GX Month- You And Me
The Crystal Protector, keeper of the Light of Healing, has ventured to a different dimension in hopes of meeting his counter part, the Prince with the power of the Gentle Darkness. When people seek to keep them apart, however, he finds his own way creating a meeting.
For being in the Dark World, this place is really quite bright, Marmoru thought to himself, walking along the pathways leading away from the castle and towards the farmed lands. When the Guardian had explained to him that they needed to travel to the Dark World to find his counterpart, he’d expected something more dreary. True, it wasn’t as bright as the Light World, and the moat made of lava surrounding the castle was a truly inspired touch, but so far it was, dare he say it, pleasant. Beyond the King’s reluctance to have them as guests, that is.
“I still cannot believe the Guardian managed to convince him I was a knight,” Marmoru mentioned to Ruby Carbuncle, currently sat astride his shoulder as they travelled. She mewled back a response. “True, but anyone could dress the part. I hardly look like a knight, do I?” Ruby gave a non-commital reply.
He’d somehow managed to give the Guardian the slip for the morning, borrowing back his sword from the armoury that the King had insisted he shouldn’t be allowed to carry while he was a guest, all under the guise of wanting to explore the surrounding lands. It wasn’t a complete lie, truly, he was always interested to explore new places, but there might have been an ulterior motive.
They’d been here for days now, and still he hadn’t met him. His counterpart, the person with the Power of Gentle Darkness. It was an exhilarating and terrifying thought, to be so close to him, so close to finally meeting him, and yet as travelling visitors he and the Guardian had been kept away from any of the royals thus far. But that was about to change.
The farmed lands gave away to wild forest, gnarled roots strangling the undergrowth while lucious trees gave wonderful shade. The leaves were so much livelier than the sun-bleached leaves of Light World, they felt wonderful to roll through his fingers. He’d happened to overhear some of the servants mentioning how the Prince would occasionally sneak away with a friend to the forest, to spend precious time away from his duties, and when he heard the same servants trying to explain away his absence to senior staff this morning, he knew where he’d find him. The sound of laughter from deeper in the forest confirmed his suspicions. He turned to Ruby.
“Well? Are you ready to meet him?” He asked. Ruby mewled in agreement. He took a deep breath and walked towards the noise.
Stood below a tree, covering their mouth with one hand and the other reaching up into the tree, was one of the young servants he’d seen around the castle, speaking to someone up in the tree. “Come on, Haou, you said you could get the apples easily!”
“I’m nearly there, Yubel,” Haou replied, the leaves in the tree shaking as he moved among them. “Just a little. Bit. Further…”
“You know, if you fall, that will be difficult to explain to your father,” Marmoru pointed out and was replied by a loud yelp of surprise coming from the tree and Yubel leaping back from it as if it was suddenly on fire. “What are you doing up there?”
“I told you it was a dangerous idea, Haou,” Yubel’s tone had changed quickly, trying to usher him down from the tree. Haou’s face poked out from among the leaves, but he didn’t look like he was considering climbing down.
“I saw some ripe apples on the higher branches the other day, and Yubel said I wouldn’t be able to get them. I told them I could, and I will,” the branches shook again, and even from down here Marmoru could see there was no way he was going to get high enough to grab the ripe apples. Not without help.
“Why don’t you let my friend Ruby here help you out?” Marmoru offered, grabbing hold of the branch Haou was stood on, forming a bridge for Ruby to climb along. “She’s quite nimble, just show her the apples you want.” A quiet grumble came down from the trees. “You’re allowed to rely on friends for help, you know,” Marmoru reminded him as Ruby came up to the young prince’s heels. She gently cuffed at them until Haou picked her up, and held her closer to the apples, where she climbed out of his hands and made short work knocking down a few of the ripest, easily caught by Yubel and Marmoru below. Haou caught her again, handing her back down to Marmoru before slowly climbing back down.
“I could’ve gotten them, I really could have,” Haou insisted, pouting slightly. Yubel handed him one of their apples, both of them taking a bite as Marmoru held up his to Ruby for her to eat. “You’re a knight, right? Has my father sent you to find me and bring me back?”
