#brent burns imagine
behoright · 2 years
electricity (holy series) l b. burns x a. svechnikov x m. nečas
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call me, something / no one, else calls me
summary: andrei and neci cannot seem to get their first night at burnzie's out of their head. especially you. thankfully, their older teammate decides it's time for them to participate.
wordcount:  7k
song: electricity - arctic monkeys
warnings: MINORS DNI. 18+ only. mostly pure smut. includes cursing, dd/lg relationship, dirty talk, baby talk, anal play, bondage, overstimulation, m&f sex toys, orgasm control. slight choking and foot fetish.
PSA: an incredibly bastardized version of a BDSM encounter. please remember things like this require MUCH more communication than what’s portrayed. be safe n take care of yourselves. 
a/n: i.... don't know what to say. this might become a series I THINK IDK. I'm too horny my head hurts. enjoy. love u. honorable mentions to @hoesforthecanes @thejoeburrow @ryanpulock @thejerksquad
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“Print that in your fucking heads and try to do the same when you touch a girl. Every time you see anyone from now on, you’ll think about this, this right here, and how good I can make her feel, just come apart in my hands.”
Martin hadn’t been able to get that out of his head ever since he had gone with the boys to Burnzie’s. The experience was so hot, and so, unfortunately for him, incredibly humbling, that he hadn’t even gone out to try and meet any new girls. Brent had a point, and it was delivered clearly to all of them. Just like him, Andrei had been spending most of his time at the rink as well. The security guards were tired of waiting late for him, sitting around by the doors, with their keys in their hands, but he didn’t care. The more he skated, the less he thought about the way Burnzie had him tie your hands. Any free moment and his mind would get flooded with the memory of you bouncing on Brent; your smell, your moans. 
The guys had talked about what happened amongst each other, but very little. They all seemed pretty functional, going back to the clubs and the dating apps. It was no coincidence that the only two that were struggling were Andrei and Neci - they were, after all , the only ones that had participated last time. 
So, Burnzie had known this was coming ever since he first send that text. At least one of them was bound to the back to ask for more. 
The tension was there, and he had caught them more than a couple of times staring and whispering. 
It was just a matter of time. And courage, which they seemed to lack. As more time went by, the more they would act more secretive and overall strange towards Burnzie, the more tiresome it was becoming for him. So one day, right after practice, the rubberband snapped. 
“What’s up, kids?” he said, not even bothering to turn around. He could feel their eyes, burning into him as he packed his bag. 
“Uh, we were just wondering about-, uh-”
“About the room.” Burnzie helped them finish their sentence. He couldn’t believe that they were in their 20s, acting like children that didn’t know how to ask for candy. 
“What about it?”
“Uh, do you-, do that a lot?”
“Frequently. Why?”
“We just thought maybe…”
“We could come back.” Andrei spewed out.
“And why do you want to come back?” Brent said, eyes still focused on his gear. 
“Maybe we can watch more.” The boys said, looking at each other. 
“You two are the only ones that entered the room, and now you’re the only ones asking to come back. You think I believe you only want to watch?”
“We thought maybe, we could just, learn more.”
“More hands-on.” Martin tried to clarify. 
Brent smirked.
“Expect a text from me.”
They quietly celebrated. Burnzie finally turned around to face them.
“And don’t expect anything else. Remember that.”
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“Don’t expect anything else.”
What in the world could that have meant? Andrei wondered as he sped through the deserted roads that led to Burnzie’s property. It was a chilly Friday night, the moon shining bright in the clear sky, when the two guys found themselves driving back to the place they craved to be in the most. 
They were at the door right on time, as the text instructed. 5 minutes earlier, or 5 minutes later, and they would have lost their chance. The same maid led them down the long hallway, right up to the same door. This time, right as they were inserting their phones in the locked box, two forms expected them on the table that was adjacent. 
“Read it and sign it. I’m going to need that if you want to come in this time.” the maid uttered. 
Their pulse sped up as their eyes scanned through the words.
over 21 years old….
…..agreement of my own free will…..
….private agreement not to be disclosed with third parties…
agree to consent in all or some of the following sexual practices…..
They looked at each other, picked up the pen, and signed it before handing it over to the maid. 
What in the world had they gotten themselves into?
They walked into the dark viewing room, which was set up the same as last time. Tonight, there was no exploring it or wandering around. Both of them sat immediately, no words exchanged. Only the sound of anxious breaths filled up the space. A waiver meant that they were definitely participating. 
The bedroom looked as spectacular as last time, today with added features. Right in between the bed and the fireplace sat a normal, very simple wooden chair, with two small side tables posing at each side. 
The fireplace was on and roaring with flames. Andrei noticed Brent’s cufflinks already set on the nightstand, just like last time. He guessed that there was not going to be an introduction this time. 
Their breaths loudly hitched as soon as the door to the bedroom opened, Brent walking you in, already naked. 
“Sit here, baby.”
Tonight there was no kissing, no talking, no preparation.
When you sat down, Martin took note of a little clear droplet running down your leg. He wondered if you had already started before they got there. 
“Daddy’s friends are going to help today, baby, remember?” You nodded, body quivering with anticipation.
“Use your words.”
“That’s much better, isn’t it.” he said, placing a kiss on your forehead before revealing a dark cloth in his hands. He wasted no time in wrapping it tightly around your eyes. 
“Come here. Hurry the fuck up.” Brent barked, for the first time tonight facing the window. The two guys scrambled to get up and head through the small door, now walking back into the room that had haunted their dreams ever since they first encountered it. 
“Don’t even fucking dare to look at her.”
Burnzie stood behind both guys, his face close to their ears. 
“If you need to stop, at any point, you say red. If you’re feeling uncomfortable, yellow. Green is go, as you know, and only to be said when I ask. Speaking up is necessary, here. Say yes if you understand.”
“Yes.” they said in unison.
“Do not do anything that I don’t tell you to do. I need you to be honest, here. Don’t pretend you know something if you don’t. We need to keep it safe. Say yes if you understand.”
“Yes.” Brent could hear the trembling and tightness in his teammates’ voices.
“I won’t touch you, okay? You’re not here for me, you’re here for her. You can leave at any moment, boys.” Burnzie reassured them, patting their back. “It’ll be fun.”
And just like that, his demeanor changed again, as he walked over back to you.
Brent stood behind the chair. He pointed at Martin and signaled for him to come over. 
“Stand here. Don’t move. Look forward.” he said, positioning Neci directly behind you.
“Come.” he motioned to Andrei, now standing in front of you. “Don’t look at her.”
The boys saw Brent walk over to the dresser in the corner of their eyes. The silence felt heavy in the room, as the anticipation was slowly bringing the temperature up. The older man came back, hands armed with goodies.
“Did I tell you to look somewhere else, or did I tell you to look forward, Neci?” Brent barked as he laid out the objects on the side table that sat a few feet from the chair.
“Uh- sorry.” Martin said, sharply turning his head back forward. Somehow, with his back turned, he had felt Neci’s gaze move. Shit. 
They did their best to not look at each other but instead directly beyond, with their chins raised. 
“Hold this.”
Brent handed Andrei some rope. He didn’t dare to look down at it, but it felt different than the one he had him use last time. This one felt thinner and much softer than the thick, beige rope from the other night. He couldn’t really tell, but he was mostly sure that Neci was holding some rope as well.
“You’re being so patient, princess. Are you ready, baby?”
Brent surprised Andrei by moving behind him and placing a strong hand on his shoulder, pushing him down to his knees. 
“How much do you remember from what you did last time, Andrei?” he said, towering over him. 
“Most of it.” 
Brent’s eyebrows shot up.
“You’ve never lacked confidence, kid.” he chuckled. “So you know how to handle it and feel it now. Let’s try something new.”
Brent squatted next to the kneeling Russian and began to instruct him how to tie your ankles to the legs of the chair. 
“You see how this part’s looped? That’s called the bite.”
“Now bring this part through.”
“Split that in half, and wrap it in between her leg and the chair. Yes.”
“Do a square knot like last time. Yes, over and under, good.” 
No matter how many times you’d done this, you had never gotten tired of the feeling of the rope. The slight scratching of the fibers on your skin as his fingers looped it around you, the way it moved your body unwillingly as it pulled you in different directions, it never failed to make you shiver. It allowed you to only feel some parts of their hands - a graze of his palm, the tough tip of his finger, or even a tiny tickle from the hair on his arm. 
You could hear Brent instructing Andrei, keeping his voice low and strong, on how to safely secure your ankle and eventually run the rope up your leg to loop it around your shin, right under your knee, to solidify the knots altogether.
“You see how this part runs parallel to the leg of the chair? That’s how we keep her from moving too much. Can you move, flower?”
You wiggled your leg - the rope only gave you a tiny space to move.
“Good. Let’s do the same on the other one.”
While the two men moved over to tie your other leg, Martin had done his best not to look. You could feel the heat coming off of him, his body so close to your back. Eventually, as you found your bottom limbs mostly immobile, Brent stood back up and walked over to Neci.
He thought that out of the two, he looked the most nervous, but perhaps it was too hard to tell how fast Andrei’s heart was beating, with his eyes stuck on the ground below him. He was to remain on his knees, and so he did. Try everything once, right?
“Have you ever done this before?”
“Uh, no.”
“That’s fine. This one’s not too hard. Give us your hands, my love.” he instructed you. You moved your hands so that your forearms touched the sides of the chair rest. 
“Don’t touch her hands. Start by looping the rope at the end like this. Try it.”
You could feel Martin shake as he began to slowly and carefully wrap the rope around your wrists. Before he knew it, you were secured to the chair. Neci’s chest puffed, a small smile spreading on his face. Maybe he could do this; perhaps this could be his life. He dreamed about having his own property, his own dream house, filled with rooms with hidden ropes and bondage chairs. Brent was quick to pop Martin’s bubble, pushing him to his knees, just as Andrei was sitting on the other side of the chair. 
“Keep looking down.”
Neither of them had ever been in a humbling position like this before. Andrei thought about all of the times he had pushed a girl to her knees in the countless hotel rooms he’d been in. Is this what it felt like? All the times Martin had taken pleasure in letting his erection spring into a girl’s face. No one could have ever told them to get on their knees for someone else. Well, no one until now. 
What surprised them both was how their bodies responded to it all. It was possible that their pants felt extra tight thanks to your naked body, sitting spread open and helpless in front of them, but even then, they weren’t looking at you. They really hadn’t gotten a good look at you this whole time. And it was obvious that they had no control over you. As much as they were dying to, they weren’t able to do whatever they wanted to you. 
So why were their cocks throbbing so hard already?
“You did so amazing at sitting so still while we tied you up, little one. I think it’s about time we give you what you need, don’t you think?”. Brent said as his fingers worked to undo the knot that kept black cloth over your eyes. Looking down, you saw the two boys exactly how you thought they’d be - both kneeling, one in front of you and one behind you, panting so hard you could feel their breaths on your feet and legs. 
“Are you wet, angel?” 
You bit your lip and nodded, your eyes, big and sparkling with lust, staring up at Brent.
“Yeah? Did it make you wet when you felt the boys tying you up?”
Andrei gulped, as quietly as possible. They both hoped it wasn’t too obvious how straining this was starting to become for them, their cocks quickly swelling up in their pants. It was so much, and they hadn’t even taken their clothes off just yet.
“I bet Andrei would love to see your wet little pussy.” he said, as you keep nodding slowly. “That’s too bad he can’t”. You tilted your head towards him, still towering over you.
“You can look down at him, my sweet, he’s not allowed to look at you.” You tentatively peeled your eyes off Brent to look at the kneeling Russian in front of you. You could see the flush that had overtaken his body, his ears, and the back of his neck boiling with heat. 
“Do you know why, petal?”
“No, Daddy.”
“Because they’re not fucking worthy, that’s why.” he said aggressively, his hand bringing up your chin to push past your lips with his tongue. 
Brent began one of his favorite dances with you, engulfing your mouth with his tongue and spit. He loved to see you all flushed and short of breath when he pulled back, your lips now rough and blushed due to his beard scratching your delicate skin. You kept your mouth open, making Brent’s cock twitch, before getting on his knees to grab your face and kiss you again. The harder the kiss was, the more dramatically the boys’ chests would heave, and the more restless you became. 
“Is this turning you on, dove?” he whispered, his lips still grazing yours. “Look at you, trying to move your hips against those tight binds. Are you craving touch down there, my baby?”
“Yes, yes.” you answered, your eyes still closed in exasperation, patiently hoping to feel his lips back on yours again. 
“I can’t believe I’ve made you wait that long, princess. How awful of me.” he said, in between pecks, one of his hands reaching towards the small table behind him. 
“Focus on me, baby. Give me your sweet, sweet tongue again.” he said, so close that his nose was touching yours. You obediently stuck out your tongue, craving more of his mouth on yours. Brent’s green eyes focused on your open mouth, opening his own. He licked your tongue slowly, at first with little kitten licks and eventually wrapping himself wholly around you, bringing on another feverish makeout session. It was so dirty, letting his spit dribble in your mouth like that, and it made your cunt feel so, so empty. It felt so good that you didn’t notice the rubbery touch of a vibrator now positioned right on your clit until Brent turned it on. 
The initial vibrations caught you by surprise, letting out a loud moan into Burnzie’s mouth. 
“That’s right, baby, there it is. I bet it feels so good, doesn’t it?” he coaxed, making sure to keep it steadily pressed on your sensitive bud.
The whole scene had been making the boys more and more impatient. Seeing as how you were both so enthralled with each other, Andrei was getting away with slowly grinding his hips up in the air. Martin, meanwhile, was focusing on his breath, attempting to control the overwhelming urge to undo his pants. 
But Brent noticed. Of course, he noticed. Everything that went on in that room was always under his control. He moved over behind Andrei, his arm long enough to keep the vibrator pushing against you. 
“Take your shirts off.” he ordered. 
Before he could blink, both of his teammates were now kneeling shirtless. They were so desperate Brent almost felt bad for them. He took Andrei’s sweaty hand and positioned it on the barrel of the vibrator. 
“Keep it there. Make her cum, and don’t look at her.”
