#margherita vizzini wizard101
griffinsmith · 2 years
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Oh, well, my god this is a tough one
She'll take my breath and then some
But at least I'll leave this world with a final thrill
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hmmdotjpg · 4 years
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Hi more scribbles of Dr Jackall and Margherita
They are friends and annoy each other greatly and we can just ignore how jackall backstabbed her and ran away like a little coward
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griffinsmith · 4 years
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i rly need to dump my hcs for dr jackall n his backstory n stuff but maybe later…my one (stupid) hc i release now is that margherita vizzini was there for the first time that dr jackall was able to change into mr hound and totally didnt get crushed when he got excited about it
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griffinsmith · 4 years
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Fun pirate drink
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griffinsmith · 4 years
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Cries into my hands * wish they showed up more than once in canon
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griffinsmith · 4 years
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guys do you think dr jackall would drink from his potions with a bendy straw or something or would he just chug it like a boring person
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griffinsmith · 4 years
Whew boy i typed up about 1400 words for my au about Dr Jackall and Margherita Vizzini escaping and post-escaping Newgate prison. Its a bit of a mess but here it is lol
Oh boy this is going to be a disaster. Au takes place directly after the events of the barkingham palace dungeon, i put it in bulletpoints to make it a little easier on the eyes
I didnt proofread this im sorry in advance
-   So obviously you don’t just hypnotize the royal guard, destroy royal property, and kidnap the queen without suffering consequences. In canon, Dr Jackall urges the player to let him “suffer his own dark path”, but that’s not happening. As soon as the royal airship was brought back to barkingham palace, about a dozen guards grabbed Dr Jackall out of it and threw him right into Newgate to serve out about a dozen life sentences.
-  All of the accomplices that Dr Jackall hired to help him execute his plan with also got slapped into Newgate (save for chief whip since he wasn’t hired into it), and Jackall got stuck in the same cell as Margherita Vizzini. You know, his “most trusted lieutenant” and (in my hc) his closest friend, who is also a very powerful dueler, and the person that Jackall personally banished to Newgate after she failed to stop the young wizard on the palace rooftops. Jackall thought that she’d understand him throwing her under the bus to save his own hide, wouldn’t she have done the same if their roles were reversed?
- The answer to that question was apparently “no”, as after he gave a half-assed apology, she wailed on him until Newgate guards had to pull them apart. Jackall had a black eye for two weeks.
- Time passes, about three months. Jackalls pretty fed up with the prison life; who knew that getting tossed into the most notorious and miserable prison this side of the spiral would be so awful and dull? He needed to get out. Of course, Newgate isn’t about to allow its inhabitants to just waltz around with wands, potions, or anything even remotely helpful to escaping…buuuut they couldn’t take away a persons magic, just their method of channeling it. However, this didn’t apply to certain species who could channel music through a specific limb, like unicorns….like Margherita. Instead she just had a magic-casting-disrupting device locked around her horn, but with a bit of elbow grease from someone who perhaps didn’t have hooves for hands, it could be fiddled off.
- Following another, slightly better, more sincere apology, Jackall and Margherita somewhat repair their broken friendship, and agreed to break out of Newgate together, deciding to leave Marleybone after their escape. Margherita figured that Jackall wouldn’t leave her in the dust again, he seemed to be remorseful enough after three months of her giving him the silent treatment. She did give Jackall another good kick to the gut for good measure before fully agreeing to escaping, though.
- Soon enough, Jackall had managed to crack open the device around Marghertia’s horn, and after one quiet teleportation spell Margherita performed, the two disappeared to her home in Chelsea Court. As the two quickly changed out of their prison garb, police sirens shattered the silence, and they both knew that their disappearance from Newgate had been noticed.
- Jackall impulsively snatched a wand off of a table and teleported over to his own home, hoping to grab a few vital things before he abandoned his old cushy life forever. Unfortunately, his home, if it could be called that, was simply a broom closet room turned lab smack dab in Barkingham Palace. And of course, there happened to be royal guards standing in it, evidently cleaning the room out. Upon the abrupt arrival of the man who used to work with them, they stood slack jawed as he quickly shoved some clothes and one spiral key into his arms and skedaddled. Now did not only most of Marleybone know that a fugitive or two was on the loose, but the entire royal guard would be after them. Fantastic.
- Somehow, both Margherita and Jackall managed to reach Wolfminster Abbey without getting recaptured, and seconds before royal guards poured into the church after them, they jammed their one and only spiral key into the spiral door and hopped to another world.
