#still kinda mad I literally have nothing on my page about him.
mayonnaise2004 · 2 months
Paul with a !Trad goth! Reader
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(NOT MY PHOTO, FOUND IT ON PINTEREST. And yes I know it’s a little goofy, but so is Paul ❤️)
- Paul is a firecracker, we all know that (and so does all of Santa Carla.)
- And frankly, he doesn’t have any shame. When he sees a girl he likes he does whatever his partially smooth brain tells him to
- Meeting you was different though, you were different. Your beautiful features were covered in a white base, and painted on features made Paul go hot in the face (which he was bullied profusely for.)
- He’s blushing like a schoolboy if you give him any type of compliment, It could be about his hair, shoes, or even his voice!
- David was actually the one who got you two together. He was sick and tired of Paul rambling about you, and honestly told you how Paul actually felt to try and embarrass him.
- Little did the jackass know, you thought it was kinda dorky (in a good way.), considering you had heard how Paul could be.
- The interaction the next night definitely confused Paul, why were you so.. Confident all of a sudden? But the blond was definitely not going to say no to getting something to eat with you!
- As the sun rose, Paul walked back into the cave with a black lipstick mark on his cheek, and a goofy grin.
- Paul likes to sit between your legs, his chin rested on your shoulder while you do his makeup. He finds it very soothing, to look up at your bare, scrunched up in concentration face.
- Making each-other CD’s
- ^ which includes introducing each-other to artists
- hanging out with Marko
- Big dog privileges (he will beat the shit out of someone if they even look at you the wrong way.)
- Boardwalk dates
- Tons of kisses, Even more, if you have birthmarks/Moles on your face.
- Stealing eachothers clothes
- Swedish pet names (Älskling, Käraste, Hjärtat.)
- If your one of the goths who believe in dancing the way that the music makes you feel, he thinks it’s freakin cool! Loves to watch you express yourself.
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yuri-is-online · 1 month
hotarubi/sho anon, just saw your post about vagastrom vice-captain and I believe it's Tohma? He probably transferred to Frostheim after whoever was vice-captain there left (during or after the Clash I believe?)
That's why Jin was kinda cagey around him, and most obvious was when he tells Tohma to "drop the act" and Tohma replies that he's grown used to it before talking casually for a while. Also I just got the feeling that despite being so intelligent and cunning, he gives a vibe of someone who's comfortable using brute strength as well - kinda like how Deuce from twst used to be a delinquent before he decided to change his ways and aim to be an honor student.
And then we have Tohma and Alan interacting and trying to find out the spy - I reread that chapter and his specific words (in jpn) were "It might be strange coming from me, but I hope they lighten the load for you, even a little."
To me it sounds like he feels bad about leaving Alan high and dry without his own vice-captain since there were no other ghouls in Vagastrom to replace him, but clearly he has some loyalty/promise to Jin that took precedence. Which is also why Alan's kinda sensitive in the campus event where Leo straight-up asks about the mod on the car that doesn't let him eavesdrop, Alan was quiet until Leo said he'd probe into Tohma instead, at which point Alan gets mad and tells him not to bother him. Alan probably feels like Tohma is still "one of his people" even after he left the dorm.
Also I saw a jpn artist draw Tohma in the Vagastrom uniform having a smoke and made me go damn that makes sense.
I'm very much on the same page as you about Tohma, Sho anon, I made that post as a sort of throwaway note to the larger one I made about Leo sniffing around for clues about Dante as it's a possibility I thought of, but nothing about Dante screams Vagastrom to me. He's very much closer to Frostheim or what we've seen of Clementia.
Tohma is a deeply interesting character to me. Despite having Jade's voice actor, his personal story seems to be much closer to Ruggie's; we know for a fact he was in Vagastrom "until the middle of last year" as Leo calls Alan out on that, and if there were only two ghouls in the whole dorm then by process of elimination we can say he was the Vice Captain. From what Alan says about telling Leo to back off and what Jin says about "the act" (he's wearing a monocle literally only a delinquent would think that makes him more noble looking) he seems like someone who is trying to better his place in the world through making connections. If what Alan said about people in Vagastrom having people on the outside they're trying to make things better for is true, then I wouldn't be surprised if Tohma has or had some family he wants a better life for. Alan seems to find that admirable in people which is why he doesn't want Leo poking into his business since that does not seem to be something that Satan spawn understands.
As for Dante... his name makes me think of the Divine Comedy as does his apparent brush with death. I want to save all of my thoughts about him for the information post I'm putting together, as what I think about Jin, but I'll say this much now. All of the dorm captains we see (other than Yuri) have some sort of identity crisis going on at the moment. I don't think that's a coincidence.
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cursedvibes · 4 months
When it comes to the Shinjuku fight it kinda reminds me of how I felt reading Madara during the 4th Shinobi War Arc. Where it’s like “Well I’m not mad that Madara is strong, that he keeps getting stronger, I just wish the battle was better paced and that Madara was better set up.” same with Kaguya.
Also I’ve noticed that the reading comprehension in this community is straight ass. People seem to not really care about the narrative outside of the main main characters. People are willing to overlook flaws in the main characters writing but will be very loud and it flaws outside of them. Vice versa, people are fine with the rest of the narrative being sacrificed if it means an exciting moment featuring their favorite character (cough Gojo cough).
It’s behavior similar to what I see in idol or band communities, which boggles my mind because JJK is a story. And should be read and analyzed like a story, not an idol group or gacha game.
It does feel quite similar to the 4th Shinobi war although thankfully not quite as bad. I think we have way too many people running around to the point that they have to come up with dumb reasons for why Angel, Hana and Inumaki can't participate for example, but that's still way better than the thousands of fodder ninja Kishimoto expected us to care about, while making it clear that only a handful of people could handle Madara, Kabuto and Kaguya anyway. Not to mention killing who was very clearly supposed to be the main villain only to introduce a completely new villain, who hasn't even been so much as mentioned up to that point and needed a total reboot of the world building to make sense. Everyone knows the thing that this series about ninjas desperately needed was aliens...
JJK also has the advantage that while Sukuna is insanely strong and the protagonists only slowly chip away at him, overpowering him isn't the goal here. So it isn't like with Naruto, where the main characters have to unlock some new type of cursed energy to beat him or whatever, it is much more an ideologically driven battle, where what really counts is undermining Sukuna's philosophy, which you can do best by not buying into the obsession with strength. The problem is just that Gege is getting a little too caught up in throwing around techniques than tackling what really matters. Kind of similar to the Gojo vs Sukuna fight, although not as bad yet. Having Yuuji involved has definitely improved things. Still, I think you can again feel that Gege is struggling with writing an overpowered character and finding the balance between showing his strength and focusing on the thematic aspects of the story like they manage to do in pretty much every other fight. Again, the foundation is there, but the formulaic structure of the Shinjuku fight is not really helping. Plus you have some unnecessary intermissions like Yorozu dying to give Sukuna a weapon that does nothing and only serves as a get-out-of-jail-free card (seriously what was the point of all that, it had literally 0 zero consequences and only robbed us of a chance at seeing Sukuna in a scenario where he can't rely on his strength).
Agree that there has been unfortunately very little good analysis on these chapters. I don't know how it looks on reddit, but it's getting quite hard to find some good meta on tumblr and twitter on this fight. A lot of commentary I see boils down to either "why can't Sukuna just die already??" and "Gojo has to come back to fix everything, here's a 38 page essay on all the foreshadowing of his return that will happen any day now". I can understand the first point, these people mostly just seem fatigued by the structure of this fight (new character pops up, gets killed/gravely injured by Sukuna, someone else takes their place) and they just want it to be over. The problem is just that killing Sukuna here would for one not make sense for his power level because while it is true that the protagonists have thrown a lot of force at him and tried different strategies, he's clearly not been trying very hard ever since Gojo died (which frustrates me a lot). That has to change first. And also if he died now that would make for a very unsatisfying, premature end of this story. Nothing would be gained with that, no character arc properly resolved. It would hurt especially Sukuna's character because it would mean he really was just a strong big bad with not much motivation besides wanting death and destruction for its own sake, who had to be killed to avoid further danger and go back to status quo. Far too easy and all the setup for Sukuna being a more nuanced character gets cut off. Like I set before, it would be worse than Kenjaku's death, since that at least had meaning and found some kind of end for Kenjaku's character arc. Kenjaku changed, while Sukuna has very firmly been the same this whole time with only a very brief moment of reflection on what he is even doing here. So yeah, more needs to happen before Sukuna can die and first of all he needs to take Yuuji seriously already and be pushed to his limits, challenged. That would vastly improve the tension of the fight as well.
And Gojo coming back is just...I understand wanting your favourite character back, but even if for some reason he was revived, he shouldn't help in the fight. Him overpowering Sukuna would mean exactly nothing, contradict the whole message of the story and also means the characters regress to letting Gojo solve everything again and direct their decisions after what he wants. That's why it was so important for Gojo to die or get depowered, so the other characters could progress and make real change in the world. He was a necessary stepping stone they had to overcome. He can't defeat Sukuna because he is essentially Sukuna, but in a different, slightly more humane font.
