#marta Lualdi
annon-guy2 · 3 months
Tales of Symphonia Chronicles (Unisonant Pack) Perfect Guide - Skit Expressions and Extra Art/Concept Art
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Got a favorite character expression from these fourteen characters?
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pinenappo · 4 months
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2023 Sketches. Unfortunately didn’t draw much but hopefully that changes this year
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scilleros · 8 months
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Replayed a childhood game so mandatory fanart.
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tales-of-asteria-rips · 10 months
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talesoffate · 5 months
Unpopular opiniom but I genuinely believe Emil is better written than Lloyd
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ilikerpgs · 8 months
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Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World x Sands of Destruction.
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Fandom: Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World
Sample Size: 197 stories
Source: AO3
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richterbestwaifu · 1 year
Hello!! Welcome to my blog!!
You can call me Ria!! I love tales of symphonia dawn of the new world, my faves are Richter Abend, Emil Castagnier, but I also love Aster Laker and Ratatosk 🥰🥰🥰
If you are a Dawn of the new world fan, PLEASE follow me!! I’d really appreciate it since I need people who are still part of this fanbase to interact!!
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somacruising · 1 year
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All right, guys~ I’m here with the last part of this! Again, thanks to izumi1ori on twitter for letting me use some of their translations to make this even better! I’d also like to thank the people who reblog this and comment for encouraging me to keep this up.
Seriously, it means a lot...
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Announcer: Thank you for your patience. 大変長らくお待たせ致しました。
Announcer: Before the tournament’s finals, we’d like to present to you the old and new champion’s performance—give it up for Tales of Stage. 闘技場決勝戦を前に、新旧チャンピオンの共演によります舞台——テイルズオブステージを上演致します。
Announcer: Please enjoy the show to the end. 皆様、最後までごゆっくりお楽しみ下さい。
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Natalia: Oh… What am I to do? ああ……。私はどうしたらよいのでしょう。
Natalia: All this time, all I’ve ever dreamed of was restoring my lost Kingdom of Ispania. That’s why I started working as a phantom thief, the Star of Ispania. 今までは、ただ、失われたイスパニア王国復興だけを望み、盗賊イスパニアの星として暗躍してまいりました。
Natalia: It’s all I wanted, until now. Now, I cannot stop thinking about Abyss Silver, the man who saved my life in my hour of need. ですが、私の危機を救って下さったあの方アビスシルバー様のことが頭から離れないのです。
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Asch: —May I join you? ——ご一緒してもよろしいですか。
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Anise: Bzzt! You need to say “May I join you, señorita!” ちっがーう!『ご一緒してもよろしいですかセニョリータ』だよ!
Asch: …Tsk… S…señorita… ……くっ……せ……セニョリータ……。
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Luke: *loud laugh* ぶほっ!?
Tear: D-don’t laugh at him…! Don’t…laugh. だ、駄目よ笑っちゃ……!笑っちゃ……だ……め……っ。
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Natalia: My, aren’t you Prince Asch, from the Kingdom of Kimlasca…? まぁ、あなたはキムラスカ王国のアッシュ殿下……。
Asch: I know who you are, Your Highness Princess Natalia of the Kingdom of Ispania—no, the phantom thief, the Star of Ispania! 私はあなたの素性を知っています。イスパニア王国の王女ナタリア殿下——いえ、女盗賊イスパニアの星!
Natalia: H-how did you know that!? な……何故そのことをつ!?
Asch: I’ve come to you not as a prince of the enemy nation that destroyed your country, but as an emissary of justice, an Abyssman, who cares for this country. 私はあなたの国を滅ぼした敵国の王子ではなく、この国を憂う正義の使者アビスマンとして参上しました。
Natalia: You, it can’t be… You’re Abyss Silver!? まさか、あなたはアビスシルバーなのですか!?
Asch: I am. Princess Natalia, no, the Star of Ispania… I have fallen in l…l… そうです。ナタリア殿下。いえ、イスパニアの星よ。私はあなたをあ……あ……。
Anise: “I’ve fallen in love with you”! Honestly, what are you thinking? 『愛してしまった』でしょ!何今更意識してんの?
Asch: Y-You…! き、貴様……!
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Natalia: You…? 貴様……?
Asch: Er, no… —I’ve fallen in l-love with you. あ、いや……。——あ、愛してしまった。
Natalia: My! You also have those feelings…? Is this a dream? When I would think about you, I… まぁ!あなたも私のことを……?これは夢なのでしょうか。あなたのことを思って、私は……——
Marta: “I couldn’t sleep at night, all I could do was cry!” 『私は夜も眠れずただ切なく涙していたのです』だよ!