The regret in Haou’s voice made Marmoru’s heart sink. “Of course not. I am just visiting, I do not run errands for the king. I was simply passing by on my walk and wanted to see who was having so much fun.”
Yubel still seemed apprehensive, but Haou seemed to accept his answer. “Okay, you can stay if you want, but you cannot tell my father where you found us.”
“Oh? Are you breaking a rule, then?”
Haou’s face scrunched up. “We wouldn’t have to if his rules made sense.”
“The king is a little overprotective, since the queen died,” Yubel explained, placing a hand on Haou as if expecting a reaction from him, but he gave none.
“I don’t think we’ve had the pleasure of introducing ourselves properly, Prince Haou,” Marmoru quickly changed the subject. “I am Marmoru, of the Light World. And this is Ruby Carbuncle, a Crystal Beast.” Marmoru held his hand out to shake it, only realising after it was already held out that it was covered in apple juice from Ruby’s messy eating. Haou didn’t seem to mind.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Sir Marmoru of Light World. I am Prince Haou of Dark World, and this is my friend, Yubel,” Haou introduced the two of them, pausing over the word ‘friend’ as if trying to consider if it was the right word to use. He too held out his hand, also covered by apple juice and shook Marmoru’s hand, the juice making their hands stick to each other with a gammy, tacky feeling, but there was something more beyond that. A feeling like this wasn’t the first, or last, time they’d ever held hands like this, the ghost of handshakes past and yet to come dancing around it. The look of confusion on Haou’s face said that he felt it too.
“Have we met before?” Haou asked, taking his hand back. “There is something about your face that seems familiar.”
Marmoru could feel it too, the weight of a thousand lifetimes lived and yet to come shared between their eyes, and yet, he had his instructions. Do not tell the boy yet, the time will come. You’ll know when it will be, The Guardian’s voice echoed in his mind.
“I’m not sure, I daresay I share the feeling,” Marmoru stated, pulling back his hand towards his chest. There was a warmth there that felt like it had been missing his whole life, returned to its place by Haou. Ruby mewled her own greeting, which Marmoru quickly translated. Haou seemed to be kept in place a moment longer, mesmerised by the feeling in his own hand and the strange ‘knight’ before him, but when Yubel called his name, he seemed to snap out of it.
“Are you any good at climbing trees, Marmoru?” Haou asked, pointing deeper into the forest. “There’s a nice one over there Yubel and I often climb.”
“I haven’t very much experience, but I would happily give it a try,” Marmoru agreed, giving Haou a smile. He was a few years older than Haou, and his height and maturity gave that away, but for one day, for a new friend, it could easily be forgotten.
“Wonderful! It’s a marvelous place to sit and talk, and you simply have to tell us all about the Light World,” Haou insisted, his eyes sparkling with excitement and wonder, and Marmoru couldn’t help but feel energised by it too. Whatever happened with the Gentle Darkness, there was no doubt Haou would bring joy to any around him, Marmoru could see that now.
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shittysmscreencaps · 4 months
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00127am · 6 months
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"it's a wonder how you don't have girls falling at your feet," "i have you,"
@ notyourmalelead top of his class, hallway crush kim doyoung isn't very interested in his semester long partnership with sailor moon obsessed, popular vlogger: you. until your larger than life crush on him is revealed. then he's much more interested in proving that he's not your male lead (and subsequently wishing he was).
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@ information [🦀] class president! kim doyoung & afab! vlogger! reader genre smau, fluff, comedy, uni au, enemies to lovers, crush at first sight, mutual pining, lots of sailor moon references warnings dark humor (kys jokes), sexual humor/innuendos, cursing status updates every monday and friday @ 9AM ⤷ taglist always open!
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@ masterlist @ ♡♡♡♡ @ soundtrack
follow others like this! playlists. yn ⟢ doyoung profiles. taeilenators ⟢ doyoung fan club ⟢ assorted
user notyourmalelead's posts C01. pretty sailor soldier meets her tuxedo mask C02. practically dating (give or take) C03. get an inch take a mile C04. chiba marmoru! or not... C05. in defense of usagi tsukino ⟢ new years special C06. on the dark side of the (sailor) moon C07. one step forward ten steps back C08. coming soon!
