#wizard101 the queen
malistaires · 2 years
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khrysalis could be a comedy if it werent for the war or whatever.
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dailyspiral · 1 year
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day 7 - HAPPY ARO VISIBILTY DAY!!!!! saluting to my fellow aros. heres some hcs!! (ratbeard is heartless aro, deacon loveless aro, mellori demiaro)
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astral-schools · 10 months
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you are the most important person in this story.
you are dead.
this story is your own drawn out funeral. you are not the main character, and yet your ghost lives in the shadow of every step they take. you have been consumed, body and mind, and words spill from your voice without your direction. your actions are judged in your absence; you are on trial and you cannot defend yourself. you have no defense.
you are not the main character. you are not a character. you are a foundation. you are an idea. you are a lesson. (you are a villain, in every story but your own.)
there are two ghosts in this story. one is at the center of it all. the other is you. the first one is also you. he decided to be. (and then he decided not to be.)
(he killed you and decided you weren't good enough.)
you didn't have a voice. you didn't get a say. you weren't even there.
no one knows how you felt about dying. they didn't need to. you are not a main character in this story. (this story is not about you.) you are the most important piece of this story. (this story could not happen without you.) you do not have the power to change anything.
you have the power to change nothing. (whether you want to or not.)
you are in checkmate.
(you've never been very good at chess. what an infuriating game.)
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khrysalis-best-world · 2 months
an arc-2-esque/shadow revival in arc 5 would be the best case scenario for the future of wiz. we didn't see morganthe die so i refuse to believe theres no means of coming back. shes out there. somewhere.
ive been going insane w/ theories on arc 5 and why Certain Mobs (ie rottingham) are shadow only and not dual school in novus. how does he know shadow. it was definitely a CHOICE to make him solely shadow and not shadow-storm. and the bounty on our head throughout wallaru, HIM specifically wanting us dead more than mario or anyone else. the former arachna soldiers being bounty hunters for the spiral leaders too... many thoughts
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piecesofchess · 11 months
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kunizwuni · 1 year
Some girlboss 101 tournament propaganda
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extravalgant · 1 year
(leans in your askbox like someone leaning around the corner)
Excuse me but did I hear correctly that uhm... .. . . you wrote something about Duncan? Duncan GruncanWuncan? And that you might post that? (holds out both of my palms like a starving child) Could you perhaps.. . . .. maybe spare me a glance? Just a silly willy little peak? Bit of aaaaaa preview?
(nah I'm just playing you don't got to if you don't want to LMAAAOOOOO but if you ever do post that thing about Duncan I would LOVE to consume that 👀 because I love Duncan and I love other people's writing a normal healthy amount)
ITS ALRIGHT BAHAHA I WAS GOING TO POST IT EVENTUALLY!!! nothing too long or big since it was just a couple musings i did about the necromancers in game when i was on my break at work >_^
i have written about him here and a bit here if u do wanna see more heehee hoohoo
since its so short i can share it right here and right now but some parts of the responses (particularly morganthes) might be wrong or i misremembered something just on the basis that i was too lazy to go back and double check LOL
necromancers always have something to prove
malistaire drake, who sets out to prove that the dead can return — that love would conquer all, that he could make deities older than him, older than the current spiral, bend to his whims and wishes. 
morganthe, who sets out to prove that she can master astral magic, that if she can't, then she'll force it to. to prove to merle ambrose that she's still the capable young wizard that was proud of her, once upon a time. that she didn't deserve to be casted out by her peers and stripped of the magic she loved so dearly. that she could spin a better spiral, weave a better world. 
duncan grimwater, who sets out to prove that he is useful. that it's not just the wizard (now savior of the spiral, now arcanum scholar, now arcanum liaison) who has the potential to take their magic to new, greater heights. that he is loyal, that everyone deserves second chances – that he wants someone, anyone, to look at him and see the potential for something more brimming underneath. that he is worth all the effort.
malorn ashthorn, who sets out to prove that if there is no one else to turn to, then he is there. to prove that his stay at the end of the path, where the old death school used to be, was purposeful. to guide and shepherd new and fresh novices, to become the gentle hand that nurtures the knowledge of death and the way it is taught. to stay as a constant, in everyone’s life.
and you... what were you trying to prove? it seems that everywhere you turned, someone was always doubting your intentions. shadow and necromancy were two sides of the same coin, parallels in the way they demonstrated their magic. shadow took and took and took, and all necromancy wants is for you to feel safe, to feel secure. even if it means taking it from something else.
