cosmicphrogh · 2 years
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making the Switch
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cosmicphrogh · 2 years
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U know what i think it's good that Ingo is balding. Normalize old men not looking 20. Let them be grandpa age.
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cosmicphrogh · 3 years
every writing tip article and their mother: dont ever use adverbs ever!
me, shoveling more adverbs onto the page because i do what i want: just you fucking try and stop me
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cosmicphrogh · 3 years
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Comic #270: - Mental Healing - Website links: here! The process is real slow, It’ll kinda sneak up on you one day when you can notice the progress & feel proud of your work. However words are just wind, if you’re feeling hopeless please reach out to someone who cares about you! Or contact a help line. You are not alone 🐻💖
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cosmicphrogh · 3 years
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Happy (early) Nov 15th! Remember that Stone Butch Blues is free now and always to read here
Leslie was a communist, a butch lesbian, a nonbinary and transgender activist, and the person who made me who I am today. Consider checking out Stone Butch Blues if you haven’t already 😘 Do it for Leslie, and for hir surviving partner, Minnie Bruce Pratt 💕
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cosmicphrogh · 3 years
a wild egg appeared?
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everyone who reblogs it before Oct 25 will get a Pokemon based on their blog in their submit inbox (make sure submit is open!)
happy hatching!
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cosmicphrogh · 3 years
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I'm just in class w/o colour stuff but I thought it was a cute idea so bam doodle for youdle Mx. baka :]
Me: *thinking about my new fic I'm writing*
Me: *thinks about a scene with Eret and suddenly has to come up with a casual outfit for them since she's not royalty in this au*
Me: dark pink turtleneck sweater with those sleeves that attach to a person's middle finger, a fluffy white faux fur vest, light wash skinny jeans, small heeled light brown ankle boots, and obviously still let them have his signature sunglasses
Me: wow, I'm a fashion genius
Me: ....
Me: too bad I haven't even finished part one and if I did get to the scene with Eret that would happen in part 3-
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cosmicphrogh · 3 years
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Two chaotic nuke lads n two lanky awkward boys, what misadventures will they get into?
may you spare some info on Sir pretty elf boy Arctic North? literally anything i wish to hear more of him if that is okay
He’s fairly concerned with representing his group well, so he makes a point to dress nicely. 
He bonks his head on doorframes all the time, but he tries to play it off like he totally meant to do that and/or nothing happened, look away
That said, the jewelry he wears is just because he really likes it. Small shiny things are his weakness; blame Techno (also wears jewelry) and Phil (corvid brain go brrr)
His hair is very fine and straight, and the only way to keep it from sliding everywhere like a goddamn waterfall is to braid it or put it in a ponytail/bun/some other hairstyle, so he usually does that. If he doesn’t, it slips into his face every time he leans down, and his height means he has to do that a lot... 
His hair, unbraided, reaches the bottom of his shoulder blades.
Arctic North is about 7′1″, which makes him the second tallest resident besides Ranboo.
It takes a lot to get him to relax, but Ranboo tries his best. They’re both pretty nervous, so it’s kind of like the blind leading the blind, but it works! 
He sometimes follows Ranboo around silently. He does this to Phil and Techno too, but mostly Ranboo, which is pretty funny because Ranboo also does the same thing, so every once in a while you might see Arctic North following Ranboo following Tubbo and Snowchester.
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cosmicphrogh · 3 years
(I have nothing to put in the tags so I drew u a lad)
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It is he! The lad!! (In the white dress that all nations spawn in for some reason akfnslks)
I like the idea of L’manburg being born after the revolution. Not by design, just by chance. 
Imagine the weary, war-torn revolutionaries and warriors dragging their tired bodies home; looking up, and seeing, as the sun rose over their land, a figure in the morning dew; a boy on the hill, confused and young and looking up at them with such wide eyes.
A boy who calls himself L’manburg.
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cosmicphrogh · 3 years
ur hetalia/dsmp au is very cool and I might or might have not spent the last however long drawing the nations uh so here!!!!
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(Text/written stuff:
[Snowchester - “Touch them and you die <3”]
[Arctic North ‘Looks calm but his founders ain’t good at socialising and neither is he’ ’…Yeah uh, no flag, so… Antarctic empire flag?’]
[Pogtopia ‘No official Pogtopia flag </3 // Tommy - “Technoblade you can’t kill her!! She’s our daughter!!” Techno - “Tommy you can’t be serious.” Tommy - “I am!! She’s even got my eyes!!”]
