#Marleybone queen
masen-in-a-jar · 9 months
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What shoes you got on in your casket
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stormyykat · 2 years
forever upset abt how we didnt go to albion in p101
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oldestenemy · 2 years
There is a long quiet stretch after Azteca where nobody asks the wizard to do anything.
And they don’t seek anything out.
They spend a lot of time lying in front of the memorial to the Drake’s in their castle. Watching the sky, and watching some of their pets circle the giant cyclops statue upon which this castle is built. The billowing echo of the stone breathing.
Perhaps today, things would feel better. They might seek out movement. Progress.
“Shut up.” They are alone and do not bother curbing the instinct to verbally kick back at Raven’s voice as it lilts through their consciousness. Pulling at their limbs as she tries to move them to action.
They aren’t ready to go back.
They had even tried jumping to Earth about a month back. Broken down sobbing on their parents who seemed at a loss for where those tears were coming from. It was that confusion and the oh so obvious empty place where the song of creation could normally be heard that drives them back to the spiral.
They don’t belong on Earth anymore.
They should stop fooling themself into thinking the next time will be any different…
“This is their castle isn’t it?”
“One of ‘em.”
Voices are floating to their ears from the little hill where their spiral door sits and the wizard bolts upright just as two figures round the corner.
“There they are!”
It’s Malorn, and Penny—who appears to be too busy staring up at the massive cyclops statue—who come down across the lawn. “Is that—real?” Right. Her allergy. Actually, the wizard wasn’t sure if that cyclops would set it off. Sure it was technically stone, but it still breathed, still shifted from time to time as though it was settling the weight of the castle. Huh.
Something for later.
“How did you get in here?” the wizard asks, watching the pair of them with empty eyes. “Nobody can get in here without my permission.”
“I convinced Myrella to let us in through one of her temporary doors.” Malorn says, looking a little sheepish. “Nobody has seen you in weeks—we were—”
“—Everyone has been so worried about you!” Penny cuts in “The professors won’t tell any of us what’s been going on, or why you’re never around anymore, or—”
She stops as the wizard groans and falls back against the grass. “I’m fine.” they say “I just wanted to be alone.” It’s a lie. They want so desperately to be seen. Nobody here ever sees them as anything more than their accomplishments. Nobody here even really knows their name.
“Why did you need the Dragonspyre key?”
“I wanted to go back in time.” Does it really matter, keeping any of it secret? Would it really hurt if they hadn’t experienced the horror of it all? Nobody else went running off like the wizard did at the slightest tick of disaster. Sure they all had their duties and troubles around here—but Wizard City was never truly threatening even to normal students. How could it be? “They key is over there—” the wizard points vaguely to the memorial for Malistaire “—I don’t need it now.”
They wonder if their voice really sounds as hollow as it does inside their head.
When it becomes evident that their death student housebreakers are not going to be leaving, they resign to deflecting some more.
“How are you both doing? Is Dworgyn teaching well? Do the new—” the wizard pauses, realizing they never did go back to berate Ambrose for not sending new students straight to Nightside. “—Did you ever talk to the Headmaster, Malorn?”
Malorn had not in fact, spoken to Ambrose. He was still struggling to find time to advance his own work while running classes for younger students. Penny had heard from her parents about the Wizard’s escapade saving the Queen of Marleybone, and was still going full force on her idea of an undead reagent-based cookbook. The wizard listens near silent, offering quiet hums and barely visible nods as their classmates talk.
“We meant it when we said everyone is worried.” Malorn brings up again during a lull. He’s sitting with his back to the wizard, staring at the memorial they had made and fidgeting with the Dragonspyre key. “Even Stormgate was asking about you—Professor Drake said you were working on an independant project, and that it was very delicate, and you were not to be unnecessarily disturbed.” Malorn does his best to imitate Cyrus’ voice, slamming one fist into the opposite palm like Cyrus often did with his wand.
The wizard actually smiles a little at that. “Of course that’s what he’s been telling people.”
“Was this what you were working on?” Penny asks, gesturing to the grave.
“No—I made that years ago, after defea—after killing Malistaire.” They don’t like to say defeating in this case. It feels wrong. It feels like softening a blow that should’t be softened. Like disrespecting the whole ordeal. “Torald Wayfinder helped me with it, he’s the Master Artisan of Grizzleheim.”