And as for your last point, I don't think it's bad to have a character you really like, are even obsessed with, that's why we have another popularity poll coming up after all. Engaging characters are very important, it's just a problem if people warp the story in their head to revolve around this character and then get seriously upset when the story doesn't follow their headcanon and blame the author for that. I like headcanons, I like writing fanfiction, but you have to differentiate that from what is actually happening in canon and accept that canon plays by different rules. Liking your fanfics more than the actual story is fine too, you just can't mesh these two together and lose sight of what is actually happening in the manga. As long as the story follows its own premises and rules/events it has set up, it is perfectly fine. There is legitimate criticism to make about jjk, I do it plenty, but things like wanting Sukuna dead and Gojo alive and getting mad at Gege for it not happening the way they want are just not it.
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burningtacozombie · 1 year
random Mayans thoughts, episode 5x08 edition:
- Miguel, for a second I thought he visited Felipe to kill him after all. the way he walked through the house and looked at all the photos, it could have been an entirely different life for him. or maybe not that different? anyone else tried to imagine Miguel as a Mayan for a second? also, I get why Miguel would want Felipe to see the man who raised him the way he does but Felipe can't do that. Miguel in return can't accept the Reyes as blood and now he seems to be stuck between the father he forgave and the one he can't forgive but can't seem to let go either. something's got to give, he needs to find a solution for himself on how to move past his anger because none of them can change the past. then again, why isn't he as mad at his mother as he is at Felipe? it takes two to tango, doesn't it? and she kept the lie alive even after José's death. lies never protect anyone.
- Guero, finally we got some background on him and Ibarra. and it's as tragic as anyone's in this life. I do feel for him though, a lot. nice touch on wearing the Sons kuttes while getting rid of Diaz and Jinx' bodies to frame the Sons for the kills. once again, that banter Guero has going on with Downer is fucking funny even in a situation like that.
- Angel and Mav watching cartoons together was sweet in the moment but they still have no idea about Luisa, that lifechanging cloud over them is fucking sad. but he feels something is very wrong, he couldn't even stand being alone in his house and came home to pops.
- Letty went to the Broken Saints as a spy for Isaac but she had no choice, for Hope. Letty can be annoying as hell but she is nothing if not a fighter. congrats to Terry for using his brain for once and doing the right thing, letting them escape. probably won't end pretty for him but whatever. if Isaac were to drop dead right now it still wouldn't be soon enough.
-HOPE!!! man, I'm fucking shocked. there was this moment of realization of what she's going to do before she even did it and I FUCKING SCREAMED at my screen in literal desperation, full on ugly sobbing. for me personally, this might be the most painful death in the entire show, so far. if anyone deserved a happy end it was Hope, and I will never forgive them. rest in peace, girl. you were loved.
- Marcus, just when he got his act together with his family he gets pulled back into the club business. now he looks into Diaz' murder, which kinda scares the shit outta me. what is he gonna do when he finds out what really went down?
- the Grim Bastards think Diaz and Jinx were murdered by the Sons and left on their turf to pull them into the war. EZ wanted them to get "pushed over the edge" to side with the Mayans and Guero and Bishop delivered him the "how to do that" in a very convenient way. until Marcus shows up, that is. don't get fooled, the only reason one of EZ's plans worked is because it's a page right out of Nestor's playbook. this is basically the same thing the Galindo cartel did in season 1 when Nestor killed that nun and framed Los Olvidados so the cartel could present themselves as the savior to the public.
- Creeper's sister, who turns out to be Emilio's real life wife, broke my heart with her speech at the service. he genuinely loved and cared so much about those he considered family. I loved that everyone was toasting with water bottles to honor Creeper’s sobriety when they carried him out. EZ has nerves to straight up admitting he killed him in front of the whole club, and no one even realized how true that is. Kody had nerves too showing up but I feel like the look she gave EZ while walking out is starting to raise some club members' suspicions. there were quite a few confused looks towards EZ.
- Taza came back for the service, and it seems like he's staying. I don't know how I feel about that. Bishop wants to leave the past in the past, but it was Taza who started this whole mess and no one except these two knows. it's not okay.
- Gilly, yes the episode was co-written by Vincent but that doesn't make me care more about his family thing. Paul did get a well-deserved beating tho.
- I don't care a whole lot about Sofia either but if she is pregnant, I'm sure that's gonna end well for her and EZ's gonna be a great dad. /s
- Bottles, come on, your mother jokes weren't funny anymore when I was a teenager. and given you're a prospect and Guero a full patch, you kinda did ask to have your face rearranged, lmao. however, Sister Anne's message was not a booty call but Isaac taking the information Letty gave him and running with it. now the Mayans really are fucked six ways to sunday and the walls around EZ are closing in fast.
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thebearme · 2 years
Souyo / Yu x Yosuke headcanon
(these are all made in the span of 7 years and I won't be able to remember all of them so here we go!)
Yosuke sings Yu love songs with his guitar
Yu hates thunderstorms so when it happens Yosuke would comfort them
Yu is more like a rabbit then a cat and Yosuke mocks him for it
Yu has a ladder by their window so Yosuke as easy access to their room when he visit 
Yu loves every little thing about Yosuke to the point he would count his freckles
Yosuke and Yu share one brain cell
Because of some moments in the game and anime I imagine that Yosuke has psychic intuition when it come to Yu, nothing plot or magical- just bros being bros
Every fight they have ends in fluff like literally- the only way it wouldn't is if you make them act out of character
They borrow each other's clothes (but mostly Yosuke)
They have promise rings
Yu calls Yosuke his sunflower
Everyday Yosuke is learning new things about Yu
Like how Yu is kinda gross (he ate mold)
Before they were together Yosuke had drew Yu when they were in class and he was bored
Yosuke is a summer boy while Yu is winter
They both love hearing the other talk about there hyperfixation
Yu taught Yosuke how to make origami cranes
Yu is the moon and Yosuke is the sun
Yu has a fake smile they do in public but when they're alone with Yosuke their real smile shows, it's a bit creepy but cute.
Their dynamic is autism ❤️ adhd
When Yu came to Inaba they originally didn't want any friends or anyone getting too close, Yosuke broke that and became his best friend but ironically he didn't want Yu to get too close to him and know his true feelings. They both save each other from shutting themselves off. Beautiful.
Another nickname for the two is marshmallow fluff and caramel chocolate chip tart
Yu lays on Yosuke's chest alot and treats it like a pillow
Yosuke makes sures that Yu remembers that he doesn't need to be mr. perfect, he just needs to be himself
Yosuke has alot of insurances about his hair, skin, body, personality- everything, but because of this Yu wrote a whole ass book the size of a dictionary full of things he loves about Yosuke
Any time Yosuke makes a self deprecating joke or calls himself a disappointment, Yu reads a page from the book to him
Yu tends to dissociate, so Yosuke just holds their hand and wait for them to come back
Yosuke's parents invites Yu into their family with open arms
Yosuke stops Yu from adopting all the stray cats he finds and Yu stops him from doing the same with frogs
Yosuke has alot of scars and most are from protecting Yu inside the TV world
Yu gets a panic attack from it everytime and it's a miracle Yosuke hasn't died yet
Yosuke eventually gets his true motorcycle and you know he'll take Yu for a ride
Yosuks makes Yu watch cowboy movies (no homo)
When Yu and Yosuke are sleeping together he has to make sure that he's cuddling Yosuke, cute but mostly because if he didn't in the morning Yu would find Yosuke on the floor looking like a fucked up pretzel (and Yosuke still wonder why his back and neck is sore smh)
Yosuke is so ready to run away with Yu in any moment it isn't even funny
Yosuke can be a scary mf when he's mad and Yu loves it
Yu's a bit of a masochist
Yosuke and Yu's relationship has such a strong foundation of friendship that it literally can just be called 'partners+ deluxe *tm'
Thats all my headcanons for their relationship that I can remember from the top of my head
so enjoy 
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bonnvivre · 6 months
A Funny Thing- Ch 23 word dump
new chapter to start off the new year LETS FREAKIN GOOOOOOO
i just washed my sheets too im settled in, my bed smells great, im having a great time
“And while Yuuji had humoured him at first, had been nothing but smiles as he posed for the pictures, the boy has clearly grown tired of the routine..” me during the filo family christmas party when they wanna take pictures … i can still see the ring light ….
ahh the first send off, brings tears to my eyes ;___;  gojo taking a bunch of pictures and sukuna constantly checking him over to make sure he has his stuff- fathers are father-ing and they didn’t wanna let him go just yet :[[
aw they slept together 
before i go on, the new friend is ACTUALLY megumi (i always thought it was megumi shshsh) cus toji literally couldnt afford another school and gojo’s gonna see him and either be like, “wait he looks familiar” or make THAT face right upon seeing him am i right lads or am i right lads (post chapter edit: i am right lads)
HAHAHAHA AN HOUR LONG RANT ON HIS NAILS PLS i see it yea canonically, sukuna usually makes himself look presentable . always pushing back his hair, dusting his clothes off, etc. he’s always gotta look good
whehehdhe he likes sukunaaaaaa !! someday that like will turn to love (post chapter edit: and that someday was today lads)
“How dare he have friends and hobbies and interests that don’t revolve around Satoru.” [gasp] HOW DARE YOU HAVE OTHER FRIENDS ARE YOU MAD ?! 
