#Marleybone queen wizard101
masen-in-a-jar · 9 months
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What shoes you got on in your casket
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jjuniewizzy · 2 months
well first off who are your wizard101 ocs o_o (im new)
also why did they become wizards
WOOOO LET'S TALK ABOUT IT!!! BEHOLD! My Wizard101 OCs! I present: THEM:tm:
Adrian Sparkstell
Adrian “Whiny-Rich-Boi-McGee” Sparkstell. Rich boy from Marleybone who inherits the family business, and then some, after his parents pass away at the end of the Empyrea story line. He holds a lot of power in the latter half of the canon story, but towards the beginning of THEM™️’s journey we see him be whiny, cocky, jealous, and a pain in Madeline’s side 98% of the time. He does have his moments of teamwork though, from the Malistaire fight to their adventures in Celestia and Avalon as well. Hell, it takes Lena hunting him down after Maddie is taken in Mirage for the gang to get back together and take down old cob with it. He uses his later gained influence to turn the tides in the favor of those pursuing the troublesome matters on the front line like Madeline and Lena, though he consistently worries about Lena’s safety. After all, they are together and he loves her dearly. Selfishly, he wants her home in Marleybone all the time, but he knows and grows to understand that her heart is in defending the universe. He lets her pursue what her heart wants, which is his ultimate lesson. The heart is stronger than any person’s will.
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Ruko Yokane
Ruko “Im-Edgier-Than-An-Emo-Teenager” Yokane. He ends up becoming the next official death professor for Ravenwood, and he is DAMN good at the job. After all, he was Malistaire’s ace back when he was a baby wizard learning how the world worked. Death magic and death energy run in his bloodline, and like tataragami spirits and energy, the energy his bloodline experiences can create insanity within those who possess it. Luckily, Ruko is a baddie ofc and has over the years managed to maintain a healthy stable control over that energy within him. Of course, that did take snapping once or twice. However, he always had loved ones to anchor him back (no not in the “this isn’t like you ” way, in the genuine support system way). This dude gets his happy ending, he’s married to his love Madeline. They have a kid together which is just so sweet, and he gets the inside scope of the arcanum from Maddie.
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Lena Raven
Lena “I love her sm she’s so sweet someone protect her-” Raven. She’s not the self-insert, she is my favorite and best crafted. She’s an adopted child of grandmother Raven, having been raised in Grizzleheim with no parents to her memory outside of the deity. She constantly strives for good, and that has led her to be the mediator of group disputes. She’s also the team’s biggest clutch, when the team needs a major push to victory, Lena is the reliable one to deliver it. She takes blows none can take, and now is a political mediator between worlds. She’s stopped wars with her mediation skills, but luck does eventually run out. However, she is the one seldom drawing a blade. Her risky work does create some slight tension in hers and Adrian’s relationship, but it’s nothing a genuine conversation cannot rectify. They both do what their heart calls them to do, and no matter how far the universe flings the two apart, they always manage to come back home to one another.
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Madeline Lumos
Madeline “Baddest bitch in THEM™️” Lumos-Yokane Yes bitch she hyphenated, LAY RESPECT ON HER MAIDEN NAME. Balance in all things Madeline is the combat queen, the one who while yes is a good mediator and wishes to protect the universe is more akin to an heat-seeking missile rather than a soft-spoken negotiator. Madeline does not pull punches, and her judgement calls are the best in the spiral. She works in the Arcanum, and her work is renowned enough to where she eventually gets to run her own international court that tries individuals who attempt to defy the laws of the universe. She’s not the executioner, but she is the judge and the jury. This makes her the more extroverted of the two in her marriage between herself and Ruko. Ruko does his teaching job well, she does her job well too.
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tinysylveon · 1 month
The Seven Saviors of the Spiral
hi welcome to my wizard101 oc story thing :3
Seven unexpected friends unite under one cause: to save the Spiral.
At a young age, they were given an incredibly daunting task: A darkness had overtaken the lands closest to Wizard City - Malistaire and his army of undead were on the move to tear the worlds asunder for his own selfish goals. Only these seven, chosen by Fate, could unite and defeat him.
And that they did.
For a few years, things were calm.
Then, Morganthe came.
The spider queen had a lust for power that had not been seen for thousands of years. Once again, our heroes would need to take up their spells to rid the Spiral of this dark influence.
And that they did.
Once again, for a few years, things were calm.
Now, in their 20's, after a period of peace in the Spiral, another threat has arisen.
Older, wiser, and more powerful, they are ready to begin their journey once again.
{All dolls made with Gaia Online}
Scarlet TitanDreamer (Pyromancer, She/They)
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Early 20's. Lineage unknown, Seems to hail from Wizard City, so she says. A kind woman who lives in a wintry tower and enjoys gardening. She has been taking in any refugees from worlds that have fallen or been taken by darkness to live on the isles surrounding her home. Secondary school: Life.
Autumn MistWeaver (Thaumaturge, She/Her)
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Late 20's. Lineage from Avalon, hails from Wizard City. Reads a plethora of books and does a good amount of research. A sweet and knowledgeable woman, she has been friends with Scarlet since early childhood. Secondary school: Fire.
Genevieve Rose (Diviner, She/Her)
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Mid-20's. Hails from Marleybone. An excitable woman, always filled with ideas. Has been friends with Scarlet since early childhood. She mainly focuses on the accuracy of her spells, rather than the power - "That should be enough!" Secondary school: Life.