🧾 © 00127am 2024
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samthepotterhead · 4 months
I immediately thought after ending the book that I enjoyed a lot of things about the book, but the plot itself was such a mess. I read in a review that the last third of the book read like a very long epilogue which I agree with, but it was much more thrilling than an epilogue. it was like the real story only started then and things strated to connect.
I also read that the book is lacking and editor and I 100% agree with that. the plot was really good in the end and I liked the (main) characters, but the parts didn't seem to fit together at all. I felt like I read 3 different books: misakis past life, marmorus school life with all the worldbuilding and the time after the ranganese attack. I guess I don't understand why this isn't a series, there was so much material.
one of the things in which it did deliver plot-wise though, was its lack of tropes compared to YA. the school could've easily been like hogwarts and dai like dumbledore etc, but there was fairly little focus on the school as the story progresses. so it's honestly the first (english) fantasy book I've read that didn't immediately give me hp vibes. and I enjoyed the fresh wind!
in general it's weird bc the book was so unusual and unpredictable and I really liked the (main) characters (some others were a bit two dimensional), but I can't say it's a good book altogether bc there was so much stylistically wrong with it. and I feel bad about that! it's actually a bit how I feel about the kos duology, now that I think of it. a+ characters and some a++ scenes, but also scenes and plot turns where I thought "why was this kept in?" is my taste just too set on something or do other people understand what I mean? I think I would still recommend it, after all, but only with a disclaimer that it'll leave you a bit unsatisfied.
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darchildre · 10 months
"Did we not both die here in Marmorus, fifteen years ago? Are we any the less victims of the war than those whose bodies were torn asunder? Are we not both...the living dead?"
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marshmallow-phd · 4 years
Okay serious question!
Who in Exo would fit Tuxedo mask best?
I need it.... for science...
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trexanddrago · 4 years
Great Animal Kaiser X Kamen Rider Ex Aid
Axel being struggled by the new enemies who spreaded game viruses which affected the Animals causing them to become out of control as they're controlled by bugster animals
Hojo Emu, along with Kagami Hiiro, Hanaya Taiga and Kujo Kiriya were callled to the Animal World by the God of Animal World. They were transformed into their animal forms of their respective Level 2 forms.
Dan Kuroto, in his animal form of Kamen Rider Genm, was brainwashed by the enemy, causing him to not recognised Emu and Co. and created the Bugster Animals.
Dan Kuroto/Kamen Rider Genm joined the team after he got rescued by the Kamen Rider with help from Axel, and his God complex grew worse as he've been spent his times in Animal World.
The mindmaster behind the chaos was Hackermaster Marmoru.
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Queen of Spades - 1. Just a Taste
Consider this taking place sometime in the future after the Tres Spades Jello Tournament. READ THAT CRACKFEST HERE
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“I’m going to strangle that little witch,” Eisuke informed the assembled Bidders in the penthouse lounge of the Tres Spades. “How am I only finding out about this now?”
“Witchcraft?” Baba offered with a whimsical shrug, which Eisuke burned to cinders with a gaze of balefire.
“After everything I’ve done for her,” he hissed, running his hands through his hair.
“Don’t you mean, after everything she’s done to you?” Mamo put in with a lazy smirk, only to have that wiped off his face when Soryu snatched the unlit cigarette from his mouth and crushed it.
“To us,” Soryu pointed out, but as salty as Mamo might have been about his cigarette, his answer was a nonchalant grunt.
“Heh, I kinda liked the kid’s spunk,” he added, and Baba was nodding.
“Not me,” Ota sneered. “That whole jello thing was one thing, but I’m still having nightmares about glitter bombs and piñatas.”
“You are simply angry your effigy had a dog’s body,” Shuichi sniffed.
“Yours was naked, shouldn’t you be pissed off too?” Ota shot back, but Shuichi was not to be ruffled.
“It was an accurate likeness,” he asserted, looking smug.
