#maric shepard
anneapocalypse · 7 months
Writing Pattern Tag Game
Thank you for the tag, @crackinglamb!
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fi cs and see if there's a pattern!
Tagging: @farfromdaylight @dreadfutures @rosella-writes @darethshirl @bluewren @delicatefade and anyone else who'd like to play!
Ariane's linkpearl chimed late in the evening, well after she had returned to her apartment and stoked the fire against the Ishgardian chill, had some supper, and settled in bed under her down coverlet with a book. (In Thine Arms, Ere Long, FFXIV)
"I'm going," said Maric. (Before You Go, Dragon Age)
It's been years since Shianni set foot outside Denerim. (What We Can Do Together, Dragon Age)
Theron was still having the nightmares. (For You, Anywhere, Dragon Age)
The thing is, it has to have been there the whole time. (Objects of Wonder, Dragon Age)
In her oldest memories, the ones that fade more with every passing winter, she is little and hungry. (A Pot to Piss In, Dragon Age)
There's something different about Shepard, since Tali has returned to the Normandy SR-2. (Between Us, Mass Effect)
He knows it now, the aroma of Sencha green tea. (Sencha Green, Person of Interest)
The problem with being a writer is you get a feel for how stories end. (Someone Else's Story, Dragon Age)
The second attempt on Arl Tabris's life came upon her visit to Denerim for First Day. (No Woman Rules Alone, Dragon Age)
Looking at the above, I'd say it's a pretty even split between scene-setting and in medias res. I don't have a consistent way I do openers--it's what works for the story and the POV character, I think.
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marythegizka · 10 months
WIP Word Search Game
Tagged by @mxanigel, thank you!! 😊 I was given the words NIGHT, COMFORT, and TREE.
Now, two of those aren't actually WIPs because CTRL+F has informed me that I do not, in fact, use the word 'comfort' a lot (I'm not sure what that says about me), and the one instance of 'night' I found is honestly rather disappointing, so I'm just bending the rules for this one.
Night - From Dreaming of Home (Not a WIP), a one-shot from my Mass Effect/Dragon Age crossover series, in which the Warden who killed the Archdemon (who happens to be Loghain, because I just have to put him in unpleasant situations) wakes up in Shepard's body after their reconstruction by Cerberus.
Dark. All around him is dark, unfathomable as a starless night, or a thick coat of tar spread over his vision, and he tries to move his hand to rub it against his eyes, but his limbs are heavy, stuck under the itchy cover that traps him like a coat of ice - cold, and inescapable. There are footsteps in the distance, and as they grow closer the distorted echoes that surround him become clearer. More human. Voices. Erin and Wynne's, he realises as a door creaks open, and, though he still cannot see them, he is now certain they are in the same room. “Surely you realise another grimoire is unlikely to hold the key to our problem.” "And what would you have me do?" Erin snaps. "Tell her Majesty the truth, for one. Maker knows I have little respect for the man but she ought to know..." "That her father remains unconscious. And she does." Past his closed eyelids, a faint, yellowish glow pierces the darkness, and he tries to open his eyes once more. To no avail. "Unconscious does not even begin to cover it. The man is cold as a corpse. It has been..." "Three weeks, yes, but he’s breathing,” Erin cuts her off again. “They both are. And that didn't stop anyone from trying to cure Arl Aemon, now, did it?" "You know this is different. The Arl is… everything Loghain is not. And you cannot expect the Circle to dispatch what few healers they have to spare for the benefit an apostate and a traitor to the Crown. Not after what happened.” “Oh, trust me,” she huffs. “I do not expect the Circle to dispatch anything for the benefit of anyone. That I got Irving to relinquish this book is a small miracle in its own right.”
Tree - from The Bear, in which Tav and Astarion have a run-in with - you guessed it - a bear (no, not that bear, as they will soon find out)
Outside the tent, Scratch barks in alarm. Urgh. Of course. It's in moments like this that he curses himself for not letting Shadowheart keep the dog. "We're fine, Scratch!" Tavalyn exclaims, but the barking doesn't stop, and soon enough, a growl follows.  Astarion doesn't bother repressing a groan as he throws the flap of the tent open, ignoring the rays that prick at his exposed skin like so many ants busying themselves about a piece of carrion. He doesn't dwell on the image, blinking at the beast before him instead. "What in the Hells ... Halsin?" he hazards, knowing full well the man is half a continent away petting bunnies, feeding orphans and hugging trees. Not that he is particularly eager to have the druid play gooseberry, mind you, but the prospect is somewhat less daunting than fighting a bear naked while the sun slowly-but-not-that-slowly roasts him to a crisp. Gods, the sun... Astarion dives back into the tent, finding cover in the shade. The bear, however, does not lose interest. One roar, then it charges. Not Halsin. Definitely not.