Andrei tried to stay as immobile as he could, making sure that the toy stayed on your clit. Never before had he felt so… ashamed? It was a strange feeling, and it was hard to take it when all of his senses were getting so consumed so easily. The mix of your moans, your smell, the vibrations that recoiled in his clammy palms and his teammate’s heavy breathing were starting to make him feel dizzy. Not to even mention how hard his cock was already. 
Martin’s mouth dropped when he realized it was Andrei that was in charge of the vibrator. If he was sitting in front of you, and that was his job, then what was Burnzie going to make him do?
“Do you know what these are?” Brent asked him.
“Have you ever used them before?”
“No.” he gulped.
“Dip them in here. Go very, very slow.”
“Arch your back for us, love. Yeah, just like that.” 
It was difficult in the most delicious way to keep your back arched. The young man sitting in front of you was trying so hard to keep the toy still, despite your trembling, that it was almost endearing. It turned you on to no end when Brent told you what to do; but when you saw him instruct other people, it was game over. Andrei’s hand started shaking, distracting you from the conversation that Brent was having behind you. You were getting closer and closer to your orgasm, the situation already proving too much for your system. Just when you thought you couldn’t take it anymore, a cold feeling filled your asshole. You were brought back to the murmurs of the men behind you, a gasp accompanying yours as the cold feeling returned again. And again. 
Anal beads. Brent really did know how to work you right. 
“Is he doing good, my girl?” you heard Brent coax. 
“Fuck, yes, yes. Oh, please, Daddy.”
“Yeah, you’re going to cum, aren’t you? Already, my sensitive girl, look how much you’re trembling.”
Andrei was basically huffing and moaning at this point, his knuckles white as he gripped the wand so hard. 
“Can-can I-, I-” you attempted to get out.
“Oh, you don’t have to ask today, baby. Cum all you want, my good girl.” Brent interrupted, placing a strong hand on your head. You moaned, louder than intended, as your orgasm ripped right through you. Fortunately, you only got louder when Brent ordered Neci to slowly pull out the beads from you, which only contrasted how tight you were squeezing your sex as waves of pleasure washed over you. 
“Again.” Brent barked, and not at you. 
The boys kept going, and you only got more restless, your wrists becoming raw from pulling at your restraints so hard as you came. 
Andrei couldn’t keep his gaze on his floor. He noticed that as you got more overstimulated and closer to your peak once again, your toes would wiggle more and more, your legs fighting against the rope. It reminded Andrei of the last time he was here, and he finally understood why Burnzie had instructed him to look at your feet that night. There was something about seeing the pleasure take over your whole being, even your feet, unable to stay steady from what he was doing to you. He was yanked out of his thoughts when he saw a string of fluid come into his peripheral vision. He turned his head back to the floor, now a tiny puddle of juices forming right before his eyes. 
You were dripping off the chair. 
The more came down, the louder Andrei whimpered, which along with Neci’s cursing sent you over the edge, seeing stars once again in just a few minutes. 
Brent yanked the vibrator out of Andrei’s hand, turning it off and placing it away, leaving you breathless and whimpering.
“You made such a mess, my baby. You know how Daddy feels about messes.”
You could only moan, overstimulation taking over you, as Neci was getting the hang of how to touch you right. 
“Someone’s going to have to clean this up.”
Andrei’s heart dropped. All he wanted was to taste you, touch you, or fuck, even just see you. See how good you looked all swollen and ready to be filled up. He didn’t think he’d get there, but honestly, he would have done anything to get any relief. 
Out of the blue, his eyes suddenly became covered by the dark cloth of a blindfold.
“Color, Andrei?”
“Make her feel good, Svech.”
He immediately lunged forward, getting what he was dreaming of, his tongue eagerly licking every single patch of wet skin, bead of cum, every corner, every fold of you. He would thrust his tongue into your opening to overwhelm his senses with waves of your sweet nectar, just to widen his mouth and spread it all over your cunt. The motion of Andrei’s actions, the whole bottom of his face working overtime, added to the feeling of Neci’s digits, who was randomly alternating his fingers and the cold, metal beads in and out of you, was making you scream. You were dripping from every hole with spit, lube and cum, and it felt so fucking dirty. Martin was absolutely mesmerized at how easily your body would welcome the toy, how your fingers would twitch whenever he pulled the silver beads out of you. The closer Andrei was getting you to another orgasm, the tighter your asshole would get, shifting the objects inside you, causing the utmost pleasure for you, and consequently for the viewing pleasure of Neci. He had become a mess, grinding fully into nothing, joining you with his own moans and groans every time he would see one of the beads come out of your body. 
“Look how much they adore you, my girl. They’d do anything for you right now, you see?”
“Oh, fuck, yes, Daddy.” you whimpered. 
Brent was standing so close, a big wet spot on his boxers. Sticking your tongue out, you tried to reach for him. His eyes rolled, pelvis subconsciously moving forward towards you.
“Oh, such a good girl.” he said, as you licked his cock over his boxers.
“You could have all the men in the world at your feet, and you’d still choose your Daddy over them, wouldn’t you?.” You nodded, keeping the tip of your tongue focused on the head of his cock, which was pushing hard against the fabric of his underwear.
“Taste me, doll. Only me.” he uttered, taking his underwear off and guiding himself into your mouth. “Slowly, angel. Savor me. This is what you fucking do to me, my girl.” 
Brent’s salty precum burst on your tongue as you swirled his head slowly. He loved it when you took your time with him, getting him off for your pleasure only. Seeing you lick his member, tracing every single vein and ridge with the tip of your tongue, your eyes so satisfactorily attempting to look at him, ripped groans out of his chest every single time. 
“You’re so, so good. Have I told you today, princess?”
You nodded, starting to tremble again from the three men taking over your body.
“You’re so perfect. You look so good with your holes all filled up.” 
You moaned, sending vibrations through Brent’s cock again.
“Yeah, you fucking like that, don’t you, flower? Daddy’s friends are making you feel so good.
You want to know a secret? Daddy only invited them because he knew how sexy you’d look all filled up like this. He doesn’t give a fuck about them. I only care about you, petal.”
Hearing those words made Brent’s teammates work overtime, causing your eyes to roll back into your head as you released yourself once again, all over Andrei’s tongue.
“Yeah, let it go, my baby. Just like that, good girl.” he said, walking you through your orgasm. 
As soon as you came down, Brent pushed both guys away from you, swiftly undoing your ropes.
“Go fucking get her some water. Fast.” 
They must have found it quickly, because as soon as the ropes touched the ground, Brent held you up, gently pouring cold, fresh water in your mouth.
“That’s okay, love. Good job, like that. Breathe deep, my baby. You’re doing okay?” he asked, his eyes studying your face. 
“Yes. Thank you, Daddy.” you said, feeling refreshed.
“My sweet girl. Are you ready to keep going?”
“Yes.” you said, welcoming a smile from Burnzie.
“Take your pants off. Go sit.” he instructed the guys.
They sat in the chairs next to the side of the bed, both flushed and sweaty, too horny to even care about what they looked like. 
You got on your knees in front of them, right in the middle of the two chairs. Brent took a seat on the bed behind you, facing his two teammates. 
Slowly, you finally touched them, running your hands on both of their thighs. They had never felt so much pleasure from a such simple touch. They both threw their head back, the softness of your palm sending waves of electricity through their bodies. You kept moving closer to their cocks, hard and throbbing, wishing to feel a twinge of pressure. Your fingertip circled close to Andrei’s hip, coming in contact with his pubic hair, while your other hand ran up and down the inside of Martin’s thigh, inching closer to the base of his cock. They couldn’t help but twitch, every tiny movement another surge of heat and pleasure. 
The metallic, clicking sound took them out of their heat wave, realizing that they weren’t able to move their feet. While you were teasing them, building up now ruined anticipation, you used your other hand to lock their feet into the metal cuffs that came attached to the bondage chair. 
“Is this okay?” you asked, almost innocently. “Could you do this for me?” You could basically hear Brent’s smirk from behind you.
Speechless, the two young men nodded slowly. Andrei’s hand, firmly gripped his hair, while Neci tried his best to keep his whimpers to a low volume. Both of their feet were now shackled to the chairs; they couldn’t move from their chairs at all.
“Oh, my little mischievous girl. I bet you didn’t think she’d be this naughty, huh?
Yeah, you guys thought you’d come in here and have your way with her. You had no clue how playful she is. She’s had you wrapped around her finger since the moment you saw her for the first time, and you stupidly thought it was the other way around.” Brent said, walking up to you and petting your head tenderly. 
“Did you think she’d be so clueless, boys? That this is not a two-way relationship? You thought I keep her in this big house, always ready for me, and that she just gets used for me.
No, boys. She knows just as much as me, and way more than you do. And that’s exactly why you won’t get to touch her again today.”
Brent walked back over to you, holding out his hand to help you up and bring you two behind Andrei and Martin.  
“That’s okay. You get to be this bad because deep down, we know you’re only good for me, right?” he said, giving you a heated kiss.
Martin thought he was going to have a heart attack once he felt your hand on his shoulder. Just the way it felt on his burning skin made him buckle his hips, aggressively enough that the chair moved up with him. 
“Take a deep breath.” you whispered in his ear while Brent got the toys ready behind you. “You’re doing okay?” 
“Yes, fuck, yes, I just need-, I need you to-”
“You don’t need her to fucking do anything.” Brent chimed in, aggressively.
“Just take a deep breath for me.” you reminded him.
Martin breathed deeply, and so did Andrei, who was listening to the conversation as well. 
Neci’s eyes had been shut for a while now, way too consumed with the way the desire felt running through his veins, so much so that he didn’t realize you moving a toy in front of him. 
Andrei had never seen anything like it before. It was cylindrical and white, with some buttons on top, and as you hovered it above Neci’s cock, lube came out of it, dripping onto his swollen head. The cold feeling made him whimper loudly, right before moaning ripped out of him as soon as you placed the sex toy all the way down to his base. 
“Hold it, just like that.” you said, kindly, before moving on to stand behind Andrei. Just as quickly as it happened to his teammate, the feeling that wrapped around his dick caused his flushed stomach to tighten with pleasure. It felt wet, and warm, and nothing like what he had felt before. If you didn’t have to tell Martin twice, you didn’t have to tell Andrei once, who grabbed onto the toy fast, pushing his hips up into it. He looked back at you, his eyelids only halfway open, as he began to fuck the sex toy as diligently as he could with his legs constricted. He watched your face as he moaned incredibly loudly, almost groaning, inching to get more and more from the toy. You wiped a sweat bead off of his eyebrow, just as Brent’s arms wrapped around you. 
“You’re way too kind, my dove.” he muttered into your temple. “Say fucking thank you.” Brent barked at Andrei.
“Th-, thank you. So much.” he stumbled out in between moans. 
“Come, flower. Let’s show them who you belong to.” he said, picking you up bridal style and throwing you onto the mattress. 
Finally, your hot, big Dom was positioning himself at your entrance. Not before grabbing his phone, and to their surprise, turning on the toys for the guys. If they were moaning loudly before, the suction and vibrations that initiated around their cocks basically caused primal growls to fill the room. 
Brent entered you, swiftly, the swollen head of his thick dick coming flush with your cervix in the most pleasurable pain. 
“Oh, fuck, Daddy.”
“I cannot wait any longer, little one. I want to claim you so badly.” he said, moving his hips harshly against yours. Brent was a sweet Dom, but when he claimed you, he fucked hard, and you loved every second of it. The room was filled with the sounds of men moaning for you, making you even weaker than before. 
“My girl. You’re my fucking girl, yeah, baby?”. You moaned dramatically in response.
“Who do you belong to? Tell me, angel.”
“You, you, you,” you repeated, your eyes stuck at the back of your head as he kept pounding himself inside you.
It had finally dawned on them. Andrei and Martin understood, as they were being consumed by pleasure, what it was. The power dynamic, the push and pull. The fact that you had them at your disposal and you couldn’t care less. The fact that they had suffered for so long, had made you cum countless times, and all they had gotten in return was… a sex toy. At the end of it all, the whole team could have been in the room, on their knees, sweating and panting, reaching for you, and you only would have looked at Brent. You only wanted to get on your knees for Brent. You trusted him enough to bring random men into the room, to blindfold you and tie you up, but only him. And it hadn’t felt forced. They had only seen you smile at him. You only giggled when he picked you up. All those times that Andrei had used a cheap pair of handcuffs on a whatever short-term girlfriend, craving something more; times that they had tried spanking their date, or been called Daddy - it just ended up making them cringe. They didn’t believe it. What they were missing was… this. 
The motorized toy was doing wonders for them, picking up the pace and pressure just right, and slowing down right when they felt they were getting too close. But that was starting to take a toll.
“Oh, shit. Oh, oh, shit.” Martin moaned, getting too close to his peak.
“Don’t you fucking dare.” Brent growled at him while he turned you around, placing you on your hands and knees. The way your mouth dropped open when he entered you again made Andrei’s chest, now completely flushed, heave really hard, moving the chair slightly at his twitches and thrusts.
“No one gets to cum before she does.” Brent said, pounding over and over into you.
“Oh Daddy, slow it down for them.”
 you said, attempting to reach out to the phone sitting on the nightstand. Brent’s hand easily reached out to you, grabbing your wrist and holding it behind your back.
“They’re here for you. Not the other way around. Don’t fucking forget it.”
“Do you need to be reminded, flower?” Brent uttered, his hips now slamming even harder against your ass. 
“Do you need to cum more, baby? So you can remember what your purpose here is?
"Look at them. Look at how fucking pathetic they look. They’d do anything to touch you right now. A graze of your skin, a drop of your cum on their tongue would make them explode.”
“Fucking say it. Tell her.”
“I’d- I’d do anything to touch you.” Martin repeated, his normal tone muffled by the pleasure. 
Andrei couldn’t fight it; he knew Burnzie was right. He felt incredibly pathetic. But he didn’t care. He couldn’t care less that the chair was moving, and he was fighting hard against the restraints while fucking his length hard into the sex toy. He moaned harder and louder than he ever had before in an attempt to control his orgasm from coming early. The top of the toy had sealed, creating a vacuum that only heightened the pleasure, torturing them both more.
“Блядь, блядь, блядь.”
