#martin necas fic
behoright · 1 year
electricity (holy series) l b. burns x a. svechnikov x m. nečas
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call me, something / no one, else calls me
summary: andrei and neci cannot seem to get their first night at burnzie's out of their head. especially you. thankfully, their older teammate decides it's time for them to participate.
wordcount:  7k
song: electricity - arctic monkeys
warnings: MINORS DNI. 18+ only. mostly pure smut. includes cursing, dd/lg relationship, dirty talk, baby talk, anal play, bondage, overstimulation, m&f sex toys, orgasm control. slight choking and foot fetish.
PSA: an incredibly bastardized version of a BDSM encounter. please remember things like this require MUCH more communication than what’s portrayed. be safe n take care of yourselves. 
a/n: i.... don't know what to say. this might become a series I THINK IDK. I'm too horny my head hurts. enjoy. love u. honorable mentions to @hoesforthecanes @thejoeburrow @ryanpulock @thejerksquad
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“Print that in your fucking heads and try to do the same when you touch a girl. Every time you see anyone from now on, you’ll think about this, this right here, and how good I can make her feel, just come apart in my hands.”
Martin hadn’t been able to get that out of his head ever since he had gone with the boys to Burnzie’s. The experience was so hot, and so, unfortunately for him, incredibly humbling, that he hadn’t even gone out to try and meet any new girls. Brent had a point, and it was delivered clearly to all of them. Just like him, Andrei had been spending most of his time at the rink as well. The security guards were tired of waiting late for him, sitting around by the doors, with their keys in their hands, but he didn’t care. The more he skated, the less he thought about the way Burnzie had him tie your hands. Any free moment and his mind would get flooded with the memory of you bouncing on Brent; your smell, your moans. 
The guys had talked about what happened amongst each other, but very little. They all seemed pretty functional, going back to the clubs and the dating apps. It was no coincidence that the only two that were struggling were Andrei and Neci - they were, after all , the only ones that had participated last time. 
So, Burnzie had known this was coming ever since he first send that text. At least one of them was bound to the back to ask for more. 
The tension was there, and he had caught them more than a couple of times staring and whispering. 
It was just a matter of time. And courage, which they seemed to lack. As more time went by, the more they would act more secretive and overall strange towards Burnzie, the more tiresome it was becoming for him. So one day, right after practice, the rubberband snapped. 
“What’s up, kids?” he said, not even bothering to turn around. He could feel their eyes, burning into him as he packed his bag. 
“Uh, we were just wondering about-, uh-”
“About the room.” Burnzie helped them finish their sentence. He couldn’t believe that they were in their 20s, acting like children that didn’t know how to ask for candy. 
“What about it?”
“Uh, do you-, do that a lot?”
“Frequently. Why?”
“We just thought maybe…”
“We could come back.” Andrei spewed out.
“And why do you want to come back?” Brent said, eyes still focused on his gear. 
“Maybe we can watch more.” The boys said, looking at each other. 
“You two are the only ones that entered the room, and now you’re the only ones asking to come back. You think I believe you only want to watch?”
“We thought maybe, we could just, learn more.”
“More hands-on.” Martin tried to clarify. 
Brent smirked.
“Expect a text from me.”
They quietly celebrated. Burnzie finally turned around to face them.
“And don’t expect anything else. Remember that.”
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“Don’t expect anything else.”
What in the world could that have meant? Andrei wondered as he sped through the deserted roads that led to Burnzie’s property. It was a chilly Friday night, the moon shining bright in the clear sky, when the two guys found themselves driving back to the place they craved to be in the most. 
They were at the door right on time, as the text instructed. 5 minutes earlier, or 5 minutes later, and they would have lost their chance. The same maid led them down the long hallway, right up to the same door. This time, right as they were inserting their phones in the locked box, two forms expected them on the table that was adjacent. 
“Read it and sign it. I’m going to need that if you want to come in this time.” the maid uttered. 
Their pulse sped up as their eyes scanned through the words.
over 21 years old….
…..agreement of my own free will…..
….private agreement not to be disclosed with third parties…
agree to consent in all or some of the following sexual practices…..
They looked at each other, picked up the pen, and signed it before handing it over to the maid. 
What in the world had they gotten themselves into?
They walked into the dark viewing room, which was set up the same as last time. Tonight, there was no exploring it or wandering around. Both of them sat immediately, no words exchanged. Only the sound of anxious breaths filled up the space. A waiver meant that they were definitely participating. 
The bedroom looked as spectacular as last time, today with added features. Right in between the bed and the fireplace sat a normal, very simple wooden chair, with two small side tables posing at each side. 
The fireplace was on and roaring with flames. Andrei noticed Brent’s cufflinks already set on the nightstand, just like last time. He guessed that there was not going to be an introduction this time. 
Their breaths loudly hitched as soon as the door to the bedroom opened, Brent walking you in, already naked. 
“Sit here, baby.”
Tonight there was no kissing, no talking, no preparation.
When you sat down, Martin took note of a little clear droplet running down your leg. He wondered if you had already started before they got there. 
“Daddy’s friends are going to help today, baby, remember?” You nodded, body quivering with anticipation.
“Use your words.”
“That’s much better, isn’t it.” he said, placing a kiss on your forehead before revealing a dark cloth in his hands. He wasted no time in wrapping it tightly around your eyes. 
“Come here. Hurry the fuck up.” Brent barked, for the first time tonight facing the window. The two guys scrambled to get up and head through the small door, now walking back into the room that had haunted their dreams ever since they first encountered it. 
“Don’t even fucking dare to look at her.”
Burnzie stood behind both guys, his face close to their ears. 
“If you need to stop, at any point, you say red. If you’re feeling uncomfortable, yellow. Green is go, as you know, and only to be said when I ask. Speaking up is necessary, here. Say yes if you understand.”
“Yes.” they said in unison.
“Do not do anything that I don’t tell you to do. I need you to be honest, here. Don’t pretend you know something if you don’t. We need to keep it safe. Say yes if you understand.”
“Yes.” Brent could hear the trembling and tightness in his teammates’ voices.
“I won’t touch you, okay? You’re not here for me, you’re here for her. You can leave at any moment, boys.” Burnzie reassured them, patting their back. “It’ll be fun.”
And just like that, his demeanor changed again, as he walked over back to you.
Brent stood behind the chair. He pointed at Martin and signaled for him to come over. 
“Stand here. Don’t move. Look forward.” he said, positioning Neci directly behind you.
“Come.” he motioned to Andrei, now standing in front of you. “Don’t look at her.”
The boys saw Brent walk over to the dresser in the corner of their eyes. The silence felt heavy in the room, as the anticipation was slowly bringing the temperature up. The older man came back, hands armed with goodies.
“Did I tell you to look somewhere else, or did I tell you to look forward, Neci?” Brent barked as he laid out the objects on the side table that sat a few feet from the chair.
“Uh- sorry.” Martin said, sharply turning his head back forward. Somehow, with his back turned, he had felt Neci’s gaze move. Shit. 
They did their best to not look at each other but instead directly beyond, with their chins raised. 
“Hold this.”
Brent handed Andrei some rope. He didn’t dare to look down at it, but it felt different than the one he had him use last time. This one felt thinner and much softer than the thick, beige rope from the other night. He couldn’t really tell, but he was mostly sure that Neci was holding some rope as well.
“You’re being so patient, princess. Are you ready, baby?”
Brent surprised Andrei by moving behind him and placing a strong hand on his shoulder, pushing him down to his knees. 
“How much do you remember from what you did last time, Andrei?” he said, towering over him. 
“Most of it.” 
Brent’s eyebrows shot up.
“You’ve never lacked confidence, kid.” he chuckled. “So you know how to handle it and feel it now. Let’s try something new.”
