#marko lostboys
legal-lost-boy · 2 years
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What if Marko didn't get staked that day
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ghosttriesliving · 1 month
Just put up these Lost Boys buttons on my Etsy! 🦇🦇
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27 and 3 with poly boys? 👀 (if possible, it’s not us getting hurt, instead it’s one of the boys and we are helping care for them?)
3. Go back to your coffin
27. "I'm fine." "You're not, you're bleeding." "What?"
I hope you like this!
I smiled as Dwayne pulled me into a dance, a mellow rocksong playing in the background. The others were out for the night, deciding to hunt on their own. Dwayne had decided to stay with me, knowing how rare it was to have any actual one on one time. I loved the boys, and I loved spending time with all of them together. But moments like these, alone in his arms, being able to really be with just him for a moment - they were sacred.
"What are you thinking about?"
"You," I admitted, "us. How perfect it is."
"I'm glad you're happy," he said as he kissed me slowly, "I know it's a big change."
He was right about that. Going from zero boyfriends to four is a lot, and practically moving in after the first date wasn't a small thing either. Then, of course, there was the fact that they were vampires, and not only that - I literally belonged to them. I was destined to be with them, can you imagine that? It was a lot, but the boys understood that. They knew to take it slow, to let things grow on their own.
"It is," I said, "but I'm happy I found you four. I'm also really happy I don't have to change like, right now-"
Dwayne laughed, stopping the music suddenly as he heard stumbling outside.
"What's going on?"
"Paul got hurt," he explained, taking my hand as he rushed outside, me following close behind. "Paul?"
We stood there, seeing him stumble down the stairs, guided by David and Marko.
"What happened out there?" I asked as I rushed to his side.
"Werewolves. They saw us hunt, and they attacked. Paul just got a little banged up, is all."
I frowned slightly, pulling him into a hug. "I'm glad you three are home. Are the werewolves still around?"
Marko nodded. "They got away before we could do anything. We were too busy making sure Paul didn't get killed."
"Are the two of you okay?" Dwayne asked as he looked the others over. Marko shrugged, as David nodded.
"We should go inside," I said as I looked at the sky. "Is it me, or is it getting lighter?"
"Yeah, " Paul mumbled, sounding tired, "nights ending."
I held him, his arm laying over my shoulder as I guided him down the rest of the steps into the cave. I gently put him down on the couch as I looked him over, brushing some hair out of his face.
"Are you-?"
"I'm fine," he tried to brush me off, clearly trying to sound more healthy and awake than he actually was. I sighed, my left hand resting on my right shoulder as I felt something sticky. I looked, seeing my fingers were red. Blood.
"You're not," I said softly, looking him over again, "You're bleeding."
I nodded, asking him to take off his jacket. There, on his side, was a bite. I froze. Marko had told me that werewolfbites were lethal to vampires.
"David!" I called, trying to keep my fear from sounding through. He was at the other side of the cave, talking with Marko and Dwayne about how to deal with the werewolves.
"What's - oh shit," he looked at me and then at Paul, who looked paler with the second. "Marko, I need the bottle! Dwayne, make sure a coffin is ready."
"What can I do?" I asked as I exposed the wound further so he could inspect it.
"I'm going to be okay, babes," Paul mumbled, sighing deeply.
"I know, I know you'll be." I closed my eyes, fighting back the tears. "If you're not, I'm going to make you regret it."
He chuckled weakly, hissing as David touched the ripped flesh. Marko handed him the bejewelled bottle. David popped the cap off, making sure it was still fresh enough before giving it to Paul. As he drank, slowly but surely, the wound began to close, stitching itself shut. Paul groaned, before passing out.
"He'll be okay," Marko gave me a reassuring look. "I also survived a similar wound. He'll be fine."
"I don't want to lose any of you."
"We don't either," David lifted Paul up, walking towards the back of the cave. "I'm glad you noticed it. If you hadn't, we could have been too late."
I nodded, shivering slightly. If I hadn't found it at the moment I did, Paul would have been dead. I looked up as Marko took my hand, taking me with him as he entered a deeper part of the cave. It was in a hallway next to their usual sleeping area, where four coffins stood.
"We don't usually sleep in them," Dwayne explained as he looked at my curious expression. "But they're best when we're hurt."
I nodded, grateful to see a normal bed standing in the corner, right next to Paul's coffin. I watched as the others laid down in their own coffins, sitting down on the bed myself. As exhausted as I was, I couldn't sleep. I needed to know Paul was okay, and the others would stay okay.
It was eight in the morning when I woke with a start, feeling a sharp thing pierce my finger. I glared at the thing disturbing my slumber when I realised it was none other than Paul.
"What are you doing?" I hissed, careful not to wake the others.
"I'm hungry, babe."
"I know I'm a snack, but I'm not a snack! I can fetch the bottle for you, if you need blood?"
Paul shook his head, stretching out his arm to mine.
"I want yours."
"Well, too bad, because that isn't happening."
"But babe!"
I shook my head, a stern look on my face. "Go back to your coffin."
"Go back to your coffin. I love you, sleep tight, I'm going to see if David has some spare room for me in his coffin."
"Why?" Paul looked at me as if I had just told him his cat died. I'd never seen him with such an intensely hurt look before.
"Because I don't want to wake up being drained from my blood by my own boyfriend."
He pouted, sliding back in his coffin as he yawned. "I'll try again tomorrow," he mumbled before dozing off again.
"Try that," I sighed softly as I tiptoed out of my bed across the room until I stopped at David's coffin. The lid wasn't on it, and to my surprise, he was awake.
"Couldn't sleep either, hm?"
I shook my head, taking his hand as he helped me get in. "I was worried about Paul."
"Seems like he'll be okay, though."
"Yeah. Bastard already tried to take a nible from my finger," I showed David the shallow wound. He had a teasing grin on his face as he kissed it, slowly kicking the blooddrops off of it.
"You taste good."
"Can I sleep safely in here?" I asked, only slightly teasing.
"We'd never hurt you, darling. Sleep. Paul is going to be okay, and you won't be if you don't sleep enough."
I nodded, smiling softly as I got comfortable, my head laying on his chest. David was right. Paul would be okay.
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mayonnaise2004 · 6 months
Paul with a !Trad goth! Reader
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(I’m thinking of writing all the boys with a tradgoth reader, lol.)
