean they can't have a job and life like normal people.”, you say.
“Of course!”, Izuku replies feverishly, “That's not what the charity is about. It's about integration into society, about perspectives.”
You notice that Izuku's whole body language shifts. His chest is all puffed and he pushes his chin forward. You have to smile smugly. Seems like you've found something to poke him with.
“Integration? Perspectives? Sounds to me as if you consider the quirkless as some second-class citizens.”, you tease him. You try to make your voice sound all serious.
“No, not at all! But it's just a fact that the quirkless are treated differently in our superhero society. They're often excluded, are not given the same chances as others.”, he tells you. There's a passionate look in his eyes and you start to feel soft. It's sweet how passionately he feels about the situation of the quirkless.
“And your charity tries to do something against it?”, you ask in a kinder voice.
“Yes, we do. I know there's only so much we can do, at least until the rest of the people change their minds, but still... I think it's important. It shouldn't matter if a person has a powerful quirk or none at all. We're all people.”, he tells you.
You keep looking at the profile of his face. Izuku's eyes are set on the road ahead, but the look in them is stern and determined. Clearly, this topic is important to him. You wonder if it's alright to reveal something real about yourself.
“My mother is quirkless.”
You study how his facial expression changes. For a second, his eyes widen. His grip on the steering wheel loosens a bit.
“Oh, I didn't know that. I'm sorry if I talked about this as if I know more than you.”, he says a bit more quietly.
You shrug and laugh a bit.
“It's alright. My mother has a good life. She married wisely, I guess.”, you ponder. From the corner of your eye, you can see that Izuku gives you a side-eye.
After that, silence befalls the car again. This time you don't attempt to make conversation. The topic dimmed your mood.
At the restaurant, the staff shows you to your seats. The waiter shows you two to a private booth out of sight by most people in the restaurant. You conclude that Izuku must've chosen this place in order to have some privacy. He probably couldn't take you to many other places. Suddenly, you feel sorry for Izuku not being able to just go on a date without having to think too much about it. Then again, he chose this life and that's just one of the many negative aspects of being a hero. Grimly, you think about how you are glad to live a different life.
“Have you already chosen, ma'am?”
The waiter rips you out of your thoughts. You blink a couple of times and turn your attention to the menu card that you are holding in your hands.
After the waiter takes your orders, Izuku and you are left alone in the tiny booth again. Again, an awkward silence befalls you. Izuku clears his throat.
“So... um you work in the clothing industry?”, he asks you. You give him a court nod.
“Yes, we opened a store here in Musutafu recently.”, you tell him. He nods. Seems as if he was right when he assumed you worked at the local store.
“You like working here?”, he continues to ask. You shrug.
“I guess. My family's originally from Japan, so I guess it's nice being able to see that side of the family more often.”, you ponder.
“Oh, you didn't grow up here?”, he wonders and you shake your head.
“Nah, I grew up in America. Moved there because of my dad's job.”, you say. Izuku nods understandingly.
“I wish I could've spent a semester or so abroad, like All Might. But in the end that wasn't possible.”, he laughs awkwardly.
“Well, you didn't miss much. America isn't as great as everybody makes it out to be. Especially when you work in the hero business. The paparazzi are hell there.”, you say sympathetically.
Izuku rubs the back of his head and laughs again.
“Well, they're not great here either. Can be a real pain to be honest.”, he replies.
You were just about to answer him when the waiter arrived with your food. Once the plates are set in front of you, the conversation dies down as you two eat. This time a comfortable silence surrounds you. After dinner, you two stay for another round of drinks and the conversation flows more easily. You ask him about what he likes to do after hours and his time at U.A. He asks questions about your life in America. He notices how you only vaguely answer them. Eventually you two pay and make your way back home.
Izuku parks in front of your house again. It's already dark outside and only the streetlights illuminate the inside of the car. Izuku's turned to you and you can barely see the freckles on his cheeks.
“I had a good time.”, you say and you mean it. Despite the occasional awkwardness, it was a nice date. And to be fair, Izuku's kind of cute when he's flustered. You teased him on purpose from time to time to bring that flustered expression out of him. You know it's probably a bit mean but you enjoy it too much to stop. Maybe it's your kink to see powerful men in weak positions.
Right now, Izuku wears exactly that expression and you can't help but smirk.
“Y-yeah... it's... it was nice. Maybe we could-”, Izuku can't finish his sentence. With a firm hold on his shirt, you yank him forward and press your lips against his. For the first few seconds, his brain barely reacts to what is happening. Then, he slowly puts his arms around you and kisses you back. You run your hands through his hair and deepen the kiss. A pleasant shiver runs down Izuku's spine. He places a hand on the back of your neck and pulls your face back onto his when you try to break the kiss apart.
You try to press your chest against his but the interior of the car is in your way. Suddenly, a light down the street gets turned on and you two quickly fall apart. It's a dog walker activating a porch light. Izuku pushes your head down. You stay like this until the walker has passed.
“Y'know if you wanted my head in your crotch, you could've just asked.”, you tell him grinningly.
Izuku lets go of your head and straightens his posture. He lets out a breath he didn't notice he was holding.
“I'm sorry... it's just...”, he starts.
“It's okay. You don't want to get caught. Career and everything.”, you say understandingly and Izuku is glad you get it. Then there's a mischievous gleam in your eyes and you grip onto his shirt again.
“But y'know... There is no such thing as bad press.”, you say and pull him back into your mouth again. Izuku groans and then pushes you away.
“We really shouldn't... not here...”, he trails while his eyes are fixated on your lips. You can already see his self-control slipping.
“Come up with me then.”, you invite him.
Izuku hesitates. You reach out your hand and lightly push your hand through the sides of his hair. Then, you cup his cheek. Softly, you trail his lips.
Izuku lets out a shaky breath before sighing. “You're a devil”, he tells you and you laugh.
“So, you're coming up then?”, you grin.
Izuku didn't expect your home to look so... homely. He lowkey expected either very modern furniture that has a lot of flat surfaces with nothing on it or very old furniture that you inherited from your parents (like the house most likely). However, the inside of your house is tasteful. Soft beige and blue pastel tones dominate the rooms. The décor is feminine and simple. Dried flowers in vases, fairy lights, and soft blankets. He wonders what's it with you and blankets. You seem to keep one in every room.
You lead him through the living room to the staircase where you take him upstairs into your bedroom. Your bedroom is in the same style as the rest of the house. Izuku admits it's very cozy. He much rather slip under your bed's covers underneath the fairy lights and fall asleep than do whatever you've got planned.
He's still looking around the room when you start to take off your shoes and dress. He's taken aback when he notices you undressing and tries to avoid looking in your direction. As if he hasn't seen you naked before.
You catch his awkward look and have to chuckle. “Can you help me with this?”, you ask and point to the back of your bra. There's no denying it. You love teasing him. Swiftly and precisely, he opens your bra and you slip it off. You feel sorry for the man, so you pull a T-shirt over your head.
“Metalon? You like old-schooled heroes like that?”, Izuku asks teasingly. Only then do you notice the shirt you pulled over your head. Immediately, you're embarrassed.
“No, not really.”, you quickly say and pull the T-shirt over your head again. Izuku watches you with furrowed brows. While you are rummaging through your wardrobe for another T-shirt, he wonders if his comment made you feel so insecure that you felt the need to change clothes.
“You know, you didn't need to change it. It was just a joke.”, he tells you. You pull a sour grimace. “Yeah, I know.”, you answer him courtly. But nothing is more off-putting than wearing your dad's clothes before having sex with someone, you think.
Quickly, you dive under the covers on your bed and get cozy. You wave for Izuku to join you. Izuku slips out of his pants and shirt and joins you in the bed. Your blankets feel as soft as they look, he decides. You slide closer next to him. Your skin feels warm underneath his and he puts an arm around you. He's sure he could fall asleep then and there if it wasn't for you kissing up his neck.
He groans when you suck on that sweet spot just beneath his ear. He turns his head and meets you in a kiss. The kiss quickly becomes heated and he can feel your tongue begging for entrance. At the same time, your hand trails a pattern on the skin of his chest. A shiver of anticipation runs down his spine as he feels your fingers trail lower with each passing second. His left-hand finds its way to your breasts as well. Gently, he massages one of them through the plain black T-shirt you're wearing. Carefully, you break the kiss apart.
“You can take it off, you know?”, you say while looking at him with hooded eyes. Carefully, Izuku lifts the shirt over your head. He takes a moment to take in the sight in front of him. You're beautiful. Part of him wishes you'd take off the panties as well. Before he can dwell on the sight too long, you shuffle closer to him. You nuzzle your face into the crook of his neck and push your breasts against his chest.
Izuku pulls you closer, softly petting the skin of your back. It's been a while since he felt as comfortable and warm as he does now. It doesn't even bother him that you two are about to turn things sexual. Actually, it excites him. Usually, he's in for a quick fuck. Trying to ignore the person in front of him, just chasing his own release. It makes things easier. Easier to not get attached. He doesn't care about this this time. He longs for that closeness. That closeness he used to have with...
He pushes the thought out of his mind. He's with you right now. And right now you're sucking and biting on his earlobe which gets harder to ignore with each passing second. He lets his hands wander into your hair. Gently, he angles your head in a way that he can kiss you again. While he kisses you this time, you hold onto his arms. He can feel you rocking your hips against his. Seems as if you're already in the mood. Carefully, he breaks the kiss apart.
“You want it? Then you need to work for it.”, he tells you huskily. You groan and roll your eyes.
“You're mean.”, you reply. Then, you give him a devilish smile and disappear beneath the blanket.
Izuku leans back in anticipation. He can feel your hands running up and down his legs before pulling his boxers down. He puts his arm underneath the blanket and scratches the back of your head. It isn't long before he can feel you licking a stripe up and down his half-hard member. You take the still kind of limp dick in your mouth and gently massage it with your tongue. You can hear Izuku groan above you. It doesn't take long before Izuku's fully erect. Only then, you start bobbing your head up and down his length. The muscles in Izuku's legs tense up and you notice how he fights the urge to thrust up into your mouth. You contemplate whether Izuku's able to get another one up if you finish him like this. Eventually, you decide it's not worth the shot. You do want to get some tonight as well.