“If she’s this much of a problem, I could just… you know… kill her,” Hikaru pointed out, but Eisuke was shaking his head.
“That would be tantamount to admitting defeat,” he huffed. “No, she needs to fail at this endeavour… hard.”
“Luckily,” Miho chirped, just moseying on in as if she owned the place, “I like it hard.”
Soryu had his gun drawn and pointed at her before Eisuke could exclaim.
“How the hell did you get back in here?”
“Girl has to have some secrets,” she grinned broadly, and not so secretly winked at Baba. “And I wanted to hand deliver these personally.”
She completely ignored Soryu, who still had her in his sights, and approached the group of men with a collection of shiny envelopes splayed in her grasp.
“Filled with glitter I bet,” Ota grumbled, eyeing Miho suspiciously, but Shuichi stepped in front of Soryu’s pistol barrel and greeted Miho more amorously.
Perhaps because he hadn’t been graced with the indignity of wrestling naked in jello for the enjoyment of Tokyo’s female well-to-do.
“You’ve put Ichinomiya in quite the tailspin,” he said quietly as he leaned a little toward her, and she offered him the envelope with his name on it.
“Worse than when I sold the Tres Spades for April Fool’s Day?” she grinned impishly, taking the opportunity to peck him on the cheek.
“Oh yes, far worse,” he nodded, managing to keep his decorum despite her lack thereof. B’s NB: Felt the need for a little crack to break up the angst... shall continued... cheer squad welcome and encouraged. For this I attribute blame and dedication to @mai-sakura-133
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pikabelle · 6 years
After my weeks of Japanese classes i didn’t really memorise much but I can confidently say that if I went to Japan and someone needed to have a bike pointed out to them, it would be my time to shine.
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Vannas istaba ar super modernu melnu dusu. ista laba lietusdusa kas iepriecinas ik katru. melna grida un izlietne lieliski saskan ar parejo balto marmoru.
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GX Month- Heartbeat
Times of great stress and fear give way to times of peace, and Prince Haou is looking forward to the long-awaited visit of his friend
For @gxmonth
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/41403294/chapters/104847597
Warnings for this one are blood, death, and possession.
“Sir Marmoru is here to visit you, your highness.”
The words swirled around his head like a favourite song, stuck in your head and playing on repeat, a song so brilliant you wouldn’t mind if it remained there forever. The duties of the day had drawn to an end, and the universe was, for now at least, at peace. The forces of darkness and light kept in balance once more, assisted by the emissaries of both. There had yet to be such peace in Haou’s lifetime, and he was relishing every moment of it.
And they had worked long and hard to reach it, knowing too that it was but a brief respite. All too easily could any of the forces regain their strength, and threaten the twelve dimensions once more, but for the first time in ten years, there was nothing calling for the attention of either of them except for their usual day-to-day duties. Marmoru protected the Crystal Beasts, and he helped his father rule the Kingdom.
Haou traversed the corridors with practiced ease: he knew every shortcut, every alternate path. He broke into a run when no-one was looking, walking in a more dignified manner when there were people watching. Marmoru never minded all of that, he’d seen too much of Haou and Haou too much of him for either one to hold the other to any standards higher than when they’d first met, in that forest, hunting for apples and laughing until the sun set, having to sneak back into the castle without either the castle staff or the Guardian noticing.
He cut through the kitchens, stealing an apple off the side of the counter while the staff focused too heavily on their work to acknowledge him. Twenty-four years they’d known him, and they’d known for all that time how little care he gave for them to bow while they were working. The kingdom may one day be his, but the kitchens were ruled by the chefs, and he would never outrank them within their own domain.
Once out of the kitchens it was a short walk to the dias room, where he would always meet Marmoru. It saved his friend walking through the castle, especially if they decided they would rather spend time among the Crystal Beasts in Light World than remain in Dark World. Eagerly, he wrenched the door open.
But the room was almost empty. Only Yubel stood in there, looking as confused as he did.
“I heard Marmoru was coming, so I thought I should meet with him,” Yubel explained, crossing their arms. “But he mustn’t have waited for us.”
