#maristela aphros
mushlandsandbeyond · 4 months
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sand and sea
just a little doodle i drew in class :]
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glassydiatom · 1 year
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various sketches that im not reaaaaally gonna post fully on the mushlands blog (i'll reblog it LOL)
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hauntingskiss · 2 years
still find it so strange how we both have ocs named maristela but judging by their appearances theyre like. complete opposites afaik lmao
WAHA yeah i doubt it- Maristela (Aphros) is a very stubborn and vigilant guy who just wants to live in a world without the threat of people going missing from an extremely powerful entity 😳
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mushlandsandbeyond · 11 months
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the three Ms (Maristela / Marisa / ??? Michel??? idk)
for context, the aphros family was not without any enemies or competition!! the aphros and barreau families have been fighting for power over Calicle Way for several millennia, and was handed over to the barreau family after they had "slain" the cataclysm.
and although the adults in their family still bicker and argue, maristela is well aware that this dispute is just dumb. michel however grows into the mindset later on in life that their rule is fair and just.
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mushlandsandbeyond · 11 months
Go Home, Kid
A young Maristela is saved by a stranger. [Warning: Descriptions of violence and injury.]
Just Paste It version: [Link]
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The young wizard could see nothing but red sand kicked up all around him. Each particle formed to block the moonlight from Maristela, who lifted his kerchief over his nose and mouth. He was alone, except he was surrounded by a group of bandits who were trying to steal whatever was in his bag. But he, the great Maristela Aphros, had a plan!
... Or so he thought he did.
See, Maristela is around thirteen years of age as of this story. Leaving his home without his uncle's permission was something freeing and rebellious! He slipped out of New Calicle Way earlier that night, the sea breeze feeling refreshing as he took a boat to mainland Echino Mesa. The wizard, however, made a few wrong turns and strayed far from the river on which Echino Mesa's towns were built near, and ended up surrounded by a group of strange and unfamiliar adults who wanted nothing more but food, money, and things to sell.
"Give it up," The leader stepped forward amongst the sand and dust. They were a big, burly man who covered their face in a kerchief similar to his, but on it was a symbol of the Bandits Association on it. Anyone would've known where they came from with a symbol like that- Red background, black, jagged stalags-or-stalactites. It was a sign of danger.
To Maristela, though, this was a challenge. The young wizard grinned behind his cover and squared his shoulders as his stance widened. "Ya dunno who yer messin' with, bandit scum," He pointed at the leader and spat on the ground, "I'm Maristela, daughter of Julietta and Ridley Aphros, and I will bring ye down!"
The wizard's fingertip started to spark, the pure power of the sun radiating from within him. The leader took a small step back, in case his power was something to be messed with, but with the stature of this kid, he was curious if it would lead to anything. His goons, now visible with the light, stopped kicking up the sand and stepped back as soon as they heard the name Aphros. 
A bolt of light shot right between the eyes of the leader, who fell backwards and onto the ground, his head slowly being crowned with a halo of red. Maristela was amazed as he drew his hand back- He did that! However, like the laws of motion, there was an equal and opposite reaction to this; Angry yells from his henchmen were heard as they started to lunge forward at the kid, who slipped out from underneath the taller people. Maristela was in a lot of trouble now- They drew their guns from their holsters and ran closer to get a better aim at the kid, which really helped with the new adrenaline rush that Maristela felt as he bolted and accidentally lifted himself in the air when he tried to speed boost himself forward.
Bullets fired past the whizzing wizard who barely made it- A bullet grazed his left shoulder while he was still in the air, stinging him before he covered it with his kerchief. Maristela landed on the sand and hard terracotta with a pained grunt as the moon was blocked out now by the group of bandits' heads. The kid hissed as his shirt and bandana soaked in a new colour from the injury.
"Time's up, Aphros scum," The skinniest one said. "Think of this as, eeh, payment from yer great grandpappy all those years ago."
Before they could draw their guns again and point it at the young wizard's head, hoofbeats and three gunshots from the left cracked at the lackeys, two of them hitting and felling the bandits and one as a warning shot. Maristela scrambled away, unsure if this was another competing bandit or a savior, so he whispered a spell which cloaked him in invisibility for a minute. The kid shut his eyes and crouched behind a cactus, covering his ears. The sounds of muffled screaming were all that could be heard before it went dead silent. 