“So what have you been doing?”
“Nothing.” And the truth sounds less believeable than any lie they could have told. “I failed. I lost. Nothing is straightforward anymore. I run errands for knights and kings, I negotiate peace between Zebras and Lions and Aztecosaurs and Birds, and I kill dragons, and I make sandwiches for stupid researchers, and I strike down evil until my fingers bleed and my ears are ringing and I still failed.”
A cloud passes briefly over whatever stands in for a sun in this little pocket dimension where their castle floats. The wizard tells themself it’s a coincidence, and closes their eyes to the way the shadows shift and flicker with their words. And so they miss it when Malorn and Penny share a startled but silent look of what the hell was that?
“I’m supposed to tell their story.” The wizard whispers, eyes still shut. They draw the Myth insignia in the air above them, and golden magic alights in the form of the three mystics. They open their eyes to watch as hundres of tiny meteorites obscure the display. As this happens their eyes shift from warm brown into flat and empty gold, dull and lifeless as the bright glow of the Myth magic flashes deep purple—and then blinks out. “All I can do is wait—and pretend I didn’t destroy them—until Ambrose sends me running towards the next crisis.”
The silence stretches on after those words. They’ve never really mentioned in detail, the things they see and do and endure. They don’t blame Malorn or Penny for not knowing what to say.
“I think you should come back to Dragonspyre.” Malorn says finally.
“What?” The wizard hears their voice drop low and dangerous, the same tones that followed them since Celestia. The audible echo of astral magic putting more power behind them.
“The reason I wanted to collect dirt from the Death and Fire trees there—I wanted to know if we could re-grow the rest of the trees, but I had to make sure the magic in the soil was compatible—the Academy was hit pretty hard by the Dragon Titan after all—and it is! So—” He trails off as the wizard finally sits back up.
“To what end, Malorn?” Hollow and cold and crueller than it needs to be. This is just another stupid fetch quest, another pointless bookending to a world they don’t want to touch ever again. Another reminder of everything lost. “Dragonspyre is a ruin, a torched wasteland full of ghosts and spiders and remnants of the titan army, you have to go through ridiculous trials to even get access to the academy grounds in the first place and—”
“We want to fix up the Academy.” Penny cuts in, not flinching as the wizard turns that flat golden gaze onto her. “We being Malorn, myself, and the other upperclassmen.”
“We have permission from Professor Drake—I might even say we have encouragement from him, given he didn’t immediately shoot the idea down. I’ve even done some inquiring with the ghosts there, some of the old instructors seem like they would welcome having a purpose again—”
Perhaps this is the Spiral’s way of telling you to get a move on? That destruction is not the end.
The wizard groans again and rubs at their eyes. “No, no. Be quiet.”
“If you don’t like the idea we—”
“Not you!” the wizard snaps at Malorn, and then immediately regrets it for how he flinches back. “Not— no, I’m sorry— not you.” They curl in on themself, squeezing eyes shut and digging nails into their arms. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”
For a long moment they just sit there, hiding behind the dark of their closed eyes.
When did they get so angry?
This isn’t who they should be snapping at, no there were two special reservations for that place, split between an old man and an older deity.
The wizard takes a slow breath, in, hold, out…
“Okay.” They say, finally opening their eyes again, faded back from gold to brown. “Okay, I’m sorry, what can I do to help?”
Maybe a fetch quest is what they need right now.
Maybe a distraction is better than nothing at all.
Another little piece of my ongoing wizard101 series.
You can read the rest here <3
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griffinsmith · 5 months
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how the queen of marleybone looks at the young wizard after you free her from a literal cage in a blimp that she was trapped in by a mutant freak guy who moans when you hit him with the magical equivalent of a steel pipe
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khrysalis-best-world · 2 months
a tangent abt the 1:52 mark of the Novus war theme
i feel like it is just such a stellar theme overall, but *specifically* at that mark. as someone who has been listening to it non-stop for the past two days to the point where I made fanart, it simply needs to be appreciated more.
you have the violin buildup, the high and low pitch signifying the chaos that is breaking out amongst the shards. everyone is fighting, negotiations have broken down. you as the wizard emerge from the splintered lands to see absolute chaos in new vicorgia. fleets riddling the air and surrounding the land. Phileas is freaking out, a whole war starting before their own eyes. rottingham is gone. mario is gone. you go to puerto nuovo, and everyone has turned against you. the violin increases erratically, the sense of urgency to stop this from becoming an interspiral conflict growing by the minute. you make your way onto the shore, you fight the your way through the abberrants, and then you see him.
