#ivanov asks
lenniharrisonsims · 2 months
List 5 facts about a favorite sim of yours, and send this to 10 simblrs whose sims you adore ♥♥♥
I think it'll come as no surprise to anyone that I picked Ophelia 😅
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1- She is the only Imperial Heir to ever be born outside of the Empire- her mother went into early labor on a vacation in Sulani!
2- She speaks 9 different languages (mostly) fluently, including ISL (Imperial Sign Language) for Luke.
3- She is a Taurus, which explains her steadfast, loyal, and reliable personality- but also explains her stubbornness 😂
4- While she loves both of her siblings dearly, she is closest with her youngest sibling, Benedict, feeling a sense of protectiveness and duty due to his many childhood illnesses.
5- She loves a good bottle of wine, especially a dry red, having built a pretty nice collection in the Darkwing House cellars, and hopes to be able to buy her own vineyard one day to use as a vacation home for her future family- but she's not the type to lock it away and never use it, any celebration calls for a bottle to be shared with the people she loves.
Thank you so much for the ask!! 😊❤
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aria-ashryver · 4 months
🤕 for the hc ask!
🤕 -- Pain
Ooh I answered for physical pain here already, so lemme go for emotional pain! (Also more Avalon era bc I have that on the brain rn lol). Asks from this list.
Under the cut for some toxic relationship stuff, cw for mentions of dubious consent and homophobia/transphobia
Luca's first serious relationship sucked.
His first boyfriend was another ballet danseur, Alex. Alex was pretty insecure in his masculinity, and kinda homophobic, and he overcompensated a lot by just being a huge jerk to everyone all the time. But … he was gorgeous, and Luca liked the attention, and Alex made him feel special a lot of the time.
Unfortunately, he also made them feel like garbage a lot of the time too. Alex also insisted on keeping their relationship secret, bc he had a lot of internalised homophobia going on. He also really didn't get what it meant for Luca to be non-binary and he really fetishised him because of it -- Luca was more of an idea to him, a plaything to be toyed with.
Alex was the first person they ever had sex with, and while they did have a lot of good experiences together, they had just as many that fell under the realm of dubious consent. Things got really physical (sexually) really fast, and there were a lot of instances that, in retrospect, Luca felt rushed into. Certain things he did were purely to keep Alex happy, and not because he actually wanted to, or felt ready for them himself.
Viktor? Viktor haaaated this guy. He didn't know why at first, it was purely based on vibes, and later bc Alex was treating Luca like a dirty little secret. He spiraled on a tangent of "oh god am I uncomfy about this because I'm in love with my best friend???? Is this jealousy? Am I being So Weird about everything??" Vik was thrilled when Luca finally saw the abuse for what it was and dumped Alex's ass, but he was also super upset that he didn't intervene sooner.
Happily, Luca's later relationships were much healthier, and the experience taught them a lot about boundaries, consent, and mutual respect 💛
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hellovivirose · 1 year
Heyo! Hope you've been well! Would you mind drawing C2 with Yuriy (pink character), Regina (yellow character) and Boris (blue character)?
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I’m sorry I took so long 🫠
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nesuki · 2 years
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Vomited some more sketches ... What a surprise.
I don't expect Yuriy to speak french. I think he learned that one thing from the Chucky's bride movie just like I did.
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grave-buster · 5 months
Hello hello! If you’d like to play, for Armor, Deus, Doom, I submit Tala/Yuriy, Kai, and Tyson/Takao :)
Armour - Takao cause he's the MC and always ends up winning when he needs to xD
Deus - Kai, he'll rise from the ashes like a Phoenix, lookin' badass
Doom - Of course it's Yura xD I want the poor guy to go through hell for my own amusement
I just realized that this is basically how it is in the actual series itself XD
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aquariasmoon · 2 years
With your two drawings of Yuri and Boris, I'm in the desperate need of seeing Yuri slung over Boris' shoulders now because he ofc he could and would. 100% no pressure though, just my thirsty ass wanting it for... Reasons....