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
All of his inhibitions had gone out of the window. He was needy, and desperate for touch, and spit and cum and release like never before. He couldn’t even hear his teammate next to him moaning anymore. It had all blended into the most overstimulating sound for him.
“Это так чертовски горячо.”
This is so fucking hot.
He simply couldn’t bring himself to try and keep it together. No English, nothing. He was one hundred percent under the spell of you, someone who was ironically getting fucked by his older teammate.
“Я должен был сидеть там, с твоей киски капало прямо передо мной, сливки заливали весь стул и пол, и я, блядь, я ничего не мог сделать.”
I had to sit there with your pussy dripping right in front of me, creaming all over the chair and the floor and I fucking, I couldn't do anything.
Martin heard him speak, but didn’t know if he was losing it from holding it in so much, or if his friend was rambling in Russian next to him.
“Я не могу поверить, что мне пришлось, мне пришлось сидеть так долго, слыша твои стоны и, черт возьми, звук шариков, входящих и выходящих из тебя, боже, детка, черт возьми.”
I can't believe I had to, I had to sit for so long, hearing you moan and, fuck, the sound of the beads moving in and out of you, god, baby, fuck.
The more they held back their orgasm, the harder they seemed to move their hips up, chairs scratching the hardwood floor underneath them. Andrei couldn’t even see you clearly anymore, his eyes blurred by lust and sweat.
“Это так приятно, но, о черт, я чертовски сильно хочу, чтобы твой рот был на мне, твоя грязная девчонка. То, как ты позволяешь ему делать с тобой все, что угодно, тебе даже наплевать на нас, когда я сижу здесь и умоляю скользнуть в твою прелестную пизду. О, детка. Я хочу этого так чертовски сильно.”
“This feels so good but, oh fuck, I want your mouth on me so fucking bad, you dirty girl. The way you let him do anything to you, you don't even care about us, when I sit here and I beg to slide in your pretty cunt. Oh, baby. I want it so fucking bad.”
“I-, I can’t fucking hold it in anymore.” Martin whimpered pathetically. “I’m going to fucking, explode, oh fuck, so soon.” 
“Когда, когда я наконец прикоснулся к тебе губами, я думал, что кончу себе в штаны, я так сильно хотел тебя.”
“When, when I finally put my lips on you, I thought I was going to cum in my pants I wanted you so bad.” 
Your back arched, staring at the two guys lost in pleasure in front of you. Brent had grabbed you by the throat, his beard tickling your shoulder as he mumbled praises in your ear. Praises that were muffled, almost unheard, covered by the noise of the chairs creaking as they moved, Brent’s balls hitting your clit every time he bottomed out inside you, Russian mixed with moaning and the ringing that came from your ears as soon as you released yourself all over him and the bed; sticky, slick juices exploding out of your swollen cunt, covering Brent’s thighs.
“Я собираюсь вернуться, куколка. Я должен вернуться и, блядь, заставить тебя кончить на меня, устроить беспорядок на мне, черт.”
I'm going to be back, doll. I have to come back and fucking have you cum all over me, make a mess all over me, shit. 
“Good fucking girl, baby. I’m going to mark you, my doll. You’re going to be mine forever now, shit.” Brent growled in your ear before squeezing your body tight, releasing himself and pumping you full with so much cum that it seeped over before he was even done, or before you had a chance to catch your breath.
“Fuck, that’s hot. Fuck, oh, fuck!” Martin exclaimed as he finally released in the sex toy, primitive noises ripping out from his chest.
Andrei was the last one to finish, and a sight to see. He fucked himself done inside the toy hard, cumming harder than ever before with a piercing growl and a clenched jaw. He sat and watched his cum run down his pelvis and legs as he pulled the toy off of him, tossing it aside as he heaved heavily, on the border of hyperventilation, his bright red face and chest dripping in sweat.
Brent left you empty on the bed, scrambling to unlock his teammates and bringing them over to his California king mattress for a rest. Before laying down with you, he grabbed candy and water from the nightstand, tossing it to his friends as he held you again.
“You’re alright, dove?” he asked, holding your face. It was a miracle that your eyes were even putting up a struggle to stay open. “No, no, no, doll, stay with me. Open your eyes.” he said, sitting up alarmingly. 
The guys heard how his tone of voice switched and set aside their own exhaustion to come around you. 
“Stay awake, baby, I need to know that you’re okay.” he repeated, setting your head on his chest. Andrei opened his bag and placed a piece of candy on your lips. The burst of sugar and citric acid woke you up, welcoming the sweetness inside your mouth. You began sucking diligently on the piece of candy as you cuddled up to Brent, placing kisses on his scruffy neck. 
“Atta girl, much better.” he coaxed, now more relaxed. “Eat some up, boys, it’ll help.” he said, watching his friends chug from the water bottles. 
It was nice that you could all sit together and cuddle in silence, replenishing themselves and slowly feeding you candy, water, and kisses. 
“All good, love?” Brent asked in between pecks.
“Yes.” you whispered.
“Much better. Take your nap now.” he said, with a kiss on your forehead. 
You fell asleep, soundly in his arms, and Brent was left with two tired and still very giddy boys in his bed. Their eyes sparkling, waiting for him to say… something.
“You guys did well. Want to come back next week?”
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onyourhyuck · 1 year
Millionaire. | K.JW
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— Prologue: “I’m a millionaire I act like I don’t care. That’s cause’ I don’t care.”
— Summary: Kim Jungwoo is a millionaire who ends up having an one night stand with you.
— Genre: Smut. One night stand. Millionaire!kimjungwoo. smut smut smut minors dni.
— Notes: Inspired by Paper Soldier Brent Faiyaz.
Kim Jungwoo is a millionaire.
He has everything, so why is he now in a hotel room making out with you like you’re everything he’s ever wanted? He has women everywhere, he has bitches left and right everywhere, but now you’re everywhere he goes and he’s so fucking infatuated with you that it leads to massive borderline obsession with you. Jungwoo should’ve played like he didn’t care, but that’s because he doesn’t care about anything else but you. He’s a wealthy man, so why is the happiest when he’s with you? Got you underneath his body naked, sweating beads of sex, your scent taking cover of the entire hotel room. The bedsheets becoming your skin.
Your sweet locks glued on your forehead with the cold sweat in your eyes running like tears by how much your bodies have been burning together with your touches. His mouth tracing the entire alphabet on your body; from your head down to your ankles. He tells you he doesn’t care, because he’s a millionaire, who has everything already he ever wants. But he lied. Because he wouldn’t be in the bed on top of you thrusting with every bit of energy left, it’s the way his length compliments his body proportions — he’s tall. Tall enough to have you shaking, with his large girthy manhood that has you seeing the literal stars on the hotel ceiling.
His breath was the devil’s whisper, somehow you thought he was speaking in tongues with the way he was speaking to you — saying so much nonsense that you cannot blank out. “I saw the way you were looking at me.” Following by a series strings grunts with the sound on his deep low tone. “You wanted me to do this? To kiss you… to grab on to you…” Oh yeah, you thought to yourself. With the way he enters that event looking like the finest fish in the sea, you had your eyes set on the idea but you were not expecting him to actually get on the idea. After all it was all your imagination until he made it a reality.
The millionaire Kim Jungwoo South Korea’s riches members of society now in bed with you trapping your wrists in your pillowcases so roughly that your fingers having to connect like pieces of glass shreds from a plate. Intertwining your fingertips to one’s fingers in the far in moment hearing your squeezed cheeks against Jungwoo’s nose breathing in your sweet sweet perfume that he cannot stand smelling he has to forge and bathe in it. You weren’t enough for him no matter how much you give him but he wishes to have you like a prized possession on the pedestal just for him to admire and look at.
He’s a millionaire you thought. You know you are from two wholeheartedly different worlds. You’re from a far different league that cannot even think of touching Jungwoo’s spotlight but he himself lost at a battle against you. He wants you. More than he wanted anything else in this worldly universe.
You feel the way his teeth graze on your neck staying there for only a minute to see you panting while everything else stops. His length stays inside you feeling your walls throbbing on him and it could drive him right to his final destination because with the way you’re clenching he could come right there and then. You have no idea how bad you’re driving him with your sole whines and pants. Everything on your body was a secret message to him he cannot hide anything from him. It’s like you’re an open book for him to use, use and use. He could read you forever and he would never get bored of you.
“Jungwoo…please…” You’re here in disbelief at how your own mouth was saying whatever you wanted without a second thought. It’s like your mouth and your brain was on a different parallel line between consciousness and your higher desires. Now you’re overtaken by incoming pleasure of how the millionaire above you was watching you with dimly lit orbs down gazing with lust in your pathetic, righteous self. Your eyes spoke fairytales. “What are you pleading for, y/n?”
“You to move…!” You whimper up at how Jungwoo was laughing darkly at you struggle to even form a coherent sentence and conversations. You couldn’t even be bothered to demand what you wanted it’s like you, yourself, was a lost cause underneath him all because of how freaking god he was making you feel. Slightest movement has you clench your jaw. You’d want this to last forever forward.
He indulges in your begging he decided to show some mercy to you and your humiliation you’re facing by trembling with his small touch. You’re here reaching with grabby hands on his shoulders. He shown you obedience to your pleasant pleas vastly moving the pelvis and his hips in a serpentine manner having you become high on the feeling of his bodily sweat and the rushing adrenaline engulfing his sweet chiselled body. His abs were poking out so prettily it has you running laps constantly because it was so hard to avoid how beautiful his body was. It’s like he’s built from the finest of skies coming together. You have to thank his parents, for creating a man like him looking this perfect.
Jungwoo’s dark eyes watching you like you are the best thing he has the taste of. It’s like you were an one of a kind person that no one could have met before than expected. He’s debonair. He’s a crystal clear man who has been around in you and out exploring you all the young night ahead. You love how he purposely slows down when he’s fucking into you so deep just so he could purposely hear your heartbeat while you’re screaming the most enchanting moans leaving your red smudge lipstick.
Money comes in but he cannot lose you. Not like when you’re being like this looking this daze out and fucked out by his large length curling deep within your sweet velvety walls squeezing him on like your life depends on it.
“From the front, my bitch a beauty.” Jungwoo sang in your ears as he saw how pretty your eyes were when you cry from the increasing tension building in your body. Your high was nevertheless ending.
You can’t leave him alone no matter how many times you tell yourself you don’t need someone like Jungwoo in your life, yet you are here taking him in the hotel room this night, like you don’t want him to ever leave your side.
Your lips perk up kissing him so heavenly so your red lips stain his mouth and down your chin tracing to the side of his neck then too. He feels his heart skip so many beats as he was stuck on top having your mouth move like a predator, you were only kissing his naked so keenly, but it feels like an eternal flame burning him from the inside and outside.
“Oh god… Y/n…” His voice caught in your ear going through the right side in through the left side out next you thing you know you are addicted to how your name was rolling off his tongue. “What are you pleading for?…”
Oh how the tables have turned.
Jungwoo clenches his eyes tight as his face walks down to your face taking a glimpse of your glistening glowing face. He loves how red your face goes, every little detail that you have he noticed. “You… I’m pleading for you…”
You really have him chasing after you and your high until you’re here releasing twenty times on his cock. He won’t leave you alone to go dry. He will keep your memory clear like it’s your first and last.
“Be mine.”
Your eyes rose up from the dead as Jungwoo said something you thought would be impossible for a man like him, to say to you.
You’re nothing but his one night stand. You took him to bed a few times but you’re not friends, you’re not lovers. You’re nothing.
“What about the press that will talk…?”
For once Jungwoo wants nothing else but you and he cannot have you because of that he will continue this massive mad man obsession on the road to catch you and make you his. He wasn’t the one to date but he can make an expectation if it’s you, he needs you around him to the point he cannot live without you and he has a feeling that you are the same. He used to live right there, he knows you wish he was still there next to you when in everyday life but now he can make that wish come permanent.
All you need to do is say yes.
Jungwoo gave you an unamused smile as he leans closer kissing your cheek, then kissing your soft jawline and then your ears. Your bare breasts he loves pressing down on his chest that he could not resist how good they are perking up in the sight. His voice was the soft jest of whispers like they were a little bit uncanny to hear from him. “Remember what I said to you the first time we met?”
He didn’t care about anything else.
“I’m a millionaire I act like I don’t care. That’s cause’ I don’t care, Y/n.”
@onyourhyuck Please refer from translating and copyrighting my work thank youu! Reblog and follow me for more updates it helps a girl out.
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alchemistc · 1 month
New and important Goon question: Can you tell us what the dental situation is like? Which 9-1-1 character should I imagine with Brent Burns' smile?
....it's Tommy. The closest you'll get is Tommy.
And before that it was Bobby. Bobby's been out of the game long enough that he's had implants so you'd never know anymore, but during his playing years he never even had jibs so he was just out there rawdoggin the Hockey Smile™️.
Tommy I think is a little more vain, though, so he's rocking dentures (no implants until he's retired, he's not dealing with the shit Tavares went through when his implants got knocked out) but he's still vain enough to wear the jib with his mouth guard. On occasion he'll either forget about it or just be relaxing without it and some media member will catch him at his locker with only one real front tooth and a slight lisp because of it, so there are definitely clips of him on Twitter with captions like: when you forget the old guard enforcers had all their chiclets knocked out ten years ago. Think new Avs fans losing it over EJ's smile every 2-3 years until he left (🙃)
Buck's never lost a full tooth, just chipped them, so he has crowns and a dentist who watches his games and leaves angry notes in his file about CHEWING ON HIS FUCKING MOUTH GUARD INSTEAD OF WEARING IT.
Chim likes to crow about having all of his teeth until someone reminds him that he's had a full fucking cage his entire career, idiot, the thing missing from goalies are fully functional brains, actually, not teeth, why else would anyone SIGN UP to have pucks launched at their body at 90-100mph for a 60+ games a season?
Ravi's never lost a tooth. (Thinking thoughts about round three Ravi now, actually...)
Lucy's even worse off than Tommy but until a team dinner four years into working for them no one even knows that she's only got four real teeth anymore. She proudly pulls up the picture her girlfriend at the time took right before she got her implants.
