#mars in pisces transit
punksocks · 9 months
Astrology Observations No.27:
*just based on my observations, pleas only take what resonates
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(Trying to write more posts and answer more asks lately, everything has been so busy omg- hope you all enjoy what I can put out there tho! c:)
-A perspective but I think Libra placements (big 6 but especially Venus and mars) are attracted to harmonious/balanced appearances, like I think having that glow from confidence in your aesthetic and it fitting you and things like that can make you just as attractive to Libra placements as conventional measurements of beauty
-Sun Conjunct Venus makes you really charismatic and you probably attract a lot of people by being yourself, and sometimes these natives can be people pleasers especially if they’re trying to impress others
-Quietly I associate your mars sign and your MC the most with the work you’ll do. Mars because you can’t divorce your passion from your work (says the Capricorn). And MC because it’s what you’re known for and that’s often tied to some sort of work/action. North node is tied in there too but it plays out so long term it can be harder to summarize. (I can do a post about the general fields that placements tend to go towards if folks are interested?)
-Aries and Sagittarius Mercury tied for most likely to accidentally blurt out your secrets
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-Chiron Venus aspects (especially square, opposition, and conjunction) may find themselves undoing a lot of pressure around their looks or being especially hard on themselves over their perceived flaws/imperfections
-The sign over your 5th house may denote if you have many or few casual romantic connections (Saturn/Capricorn pointing to fewer one end of the scale and Jupiter/Sagittarius pointing to many at the other end of the scale, depends on Venus and mars too)
-You may find yourself accidentally pouring your heart out to water moons (especially cancer over how emotionally in-tune they are and scorpio over traaaaumaaa oml)
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-I feel like Sagittarius can feel less mutable because Jupiter makes some of the forms of expression so big (ex. A Sagittarius Mars can get so mad at you and blow up, Sagittarius Mars/Venus typically date many partners, Sagittarius moons can express their emotions in a big way- I probably feel this way bc I’m Sag Pluto, the extremes lol)
-I’ve noticed that Venus dominants can seek more attention compared to like Leo/sun doms
-Fixed Venus can become codependent on their partner, putting heavy exceptions on their person for them to be their everything if underdeveloped— but if developed they can be very loyal to their person
-Mutable Venus aren’t quite commitment-phobic but they tend to be looking for a really special combination of traits to actually settle down with (when they’re monogamous), otherwise they get distracted very easily (or they treat their romantic options, and sometimes friends, like very temporary things- for better or for worse)
-Cardinal Venus are most likely to really go after what they want romantically, I think out of all the Venus modalities they have the most accurate idea of what they want at heart, from the start. But on the shadow side of this, they may be manipulative or try to conform their partner into what they want. (may play out differently for moon opposition/square Venus)
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-I feel like where ever Venus is heavy in your chart may be how people assume you’re gracious but in a somewhat shallow way (ex. Venus conjunct mercury, people may find your voice and expression charming but assume you’re not that smart)
-Venus/Saturn aspects/ Capricorn Venus tend to have a lot of unrequited love interests and crushes that don’t reciprocate their affections when they’re younger but as they get older they tend to get the most affection from suitors that are older than them (be careful out here! Sometimes these old folks don’t know anything and they have bad intentions- girl when I say I had to take my own advice)
-Leos (big 3, especially sun & Asc) often know the right thing to say to charm you, it’s like when they want to they hit that sweetspot dead on. So do Libra’s (big 3) but they tend to approach things less directly, like compliments that really sit with you and come onto you in quieter, sometimes less serious way (if they have both in their big 3 then they’re just -a charmer- and idk I take that at face value 80% of the time lol but I’m a skeptic)
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-I find that Pisces and Sagittarius placements (big 6 but especially sun for identity and moon for emotionality) often get VERY into spirituality at some point in their lives
-People with Jupiter in Virgo tend to work very diligently, almost too hard sometimes and they can be prone to burning themselves out from this behavior (something something don’t burn the candle at both ends- hypocritical from a Jupiter in Capricorn person lol but still)
-We talk about how Scorpio placements observe every detail about you, but I like Pisces placements (big 6 but especially sun, moon, Venus, and mars) have told me things about myself and habits I have that I’ve never noticed about myself. They’re super observant they notice a lot. I think they have this in common with their sister sign, Virgo. But I noticed Pisces will use their intuition in their observations instead of just analyzing. (I.e. you do x when you’re angry, is it because you feel defensive? Or I noticed you light up when you talked about him, you must really like him)- can also apply to Neptune Conjunct your big 3 (especially moon), and big 3 in 12th but it’s a bit more second nature to them than Pisces
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-The season of your Venus sign is the time you’re most likely to indulge in self care and purchases for yourself (Sag season started and all of a sudden I was like I need makeup now, even though I hardly wear it in the winter lol)
-The season of your mars is the time you’re most like to take major actions (starting a business, going on solo adventures, etc)
-The season of your sun is when you’re most likely going to receive the most public recognition (also when the sun is transiting your MC/10th house)
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calmwaterstarot · 9 months
What can we expect from 2024 dear!?? 😌
2024 has a lot going on; there are so many astrological transits happening that have a huge impact on all of us.
January 1, 2024: Mercury went direct after being in retrograde for several weeks. This means communication gets better, legal documents can be signed without issues, and anything related to speech is cleared up.
January 20 - September 1, 2024: Pluto enters Aquarius. This is going to be a wild ride. The last time Pluto was in Aquarius was around the late 1700's, and during that time, the world underwent MASSIVE change. Both the American and French Revolutions occurred, coups happened with governments, royalty was dethroned, battles and wars were fought, the first wave of feminism began, etc. There's so much more than this. You should see the list. I'll include it here--start around 1777 and go through 1798. Pluto represents death, rebirth, and transformation, while Aquarius represents humanity and technology. When you pair these two, you're looking at major transformation socially, politically, economically, and technologically. There's a brief retrograde into Capricorn for one last time during our lifetime, and then Pluto will return to Aquarius for another 20 years. It's interesting to note that the rise and fall of empires throughout history is around 250 years. The cycle for Pluto is 245 years. Coincidence? I think not.
February 16, 2024: A stellium in Aquarius. A stellium occurs when three or more planets are in the same house/sign in an astrological chart. This Aquarius stellium will feature Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Pluto. The last time this occurred was in February, 1962, and was commonly referred to as the "Age of Aquarius." This time period brought about major changes in the fields of technology, science, and aerospace. I'm afraid that during this time, though, there will be a strong focus on AI and its advancement. Pay attention to headlines regarding an upgrade in technology.
March 25, 2024: Lunar eclipse in Libra. Major historical events typically coincide with lunar eclipses, and since this one will be in Libra, I foresee society wishing for balance, harmony, peace, and justice. I believe this will be a time that humanity will call for us to take a deeper look at how we can end strife and get along with each other. Be ready for major calls for wars and upheaval to end (even though it's happening now, this will be on a much larger scale with this eclipse).
April 8, 2024: Solar eclipse in Aries. On the flip side of the lunar eclipse, we have the solar eclipse in Aries. This will be a time where we start anew and are ready to charge down a new path. Mars' energy represents war, destruction, violence, revenge, but also strength. This particular eclipse is warning us about war and destruction on a collective level because it'll be conjunct the North Node (the direction we're all going). I believe we're headed into a total collapse and rebirth when we add in the Pluto in Aquarius energy, but it's something that needs to happen for us to evolve as a civilization.
May 25, 2024: Jupiter in Gemini, which is actually in detriment. This means the energy is weaker in this sign for the planet. Expect changes in telecommunications (voice, data, and video) and social media, since Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication.
June 2, 2024: Neptune is anaretic. Anaretic means that a planet has entered the 29th degree, which holds a sense of finality because this planet has transited all 30 degrees (starting at 0). It's ready to move on and cut ties. What does this mean for Neptune? Well, the planet of illusions will lift its veil and a lot of what we've held onto in our beliefs will die out. Some people will still try to hold on (sunk-cost fallacy) because they're stubborn, but the majority of people will release, mourn, and deal with the fallout that's going to be super messy. Imagine the feeling of being betrayed by someone you love. That's what Neptune lifting it's veil is going to feel like for most. Again, collectively, we NEED this energy for healing and spiritual growth.