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masen-in-a-jar · 9 months
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What shoes you got on in your casket
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queen-ofsunflowers · 2 years
The current mood for tonight is the massive urge to revive an old fanfic of mine (I'm talking my ff.net days old) because of the massive nostalgia I'm getting from playing the game it's from.
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givemethesleep · 13 days
I don't have the willpower to draw out Stephanie DragonWhisper's fashion journey so instead I spent an hour at the Bazaar (and crown shop) putting these together.
Fashion Show under tha cut
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Whoa!!! Little novice!!! Fresh in the Spiral and full of All Aussie Rage. The very first thing she did was dye her hair Violently Pink. Eloise helped embroider her robes so they suited her new school (and passion) better. The bird wand is hand carved and the first warning sign that this theurgist is going to own 40+ birds later in life.
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Yes it may look intricate, but this js what she considers her casual, around town robes - when she's not scrambling around in The Wizard's wake, this comfy and stylish gift from Queen Qwendolyn of Avalon is her go-to. Wizard101 hates fun so imagine she's got her iconic pink e-girl streaks.
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The iconic Council of Light outfit, as seen in pretty much all art of her. Leaning HEAVILY into the white here as a false projection of Purity and Goodness, a mask she's desperately trying to keep from slipping because she's AWARE the Council sucks ass and she's Ambrose's number one hater but if she's in the meetings she's able to advocate for The Wizard. Imagine the pink streaks again, please.
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The real, true, canon final outfit for the now Professor MerryWeather of the rebuilt Dragonspyre Academy (thankyou @oldestenemy for making me insane ♡) I have yet to farm for her new staff so, if you will, imagine it glowing pink and sprouting little flowers. Got it? Thankyou. These robes are more armoured, which she actually enjoys, and as well as her staff SDW keeps her sword with her just in case. Back to her roots with the dark green, and either reforming the Council or stepping back (not away). Again, imagine her pink streaks but this time woven into her braid ♡♡
Anywho she's so silly to me. Keep slaying
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anxiously-sidequesting · 11 months
Wizard101 is so crazy because the final bosses in each arc get more and more existentially fucked up as the lore thickens. First arc is a grieving man driven insane, second arc all powerful tyrant queen who was mutated into an eldritch being through the forces of the universe, third arc are the equivalents of God and Satan themselves, and fourth arc is an ancient, older-than-time, proto antimatter-nega-God whose essence split into a Void of Nothing who through science and philosophy gained sentience and sapience who then went on to unintentionally become a multiversal threat. Like how the actual freshly baked fuck is Kingsisle going to follow that up. How could you possibly, possibly top that
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tomes-of-the-spiral · 9 months
In my thirst for more Wizard101 lore, I've been compiling a heck load of information about various things and it's frankly become a mess. One of my first endeavors was to find resources about the Schools of Magic. This first rabbit-hole was about the School of Life. As a disclaimer, my main school is not Life, it is actually Balance. However, I've recently made a Life wizard and wanted to scrape the barrel for lore that I could potentially use for their story.
This is a working "document", and is separated into 4 sections:
I. Information given from the game
II. Theories
III. My own ideas
IV. Sources
Things will be updated as I find more stuff or if I have more ideas (which I definitely will).
From the official Wizard101 website, the School of Life is described as follows:
“Life is spirit, the force of awareness and existence. It is about constant growth and movement. Practitioners of Life Magic, known as Theurgists, are positive, enthusiastic people who seek to appreciate the simple pleasures. At times, however, they can be too flighty or frivolous when circumstances demand otherwise. Theurgists use Songs to breathe life and spirit into a vessel. Unlike other magic, which relies on summoning, coercing, or beseeching, Life Magic harnesses the power of the Song of Creation to create something new. Scholars believe that Theurgy channels the tapestry of music from which the Spiral was created, and that in echoing portions of the great symphony, a Wizard can bring forth and create Life where none previously existed.