Luckily for you, Izuku must be thinking a similar thing since he pulls you up from his dick at some point. You crawl up Izuku's body and place both hands on either side of his head holding yourself up. That position only lasts a few seconds as Izuku pulls you down against him. He kisses you again and gropes your ass. You run your hands through his hair. You can feel him slide his dick over your clothed pussy and you have to break the kiss moaning.
“You think we can take this off?”, he asks you while pulling on the elastic band of your panties.
“Definitely.”, you pant.
Deku holds up your hips with one arm and uses his other hand to pull down your panties in one swift motion. Carefully, he places your hips down again and runs a hand up and down your leg.
“You're beautiful.”, he says in a soft voice and leans down to kiss you again.
Somehow this feels different, you decide. The way he lightly pushes you down into your plush pillow. How he caresses the skin of your hips. How he lets his lips ghost over your shoulder up to your neck before carefully sucking on the sensitive skin on your throat.
It's so different than last time. Everything feels softer, but more firmly too. As if Izuku thinks exactly what to touch next. It's a stark contrast to the needy heat of last time. You bask in the anticipation Izuku builds up with his soft but determined touch.
Finally, Izuku's hands dip in between your legs and you gasp at the feeling of his fingers running through your slick folds. Gently, he massages the wet flesh carefully avoiding your clit and hole. The skin on the back of your neck starts to itch. You need him. You need him to finally give you satisfaction. You groan in frustration.
“What is it, princess? Are you not feeling good?”, he asks you.
You bite your lip before answering: “I'm feeling good, Izuku. Just... just please!”.
He doesn't tease you. Doesn't say something along the lines: “Use your voice. Tell me what you want”. No, he leans down to kiss your mouth again. While kissing, he finally touches your clit. You thrust your hips upwards to his hand. Gently he rubs circles on the sensitive bud. You break the kiss moaning.
“Shit.”, you curse. You can't help but look down. Where his hand meets your womanhood. You can feel the wetness pooling between your folds. Izuku kisses the side of your face.
“Focus on me.”, he tells you and you look up to him. He leans over your side and you stroke the side of his face. His green eyes capture yours and you can't seem to look away. One of his fingers finds your hole and enters you. Again, you gasp gently but you don't look away.
There's something sensual and intimate about looking into somebody's eyes while they're inside you. You can feel your heart beating out of rhythm with Izuku's fingers entering and exiting you. You can't help but want more. You want him hovering above you, your hands running down his sweat-stained chest and his cock inside you in the same rhythm as your heartbeat.
“Izuku”, you pant, “Don't you want to fuck me?”
Izuku groans and leans down to suck on your nipple. When his eyes find yours again, he says “Desperately so”. He pulls his fingers out of you and you rummage to find a condom.
Once you pulled it over his dick, you get in position. He's taking you missionary this time and you think it's fitting for tonight. Gently, Izuku spreads your legs apart and you lead him to your entrance. Slowly, he enters you while leaning down to your face again. He gives you a moment to adjust before setting a slow pace.
You wrap your arms around his neck and enjoy just how deep he reaches you. Goddamnit, he's so sexy, you think. The way his green locks fall into his face. The way his face contorts in pleasure. The way short, sharp breathes exit his mouth. You want to watch him fall apart.
You stop his thrusting and push against his chest. Izuku stops and gives you a puzzled look. “What?”, he asks you.
“Sit up and lean against the headboard.”, you tell him. Izuku follows your order and sits at the head of your bed. You crawl up to him, gently kissing his leg before sitting up and hovering over his dick. Gently you touch his cheek before sinking down on his cock.
Izuku lets out a long moan and pants when your pussy is finally fully stretched above him. Carefully, you start rocking your hips. Izuku's hands immediately fly up to your sides helping you with your motions. You lean back, steadying yourself with your hands on his legs. You give him a full display of your tits and the way his dick slides in and out of you. His eyes almost bulge out of their sockets and you need to suppress the urge to laugh at him.
You fuck him like this until his head falls back against the headboard. Only then, you sit up again. You continue rocking your hips but you lean towards him wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him close.
“I-i don't think I last very long anymore...”, he tells you panting and you have to smirk.
“Good.”, you whisper back at him.
You start a faster, more grinding pace on him and Izuku throws his head back again in a choked moan. You grind on him harder than before and you enjoy how the base of his cock stimulates the hard bud of your clitoris. Keeping the pace up, you start chasing your own high.
“Sh-shit, y/n...”, you hear him groan and you can feel his cock twitch inside you. You rock your hips harder into him getting more friction to your clit. You feel how his hands grip your hips but you're too lost in your own pleasure to care what he's doing. You can feel the heavy feeling in your stomach building up indicating that an orgasm will hit you soon. You grip onto his shoulders and blend out his moans and heavy breathing. Finally, you fuck yourself over the edge and your pussy starts spasming around his member. Izuku lets out a “Fuck, yes!” and comes with a shudder.
You stay on his cock trying to catch your breath. Izuku's head lolled onto your shoulder when he came. He stays nuzzled into your neck, softly caressing the skin of your lower back. You can already feel Izuku's dick softening inside of you but you don't want to get off yet. The expectation for this night was to have steamy, hot sex with him. Instead, you fucked more like lovers than strangers.
A cold shiver runs down your spine. You don't want a lover. You tap his shoulder and Izuku looks up with hooded eyes. Carefully, you slide off of him. The feeling of him slipping out of you leaves you feeling empty. It seems as if Izuku is brought back to reality as he clears his throat.
“Where's your bathroom?”, he asks and you point to a door at the side. He slides out of bed picking up his boxers on the way to the bathroom. You lean back against the headboard.
“Shit.”, you mumble. Quickly, you get up and open the window as wide as possible in hopes that some cool, fresh air can order your thoughts. What was I thinking fucking him like this?, you ask yourself. Izuku strikes you as a man who falls in love quickly. You don't want to give him any false hopes.
But it felt so good. Being held like that. Being worshipped like that.
You rub your temple and start looking through a drawer. You pull out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. You rarely smoke and if you do, you do it with a purpose. To piss off your parents. To impress someone with smoke rings. To calm your head when stressed. You light up a cigarette and take in a deep breath.
“Care to share?”, Izuku's voice can be heard behind you. You don't respond but lift up the half-full cigarette pack up to him. You feel him stepping closer to you and taking the pack from you. You can feel the warmth radiating off his body on your back. He's not touching you but he's awfully close. You hear the clicking of the lighter and Izuku taking a pull of his cigarette.
A smoke ring wavers outside the window beside you. Then you feel his hand on your hip.
“That was intense.”, he tells you and you have to laugh.
“Yeah, I guess it was.”, you reply and take another drag.
Izuku snips some ash from his cigarette and you can't help but lean back against him. He presses a kiss into the base of your neck. His green hair tickles your skin.
“I wonder...”, he starts and you want to cringe. Izuku clears his throat.
“I wonder if you'd like to make this a regular thing.”, he says and you halt.
“What do you mean?”, you ask unsurely. Please don't ask me to start dating you, you beg internally.
“Us. Fucking.”, he replies and you turn around to him in disbelief. He must've noticed the surprised look on your face and he shrugs.
“You want good sex, didn't you say that? And I need to blow off some steam once in a while.”, he explains. A smirk blooms on your face.
“Wow, you're that confident in your expertise? Think you can keep me satisfied longterm?”, you tease him. Izuku lets go of your hip and puts a hand under your chin raising it a bit.
“Believe me, I haven't even started to show you what I can do.”, he tells you with darkened eyes. You raise your eyebrow challenging.
“I guess that means I have to find out.”, you tell him.
Taglist: @yupsthings @the-dumpster-fire-of-life @scrumptiouslampwobblercop @sillycattie @tiredjuniper @nine-lives715 @dinorawrss @tomiokasecretlover @kousloverr @whippedbyikemen @potatocatsan @orgasmofwine @otakukittyowo
[Please comment if you'd like to be tagged in possible future parts. If you're already on the tag list, you don't need to comment again.]
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dualumina · 1 year
Actual thoughts straight from the shower (spoilers for the entire SotO story):
Okay so Peitha is great, but many agree (including us) that she's EXCEPTIONALLY small and "classically" pretty in comparison to her brother.
Now, as someone who's done video game design classes, we get it. Anet wants to have a character that's easy to animate and so they went with a modeling skeleton (it's an actual animation term we're not calling Peitha thin) based on the majority of the existing player races for the sake of having the most amount of pre-existing animations to work off of (you can see her emoting during the last chapter). Sylvari, human, and norn all have a few different emote variations, like dance for example (can y'all imagine if Peitha started dancing...?).
Making a video game is freaking stressful and taxing, and you generally want to avoid making something that will be used for only one instance and one instance only UNLESS it will dramatically improve the game's feel. Take djinn and Isgarren for example. They're both four-armed races with the same body shape. There's already several animations the djinn have that are reused for Isgarren, with, as far as we can tell, one exception. Isgarren has a talking animation that has him moving all four of his arms. Djinn don't have this animation (unless it's going to be retroactively added) and Anet likely never intended to give them this animation to keep to the idea that djinn are very reserved and guarded around others. One animation loop is not going to break the bank, but more than that? Ehh...
So as cool as it would have been to make Peitha a unique and incredibly monstrous skeleton, any animations they would have given her might NEVER get used again, and that's a LOT of time used for such a rare scenario. Ergo, give her a design with the most animation reuse potential.
Now that's the technical/logical hypothesis for why Peitha looks the way she does. But here's our lore-based theories which are frankly more interesting.