Brent squatted next to the kneeling Russian and began to instruct him how to tie your ankles to the legs of the chair. 
“You see how this part’s looped? That’s called the bite.”
“Now bring this part through.”
“Split that in half, and wrap it in between her leg and the chair. Yes.”
“Do a square knot like last time. Yes, over and under, good.” 
No matter how many times you’d done this, you had never gotten tired of the feeling of the rope. The slight scratching of the fibers on your skin as his fingers looped it around you, the way it moved your body unwillingly as it pulled you in different directions, it never failed to make you shiver. It allowed you to only feel some parts of their hands - a graze of his palm, the tough tip of his finger, or even a tiny tickle from the hair on his arm. 
You could hear Brent instructing Andrei, keeping his voice low and strong, on how to safely secure your ankle and eventually run the rope up your leg to loop it around your shin, right under your knee, to solidify the knots altogether.
“You see how this part runs parallel to the leg of the chair? That’s how we keep her from moving too much. Can you move, flower?”
You wiggled your leg - the rope only gave you a tiny space to move.
“Good. Let’s do the same on the other one.”
While the two men moved over to tie your other leg, Martin had done his best not to look. You could feel the heat coming off of him, his body so close to your back. Eventually, as you found your bottom limbs mostly immobile, Brent stood back up and walked over to Neci.
He thought that out of the two, he looked the most nervous, but perhaps it was too hard to tell how fast Andrei’s heart was beating, with his eyes stuck on the ground below him. He was to remain on his knees, and so he did. Try everything once, right?
“Have you ever done this before?”
“Uh, no.”
“That’s fine. This one’s not too hard. Give us your hands, my love.” he instructed you. You moved your hands so that your forearms touched the sides of the chair rest. 
“Don’t touch her hands. Start by looping the rope at the end like this. Try it.”
You could feel Martin shake as he began to slowly and carefully wrap the rope around your wrists. Before he knew it, you were secured to the chair. Neci’s chest puffed, a small smile spreading on his face. Maybe he could do this; perhaps this could be his life. He dreamed about having his own property, his own dream house, filled with rooms with hidden ropes and bondage chairs. Brent was quick to pop Martin’s bubble, pushing him to his knees, just as Andrei was sitting on the other side of the chair. 
“Keep looking down.”
Neither of them had ever been in a humbling position like this before. Andrei thought about all of the times he had pushed a girl to her knees in the countless hotel rooms he’d been in. Is this what it felt like? All the times Martin had taken pleasure in letting his erection spring into a girl’s face. No one could have ever told them to get on their knees for someone else. Well, no one until now. 
What surprised them both was how their bodies responded to it all. It was possible that their pants felt extra tight thanks to your naked body, sitting spread open and helpless in front of them, but even then, they weren’t looking at you. They really hadn’t gotten a good look at you this whole time. And it was obvious that they had no control over you. As much as they were dying to, they weren’t able to do whatever they wanted to you. 
So why were their cocks throbbing so hard already?
“You did so amazing at sitting so still while we tied you up, little one. I think it’s about time we give you what you need, don’t you think?”. Brent said as his fingers worked to undo the knot that kept black cloth over your eyes. Looking down, you saw the two boys exactly how you thought they’d be - both kneeling, one in front of you and one behind you, panting so hard you could feel their breaths on your feet and legs. 
“Are you wet, angel?” 
You bit your lip and nodded, your eyes, big and sparkling with lust, staring up at Brent.
“Yeah? Did it make you wet when you felt the boys tying you up?”
Andrei gulped, as quietly as possible. They both hoped it wasn’t too obvious how straining this was starting to become for them, their cocks quickly swelling up in their pants. It was so much, and they hadn’t even taken their clothes off just yet.
“I bet Andrei would love to see your wet little pussy.” he said, as you keep nodding slowly. “That’s too bad he can’t”. You tilted your head towards him, still towering over you.
“You can look down at him, my sweet, he’s not allowed to look at you.” You tentatively peeled your eyes off Brent to look at the kneeling Russian in front of you. You could see the flush that had overtaken his body, his ears, and the back of his neck boiling with heat. 
“Do you know why, petal?”
“No, Daddy.”
“Because they’re not fucking worthy, that’s why.” he said aggressively, his hand bringing up your chin to push past your lips with his tongue. 
Brent began one of his favorite dances with you, engulfing your mouth with his tongue and spit. He loved to see you all flushed and short of breath when he pulled back, your lips now rough and blushed due to his beard scratching your delicate skin. You kept your mouth open, making Brent’s cock twitch, before getting on his knees to grab your face and kiss you again. The harder the kiss was, the more dramatically the boys’ chests would heave, and the more restless you became. 
“Is this turning you on, dove?” he whispered, his lips still grazing yours. “Look at you, trying to move your hips against those tight binds. Are you craving touch down there, my baby?”
“Yes, yes.” you answered, your eyes still closed in exasperation, patiently hoping to feel his lips back on yours again. 
“I can’t believe I’ve made you wait that long, princess. How awful of me.” he said, in between pecks, one of his hands reaching towards the small table behind him. 
“Focus on me, baby. Give me your sweet, sweet tongue again.” he said, so close that his nose was touching yours. You obediently stuck out your tongue, craving more of his mouth on yours. Brent’s green eyes focused on your open mouth, opening his own. He licked your tongue slowly, at first with little kitten licks and eventually wrapping himself wholly around you, bringing on another feverish makeout session. It was so dirty, letting his spit dribble in your mouth like that, and it made your cunt feel so, so empty. It felt so good that you didn’t notice the rubbery touch of a vibrator now positioned right on your clit until Brent turned it on. 
The initial vibrations caught you by surprise, letting out a loud moan into Burnzie’s mouth. 
“That’s right, baby, there it is. I bet it feels so good, doesn’t it?” he coaxed, making sure to keep it steadily pressed on your sensitive bud.
The whole scene had been making the boys more and more impatient. Seeing as how you were both so enthralled with each other, Andrei was getting away with slowly grinding his hips up in the air. Martin, meanwhile, was focusing on his breath, attempting to control the overwhelming urge to undo his pants. 
But Brent noticed. Of course, he noticed. Everything that went on in that room was always under his control. He moved over behind Andrei, his arm long enough to keep the vibrator pushing against you. 
“Take your shirts off.” he ordered. 
Before he could blink, both of his teammates were now kneeling shirtless. They were so desperate Brent almost felt bad for them. He took Andrei’s sweaty hand and positioned it on the barrel of the vibrator. 
“Keep it there. Make her cum, and don’t look at her.”
Andrei tried to stay as immobile as he could, making sure that the toy stayed on your clit. Never before had he felt so… ashamed? It was a strange feeling, and it was hard to take it when all of his senses were getting so consumed so easily. The mix of your moans, your smell, the vibrations that recoiled in his clammy palms and his teammate’s heavy breathing were starting to make him feel dizzy. Not to even mention how hard his cock was already. 
Martin’s mouth dropped when he realized it was Andrei that was in charge of the vibrator. If he was sitting in front of you, and that was his job, then what was Burnzie going to make him do?
“Do you know what these are?” Brent asked him.
“Have you ever used them before?”
“No.” he gulped.
“Dip them in here. Go very, very slow.”
“Arch your back for us, love. Yeah, just like that.” 
It was difficult in the most delicious way to keep your back arched. The young man sitting in front of you was trying so hard to keep the toy still, despite your trembling, that it was almost endearing. It turned you on to no end when Brent told you what to do; but when you saw him instruct other people, it was game over. Andrei’s hand started shaking, distracting you from the conversation that Brent was having behind you. You were getting closer and closer to your orgasm, the situation already proving too much for your system. Just when you thought you couldn’t take it anymore, a cold feeling filled your asshole. You were brought back to the murmurs of the men behind you, a gasp accompanying yours as the cold feeling returned again. And again. 