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space-helen · 2 years
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Words: 2819
Pairing: Fox Mulder x Reader
A/N: I think the ending is a bit weird but I do like this! It kinda made me miss the X Files. Also can we talk about this GIF ?!?!! DAMN
Request:  Fox x Reader where they have to fake being a couple for some reason? Maybe like that one episode where him and Scully have to fake being a couple? - Anon
"Excuse me." You looked the Fox dead in the eye, everyone else was quiet around you.
Skinner gently clear his throat before speaking "Y/L/N, you don't have to do this but it'd be really beneficial if you did."
You pondered it for a second. It would only be two days, two days of pretending to be Mulder's wife at a couples weekend retreat where people were returning with memory loss and burn like markings on their arms. Scully was already known by the retreat as she visited to try and speak to someone but had no luck, which meant that it had to be you and Mulder.
"Alright." You turned towards Skinner "but you all owe me."
"Am I really that bad?" Mulder teased.
"I don't think you want us answering that." Scully piped up.
"Yes, yes you are." Skinner deadpanned which had everyone letting out a brief laugh "Alright, get out of here. Bring us back something good." 
Your car pulled up outside of the retreat. It was beautiful, you couldn't deny that. Opening the door Mulder and you were greeted by the owners, Mr and Mrs O'Donell who immediately welcomed you and asked if you had a reservation.
"Mr and Mrs Brent." You held out your hand to shake the owner's. The two of you had been given fake I.Ds for a Mr Scott Brent and Mrs Lucy Brent.
"We've heard so much about this place. I'm sorry we're late we hit a lot of traffic" Mulder added offering his own hand.
"We've been expecting you" Mrs O'Donell said kindly. "We do however, keep a strict schedule that we expect everyone to stick to, no exceptions."
"I thought this was supposed to be a relaxing retreat." Mulder attempted to joke.
"We understand" you chipped in and gave Mulder a nudge.
The older man gave the two of you a suspicious look and Mulder wrapped his arm around you bringing you into his side. All you could do was smile and look up to the man. 
It must have been convincing enough because Mr O'Donell looked away and Mrs O'Donell smiled. She began to walk towards the entrance, her husband in step beside her. Mulder removed his arm from around you and offered you his hand. Taking it the two of you walked hand in hand into the building.
"Lovely place you have" you spoke as you admired the tall ceilings adorned with flowers and vines where they connected to the walls. 
"Thank you" Mrs O'Donnell replied as she and her husband moved behind what you could only assume was the reception desk.
"Could we see some form of identification please" Mr O'Donell said roughly as his wife pulled out a book and a file which she quickly labelled 'Brent, S.L'
Mulder quickly pulled out the IDs you'd been given and you watched as they inspected them and scribbled down notes.
“Dinner will be in an hour on the dot, followed by introductions and a sample of what’s to come tomorrow.”�� 
“We’ll be there.” you replied as Mulder looked around the room. Mrs O’Donell gave you a polite nod before disappearing and closing the door behind her.
“It’s a lot smaller than I thought it’d be.” you had to admit the man was right. There was a double bed, wardrobe and small desk with a TV on a dresser, barely enough room for the two of you to move around. The bathroom connected to the room was very much the same. Definitely a step down in quality compared to the rest of the resort.
“I suppose they don’t imagine us staying in here all that much so have made the rooms to reflect that and force us to join the activities.” you took a seat on the edge of the bed as you spoke, watching as Mulder switched on the TV and tried navigating some channels but was met with static and no service on most of them.
“Looks like we’re spoilt for choice.” the man spoke light heartedly as he turned the TV off and flopped onto the bed. Lying down he looked at the ceiling as you awkwardly looked around the room. He noticed this and turned his head towards you “Relax Y/N, we’ll be fine.”
“I know. Something feels really off about this place though. Almost sinister and we haven’t even been here an hour yet.”
The man patted the bed beside him and you relaxed a bit, reclining back so your back was against the headboard in a more relaxed position as Mulder scrambled to mirror you on the other side of the bed. 
“We’ll do some proper exploring after dinner if they allow and if they don’t, we’ll find a way to explore anyway. The quicker we find stuff out the sooner we might be able to get home” he said nonchalantly.
You smiled “I suppose. Unless we actually really enjoy ourselves.”
“In a place where people have been losing their memory and get mysterious burns? How could we not enjoy ourselves.”
You laughed a little at his words. The two of you had always got on well, hell you couldn’t think a time where you hadn’t got along, your reaction to having the fake be Mulder’s wife had been a little over dramatic but you loved Mulder as a friend and didn’t want to jepordise that at all because you knew, if you had to act like his wife you might actually develop feelings for him and then after that? There was no way back.
“We should probably get ready for dinner.” his words brought you out of your thoughts. He pushed himself up off the bed. “I’ll get changed in the bathroom you can get changed out here.”
The meal and introductions were weird. Everyone else had been here much longer than you had and were planning on staying. One noticeable thing was that the longer they’d been here the less light they seemed to have behind their eyes. But everyone was still aware of their surroundings and very much ‘there’.
You noticed only a few of couples, the ones who were leaving soon, but not necessarily the ones who’d been here the longest, with the markings on them, but they seemed to be trying to hide them.
Introductions and dinner over, the O’Donells offered everyone some tea. “For our new guests today, the tea is drunk all throughout the retreat. It revitalises the body and mind and relaxes you to allow a full enjoyment of what we have to offer.”
You gave Mulder an unsure look, and watched as the O’Donells watched the two of you. You were both on the same page, you did not want to drink the tea.
“They’re watching us” you whispered under your breath.
The man nodded and smiled, pretending you’d just told him a joke. “Just take a sip and we’ll dump the rest.”
You did as instructed. Taking a sip of the tea and keeping the rest in your cup. Mulder stood and emptied his as he was talking to other people.
Mrs O’Donell approached you and asked why you hadn’t drunk the whole thing.
“I like to have a drink just before bed and I’m getting tired. I thought I’d keep it until just before bed if that’s ok with you?”
The woman thought it over for a second “I suppose so. But you must drink it, my dear. If you don’t you might risk losing your place here.”
You nodded “I’ll be sure to. I don’t want to miss out.” you gave her a sweet smile and she weaved through the crowd, talking to people as she passed.
Mulder was soon with you again. Taking your hand he gave it a squeeze and was soon guiding you back to your room. You could tell he had something to say.
“The other guests are totally brainwashed,” he whispered as he tried to find the room key. 
“I have it.” you pulled out the key and unlocked the door “You let me lock up.” opening it slowly you tried to see if the string was still on the inside of the lock. An old trick you’d learnt to do when you weren’t sure of the security in a building. Noticing the string was on the floor, several feet away from the door you knew instantly someone had been in the room.
Your eyes went wide as you stepped inside. Dragging Mulder inside you closed the door and placed a finger to your lips a sign for him to stay quiet as you pointed at the string on the floor. 
Confused he watched as you paced the room, looking at every surface and under them. When you found what you were looking for you gestured for Mulder to come and look. A bug, your room had been bugged while you were at dinner.
Dragging him into the bathroom you looked around before turning the shower on to hopefully cover up some noise.
“I knew it. I absolutely knew it.” you ran a hand over your hair. 
“I guess we weren’t convincing enough earlier.” the man tried to joked but realised as soon as he’d said it that now wasn’t the right time.
You paced the tiny bathroom “We’ll have to act like a proper couple everywhere but in here and only ever with the shower on.”
The man agreed and noticed you were clutching your tea cup “Why do you still have that.”
You looked down at it. “I thought we could send a sample back to Scully, see what she can find out. Its definitely the tea.”
“And if the tea has something to do with it. Do you think the food does too? The potatoes tasted a little funny.”
You sighed “Probably. I guess we eat and drink as little as possible. It’s going to be tough but I’d rather not end up like the others.”
He nodded in agreement. “How’re you going to get that back to Scully.”
“I brought some vials with us. Hopefully they’ll let me run to the town to post it tomorrow morning.”
“And you could sneak us in some snacks.”
You laughed “Great thinking.” you relaxed slightly and placed the cup on the shelf above the sink. “You ready to go back in there and be Lucy and Scott Brent?”
“As ready as I’ll ever be.” the man winked.
You couldn’t help the wide smile that appeared on your face as you turned away to turn off the shower. Mulder smiled as well as he opened the bathroom door and entered the main bedroom.
Grabbing your things you quickly bottled up a sample for Scully and changed into your pyjamas in the bathroom while Mulder changed. Sorting out your bag you noticed Mulder was already under the covers.
He could see you hesitating to get into bed “Come here Sweetheart.” he said gently, opening his arms to you as his eyes softened.
You got into the bed carefully and let him put his arm over your shoulders. “Today was fun don’t you think? Everyone seems lovely and that tea was ok, I could get used to it.” you spoke, knowing you needed to play up to the listening devices.
Mulder laughed softly and you could hear the rumble from his chest. “I wasn’t a huge fan but if it’s going to make this weekend better I’ll drink all the tea you want me to.”
The man cuddled you to his side more and you instinctively leant into his warmth. You sat like this for a couple of minutes. The man rubbing his hand up and down your arm before he placed a very light kiss to the top of your head which took you by surprise but you couldn’t say it wasn’t welcomed.
“We should go to sleep. Early start tomorrow.” 
You nodded in agreeance and moved down the bed so you were comfortable and the man did the same, the two of you not touching once you’d settled.
You were the first to fall asleep. Mulder could only assume from the way your breathing evened out. He struggled falling asleep to begin with, listening out for any noises in the corridor but before long he’d fallen asleep as well.
In the morning you were woken up by the sound of the alarm clock and you could feel the weight of Mulder’s arm over you. Smiling you moved your hand to his after shutting off the alarm clock. “Morning,” he mumbled.
Turning around to face him you mumbled your good morning’s as well. The two of you felt as if you’d done this one thousand times before.
After a second the man sat up and rubbed his eyes. It took you longer to sit up but you got straight out of bed and dashed to the bathroom to get ready for the day.
“What’s the rush?” he joked as he was pulling on a sweater as you emerged.
“I want to go send this quickly before our morning activity starts.” 
“I’ll walk you down to reception. I’ll stay here and enjoy some breakfast.”
The two of you left the room and the man offered you his hand, once again you slipped yours into his and the two of you headed down to the reception area.
Surprisingly you were allowed to leave the premises but only after a grilling from the owners. 
Mulder stayed behind on his own, realising the two of you hadn’t done any exploring the night before he began to poke around. What he saw he wished he’d never set eyes upon.
Tanks filled with eels. They didn’t look like a typical eel though, these were bright green with purple spots. He could only assume that these were either producing whatever was in the tea or caused the sting. 
Upon further inspection he found pumps, pumps leading the water away and meeting the main water pumps and running alongside, further confirming his suspicion about the tea.
The man took a nearby sledgehammer and smashed through some of the pipes and made his way back up to the lobby.
As soon as you got back he wrapped you up in his arms and hugged you impossibly close for a moment before whispering “I’ve found some stuff. Definitely in the tea.” in your ear.
“Although this is a couple’s retreat we suggest that guests do not show public displays of affection as some of our couples are having hard times in their relationships.” Mrs O’Donell’s voice startled you slightly.
“I’m sorry, it won’t happen again.”
The woman frowned “The first activity is in fifteen minutes.” with her words she walked away.
Mulder began to take large strides back in the direction of your room and you were quick on his heels. Once inside the room he practically pushed you into the bathroom and shoved on the shower.
Closing the door as he did so you turned towards him “What did you find?”
“Eels, huge tanks of them in the basement. They were neon green with purple spots, they had pipes from the tanks running up to the water pipes and then alongside them. I’m pretty sure they’re using the water in the tea and the eels are possibly causing the burns.” he rushed out.
“that's it, it has to be it. We should get out of here."
"Definitely, I may or may not have smashed some pipes."
"Grab your things." He turned off the shower and you did as instructed. The man guided you out of the room once you'd grabbed your bag.
Footsteps coming down the corridor had you both freaking out slightly. The man grabbed your wrist gently and hurried you along the corridor, the both of you practically breaking out into a run. 
The two of you were sprinting to the car. Slipping into it you chucked your things onto the back seats as Mulder started the ignition and sped away. 
Stopping in the nearby town you ran into the sheriff's office and called Scully while you sent the officers to go and arrest the O'Donells.
Eventually, it was quiet. You and Mulder were sat together waiting. 
"You did some good work back there." You complimented the man "I don't know if I could have done another night"
"We make a good team Y/N" He shifted "Was being fake married to me all that bad?" 
You shook your head "it wasn't awful" you admitted "I could think of worse people."
"Like Skinner?"
 "Over my dead body."
"Good. Because I quite liked it as well. How about we grab dinner once this one is put to bed?"
"Sure." You smiled and the man locked eyes with you and they sparkled in a way they hadn't done before but the moment was soon broken by Scully walking through the door 
"Modified eels! You have to be kidding me."
Tag List: (open)
X Files: @storytimewithnetty​
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mikeo56 · 4 months
The Cruelest Thing
The invasion of our privacy, our backyard by children older and younger peering in our bedroom from the trees, screaming and yelling, their father setting off firecrackers and screaming obscenities daily for about a year took our home from Linda and myself long before we left. Imagine the cruelty it took by these sadists, old and young to amass this daily hate campaign upon an elderly couple simply because it was available and convenient to do so and they liked the offer from our landlord. What kind of reject would feel free to behave so inhumanely? These young thieves of home, of peace of mind, of security, these haters carried on this war of hate on Linda and myself as their friends at Marshall Reddick were arraigning our eviction. You can't imagine how horrible this was, watching Linda decline because our neighbors choose to be garbage and have their children behave as garbage. Linda and I were assaulted for about a year at our home before we lost our home and the Sheriff's Department made jokes about it.
Linda was in her 80's, her health was failing slowly, she was frail and the hatred and harassment aimed at us by this cruel family of hirable miscreants left Linda disoriented, stressed, frightened, and constantly worried. She died a few months after we were forced out of the property. I wonder if we hadn't been harassed by our sadistic neighbors children and father if Linda might have survived.
Linda shouldn't have died.
Someone else should have died.
Linda was a sweet, warm gentle soul. She was not a hater. She even helped Doug once when he was stuck and that while she was having trouble getting around. Linda made the world a better place to live in.
Someone else should have died.