what kind of netflix drama did he get his story from this time 🙄
thats not the only time you’ll be freezing bc of geto hahahahahahaha
the run on sentences of yuuji’s speech plus casual megumi drop is killing me
i think its a good choice to have off screen moments be mentioned within the present, readers get the context while keeping the story moving . kinda like what gege does :0
AGH . blocked yet again … i know its still too early but ugh it hurts oh the pain
i love sukuna being satoru’s voice of reason, bringing sense and logic to satoru’s emotional thinking and it doesn’t clash at all; rather, it works for them very well
“Those baggy, unwashed garments of his allow for superior mobility, while the stench deters opponents from engaging in close-combat.” LMAOOOOO sukuna’s sarcastic remarks about toji, especially his smell im crying 
post chapter thoughts:
 i wanted to see him and megumi in this story so bad ngl and im so happy they’re here !!! i blame the copious amounts of fushiguro family comics i’ve consumed- shout out to ddub1618 on twt
bruh my page reloaded i have to go back
i love long chapter gimme long chapter hmhmhmmhmh
i saw the interpretations of yuuji’s sickness and i thought it was cool but it’s also giving “the curtains represent his depression and lack of will to carry on vs the curtains were blue” lol
it would be a … shame if toji ran out of sugar and needed a bag …….. its a good thing satoru has a nice ol bag at home >:] 
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livvyofthelake · 10 months
cassie protagonists ranked TO ME
emma..... my most beloved emma.... she's like if a boy was a girl but totally normal about being a girl she just acts weird. that didn't make sense. she's like girl jace basically. which makes her a billion times cooler and deeper than jace could ever try to be. she's like if there was a girl who kind of sucked and was an idiot but she loved her friends so so so much and she was a genius and super cool and awesome and badass but also she's like kind of stupid with emotions and bad at handling personal relationships... and she has a sick ass sword!!! she's like if katniss was a shadowhunter. she's like if a knight from any fairy tale was kind of a loser. she's like if liv moore was monogamous. hard to explain any of that just trust me that emma is cool as hell. and she loves clary sooooo much...
clary. we would be nowhere without the og.... she's literally like if an angel was just some dude. and she had Protagonist Disorder. and she was blessed with divine visions. you know i love clary you know i'm a clary girl do i even need to get into it further...
it hurts me to do this, i didn't want to have to make cordelia number 4 but. ok and rememeber that this is conceptual still because twp doesn't even exist yet it's just well i can't make my special girl number 4 out of 5 i'm not a monster. anyway yeah. dru <3 she is so dear to me even though collectively only like 30 pages have ever been written about her. i just know she's going to slay the house down in the wicked powers is the thing i know it i KNOW it... people are afraid of her slayage and believe it or not she already has haters but they are NOT me and they are NOT welcome here... i don't give a shit if you wanted kit to be the protagonist of twp he's not a girl. being a cassie shadowhunter protagonist is for girls only. he can be second like jace and james and will and jules. kinda crazy how historically all the secondary mains have been the love interest. rip ash lmao. anyway. literally do not care if you wanted kit to be the main main character you will fucking survive and you don't know it yet but it's better this way. dru is taking so many hits for him it's crazy. cassie's gonna make her do love triangle drama and annoying miscommunication and we're all gonna be so pissed off about it like we always are when cassie does this with every single on of her primary couples. and meanwhile kit and ty are gonna be fucking normal in comparasin. say thank you to dru and get over it.... also i literally love her to pieces she's soooo funny and kind and she loves her family more than anything and she hates being the second youngest and she just wants to be included in ty's ridiculous schemes and she loves her silly little horror movies and she has a blue streak in her hair and she wears ironic t shirts and she hates school and she's soooo mad that jules and emma restored their haunted house before she could visit it.... and she's my friend.....
cordelia <3 it's not her fault the final book in her trilogy was kind of a flop. she slayed it though... except for the love triange stuff that pissed me off an unreal amount you guys know you were there. but i love cordelia she's soooo protagonist... she's so remember that you can't save everyone remember that you have to try..... also her gay ally swag is unbeatable. she loves her gay friends more than she loves herself....
tessa sorry girl it's just well i haven't read tid since 2014. you're cool to hang with in sobh tho even though you're cryptic as hell for no fucking reason.... i love it tho she's like hm well things happened in the past that might actually be relevant to your situation emma but i can't tell you about those things because they make me sad. good luck tho! like go girl give us nothing....
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enderwoah · 11 months
In the past you have classpected double life members and it was grest
So I ask After limited life has your assessment changed if so who has changed and to what also why is it different
Of course this is only if your opinion has changed after the latest season and if you are will to share
good question! ill start off by saying that it certainly did the opposite of change my mind about my classpect for grian; the concept of limited life is, quite literally, the most witch of time lookin ahh game i have ever seen, so! that checks out. (witch of time)
realising that scott has basically won the life series three times in a row solidified his place as an active class in my head, but the means by which he does it somehow push me more towards passive? my brain says that the fact that he just kind of stays out of the way and grows stronger while nobody is paying attention to him is more bard-like than prince-like, but at the same time, i think he's less passive and more benevolent. if he wanted, he could have won three times in a row (which is insane), but he just thinks that isn't fun so. yeah! long explanation to say that i wavered but ultimately he's still the same. (prince of mind)
limlife tango (and most other tangos, if i'm being real) sort of teeters towards a mage of doom for me. he's very VERY sollux-coded, and while classpecting based on one really big personality trait that is interesting is fun, it's nice to look at the more accurate one, too. even disregarding the 'death' part of doom, the 'technology' aspect of it obviously makes sense to fit with tango. i love the guy dearly, but all of his final deaths seem to end up being inconsequential in the grand scheme of things, harming himself and himself alone (for the most part). also, he is an excellent vibe checker and fuller predicted martyn being a little garbage rat to win limlife, and i think it's an excellent situation where he took all of his prior experiences both with the death game and also with martyn being a menace and made this accurate prediction. this isn't the most thought out thing ever, but i definitely think tango As A Whole and not just The Tango That Gets Mad is very mage of doom coded. (mage of doom)
jimmy died first again! nothing has changed! everything is awful! i'm in hell! (page of doom)
bigb did what i suggested he do in the classpecting post, which is stay a bit more low-key, and ill tell you this: he certainly survived for longer than he did in double life, that's for sure! also, being a nosy neighbour that just spies on people from a distance is very rogue of void-core- i'm sure you could argue seer, but. ehh. there certainly is an argument to be made for it, he does hold a lot of secrets to his chest, and he certainly did have a few in limlife...but i think most of the secrets he has are his own, not other people's. a rogue he stays! (rogue of void)
bdubs is one that i was already a bit ehhhhh on when i made the post. at this point in time, my brain is swaying me actually towards blummin light, which is deranged and i dont really know how to explain it. [imagine theres about a 15 minute pause between me writing these two sentences as i conduct a bit of research.] actually. hear me out: bdubs as a knight of light. i might actually change this for double life too (in my head, not for the au due to overlapping classpects). hes so light-coded, idk how i didn't see it before. goal-oriented…loves being in the spotlight…even the collecting knowledge aspect that i had pegged to him as a seer works better in assigning it to light. and the knight bit just feels right to me: doubts about his importance to the groups and teams he's been in and the people he's loved? getting a bit meta, you could even point out cc!bdubs saying that he's not posting his limlife pov because everything important that he did was seen in other people's episodes; his importance as a character has been defined by his effect on others. kinda love this. knight of light bdubs. letsgoooo (knight of light)
impulse deffo stays as a blood player, and im pretty sure his bard class stays, too. he made it to the end by riding off the promises he made with his team ("ties makes it to the final three!" T-T), and we must remember that bard also means destroying through blood. and his goofy ahh got betrayed AGAIN lmao (it was less 'betrayed' and more 'tricked,' but. same difference). (bard of blood)
martyn has, like grian, done the absolute OPPOSITE of changed. bro has CANONICAL SOUL FRACTURES THATS CRAZZYYYYYYYY LMAO. heart player (CANON + CONFIRMED). and no, him betraying scott does not take him out of the heart player faction: he defended scott with tooth and nail and blood until the end, him killing scott ONLY SO THAT HE COULD WIN is just furthering his damn arc in learning to fight for himself. he's still heart-coded as hell. (knight of heart)
scar, pearl, ren, etho, joel, cleo, mumbo, lizzie, and skizz have not changed! thank you for the question!! :D
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bettsfic · 1 year
craft essay a day #5
my response to this one maybe derailed a little.