Anal beads. Brent really did know how to work you right. 
“Is he doing good, my girl?” you heard Brent coax. 
“Fuck, yes, yes. Oh, please, Daddy.”
“Yeah, you’re going to cum, aren’t you? Already, my sensitive girl, look how much you’re trembling.”
Andrei was basically huffing and moaning at this point, his knuckles white as he gripped the wand so hard. 
“Can-can I-, I-” you attempted to get out.
“Oh, you don’t have to ask today, baby. Cum all you want, my good girl.” Brent interrupted, placing a strong hand on your head. You moaned, louder than intended, as your orgasm ripped right through you. Fortunately, you only got louder when Brent ordered Neci to slowly pull out the beads from you, which only contrasted how tight you were squeezing your sex as waves of pleasure washed over you. 
“Again.” Brent barked, and not at you. 
The boys kept going, and you only got more restless, your wrists becoming raw from pulling at your restraints so hard as you came. 
Andrei couldn’t keep his gaze on his floor. He noticed that as you got more overstimulated and closer to your peak once again, your toes would wiggle more and more, your legs fighting against the rope. It reminded Andrei of the last time he was here, and he finally understood why Burnzie had instructed him to look at your feet that night. There was something about seeing the pleasure take over your whole being, even your feet, unable to stay steady from what he was doing to you. He was yanked out of his thoughts when he saw a string of fluid come into his peripheral vision. He turned his head back to the floor, now a tiny puddle of juices forming right before his eyes. 
You were dripping off the chair. 
The more came down, the louder Andrei whimpered, which along with Neci’s cursing sent you over the edge, seeing stars once again in just a few minutes. 
Brent yanked the vibrator out of Andrei’s hand, turning it off and placing it away, leaving you breathless and whimpering.
“You made such a mess, my baby. You know how Daddy feels about messes.”
You could only moan, overstimulation taking over you, as Neci was getting the hang of how to touch you right. 
“Someone’s going to have to clean this up.”
Andrei’s heart dropped. All he wanted was to taste you, touch you, or fuck, even just see you. See how good you looked all swollen and ready to be filled up. He didn’t think he’d get there, but honestly, he would have done anything to get any relief. 
Out of the blue, his eyes suddenly became covered by the dark cloth of a blindfold.
“Color, Andrei?”
“Make her feel good, Svech.”
He immediately lunged forward, getting what he was dreaming of, his tongue eagerly licking every single patch of wet skin, bead of cum, every corner, every fold of you. He would thrust his tongue into your opening to overwhelm his senses with waves of your sweet nectar, just to widen his mouth and spread it all over your cunt. The motion of Andrei’s actions, the whole bottom of his face working overtime, added to the feeling of Neci’s digits, who was randomly alternating his fingers and the cold, metal beads in and out of you, was making you scream. You were dripping from every hole with spit, lube and cum, and it felt so fucking dirty. Martin was absolutely mesmerized at how easily your body would welcome the toy, how your fingers would twitch whenever he pulled the silver beads out of you. The closer Andrei was getting you to another orgasm, the tighter your asshole would get, shifting the objects inside you, causing the utmost pleasure for you, and consequently for the viewing pleasure of Neci. He had become a mess, grinding fully into nothing, joining you with his own moans and groans every time he would see one of the beads come out of your body. 
“Look how much they adore you, my girl. They’d do anything for you right now, you see?”
“Oh, fuck, yes, Daddy.” you whimpered. 
Brent was standing so close, a big wet spot on his boxers. Sticking your tongue out, you tried to reach for him. His eyes rolled, pelvis subconsciously moving forward towards you.
“Oh, such a good girl.” he said, as you licked his cock over his boxers.
“You could have all the men in the world at your feet, and you’d still choose your Daddy over them, wouldn’t you?.” You nodded, keeping the tip of your tongue focused on the head of his cock, which was pushing hard against the fabric of his underwear.
“Taste me, doll. Only me.” he uttered, taking his underwear off and guiding himself into your mouth. “Slowly, angel. Savor me. This is what you fucking do to me, my girl.” 
Brent’s salty precum burst on your tongue as you swirled his head slowly. He loved it when you took your time with him, getting him off for your pleasure only. Seeing you lick his member, tracing every single vein and ridge with the tip of your tongue, your eyes so satisfactorily attempting to look at him, ripped groans out of his chest every single time. 
“You’re so, so good. Have I told you today, princess?”
You nodded, starting to tremble again from the three men taking over your body.
“You’re so perfect. You look so good with your holes all filled up.” 
You moaned, sending vibrations through Brent’s cock again.
“Yeah, you fucking like that, don’t you, flower? Daddy’s friends are making you feel so good.
You want to know a secret? Daddy only invited them because he knew how sexy you’d look all filled up like this. He doesn’t give a fuck about them. I only care about you, petal.”
Hearing those words made Brent’s teammates work overtime, causing your eyes to roll back into your head as you released yourself once again, all over Andrei’s tongue.
“Yeah, let it go, my baby. Just like that, good girl.” he said, walking you through your orgasm. 
As soon as you came down, Brent pushed both guys away from you, swiftly undoing your ropes.
“Go fucking get her some water. Fast.” 
They must have found it quickly, because as soon as the ropes touched the ground, Brent held you up, gently pouring cold, fresh water in your mouth.
“That’s okay, love. Good job, like that. Breathe deep, my baby. You’re doing okay?” he asked, his eyes studying your face. 
“Yes. Thank you, Daddy.” you said, feeling refreshed.
“My sweet girl. Are you ready to keep going?”
“Yes.” you said, welcoming a smile from Burnzie.
“Take your pants off. Go sit.” he instructed the guys.
They sat in the chairs next to the side of the bed, both flushed and sweaty, too horny to even care about what they looked like. 
You got on your knees in front of them, right in the middle of the two chairs. Brent took a seat on the bed behind you, facing his two teammates. 
Slowly, you finally touched them, running your hands on both of their thighs. They had never felt so much pleasure from a such simple touch. They both threw their head back, the softness of your palm sending waves of electricity through their bodies. You kept moving closer to their cocks, hard and throbbing, wishing to feel a twinge of pressure. Your fingertip circled close to Andrei’s hip, coming in contact with his pubic hair, while your other hand ran up and down the inside of Martin’s thigh, inching closer to the base of his cock. They couldn’t help but twitch, every tiny movement another surge of heat and pleasure. 
The metallic, clicking sound took them out of their heat wave, realizing that they weren’t able to move their feet. While you were teasing them, building up now ruined anticipation, you used your other hand to lock their feet into the metal cuffs that came attached to the bondage chair. 
“Is this okay?” you asked, almost innocently. “Could you do this for me?” You could basically hear Brent’s smirk from behind you.
Speechless, the two young men nodded slowly. Andrei’s hand, firmly gripped his hair, while Neci tried his best to keep his whimpers to a low volume. Both of their feet were now shackled to the chairs; they couldn’t move from their chairs at all.
“Oh, my little mischievous girl. I bet you didn’t think she’d be this naughty, huh?
Yeah, you guys thought you’d come in here and have your way with her. You had no clue how playful she is. She’s had you wrapped around her finger since the moment you saw her for the first time, and you stupidly thought it was the other way around.” Brent said, walking up to you and petting your head tenderly. 
“Did you think she’d be so clueless, boys? That this is not a two-way relationship? You thought I keep her in this big house, always ready for me, and that she just gets used for me.
No, boys. She knows just as much as me, and way more than you do. And that’s exactly why you won’t get to touch her again today.”
Brent walked back over to you, holding out his hand to help you up and bring you two behind Andrei and Martin.  