The children, with Brent's, Jennifer and Travis's help made wicked abusers with their father-orchestrated behavior. The monsters made my and Linda's life a hell, propped up by the trash at Marshall Reddick, Brent and the Sheriff's Department. The children were being taught to be abusive, to say to hell with their neighbors privacy and peace of mind and to be haters and more than likely these children will turn into the same kind of hateful lying cowards that their parents and grandparents are. Chances are low they will grow up to make this a better world to live in for anyone, more likely than not like their elders, maybe burn someone's home to the ground. Certainly not a better world for Linda, Linda is dead, and those children had a small hand in it.
Someone else should have died.
Someone else.
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The Clone Wars Gets A New Victim
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Timeline: 22 BBY - 19 BBY
(Main) Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Grim Kennet, Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano
Summary: A retelling of The Clone Wars and Revenge Of The Sith with a new character added into the story. One who is determined to change it. But is it possible to rewrite fate?
Rated: Teen and up
Warnings: Major Character Death, Minor Character Death, Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Additional Tags: Canon divergent, friends to lovers, tragedy, hurt/comfort, Jedi as found family
Series: it came from tragedy
Story Established: October 2021
OC Established: February 2020
A03 | Wattpad
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Obi-Wan Kenobi
Age: 35 - 38
Homeworld: Stewjon
Master: Qui-Gon Jinn
Padawan: (Formerly) Anakin Skywalker, (Currently) Grim Kennet
Love Interest: N/A, implied to have once had a past relationship with Satine Kryze
Theme Song(s): A Sadness Runs Through Him by The Hoosiers, Light by Sleeping At Last
Obi-Wan Kenobi is a Jedi Master who is on the Jedi Council. His life is meant for infinite sadness. He knows this, and yet he hopes still. He is bright in the Force. A beacon of light against all of the darkness. Before the outbreak of The Clone Wars Obi-Wan trained Anakin Skywalker. The younger Jedi being knighted after the first battle of Geonosis. He is caring and compassionate, and a warrior both on the battlefield and with words. And he prefers to negotiate rather than fight. He can only guide his Padawans to make the right choices and stay connected to the light, although he wishes they would accept his help.
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Grim Kennet
Age: 14 - 17
Homeworld: Earth
Master: Obi-Wan Kenobi
Padawan: N/A
Love Interest: Ahsoka Tano
Theme Song(s): The Fixer by Brent Morgan, Atlantis by Seafret, All Things End by Hozier, I'll Keep You Safe by Sleeping At Last, Two by Sleeping At Last, Eight by Sleeping At Last, Youth by Daughter
Grim Kennet is the Jedi Padawan of Obi-Wan Kenobi, but there is far more to her than one might know. Grim originally was from Earth and was a fan of the Star Wars franchise. One day in the middle of May in 2020, Grim ended up in The Clone Wars. From then on she made it her goal to change the story of the war to favor the Jedi. She learns to navigate the blurred lines of fiction and reality. Grim keeps many secrets and struggles with the constant battle of light and darkness. She is stubborn to a fault, and is kind and caring. Although she must be wary of her anger and fear that may lead her down a darker path.
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Anakin Skywalker
Age: 19 - 22
Homeworld: Tatooine
Master: Obi-Wan Kenobi
Padawan: Ahsoka Tano
Love Interest: Padmé Amidala
Theme Song(s): Monster by Imagine Dragons, A Sadness Runs Through Him by The Hoosiers, Animal I Have Become by Three Days Grace, Traitor by Daughtry
Anakin Skywalker is the Chosen One destined to bring balance to the Force. Formerly the Padawan of Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin now has a Padawan of his own. He must learn how to teach his own student while navigating a war and the storm inside his heart. Keeping many secrets that it claws at him. And a dragon whispers inside "all things die, Anakin Skywalker. Even stars burn out." His life is out of his control and he wants that control back. He needs it. The darkness inside of him eats him alive, and he barely fights it anymore. His fear and anger may just be the downfall of the whole galaxy.
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Ahsoka Tano
Age: 14 - 17
Homeworld: Shili
Master: Anakin Skywalker
Padawan: N/A
Love Interest: Grim Kennet
Theme Song(s): Moondust by Jaymes Young, Say Something by A Great Big World, Karma by AJR, My Way by Frank Sinatra
Ahsoka Tano is the Jedi Padawan of Anakin Skywalker. She learns to grow throughout The Clone Wars, wondering what her place is. She must learn to find herself. Navigating through war and emotions. She is kind and stubborn, and snippy at times earning her the nickname "Snips" from her Master. Eventually she must find her place in the galaxy on her own.
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sawtastic-sideblog · 11 months
Dumbest thought of the day:
Prima ballerina Adam
Douche bag manager Hoffman (mans is secretly a dancer but life happened and now he's a bitter man who dances I secret)
Ballerina bff Amanda
(Only open if you wanna see my incoherent sleep deprived ramblings. I haven't slept in 2 days because insomnia and my anxiety has decided to 🎶 kick it up a notch 🎶 I currently have no filter)
Obsessed audience member that wants Adam...idk probably William or Logan...fuck it it's Ivan
Logan works in props
William (this is emmerson schenk whatever btw) works with the lights
Theater owners John and Jill (they hate hoffman and love Adam)
Buff head stangehand Strahm
Zeke is a principal dancer as well and they whore him out to film and other theater productions (they can spare him but not Adam because Adam puts asses in the seats)
Remember Addy? The middle aged lady that works for William Easton? Yeah she was prima ballerina back in her day but an injury to her out of the game. Now she's the dance teacher/instructor who adores Amanda and Daniel.
Speaking of William Easton he's the number one patron he's at every show and everyone calls him Uncle MoneyBags ™ because he dressed like Mr. Monopoly for Halloween ones fifteen years ago (Adam started it)
Brent Abbott you ask? He's just starting out in the big leagues. Adam has taken him under his wing
Corbett Denlon? Star of her class. Been dancing sine she was 3. She's at every performance she can get her parents to go to. The practice room she uses to rehearse is named after her late brother (who was also a student everyone adored)
And who is this up in the rafters changing the backdrops for scenes? Why it's Bobby Dagen the stage hand who is down bad for children's dance instructor and another principal dancer that gets lent out to other productions Joyce Young (in this universe Amanda and Joyce are cousins just go with it)
Where's our favorite Doctor Lawrence Gordon? (I know our actual favorite doctor is Lynn Denlon but for the sake of this post it's Larry (imagine cary elwes saying Larry from that one scene of men in tights)) well I'll tell you. He is the new front of house manager and he hates Hoffman and he went backstage to confront him but got distracted when he saw Adam dancing. Completely transfixed. He was smitten but has never talked to him in the 3 months he's Been there.
Zep is John's nephew. He's clumsy and spills his mop water on the daily. He's also the janitor/ maintenence man for the theater. He's been electrocuted many times. He's fine. His hair is permanently sticking up tho.
Remember Britt and Addison? Yeah they're the mean girls who constantly undermine everyone they dont like (mainly Amanda. They try to get into Adam's pants) (honestly they could hit me with a car and I'd say thank you)
Perez is Strahms BFF and costume designer
Cecil Adams? Of course he's here. He's the pervy stage hand nobody likes (think Joseph Buquet in Phantom of the Opera meets Ted Spankofski from Starkid's Hatchetfield series)
Art Blanc of course he's the theaters legal aid
Rigg is Amanda's dance partner. They're also like together but not
Kerry is there. She's Gordon's second in command.
Daniel Matthews was forced into dance classes by his mom when he got in trouble in school at 13. He's a natural. He still isn't the best but he takes extra lessons with Addy, Adam, Rigg, Amanda, and Joyce (everyone does one of one with him) and Brett helps him outside of the theater. (They're bffs)
Eric Matthews is head of security who is constantly watching Daniel. He's proud
Dan Erickson is here too. He's the accountant.
Jeff joined Eric's security after his son died so he could spend more time with Corbett
Lynn serves as the unofficial theater nurse. She's patched up many floor burns (trust me it fucking hurts when you fall on a stage/dance studio floor even with something to cover your skin think rug burn but from a wooden floor) and sprain ankles and a few broken toes, one time Daniel was a little over zealous and rammed himself into the mirror and broke his nose. She loves being the only unofficial nurse on the unofficial payroll (they're donations for new pediatrics wing of the hospital. John and Jill are grateful for her services but she won't accept payment so they donate to her new department she runs)
The theater is called "Gideon Theater" of course.
Other characters make up the orchestra but I'm too lazy to look them up rn. Up to your imagination but like Charles from 5 plays bass clarinet. The two from the pound of flesh trap are here too. I don't remember their names but the girl plays clarinet and the guy is percussion (I can see him playing xylophone the hammer bell things and crashing th cymbals) And the last surviving dude from the fatal 5 plays trumpet. I know their names my brain is just fried right now
Oh and Bobby's BFF I think he's named after spinach or some other leafy vegetable I can't remember but he's an investor in the theater too.
(Just because I don't have motivation to write this I'd love for people to write their own interpretation of this and tag me) (bonus points if we cross universes and Specs and Tucker show up) (I don't expect anyone to actually do this)
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macabremoons · 1 year
Happy blorbo blursday!
do you have any songs that represent one or your characters? Or are synonymous with them?
i have whole playlists for them! i dont have playlists for all of my ocs but ill try to do more than just daycycle for once LOL. will be limiting myself to 3 songs so you can really get their vibe
Project Daycycle:
Menodora: Love On The Brain | Rihanna, What You Waiting For? | Gwen Stefani, Give A Little | LeGrand and CG5
Benjamin: 505 | Arctic Monkeys, MANIAC | Stray Kids, All Hail Shadow | Crush 40 (I DO NOT WANT TO HEAR IT)
Apollo: Beat it | Michael Jackson, Burn Him Down! | Kitsch Club, Natural | Imagine Dragons
Bonnie: (all the songs on her playlist are vibes LOLLL) Players | Coi Leray, Hate Rodrigo | YENA (so her omg), The Rent | GRLwood
Emilio: Go To War | NOTHING MORE, Let 'em Burn | NOTHING MORE, Chicago | Michael Jackson
Project Deja Vu:
No, don't worry, you do not know this wip.
Regan: Teeth | 5 Seconds of Summer, Pretty Girl | Claro, Happier Than Ever | Billie Eillish
Dante: DEAD MAN WALKING | Brent Faiyaz, RICH BOY | payton, Clouded | Brent Faiyaz
Project Forevermore:
Sabelina: You Right | Doja
Grimoire: Ruler of My Heart | uhhh very complicated just look it up it has a hand in the pfp, Mx. Sinister | I DONT KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME
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Keep Away - Isane Driver VS. Pulp Friction - Fool Heavy
Scatterbrain - Casual Tees VS. Sad Hit Song- V is for Villians
Patches - Jawbreaker Reunion VS. Animal Rites - John Congleton & The Nighty Nites
New Dance - DEERPEOPLE VS. Maple Leaf Etc - Maxshh
Mama - Eudora June VS. The Helper - Giannah Noelle
Victim of a Siren - Seraph Siege VS. There's a Darkness (but There's also a Light) - The Wild VS. Ray - Dylans
Alive - GON VS. You are Loved - David Lamotte TIE
Where U Goin? - Half in the Bag VS. For Me - Dearlie
The Hidden Word - Noe Venable VS. Echo in the Hills - Carrie Elkin VS. YOUR GALAXY - ROZLYN PELL
Juliet and Juliet -Kactus Kid VS. Low Rent Truman Show - Marc with a C
The Danger - Patricia Wallinga VS. Call Me Captain - Emrys Layne (@callmecapt) VS. Deep Blue - Grapefruit
PIANO GAMES - Hazma Notes VS. Worst in the World - Uncle Outrage
Cheese (original mix) -Cheese VS. Hokutoshichisei no Ichiya- Akiko lkuina
There'll be Someone at My Funeral Who Doesn’t Want to Be There - Sammy J VS. The Crayon Song - Class Of 3000
TECVM CIRCVMAMBVLARE NOLO - John Linnel VS. Imagination - Niel innes VS. Me and Nikolai - Pale Young Gentlemen
Eat Your Heart Out, Sigmund Freud - Mollie Maxwell VS. Don't Want You -Carpark
Runaways - Big Tree VS. 10,000 Days - OK Glass
Hurricane - My Cat Umi VS. Rotten - Missouri Surf Club
Born to it - Freefonix VS. last week/month/year - rain
Pointillize - Raccoon Fink VS. execute - ninty
Better Red Than Dead - KELChip VS. Ego -Powderpaint
... - subeteanatanoseidesu VS. Nighttime (I fall asleep) - Sam X
GOTH BITCH DUB - 621 gecs VS. To.Get.Her - Nixis
Dusk and Dawn - Das Fi VS. Between You and Me - Clementine Werchola
Monmon Fanmoran - Mochitsune VS. Can Graze the Roof Bring you Back to Childhood? - Anomaly Vector TIE
Memories - Jens East (Ft. Lotta Rasva) VS. Moongrains with Lyrics feat. Gumi A - Anonaly Vector VS. Ode to Janey Lou- FOE
The Dreaming- Marquis of Vaudevill VS. Best Friend - Taitoki
Rusalka and The Shepherd Girl - The Forgetmenauts VS. Four Tall Trees - Leslie Fish
Captain Ward - Tempest VS. The Trials Of Oscar Wilde - Alan John
Winter's Tooth - Alexander James Adam VS. He of Sidhe - Alexander James Adam
Labyrinth - Madeline S VS. The Phoenix - Julia Ecklar
Liar and the Hound - Beneath Eden VS. Bodysuit -FlooringCo
Pause Button - Particle Devotion VS. On a Walk - Fort Womb VS. Death is a Girl - Skippocalyptic
52 Pickup - Z. VS. 山谷澗 - Mysterain小雨樂隊 VS. Pub Money - Bag of Cans
Never be Famous - Hussalonia VS. 613 - FC the kid VS. Lhasa - Shapaley
Collide - Harold J VS. We Made it - JAMIEvx VS. 412 (coffin built for two) - Mollie Maxwell
Unretractable Fact - Second Person VS. SCARY* - EXIT ONLY
Preserve - PETROLEUM! GENDERLOSS VS. No Proposals - Physical Plant
Maneater- Blue Eyed Blondes VS. la somnambule - La Femme Pendu
Center Stage - Howard Martin VS. Gears of the Atom Man - Angels of Liberty TIE
Wake Up Girl - Skeeter Truck VS. Dark Rip - Teen Girl Scientist Monthly
Trust Me - Time Crash VS. Not Yet - Leo and the Little Things
Grace - Raelle VS. Animal- Xisco Feijoó
Hyperphantasia - Fearful Earful VS. Tonight Eternity Alone - Rene Clause
Cardigan Sweater - Jasmine Kennedy VS. Milá má - Nahore VS. Side A -Alohaha
The Binding Of isaac - Schmekel VS. Slip! - Bright Orange
Boy who Blocked the Sun - Demi the Daredevil VS. Rainy Day Georgia - Jayne Trimble VS. Burn it Down with Math - Deuce of Gears
Haircut Song - Shannon Moser VS. Reunion - Brent Spiner & Maude Maggart
Small Parts of Something Much Larger - Suns VS. Sunshine and Lollipops 2020 - Sad Snack
Say What You Want - Growth Spurt VS. Mirëmëngies - Edona Vatoc
Have You Ever Seen a Duck, Like, in Real Life? - Lisa the Beauty Queen VS. Housekeeper- Faun Fables
Caroline - Espers VS. Tales of the Phantom Ship - Nathan Landis Funk
Lotus eaters - Jessica Law VS. Raising the Dead! - Jessica Law VS. Autism Murder Memorial - Fit to Work
Blow Up the Moon - Feel Spectres VS. All For Me Grog! - Spud Bugs
Reclaim - Porch Cat VS. Orpheus on Ice - The Small Calamities VS. Violin Concerto in the Key of Crippling Regret - The Small Calamities
Homme Offer Knee - Ben Below VS. Hold My Heart - The Dune Sea
Each Time She Calls - Jessie Gosling VS. flexible guy - clown residue
Howard - Demo- Mother Aiden VS. Blooming Strangely - Ginger & Pear
恐竜あげみざわ★ - Kyouruu Friends VS. 星の旅人- Sayaka Senbong & Yumiri Hanamori
The End of the World - Fred Deakin VS. 運命は※ Love You - チームDEKAI
Ultimate Performance of Abandoned Magic Boxes ~ Racks of Junk - KR. Palto47 VS. 薔薇は美しく散る x 輪舞 revolution - okurigi66
297回の試行 - Image44 VS. They'll Make a Monster Out of You - Freefonix
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naturepointstheway · 1 year
Memory, (Not Alone) in the Moonlight (Cats-pril 2023)
Extremely late to the party, but I finally came up with a quick little fanfic piece for the second day of @storyweaverofgondor's Cats-pril prompts list/event: Memory. In this, Mistoffelees (I'm seeing 1998 Jacob Brent's one for this) discovers he is able to call on any of his past three ancestral forms to enter his dreams, depending on what he needs after a long day.