There's a book you can find in Dagda's room that reveals that all of the taller wizards (Dagda, Isgarren, and Mabon) have gone out of their way to disguise themselves to look more normal and less threatening. Isgarren went out of his way to look like a djinn by making his skin blue (and probably hiding his legs and giving himself extra fingers because CANONICALLY GW1 seers have like 3 fingers and very obvious legs), Mabon chose to hide his wings (the black tentacle things you see other mursaat have? yeah that) and Dagda... we actually don't know WHAT she did to herself. The book avoids mentioning it.
With that said, this could be foreshadowing to the fact that maybe Peitha realized that the shorter mortal races are very distrustful in general, and chose to look as close to a more "conventional" mortal appearance when she began keeping her eye on the Commander (she WAS surprised the first time she's seen but she might have been playing things cautiously from the start in case the wizards noticed her).
Alright so that's the first theory. The second one has less evidence to back it up but its A way to explain the dichotomy between her appearance and her brother and keeping to the idea that Peitha legitimately does look the way we see her.
The only demons encountered to date have basically all been enemies. Peitha is one of the few or potentially only demons who has not tried to kill the player character on sight.
Perhaps Peitha is legitimately that unique due to the fact that she's not normal for her race. Perhaps she's considered a runt of the litter when compared to the other high class Kryptis. Maybe that led to her being acutely aware of how unjust the system in her world is, and the moment she realized that you, the legendary dragon/god slayer that you are, fell into her realm, Peitha had a moment and realized that maybe maybe this was the opportunity she needed to change things for the better.
In any case, we'll have to wait and see what other female Kryptis look like to figure out if the sexual dimorphism is simply.. well, that extreme for demons or if Peitha is the exception not the rule.
In any case, Peitha is wife who's loved regardless <3
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gossipgirlgasoline · 5 months
HEYY!! big fan of this concept, returns the chaotic 2000's vibe to F1 that it so desperately needs 🤭 Your last post was so well put together! Any new gossip yet?
gossip girl here, your one and only source into the ultra-rich, scandalous lives of race car drivers of formula 1.
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hello my lovies. welcome back to the world of gossip, scandals, and drama! how have you guys been? ive missed you terribly since the last time we’ve spoken. since weve last spoken, carlos sainz jr and lando norris has both won grand prixs. how exciting! how dearly ive missed carlando .. today we will dive into all the drama we’ve missed since then after my brief disclaimer !
before i start, if ur not into truly gossipy stuff— THIS IS NOT FOR YOU!! this will go into territory of wag gossip, silly rumours, and other cheesy stuff like that. you have been warned.
lets start off with an anonymous submission, alluding to a comment i made back in an update about estelle and ollie. i mentioned murmurs of flavy snd esteban being a pr couple, lets see what anon #1 has to say.
“in my humble opinion flavy and esteban seem like the least pr and most mature couple on grid. they post eachother because they’re in love and live their lives calmly without making a fuss. i mean she rarely is at gps (bc she’s a med student, but also let’s not demonize the wags for not wanting thousands of eyes and an onslaught of criticism that being present at a go brings) and they are barely photographed by the paps like charles & alex. they give off the same vibes as oscar and lily, cute imo.”
i love this take!!! i totally see where anon is coming from and agree as well. i didnt see it like this, but this is a beautiful pov. i def see why u see that him and flavy are the healthiest, and i agree, but i would also add maybe kika and pierre to the mix? taking on your point that they pos each other since theyre in love and they have nothing to lose there, i could def apply the same logic to them. plus i think they are super cute and they feel genuine to me. + carmen and george probably too.
anon #1 also added this to the end of their submission;
“with that said i wanna know what you think/know about logan’s potential girl! any ideas on what she does? who she surrounds herself with?”
for those of you who dont know, logan sargeant has been allegedly dating a chick named “riley whittall.” i think it is notable the fact that her father is chuck whittall, business man who’s net worth amasses an astonishing $600 million dollars.
i remember hearing about her all the way back in november. i totally forgot about her until a couple months ago, a tabloid i follow on instagram reported on the fact that they have been in many of the same places at the same times. for example, logan posted a bali post on 27/03/24, riley posting a dump days after logan, coincidentally in the same place, with the same filter, with the same angle.
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HMMMM….. a quick trip to her instagram today will show you a post of her at australia, in the week of the australian grand prix with chicane wristbands, as well as a story posted earlier today of her at the grand prix.
i cannot for the life of me find the exact screenshot, but i had a friend (her family works in similar business with riley’s father) send me a message of a mutual friend of hers saying that riley was a “pick me.” the message was saying that some of her friends had tried to hit on logan but she got very defensive and start being like ‘im so small’ around him and trying to make her friends look bad. 👀
for those of you who did not see my last post, i recieved an anon submission regarding riley, let’s take a look!
“lots and lots of drama rn... riley and logan just got together and already drama brewing. basically a pretty well-known wag's best friend/someone she models with posted on her private instagram a tiktok that was seemingly demeaning riley whittall. a gossip page dmed her and got screenshots of the best friend AND said wag calling riley bratty, disrespectful, narcissistic, and the b word..”
I NEED TO FIND THESE SCREENSHOTS NOW OMFG!!!! im so nosyyy and I love new drama… this is so messy and im here for it
as for what this girl does besides vacation and thrive off a trust fund, i have no genuine idea. i think shes unemployed, living off daddy’s money but i dont blame her at all. its not like me and my friends not guilty of this 😭
on the topic of logan, i got sent in shady screenshots ahhh!!!! 🐒🐒🐒
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logan being a trumpie and an anti masker doesnt surprise me at all 😂 makes so much sense, idk what people expected out of him— hes a floridian white boy, we cant ask for much😭
moving on to my favourite bit of this post and arguably the most controversial f1 couple, Magui Corciero and Lando Norris!
for background information for those who live under a rock, Magui is a Portuguese model who is most notable for dating Portuguese footballer João Felix. Their relationship and break up were rather messy and even more public. Magui is notoriously hated by JF meat riders for cheating on JF multiple times after he gave her multiple chances, leading ro their break up.
I wont get too into detail this post because the lore is so deep but for the ones who do
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Recently, a Portuguese tabloid uploaded photos of Magui and Lando boarding his PJ
This ‘couple’ has notorious for being problem and quite troublesome recently, the pair showing up to the Monte Carlo masters together recently
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This being one of their many scandals is not surprising at all since they have been caught together lord knows how many times now😂
what’s your guys’ opinions on riley + magui and lando? let me know in my inbox and the comments!!! 😇
Speaking of messy, let’s talk about my blog 😭 im so sorry I’ve been so inconsistent with you guys, but tysm for everyone sending anons and the constant support♥️♥️♥️!!!!! And Im so sorry this post is so short I’ve. Been having a lot going on rn!!!! summer is approaching so not to worry
I love you all so so much and I want to have a new post for IMOLA regarding LOTS lissie mackintosh and Marcus armstrong drama.. (iykyk) eeeek im so excited to share with you guys… I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!
Remember that my inbox and dms are always open to everybody and you can dm me about anything!!! even non f1 related. Just shoot me a message and I will probably reply😇
until next time race-watchers, xoxo, gossipgirlgasoline
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thewertsearch · 1 year
I'm interested in where, exactly, their rendezvous is going to be. I had a bit of a think, and came up with four plans that could bring these teams together.
The trolls could join the human session, to escape the Demon.
The humans could join the troll session, to help them defeat the Demon.
Both parties could rendezvous in some tertiary location, such as the Furthest Ring.
Both parties could connect to each other, and establish a tertiary, sixteen-player session.
There's a problem with three of these options, though. Namely, if the two teams were planning to share a session, then Karkat would have no reason to be uncertain about whether they would meet.
A plan involving the Furthest Ring, however, requires the cooperation of the Horrorterrors. Who knows how that could end?
There is literally nothing under any sun, Green or otherwise, that could prevent this from happening.
Jade/Dave has potential, but I don't see Rose/John working out - and not just because of Kanaya. Romantic tension in Homestuck is usually pretty obvious, and I haven't observed any between those two.
Four humans can't seed a population, even if they weren't two pairs of siblings. Ectobiology wouldn't help, either - the gene pool is just too small.
This isn't the real reason that Karkat wants the kids to avoid dating trolls - but I also think he'd have trouble understanding why it's not a viable plan. Trolls don't work like that.
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CTG: ok youre by far the worst artist out of any of us CTG: and thats saying something ?CG: SHUT UP I DREW IT FAST
I wouldn't have expected Karkat of all people to go full hetero - especially since the ecto-machines could almost certainly merge John/Dave or Rose/Jade. Methinks he's applying 'not a homosexual' a little too broadly.
CEB: wow, i have to marry rose? CEB: uh… CEB: wow.
Just like with Vriska, this is all new to John.
I don't get the sense he's ever thought about romance with Rose - she's just his friend. Up until now, he hasn't seen her as anything else.
CTG: it was so much cooler when you were asleep and i basically never had to listen to you ever ?CG: I CAN'T GO TO SLEEP CEB: why not? ?CG: BECAUSE I'M TOO TIRED TO EXPLAIN WHY IS WHY. ?CG: YOU'LL FIGURE IT OUT LATER.
What's the problem, Karkat?
No recuprecoon? No dream self? Both, in tandem?
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Guess we're about to find out!