“That’s okay. You get to be this bad because deep down, we know you’re only good for me, right?” he said, giving you a heated kiss.
Martin thought he was going to have a heart attack once he felt your hand on his shoulder. Just the way it felt on his burning skin made him buckle his hips, aggressively enough that the chair moved up with him. 
“Take a deep breath.” you whispered in his ear while Brent got the toys ready behind you. “You’re doing okay?” 
“Yes, fuck, yes, I just need-, I need you to-”
“You don’t need her to fucking do anything.” Brent chimed in, aggressively.
“Just take a deep breath for me.” you reminded him.
Martin breathed deeply, and so did Andrei, who was listening to the conversation as well. 
Neci’s eyes had been shut for a while now, way too consumed with the way the desire felt running through his veins, so much so that he didn’t realize you moving a toy in front of him. 
Andrei had never seen anything like it before. It was cylindrical and white, with some buttons on top, and as you hovered it above Neci’s cock, lube came out of it, dripping onto his swollen head. The cold feeling made him whimper loudly, right before moaning ripped out of him as soon as you placed the sex toy all the way down to his base. 
“Hold it, just like that.” you said, kindly, before moving on to stand behind Andrei. Just as quickly as it happened to his teammate, the feeling that wrapped around his dick caused his flushed stomach to tighten with pleasure. It felt wet, and warm, and nothing like what he had felt before. If you didn’t have to tell Martin twice, you didn’t have to tell Andrei once, who grabbed onto the toy fast, pushing his hips up into it. He looked back at you, his eyelids only halfway open, as he began to fuck the sex toy as diligently as he could with his legs constricted. He watched your face as he moaned incredibly loudly, almost groaning, inching to get more and more from the toy. You wiped a sweat bead off of his eyebrow, just as Brent’s arms wrapped around you. 
“You’re way too kind, my dove.” he muttered into your temple. “Say fucking thank you.” Brent barked at Andrei.
“Th-, thank you. So much.” he stumbled out in between moans. 
“Come, flower. Let’s show them who you belong to.” he said, picking you up bridal style and throwing you onto the mattress. 
Finally, your hot, big Dom was positioning himself at your entrance. Not before grabbing his phone, and to their surprise, turning on the toys for the guys. If they were moaning loudly before, the suction and vibrations that initiated around their cocks basically caused primal growls to fill the room. 
Brent entered you, swiftly, the swollen head of his thick dick coming flush with your cervix in the most pleasurable pain. 
“Oh, fuck, Daddy.”
“I cannot wait any longer, little one. I want to claim you so badly.” he said, moving his hips harshly against yours. Brent was a sweet Dom, but when he claimed you, he fucked hard, and you loved every second of it. The room was filled with the sounds of men moaning for you, making you even weaker than before. 
“My girl. You’re my fucking girl, yeah, baby?”. You moaned dramatically in response.
“Who do you belong to? Tell me, angel.”
“You, you, you,” you repeated, your eyes stuck at the back of your head as he kept pounding himself inside you.
It had finally dawned on them. Andrei and Martin understood, as they were being consumed by pleasure, what it was. The power dynamic, the push and pull. The fact that you had them at your disposal and you couldn’t care less. The fact that they had suffered for so long, had made you cum countless times, and all they had gotten in return was… a sex toy. At the end of it all, the whole team could have been in the room, on their knees, sweating and panting, reaching for you, and you only would have looked at Brent. You only wanted to get on your knees for Brent. You trusted him enough to bring random men into the room, to blindfold you and tie you up, but only him. And it hadn’t felt forced. They had only seen you smile at him. You only giggled when he picked you up. All those times that Andrei had used a cheap pair of handcuffs on a whatever short-term girlfriend, craving something more; times that they had tried spanking their date, or been called Daddy - it just ended up making them cringe. They didn’t believe it. What they were missing was… this. 
The motorized toy was doing wonders for them, picking up the pace and pressure just right, and slowing down right when they felt they were getting too close. But that was starting to take a toll.
“Oh, shit. Oh, oh, shit.” Martin moaned, getting too close to his peak.
“Don’t you fucking dare.” Brent growled at him while he turned you around, placing you on your hands and knees. The way your mouth dropped open when he entered you again made Andrei’s chest, now completely flushed, heave really hard, moving the chair slightly at his twitches and thrusts.
“No one gets to cum before she does.” Brent said, pounding over and over into you.
“Oh Daddy, slow it down for them.”
 you said, attempting to reach out to the phone sitting on the nightstand. Brent’s hand easily reached out to you, grabbing your wrist and holding it behind your back.
“They’re here for you. Not the other way around. Don’t fucking forget it.”
“Do you need to be reminded, flower?” Brent uttered, his hips now slamming even harder against your ass. 
“Do you need to cum more, baby? So you can remember what your purpose here is?
"Look at them. Look at how fucking pathetic they look. They’d do anything to touch you right now. A graze of your skin, a drop of your cum on their tongue would make them explode.”
“Fucking say it. Tell her.”
“I’d- I’d do anything to touch you.” Martin repeated, his normal tone muffled by the pleasure. 
Andrei couldn’t fight it; he knew Burnzie was right. He felt incredibly pathetic. But he didn’t care. He couldn’t care less that the chair was moving, and he was fighting hard against the restraints while fucking his length hard into the sex toy. He moaned harder and louder than he ever had before in an attempt to control his orgasm from coming early. The top of the toy had sealed, creating a vacuum that only heightened the pleasure, torturing them both more.
“Блядь, блядь, блядь.”
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
All of his inhibitions had gone out of the window. He was needy, and desperate for touch, and spit and cum and release like never before. He couldn’t even hear his teammate next to him moaning anymore. It had all blended into the most overstimulating sound for him.
“Это так чертовски горячо.”
This is so fucking hot.
He simply couldn’t bring himself to try and keep it together. No English, nothing. He was one hundred percent under the spell of you, someone who was ironically getting fucked by his older teammate.
“Я должен был сидеть там, с твоей киски капало прямо передо мной, сливки заливали весь стул и пол, и я, блядь, я ничего не мог сделать.”
I had to sit there with your pussy dripping right in front of me, creaming all over the chair and the floor and I fucking, I couldn't do anything.
Martin heard him speak, but didn’t know if he was losing it from holding it in so much, or if his friend was rambling in Russian next to him.
“Я не могу поверить, что мне пришлось, мне пришлось сидеть так долго, слыша твои стоны и, черт возьми, звук шариков, входящих и выходящих из тебя, боже, детка, черт возьми.”
I can't believe I had to, I had to sit for so long, hearing you moan and, fuck, the sound of the beads moving in and out of you, god, baby, fuck.
The more they held back their orgasm, the harder they seemed to move their hips up, chairs scratching the hardwood floor underneath them. Andrei couldn’t even see you clearly anymore, his eyes blurred by lust and sweat.
“Это так приятно, но, о черт, я чертовски сильно хочу, чтобы твой рот был на мне, твоя грязная девчонка. То, как ты позволяешь ему делать с тобой все, что угодно, тебе даже наплевать на нас, когда я сижу здесь и умоляю скользнуть в твою прелестную пизду. О, детка. Я хочу этого так чертовски сильно.”
“This feels so good but, oh fuck, I want your mouth on me so fucking bad, you dirty girl. The way you let him do anything to you, you don't even care about us, when I sit here and I beg to slide in your pretty cunt. Oh, baby. I want it so fucking bad.”
“I-, I can’t fucking hold it in anymore.” Martin whimpered pathetically. “I’m going to fucking, explode, oh fuck, so soon.” 
“Когда, когда я наконец прикоснулся к тебе губами, я думал, что кончу себе в штаны, я так сильно хотел тебя.”