Soran DreamWeaver (Sorcerer, They/Them)
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Mid-20's. Hails from Mooshu. They're a very quiet person, but around their friends, they enjoy practical jokes and making their friends laugh. Secondary school: Death
Alura GlimmerTrick (Conjurer, She/Her)
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Early 20's. Lineage from Dragonspyre, hails from Wizard City. Seemingly bitter, but open-minded even still. Her family's lost history had her jaded, but once the team made it to Dragonspyre, and she learned her history, she's started to soften. She's not very kind to people she doesn't know - her trust is a little shot. Secondary school: Balance.
Zayan MoonWhisper (Necromancer, He/Him)
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Late 20's. Lineage from Avalon, Hails from Wizard City. Has a younger sister named Euridyce. A happy-go-lucky man, he's ready to help others however he can. Secondary school: Ice
Hugo Prince (Theurgist, He/They)
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Mid-20's. Hails from Marleybone. A being of respectable blood. He seems a little uptight, but means well. Always looks after the well-being of others. Secondary school: Myth
there's all my oc's for w101! ^o^ i've never liked the idea of Just You being the savior of the spiral, so i was like "one from each school to suffer all together. yep."
yes scarlet is my wizardsona! :3 and autumn is my mom's wizard. ^w^ the rest are from my silly little brain. they've been in my brain for a good few years, now, and ive Just now finalized their designs and put this all down lol. shame on me, i know. >o>
anyways, those are my sillies. :3 lalalalalaaaaaa
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griffinthorn · 2 years
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Wizard101’s TikTok has been teasing content for the next world, and today’s feature’s images of Marleybone. During the video, the dog in the video says, “For Queen and Skyway!”
So of course, I freak out. He said Skyway!
And…Wizard101 liked my comment.
Yeah, I guess I’m a big deal now.
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griffinsmith · 2 years
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Oh, well, my god this is a tough one
She'll take my breath and then some
But at least I'll leave this world with a final thrill
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hmmdotjpg · 4 years
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Unfunny barkingham palace themed doodles from the last week
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stormyykat · 2 years
well landlubbers and skyfarers... pittyober..... just a week away!
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Each day has 2 prompts. The first prompts are more specific, while the secondary prompts are vaguer. You don’t have to do both of them! You can choose one, combine them, and even combine different days. Also, don’t worry about getting every day, skipping days is fine! This is a no pressure challenge that is simply for fun.
Artwork, writing, physical crafts and more is all welcome. Whatever you feel like making for a prompt is open game. Have fun and be creative!
This is not meant to overshadow or compete with Wiztober. I made Pittyober with the people who have less interest in Wizard101 in mind, including myself.
I’d love if you tagged your works with “pittyober” or “pittyober 2022″. I want to make sure I see everyone’s creations!!
Feel free to start making stuff before October begins. I will be doing this myself. Also, don’t feel that you have to post specific prompts on specific days. Posting stuff late or early is fine!
OC and canon are both welcome. AU and crossover are also welcome. Like I said, have fun and be creative!!!
If you have any questions, feel free to ask me!
origin / parents
skull island / rat
buccaneer / gold
tavern cellar / ghost
treasure / shark
deacon / map
monquista / obsidian
privateer / sneak
skyway / pride
phule / build
promotion quest / raven
captain / spider
firstmate / clockwork
queen / unicorn
birthday / party barge
musketeer / storm
cool ranch / silver
el toro / roses
mag 7. / life
miranda / death
rooke / victory
mooshu / horse
witchdoctor / shadow
moo manchu / nefarious
yum / wizard
marleybone / consequence
bishop / birds
aquila / memories
labyrinth / family
swashbuckler / the heart
valencia / the brain
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bowl-of-wyrms · 4 years
The Spiral Animals #22: Dogs [type 1]
Guidelines here
Probably one of the more well known animals in both games, the Marleybonian dogs are present in almost every single world in the spiral. Though there are a ton of breed depicted in either game, dogs are essentially just one species, so I won’t be going into any specific breeds (though there may be a correlation between breed and occupation...). Nonetheless, the Marleybonian dogs are a really simple animal to cover, so let’s take a look.
World of Origin: Marleybone
Group Name in Game: N/A (though they may be just referred to as “dogs” or “Marleybonians,” but nothing too specific)
Culture in Real Life: British
Approximate Time Period: Based on the look of the buildings, the inventions/technology, the presence of colonization, and the presence of a queen, I’d say that Marleybone is overall inspired by the Victorian Era, which is the 19th C.E. However, the large presence of Marleybonians in Skull Island and Mooshu points to the 17th and 18th century C.E., so I’m not leaving a definitive time period for the dogs. It’s annoying, I know, but no animal group in the games truly fit inside just one culture or just one specific time period, especially not the dogs since they’re so abundant throughout both games.
In-Game Examples:
Admiral Nelson in Pirate101
Sherlock Bones in Wizard101
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save-the-spiral · 4 years
Wiztober Day Six: Worlds
Welcome to day six of Wiztober2020. This is the first arc of my main timeline regarding the majority of my Wizard101 ocs. Set in order of when they happened, and some worlds were switched around. Content Warnings for war, school expulsion, sickness mention, torture mention, starvation mention, general colonization attempts (Marleybone @ Krokotopia), gangs mention (Marleybone), attempted murder, and murder (Malistaire).
