#martin for size comparison lol
wuddshipp · 5 months
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Lady of the Wood; Bella Brockhall
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wintersettled · 1 year
i am once again thinking about the hilichurl rogue :(
the first time i fought it was actually yesterday after climbing a mountain in fontaine cause i wanted to see what it was and the drops really reminded me of neanderthal flower burials + how both neanderthals and hilichurls are/have been seen as primitive beings despite tons of evidence to the contrary (ignoring what we know about khaenri'ah since the curse of the wild seems to cause them to be catatonic for a period of time).
theres tons of literature on how neanderthals actually appear to be similar to homo sapiens and have higher mental functioning as evidenced through their tools, their presumed social structures (taking care of injured/disabled neanderthals rather than abandoning them as would be thought of beings focused only on survival), but most notably for this the evidence of "flower burials" at Shanidar.
Basically, two neanderthals were found buried in primarily medicinal flowers (indicating their possible role in their group). I believe there were 11(?) other neanderthals found there who appeared to have been crushed by rockfall whos ages (if my memory is correct) were from around 7 to mid 40s. The reason i bring this up is because of one of the flowers found at Shanidar: Achillea/Yarrows. I find these flowers to be fairly similar in appearance of the petals (excluding size) to the hilichurl rogues drops
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Now, each drops description:
A Flower Yet to Bloom "a wildflower that a hilichurl rogue treasured. it was plucked before it could bloom. the hilichurl takes nothing with it in its sojourn across the wilderness save this flower."
Treasured Flower "a wild flower that a hilichurl picked bereft of any special qualities. flowers can be used as gifts or offerings to express ones feelings in many cultures"
for this description in specific i would actually like to quote Ralph S Solecki's "The Implications of the Shanidar Cave Neanderthal Flower Burial"
"Under normal circumstances, today, in many cultures, flowers and death go together, as one can see a funeral corteges and burials. The association of flowers as tokens of esteem, respect, or for the joy of looking at [...]. According to the Encyclopaedia Britannica, 'the flower has been a universal symbol of beauty in the civilizations of the world. Confucius included its cultivation among the arts that were essential to a man of culture.' We pride ourselves thinking that we know a lot about Neanderthal man, but the association of flowers with Neanderthals adds a whole new dimension to our knowledge of him, and his humanistic nature."
Wanderer's Blooming Flower "a blooming wild flower that a hilichurl rogue treasured, bereft of any special qualities. the eternal outlander asks not for reward, but only to see their deeds come to fruition"
TLDR (abstract lol); hilichurl rogue drops remind me of the neanderthal flower burials found at shanidar
below the cutoff are some sources if you want to do further reading on neanderthals
(im not an anthropologist or even studying it btw but here are some articles on neanderthals i used for a bibliography on neanderthal spirituality in an anth class last winter in case you want to read up on it, theyre formatted in SAA kinda)
Appenzeller, Tim
     2013    Neanderthal Culture: Old Masters. Nature 497:302-304. 
Hochadel, Oliver
     2020    The Flower People of Shanidar: Telling a New Tale of Neanderthal Brothers. In 
Narratives and Comparisons, edited by Martin Carrier, Rebecca Mertens, and Carsen Reinhardt, pp. 99-122. Bielefeld University Press, Bielefeld. https://doi.org/10.14361/9783839454152-005
Mitchell, Mary Shirley
    2021   Geoarchaeological Methods and the Intentionality of Neanderthal Burial. Furthering
Perspectives 11:29-41. https://mountainscholar.org/bitstream/handle/10217/233626/JOUF_FurtheringPerspectives_vol10.pdf?sequence=1#page=29
Morris-Kay, Gillian M. 
    2010    The Evolution of Human Artistic Creativity. Journal of Anatomy 216:158-176. 
Pomeroy, Emma, Paul Bennett, Chris O. Hunt, Tim Reynolds, Lucy Farr, and Marine Frouin
    2020      New Neanderthal Remains Associated with the ‘Flower Burial’ at Shanidar
Cave. Antiquity 94:11-26. http://dx.doi.org/10.15184/aqy.2019.207
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rattyarts · 4 years
Huge-ask post (I am VERY funny)
Because I have so many questions that can be answered with just text, and I have mentioned my dislike of filling my art blog up with Words Words Words... let’s get them all done in one go!
(You guys can blacklist #rattytalks if you’re just here for the draws, btw)
A shit ton of asks under the cut!
Anonymous said: So for the center of the world, what with it being forcefully PG and all Bad Thoughts TM being prevented, how does having kids happen? Do parents just black out and wake up holding a child in their arms and vague memories of the last 9 months?
Ever seen a movie where they do that “and one day... a baby was born!” thing and a kid just appears offscreen with no explanation?
(This is how it works everywhere, Edgelands included; no one does the do or gets pregnant in this setting.)
Anonymous said: Hello! Quick question, and sorry if you’ve answered this before, but can other elves see the “intangible” bits of one another? Big fan of your work btw!
Nope! And thank you!
Anonymous said: Leopold was in my dream last night but I sadly cannot remember any of it.
I am SO sorry. I will try to keep my stinky murder men out of your head in the future.
Anonymous said: are the floaty bits stuck in one spot, or could the one they are attached to learn to move them around their body as long as its still within a certain distance? like, someone with the Floaty limbs, lets call him Ray, can move his limbs all over his body, allowing him to do all sorts of neat things that others with their attached limbs probably couldn't?
Whatever you want, honestly. As a general rule of thumb I don’t like putting down TOO many hard rules that prevent people from having fun with this setting. (Please ignore and scrap anything you think is stupid, I do this all the time and enjoy keeping this setting inconsistent and contradictory)
Anonymous said: Do elf names work off of Death Note rules, or is it like, if you know one elf’s name, all elves with that name are now unable to harm you? So if all the elf brothers are named Martin, for example, does it only work with blue?
I think it’s prolly just the one! Probably? Idk, might change if I think of something funnier.
Anonymous said: Can elves do magic on themselves or does thst go against the knowing name rule
Most people tend to know their own names, lol. So in my opinion, no, but don’t let me stop you if you got a fun idea.
Anonymous said: Could an Elf stitch on parts from another elf and have them work? i.e an Elf's finds the arm of another Elf. "Hey, free arm, might as well put it to good use", so they attach the arm and now they can give three high fives at once!
Same deal as previous questions, I personally would say no, but I also encourage people to do whatever the hell they want. It’s more fun that way!
Anonymous said: I bet elves are greasy to the touch.
They’re very powdery! Like if you rolled them in flour. And by flour I mean nasty glowing elf dandruff.
Anonymous said: Can elves fly or are their wings just for show?
No flying!!! (Unless you’re a mousefly)
Anonymous said: Something tells me that the elves would LOVE Obatzda.
Had to look that up, but definitely!
no1fan15: Not sure if someone asked already- Does Edgeworld have any equivalent to demons and angels? Like the old rubberhose cartoon kind?
Demons, yes! That’s what imps are: basically any demon, devil, or generic monster, but tiny! Even a couple of pop culture critters in there, there’s probably a very small gillman or robot monster running around there somewhere.
Angels, not so far. 
Anonymous said: How come Margaret hasn't yeeted George's jar into the Edge yet
I’d say being locked in a closet is good enough! (and also I need him for plot reasons, don’t tell anyone)
Anonymous said: If elves have knees bulges in the front then do they have butt bulges in the back?
i do not want to think about elf bulges
Anonymous said: So if you find a baby Therewoof and you say "aw you're so cute", their true name is So Cute?
Anonymous said: Since a Therewoof's true name can be something like "cutie pie" or "dingus", does their name have to be spoken with "intent" for it to doggo-fy them? Or do they just have to live with the reality that any casual conversation/flirting can make them lose up to a month to Doggy Mode? My mom has little terrier dog named "Sweetie" so that got me thinking 'bout Therewoof names. & Anonymous said: here's a good question: If someone says a therewoof's true name, but not reffering to them, does it still affect them?
Just saying it will do! It’s based on those old werewolf stories where calling out the person’s name will change them back into a human/cure them, and a lot of the time it was by accident.
(My favorite is the one where they slam the door on the wolf’s tail and then say his name, and the dude ends up with a wolf tail for the rest of his life.)
Anonymous said: Would Seeing eye Therewoofs be a thing?
I... guess? Probably? Since regular dogs can turn into woofs, yeah. You might have to start paying em once they turn into a person tho. 
Anonymous said: Was ChalkZone ever an inspiration for you? Because I just love the silly world of ChalkZone and I noticed getting that same warm feeling when thinking about Edgeworld.
Maaaan, I wish. I’ve only seen about three episodes or so, but it seems really fun!
Anonymous said: So I saw your mimic post, and even though I don't think I've seen any other of your art before I was absolutely HAMMERED with an indescribable sense of slightly unsettling strangeness and comfortable familiarity. Your art feels like something from like, an old point and click computer game I would have had formative memories of before accidentally losing or scratching the disc therefore making me unsure if it ever REALLY existed. Sorry for being weird but I love the wacky nostalgia feel here
Aaaaaah, THANK YOU! That is SUCH a cool comparison and I appreciate!!!
Anonymous said: If the Edgeworld is based on cartoons then is there a Reverse Edge-world that’s based on anime?
Lol, I mean I DID have an anime phase for a while there, so...
caydebug: Man I’d love to see this as a cartoon some day
Honestly, same. Best you’re gonna get is the occasional animatic or gif, tho.
Anonymous said: Does anyone..."go" in Edgeworld? or is it like Pleasantville where bathrooms exist but there are no toilets in them because acknowledging it is yucky?
Oh god I keep getting asked this and have been avoiding it like the damn plague. But... Uh. No. No they do not. I am begging you all not to send any followup questions.
Anonymous said: Have you considered putting computer viruses or illnesses in with the buggymen? Since those are typically called ‘bugs’
Anonymous said: are there any limits to what an Animimic could posess? i.e if they were in a costume of a Buggieman with multiple arms, could they control all of them? what about a small Mousefly costume? can multiple fit into one costume like a clown car? and what about in pitch black darkness, where you can only see the lights of their eyes and not their bodies? could one fit inside the pocket of a jacket you are wearing and help you steal things/wield a gun like a living turret?
Since clothing fills into the body type of the intended wearer, they would indeed be able to control all arms/legs in buggieman clothes.
Size restrictions is one of these things I wanna try to be vague about: I personally have been imagining them sticking to hiding in things no smaller than, um. Maybe imp sized, but really, whatever. It’s a cartoon eyeball critter!
You can put multiple animimics in one outfit!
They can move around just fine in darkness without being off screen, yeah!
And sure why not. lol
Anonymous said: I know you have been asked this once before, and you said nah you don't, but with a few more months of worldbuilding, do you have an idea for what could be down the edge now? 🤔
Not really! It’s not super important, honestly. I’d say any fan theory is about as valid as anything else I can come up with.
ps2polpo: I doubt you’ll ever elaborate on The Edge but I like to imagine there’s just one dude there like the Nowhere Man from the Yellow Submarine movie. Mostly cause the thought of someone accidentally winding up there being like “where am I?” And there’s just a guy casually waving at him like a friendly neighbor is funny to me & Anonymous said: The implication that the Edge is the physical manifestation of edginess so there’s probably like, Trevor Henderson monsters hanging out down there.
See above question! Valid! I also accept falling forever, getting erased from existence, ending up in another universe, getting stuck in limbo with thousands of other people, whatever you want, really!
Anonymous said: " he has very few bones and weighs basically nothing, " "Fastball special" trope, but with Leo?
Anonymous said: did you ever watch dragon tales as a kid? because george and margaret make me think of murderous zak and wheezie from that show, and i love it to bits
I did not, but I would have loved it. Definitely up my alley!
(watched Quest for Camelot a loooot, though!)
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Imma go ahead and stop here! There’s more but I’ve been writing for well over an hour and I have things to do. If your question is missing I’m either saving it for later, wasn’t entirely sure how to answer, or it’s spoilery.
Will probably do another one of these at some point!
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nalyra-dreaming · 6 years
  So I always post a recap, mostly for myself 🙂 (for later^^), but I hope you will enjoy as well! (Got a kiss from Will there and Hannibal didn’t kill me!  – Win win!!) 🙂
I arrived on Wednesday afternoon this time, planning on working on Ravage stuff that evening with Romina, but we ended up with Electra and room service instead, which was awesome. (Thank you soooo much for the little firefly man dear!!!)
Thursday was Ravage ToDos then and London – going by Fuller’s on the way
getting my daughter a Harry Potter „Hedwig“ (as requested^^)
and dinner at the Michelin-star „Aquavit“ (Skandinavian Restaurant – the Blood Pudding was DELICIOUS!)
  and then Pinter’s Theatre, watching Martin Freeman’s performance.
    (We tried to catch him at the Stage Door, but he came out after 2h(?) and we left after 1h in the snow, because you know, Mads and Richard wouldn’t go so well with pneumonia^^).
Friday I spent a LOT of time trying to catch all the Fannibals I saw, say hi and invite them to sign „my Mads“ – bought back then for the German Comic Con 2016 (when he canceled) this has now been utterly filled up with Fannibal love from all over the place! (And Evalie brought her Will! It’s the same one from the meme photo you might have seen btw^^)
(And I had him sign it, too :))) Picked up lots of beautiful things from the con, but they’re mostly in the big package still and on their way home.
Opening ceremony had standing ovations, driving home the fact, that these people were actually there!
  Truly amazing.
Meet and greet was fun but short, they only did a few minutes each.