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Sorry this took so long (6 v 6; ) But yes! Boris 100% would! Honestly, this ask sparked so many thoughts and Ideas for me. I think I mentioned it a little while ago but I actually changed and added in some things to the fanfics I'm working on lol. The thought of Boris finally realising that he's now taller and more muscular than Yuriy and then taking full advantage of that is so funny to me. Yuriy however hates this of course 😂 Like My interpretation of it is always pretty much Boris being all "haha your small now 😂" but he still sees Yuriy the exact same as before there is no power dynamic shift or struggle (other than Yuriy screeching and clawing at him when he decides to pick him up)
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kinomiya · 2 years
"things you said after it was over" tala and bryan
Is it cruel of me to put this out on Valentine’s Day? 
The front door slammed, causing the house to shake slightly as Boris stomped through the entryway of the small apartment into the living area, his dirty boots tracking snow across the hardwood floors. He peeled off his leather jacket, throwing it aggressively onto the sofa before a figure sitting in an old worn chair caught his eye.
“What are you doing here, Yuriy?” Boris asked, a tired sigh escaped his lips as he gave the intruder and unconvincing glower.
He took a drink of the beer he had helped himself to, causing Boris to frown at Yuriy’s audacity. They hadn’t seen each other in over six months, at times they had been so contentious their mutual friends had been forced to split their time between them like children going through the painful, bitter, divorce of their parents.
“I had nothing better to do, figured I’d finally bring back all the shit you left at my place.” Yuriy said, slouching back in the chair and forcing Boris into an uncomfortable and direct eye contact.
“And why didn’t you just dump it on the floor and leave?” Boris asked, gritting his teeth, thinking whatever items Yuriy was returning now were better destined for the trash then returned, forever tarnished by painful memories that he’d sooner forget.
Boris heard his sharp inhale and cocked an eyebrow slightly, before finally moving from where he’d stopped upon discovering the intruder and grabbing himself a drink from the fridge and dropping into the old sofa across from Yuriy, waiting for a response.
“I thought maybe we… could talk?” Yuriy eventually replied, his voice was strained and slightly shaky.
“About what?” Boris asked, channeling the anger rising in his chest into twisting the cap off his beer. He heard the shaky exhale as Yuriy suppressed an irritated laugh,
“Everyone else is miserable because of us.” Yuriy spoke, unable to hide the bitterness in his voice and the scowl on his face.
“Astute observation, Yura, can’t believe you managed to get your head out of your own ass long enough to notice other people's suffering! That’s some real character development!” Boris replied sarcastically, dopamine flooded him as he watched Yuriy’s eyes narrow and his grip on the glass bottle tighten.
He had some nerve showing up here to talk about the suffering they were causing everyone when it was him who would fall off the face of the earth for months at a time in an attempt to run away from the shadows that kept him awake at night. 
Everyone else had started the healing process years ago, it was only Yuriy, only his fucking hubris, that had refused to be helped.
“I deserve that.” Came the soft reply, and when Boris’ vision refocused on the man sitting across from him the irritation had vanished off his face, replaced with a pensive look. This was new, he thought.
“Yeah you sure fucking do.” Boris said, not hiding his pleasure at Yuriy’s admission, it felt like their first step forward in a decade, like maybe, finally, the stubborn asshole was making some progress.
“Anyway… I was hoping maybe we could try to put an end to the aggression between us so that the others aren’t constantly walking on eggshells and scheduling shit to make sure we don’t catch sight of one another.” Yuriy spoke thoughtfully, and Boris recalled how he had loved how he looked when he was focused on something, how the way his eyebrows furrowed and his jaw clenched used to evoke a fluttery sensation in his chest. Only now, the same sight made him feel nothing.
“Yeah sure, but only if you’re going to try too, and not just expect me to be your fucking doormat or whatever.” Boris replied flippantly after some thought, he figured it would be in poor taste to refuse the olive branch being offered.
