marvellous-fangirl · 5 years
headcanons for the avengers on a plane 😂
I thought of this as more of a commercial/private jet than a quinjet :) Enjoy!
Tony 🛠He’s completely calm. Jarvis flies, so what reason would he have to be worried? He finds it quite calming to be able to fly without constantly having to be alert in his suit.
Rhodey ✈️He was a pilot, he just loves being in the air. That’s all there is to it.
Steve 🇺🇸He’s always been a bit of a nervous flyer. Even in more technologically advanced planes of the modern day, he still doesn’t really feel safe. In fact, thinking about 40s planes makes him feel even worse during a flight.
Bucky 🐺Also not a fan of flying. He gets sick and tries to find any reason he can to get out of going with a plane, but if he manages to get to sleep before take off, then he’ll sleep through even the worst turbulence.
Sam 🦅He prefers the comfort of his falcon wings, but he has no problem with flying in a plane - he was in the Air Force after all.
Thor 🌩He gets surprisingly uneasy on a flight. He’d rather use Mjolnir to travel to places rather than trust some Midgardian technology that doesn’t really make sense.
Loki 🐍He has no problem with flying, but he finds it all rather primitive. He prefers Asgardian ships or the Bifrost to a flying Midgardian tin can with wings.
Bruce 🧪He doesn’t like being in such a small pressurised area and even though he understands the physics of it, he can’t help but be terrified of plummeting into the ground…
Nat 💄She has no problem with flying. She would probably be in the cockpit with Clint, piloting the plane, unless Jarvis has taken the wheel.
Clint 🏹Most likely to be found piloting the plane with Nat, but if Jarvis is in control, he’s just making the most of the crappy aeroplane food (and coffee).
Wanda 💋She’ll use her powers to try and stabilise the plane during turbulence, to ease everyone’s anxiety. It’s quite hard but she does her best.
Pietro 💨He doesn’t like being cooped up in small spaces, so he’d try and sleep during the flight to stop himself from getting annoyed.
Peter 🕷He doesn’t like turbulence, but will distract himself with video games on his phone or laptop, or just by listening to music or talking to a friend.
Morgan 🎀She is so adventurous she loves every second of it. She has never cried on a flight and finds turbulence fun. She might even laugh a little at people who get worried about it.
Shuri 🔬She’s completely calm during a flight. Nothing really phases her when she’s in the air. She’d probably be working on upgrades for the specific plane she’d flying in. Or just using the inflight wifi to stream vine compilations.
T’Challa 🐾He always prefers cars and doesn’t like landing, take off or turbulence, but the rest of the time he’s pretty relaxed.
Strange 🌀He just reads in a corner. It’s unlikely that he’d ever be on a plane though, given that he can create portals…
Carol ⚡️She loves flying, but would prefer to fly without being surrounded by a tin can and under her own steam.
Valkyrie ⚔️She’s fine with flying. Will get a bit of booze and then snore loudly sleep through the rest of the flight.
Nebula ⚙️It is not recommended that she is taken on a plane, because she will slowly start to plot to kill everyone on it with her. She doesn’t trust any of it.
Hope 🐝She’ll but using the inflight wifi to do some work, or just making conversation with other people. She’s always quite comfortable on a flight.
Scott 🐜He would be the one cracking jokes throughout the flight to try and ease everyone’s minds. Or annoying the pilot/everyone with loads of questions.
Ava ⭐️She hates absolutely every minute. Do not put her on a plane to go anywhere. Boats/Ferries also scare her so avoid those too.
Cassie 🥜She likes looking down at the clouds at any time of day. It’s surreal. She gets quite uneasy during turbulence.
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marvellous-fangirl · 5 years
What would the avengers be like if the compound was on security lockdown and they were all locked in one small room for the night?
I reallllly like this headcanon actually :D
Tony 🛠He would be getting a little bit stressed about the lockdown, but would then start to enjoy himself once he realises how many sarcastic comments he can throw at people.
Rhodey ✈️He would be the person to go to in these situations. When he was in the Air Force, a load of his missions were called off due to bad weather so he’s good at finding things to do when you’re stuck inside for a while.