(link to prompt list)
Grizzleheim’s civil war of ravens, bears, and wolves was resolved decades before the first great threat to the Spiral. Phuong Jade, a recently expelled life wizard from Ravenwood Academy (where she had attended under the name of Morelle Jade), had also been exiled from Wizard City. With limited Spiral Door Keys at her disposal, she ended up in the trading world of Grizzleheim. She was willing to settle, to wait until her girlfriend graduated Ravenwood Academy and came to find her. But upon living in Northguard for only a month, she realized the war between groups would not end until every group aside from one was wiped out. So she dug deeper, taking small quests and using her life magic as well as what little Shadow she had secretly learned and got expelled for. She dug deep and found the root of corruption in the few individual ravens that caused this very war, and she brought them to justice. After this, she stood before the leaders of the bears, ravens, and wolves, and was given the title RavenHunter, a name she would eventually give to her girlfriend, as Morae came to Grizzleheim not long after, and proposed as soon as they met after two long year of being apart.
Mooshu’s lands were revitalized and its emperor healed by two children of a healer, who had grown up in a small village and were some of the few wizards willing and able to stand up and fight. Mahamari ‘Mari’ Jade, a twelve year old theurgist, and her older brother Emrys Jade, a thaumaturge of thirteen, adventured out and began healing a sick world in search of a cure for a sick ruler. Right before they reached the Ancient Burial Grounds of Mooshu, the siblings fought, Emrys’ need for control in order to feel safe and Mari’s endless anger and ability to push her brother’s buttons making them clash horribly. Mari returned home, and not hours later Emrys was attacked and kidnapped by vengeful spirits who claimed to be restoring their lost honor. After weeks of torture and starvation, he was rescued by his sister Mari and their father Quyen Jade. The family worked together to finish the quest, and the emperor was saved. As a gift they were given priceless swords, and a key to Dragonspyre, more of a tradition than anything else. It took a full year for Emrys to physically recover, however.
Krokotopia had one protege of Alhazred who was able to fix the problems created by the Marleybonians that had destroyed ancient tombs and desecrated old homes of the dead. Irisi, at thirteen years of age, was the only one able to stand up to them, unwavering as she insisted they leave the pyramids and instead camp in the Oasis, receiving the undeserved hospitality of the manders. Irisi methodically set each pyramid to rights, carefully preserving what was left, and sending the undead back to their rest with her magic, utilizing balance to restore the equilibrium between life and death. She was brilliant, though learned of her own intense fear of ghosts, how their whispers and haunting only reminded her of how little life her adoptive father, the aged krok Alhazred, would have left. She powered through until she reached the Tomb of Storms. While on her way to defeat Krokopatra and ensure the safety of the Krokonomicon, she came face to face with her namesake. The first human queen of Krokotopia was now a memory of what she once was, a ghost bearing the name and withered face of the first Irisi, but nothing else. It was the hardest battle of the entire adventure, and after that Irisi secured the Krokonomicon with ease from Krokopatra. The Marleybonians left, and Alhazred had the Krokonomicon destroyed, but not until he was able to transcribe the text in a place where it could not be stolen, the only people alive who knew of its location being him and his daughter.
Wizard City was cleared of its monstrous invasion by four students of Ravenwood Academy who had fallen behind in their studies, whether by simple procrastination or by other extenuating circumstances. Noah Dreamtamer and his twin Haley Raintamer were one half of this group. Ianthe RavenHunter and their partner Leo Nightside were the other. They split the streets between them, uncomfortable with the other pair of students. Noah and Haley relished in being able to find a practical use for the skills they were being taught, and found it a much easier way to understand their magic. Ianthe and Leo were quiet, intent on mastering the use of their spells, and explore Wizard City outside of their home in Nightside. The four of them gathered again for the intense final battles, realizing that they worked best as a team, and became awkward friends, both pairs still distant in their mistrust of outsiders, yet still they had forged a bond.
Wysteria held its tournament, unaffected by the threat an ex-professor from another world could wield. Outstanding wizards from many schools were called to join, but those we follow in this world are from Ravenwood Academy and Krokotopia’s small school, run only by Alhazred and his few mander students. Mari Jade was invited to join, as now she had been attending Ravenwood since she was thirteen, and now was fifteen, the top of her class, though quiet and easily pushed around by her peers. Irisi was also invited, as the best of Alhazred’s students, now fifteen, two years after her eventful cleansing of her world. This was the first time Irisi had seen fellow humans, as well as those who were not a krok, mander, or dog. Irisi was starstruck by visiting a new, much larger world for the first time, though many there treated her as a rarity, a foolish stranger who did not know the basics of common life. Mari was different, as were some other kind souls. But Mari was far different. Irisi saw her and felt the quiet, joyful thrill of realizing a flower was blooming, as so few did in her home world. Both were inclined to shyness around strangers, and so rarely spoke, even when they were framed as a pair, and sent to find the true culprit so they were not punished. The subtle brushes of their arms, the few times they had to grasp each others hands for stability, the times when they would tend to the others wound, wrapping bandages and brushing fingertips over heated skin in order to check for breaks and bruises. They would spend extended moments staring into each other’s eyes, Mari’s a dark brown of rich earth and endless potential, and Irisi’s an amber that whispered of gold and bronze, of sunlight. They found the Spiral Cup, and then were able to compete in the final battle of the tournament, against each other. Irisi won, bringing glory and recognition to her small and easily dismissed home world, and was able to publicly speak of how she had to save Krokotopia from the ignorance of Marleybonians who saw the place people lived as nothing more than a museum exhibit to be made. 