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In celebration of International Women’s Day you’ll be getting my list of my favvvvv female marauders ships, because these lovely ladies deserve so much better, this is top five tho cos I’m lazy
1. Dorlene
Yeah obviously I’m basic as shit but I love them soooo much. And they’re is so much potential within them. Like we have the classic enemies to lovers, but we also have the adorable friends to lovers. And there is soo much angst potential with Marlene dying at the hands of Voldemort, and we love the good old avenge your dead lover trope. And Dorcas would deliver!!! Like just the pure intensity of their relationship will actually send me into a coma
2. Pandalily
Firstly, they are ADORABLE like they are such a cute pairing, but more than that they are both so smart like academic rivals to lovers anyone. Like Pandora with her experiments and Lily quite literally being the Brightest Witch of Her Year. Like imagine them on cute little study dates. Or the fact that they are both so smart and cool. Like everyone would be in love with lily and Pandora is causing everyone to question their sexuality
3. Nobleflower
Give the older girls some love. Like they’re so sweet and cute. But then the ANGST the BETRAYAL. Narcissa marrying Lucius malfoy and Bellatrix being the reason that Alice lost her mind. Like can you imagine Narcissa coming to see Alice in hospital but Alice having no memories of the two, Narcissa being the one forced to carry all the memories of their relationship. Or even worse, Alice remembering Narcissa and being confused whenever Narcissa would leave her or never come to visit. Like I’m in actual tears but I love them
4. Killerquill (or Quillkiller idk)
Look a bit awkward that they’re right after Narcissa and Alice but that’s ok. These two are my fav grey coded characters like awww look at them committing war crimes I love them. But these two in a relationship is quite literally such a whirlwind. Like both of them are so cool and interesting on their own. And together thye have so much potential for just evil and I love that like there is no angst in this one because they both are just ok with committing terrible acts together. These two are demons and I love that for them, like let girls be evil and let them have fun doing it.
5. Emmary
Last, but not least we have emmary, the two sweetest nicest girls on the planet. Like their love story is just sooo romantic and could be so powerful when it comes to discussions of survival guilt and how to move on from traumatic events. Because don’t forget both Mary and Emmeline SURVIVE the first war. Like I would kill to read a fic that just explores the relationship dynamic pre and post first wizard war. Because we have both the cute, sweet innocence of teen love, but then mixed with the trauma of surviving a war and losing many of their friends. And then the ANGST that is the death of Emmeline during the second war and how Mary copes with the loss of one of the last people who attached her to the wizarding world.
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teeth-cable · 1 year
So if you want a prime example of questionable/shitty worldbuilding in the early Hazbin days: the entire concept of the Charlie comic.
So basically it was going to be set in Charlie's high school years which creates several issues.
1. Charlie was over 200 in the Hazbin pilot so that brings up an issue how long Charlie was in school and the education system.
2. It had to have been recent because Vaggie was going to make an appearance which....
3. Since its obvious Sinners don't age physically from their death date and Vaggie's design concept was shown at the same time as Helsa and Charlie's high school looks that due to lack of information implies Vaggie is high school age, which yes you can say everyone is 18 but its confusing as hell because if Vaggie is a sinner why is she in what I would assume would be a prestigious school/why is she in school in the first place? or... Vaggie and Charlie's relationship has some SUPER fucked aspects.
4. And we don't even know how aging works for Hellborns in general because like Paimon I fucking doubt is 50 but Vivzie could surprise us like she did with Stolas. Like how old are the deadly princes? Where are the ancient ass grandpa elder demons? Do demons choose when to stop aging? Is Lilith counted as a demon or human either way her age is questionable in that regard.
I'm getting a headache from how bad this world building is. So first knowing Viv, she will make the school system just like the one in America and that is another worldbuilding nightmare. Assuming Hellborns aged differently from humans, have a different history and culture from them, and will learn different subjects, it doesn't make sense to write Hazbin's schools in a traditional school system.
Second, no way in Hell would a sinner get into a Hell school especially if it's a prestigious one for Hellborn royalty. Viv said kids can't go to Hell so you have to die as an adult to be in Hell. So either Vaggie is lying about her age to attend this school or she is a possible teacher working there??? This feels such an inorganic way for Vaggie and Charile to meet each other. Like what purpose does Vaggie have to be there and with the implication of an adult Vaggie meeting a teenager Charlie in high school, I rather have them meet somewhere else where Charlie is also an adult.
Viv made a tweet about this idea back in 2019 so she had this idea for a long time now and didn't see the problematic elements or how it causes more questions than answers for the world building.
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I actually wouldn't be surprised if Paimon was actually 50 because Viv confirmed Stolas was 30 despite him being the ancient prince of Hell. Honestly I don't bother with the aging for Hellborns because that is a nightmare of it's own to figure out. Both Hazbin and Helluva are filled with so many creative lore and worldbuilding concepts that the writers keep ruining due to their laziness. Instead of writing Hell as it's own setting, they write it as a Red Earth 2.0. I know Hazbin’s thing with redemption is strongly tied in with Hell and Heaven but I rather take a boring show about redemption set on Earth than a terrible demon show about redemption set in Hell where the worldbuilding has potential but the writers fail to execute it properly.
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phoenixcatch7 · 19 days
So earlier I made a post about sun/moon from fnaf getting reincarnated as jc, when I was torn between him and wwx. I really couldn't quite finalise it as jc, wwx just had too much potential.
But then I thought, well, why not both? Sun and moon are technically two people! Just give them different bodies!
And obviously you think hyper overworked sun = wwx and quiet angry moon = jc, but... I actually think it might be better the other way around? I'm not sure
Because we don't really see enough of moon to get a clear read on his character? He's corrupt now, we know that, scaring the kids, but there's proof of him previously being very good at putting hyper kids down for nap time, on top of his role as the guard dog of the complex during the hourly recharge when the lights go out. So clearly he's actually capable of being soothing and gentle and caring, as well as probably very protective. By the game, though, he's just a malicious hunter kidnapping kids for the rabbit boss. A bit of a mischievous streak, he certainly likes to make you sweat.
There's a great parallel obviously between moons corruption and wwx's demonic cultivation, jc constantly being the no fun responsible one sick of everything like sun, but I feel like suns martyring protectiveness is much more like wwx. Sun is a bit of a control freak though, and moon seems much more adaptable.
There's also the twin jades but they're way too stable to be the daycare attendant XD. Maybe jgy and jzx? They're half brothers with the same birthday after all... I don't know... The potential is there but again they're not as manic as the twin prides lol.
Anyway they'd make excellent foils, being in different bodies and able to communicate for the first time. I can see them basically being glued at the hip as soon as they were reunited. The fear of dogs would be interesting because they're theoretically more than old and experienced enough to not have it be so world defining but on the other side they were made lived and died in the pizza plex, they would never have seen real animals before except MAYBE the occasional service dog that wouldn't be allowed in the actual play area anyway. I could see wwx loosening up and getting a bit boisterous as he finally gets to live life on his terms (ish) no matter which he is. Him being trained as the right hand of jc would be really interesting if he was moon, given their original roles. Either way I can see him going dark to protect the wens and the other being beside himself at the thought of being separated again. They'd both have pretty severe trauma regarding losing cores, so I don't know if wwx would actually be able to sacrifice his. That little time would be very interesting... Very canon divergent.
In terms of romance, though... I can't see them being willing to share lol. Maybe if they both dated the same person....? I really don't know, romance is not my scene. I'm making them asexual either way lmao.
Oh but the dynamics would be so good!! Yes, I'm thinking moon wwx, they'd be nigh telepathic twins who live to rile each other up. There'd be the angst of recovering their 'relationship' from ruin, being separate people instead of one... Never being able to return to what they once were and if they even want to... Moons broken trust in sun and suns guilt at the way he handled it but having no other option... Both of them completely disillusioned by authority and the people that should have saved them, especially so in wwx's case when his parents died and left him on the streets again.
Ooh! A scene where people get cursed to gem fusion or something, meant to force bickering couples to work together or something, but the prides just flow together like they were meant to be. Lots of should they/shouldn't they unfuse and the realisation that they're separate people now with separate wants and wishes.
They'd probably have pretty severe separation anxiety that their parents would hate though... Burial mounds time skip would be the WORST.
Wwx, experiencing freedom and sunlight for the first time: BEST SECOND LIFE EVER :D!! I can't believe humans get to live like this!
Jc, now having to do work on PAPER like a neanderthal and unable to get moon to shut up by flicking the light switch, still dealing with simultaneously overbearing and emotionally neglectful handlers/parents: yeah no this is just fantastic.
Or wwx: hey hey hey play with me now we're in separate bodies let's go swimming like humans
Jc, grounded for running off to play with wwx and missing training: >:(
Wwx:... *back flips his way upright and tosses jcs paperwork into the harbour*
Jc: *years of pent up aggression that would have gotten them discontinued if he'd acted on it* *bodily throws them in the lake after it*
They'd be soooooo particular about the arts too XD. Mr sun 'be creative on your own time we are making ART' drop. Ooh jc being able to reconnect with kids on his own terms, not being forced to care for them twelve+ hours a day every day without break. Wwx being able to person again without the corruption.
My headcanon for the DA is that it's one person, just two... Filters? Probably share a memory bank but slightly different ai that grew more separate as the corruption spread, cuz it's something to notice that while moon seemingly had it the worst out of the animatronics, sun... Had zero influence. He was perhaps even less affected than freddy, and infinitely more aware of the situation, though he was powerless to change it.
I'm not sure entirely how it would rewrite the plot, that's something for a different time.
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fantasyinvader · 3 months
So, I'm looking over the new endings added to SMT V. The Law ending is effectively that scene from Bruce Almighty where he just autogrants anything people pray for, while the Chaos ending is basically the end of the Elric Saga except you aren't betrayed by your partner. These are also supposed to be more radical than the endings in the first game, upsetting the Mandala system. I know these endings are currently controversial within the fandom… but I fucking love them. Because they are radical if you think about the implications of each one.
In Law, no wish will be denied. We saw how messed up this could be in Bruce Almighty, but what happens when one's wish contradicts someone else's wish or freedom? What if some teenager wishes to date a hot classmate, does that mean the MC is using their godly powers to push them together forcing the classmate into a relationship against their will? Or if the classmate wishes to break up and the teenager doesn't, whose wish gets granted? If the MC has to make judgement calls on what wishes get granted, as they are supposed to guide mankind, it goes against the idea that all wishes are granted. So the implication is that they really do grant all wishes and effectively become mankind's bitch. It's a situation ripe for chaos and it makes the all powerful a servant to the people.