Life Magic rests between Fire and Storm, for the spark of Life comes from those two forces.”
And I believe this is from when you first pick Life as your school:
“The Life School will train its student wizards to heal themselves and other players. Life Wizards are given the ability to heal themselves the most effectively, as well as the unique ability to heal other players. Combined with this, they do low to moderate damage attack spells with extremely high accuracy rates. They also possess the sole group heal spells.
Life Wizards are often Social, Charming, Funny and Spiritual. Famous Theurgists include Queen Titania, Leonardo DaVinci, and Thomas Jefferson. Life Wizards are great at healing themselves and others.”
From the History of Life Magic:
“Life Magic was said to have been discovered by the earliest inhabitants of Ravenwood, guided by none other than Grandfather Tree himself. He instructed his early disciples to plant trees and tend to a grove to learn the complex interactions of all living things. As these early Theurges advanced in their studies, so too did their gardens improve, eventually sprouting the sentient Spell Trees. Not just of Life Magic, but all of the Schools. Each tree embodied a new form of magic, a new aspect of existence. It was through their growth, study, and teaching that Magical Law was tested, explored, and codified.”
From one of the Life School Quests:
Moolinda Wu: “Music is the language of Life. When we sing, our Songs can take form, and with each new Song, a spirit is born! Imps, Pixies, Sprites… the Fairy spirits are the essence of Music.”
Lady Oriel: “Greetings, little one. I am Lady Oriel, Princess of the Seraphs. We are the Guardians of Life. We protect the Song of the Universe and seek out those who will help us keep our World alive.”
The Rota of Reading:
“Summer is coming in. Loudly sing, Cuckoo! The seed grows and the meadow blooms, and the woods spring anew!”
Life Magic is, in my opinion, the School of Music. Their symphonies and their songs uplift organisms and give them the courage to grow. Theurgists breathe vigor into others and are strong in their convictions. Movement and change are the tunes they dance to, proving time and time again that it is difficult for them to remain stagnant.
The History of Life Magic states that Life Magic was discovered by some of the earliest inhabitants of Ravenwood. While I believe this to be true for the world of Wizard City itself, I believe that Life Magic, whether spoken of in a different font, existed in the Spiral. This is based off the running theory I have that every living thing is made of magic, that all one must do is channel what they have within in order to wield it. Older worlds such as Azteca would apply here.
Throughout the story of Azteca you’ll read that many Aztecasaurs say they heard the Song of Creation, which is directly tied to Life Magic. Perhaps they formed their own version of Life Magic? We truly don’t know. Maybe the “earliest inhabitants” of Ravenwood were from Azteca? Or at least knew a shred of the teachings and influences of that world? Again, we don’t know. There’s a reason why this section is called “theories”.
Another interesting part of the lore is that the School trees were first sprouted by none other than the newly formed disciples of Life Magic. This seems to supplement my theory mentioned above. Furthermore, at the epicenter of each School tree is Life Magic. Many things come back to Life Magic. However, did they also create Niles, the Balance tree? Who is not in Ravenwood, but in Krokotopia?
Moolinda Wu says that music is the language of Life. This has me thinking that perhaps the Theurgists best weapon is not a staff but a musical weapon. In the game we have flutes and guitars of many shapes and colors. Ocarinas would be viable for Theurgists as well. In one of the first Life quests, you make a flute from Blossom’s branches.
Life Magic also reminds me much of White Mages from the Final Fantasy Series. See here:
“Conjury is an art that takes life and the living for its domain. Its primary purpose is the salving of hurts and the granting of protection. Adventurers such as yourself oft stand upon the front lines of battle. Owing to this, you are like to find yourself in many situations wherein a capacity for healing would be advantageous. Mind you, there is more to conjury than that. By harnessing the power of earth, wind, and water, conjurers are also capable of weaving spells that wreak havoc. In terms of sheer destructive power, conjury may pale in comparison to thaumaturgy, but its capacity to defend one against aggression more than compensates for this relative shortcoming.” – E-Sumi-Yan
Theurgists should want themselves to be known and have the uniqueness to stand out from a crowd. Their songs should be used to not only heal but to draw attention and command. Generals, leaders, commanders, and the like can utilize Life Magic in this way.