Marleybone had no problems on the surface, and made a perfect world for Irisi and Mari’s first date. They had spent a year apart, sending letters across worlds to each other, as they both had studies to attend to. Slowly, over their year of letters to each other, they shared their lives, their hardships, and fell in love with a girl a world away. After this date, Irisi would begin living in Wizard City, assisting Arthur Whethersfield (who happened to be practically a brother to the her) in teaching balance magic, and hopefully beginning to set up a proper school building. Before that, they were to meet in Marleybone, and walk the streets at night, simply talking withe their hands intertwined, until they were to have a picnic at night, lit only by small balls of magic and the moon. It was not to be. Their moonlit walk in a park was interrupted by a cat on the run, who stumbled into them and pleaded for their help. Out of duty, Irisi agreed, and they assisted Baxter in running from a gang he had gotten on the wrong side of. This was how they ended up running across the rooftops of Marleybone, breathless and laughing as they ran from gang members to assist a very unlucky cat. It was after helping Baxter that he gave them information, having been told of Irisi’s Krokotopian origin. He told them of how there was still an exhibit on what little the Marleybonian had stolen from Krokotopia before Irisi intervened, and then he was gone, into the safety of his house. Mari seemed even more furious than her date, and they both entered the museum later with their magic flaring in bronze and brilliant green. Then, of course, they were informed by a rather terrified museum curator that the infamous Meowiarty had already stolen everything from the exhibit. They ran across rooftops yet again, this time chasing a mastermind to make him face justice. In this race, Meowiarty taunted them, claiming he now had the Krokonomicon. Irisi, enraged, told him that the Krokonomicon had been destroyed by her and her father’s hands, as she had explained clearly in her public speech only a year before. They had to chase Meowiarty to the top of Big Ben, fighting his cronies along the way,  and at the top, that was when Meowiarty grinned, and told them that he had already known Irisi was one of the only people alive who knew of the contents of the Krokonomicon, and that this had been a long con to bring her here, to this moment. They were both knocked unconscious, and Meowiarty’s ally, Malistaire Drake, who needed the Krokonomicon to wake the Dragon Titan, kidnapped Irisi. Mari woke to an empty room at the top of Big Ben, and a deep rage was unleashed from inside her.
Dragonspyre was the known home world of Malistaire Drake, and the resting place of the Dragon Titan that would destroy the Spiral to bring one woman back to life. Mari knew this, and was intent on going there, but she couldn’t do it alone and risk Irisi’s life like that. She returned to Wizard City, single-minded to the point of roughly shoving a bully she frequently avoided, making many students shocked to the point of finally noticing little Mari Jade, sixteen and five foot two, the long hair she had when entering Marleybone now cut short, as her braid had gotten caught in some iron fences during their chase and was swiftly cut by her own hand. She entered the ice school without hesitation, finding the nearest ice wizard near her age and demanding for her brother, who now went by Emrys Pyre. Emrys, age seventeen, was a closed off, easily annoyed prodigy. He had only three friends, and adamantly refused having any friendships at all. He always regretted the years long distance between him and his sister, even when they went to the same school, but he was ashamed of his own weakness and trauma after Mooshu, and hadn’t held a proper conversation with her since. Until now. His friends, lead by little Genevieve, had freaked out upon learning that he had a sister asking for him, and dragged him out into the main classroom of the ice school to properly see her again. Mari, covered in dirt and blood and missing a majority of her hair after her ordeal in Marleybone, told him in simple words that they were going to go rescue her girlfriend from the ex-professor of death, who had kidnapped her and likely brought her to Dragonspyre. At this deluge of information, Emrys insisted she rest for a day before insisting they go on a quest to murder a man. Mari allowed it, but while she stayed in the dorm of Castian and Jen, his friends, she ended up spending most of the night restless, and so the two took it upon themselves to assist her in a style transformation. That morning she met her brother over breakfast with half of her head shaved, a leather jacket, and a new appreciation for some of Jen’s favorite American and British bands from Earth, all of them punk and/or rock. Emrys just sighed, and was convinced by his sister to use their Dragonspyre Keys, given to them by the emperor of Mooshu years ago. They went, just the two of them, and with their skill and knowledge in magic, they spent only days going through Dragonspyre to reach Malistaire. Mari was fueled only by rage, her magic manifesting in a mass of writhing vines she could stand atop of and use as a method of transportation. Emrys, ever analytical and cold in order to cut off his emotions and cope with his trauma alone, was silent and expressionless as they cut down draconian soldiers (who looked so much like his draconian friend, Castian) and the ghosts of dead warriors. The siblings never spoke, they simply fought and defeated and repeated over and over, resting only when one of them collapsed. They reached the Great Spyre, and using Mari’s climbing vines and Emrys’ spikes of ice, they scaled it. The pair battle Malistaire’s small army of the undead and evil creatures who would gleefully see the Spiral rendered into nothing but stardust. The two of them faced Malistaire finally, but Mari only had eyes for Irisi, who was injured and barely conscious, her face a mask of agony as she was held by Malistaire’s hand over a river of everflowing lava. Using the siblings as a distraction, Irisi managed to push away Malistaire, though she herself fell in a heap by the deadly river. Mari and Emrys battled Malistaire, both far more powerful than the man expected. Emrys summoned creatures of immense strength, as well as creating shields for himself and his sister to save them from the necromancer’s draining attacks. It was Mari that struck the final blow, the sharpened and rage filled centaur she summoned firing a volley of thorned arrows, piercing Malistaire’s chest and killing the man before he hit the ground. They saved Irisi, as well as the Spiral, though Mari secretly, guiltily, thought that Irisi was more important, and knew she was no better than the man she killed.
The first arc was completed then, the first threat to the Spiral destroyed. Vines covered Malistaire’s body and bloomed at Mari’s first sigh of relief upon finding her love alive. The rage and need for vengeance spilled from Mari alongside her tears, and that magic sunk deep into Dragonspyre, life magic infecting and infesting into the deep core of the world.