  Still enough time to realize a few interesting things about them, Scott being really aware of what we put on the table for example and interested in Radiance (looking through it ) and trying the Hannigram smarties that @TheCakeIsPeople brought, Aaron loving that people liked the Go-Getters and his other projects so much, Jeremy very unsure at that point still (Twitter feed later showed he always said the same things^^) but very deep and elaborate answers already, Richard interested in where everybody was from and commenting when he knew the place, Mads on beer 4 (afaik) at our table and a bit brisk, recognizing fans he met before, talking swedish with the Fannibals there and refusing to put on the bite mask we had laid out (as decoration) on sight^^^^. Darn. 😛
  On Saturday I had 5 (!) photo ops, group with Romina, Aaron & Scott, 2 Mads and a Mads and Richard one. I took the cardboard to the photo op with Mads and we had to redo the photo 4 times, because of the glare :))) (Starfury put them all up for digital download, wohooo) and he was amazed by all the signatures on it!! Also – really life size 😛
The other was with something for the Kickstarter, I can’t show you yet^^.
Richard didn’t really pose that day, he was very stiff, hands in his pockets, standing to the side – we wondered if he maybe had a bad con experience before. (That was different day 2, yeah, good job Fannibals!!). Unfortunately you cannot see the “I’m fine” on my shirt, that’s what I was pointing at^^
Panels from noon, with Aaron and Scott being their usual hilarious selfs, Mads kind and witty (even though some of the questions were really… ugh. Disgraceful – someone asked him if he got „excited“ in the sex scenes for Polar(!) and someone else told him he didn’t have a fashion sense (like what the actual fuck?)).
Richard had an introduction interview with Sean on the first day, with only a few audience questions. Again, I think he was a bit … IDK, careful. On Sunday he did an open panel and was way more relaxed there as well! And he is SO WITTY and intelligent! And much more good looking in person than on screen somehow. Like really. A bit scary. :))
  Mads is very nice, smelling lightly of cigarettes (well, duh^^), it was funny to watch/experience the poses he switches through for photos^^. Very easy to ask and stand next to. My hands were shaking nonetheless^^.
Aaron and Scott gave me one of the best hugs ever, I already had my pose with them from last time and told them so, just wanting a hug 🙂
Signing was fun, Mads and Richard, with Mads signing my three books (not showing you Ravage yet!), and I showed him the scene with the illustration of „Will pushing Hannibal in a wheelchair, at Bedelia’s dinner“ – because he had said in his panel that Will would have really enjoyed having the upper hand in S4, pushing Hannibal around in a wheelchair(!!). AND I FUCKING WROTE THAT. (Not actually in „A blackish red hue“ (at least the Ao3 version! (The book version has that scene)) but the image has created for a scene EXACTLY of that (and then adapted into the book, with permission of the artist(!)). I just…. I WANT TO SEE THAT, DAMMIT!! He said „Very good call“ :))) And then personalized it to me <33
  Also, at that point he knew about the cardboard cutout being from the GCC, so they must’ve talked about it backstage! And I asked him to sign it all over his own face which he did, grinning. 
And he’s finally on the LA Times ad, completing it.
AND on the sword sheath, checking all the signatures and commenting on them. He wanted to know where it was from and I explained and he was amazed. (Since he and Richard signed so small (in comparison to Eddie Izzard^^), I was able to put Scott, Aaron and Jeremy on it as well – you can’t see Scott here because he didn’t press that hard, his signature is above Aaron’s).
Oh, and Mads didn’t know that Hannibal got an Emmy nom that year we put up the ad in the LA Times – he was surprised and asked me which ones and of COURSE I’d had forgotten. Hope his team relays him the info via the tag on Twitter^^.
Richard just grinned a bit when I told him that the book is my S4-8 and that it starts at the Motel. He had an interesting expression on his face, I can’t really describe it, maybe a „would’ve sported dimples if he actually had them“, you know. Amusement-tinged. Also very interested in the signatures on the sword sheath!
Life goals. :)))
I had dinner in the bar late afternoon (the London Pride ale is very good imho^^), and then the cosplay contest was on and Noah won, yay, as flaming Chilton!!! They put up the incredible Wendigo-Cake there, from KitchenConjurer – it was cut up the next day, because Mads wasn’t at the cosplay contest.
Don’t remember what I did after the cosplay, lol. Ahem. 🙂 I think I went to my room because I was exhausted. ^^ All the nerves shot from the photo shoots and signings^^.
Next morning were more photos – another with Richard (and a little red dragon by PersephoneSiren!!!!!), who was so much more relaxed that day, and one with Jeremy – who was a bit bewildered by my ask to give me Bunny Ears – and THEN went and did the same expression Hugh Dancy and Joe Anderson did!!!!!! ROFL. Amazing!
  Incredible panels followed – I would invite everyone who hasn’t to read through the Twitter transcript tweets – Aaron and Scott gave Mads a run for his money – aka he never stood a chance :))))
And then they went and cut the ear and nose/chin off the Wendigo cake and Scott kissed Aaron with its lips and you should have seen Mads’ face :))))) Hilarious! ❤
  Jeremy is a panel revelation(!), I would pay REAL money to have him, Richard and Hugh on one stage, talking. These three must be so extraordinary together. (They already are separately, just saying… that would be like an intellectual orgasm).
Had to queue early and so I went and got my autos from Aaron and Scott and Jeremy then, who were soooo sweet and appreciative. And Aaron smiled when he saw the Go-Getters DVD, gave the DVD inside a little pet and signed it to me with a very sweet personalization.
Can’t wait for his new film btw, because the Go-Getters is hilarious and you should definitely watch it!!!!!
Another bar visit for food and ale and then the closing ceremony. Already.
It’s been almost 5 days and yet the time flew.
I cried.
And then I went to my room and packed up everything, creating an impromptu bubblewrap-suitcase. Went through fine, fortunately.
It’s been incredible and I will gladly come back no matter the guests (though these were incredible of course!), who knows maybe I can go to FFT3 if/when it happens as well, and I hope I manage some meat-ups. I met more people than I can remember, spent some very precious times in deep discussions on not so easy subjects, which I love and which is so, so, SO important.
If you’re reading this – thank you for doing so!
And if I met you there – thank you for making my weekend. Because the guests is one thing, but meeting you guys…. that is incredible.
I hope you enjoyed this 🙂
Feel free to ask if you have questions!
Personal RDC5 recap So I always post a recap, mostly for myself 🙂 (for later^^), but I hope you will enjoy as well!
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racingtoaredlight · 4 years
Random Thoughts On Led Zep
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"Obviously, it can get to the point where it gets past being a compliment and it can be rather annoying. When you've got things like Kingdom Come actually ripping riffs right off, that's a different thing altogether."
-Jimmy Page
My reaction after the jump.
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“[A]s far as my end of it goes, I always tried to bring something fresh to anything that I used. I always made sure to come up with some variation. In fact, I think in most cases, you would never know what the original source could be. Maybe not in every case– but in most cases. So most of the comparisons rest on the lyrics. And Robert was supposed to change the lyrics, and he didn’t always do that– which is what brought on most of the grief. They couldn’t get us on the guitar parts of the music, but they nailed us on the lyrics.”
-Jimmy Page, from a 1993 case brought on by the band Spirit for ripping off their song “Taurus” for Led Zep’s “Stairway to Heaven.”  Screenshots below are from that first video embedded above.  It’s pretty clearly the music that got Led Zep into the most legal trouble, and it’s pretty hard to suggest fresh variations on a blatant ripoff, while alternatively saying it was lyrics that got y’all in trouble, when in this case there weren’t any lyrics.
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From the same 1993 court filing...
“Page’s attempt to shift blame from himself is not quite fair to Plant as Page repeatedly took entire musical compositions without attribution, in addition to Plant lifting the lyrics and melodies in tandem. This includes Zeppelin’s Dazed and Confused which Page took note for note from Jake Holmes’s Dazed and Confused; Zeppelin’s Whole Lotta Love which was taken from You Need Love by The Small Faces who were covering Willie Dixon (but giving proper credit); and Zeppelin’s Babe I’m Gonna Leave You of which a nearly identical song by the same name was written by Anne Bredon and sang by Joan Baez (again with proper credit given).
There is no way any rational reasonable person listens to these songs and can conclude anything but that they were lifted, as Page and Plant admitted. Yet, Page, Plant, and Jones often dishonestly took full credit for themselves and dissembled at length in their depositions on the subject, refusing to take responsibility.”
Jimmy Page complaining about someone ripping him off is like Martin Shkreli complaining about pharmaceutical prices.
"Obviously, it can get to the point where it gets past being a compliment and it can be rather annoying. When you've got things like Kingdom Come actually ripping riffs right off, that's a different thing altogether."
-Jimmy Page
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Led Zep kicks ass no matter who they stole from.  Stealing in music, as I’ve discussed before, is not a bad thing in the slightest, as long as full credit is given.  Do you begrudge Jimi Hendrix for covering “All Along the Watchtower” or “Hey Joe” or “Day Tripper?”  FUCK NO.  Those are totally original takes on other people’s songs that he gave full credit to.
Do you have any idea how music has been stolen over the years?  I don’t have the resource able to be cited, but one of those stats that has always stuck with me from my musical history classes is that the entirety of pop music can be traced back to the same 35-40 melodic motifs that were first written down in the 1600′s.
“Stairway to Heaven?”  That blatant ripoff of Spirit?  It’s not that much of a ripoff when you consider that courts have ruled that the particular melody and harmonic progression is technically public domain, since it was first used in 17th century parlor music.
This might not sound like landmark shit, but it absolutely is.  Look at the stat I referenced above...
...the entirety of pop music can be traced back to the same 35-40 melodic motifs that were first written down in the 1600′s.
If we’re able to circumstantially trace music back to an origin point centuries ago, music that is now public domain, to the point where it’s legally upheld, these types of lawsuits might never happen again in regards to the actual music.  Lyrical content is another story entirely, but in terms of the nuts and bolts of the music itself...pop musicians are going to have a difficult time proving the originality of their music, if ripped off by others, for no other reason than everyone’s ripping off the same shit that’s been ripped off forever.
Jazz musicians laugh at this, because it’s almost impossible to plagiarize a music that’s improvised, and living and breathing to the point where standards can change their being on a night to night basis.  Awhile ago I posted five versions of “All the Things You Are” by Keith Jarrett, and each one was drastically different from the next, even tho the melody and chords were identical.  And, most importantly, in jazz...due to the canon being based tremendously on “standards,” i.e. songs composed by others as vehicles to improvise over...songwriting credit is always given to the proper source*.
*It helps that jazz is so unpopular that there’s no monetary incentive anymore to go to court over songwriting royalties lol
Rachmaninoff composed a piece that was a direct ripoff of Paganini’s main themes, but again, not an issue because it was titled “Ode to Paganini,” even if everyone recognizes it as a definitive Rachmaninoff piece.  I’m working on my vocals with the bandleader in my new band, and we’re doing Beatles harmonies (kindergarten music is a good place to start for a kindergarten singer like myself)...and they’re almost identical to 4-part Bach choral pieces in design and execution.
*Classical music is so beholden to the concept of protecting intellectual property, it hasn’t evolved for a century because you’re going to see BEETHOVEN or WAGNER or MOZART as much as you’re going to see whatever soloist or orchestra, despite its canon being largely public domain.
The difference is, Led Zep clearly passed off plagiarism as their own work.  It wasn’t the theft of others’ music...it was the theft of songwriting credit...and ultimately, the original musicians’ income.  You cannot make the argument that if Joan Baez or Bert Jansch were given legitimate songwriting/arranging credits, they’d have had quite a bit more in royalties coming from a band the gigantic size of Led Zep.
No, the problem here is the theft COMPOUNDED by the denial of it when faced with overwhelming evidence.  That’s why Led Zep is a problem while Jimi is not.  They give proper credit, and all those things Page said about “bringing something fresh” or “coming up with variations,” ring true.  Unfortunately, that’s not the case here.
Why do I hate James Horner for his ripoff of Shostakovich in his Troy soundtrack, but don’t have any issue with John Williams ripping off Dvorak’s “New World Symphony” for Jaws?  Because of all those notes that follow...Troy was nothing more than lazy musical plagiarism for a lazily executed movie, Jaws used Dvorak’s theme for inspiration that perfectly fit the film and was a legitimate fresh variation.  Troy just ripped off Shostakovich, put it over Brad Pitt doing one of the worst accents ever captured on film, and called it a day.
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Theft in music is not a matter of intent, and it’s not an indictment on an artist’s creativity to do a variation on another’s work.  It’s not even an indictment on a musician’s execution of another’s work.  Lets use the seven deadly sins as a framework for nailing down the issue...
Lust - Lusting after another’s creativity?  Success?  Maybe...but truthfully, I feel like LZ ripped those musicians off out of admiration and loving their music.  They wouldn’t play music they think sounds like shit, it’s not like this was commercially successful stuff here.
Gluttony - I struggle to find anything gluttonous with the songs they covered...Rachmaninoff’s Ode to Paganini?  THAT is musically gluttonous.  That dude packed that piece to the gills with variations.
Sloth - Nope...it’s more difficult to rip someone off that specifically than it is to play your own music that comes out of your brain organically.  Stealing music in this fashion is not lazy.
Wrath - I find it hard to believe that Led Zeppelin would harbor any animosity towards any of these artists.  Why would you want to waste your time by playing music you hate?