THAT is when the 1:52 mark kicks in.
the trumpets are angry. heavy. possibly even suffocating. too strong to handle. that is the sheer power of imperialist marleybone, and rottingham stands before you, telling you to stay out of his way, to let him conquer novus and its shards because its *HIS* destiny to do so, for queen and skyway. the violins start again, rising against the low trumpets; urgent, begging for you to put an end to it, to stop him. you fight him (and him being a shadow elite definitely doesn’t help). the naval fleets riddle the air. they are a force you do NOT want to deal with. not even valencia post-armada can stop them.
it’s the young wizard vs a lord governor who thinks he is a god, a spiral superpower that is dead set on taking, taking, taking, one child vs an inconceivable monster.
(aforementioned fanart is somewhere on the w101 subreddit, idk if I should post it here or not lol)
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jjuniewizzy · 2 months
well first off who are your wizard101 ocs o_o (im new)
also why did they become wizards
WOOOO LET'S TALK ABOUT IT!!! BEHOLD! My Wizard101 OCs! I present: THEM:tm:
Adrian Sparkstell
Adrian “Whiny-Rich-Boi-McGee” Sparkstell. Rich boy from Marleybone who inherits the family business, and then some, after his parents pass away at the end of the Empyrea story line. He holds a lot of power in the latter half of the canon story, but towards the beginning of THEM™️’s journey we see him be whiny, cocky, jealous, and a pain in Madeline’s side 98% of the time. He does have his moments of teamwork though, from the Malistaire fight to their adventures in Celestia and Avalon as well. Hell, it takes Lena hunting him down after Maddie is taken in Mirage for the gang to get back together and take down old cob with it. He uses his later gained influence to turn the tides in the favor of those pursuing the troublesome matters on the front line like Madeline and Lena, though he consistently worries about Lena’s safety. After all, they are together and he loves her dearly. Selfishly, he wants her home in Marleybone all the time, but he knows and grows to understand that her heart is in defending the universe. He lets her pursue what her heart wants, which is his ultimate lesson. The heart is stronger than any person’s will.
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Ruko Yokane
Ruko “Im-Edgier-Than-An-Emo-Teenager” Yokane. He ends up becoming the next official death professor for Ravenwood, and he is DAMN good at the job. After all, he was Malistaire’s ace back when he was a baby wizard learning how the world worked. Death magic and death energy run in his bloodline, and like tataragami spirits and energy, the energy his bloodline experiences can create insanity within those who possess it. Luckily, Ruko is a baddie ofc and has over the years managed to maintain a healthy stable control over that energy within him. Of course, that did take snapping once or twice. However, he always had loved ones to anchor him back (no not in the “this isn’t like you ” way, in the genuine support system way). This dude gets his happy ending, he’s married to his love Madeline. They have a kid together which is just so sweet, and he gets the inside scope of the arcanum from Maddie.
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Lena Raven
Lena “I love her sm she’s so sweet someone protect her-” Raven. She’s not the self-insert, she is my favorite and best crafted. She’s an adopted child of grandmother Raven, having been raised in Grizzleheim with no parents to her memory outside of the deity. She constantly strives for good, and that has led her to be the mediator of group disputes. She’s also the team’s biggest clutch, when the team needs a major push to victory, Lena is the reliable one to deliver it. She takes blows none can take, and now is a political mediator between worlds. She’s stopped wars with her mediation skills, but luck does eventually run out. However, she is the one seldom drawing a blade. Her risky work does create some slight tension in hers and Adrian’s relationship, but it’s nothing a genuine conversation cannot rectify. They both do what their heart calls them to do, and no matter how far the universe flings the two apart, they always manage to come back home to one another.
