#maris stella
tatatatatara · 1 year
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Any predictions on who The Harlequin's new partner will be?
(It isn't Richard this time, no Catwalkering here)
It's hard to guess, since unless you do a timeskip, there are very few other characters Natasha has any connection to this early. Of course the Guardian can pick someone she doesn't know yet but then that's a lot to pick from, lol. There's a lot of people on the cast who could have an interesting dynamic with her.
My best guesses would be Kris or Saiyuki but I don't know if you'd want a full-time adult hero. Also Saiyuki seems likely to be the one getting Akumatized here.
Since it's non-canon anyway I can also see you going wild and throw in a character from my stories who didn't appear in Maris, as a surprise. Or maybe even go and do a Harlequin/Bastet duo somehow, lol. I know you like to do stuff like that sometimes, but not sure you'd go that route here.
Whoever they'll going to be, I'm sure it will be a lot of fun.
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elmaxlys · 1 year
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Bingo Ask Inari and Owen
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kiraheartilly36 · 1 year
Now we need to go change the past again by not changing the past where we change the past so that we do change the past so that the past won’t be changed.
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stjohncapistrano67 · 1 year
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I really like this image of Our Blessed Mother as the Maris Stella. By Tianna Williams.
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columban-von-iona · 9 months
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marypickfords · 4 months
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Mary Pickford and director Marshall Neilan on the set of Stella Maris (1918)
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Barbie posters but they're all Angela Bassett characters
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blixtbaby · 2 months
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The McCartney's at the beach in 2.April 1974
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arcadekitten · 4 months
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The double date you were all waiting for (based on convos with friends)
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So Richard
What do you think of all your different forms?
"They're all awesome of course. Well, Monarch kinda ruined being Growler with how many people he gave similar powers in the other world - none of them were as cool as mine of course, but once a freaking baby got your powers it's kinda over. Being Invisibler was useful, but hiding and sneakiness isn't really my thing. Why hide when you could just go and punch them in the face, right? But it was fun for a day. Being Shadow Jeweler was definitely the best. All those powers to kick ass plus the ones I got from the Miraculous, that was definitely the form most fitting my caliber. Being El Chupacabra could have been just as cool, only if that idiot Monarch listened to me and gave me the powers I told him!"
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underthecitysky · 26 days
Stella giving that good content on Instagram
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facultativeactivity · 2 years
Mrs. Alexton frowned at Natasha. “What are you wearing? When I said you could dress casually for this event, because it might make you look hip and trendy, I didn’t mean you could wear just anything. You have a closet full of preapproved casual attire, where did you get that jacket?”
The two were far from the crowd, watching as her employees set everything up to demonstrate her company’s new invention. It was a huge machine like something out of a sci fi novel, a small podium with a huge device hanging overhead, with a small pointed protrusion pointed downward.
“An up and coming fashion designer made it. It’s unique, one of a kind. It will probably be worth millions someday. Well, perhaps not millions, but I bet it will become valuable.” She spun around to show it off. “Look, it’s really high quality, you can’t even tell it isn’t a big name fashion brand.”
“You’re right, it does appear to have been made by skilled hands, but that doesn’t mean it was okay for you to disobey me.”
Natasha flinched, she hadn’t disobeyed. She hadn’t even been sneaky, this wasn’t some big loophole she’d found and exploited with a sly grin. This was approved- she’d been told to dress casually to this event. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to go against your word. I misunderstood what you meant. I’ll double check next time.” She took off her jacket and handed it over. “But can I please keep it to wear at home in private.”
Mrs. Alexton stuffed the jacket into her purse. “If you behave yourself today, then perhaps you might.”
Natasha tensed up, hoping that everything would go smoothly from here. Thankfully, someone approached to distract Mrs. Alexton before she could take out her frustrations on Natasha any further. Looking up, Natasha felt her stomach flip.
“Ah, hello, Miss Elakha, how nice of you to come today.”
“It’s my pleasure,” she said with a bow. “Though I was surprised when you asked me, I work in data entry so I’m afraid I don’t know much about the actual science behind the company’s devices, but I’ll do my best.”
Mrs. Alexton put on a smile, one so fake it made Natasha sick. She was amazed something could make her soul freeze and her blood boil at the same time, you’d think they’d cancel out.
“I know dear, and to be honest, that’s why I wanted you. Sometimes I feel so lost at these events. I want to do good by my husband, God bless his soul, but running his company can be so hard when I don’t understand a single thing going on. It’s always nice to have someone else here who can relate.”
“Yes of course.” Vivi bowed politely once again.