The Chaos ending, on the other hand, follows the Elric Saga's ending except no Stormbringer turning on the MC. The world and the laws that govern it are wiped out, with the possibility of making a new, better world. In the Elric Saga, it wasn't Chaos who wished to destroy the world. It. Was. Law. And it also helps that Yoko was meant to work with the previous God of Law to create the world, guiding them until she was the one betrayed, and now wants to destroy his world. In a way, she has guided her new partner to his role as as the new god of law, but it's not just that she wiped out the previous world she wiped out the entire system.
The Law Ending is supposed to be a world where there are many possibilities, whereas the Chaos only has one. In Moorcock's works, Law is presented as an upright arrow, indicating there is only one path, while Chaos is eight arrows all emerging from the same point, representing the freedom and the various possibilities. In Shin Megami Tensei Vengeance, Law moves towards becoming Moorcockian Chaos and Chaos ends up becoming Moorcockian Law. But at the same time, Moorcock's works make it clear there must be some sort of balance between the two for a world to properly function.
These endings are radical because they reverse law and chaos. The "Law" ending will lead to Chaos while inverting the idea of law, that the strong dictate the world and the weak accept it. The Chaos route will establish a new Law after destroying everything. Both of these are said to break their worlds, or potential world in the case of Chaos, out of the Mandala system and will be left alone by the Great Will. But there's no "neutral" ending to this path because… how can neutrality be radical? And yet, despite this, it's also said that the True Neutral ending of the regular game was the only one where the world was freed from the Mandala system, just that it didn't do much to harm it.
And, again going by Moorcock's works, the Cosmic Balance that governs the conflict between Law and Chaos is simply the rules. There are creatures powerful enough to not be affected by it, even shatter it, but people can also assume control of Law and Chaos and play it as a game called The Game of Time. The Cosmic Balance may have actually been created by mortals, in line with how gods assume the forms based on the beliefs surrounding them in SMT, and in the destiny of the Balance is to shatter the balance and remove all gods or demons from that world before one side tilts the scales too heavily in it's favor. It's the true neutral ending making a world for mankind only, where God's can't interfere with it.
The old True Neutral Ending is still probably the best ending to SMT V out of it's now six endings.
That said, I don't have a PS5 or current Xbox, there's no option to update my Switch version, and the only physical PS4 copies seem to be in Asia. My only option for a Physical copy is to buy a new one for the Switch, because my Switch's memory is alreay at the limit with games and digital means I would just be deleting other stuff off of it. Same with a PS4. So I'm probably not going to get this game at least until there's a good price drop.
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themculibrary · 1 year
Hurt!Bucky Masterlist
5 Times Peter Parker Saved an Avenger (ao3) - petreparkour T, 21k
Summary: ...and the one time they saved him.
Beginning and the End (ao3) - Shi_Toyu bucky/tony T, 18k
Summary: Tony Stark: Genius, Billionaire, Omega, Philanthopist, Youngest Member of the Avengers
James "Bucky" Barnes: Soldier, Alpha, HYDRA Asset, Besotted Fool
That about sums it up.
Boulangerie (ao3) - orphan_account steve/bucky E, 74k
Summary: In an effort to drive Captain America’s Alpha instincts to compromise his mission to take down Hydra, Alexander Pierce orders the Omega asset’s heat-suppressants to be cut off.
After decades of being on suppressants, the abrupt cessation forces the Winter Soldier into dire straits: facing a potentially lethal heat with little to no understanding of how to deal with it.
In near-crippling pain, panicked, and on the run after Hydra’s decimation, the Soldier’s time is quickly running out.
Clint’s Hugging Service (ao3) - pherryt bucky/clint, steve/tony G, 7k
Summary: Bucky really, really wants to know what a Clint Barton hug feels like. Everyone else seems to swear by them.
despite the threatening sky and shuddering earth (they remained) (ao3) - praximeter (Zimario) steve/bucky E, 71k
Summary: “They really didn’t want the mask to come off.” Hill thumbed through the scans, and pulled out a film that she then handed over to Sam, face mostly expressionless but for the flat line of her pursed lips.
Sam accepted the film and held it up to the light, angling so both he and Steve could see it, squinting at the outline of the Winter Soldier’s skull, and the blips of unnatural white that showed up, God, in his brain, not to mention about half his teeth, plus the mask, with its thin protrusions—
“Those are pins,” Steve realized. He looked over at Hill. “The mask—it’s nailed to his face.”
Hill’s face was as unmoved as ever. “Like I said. They really didn’t want it coming off.”
Dragging You Down (ao3) - AraniaArt, Kamiki steve/bucky E, 81k
Summary: In a divergence from the canon storyline, Hydra experiments with occult legends of a more demonic bent. When Bucky is captured at Azzano, something more insidious than a knock-off super soldier serum is done to him, but the full effects take some time to completely set in. Bucky struggles with building impulses and an increased libido while trying to keep his interest in Steve from boiling over and ruining Steve’s chance at the life he deserves.
For Science (ao3) - CluckU, Mumble_Bee sam/bucky E, 69k
Summary: Bucky lifts his head as much as the metal strap around his neck allows. His face is the same familiar scowly mask as always, but Sam knows him well enough by now to see something off in his eyes. Something so damn unfamiliar there it takes Sam too long to realize.
In which Bucky is medically tortured in front of Sam, and then they cuddle, and then the authors accidently wrote a whole-ass novel.
Fractures (Filled With Liquid Gold) (ao3) - itsallAvengers bucky/tony T, 63k
Summary: Ultron happened. The Avengers left.
Tony is fine with being alone again. He always worked better as a Lone Wolf than a team player anyway. He's not sleeping or eating or resting or... living, but it's fine. It's good. It's okay.
And then there's James.
Is It Pretending If I Already Want You? (ao3) - OhCaptainMyCaptain steve/bucky E, 85k
Summary: Based on prompt: Pretend Boyfriends AU where one of their families is always wondering why they're never in a relationship, so the other offers to pretend to be their boyfriend for some family event"
Basic Steps to Getting Yourself In a Pickle With Both Your Family and The Guy You've Secretly Crushed On For Five Years (A Guide):
STEP 1: After being perpetually single and constantly making up excuses to your family, give in and lie about having a boyfriend. STEP 2: Agree to bring said boyfriend to the family cottage for a week so he can be your date to your parents' wedding anniversary party. STEP 3: Panic. STEP 4: Say 'yes' when your best friend and closet crush - who you're convinced isn't interested in you that way in the least - offers to be your pretend boyfriend. STEP 5: Try your best not to fall in love with them during the trip. STEP 6: Fail miserably.
My Albatross Always With Me (ao3) - LolitaBlue steve/bucky E, 94k
Summary: When Bucky Barnes joins the Avengers team as a weapons developer, Steve Rogers doesn't like him very much. Their constant bickering leads to a fiery tension that everyone else wants to sort out. Steve and Bucky are too stubborn to admit why they don't like each other, until they're forced to reach a point where they can't deny the truth any longer.
(A Modern!Bucky and Cap!Steve AU)
Out of The Fog (ao3) - HappyJuicyfruit sam/bucky T, 48k
Summary: “Bucky seemed pretty resigned to his fate.”
“What is his fate?” Sam asked. “Is he in prison?”
“No, he’s at the Douglas Psychiatric Hospital upstate.”
“They had him committed?”
“He proved himself to be a danger to the people,” Dr. Raynor gave him a sad smile. “When I tried to build a case, prove that he wasn’t… there wasn’t much evidence I could gather. He doesn’t have any friends. He had two pieces of furniture, neither of which were a bed, by the way.” She shook her head. “James portrayed himself as a man who slept on the floor, lived alone, and attacked John Walker with no provocation. Of course they had him committed.”
Peter's Big Brother (ao3) - all_things_fandom_and_stuff steve/bucky M, 44k
Summary: Bucky Barnes finds himself stranded with our favorite friendly neighborhood Spider-man. Angst ensues.
Scars (ao3) - Arvensis5 bucky/tony G, 26k
Summary: When Tony tried to urge the homeless guy sleeping on the steps of the Tower’s loading dock to move, he never expected that he'd found Hydra’s pet assassin—James "Bucky" Barnes.
Now, after months of keeping his presence a secret from the Avengers and helping Barnes learn to cope with both his returning memories and the modern world, Hydra is back for their favorite toy and Tony must call in old friends to save the life of the man he just might have come to care for a little too much.
Stem (ao3) - IamShadow21 steve/bucky T, 7k
Summary: Bucky Barnes discovers sugar, demands coffee, makes a variety of involuntary noises, cuddles up to Steve Rogers, regrows a limb, and fakes it 'til he makes it at being a person.
The New Normal (ao3) - Finely Honed (jaqen_hgar) bucky/tony T, 3k
Summary: Prompt: Imagine wintersoldier!Bucky evading Steve’s searching for him and coming to the tower and getting into Tony’s workshop because he requires maintenance....
“Fix it.”
Tony blinked into the semi-darkness, his heart kindly reminding him of how alive he was by attempting to punch straight through his ribcage in response to the soft, raspy voice. He knew it was fear and adrenaline, but stupidly instead of making a run for it Tony just stood there and thought of cartoons. His imagination had conjured up a visualization of his heart stretching out through his shirt and pounding away in the air all va-va-voom, as if he’d been struck with Cupid’s arrow.
“Sorry, I’m strictly appointment only.”
The One Where Peter is Bucky's Weakness (ao3) - JinxQuickfoot T, 56k
Summary: Bucky was returning to one of the small apartments Wakanda kept as safe houses in the States, when he was greeted by a tied-up teenager in the middle of his living room, staring at him with wide, panicked, deep brown eyes. -------------------------------------- Bucky doesn't recognize the teenager someone has dropped off in his apartment, but that's not going to stop him from protecting Peter Parker at all costs.
The Story of Us (ao3) - ShadowsintheClouds bucky/tony E, 136k
Summary: Getting captured by HYDRA after fighting a couple of super-soldier in Siberia was not Tony Stark's idea of a good time. Being trapped with one of said super-soldiers was also not on that list. Being tortured daily while being subjected to psychological undoing was too much to deal with. Luckily James Barnes knows all about HYDRA and what they can do. Trapped in a small room, they've only got each other.