Comfort - from Long Live the King (not a WIP either), in which Erin and Loghain join Alistair on his journey to Tevinter to rescue Maric. Things are going swimmingly (no).
“Maker damned rum,” he groaned. “I’ll be feeling this all day… A word of advice: if Isabela tries to ‘comfort’ you with a drink, do yourselves a favour and say no. I’d rather have darkspawn blood again. At least you expect it to be foul.” Loghain extended the bucket to him. “This might be of use,” he said. “But your advice is noted.” “Oh, wonderful. A bucket to barf in. Way to turn around a lousy day. Never would have thought of that myself.” Well, then. Loghain picked up the bucket and made for the cabin-door. Alistair caught his arm. “Wait! I’ll take it.”
Tagging (as always, only if you feel like it): @dairine-bonnet, @deedeemactir, @illusivesoul... and I think everyone else has already been tagged, but if you haven't and I forgot you, don't hesitate to pretend I tagged you too! Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to find the words: light, friend, and danger!
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jessicamariana · 4 years
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blasteddoodles · 5 years
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Celebrating Kaidan Week @spectrekaidanalenko with some arts and craftsyness.  Kaidan and Maric Shepard handmade amigurumi bendy dolls for @blueteaparty. 
Want yours too?  Click here for more details!
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agentkatie · 4 years
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It’s that time of the year, folks -- Netflix Christmas movies have officially ruined my and @effelants’ brains, and we felt compelled to make our own this year! So buckle in for budding romances, mistaken identities, a distinct shortage of beds -- and, of course, and an egregious amount of holiday decorations...
Thanks to the wonderful @vjatoch for our magnificent art!
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All Olivia Trevelyan wanted was a nice, quiet Satinalia, but chaos descends the moment the Inquisition sets foot in Denerim palace for their peace talks. Now she has to navigate a case of mistaken identities, the looming threat of assassination by the Crows, and, worst of all, a King whose smile makes her weak. With the future of the Inquisition at stake, can she figure out a way to save them, or will Shepard have to go ahead with the worst plan of all time?
A lighthearted Satinalia AU set just prior to Trespasser featuring an increasingly frantic Trevelyan, a marginally lovestruck King, and two absolutely hopeless Commanders.
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Olivia Trevelyan had been to Denerim only once before. She and her family had spent one autumn there, as her parents had tried to orchestrate her eldest sister’s marriage to one of the Fereldan nobility; Olivia had been nine and had played with her doll of King Maric on a balcony which overlooked the palace. She’d imagined, back then, how the grand old building must have been equally beautiful inside, and she’d wished for nothing more than to explore it and learn its secrets. The following year her magic had manifested, and she’d resigned herself to never seeing a palace again.
Yet somehow, fifteen years later, here she was: not just an invited guest but an honoured guest. Even knowing the invitation was politically motivated, she remained as excited about it as she would have been as a child. She was delighted to find she’d been right about the palace’s inner beauty, but at this time of year it felt like she’d stepped into a dream. Lavishly decorated trees lined the halls and glittering stars hung from the ceiling, and holly and ivy entwined every free column and railing, radiant and breathtaking and more opulent than Olivia had ever imagined.
“I thought Ferelden was meant to be the less gaudy country on this continent.”
Shepard was apparently less impressed with the palace than Olivia, idly twiddling a bauble on the nearest tree. “I daresay it is for the Orlesian delegates,” Cullen grumbled, frowning at a particularly ornate garland.
“Oh, sure, blame the Orlesians. At least they own their tackiness.”
With a particularly exuberant flick the bauble Shepard had been toying with fell from the tree and shattered on the floor. Shepard grimaced before offering Josephine an apologetic smile.
“Remind me of why you wished to join us for this task, Shepard?” Josephine asked.
“Because I’m the only one willing to punch the King on the Inquisitor’s behalf.”