-  Jackall was unsure of which world the spiral key led to; it had been years since he’d used it last. He was hoping it would lead to Mooshu, or Dragonspyre, or even Avalon, just somewhere that wouldn’t be infested with Marleybonian expeditioners. As luck would have it, the two fugitives wound up in a land without too many Marleybonians: Wizard City. The city where thousands of eyes would be upon them, the city that acts as a sort of hub for many spiral travelers, the city where they would surely be recognized by somebody and sent straight back from whence they came. …Great.
- Jackall and Margherita practically launched themselves out of Bartley and high-tailed it out of Ravenwood, positive the royal guards would be right behind them. Running into the Commons, the Marleybone outlaws barreled over many a young wizard before diving into the shopping center tunnel.
- Every shop was closed for the night except for one which still had light coming out of it. Desperate to get away from the royal guards that were almost certainly searching for them in the Commons by now, Jackall and Margherita banged on the door. The badger who opened said door took one look at the disheveled unicorn and jackal in front of her and murmured about not getting paid enough to deal with this before grabbing a suitcase next to the door and tossing keys into Margherita’s hands. Before the two could say anything, the badger stepped out of the shop and walked away, remarking something along the lines of “you two can take care of this place, I’ve had it up to here with wizards and people like you constantly bothering me” before she teleported away.
- Jackall and Marghertia didn’t bother question what the hell had just happened, having eyes only for the new shelter they could hide in. They quickly doused the lights and ducked beneath the windows when royal guards came running past. The next morning, after they had seen guards leaving, they poked their noses around the shop that they were now evidently in possession of…the jewel shop..
- The two only realized the nature of the shop moments before young wizards began entering the store, wanting to exchange jewels and asking questions about where the old owner of the store was. Jackall and Margherita handled the new store responsibilities as well as they could, and managed to not arise suspicion throughout the day, but by the end their nerves were fried.
- Their new situation was less than ideal, but hey, it wasn’t prison. Now they just needed to teach themselves how to find ores, create jewels, and infuse them with magic, all while managing a shop. No wonder the badger gave up the store so quickly.
- Surprisingly, Jackall isn’t all that bad at finding ores in the caves past Olde Towne and infusing jewels with magic, and Margherita makes a pretty good crafter and business woman. The fake identities they’ve been using haven’t arisen any suspicion yet, and they’ve even got some new outfits from the Bazar to blend in more. After a few months, they start experimenting with jewels that bring more powerful bonuses to the wizard that equips them, like higher mana and health boosts, and even start stocking jewels for pets. Margherita and Jackall are … actually enjoying their new lives? The haven’t seen any guards from Marleybone in Wizard City in a good while, so the threat of them being hauled back is dying off. Everything is good.
- Until Sherlock Bones and Watson walk through the shop’s door. Jackall and Margherita freak out, reasonably so, sure that theyre about to get handcuffed and brought back to Newgate. But…they aren’t recognized. Watson gives a good hard stare at them, as if hes hazily seen them before, but all the two detectives want is to check out the new jewels that had been so well spoken of throughout the spiral. Dimwitted Sherlock is nothing but polite and nonhostile to the two disguised still-very-much-fugitives, and is charmed enough by their humble shop that he asks if theyd like to have tea with him sometime the following week.  
- After the two detectives leave, Jackall and Margherita are..dumbfounded. The duo that helped bring them down didn’t come close to recognizing them, and one even wants to spend more time with them? This cant be happening. Something has to be wrong here. Or...maybe there isnt?
Aaaand I think ill leave it there for now. Im exhausted and have been writing for about 2 hours, plus I don’t want to give it all away right now. Theres still a good enough bit I haven’t written about yet, and ill post about it soon enough (probably).  If you read all this, thank you so much for reading through my rambling mess.
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griffinsmith · 2 years
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Barkingham heist pep talk
Based on
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griffinsmith · 4 years
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HRRGH...art of favorite side dungeon characters
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griffinsmith · 4 years
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Hi guys
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griffinsmith · 4 years
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Oh my god this took way too long because there’s no good pictures of either of them but anyway. pride hcs
Bonus ones 4 mr hound
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hmmdotjpg · 4 years
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I’m mentally ill why is there no appreciation for Margherita Vizzini??? I love her and I would do anything to get more interaction between her and dr jackall in barkingham palace ... she is like his right hand man/horse after all
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griffinsmith · 4 years
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This one goes out to both @stormyy-kat and @mackintoshstrashcan for the fact that we’ve all reached the conclusion that jackall is a malewife. Margherita is a girlboss so she deserves to be on this post too. they’re just slapped right on the og malewife and girlboss Mr and Mrs test
Special thanks to @bahrlee for giving me the idea of who to draw them as thanks bro
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griffinsmith · 4 years
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griffinsmith · 4 years
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Officer that’s my emotional support heterosexual ship
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griffinsmith · 4 years
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Thank you to the like 10 people who agreed with me that they’re dating; i offer more worse art of them
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