“When, when I finally put my lips on you, I thought I was going to cum in my pants I wanted you so bad.” 
Your back arched, staring at the two guys lost in pleasure in front of you. Brent had grabbed you by the throat, his beard tickling your shoulder as he mumbled praises in your ear. Praises that were muffled, almost unheard, covered by the noise of the chairs creaking as they moved, Brent’s balls hitting your clit every time he bottomed out inside you, Russian mixed with moaning and the ringing that came from your ears as soon as you released yourself all over him and the bed; sticky, slick juices exploding out of your swollen cunt, covering Brent’s thighs.
“Я собираюсь вернуться, куколка. Я должен вернуться и, блядь, заставить тебя кончить на меня, устроить беспорядок на мне, черт.”
I'm going to be back, doll. I have to come back and fucking have you cum all over me, make a mess all over me, shit. 
“Good fucking girl, baby. I’m going to mark you, my doll. You’re going to be mine forever now, shit.” Brent growled in your ear before squeezing your body tight, releasing himself and pumping you full with so much cum that it seeped over before he was even done, or before you had a chance to catch your breath.
“Fuck, that’s hot. Fuck, oh, fuck!” Martin exclaimed as he finally released in the sex toy, primitive noises ripping out from his chest.
Andrei was the last one to finish, and a sight to see. He fucked himself done inside the toy hard, cumming harder than ever before with a piercing growl and a clenched jaw. He sat and watched his cum run down his pelvis and legs as he pulled the toy off of him, tossing it aside as he heaved heavily, on the border of hyperventilation, his bright red face and chest dripping in sweat.
Brent left you empty on the bed, scrambling to unlock his teammates and bringing them over to his California king mattress for a rest. Before laying down with you, he grabbed candy and water from the nightstand, tossing it to his friends as he held you again.
“You’re alright, dove?” he asked, holding your face. It was a miracle that your eyes were even putting up a struggle to stay open. “No, no, no, doll, stay with me. Open your eyes.” he said, sitting up alarmingly. 
The guys heard how his tone of voice switched and set aside their own exhaustion to come around you. 
“Stay awake, baby, I need to know that you’re okay.” he repeated, setting your head on his chest. Andrei opened his bag and placed a piece of candy on your lips. The burst of sugar and citric acid woke you up, welcoming the sweetness inside your mouth. You began sucking diligently on the piece of candy as you cuddled up to Brent, placing kisses on his scruffy neck. 
“Atta girl, much better.” he coaxed, now more relaxed. “Eat some up, boys, it’ll help.” he said, watching his friends chug from the water bottles. 
It was nice that you could all sit together and cuddle in silence, replenishing themselves and slowly feeding you candy, water, and kisses. 
“All good, love?” Brent asked in between pecks.
“Yes.” you whispered.
“Much better. Take your nap now.” he said, with a kiss on your forehead. 
You fell asleep, soundly in his arms, and Brent was left with two tired and still very giddy boys in his bed. Their eyes sparkling, waiting for him to say… something.
“You guys did well. Want to come back next week?”
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the official hockey masterlists! they've been a long time coming, but i wasn't originally planning on writing so much hockey fic lol. it’s been a fun, wild year of fic! i did my best to capture everything i’ve written, but if there’s something that’s not on here let me know and i’ll add it in ☺️
if i’ve written two or more fics, he gets a masterlist, otherwise i’m just going to link to the fic or headcanon or blurb on this post
i hope you guys have as much fun reading these fics as i did writing them! 🤍
andrei svechnikov
mat barzal
brady skjei
martin necas
miscellaneous players
tyler seguin
champagne buzz down to my toes* (12.1k) new year’s eve in las vegas gets out of hand when you meet tyler, a gorgeous stranger in the club
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mp0625 · 7 months
Husband, One Night Stand, Best Friend for:
Freddie Andersen
Martin Necas
Andrei Svechnikov
Husband: Freddie Andersen, all of same reasons as you, he’s my boy. I have a thing for goalies!😳He was the player I got my first jersey of. The one who got me into hockey and the NHL because of a fic I read on Ao3. I normally have a Freddie header but I changed it up for Christmas.
One Night Stand: Martin Necas, I like him pretty good player, would be friends with him, but out of the three my least favorite.
Best Friend: Andrei Svechnikov, pretty as hell and awesome player also knows Pyotr and I love him!!!
Ask me any players or drivers!!!
Husband, One night stand, Best friend
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sydnikov · 3 years
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Status: CLOSED.
NOTE: My prompt list for requesting is below. Please keep in mind that these tropes/prompts with or without links are merely guides, you are free to request whatever you wish.
...after you check out these links below :)
Players I write for
Blog/writing rules
Happy requesting!
Prompt List:
NOTE: All of the links attached in this prompt section are just starters I like. You do not have to request from this list specifically or the links attached.
sidenote: The "tropes" section is separate from the "prompts" section. If you want to request a trope, it is optional to include a prompt from the "prompts" section.
Separate section from the Fluff & Angst Prompts
Enemies to lovers: One, Two, Three
Friends to lovers
Strangers to lovers
Soulmates AU
Established relationship
Dialogue (scroll to the "fluff" section)
Dialogue (scroll to the "angst" and/or "general" section)
EXAMPLE: Can I request #1 from the Angst Prompt list with #11 from the Enemies to lovers prompt list One for Andrei Svechnikov?
Don't feel limited to just this list of tropes and prompts!! The ones I put down are just my personal favorites. Feel free to request anything else. (with keeping in mind my blog rules please)
Join my taglists:
18- (SFW)
18+ (NSFW)
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caixxa · 3 years
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Caixa's Hockey rpf masterlist
All my fics are on my Ao3 account (caixa).
My football rpf masterlist
Most of them are locked and only visible for logged in users.
All longfics are complete.
Most of my works are in English, some are also available in Finnish, my native language.
In English:
boy from the north country - Aho/TT, Finnish hockey boys and Carolina Hurricanes ensemble. Friends to lovers to established relationship from 2016 to 2020. Fluff, angst, smut, strong emphasis on fluff. 1 and 2 are my earliest works in the fandom.
hot tramp, daddy’s little cutie (Rating: M, Length: 5240 words)
Jussi at Jussi’s (in the brightness of my night) (E, 29025, 5 chapters)
When dusk and dawn embrace (T, 2594)
Thick ice, thin ice (T, 4655)
Ikuinen vappu (T, 1598, middle part unfinished
Do not film this - Aho/multi (TT, Andrei, Rod, Roope are the main ones; also C.Price, Pekka, Juuse...). Porn industry AU. Don't let the wall of tags scare you, it all makes sense - the main character is a polyamorous porn actor who films with multiple partners and has various developing relationships going on in his personal life.
camera ready (E, 89185, 43 chapters)
money shot (E, 77472, 33 chapters) - sequel to 1
Do not film me (E, 12387, 15 chapters) - prequel to 1
Country Comforts (E, 38277, 19 chapters) - spin-off of 1, farm/ranch/sugardaddy AU
Andrei and Sebastian: Flowers by caixa-says-bye (caixa) - G/T - super short deleted scene from 2
King and Prince of Carolina - Aho/Williams, Aho/Rod and Aho/Williams/Rod, daddy kink, love triangle, smut with feelings and plot, heavily influenced by real-life events.