Natasha held her words in. She didn’t have anything against, Vivi, in fact, she thought the woman’s pink hair was cool. But for someone like Mrs. Alexton, who was old fashioned and preferred order, she suspected there had to be some deeper reason. Like she was using Vivi for some publicity stunt or something. Really help sell that hip and modern image she was trying to project.
It was almost hilarious, Mrs. Alexton tried so hard to project a quiet and reserved image around the house and when talking to board members, but she wanted the company to appeal to a broader audience. She stood there, hands folded, watching with a smile as all the photographers gathered around with the other visitors.
Vivi Elakha took to the stage. “Hello, everybody, welcome to the Achefall Electronics Expo. We at Alexton Inc. have been hard at work to bring you this.” She gestured to the strange laser machine. “The R.E.S.T.O.R.E. Laser.
“That’s Repair Everything Save Tarnished Objects Restoration Energy Laser.”
“What’s it do?” Someone asked.
“I’m glad you asked.” Another employee approached her, handing her a small porcelain doll in a clear box. The doll had cracked skin, and her dress was dirty and torn. Vivi carefully removed it and set it on the small podium beneath the laser. “It’s quite marvelous, really. It fixes things. Here, let us show you.” She flicked a switch, and the machine began lighting up like a Christmas tree. It hummed and glowed as it charged a small laser, only firing after a minute.
Everyone watched in amazement as the cracks in the doll began vanishing, dirt seemed to melt right off the dress, and the threads mended at the tears. It wasn’t perfect, the dress still looked a little frayed, but it had gotten much better.
“As you can see, there are still things worth fine tuning,” Vivi flicked the switch again, turning off the laser. “This isn’t some miracle machine capable of reversing time. It finds things that are broken or repaired and mends them at an atomic level. This is still cost prohibitive on a larger scale, we intend to find cheaper ways to build this machine. But for now, this proves it can be done. And we believe in dreaming big.
“One day technology like this could be used to on larger scales, making quick repairs to damaged phones or cars, mending torn clothing on the go. Break a pair of glasses? No longer will you need to wait to pick up a new pair, you’ll be able to fix it in the comfort of your own home!”
Audiences clapped, but reporters launched into a series of questions. How long did they expect the project to take? How much would the technology cost when it was complete? Did it take a lot of energy to run? Vivi smiled and directed them toward the scientists. Stepping down from the stage, she rejoined Alexton and Natasha, placing the doll back in its glass box.
“Hmm, such a pity,” said Alexton. “I was hoping to completely fix this doll. It’s a rare and valuable antique you see. It was meant to be preserved and displayed, but one day I came home to find Natasha playing with it out in the yard.” Alexton shot Natasha a glare. “It’s been ruined ever since.”
Natasha froze up, thinking of the cracks, the frayed clothing, the dirt- none of that had happened because of one simple play session. Natasha wanted to play with the doll on display in her room, after all it was left in her room, so she assumed it was a toy for her. Never in a million years did she imagine it was meant to show off to visitors so she could look sophisticated and important.
She wasn’t even really that interested in it, she simply didn’t have anything else to do. She just wanted to take a nice picture of it, hoping to send it back to her old foster home. Maybe Kris would see and know she was okay. She took it outside because that’s what she’d always seen on TV, you take dolls outside to play and have tea parties.
It only got damaged when Alexton, with a smirk, said, “Oh, dear, if you were bored and wanted a companion, why didn’t you simply say so. Would you like to play with one of my dogs?”
That sounded fun, so Natasha nodded next.
She never expected that “dog” in this instance meant a German Shepard. One that had been trained to scare off intruders, but not attack the staff or members of the household. But Natasha didn’t know that. She was just a child, barely eleven, who saw a large dog, barking very loudly.
It wasn’t a mean dog, nor was it dangerous- but conveying that to a frightened child could be difficult. So when the dog jumped at her, barking, Natasha got scared and fell backward, dropping the doll to the ground. It shattered in a pile of dirt as the Natasha scrambled backward, flicking it at the dog.
Mistaking it for a chew toy, the excited dog chomped down on the doll, frightening Natasha even more. She was never hurt during that incident, not physically. Mrs. Alexton was too smart for that. She kept this all at a level she could easily pass off as playtime gone wrong.
Natasha would later learn just how well trained these dogs were. This was certainly no accident.
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kiraheartilly36 · 2 years
List of Lucky Charms (So Far) in my Miraculous Fanfic Maris Stella
Handheld Mirror Pitching Machine Trampoline Boulder Baseball Bat Newton's Cradle Tetherball Pole Large Cloth Paper Heart Blanket Rubber Body Board Soda Can Large Metal Shield Full Length Body Mirror Punching Bag Purse
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aohydrangeas · 4 months
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.°˖✧ reclaiming identity
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