Natalia: Ah, yes… I-I couldn’t sleep at night, all I could do was cry. あ、ええ……。わ、私は夜も眠れずただ切なく涙していたのです。
Asch: Star of Ispania… イスパニアの星……。
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Anise: Yes! Now it’s time for Abyss Silver to embrace the Star of Ispania! はい、ここでイスパニアの星を抱き寄せるアビスシルバー!
Asch: !?
Marta: Then the Star of Ispania will close her eyes and say “Your sincerity to my lips”… Kyah! I’m so embarrassed! そしたらイスパニアの星は、目を閉じながら『あなたの誠をこの唇に』って……きゃー!照れるー!
Anise: And then Asch will give her a big smooch! Now kiss!! そしたらアッシュはここでぶっちゅーって!もうぶっちゅーって!!
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Asch: D-Don’t be absurd!? How could I do something like that!? ふ、ふざけるな!?そんなことできるか!?
Natalia: “Something like that”…? そんなこと……?
Asch: Ah, no… that’s not what I meant… あ、いや……そういう意味じゃ……。
Natalia: So what did you mean…? ではどういう意味ですの……?
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Guy: Go for it, Abyss Silver! よっ、アビスシルバー!
Jade: Put on a good show for us! いいさらし者ですよー!
Asch: You bastards! Stop making fun of me! てめぇら!人を馬鹿にするのもいい加減にしやがれっ!
Mileena: This is bad. The stage will break at this rate. Emil! Kocis! It’s time! まずい。舞台が壊れるわ。エミル!コーキス!出番よ!
Emil: Huh!? R-right!! え!?は、はい!!
Kocis: I’ll take care of it, Miss Mileena! 任せて下さい、ミリーナ様!
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Kocis: Oh, Emil’s my big brother! You’re playing a young, flirtatious man! おっと、エミルの兄貴!チャラい若者がいちゃいちやしてやがりますぜ!
Emil: …I-I think Ratatosk would fill this role better… ……こ、こういうのはラタトスクの方が向いてると思うのに……。
Emil: —Hey! You there! ——はっ!見せつけてくれるじゃねえか!
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Asch: Who are you people? なんだ、貴様らは。
Emil: You’ve got some nerve, not recognizing the great Emil of Ratatosk! このラタトスク党のエミル様を知らねえとはいい度胸じゃねぇか!
Emil: And even worse is that red hair. Just as well, we’ll be taking your hair and your woman! チャラチャラ赤毛を伸ばしゃがって。丁度いい、てめぇの髪とその女はいただいていくぜ!
Anise: Wow… Has Emil always been this good of an actor? え……。エミルってば、演技超上手くない?
Marta: I knew you could do it, Emil…! You’re so cool…! さすがエミル……格好いい……!
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Asch: How amusing! Very well, try and see if you can! Let’s go, Natalia—the Star of Ispania! 面白い!やれるモンならやってみやがれ!行くぞ、ナタリア——じゃなかったイスパニアの星!
Natalia: Yes! Let’s crush Ratatosk! ええ、ラタトスク党など叩きつぶしてやりますわ!
Announcer: And so, the great battle between the Star of Ispania and Team Ratatosk will now begin! こうしてイスパニアの星とラタトスク党の戦いの火ぶたが今、切って落とされたのであります!
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Jade: The last part of the show was a bit of a mess, but it was very lively. いやー、最後の方はもうぐだぐだでしたが異様なほど盛り上がりましたねぇ。
Anise: It’s all thanks to the edits I made to the script! やっぱりアニスちゃんの台詞のアレンジが効いたんでしょ!
Jade: Your script modification was wonderful, Anise ♪ Thanks to you, we got to see something fun. 素晴らしい台本改変でしたよ、アニス ♪ おかげで非常に面白いものが見られました。
Guy: All right, all right, enough teasing. Asch looks like he’s down in the dumps. おいおい、それくらいにしておいてやれよ。アッシュの奴、あっちで落ち込んでるぜ。
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Tear: In any case, I’m relieved we were able to pull it off. The audience seemed pleased. それにしても、お客様は喜んで下さったみたいだし、何とか成功してよかったわ。
Luke: I think Emil and Kocis did a great job! エミルもコーキスも上手かったぜ!
Kocis: Emil, you didn’t switch places with Ratatosk, did you? Your performance was powerful! そういや、エミル様、あれラタトスク様と入れ替わってたわけじゃないんだよな?すげぇ迫力だったぜ!