Here’s another part of conjury that I find interesting:
“Conjury calls upon the elements of earth, wind, and water and concentrates them to a potency at which spells can be weaved. Through practiced meditation on the essences of creation, conjurers draw forth and absorb aether from their immediate surroundings. A wand or cane made from unworked wood is then utilized to focus the aether until it manifests as the desired spell. Versed also in magicks that restore and strengthen, conjurers are regarded as accomplished healers.”
Life Magic, through Songs, can be similar to Conjury in that it can bring together Fire and Storm magic and blend them to a point where Life is sparked, where certain spells can be achieved. Note that while Conjurers/White Mages in FFXIV draw their power from the surrounding aether, it is not the same as Theurgists in Wizard101. Theurgists use the power they have within them to put into their Songs. However, like Conjury, it can be theorized that the best Life weapon is not only a musical instrument, but one made of a certain wood. This wood could be different for the specific Theurgist.
This section will be the section that is most edited. I will make sure to provide changelogs at the beginning of this post.
IDEA ONE - To begin, I had this idea of a potential fairy world that existed in the Spiral. Recall that Moolinda Wu says that spirits are born from Songs. Specific spirits include Imps, Pixies, Sprites, Fairies, etc… There could be a world based off of this! A magical, whimsical world, perhaps one that’s sort of bug-like in nature. This “fairy world” would be the antithesis of Khrysalis. Furthermore, my idea was that this world would’ve been part of Khrysalis before being separated in some way.
The fairy world would feature a story based off of A Midsummer Nights’ Dream, maybe from a different point of view, or with another plot element added in.
IDEA TWO – Many Theurgists have some sort of Imp, Pixie, or Fairy ancestor in their lineage. Because of this, they are shorter individuals with more dainty features, and pointed ears. They are shorter than other Wizards, and depending on how closely tied they are to their spiritual family, could even have wings.
IDEA THREE – Theurgists have a natural green thumb, whether they choose to admit it or not. It is up to them if they wish to pursue an agricultural hobby, but the more they practice Life Magic the better. These individuals, with time and practice, are able to communicate with surrounding flora and fauna. I believe it is much like how some people in FFXIV’s setting can talk to the elemental sprites that are most prevalent in The Black Shroud and other settings. While some can distinctly make out words and sentences, most people who can communicate with the elemental sprites are only capable of feeling their emotions.
Thanks for reading!
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swervdcity-arc · 7 months
ok im back from playing wizard101 but personally
it makes me giggle so much whenever i get anons like "how DARE you play that latino character in a way i don't want you to!!!!!" because like. my guy. i do not give a flying FUCK what you want me to write or not, and i'm sooo sorry your only exposure to any kind of latino culture outside ur ambrosia salad ass household was on my block or when you watch selena when you were 12 or like. veronica from riverdale but that's simply not my problem.
i don't get pressed over this anymore because me and the block button are best friends and i do whatever i want anyways, but i find it interesting that i wake up to people writing "spirit animal" personifications, or people trying to be "respectful towards indigenous culture" but know fuck all and name their characters like rosebud shittingbull and think they're With It. They Are So Smart and Should Be Applauded for Diversity. and what makes me giggle MORE is whenever i write my latino characters that embrace our culture, thatttt's when i get the same time of "mexican stereotype!!!!" but i'm like. hate to break it to you but my ass LOVES tortillas and going cruising and going to block parties and quinces. "drug dealer trope" "racial stereotype" how about when i stop seeing y'all use latina baddie fcs to play spicy, sexy, stubborn women and pretending like there ISN'T a hint of racism in that maybe i'll listen. but personally i love my brown coke queen, and all of my muses that embrace their cultures and identities regardless of whether you, probably some melanin-challenge keyboard warrior, find it offensive. it's very much giving these freaks:
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jjuniewizzy · 2 months
well first off who are your wizard101 ocs o_o (im new)
also why did they become wizards
WOOOO LET'S TALK ABOUT IT!!! BEHOLD! My Wizard101 OCs! I present: THEM:tm:
Adrian Sparkstell
Adrian “Whiny-Rich-Boi-McGee” Sparkstell. Rich boy from Marleybone who inherits the family business, and then some, after his parents pass away at the end of the Empyrea story line. He holds a lot of power in the latter half of the canon story, but towards the beginning of THEM™️’s journey we see him be whiny, cocky, jealous, and a pain in Madeline’s side 98% of the time. He does have his moments of teamwork though, from the Malistaire fight to their adventures in Celestia and Avalon as well. Hell, it takes Lena hunting him down after Maddie is taken in Mirage for the gang to get back together and take down old cob with it. He uses his later gained influence to turn the tides in the favor of those pursuing the troublesome matters on the front line like Madeline and Lena, though he consistently worries about Lena’s safety. After all, they are together and he loves her dearly. Selfishly, he wants her home in Marleybone all the time, but he knows and grows to understand that her heart is in defending the universe. He lets her pursue what her heart wants, which is his ultimate lesson. The heart is stronger than any person’s will.