'That was quick,' Maristela thought. He figured he wasn't invisible anymore, so he opened his eyes and turned his head to see the scene before yelping. Instead of seeing the actual scene, he saw the stranger, clad in a basic outfit and cloaked with green and a strange eye. Maristela fell back on his ass from surprise.
"Ow!" His hand went back to covering his wound, which made the stranger bend down and crouch, face riddled with concern. Maristela, not wanting the man to touch him, scooted back and away from both the cactus and his savior. "G-git away! I ain't afraid to use this!" He extended his shaky left hand again, which made the man chuckle.
"Use what? This puny li'l thing?" He pinched the tip of Maristela's index finger lightly before rolling his eyes. "This thing is gonna get ya killed, son. Lemme help ya."
Much to his chagrin, the stranger helped patch the young wizard up. He washed it with extra water from his bottle, patting it dry with a clean cloth from his horse's bag, before bandaging it up and taping it to secure his wraps. At some point, his pinky brushed past Maristela's golden birthmark on his neck.
"Don't touch that," He said. The comet-shaped birthmark seemed to glimmer under the moonlight.
"Why not? Ain't it just part of yer skin?" The stranger snickered as he put the tape back.
"It's... Special. Ya wouldn't understand it." Maristela pouted and crossed his arms. He looked towards the river, which was a far walk from where they were. There were hardly any boats now; only small, personal boats for singles or couples now. It was too late to ferry up the river.
Maristela coldly walked west, trying to abandon the stranger and his horse, but the man piped up. "Oi. There ain't a home in sight, where ya goin'?"
"Home," The Aphros kid replied without stopping and looking.
"Yeeeaaaah, sure ya are," The stranger hopped up on his horse and trotted over to the kid, following to the right of him. "If ya wanna get in another scuffle with the bandits, feel free to walk back home, it ain't my issue."
The thought of getting into another fight made Maristela's stomach drop. The young wizard stopped in his tracks and looked up and right. "I..."
He stopped his horse. "You?"
"... What's yer name, stranger?" Maristela inquired. "Why'd ya help me?"
The man coughed. Maristela thought his eyes glowed for a second, or the weird feather on his big hat twitched, but perhaps he was weary from his failed attempt at fighting back. "Th' name's Samson. Ain't gotta surname, and I ain't takin' my foster mommy's name. Now are you gon' go home, or be food fer th' vultures?"
- * _ - _ - _ * -
Icarus (Samson's horse, Maristela found out,) took them to the port which transported mainlanders to New Calicle Way. Maristela dropped onto the sand with both his boots on the ground. "Thanks..." He looked down at the sand, ashamed he had to be dropped off like this. Samson unmounted his horse as well, keeping Icarus nearby as he went with Maristela to the ferry's ticket booth. The kid didn't bring any money with him, which didn't surprise Samson, but he still rolled his eyes as he did one last favor for him.
"Here," Samson gave the one-way ticket to the young wizard, "I think I'm done here. Don't go runnin' into trouble again, ya hear?" 
Maristela took the ticket and looked up at Samson. His face seemed... Friendly.  Warm, maybe, but he wasn't too sure. Something inside Maristela's heart clicked, like a final piece of the puzzle fit. He gawked at Samson some more, before mumbling, "Can you mentor me?"
Samson squinted a little. "Come again?" He asked, leaning down if he had heard it wrong or not.
"Can. You. Mentor. Me?" Maristela said deliberately. 
Samson guffawed. Oh, he heard it that time now. Sam thought about mentoring a puny little human, with barely any control of his own powers and half the maturity of his own age. It riled him up alright, which made Maristela's face darker than an heirloom tomato from embarrassment.
"Me? Mentor? Nah, ya got the wrong person, kid. Now go home." Samson's laugh trailed out as he mounted Icarus. Maristela, however, was persistent.
"Please!" He ran up to Icarus and held onto the reins, "I dunno how ya did it, but those bandits were gone like this!" Maristela snapped his fingers and fluttered them in the air before grabbing the reins again. "I wanna learn how ya did that! What spell was it?"
"It ain't no spell. I'm just efficient," Samson, growing more annoyed, took the reins back from Maristela's grasp. "Ya ain't gonna learn jack under me. I ain't got a lick of magic in my soul, bones, or muscles. Now go, 'n forget that this ever happened." He sat back up and motioned his reins for Icarus to bolt out of there before Maristela could get in more trouble.