July 21, 2024: Full Moon in Capricorn. Most of the time, nothing major happens on full moons, but this one is interesting because it falls on an anaretic degree, just like Neptune. Capricorn represents structure, discipline, rigidity, and order (its ruler is Saturn), so we're going to see some upheaval in regards to these issues. The old way of doing things will no longer serve the same purpose. This is the equivalent of saying, "Out with the old, in with the new."
August 5, 2024 – August 28, 2024: Mercury Retrograde in Virgo and Leo. With Mercury rx in Virgo, this might be a time where you lose or misplace documents, feel irritated, have constant miscommunication, or face scrutiny from the general public. Remember to write down important deadlines and keep everything organized so you don't lose anything. With Mercury rx in Leo, I'm fully expecting some celebrity scandals during this time. Otherwise, it'll be a time of thinking about trying something new or wanting to get out and do something fun.
September 17, 2024: Lunar Eclipse in Pisces. This will happen in the 25th degree (an Aries degree), so anyone with heavy Pisces placements will have creative breakthroughs during this time. We'll see a rise in great music, art, poetry and literature, as well as film and visual arts. This time period might feel very dreamy and whimsical on the art scene.
October 2, 2024: Solar Eclipse in Libra. We had the lunar eclipse in Libra in March, so now, the solar eclipse will bring justice and balance. Anyone with Libra placements in early degrees will feel the need to purge what's not working. Even though most Librans are peaceful, this will be a time of upheaval. Expect people to help the oppressed even more (seeking justice) in a world that needs to be more fair and balanced (Libra energy).
November 19, 2024: Pluto goes direct in Aquarius for twenty years, until March 8, 2043. Buckle up! It's going to be a bumpy-but-necessary ride.
November 25, 2024 – December 15, 2024: Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius. We all know what happens during Mercury rx, but what happens when it's in Sagittarius? Sagittarius represents higher education and learning, all things foreign and travel-related, religion, and spirituality. Expect religious or spiritual leaders, as well as educational leaders at universities, to have private documents leaked, misinformation stemming from foreign countries and media, as well as travel issues (delays, being rerouted, lots of crowds, etc.). This will not be a good time to travel.
December 6, 2024 – February 24, 2025: Mars Retrograde in Cancer and Leo. This is going to be...interesting. Mars hates being in Cancer; it's in detriment. Why? Cancer represents empathy and compassion, while Mars represents a more masculine energy that strives towards war, violence, and destruction. Cancer wants to provide a resolution to all of the conflict occurring, while Mars isn't having it. Expect masculine energies, especially men, to be more irritated and aggressive during this time. This duo can bring about discussion regarding balancing masculine and feminine energy, which we all have. Because Cancer is represented by the Moon, or the "mother" in astrology, expect some discussions about fertility and reproduction, birth rates (especially the low birth rates of some countries), marriage (or lack thereof), and any social dynamics with males and females. These discussions will carry over into 2025.
2024 is going to be a year that'll go down in history, that's for sure. One silver lining in all of this is that Venus does NOT retrograde this year, so we might see or hear about fewer breakups, and we might see or hear about more people entering into relationships and staying together.
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starsworldd · 2 years
solar return observations (pt 1):
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- mars square jupiter can show a year of overworking yourself ♛
- a year in which you have capricorn venus could mean not hanging out with friends that much, maybe more of a focus on career/goals ♛
- mars sextile/trine venus 🤝 success with social things throughout the year ♛
- chiron in 12th house could show troubles with mental health or sleep for that year ♛
- saturn conjunct asc (whether that be in the solar chart or natal x solar) indicates a year of hard work and getting your sh*t together. it may bring you a new perspective on yourself + outlook on life ♛
- solar moon in natal 4th house means being especially emotional for that year ♛
- solar rising sign shows most prevalent themes throughout the year, e.g. libra rising = partnership/friends, leo rising = ego/confidence, cap rising = work + career/calling ♛
- having libra placements in general can mean making new friends + connections for that year ♛
- neptune in 8th house may mean scary things regarding your mental health/internal thoughts and feelings (please take this with a grain of salt, 8th house also rules other people’s money so could have to do something with that too) ♛
- scorpio in a solar chart shows where you have the most push/pull, e.g. scorpio in 7th = tug-of-war with friends/partners, scorpio in 2nd = tug-of-war with self-esteem or money ♛
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- having a leo mc may mean prioritizing fun and having more gatherings for that year ♛
- mercury shows what area of life is this busiest for the year, e.g. mercury in 2nd = self-care and/or financial things, 11th house = social media and communities ♛
- venus in scorpio/aspecting pluto could mean separations due to things that were hidden from each party involved in the relationship (any type of relationship) or deepening a connection that was made beforehand ♛
- part of fortune in 11th house means new communities, friends, and aspiration awakenings <3 really lovely placement for a solar chart ♛
- 11th house in 3rd house may mean making online friends or mainly talking to friends via social media that year ♛
- mars retrograde in solar chart shows an area of life where you may struggle to feel confident or fail to assert yourself, e.g. in 11th house may mean amongst friend groups and new groups of people ♛
- strong saturn in solar return chart means having to be patient for that year (it’s very frustrating but saturn rewards and teaches us important skills!!) ♛
- gemini in 11th house could mean more activity with social media ♛
- venus in natal 6th house means spending more time with friends and feeling a little more relaxed regarding work/tasks ♛
- pisces and scorpio show where the most change is happening, pisces being in a more fluid, dreamy way, scorpio being in a more dramatic and in-your-face way ♛
⭐️ hope you’ve enjoyed! ⭐️
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seafoamreadings · 6 months
mars into pisces
this mars is often seen as weak since pisces is not a particularly warlike sign and yet, it is not actually (classically or traditionally or in any modern system to my knowledge) in detriment or fall. it's true that pisces has a mild, even timid nature, but it is also intensely mystical. this mars is a sorcerer. it can be psychological or spiritual warfare, or just good old fashioned folk magic. if wizardry isn't really your thing, it's still a placement for manifestation, beguiling others, and having a good fun time. mars is also not just war - he is the pursuit of one's desires. so it's honestly a good time to catch up on sleep if you've been putting that off, or to eat some good meal or another.
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crystalsenergy · 7 months
Navigating transit Saturn in Pisces: for Piscean natal placements (ASC to Jupiter)
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It is important to know and firmly fix in your mind that Saturn is an energy, not a pure consciousness, and as energy, it is manipulated by ourselves, whether we use it for something constructive or negative.
Thus, if the Saturnian energy is used for maturation, the experience will be less burdensome. If your experience with Saturn in Pisces is unconscious, involving escapism, or guilt, with much weight placed upon yourself, Saturn's influence will seem harsh, heavy, hostile. It is us who act, we are the ones who hold the power and influence over our own lives, not simply "the universe."
Some observations for aspects/manifestations of Saturn in your personality at this moment:
Saturn touching, in conjunction...
...Ascendant in Pisces:
a strong moment that will bring various situations regarding yourself. Situations where you may have a more rigid self-view, or others may demand a closed-off stance from you or appear very harsh regarding how you (should) present yourself. Regardless of who you are, Saturn touching Pisces on the Ascendant aims to bring maturity to your personality, making you a Master in the art of what comes in and goes out, of what affects you and what shouldn't.
We say this because the Ascendant in Pisces is like a parabolic antenna constantly in connection and reception with the universe - the universe in the sense of everything that comes into contact with the person.
That being said, it is important for the individual to separate the wheat from the chaff in their life, what nourishes and what drains, what elevates and what reduces vital energy, vibration. It is important for the individual to build maturity regarding the energetic exchanges they engage in and their own functioning. An intuitive being who does not know this side of themselves becomes a slave to their exterior, and therefore, Saturn ends up seeming too harsh, bringing you back to earth, making things heavy.
However, we can look at this moment and ask ourselves: how did I act before everything seemed so harsh in my relationships and exchanges with the world? How is my relationship with myself? Did I pay attention, intuitively but also wisely, to what I felt when I saw and was close to X person, Y environment? How much do I control my own mind?