Emil: I-I don’t know… I was so absorbed in the performance that I don’t really remember what happened. そ、そうかな……。無我夢中だったからよく覚えてないんだけど……。
Marta: It was amazing. You performed so well. You’re the best! 凄いよ。迫真の演技だったもん。キミってやっぱり最高だね!
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Asch: …*sigh*…What am I doing? ……はぁ……俺は何をしているんだ。
Natalia: Asch…please try and cheer up. アッシュ……。そんなに落ち込まないで下さいませ。
Natalia: Everyone seemed to be having a great time. 皆様、本当に楽しそうにしていらっしゃいましたわよ。
Natalia: And the Community Association was very enthusiastic about the idea of including a skit like this one before the finals from now on. それにこれからは、決勝の前に今回のような寸劇を入れる方針でいくと自治会の方々も張り切っておられました。
Natalia: Thanks to you, they forgave Marta and I for the food… It’s all thanks to you. おかげで私や���ルタの料理の件も許して頂けましたし……。あなたのおかげですわ。
Asch: Natalia… What do you intend on doing after this? ナタリア……。この後、お前はどうする?
Natalia: What? え?
Asch: You heard me. In this world, we’re just manifestations of Auldrant’s presence. We’re mere shadows. 聞いただろう。少なくともこの世界の俺たちは、オールドラントの存在の現し身。単なる影だ。
Asch: There is no way back. All I can do is pray for the happiness you wished for Kimlasca. もう元の世界に戻ることはできない。お前が願ったキムラスカの幸せもここでは祈ることしかできないんだぞ。
Natalia: …I know. I…am not sure how I feel about it right now. ……そうですわね。今は……まだ実感が湧いておりませんの。
Natalia: But…I know I miss home, and I want to return. それでも……やはり帰りたいですし故郷が恋しいですわ。
Natalia: I also cannot stop worrying about Van and Eldrant… エルドラントのヴァンのことも心配ですし……。
Asch: …………Maybe here…maybe my body… …………。ここでなら……俺の体も……。
Natalia: Your…body? Is there something wrong with it!? あなたの……体?どこか悪いのですか!?
Asch: No… It’s nothing. It’s just that it seems like we have more time here. いや……。そうじゃない。ただ、ここには時間がある。
Asch: We were all rushing to try and overturn the Score and never had a moment to spare. Right? 俺たちは預言を覆らせるために必死で駆け抜けて立ち止まる余裕もなかった。違うか?
Natalia: …Yes. There was so much happening, all we had time for was dealing with what was directly in front of us. ……ええ。あまりに色々なことが起きてとにかく目の前の出来事に対処していくしかありませんでしたわ。
Asch: If there is truly no way back, we will have to live here. Things may change, but for now, we need to think about the future before us. 帰る方法がないならここで生きるしかない。いずれ状況は変わるかも知れないが、今はここで生きていくことを考える必要がある。
Asch: Just as you have always done. 今日までと同じようにな。
Natalia: —I understand. I’m going to leave this place. Not to another city, I want to go with Mileena and the others… ——わかりましたわ。場所を変えるのですわね。この街ではなく、ミリーナたちの元へ……。
Asch: …It’s better for you. You have friends. ……その方がお前のためにもなる。仲間がいるんだからな。
Natalia: You’re our friend, too. Even if you didn’t think so in our original world, you could come to feel that way here, right? あなたも仲間ですわよ。もし、元の世界ではそう思えなかったのだとしてもここではそう思って下さるでしょう?
Asch: …Luke! ……ルーク!
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Luke: W-What is it…? な、何だよ……。
Asch: I’m calling a temporary truce. 一時休戦だ。
Luke: !?
Asch: Mileena, I want you to take Natalia and I with you. ミリーナ。俺とナタリアも連れていって欲しい。お前たちの元に。
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Mileena: Of course. We’re glad to have you, Asch and Natalia. ええ。大歓迎よ。よろしくね、アッシュさん、ナタリア。
Natalia: I will do my best to be of service to you. …Unless you ask me to cook. 私、皆様のお役に立つよう頑張りますわ。……お料理以外で。
Mileena: Fufu, you’re adorable, Natalia. ふふ、ナタリアったら可愛いわ。
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Luke: Asch, um…do you have a minute? アッシュ。あの……ちょっといいか?