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Madeline Lumos
Madeline “Baddest bitch in THEM™️” Lumos-Yokane Yes bitch she hyphenated, LAY RESPECT ON HER MAIDEN NAME. Balance in all things Madeline is the combat queen, the one who while yes is a good mediator and wishes to protect the universe is more akin to an heat-seeking missile rather than a soft-spoken negotiator. Madeline does not pull punches, and her judgement calls are the best in the spiral. She works in the Arcanum, and her work is renowned enough to where she eventually gets to run her own international court that tries individuals who attempt to defy the laws of the universe. She’s not the executioner, but she is the judge and the jury. This makes her the more extroverted of the two in her marriage between herself and Ruko. Ruko does his teaching job well, she does her job well too.
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tinysylveon · 1 month
The Seven Saviors of the Spiral
hi welcome to my wizard101 oc story thing :3
Seven unexpected friends unite under one cause: to save the Spiral.
At a young age, they were given an incredibly daunting task: A darkness had overtaken the lands closest to Wizard City - Malistaire and his army of undead were on the move to tear the worlds asunder for his own selfish goals. Only these seven, chosen by Fate, could unite and defeat him.
And that they did.
For a few years, things were calm.
Then, Morganthe came.
The spider queen had a lust for power that had not been seen for thousands of years. Once again, our heroes would need to take up their spells to rid the Spiral of this dark influence.
And that they did.
Once again, for a few years, things were calm.
Now, in their 20's, after a period of peace in the Spiral, another threat has arisen.
Older, wiser, and more powerful, they are ready to begin their journey once again.
{All dolls made with Gaia Online}
Scarlet TitanDreamer (Pyromancer, She/They)
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Early 20's. Lineage unknown, Seems to hail from Wizard City, so she says. A kind woman who lives in a wintry tower and enjoys gardening. She has been taking in any refugees from worlds that have fallen or been taken by darkness to live on the isles surrounding her home. Secondary school: Life.
Autumn MistWeaver (Thaumaturge, She/Her)
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Late 20's. Lineage from Avalon, hails from Wizard City. Reads a plethora of books and does a good amount of research. A sweet and knowledgeable woman, she has been friends with Scarlet since early childhood. Secondary school: Fire.
Genevieve Rose (Diviner, She/Her)
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Mid-20's. Hails from Marleybone. An excitable woman, always filled with ideas. Has been friends with Scarlet since early childhood. She mainly focuses on the accuracy of her spells, rather than the power - "That should be enough!" Secondary school: Life.
Soran DreamWeaver (Sorcerer, They/Them)
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Mid-20's. Hails from Mooshu. They're a very quiet person, but around their friends, they enjoy practical jokes and making their friends laugh. Secondary school: Death
Alura GlimmerTrick (Conjurer, She/Her)
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Early 20's. Lineage from Dragonspyre, hails from Wizard City. Seemingly bitter, but open-minded even still. Her family's lost history had her jaded, but once the team made it to Dragonspyre, and she learned her history, she's started to soften. She's not very kind to people she doesn't know - her trust is a little shot. Secondary school: Balance.
Zayan MoonWhisper (Necromancer, He/Him)
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Late 20's. Lineage from Avalon, Hails from Wizard City. Has a younger sister named Euridyce. A happy-go-lucky man, he's ready to help others however he can. Secondary school: Ice
Hugo Prince (Theurgist, He/They)
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Mid-20's. Hails from Marleybone. A being of respectable blood. He seems a little uptight, but means well. Always looks after the well-being of others. Secondary school: Myth
there's all my oc's for w101! ^o^ i've never liked the idea of Just You being the savior of the spiral, so i was like "one from each school to suffer all together. yep."
yes scarlet is my wizardsona! :3 and autumn is my mom's wizard. ^w^ the rest are from my silly little brain. they've been in my brain for a good few years, now, and ive Just now finalized their designs and put this all down lol. shame on me, i know. >o>
anyways, those are my sillies. :3 lalalalalaaaaaa
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griffinthorn · 2 years
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Wizard101’s TikTok has been teasing content for the next world, and today’s feature’s images of Marleybone. During the video, the dog in the video says, “For Queen and Skyway!”
So of course, I freak out. He said Skyway!
And…Wizard101 liked my comment.
Yeah, I guess I’m a big deal now.
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save-the-spiral · 1 year
Malistare Drake: the spiral's first transgender babygirl deadbeat dad but seriously, i'm very curious about that AU or even your headcanons about him being a trans dad?