LET'S GO (E, 2505)
Still of the Night (E, 6803, 5 chapters)
Lost and Found (T, 900)
Moral Compasses and Magnetic Fields (E, 3090)
don't twist my arm, don't hold your breath (E, 5565)
CCTV (E, 10169)
Sour Grapes - Aho/Wardo, 2017-2018, cheating, smut, angst
Pinot Noir (E, 15730, 2 chapters)
Pinot Blanc (E, 29321, 3 chapters)
Pinot Gris (E, 9454, 2 chapters)
Brut Rosé (E, 4541)
2088 - Sexy times set in spring 2021 when Aho/Necas offensive pair hit it off
2088 (E, 2823)
Flight Delay (E, 6691)
Bad Porn M&M's - What it says on the tin
his boner is a foot-long concrete dildo (E, 2969)
add a dash of ginger - M/M/M with Fred A. (E, 2160)
Built To Last - post-retirement, All Stars 2022
Into The Great Wide Open (fluff, T, 2130)
Learning To Fly (but I ain't got wings) (smut, E, 3641)
Sunburn Treatment - fluff and smut
Sunburn Treatment (M, 1940)
White Peaches (M, 3318)
Quack Damn You - celebratory threesome smut
1000 x 1000 (E, 1900)
Bring Your Daughter To The Slaughter (E, 1232)
You’re Filthy Cute and Baby You Know It (E, 2824)
Boys of Summer - off-season 2021 in Finland, developing relationships in  independent stories that share the same timeline
Summer Kisses (Rinne, Saros, Aho, E, 29220)
Dog Days of Summer (Miro, Eeli, Saros, M, 11516)
For Shits and Giggles (Aho/TT fluff, T, 1105)
Joy Division (division by zero) by caixa-says-bye (caixa) (Aho/TT, Aho/Hine, TT/Esa, E, 1583, unfinished)
Letters from a New Home (Aho/TT, other Canes pairings, Historical AU, M, 11897)
look there brother baby and see what i’ve seen (M/M/M Aho/TT/TvanRiemsdyk, E, 5254)
one hundred percent yours (Aho/TT, established relationship bondage smut and domestic fluff, E, 1882)
The Perks of Having a Road Roomie (Aho/TT, friends to lovers fluff, M, 4600)
Aho/VM Savinainen - originally in Finnish
I Know a Little (also Aho/TT, Team Finland, T, 4926)
Midnight in Paris (Team Finland, M, 9142, 6 chapters)
Kesäranta (Aho/Hine, WJC 2016 squad, T, 1500)
Railing the Derailed (Aho team gangbang, emotions, E, 3706)
Kitty Got Claws (Aho/Rod, Kink bingo, Face slapping, biting and bruises, pwp, E, 3158)
Ruby Room (dirty floors and sticky tables) (Aho/Granlund, Kink bingo, Winner's Room, preds vs Canes 2021 playoffs, E, 3700)
need you now (Aho/Hine, Hintzkanen, Ex Sex @ NHL media Day in Paris, E, 7285, tästä asti aikaa in English)
Summer Kisses (Aho/Rinne/Saros, Aho/Rinne, Rinne/Saros, off-season, E, 29220, 5 chapters) 
When the Night Comes Falling from the Sky (Aho/TT plus multiple hook-ups to kill time on a road trip, M, 3662)
The Nip Bit (Smut, E, 853)
Forgetting Martin Nečas (Kuokka/Necas, Angst, T, 1119)
the more you are like this the less I care (jealousy, T, 480)
Various pairings, Canes
I Wasn't Born To Lose You (HFleury/NHanifin, Angst, T, 3876)
A Crowded, Hazy Bar (Football rpf x hockey rpf crossover, Burky/Zlatan, Caps ensemble, smut, M, 2377)
Various pairings, Caps
I think I thought I saw you try (Vrana/Kempny, College AU, M, 6217)
Russian Techno (Ovi/NIcke, getting together, T, 2955)
milk (Burky/J Carlson/G Carlson, M/M/F, E, 2518)
Dog Daddy Comes To Town (T Rask/Seguin, M, 1261)
Dog Days of Summer (Saros/Miro/Eeli, M, 11516, 5 chapters)
House Rules (MattMcDrai, ensemble, Kink bingo, watersports, E, 1879)
ingénue (Pavs/Kivi, Dallas Stars, smut, E, 2522)
lay all your love on me (JHughes/Hischier, JHughes/JStaal, Winner's Room, smut, E, 2004)
Pearl Cleavage (Zegras/Drysdale, Kink bingo, frottage, body worship, E, 2153)
Raise, Grow & Repair (J Gardiner/Mo Rielly, Leafs, Not hockey players AU, Remix work, E, 6092)
You Could Be Happy (B Jenner/R Murray, post breakup, fluff and angst, T, 577)
windsor knot (Burky/Bedsy, Cup celebration daddy kink smut, E, 2229)
Various short or unfinished works
Worth It, Baby, Worth Everything – Juuse Saros (Saros/Reader, Fluff, T, 3243)
Wings of a Butterfly (Zegras/Drysdale, Wing!fic, weird biology, fluff and smut, E, 6022)
Crawdaddy by caixa-says-bye (caixa) (Rinne/Saros, Aho, musicians AU, T, 830, unfinished)
Suddenly Love Died (TT/Reader, angst, T, 659)
two friends but one broken heart (TT/Esa, angst, T, 593)
boy from the north country - Suomenkielisiä versioita sarjan englanninkielisistä osista. 3 ja 4 on kirjoitettu ensiksi suomeksi ja käännetty myöhemmin englanniksi.
Jussi Jussilla (eli Kalajoen hiekat) (Jussi at Jussi's)
Etelässä kuulemma jo illat pimenee (When dusk and dawn embrace)
Sinun vuorosi loistaa (Thick ice, thin ice)
Ikuinen vappu
MM-kisat, Savinainen/Aho
Minä suojelen sinua kaikelta (MIdnight in Paris)
Tappiolla tappiin (I Know a Little)
Hine/Aho, Hintzkanen
tästä asti aikaa
Go, read and comment, please! Ask me for recs or warnings, or if you need an invitation to get an Ao3 account.
Okay to reblog but please don't tag with player names if possible. I won't police anyone's blogging, it's only my humble request 🙏 thank you!
The fics are in alphabetical order except inside series, where they are listed in the order they are in the series.
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hookingminor · 4 years
Hi, do you write for Martin Necas from the Hurricanes?
hi! I don't know enough about him to do full fics but I'm always happy to write headcanons or short blurbs, I love marty! I'm open to writing for just about all canes I love them :)
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a/n: consider me influenced 😅 an aggressively horny brady skjei fic all inspired by the above picture. @pyotrkochetkov did her job well! i COULD NOT get this idea out of my head so i had to write it. i’m not guaranteeing that i’ll write for brady again either, just bc he’s married irl and it feels a little weird? but ya know, never say never, clearly 😶
word count: 3.4k
tw: age gap (6 years but not really a main focus or factor - i don’t even really mention the age gap, it was just in my head as i wrote), daddy kink, spanking, praise kink
summary: you decide to wear a svechnikov jersey to the canes game, knowing it will rile brady up. you’re not disappointed by his reaction
You know you’re asking for trouble from the second you pull the Svechnikov jersey over your head and Brady’s face at the arena when he sees you only confirms that. You’re in the corner with the other WAGs, chatting happily while still scanning the ice for Brady during warmups. He does a lap and then spots you, his smile lighting up his entire face even under his helmet and visor. When he starts skating towards you, you turn a little so the 37 on your sleeve is visible and Brady’s entire expression changes.
His lips, that pouty lower lip you love to bite, turn down in a scowl and his jaw clenches. You smirk a little at him, head cocked to the side and one shoulder lifting in a small ‘what’s the matter?’ shrug. Brady’s eyes narrow at you and he shakes his head, lips still pulled down in a deep frown. His tongue pokes at the side of his cheek and he doesn’t get any closer to the glass, fifteen or so feet separating you.
