#marquess isidro
lenniharrisonsims · 1 year
Baby Tirabassi's Christening
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This morning at a private service held at the Holy Church of Saint Cecilia, Princess Lucrezia and Duke Leo Rose held a Christening service for their newborn son.
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Many were wondering how a Christening would be pulled off for the notably religious Royal Family of Newcrest, since they are all currently unable to hold the service in the traditional Crescent Cathedral in Newcrest. But it seems it's all worked out! Sources say it was Crown Princess Ophelia who tracked down an ordained priest of the Newcrest Church (the Archbishop still under house arrest in Newcrest, ordered by Emperor Victor) and convinced the elders of the Church of St. Cecilia to hold a Newcrest service in their Simsdom Church. There was reportedly a little push-back from the Archbishop of Simsdom, but one word from his patron, and the little boy's Great Grandmother, Dowager Tsarina Nadia, and everything seemed to fall into place.
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The Baby's godparents were no surprise to most people, though there was some confusion about church affiliations. According to Newcrest Church law, at least one set of godparents has to be baptised into the Newcrest Church, the other sets can be from any religion. Baby's first godmother is Crown Princess Ophelia herself, who's housed the Princess and the Duke throughout the exile, and was there the night baby was born. Second godmother went to Princess Lucrezia's closest sister- Princess Emilia. Some were wondering why her other sisters- Princesses Adriana and Francesca- weren't asked to be godparents.
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The godfathers asked were Prince Benedict, who also has lived with the exiled Princess and Duke at Darkwing House, and Petty Officer Gabriel Micheletti, Princess Emilia's Fiance. Many more questioned these two appointments for godparents. Why wasn't Princess Lucrezia's brother-in-law, Major General Samson Glenn asked? Petty Officer Micheletti isn't officially a member of the royal family yet, a risky move on the Princess' part. Or even her own younger brother, Crown Prince Dante? Perhaps a remark on Lucrezia's lack of faith in her partying little brother?
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Despite all the questions about the godparents, the ceremony went off without a hitch, and we're very excited to welcome to the world:
Isidro Leonardo Cesare Alexander Rose, Marquess de Montiorre
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lenniharrisonsims · 1 year
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Sooo I thought about just answering this and having fun thinking about what each cover would be like, but then thinking about it turned into too much fun, and I decided to actually just make the covers. It took over a week cause my computer is slow but I had fun so, I don't care that I'm posting late 😅
(Shout out to @bridgeportbritt who had the same idea and posted hers first😉 we love ❤)
I really enjoyed doing research into reach magazine's aesthetics, layouts, fonts, and types of poses their cover models usually do. It was a really interesting experiment and honestly would love to do something like this again.
Vogue: Ophelia
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I feel like I'm always trying to find the balance between giving Ophelia a unique style that's entirely hers, and also keeping it somewhat aligned with the arbitrary "protocol" rules I have in my head for how royals should dress. So I let her be a true fashionista and rock the cover of Vogue 😉
Sports Illustrated: Kacie
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Aside from the swimsuit covers that have ladies in bikinis, (which I feel like didn't really fit any of my characters) SI features current athletes in action in whatever field it is that they are professionals in. The only active athlete I have in my story is Countess Kacie, who is still a member of the Royal Ballet.
Time: Kat
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This felt obvious. Time's Person of the Year issue is always talked about, and the British royals (who are heavy inspiration for my story) have been featured numerous times. So it felt like the obvious choice to put Kat, the Simsdom's first ever female ruler, and the Person of the Year.
People: Lulu & Leo
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While People has a mix of uplifting and negative stories about the Royal Family, the majority were positive, and most featured "inside scoops" of their daily lives. There was one in particular that featured the Prince and Princess of Wales right after they had Princess Charlotte that talked about their "lovely little family" that I drew inspiration from here.
Forbes: Yue
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Forbes "30 Under 30" is also a popular issue looked forward to every year, so I started there, and of course my mind immediately went to Yue, who's been innovating in the digital design space, and who won Creator of the Year in my story so.... I couldn't not put Yue on Forbes. It's where she belongs 😉
Women's Health: Megan
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Megan felt like another obvious choice for Women's Health, because a lot of the articles featured on the covers were about healthy recipes, workout plans, and "how to lose weight fast!" and while I don't find that to be a particularly healthy mindset, I thought the best way to go about it would be to feature an actual Doctor. Megan is a pediatric surgeon, not a dietition, but she knows a thing or two about keeping your body healthy lol
Men's Health: Matt
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For Men's Health, a lot of the cover models were older gentlemen, late 30s/40s and up, so instead of featuring one of the young guys in my story, I decided to use the Empire's Dad 😉😂 one of his in-game traits is athletic, and every time I open my game, he's working out or swimming, so I've just had in my head that when he's not on engagements for the Empire, he's in the gym, keeping his body fit lol.
