#marilyn manson antichrist superstar track list
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Portland, ME August 16, 2003
Track listing
"Antichrist Superstar Instrumental" (Cut)
"This Is the New Shit"
"Disposable Teens"
"Irresponsible Hate Anthem"
"Use Your Fist and Not Your Mouth"
"Great Big White World"
"Rock Is Dead"
"Tainted Love"
"The Dope Show"
"The Golden Age of the Grotesque"
"Doll-Dagga Buzz-Buzz Ziggety-Zag"
"Sweet Dreams"
"Its a Small World After All"
"The Fight Song"
"The Beautiful People"
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Catch up albums pt. 5
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13. It occurred to me, while being surprisingly awed by Blind Faith’s self-titled (and only) album, that there is a distinct disadvantage to catch up albums, mainly the fact that I’m almost certainly listening to them for the first time. Especially in comparison to an album like Graceland which has been in my aural network since early childhood. So does that mean that albums such as the aforementioned, “Blind Faith,” are just that good or is something else going on in my subjective brain?
14. It occurred to me, while surprisingly enjoying Marilyn Manson’s “Antichrist Superstar,” that I was glad I didn’t sneak this album by my parents back in middle school. The associations Manson had at the time may have fused with my incessant need to be “unique” to create memories that, now, might distract from the album itself. A sort of time warp back to an era of Jncos and feigned angst. 
(Who am I kidding. I bought the knockoff Jncos from my local Fred Meyers. Also, did you know that JNCOS ARE COMING BACK THIS YEAR???)
(Wait? Apparently JNCOs never went away?)
But since I never attempted to peel the Parental Advisory label off this particular CD back in 1996, I got to listen to it baggage free this past week. And I enjoyed the fuck out of it. 
15. One cannot remove time and place from subjectivity. 
What I listened to last week:
Top 100 contenders in bold.
Catch Up Albums (Albums I missed or purchased/acquired since beginning the quest):
Tool - Ænima: Having never heard this album prior, and subsequently, having never heard these songs unedited, I was fairly impressed that Ænima became a radio hit due to its abundance of a certain F word.
The Bouncing Souls - Anchors Away
Marilyn Manson - Antichrist Superstar
Guns N’ Roses - Appetite For Destruction: This isn’t a good album. Sorry.
Rock Kills Kid - Are You Nervous?
Radiohead - The Bends
Goldfrapp - Black Cherry: When they’re on, they’re ON. The title track is fucking ON.
Blind Faith - Blind Faith
Bob Dylan - Blood on the Tracks: Totally surprised that this one missed the list. 
Red Hot Chili Peppers - By The Way: After listening to Stadium Arcadium, I wrote the following: “It doesn’t matter how many good (sometimes great) songs RHCP can write, 28 of them is just too many.” Replace “28″ with “16″ and you have my review of “By The Way.”
Collective Soul - Collective Soul
Kraftwerk - Computer World
Roxy Music - Country Life
Deltron 3030 - Deltron 3030
Bob Dylan - Desire
The Doors - The Doors: Some people love this band. Some people don’t. I lean toward the latter.
They Might Be Giants - Factory Showroom
Tom Petty - Full Moon Fever: Pretty good Side B for an album whose first half is basically a hit parade.
Sonic Youth - Goo
Local H - Ham Fisted: Okay, okay, so Local H isn’t better than Nirvana. But they certainly give them a run for their money.
Rob Zombie - Hellbilly Deluxe: 13 Tales of Cadaverous Cavorting Inside the Spookshow International: I don’t think listening to this album now or in 1998 would have made a difference.
Albums listened to in total: 1,905
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bloodforvinyl · 4 years
The list of artists I did not learn to appreciate until I was well into adulthood is embarrassingly long.
I was a sophomore in high school when Antichrist Superstar was released and I just didn’t get it. As a good little Southern Baptist boy in Rome, GA, my brain was not ready for Manson and that record. Now, as an adult, I have come to love and appreciate him and his music.
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If you are familiar with Marilyn Manson’s sound at all, know that this record is similar but different from the majority of Manson’s previous work.
The core of We Are Chaos is the industrial rock sound that is synonymous with Marilyn Manson. I feel as though his voice has become so identified with industrial metal and rock that having him sing a simple tune would sound like some kind of gothic industrial rock lullaby. Along with Manson’s voice, the essential electronic elements are present on this record to create his signature industrial sound.
But, wait, there’s more. This record is not simply an industrial rock record. Instead, this record is futuristic country music.
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We Are Chaos is produced by the immensely talented Shooter Jennings. His handiwork stands out on the tracks that feature acoustic guitars, a fiddle, and a pedal steel guitar.
Futuristic country music.
We Are Chaos is the country music that is played on radio stations in the Blade Runner universe.
This is industrial rock that is perfectly infused with outlaw country. It is incredible. It is unique. And it is addictive. I need more of this in my life.
I have been spinning this record over and over and over since I picked it up at my local record store (shoutout to Comeback Vinyl).
My favorite track: Solve Coagula
Visit the Blood For Vinyl store
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marilyn manson antichrist superstar track list
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marilyn manson antichrist superstar track list
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Dope in Sydney 1999
Track listing
"Inauguration of the Mechanical Christ"
"The Reflecting God"
"Great Big White World"
"Cake and Sodomy"
"Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This)"
"Rock Is Dead"
"The Dope Show"
"I Don't Like the Drugs (But the Drugs Like Me)"
"Rock 'n' Roll Nigger"
"Antichrist Superstar"
"The Beautiful People"
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