(Read More on AO3)
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holly-poly · 4 years
Default Deadline Passed + New Pinch Hits
The default deadline has officially passed, which means the next deadline everyone needs to be worried about is the actual deadline of 11:59pm on 11 January. Please click here to see when the deadline is for your timezone. That said, there's still one pinch hit remaining from the last batch as well as three new ones that just went out. Please see below for general details. More specific information can be found by clicking the links. Pinch Hit #12 - https://groups.google.com/u/0/g/holly-poly-pinchhits/c/W1nfZpXcoYE Request 1 by shopfront Fandom: Doctor Who   Jenny Flint/Madame Vastra/Miss Montague | Clara Oswin Oswald, Christina de Souza/Thirteenth Doctor/Yasmin Khan Fanfiction, Fanvid Request 2 by shopfront Fandom: Gotham (TV)   Leslie Thompkins/Tabitha Galavan/Valerie Vale Fanfiction, Fanvid Request 3 by shopfront Fandom: Grimm (TV)   Adalind Schade/Nick Burkhard/Sean Renard, Adalind Schade/Juliette Silverton/Nick Burkhard/Sean Renard (Grimm), Elizabeth Lascelles/Juliette Silverton | Eve/Theresa Rubel, Elizabeth Lascelles/Juliette Silverton | Eve/Rosalee Calvert Fanfiction, Fanvid Request 4 by shopfront Fandom: Haven (TV)   Audrey Parker/Duke Crocker/Jennifer Mason Fanfiction, Fanvid Request 5 by shopfront Fandom: Lip Service   Lexy Price/Sam Murray/Tess Roberts Fanfiction, Fanvid Request 6 by shopfront Fandom: Sanctuary (TV)   Helen Magnus/Nikola Tesla/Will Zimmerman Fanfiction, Fanvid   Request 7 by shopfront Fandom: The Hour (TV)   Bel Rowley/Camille Mettier/Lix Storm, Bel Rowley/Freddie Lyon/Lix Storm, Bel Rowley/Camille Mettier/Freddie Lyon Fanfiction, Fanvid Request 8 by shopfront Fandom: crossover - Fandom   Adaline (Age of Adaline)/Diana Prince (DCEU)/Helen Magnus (Sanctuary), Dutch (Killjoys)/Kyra (Chronicles of Riddick)/Mirror Ezri (Star Trek DS9), Dinah Madani (Marvel Netflix)/Karen Page (Marvel Netflix)/Kate Kane (Arrowverse), Angie Martinelli (Agent Carter)/Catrin Cole (Their Finest)/Phyl Moore (Their Finest), Anne (Glorious 39)/Catrin Cole (Their Finest)/Phyl Moore (Their Finest) Fanfiction, Fanvid Letter: http://shopfront.dreamwidth.org/447973.html Pinch Hit #15 - https://groups.google.com/u/0/g/holly-poly-pinchhits/c/G-0awNVy9UY Request 1 by firelord65 Fandom: Star Trek: Classic Timeline   Ash Tyler | Voq/Michael Burnham/Sylvia Tilly, Ash Tyler | Voq/Gabriel Lorca | Mirror Gabriel Lorca/Michael Burnham Fanfiction Request 2 by firelord65 Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types   Armitage Hux/Kylo Ren/Rey, Armitage Hux/Kylo Ren/Phasma, Armitage Hux/Phasma/Kylo Ren/Rey, Armitage Hux/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren/Rey Fanart, Fanfiction Request 3 by firelord65 Fandom: Divergent Series - Veronica Roth   Christina/Eric/Tris Prior, Eric/Lauren/Tris Prior Fanfiction Request 4 by firelord65 Fandom: Final Fantasy VII Remake (Video Game 2020)   Cloud Strife/Jessie/Tifa Lockhart (FFVII Remake), Aerith Gainsborough/Cloud Strife/Tifa Lockhart (FFVII Remake) Fanart, Fanfiction Request 5 by firelord65 Fandom: Pirates of the Caribbean (Movies)   Elizabeth Swann/Jack Sparrow/Will Turner Fanfiction Pinch Hit #16 - https://groups.google.com/u/0/g/holly-poly-pinchhits/c/sMBJyVG7FnI Request 1 by inquisitor_tohru Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types   Ahsoka Tano/Barriss Offee/Trace Martez, Ap'lek/Dopheld Mitaka/Vicrul, Karé Kun/Poe Dameron/Temmin "Snap" Wexley, Armitage Hux/C-3PO/Poe Dameron, Jannah/Kaydel Ko Connix/Rose Tico, Beaumont Kin/Kaydel Ko Connix/Rose Tico, Finn/Poe Dameron/Rey Fanfiction Request 2 by inquisitor_tohru Fandom: The Locked Tomb Trilogy | Gideon the Ninth Series - Tamsyn Muir   Coronabeth Tridentarius/Ianthe Tridentarius/Naberius Tern, Matthias Nonius/Ortus Nigenad/Protesilaus Ebdoma, Augustine the First/John Gaius | Necrolord Prime/Mercymorn the First, Camilla Hect/Dulcinea Septimus/Palamedes Sextus, Gideon