#martin's annoyance at not being taken seriously and not being 'allowed' to lash out like so many others hit so close sometimes
abelllia · 1 year
feeling like mk blackwood today
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JonMartin fic
So I’m trying to get back into fic writing, especially for TMA, and have a multi chapter fic planned but wanted to start with a smaller one shot style fic to warm up. It’s been an age since I’ve written anything, much less something that wasn’t just reader based or smut lmao. I’ve added trigger warnings but if I missed any do let me know! 
Any feedback would be great and if you like this, please send me prompts! Happy to write anything from fluff to smut, just as long as its TMA based :D 
So! Here is my cute fluff JonMartin fic! Enjoy~ 
Everybody Wants To Be A Cat 
Word Count: 2240 
Trigger Warnings: Mentions of Animal Abuse, but nothing to graphic. Anxiety. Self Worth Issues. Season 1 Jon being Season 1 Jon. Season 1 Martin being Season 1 Martin.
Fandom: The Magnus Archive
Pairings: Jonathan Sims/Martin Blackwood 
Summary: Martin was certain of two things. One, he had an enormous crush on his boss. Two, his boss hated him. Who knew a one eyed beast of an alley cat would bring them closer?
Martin Blackwood has two problems.
Problem number one. He was absolutely certain he was more than a little bit in love with his boss.
Problem number two. His was absolutely certain said boss hated him.
 Well, hated was probably a strong word. Hated implied that Jon thought of him at all, and it was far more likely that Jon thought of him very little throughout his day. Except, of course, when Martin did something wrong. Then those piercing eyes of his would be solely fixed on him whilst he shouted about how inept Martin was or how stupid his mistake had been.
It hurt, those moments. It hurt that the only time Jon ever truly seemed to see Martin was when he was angry at him. Not when Martin did an amazing follow up on a statement. Not when he’d created a great rapport with a statement giver or their family. Not when he brought Jon tea. Just when he did something wrong.
It was a running theme in this annoyance Martin called his life.
He still couldn’t help these feelings though. Jon was an arse half the time that much was true. It infuriated Tim to know end when Jon would lash out at Martin. “He has no right Martin. Mistake or not he’s your boss, he’s supposed to help you, not act like a massive dick all the time”
It was harder for Tim and Sasha in a way. They’d been Jon’s equal for a long time, working together. Moving to the Archive was always going to be a bit of a challenge. To have friend become boss. Especially for Sasha, who everyone thought was going to be become Head Archivist. But neither had held any real resentment over Jon for the change. After all, it wasn’t his choice, it was Elias’s.
But Jon’s sudden shift from rude but mostly recluse and occasionally friendly colleague to rude very recluse and stick constantly up arse boss was harder than any of them expected.
Martin could understand. It was big position and Jon seemed like the type to take everything he did very seriously. This meant holding everything in the archive to a high standard. His assistance included.
So yes, Jon was awful to him a lot of the time. But he was passionate. He cared. For all his blustering that none of this was real, Martin could see how much he empathised with the people who had given those statements. How he looked like he’d personally failed them when a follow up revealed they had died not longer after they’d come to visit the institute.
His crush probably wasn’t the most healthy but sue him! He liked being a bit in love. He liked having inspiration for his poetry. He enjoyed the fluttery feeling in his stomach when he came into work.
He just wished Jon didn’t quite hate. No. Didn’t quite dislike him so much.
There is a cat that has been hiding the alleyway behind the Institute for several days now.
Martin noticed the poor thing when he’d been taking out some rubbish that accumulated in the Archive. Usually that sort of thing wasn’t his job, but he’d been done for the day anyway and he liked to be useful, even if no one really noticed.
It was a mangy young thing. Light brown fur matted, one eye seemed to be damaged and it hissed every time Martin so much as approached it.
He couldn’t just leave it though. Poor thing needed help. It was out here, lonely, forgotten, damaged by the people that probably at one point said they’d love and protect it.
Was he projecting onto a stray cat now? God this was a new level of sad.
So he did what someone in his position did best. He researched.
There is a surprising number of places to buy cat supplies near the Institute and the workers in the shop were incredibly helpful with his questions.