Keeping your gaze locked on him, you cross your arms, jersey pulled tightly around your body. Your hip cocks a little and Brady’s eyes track the movement, noticing the skin tight jeans on your lower half. He shakes his head at you one more time before skating off, accidentally on purpose bumping Andrei’s shoulder with his as he skates past. A little giggle slips past your lips when you catch sight of Andrei’s confused expression - you feel bad for dragging him into your little game with Brady, but it’s not like Brady has anything anything to worry about since Svech is in his own long-term relationship. Besides, you like your men a little older, which Brady knows very well.
Brady’s just a jealous piece of shit and you know that - tonight you’re exploiting it in your favor.
He’s electric on the ice, crushing some of the Anaheim players into the boards, zipping up the ice with the puck, and hitting the posts twice before finally deflecting a Martin Necas shot into the net.
After his goal and celly, he finds you in the stands and smirks at you, giving you a little swatting motion with his gloved hand. You grin back, excitement flooding your veins. The jersey is clearly working.
The game ends in a win for the Canes, which only helps your cause, and you stream out of PNC with the crowds, not bothering to rush to your car since you’ll have to wait a while for Brady to get home anyway. You scroll through Instagram while you wait in your car for the crowds to disperse a bit, double tapping on a few of your friends’ pictures. The ones that are younger than you, still in school, are posting from tropical locations on Spring Break. You zone out a little bit, thinking about summer break on a beach with Brady.
Traffic eases up and you start the car, getting back to Brady’s apartment just a little before eleven. You ease your car into your spot and let yourself in with your key. You shed your sneakers and jeans, flushed with excitement from the game and the text that Brady had sent from the locker room - I’ll be home in an hour. I think you know what’s coming, little girl.
You definitely know what’s coming and your body tingles with excitement.
When Brady gets home, you’re waiting by the front door, the jersey’s hem brushing the middle of your thighs. You smile brightly at him, “what a game, Brady. You were so good.”
He raises an eyebrow and drops his bag to the floor. His hair is damp, but drying, the light from the hallway catching on his greys. “You’re a fucking menace,” he says, chuckling a bit. “You know that?”
“Me?” You ask innocently, pointing at yourself with an index finger. “I was just supporting you…”
Brady steps forward, crowding you against the wall with his body, kicking the front door shut behind him with a slam. “Supporting me?” He ask, smirking a little meanly. Your thighs press together under the jersey. His hand reaches out and traces up your bare thigh, fisting in the jersey’s fabric. “Funny way of showing it, sweetheart.”
“I showed up at the game,” you reply, a little breathless. Brady’s hand is so close to where you want it. “Cheered for you. Wore a Canes jersey…”
“Wore a Svech jersey, like a little brat,” Brady cuts you off, grabbing your chin with his other hand. His fingers wrap around your jaw and he tilts your head up, his thumb brushing against your bottom lip. You smile innocently at him and suck the pad of his thumb into your mouth, scraping it against your bottom teeth. Brady pushes closer to you, the heat of his body overwhelming. “You know what happens to little brats, don’t you? They get punished.”
His other hand pushes higher, bunching the fabric of your borrowed jersey up over your hip. His fingers brush against the thin band of your thong, snapping the elastic a little. You flinch against him at the sensation, hips rolling forward to press against the erection straining the front of his slacks. His hips thrust forward on their own accord, a single hard push into yours.
His thumb still in your mouth, you mumble, “I haven’t been very bad, Brady.”
“Bad girls still have to get punished, to learn their lesson,” he murmurs, breath hot against your cheek. Before you can answer, his lips slide over yours in a bruising kiss, his hand still holding your face in place. You lean up on tip toes, wrapping your hands around his biceps to keep steady, returning the kiss with equal heat. His tongue traces your lower lip and your mouth falls open, only for him to bite gently at your lip. The sharp sting makes you gasp and Brady takes the opportunity to break the kiss, roughly pulling at the jersey. The fabric is yanked over your head, messing up your hair, and tossed carelessly to the floor. Cool air hits your bare stomach and your nipples tighten under the lace cups of your bra. Brady gives you a once over, eyes lingering on the stiff peaks of your nipples.
“I don’t want to see that fucking jersey ever again,” he growls, crushing you against his chest with one arm and dragging you with him over to the couch. Your toes drag against the floor as Brady walks, only for him to sit heavily at the edge of the couch, pulling you down and flipping you so you’re draped over his lap on your stomach. Your hands are pinned under your chest. Excitement and lust flip your stomach, your ass subconsciously lifting in the air. The hard ridge of his cock presses against your hip and you wiggle a little, breathless from the manhandling.
Brady’s palm, warm and broad and calloused, smooths over your ass cheek and you shiver, getting wetter by the second.
“How many do you think, sweetheart?” He asks in a mocking tone that tells you he’s already decided how many spanks he’s going to dole out. His thumb traces an arc over your bare skin and goosebumps lift on your arms. His other hand rests on your lower back, holding you in place, keeping your body pressed heavily against his cock. It twitches under you and you grin.
Your face is pressed into the couch cushion so your voice is muffled when you reply, “as many as I deserve.”
It’s the right answer, because Brady’s cock grows harder under you and you can hear the smile in his tone when he says, “such a good girl. Knowing when to take her punishment.”
Brady’s hand smooths over your ass once more before it’s gone and back, a stinging slap that has you jolting over his lap, rubbing against his cock, and has your ass cheek jiggling. The impact makes you gasp from surprise more than from pain and heat floods between your legs. The couch fabric slides under your cheek and you lift your ass higher. The next two spanks come in quick succession and tears prick at your eyes, even as your stomach clenches with desire. You wiggle over Brady’s lap, desperate for relief from the ache between your legs.
“Such a good girl,” Brady praises you, his other hand moving from where it was resting on your lower back to slip under your body and cup one of your breasts. The lace cup chafes your skin, but it feels good. He spanks you again, rolling your nipple between two fingers and pinching as he goes. He spanks you a fifth time and now the sting is starting to hurt. But the sting is nothing compared to the building desire rocking through your body. Your clit throbs and you shift, trying to get Brady’s muscled thigh in a position to press against your clit.
Your thong is soaked through and a petulant whine builds up in the back of your throat, escaping when Brady’s hand squeezes your breast, hard. “Brady…” you whine his name, trying to twist your hips. His palm is heavy on your ass cheek, skin hot to the touch.
“Are you complaining, sweetheart?” He asks, thrusting his hips lazily, pressing his erection against your stomach. The hard heat of him sends another wave of desire through your body. “Is five little spanks enough for my little brat?”
You nod and Brady pinches a nipple again. “Did you learn your lesson? I’m not sure you did, that sweet little pussy is dripping wet, I think you liked this too much. I don’t think it was a punishment enough,” his voice is ragged, fingers dipping between your legs to swipe at the wetness gathering. “Should I punish you another way? Bring you to the edge and deny you release?”
Without warning, his middle finger slips into you and you cry out, surprised and thrilled. You push back against his finger, willing him to move it and give you some relief. He crooks it carefully, giving you just enough before withdrawing the digit completely and giving you another sharp slap to the ass. You gasp, tears falling down your cheeks, and Brady doesn’t give you a second to recover before he’s wrapping his arm around your waist and moving you, sitting you on his lap so you’re straddling him in a reverse cowgirl position. Your legs are spread open over his thick thighs and his arm is wrapped securely around your waist, keeping your back pressed flush against his chest. He opens his legs a little, spreading them wide so your legs follow, giving him plenty of access to tease you. Your muscles burn from the stretch.
Two fingers tease at the edge of your thong and you wiggle in his grip. Your ass stings, the fabric of his pants rough against sensitive skin, but you grind down on him, gasping softly, breathless.
“Is my sweet little girl trying to get herself off?” Brady asks, his voice low and raspy in your ear. “Look at the mess you’re making, sweetheart.”