[L'manburg 'why are you hard to draw :1’]
uhh okay that’s all i might end up bugging you abt ur au later if that’s okay, have a great day!!!
this absolutely made my day you have NO IDEA!!!! wow!! im so incredibly happy, these drawings are amazing and capture them perfectly–
and since this AU is gaining a bit of an audience (? wow? thats insane?) i feel the need to give credit to @bi-knife-pride​ who was also part of the creative process for this AU! she’s not very active on tumblr but she’s got a great mind and i don’t want to take all the credit for the AU we made together <3
and here’s us losing our minds over discord about this 
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and dude, i would be HONORED if you’d bug me about it later. im always up to talk about my beloveds <3
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cosmicphrogh · 4 years
I'm suddenly tired, a wave of numb boredness washes over me. The thing I was previously doing no longer captures my interest, and I start to wonder why I was doing it in the first place.
My thoughts are low and quiet, a resigned sadness to go with my new mood. All thoughts, except one. One thought giggles, stage whispering inside the theatre that is my head;
"Depression arc."
I repeat the statement out loud, processing the thought in a second that passes by both longer yet shorter than a second should. I laugh out loud, grinning at my own audience which is compromised of me.
I stare at my previous source of joy, a soft smile on my face as I put it down.
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cosmicphrogh · 4 years
Cheep and easy ways to find a basis for your plot.
When you have characters:
What does your character aspire to do or become? Making that aspiration really hard for them to reach.
What does your character love? Take it away from them and make them earn it back.
What does your character hate? Bind them too it and make them work to get rid of it.
When you have a world:
What is the most chaotic thing that can happen to this world’s politics? Find the character this chaos would effect the most and see what they do about it.
What is the most dangerous thing that can happen within this magic system? Figure out who would come to stop or reverse it and see what they do.
Who is the most damaging person in this world and what are they doing? Figure out who of those they hurt might rise up and defeat them.
When you have only spite:
What story do you absolutely hate the execution of? Take the very basic concept of its plot and build it into the story you wish it produced.
What plot structure do you enjoy but wish writers would be more original with? Take it and then throw a dozen spins on it.
** Remember to mix and match for more elaborate plot structures. Carry on this format with your own tricks to digging up basic plot structures!
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cosmicphrogh · 4 years
Aaa this is amazing I love it!!! They all look so cute :D
,, may i request the sibs in matching outfits?? or like similar outfits w/ their own flair or something idk 👉👈
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I don’t know if this is a little off topic but...
Dollar Store Snack outfits!
Thank you for this request it is a really big inspiration for me, I won’t come out such idea without it ;v;!!!
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cosmicphrogh · 4 years
Every writing advice thing ever: Don’t get bogged down in details on your first draft. Just write! ☺️
Me: How I begin this scene hinges on whether cheese sandwiches were served with mayo in the 50’s.
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cosmicphrogh · 4 years
PSA for Switch owners
The latest 11.0 update means that Google Analytics is a thing on the switch and turned on. What that means is that Nintendo has a deal with Google to share with them your data for advertisement purposes.
To turn it off
go to the eShop
go to your profile where your funds and account info is
go down to the bottom of the page
there you will see “Google Analytics Preferences”
select the Change
select “Don’t Share”
Please spread the word. Really shitty of Nintendo to just quietly start allowing Google to spy on users for advertising.
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cosmicphrogh · 4 years
Guys, this is really important. Until now, Google collected your data, but did not attach your name to it. Now, they can, and will. This new thing they’re doing will allow them to collect your data across searches, your email, Youtube, Maps, Google+, and all their affiliates, and build a complete profile of YOU.
If that doesn’t bother you, maybe this will: they own and can sell all that data, including anything you create and send (artists and writers, take note).
There is a way you can opt out of this ridiculousness. It’s described in the link, but if you’re still not sure about it, please ask me and I’ll guide you through how to turn all this off.
This is my wake-up call. I’ll be locking down my devices and scaling back what I put through the big Google machine, which means you may see less of me across social media. I’m going to keep researching this, but it may mean in order to keep the rights to my creative work, I’ll have to keep it out of Google’s hands. And that may take some doing.
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cosmicphrogh · 4 years
Ur art style???? *chefs kiss* I love it, very nice to look at, absolutely amazing, keep doing what ya doin :) <3 💝💗💕💝💓💗💓💘💕💝💞💖💓💗💕💝💞💖💓💗💓💘💕💝💞💘💓💖💗💕💞💖💓💗
Thank you >u<!!! Here have a little puppy with extra love 💗
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