Mari and Emrys walked into Ravenwood after that, Irisi on a conjured stretcher behind them, and they never returned to Dragonspyre, far more occupied with the trials to come.
They would never know that within years, the life magic Mari left in Dragonspyre would manifest itself and flourish. The corpses of the world’s dead would become the heart of a forest. The deep chamber of magma that fueled the volcano would cool, soothed by lullabies of life magic, fragments of the Song of Creation, and the skies would clear, no more smoke and fire to pollute it. Dragonspyre would become a green, flowering thing, a place of nature instead of a ravaged husk, now an overcome ruin. And water, finally water, would rule. The Dragon Titan would sleep under a blanket of moss, roots clinging to the small spaces between scales, and life would make a home of what once would destroy everything.
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kaneowldust · 4 years
Report 17: Land Before the Spiral
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It has been some time since I have written any reports. After dealing with other life stuff and odd studies I am finally back into my Ice School studying and I suppose saving the world. Our first introduction is from a Quetzal that has arrived in Marleybone with a distress message for Merle Ambrose. We are sent to investigate since we have yet to know Morganthe’s cryptic warning after stealing back her Shadow Deck. Azteca is from the first worlds before Bartleby broke everything up and while there are traces of destruction from the past-they have rebuilt from those remains and have created a thriving civilization. But all is not at peace. The dread comet Xibalba has returned to finish the job and its impending collision has caused all manner of problems for the dinosaurs. The dead have risen with ravenous hunger and the raptors and triceratops are in fighting. Meanwhile you have to investigate the various temple pyramids left over from the first world as they seem to be the targets for Morganthe.
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This world’s design is a notable step up with the world layouts and its inhabitants. There are multiple levels and dips and turns giving the vibe of a wild South American jungle. Each section also has its own unique feel with little confusion from between areas. There is notable difference between the close felt marshes of Saltmeadow Swamp and the lush leafy areas of Alto Alto. Contrary to Avalon the character designs are unique and a lot more detailed than previous creatures. 
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Orate skirts, beaded sashes, and markings really bring them to life. These aren’t really designs you could reuse in another world without it looking out of place. The insect bruisers and wizards are also in force here as well.
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If there is one complaint I have about this world is that it feels far too stretched out. There feels to no end to the great step pyramids and what we have to do in order to get in. The first two not feel as laggy as it’s mostly quell the numbers of the dead and rescue survivors or interrogate Monquistians and placate Moon Priestesses. But from then on the steps feel unnecessary. The most notable one is the Pyramid of the Moon. Because it was sunken during the old times it takes a lot more work to get inside. First you have to investigate the avian uprising in Alto Alto and rescue the princess priestess. Then your next task is to fashion a special key to get inside. But to make the key first you must quell a sibling dispute between the Gold Frills and the Green Horns to get the gold and gems needed to fashion the key. But then it must be blessed by a god spirit to enchant it. In order to do that you have to make a War Challenge avatar and then fight the spirit. Afterwards you have to delve into the lake and find ways to pass the crevice and steam barriers and THEN fight an old priest to get the secret entrance. 
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The Falling Sky suffers similar problems. From unlocking the petal door and then getting an offering for the Oracle. And THEN fight an avian warrior to get to the village of pterodactyls and then rescue their generals and queen. And even after you survive the final pyramid you have to charge up the stone archer to get to Xibalba. The story felt like it would never end even with the constant reminder that there is a time limit.
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Morganthe can be seen one step ahead in each pyramid supposedly cursing each temple and absconding with souls of the oldest dead with the help of a mysterious servant. You are then left alone with the temple guardians who look a LOT like Kroks. Just a theory I am thinking that Azteca was the origin world of Kroks since it was hinted in Krokotopia that they arrived in the dessert clinging to wreckage. 
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The final area takes place aboard the comet Xibalba where we face an invincible Malistaire all wraith like and stuff and he’s got more than a few bones (and undead dinosaurs) to pick with you. 
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And after all that? The comet is gonna fall anyway. Basically you failed and this world is doomed. Which is…surprising for Wizard101 I’ll be honest. Pirate101 tends to be the darker tale with some story wide consequences and I’ll admit this threw me for a loop. Well nothing to dwell on now. Time to hit the roads and recruit the Council of Light…or craft that war shield before things go boom. Take to the sky, my friends.
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quinn-firethief · 5 years
Quinn Firethief
Hello everyone! It’s currently four am but I’ll do my best here. Quinn Firethief is one of my oldest wizards. I made him two years ago after I downloaded the game for the first time in like, years, to play with some friends. The graphics update had me shook, y’all. My friends and I loved roleplaying as our characters (both in-game via voice chat and in our texting apps cause we’re weebs) so Quinn is pretty fleshed out. The problem is is that I’m poor so I’m currently stuck right before Marleybone. Hopefully, I’ll be able to change that once I graduate. But for right now, I’ll give you guys the rundown of his character up until this point. Quinn Firethief is a Prince. His parents are the King and Queen of Dragonspyre. Yeah, big surprise, amirite? When I made his backstory, I made it without knowing the whole story of the world. Bad on my part, I know, but I’m really attached to the idea now. So, how that works is that while most of Dragonspyre is unhabitable, there is still a very small part that is. That's where the royal family and a lot of inhabitants that were too loyal to leave ran to. It’s a very small place, they have a very small military, it’s very much a former shell of the great glory it once was. Because of this though, Quinn is well known among their people because there’s probably, at least, a hundred or two left there. He cares very much about them, he’s a great public speaker, very charismatic, and he just really cares about people and really loves helping them in general. It's such a small place that it's really not that big of a deal that Quinn is a prince, a few people might be like “wow what's it like???” but a lot of questions don’t really apply to him because he did live a comfortable life, just not a lavished one thanks to their current situation. But his family does have very good background to their name. Firethieves were the royal family after all. There’s a big legend that they got their last name-Firethief of course-by stealing fire from the Dragons themselves so that they could harness the power and learn how to control it. Depending on whether or not you believe that, you could say a lot of people have Quinn’s ancestors from many many generations ago to thank for fire magic. Others might say that the downfall of the world is probably the family’s karma catching back up on them if that is true.