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Ruko Yokane
Ruko “Im-Edgier-Than-An-Emo-Teenager” Yokane. He ends up becoming the next official death professor for Ravenwood, and he is DAMN good at the job. After all, he was Malistaire’s ace back when he was a baby wizard learning how the world worked. Death magic and death energy run in his bloodline, and like tataragami spirits and energy, the energy his bloodline experiences can create insanity within those who possess it. Luckily, Ruko is a baddie ofc and has over the years managed to maintain a healthy stable control over that energy within him. Of course, that did take snapping once or twice. However, he always had loved ones to anchor him back (no not in the “this isn’t like you ” way, in the genuine support system way). This dude gets his happy ending, he’s married to his love Madeline. They have a kid together which is just so sweet, and he gets the inside scope of the arcanum from Maddie.
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Lena Raven
Lena “I love her sm she’s so sweet someone protect her-” Raven. She’s not the self-insert, she is my favorite and best crafted. She’s an adopted child of grandmother Raven, having been raised in Grizzleheim with no parents to her memory outside of the deity. She constantly strives for good, and that has led her to be the mediator of group disputes. She’s also the team’s biggest clutch, when the team needs a major push to victory, Lena is the reliable one to deliver it. She takes blows none can take, and now is a political mediator between worlds. She’s stopped wars with her mediation skills, but luck does eventually run out. However, she is the one seldom drawing a blade. Her risky work does create some slight tension in hers and Adrian’s relationship, but it’s nothing a genuine conversation cannot rectify. They both do what their heart calls them to do, and no matter how far the universe flings the two apart, they always manage to come back home to one another.
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Madeline Lumos
Madeline “Baddest bitch in THEM™️” Lumos-Yokane Yes bitch she hyphenated, LAY RESPECT ON HER MAIDEN NAME. Balance in all things Madeline is the combat queen, the one who while yes is a good mediator and wishes to protect the universe is more akin to an heat-seeking missile rather than a soft-spoken negotiator. Madeline does not pull punches, and her judgement calls are the best in the spiral. She works in the Arcanum, and her work is renowned enough to where she eventually gets to run her own international court that tries individuals who attempt to defy the laws of the universe. She’s not the executioner, but she is the judge and the jury. This makes her the more extroverted of the two in her marriage between herself and Ruko. Ruko does his teaching job well, she does her job well too.
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tinysylveon · 1 month
The Seven Saviors of the Spiral
hi welcome to my wizard101 oc story thing :3
Seven unexpected friends unite under one cause: to save the Spiral.
At a young age, they were given an incredibly daunting task: A darkness had overtaken the lands closest to Wizard City - Malistaire and his army of undead were on the move to tear the worlds asunder for his own selfish goals. Only these seven, chosen by Fate, could unite and defeat him.
And that they did.
For a few years, things were calm.
Then, Morganthe came.
The spider queen had a lust for power that had not been seen for thousands of years. Once again, our heroes would need to take up their spells to rid the Spiral of this dark influence.
And that they did.
Once again, for a few years, things were calm.
Now, in their 20's, after a period of peace in the Spiral, another threat has arisen.
Older, wiser, and more powerful, they are ready to begin their journey once again.