These are interesting questions that can guide you to a path of greater clarification regarding the somewhat harsh energies that may seem to be surrounding you. It is also important not to punish yourself too much for past mistakes, as guilt is one of the lowest frequencies that exist (the Hawkins Scale demonstrates this very well) and brings self-criticism and a weight that seems to burden us for a long time.
We need to understand, as I have already said, that Saturn is energy, not pure consciousness, and as energy, it is manipulated by ourselves, whether we use it for something constructive or negative. Thus, in an influence like this, if you use Saturn's energy to blame yourself for past "failures," the process will indeed become heavier, and the planet will not be the "guilty" one.
...Sun in Pisces:
Doubts may arise regarding your individuality. Sensitivity may be heightened, quite evident. You may feel something that "hits" very intensely, causing doubt and self-criticism about who you have been. As Saturn and Pisces don't converse so well, the Piscean Saturnian lessons come in a harsh, austere language, where it may seem like the problem lies within, when in reality the issue is how much Piscean vibrations have been integrated into life - especially the life around you (society). The lack of Piscean energy and the integration of what Pisces represents in collective life brings us this feeling of emptiness and that there is no space for our existence here. But of course there is!
...Moon in Pisces:
Here, Saturn's harshness over Pisces touches on internal and emotional issues.
Internally, you may be very rigid, not quite understanding your emotional demands. You may feel a need to emotionally respond to life, to yourself, and to emotional matters in a rigid, closed-off, overly practical manner. But that's not the best way of dealing with Saturn.
With Pisces, Saturn brings us an earthly energy that is put on the table in a practical way, but the things brought to the table for us to face are immaterial, psychic, abstract. Therefore, even in aspect with the Moon, we see a possible emotional difficulty in navigating Piscean matters without a feeling of self-censorship.
The advice for those with the Moon in Pisces is to try to navigate Saturn's need for closure with wisdom, seeking emotional maturity and improvement, seeking to structure their internal lives rather than falling into the traps of avoiding the unconscious and emotional issues, thus ending up building more debts with oneself.
...Mercury in Pisces:
Mercury in Pisces in the natal chart represents much of the search for what the environment and people around us have to say. Even if you don't realize it, a person with this placement has immense ease in reading the environments and the people around them. When Saturn touches this aspect of your personality, it brings the importance of grounding what you read from others.
Because it has an energy of seeking utility and practicality, Saturn tries to tell us that all the sensitivity felt by the mind, which by the way, is not easy to handle (Mercury in Pisces is an exiled position), can indeed be very useful and practical.
However, because it is a language that Mercury in Pisces is not very accustomed to - it is more abstract, intuitive, and indirect - it can be a bit challenging to understand what to do and, ultimately, that you are being led to do something with all the intuition felt.
An example of practical action for a highly intuitive Mercury in Pisces, impacted by others: noticing how much the energy of the environment dictates the energy of your day while you are there [and sometimes even after you leave the environment]. From there, you can take actions to avoid such an environment if it harms you and is possible, or start looking for ways to protect yourself so that only your energy remains with you.
...Venus in Pisces:
Venus in Pisces can be likened to a manifestation of sacrifices within relationships. It can also be seen, in some cases, as a reflection of a person who lives very much in their unconscious in relationships - reflecting fears and traumas in friendship and romantic choices. Yes, this can happen to anyone, but some people bring certain patterns more strongly with them because they live in constant contact with their unconscious, but not in a present manner. Venus in Pisces can have various facets, be beneficial or detrimental, as everything will always depend on the individual and their level of self-awareness and consciousness.
Either way, I see that when Venus meets with Saturn, both in Pisces, they bring a search for relationships that reflect your unconscious in a conscious manner (it sounds ambiguous, doesn't it? but it is very possible to look at what our unconscious brings us in a clear and present manner, that is, conscious of what affects us).
This importance of seeking clearer relationships and less "unconscious" ones will appear in different ways, depending on each being, chart, and life story. But I see that relationships will certainly require more concrete actions and less distance from each individual's consciousness, thus it may shake up the relationship area a bit, whether romantic or friendly, as it will bring you back to earth until you develop an awareness that you are rich in contact with your unconscious mind. However, the contact needs to be wise and transformative.
...Mars in Pisces:
Saturn with Mars can signify the limitation of Piscean energy, the limitation of Mars energy that would come through actions and reactions. However, it can also signify a moment of greater responsibility and maturity regarding how much your actions and reactions have been based on consciousness and something beneficial - to you and to those around you.
Saturn limits, makes things practical, complicates things a bit when we deal with him and Pisces together, for the reasons we've discussed before, but still, we see in this transit an immense potential to learn to act wisely with your own intuition and energy.
Learning to see, responsibly, your needs that were previously unconscious and starting to heal them or indeed attend to them, within what is important and healthy.
Mars is action, seeking self-satisfaction, independence, survival instinct, and reaction. When we see Mars in Pisces, we see unconscious instincts very much governing this being's life - be it the unconscious of others, our own, both... Saturn can be an important catalyst for changes and for using your intuition/energy/empathy in a wise and constructive way, instead of wasting it in any situation, person, or environment.
...Jupiter in Pisces:
Saturn brings to those with Jupiter in Pisces the importance of centering and focusing energies, having a healthy action, and not simply expressing empathy, the search for connection, and something immaterial without limits or consciousness.
Saturn represents focus, centering, materialization, and practicality. In this sense, it brings the energy that Jupiter needs to understand that not everything is just about experimenting and experiencing; we also need objectives, focuses, and a search for results. And that the value of things cannot only come from experience but also from analysis and organization.
Because when we plan and organize ourselves, we direct energy towards it and little by little, plans are built and succeed. In terms of what Jupiter in Pisces tends to deal with, Saturn will bring some "brakes," which may come in different ways. Brakes through difficulties, or through limitations.
An example: brakes on intuitive, energetic, or spiritual experiences (whether conscious or not), which may be done excessively or even without the native realizing they are doing them.
Brakes on how much you overly engage (Jupiter) with others' energies (Pisces). Saturn will bring the importance of reflecting before acting, of measuring where you are directing your immense empathy and giving, and at the same time, it will seek to bring you the energy to act and transform what you want to do, rather than at the first opportunity show what you have, without seeing if that is the right time.
Finally, in the case of beings with Jupiter in Pisces representing immense victimization, manipulation, or other more negative nuances, Saturn brings a certain harshness, unfortunately, because it is a way for the native to realize that this is not the best way to proceed with the strong energy of Jupiter in Pisces. This will happen in a movement of action and effect.
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bxtxnx · 6 months
[♂☌♄] you better work.
Tomorrow, April 10, Mars is conjoining Saturn, so it's time for you to do something about your income.
If you've been trying to earn money via art, this is the day to open your comissions or to sell a piece.
Do something behind the scenes or take a non-traditional course of action. The conjunction happening in the sign of Pisces will make those of you working in the arts or doing anything which isn't seen by the general public earn money thanks to the aspect happening at the 14th degree, ruled by Taurus, the sign where the $$$ is.
As Britney said it - you better work bitch. ☽
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the-grim-peeper · 6 months
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mars has entered pisces 🍤
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saturniandevil · 9 months
2024 Important Dates
AKA my notes on The Astrology Forecast's 2024 Year Ahead Forecast, hosted by Chris Brennan and Austin Coppock. After the overview and January forecast, I'll put the rest of the year under a readmore. Overall, this year heralds technological innovations, and is a stepping stone into bigger developments in 2025 and 2026.
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This year would be dramatic on its own, but with bigger shifts ahead in this decade, serves as a preview for even more dramatic changes in 2025 and 2026.
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Pluto in Aquarius We only got about 6 weeks of Pluto in Aquarius in 2023, but this is will it where be for most of 2024 and the next 20 years. We're also getting the last of Uranus in Taurus (7-year transit) and Neptune in Pisces (14-year stay). These outer planets are wrapping up while Pluto starts something new.