OH YEAH thats the swap au (under #maliswap on my blog). aka Mali dies of Illness and sylvia lives and she ! is like well. well lets just try a few things and girlboss it.
AKA she first thinks. hm maybe shadow magic (because malistaire told her about it when he had to expel morganthe). but she didnt want to do it so she manipulates her & mali's kid (who is not a wizard at all, and in fact has health issues around magic and had fucked off to marleybone and was trying to Live Their Life) into trying shadow magic. An entity/embodiment of shadow magic kinda possesses said child and is like damn bitch you live like this????
She also has the backup plan of 'yoink the krokonomicon, get to dragonspyre, wake the dragon titan and destroy the spiral to get my hubby back', which like. okay queen.
In summary malistaire & sylvia ARE T4T but especially in this au where its canon. The only reason i didnt continue writing those fics is bc i hit a road block in inktober and then. gestures vaguely. many bad things have happened since october so i forgot it existed.
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shining-scion · 14 days
Met the king and queen of Valencia. How is Kane keeping them in the dark about what the Armada is doing? It’s n like they’re entirely cut off from outside information. I completely believe he could lie about Marleybone but surely there’s other spiral worlds being harmed that visit the court.
Now, I’d completely BELIEVE that they know Kane is doing some shady stuff, but they’re rulers, so they don’t care. I’d buy that. Maybe they don’t know about the whole “make the first world” thing but I’d buy that they know he’s grinding places up.
But that doesn’t seem to be the case? They only had a couple lines of dialogue but they were all “well maybe we can resolve this peacefully,”
Wouldn’t you want me dead, if you were at least on board with a half truth or looking the other way?
It’s not a deal breaker or even really a problem. I’m not expecting like. An in depth commentary on rulers and how they fail their people and harm those around them for their own interests. It’s rated E10+ and ripping on fantasy tropes. Fantasy does monarchy. It’s fiction. No one thinks a monarchy with full power is good in real life.
I’m more so just shocked at how ignorant they are when Kane isn’t cutting access to their information, as I assumed he would be.
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apple-talk · 2 years
Day Twenty-Three, Witchdoctor
Pittyober Day 23- Witchdoctor/Shadow
Delphine hadn’t had a dream like that in a long time. Thought, perhaps not a dream, more like a nightmare. Ever since she had grown accustomed to the Queens Vagabond crew, and accustomed to the ship itself, once she felt safe, the nightmares became less and less frequent. Never gone, but far less prevalent than they had been before, they no longer plagued her sleep every single night. But tonight was different, she had woken up in a cold sweat from a nightmare of him. She was back there, back on what used to be her parent's ship which had become his ship, that had become her prison and personal hell for years. She supposed it was the stress of the Marleybone and Valencia war that prompted it, or perhaps her mind had thought she had been given more peace than it should have allowed her. Either way, it didn’t matter, it had led Delphine to the same place either way. 
She hugged her form as a deep chill settled over her form, a shiver racking through her body. She grimaced, she never liked the cold, it always brought back a strew of horrible memories along with it. The ship was cold, and the nights in the sleeping dens of the Krokotopian fighting pits were always cold; neither of those were happy periods of her life. Delphine shut her eyes tightly, squeezing them to try and will the cold away, but it didn’t work. Even the view from the balcony of the Rooke family manor wasn’t enough to distract her from the cool night air of Marleybone, nor the feeling of phantom hands around her waist, her throat, her-
Her thoughts were cut off by the accented voice of Penelope Rooke. She didn’t know whether to be relieved that her mind couldn't venture further or to be upset by her solitude being interrupted by the sorceress. She heard Penelope’s heeled boots approach her, taking her place along the edge of the balcony next to her, leaving a decent amount of space between them. Delphine found herself grateful for Penelope’s thoughtfulness. Penelope stayed quiet for a few moments, from what she saw of her she was still fully dressed, coat and all. Delphine slumped over the balcony railing, while Penelope stood tall, her back to the railing as she leaned against it, her concerned gaze falling on Delphine. A part of her wanted Penelope to stop looking at her, she felt vulnerable, like all the wounds that horrible creature had left her with had been ripped open and lime juice and salt were rubbed into them. But the other part found a strange comfort, one that she still wasn’t used to receiving. There was no judgment in her gaze, no harm meant, no predatory look in her twin hazelnut eyes, just concern.