Envy - Don’t see it.  Why would LZ be jealous of artists with lesser commercial success?  If anything, the envy is on the other side (even if those artists won’t admit it, trust me, they’re jealous)...Led Zep made those songs exponentially more commercially successful, and didn’t share their spoils with the original artists, which brings us to...
Greed - Bingo.
The sole reason this type of behavior is unsavory comes entirely down to green.  Green was a typo, but I’m going to keep it because it hits on the issue...if Led Zep had simply given some credit to the original artists, claimed arranging credits, this would be a complete non issue.  If anything, those artists suing the band, would likely be thanking them for bringing a new perspective, audience and increased awareness to their own stuff.
But this reeks of a money grab.  There’s no other reason to exclude the original artists for anything other than money coming in via songwriting credits.  Over decades and decades, for a band like Led Zeppelin, we’re talking tens of millions of dollars here.  Tens of millions of dollars that would likely be only somewhat lesser if they gave credit to the musicians they pilfered from.
To deny, obfuscate, and stubbornly contest damning evidence is merely digging a deeper hole.  We all know they stole, and we don’t care because the music was so awesome.  And even when they reveal themselves to be Grade A dicks, we still don’t care.  It would have been just so much easier and better for everyone to have done this the proper way legally...the music is what it is.
What Jimmy Page brought to the table was JIMMY PAGE.  His style and aesthetic is impossible to truly mimic, and when he brought that creativity and verve to his music, it was legitimately elevated.  By giving credit, he removes this stain of plagiarism and denial, and elevates himself as a musician even more.  But instead of choosing to be Robin Hood for lesser known musicians, he decided to be Mr. Burns.
And that’s the problem with all this.  Spirit was ripped off, but Spirit’s version aint anywhere near as awesome as “Stairway.”  By behaving the way they have in the face of fairly overwhelming, damning evidence, they’ve lessened their art when the high road would have been a far more rewarding route to take.
Think about it for a second...think about all the money Led Zep has likely burnt on legal fees and the damage to their reputation...wouldn’t it have been easier from the beginning just to throw the original artists a bone?  Do you think they probably netted out the extra cash they earned by fighting all this in court over the decades?
No idea, but it’s an interesting way to think about it.  It’s not ripping off anything if you give the original person credit...it’s an homage at that point.  Led Zeppelin just chose a different approach.
0 notes
12stepprogram1 · 5 years
What Is Semen Made Of And Where Does It Come From?
What Is Semen Made Of And Where Does It Come From? is courtesy of: Knowmystatus.life STD Check
For Men , STDs
by Lauren Crain
July 31, 2018
5 mins read
What Is Semen Made Of And Where Does It Come From?
Have you ever been late-night googling and found yourself in a Google hole? Let’s say you start googling Kylie Jenner, then you fall into looking at information about her and Travis Scott. That leads you to their baby, Stormi, which reminds you of Stormy Daniels, which makes you google Stormy Daniels’ affair with Trump. Then you start to wonder how old Trump was when he had the affair, because, le’ts face it, he’s no spring chicken. This gets you wondering how the male reproductive system works into old age, which makes you google: How does semen work and what is it made of?
Well, if you’ve reached our page due to an extensive late-night Google binge: Welcome; we’re glad you’re here. And we won’t bore you with any more filler about Stormy Daniels (Trump was 60, btw). Instead, we’ll get to the real reason you’re here: to find out about this alien-like substance that squirts out of half of the population’s genitals.
So let’s dive right in and talk about what the heck semen is, where it comes from, and what it’s made of.
What is Semen?
Let’s start with the basics: Semen and sperm are not the same thing.
Sperm is just one of the many components of semen, though, arguably the most vital. The other elements are there to help aid the sperm in getting to its end goal: an egg. These other parts help the sperm by assisting with its mobility, lubrication, and even reducing the resistance of the egg to the sperm (yes, eggs fight against the sperm, just like the Trump administration fights against foreigners [that’s right; we’re edgy]).
A typical male can produce anywhere from 2 – 6 mL of semen when ejaculating. For comparison, a US teaspoon is about 5 mL, so a guy’s jazz can be about half or a little more than the amount of vanilla extract you put into cookies. *Disclaimer: We don’t advise adding this secret ingredient to cookies of any kind*
Where does Semen Come From?
Semen comes from the genitals of men. Not specific enough for you? Then let’s get into the nitty-gritty.
It all starts with sperm. Sperm is produced by the testes and is stored in the epididymis. Think of the epididymis as a reservoir in the back of the testicles. From this reservoir, the sperm travels upstream (through the vas deferens) with its eyes set on the ejaculatory ducts where it will be ready for launch.
As the sperm travels through the vas deferens, it encounters some pretty steep hills and realizes it can’t make it by itself. That’s where the little guy’s friends come in. Other parts of the reproductive system see the sperm struggling, so they mix in their fluids to help it reach its goal. These fluids come from the seminal vesicles, the prostate, and the bulbourethral glands.
Components of Semen
Now that you know the basic elements of semen, you might be wondering what fluid comes from where, and what’s the makeup of these fluid components. Don’t worry, dear reader! We’ve got you covered on all the seminal organ elements.
Sperm comes from the testicles and accounts for ~2-5% of all semen. While this may not seem like a lot, there are 20 – 100 million little spermies per mL of ejaculate. And because men produce anywhere from 2 – 6 mL of semen, some can shoot out 600 million spermatozoa in one single ejaculation! #Yikes
*Fun Fact* Some like it hot, but sperm likes it cold. About 2-3 degrees cooler than the body’s temperature, that is. Sperm thrives in colder environments and the testicles provide that. It’s true; testes don’t hang outside of the body for pure aesthetics (lol), they actually hang because they need to stay cool. Take a note from this pair if you’re ever looking for pointers on how to hang out and chill.
Seminal Vesicles
The seminal vesicles are a pair of coiled glands located below the bladder and next to the vas deferens. This is where the bulk of the semen comes from– about 70% to be exact.
The fluid that comes out of the vesicles contains proteins, ascorbic acid, amino acids, phosphorus, potassium, l-carnitine, among other nutrients. But it’s mainly made up of fructose, or broken-down sugar, which provides sperm with the energy needed to travel upstream.
*Fun Fact* The female body views sperm as a foreign agent and actively works to reject it. Fluid from the seminal vesicles contains prostaglandins which help the sperm sneak in undetected. Creepy, right?
Prostate Gland
The prostate gland is located beneath the bladder and in front of the rectum. About 25% of semen is made up of liquid produced by the prostate.
Fluid that emerges from the prostate is made up of acid phosphate, citric acid, calcium, zinc, and magnesium. Of these, zinc is the most prolific and the most vital, as it helps stabilize the sperm’s DNA. This is also where semen gets its color and taste. 
*Fun Fact* The prostate also produces a fluid called prostatic specific antigen. This liquifies the semen and allows the sperm to swim freely.
Bulbourethral Glands
The remaining <1% of semen comes from the bulbourethral glands. These babies sit near the base of the penis and are about the size of a pea.
When a man is sexually aroused, the glands secrete a mucus which lubricates the penis head, neutralizes the acidity of the vagina, and eliminates any leftover urine from the urethra. Basically, its job is to make sure everything runs smoothly.
*Fun Fact* The secretion from these glands are typically what is referred to as “pre-cum,” and contains no sperm! However, if a man has recently ejaculated, the pre-cum can sometimes pick up and carry out leftover sperm, so keep that in mind.
Talk About a Load of Information!
Wow. A lot goes into those 5 seconds of ecstasy. Who knew that the reproductive system was working so hard just to produce a teaspoon’s worth of baby gravy. Now the next time you, your partner, or anyone who has a weiner ejaculates, you can tell them that you know all about it.
To think, this all started because of a Google search for Kylie Jenner. And if you’re interested in continuing down this rabbit hole of information, check out our Benefits of Semen post to learn how all of these components come together to provide benefits for your body. We break it down into easy-to-swallow chunks.
While you’re here, be sure to get that man milk tested for STDs. Just because you know where it comes from, doesn’t mean you know where it’s been.
Medically Reviewed by J. Frank Martin JR., MD on October 1, 2018
from Know My Status- STD Test https://ift.tt/31hbJOi via IFTTT
0 notes
newhopediscoveries · 5 years
What Is Semen Made Of And Where Does It Come From?
What Is Semen Made Of And Where Does It Come From? is courtesy of: Knowmystatus.life STD Check
For Men , STDs
by Lauren Crain
July 31, 2018
5 mins read
What Is Semen Made Of And Where Does It Come From?
Have you ever been late-night googling and found yourself in a Google hole? Let’s say you start googling Kylie Jenner, then you fall into looking at information about her and Travis Scott. That leads you to their baby, Stormi, which reminds you of Stormy Daniels, which makes you google Stormy Daniels’ affair with Trump. Then you start to wonder how old Trump was when he had the affair, because, le’ts face it, he’s no spring chicken. This gets you wondering how the male reproductive system works into old age, which makes you google: How does semen work and what is it made of?
Well, if you’ve reached our page due to an extensive late-night Google binge: Welcome; we’re glad you’re here. And we won’t bore you with any more filler about Stormy Daniels (Trump was 60, btw). Instead, we’ll get to the real reason you’re here: to find out about this alien-like substance that squirts out of half of the population’s genitals.
So let’s dive right in and talk about what the heck semen is, where it comes from, and what it’s made of.
What is Semen?
Let’s start with the basics: Semen and sperm are not the same thing.
Sperm is just one of the many components of semen, though, arguably the most vital. The other elements are there to help aid the sperm in getting to its end goal: an egg. These other parts help the sperm by assisting with its mobility, lubrication, and even reducing the resistance of the egg to the sperm (yes, eggs fight against the sperm, just like the Trump administration fights against foreigners [that’s right; we’re edgy]).
A typical male can produce anywhere from 2 – 6 mL of semen when ejaculating. For comparison, a US teaspoon is about 5 mL, so a guy’s jazz can be about half or a little more than the amount of vanilla extract you put into cookies. *Disclaimer: We don’t advise adding this secret ingredient to cookies of any kind*
Where does Semen Come From?
Semen comes from the genitals of men. Not specific enough for you? Then let’s get into the nitty-gritty.
It all starts with sperm. Sperm is produced by the testes and is stored in the epididymis. Think of the epididymis as a reservoir in the back of the testicles. From this reservoir, the sperm travels upstream (through the vas deferens) with its eyes set on the ejaculatory ducts where it will be ready for launch.
As the sperm travels through the vas deferens, it encounters some pretty steep hills and realizes it can’t make it by itself. That’s where the little guy’s friends come in. Other parts of the reproductive system see the sperm struggling, so they mix in their fluids to help it reach its goal. These fluids come from the seminal vesicles, the prostate, and the bulbourethral glands.
Components of Semen
Now that you know the basic elements of semen, you might be wondering what fluid comes from where, and what’s the makeup of these fluid components. Don’t worry, dear reader! We’ve got you covered on all the seminal organ elements.
Sperm comes from the testicles and accounts for ~2-5% of all semen. While this may not seem like a lot, there are 20 – 100 million little spermies per mL of ejaculate. And because men produce anywhere from 2 – 6 mL of semen, some can shoot out 600 million spermatozoa in one single ejaculation! #Yikes
*Fun Fact* Some like it hot, but sperm likes it cold. About 2-3 degrees cooler than the body’s temperature, that is. Sperm thrives in colder environments and the testicles provide that. It’s true; testes don’t hang outside of the body for pure aesthetics (lol), they actually hang because they need to stay cool. Take a note from this pair if you’re ever looking for pointers on how to hang out and chill.
Seminal Vesicles
The seminal vesicles are a pair of coiled glands located below the bladder and next to the vas deferens. This is where the bulk of the semen comes from– about 70% to be exact.
The fluid that comes out of the vesicles contains proteins, ascorbic acid, amino acids, phosphorus, potassium, l-carnitine, among other nutrients. But it’s mainly made up of fructose, or broken-down sugar, which provides sperm with the energy needed to travel upstream.
*Fun Fact* The female body views sperm as a foreign agent and actively works to reject it. Fluid from the seminal vesicles contains prostaglandins which help the sperm sneak in undetected. Creepy, right?
Prostate Gland
The prostate gland is located beneath the bladder and in front of the rectum. About 25% of semen is made up of liquid produced by the prostate.
Fluid that emerges from the prostate is made up of acid phosphate, citric acid, calcium, zinc, and magnesium. Of these, zinc is the most prolific and the most vital, as it helps stabilize the sperm’s DNA. This is also where semen gets its color and taste. 
*Fun Fact* The prostate also produces a fluid called prostatic specific antigen. This liquifies the semen and allows the sperm to swim freely.
Bulbourethral Glands
The remaining <1% of semen comes from the bulbourethral glands. These babies sit near the base of the penis and are about the size of a pea.
When a man is sexually aroused, the glands secrete a mucus which lubricates the penis head, neutralizes the acidity of the vagina, and eliminates any leftover urine from the urethra. Basically, its job is to make sure everything runs smoothly.
*Fun Fact* The secretion from these glands are typically what is referred to as “pre-cum,” and contains no sperm! However, if a man has recently ejaculated, the pre-cum can sometimes pick up and carry out leftover sperm, so keep that in mind.
Talk About a Load of Information!
Wow. A lot goes into those 5 seconds of ecstasy. Who knew that the reproductive system was working so hard just to produce a teaspoon’s worth of baby gravy. Now the next time you, your partner, or anyone who has a weiner ejaculates, you can tell them that you know all about it.
To think, this all started because of a Google search for Kylie Jenner. And if you’re interested in continuing down this rabbit hole of information, check out our Benefits of Semen post to learn how all of these components come together to provide benefits for your body. We break it down into easy-to-swallow chunks.