- Paul is a firecracker, we all know that; and so does all of Santa Carla.
- And frankly, he doesn’t have any shame. When he sees a girl he likes he does whatever his partially smooth brain tells him to
- Meeting you was different though, you were different. Your beautiful face was covered in a white base, and painted on features made Paul go hot in the face (which he was bullied profusely for.)
- He’s blushing like a schoolboy if you give him any type of compliment, It could be about his hair, shoes, or even his voice!
- David was actually the one who got you two together. He was sick and tired of Paul rambling about you, and honestly told you how Paul actually felt to try and embarrass him.
- Little did the jackass know, you thought it was kinda dorky (in a good way.), considering you had heard how Paul could be.
- The interaction the next night definitely confused Paul, why were you so.. Confident all of a sudden? But the blond was definitely not going to say no to getting something to eat with you!
- And as the sun rose, Paul walked back into the cave with a lipstick mark on his cheek, a lovesick grin, and a pep in his step
- this boy has been around a long long time. Yeah he’s had a few lovers, but you stick out the most.
- Paul likes to sit between your legs, his chin rested on your shoulder while you do his makeup. He finds it very soothing, to look up at your bare, scrunched up in concentration face.
- hearing about his weird dreams
- having to deal with a stoned vampire with a very high sex drive every few days
- making each other CD’s
- ^ which includes introducing each other to artists
- hanging out with Marko
- him being protective over you (he will beat the shit out of someone if they even look at you the wrong way.)
- Boardwalk dates
- Tons of kisses, Even more if you have birthmarks/Moles on your face.
- Stealing eachothers clothes
- Swedish pet names (Älskling, Käraste, Hjärtat.)
- If your one of the goths who believe in dancing the way that the music makes you feel, he thinks it’s freakin cool! Loves to watch you express yourself.
- makes a big deal out of it when you don’t wear your traditional makeup ‘“babe? Where are you!?”’ (While you are right in front of him)
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brknmnds · 10 months
@coastercrushed Paul/Mapplethorpe/Marko
"Come Baby girl." Paul said as he moved behind him andwrapped his arms around his waist, moving to remove his shirt. Marko moved to his front and worked to undo the halflings pants, his hand going into his pants and taking his length in his hand, fixing it a small squeeze. "Don't you want to be filled from both ends? Show us what a true little slut you are."
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davidsdussy · 2 years
AAYEEEE posting some stuff tomorrow! Feel free to request right now! Also might do a Ship HC event too!! Just pick out whatever character you want and make sure to add if you want fluff or nsfw or both!
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jinna-aka-ninja · 1 year
Calling of the Souls ~ Poly!LostBoys X Fem!Reader Part 8
Word Count: 2,222
A/N: Okay so I kind of dropped the ball lately, sorry guys. I swear I was going to write on my last days off but a huge storm hit and knocked out the entire towns power, then a giant tree fell in my backyard and crushed one of the cars. It's been a mess. But i'm here! On with the program!
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How could this guy be so utterly shameless? Y/N was fuming. Her eyes narrowed at Tyr as she felt Marko’s grip around her waist tighten.
Tyr was testing them. Having said such a thing surrounded by humans on the boardwalk, with her in the arms of a vampire, he wanted to know what they would do to her had they known that she knew without it having been them who had told her.
“You know if you hurt her then I’ll have to fight you, right?” Tyr asked, wanting to make it very clear they would not have the chance to harm her before he got involved.
“We wouldn’t hurt her, you on the other hand, we wouldn’t mind hurting.” David growled the words out in warning.
Dwayne had finally looked to Tyr when he had made it known that Y/N knew. Then he looked back at her, “You’re not scared.” He commented, a little surprised, “You do look angry though.”
“You’re damn right I’m angry! Tyr! I wanted to tell them!” Y/N said to him though thanks to the ever growing tightness of the grip Marko had on her waist she had finally started to wiggle her way out of his grasp.
Marko didn’t seem happy with that attempt though. His eyes snapping to her, “Where are you going?” He asked, feeling wary that she was going to head back to Tyr and stay away from them.
“I’m bruising.” Y/N said to him calmly now because she knew that snapping at these four would be entirely uncalled for. At the admission, Marko loosened his grip but had not let go of her completely.
“Now you can stay.” He said as if it was the most understandable thing. If she was no longer bruising from his grasp then she could stay in his arms. Y/N huffed but didn’t fight it any more.
“This is not nearly as fun as I wanted it to be.” Tyr groaned as he watched them practically group around Y/N as if trying to protect her. “Maybe we can play hide and seek?”
At the mention of the game Y/N’s eyes grew wide, “Tyr, don’t you dare! I mean it! If you do it I’ll be really really mad!” She warned him making the demon slump his shoulders in defeat. She was already on edge thanks to his actions and words and if he pushed it too far then he knew she would be upset.
Hide and Seek was one of Y/N’s favourite games to play when she was younger. With a snap of his fingers, Tyr made himself vanish and she had to find him through whichever place they chose to be their playground of sorts. When he had mentioned it now, Y/N knew Tyr would have made herself disappear to see how long it would take them to find her. “You’re no fun. It’s your favourite game. I thought you liked being chased.”
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“This is not the time to play games.” Y/N said to him glad that he had not attempted to go through with it. “Please, Tyr really is just a friend. I promise.” She assured the guys who looked at her curiously now as realization had seemed to set in.
“Why in the world would you willingly go into a vampires den?” Dwayne asked her. It was one of the dumbest things he could think of. It was dangerous, what if they had not been her mates? Would she still have done such a thing? Did she know of mates?
Tyr laughed when the question had been asked; mostly he was wondering the same thing. Y/N was strong, but she didn’t know how to unlock that power in its full extent yet. With the amount of time they had known each other Tyr had tried to help her learn to control her abilities, it just felt like something was holding her back. Maybe it was humanity. So it really had been stupid of her to go into a vampires nest. Mates or no mates, it was stupid.
Y/N couldn’t help but feel that everyone was looking at her like she was an idiot making her bristle with indignation under their gazes. “I knew you would not hurt me.”
Paul grinned from ear to ear and swiftly took her from Marko’s grasp into a hug, “Of course we would not hurt you! You’re our girl! But you have to drink from the bottle okay?”
