thesilliestofgals · 1 year
Serious answer: WAD was honestly a perfect way to end TOH. They took what time they were given and crafted something beautiful. I actually predicted that Luz would get hurt/temporarily die to cause Eda and King to absolutely feral, so seeing my theory come true was both exhilarating and heartbreaking. Also, they went off on her Titan design, and I LOVE IT. I had like. one or two minor gripes (not seeing Caleb and/or Evelyn), but again, minor gripes, nothing too major. 100000/10, will definitely watch again.
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dodelidoo · 1 year
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When you give the #1 kisser mug to your other girlfriend for Valentine’s Day
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Anyway happy Valentine’s Day ❤️💚💙
@monochromatic-ahhhh @maritasdump @ohyoumeanher @goodartitude @gayfrogcoven @disneydude94 @extrabobagal @yourpersonaltimebomb @amphibicronus @wolfy-harvey @heart-wit-strength @thisonlyguy-49 @queercoded-disney-villain @bookmermaidcats
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astro-inthestars · 1 year
To my Dearest Friends.....
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You KNOW that on this day about LOVE and CARING and ADMIRATION I will ABSOLUTELY do something cheesy for my friends <3
Okay but in all seriousness. Thank you. To my friends who have been with me since my early days on Tumblr, and to my new ones whom I have gotten close with and whose company I enjoy dearly..... I love you. Thank you for being in my life. You have no idea how honored I am to know that I am loved by such amazing people, so as always, I return the favor tenfold.
I'd usually write a four paragraphed essay about how amazing my friends are, and how they've changed my life, and how they make me a better person... But I'm sleepy now and I have school tomorrow, so this is short- Either way, please know that you are loved. Even if you aren't my friend!! i want you to know that I care about you! And on this day about love, know that I love you, for what it's worth.
Now, time to tag some amazing people (my friends btw) Only the ones I can remember at this moment though i am very sleeby
@serizawasweep @chaosites @joyflameball @just-jammin @djts-arts @ghost-vessel @brainless-but-thats-all @ayyyyysexual @sashimi-buttons @alien-space-cat @bloop-arts @borkthemork @slymanner @maritasdump @miraclesprinkles @totallynottogsblog @chipistrate @s0ckh3adstudios @notafamousblog (CREATOR WHY TF CANT I @ YOU BITCH) @the-real-aurora-borealis @thefunnyalice @twipsai @deadlydoofus @omori-sv-au @freemonngo and many more I cannot remember right now for the life of me- BUT JUST KNOW I LOVE YOU WHOEVER ANY OF YOU ARE!! HAPPY VALENTINES!!!
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url change!!
that-look-in-your-eyes -> how-many-stars-can-you-count
@f1sh-eyes @trustmeifyoudare @eyes-like-pisces @s-and-man @theultracharmingladynoire @memories-feel-like-weapons @maritasdump
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scribicronus-v02 · 1 year
Amphibia: Switched AU Ficlet
Been a long while since I posted any of my writing on here (got Writer’s Block, what can you do?)
@eeveearoace wrote a thing last night that had the gears in my head going. I remember I wrote this before my first account got the axe, so I figured I’ll go with the theme Kai and @arcadiii started and repost my old drabble from a potential AU I had where Anne was fatally injured in TC instead of Marcy.
Tag List:
@karamelys, @popcornbee, @borkthemork, @themissakat, @sashimi-buttons, @maritasdump, @kaseyskat, @marcy-wu-on-the-brain, @cynthiacoven, @slymanner, @space-lynn, @camomile-t, @calamity-unlocked, @weedplantar, @mira-blue, @pyroclastic727, @goodartitude, @yourpersonaltimebomb, @honneibun, @tharrb​, @sonofrose​
If anyone can point me towards Skibs’ new acct, that would be great and I can add them back onto the tag list.
Switched AU Drabble
Marcy shot to a sitting position, her pajama top soaked in sweat. She clutched at her chest and fought to control her breathing.
“Marcy? You all right?”
She looked down to see Hop Pop looking up at her with concern.
“Umm, bad dream,” Marcy said with a nervous laugh. “I'll be fine, Hop Pop. You just get back to sleep.” Even as she turned around in bed, she could still feel the old frog's stare boring into her back.
She clamped her eyes shut and tried her hardest to even her breathing but she immediately regretted it. She felt tears at the corners of her eyes as the events of hours ago unfolded before her in perfectly grim detail...
The castle around them rumbled as she took the box from its pedestal and turned the key a few times.