Nav/Harrowhark Nonagesimus/The Body | Alecto | The Girl in the Tomb, Gideon the First/Pyrrha Dve/Wake | Awake Remembrance of These Valiant Dead Fanfiction Request 3 by inquisitor_tohru Fandom: Dragon Age - All Media Types   Female Surana/Jowan/Lily, Anders/Female Amell/Jowan, Loghain Mac Tir/Maric Theirin/Rowan Guerrin, Female Surana/Isabela/Zevran Arainai Fanfiction Request 4 by inquisitor_tohru Fandom: The Dragon Prince (Cartoon)   Harrow/Sarai/Viren Fanfiction Request 5 by inquisitor_tohru Fandom: Downton Abbey   Chris Webster/Richard Ellis/Thomas Barrow Fanfiction Request 6 by inquisitor_tohru Fandom: Persona 4   Kujikawa Rise/Shirogane Naoto/Tatsumi Kanji, Hanamura Yosuke/Narukami Yu/Tatsumi Kanji, Adachi Tohru/Izanami/Narukami Yu Fanfiction Request 7 by inquisitor_tohru Fandom: RWBY   Blake Belladonna/Sun Wukong/Yang Xiao Long, Blake Belladonna/Ilia Amitola/Yang Xiao Long, Clover Ebi/Qrow Branwen/Robyn Hill Fanfiction Request 8 by inquisitor_tohru Fandom: Mass Effect - All Media Types   Female Shepard/Jack | Subject Zero/Miranda Lawson, Female Shepard/Garrus Vakarian/Tali'Zorah nar Rayya, Cora Harper/Female Ryder | Sara/Liam Kosta Fanfiction Request 9 by inquisitor_tohru Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer & Related Fandoms   Illyria/Wesley Wyndam-Pryce/Winifred "Fred" Burkle, Buffy Summers/Faith Lehane/Kendra Young, Buffy Summers/Faith Lehane/Spike Fanfiction Pinch Hit #17 - https://groups.google.com/u/0/g/holly-poly-pinchhits/c/8_6ikVTDBBY Request 1 by flowersforgraves Fandom: Valor Series - Tanya Huff   Adrian Hollice/Binti Mashona/di'Merk Mysho/di'Stenjic Haysole/Juan Checya/Ressk, Adrian Hollice/Binti Mashona/di'Merk Mysho/di'Stenjic Haysole/Juan Checya/Mike Glicksohn/Ressk Fanfiction Request 2 by flowersforgraves Fandom: Babylon 5   Catherine Sakai/Jeffrey Sinclair/Lise Hampton/Michael Garibaldi, Catherine Sakai/Jeffrey Sinclair/Michael Garibaldi, Jeffrey Sinclair/Lise Hampton/Michael Garibaldi Fanfiction, Podfic Request 3 by flowersforgraves Fandom: Fake AH Crew & Related Fake Rooster Teeth Associated Groups   Gavin Free/Geoff Ramsey/Jack Pattillo/Jeremy Dooley/Michael Jones, Gavin Free/Geoff Ramsey/Jack Pattillo/Michael Jones, Gavin Free/Geoff Ramsey/Jack Pattillo, Gavin Free/Jeremy Dooley/Michael Jones, Alfredo Diaz/Gavin Free/Trevor Collins, Geoff Ramsey/Jack Pattillo/Michael Jones, Jeremy Dooley/Matt Bragg/Trevor Collins, Jeremy Dooley/Kdin Jenzen/Matt Bragg, Elyse Willems /Fiona Nova/Lindsay Tuggey Jones, Bruce Greene/Elyse Willems/James Willems Fanfiction, Podfic Request 4 by flowersforgraves Fandom: Stargate - All Media Types   Lisa Park/Tamara "TJ" Johansen/Vanessa James, Chloe Armstrong/Eli Wallace/Matthew Scott, Adan Brody/Dale Volker/Lisa Park/Ronald Greer Fanart, Fanfiction, Fanvid, Podfic Letter:  http://flowersforgraves.dreamwidth.org/76689.html If you're interested in claiming any of these pinch hits, send an e-mail to [email protected] with your AO3 name
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finalprcphet · 3 years
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( linus roache, he/him ) heaven’s gates open to you, [ alastair cross ]. on earth, you are a [ forty eight ] year old [ cis man ]. in the great fellowship, you are immortal. together, you work with your family as [ the leader ] of [ the great fellowship ]. you will be embraced, and your faults are made non existent. you are the embodiment of [ weathered hands clutching an old bible, laughter in an empty room, the raging inferno of god’s light, and peace before the storm ]. ( maric, 21+, cst, he/him, n/a )
alastair cross, born john stone, heard the call of god when he was only a child. he was 5 years old, kneeling to pray, when he heard the voice of an angel calling him to a higher power. he would shepard a great flock one day, bringing lost souls to holy god. his mother and father didn’t pay much mind to that, excusing his visions for an excitement for god, something they actively fostered.