Approach slowly. Don’t try to touch or hold the cat. Leave out food and water. He’d also bought a small plastic hut and shoved a warm blanket inside for the large cat. He didn’t know what breed it was. Just that it was grumpy and hurt.
It didn’t take a great deal away from his own funds either. His job paid well enough and he didn’t exactly go out with people very often, buying expensive drinks or tickets to shows.
His special treat was usually some sugar drenched coffee.
He couldn’t see any physical injuries on the cat, apart from its eye, so he put some treats in the hut, left out the food and water, then left.
He came back everyday with more supplies to keep the large growling cat comfortable. Every day that passed the cat came a little bit closer to him. He grinned at that. Hoping one day it would come close enough to pet.
He’d read somewhere that when cats blink, once and slow, it was a sign that they trusted you. Martin waited for that day with bated breath.
Tim and Sasha were a little bit suspicious as to where he was going on his lunch breaks. He told them he just taking a long walk, getting some fresh air away from the dusty old archives but he knew it wasn’t the best lie.
Lying for the sake of his job was one thing. Lying to his friends for no good reason was another.
It wasn’t like he doing anything bad. It was more that he wanted this for himself. He wasn’t even too sure why. Part of him wondered if he was worried the cat would somehow take some natural liking to either one of them or both. He didn’t want to lose all his hard work.
Or, if he was being more honest with himself, he didn’t want the cat to abandon him for someone better.
Yeah. New level of pathetic had been reached.
But one lunch, a few weeks after he’d first spotted the broken but massive feline, that the lying and the ill feeling became absolutely worth it.
Because the cat approached him.
Martin didn’t move a single muscle. He was sat on a small wooden box in the alley. Far enough away as to not frighten the poor thing, but close enough that the cat could make contact if it wanted to.
And today it did.
He held his breath the closer it got, keeping eye contact with its good eye the whole time. It paused for a moment, right in the front of his bent legs, before it let out a small mirp noise and butted its head against his knee.
“Oh hello” Martin laughed, chest feeling lighter than it had in an exceptionally long time.
He reached out his hand slowly to pet its head and let out another sign of relief when the one eyed cat let him.
“Well” he began
“I can’t very well keep calling you cat or beast in my head, you’ll need a name”.
It didn’t acknowledge his words in any way, just continued to let him scratch behind its ears and watched him with its one working eye. He could almost imagine its thoughts.
“Silly Martin, just come up with one already. Stop wasting time”.
He let out a soft chuckle at the thought, a name ready on his lips.
“Jon” he smiled gently.
“I think I’ll call you Jon”.
 It went well after that. Martin made plans to keep the cat. It would help the dreariness of his lonely flat, and he was lucky his landlord allowed pets in his building.
He couldn’t afford proper insurance but the workers at the pet shop knew an emergency vet that wasn’t too expensive, so he could get Cat Jon’s eye checked out soon.
Giddy as he was with his newfound friend, he didn’t realise that he’d been less subtle than usual about where he was going on his break.
It was one grey, wet Wednesday that it all came to ahead.
He’d been sitting crossed legged on the ground, his coat below him as a sort of makeshift blanket to keep his trousers dry, when Human Jon found them.
He hadn’t even noticed Jon had followed him until the backdoor that led the alley burst open with a bang that echoed down the narrow way.
“Martin” shouted Jon, looking at some papers in his hand.
“I need you to take your lunch late and follow up on this report. You made several errors in your research that, frankly, a child could spot. I don’t know what you’re doing out here but if you have time to sit around then –“
Jon’s rant was cut short as he finally looked up to the picture that greeted him.
Cat Jon had leaped into his arms from the loud noise, clinging to Martin’s bright yellow sweater.
Martin froze, cat in arms as Jon stared at him with a look of equal shock.
“Oh” began Jon softly
“Sorry” Martin practically shouted.
“I – eh – this is, well um, a cat, I found? A few weeks ago, actually. I’ve been sort of taking care of it? Getting it food and water and um” he gestured to the plastic hut and blanket he’d laid out.
“He was hurt you see. Only one eye and really badly taken care of. Abandoned, I recon. So I’ve been out here on lunches making sure he’s, um, that he’s okay? Is that..is that alright?” he trailed off nervously.