While you’re here, be sure to get that man milk tested for STDs. Just because you know where it comes from, doesn’t mean you know where it’s been.
Medically Reviewed by J. Frank Martin JR., MD on October 1, 2018
from Know My Status- STD Test https://ift.tt/31hbJOi via IFTTT
0 notes
cclpharmaco · 5 years
What Is Semen Made Of And Where Does It Come From?
What Is Semen Made Of And Where Does It Come From? is courtesy of: Knowmystatus.life STD Check
For Men , STDs
by Lauren Crain
July 31, 2018
5 mins read
What Is Semen Made Of And Where Does It Come From?
Have you ever been late-night googling and found yourself in a Google hole? Let’s say you start googling Kylie Jenner, then you fall into looking at information about her and Travis Scott. That leads you to their baby, Stormi, which reminds you of Stormy Daniels, which makes you google Stormy Daniels’ affair with Trump. Then you start to wonder how old Trump was when he had the affair, because, le’ts face it, he’s no spring chicken. This gets you wondering how the male reproductive system works into old age, which makes you google: How does semen work and what is it made of?
Well, if you’ve reached our page due to an extensive late-night Google binge: Welcome; we’re glad you’re here. And we won’t bore you with any more filler about Stormy Daniels (Trump was 60, btw). Instead, we’ll get to the real reason you’re here: to find out about this alien-like substance that squirts out of half of the population’s genitals.
So let’s dive right in and talk about what the heck semen is, where it comes from, and what it’s made of.
What is Semen?
Let’s start with the basics: Semen and sperm are not the same thing.
Sperm is just one of the many components of semen, though, arguably the most vital. The other elements are there to help aid the sperm in getting to its end goal: an egg. These other parts help the sperm by assisting with its mobility, lubrication, and even reducing the resistance of the egg to the sperm (yes, eggs fight against the sperm, just like the Trump administration fights against foreigners [that’s right; we’re edgy]).
A typical male can produce anywhere from 2 – 6 mL of semen when ejaculating. For comparison, a US teaspoon is about 5 mL, so a guy’s jazz can be about half or a little more than the amount of vanilla extract you put into cookies. *Disclaimer: We don’t advise adding this secret ingredient to cookies of any kind*
Where does Semen Come From?
Semen comes from the genitals of men. Not specific enough for you? Then let’s get into the nitty-gritty.
It all starts with sperm. Sperm is produced by the testes and is stored in the epididymis. Think of the epididymis as a reservoir in the back of the testicles. From this reservoir, the sperm travels upstream (through the vas deferens) with its eyes set on the ejaculatory ducts where it will be ready for launch.
As the sperm travels through the vas deferens, it encounters some pretty steep hills and realizes it can’t make it by itself. That’s where the little guy’s friends come in. Other parts of the reproductive system see the sperm struggling, so they mix in their fluids to help it reach its goal. These fluids come from the seminal vesicles, the prostate, and the bulbourethral glands.
Components of Semen
Now that you know the basic elements of semen, you might be wondering what fluid comes from where, and what’s the makeup of these fluid components. Don’t worry, dear reader! We’ve got you covered on all the seminal organ elements.
Sperm comes from the testicles and accounts for ~2-5% of all semen. While this may not seem like a lot, there are 20 – 100 million little spermies per mL of ejaculate. And because men produce anywhere from 2 – 6 mL of semen, some can shoot out 600 million spermatozoa in one single ejaculation! #Yikes
*Fun Fact* Some like it hot, but sperm likes it cold. About 2-3 degrees cooler than the body’s temperature, that is. Sperm thrives in colder environments and the testicles provide that. It’s true; testes don’t hang outside of the body for pure aesthetics (lol), they actually hang because they need to stay cool. Take a note from this pair if you’re ever looking for pointers on how to hang out and chill.
Seminal Vesicles
The seminal vesicles are a pair of coiled glands located below the bladder and next to the vas deferens. This is where the bulk of the semen comes from– about 70% to be exact.
The fluid that comes out of the vesicles contains proteins, ascorbic acid, amino acids, phosphorus, potassium, l-carnitine, among other nutrients. But it’s mainly made up of fructose, or broken-down sugar, which provides sperm with the energy needed to travel upstream.
*Fun Fact* The female body views sperm as a foreign agent and actively works to reject it. Fluid from the seminal vesicles contains prostaglandins which help the sperm sneak in undetected. Creepy, right?
Prostate Gland
The prostate gland is located beneath the bladder and in front of the rectum. About 25% of semen is made up of liquid produced by the prostate.
Fluid that emerges from the prostate is made up of acid phosphate, citric acid, calcium, zinc, and magnesium. Of these, zinc is the most prolific and the most vital, as it helps stabilize the sperm’s DNA. This is also where semen gets its color and taste. 
*Fun Fact* The prostate also produces a fluid called prostatic specific antigen. This liquifies the semen and allows the sperm to swim freely.
Bulbourethral Glands
The remaining <1% of semen comes from the bulbourethral glands. These babies sit near the base of the penis and are about the size of a pea.
When a man is sexually aroused, the glands secrete a mucus which lubricates the penis head, neutralizes the acidity of the vagina, and eliminates any leftover urine from the urethra. Basically, its job is to make sure everything runs smoothly.
*Fun Fact* The secretion from these glands are typically what is referred to as “pre-cum,” and contains no sperm! However, if a man has recently ejaculated, the pre-cum can sometimes pick up and carry out leftover sperm, so keep that in mind.
Talk About a Load of Information!
Wow. A lot goes into those 5 seconds of ecstasy. Who knew that the reproductive system was working so hard just to produce a teaspoon’s worth of baby gravy. Now the next time you, your partner, or anyone who has a weiner ejaculates, you can tell them that you know all about it.
To think, this all started because of a Google search for Kylie Jenner. And if you’re interested in continuing down this rabbit hole of information, check out our Benefits of Semen post to learn how all of these components come together to provide benefits for your body. We break it down into easy-to-swallow chunks.
While you’re here, be sure to get that man milk tested for STDs. Just because you know where it comes from, doesn’t mean you know where it’s been.
Medically Reviewed by J. Frank Martin JR., MD on October 1, 2018
from Know My Status- STD Test https://ift.tt/31hbJOi via IFTTT
0 notes
hivknowledgeorg · 5 years
What Is Semen Made Of And Where Does It Come From?
For Men , STDs
by Lauren Crain
July 31, 2018
5 mins read
What Is Semen Made Of And Where Does It Come From?
Have you ever been late-night googling and found yourself in a Google hole? Let’s say you start googling Kylie Jenner, then you fall into looking at information about her and Travis Scott. That leads you to their baby, Stormi, which reminds you of Stormy Daniels, which makes you google Stormy Daniels’ affair with Trump. Then you start to wonder how old Trump was when he had the affair, because, le’ts face it, he’s no spring chicken. This gets you wondering how the male reproductive system works into old age, which makes you google: How does semen work and what is it made of?
Well, if you’ve reached our page due to an extensive late-night Google binge: Welcome; we’re glad you’re here. And we won’t bore you with any more filler about Stormy Daniels (Trump was 60, btw). Instead, we’ll get to the real reason you’re here: to find out about this alien-like substance that squirts out of half of the population’s genitals.
So let’s dive right in and talk about what the heck semen is, where it comes from, and what it’s made of.
What is Semen?
Let’s start with the basics: Semen and sperm are not the same thing.
Sperm is just one of the many components of semen, though, arguably the most vital. The other elements are there to help aid the sperm in getting to its end goal: an egg. These other parts help the sperm by assisting with its mobility, lubrication, and even reducing the resistance of the egg to the sperm (yes, eggs fight against the sperm, just like the Trump administration fights against foreigners [that’s right; we’re edgy]).
A typical male can produce anywhere from 2 – 6 mL of semen when ejaculating. For comparison, a US teaspoon is about 5 mL, so a guy’s jazz can be about half or a little more than the amount of vanilla extract you put into cookies. *Disclaimer: We don’t advise adding this secret ingredient to cookies of any kind*
Where does Semen Come From?
Semen comes from the genitals of men. Not specific enough for you? Then let’s get into the nitty-gritty.
It all starts with sperm. Sperm is produced by the testes and is stored in the epididymis. Think of the epididymis as a reservoir in the back of the testicles. From this reservoir, the sperm travels upstream (through the vas deferens) with its eyes set on the ejaculatory ducts where it will be ready for launch.
As the sperm travels through the vas deferens, it encounters some pretty steep hills and realizes it can’t make it by itself. That’s where the little guy’s friends come in. Other parts of the reproductive system see the sperm struggling, so they mix in their fluids to help it reach its goal. These fluids come from the seminal vesicles, the prostate, and the bulbourethral glands.
Components of Semen
Now that you know the basic elements of semen, you might be wondering what fluid comes from where, and what’s the makeup of these fluid components. Don’t worry, dear reader! We’ve got you covered on all the seminal organ elements.
Sperm comes from the testicles and accounts for ~2-5% of all semen. While this may not seem like a lot, there are 20 – 100 million little spermies per mL of ejaculate. And because men produce anywhere from 2 – 6 mL of semen, some can shoot out 600 million spermatozoa in one single ejaculation! #Yikes
*Fun Fact* Some like it hot, but sperm likes it cold. About 2-3 degrees cooler than the body’s temperature, that is. Sperm thrives in colder environments and the testicles provide that. It’s true; testes don’t hang outside of the body for pure aesthetics (lol), they actually hang because they need to stay cool. Take a note from this pair if you’re ever looking for pointers on how to hang out and chill.
Seminal Vesicles
The seminal vesicles are a pair of coiled glands located below the bladder and next to the vas deferens. This is where the bulk of the semen comes from– about 70% to be exact.
The fluid that comes out of the vesicles contains proteins, ascorbic acid, amino acids, phosphorus, potassium, l-carnitine, among other nutrients. But it’s mainly made up of fructose, or broken-down sugar, which provides sperm with the energy needed to travel upstream.
*Fun Fact* The female body views sperm as a foreign agent and actively works to reject it. Fluid from the seminal vesicles contains prostaglandins which help the sperm sneak in undetected. Creepy, right?
Prostate Gland
The prostate gland is located beneath the bladder and in front of the rectum. About 25% of semen is made up of liquid produced by the prostate.
Fluid that emerges from the prostate is made up of acid phosphate, citric acid, calcium, zinc, and magnesium. Of these, zinc is the most prolific and the most vital, as it helps stabilize the sperm’s DNA. This is also where semen gets its color and taste. 
*Fun Fact* The prostate also produces a fluid called prostatic specific antigen. This liquifies the semen and allows the sperm to swim freely.
Bulbourethral Glands
The remaining <1% of semen comes from the bulbourethral glands. These babies sit near the base of the penis and are about the size of a pea.
When a man is sexually aroused, the glands secrete a mucus which lubricates the penis head, neutralizes the acidity of the vagina, and eliminates any leftover urine from the urethra. Basically, its job is to make sure everything runs smoothly.
*Fun Fact* The secretion from these glands are typically what is referred to as “pre-cum,” and contains no sperm! However, if a man has recently ejaculated, the pre-cum can sometimes pick up and carry out leftover sperm, so keep that in mind.
Talk About a Load of Information!
Wow. A lot goes into those 5 seconds of ecstasy. Who knew that the reproductive system was working so hard just to produce a teaspoon’s worth of baby gravy. Now the next time you, your partner, or anyone who has a weiner ejaculates, you can tell them that you know all about it.
To think, this all started because of a Google search for Kylie Jenner. And if you’re interested in continuing down this rabbit hole of information, check out our Benefits of Semen post to learn how all of these components come together to provide benefits for your body. We break it down into easy-to-swallow chunks.
While you’re here, be sure to get that man milk tested for STDs. Just because you know where it comes from, doesn’t mean you know where it’s been.
Medically Reviewed by J. Frank Martin JR., MD on October 1, 2018
from knowmystatus.life https://ift.tt/2oFJqfg via IFTTT
0 notes
meetpositivesblog · 5 years
What Is Semen Made Of And Where Does It Come From?
For Men , STDs
by Lauren Crain
July 31, 2018
5 mins read
What Is Semen Made Of And Where Does It Come From?
Have you ever been late-night googling and found yourself in a Google hole? Let’s say you start googling Kylie Jenner, then you fall into looking at information about her and Travis Scott. That leads you to their baby, Stormi, which reminds you of Stormy Daniels, which makes you google Stormy Daniels’ affair with Trump. Then you start to wonder how old Trump was when he had the affair, because, le’ts face it, he’s no spring chicken. This gets you wondering how the male reproductive system works into old age, which makes you google: How does semen work and what is it made of?
Well, if you’ve reached our page due to an extensive late-night Google binge: Welcome; we’re glad you’re here. And we won’t bore you with any more filler about Stormy Daniels (Trump was 60, btw). Instead, we’ll get to the real reason you’re here: to find out about this alien-like substance that squirts out of half of the population’s genitals.
So let’s dive right in and talk about what the heck semen is, where it comes from, and what it’s made of.
What is Semen?
Let’s start with the basics: Semen and sperm are not the same thing.
Sperm is just one of the many components of semen, though, arguably the most vital. The other elements are there to help aid the sperm in getting to its end goal: an egg. These other parts help the sperm by assisting with its mobility, lubrication, and even reducing the resistance of the egg to the sperm (yes, eggs fight against the sperm, just like the Trump administration fights against foreigners [that’s right; we’re edgy]).