They will survive this.
They've got to.
What I Used To Be (ao3) - thepinupchemist steve/bucky, background tony/bruce/pepper E, 117k
Summary: When the police uncover a hidden sub-basement in the home of criminal Alexander Pierce and find a tortured omega and his three pups, they bring them to the Stark Omega Clinic, a non-profit dedicated to rehabilitating traumatized omegas.
After dark in September 2005, fourteen year old Bucky Barnes vanished. Eleven years and three pups later, he is far from the boy that went missing from a suburban neighborhood outside of Denver.
Steve Rogers is an alpha of some means. When he came into money, he decided to use what he had for good and sign up as a candidate to be a support alpha for his close friend Tony's charitable clinic. When he takes on the task of helping reintegrate Bucky and his pups into the world, he doesn't expect to fall so hard.
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the-hellion-studio · 2 years
Bendy and the Dark Revival thoughts: Luke Rambles
So, I finished the game yesterday ! Pretty neutrally positive thoughts overall !
I didn't get in excpecting anything, BatDR became more of a running joke in my mind more than anything, so I really struggled to get hyped for the VERY SUDDEN release date announcement. I was pleasantly surprised of the game's weight, I was expecting something akin to the monstruous 80gb of security breach to be welcomed by a dainty 15gb which might be stupid but I like my games on the lighter side. The trailer didnt rock my nuts too much but it turned me mildly optimistic despite the absolute LACK OF SUBTITLES that I find absolutely unexcusable as it is the most basic accessibility feature you can implement both for hard of hearing folks, people with audio processing disorders, and non native english speakers that struggle with spoken english.
But besides that, maybe this game can be good, I thought.
Ill organise my own personal opinions below ill try to put all the negative after everything but im a little hater it will seep through the cracks sorry
Now as a Morrowind fan I'm not too much of a graphics whore, I'll settle for anything as long as it plays nice but um. The shits bussin. They really took BATIM and faceapp filter yassified it. I guess they upgraded from a mouse to a graphic tablet. Genuinely it looks awesome. The ink is inking, the sepias are soft and really enjoyable to look at, the light effects are quite nice- although I would have enjoyed a little less flickering lights (head hurty, wouldve been nice to have a toggle so photosensitive folks can also enjoy the game but oh well) but overall it looks GOOD.
Music and sound ruled !!!! I wish I could have enjoyed it fully in both ears (suffering from minor to worrying ear troubles for the time being) but I know I will whenever I can. NOT AS ICONIC as BATIM's OST but !!! Really atmospheric and fitting, excellent work once again. Voice acting was really good!!!!! LOVED the Ink Demon's voice a lot because I had a bendy ask blog in 2017 they were catering to me, the monsterfucker, specifically. Good. All the monster's voices were SOOOOOO yummy as well.
Yeah! Really a step up from BATIM, but without comparing the two games constantly I do think it was really enjoyable and refreshing, new abilities fitting in smoothly despite some being quite useless or rather not used to their potential, LOVED the sneak mechanic I just wish it was smoother and sneak on press rather than a toggle but ! Whatever. It was a really nice experience overall, the puzzles were fun and kept me busy !
I love Audrey. She's really fun and I really enjoyed sharing her adventure with her shes a really nice character if anyone dares to shit on her I will mail them a large hammer on a spring inside a shoebox. Allison!!! Alice!!! Honestly big win for the cool women whose name beings with an A fandom. Betty was quite alright too. I'm genuinely glad there's more women in the game. It was nice to see previous characters as little cameos, not too fond of the new characters introduced but thatll come in the hater section.
Eh???? It was a little confused but it was fine I guess. Didn't pay too much attention to it to be frank.
Cracks knuckles. Its gonna bleed.
First of all what soured up my mood instantly was the subtitle option being absolutely incomplete. If you offer a subtitle option you should have EVERY SPOKEN WORD subtitled. No excuses for this one it pissed me off so bad. The tapes made me so upset. BATIM got it right, you had the transcript show up on the side as the tape rolled on and while you CAN access the transcripts in the inventory and play them along it breaks the flow so bad for no reason and its just a shame. No subtitles for the lost ones talking, none for the studio tour speakers either. Why is there a subtitle option at all if you're gonna half ass it like that. Accessibility matters and as I said before its THE most basic thing you can do. Do better. Also regarding accessibility/comfort but not as important but still is to me I wish remapping the controls could have been an option.
The constant fucking jumpscares really cheapened my experience as well. They leave me unphased (my brain works so slow I simply dont process anything sudden. Ennemy pops up I hit it. Theres no EUHGHHH THAT WASNT THERE BEFORE!1!!11!! Reaction) ended up jokingly predicting them before they happened, and the little ghost cunt (she did made me jump a few times) couldve been easily scrapped from the game like WHATS THE POINT. If you need to put shitty jumpscares regularly to make your horror game scary well. Maybe dont make a horror game. Not to go on a tangent but horror is SO interesting BATIM as a setting has so much to offer for the genre from uncanny designs to mind breaking non euclidian environments to ambience claustrophobia opression the ink demon tracking you down like game theres SO MUCH. Why settle for jumpscares. Begging on my hands and knees for the devs to play the two first silent hill games with a notebook on the side. But also bendy does NOT have to be a horror game!!! But whatever. Im normal now. I lied.
The whole game, while being quite good and enjoyable, felt really FULL but SHALLOW at the same time. So many new characters that get a single half listened to tape I can't give less of a crap about, notes scattered all across the levels, but none of them really stuck. I had forgotten Porter even existed half into chapter 4 which is a SHAME. One one hand it made the world feel more populated but at the same time everything felt brushed over. I wish Bendy would have been more of an actual threat more than a random little AUGHH you gotta hide!!! Every ten minutes. Dont warn me let me hear his heartbeat and let my vision go black as i walk around and realise I need to RUN for the closest miracle station. I really wish all the super cool new mechanics were used more in depth... Also they didn't make Henry fat and it makes me so enraged for no valid reason but still I will bark about it.
Dont care for the story much again it was a little blegh but I still really liked playing. Will replay it, even. I want Wilson to step on me.
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blackberry-bloody · 1 year
A bit more about Nox, as you guys asked for here
This is a pretty in-depth thing about him/his background so I hope y'all enjoy! Putting it below the cut due to length since it's basically just a lore/info dump
He/him, Cis-male, and Gay.
Born and raised in heaven, as basically the golden child of his nest of about five foster siblings siblings. Though he does have one full brother he "accidentally" was raised alongside. But they don't know they're full brothers.)
Growing up he was one of those kids who can do no wrong in the eyes of adults. Giving him a severe superiority complex...
However, he still felt left out in terms of like... Physical affection? Everything was placed on his academics, his achievements, his potential, etc. But always more or less held at a distance in terms of "personhood". He was put on a super high pedestal from a young age and it only worsened in adulthood.
Through work he was able to befriend Present, the Ambassador of Hell, who took a particular interest in him. They seemed to pick up on his restlessness and offered him a deal. Allowing him to secretly travel to Hell as an Ambassador himself. This is where he met and befriended Rupert.
He and Rupert quickly became "thick as thieves" so to speak. Nox was fond of Rupert's "roguish charm" and spontaneity that most angels don't have. He also appreciated that Rupert didn't have him on that pedestal, and could trust the fiery demon to call him out and tell him exactly what he needed. Rupert didn't treat him like porcelain like everyone else in his life had. Plus the "benefits" in "friends with benefits" was not to shabby. They did consider dating, but they both agreed that it wouldn't work.
Enter... Dayzel. Freshly disowned and on the run, but trying to prove himself. He met Nox at a party he snuck into. And Nox? Fell head over heels for him. He thought Dayzel would make an excellent "trophy husband", and was enamored by Dayzel's put upon charisma. He talked to Present about the situation. And Present made another deal with him. Allowing him to legally/officially marry Nox. And it was made a huge spectacle for both Hell and Heaven since up until that point it was extremely taboo for a demon and angel to date, let alone be married. The only caveat was that neither could remain in either place, so Present set Nox (and Dayzel) to live on Earth. Rupert was also allowed to go with Nox (and Dayzel). Nox becoming fallen, and Dayzel/Rupert becoming "runaways".
Now living on Earth, Nox and Rupert conspired to figure out work. And what better business than creating an empire of mercenaries and Hitmen? Rupert in charge of actually doing the work and working with other "employees", including other demons and angels trying to blend in on Earth and needing a line of work as well. Nox handled the business side of things and dealing with people. And Dayzel? Dayzel just had to look pretty, do as he's told, and smile. Nox couldn't risk his poor, precious husband with such a dangerous lifestyle.
The next three-ish years Nox spent with his loving husband. Who he totally didn't manipulate and constantly isolate and abuse bc Dayzel wouldn't "cooperate" with his plans. Forcing him to take more drastic measures "for Dayzel's own good". And his best friend. Who he totally wasn't still screwing on the side behind Dayzel's back.
Everything eventually came to a head when Nox ended up marking Dayzel in a fit of rage and possessiveness. It was very soon after that Dayzel ended up attacking him and nearly killing him, before running away. Nox never found out where he went. As things rapidly went downhill. Including Rupert drifting away from him, despite his best efforts. And with that, Rupert fully took over the whole operation, leaving him with nothing.
Desperate, he turned to the only other friend he knew he could count on... Present. They consoled him, comforted him. And kindly offered him a place with them away from it all, protected. Even from their siblings. He, yet again, agrees to their deal. And essentially disappears from the face of existence. Totally not to become a whumpee himself...
Fun tidbits:
He's a hybrid of a cupid angel and a touch demon.