Penelope must have realized she had begun to stare and tore her gaze away, turning her head to look out into the open night sky. She cleared her throat, “I thought you might be out here, I was in the library when I heard your room door slam shut. You are very light on your feet, you know?” Delphi flinched, she heard Penelope gulp nervously, “I-Its not a bad thing, I just couldn’t find you. I…” she sighed softly as she turned her head to look a the marble floor or the balcony, “I just wanted to make sure you were okay. You are a guest in my family’s manor after all. I would certainly not be a good host if I allowed my guests to feel uncomfortable, now would I?”
Delphine surprised herself when she snorted, she shook her head, “Well we are hardly guests. Your family doesn’t even know we are staying here, now do they?” She grimaced as another frigid breeze past her, her silver curls flying into her face as another shiver racked her frame.
“I suppose you are right, though I hardly doubt they would mind,” Penelope chuckled softly. The Marleybonean frowned, taking off her dark brown wool coat, folding it over her arm, and offering it to Delphine, “Here, you seem to need this more than I.”
She looked at Penelope with wide shocked eyes, “You don’t need to do that. I can manage.”
“Yes, I’m sure you can manage, darling,” Penelope huffed as she shifted, casually yet slowly closing the distance between them and opening up her folded coat. “But you should not have to.” She gestured for Delphine to straighten so she could put her coat around her and she begrudgingly abided. Penelope was gentle with her movements, carefully aiding Delphine’s arms through the arms of the coat, guiding the wool garment around her form with cautious movements. Penelope smiled with pride as she finished, backing away to give Delphine space when she was done, “There, problem solved.”
Delphine pulled the coat closer to herself, relishing in the added warmth and protection from the night air. The garment…it had the scent of old parchment and floral perfume, it smelled like Penelope. She hid her face from the other woman as she felt her cheeks heat up when Penelope settled along the balcony, this time closer to Delphine. “Thank you,” she muttered softly.
“Do not mention it, Delphi. You are a friend, I do not like seeing my friends in distress, dear,” Penelope assured, putting her hand on the railing next to Delphine’s, her pinky brushing against her own. 
Delphine glanced at their hands, biting the inside of her cheek as her gaze lifted carefully to meet Penelope’s, only to find the other woman had a matching blush to her own. She looked away abashedly and Delphine frowned. “Pen, what…what are we? I don’t think we ever came to a decision of that,” her words trailed off into the darkness around them.
The sorceress turned her head back to look at the witchdoctor, she smiled softly, “We are whatever you want us to be, Delphi. We don’t have to rush into anything, we don’t have to be anything yet, not until you’re ready.” Carefully, Penelope moved to intertwine their hands together, Delphine didn’t protest. “We can take this as slow as either of us want, and that means that we can take this as slow as you need, dear. Is that okay with you?”Delphine managed a smile, giving Penelope’s hand a gentle squeeze. Suddenly her fears of her nightmare seemed to slip away, and the remnants of the cold around her seemed to disappear as she looked into those warm hazelnut eyes. “Yes. It’s more than okay with me.”
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hmmdotjpg · 4 years
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Unfunny barkingham palace themed doodles from the last week
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stormyykat · 2 years
on my hands and knees i need everyone to understand how funny itd be if jackall killed another royal PLEASE. he killed the queen of marleybone. his impact is unmatched. let him kill another.
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prince-of-khrysalis · 2 years
LOVE UR PIRATES...now let's see the wizards
YESSS TY LETS GOOO (Once again I have a whole lotta wizards and I ramble a lot so I'll just pick a few!! For now.) OKAY!! Let's start with her highness, Persephone Solanaceae! Who is not, in fact, actually royal. But a Marleybonian noble known more for her infamous family name (and the horrible, terrible, fantastical rumors that surround it) rather than her actual title itself as the Heiress.