Austin predicts Pluto in Aquarius will be a relief to those of us who've been suffering from Pluto in Capricorn. Historically, Chris traces the development of gunpowder, its refinement and transmission from China to Europe with Pluto in Aquarius. Warfare changed with these developments, particularly the strategies of siege. We should expect to see new technologies & applications in warfare now, particularly anti-drone weapons and uses of AI. Near-future science fiction stories from 20 years ago will look incredibly familiar, especially the "cyberpunk dystopia" and man-machine interfaces changing significantly. The first paper shop was set up in Baghdad in 793 under Pluto in Aquarius, and this technology spread around the world under different Pluto in Aquarius periods, with wide-ranging effects on mass communication. Technological espionage is also a theme of this placement--think AI uses, and the US trying to compete with Chinese microchips. This will also form an opposition to natal Pluto for baby boomers (1940s-60s), a transit that rarely occurs within a human lifetime. We'll see the culmination of this generation's power in the world, where figures like Biden or Trump or their contemporaries may have one last bid for power before they have to hand it to someone younger.
Chris actually used AI to help summarize his notes on this transit. With Pluto representing transformation and control, and Aquarius indicating the innovator and the rebel, some general themes are:
Major shifts in how technology shapes society, both empowering people and destructively.
Information warfare and control, especially among governments. Monopolies and censorship attempts will increase.*
Technological leaps. Breakthroughs from both internal research and external sources like cultural exchange or encounters with "that which is foreign/alien."
Science vs ethics: moral dilemmas, tension between curiosity & caution
Globalization on edge: the interconnected world may face challenges, but the exchange of information is crucial to progress. World trade and supply chains spanning the globe will change as countries shift certain sectors to more local production.
*history note: Pluto was in Aquarius during the Renaissance & Scientific Revolution, and the Church tried to censor this new information because it posed a threat to Papal power. Monarchs took state power from the church under Pluto in Aquarius, and the French Revolution under this placement showed the bourgeoisie really challenging the nobility under this placement. Most of the US constitution was written under Pluto in Aquarius--in fact the last Pluto in Aquarius period was during the late 18th century, so prepare for those paradigm shifts & revolutions to shift and revolt once again. New developments in physics and cosmology around dark matter and string theory, increased uses of AI, and new space probes may all prove to shake our ideas of where we stand with the rest of the universe.
Saturn conjunct Neptune Saturn prefers structure & the real world, while Neptune is a realm of imagination and illusions. In 2016 these planets squared each other and the political sound byte "fake news" was important. We no longer trust sound and video in addition to images, especially with advances in AI. Previous Saturn-Neptune contacts include the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the HUAC/McCarthy era in the USA. We'll be asking ourselves, "is this real?" We'll need to balance skepticism with imagination.
Another Saturn-Neptune in Pisces theme is pervasive feelings of despair and collective sorrow over water-related disasters, such as tsunamis or the devastation of Hurricane Katrina. The first Saturn-Neptune conjunction of the 20th century was 1916-1919: disillusionment, skepticism, muddy trench warfare and chemical weapons. More positively, empathy, compassion, and service can come from those who fight for a better world despite hardships. However, Neptune will conjoin Saturn in Aries as well, which will have a much less compassionate flavor. This upcoming Pisces conjunction occurs right as Neptune is leaving the sign--which Piscean developments will get the Saturn stamp of approval and last beyond this decade? Neptune in Pisces has brought us an increased interest in the occult matters and psychedelics, ranging from tarot and astrology to modern cults to therapeutic uses of hallucinogens. Some of the skepticism we see will be the result of having been burned by Pisces Neptune events. Another related topic is augmented reality displays--Austin predicts that since it's been around for so long, if it doesn't take during Neptune & Saturn in Pisces, it probably won't take at all.
Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Taurus This conjunction goes exact in April. In the material sign of Taurus, what sudden developments (Uranus) is Jupiter enabling? In one such application, AI technologies can help advance the field of materials science by designing new compounds & predicting their uses. There are a lot of technological developments bottlenecked by a single limitation, such as limited battery capacity, which if resolved would prompt an explosion of impressive new technologies. Quantum developments, Heisenberg's additions, different political revolutions, the sexual revolution & the Moon landing were under Jupiter-Uranus alignments, as were some of the earliest biology works in the Renaissance era. April will breakthroughs getting supported and confirmed. These come about every 13 years: in 2010 in Aries, 1990s in Aquarius. In 1941 we saw scientific breakthroughs as well, though Saturn's presence fittingly brought a much darker tone. Which house is Taurus in your chart? This transit can bring sudden insight & broaden your horizons in this area (A/N: timing techniques like progressions, Hellenistic profections, and zodiacal release can help you determine if Taurus will be especially "activated" for you around this time).
On the flipside, take care not to indulge in excessive naivete, uncritical embrace of rule-breaking in the name of progress, or getting caught up in fleeting euphoria. Once Uranus leaves, what will stay? What gets truly confirmed by Jupiter? Austin predicts major developments in cryptocurrency, which was not invented under Uranus in Taurus but did rise to prominence under this transit. Taurus also tells us to appreciate the material comforts, and this conjunction may show us a new approach to appreciating these things (like an AI snuggy that helps you sleep!). The potato chip and chocolate-chip cookie were also invented during Uranus in Taurus. More niche items have become more widely available (lab-grown meat, perhaps?), though food and energies has also become disproportionately more expensive/volatile during this transit. Taurus also signifies nature, botany, and ecology--we may see major developments in response to climate change. This is the last year of Uranus in Taurus--perhaps the cottagecore trend will have its last blows. Uranus in Gemini (A/N: 2025) will have us going back into the mainframe...(organic computers?)
Jupiter in Gemini This transit will be about a year long. Immediately upon entry to this sign Jupiter will trine Pluto, and later in the year he'll square Saturn. This will be a big shift, not just by sign, but because Jupiter goes from cooperating with Saturn to fighting him. Light-footed, fast, clever Gemini Jupiter clashes with deep, slow, heavy Pisces Saturn. Their sextile in January/February indicates the economy will likely seem to move in a good direction as the year begins, but the leviathan in the deep will stop us short.
Notable figures born under Jupiter in Gemini & Saturn in Pisces include Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas Edison, bringing us new communications systems. Bell developed the telephone partially as part of efforts to help his mother and other deaf people, while Edison himself had major hearing issues and focused on visual phenomena. However, we have ethics questions too: Bell had issues patenting the telephone as the same day as another inventor--who got there first? (A/N: many of Edison's patents were invented by others with property rights surrendered to him.) Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails also has these placements, and he's gone from applying electronic music in rock to films in recent decades. Also born under Pisces Saturn & Gemini Jupiter: Moby, Björk, Alfred Pulitzer (known for pioneering both human interest stories and sensationalism).
Other Jupiter in Gemini keywords: speaking many languages, verbosity, versatility & adptability, self-education, many short experiments, and having a knack for or good luck in new machines. However, Jupiter is considered in exile/detriment in Gemini: this light sign may interfere with Jupiter's desire for deeper understanding. The first decan of Gemini is ruled by Jupiter, and the bound of Jupiter is early in the sign as well, (and Jupiter is a triplicity ruler for Gemini!) so we can actually have quite a strong Jupiter in the beginning of this transit. Pluto in Aquarius trines Jupiter at the start of this transit, and Jupiter will gladly go to work for Pluto's agenda. Expect major technology & information related developments in April-May. This also foreshadows Uranus's entry into Gemini, where he'll trine Pluto thrice.
During this time, all the planets in Gemini are also combust (so close to the Sun we can't see them, figuratively getting burned), so beware of burnout. Another Jupiter in Gemini native is Lana Wachowski (one of the creators of The Matrix). Her coming out story also inspired many, and Jupiter in Gemini is a good place for variety in gender expression. Unfortunately, concepts from her movie were also coopted by right-wingers ("redpilled"). Also under this placement is JK Rowling, initially known for writing increasingly verbose fantasy books, though in recent years has focused her resources on stopping the advancement of trans rights. Jupiter in Gemini is fast, but not always ethical.