“So how about we uh, all hang out this Saturday instead of the weird split custody thing we’ve been doing?” Yuriy inquired, tapping a fingernail against the glass of the bottle he’d barely touched since Boris had come through the door, before the other man could reply he’d continue, disinterestedly: “As a test run or whatever.”
“Yeah.” Boris agreed, shifting on the sofa as the conversation began to make him feel restless. As if reading the room, Yuriy glanced at his watch before getting to his feet, prompting Boris to raise his eyebrow slightly before asking: “Leaving so soon?”
“I have plans this evening.” Was the simple reply as Yuriy moved across the room to retrieve his jacket from the otherwise empty coat rack by the door.
“Are you insane? What the hell are you doing going out on Valentine's D—“ Oh he thought: “—You’ve met someone.” Boris concluded, watching as Yuriy straightened his back
“I have.” He replied simply, not turning to look at the man on the sofa behind him.
“Neat.” Boris said awkwardly, his eyes staring at the other man's back as he fidgeted with the hem of his shirt, thinking about how in the past few months both Sergei and Ivan had commented that Yuriy seemed healthier, happier, and more cognizant lately.
“I’ll see you Saturday.” Yuriy's voice came from the door as he looked back at Boris, his hand resting on the already turned handle, waiting to push it open and make his exit.
“See you Saturday.” Boris confirmed with a slight nod as he watched the man look away from him and retreat from the tiny apartment.
Boris remained frozen for a moment, before leaning forward, setting the bottle on the floor and resting his head in his hands. He exhaled loudly, a bitter laugh followed as his hands twisted into fists pulling at his hair slightly. It was complicated, it was stupid, he was happy, he was agonized.
Their relationship had been long beyond reconciliation, every altercation between them had just further driven a resentful wedge between them, and it had started long before it had ended. By the time it was finally over, there was nothing left to salvage from the charred remains of their relationship, Boris hadn’t even been sure he’d ever be able to look Yuriy in the face again without wanting to put him in the hospital or worse. And it all had come from one thing, they had all moved forward and Yuriy had remained the same, unwilling to change, unwilling to be helped, always fucking unwilling.
And yet, at some point while Boris was consumed with overwhelming animosity towards his once best friend, and completely blinded by his disdain for everything Yuriy had ruined, their friends had began to comment that things seemed different, that he was disappearing less, that he was drinking less, that he was more himself again, and Boris had ignorantly thought, it was just wishful thinking from two people desperate not to watch someone they loved die. 
Because he had been there, he had seen it at its worst, behind closed doors and away from everyone else, he had watched the vestiges of their past consume Yuriy and turn him into an empty shell with no future but pain and death, and no desire to escape it.
But something had changed, while Boris was avoiding Yuriy, consumed by rage and regret he had failed to notice that someone else had appeared, who without any second thought jumped right into the madness and chaos of Yuriy’s inner world and steadfast and stubbornly remained until he was able to finally reach him and take his hand and pull him out of the nightmare that had consumed his every waking moment.
And Boris was happy, relieved even, that Yuriy had finally found something, someone, that he felt was worth fighting for…
But damn if it didn’t hurt that that thing hadn’t been him.
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noblehcart · 1 year
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For, Stefan Ivanov With love, Cerci London
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"my starlight, my zolotse." he chuckled almost breathless with the undeniable proof that he already knew in his heart. a foreign saying he never thought would be true and yet here they were and here he was ready to fall to his knees for the love of his life. however, did such a small woman turn his head this way?
"habibi, you know that was entirely unnecessary. i don't need a bingo card to tell me this much about about you. about us." fingers gently brush through her hair. "and i'd never make you take a hike you don't want to attend though the wit i'm afraid you cannot see in yourself. your mind is one of my favorite aspects about you."