Growing up in a rather unorthodox setting (A mad scientist father will do that to you), Persephone has always been a bit off. And that is aside from the fact that she’s mean as sin and just awful to be around, as if she wouldn’t spit on you and call you peasant trash for breathing her air. (you may get the feeling you’re not actually the thing she’s so angry and disgusted with, hm!). She’s a necromancer with immense magical skill and knowledge, despite being perhaps one of the most glass glass-cannons to ever live. It surprised everyone when she volunteered to take the place of “The Savior Of The Spiral” after the original was put out of commission (Strange, some think, suspicious, others think), and she became intensely dedicated to this task. Grumpily so. Angrily so. Thinks everyone is annoying, thinks the Spiral should stop trying to die every other week. All in all though she may have an impressively vile personality she... appears to be trying to help. Or maybe she's just trying to avoid going back home to her manor in Marleybone. A prissy little rich thing with too many secrets.
And her (probably future girlfriend) Lilith Vitae! My awful not-so-little theurgist! Persephone and her are... opposites in MOST ways, so they have been petty rivals since childhood. And by petty I mean It's On Sight, they will fight! Lilith comes from a much more humble upbringing and is super, super upset about being a Theurgist, seeing it as too 'soft' for her. Healing is not what she's interested in, she likes fighting! Adrenaline!! Do you remember Morganthe's offer in Zafaris for the YW to join her? Lilith sure does. She was never the savior, even if that was the group she was stuck with for most of her teenage years, hearing THAT put ideas in her head. And she realized huh! That sounds fucking great, actually! Obviously at the time it wasn't an option but, years later? Long after said queen has been disposed of, and Lilith is now free of school and obligation? She thinks maybe SHE'LL go back to Khrysalis, maybe she'll pick up the remnants of Morganthe's army and influence, and maybe. Maybe she'll fill the empty role of queen and finally get to live up to her true potential! So she says! Lilith is highkey deranged and highkey trying to have a villain arc partially because she genuinely WANTS TO, and partially because certain people have led her to believe this is the best path. TLDR she's a punchy-boxer type fighter stuck with life magic and a lot of repression! Is also very gay for Persephone. Aaaand one more to round it out, let's go with Oceania Zenith, resident storm main. So yk it's bad. (sry storm mains.) Ocean was the INITIAL Savior of the Spiral! She had a natural connection and talent to storm magic from a very young age! and this was recognized by the Council of Light rather quickly, who came in to scoop up Ocean as fast as possible to start shaping her into the perfect savior. Well, what good that did! Since Ocean grew up to know so little of how normal kids acted that she was just painfully sheltered. She knew how to duel, how to fight, didn't know what a sleepover was or how to talk to people her own age. And she now has the ego of an Aquilan God and a hero complex to boot. So she became incredibly cocky and full of herself, because I mean, scoff, she's THE Savior. She can do no wrong, perfectly fine to idolize her though<3. She had no friends hah. Except Persephone, because apparently their mean energies were so powerful they attracted each other. (Or because Ocean felt a need to protect the weird little goth girl from the world.) But she's unstoppable really! She swears! Spoilers she is not unstoppable, and her arrogance leads her into a very awful, very super not good time! She's not the Savior anymore.
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griffinsmith · 2 years
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Oh, well, my god this is a tough one
She'll take my breath and then some
But at least I'll leave this world with a final thrill
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wizardgame100 · 3 years
One last thing. In the whole "Backstory" thing, Duncan is the one who is indeed the one from the canonical story (being from Earth) and I have it written that when he realized the entire Arc 1 mess happened because Sylvia died from a cold he went to Marleybone to scream at The Professor about needing to go back in time with a bottle of Nyquil.
Sobs,,,,Sylvia,,,,Oh, Sylvia,,,
Felt that tho
The only ones that are canonically from Earth are:
Edward Winterbright (Ice / Life)
Vanessa Hex (Storm / Death) and is specifically from Queens in New York City lmao
The Star twins (Fire / Death) are both from Louisiana
Ronan Golddust (Myth / Balance)
Lenora Frostheart (Ice / Balance) I'm pretty sure she's from France?
Jack Crow (Death / Myth) When he died, he was buried in Wizard City and brought back, so I guess he could be "from Wizard City" in a sense too.
Velerian Soulthorn (Life / Myth + Balance) Originally he was going to be from Germany to play on the joke of Fairy Tales (He's a knight) but I dunno.
I guess I'm also from Earth lmao. I've yet to make a character based purely on myself tho. I guess my icon. William started out as it but then I delved into writer mode.
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