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In April we'll have an eclipse that's visible over much of the United States from Texas to Maine, occurring on an election year. In the Indian dasha system, the US entered a Rahu (North Node)-ruled time period 8 years ago, making it especially sensitive to eclipses. There won't be another total eclipse visible in the US until 2045, marking momentous changes. This is also a continuation of the Libra/Aries eclipse story, most recently from the Libra eclipse in October. In both our personal lives and world events we'll see a turning point in the spring. The eclipses this year are in March-April, and September-October (remember, eclipses always come in twos--one lunar, one solar!). The March/April eclipses will be especially chaotic with Mars-Saturn and Jupiter-Uranus conjunctions affecting the equinox. The fall eclipses will begin shifting towards the Pisces/Virgo axis, and the major renewals will shift focus from one area of our lives to another (check which house(s) contain these signs for you).
Comets 2024 will have two comets that may be visible to the naked eye--both during eclipses! The Pons-Brooks comet will be visible in April around the time of the Aries eclipse (and Jupiter-Uranus & Mars-Saturn conjunctions). This indicates a very important time in world history. The comet, which may become visible as the sky darkens, will pass right by the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction. Chris's ancient sources say whether a comet is a good or bad omen depends on its color, brightness, and visibility once it gets here, but he's hopeful its contact with Jupiter-Uranus will be helpful to us. Austin points out it'll be difficult to distinguish the comet's specific effects from everything else going on at that time. The second comet visits us in October, right before eclipses and the US presidential election. "Hopefully we won't get the Game of Thrones Season 2/War of Five Kings comet," says Austin. Chris is going to publish an episode soon analyzing both ancient sources & doing his own historical research on comets, which have connections to wars, regime changes, and religious or political leaders being born.
Mars Austin points out that there will be consistent stelliums in the first half of the year (visible around the eclipses) before returning to more regular dispersal. Mars is also going to make volatile contacts to outer planets as well, really bringing military connotations, mostly earlier in the year and then picking up again at the end of the year with an opposition to Pluto & a retrograde. In fact, Mars enters Leo, the sign of his upcoming retrograde, 2 days before the US presidential election.
US history & election: Mars goes retrograde in the same sign every 79 years, shifting by about 4 degrees every time. Mars did this same retrograde back in the late 1700s when US states were ratifying the Constitution (Pluto was in Aquarius then like it will be in '24, and some other transits are the same as well). The next recurrence was during the passing of the 14th amendment after the Civil War, an amendment forbidding anyone who led an insurrection from entering office. Most recently Mars retrograded in this cycle in 1945-6, during the end of WW2 and stationing just before the birth of a certain controversial recent president. This upcoming Mars retrograde will occur in the same part of the zodiac as these other events.
Chris usually shies away from predicting election results outright because he considers himself too invested to be objective, but he gives us a rundown. Like 2016 this election occurs under a Saturn-Neptune conjunction, foreshadowing the us of AI in political propaganda. If it does end up being Biden vs Trump, Chris says as of now there are indicators for either side winning. For the past 30 years, every presidential election winner has had an eclipse in one of his angular houses (1/4/7/10) shortly before winning. The Aries/Libra eclipses don't fall in angular houses for either, but the Pisces eclipse in September occurs in Biden's 4th house, and the 10th of his running mate Kamala. In Trump's favor is zodiacal releasing: he's starting a 19-year peak period releasing from spirit (career/aspirations) in 2025 just after the election. (This is one of the things that threw Chris off in the 2016 election, since a president elected for 2 consecutive terms then wouldn't be in office anymore in 2025.) This peak period activates the sign of Leo for him, the first house, and contains his natal Mars, bringing fighting and difficulty to the foreground. (A/N: Mars is also entering Leo around the time of the election, so whether he wins or not, we'll be seeing a lot of him.) That's a basic overview, and Chris will discuss other factors as the year progresses. Austin points out we have a perfect Mars-Pluto opposition the day before the election, and Mars stations in Leo right as the electors meet to officially vote. This election is heavily tied to the Mars retrograde, which continues until a few months into 2025. Pluto will take Mars's significations to bigger extremes as well as hidden power plays. Taking place January 20th at noon, Inauguration Day always takes place at the beginning of Aquarius season with the Sun in the 10th house, but Pluto's going to conjoin the Sun as well this year, which Chris predicts will start a new era of American history. Two of the debates fall on eclipse days, and Chris predicts these will have a dramatic effect on the election. Regardless of specific candidates, we know the US is entering a crucial phase of its history with Uranus entering Gemini (same placement as the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, and entering WW2). Austin wonders if the Saturn-Neptune conjunction will delay the rise of historic leadership, as his research so far proved inconclusive.
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Mercury stations direct immediately, helping us start things off definitively. Mars in Capricorn colors most of the month. He's very strong & effective in this sign, further supported by a trine from Jupiter in Taurus. With Venus and Mercury copresent Mars in Capricorn, we have an opportunity to practice living how we'd like to before things get crazy. The clichés of "starting your the year off right" are worth following this time around. A Jupiter-Saturn sextile in the first six weeks of the year further supports our efforts to get organized. Take advantage of Jupiter in Taurus to make the growth and expansion you seek permanent. We'll need a set pattern to weather the upcoming storms.
Chris and Leisa's auspicious election for the month is on January 12th, 2023 at 8AM local time with Aquarius rising. This means the Ascendant ruler Saturn receives a helpful sextile from Jupiter (orb of 5 degrees).
After a conjunction with the Sun and the light's ingress into Aquarius, Pluto re-enters that same sign on the 20th, anchoring what's most interesting about February. Chris points out it's exactly one year from the US presidential inauguration and will be an interesting omen.
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February has a pileup of planets in Aquarius. From the 5th to the 16th, Mercury, Mars, and Venus all conjoin Pluto. This rapid succession of initial conjunctions will start to show us what this new Pluto era will look like for each of the faster planets. We go from having 4-5 planets in Capricorn to having 4-5 in Aquarius through this first half of the year. What does overwhelming weight in these signs look like for you? The Mars-Pluto conjunction on the 14th will be pretty dramatic. This connotes the use of excessive force, and generally will likely show us what kinds of dangers to expect from Pluto in Aquarius. The Venus-Mars conjunction at nearby degrees will connote future relationship patterns.
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This month marks the beginning of eclipse season as well as a pileup of planets in Pisces. After the equinox, we have an eclipse, making the spring very dramatic. Mars sneaks up to a conjunction with Saturn, who rules the April Libra eclipse, and all the while Mercury is retrograde. We have multiple indicators of major world events here, which Chris compares to early 2020. And if that wasn't enough, we've got a comet! The lunar eclipse in Libra heralds back to its sister eclipse in early October.
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The Mars-Saturn conjunction will punctuate difficulties of Saturn's transit--the last Mars-Saturn conjunction in Aquarius aligned with the intensifying lockdowns in March-April of 2020. This time the conjunction is in a water sign, so think naval warfare or threats from aquatic creatures. January was a good time to plan; this is not. We'll be adapting to rapid changes and doing what needs to be done. The Aries eclipse will be visible over much of the US, bringing major developments to the nation. Once we get out of eclipse season, we'll have to deal with the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction going exact on the 19th. Chris hopes that this will divide the month in half, from chaotic early on to more hopeful in the second half, especially as Mercury stations direct. Austin is less optimistic, as we'll have Jupiter, Uranus, and Venus all in Taurus. At the end of the month, Mars enters Aries and joins Rahu there, igniting the very point that was just activated by a total eclipse. Regardless, the pace of technology and communications will explode during this month and May.
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Once Jupiter enters Gemini, lots of other planets follow him to that sign. This has strong implications for the advancements for communications. Austin says the Taurus developments in the early month indicate financial developments before the technological ones. All the planets in Taurus are looking to its ruler Venus for support, but she's combust (close to the Sun & invisible), so we'll feel something missing from our material comforts.
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The Jupiter-Pluto trine is twofold: Jupiter expands Pluto's Aquarian pursuits, while Pluto exponentially magnifies Jupiter's expansion of communications in Gemini. We get a Sun-Venus cazimi in Gemini, resetting her cycle, with Mercury a few weeks after. Some of the Jupiter-Uranus discoveries and inventions may not be visible until later, as the Gemini planets themselves are invisible & passing through the Sun during these few months. There's a spaceship with recreational implications set to be launched next spring, fitting with the expansion of leisure that Jupiter in Taurus connotes. Mars entering Taurus on the 9th will mellow out for awhile after such intense movements. Saturn's retrograde station in Pisces brings him as close to Neptune as he's gonna get this year.