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“No!” Y/N said a little too frantically making the four vampires stiffen. She clearly knew what was in the bottle now.
“You won’t even taste it, I promise!” Paul said thinking that maybe this was the reason she didn’t want to drink the bottle. Who would really willingly drink unknown blood? “Or... is it because you would rather drink ours?”
“I’m not going to drink any blood.” She said quietly looking around since they were still somewhere too public, and yet Tyr didn’t seem to want to leave the public setting. Clearly he was still too exhausted to fight them willingly and wanted to be able to have a backup plan.
This was not something that failed to be noticed by Y/N. This man was still far too tired and needed rest and yet here he was trying to stir trouble. It was like he wanted to cause strife between the boys and Y/N. It made sense, Tyr hated anything without a soul as he put it, or with ‘dead souls’.
David, Paul, Marko and Dwayne were consumed. She knew what they were, she knew that they would not age and yet she would refuse to drink their blood?
“Since Tyr seems to believe that there is no need for us to keep secrets then I might as well say that I am not exactly human either.” Y/N spoke up feeling odd at saying such a thing out loud. It had been practically taboo of her to mention this.
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Y/N wasn’t wrong because the moment she said these words Tyr acted and took a hold of her wrist and quickly pulled her away from them all the while muttering to her about how she was throwing her life away by saying that out loud. “You cannot say that out loud ever again!” Tyr said to her, “You are human, okay? If anyone asks, you are human.”
“Why can’t I say that I’m a demon like you?” Y/N asked Tyr turning around seeing the four vampires hot on their tail. They were not about to let them get away. Not after hearing her say those words. They wanted answers and they had to get them one way or another. “Tyr, they are my soulmates. They will not do something to me. I don’t think I have any need to keep myself hidden from them.”
“You have to stay hidden from everyone. You know the importance of it.” Tyr reminded Y/N but she didn’t know! He had never told her the details of it all. From the very moment that she was able to comprehend she wasn’t human he never told her why it was so important for her to never say it out loud.
“You’re keeping secrets from me, aren’t you?” Y/N asked him as she tried to tug her wrist out of his.
 They had managed to get somewhere secluded and that was when the boys struck. Dwayne pulled Y/N into his arms, holding her close as if he was trying to shield her from the world using his body.
David had grabbed Tyr from the collar of his coat and shoved him against a nearby wall. “You will not take her from us. Do you understand? She does not belong to you, so don’t you dare drag her away.”
The words sounded almost sweet... for a moment but Y/N didn’t fail to notice that David didn’t say that she didn’t belong to anyone. “David let him go!” Y/N demanded trying to pull herself from Dwayne’s grasp but he only held onto her tighter so she couldn’t get out.
“Stop, he needs to show him he cannot just take you from us.” Dwayne spoke quietly into her ear. Y/N felt a shiver go down her spine from how deep his voice had gotten when he whispered into her ear like that.
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“But he cannot hurt him!” Y/N said to Dwayne, “Please Dwayne, he’s my best friend. Please.” She pled to the vampire hoping that he would understand how much Tyr meant to her.
“Tch. David. Don’t hurt him.” Dwayne said out to David who rolled his eyes in response.
David growled and released Tyr who didn’t seem in the least bit scared of David, “Don’t you touch me Vampire. You don’t understand the troubles that can come if you know more than you should. I spent nearly her entire life keeping her life safe. Making sure that she would never feel the hurt that could come if anyone were to know. I won’t let you ruin it because of some soulmate bond. She’s like family to me, and I will protect her with my life until I take my last breath.” Tyr growled to him as the area around them seemingly started to grow darker and darker. Tyr was growing angry and draining the area around them of light to fuel him enough to fight for a short while if he needed to.
This was becoming far too dangerous. I was worried and didn’t know who I was more worried about at this point. The boys were strong but so was Try, I just didn’t ever want to find out who would get hurt the worst if a fight did manage to break out between them.
“Tyr, David, Marko, Paul...” I said seeing the other two vampires starting to move in closer to Tyr like a pack closing in on their target. “We can work this out peacefully. Let’s just talk it out, okay? Things will be better for all of us if we just put aside our anger and worked it out in a way we can talk about why it’s upsetting us so much. I know there are secrets that we all have but the sooner its worked out the better.”
“What the fuck do you think you are doing?! Let go of her!” A voice called out and Y/N cursed under her breath seeing Michael coming over, more like sprinting over to Dwayne and Y/N. Why the hell did this guy have the absolute worst timing? He was only a half vampire! He would definitely be the one who ended up getting hurt the worst in a fight.
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“Michael I swear, if you don’t stop right where you are, things will get ugly.” Y/N warned Michael try to ensure that he remained at least a couple feet away from the ever growing tension.
Maybe Y/N’s luck wasn’t entirely terrible because Michael did in fact stop just a short distance away. Close enough to hear just about everything there but far enough that he would not be accidentally hurt if they did end up starting a fight.
“We are trying to be diplomatic. So let’s all just... calm down and go somewhere more private. This place is kind of secluded but people can still come here.” Y/N tried to point out to the guys who were slowly trying to calm themselves to stop them from doing anything wrong.
Y/N was sure that the vampire boys weren’t actually fighting with Tyr because they truly believed Tyr would be no match for them and didn’t want Y/N to be angry at them if they were responsible for hurting him. Tyr was avoiding trying to use physical force by any means necessary because he didn’t want to drain himself further.
“Fine.” David spoke the single word while turning to Y/N and placing his gloved hand on her cheek after making his way over. “We will go back to the hotel. That place is plenty secluded.”
“Oh sure, we are just going to go to the vampires den! So safe.” Tyr said rolling his eyes. Even Michael seemed on edge with this.
“No, you want her to drink the blood.” Michael said not knowing exactly what was all known at this point.
“Keep up Mikey.” Paul said patting his back, “She already said no. We want to know why.”
“We are going to the hotel.” Y/N said to them, making up her mind. It was the best place that she could think of. Whether it was their den or not, it was the closest to ideal. With that, we started to make our way back to the hotel. Everyone was on edge. Tyr insisted that Y/N ride with him but the two of them didn’t have bikes. Y/N rode with David who wanted her close and Tyr rode with Michael who believed that Tyr was the closest one to want to be on his side on Y/N not being a vampire.