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lenniharrisonsims · 1 year
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Sooo I thought about just answering this and having fun thinking about what each cover would be like, but then thinking about it turned into too much fun, and I decided to actually just make the covers. It took over a week cause my computer is slow but I had fun so, I don't care that I'm posting late 😅
(Shout out to @bridgeportbritt who had the same idea and posted hers first😉 we love ❤)
I really enjoyed doing research into reach magazine's aesthetics, layouts, fonts, and types of poses their cover models usually do. It was a really interesting experiment and honestly would love to do something like this again.
Vogue: Ophelia
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I feel like I'm always trying to find the balance between giving Ophelia a unique style that's entirely hers, and also keeping it somewhat aligned with the arbitrary "protocol" rules I have in my head for how royals should dress. So I let her be a true fashionista and rock the cover of Vogue 😉
Sports Illustrated: Kacie
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Aside from the swimsuit covers that have ladies in bikinis, (which I feel like didn't really fit any of my characters) SI features current athletes in action in whatever field it is that they are professionals in. The only active athlete I have in my story is Countess Kacie, who is still a member of the Royal Ballet.
Time: Kat
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This felt obvious. Time's Person of the Year issue is always talked about, and the British royals (who are heavy inspiration for my story) have been featured numerous times. So it felt like the obvious choice to put Kat, the Simsdom's first ever female ruler, and the Person of the Year.
People: Lulu & Leo
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While People has a mix of uplifting and negative stories about the Royal Family, the majority were positive, and most featured "inside scoops" of their daily lives. There was one in particular that featured the Prince and Princess of Wales right after they had Princess Charlotte that talked about their "lovely little family" that I drew inspiration from here.
Forbes: Yue
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Forbes "30 Under 30" is also a popular issue looked forward to every year, so I started there, and of course my mind immediately went to Yue, who's been innovating in the digital design space, and who won Creator of the Year in my story so.... I couldn't not put Yue on Forbes. It's where she belongs 😉
Women's Health: Megan
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Megan felt like another obvious choice for Women's Health, because a lot of the articles featured on the covers were about healthy recipes, workout plans, and "how to lose weight fast!" and while I don't find that to be a particularly healthy mindset, I thought the best way to go about it would be to feature an actual Doctor. Megan is a pediatric surgeon, not a dietition, but she knows a thing or two about keeping your body healthy lol
Men's Health: Matt
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For Men's Health, a lot of the cover models were older gentlemen, late 30s/40s and up, so instead of featuring one of the young guys in my story, I decided to use the Empire's Dad 😉😂 one of his in-game traits is athletic, and every time I open my game, he's working out or swimming, so I've just had in my head that when he's not on engagements for the Empire, he's in the gym, keeping his body fit lol.
Us Weekly: Ben & Taylor
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Just like how People Magazine's covers about the Royals tended toward positive, Us Weekly's covers about Royals in particular more often than not tended toward the negative. So I decided to throw in a scandalous tabloid cover that discusses some definitely untrue rumors about Ben and Taylor. Or are they? 👀
Anyways, this was so much fun to do, thank you so much for including me in this ask. Genuinely this was a blast, and I'm really proud of my work 🥰
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aria-ashryver · 4 months
🎵❓ for luca pls and ty
Ok did I get halfway through answering these and then forget I was meant to be going out for dinner and had to come back to it a few days later? You'll never know! (yes). Asks from this list!
🎵 - Music
Luca had super rigorous dance teachers at Avalon, and he'd spend hours working on various routines (be they ballet, street, contemporary jazz, etc). Lots of different songs have super strong associations with particular Avalon routines, and for the life of them, they cannot break the muscle memory of assuming the starting positions when they hear them.
He'll just be out doing groceries or waiting in line for coffee and a song will come on the radio that triggers such a visceral response that his hands / arms / feet will snap into place without him thinking about it. He has absolutely spilled beverages on himself doing this.
❓ - Reciever's Choice! (So 🧡 - friendship)
YBA (Luca & Viktor's band) briefly changed their name to Toilet Jenga following a gig where the bar they were playing at had a bathroom with a sign on the door - "Inverness's smallest toilet: use at your own peril!"