You glance down at his lap where his pants have a huge wet mark over one thigh from where you were dropping all over him. “I want you, Brady, all for you,” you murmur, the words choking off when Brady nudges your thong aside and plunges two fingers into you, the stretch nothing when you’re soaked for him. You watch his fingers disappear into your cunt, impossibly turned on by the sight. Heat coils low in your stomach as his wrist moves, strong tendons and muscles flexing. For a few heartbeats the only sound is your ragged breathing and the obscene squelch of Brady’s fingers pumping your soaked cunt. His lap is a mess, your arousal staining the fabric of his suit. As he works his fingers, you clench around him, grinding down over his hand.
“What kind of gentleman would I be,” he asks, running the tip of his nose against your jaw line while his fingers pump in and out of you, “if I left you to get yourself off? Daddy always takes care of his little girl, even when she’s a brat.”
His arm is like a vise around your waist, keeping you in place. “You think Svech could treat this pussy with the care it deserves? Think he could make you as wet as I do? Think he knows anything about making you come with a few fingers? Who does this sweet little cunt belong to, baby? Whose is it?”
“Y-yours, it’s yours,” you gasp, riding his hand, seeing stars when his thumb circles your clit and then screaming his name when he presses down. Pressure builds in your stomach, your entire body going hot. “Brady, Brady,” you chant his name, “please, please!”
“Please what?” He breathes into your ear, pressing a kiss to the hinge of your jaw. “Use your big girl words.” He slides a third blunt finger into you, knowing exactly what you want even without you asking for it. You cry out his name again, his fingers curling and pressing against your G-spot.
“Wanna come,” you babble. “Need to come, please. Daddy, please, let me.” Your fingers scrabble at his forearm, nails scraping the fabric of his suit jacket and slipping right off. Sweat drops down your temple and your stomach muscles clench, your thighs trembling from riding him.
He rocks his hips up into yours, his cock pressing against the seam of your ass. “Come on, sweetheart,” he thrusts up again, driving his fingers into you at the same time, “soak my fingers.”
Brady’s hand glides up your chest and kneads your breast, the other still working at your clit. It’s too much sensation, too much pressure, and you scream his name, falling apart in his arms. Brady works you through the orgasm, fingers gentle as they circle your clit, sliding lazily through your arousal. Your entire body goes limp, head sagging back against his shoulder. Brady kisses your temple, nuzzling his nose into your hairline.
“Such a good girl,” he murmurs, still holding you, fingers still inside of you. His cock is rock hard against your ass. “Took her punishment so well.”
You whine, incapable of speech. He chuckles against your overheated skin. “Bet I could slide my cock right into that little cunt and you wouldn’t even notice, you’re that wet for me, baby.” He peppers kisses to your bare shoulder, stubble scraping your skin and making you shiver. His lips are a little chapped and he bites gently at the junction of your neck and collarbone, sucking a little mark.
“I’d notice,” you mumble, reaching down to run your hands over his thighs. “Do it. I wanna feel you.”
Brady pulls his fingers from you, drawing another whine at the sudden emptiness, and sucks each finger clean. His hips roll lazily under yours and you know he’s looking for a release too. “C’mon, Brady, fuck me. Know you wanna,” you sigh, shifting on his lap, wincing when the fabric scrapes your sore ass.
“I’m okay, sweetheart,” he replies, lifting and turning you so you’re facing him. The change in position is better for your hips - they were almost locked in position - and you take the opportunity to kiss him deeply, tasting yourself on his lips. Brady’s hands are secure on your waist, holding you close. “How’s that cute little ass of yours?” He mumbles the question against your lips.
His hair is flopped over his forehead now, greys prominent in the lighting and you lift your hands to run them through his hair. You fucking love the greys. They’re hot as hell.
You wrinkle your nose, knowing it’s going to be hard to sit for a day or two, but don’t reply. Brady wraps his arms around your back and lifts you, your legs locking around his waist instinctively. You bury your face in his neck, wrung out. His cock presses against your ass still, hard and hot under you, and you can’t help but press down on him. Brady grunts at the pressure, pinching the side of your thigh in warning.
“Let’s get you cleaned up,” his voice is strained as he carries you to the bedroom. “I think you learned your lesson, huh?”
“Mhm,” you hum, smiling against his skin. “No more Svech jerseys.”
“Damn straight,” Brady’s hand smooths over your ass, fingertips teasing at your folds and making you shiver. He carries you into the shower and strips you of your bra and thong before setting you under the spray. His suit gets discarded to the floor, in desperate need of dry cleaning after you came all over his pants, and he joins you, kissing you gently when he ducks his head under the water. His erection presses into your hip and you reach for him, enjoying the way he inhales sharply at your touch, the way his cock jumps in your grip. Neither of you say anything as you work him over, hand gliding over his erection easily. When he’s close, Brady drops his head to your shoulder, bracing himself with both palms against the shower wall behind your head. He comes, hot and fast, with a shout, covering your hand and wrist in cum. It’s probably not the most satisfying orgasm or hand job you’ve ever given him, but it’s really all you have capacity for right now.
After you dry off and get dressed - in a tank top and an oversized pair of Brady’s boxers - Brady brings you a bowl of Fruity Pebbles to bed and nudges you onto your stomach. You kick your feet up in the air, eating your midnight snack while he rubs aloe lotion onto your ass cheek. The lotion is cool against your hot and sensitive skin and you can’t help but sigh in relief. Your eyes flutter closed even as you spoon the dry cereal into your mouth.
“Shit, baby,” Brady sounds surprised, “your skin is all red. Why didn’t you tell me I was hurting you?”
His hands are gentle while they rub lotion into your skin and you’re completely relaxed under his touch. Sleepily and with a mouthful of cereal, you mumble, “I liked it. Wasn’t hurting me.”
“Still,” he says, pressing a kiss to the center of your ass cheek. “Don’t like hurting you.”
You wiggle your ass under his touch and laugh a little. “Brady, you think I didn’t know what was going to happen when I wore the Svech jersey? Please, sometimes a girl needs to be spanked,” you roll a little onto your side, looking back at him. Your eyes twinkle. “Maybe you should try it.”
“Don’t even think about it, sweetheart,” Brady laughs, giving you a little stink eye.
“Or what?” You giggle, raising an eyebrow. “You’ll spank me?”
Brady growls, “you little brat,” lunging for your side and tickling you. You shriek, the bowl of dry cereal going flying as you laugh and squirm.
“Brady, stop please! No more!” You beg for mercy, gasping laugher making it hard to breathe.
“Are you going to behave?” He asks, fingers digging into your sides. His hair is messy and all over the place, his grin wide and delighted.
You laugh and manage to say, “no, never!” Anything else you might say is gone when Brady rolls onto his back, pulling you with him so you’re splayed over his chest, his arms locking you in place.
He smirks up at you, shaking his head. “Such a bad girl,” he kisses your chin. “What am I going to do with you?”
“I’m sure you’ll think of something,” you tease, kissing the tip of his nose and wiggling your hips against his, making his cock stir under you.
Brady’s eyes twinkle. “Oh, sweetheart, I got plenty of ideas of what I’d like to do with you.” He wraps his hand around the back of your neck and pulls your face to his, kissing you deeply, tongue swiping over your lower lip. You moan into his mouth, letting your knees fall to either side of his hips so you’re straddling his pelvis. The kiss deepens and Brady grips your hips, mindlessly dragging you over his cock. He’s half-hard under you. When you break apart for air, he mumbles, “starting with that.”
You hum, dazed, and bury your face against his neck. “If,” you mumble, “I get spanked for wearing a Svech jersey, what happens if I wear a Necas jersey?”
Brady barks out a laugh, “why don’t you try it and see, sweetheart?”
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