"On Imagination" by Mary Ruefle
beginner | intermediate | advanced | masterclass 
filed under: process, poetry
first i must describe to you the physical object that is this essay:
it is a chapbook (published by Sarabande Books, an indie poetry press i really admire), which means it is more or less a staple-bound pamphlet. there is a goat on the cover. inside, on each even-numbered page, is a picture: an ocean wave, a lettuce leaf, the night sky, a bed, 3 fish, a bird in a tree, a pie, 4 dyed eggs, a human ribcage, grass, trees, a slug, and the goat that is on the cover, whose presence permeates the essay.
on the back of the chapbook, instead of blurbs, there is a quote in very small font:
"My imagination was roaming at sunset and placed his bare foot on a blade of withered grass, which ran into it like a thorny needle, and injured him."
this quote appears not to be attributed, which makes me think i should know what it's from, and i don't.
Ruefle has a collection of essays called Madness, Rack, & Honey (published by Wave Books, another great poetry press) which is one of my favorite craft books and i highly recommend it. it'll be a while before i summarize the chapters, though, since i only recently finished reading it.
i've been lucky enough to attend several of her lectures, and although i got a lot out of them, when i go back and look at my notes, they are utterly indecipherable:
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partly this is because, as you can see, my handwriting is not legible. but it's also partly because this particular lecture was kinda bonkers. i've been waiting for her to publish it in written form but i don't think she has yet. "Hell's Bells" is my second favorite of her lectures (Ruefle's lectures and essays are one and the same), my favorite being "On Fear" which i'm sure i'll write about in a future post.
still laughing at "does the artist...become time?" with the star beside it (which in my notes always indicates an Action Item, so in 2018 i clearly intended to Do Something about becoming time). also "put a hole in meaning - give space, aerate?" then in pink, "(how?)" i also apparently intended to Do Something about "Beginning of universe was striking of tremendous bell."
another lecture of hers i attended was a recreation of John Cage's "Lecture on Nothing," and i am ashamed to say that it took me so, so long to realize it was literally a lecture on nothing. i wrote like 3 pages of notes and about a half hour in, i flipped through the pages and realized literally nothing of substance was being said. and i was furious. like, why am i wasting my time here? and i realized i was supposed to be having a reaction to it, and thinking about the nature of the concept of a lecture at a creative writing workshop, and what am i even doing here, etc.
in retrospect, that spoke well to the "Hell's Bells" lecture, which, for me, was all about how listening is sometimes just about hearing, and not trying to make meaning of all that we hear. as someone with an audio processing problem who has to attend a lot of readings and can't understand a word of them, it made me feel a lot better. like i could attend a reading just to appreciate the voice of the writer (which Ruefle likened to a bell), and not what's being said.
at the end of the lecture on nothing, Ruefle took questions, and responded to each of them with the answers provided in the original lecture. it was quite a time.
back to "On Imagination."
in any Ruefle essay/lecture, there is not much to summarize because they function more or less as poems: each is a series of thoughts or anecdotes on a general topic, and never firmly declare their point. however, on the first page, she does make a pretty big declaration:
"I am going to tell you now, before I begin, what my conclusion is to my thoughts on the imagination: I believe there is no difference between thinking and imagining, and that they are one."
to me, that's the kind of statement that's so simple it seems almost meaningless, but i know if i consider it long enough, i'll reach a deeper conclusion about it. since i finished reading this essay 37 minutes ago, i have no such deeper conclusion as of yet.
i appreciate that on page one, she also points out that thought is only ever an interpretation of reality, and words exist only to conjure meaning in the imagination. when a person says the word "tree" to another person, the recipient of that word can mentally conclude or conjure the object that is a tree. we can always refer to a tree, but in speaking it or thinking it, it does not become real.
she declares that imagination is not necessarily good; imagining things can hurt us as equally as help us, and we don't really have control of it.
"...the imagination has its own life and its own autonomy, the imagination is not what you play with, the imagination plays with you."
she introduces an anecdote in which a poet, after a reading, is asked, "is that a real poem, or did you make it up?" and concludes her point with a fact that punched me right in the face:
"Real things are made things."
she goes on to talk about an elementary school reading primer from 1880, Ukranian dyed eggs, Johnny Cash, a misinterpretation of the bible by Keats, and a goat in Emily Dickenson's attic. each of these, somehow, connect and make sense, yet i cannot attempt to do so in a (not so) brief summary.
"Imagination, deep in each of us, can give us what we need and want, that which we dream of, the reality of love and communion, help in our tired loneliness."
yeah :(
she notes that many believe some people have more imagination than others, and that's why there are artists and not-artists, but she claims we all have the same amount of imagination; it's just that some of us don't discriminate between "imaginative and unimaginative acts" and that paying close attention to the mundane "paradoxically opens a new door to the imaginative."
i am having trouble figuring out how the end of the essay is about imagination. she talks about how, in her old age, she feels isolated in her interests, and that because she has a limited future, she's only motivated to dwell in the present.
"All I can tell you is that at long last I am myself and free, even if isolated, and I am happy when I want to be and sad when I feel like it, and about the only thing that troubles me is knowing how many people on earth do not have that privilege...and to these I bow and for these I pray."
my thoughts
this got kind of personal, so i'm putting it under a cut.
i rated this essay advanced, not because i think it's hard to understand, but that it goes beyond the work of beginner and intermediate essays, which focus primarily on mechanics and concepts and how to get the work down on paper. this essay makes no real claim about writing, and i imagine wouldn't help anyone looking for advice on how to write.
a few days ago i wrote about Smiley's introduction in 13 Ways to Look at the Novel. that, coupled with the Ruefle essay, have fucked me up a little. in Smiley's intro, she talks about how she always had one foot in the fictional worlds of her novels at the cost of her presence in reality. in Ruefle's essay, she talks about the uncontrollability of imagination. i've never considered myself a creative person; i think in expected patterns and can't really devise anything truly novel. that's why i consider myself more a teacher than a writer--i'm better at fostering creativity in others than developing it in myself. i am, however, an imaginative person. i never stop imagining. i'm so imaginative that existing in reality is sometimes unbearable. even things that make me happy--seeing my family, hanging out with friends, reading a book--come second to dwelling (drowning?) in my imagination. i have to pry myself away to go do those things. when i'm really into something i'm working on, i can write over 10k in a day. i can write from the second i wake up at 9am to the moment, usually at 3am or so, my brain can no longer make clear sentences, stopping only throughout to eat a spoonful of peanut butter and maybe reply to a text.
these are the kinds of days i live for. they make me truly happy. and yet there's such an enormous cost to them: i'm beginning to have hand problems, and i have so little control of writing that i can't force myself to stop and let it heal (i did upgrade to an ergonomic keyboard and mouse but they're not helping as much as i'd hoped); i'm no nutritionist, but i'm pretty sure 3 tablespoons of peanut butter a day and walking fewer than 100 steps is not particularly healthy; and big picture, i want to get married and have kids, and that's not going to happen if i'm spending all my time in my imagination with fictional characters getting married and having kids. and if i somehow against all odds do get married and have kids, will i be able to be fully present with them, or will i always in the state i am now, counting down the seconds when i can escape reality and return to the peace of my own head?
i think this is a conflict i'll always have, because ultimately i'm writing work i'm proud of to an audience that (i hope) appreciates it. writing and being read is the greatest privilege i can imagine. but i'm also always thinking about my dad, who died at 59 after enduring years of agonizing pain and a lifetime of trauma and depression, and how he never got to do a fraction of the things he wanted. i imagine myself at the same age less than 30 years from now with the same fate, if i am even so lucky to make it to that far. i'm in this between space of the hopefulness of being young, of the gross entitlement of believing things will keep getting better for me; and the hopelessness of ptsd, the kernel of doubt that remains even after so long in recovery, that joy and success are never owed to me. rationally i know both of these to be true, that there will be some good and some bad, and whatever happens will never turn out as i expect. and yet that doesn't abate the conflict or quell the fear that the conflict creates.
it is probably a bad idea to write about my deepest fears and insecurities on a blog with thousands of followers. it's easy to be misinterpreted and taken out of context. honesty is totally antithetical to branding or gaining a following. and yet i think i'd rather be known than not. i think i'd always prefer to take a risk in the hope of being understood.
i'm sorry i have no conclusions or advice or anything helpful to say here. but imagination is a big thing. it's the biggest thing. in allowing us the power to interpret and create, it might be the only thing.
craft essay a day tag | cross-posted on AO3 | ask me something
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weirdcat1213 · 1 year
trigun bookclub time :D volume 2 thoughts
chap 00.1
-vash's method of meditation is the only one that's valid in my eyes/j
-3 seconds of meditating vs 3 hours of training...huh...i wonder...why is that...and what...that says about him...
-hes bad at chess hes like me fr fr
-yey we love a day without casualties :D
chap 00.2
-the bit about us taking shelter on technology but still not knowing what the future holds...yeah that feels timeless now huh
-vash don't go there! oh no he has earbuds he cant hear me (that would literally happen to me tho)
-i love that panel where no one says anything after the girl is like "yeah i can give you pocket money." nice representation of the irritation people feel towards that kind of people. they arent mad just really tired of that bs
-oh man thats actually pretty horrible (page 23)
-"and i think of nothing but love and peace" besides that we know your head is empty but we love you so its ok
-yeah vash show her the real world
-interesting that he makes her see the chance of her dad dying (he didnt know what was gonna happen) which makes sense cuz she cant run from the truth anymore but its also interesting cuz if we was able to not see it he would. he hates seeing people dying and yet he watches and makes others watch. i dont think its about "if i have to, you have to as well" but more about her seeing the consequences of violence (what her father did) and the cycle of hate so she doesnt repeat it. idk.
chap 1
-rem coming out of his coat....hm....