Us Weekly: Ben & Taylor
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Just like how People Magazine's covers about the Royals tended toward positive, Us Weekly's covers about Royals in particular more often than not tended toward the negative. So I decided to throw in a scandalous tabloid cover that discusses some definitely untrue rumors about Ben and Taylor. Or are they? 👀
Anyways, this was so much fun to do, thank you so much for including me in this ask. Genuinely this was a blast, and I'm really proud of my work 🥰
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lenniharrisonsims · 3 months
Isidro Starts School
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Princess Lucrezia was spotted walking down a private street in Britechester where she's been staying with Crown Princess Ophelia, escorting her son, Isidro Rose, Marquess de Montiorre, to a private shuttle for students of the Ivanov Royal Academy who live in Britechester.
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The little Marquess was seen wearing the uniform for the IRA preschool as he and his mother walked to the shuttle. Of course, the Princess could have a private car drive them to Glimmerbrooke, but she told the photographers present that she wanted "Issy" to have the full IRA experience, and at least for the time being, they'll be taking the 40 minute shuttle to Glimmerbrooke every morning. For a school that enrolls the world's rich, famous, and royal, security on the shuttle is of the upmost importance, so the Princess has nothing to fear there.
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It's hard to believe time has passed enough that the baby born to a Newcrest Princess here in Britechester is old enough to start preschool, but Princess Lucrezia and her husband did post on their joint official instagram wishing their son a happy birthday, just the other day.
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Our best wishes for a belated happy birthday, Marquess Isidro, and congrats on your first day of Preschool!
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lenniharrisonsims · 1 month
Newcrest Royal Family Returns Home in Triumph
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Finally back in Newcrest after their long exile, the Colona Royal Family made their way triumphantly to New Moon Palace during an elaborate military parade!
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The first carriage down the street carried Princess Isabella Humphrey, Dowager Duchess of Whitland, her son, Lorenzo Humphrey, the new Duke of Whitland, and the Princess' father, Prince Widower Alfonso Colona.
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The little family seemed in high spirits, despite only just recently leaving mourning for the late Duke Wendelin. It was also a cheering sight for the people of Newcrest to see the Prince Widower, who had been staying with Dowager Tsarina Nadia in Glimmerbrooke during his exile, and became a bit of a recluse. Many were wondering if he was okay.
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The youngest of the royal quadruplets, Princess Francesca came down the street next, with her wife, Olive Colona, Duchess of Hazel Hills, and their children- Lady Contessina Colona, and the Right Honorable Miss Astrid and Master Anders Colona.
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Astrid and Anders were adopted during the exile, when the Princess and Duchess were living with the Duchess' parents in Evergreen Harbor. This will be their very first time in Newcrest! Miss Astrid was also wearing a darling little coat and beret to match her big sister, Lady Contessina.
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Next up the street was Princess Adriana and her husband, Major General Samson Glenn, as well as their children, Lady Charlette and Cosimo Glenn, Earl of Wildridge.
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Now that the war is over, perhaps the Major General will begin to use his title of Marquess instead, but we doubt it. He comes from a long line of proud military men- his father Antione Glenn was also Major General in the Imperial Military. Major General Glenn's appearnance on the street also marks the first of the royal men who served during the war. The crowds went wild to see their heroes healthy and home again.
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The eldest of the Princesses rode together, along with their partners. Princess Emilia joined by her fiance, Petty Officer Gabriel Micheletti, and Princess Lucrezia by her husband, Leo Rose, Duke di Tirabassi.
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And of course, how could we forget charming Isidro, Marquess di Montiorre, winning over the crowds with that darling smile! Both of the Princess' partners served during the war- Gabe in the Imperial Navy, and Leo in the Imperial Army.
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And finally, in the last carriage, our triumphant King and Queen, Cesare and Misha, joined by their son and heir, Crown Prince Dante, and their new ward and nephew, Master Damien Colona.