A typical male can produce anywhere from 2 – 6 mL of semen when ejaculating. For comparison, a US teaspoon is about 5 mL, so a guy’s jazz can be about half or a little more than the amount of vanilla extract you put into cookies. *Disclaimer: We don’t advise adding this secret ingredient to cookies of any kind*
Where does Semen Come From?
Semen comes from the genitals of men. Not specific enough for you? Then let’s get into the nitty-gritty.
It all starts with sperm. Sperm is produced by the testes and is stored in the epididymis. Think of the epididymis as a reservoir in the back of the testicles. From this reservoir, the sperm travels upstream (through the vas deferens) with its eyes set on the ejaculatory ducts where it will be ready for launch.
As the sperm travels through the vas deferens, it encounters some pretty steep hills and realizes it can’t make it by itself. That’s where the little guy’s friends come in. Other parts of the reproductive system see the sperm struggling, so they mix in their fluids to help it reach its goal. These fluids come from the seminal vesicles, the prostate, and the bulbourethral glands.
Components of Semen
Now that you know the basic elements of semen, you might be wondering what fluid comes from where, and what’s the makeup of these fluid components. Don’t worry, dear reader! We’ve got you covered on all the seminal organ elements.
Sperm comes from the testicles and accounts for ~2-5% of all semen. While this may not seem like a lot, there are 20 – 100 million little spermies per mL of ejaculate. And because men produce anywhere from 2 – 6 mL of semen, some can shoot out 600 million spermatozoa in one single ejaculation! #Yikes
*Fun Fact* Some like it hot, but sperm likes it cold. About 2-3 degrees cooler than the body’s temperature, that is. Sperm thrives in colder environments and the testicles provide that. It’s true; testes don’t hang outside of the body for pure aesthetics (lol), they actually hang because they need to stay cool. Take a note from this pair if you’re ever looking for pointers on how to hang out and chill.
Seminal Vesicles
The seminal vesicles are a pair of coiled glands located below the bladder and next to the vas deferens. This is where the bulk of the semen comes from– about 70% to be exact.
The fluid that comes out of the vesicles contains proteins, ascorbic acid, amino acids, phosphorus, potassium, l-carnitine, among other nutrients. But it’s mainly made up of fructose, or broken-down sugar, which provides sperm with the energy needed to travel upstream.
*Fun Fact* The female body views sperm as a foreign agent and actively works to reject it. Fluid from the seminal vesicles contains prostaglandins which help the sperm sneak in undetected. Creepy, right?
Prostate Gland
The prostate gland is located beneath the bladder and in front of the rectum. About 25% of semen is made up of liquid produced by the prostate.
Fluid that emerges from the prostate is made up of acid phosphate, citric acid, calcium, zinc, and magnesium. Of these, zinc is the most prolific and the most vital, as it helps stabilize the sperm’s DNA. This is also where semen gets its color and taste. 
*Fun Fact* The prostate also produces a fluid called prostatic specific antigen. This liquifies the semen and allows the sperm to swim freely.
Bulbourethral Glands
The remaining <1% of semen comes from the bulbourethral glands. These babies sit near the base of the penis and are about the size of a pea.
When a man is sexually aroused, the glands secrete a mucus which lubricates the penis head, neutralizes the acidity of the vagina, and eliminates any leftover urine from the urethra. Basically, its job is to make sure everything runs smoothly.
*Fun Fact* The secretion from these glands are typically what is referred to as “pre-cum,” and contains no sperm! However, if a man has recently ejaculated, the pre-cum can sometimes pick up and carry out leftover sperm, so keep that in mind.
Talk About a Load of Information!
Wow. A lot goes into those 5 seconds of ecstasy. Who knew that the reproductive system was working so hard just to produce a teaspoon’s worth of baby gravy. Now the next time you, your partner, or anyone who has a weiner ejaculates, you can tell them that you know all about it.
To think, this all started because of a Google search for Kylie Jenner. And if you’re interested in continuing down this rabbit hole of information, check out our Benefits of Semen post to learn how all of these components come together to provide benefits for your body. We break it down into easy-to-swallow chunks.
While you’re here, be sure to get that man milk tested for STDs. Just because you know where it comes from, doesn’t mean you know where it’s been.
Medically Reviewed by J. Frank Martin JR., MD on October 1, 2018
from knowmystatus.life https://ift.tt/2oFJqfg via IFTTT
0 notes
herpesstdsymptoms · 5 years
What Is Semen Made Of And Where Does It Come From?
For Men , STDs
by Lauren Crain
July 31, 2018
5 mins read
What Is Semen Made Of And Where Does It Come From?
Have you ever been late-night googling and found yourself in a Google hole? Let’s say you start googling Kylie Jenner, then you fall into looking at information about her and Travis Scott. That leads you to their baby, Stormi, which reminds you of Stormy Daniels, which makes you google Stormy Daniels’ affair with Trump. Then you start to wonder how old Trump was when he had the affair, because, le’ts face it, he’s no spring chicken. This gets you wondering how the male reproductive system works into old age, which makes you google: How does semen work and what is it made of?
Well, if you’ve reached our page due to an extensive late-night Google binge: Welcome; we’re glad you’re here. And we won’t bore you with any more filler about Stormy Daniels (Trump was 60, btw). Instead, we’ll get to the real reason you’re here: to find out about this alien-like substance that squirts out of half of the population’s genitals.
So let’s dive right in and talk about what the heck semen is, where it comes from, and what it’s made of.
What is Semen?
Let’s start with the basics: Semen and sperm are not the same thing.
Sperm is just one of the many components of semen, though, arguably the most vital. The other elements are there to help aid the sperm in getting to its end goal: an egg. These other parts help the sperm by assisting with its mobility, lubrication, and even reducing the resistance of the egg to the sperm (yes, eggs fight against the sperm, just like the Trump administration fights against foreigners [that’s right; we’re edgy]).
A typical male can produce anywhere from 2 – 6 mL of semen when ejaculating. For comparison, a US teaspoon is about 5 mL, so a guy’s jazz can be about half or a little more than the amount of vanilla extract you put into cookies. *Disclaimer: We don’t advise adding this secret ingredient to cookies of any kind*
Where does Semen Come From?
Semen comes from the genitals of men. Not specific enough for you? Then let’s get into the nitty-gritty.
It all starts with sperm. Sperm is produced by the testes and is stored in the epididymis. Think of the epididymis as a reservoir in the back of the testicles. From this reservoir, the sperm travels upstream (through the vas deferens) with its eyes set on the ejaculatory ducts where it will be ready for launch.
As the sperm travels through the vas deferens, it encounters some pretty steep hills and realizes it can’t make it by itself. That’s where the little guy’s friends come in. Other parts of the reproductive system see the sperm struggling, so they mix in their fluids to help it reach its goal. These fluids come from the seminal vesicles, the prostate, and the bulbourethral glands.
Components of Semen
Now that you know the basic elements of semen, you might be wondering what fluid comes from where, and what’s the makeup of these fluid components. Don’t worry, dear reader! We’ve got you covered on all the seminal organ elements.
Sperm comes from the testicles and accounts for ~2-5% of all semen. While this may not seem like a lot, there are 20 – 100 million little spermies per mL of ejaculate. And because men produce anywhere from 2 – 6 mL of semen, some can shoot out 600 million spermatozoa in one single ejaculation! #Yikes
*Fun Fact* Some like it hot, but sperm likes it cold. About 2-3 degrees cooler than the body’s temperature, that is. Sperm thrives in colder environments and the testicles provide that. It’s true; testes don’t hang outside of the body for pure aesthetics (lol), they actually hang because they need to stay cool. Take a note from this pair if you’re ever looking for pointers on how to hang out and chill.
Seminal Vesicles
The seminal vesicles are a pair of coiled glands located below the bladder and next to the vas deferens. This is where the bulk of the semen comes from– about 70% to be exact.
The fluid that comes out of the vesicles contains proteins, ascorbic acid, amino acids, phosphorus, potassium, l-carnitine, among other nutrients. But it’s mainly made up of fructose, or broken-down sugar, which provides sperm with the energy needed to travel upstream.
*Fun Fact* The female body views sperm as a foreign agent and actively works to reject it. Fluid from the seminal vesicles contains prostaglandins which help the sperm sneak in undetected. Creepy, right?
Prostate Gland
The prostate gland is located beneath the bladder and in front of the rectum. About 25% of semen is made up of liquid produced by the prostate.
Fluid that emerges from the prostate is made up of acid phosphate, citric acid, calcium, zinc, and magnesium. Of these, zinc is the most prolific and the most vital, as it helps stabilize the sperm’s DNA. This is also where semen gets its color and taste. 
*Fun Fact* The prostate also produces a fluid called prostatic specific antigen. This liquifies the semen and allows the sperm to swim freely.
Bulbourethral Glands
The remaining <1% of semen comes from the bulbourethral glands. These babies sit near the base of the penis and are about the size of a pea.
When a man is sexually aroused, the glands secrete a mucus which lubricates the penis head, neutralizes the acidity of the vagina, and eliminates any leftover urine from the urethra. Basically, its job is to make sure everything runs smoothly.
*Fun Fact* The secretion from these glands are typically what is referred to as “pre-cum,” and contains no sperm! However, if a man has recently ejaculated, the pre-cum can sometimes pick up and carry out leftover sperm, so keep that in mind.
Talk About a Load of Information!
Wow. A lot goes into those 5 seconds of ecstasy. Who knew that the reproductive system was working so hard just to produce a teaspoon’s worth of baby gravy. Now the next time you, your partner, or anyone who has a weiner ejaculates, you can tell them that you know all about it.
To think, this all started because of a Google search for Kylie Jenner. And if you’re interested in continuing down this rabbit hole of information, check out our Benefits of Semen post to learn how all of these components come together to provide benefits for your body. We break it down into easy-to-swallow chunks.
While you’re here, be sure to get that man milk tested for STDs. Just because you know where it comes from, doesn’t mean you know where it’s been.
Medically Reviewed by J. Frank Martin JR., MD on October 1, 2018
from knowmystatus.life https://ift.tt/2oFJqfg via IFTTT
0 notes
wessonba · 6 years
I didn’t write a reflection after season’s 4 finale.  It is true that I was sick and really couldn’t think clearly enough to write, but if I’m truthful with myself…a part of me really didn’t want to.  Then because so much time had gone by and so many had written exhaustively about this season, I really thought I would just pass. But, in the last few days, I’ve had readers asking me where my review is and I guess I owe them at least an explanation. I love this show and it hurts me to have to say negative things. I really am rooting for them.  I was holding out hope that my patience this season would be rewarded. It wasn’t.  My overall initial feeling after watching the Outlander season 4 finale was one of dissatisfaction. I wasn’t angry just sad. My thoughts wandered to previous finales and I particularly remembered how I felt after season 1. As I watched Jamie and Claire sail away on that ship to France I was tearfully smiling. I can remember thinking that I would miss this couple and overall pleased with the adaptation. I was proud to be a fan.  I’m still proud to be a fan, but with a few exceptions, I struggled to write about this season. I would find myself sitting with my thoughts for far too long.  I wasn’t inspired.  And, I think my writing this season reflects that.
It is telling that my most popular blog posts this season have been when I felt the need to negatively critique an episode. I hate that.  I’ve had some time to think and to read other fan’s reactions and I find myself agreeing with bloggers and fans that I usually don’t.  I hate that. But, I can’t write this blog if I’m not genuine.  My readers trust me to be honest and my conscience would bother me if I was wasn’t.  I really love this show and want it to succeed.  Let’s be clear, there is still a lot to love about this show.  It is beautiful and transportive and I have always believed it was made with obvious love for the story they were telling.  It is a remarkable tv experience. What it isn’t …is …the same show.
I’m still not buying into some fans’ intricate conspiracy theories and need to denigrate cast and crew for not giving “fans” what they want.  But, something HAS  changed.  None of us on the outside really know, but there are a lot of theories out there and at least a few make some sense.  There were a lot of changes to the TPTB and I have no idea if that resulted in different work relationships and expectations and maybe changes to budgets as well.  There were new writers, bad weather, and some really concerning comments from the cast about their characters and the amount of input they would like to have in the writers’ room. I THINK that might be a good idea, but what if their ideas about their characters aren’t what we think they think, lol. I still haven’t forgiven Sam for not letting Jamie “quietly fall to pieces”. Then this week some fans were sent questionnaires.  I guess that would indicate that they are trying to listen, but why not just say we hear you?  Why send surveys to select fans? What was the criteria? I’ve always felt that the majority of fans are happy with the show, but not as vocal as those who seem to be invested in finding fault.  Was this questionnaire sent to a true representative sample of fans?
I’ve been here since the beginning and I don’t think PR has EVER really known who their audience is for this show or how to market it.  Can anyone say “the kilt drops”?  Are these surveys going to insure that PR and the TPTB will get an accurate picture of what fans want?  I think they might offer some insight, but shouldn’t be taken as gospel or as a definitive barometer of fan opinion. Quite frankly, if some fans actually get what they think they want they still wouldn’t be satisfied. I’m afraid it is the nature of the beast that is fandom. As much as fans like to think they know how to adapt Diana Gabaldon’s bible sized tomes, they don’t.  Nevertheless, there are some consistent and legitimate concerns played on many of the broken records. Sorting those out from the irritating scratches would not be an envivable job. This questionnaire thing feels like a mistake, one that is undermining the creators.  If I was them I’d be looking for another job. And, some folks NEED to stay.