Ancestral memories flickered at the corners of Mistoffelees’ eyes, in the shadows of his dreams, in the eyes of every cat in the junkyard. As a kitten, Mistoffelees had not quite understood what he was witnessing, and had imagined it all to be dreams—vivid, real, and at times heart breaking, but dreams nonetheless. And yet they persisted, some only at certain times of the day or night, and others came and went as they pleased (just like a self-respecting cat). If he stared up at the stars while curled up on a warm night out on the veranda, and then dozed off, eyes slipping shut, his mind opened up and let in dreams of himself as his previous lives. He had wondered a while if any would show the future, but never did; he supposed the Everlasting Cat would never allow any Jellicle, magical or otherwise, to see their future selves.
And so Mistoffelees contented himself with ghosts of his former lives flickering in his peripherals, slipping into his reflections for a second before disappearing, greeting his ancestral lives like old friends who had always been there, all a part of each other. They had distinct personalities, and yet all had the familiarity of Mistoffelees: his dance, his magic, his wit, his quiet confidence, his eagerness to show off his magic (save for that embarrassing moment at the last Jellicle Ball when he’d thought it was his turn, but it was about Jennyanydots instead. He could’ve died right there and then of humiliation.)
With practice, Mistoffelees discovered he could “summon” any of them into his dreams when he wanted to meet any one of them as he slumbered close to Tugger’s warmth. It wasn’t a matter of just choosing one at random (at first, as a kitten, it was random, for he had yet to hone this skill); it depended much on his state of mind, mood, and what he desperately desired to calm him in the presence of phantom lives and memories.
Should he desire comfort, ease, and lullaby soft singing in his dreams, he would call upon his oldest Jellicle life’s memories, and there he would be. He was certainly the most diminutive of all the Mistoffelees, including himself, but no less charming with a warmth remarkably like Munkustrap’s. Gentle smile, comforting presence, and with a heart as big as could be. His singing was a gentle lullaby, a soothing balm for restless, anxious nights where he couldn’t get to sleep—it was strange to hear him singing of Jennyanydots, but he never grew tired of hearing it again and again. Every single time, when that lullaby voice sang through his slumber, Mistoffelees never failed to wake up to a new dawn with all tension in his muscles gone, and a boost in his mental state that did not falter for at least a few days.
If the desire to be cheered up after a hard day, but not necessarily wish for close comfort, struck him, then he called upon his second oldest Jellicle life’s memories—and there he would be. He had a wild look about him, with his wide, startlingly blue eyes, his unusual face markings, and fluffier and thicker fur, but in his chest lay a big heart of gold. Mistoffelees would curl up as though in a big cosy leather chair, eyes fixed on the theatrical displays and flourishes of this energetic ancestral form. This form did not sing of Jennyanydots, but rather of rambunctious Mungojerrie and Rumpelteazer, and to Mistoffelees this made absolute sense, as he had not the soft, lullaby aura or voice of his oldest life, but instead sang in melodies burning with powerful theatrics that reminded Mistoffelees every time of Tugger. When the dream started closing into an epilogue as the dawn broke over the world outside, there was always a pang of already missing what felt like an old friend, grieving for someone he had never met (but in a way…he had and did. He was him once upon a time, after all.) Yet, when he awoke, his heart and head was lighter, and he imagined that he could make all his most magical dreams come true.
Should he want the comfort of an old memory friend, but not desiring theatre or song, he called upon his third life’s form to enter his dreams. He didn’t speak, wholly mute, but that did not mean he never expressed himself nor was a distant and cold presence (otherwise Mistoffelees wouldn’t ever bother calling on him). Despite his shy appearance, this Mistoffelees life was not afraid to sit close next to him and simply just be in companionable silence. Occasionally, he would dance, his conjuring turns speeding up faster and faster until, just before Mistoffelees imagined he’d start getting dizzy, he stopped with a flourish and a series of acrobatic leaps into the air like it was all effortless. It seemed he'd waft off in the wind with his slim physique and deceptively shy mannerisms, but he was as strong as any rock, his heart bigger than any boulder. Remarkable how much this life’s memory reminded Mistoffelees so much of Victoria, who despite her sweet and innocent impression, was also as strong as any rock, more expressive in body movement than most Jellicle cats. When he awoke to the sun having fully broke the horizon, Mistoffelees felt he had learned so much more than any Jellicle, Tugger included, could ever understand or know.
Seeing all these ancestral lives with their distinct memories and personalities, Mistoffelees had been curious at one point whether he could see into the future. He tried as hard as he could, closing his eyes to a full moon one night, and asked the Everlasting Cat if he could see his future selves. Until, one evening, they had entered his dreams, fur glowing like an aurora in the sky, eyes flickering with constellations of stars, settling down to look him in the eyes. They had heard his question, and they had an answer: no. No, they could not and would not allow any Jellicle—not even Old Deuteronomy—to peek into future lives.
“The universe is a curious place. There is only the past and now. We know what you will be, but we cannot tell you. All we can promise is that you, right now, are doing perfectly well. Are you not content with your life?”
More than content, Mistoffelees relayed to her in thought, I’m happy with my current life.
“There are no memories in the future, for they have yet to be realised and lived to form. Memories belong to your past and to your now. Do you have any future memories you remember?”
Mistoffelees didn’t have to think long or too hard on that.
No, he said, I have no future memories. How can I?
“And there is your answer, Mistoffelees. There are no memories of the future, let alone your next life. Be content with the here and now, and love your now self as much as you do your past selves who you meet in your dreams. Do you understand?”
I do, he assured, I understand and I am content with my now life.
“We are much gladdened to hear it. And now it is dawn and we must take our leave before the moon full sets.”
Thank you, Everlasting Cat.
And he awoke that morning more content than he ever had felt in his life.
I am okay. I am content.
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behoright · 2 years
just a little bored l b. burns x j. staal x reader
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truthfully i've got some space / i want a man to fill it
summary: you help brent and jordi deal with the game loss by inviting them over to your apartment and...
wordcount: 3.8k
song: floyd - kelis
warnings: smut. unprotected sex. anal. lots of dirty talk n baby talk. size kink. an oral fixation and a slight foot fetish. a lil bit of gagging/choking. and lots of fluids. 
a/n: ummmm…. this is ALL @thejerksquad ‘s fault. it’s so nasty i’m sORRY. i’m thinking about writing an andrei/pyotr version of this story - lmk what you think. it’s horribly written but um. it’s here. hope y’all enjoy. 🙃
reminder: this is purely fiction.
  ҉  ㅤ۪  ࿙࿚ ◌
Jordan woke up with a pounding in his head. The light hurt his eyes, in disbelief that it was morning already. Every family has problems, he’d told himself over and over again. 
However, this time was different. All of the drama, the back and forth was taking too much of a toll on him, and it was getting harder to keep a smile on his face. After his wife had left him for their younger, beefier neighbor, the team had already been understanding enough toward him. He didn’t need any more sympathy; not when he had a team to lead. 
Thankfully, he had been able to nurture some new connections with guys on the team. Burnzie had gone through a very similar situation with his now ex, right before he had moved to Raleigh. It gave him hope to know that his teammate was friends with his former lover. Maybe there was some hope for him as well in the future.
Dating, however, was completely out of the question for both of them. The younger guys had pressured both at some point to get something called Tinder or what have you; but Burnzie could never remember which way to swipe if he liked a girl. Jordi didn’t have his phone on him most of the time. Everyone was too young on there, and to be fair, they weren’t 22 anymore. They had obviously seen many attractive girls that they would have loved to spend the night with. But they all wanted money, or season passes, and to be introduced to the younger guys. It was too confusing and time-consuming. 
Most days, both men would come home to their now-considered “bachelor pads”, in the same building, eat and head straight to bed. That’s unless, you counted their nights with you, their lovely neighbor. 
It wasn’t astonishing to anyone that they both were attracted to you. Duh. But they were both very aware that you were too young for them. 
You were just like one of the girls they saw on those dating apps. Unlike them, you seemed to almost take them in, instead of the other way around. During those lonely days off that they would spend alone, you were always at their doorstep with a hot plate of food. For both. So eventually, they started coming to you.
Sometimes, only Burnzie. Other times, both of them. 
They didn’t want to cross any lines, and they knew they were vulnerable, but it had been a while since they had been taken care of like this. Brent’s ex never waited up for him or asked about any of his games. And Jordie’s former wife had never touched a skillet or pan, opting instead to use his credit card to serve herself. They were both used to coming to a home that was dark, cold, and lonely, before AND after their marriage. So to no surprise, your apartment was heaven to them. Lovely decorated, hardwood floors covered with sophisticated rugs and cream-colored furniture. Brent had noticed how you always kept a candle lit and fresh flowers on your kitchen island. After you started fostering a friendship, Jordan loved that you had his favorite candy always stocked in your pantry. 
So they would both privately relish in the fantasy. Of coming home to you, to a warm meal and a warm bed. To an embrace. But those things could have never been shared. It was pure fantasy. 
As much as he didn’t want to, Rod had forced Jordan to take today off. There was something about his look, his quietness that put Rod off, so he got sent home.
Burns, on the other hand, gave it his all, but man, it was getting hard. This stretch of the season always took more out of him, but the low that came from their recent losses had taken a toll. This night, especially, after failing to get the puck into the net during the shootout. And Jordi had watched it all from his apartment, alone. 
That’s how you ended up with the two men, looking completely defeated, on your couch.
“Come.” Brent waved his hand at you, spreading his legs open on the couch. “I need something to hold and Jordi took all of the pillows.” 
You had invited them to watch a movie, get their mind off of their jobs with a good meal to accompany them. You were truly hoping it’d work, lift their spirits a bit. 
“I have a million throw pillows on my THREE couches, and you guys still manage to end up like this.” you said, your back pressed against Burnzie’s chest, his tattooed arms now wrapped around you. 
“You’re the most comfortable anyways” he whispered.
Brent had an undeniable crush on you. He had thought before that you acted way older than your age, and that thought simply just repulsed him. Was he becoming that older man that only looked at 20-year-olds? Ugh. Creepy. So he pushed it down. He’d come over and let himself be smitten by you, and sometimes he’d fall asleep with his cock in his hand, fantasies running through his head. But never in real life. 
What they both didn’t know, thanks to your poker face, was how much you loved to spend time with them. Individually, and together. There was something about them always coming back to you. They didn’t treat you like all of those guys your friends set you up with. They weren’t messy or dirty. They didn’t comment on other women’s bodies in front of you. It was a pleasure to you to have them over all the time, and perhaps those moments spent together made your underwear a little wet. But they didn’t need to know that. No harm, no foul. 
You finally all settled on the couch, the opening credits to your favorite movie playing. It wasn’t long before the atmosphere in the room started to switch. The air, suddenly, becoming thicker. Stuffier.
You were moving so much. So, so much. And Brent hated how good it felt on his lap. The pressure from your ass rubbing on him was heavenly. But it felt wrong. He couldn’t let himself get hard right now. 
“Are you settled yet? You’re moving a lot.” he uttered quietly, eyes glued to the tv.  
“It’s hard to get comfortable when you guys are taking up so much space.” you hissed, quietly. 