The young wizard watched him as Icarus took him back to a far away town. The reins he held onto were imbued with a sort of tracking signature only visible to him. Maristela walked to the dock, knowing that Samson had stopped right in front of Thorndune. It wasn't that far, just on the other side of the mesa and could be reached through a personal boat... 
- * _ - _ - _ * -
The next morning had him waking up early, way before his uncle, and grabbing some change before hopping onto the next boat to Thorndune. He had plans upon plans, in case Samson continued to refuse the offer. It wasn't until he arrived at Samson's location, where Samson leaned against the fence which housed Icarus with a rather defeated face before he held up brightly glowing reins.
"Th' hell's this, son?" Samson asked, slinging the detached reins over his shoulder and stepping forth to meet Maristela. His big hat provided a rather nice shade from the sun in the east, but it also just made Samson look a little more scary than last night.
"It's just uh, I wanted ta -" Samson cut him off by holding up a finger in front of him.
"Ah ah ah. I already said no, got it?" Samson hissed. He turned around and hopped over the fence, but the kid persisted. Maristela followed him into Icarus's stable, which was met with confusion until the kid grabbed Samson's cloak.
"C'mon, pleaaaase? How am I supposed to survive on my own, huh? My uncle can't even get on his own feet without a cane, or leave past the house fer that matter, 'n my mommas..." Maristela trailed off and sniffled quietly. "I ain't got anyone in my family to help me. Yer my only hope." He looked up at the man with big pleading eyes and a poor expression on his face. Samson, in his heart, heard a faint, familiar voice which told him to help the kid. He did somewhat take pity on him- especially now that he could see the beginnings of a familiar birthmark on his neck. Maybe it was his guilt-riddled consciousness, or the voice in his heart, but Samson closed his eyes, tilted his head back, and sighed.
"... Fine. I'll help-" Maristela let go of Samson's cloak and jumped, whooping and hollering. "But! Under one condition."
The young wizard stopped his festivities and turned to look at his new mentor again.
"I'll only deal with th' actual fightin'. Ya ain't gonna be learnin' no magic from me- All that's gonna be yer homework, deal?" Samson extended his gloved hand and looked down at Maristela.
"I understand!" Maristela took Samson's hand and shook it roughly. There was a fond smile that barely slipped past Samson's consciousness, the corner of his lip turning up ever so slightly. Maristela's spunk and attitude started to grow on him a little, but he tried to shake it off; after all, he wouldn't want to get too attached once his ultimate plan would come to fruition later down the line, right?
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mushlandsandbeyond · 11 months
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doodle page :3
from left to right, top to bottom:
Coleman and Humana walking and talking
Samson in a sweater. He's content and drinking a hot beverage
Faust and Lupeeria. The former is telling Faust, "I can help you, Faust!" yet Faust says "You're too late, Lupeeria".
Prisma in the regular Bee Keeper uniform and Dorian in Ceremonial Bee Keeper armor.
A headshot of Faust in a Seeker's Council uniform, while corrupted with the Void.
Young Maristela and Serena.
A new version of Abby, the Mayor of the Mushroom Village! she's wearing mushroom-themed clothing and holding a giant mushroom umbrella.
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glassydiatom · 2 years
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Maristela Aphros and Marisa Calum, bounty hunters of Echino Mesa!
Maristela is a young wizard of Aphros descent, a family of mariner wizards who are well known for possibly being the cause of The Cataclysm in 1500. he is now the (secret) protege of said Cataclysm, aka Samson. someday, he hopes to get rid of Samson once he has full mastery of his power.
Marisa is a witch even younger than Maristela (she’s 18, he’s 21). her hat holds vaguely gun-shaped sticks that can fire multicolored bullets of light. she is also proficient in transformation magic as sand that she throws turns into explosive rainbow dust. when she was 15 she saw Samson and chose violence (and has been fighting him at least... once a week since LOL). Marisa is owned by @huskies709
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glassydiatom · 2 years
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glassydiatom · 1 year
I know it's 3 in the morning as of writing this but hfughhd
Philippe coming home, the city he once defended and upheld in disarray because of his twin sister's rule... Ariana couldn't help but be so ashamed of herself, but quietly, as she defended her own actions by claiming it was for the benefit of magic users
But really it was for her. She sent their knight in shining armor to the seas while she took everything from them, and suddenly after he came back disaster struck echino mesa
Ariana perished first. And Philippe would've survived had he had enough time to cast his powerful spell, but alas she took succumbed to the same date as his twin
Philippes heroic spirit and drive still lives on in Maristela... And to Samson he can't help but feel so haunted by their similarities despite being alive about 1500 years apart
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mushlandsandbeyond · 2 years
From Echino Mesa to Nuvola Rosa
Two young wizards talk to each other for the first time using stellar transmission, a practically defunct form of communication with magic-users.