I believe something happened this season that impacted what we saw on our screens. The show has taken a turn and is on a path that is far from the show I love to love.  It is a feeling, a change in attitude, and focus.  In my humble opinion, Outlander shines when it focuses on relationships.  And, that held true for this season as well.  Blood of my Blood and The Birds and the Bees were two of this season’s most well received episodes for that very reason.  I agree with fans who say that to in order to care about what happens to the characters we have to care about the characters.  As wonderful as the Cherokee village and Roger’s rescue were it was far less important than bridging differences and mending relationships in this story.  For example, just because you can write an episode of someone trekking wordlessly through a jungle doesn’t mean you should.
Character development just wasn’t up to par this season.  The Claire of the Ridge has always been my favorite Claire and after watching this season, I’ll have to reread Drums to remember why.  She seemed a faded version of the woman who finally becomes who she was meant to be.  She wasn’t the only character that was less than they should have been. Watching Fergus and Marsali I wondered why in the few minutes they were on screen their relationship was so much more dynamic and their persona so much clearer than Bree and Roger.  These two are so important to the rest of the story and they just don’t seem to be as clearly developed and/or portrayed in a way to make us care about them as major players.  I’ve written before about some choices that  I felt were a few “fatal” mistakes that have reverberated throughout the seasons: Loghaire at the witch trial and not allowing Claire to fight Jamie’s demons.  I read the explanations, but in truth Roger isn’t the beloved character he should be.  I’m hoping Roger’s leaving Bree and not choosing to come directly to River Run will not be one of those fatal mistakes that reverberate throughout the rest of the seasons. I think they dealt with those two previous mistakes as best they could and I’m hopeful that Roger and his relationship with Bree will be righted too.
I’m completely aware that I am just one more fan voice and one more opinion in the ocean that has been written about this season.  It feels ironic to find myself saying, I’m criticizing, but I truly just want the show to be better, having criticized that type of critique previously, but I truly just want the show to do better. It isn’t too late to fix what was wrong this season.  I just want to write about a show that inspires me, I want the Outlander  I wrote this about:
I was perusing Twitter on Saturday before watching Outlander episode 11 the Devil’s Mark when I came across a tweet from someone who had already watched the episode. Aside from being a little pissed that I hadn’t gotten to watch yet, I found the statement intriguing. The author said,
Because the tweet intrigued me, I re-tweeted it.  I felt my excitement to watch the episode heighten.  Had they really done it? Had they really shown Claire in all her wonderful nerve-wracken-ly principled glory?  I sure hoped so.
The episode was exciting and full of all kinds of wonderful, but per usual there was a theme that stood out for me. Character. In a real-world and TV world full of characters with ambiguous moral character, Outlander has the potential to be something different. Saturday night, I saw some of that potential realized. Our main characters had moral and ethical dilemmas that they solved in ways that have sadly become a-typical. They made selfless decisions. They did the right thing despite knowing the price they would pay would be dear.
I enjoy watching Game of Thrones, a show Outlander has been compared to. In my opinion, this comparison by journalists is weak at best and most often used by writers too lazy to look any deeper.  There seems to be a tendency among these types to latch on to what is the most “pop culture” popular thing to repeat. I have nothing against R.R. Martin or the show based on his works.  They are what they are, but what they are is a far cry from what Outlander is or tries to be.
Last years’ GOT season was full of characters acting out of warped emotions, values and needs. I don’t expect anything different this year. Lots of titillating stuff to discuss around the water cooler, but I must admit the most shocking thing about this show is how hard it is to find a redeeming character. I wish I could say this trend toward pushing the moral and ethical envelope was the exception rather than the rule on TV, but I can’t.  It is all too common.
My reaction to the GOT characters and their actions is very different from what I feel when I watch Outlander.  Folks on social media said they used a box of tissues watching this episode. This is very understandable, there is some tear-jerking stuff!  I cried some tears myself, but I came to examine my feelings a bit closer and realized there was something deeper going on here. When I watched Claire and Jamie and Ned and even Gellis make their choices, I felt a real connection. My eyes filled with tears for the human compassion I was witnessing. Our characters made unselfish choices. They made me feel proud to be human.
My Twitter author Lady Jane commented that Claire was principled to a fault. I think I understand what she means, if she meant that Claire puts herself in danger by stubbornly remaining a person who cares about others ..then yes…I agree, she does. It’s the “to a fault” part that I find myself still thinking about today. The kind of choices Claire has to make come with risk to herself and others, to say the least.  But…I resist the idea that her ethical and moral center is somehow flawed because she chose to be unselfish. I’m pretty sure Lady Jane agrees with me because she loves Claire for it. These are the character traits of the everyday hero who saves a child from drowning, pulls people from a burning car or donates an organ to a stranger.  These are the kind of people we should be admiring and celebrating.
Claire would not give false witness, even against a woman who admitted to killing her husband and even if it would save her own life. I cried bittersweet tears for Claire. Under extreme distress and pressure, betrayed by those who should have represented innocence and mercy (Leery and Father Bain) , surrounded by a sea of faces that desired to see her burn, she stayed true to herself.
Sad, but wonderful too.
She is saved at the last-minute by the zealot murderess Gellis who sets aside her own desires to help another. I cried for Gellis’ courage, for her self-sacrifice and for her wasted life.  She will not be the last person to give over her thinking and decision-making to a cause nor the last to step over a moral and ethical line for that cause.  Once again, it’s all too common.
The evening’s monumental plot twists weren’t over and neither was Claire’s decision-making.  In fact, a much harder decision awaits her upon her escape from Cranes Muir in the arms of her 18th century husband Jamie.  I’m thankful that the decisions were made back to back.  It helped the viewer understand who Claire is and that is a person who will do the right thing despite the pressure to do otherwise.  It makes her decision at the stones that much more poignant and meaningful.  She did not take the decision to leave or stay lightly. In fact, given her moral center the agonizing choice would have left her shattered. She is married to Frank and finally has an opportunity to return to him and yet,….Jamie.
The other person in this triangle  made a few difficult choices of his own. First, he decides to suspend his disbelief for her sake. If I had any disappointment in this episode it was the fact that they chose to let the audience believe that Jamie never doubted her story.  He was human, of course he did and maybe part of the reason he took her to the stones was to shatter Claire’s delusions.  In the book, when  he grabs her back from the rock it’s because she starts to go right before his eyes.  I wish they would have kept that part.  Despite his extraordinary emotional intelligence this would have seemed the more reasonable reaction to me.
And… then, the audience learns that Jamie has chosen to let Claire go. What this choice reveals about him is nothing short of staggering. This is a man of integrity. Everything he feels tells him to beg her to stay, but he chooses to let her go…why?
He now knows the truth and it cannot be ignored. There is a man…a husband … with a prior claim. Claire is the wife of another man and as a man who honors the vows spoken between two people, he must acknowledge Frank’s claim on Claire. She isn’t his wife because she is still wed to another. He must acknowledge that Claire doesn’t belong here. Her being here and with him is an unfortunate accident. She had no choice. She did what she needed to do to survive. And, after the witch trial, he knows she is a women out of her time and it will place her in danger again. She will be safer if she goes. He knows she has tried to get back to her husband and life over and over again. He will not add himself and his need of her to the equation. He loves her, so he will let her go.
I know I cried at every agonizing staggering step he took down that hill; my heart was breaking with his.
It’s a wonderful story full of redeeming characters who don’t always have to be right or have their own way.  My husband is a big fan of old TV Westerns and I think I know why. Even though I complain about their predictability the plots usually center around someone making a moral choice and often those character’s choose the self-sacrificing or ethical/moral high road. The characters learn lessons about doing the right thing for your fellow-man and having honor …like the characters in Outlander.
Somewhere, in TV and maybe our real-life culture, the idea of self-sacrifice as being a noble action has fallen away to the need for self-fulfillment at any cost.  Maybe it is because people don’t believe there is anything more to life. If that is so then I guess fulfilling your own desires at whatever the cost to others would make sense. But,  “I have to inform you, I am no of that opinion myself”.  I’m happy there is a production on TV that isn’t afraid to tell a story of people who wrestle with choices and choose kindness, honor, truth and self-sacrifice.
Looking for the show I loved…a reflection on Outlander season 4 I didn't write a reflection after season's 4 finale.  It is true that I was sick and really couldn't think clearly enough to write, but if I'm truthful with myself...a part of me really didn't want to.  
0 notes
Getting my license in April. Good cars w/ low insurance rates?
"Getting my license in April. Good cars w/ low insurance rates?
I like cars like the Scion tC, Mitsubishi Lancer, ect. Sports cars, but not super nice ones. I'm getting my license in April and will get a car shortly after. I want to get a car like the ones above, but I don't think my dad will want to pay a lot for insurance, but I don't want to get a Jeep, which is what he got my brother and sister since the insurance is low. What are some cars like these that also have good rates for insurance? Price range is any thing lower than $10k.
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeautoinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
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I am going to buy a car on Tuesday. Is there a grace period during which i can drive the car without insurance until i get it, like 5 business days or something like that, or do i need insurance before i buy the car?? This is my first vehicle so i dont have an existing policy i can add this too.""
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So last Friday I got in an accident, I hit a curb going to fast around the round about and it screwed up below my car. This was all my fault and no one else's. No cops were ...show more""
""There have been caps of $250K for healthcare lawsuits in California for years, and insurance premiums didnt?
....go down one cent! If fact they are still among the highest in the country. How will this help reform healthcare according to conservatives? When in fact all it does is funnel more cash into their Wall Street supporters pockets?
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Classic Car As A Daily Driver In Michigan?
I'm a hot rod & kustom guy, have building and restoring old cars for awhile now..love the looks of em and the feeling I get driving them, I'm opening up my own shop soon too. I drive a 2001 Grand Am GT and it's about to die 190,000 miles needs tires, brakes, bearings, engines making noises but for the price I paid and miles I put on it, it worked well. Now I need a new daily drive to school 72 miles round trip 2-3 times a week. I live in Michigan, was wondering what it would be like to drive an classic car as a daily...say a 1958 Chevy Bel Air with a 283 motor...the insurance is cheaper, easier to fix and find parts..but may be more in gas...just wondering if anyone drives a classic everyday and how is it in the winter...I'd have to figure out heat some how. I have many cars 1968 Caddy Deville on air bags, 1930 Model A Coupe hot rod, 1951 Mercury custom, 1956 Cadillac Deville...etc""
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I just bought an 88 viking pop up camper here in Michigan, and was wondering, do i need to insure it? is it a law? or just a recommendation? im hearing many things when i ask that question and i really need a for sure thing here. i dont want to get pulled over and get ticketed for having no insurance on it. but i also dont want to pay 300 dollars a month for something i bought for $450. Thanks!""
Does an insurance consultant in Massachusetts need to be licensed?
It is corporate insurance, not personal.""
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How to convince parents to let me have auto insurance?
I've had my license for a little over three months now. However, I have no insurance, and therefore cannot drive (in California). Their reasoning is that I am an unsafe driver which I disagree with because I quite easily passed my driving test at the DMV and always think before I do anything when I drive. However, they seem firm on their decision... It's a bit frustrating having my license for so long but still being unable to drive. I'm tired of having to always ask friends for a ride or my parents; I just want a taste of independence. Of course, I'm not trying to be too arrogant or stubborn, I've respected my parent's decision, it's just bugging me a bit now haha. I offered to do a six-month plan instead of a year plan since I'm heading off to college in Septemberish. I'm about to turn 18 in a couple weeks also. Does anyone have any advice?""
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Who can you add as a secondary person on your insurance? Can it be a significant other or is it only a spouse allowed?
Best insurance companies for 17 year old passed my test!!?
ok ive pased my test a month on friday and i gettin a car this week and i need some insurance on the car obviiously lol, well basically whats the cheapest car insurance all you 17 year old have and who is it with, please :)""
Why is my car insurance quote massive?
Since few weeks im just looking up comparision sites quoting 1.0 engine first cars such as corsa, pug 206, punto, clio, polo etc ( not all of them are 1.0 but from what ive heard it doesnt make that much difference). In fact, i havent got my licence yet but i adjust my details as if I had one already. It was okay when i searched a quote for corsa and polo for provisional - ended up at 1k yearly. Then I've checked full uk at both comprehensive and 3rd party only - prices went up from minimum of 6k up to 30k which is enormous and ridiculous. What might be wrong with that. Most of people says like it should be up to 2 grand, even my instructor said so. Is that my name, postcode, something wrong with cars I choose? It'd be understandable if i wanted range rover or aston martin as first car. Im foreigner, nearly 19, studying and working both full time. It feels like they just picking at me.. Any ideas though??""
Has you health insurance premium cost gone up or down?
Individuals buying health insurance on their own will see their premiums tumble next year in New York State as changes under the federal health care law take effect, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo announced on Wednesday. State insurance regulators say they have approved rates for 2014 that are at least 50 percent lower on average than those currently available in New York. Beginning in October, individuals in New York City who now pay $1,000 a month or more for coverage will be able to shop for health insurance for as little as $308 monthly. With federal subsidies, the cost will be even lower. Supporters of the new health care law, the Affordable Care Act, credited the drop in rates to the online purchasing exchanges the law created, which they say are spurring competition among insurers that are anticipating an influx of new customers. The law requires that an exchange be started in every state.""
Insurance for a child ?
I'm on my fathers insurance until I turn 26, but I have a one year old baby girl. How much will it be to have good medical insurance for just her ? She needs good insurance because she has medical issues.""
For what reason would i not qualify for unemployment insurance in California?
i was recently let go from work. so, for what reasons could i not qualify for unemployment insurance? and for what reason could i qualify for it?""