Before I go into the next part. I no longer talk to the friend that played the next character that I’m going to be talking about. We didn’t end on good terms. But their character is very vital to Quinn’s story. I can’t just write them out. So I’ve decided to just not put their name. Maybe I will later, maybe I’ll completely change it; we’ll just have to see.
Quinn had a best friend who was basically like a brother to him. He was always at the castle, and people even called him a Prince too. When they were of age to go to Ravenwood and start practicing magic (which, in my opinion, is probably eighteen, maybe as young as sixteen if you’re super good) they went together. Like I said, Quinn’s family has a long history in fire magic, being the royal family of Dragonspyre after all, so Quinn immediately dabbled in fire magic. His best friend went into myth. When they started questing, they ended up meeting a life wizard named Sarai (her last name escapes me rn I’ll get back to y’all on that) who was in the same year as them. (She was played by my girlfriend, if she ever makes a Tumblr for her I’ll definitely link it here) They needed a healer, she needed some harder hitters, so they all started questing together. They became the best of friends. They were well on their way to being able to take down Malistaire. The journey didn’t come without difficulties of course. Sarai got sick with the Krok Plague during one of the dungeons, and the boys had to rush through the last few to get the cure for her. Quinn’s best friend ended up dropping Myth because he was doing so horrible. He did, however, become very interested in Balance thanks to Kroktopia and found he did very well in that. While Sarai was sick Quinn realized that he had definitely fallen in love with the sweet and gentle Life wizard, and while he came very close to confessing his feelings, he didn’t.
Krok ended well. They were able to get the cure to Sarai in time and they finished it all out together, with Sarai cured of the plague and coherent. They all crashed in Sarai’s house afterward and chatted about how far they had come, and how they heard that Marleybone was needing help next.
Now, this is when my friends and I stopped playing. Summer of 2018 had drawn to a close and I was going into my Junior year. We all got very busy, my family ran into some bad financial problems so I obviously couldn’t unlock the Marleybone zones, and then by the end of my Junior year, I was no longer talking to the friend that played Quinn’s best friend. I’m in my Senior year and I’m feeling nostalgic, and like most Wizard101 players I’m getting sucked back into this game(help me). But this is where I take some liberty with the story. The three of them do end up going to Marleybone, but after a good few weeks, they end up running into Morganthe who, at this point, is just starting to plan on getting a little public about her villainess. Obviously, at this point, I’m messing with canon a little bit, but not that bad. She ended up casting a spell that took ahold of Quinn’s best friend's mind and completely turned him against Quinn and Sarai. They tried to free him from the spell but it became very clear very fast that it wasn’t possible. They ended up having to kill him. Quinn dealt the final blow with his bow and arrow (I got it from a pack, such a good drop sorry now isn’t the best time-) and the place they were fighting in exploded. Sarai and Quinn were knocked out and then dragged to safety by some other wizards that heard the explosion. While the friend’s body was never found, it was plainly obvious that he was dead. Quinn and his best friend, who was basically his brother, had known each other since they were kids. Like, I’m talking six years old. they had known Sarai for at least two years at this point since Krok and Wizard City had definitely (in my mind) taken some time to get through and fix. They were a very close, tightknit group. They were well known around Ravenwood and it was rare when you saw one of them walking around alone. So, as you can imagine, having to kill their own friend was very, very hard on them. Especially Quinn. He and Sarai can’t even be around each other anymore because it hurts too much, the wound is too raw. Quinn ends up telling Sarai that he needs some time alone, some time to think. So they stop talking, they stop hanging out, and they both just stop questing in general. It’s not the same without their friend’s lute playing to cheer them on.
Quinn gets very depressed and turns to alcohol. At this point, he’s twenty-one, so it is legal. A favorite of his is Fireball. If he’s not sleeping or studying or practicing, he’s drinking. He has nightmares (and rarely dreams, those tend to hurt more) of his friend constantly. He has to move out of the dorm because they always hung out there and it just hurts too much, there are too many memories. He can’t even visit Dragonspyre because of all of the memories they have there, he’d probably drop dead the moment he walked in because of how hard it’d hit him. So he moves into the Fire House (the classic burning tower with all that lava) and to try and cope, he makes a grave for his best friend even though they never found a body. Yep, you’re right, that’s exactly what my header is. Depressing, right? I had a leftover present from some winter event, so I decided to put that there to make it even sadder. This is currently where I’m picking up with Quinn, where he’s at his lowest and he’s pushing everyone away and he feels completely alone. It really resonates with me because of how I’ve been feeling lately (for like NO reason might I add). I’m super excited to write about it, it’s definitely going to be fun. I hope you guys enjoyed that! I’m sorry this was such a long read lmao this took me like twenty minutes to type up. Mainly because I had to keep fact-checking and I’m so tired. It’s now five am and I need to sleep. If you guys have any questions, don’t be afraid to ask. If you wanna be friends, shoot me a text! I need more Wizard101 buddies so badly right now. I might open one-shot requests if enough people show interest in Quinn and my writings enough, but we’ll just have to see :)
Have a good day everyone!