“How odd,” Haou commented. “He usually does. Maybe he has been busy and retired to his usual room instead?”
“Perhaps,” Yubel agreed slowly, cautiously. Haou turned to head towards the chambers, with Yubel following close behind. “Or perhaps he is wishing to avoid seeing you, after your last conversation.”
Haou cringed, he’d tried very hard to forget what had happened, the callous things he had said to his friend through his own stress. “I hope not, I must apologise to him, and ensure that he is well after all. Surely he must be, to travel this far.”
“I think it will take more than an apology, my prince,” Yubel warned. Haou stopped, with Yubel stopping behind him. “He was worried, and he came to you for help, and he left feeling rightfully ignored. It’s no wonder it has been so long since his last visit.”
Haou bit his cheek; he’d been working almost tirelessly for a solid month, trying to fight back the Light of Destruction with no break, when Marmoru had approached him, insisting that there was something wrong with his powers. But he couldn’t find anything, and Marmoru’s insistence had irked him badly, sending his dear friend away with a harsh tongue. He regretted every word, yet he wasn’t sure what else he could have done. There truly was nothing wrong with Marmoru, except for what was happening within his own mind.
“But he has come here now, so he must want to see me,” Haou insisted. Marmoru had never, to his knowledge, come to the castle without saying hello. He barely ever passed through Dark World without stopping to check up on him. Maybe he should’ve gone to Light World once the Light of Destruction had faded once more to apologise, but he’d been so tired. Marmoru would understand, he surely had to…
The chambers eventually came into view, with Haou rushing to the guest chamber Marmoru used; truth be told, it was just another guest chamber, and Marmoru could always return home as he pleased so it wasn’t necessary, but he had insisted. He enjoyed having his friend so close. Haou knocked on the door.
“Marmoru? It is me, please make yourself decent if you are not already,” Haou joked, lifting the latch on the door and walking in. But the room was as it was the last time he had seen it: empty, with only the furniture in it. No Marmoru, and no Crystal Beast either. Strange.
“Maybe he has gone to my room?” Haou asked, his heart starting to beat harder within his chest. “If he was searching for me.” Yubel gave an uncertain sound behind him, but Haou was too determined now, too heartbroken to think Marmoru would have left again so suddenly. He walked the short distance to his own room, opening the door without knocking, yet that one was as empty as the first. So where could he be?
Yubel’s hand reached out to hold his own. Had his friend left so quickly? Sent a false message that he wished to see Haou, only to leave him high and dry in return for his own cold behaviour last time they had met? Truly, it was all he deserved…
A sudden scraping from beyond the door to his father’s room caught Haou’s attention. His father had retired for the evening before he had, trying to show trust in his son’s ability to rule by leaving him in charge, even though Haou knew he would double check any decisions he had made in the morning. But how strange for his father to still be awake, usually he went to sleep quite quickly.
“Father?” Haou called out, walking over to the door. It would be too much to ask if the King had seen Marmoru, they generally avoided any mention of the other, but a loud hushing on the other side of the door sent dread to fill Haou’s heart, as it beat strongly through his ears. He knocked gently on the door. “Father, is everything alright?”
“Haou?” Came an all-too-familiar voice, yet in a stranger’s cadence. Haou’s brow furrowed.
“Marmoru? What are you doing in there?” Haou asked, grabbing the door handle and realising it was locked. “Open this door now!”
“It’s alright, Haou,” Marmoru answered, his voice almost dream-like, as if not fully aware of himself. Barely muffled gasping could be heard from within the room. “Everything will be alright.”
“Marmoru!” Haou yelled, trying to push the door with his shoulder. Something wasn’t right, his heart was racing and a heavy weight was settling into his guts, trying to drag him deep, deep into the floor below him. “Open the door!”
Yubel pushed Haou aside, trying to ram the door open themselves, yet the door wouldn’t open. The panic started to really settle in now; what was Marmoru doing in his father’s room? The King would be livid if he found him, and if they were in there together…
The commotion had gathered some of the castle residents to the corridor, watching with shock as Haou desperately tried to get the door open, until one of the monsters stepped up to tackle the door down instead. It flew off its hinges, as Haou rushed through the doorway, his heart thundering within his chest.