It barely had room for one person. You kind of had to wedge yourself between the toilet bowl and the sink on the wall to give yourself enough room to actually shut the door behind you. Naturally, these dorks insisted on fitting all five of them in there so they could do a round of tequila shots together.
(Luca took the wedged-in spot, Angel was crouched on top of the cistern like a goblin, Cal planted himself on the lid of the toilet seat with Viktor sprawled in his lap, Ava planted her butt in the sink and kinda held herself up with her legs on the other wall. They did two shots each and then spent about twenty minutes trying to figure out how to get back out of the bathroom bc they were. So Stuck.)
(This was also the same night Viktor started crying when Luca slipped into Ghàidhlig bc he thought he'd forgotten how to speak English)
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tmaaov · 1 year
"Over and over, I keep going over the world we knew Once when you walked beside me That inconceivable, that unbelievable world we knew When we two were in love"
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Google Drive link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TSKwwolbHuFCkTPbotP2iHHclJ2_wrIO/view?usp=sharing
Brajan and Boris , two lovers who deserved more
(Beautiful art made by one of our server members, Michael Kai!)
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askthegang · 1 year
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Ask the Paxinovis Gang!
This is an ask blog for my OCs, their world, and whatever shenanigans they get up to.
No NSFW asks. Swears are allowed, but keep the asks PG13.
2. Address the character you’d like to ask. If you have multiple, you can either send it all in 1 ask or send it in another ask.
3. If there is any a important asks about the characters, then it will be answered when the time is right.
Gabriel Winters Jimenez- AVAILABE
Metzi Cehualli- AVAILABLE
Hunter Bolaji- AVAILABLE
Ivan Ivanov
Bolade Bolaji
Ekon Bolaji
Adisa Bolaji
Ife Bolaji
Chieftain Akintola
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friendlyoceanmower · 2 years
Today is the birthday for my girl Luda! Feel free to ask her any questions!
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o5-the-progeny · 2 years
Are you learning to sign?
[Stojan nods, looking frustrated that his attempts have been interrupted.]
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hebenus · 2 years
I'm kinda back, I suppose.
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kinomiya · 2 years
"things you said at 1 am"
With tala and takao, but chaotic
also @aquariasmoon because i basically stole this from you like the dirty fucking thief i am.
    “I’m terrified of you, you know.”
    They were sitting together on the small balcony, Takao tucked between his open legs, the back of his head resting against Tala’s chest as he stared up at the starless sky. Tala lifted his hand to his mouth to take a drag of his cigarette, inhaling the smoke deeply before releasing it into the humid summer air.
    Takao’s focus would shift from the black sky to the pale features of the man above him, admiring the rare moment of serenity he was sharing with the normally unhinged older man. Tala was, if nothing, imposing, constantly surrounded by an air of arrogance and unadulterated rage, existing on the precipice of an unhinged descent into madness, a bad day away from being a statistic. 
    He slowly reached out his hand to Tala’s free one, intertwining their fingers when the older man reciprocated the touch and they’d remain in silence for a time.  Takao would eventually sit up, pulling his hand away from his companion before raising them above his head to stretch, as his arms fell to his side he twisted his back to face the man behind him, a ghost of a smile on his face.
    “And why is that?” Takao inquired, his head tilting to the side slightly.
    For a few moments there was silence, as Tala remained in place, his eyes closed.  Eventually he would bring the remnants of his cigarette to his mouth, taking one final drag before flicking the butt off the balcony before slowly bringing his gaze to Takao.
    “Because when you were faced with hopelessness and inevitable defeat, you were… ecstatic.” He replied, as he leaned forward to close the space created between them.  He snorted softly at the smile that appeared across Takao’s face before continuing to speak:
“I knew back then, that you were the one I had to be wary of.” He finished, wrapping his arms around Takao’s shoulders, allowing the other man to settle into the embrace, he rested his chin on the top of his head.
Because despite all of his unbridled hostility that terrified those around him and caused people to actively avoid him, Tala knew that the truly the most terrifying people were the ones who could still find joy at the worst of times.
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