It was the most awkward drive. Usually when they rode it was fun, exciting and all the feelings that came with the thrill but this time it felt like they all felt this tension that had been slowly building right back up as they rode closer to the staircase that would lead them down to the cave they called simply, the hotel.
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Taglist: @simplyreading96 , @bloodywickedvamp , @cocopuffs1450 , @vxarak , @kristel1990 , @sagis116
A/N: Am I missing anyone in the tag list?
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hypocriticaltypwriter · 2 months
Yall we are so close to having all the Lost Boys active RP blogs!! 😭 Just need a Dwayne... 👀👀👀
[Just if anyone is curious in findin em!]
@leather-studded-emerson [thats me!]
And of course I won't forget out lovely OC/Inserts~
@chrissiepop [also me!]
[Reblog or comment if you have a TLB RP blog that I missed or forgot!]
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deathlydavid87 · 2 months
@marko-boy & @paulie-lostboy said I should make one of these... "blog" accounts.
It took me a second to figure the fuck out. Thanks guys.
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chrissiepop · 5 months
@marko-boy @paulie-lostboy
Angel-Face.... Pauly.... Would... Would you still love me if I was a worm..?? 🥺
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luv4fandoms · 2 years
Hi babe! I was just wondering if you had a Lost Boys rec list of all your favorite lost boys fics on this platform?
Hello!! I don't have a whole list, mainly cause I don't think I could fit that many links on one post lol. So off the bat, anything and everything by @auntvamp @6lostgirl6 @patient1666074 @britany1997 @misslavenderlady @tywrites @henhouse-horrors @checkitoutmikey because everything they write is freaking GOLD. @davidsdussy has amazing headcanons!
Some others I love off the top of my head are
Baby Blonde by @kurt-nightcrawler (Paul x reader)
Just one more by @phantomenby (Dwayne x reader)
Are you gonna take your pants off or what? By @nyxnygma (Paul x reader)
Fight by @chubbyreaderchan (Poly!LostBoys x reader)
Eyes on me by @two-red-lungs (Dom!David x reader)
Blood bag by @redamancy-writes (Poly!Lost Boys x reader)
Italian Romeo by @the-lost-boys-whore (Marko x reader)
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legal-lost-boy · 2 years
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🦇 We will never forget 🦇
I might actually work this one out digitally 🤔
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misslavenderlady · 2 years
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It's Just Dark 🕯️
Marko/Paul/Dwayne/David/GN!Reader (They/Them Pronouns)
Summary: After realizing that monsters may actually be real, you decided to venture back into the dark to confirm your suspicions. But don't be scared. Four friendly faces will help you remember how fun the dark can truly be~
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Thank you @ghoulgeousimmaculate for my first ever writing request! I had fun with Don't Be Afraid of The Dark, and it was nice doing a sequel! I hope you enjoy it!
WARNINGS: Nsfw/Smut/18+ Readers Only, Unspecified Genitals for reader, Nyctophobia (turned into love for the dark), Fear of Haunted Houses, Poly!LostBoys, Teasing, Pet Names, Fivesome, Group Sex, Public Sex, Masturbation, Handjob, Blowjob, Sex with the lights off, Vampire Powers, Sex game, Creampie, Aftercare, Good/Safe Ending
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Another night in your room. You were quite comfortable in your special space, all dressed in your favorite pajamas, and the lights dimmed down to your liking. The ideal atmosphere for going to bed, yet sleep was the last thing on your mind. 
For the last few days, you had been debating with yourself on what to do. Things had changed so drastically for you in such a short amount of time. One moment you were trembling like a coward in a silly little pop-up haunt, the next moment you were getting railed by four strangers in a dark room. The gravity of it hadn’t set in until you actually got home that night. You knew nothing about them other than their names, yet they knew just what to do to leave you crying out in ecstasy. 
Well, you did know ONE other thing about them. 
You were so quick to assume that they were just scare actors. After all, why else would four vampiric-looking boys be lurking around a fake haunted house for Halloween? Ghosts and ghouls and other monsters weren’t real. Neither were vampires. Even if their appearances looked far more elaborate, that didn’t mean they were real, honest-to-God monsters.
But if that was the case, why did you have that deep bite mark on your neck?
You couldn’t stop staring at it whenever you were in front of the mirror. It wasn’t infected, and it wasn’t bloody. It was just…there. Two holes together, the same distance as the fangs that shined in David’s mouth. If they were really fake, they wouldn’t have even pierced the skin. Those teeth had not only bitten into you, but were as neat as a surgical incision. Like they were designed for such a clean, strong bite. 
It made your head spin, a million questions rolling around with no answers in sight. This should really shake you up. Frighten you with the knowledge that monsters could actually be real. And yet, whenever you thought about the boys, you were reminded of how good they made you feel. How they made your skin heat up and your heart flutter. You shivered whenever you recalled how David felt inside you.
God, you missed them.
Halloween had already passed, but the haunt would be open for one more night to make up for anyone who had missed out. It was your last chance to find the boys again. The last chance to get some answers about what you had experienced. You had to make sure you weren’t going crazy. And if all went well, then perhaps it couldn’t hurt to have some alone time with them again~
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What were you thinking? Of COURSE, your fears were going to start acting up again when you were at the haunt. 
Even after everything you’d been through, you couldn’t fight back all the paranoia and anxiety that came with these places. You didn’t even have your friends with you this time. This was something you would have to go it alone, and yet you couldn’t find the courage to do it. So you simply stood out on the boardwalk, staring at the haunt and watching a few couples and families excitedly go in for a scare. 
A part of you had been hopeful that the boys would just be walking around the side of the haunt. Maybe taking a smoke break in between moments of their “work”. To your dismay, you didn’t see them, nor did you see any other haunt monsters. They were all hidden inside, not showing their faces to the public so as to not break the immersion.
It was blatantly obvious what you had to do. You were going to have to search inside for them. 
Your hands were trembling, and all you could do to settle them was simply hold them together. You did your best to put on a brave face, not wanting anyone to sense your fears. Best not to draw too much attention to yourself. There weren’t as many people this time around, but it wasn't the other haunt-goers you were worried about most. It was all the scare actors lingering in the shadows. If there were fewer people, that meant you had a bigger target on your back for being on the receiving end of a scare.