-weird man coming
-if rem is holding him back you say...hmmm...i will go back to that later
-well thats creepy
chap 2
-my boi is in jail nooooooooooooo
-you can feel the size of the ship with one panel nightow is ridiculously talented when creating big spaces, like the sandsteamer shot in the last volume
-..... :c
-my babygirl :c
-i like he started the flashback angry as hell and then it turned into sadness cuz even if he makes knives pay nothing will bring rem back
-also the literal ship crashing into his memories what if I [redacted]
-aaaand hes angry as hell again cuz the memory finished with knives. interesting
-dont look at me with those kind eyes, we saw you
chap 3
-aw cmon :c
-and there goes the arm
-hey >:[ dont call my girl milly an idiot
-ugh you can feel how fucking stressed out he is ahhhhhhhhh
-ah yes, we love seeing how right knives is...
-huh, i wonder if knives is smiling cuz before he was like "nah she was stupid like the rest" but since she got to correct the ships's trajectory he got a bit of respect for her in the end
-is monev vs vash supposed to be like david and goliath? hm
-my god thats fucking beautiful
-also i dont think thats a ghost but maybe like her presence? like vash is remembering her and her kindness
chap 4
-oh meryl...oh honey...sweetie...
-the scars appear :D yey :D
-meryl is kinda asking him "arent you tired of being nice dont you want to go apeshit" but not really and i like that
-yknow what meryl is right pls go away and live a quiet life pls, ik whats coming but just thinking about it....
-yee ik the reason why but still >:v
-oh....oh i actually forgot about that...oh
-"rem didnt sacrifice her life for a world like that" im tearing up actually and idk why...its been a hard week
-lmao hes so mad at vash
-yeah hunt him down babygirl >:D
chap 5
-....metal >:D
-they deserved it btw
-huh thats actually kinda nice of him i forgot
-ofc he would blame vash for that, then again vash makes all of us at least a little bit soft i think
chap 6
-i love you vash that takes his sweet time to process traumatic situations, yes that was scary
-vash saying "im the deathwish" means a lot to me as an mcr fan lmao. i will think more about that later tho
-"go home or go to hell" oh im getting that on a tattoo one day actually, so metal
-...cmon, me me big boi
-THAT SMILE, THAT DAMN SMILE im gonna jump off my local cliff
-vash in the beginning saying he can read people and then wolfwood comes and READS HIM LIKE ITS NOTHING
chap 7
-"is that a friend of yours" he looks so offended lmao
-ahhhh that must be so scary, he already has knives to worry about but the fact not everyone can see legato makes his job harder ahhhhh
-bye baby ily (hes my son that i only share with a couple of other ww enjoyers)
-OH THAT PANEL IS SO GOOD (also even more princess coded, like looking at really from a castle idk)
-i keep forgetting hes missing his little arm :c
-lmao wolfwood is right, i wouldnt go to a church all the way there :b
-yeah and shes hot while teleporting all over the place
-ok but shes really fucking cool, despite wanting to kill my comfort character, yknow how these things go
chap 8
-aaaand...there goes my wife
-ahhhhhh he looks so little :c
-idk ww :c idk when will it end
-yeah right i dont like this part :b (its not bad just personal stuff)
-ok he do be looking pretty tho, i wonder if its a family thing
-im a ball of rugged paper and my feelings are nothing...thanks nightow ily
-oh wait...he actually thought that was the end...thats so fucking smart nightow...wow i never considered that....
-aw babygirl :c but i cant even imagine how that must feel, how much hate he feels towards knives rn
-i think besides the "he called me by my name" meryl and milly let him go cuz they just felt he was going to matter what, like you can feel vash and his unstoppable energy on those pages
-oh hes so fucking pretty
-knives just fucking reads vash like an open book its incredible and it makes me so sad cuz vash cant escape, he cant hide nothing, not in front of knives
-he cant be knives without the good old gaslighting >:D
-the yelling throughout the page is amazing
-vash is crying noooooooooooooooo :c
-also :c
-im not too sure of what happened with his legs but ok sure
-im afraid my babygirl cant give you an answer ww, i dont think he knows
-.....why is the world so mean to him :c
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unicorn-gallerexy · 2 years
Hello, Sugar cubes. I have gotten sucked into twisted wonderland, figuring out college and work. I am so tired. Anyways, here's a little something from the notes. This was written before the other SK! Mattsun piece, jsyk
CW: The horny goblin wanted blood and it got it, smut, SK! Mattsun, established relationship, mentions of homicide, knife play, violence, dubcon bc he didn't really ask but reader is into it.
Argument spree
The news played in the background as I went through and edited page after page for this new book.
"According to investigators, this is connected to a recent but unsettlingly long string of crimes around the area. Detectives say that although the victims are barely anything alike, they all have one thing in common: All of them look to be crimes of passion, a small heart drawn on the back of their right hand..." I opted to stop listening after that, reaching for the remote to turn the TV off as I kept scanning over my writing. My eyes didn't fail to miss the small heart bracelet around my right wrist, a gift. I roll my eyes after a while and sigh, unable to focus on my revisions.
"Dammit." I get up and grab a drink from the fridge, going up to the shared bedroom to lay in wait. Being in love with a serial killer is not too much different from a normal relationship, minus police snooping every now and then. Arguments are just as common and after this most recent one, he's opted to go on the quickest spree I've seen, changing up to avoid normal suspicion, but knowing that I would see it. He's been gone for about a week, but has already managed to kill 9 people. I stare up at the ceiling until I dose off, *maybe a nice nap will help me get back in an editing mood*.
A hand clasps itself around my neck, immediately waking me but squeezing before I can make a sound. "***Don't. make. a sound.***" I know the voice, but because I'm on my side, I can't see the face, though the familiar hand on my throat is enough confirmation. Matsukawa presses his hips into mines, grinding as his other hand makes its way up my shirt, feeling slick and cold.
"I'm kinda upset, baby. It's been almost a week and you haven't even said a word to me. No calls, not a text, nothing. Are you still that mad at me, love?" He shifts so he's over me, releasing his hold on my throat.
"I'm not the one who started that argument, nor am I the one who went and had a murderous tantrum." I glare up at him only to have my gaze interrupted by my shirt as he forces it over my head, pulling at my pants after, feeling his hands still slick in the dimly lit room. "Is there literally blood on your hands right now?!" I asked after fully coming to my senses as he forces my pants off of me, tossing them with my shirt as I take in the fact that he has on nothing but his boxers.
"Yes, and?. I was still mad before I decided to come back so I went and carved up a girl like a fresh baked ham. Don't be jealous tho, babe, I brought back your favorite knife." He smiled as he reached over and grabbed the switch blade he took ehen he left and pressed the tip to my collarbone. I stiffen under him as he drags it across my upper chest, free hand pulling off the remaining clothes and discarding them. He pressed the tip of the knife into my skin just enough to draw blood before he attached his mouth to the wound. "1. You're absolutely disgusting for sucking my blood and smearing someone else's blood all over me, you sick fuck." I sigh as he kisses up from my collar to the center of my throat, groaning against my skin. "And 2. You killed 10 people in less than 7 days. You're nothing but evil... And it's hot, even though it shouldn't be."
He chuckled against the skin and bit into the center of my throat before moving over as I whined. He's careful with the knife as he moves my legs so that the back of my knees rest on his shoulders, pushing down his boxers as to grind himself against me skin to skin. His hand still slick, he moves it up to play with my breast, the other moving the knife behind my thigh, eyes daring me to squirm the wrong way and slice myself. "Cmon, stop teasin', Issei. You leave for a week and then come back, slather me in someone's blood and then wanna tease. That's not fa- ahh!" He cuts off middle sentence, the harsh thrust shifting me upwards.
"You're right, I'm just being mean at this point." His smile is sadistic as he sets a ,
harsh pace, pressing himself and my thighs against my chest. He buries his head into the other side of my neck, the knife sharp and more precise than one would think as he presses it into my skin, cutting slice after slice into the backs of my thighs. I squeal and mew under him, eyes glossy with tears as I squeeze around him, making him groan and bite my neck. I reach up and grab onto him, digging my nails into his back, feeling the blood from the back of my thighs trail down his chest.
"Fuck~ fuck, Issei, please~" he pulls away from my neck to press his lips to my ear.
"Say you're mines, darling. Say you belong to me." His voice has a gentle tone of desperation, his hands let go of the knife in favor of gripping the front of my thighs to pull my lower half closer to his. The pain forces a broken moan from me as I fist the sheets at my sides, tears streaming from the corner of my eyes.
"I'm yours, Issei! Only yours, I swear." I babble out as his hips speed up, the sounds and feeling much wetter than normal, though my mind is too mushy to care. My back arches as I whine and keen beneath him, gushing around him as he soon follows, stilling as he grunts and fills me completely. He pulls away so I can properly see his face, giving me a gentle kiss as he moves a hand to cup my face. "I really do love you, you know?" I ask with the softest voice I can, completely tired and limp under him. He chuckles and sits up to put my legs down, his movements slow and gentle.