“Please work, please work, please work...” she pleaded. A portal of white light started to form in the air in front of her.
“No!” Andrias' voice boomed behind her.
“Me and Grime will hold him! Just go!” Sasha ordered. Marcy turned around to see Anne and the Plantars getting up and shuffling towards them, Polly dragging Frobo's head behind her while Hop Pop and Sprig were helping Anne amble towards her.
“Quick, into the portal, everyone! Hurry!”
Anne and the Plantars were partially through but turned round and waited expectantly for Marcy.
“Marcy, hurry!”
“I just need to...”
What happened next was a complete blur but also felt like an eternity, a scant few seconds that would brand itself into her brain and haunt her nightmares forever.
She felt Anne clutch at the shell pin on her cloak.
She saw Anne's glowing blue eyes, staring just past her and filled with dread.
She felt the box being wrested from her grasp.
She felt her cloak whipping around her as she was lifted off her feet.
She watched as Anne twisted around, flinging her in the direction of the portal.
She saw darkness shroud Anne as Andrias loomed over her.
She saw a blade of fire burst out of Anne's chest.
She saw Anne's eyes, fading from their glowing blue into their normal chestnut brown. She saw pain but at the same time she saw...a resigned peace in them.
She heard Andrias' voice, dripping with venom and condescension.
“Now look what you've made me do.”
She saw tears forming in Anne's eyes while a weak smile played across her lips.
“Good...” Anne managed as she locked eyes with Marcy. “You're safe...”
She didn't even recognize her own voice desperately calling Anne's name as her best friend pitched forward and fell to the floor, dropping the box.
She saw the box open, and her vision was seared by a bright white light...
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adoras-jacket · 3 years
Matching elements tattoos LESGO
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They’re so cool me wants
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waybrights · 3 years
I will SCREAM if you could do this
Sashanne pianist au and AS CLICHE AS THIS MAY SOUND BECAUSE I'M PROJECTING HARD HERE Sasha is practicing her pieces on the piano in her practice room and Anne finds there since it's been hours (she has a piano exam she needs to pass I'm being a nerd) and just,,, idk man idk sashanne pianist au brainrot hours kansjsnsnsnjssn
oooh sashanne pianist au my beloved!!!
anne would like to say that she knew it was sasha in the practice room because of how beautifully her piece was being played, that she could just tell it was sasha because only she could play something so mesmerizing at two in the morning. but that wasn't true. she knew it was sasha due to the incredibly long, and incredibly loud string of curses that echoed through the empty hall, followed by hands slamming on the keys and a discordant chord ending off the outburst.
"sash?" anne asked tentatively, pushing the door open a crack and peering into the overly bright room.
"hey, annie," sasha replied ever so quietly, her voice carrying a tiredness anne could only imagine. "what're you doing here so late?"
"i could ask you the same question," anne said, pushing the door open and slipping into the practice room. it wasn't overly fancy, just a small beige room, discarded bows and broken instruments pushed to the side, making way for the piano and the blonde girl sat at it in the middle.
sasha was slumped over the keys, her arms crossed under her head as she looked over to anne. her blonde hair had come out of it's usually perfect ponytail and now hung limply over her face. she looked tired, and it made anne want to take her home and never let her in this stupid room again.
"i'm just practicing," she yawned, shooting anne a tired smile.
"how long have you been here?" anne mumbled, coming up behind sasha and wrapping her arms around sasha's shoulders.
she didn't reply for a while, and anne was half worried she'd fallen asleep right there. but then a quiet hum came from her chest and she shifted. sasha uncurled herself, pressing her back against anne's chest like a wall as she ran a hand over the ivory keys. "i dunno... but it's for my next exam, it's soon but i keep messing up this bit-"
"and you think staying here until the sun rises is gonna help you with that?" anne whispered, pressing a gentle kiss to sasha's forehead.
"can you stop being a good influence for ten minutes?" sasha laughed, though it came out as nothing much more than a few tired huffs.
"god, you're exhausted, sash," anne mumbled, unconsciously starting to card her fingers through sasha's hair.
"mmm, i'm fine worry wart."
"you're literally falling alseep on my chest," anne laughed as sasha slowly shook her head.
"well, i can't if you keep talking," sasha grumbled, poking anne's stomach.
"i'm sure our bed is much more comfortable than this, besides, your piano isn't going to get up and walk away if you leave its side for the day."
"you're lucky i love you," sasha said, slowly pushing herself up.
"yeah, i know."