Should I get Term Life Insurance at a young age?
I am currently 30 years old and in excellent health but since I am getting ready to start a family, I want to be prepared for the future of my loved ones. After reading about different life insurance options, I am deciding to go with Term Life Insurance for 20 years. Is it true that Term Life Insurance premiums don't change throughout the life of the term? If so, shouldn't I sign-up now while my annual payment will be low and locked in at this rate? My employer offers a very small life insurance benefit that I am already a part of but I want more just in case. While I am asking, are there any circumstances where a payout won't be made if I were to die under a term life insurance plan? Is it guaranteed? What if I (God forbid) get Cancer or have a heart attack? Thanks in advance!""
Quick question about car insurance?
I would like to buy a car but the comprehensive insurance is going to be too expensive as I am a P-plater and inexperienced driver. The car is also too dear to place under 3rd party insurance only. I would like to put it under my parents insurance, but to put the car under my parents insurance, does that mean I will have to put the car under my fathers name when I actually buy and register the car at the RTA? Does my father also have to list me as frequent driver of the vehicle?""
Where is the best place for cheap car insurance for my 17 year old son?
Help!! My son has passed his driving test aged 17 but the insurance we've been looking at astronomical!! Can anyone advise me on any good deals :)
What is the cheapest moped insurance?
I need help finding cheap insurance for my moped its a KYMCO Agility 50. I have checked all of the most well known comparison sites but the cheapest quotes are 190 for a full year. Any suggestions would be of help.
What are some names of some cheap 3rd party Auto Insurance companies in Texas?
Tittle say it all, best answer 5 stars""
What is the cheapest auto insurance for michigan?
for the most basic insurance
Why is my Car insurance so high?
I'm 18 and live on my own, so the insurance is under my name NOT my parents. That's already a reason why it would be higher. But im paying 620 dollars a month, its getting ridiculous to keep up with. Everyone I tell is shocked at how high it is. I've never been in an accident or traffic violation. But when I got the insurance a couple of other places quoted me 900 dollars a month! so 620 dollars is cheap? Also when i got the insurance I was unemployed, and everytime I got a quote I would have to tell them I didn't have a job. Would this be Why its so high?""
Getting my license in April. Good cars w/ low insurance rates?
I like cars like the Scion tC, Mitsubishi Lancer, ect. Sports cars, but not super nice ones. I'm getting my license in April and will get a car shortly after. I want to get a car like the ones above, but I don't think my dad will want to pay a lot for insurance, but I don't want to get a Jeep, which is what he got my brother and sister since the insurance is low. What are some cars like these that also have good rates for insurance? Price range is any thing lower than $10k.
How much is car insurance for a 17 year old boy who is workin fast food?
How much is car insurance for a 17 year old boy who is workin fast food?
Insurance in college?
My mom tells me that you have to go to college directly after high school in order to stay on your parents' insurance plan or you get taken off and have to work full-time to get insurance. However, my question is if you get a job after high school and get insurance for yourself and then decide to go back to school a year later can you get back on their plan.""
""If my car is totalled, will the people's insurance who hit me give me kelly blue book value and take my car?,?""
I was t-boned the other day and am pretty sure my car will be totalled, it still runs great, and i love the car. the accident was the other persons fault. if it IS toatalled, will her ...show more""
Insurance for full time student in Texas.?
I will be attending college full time starting in the spring at Lone Star College in Kingwood, Texas. It is just a 2 year college. I will need insurance from my medicine that I take daily, and seeing the Doctor, if needed. I am in Texas, and will be on a tight budget, as I don't know if my job will let me work part-time or not. I am also a single mother, but won't have to carry him because his father has him covered on his policy. Any suggestions? Any help would be appreciated:o)""
Where can I find car insurance who will LISTEN to my circumstances.?
I have been driving for over 20 years but the last 5 years have been on my husbands policy for company cars. Before then I had full no claims but lost them as we lived in Singapore on a 3 year work contract, I was driving there also with a Singapore driving licence. When we came back to the UK I have been driving brand new top of the range 2.0 cars.(accident free) Now I need to get car insurance but the set forms do not take any of this into account. Hence the hefty quotes. I have only 1 controversial speeding penalty. Why dont you insurers out there LISTEN !!!""
Cost car insurance in michigan?
hi im 19 live in michiganand want to get a car. it will be valued at around 8,000-10,000 dollars. how much will the absolute cheapest car insurance be per year. i have never been in an accident or had any tickets. thanks for any responses!!""
Can a 20 yr old college student get medicaid for health insurance?
Her dad is on disability and her mother has left and is living in another state. She gets financial aid and grants. Right now she has no health insurance at all.
Where is a good place to get a car and cheap car insurance?
My husband is in the navy... does the military have a car place we can go to or car insurance we can get?
What is the best individual health insurance?
im looking for an affordable good health insurance, i currently have a family plan with my employer but its expensive are there any individual plans out there that are affordable what are they? thank you?""
""No insurance company will quote me, dckheads..?""
They won't even give me a quote... Ive tried all cars even 1.1L fiestas/corsa/clios and 700cc Smarts... wtf is wrong with insurers in UK. im 17, just got licence.""
Car insurance law in texas?
Hi. I have my own drivers license. But haven't driven in a long time. My parents want me to practice driving for a while so I can drive when I graduate. I was wondering if my ...show more
Good student discount for car insurance?
so...i just completed my first year of college, and quite frankly i finished up poorly. my GPA is like a little over 2.4-2.5 and my dad is asking if i'll be able to send my transcript to the insurance (my dad is unaware of my grades). no chance of getting some discount or any at all??...i've kept my grades from my dad for quite some time, and now this is totally gonna blow my cover. i'm screwed aren't i? i'm a full time student and the insurance company is american family. so i guess my question is, do they discount % based on intervals of GPA, or is there just a minimum requirement and it's either you get a discount or not?""
Auto insurance question.?
I was in an accident and my auto insurance has a limit of 5000 medical. I went over the $5000 medical bills. Will my private health insurance cover the overage?
I am a unemployed college student and I need health insurance. Who has great affordable plans?
I am a unemployed college student and I need health insurance. Who has great affordable plans?
Can my car insurance company take my car without my Authorization?
MY car was stolen out of my driveway after i got home from late at night from dancing at a club. I was was very tired and accidentally left my keys in my car. I awoke up the next morning with my car gone. made a report it was stolen, a few days after police contacted me stating my car was found and it was smashed up un-driveable. they put it in a towing company. asked me several questions and went into investigation. insurance called me and did their own investigation and asked me several questions like the police did before. I got a letter in the mail a week later from my insurance stating they will not give me any monies for my car because they don't believe my story. but failed to give me proof of me lying. understand my car is paid off its a 1998 BMW. it was in great condition.I am still paying insurance on it, I found out today that my car is not at the towing place that an agent from my insurance company came and had my car towed away. I was never informed, i did not i sign any papers releasing my car. I have the title. the towing place said they needed the car for investigation. can they take my car without my consent?""
Health insurance question?
me and my boyfriend are planning to move to california soon. we're moving when we're 18. i was wondering if his parents health insurance would still cover him when he moves. he has Blue Cross and Blue Shield PPO.
Adding my dad as a second driver on my insurance - is it legal if he won't actually be driving my car?
I don't mean fronting! I know that is illegal. I've been researching tips on getting good insurance rate (as a 21 year old new female driver I know it will be expensive no matter what though) and they always recommend adding a second or third driver. But only my dad drives, but he would not be driving my car. Is it illegal to add him as a second driver?""
Please Find me good quote for car insurance for young drivers?
Car Insurance for Young Drivers Quotes
Life insurance rates in CA vs TX?
for the same coverage (i.e. $500K 30 years term life) is life insurance cheaper in CA or in TX? We are going to be moving to TX in the next couple of months, and we want to buy life insurance. I'd like to know if we are better of buying it here in CA or wait till we get to TX.""
I need affordable Health Insurance!! Where can I find this?
I do not qualify for State insurance, no work ins availaible, and can't afford to pay the cost of some companies out of pockett. Does anyone know something or some Health Insurance maybe I have not heard about yet?""
What is insurance?
What is insurance?
Car insurance prices?
i've just turned 17and i am wondering how much roughly will, lessons theory test and driving test all come too and insurance and also im a girl :)""
Whats a good cheap sports car?
Hello i need some help. This is my situation I'm 20 years old i live in Connecticut and I'm looking to purchase a car (used). I have about $2k cash to put down on it. I would say my limit for price would be about 6-8k due to financing fees taxes etc (credit score of 731). Now what I'm looking for is a pretty fast sports car to use as my DD.(I currently have a 89 mustang lx 5.0 which gets about 10 mpg city) Not very economical as a DD when gas is over $4 a gallon. Anyways back on topic, I found a 2002 wrx for 8k but got quoted for an insurance rate of 2k-3k. So this is out of the question! I make about 200 a week at the moment and pay $100 cell phone bill and $100 a month for rent. So my funds are limited for insurance + car payments. Basically i need to know a reliable cheap fast sports car i can get a good insurance rate on. But it also has to get good fuel economy! Sorry for the long rant and me being so picky but please help!""
I need an sr50 and need cheapest insurance in Indpls?
I need an sr50 and need cheapest insurance in Indpls?
Who thinks GEICO is a great insurance company?
I think their ads on TV are so right - they have not only the lowest rates (at least for me), but the best customer service too. I have never filed a claim, but recently requested some insurance record from them. Even though I am not their customer anymore (currently do not own a car), they still were very helpful on the phone, sent me the requested letter immediately and even did a follow up on it. I think they are awesome. Who had similar experience with them or any other company? PS - I am not a GEICO employer :))""
Getting my license in April. Good cars w/ low insurance rates?
I like cars like the Scion tC, Mitsubishi Lancer, ect. Sports cars, but not super nice ones. I'm getting my license in April and will get a car shortly after. I want to get a car like the ones above, but I don't think my dad will want to pay a lot for insurance, but I don't want to get a Jeep, which is what he got my brother and sister since the insurance is low. What are some cars like these that also have good rates for insurance? Price range is any thing lower than $10k.
Help with teen car insurance?!?
on average how much do you pay for your car insurance as a teen and with what company? oh, and where you live?""
I really need insurance help!?
Does anyone know of a cheap health insurance plan in Texas? We don't qualify for Medicaid or anything like that. My husband's plan is close to $600 a month and we can't afford that. It's a shame that my tax dollars pay for these slums insurance and all they do is sit on their butt but decent people like myself trying to make it we get screwed.
How much would it cost to add a Mustang GT under my parents current policy? Would it go up alot?
They currently pay I think its 125-140 dollars monthly for insurance on a 4 door 2003 buick century. So my question is, would it go up alot if I were to buy a GT myself and have them add it to their policy and add myself to it? How much do you think it would go up? BTW i'm talking about a 1987-93 mustang GT. Or chances of a 99. I dont want it to somewhat be fancy or nothing. It could have high mileage. I plan on buying one for around 1-4 grand. Yes the mileage would probably be high, but hell mustangs are cool and it would be my first car :P BTW I'm getting my license when I turn 18. I turn 17 in 2 months. I want to get a job now and start saving up.""
Can i own a bike without insurance or license?
ive got my mod 2 soon and will have my license soon enough. ive seen a bike that i would like to buy and am going to buy it. can i have the bike in the garage? it wont be ridden until i have my license and insurance. just wondering if its against the law yet to own a bike without insurance
What happens if you get caught without auto in card in Texas in an accident in an insured car?
What happens if you get caught without auto in card in Texas in an accident in an insured car?
How long with a car accident affect your insurance rates in California?
I was found at fault for two accidents (damage >$750) a couple years ago and also got ticketed for turning right on a red at a no right on red light. I just spoke with my car insurance company and was told that the accidents will remain on my record for 5 years. Is that true? I looked up the DMV code for California and it looks like the accidents are reportable for only 3 years (no one was hurt, no felony or criminal charges - these were small fender benders). Is the reporting time really 5 years?""
How do I FIND affordable business insurance for my cleaning business.?
I live in illinois in a city I am starting a cleaning business I ahve searched the internet and called around to different insurance companys and got a quote from state farm they want $1000 up front for the year and will not take installments. I was under the impression that the insurance I needed was less expensive. hellllp!!! please help me find something better.
Qualify for state car insurance?
Hello; I'm moving to Virginia soon from New York. I know car insurance there is cheaper, but I hear that you have to live in the state for 6 months to qualify for the state car insurance. For example, I can buy a new car once I move in Virginia. With the new car I should be qualified for the Virginia car insurance?""
Healthcare Homework help?
Here is what i need to find: 1) explore insurance costs for patients with and without cancer 2) will the new Obama healthcare act help patients with cancers be able to access affordable health care insurance rates? 3) do hospitals have the right to reject some patients and refuse care? 4) what are the local, state, and federal laws regarding right to treat? Okay so i've already done some research but some of the questions are kinda vague and im having trouble figuring out what to say and finding info...especially #1. It's supposed to be placed on a poster board for a showcase so it needs to be nice. I dont know much about healthcare so i dont know what i need to focus on?""
Can I cancel my car insurance at any time?
I've been with Zurich car insurance for 1 year and 10months, insured on my mums car as named driver. The time has come to get myself a car on my own insurance. We pay the current insurance monthly. There are two months left on the current policy, is there normally any cancellation fee's? If so, ruffly how much should I be looking at? Also.. Would I have any NCB as I was named driver on the policy? Thanks.""