"I know, and I love you too. Now, how about I clean you up and then we cuddle?" I nod as I watch him disappear into the bathroom, still feeling lucky as ever.
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urdearestmom · 2 years
i feel like the reason why mike is so hated by the fandom is that the writers ideolize him a lot and then just don't write him to meet those expectations.
like he's supposed to be the heart, the glue, the hero. and then they make him ignore his friends for eight months. like. what the fuck is up with that??? do they expect me to belive that???
like his behaviour could be explained by all the trauma he's gotten that lead to behavioural issues or something but even that wasn't acknowledged or put as a possibility so far.
and apologising wouldnt really do anything because every single one of his apologies lead to little to nothing changing.
and it makes me so mad because like the way his character is portrayed in earlier seasons and what his friends think of him doesn't really align with that yk? and everyone just hates my protegee mike wheeler because the writers did him dirty.
i feel like he's to worried abt el. which makes sense. all the sense in the world and im not saying he shouldn't. but make him worry abt the rest of his friends out loud too??? especially will??? most of his interactions with people who were not el were just sending will deeper into the friendzone and treating him kinda badly after apologising to him for doing exactly that and it's like. no. he wouldnt do that. wtf.
if i can get past everything wrong that happened in vol2 then i like it. i like it a lot. but seriously????
(i am not blaming this on mike, im blaming this on the writers if that wasn't clear)
I really liked vol 2 but I do have some bones to pick and this is one of them!
Mike gets a lot of flack because he's too complicated an individual to be an immediate fan favourite, the way El is for example. Not to say that she isn't also a complex character, because she DEFINITELY is, just in different ways. A lot of his motivations aren't clear (as opposed to El, whose motivations ARE clear and easy to understand. They have to be because the story doesn't move forward without her) and I don't know if that's because the writers are bad at writing him or if it's on purpose and it's Mike himself who doesn't actually even recognize what's going on with him.
I do think this is a symptom of plot-driven storytelling rather than character-driven. There's so much going on in the plot that they don't have the time to get into each character in depth. What ends up happening is that the characters are used to further the plot instead of the plot happening because of character actions. It starts to cheapen some characters and they become flat (a flat character is a character with little to no complex emotions, motivations, or personality. They also don't undergo any kind of change to make them more well-rounded). I think that's what's starting to happen to Mike and it SUCKS because I love him so much he's great!! They just made him so difficult to understand and then he doesn't have enough screentime to fully be developed (again because there is so much going on in the plot that this just isn't possible). And I get it because he's not the main, but in that case could they make the shorter screentime he has more meaningful?
He definitely does have trauma because they all do. There's no way you can come away from all the shit they've been through unscathed! I've said this on this page before, Mike has seen so much shit and literally nobody ever asked him how he felt about it. Tbh he probably wouldn't even answer completely because when does Mike ever talk about his feelings, but still. A LOT of the way he is is completely reasonable for someone his age who's been through the shit he's been through. People are difficult sometimes. He's also been bullied basically his whole life and I'll tell y'all right now that shit takes a toll on you. I'm 22 and I still struggle with certain things because I spent my whole childhood being bullied too. The writers are just choosing not to address any of it when it's not relevant to the plot because- you guessed it- plot-driven storytelling does that. All the other things that need to happen in the limit of 9 episodes make showing each character's struggles impossible, and since Mike isn't central to the plot (like El always is, and like how Max was this season) he doesn't get to have any of his problems really delved into. The only thing that gave a little insight to his psyche was the Lois Lane bit, but I could write a whole other post about that. I probably will at some point 🤷🏻‍♀️
But you're right when you say he was TOO worried about El and nothing else. He absolutely should have been worried about her and it makes total sense that he was because she's his girlfriend and he's in love with her, but there are other people he cares about too. The only time he really showed that was in episode 4 when the agents were explaining what happened and he said, "My family lives in Hawkins!" Nothing after that, about his family or his friends.
I think Mike as a person definitely was thinking about everybody else, they just didn't show it because that wasn't relevant to the point of his character this season. The whole point of Mike's character this time around was literally just to help El fight Vecna and make Will sadder, lmao. I was waiting for that moment where he usually snaps into action and starts leading everybody into battle with some deranged ass plan! Left me disappointed because it didn't really happen. The Cali crew going to Suzie was like a watered down version of that. I loved the Mileven moments season 4 gave us, but it's still a total disservice to him because people are more than their relationships, but there's that plot-driven storytelling again. Mike IS the heart, he IS the glue, you can tell by the small things his friends say about him or the way they react to him. He just doesn't look like it anymore because the writers don't have the time to show it since they're so busy doing everything else.
Another thing is also that the majority of people who watch this show aren't sitting here analyzing everything. Even if you are a fan, you don't typically think super in depth about characters that aren't your fave (I don't anyway. The only characters I really really think about a lot are Mike, El, and Max). What that can lead to is taking characters at face value instead of thinking about what their reasons for doing/saying a certain thing might be. It makes sense why people are annoyed by/dislike him, though, because he does make a ton of mistakes and he never gets a chance to explain himself properly because the writers don’t give him one :/ Everything is nuanced, people aren't black and white. And it's fine really because this is a tv show and these people are fictional but it does say something about how we react to others around us. Cancel culture is an insidious thing and I think that has a little bit to do with why so many people don't like Mike.
As usual y'all this is me rambling completely unedited so forgive me if it's incoherent LMAO
Thanks for this! Mike Wheeler will be my baby forever even if the writers keep doing him dirty 🥰 that's what my fanfictions are for
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abigail-nicole · 2 years
tgcf liveread 9
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being the live-read of that time i read tgcf for the first time, truly a magical experience i would recommend to all, if you like gay stories, fantasy stories, or perfectly-written stories, then perhaps buy official english translations of Heaven Official's Blessing
originally tweeted 4/1/2020:
I also can’t want to see this animated, in five years when the donghua gets to it
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gays pointing out misogyny
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Another little mxtx horror gem featuring bai wuxiang
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this Thing Obviously Impersonating Hua Cheng (But Doing A Bad Job) is adding so much extra horror to a scene which is already filled with creepy, fleeting glimpses of Bai Wuxiang. Horror level 10
nicely done confirmation that Fu Yao and Nan Feng were just Mu Qing and Feng Xin for a long time. That was pretty obvious from the dynamics
hahahahshahshsjs omg this dynamic
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I literally burst out laughing so loudly at this fourth wall call out by Mu Qing & Feng Xin
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the Cave Full Of Statues Of Himself thing is INCREDIBLY creepy !!!!!
i screamed in my empty apartment
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.... i need to do some online shopping & process this a second while I think about buying an eighth bathrobe
so this is kinda like Hua Cheng’s stalker cave huh, while he was hoping to play it cool
I say that with LOVE i still adore crimson rain sought flower and hualian
Rip feng xin & mu qing who are about to get murdered by hua cheng
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who IS the white-clothed man who is CLEARLY the favorite to win Mt Tong’lu’s Next Top Ghost King??? I’m scared of him & Hua Cheng better step up
it’s....Him, isn’t it....!!!!!!!!
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ok I was wrong nothing was impersonating hua cheng But he Was acting suspicious. Like, What If He Finds Out How Long I’ve Liked Him, What If He Realizes I Was A Nerd In School And Filled My Locker With Art Of Us suspicious
ahhhhhhh Clean Water, Pure Air,,,,,, Hualian Happy Together
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Xie Lian: oh no
Hua Cheng: what? I won’t let Bai Wuxiang get near you!
Xie Lian: Oh no.....it’s so hot when you’re mad.....
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Xie Lian’s reaction to seeing the cave that Hua Cheng filled with statues and art of him: so he DOES like-like me!!!!
When I found out where his ashes were & spoiled it for myself I was so mad & now these cryptic comments are even MORE ROMANTIC
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Hua Cheng is about to Ghost King Level Up!!!!!!!!!!! Watch Out!!!! Oh my god
Every time I turn a page I expect AND SCENE! END OF BOOK THREE!!! is it gonna be KISS? is it gonna be HANDS HOLD JUMP INTO KILN? its gonna be somewhere Maximum Suspense is reached
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the suspense is so bad that....I better stop reading & tweet every other paragraph so I can scream more about how AHHHHHHHHHH i am about this
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I clearly remember every book I read that made me start wanting to eat the pages halfway thru because I was so into it & this is one
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Hahaha and THERE is the end of book 3 okay oh boy someone get me a beta blocker for my heart rate oh god
Predixns: Book-4-flashback.mov then I suspect our dianxia will just turn up in a forest somewhere, having gently jumped ahead several months, been missing, collecting trash, and there will be Some Backstory & we’ll never get the details of how he came out of the Kiln
Predixns the sequel: while dianxia is trapped in the Burial Moun—I mean the Kiln, the world will go to shit & hua cheng will be Big Mad & Take It Out On Everyone
I read this on april fool’s because I am The Fool
More proof xie lian is god of millennials: centuries of eating trash and being free while ignoring the news
Book Four! Starting next time on tgcf liveread part ten!!!!