He couldn’t look at Jon. It wasn’t exactly something to be ashamed of, taking care of a stray cat. But he could imagine Jon being the sort of serious no nonsense person who would see it as a waste of time, his lunch break or not. God would this make his relationship worse? Would Jon scold him for it? Did it make him seem more pathetic than before? Christ, was that even possible?
He didn’t notice the movement until Jon was sat beside him on the floor.
Jonathan Sims, Head Archivist of the Magnus Institute, sat on a dirty alley floor with Martin K Blackwood.
He watched with bated breath as Human Jon reached his hand out to Cat Jon and let out a small sound of relief when Cat Jon didn’t bite, scratch or run away.
“You poor thing” murmured Jon, eyes only on his (unknowing) cat counterpart.
“What have they done to you? Well, you look better now than you probably did before. Thank to our Martin here”.
Martin couldn’t help but blush deeply at that. Hot all over his face. He couldn’t handle this. Jon being all, all soft and gentle and calling him “our” Martin.
“You’ve been taking care of him then?” Jon looked up at Martin now. Eyes soft and kind for once. It nearly took all of Martins brain power to respond after receiving such a look.
“Yes” he began.
“Like I said, I found him a few weeks ago. Planning on taking him back to mine soon, get him out of the cold properly”.
Jon nodded, eyes never leaving Martins, hand firmly petting the cat in Martins arms.
“I’m sorry, about the work” Martin nervously bit his lip.
“I’ve been really worried about him so I rushed it to get out here on time. It’s no excuse and I know you don’t exactly think highly of my work in the first place. I’ll make sure I stay late tonight so I can catch up”
“Martin” interrupted Jon, eye straying on the bitten lip, a slight flush to his cheeks.
“I’m the one who should be sorry. I haven’t been fair to you these past few months. It’s been unprofessional at best and, well, and downright cruel at worst”
“Your job is stressful” Martin tried to defend
“And we both know I’m not exactly at the same standard at the others”
“Still” Jon continued.
“It’s my job to help you, not, berate you at every mistake. You came from the library, not research, so you have different skill set and – well, its been hard for us all. Not fair of me to put all that blame on you. God knows Tim could stand to be a bit more professional at times” Jon grumbled out the last part, a small pout to his lips.
Martin laughed at that, smiling wider than he could last remember.
“Tim just likes to keep you human, I think” he winked and watched with fascination as the flush came back to Jon’s dark cheeks.
Cat Jon leap out of his arms after that, toddling off to who knows where.
“Well” Martin began, getting up from his cross legged position on the floor.
“We still have time for lunch, we could, um, maybe eat together? If that’s okay I mean! You could help me figure out a name for him?” “You don’t have one already?” replied Jon, surprise in his voice “Uhhh not any suitable ones, no” Martin laughed awkwardly.
He couldn’t exactly say he’d name the poor blighter after Jon. He doubted Jon would take it as a compliment and he didn’t want to ruin whatever fragile peace they’d stumbled onto.
He held out his hand to help Jon off the floor. Jon eyed it, before bringing his own hand up and placing it into Martins larger ones. Martin pulled him up and held back a small gasp as Jon shot forward quicker than intended, his smaller hand landing on Martin chest.
Jon looked up at him, a small shy smile gracing his lips.
“Beautiful” Martin couldn’t help but think, face and ears bright red.
Jon pulled back, coughing every so slightly into his fist.
“Yes, well, I’ve named a cat or two in my time, it won’t be too hard” “Oh?” teased Martin
“What about Magnus? We did find him here” Jon shook his head at that, crinkling his nose slightly.
“Absolutely not, something more dignified. The Captain maybe?” “Captain?” countered Martin
“The Captain” continued Jon as they began to head back inside
“I suppose the one eye does give him a bit of a pirate look” Martin couldn’t help by laugh slightly as he said it.
“Yes” Jon laughed back
“Dignified but still fitting his nature” And off they went, back into the Institute. Unaware of any monstrous eyes watching them as they simply watched each other. A new, wonderful feeling developing between them.
Neither noticed that they still held each others hands as they made their way to the break room.
And if they spoke of cat names, and toys and flushed deeply when they did notice the hands still entwined, well.
Those moments were only for them.
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