Luke: It’s about what I am, about me being a replica… 俺の正体って言うかレプリカのことなんだけど……。
Asch: You haven’t brought it up to anyone, have you? Then, from now on, you’ll just be my younger twin brother… Does that work for you? どうせ何も話していないんだろう。とりあえずお前は、俺の双子の弟……ということでいいか。
Luke: …And you’re okay with that? ……それでいいのかよ。
Asch: I’m also nothing more than an imitation in this world. But I have no intention of disappearing quietly. どうせ俺も元の世界から見れば模造品だ。だが、大人しく消えるつもりはない。
Asch: If I can’t go back, I will live on here until I can. Even if I have to grovel. No matter what I am, I am an original. 戻れないなら、戻れるようになるまでここで生き抜く。這いつくばってでもな。俺が俺である限り、俺がオリジナルだ。
Luke: …You’re amazing, Asch. ……アッシュはすげえな。
Asch: You aren’t my replacement anymore. So wipe that idiotic grin off your face. お前はもう、俺の代替え品じゃないんだろうが。だったらそんなふぬけた顔をするな。
Luke: …Okay! Let’s do our best, big bro! ……おう!よろしくな、兄貴!
Asch: —D-Don’t push your luck! ——ちょ、調子に乗るな!
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re-reclass · 2 years
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Tales of Symphonia x Fire Emblem: Three Houses AU
The Sylvarant kids.
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annon-guy2 · 2 months
Tales of the Rays: Last Recollection - New Marta Lualdi and Mithos Yggdrasill Spirit Gear Costumes
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New Spirit Gear Costumes for Marta and Mithos from Tales of the Rays: Last Recollection. I have to say that Marta's Spirit Gear Costume is really cute!
Screenshots are taken from the new trailer for the game.
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pinenappo · 1 year
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Some 2022 Tales (DotNW) Doodles
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pictoparade · 2 years
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Marta’s 6☆ Evolution image from the special gacha.
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tales-of-asteria · 2 years
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[Special Gacha] Moon Viewing Live Duration: 8/30 (Tue) 16:00 ~ 9/16 (Fri) 15:59
Chance to get Bond Awakening enabled 5☆ Tear [Moon Viewing Live], Cheria [Moon Viewing Live] and Marta [Moon Viewing Live].
The already-running awakening partners Legretta, Asbel and Emil can be used to awaken Tear, Cheria and Marta respectively.
✶ This gacha features a 5 Step Up gacha, where you pay a discounted rate to draw 10 characters and continuously raise your chances of pulling a 5☆. Steps will not be resetted even if you get a featured 5☆.
✶ You will also get rewards after a certain number of steps, and with the 15th you will be able to choose one of the featured characters (you need a total of 660 Asteria Stones to reach the 15th step).
In this gacha will also reappear other Bond Awakening enabled 5☆ characters. The rates of this gacha’s featured characters will be higher than other 5☆.
A special pick up event will be held, where one of the featured characters will have the summon rate higher than the others on certain days:
Tear: from 9/3 (Sat) 16:00 to 9/6 (Tue) 15:59
Cheria: from 9/6 (Tue) 16:00 to 9/9 (Fri) 15:59
Marta: from 9/9 (Fri) 16:00 to 9/12 (Mon) 15:59
For the event, the single daily pull will cost 3 Asteria Stones instead of 5.
There’s also the paid option to get a 5☆ character with a multi-roll.