Just focus on finding the boys, you thought to yourself. 
It was so dark inside. You had forgotten about that little detail. It was tricky to navigate, but you did your best to hold onto the sides of the walls so you could find your way around the area. With focused eyes, you scanned your surroundings, trying to find any signs of wild hairstyles or flashy jewelry. 
Your heart rate shot up when you heard a scare actor scream on the other side of the area, followed by a terrified shriek of whoever the unlucky victim was that got scared. Terror was overwhelming your nerves. What if you were next? What if this was all a waste of time and you couldn't find them? What if-
"Back again, little one~?"
You couldn’t stop the soft gasp that slipped out of your mouth as you felt breath on your skin and a whisper in your ear. An icy aura surrounded your figure, causing goosebumps to pop up onto your arms. David.
A hand snaked its way into your own, leather-covered fingers entwined with your bare ones. You felt light-headed as you were gently pulled away from the main area, and guided to a spot around the corner, hidden away from others wandering in. 
Before you could even get a word in, you were pushed up against the wall. David's body boxed you in, his knee jutting out to slip in between your legs. With him this close, you could smell the smoke on his breath. It felt like it took your own breath away.
He pulled something out of his pocket. You weren't sure what it was until you heard a familiar flick sound. A small flame flickered out. It was his lighter. 
And it was illuminating a familiar, monstrous-looking face. 
Unlike the first time around where you were startled for a moment but ultimately calmed down from the shock, you were still trembling after seeing his vampire face. The sharp angles in his skull truly were lifelike. You felt foolish for being so quick to believe it was fake the first time around. 
But perhaps you needed more time to figure this all out. Maybe there really was an explanation for all this.
“There you are,” David purred. His tongue slipped past his lips for a mere second before he moved forward. Your mouths fit together, a kiss fueled by the longing of your time apart. Even if it was a few days, David kissed you as if it had been years. It was a miracle there was still air in your lungs by the time he let go to speak again.
“Aww babyyy~” he cooed, caressing the side of your face. “You’re shaking so terribly. Still scared of this place~?”
You had to mentally remind yourself to keep breathing. David made it so difficult to think straight.
“A-A little…” you admitted. “But I wanted to s-see you again! I missed you…”
While technically it wasn’t the actual reason you decided to come here, there was some truth to it. You kept seeing flashes of the night you spent with him and his boys in your head. The way they touched you, tasted you, and fucked you so enthusiastically. By the look on his face, David was thinking of it too.
“And we missed you, sweetling~”
The other boys. Dwayne, Paul, and Marko. God, you dreamed of their hands on you again. They had worked so well together as a team. Keeping you in place while David had his way with you. Even before you could even think to ask about them, new faces appeared out of the dark.
Speak of the devils.
Their smiles were wide and wicked, a mischievous glint in their yellow eyes. They moved so easily in the dark. So quiet and sneaky. It was quite the contrast to the sweet words they spoke to you.
“Welcome back, cutie!”
“You’re looking extra fine tonight~”
“Come back to play another game with us?”
If you couldn’t think properly before, now you were absolutely brain-dead. Their expressions were so devious and their fangs dripped with hunger. A jolt went up your spine at the memory of David biting into you. One set of teeth had been enough to make you faint. What exactly could four sets do to you?
You were surrounded. With each passing moment, they pressed in more, pushing their perfect bodies against yours. You could hear their heavy breathing all around you. If you hadn’t bitten your lip, then you surely would have let out the most pathetic moan imaginable.
“Y-Yes, I did…~” you whimpered. Whether this was all real or not did not matter in the slightest. You just wanted them again. The lovers that kept you safe in the dark. 
As if on cue, another scream came from the other side of the wall. One of the actors had successfully frightened a couple who had walked in, leading to intense shrieking. The sound startled you terribly, and out of reflex, you cowered into David. The others chuckled at your adorable display of fear.
“Awwww poor baby,” he cooed, lips right at your ear as he pulled you in closer. “Why don’t we take your mind off the scary stuff for a while~?”
Before you could even think to say anything, you heard the sounds of pants unzipping and belts jingling as they came undone. As much as you wanted to ask about the risk of strangers walking by and catching you in the act, all you could think about was how David was pressing kisses into your neck. Your legs felt like jelly. Loose and wiggly from the tingly sensations David made you feel. 
Your eyes shut and your fingers found their way into his spiked hair as he grazed his tongue along your throat, tracing over your veins. He could have bitten you again if he truly wanted to, but if the bulge poking your thigh told you anything, it was that it was the last thing on his mind. One hand slipped up your shirt to toy with your body while the other still carefully held the only source of light in this pitch-black area. 
“Y’know, the last time we took turns having fun with you, cutie,” Paul purred. His bracelets clanged together as he stroked himself slowly. “Maybe this time we should all get you at once~”
It would be a lie if you were to say the thought didn’t intimidate you a bit. Going one-by-one with four boys was one thing. Having sex with them all together was another. They must have sensed your fears because Dwayne spoke up while David gently kissed you.
“Don’t worry, love. We’ll be good to you. Nothing you won’t be able to handle~”
“Yeah,” Marko agreed. He was touching himself just like Paul was, but his motions were sharp and fast, not slow and sensual. “We just can’t get enough of ya~”
A bashful smile crept onto your face, showing off how delighted you were to be praised. They had such a way with words. It only made you that much more eager for them. To show your enthusiasm for the idea, you spread your legs further apart and puffed out your chest, giving off your best bedroom eyes for them to stare into. 
“Yes, please~”
David grinned wolfishly before pressing his lips back on yours. Your eyes fluttered and your cheeks warmed from the way he kissed you. Meanwhile, the boys were still stroking their cocks in their hands, softly moaning at the sight of their leader enjoying you. Wanting to make use of your hands more, you slid your fingers down the front of David’s shirt and over the button of his leather pants. You adored how he sighed into your kiss as you carefully helped undo the fabric and slip his cock free. It was so pleasurable feeling his desire for you in your hand.
You stroked him slowly, letting him enjoy your eager touch. It made you want to embrace him and never let go. Surely he felt the same way. You got such an answer when he flicked his lighter back down, snuffing out the flame before tossing it aside. Back in the shadows, you went, and you whimpered so helplessly as his free hand now wrapped around you tighter.