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My sister and I just can't seem to see eye to eye anymore. She wanted to "move past the situation" yesterday night by acting like it never happened. I hate that. Always have. I felt uncomfortable with that and texted her about it. And now she doesn't want to talk to me again. One of the reasons as to why I didn't want to live with her is because of how she acts. She acts like child sometimes. I want to leave so bad but I have no where to go.
I feel so numb. It seems like I'm just pushing everybody away..
Yesterday was one of those contest days, so I didn't make my minimum, but I still stayed online and made sure I was showing up for myself. One of the things I TRULY hate is when people think they can get some free shit out of me. I had a guy saying I wasn't "having fun" because I wasn't showing my pussy in the free chat like the other girls on the site. Like bro, why are you telling me this? Just go watch the girls that're doing it tf?
After that situation with my sister, I texted my ex to vent and he just low key seemed like he didn't wanna talk to me. This guy used to talk to me all the time. I used to call him at any time when we were together. He's a security guard and it's a laid back job for him. I asked him if I could call him. He didn't respond, so I called. No answer. Then he decided to call me back like right after. He said he was sleepy, but that he wasn't sleep. He's been cold and distant since we broken up. And this kinda was my last straw. So I blocked him. He doesn't care about me anymore, and it's not like he could do anything to actually help me anyway.
Trying to get people on the same page as me is pointless. I really don't ask for much out of people, but if we're not seeing eye to eye, I'd like to talk about that. That's it. Nothing else. I've helped my sister with so much shit. She gets mad at me over the dumbest shit. You know she got mad at me one time because we couldn't find her. She left her car at a park with her keys and personal shit still in there. I got scared because she was on a date with a guy and thought of the worst. I blew up her phone, messaged him on facebook, everything. Then she calls me and completely blows up in my face because "I was treating her like a kid." I don't bring that shit up. She is literally mad at me because I said that I wanted to get my medication filled somewhere else. After everything I've done for her. I don't even get the same grace that she gives to her dates, and they treat her like fucking garbage.
And I don't like talking in a way where I talk about what I've done for people, but I feel like it's necessary here because she gets mad at me over the dumbest shit.
I want to run away but I don't know how I'ma do that. Seems like all I can do is endure it all until I find a solution. My sister gets off early today, so it's no point in me working. I'm debating on if I'ma actually work today though. Idk.
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gumayusi-seonsu · 2 years
T1 vs HLE: August 4, 2022
I would like to start this little series by stating that I cannot hear, I cannot see, I cannot feel, I cannot taste, nor can I smell after witnessing the dumpster fire (on my end) that is the second match between T1 and Gen.G for the summer regular season. I do understand what I have done wrong, especially in the tweet that I have posted prior to that match*. A number of you have responded to me that I was not specific in what I wish could have happened in that series. So as a response, I have created this page so I can be as excruciatingly  specific with whatever I manifest without the restrictions of the word count Twitter implements on their website.
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*The cursed tweet as mentioned
Moving on to the main topic at hand, in the upcoming game T1 shall be facing Hanwha Life Esports. If you have asked me days prior, I would say that this series would be an easy win for T1. However, I had also watched the aforementioned T1-Gen.G match that has lowered my morale, as well as the match between Evil Geniuses and Immortals which has shown me that literally anything is possible (EG won but holy shit it dragged on more than it should). I still believe that T1 can win 2-0 against HLE especially since I have a feeling they will be extra pissed off since it was their first time to lose 0-2 against an LCK team in 2022; with T1, they get better when they're extra mad so I don’t mind (also they’re kinda hot when they’re mad). To quote the words of Philippe “Vulcan” Laflamme’s barber: “nononono, never underestimate your opponent 😤”.
Now the main question for this match: what does Maxi want to see in this match?
As of now, I want to see a Master Yi pick from T1’s end with my only reasoning being the fact a team will get stomped by T1 in 2022 with such a dogshit champion that is Master Yi. I also do not want T1 to pick Nidalee just because I find it funny how Oner would still push for her and the whole team ignores him. 
Will Oner fans get angry at me? Yes. Will I laugh? Absolutely. 
Since yesterday, I’ve been wishing for no penta kills whatsoever and so far, it’s working surprisingly well. So well to the point that I was watching a game recently and there was a Jinx who had a penta kill angle up until the enemy Poppy ulted his Jinx away (the Jinx did nothing wrong, this is all my fault so blame me). I wished for a penta kill very hard only because Minhyeong “Gumayusi” Lee had gotten a penta kill as Zeri against KT Rolster and I wasn’t able to watch it live. But my wish backfired on me when Jaehyuk “Ruler” Park flipped me off and also got a Zeri penta kill on T1. It was so bad for me that I gagged and stayed quiet for the entirety of the match, that exact moment made me hate every single penta kill that has happened this year because for some fucking reason, shit like this don’t like being in my favor.
Up next, I do not want to see Ryze ever again. That purple Walter White variant makes my blood boil no matter whose side he’s on and I would like to start a petition to delete his ass. Also, I do not want to see Ahri outside of solo queue, I do not want to even bother listening to other people’s opinions about Ahri unless it’s Star Guardian-related. I do, however, want to see Faker play Zed again only because I want to shout  “Look at the cleanse! Look at the moves! Faker, what was that?!” when I watch him play the said champion. If Faker does pick someone else, in meta or not, I wouldn’t mind as long as we get that win.
I have nothing much to say with top lane except that I HOPE THE ENEMY TEAM STOPS GANGING UP ON ZEUS!!!!! I  AM VERY TIRED! THEY KEEP FINDING HIM AROUND THE MAP AND KILLING HIM! HAVE MERCY ON THE BABY! I don’t know much about the top lane meta (and for any position except for ADC) so I’ll just wait for him to lock in a champion and wait for other people to say it’s a good pick so my mind can be at ease.
Lastly, our lovely bot lane. They better fucking ban the Zeri. Even though Zeri is my favorite champion in the game, it gets boring to see the meta surrounding her and teams having a bigger chance of winning with her. I want drama, I want suspense, I want to see Draven again because they keep banning him and I wanna see his axes go wirwirwir. I have nothing for support because I wholeheartedly trust Keria with anything, like he’s the type I would leave my drink with. He can pick any champion and I’ll trust him with it (except for that one Camille pick because eh). As long as it brings us the win, I’m good.
I really hope they win 2-0 especially after their last game, and that their match against Gen.G pushed them to fight harder and smarter. With all my efforts in writing all of this down, if I still managed to jinx T1 in any way, I will go private on Twitter.
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mercy-burning · 3 years
Page Turner
Pairing: Spencer Reid x fem!Reader Summary: Y/N becomes a little impatient while Spencer is reading... Category: SMUT (18+) Content: Thigh riding, thigh fucking, cum play Word Count : 2.5k
NOTE: this is just FILTH FILTH FILLLTHHHHH, and it was supposed to be a blurb but i got kinda carried away so it’s a little longer than that... so enjoy your porn with no plot 😊😂 And shoutout to @broken-stardust for beta-ing this for me!! we originally talked about the idea for this fic months ago, so i’m glad you finally got to see it ❤
She was in the mood for a little trouble.
Well, it was more like she was in the mood for a good fuck, but at the moment, with Spencer's strong desire to finish this incredibly long book series he'd just discovered, the mood for trouble came as more of a... fun little footnote that would most certainly add to the experience she was looking for.
So she strode up to Spencer, who was sitting comfortably on the couch with his book open and his glasses perched cutely on the tip of his nose, and straddled herself on his right leg wearing nothing but a pair of thin cotton underwear and a t-shirt.
"Hey," she said, low and seductive as she planted a wet kiss into his neck. Her hands clutched his shirt, willing herself to be closer and with every intention of him putting the book down and paying her some attention.
Either he truly wasn’t in the mood, or he was teasing her.
"Hey," is all he responded with, clipped and distant. His eyes scanned the pages, albeit slower than usual due to the woman clinging herself to him and begging for attention.
"You've been reading all weekend," Y/N half-whined, pressing herself into him and attaching her lips to his neck again. "Can't you at least take a little break?"
"It won't take me long to finish this book, and then we can, okay?"
She knew it was fair. It was more than fair, actually, but that didn't help the fact that she was still incredibly horny, and if she took care of it herself, it wouldn't have been enough. Maybe that was selfish, but she didn't care.
So she whined for real this time, more like a disappointed child, as she gripped his shirt and pulled herself closer to him. "Spencer..."
She expected him to warn her, to tell her to wait or something—anything—but instead he opted for the exact opposite.
He did nothing.
Y/N promptly decided that wasn't the correct response and rolled her hips, grinding down on his leg for friction. Her tongue drew a messy line up the side of his neck as she circled her hips and sought out the stimulation she so desperately wanted. And at the way his body tensed under her, obviously wanting the same things but holding out in favor of restraint, she knew her plan was close to working.
So she let out a long, content sigh and tangled her fingers in his hair, tugging it gently and continued to ride his thigh, moving quicker and harder with each second as she felt her body start to unravel. Her lips attached to his neck and mumbled all sorts of little noises that should have gotten him to fucking do something...