(More on Awakening here, and on Bond Awakening here)
Characters artes and skills details:
Earth 5☆ Tear Grants
Stats at LV80 HP: 23,700 | Power: 2,030 | Defense: 2,270
Mystic Arte: フォーチューン・アーク Fortune's Arc Power: 270% (Target: Single) | Hits: 80 | OL: 44 (high hit type)
Arte1 - バニシングソロゥ Banishing Sorrow Power: 210% (Target: Single) | Hits: 15 | Activation: 50%
Arte2 - ホーリーソング Holy Song Heals all by 35% | Activation: 25%
Arte3 - フォースフィールド Force Field Earth defense +60% | Activation: 25%
Co-op skill: Double Guard 7 (defense type) Decreases by 65% the damage taken from two of the enemy’s attacks. (wait time 01:30)
Earth 6☆ Tear Grants
Stats at LV80 HP: 27,700 | Power: 2,240 | Defense: 2,660
EX Skill: When an earth party member is on a frame with a Defense UP buff on it, the frame’s defense boost effect will be increased by 150%
Mystic Arte (OverLimit gauge at MAX): フォーチューン・アーク Fortune's Arc Power: 270% (Target: Single) | Hits: 80 | OL: 44 (high hit type) Bond Awakening Bonus: Earth members' defense +100% (activated turn)
Mystic Arte (Awakened Mode OverLimit): フォーチューン・アーク Fortune's Arc Power: 270% (Target: Single) | Hits: 145 | OL: 78 (44+34) (high hit type) Bond Awakening Bonus: Earth members' attack +50% (3 turns)
Arte effects added by Bond Awakening:
Arte1 - バニシングソロゥ Banishing Sorrow Heals the earth members by 15%
Arte2 - ホーリーソング Holy SOng Own defense +100% (2 turns)
Arte3 - フォースフィールド Force Field Earth members' defense +40% (activated turn)
(Co-op skill is the same as the 5☆)
Wind 5☆ Cheria Barnes
Stats at LV80 HP: 23,100 | Power: 2,060 | Defense: 2,300
Mystic Arte: トリリオン・ドライブ Trillion Drive Power: 300% (Target: All) | Hits: 75 | OL: 45 (high hit type)
Arte1 - 神雷招 Thunder Surge Power: 170% (Target: All) | Hits: 7 | Activation: 50%
Arte2 - ライトニングブラスター Lightning Blast Power: 210% (Target: All) | Hits: 11 | Activation: 35%
Arte3 - ディヴァインセイバー Divine Saber Power: 270% (Target: All) | Hits: 17 | Activation: 15%
Co-op skill: Fast Wind Shot 8 (magic type) Performs a wind magic attack with 140% of power. (wait time 00:15)
Wind 6☆ Cheria Barnes
Stats at LV80 HP: 27,100 | Power: 2,260 | Defense: 2,700
EX Skill: The wind members' defense will be increased by 35% for each enemy
Mystic Arte (OverLimit gauge at MAX): トリリオン・ドライブ Trillion Drive Power: 300% (Target: All) | Hits: 75 | OL: 45 (high hit type) Bond Awakening Bonus: Shield damage +100%
Mystic Arte (Awakened Mode OverLimit): トリリオン・ドライブ Trillion Drive Power: 300% (Target: All) | Hits: 135 | OL: 90 (45+45) (high hit type) Bond Awakening Bonus: Wind members' attack +100% (activated turn)
Arte effects added by Bond Awakening:
Arte1 - 神雷招 Thunder Surge Heals the wind members by 15%
Arte2 - ライトニングブラスター Lightning Blast +3 OL gauge points to the wind members
Arte3 - ディヴァインセイバー Divine Saber Wind members' attack +40% (1 turn)
(Co-op skill is the same as the 5☆)
Dark 5☆ Marta Lualdi
Stats at LV80 HP: 23,100 | Power: 2,250 | Defense: 2,110
Mystic Arte: レイディアント・ロアー Radiant Roar Power: 350% (Target: Single) | Hits: 65 | OL: 40 (high hit type)
Arte1 - 烈風燕波 Tempest Swallow Power: 300% (Target: Single) | Hits: 16 | Activation: 45%
Arte2 - ヒール Heal Heals all by 30% | Activation: 30%
Arte3 - スペル・エンハンス Enhance Cast Dark members' critical rate +10% and critical damage +30% | Activation: 25%
Co-op skill: Physical Attack Boost 7 (attack type) Increases physical attack by 90%  for 180 seconds  (wait time 06:00)
Dark 6☆ Marta Lualdi
Stats at LV80 HP: 27,100 | Power: 2,600 | Defense: 2,360
EX Skill: The dark party members' critical rate will be increased by 30% if their HPs are at 100%
Mystic Arte (OverLimit gauge at MAX): レイディアント・ロアー Radiant Roar Power: 350% (Target: Single) | Hits: 65 | OL: 40 (high hit type) Bond Awakening Bonus: Heals the dark members by 30%
Mystic Arte (Awakened Mode OverLimit): レイディアント・ロアー Radiant Roar Power: 350% (Target: Single) | Hits: 120 | OL: 77 (40+37) (high hit type) Bond Awakening Bonus: Heals the dark members by 60%
Arte effects added by Bond Awakening:
Arte1 - 烈風燕波 Tempest Swallow Critical rate +50%
Arte2 - ヒール Heal Dark members' attack +25% (2 turns)
Arte3 - スペル・エンハンス Enhance Cast 20%UPするDark members' critical damage +20% (activated turn)
(Co-op skill is the same as the 5☆)
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tranquilproof · 11 months
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Marta in Tales of Asteria (credit+dl)
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