“No worries, little one. There’s no risk of getting caught with the light gone,” David explained in between greedy kisses. 
Your ears picked up the softest sounds far more easily now. Marko, Dwayne, and Paul were shuffling around in the small space. If you hadn’t been so overwhelmed by David, you would have put a little more care into wondering just what they were doing. He must have read your mind because he pulled away for a moment to speak clearly.
“Let’s play a game. A guessing game, to be exact,” he whispered. His voice sounded deeper and his raspy tone was more noticeable. “I got to fuck that perfectly tight hole the last time you came by. I’ll let one of the others take a turn with it while the other two get to see what your hands can do. All you have to do is guess who’s inside of you before you cum~”
David’s cock throbbed in your hand, twitching from the pleasure you gave him. The others snickered with one another. Clearly, they were just as eager to play along. They only got more joy when you gasped softly. He swiftly flipped you around so that he was the one leaning back into the wall and you were out in the open. He was so fast. So controlling. You loved it.
“What about you, David?” you asked. 
“Well as much as I love your lips on mine…..I wanna feel them stretch around my cock instead~” he said with a breathy laugh. It was like music in your ears. 
Of course, you were happy to play along with such a game. No matter who was doing what to you, it would be immensely pleasurable for you. You smiled eagerly, hoping David could see you in this darkness. If your suspicions about what exactly he was were true, then it wouldn’t be a problem at all for him.
“Yes, David~”
“Mmmm. Good little human,” he praised. “Now bend over for me~”
You would have done so on your own, but a hand shot out from behind you and forced you forward. Now you were bent over perfectly, almost at an exact 90-degree angle. Snickering was traded between the boys as they went to work on you. In order to figure out just what was happening, you pulled your focus off their voices and put it on smaller cues.
Another zipper coming undone followed by clothes being pushed downward. That was the one who was going to take you. The dribbling of liquid. Probably that warming lube you loved so much last time. 
You lost focus again when a pair of hands roughly tugged your pants and underwear downward. It left you feeling so exposed, even in darkness. Thankfully, those feelings were quickly replaced with pleasure, as new touches greeted your body.
Two thick, aching cocks slipped into each of your hands. Not too much of a difference between them other than the fact that one was cut and the other wasn’t. 
Hmmm…I think Paul’s cock was uncut, you thought to yourself. You still remembered how wild and unhinged he was when you took each inch deep into your mouth. That was clue number one, but you still needed more. 
“Brace yourself, baby,” David said to you. “You’re about to get a good, old-fashioned double-stuffing~”
You didn’t even get a second to process his words before such a promise was acted on. In the back, you felt a thick, lubed cock slip slowly into you from the back. The moment your mouth opened to moan out, David took the opportunity to fill it up too. All the boys were moaning from the sensations of your body, but David was by far the loudest. Thankfully, he thought to cover his mouth and muffle the sound with his leather glove.
So here you were. Filled on both ends of your body and used for pleasure with your hands. All while barely hidden in a pop-up haunt. God, the things you did for these boys. They were so mischievous with their fun, and here you were along for the ride.
You steadied yourself, calming down your nerves so you could focus. The first thing you did was start gently sucking on David’s cock, letting it move in and out at a decent pace. He seemed to relax against the wall, clearly satisfied with the work you were already putting in. You couldn’t help but smile with pride around him. 
The hands wrapped around two of the other boys began to pump. It was a little odd, having a cock in each hand. But it was ultimately quite nice getting into a proper rhythm. It helped to hear sighs and moans in delight to let you know how well you were doing. If only you knew which of the boys were on each side of your body.
“Oooooh fuck, baby, that’s it~” David sighed. His hand found its way to the top of your head, guiding you to move as he wanted you to. You nuzzled against his touch, sighing in delight. David’s praise meant the world to you. It was like a high you didn’t want to stop chasing.
Three voices mixed with his own, intertwining with one another and flowing like a song. It was far different than last time, as each boy had quite the individual preferences in voicing their feelings. Each one liked to be heard and speak up, yet they were hiding their identities so perfectly. All you could hear were sounds of pleasure while you all fucked together.
Whoever was inside your greedy hole was moving at a sensual, deep pace. It was like he wanted you to feel every last inch at any given moment. It didn’t really seem like Marko’s preferred method, as you recalled a more teasing, playful style that he used with his mouth. That narrowed it down more.
If the two boys on either side had been touching you, it would be far easier to guess by their accessories. But they were far more clever than you gave them credit for. Neither one touched you, just rolling their hips to get more of your skilled hands. Whoever they were, you could feel precum dribbling from each of their cocks. You spread it across the tips and over the length, coating both for better work. 
“Such a good little thing, aren’t you~?” David growled. His breath was shaky. “You’re so incredible at this. It’s like we’re made for each other~”
It was silly to you that they were all using you like a sex toy, yet the more romantic words David used were what got your heart racing the most. They just meant so much to you. Even with all these thoughts of monsters and the terrifying nature of the dark, they made you feel appreciated. Safe. Cared for. It made you that much more determined to put in the work to please them all.
Your own noises were getting louder and louder. With all of your will, you did your best to hold back a bit, not wanting to get caught by anyone who could be nearby. It was quite the challenge with one of your lovers hitting just the right spot over and over and over again. You were getting closer now, speeding towards that climax you knew only they could give you. All that you wanted was to have the right name to scream out.
“C’mon, baby, you can do it,” David encouraged you. “Listen. Feel. Don’t overthink your pretty little head, just use your senses. You got this~”
He was right. You could focus all your attention on the man who was so deep inside you. The darkness was there to make you feel stronger, not weaker.
Your ear caught the sound of a small rattling, like a thin piece of jewelry hitting something over and over again. It wasn't jangly and loud like their bracelets. 
And then it hit you. Literally. A small part of it brushed against your ass when your lover bent over further to fuck you harder. It was a brief moment, but it made you realize what it was and who it belonged to.
A body chain. The one Dwayne had draped over his chest. Now you didn't have to hold back.
"DWAYNE~!" you cried out, pushing yourself back onto him. "I know it's you back there, Dwayne! P-Please…oh fuck…please cum inside me~"
Fueled by your noises, your lovers moved faster now. David was fucking your throat like a man possessed while Marko and Paul thrust eagerly. That left Dwayne to get you closer and closer, his cock shoved in as deep as it would go. 