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starfall-sea · 7 years
You do you thirst for in Wizard101/Pirate101 😏
hell KANE, QUEEN, MORGANTHE, deacon, rooke, dr jakyll from the marleybone dungeon,, the sultana,, the bad djini gal from mirage- the blue one,, xerxes,, bonnie anne, vadima,, the cat lady from the marleybone dungeon, zaltana the mirror mask, dyvim whitehart,, Morgan lafitte (the swashbuckler trainer),
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birdybirdnerd · 7 years
okay yall im on a Prime Binge and the subject today is wizard101 so lets have some shit abt my two wizzes daniel and marcus
- first we got daniel my main, a thaumaturgist. he wears one of those bird mask things u get in celestia and i like to think its bc he fucks up his spells a lot and once got frostbite on his nose, it fell clean off
- hes v quiet and stoic but gets really inordinately excite when he pulls off a crit with all the fancy traps n blades n shit and gets really high damage. hell start jumping around and whooping and high fiving the other party members even if theyre still in the middle of battle, then goes back to being quiet when the enemys spell smacks him upside the head
- he came from earth, pulled out of an orphanage where he never knew his parents. miss greyrose dotes on him endlessly, as he can be quite endearing at times and she has a soft heart. he considers her his mom and gets her presents at every opportunity, most things hes made himself
- he never picked just one school to second in despite ice, instead picking and starting in multiple side schools (a little death, a little storm, he started in myth but drake pissed him off first day of class and he just silently walked out and never came back). hes regretted this decision ever since, now not having enough time or money to go back and complete the entire course for just one school, forever cursed to be only mildly proficient in multiple. he hates it, and is saving up to try again with fire
- now for marcus. marcus is a sweet little theurgist, in a lower grade than daniel but older than his peers because of an accident early on that kept him from attending school for two years. he actually originally started off in balance, but barely got any learning done there before his accident, and begged merle ambrose to let him switch to life so he could help others. merle agreed, and moolinda wu personally tutored him for awhile to help him catch up a little. now hes happy as can be, though short his voice and with bonus ptsd. he doesnt like to talk about it
- marcus was born in the spiral, in mooshu actually, but moved to wizard city when he was really young. his mom is kind of distant, but his dad is enthusiastic and loving and has already adopted all of his friends with shitty parents as his own. marcus loves them both equally, and also moolinda wu, and merle ambrose, and al the other teachers at ravenwood including cyrus drake, and regularly waters and talks to bartelby in his free time, and basically has too much love for his tiny little body. 
- he picked death as his secondary school, even before the accident and following switch to life as his main, because 1) despite his innocent exterior, hes always found death and decay sort of fascinating, in a scientific sort of way, and 2) he figured itd be helpful to minor in the opposite of his major school in case he came across a life-oriented enemy
now, for the fun part: how they met and their current status
- marcus’s class was on a field trip to marleybone to study the queens garden as a fun end of the year activity, and try to identify as many plants as they could. daniel was wandering, questing, helping out locals and basically being lost 
- marcus split off from the group to go explore, having found a trail of interesting stones and plantsthat led to hyde park. he was young and innocent, and had no idea the trouble he was headed towards 
- daniel had gotten turned around and lost as he was looking for his way back to the teleportation devices and gotten caught up in a battle with some sort of hooligans. he was overwhelmed and they sprinted off with his necklace, a trinket he had found that gave him a healing card way above his level, which had saved his life multiple times
- marcus found him sobbing in an alleyway, clothes torn and singed, mask cracked down the middle, his necklace missing. he helped daniel heal up a bit and offered to help him find the hooligan that ran off with his necklace. daniel was smitten immediately and agreed, and they ran off together, two hotheaded kids in search of adventure
- they never found the hooligan or the necklace, but after they got back and marcus was reprimanded for running off and they all got back to the school safe and happy, marcus began saving up and keeping an eye out in the bazaar. he eventually bought a replica of the necklace and gave it to daniel on their one year anniversary, to many tears and kisses
- oh yeah, theyre boyfriends btw. that eventually happened
- daniel has more money from adventuring and all that, so when they go on gear runs to get new and improved shit, daniel usually picks out stuff for marcus to try on and then buys whatever he wants. marcus is flattered, his family having been too poor for the majority of his life to afford nice things
- they have a magic carpet mount they trade back and forth and borrow. no one knows who originally bought it, but its worn and smells nice and is loved
- they finally got around to buysing a little wooded cottage that is technically only under daniels name, but they share it and have a plethora of pets that run around wild amidst the collection of weird shit daniel has gathered from his adventures
thats all i can think of right now but im sure ill have more later or tomorrow or whatever. also expect drawings of the boys eventually, whenever i can get a new flashdrive or find my old one
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griffinsmith · 4 years
Marleybone is forever funny to me since it’s heavily implied the young wizard is from earth and depending what time said young wizard originally came from they could totally be aware that they’re talking to the fursonas of the classic British characters Sherlock Holmes and Watson but they’re like...real . Living and breathing . They’re dog people and they exist and they’re not just dog versions of book characters. They think theyre the originals and in this world they are. You physically could touch them or drink tea with them . Why
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griffinsmith · 4 years
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I have midterms starting tomorrow and this is how i choose to spend my time instead of studying
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kaneowldust · 5 years
Report 15: I Bless the Rains Down in Zafaria
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My apologies for such a late report as I am currently working to earning enough gold for a much needed vacation where everything isn’t trying to kill me. But back to the matter on hand. Great Bartleby is this world a much needed breath of fresh air and exploration after the slog that was Celestia. Basing a world off the African environment makes sense to me of course and we will of course also be dealing with more Celestia magic from now on. It was found in Celestia naturally but now feels much more prevalent and actually has some bearing. Plus we now have narrative that one could actually be invested in. Hey there is only so much ‘dig Marleybone out of their stupidity’ one can put up with. Also from here on out, each world is completely new to me so reports are going to be a little different as they are more first impression then compare and contrast gameplay, memories, etc.