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Saturn & Neptune stationing in Pisces blur the lines between what's real and what's not, what's true and what's false... An exlposive, unexpected Mars-Uranus conjunction occurs on the 15th. Furthermore, it's on top of the star Algol, a very ugly configuration that has historically coincided with devastating warfare and weapons. This isn't the tone for all of Mars in Taurus, but it's something to try and steer around if possible. Mars in Gemini brings us to August.
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Mercury stations retrograde on the 5th, backtracking through both Virgo and Leo. This year Mercury retrogrades occur mainly in fire signs:
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Mars in Gemini puts him in contact with Jupiter right as the benefic is squaring Saturn in Pisces; the smaller planet will likely exacerbate these issues. Excessive heat and speed clash against excessive cold and slowness. This is a real slowdown for Jupiter's fun and social trip through Gemini. Mercury stations direct by the end of the month, taking us into September.
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By this point the planets have stopped moving in a giant pack, spacing out the energies a little. Pluto retrogrades back into Capricorn for the very last time this month; when he enters Aquarius at the end of this year he'll stay there for the next 20 years. Uranus gets as late into Taurus as he's gonna get this year before stationing retrograde as well, trining Pluto within 2 degrees of exactness. Chris charts these planetary contacts over the past few decades:
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Uranus conjunct Pluto in the late 1960s saw major social changes as well as the first computer mouse. A sextile in the mid-1990s heralded the emergence of the Internet as we know it. In the early 2010s, smartphones became more and more ubiquitous, and now we're entering the next phase of new widely used technologies. The 2010s also saw revolutionary movements like the Arab Spring, and similar political developments will be foreshadowed around this time.
Mars enters Cancer, the sign where he'll retrograde. It's not very comfortable, but we'll have to get used to it all the same. Notable degrees are the retrograde beginning at 6Leo10 and ending at 17Cancer01:
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We also get the first hit of the Pisces eclipse series this month. Though its companion eclipse is back in Libra, the September eclipse is foreshadowing for 2025-6.
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The height of election season in the US coincides with the height of eclipse season celestially. We'll likely see prominent figures suddenly sink to the bottom or rise to the top around this time--jumping way ahead or falling way behind. Mars enters the shadow of his upcoming retrograde days after the eclipse. It's already hard to see clearly, and the eclipse supercharges all this. The Libra eclipse on the 2nd is the final of its series, wrapping up whatever was initiated in October 2023 (i.e. a new chapter in certain Middle Eastern conflicts). The first lunation free of an eclipse provides no relief, with the Full Moon tightly squaring Mars (♋) and Pluto (♑). This forms a difficult cardinal grand cross with the Sun, Moon, Mars and Pluto. Power plays, manipulation and intrigue abound.
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Mars enters Leo, the sign of its retrograde, on the 3rd. Although he's in his pre-retrograde shadow period earlier, this ingress will bring it dramatically forward. He opposes Pluto, who's been stationing since mid-October, bringing paranoia, power struggles/plays, obsession & confrontation, and hidden motives or manipulation from behind the scenes. In opposite signs we'll see tension in opposite approaches to things, such as direct power versus hidden agendas, excessive force and even extermination. Mars only needs to win the battle, but Pluto blows things out of proportion. His station on December 6th is notable. The last Mars retrograde in Cancer was in 2007-2008, so look to this time in your life for an idea of what will happen. We can also look to the Mars retrograde in Leo 15 years ago (12/20/2009-3/10/2010). (This retrograde is mostly in Cancer, but stations in Leo). 2 days after Mars enters Leo is election day in the US (Nov. 5th), shining a light on all the controversies.
Venus is way ahead of everyone in Capricorn, while Pluto reenters Aquarius for good (the next 20 years). Mercury also stations retrograde at the end of the month, bringing us to December.
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Mars stations retrograde right after Mercury's own halfway point through the retrograde, bringing miscommunications into Martial clashes, conflicts, and severing/separation. It's during the height of his retrograde that Mars is at his closest to Earth and is at his brightest for the longest (basically all night every night).
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Mars retrograde shows us that no battle plan survives first contact. Excessive heat or conflict will linger for much longer than you expect. Mercury stations direct under a Full Moon on the 15th, and Jupiter squares Saturn exactly on the 24th. Our questions about growth versus boundaries will come back into focus. Meanwhile the rest of Mars retrograde awaits us in 2025, continuing a smoldering conflict into the next year.
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astroamorsworld · 2 years
Aquarius New Moon predictions for your rising sign:
Extra info —> This New Moon is happening today at 8:53pm UK time, is conjunct Pluto and also forming harmonious aspects to both Jupiter and Mars. So If you wanna put the effort and the energy into manifesting really big changes and see it pay off, now is the time to do it!
As I’m typing this, the new moon is happening in 29 minutes. Make sure you take advantage of this energy if you wanna see big transformations in your life!
Take what resonates, leave what doesn’t. Enjoy!
Please do not copy my work or repost my work. Thanks!
Aries Rising: This new moon is happening in your 11th house. You may feel the urge to connect with your friends more or you may make some new ones. You may have dreams that you want to achieve or you’re realising that you have new ones. You could also want to start over with your social media account and maybe take it more seriously. Or you may just make an entirely new one.
Taurus Rising: This new moon is happening in your 10th house. You may be starting a new job, or possibly leave one behind, either way there’s a transformation happening in terms of work. You could get a massive promotion at work which forces you to become more mature and disciplined, or you could be getting let go. Either way it ends up being for the greater good as you may easily find one that’s far better than your previous job. You could be reinventing your public image, making people see you in totally different way. You may achieve a big milestone too. You could also be mastering something at work.
Gemini Rising: This new moon is happening in your 9th house. You may want to travel a lot or maybe move overseas. You may develop new philosophies or adopt new ones, this may give you a more positive outlook on life. You may have transferred colleges or universities for a fresh start or you may have changed courses. You may have also made the decision to leave your education behind and may feel an immense amount of freedom afterwards. You also may have gotten a great result on a test which has motivated you to have a better work ethic with your education. You may find your purpose in life.🤍
Cancer Rising: This new moon is happening in your 8th house. You could receive a massive inheritance that could set you up for life. Massive massive amount of money. You could also meet someone and have a very intense connection with them. Very transformational, intimate and deep. Or there may be existing relationships that could get deeper. There could be a surfacing of trauma that you have to deal with that will ultimately be quite healing for you. It’ll feel like you’ve been reborn. You may indulge in more sexual activities.
Leo Rising: This new moon is happening in your 7th house. You could meet someone and potentially get into a long term relationship with them. Or if you’re already in a long term relationship, you could get engaged. You may see your close relationships transform for better or for worse. Could see people leaving your life and/or coming in. There may be legal matters that come to an end and benefit you in some way. You may sign an important contract that will improve your financial situation drastically.🤍
Virgo Rising: This new moon is happening in your 6th house. You may try to change your daily routine in order to improve your health. You may start going to gym, or invest some new skincare or take some new vitamins that will benefit you physically and mentally. You may develop some skills of yours and you may experience an important change in the workplace. You may try and create some good habits and/or get rid of bad ones.
Libra Rising: This new moon is happening in your 5th house. You may get into a relationship or have a new fling. You may begin a new creative endeavour or take an existing one more seriously to try and fulfil your purpose. You may want to express yourself more freely. You may be feeling more bold. You may want to indulge in things that make you happy as a form of self care. You may also get pregnant🤰
Scorpio Rising: This new moon is happening in your 4th house. You may want to move. Your relationship with your mother may transform. You may want to improve your home or start a family. You may also become more of a homebody too. You may also become more in tune with your emotions and become more private. You could also be trying to heal from your past.🤍
Sagittarius Rising: This new moon is happening in your 3rd house. You may see a transformation in the way you perceive things. Your thought pattern could change. Your relationship with your teachers could improve for the better and you may begin to slowly enjoy school again. Your relationship with your siblings and cousins could change too. The way you communicate could change, you could become more outspoken and bold. You’re not tolerating bs and setting boundaries🤍
Capricorn Rising: This new moon is happening in your 2nd house. You may see a drastic increase in your finances, your self esteem could drastically increase and you may become more independent. You may indulge in some shopping as a form of self care regardless of how expensive it may be. You may also let go of some possessions and your morals could also change.