You panted and sighed, no longer fearing the idea of getting caught. All that was on your mind was chasing that climax. Almost. Almost!
"A-Aaahh~!!! Fuck!!"
There you go. 
Your body tensed and you bit your lip to fight back the whorish scream that you almost let loose. The pleasure was hitting you like the mightiest waves in the ocean. You were drowning in dopamine.
The boys followed you closely, all cumming within seconds of one another. David held your head down all the way down to the base, his seed painting the back of your throat. Paul and Marko stained your fingers, making them warm and sticky. Dwayne gripped your hips firmly as he kept his cock inside you. You were overwhelmed with warmth as he filled you to the brim. 
God, you really made the right call finding them again. 
It took a little while for all five of you to settle down. With heaving breaths, you managed to free yourself from them. You felt quite dirty now. Thankfully, they took care of you as they did the other night, cleaning you up and getting you dressed again. Having them gently wipe the fluids from your body and help button your pants again was rather sweet. 
Plus, the forehead kiss you got from David was an especially nice touch. 
When all of you were presentable, he held out an arm for you to take. You couldn't see his face, but his voice was all you needed. 
"Hang on tight to me. We'll get you out of here safe and sound"
David was entirely true to his word, holding you close on his arm as he moved you forward. The others acted as bodyguards, shielding you from danger or jump scares up until you got to the exit. 
Though the sky was dark, the illumination of boardwalk lights greeted you on the outside of the haunt. You had done it again. Safe and sound outside. 
"Thank you, boys. I really-"
Your voice cut out when you turned to look at David. He was human. Or rather, human-looking. No longer were his teeth long and sharp and his eyes an inhuman shade of yellow. His skull was normal, showing soft features and cheeks with slight baby fat in them. 
He was a normal guy now. A guy with beautiful, blue eyes. 
“Hi~” was all he said. The smirk on his face was no longer intimidating. Just playful and boyish.
“H-Hi,” you returned the greeting. 
The surprise went on as the others stepped to the side of their leader, showing off their own, human appearances. You knew they were good-looking guys even with their monster features, but seeing them like this allowed you to recognize how truly beautiful they all were. It made you blush to know that such stunning men had just ravaged you in the dark. 
“I’m sure you have quite a few questions for us about what we are,” David simply said. The others nodded, smiling at you. They seemed happy to see you react so well to their big reveal. 
“Yes, as a matter of fact,” you replied. There were millions of questions going through your head. “Are all monsters real? Are there more of you? Why did you go through the haunt with your vampire faces? Why did you…um….have fun with me?”
The boys chuckled. It seemed like this was the first time someone actually asked about them rather than scream and run away in fright. That was the last thing you wanted to do. Now more than ever you just wanted to be with them. They pulled you in deeper, and you weren’t scared at all.
“We actually don’t really know if there are other creatures out there,” Dwayne answered first.
“There are tons of us, but we’re our own pack. No other vampires mess with us,” Paul added.
“It’s easy to blend in and hunt when you’re among other monsters in a place like this. After all, you certainly thought we were just actors, didn’t ya?” Marko said with a wink.
David stepped closer to you, reaching out a gloved hand to touch you. It was just like the last time, all sweet touches and soft expressions. You sighed as you gazed into those eyes. Blue or yellow, you never wanted to look away.
“We were enchanted by you, darling human,” David purred. “You were just far too cute and we wanted to give you a good time. You certainly did that for us~”
“So…now what…?” you asked. What did one do after learning that vampires are a very real thing and that they like you enough to fuck your brains out? David must have sensed your uncertainty because he took your hand in his, soothing you with the touch of leather.
“First thing first. We owe you a nice dinner out since you correctly guessed who was taking that cute body of yours from behind~"
Sure enough, Dwayne winked at you, signaling that you did right by crying out his name. Your flushed face only heated up more. 
"We wanna get to know you a bit better. You're one of us now after all"
You smiled sweetly, feeling really good about yourself and what you had going with them. All this time you were frightened of what could grab you in the dark. Now you saw that the monsters were actually quite nice. 
With your hands now wrapped around David's arm, you let him take the lead down the path of the boardwalk. He nuzzled you and kissed your forehead once more before leading the way. 
He was right, you thought to yourself. There's no need to be scared of the dark.
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britany1997 · 1 year
Heyyyyy, so my birthday is in April and it said your asks where open so I was wondering if you could write
a poly Lostboys x insecure artsy trans masc reader. Like they’ve all been dating already and find reader or somethin. Cause I love your work and I would kill (🤭) to be a vampire.
Now and Forever
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Omg of course I can write this for you friend!! I hope you have an amazing birthday!!!
Poly! Lost boys x Ace
Special thanks to @cryptic-michael and @pixielostboy for pre-reading this for me:)
You strolled down the boardwalk, headphones on and Bikini Kills blaring.
You waded through the sea of Hawaiian shirts and khaki shorts, the epitome of Santa Carla boardwalk men’s “fashion.”
But like a lighthouse in a storm, your gaze fell on the most incredible jacket you’d ever set eyes on.
It was a collage of colorful patches sewn together into a sort of Frankenstein creation.
It was magnificent, it was a masterpiece, you were touching it.
The blond man in the jacket turned in surprise as your fingers carded through the squid fishing lures hanging from his shoulder. His eyes scanned up and down your form as he seemed to be equally pleased with your sense of style.
He smirked, “name’s Marko babe. What’s a handsome guy like you doing in a place like this anyways?” the blond man purred.
You returned his smirk, “could ask you the same question. I like your style man, you do this yourself?”
The blond man ran his fingers through his curly hair, “yeah, sewed the patches on and everything,” he turned around, looking at you over his shoulder, “this lady on the back? Painted her myself, painted a lot of these actually,” he turned back around to face you.
You ran your hand over the fabric in awe, “amazing,” you whispered.
“What about you?” he asked, “you paint those overalls?”
You smiled with pride, “sure did,” you posed to show off your handiwork, “like ‘em?”
Marko bit his thumb as his eyes raked over you once again, “love ‘em,” he praised.
“You like the Front Bottoms?” He asked, pointing to a patch, “haven’t met anyone else who’s even heard of ‘em.”