Approx. Insurance rate for 20 yo male with a 04 G35x sedan?
thinking about buying a G35x after i get back from Afghanistan, just wondering how much insurance might be""
Do you believe in any type insurance ? why ?
what is advantage and disadvantage of insurance ?
Classic Car Insurance for Young Irish Drivers?
I'm looking to insure a 1989 Ford Transit and can't seem to find anyone that can do this as I am only 22. Has anyone ever been able to solve this problem in Ireland? I already have a full policy on a primary car
How can I learn how much money do I have to pay for short term disability insurance?
I am going to start a business. And , I have 11 employees . I would like to get short term disability insurance plan and long term term disability insurance plan for my employees, and life insurance too . How much much money money do I have to pay for this?""
""Fender bender, but did not have insurance?""
hypothetical situation, fender bender. I was in a fender bender, I was not the Fault person, but I did not have any insurance. Does the fault person insurance have to pay me for the damages done to my car even though I didn't have insurance when it happen? the insurance company refuse to pay me for any damages done to my vehicle. If I take them to court will I win. (the question is for me to know if I can get sued because my insurance company is not paying for the damages done to the other vehicle, but she did not have any insurance so they refuse to pay anything.)""
Insurance settlement in Arizona?
I hit rear-ended a guy at about 5MPH back in July. He was in a pickup, I was in my civic. About $800 worth of damage to both vehicles. He complained of no injuries at the scene. I find out he got an attorney and filed a claim against my insurance. My insurance says they are still waiting to get a demand letter. Question: I only have $100,000 in coverage. Is there any chance he could get more than this?""
How much would insurance cost an 18 year old for a car and a motorcycle under his parents insurance?
car is a honda accord 2005 motorcycle is a honda cbr600rr
Insurance for a Car Loan..?
The thing is.. I have just recently gotten my aunt to co-sign for a loan on a 2001 Chrysler Sebring lxi. Me and my boyfriend will be the ones who have the car, but me on the other hand, I currently have a Learners Permit so i'm unable to drive it but my boyfriend has a license therefore he can. So for the Financial Company who is loaning us the money has me on file because i'm the only one with income since he doesn't have a job. The problem i have is that the financial company has my information but I can't get insurance for myself as i will not be driving the car, ONLY my boyfriend. So my question is, since i hold a learners permit and he has the license and will be driving, can i just put his name for the insurance? The financial company asked for Proof of Insurance but i don't know if they'll allow him to have the insurance in his name since the loan is in mine? I don't want to get denied because of that one factor since i already got accepted for the loan. I'm sorry, i'm new at all at this :/ Any help would be appreciated, Thanks!""
Explanation for Insurance quote in Oregon?
Hi folks, I just moved to Oregon from CA. I got a quote from State Farm which suits my need. I just got a quote from an agent. She mentioned something like this in the quote. I have me and my wife as drivers. Automobile liability with W/P $25000 50/100/50. I mean to ask what does W/P $25000 mean? Is it mandatory to have PIP in Oregon? Thanks for your help.""
6month CHEAP car insurance.! plz help?
hi, iam looking for a 6month cheap insurance policy plan for my bf's blazer. the court says he has to have sr22 with a 6month policy... if not he will go to jail. we have found one where 1200 is the cheapest at the moment but i would like to know if there is anything cheaper.""
""Can't afford car payments, car insurance?""
I can no longer afford to make my car payments and car insurance. I was using those checks that you get from credit cards. Now I am in serious credit card debt. It's too late now to try and sell the car because I have missed my 8/15 car payment. I haven't called the bank yet to tell them my situation. Is it a big hassle when I go to call? I still owe $8,000 on it. I wanted to get some advice before I call.""
'95 Acura Integra insurance price?
I live in Texas and I amndering, what would the insurance cost a month for a Black Acura Integra. I am 17. Not exact price just a close estimate.""
How much would insurances cost on a 88 corvette?
im am going to be 16 and going to get a red corvette i was wondering how much would insurance cost for it and i live in CA in LA i well be under my moms insurance pollicy so what would u think it would cost i drive the car a lot and all the car is for looks it not for racing and pick a up all the girls and go to party lol
How much does moped insurance cost?
i am 15 and live in new jersey. i want to attach a 49cc engine to my bicycle. i have done a lot of reading on the subject and have come to find out that this qualifies as a moped. in order to ride it on the street, one of the requirements is insurance. I just want to know how much it costs before i put any money into it. thank you for your help!""
What company has the cheapest teen car insurance?
I'm moving out, and I need insurance! But I can't afford my moms plan anymore since of course, moving out in college is expensive. I've ever had an accident, and I make straight As. Who could you recommend?""
Getting my license in April. Good cars w/ low insurance rates?
I like cars like the Scion tC, Mitsubishi Lancer, ect. Sports cars, but not super nice ones. I'm getting my license in April and will get a car shortly after. I want to get a car like the ones above, but I don't think my dad will want to pay a lot for insurance, but I don't want to get a Jeep, which is what he got my brother and sister since the insurance is low. What are some cars like these that also have good rates for insurance? Price range is any thing lower than $10k.
Is healthcare on medicaid health insurance decent?
my father has to take an array of medications every day for heart problems and high blood pressure. will these be covered? i hear many doctors don't take payment from medicaid, and that poor healthcare is offered through the program, instead of private practitioners, one must go to community clinics, etc. should my father go on medicaid, or is it not worth it?""
I got a ticket for no insurance..?
but i actually did have insurance i just happen to show the officer the wrong one is there anything i can dot to avoid this 3 yr surcharge.
Why are republicans fighting the health insurance mandate and not fighting the car insurance mandate?
If you have to buy car insurance and get penalized for driving without car insurance, whats the difference here? Its as much a privilege to drive as it is to receive healthcare. However no one thinks its an over reach of government to mandate car insurance. When you get in a car accident with an uninsured driver you have to pay for your own damage, so how different is it then when americans use the public healthcare system, the government has to use TAX DOLLARS to pay for their health care. Also why is it being categorized as a Government Takeover of Healthcare ? If I buy health insurance wouldnt it be more like a Privatization of Healthcare seeing that instead of having vast amounts of tax dollars going into the system, the health system would now be funded by the insurance companies by paying out claims.""
What are the pros and cons of car insurance?
What are the pros and cons of car insurance?
Can you get insurance on a vehicle if your license is suspend?
Can you get insurance on a vehicle if your license is suspend?
What type of car would have the cheapest insurance? Over 25 but 2 dui's... I know... stupid...?
I just got my release for my license back and am looking for a new used car. I'm also trying to keep the insurance price down (I'm sure like everyone). Any suggestions on a type of car or insurance company that would be good to use please let me know. thnx
How much would my car insurance go down average?
hi everyone, i am 18 and still on my 1st year car insurance paying 177 a month/2200 a year. 1 litre vauxhall corsa. just wanted an estimate on how much it would go down after the 1st year with no claims from expierienced drivers. thanks :).""
Cheap insurance cars?
What new-ish cars (about 2008 onwards) are amongst the cheapest to insure for a 17 year old male? Not really looking at a stereotypical first car like a Corsa or Clio etc. I know insurance isn't cheap, but what cars have the cheapest available?""
Can i keep the insurance money and not fix my car ? can i still buy insurance in future?
I have a BMW 335i which cost around 29k (BUY LAST YEAR with CASH). I was hit by other guy ,he was at fault so their insurance ( B) absolutely must pay to fix my car .Nothing relate to my insurance ( farmer ). they estimate the cost to fix at their shop is 7k while BMW estimate for me is 13k (if there is hidden cost to fix the car, B will have to pay it too,thats the law). I do not want to drive this accident car anymore ,so can i ask them to write me a final check ,for example 15k to cover everything now and in future (for example they accept the deal). i then will sell the damaged car to somebody for cash and buy another one ? my car is still drivable (in my opinion the stucture would cost like 2 k to get it work perfectly,yet if we do not care the look, the cosmetic it will be a super good car to drive) In case i do not sell the car and fix the structure to drive,keep the money , i heard somewhere from yahoo answer that no insurance company will sell you insurance ??? like i can no longer buy farmers insurance if i do not fix my car ??? IS THIS FOR REAL ? ( because i did not make any claim on my insurance FARMER ) Is there any problem with an accident car ( Car title ,etc....) Is it legal in texas to drive a damaged car ? Will they report it to carfax ( i got police report) ..... So that is my case,with your experience Please give me anything that you know about my case, is there any problem with it, does anything will happen in the future Thanks all so much , please help!""
Which make of cars are cheap to insure?
I'm planning on getting a new car but which car manufacturers make cars that are cheap on insurance? It seems Honda is on the higher side, but I was looking at Mitsubishi and theirs seems pretty low, and Mitsu is the one I was going to go with to begin with. Any suggestions? Assume it's just a normal non-sports car.""
How can I get life insurance on my parents?
I'm 27 and my dad is having his 6th child this month. Which means by the time my little sister is my age I'll be near elderly. Furthermore, as we picked up the cake for the baby shower, my dad informed me that since it's quite likely he may be gone before the child fully matures, I will be left in charge in his absence. Is there anyway to get life insurance for my dad without his consent. I don't mind informing him, but it's something I would like to manage alone.""
Health insurance/medi-cal options for independent full time university students?
Are there insurance options for independent university students? Prior to my 18th birthday I was part of a Kin-Gap program. I remember I received a letter saying I should go on ca.gov to see what benefits I can receive but I'm having a hard time navigating through it.
Why is it that car insurance is Mandatory ?
why is it that if you crash you just can't pay for the damage and not have car insurance ?
Does anyone know of any affordable health insurance for the state Arkansas?
Does anyone know of any affordable health insurance for the state Arkansas?
How much would a Jeep Wrangler cost to insure compared to a Honda Civic?
How much would a 1990-1995 Jeep Wrangler cost to insure compared to a 2004 Honda Civic? It would only be liability insurance, and I live in South Jersey.""
Do i need insurance?
If my mom has geico insurance and im 15 and just got my permit do i need to be on her insurance. Insurance is requiered in oregon but i dont know if teens need it?
State auto insurance vs. state of registration?
I am currently working a temporary job away from home in another state not my permanent residence (I am living there for the term of the employment). While there I bought another vehicle and registered it in that state and when insuring it moved my other car to the policy not realizing this could cause a problem. Now on my first vehicle, which was registered in my home state, the home state has refused to renew the registration because it carries out of state insurance. However, I also don't own the first vehicle, it is owned by my parents who are a resident of my home state, I just use it and pay the insurance. So unless I am missing anything, It looks like I am basically going to be forced to register that vehicle in a state where I do not have residence or cancel my insurance policy and get insurance for only that vehicle through a provider in my home state. Is this it or are there other options? I'm confused because they let me renew last year even though I had the out of state insurance, but I had switched during that year so maybe they considered me part-time or something. I would like to avoid changing any state registrations for the time being, because this process is expensive and complicated between the two states in question. Someone told me the cheapest option might be to get a minimum liability policy on the car in my home state so they will give me registration, but I have never heard of that and I'm not sure if that is ok (having two insurance policies on the same vehicle)? I am not trying to play tricks or loophole anything here, I just want to figure out my options and get this done without costing me a lot of money or time.""
How high is insurance on a BMW?
I found a 1992 BMW 525i in good condition for $1400, how high would insurance be for a newer driver with discounts included?""
Where to get car insurance quote?
Where to get car insurance quote?
""I think I'm pregnant, how do I get Medicaid?""
I took a home pregnancy and it came out positive, two blue lines, one lighter than the other. I want to go to a doctor to confirm it. I dont have insurance but I think I will get Medicaid anyone know where do I go and how to get it ?""
How much is car insurance for 25 year old female?
How much is car insurance for 25 year old female?
Insurance on a ford fiesta 1.25 GHIA?
im 17 and will be having my full license at the very latest January the 1st just wondering the average price for cheapest cover, 5 door 1.25""
How much will insurance try to offer for a stolen 1985 El Camino.?
I had my camino stolen. Show quality, special interest car. How much will an adjuster generally offer since it cant be found in Kelly's Blue Book. Also, whats the process of getting more for it as Im almost positive they wont offer what the car was actually worth?""
Adjudicated speeding citation: what happens to insurance in Florida?
My parents handle my car insurance (Hartford). Go to college in Miami. Parents also live in Miami. Got my 1st speeding ticket (38 mph in a 30 mph zone), took the class, had the citation adjudicated/cleared. Would rather not have my parents find out. A) Will the insurance show my driving record or citation history to my parents? B) Does Florida law allow ANY charges to insurance after points have been cleared?""
A break in car insurance between my old and new car?
Hi, Tomorrow my current car insurance with my S reg corsa is due to expire at 12:00pm (Noon) now I have decided not to bother renewing this as tomorrow night I am going to buy a new car for which I have already put down a deposit. Now I have been told I cannot insure this new car now as I don't own it yet, but im worried that if my car insurance has a break in it then it will affect me - I currently have 2 years no claims and don't want to loose this - does anyone have any knowledge of what happens in the situation? Also with me not being able to insure the car until i own it, how do i go about getting the car back home from the showroom? Please helpppp""
Getting my license in April. Good cars w/ low insurance rates?
I like cars like the Scion tC, Mitsubishi Lancer, ect. Sports cars, but not super nice ones. I'm getting my license in April and will get a car shortly after. I want to get a car like the ones above, but I don't think my dad will want to pay a lot for insurance, but I don't want to get a Jeep, which is what he got my brother and sister since the insurance is low. What are some cars like these that also have good rates for insurance? Price range is any thing lower than $10k.
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