Aquarius Rising: This new moon is happening in your 1st house. You may want to drastically improve the way you look. Whether it’s a new hairstyle or a wardrobe transformation, you wanna make a statement with your appearance. People will see you transform before their very eyes. Your confidence could improve. Your ego could get bigger. You could become more self aware. It’s a new beginning for you guys. And it will change you and the way people see you (if you care) for the better.
Pisces Rising: This new moon is happening in your 12th house. You may want to feel the need to hibernate. Do some shadow work, and come out on top on the other side. You’re getting rid of your inner demons and becoming a homebody whilst you do it. You’re trying to change your subconscious thoughts to manifest the life you’ve always wanted for yourself. You could become more satisfied with being alone and enjoy your own company a lot more than you did before. You could begin to meditate, get in touch with your higher self and connect with them and let them guide you to your soul’s purpose. Your dreams could stand out to you more than they ever did before. You may connect more with your belief system or religion and become closer to it then you ever did before. Achieving peace and personal satisfaction are the biggest themes for you guys for this new moon🤍.
Check my pinned post for more🤍
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ms-m-astrologer · 6 months
Transiting Mars enters Pisces
Friday, March 23 - Tuesday, April 30, 2024
Pisces isn’t exactly Mars’ favorite place to be - it favors direct action, not swimming around (apparently) aimlessly - but this isn’t as challenging a position as, say, Mars in Taurus or Libra (deteiment), or Cancer (fall).
It’s easy to make the most/best of it, this time, with three very nice transiting sextiles in April. Although just like a in fairy tale, there are some difficulties to be overcome first! We have to earn that happily ever after.
Physical strength - can be a little diluted, or at least feel like it’s sapped. We have to stay alert for sneaky ways our strength dissipates. This isn’t the best time to start anything that requires direct action - but it’s great for the creative visualization piece.
Energy levels - with any mutable sign, Mars’ energy will fluctuate between full-bore and fast asleep. Ditto about vigilance for dissipation. Our intuition (if we let it) will let us know when it’s time for a break.
Sexuality - now, this can be wonderful! Romantic, courtly, chivalrous, all the goodies. Not always a lot of staying power, and we sometimes get too caught up in the vision of what’s happening, to reality.
How we go after what we want - often forced take circuitous routes, willingly or not, the journey ends up being at least as important as the destination. Or maybe the journey is the destination…? Can also go very “behind the scenes,” working indirectly and using manipulation.
A day or two on either side of these aspects should be sufficient.
Monday, April 1 - Tuesday, April 2:
Mars/Pisces opposite Juno Rx/Virgo, 7°38’
Mars/Pisces square Pallas Athene Rx/Sagittarius, 8°31’
Mars has been in Pisces for a while, by the time we get this far. Gender issues, fighting the wrong battles, zealotry getting us into trouble. Maybe some painful disillusionment about a partner or a cause, that we have trouble processing.
Wednesday, April 10 - Mars/Pisces conjunct Saturn/Pisces, 14°40’. Since it’s Pisces, this isn’t so much Saturn slamming on the brakes, as Mars realizing we haven’t even been moving. It’s time to take spiritual stock of the situation.
Tuesday, April 16 - Mars/Pisces sextile Ceres/Capricorn, 19°11’. Can be fertile, so if you don’t want a baby take precautions! Nice for puttering around the house. We’re a bit more sensitive to family members and can build rapport with them.
Friday, April 19:
Mars/Pisces sextile Jupiter/Taurus, 21°29’
Mars/Pisces sextile Uranus/Taurus, 21°46’
This is the day before that Jupiter-Uranus conjunctions matures, and may well trigger some manifestation! Taurus keeps our feet in the ground, while Pisces dreams big - as long as we don’t just dream about it, but actually get off our butts and do it. Can be arrogant and headstrong, as well as generous and lucky.
Sunday, April 28 - Mars/Pisces conjunct Neptune/Pisces, 28°52’. A vision quest, or a crisis of faith? Or both? A little Piscean ambiguity is an appropriate way to end the transit, especially if Mars has learned that not everything is on/off, good/bad binary. (The next time these two are conjunct, April 2026, it’s going to be in Aries. Mercury and Saturn will be there, too. That’s when we may have to take a stand.)
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middlenamesage · 6 months
The fusion Pisces and Aries energy that’s been characterizing things in the sky for weeks now wants you to know:
- You CAN become spiritually empowered (it’s just all in the mindsets you bring to your spiritual learnings, reflections, and practices)
- You CAN get over seeing yourself as a victim, but you must do it through utilizing self-compassion. 🔥🐟
- Bonus: Due to the wounds that this particular Aries energy can evoke (which felt most intense to me at the very entrance to this astrological new year when Mercury was conjunct Chiron and the North Node!) there are great opportunities for us in this weather to find cathartic healing through verbally expressing (Mercury) our frustrations/any pent up anger (Aries) and what feels wounded (Chiron). As Mercury in Aries is about to go retrograde, this will bring even more powerful chances to process some things through writing. (You might even find this includes some things that came up at the very beginning of Aries season!)
⭐️ For me, what has been helpful with writing is to give myself full permission to explore my grievances💔 without making myself feel bad for having perfectly valid hurts… yet to also be open to expressing and expanding upon sentiments of gratitude and having faith in my healing, whenever such thoughts even briefly cross my mind.
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This is honestly beautiful weather to foster our spiritual and emotional healing. ❤️‍🩹
Blessings 🙏🌻
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flickeringart · 2 years
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starsworldd · 2 years
☆ short astro observations part 3 ☆
a little reminder to stream domino 1 by iamsagsssssss!! out on all platforms now, i promise it’s a good song <3
⭒ sag people give off horse energy (big 3 predominantly)
⭒ jupiter in 7th house in a lunar return (lr) chart could mean that there’s some ✨opportunities✨ to get a partner that month
⭒ so many celebs and famous ppl have libra risings
⭒ venus opposite mc in a lr chart may mean family is coming over to visit
⭒ solar return (sr) and lr saturn in 7th house may mean that there’s a lot more responsibility with school (mind you 7th house is the house of the “other”, it’s opposite the first house which is all about you)
⭒ i’ve noticed that people who have sun in their 1st house are naturally liked by people
⭒ natal venus in 7th house 🤝 not standing up for yourself in order to keep the peace (adding onto this, if you have cap venus in 7th house teachers/school staff may naturally like you???)
⭒ tw ed: i’ve noticed a lot of virgo moons having eds or just dealing with weight issues in their early years
⭒ sun opposite asc in a lr chart may mean talking to someone ;) 💞
⭒ mars in 9th house in a lr chart may mean expanding your horizons in a particular area of life (check in whole signs where the planetary ruler is for the 9th house)
⭒ libra moon people are so pretty i don’t care how many times it’s been said
⭒ venus aspecting saturn/cap venus 🤝 having crazy glow-ups. it doesn’t even have to be physically looks necessarily but it can be the energy and vibe too
⭒ cancer placements (big 3) imo are pretty magnetic (ariana grande, princess diana, angelina jolie, etc..)
⭒ leo mercuries become friends with people so easily even if they’re quiet they just attract people
hope you enjoyed have a nice day/night <3
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seafoamreadings · 5 months
mars sextile jupiter and uranus
this is an itchy and impulsive little transit but mostly positive. try not to act without thinking at all, but don't bog yourself down in waiting too long either. jupiter is there to soften the fall after the jump. take a leap. this is not a time to hold still.
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crystalsenergy · 7 months
transit Saturn in Pisces -personal karmic effects & spiritual growth
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© Patrícia Rodrigues
From a karmic and spiritual growth perspective, what does Saturn in Pisces bring when it touches us through aspects?
To understand more general influences, without necessarily addressing the spiritual perspective, see this post.
Karmic issues involve Straying from One's Own Path. Thus, we create negative karma when we stray from something that was more positive for us and others, something we had the full capacity to do.