You had zoned out as Marko spoke, distracted by the flash of pink, white, and blue wrapped around his wrist.
You smiled, “cool bracelet,” you told him, as you held up a matching one on your own wrist.
His smile widened, “don’t meet many cool guys like you around here, I’d love to introduce you to my boyfriends,” Marko offered, “if you’d be interested of course.”
Years later you were dating the four handsome male vampires.
They had told you their secret early on in the relationship, and you were happy to accept them exactly as they were.
In fact, you had always had a fascination with the mystical side of life, and it didn’t surprise you at all that the guys you’d ended up with were…less than alive.
What did surprise you however was the pit in your stomach that grew every time another year passed you by.
You grew and changed. You aged. But your boys stayed exactly the same as the day you had met them.
You never say grey hairs in Paul’s blond mane, you never noticed a wrinkle on David’s face. It made you nervous.
You wanted to be with the boys forever, but the fact was that forever for you wasn’t the same as forever for them. You were too young to be thinking that your time was running out.
You were headed to the cave to celebrate another birthday with your boys.
You were excited for what they had planned, you really were, but you didn’t love the reminder that you were progressing while they were permanently fixed in their 20s. You tried to push the thought from your head as you climbed down the ladder into the cave.
When you entered the main alcove of the cave, your jaw dropped.
A giant white sheet had been hung on the wall of the cave, and across from it sat a projector, ready to cast movies onto the screen. Lining the floor of the cave were mattresses, pillows and blankets constructed into one massive bed that you and your boys could all fit on.
Paul was already underneath the covers, wrapped in three different heavy blankets, while Marko and David fiddled with the projector trying to make it work.
Dwayne strolled into the main alcove, tons of snacks in hand, while you were observing the scene around you speechless.
He smiled when he saw you, “happy birthday handsome,” he said before walking up to kiss your cheek.
At his words the other boys turned in your direction.
Marko grinned, “happy birthday baby,” he strolled over to wrap his arms around you, “do you like your surprise?” He whispered in your ear.
“It’s perfect,” you assured him as you smiled brightly, “I love it.”
He kissed you softly, “you’ll love it even more when you see the movies we bought to watch with you.”
David coughed.
Marko rolled his eyes, “I guess I’ll let David show you the options.”
David stepped forward to wrap you in an embrace, “happy birthday love,” he pulled out The Silence of the Lambs, Psycho, and a collection of all the Saw movies from his jacket. “What do you wanna watch first?” he asked.
You weighed your options, “the silence of the lamb for sure,” you decided.
He smiled, “sounds great love, we’ll put it in for you.” He snapped for Marko to join him at the projector.
Paul, who hadn’t moved from his spot on the frankenbed, pulled back the blankets piled on top of him. “Hey baby! I have a spot for you right here.”
You laughed as you snuggled in next to him.
He pressed sloppy kisses all over your face before pulling back, “happy birthday sugar!”he whispered excitedly.
You beamed, “thanks Paul,” you said as the other vampires crowded around you on the bed and the movie began to play.
As the credits ran on the last movie you let out a yawn and glanced up to see the Sun threatening to rise. You sat up, “thanks for an amazing birthday guys, but I should get going so I don’t end up dating four incredibly handsome piles of ash.”
You moved to roll out of the bed, but David’s hand on yours stopped you.
“Before you leave,” he started, “we have one last gift for you.”
Marko quickly scattered out of the bed and returned with the bejeweled glass bottle.
You gasped as you realize what they were offering you.
“Drink now,” David began, “be with us forever.”
Paul squeezed your arm for encouragement while Dwayne whispered a soft ‘I love you’ in your ear.
When Marko handed you the bottle, you didn’t think twice as you let the thick red liquid slide down your throat.
This birthday would be your last.
Birthday Request Taglist❤️:
@pixielostboy @bloodywickedvamp @sidefanficaccounttohidemyshame @riz-coolgirl
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mayonnaise2004 · 1 year
Meeting & Dating Dwayne Headcannons
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( I need this man to put me into a headlock until I pass out.)
You and Dwayne met at a ‘The Cure’ concert, where he had bumped into you and spilt his drink down your white shirt (which stained it.)
Instantly became a stammering and apologetic mess but he was surprised when you made a joke about it.
“At least it didn’t stain yours.” (Meanwhile, he was shirtless.)
And honestly? He snickered a bit and bought you a drink as an apology.
The two of you spent the rest of the night talking, and you had a lot more in common than Dwayne thought.
He was confused on why he felt disappointed when you had to go home, he had just met you, he shouldn’t feel like this!
A few times a week he would notice you on the boardwalk, and every so often you were returning laddie to him.
Dwayne thinks your hot, no questions. The thoughts he has when he’s near you make him feel like Paul..
He’s the one who asked you out a year after the concert, during another of a similar band.
Now let me tell you, this man is infatuated with you. He’s your Gomez Adams.
Adding onto this, Dwayne doesn't believe in imperfections. Do you have stretch marks? He has scars! You're a little chubby? MORE TO LOVE!!
Will become the definition of (😳🤭) if YOU grab his necklace
Extremely sweet around you, Will go feral if someone looks at you the wrong way.
He has a signature scent. (Cologne, Hairspray/hair products.) so he’ll probably secretly spray some on your clothes before you go to the boardwalk.
He adores it when Laddie treats you like his other parent.
Has tried to turn you multiple times. And all of those attempts were unsuccessful.
You absolutely melt at the German pet names. (Liebling, Liebchen, Süßer, Maus.)
Marko and Paul tried to hit on you once when you and Dwayne started dating. Let’s just say Dwayne screamed at them for a hour straight.
Smothering his face with kisses on the boardwalk
Randomly slamming your face into his chest
You love snatching Laddie and running. (Which gives Dwayne a heart attack, every time.)
Hanging upside down and watching the boardwalk
Dancing in the dark
Going Mach 10 down the boardwalk:
Stealing his jacket randomly
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brknmnds · 11 months
@coastercrushed asked
🎲 - marko
37. A kiss to the back of the neck
Marko grabbed Mapplethorpe as he was walking past and pulled him back into his lap, his arms wrapping around his waist and pulled him closer to him, his chest pressed against the halflings back and pressed a kiss to the back of his neck. "You're wearing too much clothes." He growled out as he moved his hands to work on removing the younger's clothes.
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