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borkthemork · 3 years
*sigh* captain Billy of thr night rangers
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Ah yes. I will always remember the adventures of Marcy and the Newtopian Ranger branch.
How she went head-to-head for the role of Head Ranger with the ranger’s local fuckboy Trent Newtingly Newtington from Locuples District‘s rich Newtington family, and how she got him to become humble while realizing that he fell in love with his best friend axolotl ranger going by the name of Bob.
How she tried to become their wingman by the power of schedules and dating sim logic to make the best planned (to the concerning letter) date of all time, only to be confused when Trent felt restricted by it all, almost as if Marcy wanted them to go on a date speedrun at 100% completion.
Thus, she learned a valuable lesson in how to consider other peoples’ feelings when it came to planning, and ultimately get a life lesson from Captain Billy about how one shouldn’t force their own feelings and that it’s okay to feel turbulent and helpless over feelings we don’t truly understand or comprehend since emotions are what make us huma—err I mean amphibian.
Love takes time. Love takes care, compassion, the space to understand. Dating sims can’t replicate the true nature of the amphibian experience, and Marcy now knows this.
And then days later, Captain Billy, the great mascot of the Newtopian Rangers, inevitably died.
His grave was a massive one, full of crying rangers alike, and Marcy was one of them. For Captain Billy was a godsend among the rangers, and it wouldn’t be the same without him.
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pyroclastic727 · 3 years
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Y'all better mention the amphibiapocalypse or else-
WHAT DO I EVEN SAY?! "hey matt have you heard about the amphibiapocalypse where you change your pfp to one of these attached pictures and scream a lot?"
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candydos · 2 years
when you get this you have to answer with 5 things u like about yourself, publicly. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers <3
aw mari dude ;-;; thank you that’s so sweet hehe, you’re so cool yourself!
I like that I can pick things up on my own, whether it be skills or just learning things! my parents just left me to my own devices regarding school so I became a self-learner pretty fast haha; things like animation or guitar fall under this and I’m pretty proud of my progress with those :)
I like that I make efforts to be encouraging or show appreciation to others (when I can/have energy). it’s like a “treat others how you want to be treated” thing, and I feel great when I see people’s tags or messages so I try to give as much as I can too :)
I like that I’ve changed from a “go big or go home” to a more “it’s in the universe’s hands now, whatever lol” mindset. the former was really bad for my perfectionism and “going home” felt like a defeat; the latter is kinder on myself for however things turn out!
(I’d like to think) I’m accommodating to a lot of people and give them that safe space. I’m not the best at maintaining online conversations but I like to give people space to talk and support in their interests (guess that’s my love language haha)
I like that I care. a lot HAHA. maybe it’s from very gung-ho work ethics I picked up from young, but I always want to give my 110% to whatever I do because there’s no point in half-assery; last-minute work be damned, I’ll get it done and give you something I’m happy with :p
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thesilliestofgals · 2 months
BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD!❣️ Once you are given this award you're supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people you adore! Absolutely no pressure but. It's sweet to know someone thinks you're beautiful inside and out <3
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Tags (sorry I didn't do 8 people fhhghh): @maritasdump @calebs-hangout-corner @the-lavender-creator @gumjester
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dodelidoo · 10 months
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Wanna stand under my umbrella ☔️
@monochromatic-ahhhh @maritasdump @ohyoumeanher @goodartitude @gayfrogcoven @disneydude94 @extrabobagal @amphibicronus @wolfy-harvey @heart-wit-strength @thisonlyguy-49 @queercoded-disney-villain @bookmermaidcats @yourpersonaltimebomb @kristoft51
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ysabellious · 3 years
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url change!!!
clairelk6 -> that-look-in-your-eyes
so I've been going under the name "claire" online but like I wanna change it to lia now so yeah!! call me lia
tagging some mutuals:
@maritasdump @lostwithoutamind @miraculousbugaboii @vicious-august @your-brittle-heart-warm @ialmostdonothingnew @cannotthinkofanamern @thegirlwithherheadintheclouds @trustmeifyoudare @alishasnoidea @theultracharmingladynoire @s-and-man @f1sh-eyes @taylorswifff @yonkitybonkity
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jaekaicx · 3 years
Freeze! ✧ ─=≡Σ((( つ•̀ω•́)つ You’re under arrest for being so lovely. Copy this message to 10 other blogs (or not!) that you think are beautiful and deserve it. Keep the game going and make others feel beautiful!
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You're weird but so am I let's be fwiends
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