For example, a person with Mercury in Pisces has a very great potential to understand others, as Pisces invites its natives to be more compassionate and understanding. However, if the person prefers a more manipulative path, using intuitions to control people (knowing weaknesses, difficulties) and using them for evil purposes, they will be creating negative karma because their path had immense potential to go towards a positive aspect, not a negative one, of Pisces.
Everything I say in this post is just one possibility of karma and not something closed and exhausted because the subject of Karma is spiritual and deep.
Remembering and emphasizing that, in my view, aspects are confirmations that "there will be no escaping" from that energy manifesting in our lives, as well as evidence that experiencing that aspect was part of our earthly plan, which will manifest according to the context of life, etc.
The placements affect all of us, as we are all influenced by the collective, the collective is one. And individual processes, being so, will clearly occur in a particular way. But we cannot ignore that we are affected by the mass of collective energy and by karmically collective processes of which we are part, to a greater or lesser extent.
So, if the influences below emerge in your transit chart, it means that the influence will be very strong, but nothing prevents Saturn in Pisces from influencing, for example, a person at their Mercury point in Pisces without being in aspect at this exact moment.
*Karma = not in the sense of punishment, but rather in a very natural effect of action and effect of what we could have done for our own good and for others', and we did not do.
I hope to contribute to you and your process of self-awareness!
Saturn in Pisces conjunct ASC in Pisces:
Karmically, we see the importance of reviewing your approach to the world, whether it has been compassionate or manipulative, empathetic or martyrizing. It is important to review how much you have been affected by the collective unconscious in terms of patterns. Have you wasted too much time seeking external approval? Are you seeking self-knowledge and spiritual improvement? Have you tried to recognize your sensitivity as a gift or as a burden? Have you denied who you are for others' sake? Have you used masks to hide who you are in order to manipulate? Have you worked on emotional intelligence to know where to go, to balance what to show and with whom to relate?
Saturn in Pisces conjunct Sun in Pisces:
Karmically, the Saturnian energy will bring to you the importance of reviewing your personality in aspects of self-connection, donation, self-demand, spiritual connection, empathy, and self-responsibility. It is important to recognize that this is a primordial moment to build the actions that will define much of the next Saturn cycle, which will begin in 2025, with its entry into Aries.
Reflecting to the universe and to yourself that you put yourself last will continue to reverberate, in a process of action and effect, that the desired effect for you is more and more people and situations where you will be the last.
Giving yourself without limits will continue to attract people, situations, environments where you will be led to give more - and perhaps even demanded of it, if that is what you do to yourself. It is not necessarily every action bringing the same reaction, but mainly a set of actions, repeated over time and space, translating to the universe that this is what you desire and want for your life -> a loop of situations and people where you will receive what you emanated to yourself.
The Universe understands us as beings in control of ourselves, holders of free will, and as such, who will tell it exactly what we want. Yes, there are helps from those who spiritually notice that we are not on the right path and that we will end up messing up the action and effect process because we have negative actions towards ourselves and others. These spiritually elevated beings, good spiritual friends are our guides, guardians, mentors, guardian angels, and also the Ascended Masters, Karmic Council, more evolved civilizations (like the Arcturians), and the like.
The reflections that Saturn in Pisces will bring to you, at a karmic level of personality: how much have you been giving yourself? Has this positively or negatively impacted the development of your own life, future, success? Are you overly stuck in the past? Do external expectations define your path, the definition of who you are? Have you been empathetic enough? Does empathy overflow to the point where you forget yourself? How much do you work on the awareness of your openness to the Whole? Have you been to others an instrument of love or manipulation? With your immense intuition, do you seek to manipulate to control or to help people see what they don't easily see about their lives?
Saturn in Pisces conjunct Moon in Pisces:
Karmically, Saturn will bring a review of your relationship with the unconscious dynamics of your home. And at the same time, it will remind you of the importance, during these 2 years, until 2025, to take care to sow good fruits, as you will reap exactly what you plant now.
Saturn's energy will make you reflect on some of these topics, and will act through situations, difficulties, not inserted by him, but brought by you as a consequence of what was done up to here:
how do you and your family relate?
How do you face the past, do you run away from it or do you use it to build a better future together?
Are there many subjects you hide from yourself, in order to, for example, achieve external standards about internal life or family?
What is your relationship with your emotions? Is it healthy, present, and conscious? Or have you been trying to escape from your unconscious dynamics, becoming a slave to them?
Is your intuition used for good, or for evil?
Do you use your strong perception of others' difficulties and emotions to harm them, manipulating them, or to help them see what they don't?
Have you taken care of how sensitive you are to others' energies and environments?
Are you clear about what you feel, or do you hide your emotions for fear of bothering? Do you manipulate people? How is your routine of facing emotions or do you seek many escapes to avoid your emotions?
Saturn in Pisces conjunct Mercury in Pisces:
Karmically, it brings the importance of reviewing your thought patterns, your beliefs about the world and your mental connection with everything around you.
Do you use your intuition constructively, for the Greater Good, for yourself and for others? Are your thought patterns, as intuitive as they may be, used to manipulate others? Are you too trapped in the shackles of the collective unconscious, avoiding defining your mind with higher thoughts and focusing on your own path, rather than the path of others? How much do you work on the awareness of what you are? Are you too caught up in external commands on how to be, to live? Have you been living on autopilot and avoiding facing your mental patterns, especially those of being too affected by the external world?
Saturn in Pisces conjunct Venus in Pisces:
Karmically, Saturn reminds you of the development of compassionate love and a relationship with connection, which begins from you until it reaches others. It is important to review your way of relating to people - has it reflected the past, whether in terms of fears or distortions, paranoia?
Does your way of relating to people reflect a beautiful concept of what love should be? Have you projected yourself too much into the relationship or have you worked on the vision of what the person really is? Have your friendships been nurtured with balance in giving and receiving?
Are your relationships ways to escape from reality or from yourself in an unbalanced way? The main reflection of this moment is to realize the level of compassion and reality that exists in your exchanges, especially in your relationship with yourself.
Notice how much your unconscious (in the positive sense - search for connections; or negative - in the sense of traumas, fears, projections) affects the existing relationships in your life. It is a perfect time to change.
Saturn in Pisces conjunct Mars in Pisces
Karmically, it is a moment to realize how much, up to now, you have acted, acted or reacted only based on your unconscious (fears, traumas, wounds).
Have your actions been transformative, in search of compassionate yet courageous actions, or merely reflections of what lies deep in your mind? How much have the environments you frequent most dictated your pattern of action and reaction?
Have you been the holder of your freedom of thought, action, and reaction? Have your actions been manipulative or compassionate?
Have you set limits on how much you sacrifice for something or someone? Has your search to develop your connection with yourself guided your actions?
Is your vital energy used consciously or drained in futile and superfluous things?
Is the search for connection in sexual relationships important to you? Or has your libido, an energy so important to the human energy system, been used in an unbridled and unintelligent way?
Saturn in Pisces conjunct Jupiter in Pisces
Saturn, often understood as the counterpart to Jupiterian characteristics, can be seen as the complement to Jupiter's excesses, which can sometimes be immoderate and used in a less conscious and wise way.
Karmically, it brings us the importance of uniting optimism and objectivity, planning and hope, seeking to expand and focus. It is important to notice how much you have been taken to extremes, if you have been a person who excessively seeks escape, the escape valve, as a distorted way to connect with something greater.
If you have been a person who uses your connection with intuition for the evil of others, if you have made healthy and constructive use of energies and the perception of what people are.
And, especially, to evaluate your role in bringing to the whole consciousness that we are all one. Is your sensitivity used for your own good or for everyone's? Ethics also apply to spiritual life. Ethics are fundamental to being in broad and beneficial harmony with the universe.
I hope this helps you! Let me know if you need further assistance!
© Patrícia Rodrigues
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These Aries transits are absolutely divine. Never have I felt such a vitality within me. All in reception to a Pisces Mars, in reception to a nurturing Taurus Jupiter. I feel renewed like I never have before, as this eclipse season comes to an end—and that is a potent statement from an 8th houser.
Never have I breathed easier.
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