And still, even as she felt herself cling to him and her body recover from a short (and quite frankly unsatisfying) orgasm, Spencer remained in his position, still flipping pages in that godforsaken book.
"Spencer," Y/N grunted. She was exasperated, and strongly hoping that she wasn't giving him any satisfaction in her need for attention.
However, instead he seemed a little defensive. "Wh—You're distracting me! I can't finish the book as quickly if you're distracting me..."
"Fine," she sighed, peeling herself away from him and trying one last thing to get him to submit.
Y/N slid the underwear off her legs and tossed it gently at his face, watching it fall into his lap in front of the book.
Still nothing. His eyes roamed the pages, and he was clearly highly invested in whatever story was written on them. And god damn it if he still wasn't the cutest thing she'd ever seen.
So she slunk back to the bedroom and plopped herself down on the bed with only a t-shirt, laying down and crossing one leg over the other. And when she tossed her head to the side with a sigh, she noticed the other books in Spencer's current interest scattered along his side of the bed.
Well, I'm not particularly in the mood anymore, and there's really nothing else to do...
"Why the fuck not," Y/N sighed, reaching out and fishing for the book that had the number 1 printed on the spine.
With the final paragraphs of the story swimming through his brain, the book settled closed and neatly on the cushion beside him, Spencer looked down at his lap and noticed the bundle of cotton sitting there, next to a small damp spot on his pants where his girlfriend had been just under a half hour earlier.
He felt bad, ignoring her like that. It was hard resisting her when she was literally there, in his lap and getting herself off on his leg. And while he could practically hear Morgan in the back of his mind, telling him with disappointment in his voice, "It doesn't matter how important you think something is, that is always gonna be the most important thing,"... Spencer really couldn't help it. The book was so good he couldn't put it down. Not even for sex.
And now that he'd finished, he was focusing on what his brain decided it couldn't handle before, remembering her wet, hot breath on his neck and her fingers tangled in his hair as she rode his thigh, begging him for attention.
He was feeling guilty.
And he was going to spend the whole rest of the weekend making it up to her. He swore it, no matter who called, no matter what came up, he wasn't going to pay any attention to it unless it was his girlfriend's limbs tangled with his.
His hand reached for the book so he could return it with the others, but he thought better of it, wondering if Y/N would say anything. Instead, he figured walking in empty-handed and announcing how he was ready to give her his undivided attention for the rest of eternity if she'd let him would be a better option.
Spencer was feeling good about his decision, but when he opened the bedroom door and saw her, he felt even worse about ignoring her.
Because there she was, one foot pressed flat into the mattress and the other crossed over her knee, exposing her bare cunt to the world as she held a book in her hands. She looked statuesque and absolutely delectable, and he'd turned her down for a book he could have easily finished tomorrow morning.
Oh, he was definitely going to make it up to her...
"H—Hey, babe," he got out, trying to get her attention like she hadn't already heard the squeaky door open.
"Hey," she responded, similar in tone to how he'd answered the same greeting earlier, and it made his stomach turn.
Was she doing it on purpose?
Spencer took cautious steps towards her, stepping around the bed and clearing off the books scrambled on his side so he could take their place. "What are you reading?"
Rather than speaking, she tilted the book so he could see the cover and then returned to her position, eyes scanning the pages, and he couldn't tell if she was doing it to mess with him or if she was truly invested.
"Okay... Well, um... I'm finished now, i—if you wanted to, um..."
When Y/N finally took her eyes off the pages, she looked at him up and down as he sat on the bed... She took in his apologetic eyes, the slight pout on his lips that she could never resist...
And then she resisted him. Sort of.
"Eh, sure. Just let me finish this chapter first."
She sounded utterly bored.
And once again, Spencer wasn't sure if it was genuine or if she was just doing it to get back at him. But either way, it made him feel bad about before. He wanted to respect her wishes, grant her the time to finish reading just as she'd granted it to him... But he also wanted to make sure she knew just how sorry he was.
"Oh... Okay." He laid down next to her and watched her face as she read, her eyes occasionally blinking, mimicking the butterflies in his stomach at the sight before him. Even if she was mad at him, she was still absolutely stunning, and he was never going to take it for granted.
His fingers reached out to brush some of the hair from her eyes so he could see her better, and despite herself, she smiled a little, gently leaning into his touch.
That's my way in...
"I'm really sorry, Y/N... For ignoring you. I was just really caught up in the book and I—"
"Babe, it's fine," she dismissed, like it wasn't ever a big deal in the first place. "Trust me, I totally get it now. This is so good..."
As soon as she finished speaking, her eyes were roaming the words again, her bottom lip tucking gently between her teeth as she turned a page.
Oh... so she wasn't just messing with me, then...
Spencer's eyebrows raised and he sighed a little, truly unsure where to go from here. "Oh... Well... I'm glad you like it?"
She hummed, barely acknowledging him, and it amused him to his very core. So much so that he couldn't help but lean forward to kiss her cheek out of habit. And when she scrunched her nose, barely brushing off his touch, he started feeling a bit more devious. So he kissed her again, this time on the jaw, and then again and again trailing down her neck. And he stayed there, sucking small marks into her skin while she remained in her position.
He remembered what he saw when he opened the door, and the thoughts swirling around in his head begged him to utilize it.
He really wanted to be polite and let her finish reading... But also...
Spencer shifted, leaving the bed only to return on the other end, with no pants as he crawled up in between her legs on his knees. Seeing as she wasn't going to move her legs at all, he settled for running his hands gently over them, tracing every dip and curve they took, all the way down to the back of her thigh, which was out and exposed as it was aiding in resting her ankle over her other knee.
When he got close to her exposed pussy, she shivered a little. "You're distracting me..."
The obvious teasing that laced her words sent a smile to his lips. He couldn't see her face for a moment, but then she angled the book down and peered over it, giving him eyes that challenged, Do it and see what happens...
So, without breaking eye contact, Spencer gently ran his finger along the opening of her wet cunt and watched as she flung the book back up to her face, hiding it from view. He played with her clit for a while, circling it gently with his thumb while his middle finger slowly slipped in and out of her.
Y/N whined. "That's not fair... At least when I was interrupting you, I didn't try to give you a handjob..."
Spencer hummed in agreement, removing his fingers from her and bringing them to his lips. "Hmm, I suppose you're right..."
So how am I going to make it even...
He took his dick out of his underwear then, holding it in his hand and resisting the urge to slip it inside of her. Instead, he settled for the small gap between her thighs, a whine escaping him once he realized it was nowhere near the amount of stimulation he'd get from anything else.
His hips snapped forward urgently as he chased some form of release, frustrated at how it felt good, but not nearly good enough.
"Not so fun, is it?" Y/N sang, flipping a page amusedly once he'd let out another exasperated whine.
"What's to stop me from just fucking you?" he hissed, gripping her legs and trying his hardest to be patient.
"You won't... Because you won't learn your lesson otherwise."
Now she was messing with him. She was punishing him for ignoring her, and he breathed a laugh, knowing he should have seen it coming. But he wasn't going to argue with her, not when he was well and truly aware that he deserved this.
Still, it didn't make it any easier.
Spencer's whimpering increased tenfold, though, once she took a little pity on him and squeezed her legs tighter, giving him more friction and bringing him closer to the edge.
"O—oh my g—od..."
It happened so fast. One second he was relieved at this new wave of pleasure and the next he was pulled underneath it, his lower half tensing, pulsing, and burning hot. God, she was warm... And wet, and tight, but in a completely different way than normal, and it all was too much.
Her thighs and lower stomach were covered in cum, and that thought alone was enough to keep him going. He was overstimulated and probably should have refrained, but the silky, warm skin of her thighs just felt so good gliding over his dick, he just couldn't.
By now, Y/N had completely tossed the book aside, watching in awe as Spencer seemed unaware of her actions. His eyes were shut tightly, so focused on coming again, and the head of his cock peeked out through the gap in her thighs with every thrust forward, glistening and nearly red...
And then he was coming again, and she watched as the milky substance spilled out over her skin. A strand of it dripped slowly down the front of her left thigh, and the sight made her whine.
Spencer opened his eyes then, an overwhelming kernel of love and adoration blooming through his chest as he watched her watch him.
And then everything slowed.
He shoved the book off the bed and laid down beside her, looking down to admire his work.
"Fuck," is all he said, in one huff.
He was clearly pleased with himself, a fact which made Y/N beam. "Oh, you like that, huh?"
With a vigorous nod, he reached a hand out to spread some of the mess around, his fingers gliding slowly and softly over the planes and curves of her still-crossed legs.
"We have to do that again... Though, I could do without the 'you punishing me' part..."
Y/N let out a laugh, grabbing his wrist and bringing his fingers to her mouth. She darted her tongue out to taste, slowly dragging the tip along the underside of his middle finger before taking it fully in her mouth.
"Don't give me a reason to punish you, then," she quipped back after letting his finger go with a soft pop and tilting her head to look at him.
That look in her eyes, the one that always gave him butterflies, elicited another heavy nod.
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