His full brother and he have no idea they are actually related since most angels never end up with blood family, and are instead raised among adoptive families. (The brother in question is Denice, who belongs to @emmettnet but I have permission to reference him in canon)
While yes, he is naturally charismatic. The level of it/the way people see him, is subtly influenced by the effects of him being a hybrid which leads people to unconsciously trust/see him positively without even realizing it.
He feels more comfortable around demons than he ever did angels
Naturally he is covered in freckles, but went through a process to have them removed. He is incredibly self conscious about them. If he ever needs any healing (magically), they will come back.
One of Dayzel's pet-names for him was "blackberry"
Yes, his hair is naturally Purple
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gorogues · 1 year
ohhicas replied to your ask post: James had to ask Hartley directly in the comics why the hell he gave a shit what happened to the others after how they treated him so like 💀 Remake killed a lot of the nuances of "oh they absolutely cared he was gay. Very specific ones did not care, and removing that difference killed a lot of the uniqueness of the group's relationships with each other"
This I agree with, though in the modern era I still think the guys may be due for an overhaul. They can have differing opinions on Hartley's reform and political views, and some might not care but others might have big problems with it. Another source of potential conflict is Hartley dating a cop, which the Rogues undoubtedly have feelings about. I think there's room for real tension between him and them that doesn't involve them being hateful.
belphegor1982 replied to your ask post: And that's why my relationship to DC comics canon (whatever the hell that may be) is basically the kind you have to a somewhat distant relative you used to see fairly regularly once upon a time but now you just kinda check in on sometimes in a "so what are they up to these days" way. The version of the Rogues that lives in my head is both very specific and incredibly vague for that very purpose.
That's fair. For me, the good thing about fiction is that nobody actually got hurt and so it isn't a huge deal when a fictional character does something terrible (I don't necessarily like it and it might make me uncomfortable, but a real person/animal wasn't hurt). But not everyone sees things that way, and that's understandable. Plus, everyone draws the line somewhere at the types of media they immerse themselves into, so for example I generally avoid gore and horror. Comic book supervillains doing their thing might be too much for others.
belphegor1982 replied to your ask post: One “the Rogues are all straight except for Piper” headcanon I do have though is that any and all of them could have fallen under the queer umbrella if 1) they’d grown up/lived in different circumstances and 2) if they’d let themselves be queer. The hyper masculinity they show could be interpreted as performative for fear of being perceived as even more Other than they already were. belphegor1982 replied to your ask post: That doesn’t stop me as seeing James as pan, Mick as ace (or somewhere on the ace spectrum anyway), Len also possibly grey ace and maybe bi (again, if he’d give himself permission), Mark as gender fluid, etc. That’s the beauty of headcanons - it’s all a big sandbox and open to interpretation!
Indeed, well said :)
demonbirdsforever replied to your ask post: I didn’t realize that stuff had happened. I understand you have your view now. We all just have to remember that comic characters change by whose hands they end up in. So I think the homophobia you mentioned is more a writer problem than a character problem. It’s like Trigon, everyone says he’s a demon but he’s not really. He’s is EVIL or as he put it, Celestial Blasphemy. That’s why I’m okay with other opinions on characters, to degree…
Oh for sure, there's no reason any given continuity will stick around forever -- which is both the beauty and the bane of comics. That's why I'm hopeful that DC will update them at some point, but hopefully it won't take ages to happen.
I will say though that this might be a hazard of being a fan of villains: it's pretty unlikely that they'll be unproblematic like, say, Superman might be. That doesn't mean they're all going to be hateful bigots or that we should like it if they are, but a lot of them might do or say things at times that the audience doesn't like. That's something we have to come to terms with, because even the nicest Rogues have done horrible things at some point…you have to take the bad with the good.
it-is-i-zim replied to your text post: Confession: I didn't really read most of Identity Crisis. Most of what I read was issue 5 out of context. And now I feel kinda stupid but in my heart I know him randomly murdering some guy is out of character. And that's what counts it-is-i-zim replied to your text post: Out of context it just looked like he was breaking and entering. And then got shot for breaking and entering.
No, he was hired to kill Jack Drake…it was a whole thing, the story just gets worse the more you hear about it. You're better off not reading it.
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anunkindncss · 1 year
Full Name: Jasper Rechter
Nickname(s): J
Age: immortal.
Date of Birth: unknown.
Hometown: Hell.
Current Location: NYC (verse dependent).
Gender: cis male.
Pronouns: he/his.
Orientation: demisexual.
Occupation: bodyguard/hitman.
Living Arrangements: studio apartment. 
Language(s) Spoken: english/russian/spanish.
Face Claim: jake gyllenhaal.
Hair Colour: black.
Eye Colour: blue.
Height: 6'3”
Tattoos: x.
Piercings: none.
Clothing Style: x.
Label: the demon.
Positive Traits: strong, careful, tactical.
Negative Traits: murderous, rage-filled, dangerous.
Hobbies: hand to hand combat.
Father: N/A.
Mother: N/A
Sibling(s): N/A.
Children: N/A.
Pet(s): N/A.
Family’s Financial Status: N/A.
Zodiac Sign: Likely Aries.
Species: Hellhound.
Fandom: fandomless.
Jasper couldn't tell you when or where he came to be. What he can tell you was from the moment he came into existence, he knew nothing but shackles and pain. As a Hellhound, Jasper is able to shift between a human form, and a giant dog. Both of these forms have the ability to take on a stance which brings about hellish flames that could melt skin from bone in the blink of an eye. And Jasper was made to do so for decades. A weapon behind the iron curtain until one day, a bleeding heart freed the experiments with deadly consequences.
Some blame the death of the Russian leadership on the war. Others knew better. Hellhounds and other creatures crafted, conjured, were finally free to reign terror and torture down on those who did the same to them. Jasper was no exception, exacting the same levels of agony on those who did the same to them before he was brought to the free world. But what did freedom mean? Everything came with a price, that much was certain.
Over the years Jasper adapted, gave himself a name. Now, as a hitman and a bodyguard, he spends his time protecting or murdering those who aren't deemed necessary in the world. Always following a command until he's able to realize his potential or his purpose. Whichever comes first.
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treesap-blogs · 2 years
happy saturday y’all if ur in my time zone or any other nearby ones! Here’s a “When The Angels Left The Old Country” by Sacha Lamb!
TUMBLRIANS!! Greetings!! As of the publication date of this review, it will have been about 5-6 days since I finished reading When The Angels Left The Old Country by Sacha Lamb! And ugh! What an excellent book. Up at the tippy top of my mental rankings along with A Lesbiana’s Guide To Catholic School. (P.S., I’m sticking true to my word and developing a weekly schedule! I’m publishing reviews every Saturday! Every other day of the week I’ll just..do whatever I want lol.)
I don’t think I fit into the intended demographic of this book; I have not watched a minute of Good Omens in my life (I only knew that it borrowed a bit from the basic premise/setup based on reviews by people who have watched or read it), nor am I Jewish! The Hebrew and Yiddish glossary at the end was greatly appreciated for the latter reason lmao, although I could guess what some things were based on context clues it was good to have the extra help for visualization. (I picture stuff in my head like a movie when I’m reading, so it can throw me off if I miss a detail.) Regardless, I got sucked into the world of this book, and how culturally rich it felt; the Yiddish/Hebrew/Jewish aspects blended in effortlessly and never felt once like they were being shoved into a line or piece of dialogue. And consequently, I became terribly invested in all of the characters. (“Terribly” meant in an 18th-century-lady-saying-“very much” way, not the negative connotation!) I loved to tune into an angels and demons story that wasn’t exclusively Catholic or Christian(and acknowledged the existence of other religions, too!), and there was something so uniquely poetic about both Little Ash and Uriel discovering what it means to be human, on top of realizing they’re becoming a bit more like that the further along the story they are.
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Oh my goodness though, I’ve never wanted a book to be a little more under the romance subgenre than this one. Uriel and Little Ash’s relationship was just..beautiful. I so badly wanted them to get together like the other romantic pairing we get in this story (that one felt a little rushed admittedly, it felt more like infatuation and a fun little fling than genuine romance and we didn’t get a ton of development between the two). (Folks who read the book, you know what I mean.) Although I do think that it would change some of the writing and I wouldn’t want that to happen, I think it’s good as is and I suppose it’s nice that you don’t have that at the front and center so it doesn’t distract from the plot. Not that Sacha Lamb ever rules out the possibility of them getting together, but it just doesn’t get finalized ☹️. You can see how their affection towards each other changes to become a bit more romantic towards the middle of the story, and..goodness. They’re just so sweet. I usually don’t get emotional over a book romance, but these guys?? They’re everything to me!!! They should’ve kissed damnit. LET ASHEL AND URIEL KISS GODDAMNIT!!!
Anyhow! I also really loved the characters. Uriel and Little Ash/Ashel(I call him a lot of things in this review sorry) complimented each other’s personalities well! Although there was a possibility that Ashel’s “always sniffing around for sinners and mischief whenever he can” gimmick has the potential to get old after a while, as well as Uriel’s moral perfection being the foil to that (and acting as a means of keeping him in check), but both characters undergo their own changes and arcs, meaning that neither become “tired”. I liked their banter too. And Rose was a force of her own, a “firecracker” as I’ve seen another reviewer describe, her and the other two worked well as a trio once she became accustomed to both of them(+Ashel didn’t see the point in messing with her anymore lmao) and I liked seeing them become more of a friend group as the story progressed.
Also, this was one of the only times where I’ve felt truly satisfied by the ending of a non-contemporary novel! So that was a nice surprise. (So many sequels and open endings nowadays!) (I sound like a boomer, sorry.) 
Overall, it was a well-written book, one of my favorites at that, and I’ll definitely recommend it to those who read historical fiction. No spoiler section for this review, everyone! I don’t have a ton I feel the need to rant about, which I can’t tell is because of my enjoyment of this book or because this week has been truly exhausting (and it’s taken everything in me to gather up my remaining energy and finish this review). (Apologies for those who saw my deleted post, I haven’t been in the best state.)
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5 stars! 
Paz, signing off!