he spent most of his childhood years spreading the “good word,” gathering his classmates in his local, small-time ministry. it grew quite large before the school he attended forced him to shut it down. from there, it turned to an after school ministry. still, his parents encouraged this, believing his early pastoral behavior was a sign of a future in the ministry. they gave him a place to hold the ministry, offering him a place to worship early on.
when he turned 18, he knew he could do better than the ministry he built as a teenager; so, he changed his name and moved to another state. he lost any and all connection to his mother and father, abandoning them as only one could do in the early nineties. he moved to jackson, mississippi where he started his new ministry. from there, his church family only grew and grew. he married maura bishop only a few years in, when he was 22 and she was 20, and they had a son, lazarus cross, 9 months after they were married. in reality, alastair saw a kindred spirit in maura, a woman who was just as power hungry and desperate for adoration as he was.
alastair grew his church but never quite got it over the hump until he was 40. when he turned 40, something clicked, and the church started to grow like wildfire across treelines. by the time he was 45, they were running out of room in the third church building they had to move to. he loved the influx of followers, so alastair set out to create the holy house, a place where he and his flock could live and follow the bible’s teachings. or well, they could follow alastair’s teachings which he would pass off as god’s. he wouldn’t get that deep into the crazy shit until they were deep in it.
with the strides of the internet, his message reached more and more people until he had an entire town on his hands. give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. this was alastair’s motto. they would be the easiest to influence, anyway. he picked up his flock and moved them to woodville, mississippi, where he would be able to control them more. use them more.
in 2020, the holy house opened. it welcomed thousands of people, and in november 2021, the doors closed. no one was allowed in or out. the great fellowship could stand on its own now, and alastair would have no interference from any one else. it was its own self-sufficient city.
and he was its god now.
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bardofheartdive · 7 years
About My OC
Tagged by @joufancyhuh to tell you about my misogynistic, xenophobic asshat Chris. Thanks for the tag, friend! 
I will tag back jo for Reese (or some other Shepard if you've done him), plus @blueteaparty for Maric, @gaycalshepard for Cal, @missannaraven for Hiro, @rock-paperback-scissors for Layla, @schizoid-freak for Meris, and @thunderthighsvakarian for Jesse. (Feel free to tag-back if you like, I have (4) more Shepards and I'm sure I can dig up some other OCs.)
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Christopher Jonah Ramsey (Shepard) 
(art by the amazing @xandrassketchbook)
Name: Christopher Jonah Ramsey
Alias(es): Chris, Butcher of Torfan
Gender: Male
Age: 29 (at the time of Mass Effect 1)
Place of birth: Arcturus Station
Spoken languages: English
Sexual orientation: Heterosexual
Occupation: Alliance Lt. Commander, Engineer and N7, defects to Cerberus in 2184
Eye colour: Blue
Hair colour: Bright orange, carrot top, ginger
Height: 5'11"
Scars: None (scrubbed after every mission)
Burns: None (again, scrubbed after every mission)
Overweight: No
Underweight: No
Color: Blue
Hair colour: Red, blond
Eye colour: Blue
Music genre: Techno
Movie genre: War and historical (human only), mysteries
TV show: True Crime shows and the history channel
Food: Lasagna
Drink: Coffee
Book: Sherlock Holmes
Passed university: Yes (Alliance Academy)
Had sex: Yes
Had sex in public: Semi-public (?)
Gotten pregnant: No
Kissed a boy: No
Kissed a girl: Yes
Gotten tattoos: No
Gotten piercings: No
Had a broken heart: Kind of
Been in love: Kind of
Stayed up for more than 24 hours: Yes
A virgin: No
A cuddler: No
A kisser: No
Scared easily: No
Jealous easily: Yes
Trustworthy: HELL NO
Dominant: Yes
Submissive: No
In love: No
Single: Yes
Have they harmed themselves: Not intentionally
Thought of suicide: No
Attempted suicide: No
Wanted to kill someone: Yes
Ride a horse: No
Have/had a job: Just the Alliance and Cerberus
Have any fears: Yes
Sibling(s): None
Parents: Hannah and John (deceased)
Children:  None
Pets: Doesn't like animals
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