On the opposite end of the couch, Jordan’s hands were resting on your feet, covered by a blanket. Thankfully, he thought, you were far away enough that you couldn’t feel the bulge growing in his pants. There was something about seeing you so comfortable in between them. You looked so small, enveloped by Burnzie’s big frame. He would've done anything to switch positions with him, maybe would have finally had the guts to let his fingers trail your body. And he could tell by the way you keep rustling around that your own body was seeking a different type of pleasure. Or maybe he was simply too horny, his mind coloring everything with desire. 
Nonetheless, your chest was heaving differently tonight. Perhaps it was the thin tank top you had on, one that showed your bra. But your cheeks… they were so flushed. And Jordie had noticed his teammate getting more and more restless as well. Brent’s eyes kept rolling at all of your moves, wiping his forehead at each one of your movements. 
And now, he couldn’t hide it. 
Brent was fully hard. He was wearing sweatpants, and his length wasn’t something that he could easily hide. He knew you could feel it. He swore it. Your breathing had changed, now moving more a little more rapidly. And that bra that you had on pushed your tits higher than ever. He turned his eyes away from your body when he felt Jordi’s staring into his soul. There was something there, but Brent couldn’t quite pin down what it was. His captain raised his eyebrows at him, head nodding towards you. Brent gave him a questioning look. And Jordi’s eyes widened, biting the inside of his cheek. 
Was he insinuating that he should’ve…..?
Yes, Jordi nodded his head. “Just try.” he mouthed. 
Brent’s lips got closer to your ear. 
“You doing okay there, sweetheart?”
“Uh….yes.” you whispered.
“Are you getting warm? You seem a little flushed.” he added, beard tickling your neck.
“Are you warm?” Brent heard a hint of attitude in your voice. “Do you want me to move the blanket? Are you sure that's the best idea? Maybe we should keep ourselves covered.” 
Brent hips slightly rolled up. Jordi had heard everything, unbeknownst to you, his cock growing bigger under his own blanket. 
“We don’t need to keep anything under covers, baby. No need to worry about that.” he whispered, lips moving towards your neck. Brent started placing small pecks up and down your side, his grip on you getting tighter and closer to your chest. As he swooped his tongue on your earlobe, his eyes shot up Jordi.
Your turn, Captain. 
Jordi’s hands moved out of the blanket, beginning to rub your legs. Your head was now tilted back onto Burnzie’s shoulders, eyes fluttering at the wet feeling of him on your neck. Jordi couldn’t help but run his fingers back down to your feet, starting to move his thumbs in unison to massage them, his hips forming small circles on the couch. 
“Oh, you guys.” you moaned.
“Yeah? Is this okay?” 
“Do you want this, Y/N?” 
“Yes. God, yes.” you said, letting them take you over even more. 
This was long due. Tonight was perfect for all of you. 
Jordi brought up your left foot to his mouth, placing kisses all around it, while Brent’s hands moved to massage your breasts, his mouth working overtime on your neck. 
“You take such good care of us, Y/N.” Jordi said, switching to your other foot in the most gentle way possible. “Let us return the favor.” 
The only thing you could do is moan, your pelvis grinding up and down, feeling Brent’s hard cock on your ass. 
Burnzie’s thick fingers found their way around the cups of your bra and tank top, pushing them down and letting your tits spill out. 
“Look how beautiful you are.” Jordi added, pecking at your bare ankles. 
“I’ve wanted to do this for so long.” Brent grunted, wrapping his calloused hands around your exposed chest.
He grinded into you at the feeling of your bare skin, and he was so big that it jolted your body up a little bit. It was all friction between you two, and it felt so good. One of his hands moved down to your pants.
“You’ve soaked through your shorts, baby. What a messy girl you are.” he said, keeping his grinding steady, making your tits bounce in his touch as you were moved by his lap; he eventually moved his hand to trace his fingertips up and down the cloth covering your pussy. Jordi’s lips keep moving up your legs more, becoming more open-mouthed as he crossed past your shin, your knee, and eventually landed on the inside of your thighs, his own cock looking for friction by pressing into the couch.  
“I can see how wet you are. Are you wearing underwear, baby?” he said, face inching close to your heat while Burnzie kept leaving hickeys on your neck.
“I-, I am.” 
“I think it’s about time we change that.” Burnzie growled. 
Jordi proceeded to pull down your pants, your undies momentarily sticking to your cunt before coming down. The action made both of the men ache. 
“You’re so fucking beautiful.”
“You look so ready for us.” Jordi added, right before licking up your pussy, your hips bucking towards him.
He smirked, meeting his teammates’ eyes, right before stuffing his face into you. Your moans increased, uncontrollably, and you moved in the most perfect way for Brent, whose body was tightening under you. You were basically covered in love bites by now, but no one cared. Brent wanted to see his mark on you. 
Jordan was losing himself in your pussy. He couldn’t remember the last time he had done this. The first taste reminded him how much he loved to; he was parched, and you were his only source of water. He twirled his tongue around your clit, sucking and applying the most amount of toe-curling pleasure. He progressed down to your entrance, desperately lapping up at your sweet juices, wanting more and more and more. He wanted to feel your thighs tremble more, he wanted more of your taste, more of your moans. 
“That’s right baby, keep grinding your pussy on his face like that. Do you know what that’s doing to me? Can you feel how fucking hard you’re making me?” Brent grunted. 
He was doing his best to not grind his hips up too hard into you, seeing as it would jostle you around so much, but Burnzie was getting impatient. 
Before you got too close, you pried Jordan’s head away from you. He looked up at you, chin covered in spit and in you, hungry for more. 
Swiftly, you turned around and pulled Brent’s pants down to let his erection spring free. Jordi pulled your ass back into him, his tongue already out and dripping for you, and went back to eating you out as you bent your head low, twirling your tongue around Brent’s head. His cock stood straight up, precum running the side of his veiny length. He hadn’t felt a mouth on him in so long. His head went slack on the couch, eyes rolling in absolute bliss.
“Oh, fuck.” he moaned, his voice down a register already. 
You wasted no time in taking him as far down as possible, his lower body immediately going into twitches. The pleasure radiating from Jordan’s tongue dipping inside you was filling you up with an irresistible warmth. You didn’t care how big Brent was, or the fact that you were gagging and drooling all over him, globs of saliva dropping onto his pubic hair. You ran your hand down onto his base, moving between stroking him and spreading your spit onto his balls. 
“Holy fuck. Good girl, baby. You’re being so, so good for us.” he growled, stifling down his moans as much as he could. The tension in between your legs was getting stronger, Jordi’s tongue moving rapidly, his knuckles white from grabbing on your hips, doing his best at pushing as much of you into him. 
You gasped, tongue still licking Brent’s cock. 
“Oh, Jordan. Oh. Oh my god.” you moaned, a line of spit connecting your lips to Brent’s pulsating member.
“Give it to me, pretty girl.” he said, before stuffing his tongue back inside your cunt.
That was all it took for the rubberband to snap. You rested your head on Burnzie’s hip while moans ripped right out of you, trembling and creaming all over Jordan’s face. Brent was so overtaken by the whole scene that he caressed your head while you rippled through your orgasm, hand lazily stroking his wet cock. 
The two men didn’t let you catch your breath before moving around, too filled up with want for you to wait. You kept your head down and ass up, your breath still escaping you, while they both kissed all over you. 
“How about this, baby?” Jordan said, his finger circling around your tight hole. 
“Wh-, what about it?” you asked, looking back at them.
“Oh, look how easily your hole takes my finger in. You’ve played with this before, haven’t you?” he coaxed, his fingertip finding its way inside you. 
“Fuck, yes, yes.” you moaned, craving to be filled up by both of them. 
“What a dirty girl.” Brent said, grabbing your hips and turning your body around, so you were laying on your back on the couch, the two players towering over you. They both got fully underdressed, eyes never leaving you. Brent picked you up, your arms and legs automatically wrapping around him. He stuck his tongue inside your mouth, feverishly, and subtly kicked the coffee table behind them out of the way. You were all standing in the middle of your living room by the time Jordan came behind you. He was so close you could feel his hot breath on your nape, his dick, rock hard and leaking, resting on the small of your back. Brent couldn’t leave your mouth, moving his face more into yours, looking for dominance. It felt dirty and messy - his fingers gripping the underside of your thighs, kisses full of spit and teeth. 
“You’re so soaked that I don’t even need lube, look.” Jordi said, spreading your juices and his spit over to your ass. You heard him spit on his cock before feeling the tip push into you. Jordan couldn’t remember the last time he had enjoyed sex, let alone anal. And fuck, it felt so good. The tight seal of your body on his member made his thighs tremble. Brent saw your eyebrows furrow as Jordan’s pelvis came flush with you. 
“Oh my god. It’s so good.” you moaned.
“You want me to fill your other hole, baby?” Brent asked, his tongue forcing his way onto yours again. 
“Please, Brent.” you responded, in between kisses and licks. 
“Open up.” he ordered.
You stuck your tongue out, pleasure washing all over your face from Jordan’s thrusts. Brent was strong enough that one hand and one forearm could keep you up with no problem, while Jordan kept you steady by your waist. He took his other hand and placed two fingers on your tongue.
“Suck them. Keep your mouth open and tongue out.” he barked, and you did as told, still choking out moans that came from the pressure building up in your ass. 
Brent only needed to put two fingers in your mouth in order to take up most of your space. He rubbed them back and forth, gathering your spit, and pushed them a little further into your mouth every time. His tips made it all the way to the back of your mouth, making you gag slightly and cover his digits in more saliva. 
“Good girl.” he praised, taking his hand and wiping it over the swollen folds that lay in between you two. He then sharply stuffed your cunt with his throbbing length, a tear running down your face from the stimulation. The sensation of being so full made you cry out loud.
“Be loud for us, Y/N. Be good for us, baby.” Jordan coaxed, his cock moving in and out of you. It didn’t take long for the men to find a comfortable rhythm, Brent’s hips becoming flush with you as Jordan pulled out of you. It was the most overwhelming pleasure sensation, and you couldn’t stop calling out for them, moaning and whimpering. Brent, Jordan, Brent, Jordan. 
“Louder.” they’d both order. “Louder.”
You caught the reflection of your bodies in the living room window, moving in union, standing in the middle of the room. The heat in your pelvis was rapidly coming to a boil, your nails scratching Brent’s tattooed shoulders. 
“Are you going to cum for us?” Brent said, his eyes hazy, focused on your face. 
“Let go, baby.” Jordan whispered, his torso touching your back as he fucked you deeper. 
You felt the pressure inside you explode as you squirted, releasing hard all over the two players. The more they moved, the more squirt would break out of you, spilling onto their legs. Whenever you would release, your holes would tighten around both of the men, encouraging their pace to become faster. 
You were absolutely losing it, your body screaming out for them; listening to their grunts and moans, cocks respectively filling you up and leaving you empty, and the amount of sweet nectar that you were dripping over them was unprecedented. 
“You’re so fucking hot, holy shit. This is so hot.” 
They must have signaled to each other, as they suddenly both left you empty, whimpering.
Brent set you down on the couch, kissing your forehead as he sat down next to you.
“You doing okay?” Jordan asked, stroking himself in front of you.
“More. M’need more.” you moaned, squeezing your thighs together.
Jordan chuckled, picking you up by your hips and softly setting you on top of Burnzie, both of you facing the captain. Brent wasted no time and lifted you up, his cock pulsating as he entered you. 
“Never did I ever think I would feel your asshole grip me so tight. You’re so small, fuck.” 
Jordan walked over as his friend fucked up into you from underneath, pushing himself in your pussy.
“There you go, baby. Is that all you wanted, to be filled up?”
“You’ve been such a little housewife to us. Fuck, who knew you’d be so dirty.” they said, finding their pace in and out of you again. 
It was so fucking much, and it was all you had wanted. Their groans filled up your empty apartment, sounds recoiling from the walls. 
“I’m not going to last much longer” Jordi managed to get out. 
“Please, give me more.” 
“You sound so good when you beg.” Brent grunted, now pushing your hips up and down on him. 
“More. More.” you whimpered.
Your moans and begs sent Jordan over the threshold, and before he could realize it, he came deep inside you, following his primal instincts to fill you up. Brent wasn’t much further behind as he felt your insides fill up with Jordan’s seed from where his cock was positioned.
“Oh, fuck, that’s so fucking hot” 
As soon as Jordan pulled out of you, Burnzie grabbed your hips, keeping you on top of him, and thrusted himself into your cunt, which was dripping out cum already. The last thrusts from Brent took your breath away, and you shook all over his lap, squirting once again all over them. Jordan stepped closer to you and rubbed your clit hard as you exploded again. That’s all it took for Burnzie’s hips to come flush with yours, spurting himself with a loud growl inside your walls, already covered with yours and Jordan’s cum. 
Silence filled the room, except for your chests, heaving. Your body fell completely limp on top of Brent, who was becoming soft inside you. Jordan sat down next to you.
“You okay?” he said, tucking your hair behind your ear.
You nodded, unable to get any words out. 
“Was that alright?” Burnzie asked, sitting up and wrapping his arms around you.
“Way more than alright.” you whispered.
The player set you down, laying you on the couch, while Jordan fetched a warm washcloth to wipe you down.
“Thank you for taking care of me.” you whispered, with a chuckle, before the two guys could lay back down with you, covering you with kisses and caresses.
“It’s the least we can do.”
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krispyweiss · 2 years
Song Review: Grateful Dead - “Franklin’s Tower” (Live, Oct. 31, 1980)
While something - what, Sound Bites cannot imagine - had the Grateful Dead super-amped, that something - whatever it might have been - did not deter the quality of the band’s Oct. 31, 1980, performance of “Franklin’s Tower.”
Just six minutes, it finds the musicians burning through the number with super-short guitar solos between verses and Brent Mydland’s fingers dancing across his keys like a young child who’s been caffeinated.
What it lacks in subtlety, this “Franklin’s” has in precision, both musically and on the mic.
This example of the Dead having a coke and a smile is out as the latest installment of “All the Years Live.”
Grade card: Grateful Dead - “Franklin’s Tower” (Live - 10/31/80) - A-
Read Sound Bites’ previous “All the Years Live” coverage here.