{All dolls made with Gaia Online}
Scarlet TitanDreamer (Pyromancer, She/They)
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Early 20's. Lineage unknown, Seems to hail from Wizard City, so she says. A kind woman who lives in a wintry tower and enjoys gardening. She has been taking in any refugees from worlds that have fallen or been taken by darkness to live on the isles surrounding her home. Secondary school: Life.
Autumn MistWeaver (Thaumaturge, She/Her)
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Late 20's. Lineage from Avalon, hails from Wizard City. Reads a plethora of books and does a good amount of research. A sweet and knowledgeable woman, she has been friends with Scarlet since early childhood. Secondary school: Fire.
Genevieve Rose (Diviner, She/Her)
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Mid-20's. Hails from Marleybone. An excitable woman, always filled with ideas. Has been friends with Scarlet since early childhood. She mainly focuses on the accuracy of her spells, rather than the power - "That should be enough!" Secondary school: Life.
Soran DreamWeaver (Sorcerer, They/Them)
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Mid-20's. Hails from Mooshu. They're a very quiet person, but around their friends, they enjoy practical jokes and making their friends laugh. Secondary school: Death
Alura GlimmerTrick (Conjurer, She/Her)
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Early 20's. Lineage from Dragonspyre, hails from Wizard City. Seemingly bitter, but open-minded even still. Her family's lost history had her jaded, but once the team made it to Dragonspyre, and she learned her history, she's started to soften. She's not very kind to people she doesn't know - her trust is a little shot. Secondary school: Balance.
Zayan MoonWhisper (Necromancer, He/Him)
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Late 20's. Lineage from Avalon, Hails from Wizard City. Has a younger sister named Euridyce. A happy-go-lucky man, he's ready to help others however he can. Secondary school: Ice
Hugo Prince (Theurgist, He/They)
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Mid-20's. Hails from Marleybone. A being of respectable blood. He seems a little uptight, but means well. Always looks after the well-being of others. Secondary school: Myth
there's all my oc's for w101! ^o^ i've never liked the idea of Just You being the savior of the spiral, so i was like "one from each school to suffer all together. yep."
yes scarlet is my wizardsona! :3 and autumn is my mom's wizard. ^w^ the rest are from my silly little brain. they've been in my brain for a good few years, now, and ive Just now finalized their designs and put this all down lol. shame on me, i know. >o>
anyways, those are my sillies. :3 lalalalalaaaaaa
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ravenwoodalum · 2 years
One in a Million - The Wizard101 Character Tourney
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We start on Thursday, noon EST. 24h polls, with round one split into left and right -- matches specified below for readability.
Fill your brackets out, start preparing your contestant propaganda, and I'll see you on Thursday!
Round One Matches are as follows:
Bartleby vs Ozzy
Duck Savage VS Wilma Deering (sorry folks, this is just how the seeding resulted)
Arthur Wethersfield vs Queen Aryanah Silvertusk
Ione Virga VS Skeletaur
King Artorius VS Chester Droors
Khan VS Dr. Jackall
The Professor VS Velma von Venkman
Eloise Merryweather Vs Tatyanna
Baba Yaga VS Zigi Stardust
The Kraken VS Tarrak Hadfield
Sparck Virga VS Stallion Quartermane
Shadoe VS Bearyshnakov
Selena Gomez VS Myrella Windspar
Baldur Goldpaws VS Professor Hargrove (Battle of the Bears)
Tosh VS Zander
Sylvia Drake VS Gobbler King
Grandmother Raven VS Nana
Emperor Yoshihito VS Dog Tracy
Diego the Duelmaster VS Qyburn Stellargaze
Elik Silverfist VS Mandar the Barbarian
Belladonna Crisp VS Burdie
Gwendolyn VS Solomon Crane
Sultana Sharzad VS Meowiarty
Prospector Zeke VS Monstrologist Burke
Dyvim Whitehart VS Fernanda Maregellan
Ghost Dog VS The Smiths
Nick Jonas VS Librarian Fitzhume
Beans VS The Bantam
Pork VS Renee Wooften
Greta VS Zoot
Moo Bu VS Buck Gordon
Grandfather Spider/Old Cob VS Istar
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