Marmoru was stood at the centre of the room, but there was something horribly, horrifically wrong. His eyes looked glazed over, his short, well-kept blonde hair had darkened and become incredibly messy, the light that he always seemed to have such good control other seemed to bathe him like a cloak. And he wielded his sword. It was dripping with blood.
“Haou!” Marmoru greeted, his face cracking into a horrific smile, seeming to stretch further than was every natural on a human face. It was like looking at a friendly dog that had gone completely rabid, yet was only stood staring for now, foaming silent at the mouth. A shiver ran down Haou’s spine. “Come see what I have done!”
The blood on the sword… it was everywhere. Pulsing out across the floor, an ever-growing puddle of wasted life, each beat only taking away more. And there, at the centre, laid like a slaughtered deer in his own blood. Was the King.
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00127am · 6 months
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CHAPTER FOUR : chiba marmoru! or not...
@ notyourmalelead top of his class, hallway crush kim doyoung isn't very interested in his semester long partnership with sailor moon obsessed, popular vlogger ln yn. until your larger than life crush on him is revealed. then he's much more interested in proving that he's not your male lead (and subsequently wishing he was).
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JINSU 9:30AM (a whopping 45 minutes before something went wrong)
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“From sailor moon?”
Your head snaps to attention at the sound of his voice, mouth parting as if to respond before promptly closing again with a decisive bite of your tongue. You blink, tilting your head ever so slightly to the side with a bashful smile as you set down your phone. “Sorry?”
Doyoung raises a lazy hand to point at your phone case, elbow leaned against the table and fingers relaxed. His eyes flicker from the brightly colored sailors depicted to the tuxedo mask keychain dangling from it and then, finally, to your eyes. 
“Chiba Marmoru,” he clarifies, “Tuxedo Mask from Sailor Moon, right?” he scrutinizes you with narrowed brown eyes, brow quirked as he waits for a response. You’re blushing both from the weight of his attention and the fact that he’s incredibly aware of the root of your slip-up. Tips of your ears dusted a pink that matches Chibiusa's hair.
“Oh! Yes, yeah, he is,” you say, voice caught halfway between a laugh and an exhale. You drop your gaze to the keychain, absentmindedly flipping it over with manicured fingers. Doyoung follows your movements, the pad of your thumb stroking over the shape before losing interest and twisting the string which holds it in place. Your eyes are lifted again, following the curve of his throat to his soft features. He meets your gaze, expression not unkind.
“Are you a fan?” you ask, tone fluttering into something slightly higher pitched. Words interlaced with something that could only ever be interpreted as hope (perhaps to save yourself from your embarrassment) as your lips lift into a small smile. 
Doyoung wrinkles his nose at your question, almost as if he’s offended at the notion. His brows furrow, then relax as he tilts his head away from you—leaning back in his chair and offering you a full view of his side profile. He’s biting the inside of his cheek, pretty eyes lingering on the storefront window. That fact that him doing quite literally nothing at all caused a flutter in your stomach was met with a slight irk of annoyance.
“No,” if he noticed the way your face fell, he didn’t show it, “Not at all,”
You laugh, albeit a bit uncomfortably, echoing his choice of words. “Not at all?”
“Well, it’s a girly kids show, isn’t it?”
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🧾 © 00127am 2024
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lcartz · 5 years
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Marmoru species base
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dingus-dictater · 7 years
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I said I would draw this so here it is Marmoru attempting to play some plastic flutes he got for his birthday
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fujiwara57 · 7 years
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“Korean Market” - Series on Korean by Hiyoshi Mamoru日吉守 active 1950.
Mamoru specialized in prints of the beautiful, traditional places all over Japan and scenes from Korea.  He was especially fond of Korea and visited the country numerous times during his life. In both his Japanese and Korean prints Marmoru shows an affinity for the simple scenes of everyday life.  His subjects are charming.
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jadedbug · 6 years
where’s my sailor moon meta about how the actions of Usagi and the crew in the last few manga acts completely rewrite the future
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