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ct-cactus · 1 year
General AU summary: the weather took a drastic turn (global warming or smthn) and so now there’s random weather shit happening all over the world (ranging in severity, but as the years go on it gets worse and worse). This spider goes all across America (not just NY) helping/saving/stabilizing shit. Unlike other AUs, the classic Spider-Man villains aren’t people, they’re the weather. Piper, this world’s arachnid, took it upon himself to name the bouts of weather that he encounters; Doctor Octopus is a tsunami, Electro is a thunderstorm, etc..
Name: Piper Picolo
Gender: trans male
From: New York City, NY
Age: 17
Height: 5’1
Job: Spider-Man (duh)
Hair: Black
Skin Color: White
- [ ] Pronouns: he/him
- [ ] Gay
- [ ] English-Canadian
-his family moved to the US when he was 5
- [ ] Eats whatever bro can find
- [ ] Became Spider-Man at 15
- [ ] When staff from the Bronx Zoo came for a fun little presentation one of the spiders unknowingly escaped and went to the science lab where it knocked over a concoction of the really sketchy chemistry teacher
-the spider then crawled up Piper’s leg as they passed the classroom as school let out
-Piper then got bit and boom: spider powers
-when he discovered he had powers Piper hid it from his foster family
- [ ] Piper lived with Aunt June and Uncle Brent because his parents got arrested for child neglect, endangerment, and other charges
- [ ] Aunt June and Uncle Brent gave their lives to save Piper when the first bout of weird weather made their house catch on fire
-they protected Piper with their bodies
-Piper escaped with some pretty bad burns that would eventually scar
-he then lived in foster care where he was bitten by the spider a month later
- [ ] A bit of the ‘tism
- [ ] Has a pet pigeon
-he named it Reginald Winston
- [ ] Gets all the traditional spider powers except he produces his own webs
-like Tobey Maguire’s spider-man
- [ ] Sleep deprived
- [ ] His suit is colored after June and Brent’s favorite colors
- [ ] Rarely talks because he has no one to talk to
- [ ] Touch starved
- [ ] After two years of being Spider-Man the Spot popped up out of nowhere and used him as a shield
-he was then stuck between Spot and four other spider people (Miles, Gwen, Pavitr, and Hobie)
-after staring at each other Piper elbows the Spot in the face
-he helped the crew fight off the Spot until he fled into another dimension
-he then got dragged to the spider verse
- [ ] Comments a lot in his head because he never had anyone to say them to
- [ ] Sarcastic
- [ ] Shy when he meets new people that he has to spend more than ten seconds talking to but after he warms up he’s a chatterbox
- [ ] He’s the National Neighborhood Spider-Man
- [ ] Long and messy hair because he has no hairbrush (where tf would he find one)
-if he needs to cut his hair he just uses a shard of glass
- [ ] Terrible fashion sense
- [ ] Burn marks covering the right side (his left) of the face, arms, legs, and side
Incorrect Quotes
Piper: We got a free day now. What do you wanna do? Eat? Sleep? Nap? Snack?
Piper: I just wanted to say that over the years, I have come to regard you as… people I met.
Piper at the beginning of the weather apocalypse: I just learned a way to get stuff on the cheap. Steal it!
Piper: The shadow realm? No, I’m sending you to Ohio!
Piper: The last time I went to an urgent care clinic, I checked off 'excessive crying' on the symptom list, and then the nurse got really confused and said that was meant for babies.
Piper: I am very small and I have no money, so you can imagine the kind of stress that I'm under.
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jcmarchi · 2 months
Diablo IV: Vessel of Hatred Preview - Hands-On With The New Spiritborn Class - Game Informer
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/diablo-iv-vessel-of-hatred-preview-hands-on-with-the-new-spiritborn-class-game-informer/
Diablo IV: Vessel of Hatred Preview - Hands-On With The New Spiritborn Class - Game Informer
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Vessel of Hatred ushers in a wave of change for Diablo IV. The game’s first expansion takes players to the new jungle region of Nahantu and, most importantly, introduces the new Spiritborn class.  I went hands-on with the Spiritborn at a recent preview event and spoke to Blizzard about how it created a class unlike any other in the Diablo series. After spending a couple of hours playing, the Spiritborn may already be my new favorite class in the game. 
Unlike other Diablo classes, the Spiritborn is not based on a traditional fantasy archetype like the Rogue or Mage. Rather, it’s a martial arts-inspired class hailing from the dense jungle region of Nahantu. Described as the apex predator of this region, a Spiritborn arises from a brutal ritual tasking them to survive the wilds of Nahantu. A Spiritborn character’s narration in a cinematic reveal trailer describes it best: 
“Only a few among my people can become Spiritborn. As children, the most promising face judgment in the nest. Our trial begins and ends with pain. Those who are not called are culled. For the weak, all paths end here. For the worthy, that path leads to power beyond compare and a sacred charge to wield it well.”
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Succeeding in this ritual allows a Spiritborn to commune with the Spirit Realm to bond with and harness the power of four animal Spirit Guardians: jaguar, eagle, gorilla, and centipede. The Spirit Realm is described as a “byproduct of humanity” and a “ghostly reflection of Sanctuary” by associate narrative designer Eleni Rivera-Colon during a presentation. “The way that we like to see it is that the angels have the High Heavens, demons have the Burning Hells, and humans have the Spirit Realm.” 
The four Spirit Guardians serve as manifestations of human beliefs. The Jaguar represents hunting and providing, while the Centipede represents the cycle of death, decay, and the resulting new life. The Eagle represents the precision and vision needed to navigate the jungle, and the Gorilla is a beacon of strength and protection. 
“You can imagine that if you’re a native of Nahantu if you needed one of these values, you would call upon those gods to embody that value,” game director Brent Gibson explains. “And one of the cool things about the Spiritborn is that they believe that if they devote themselves to this so much that one day when they cross over into the veil, they’ll become Spirit Guardians themselves.”
The Spiritborns sound pretty powerful, so where have these warriors been all this time? Gibson explains that Nahantu is intimately familiar with the Eternal Conflict; it housed Mephisto’s original soulstone during Diablo II. The terrible memories and traumas from that era remain fresh in their minds, so much so that they chose to sit on the sidelines during the various world-threatening events of previous Diablo games to avoid repeating history. But Lilith’s return has finally forced their hands to rejoin the fight. 
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According to Gibson, Blizzard began conceptualizing the Spiritborn before Diablo IV launched. Blizzard examined unique combat and power fantasies the existing classes didn’t provide, in addition to player feedback for each. This helped the team create the goal of making a class that sits at the core of its first expansion, as by doing so, it could tie its background and fighting style to a specific new location. 
At first glance, Spiritborn draws inspiration from Central and South American civilizations, which Gibson confirms among other broad touchstones. Rivera-Colon adds that the team didn’t focus on a singular source but on the theme of humanity and what it means to be human. The answer was that humans possess spirits, which snowballed into discussions of how that would manifest.
“The interesting thing is when you think of the concept of a spirit realm, in our research, many cultures have some version of that,” Gibson explains. “So we knew it would be very relatable to more than just the region we know. So one of the things we always take great care of is making sure that we’re inspired by and don’t lift from […] It’s like we’re taking a look at the culture that’s already established in the Diablo fiction, and then we’re being inspired by Central American cultures, Asian cultures, and taking a look at the world as a whole and how we can make it as global as possible.”
Each Spirit Guardian offers a specific playstyle. The jaguar emphasizes relentless fire-based offense and ever-increasing attack speed. The eagle provides lightning and maneuverability with abilities that let players move quickly while electrifying targets. The gorilla boasts defense, letting players absorb and reduce punishment, then retaliating by pummeling foes with mighty physical blows. The centipede deals with debilitating poison attacks, debuffs, and abilities designed to disrupt enemy mobs. 
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Additionally, you can further gear your Spiritborn towards a chosen animal using the Spirit Hall. This menu tab lets players gain bonuses based on the Spirit Guardians equipped in two slots. The first slot grants a themed mechanic based on the chosen animal; for example, the eagle lets players fire Storm Feathers when evading. When you kill an enemy, the second slot bestows a themed bonus, such as the jaguar gaining +1 Ferocity (a new mechanic representing attack speed). Purists can also put the same animal in both slots. A new skill type called Incarnate Skills allows the Spiritborn to equip and gain a passive trait based on one of the four spirit animals. 
The Spiritborn doesn’t only rely on their animal companions. The class is a hyper-agile, demon-slaying machine on its own, thanks to its martial-arts-inspired playstyle. Blizzard developed the Spiritborn’s combat style by examining multiple disciplines, including muay thai, taekwondo, karate, kung fu, and jiu-jitsu. Art director Nick Chilano tells me the character hits home with several animators who practice some form of martial arts – Chilano himself trains in jiu-jitsu. By drawing from these real-life influences, the team created and animated a hybrid style molded around the setting and history of Nahantu. Chilano also says each Spirt Guardian’s playstyle helped narrow down the martial arts style associated with them. 
“So if you think about the gorilla, we’re looking at strong poses, strong attacks, blunt force,” says Chilano. “If you’re thinking about the centipede, it’s earthy, connecting to the ground. So we’re looking at moves that represent that. The Jaguar is aggression: fast, multi-attacks, combo hits. So we start really trying to figure out what martial arts styles fit there. And the eagle is really about precision, repositioning, so we’re looking at a lot of combat that can kind of make sense there.” 
I spent over two hours playing with different pre-made specialized builds of the Spiritborn, and the class was thrilling. Having four animals to work with feels like having four smaller classes in one, and you can mix and match their abilities to form hybrid playstyles or create a “pure” build based solely on one animal. I rocked a jaguar build and incinerated foes with its litany of fire-based attacks. However, I also liked combining the gorilla and centipede skills, which turned me into a self-healing tank that poisoned everything in sight. There’s a ton of potential for experimentation, and I regularly respec’d the skill tree to tinker with various Spirit Guardian combinations. 
The flashy abilities complement the Spiritborn’s base offensive prowess, creating a class boasting fast-paced, hand-to-hand butt-kicking that can quickly warp around a skirmish to take out surrounding mobs. Unleashing a Spirit Guardian’s ultimate attack summons them as a giant ethereal beast to eradicate adversaries, whether it’s the eagle dive-bombing the field or the centipede emerging from underground to spew poison projectiles and streams. This spectacle makes watching the Spiritborn in action almost as fun as playing it. Almost. 
Blizzard has designed weapons and armor to accommodate either approach, with the latter coming as themed armor sets. The Spiritborn are more concerned with function over protection, hence why their armor exposes so much of themselves, and they wear armor that represents the Spirit Guardian they’re devoted to. Weapons-wise, the class favors polearms, glaives, and quarterstaffs to complement its acrobatic playstyle. Blizzard is also cooking up new Legendaries, Aspects, and Uniques for the class. 
The Spiritborn is a blast, and, best of all, newcomers won’t have to wait to start the expansion story to play it. Owners of Vessel of Hatred can choose the Spiritborn at the start of the base campaign so that you can battle Lilith as this ferocious new hero. We can’t wait to play more when Diablo IV: Vessel of Hatred launches on October 8.
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mikeo56 · 2 months
The Cruelest Thing
The invasion of our privacy, our backyard by children older and younger peering in our bedroom from the trees, screaming and yelling, their father setting off firecrackers and screaming obscenities daily for about a year took our home from Linda and myself long before we left. Imagine the cruelty it took by these sadists, old and young to amass this daily hate campaign upon an elderly couple simply because it was available and convenient to do so and they liked the offer from our landlord. What kind of reject would feel free to behave so inhumanely? These young thieves of home, of peace of mind, of security, these haters carried on this war of hate on Linda and myself as their friends at Marshall Reddick were arraigning our eviction. You can't imagine how horrible this was, watching Linda decline because our neighbors choose to be garbage and have their children behave as garbage. Linda and I were assaulted for about a year at our home before we lost our home and the Sheriff's Department made jokes about it.
Linda was in her 80's, her health was failing slowly, she was frail and the hatred and harassment aimed at us by this cruel family of hirable miscreants left Linda disoriented, stressed, frightened, and constantly worried. She died a few months after we were forced out of the property. I wonder if we hadn't been harassed by our sadistic neighbors children and father if Linda might have survived.
Linda shouldn't have died.
Someone else should have died.
Linda was a sweet, warm gentle soul. She was not a hater. She even helped Doug once when he was stuck and that while she was having trouble getting around. Linda made the world a better place to live in.
Someone else should have died.
The children, with Brent's, Jennifer and Travis's help made wicked abusers with their father-orchestrated behavior. The monsters made my and Linda's life a hell, propped up by the trash at Marshall Reddick, Brent and the Sheriff's Department. The children were being taught to be abusive, to say to hell with their neighbors privacy and peace of mind and to be haters and more than likely these children will turn into the same kind of hateful lying cowards that their parents and grandparents are. Chances are low they will grow up to make this a better world to live in for anyone, more likely than not like their elders, maybe burn someone's home to the ground. Certainly not a better world for Linda, Linda is dead, and those children had a small hand in it.
Someone else should have died.
Someone else.
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hope-and-roll · 1 year
Harmony Shacklebolt
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"Good people are like candles : they burn themselves to give others light." _ Unknown 
- Harmony Rose Shacklebolt, épouse Dunckin  - Née le 24 août 2007 - Originals - Anglaise  - Sang-Pur - Poudlard, Poufsouffle - Hétérosexuelle - Psychomage - Jenna Coleman. ~ Fille de Kingsley Shacklebolt et Rose Travers ~ Petite soeur de Melody Shacklebolt  ~ Mère de Gabriel et Pearl Dunckin  ~ Belle-mère de Coraline Abraxas ~ Grand-mère de Juno Dunckin * Meilleure amie d'Ashley Morgan * Petite-amie de Jamie Dunckin Trivia :  - joue du piano  - Baguette : bois de pommier, crin de licorne  - Patronus : cygne  - Epouvantard : tous les gens qu'elle connaît, la regardant avec mépris et haine  Playlist : Harmony :  Human - Rag'n'bone Man Believer - Imagine Dragons High hopes - Kodaline  The fixer - Brent Morgan Ashley & Harmony :  Talk to me - Cavetown Melody & Harmony :  Hello - Adele  Treble heart - Anna Graceman   Dynasty - MIIA 
Jamony (Jamie x Harmony) :  Run - Jasmine Thompson  Symphony - Zara Larsson  Jamie à Harmony :  It was always you - Maroon 5 
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