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The crowd was thrilled to see King Cesare and Queen Misha returning in glory after the long years of exile, but there was a hesitance about the two young men in the cart. The crowd of course was incredibly wary about young Master Damien, being the son of the man who subjugated and abused them during the occupation, and it looks like Damien noticed. A few boos and protests were thrown his way, and he seemed to curl in on himself. On the other hand, the crowd also seemed to realize something as they watched that carriage move down towards the palace- the heir to the throne, Crown Prince Dante, didn't fight in the war. All of his brothers-in-law did, as did many civilians, even those who were refugees during the war, but not the future king. Discussions have erupted online about it, contemplating; if the Crown Prince wasn't willing to fight for his country, is he fit to lead it? And anyway, he looked miserable in that carriage, like he was too good to be there, too high above the common folk of his nation.
It certainly makes one wonder, but nevertheless, we are excited to see our royals home where they belong!
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lenniharrisonsims · 10 months
Baby Tirabassi's Christening
Part II; Family Portraits
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Portraits have been released of the christening of Baby Tirabassi- the New Isidro, Marquess de Montiorre. Of course questions were raised when the godparents to the child were announced, as only two of the four were members of the Church of Newcrest, and even more questions were raised about the choice of Petty Officer Gabriel Micheletti, who- though engaged to Princess Emilia- is not actually married into the family yet, another unusual piece of information regarding Royal Newcrest Christenings.
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(Godparents Petty Officer Gabriel Micheletti, Prince Benedict Ivanov, Princess Emilia Colona, and Crown Princess Ophelia Ivanov posing with Baby Isidro)
However, all those questions were pushed to the wayside with the release of these family portraits- and the appearance of Duke Leo's parents!
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(Isidro and his parents pose with his grandparents)
In one of the photos, Marquess Isidro is being held by his mother, Princess Lucrezia, who is seated next to his father, Duke Leo Rose. But the shocking part isn't that, nor is it Princess Lucrezia's parents, King Cesare and Queen Misha, standing behind them, but the inclusion of Duke Leo's parents- Mr. Rufus and Mrs. Nicole Rose!
Followers of the Newcrest Royal family will recall the absence of Mr. and Mrs. Rose throughout the Duke's relationship with the Princess- most notably their absence at the wedding! And yet here they are attending the christening of their grandson. Many are wondering- was there some sort of ice between the Duke and his parents that is finally beginning to thaw?
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(Marquess Isidro is photographed with his Great-Grandparents; Dowager Tsarina Nadia Ivanov and Prince-Consort Alfonso Colona)
An incredibly surprising and untraditional christening, we must say. But regardless of all of that, the little family couldn't look sweeter, and we have to say- congrats to the new parents and welcome to the world Baby Isidro!
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lenniharrisonsims · 7 months
Four Year Anniversary Portraits
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Castell de Tirabassi
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HRH Princess Lucrezia Rose, Duchessa de Tirabassi
Full Name: Lucrezia Nadia Rose Title(s): Princess of Newcrest, Duchessa de Tirabassi Nickname(s): Lulu Birthday: April 27th Residence(s): Castell de Tirabassi (Newcrest), Van Hieldson Penthouse (San Myshuno), Darkwing House (Britechester, Exile) Previous Names/Titles: Princess Lucrezia Colona Parents: TM King Cesare & Queen Misha Colona Spouse: HRH Duke Leo Rose Children: Marquess Isidro Rose
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HRH Leo Rose, Duke de Tirabassi
Full Name: Leo Nathaniel Rose Title(s): Duke de Tirabassi, Corporal in Imperial Army Nickname(s): N/A Birthday: March 17th Residence(s): Castell de Tirabassi (Newcrest), Van Hieldson Penthouse (San Myshuno) Previous Names/Titles: Mr. Leo Rose Parents: Mr. Rufus & Mrs. Nicole Rose Spouse: HRH Princess Lucrezia Rose Children: Marquess Isidro Rose
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His Lordship, Isidro Rose, Marquess de Montiorre
Full Name: Isidro Leonardo Cesare Alexander Rose Title(s): Marquess de Montiorre Nickname(s): Issy Birthday: July 17th Residence(s): Castell de Tirabassi, Casa de Montiorre (Newcrest), Darkwing House (Britechester, Exile) Previous Names/Titles: N/A Parents: TRH Princess Lucrezia & Duke Leo Rose Spouse: N/A Children: N/A
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