Just Paste It version here: [Link]
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Perched on the roof of his home, Maristela fixed his gaze on the flickering stars. It was the dead of night. Beneath him, the sea gently licked and lapped at the fine sand while fish and squids weaved through coral like needles creating a new dress shirt. Sea pickles formed a soft glow in the ocean and created a more welcoming ocean, one that was not a dark void whenever nighttime fell.
This would be his twentieth time practicing stellar transmission, a practically defunct form of communication with magic-users. He came across it while he was studying in Starfish Valley's library. The notion that he might be the only one who knows about this excited and motivated him to continue learning it.
This time he's more confident in his abilities. He stared at one of the stars in the sky in front of him, focusing it until it was one of the only things left in his vision, then tapped his knee to write his first word.
It was something he wrote last month, the first time he actually got it to work. There was no response, which was to be expected. Maristela didn't expect to get another response with this one, either, but it was fun regardle-
One of the stars adjacent to the one he was focusing on flashed and wrote back. Maristela jumped and lost sight of it for a brief second before he went back to concentrate, tapping rapidly,
[What do you mean? I'm saying hello.]
He waited...
[Oh! Well, hello there! I didn't know someone else used stellar transmission.]
Maristela's eyebrows furrowed and he huffed, slightly frustrated that he wasn't the only one who learned it. But hey, two is better than one! This other person seemed to be adept at communicating given the length of their response.
[I didn't know either! I shall introduce myself. My name is Maristela Aphros.]
There was a pause on the other side. He worried a little and tapped on his knee.
[sorry did you write aphros]
[Yes, why?]
Another delay.
[Wow! Your clan is super famous!]
[Oh really?]
[Yeah! I read about it when I was young, and then my mentor explained to me that the Cataclysm was real... So many wizards have chalked it up to be myth over the years, but it's mostly just the older wizards. Now that I think about it, it's hard to really read up on it, at least with the truth and not the mythcised version....
OK sorry! My name is Polaris Tang!]
Ah, great. Of course history only remembers the Cataclysm and not the other (and arguably cooler) facts of the Aphros clan.
[Polaris? That's a really nice name!]
[Thank you!
So, you're in Echino Mesa?]
[You know it. What about you?]
[I'm in Nuvola Rosa! Not to brag or anything, but I'm the apprentice of the Head Wizard!]
... Huh. Well, that explains a lot of things now. Maristela sank a little where he sat and felt like a little specimen waiting to be studied by someone in one of the most prominent cities of modern wizard culture.
[Wow, that's quite the position!]
[IKR! I'm going to become Head Wizard in only a few decades, it's kind of scary but I think I'll be a great leader! At least that's what Antony says. So, what about you? Are you also an apprentice?]
Better to be honest than lie about it.
[No. I just study by myself. Echino Mesa isn't what it was in its past haha]
[Oh, silly me. I forgot about that haha]
[Well Maristela, I have to go to bed. But we can talk tomorrow night, if you want!]
The young wizard smiled. 
[I’d love to. Goodnight, Polaris.]
[Goodnight Maristela!]
And with that, Maristela unfocused on the field of stars and he fell onto his back. His head was spinning like a wooden top and his vision blurred for a moment. He closed his eyes and managed to catch up in just a few minutes. The side effects were something he disregarded while studying, so this was another lesson in disguise.
He laughed and sat up, knowing he had made a friend from far away. This was just their little thing, so he will cherish it until the very end of their existence.
Maristela blinked and looked at the sea of colours before climbing back down. His soles made contact with the sand that gave way and he shuffled to the porch, where he cleaned up before entering the house quietly. He wrote down in his diary before passing out, dreaming of a faraway island floating hundreds of meters above the ocean.
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