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The narrative is a basic one. Professor Falema has sent a group of handpicked students to study abroad in Zafaria along with Umlilo the flamingo sorcerer and the Olyphant Prince Tiziri. However communication stopped and your job is to find out why. You are sent to meet Inyanga WhiteStripes, a zebra witchdoctor, who saw the students last. Along the way you uncover plots to cause unrest between the main tribes to obtain special golden weapons and unleash the power of Spin…sorry-the Deck of Shadows. If I don’t see a certain spiky haired protagonist ahead I shall be disappointed.
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This is also where we learn more about the Umbra Queen little by little as we explore each area as opposed to the exposition dump that we got from Malistaire. This reminds me a lot of the way Kane and the dark powers of El Dorado (if they ever decide to expand) was handled in Pirate 101. First just mentioning the great war, then Napolequin, and finally how and why Kane even existed. But that is beside the point. Granted I have heard Morgana was a bit of a disappointment from what I’ve gleamed of forums and the like, but I don’t know for sure since I have been avoiding a lot of this stuff to try and figure it out for myself (save for those special dungeons).
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Each area for the main tribes has a distinct feel and culture to it alongside with mostly all new enemy models. We will also be taking on more Sun and Moon type enemies as well. Zamunda, the Zebra territory, is much more forest like and the art of battle is valuable to them. Sometimes it looks like they look for any excuse to battle. The Savanah, Lion lands, are more arid though they seem to be more of a hunter gather race. Stone Town is the empire of Elephants and is much more cultivated than the other residential areas. Plus magic. Lots and lots of magic. And finally you have the treetop village of the Drum Jungle.
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The story revolves around these tribes at war with each other for various reasons. The elephants blame the zebras for the disappearance of their prince, zebras distrust the Lions, and the Lions are trying to keep their own kingdom in order with the usurping of their king. The gorillas are still following their Umbra Queen even after the whole sealing of her power thing because they felt like outsiders even as they formed the Zamunda Council. Most of the Zafarians seems to find you an annoyance like they have this less than enthusiastic view of Wizards.
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Like all worlds from Mooshu on, there are books giving more world history. This time they are animated sequences of rock art depicting the takeover of the Umbra Queen and her banishment thanks to the Council of Light which was composed of several races from places like Wizard City, Mooshu, and a future world Avalon. I do love the details for each world really showing each tribe without a bunch of text dump; something I often appreciate in entertainment.
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This is also the first time in memory we actually have an overarching villain for a world. A shady zebra witchdoctor named Tse-Tse Snaketail who wears “disguises” to trick both you and others into fighting each other. Honestly I thought he was just as an odd duck until the lions are asking you why the heck you’re beating on them in their first place instead of asking them whatever you wanted to know.
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Speaking of knowledge, each of the students are either incarcerated, left behind, or in hiding. One is even put in a zoo! I like that they actually know who you are and are not just some wizard out of the ether. Fun aside, during the Five BOXES event, you travel to Skull Island and they actually refer you as a witchdoctor instead of wizard. Though we have seen from Mooshu and Marleybone that Wizard101 and Pirate101 share the same universe albiet not exactly parallel timelines as the pirates arrive in Mooshu just before the wizard comes in because the Emperor is still under the sleep spell; but pirates arrive in Marleybone AFTER the wizards have done their deeds since Meowarity is in prison. Heh wondering how worlds like Aquilla and Polaris will fare (seriously KingsIsle PLEASE give us a new world to explore for Pirate already).
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So from your efforts you are able to bring about some measure of peace between the Lions, Elephants, and Zebras. I cannot say for the gorillas though. For all I know, a sizeable portion of them might still be loyal to the umbra queen. Playwise this area isn’t too hard but it can get tedious. For example you need to fight, say 5 elephant sorcerers, then go to the quest giver and they make you fight five more again. Granted some of the bosses have been giving me trouble and I KNOW everyone is saying to get the Waterworks gear. However I do not have the time these days to really sit down and spend all day farming. I wish I could, but I just can’t. So I am utilizing what gear I have and get from regular gameplay.
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Though it does feel like it actually serves a purpose rather than Celestia that was more ‘learn stuff’ rather than actually making a difference towards the main conflict. Some, though, do feel like one off jokes but at least they’re short and don’t take forever and a day to complete them. I do kinda wish the Housing was a bit more impressive (though I am still stuck on that accursed Two Ring Circus quest because diamonds are a pain).
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Unfortunately you are unable to keep Morgana from getting her Deck of Shadows. She even teases you how she was just like you and like you; you are capable of doing better things then being Ambrose’s errand wand. So it appears that we might have a much more personal interaction then we had with Malistaire. I’m not overly complaining by any means-no. But could go rather well or fall flat. Anyway I am off to deal with Spellwrit mobs as far as I can even if getting enough to complete this quest is a real pain in my frozen backside. Until then, take to the sky my friends.
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