(Book trigger/content warnings: Historical xenophobia and antisemitism, violence, some blood.)
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casliveblog · 2 years
Custom Toonami Block Week 117 Rundown
Kaguya-sama: Love is War: So we actually get some continuity this time and most of this episode deals with the fallout of the whole Kaguya sleeping with Miyuki while she was sick thing. They start out with a cake fight which is pretty silly but it is rather cute to see them being actively catty to each other instead of passive-aggressive. Next we just kinda have a discussion by proxy about whether or not the aforementioned bed-sleeping was anything wrong, like on the one hand Kaguya’s friend brings up a good point that it’s basically like being drunk and you can’t establish consent but on the other hand she did literally drag Miyuki into bed physically and while he probably could’ve done more to refuse it does muddy the waters a bit. Also Ishigami keeps going back and forth between being genuinely likeable and being an incel so I can’t really get a bead on him. Last up we have the gang now that they’ve made up plotting the summer trip they were debating in the first few episodes. Long story short Chika has crazy plans so Kaguya and Miyuki are gonna do date shit while Ishigami’s there as an excuse for it to technically not be date shit.
Inuyasha: This is the episode of mid-level fights, Miroku and Sango actually get to do some shit against Naraku’s demons in the mountain and Kagura and when Inuyasha goes to search for them he gets purified and has to fight Renkotsu as a human and suddenly a bazooka is a lot more deadly when you can’t fire sword beams. Also Kagome is stuck on the sidelines because why send the Priestess who may actually get MORE powerful in a holy mountain barrier when you can send the demon who could potentially die just from being there. Anyway since Sango’s best weapon has to go through the air and Kagura controls the air that doesn’t go well and she gets knocked out. Miroku has to suck up a ton of poison to save her and fends of Kagura impressively enough like it’s kinda badass to just watch him tank dozens of demons and make them legit scare of him. Him and Sango have a bit where they resign themselves to dying together but they just so happen to be in a part of the mountain that purifies the poison in Miroku and stops the demons from attacking them… boy that’s lucky. Anyway Jakotsu gives Suikotsu’s jewel shard to Bankotsu and they just kinda have a bro moment about it before Renkotsu sends Jakotsu to fight Human!Inuyasha.
Yu Yu Hakusho: It’s the finale of Yusuke vs Toguro, the climax of the whole Dark Tournament arc. Like I said last time it’s really kinda cool that Yusuke’s Super Saiyan transformation isn’t rage, but sadness, like he just looks so depressed and lets Toguro beat him up for a while but he’s so strong now he can just take it, like super saiyan super self-loathing. They go back and forth about their philosophies and how much Yusuke’s grown because of his connections and emotional vulnerabilities while Toguro’s run from it and it’s pretty good and they decide to just finish it with a beam struggle… except Toguro doesn’t have a beam attack so it’s just kinda him facetanking Yusuke’s 100% Sadness Spirit Gun and Toguro goes into 110% for real this time final mode. Turns out both are down and Toguro’s shell shatters and Yusuke gets back up first so yeah, Yusuke wins, woo.
Fate/Apocrypha: Mordred’s about to fuck up Sieg and Astolfo but Fran jumps her and they do their shit, she gets a command seal used on her and idk what it was for exactly whether it was a power-up to hit Mordred or they teleported Fran here with it or what. Still Mordred kinda kicks everyone’s ass and the only one to really hurt her is Sieg doing the whole ‘stab behind the back’ trope and it doesn’t seem all that bad plus she kills him for it. Fran does her big Tree thing which it’s been a while since I read Frankenstein but I don’t remember that in the book and her Master uses the last Command Seal to help her but Morgan’s super tough so all it did was annoy her really. Also Sieg is back to life now because of lightning trees restarting his heart and some Dragonheart reason idk but he’s Siegfried again now and him and Mordred are gonna have the lightsaber fight that was teased in the cold open for the season.
Nisemonogatari: We finally get to Tsukihi’s story halfway through Tsukihi’s arc, long story short Kiyomi has way too much fun stripping his little sisters down and notices Tsukihi has healed where scars should be. Then he takes Shinobu to the donut shop that somehow keeps getting business in the middle of nowhere and they find out Kaiki is still there and didn’t leave town like he said, at least not yet. He gives them the low-down on the two girls they met before how they’re apparition hunters and colleagues of Oshino or at last karate girl is and the one who speaks like she’s narrating a novel is a Familiar. They come home to find said girls already at their door and the familiar blows Tsukihi’s top half off to make a point about her being a phoenix and just pretending to be human so they’re here to kill her. Shinobu flexes her street cred and they decide to postpone it by a day so Kiyomi freaks out slightly less but yeah Tsukihi’s an imposter I guess but since it’s anime not really I’m assuming but whatever.
Speed Grapher: Saiga and Kagura head to the genetics lab Kagura’s real dad worked at and they don’t get any real answers but it looks like some fucked up shit so Saiga thinks they enforced Kagura’s mutation onto her and now it’s caused the tumor that’s killing her. Suitengu shows up and is ready for midboss time since we’re almost halfway done the show now he has to show what he can do. Ginza confronts Kagura’s mom about her and apparently gets back onto Saiga’s trail. Meanwhile Suitengu and Saiga finally meet and Suitengu’s just like ‘here’s all the pics of the peeps you killed and a a suitcase of money, gimme Kagura please’ which he understandably isn’t down for. Suitengu claims Kagura was born with her mutation and refuses to elaborate on what sort of genetics shit they did at the lab but confirms that Kagura’s saliva is an activator for a virus wherein carriers can become Euphorics (which idk if it’s just her saliva can’t you just have someone drink that do we really need the Eyes Wide Shut cult underground and dressing her up like a stripper every night and hoping she doesn’t notice? Also wonder if other fluids work too or if it’s just saliva but this is probably an unproductive line of thinking). Suitengu then decides to fight Saiga and has the most edgy anime power ever and can manipulate his own blood into demonic angel wings so be because becomes Blood Sephiroth with the powers of the Deadman Wonderland guys for a while and the edgy teen in my heart loves it so much. Saiga gets his ass kicked and his camera broke but manages to escape where Ginza picks him up and stuffs him into her trunk to go take care of Kagura.
Durararax2: Shit continues hitting the fan for like the fourth episode in a row and everyone just kinda sits down to have a talk about what to do in the final act. Izaya’s all ‘we gotta kill Shizuo for real for real this time’ while Saki and Anri have a talk about their boys and Saki gives Anri the ‘you can love if you want to’ speech for the third time, hopefully it sticks this time. Chikage and Masaomi talk about what to do and Chikage just wants to straight call Mikdao and initiate the climax before shit gets too real but Masaomi doesn’t like climaxes so they fight on it and decide to have Chikage call him. Meanwhile Mikado meets with Izumii who presumably gives him a gun from the yakuza puppeteers trying to escalate the situation, like you know it’s a Japanese show when getting a gun is a major plot point, in America they don’t even bother to show where anybody gets a gun it’s just kinda assumed anyone wanting to fight has one.
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brb-critrole · 2 years
OKAY so i've been thinking about this funky little moon a lot. and i'm nowhere near caught up on campaign 3 but hear me out with this
Ruidus is made of materials akin to those found in residuum and functions in the same way.
like here's the thing. no one knows where it came from, there's a whole PRISON on there and maybe that's keeping a god (or two??) from pre-calamity times stowed away. maybe it's literally just a chunk of rock with a prison on it because the gods escaped. maybe it's just a totally normal moon that around 90% of exandria sees as a demon hell moon for no reason other than it's red.
unfortunately, we can hands down agree that it is absolutely not just a normal little guy. so here's where the theorizing kicks in.
so going based on the assumption that it is indeed from PRE-CALAMITY times, first up is the theory that the Raven Queen is ruidusborn. this would help explain her ascension to godhood, and if, for instance, Ruidus acts as a natural magical amplifier, it could be part of the reason no one else was able to do what she did: they either weren't connected to or didn't factor in the second goddamn moon.
in keeping with this, the magical amplifier part would help explain why Fearne and Imogen both are ruidusborn, but each of them have entirely different sets of powers (and why Imogen gets the dreams of the storm and Fearne doesn't). Imogen's powers come from her mother, who as we know participated in some kind of test centered around the moon. if Imogen's powers came from her (and it's reasonable to assume this is the case), Imogen's powers are amplified by the same thing they are, in part, originating from, hence the strange dreams and weird connection to the space rock itself. (tbh it has the vibes of plugging a power strip back into itself and actually having it work.) Fearne on the other hand had powers that likely stemmed from being a Fey creature, and a natural affinity for plants and animals was amplified into druidic talent, and therefore has her powers amplified by the moon, but is not inherently and intimately connected to it as her power source.
to move into how all this connects to residuum (besides the obvious "they do the same thing") there is a little bit of residuum lore to cover first. it was initially created during the Calamity, when the betrayer god Tharizdun fought Pelor and the two of them leveled the surrounding area and CREATED residuum as a result of their conflict. so, in keeping with the theory that this is a pre-calamity prison for some unfortunate deity, if, for instance this (these?) god(s) faced down others (or each other) there is every chance that the prison itself was at least in part the product of an incredibly violent and prolonged conflict. on top of that, this is all assuming that the gods in question are even the ones imprisoned there, and that the dwelling wasn't built at a later date. it would also make sense if it was the relic of a terrible battle that the gods would spread negative rumors about it among mortals telling them to keep away; it likely is dangerous and unnerving even to them, especially if they were not involved in the creation.
connecting to that, seeing as the theoretical lore says that two gods were never seen again after Ruidus appeared, it is entirely possible one was sealed away and the other was struck down in the resulting battle, or that both of them are trapped inside Ruidus and locked in eternal battle (this is a little melodramatic and probably not the case but. i think it would be cool <3).
so TLDR, basically what it comes down to is that Ruidus is potentially the magic-amplifying remnant of a terrible battle between two or more gods in the pre-calamity era.
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