Steve 🇺🇸He would be very relaxed and enjoy the company. Might sit in a corner and draw people in his sketchbook, or just have a good old chat with some people he doesn’t get to see that much.
Bucky 🐺He’d be very relaxed about all of it. Probably sprawled in an armchair and relaxing. He likes it when everyone’s at home and just interacting together in a mundane way.
Sam 🦅He’d have a drink and be happy. Might tell some stories, might listen in on a few, might watch some tv, might just laugh at some jokes. He’s relaxed any way at all.
Thor 🌩Probably would start one of the usual ‘who is worthy’ contests or break out the Mead. Or entertain everyone with stories from his battles. He can always somehow find one that he hasn’t told before.
Loki 🐍He would sulk a lot. He would probably read in a corner and glare at everyone over his book if they get too loud. Might join the sulk club with Nebula and Ava. Or just turn into a snake and hide in Thor’s hair.
Bruce 🧪He would be silently stressing about being trapped in a room and would get nervous about accidentally hulking out. But if people are calm and relaxed then he’ll eventually relax too and enjoy having some chilled time with everyone.
Nat 💄She’d sit in the corner with Clint and watch people, probably fall asleep on his shoulder. Might get involved with a few games or conversations but otherwise enjoys just watching from a distance.
Clint 🏹Sitting in a corner, maybe on a bookshelf and probably with Nat. Definitely would have a cup of coffee in hand. Also might join in with some conversations like Nat, but enjoys the company even without interactions.
Wanda 💋She’d enjoy a good old catchup with her girl friends and a gossip. Probably would fall asleep in Vision’s lap if she’s really tired. Might perform a few party tricks for Morgan and Cassie, to keep them entertained.
Pietro 💨He has way too much energy to be cooped up in one room with a lot of people, so he’d be pacing like crazy and getting on everyone’s nerves as he zips around.
Peter 🕷He would freak out a little bit at first, about being in a lockdown situation but also about Aunt May. Since things like this seem to happen to him all the time. But once he’s calmed down, he’ll fangirl a little bit about being in the same room with all of the Avengers.
Morgan 🎀She’d probably nap most of the time, but when she’s awake she’ll have a load of energy which she’ll put towards helping Shuri with pranking anyone and everyone.
Shuri 🔬She would be very chilled about it and she’d be playing pranks on everyone all the time. She’ll get Peter, Morgan and Cassie to help her too. Maybe even Nebula, depending on how much she wants to kill everyone in the room.
T’Challa 🐾He would enjoy getting to know the people in the compound since he’s only met a few of them when they came to Wakanda. 
Strange 🌀Sitting in a corner and reading calmly. Wouldn’t want to take part in a really large conversation or anything, but might enjoy talking to a few select people.
Carol ⚡️She would have a little bit too much to drink and probably get into arm wrestling competitions with EVERYONE including Thor and Valkyrie. She would get really salty if someone beats her. Otherwise she’d be telling stories about other worlds to Morgan and the other little ones.
Valkyrie ⚔️She would probably try to start a drinking game to keep everyone entertained. God forbid she gets her hands on some of Thor’s Asgardian Mead because that would be chaos.
Nebula ⚙️She would be sulking in a corner about having to spend so long with so many people. But she’ll cheer up when she watches Shuri’s pranks from afar and eventually gets involved and helps.
Hope 🐝She’s only ever really heard of what the Avengers were like through Scott’s exstatic stories and she’d enjoy spending some girl time with the other female Avengers like Nat and Wanda.
Scott 🐜He would be fangirling like Peter about spending a night with all of the Avengers in one room together. When Morgan and/or Cassie get restless he’d whip out the cards and start doing some magic for them.
Ava ⭐️She would be extremely uncomfortable about being with so many people that she doesn’t know so she might stick to Nebula and secretly bond with her. But if everyone’s nice to her she’ll ease into it eventually.
Cassie 🥜She’s never really spent much time with the Avengers before, so she’d enjoy spending time with the people her dad always used to tell her stories about.
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marvellous-fangirl · 5 years
Being Tony Stark’s Daughter
- He would give you your own lab, of course - But he would also make an area where you both can work together - He loves working on projects with you and picking your mind for ideas - He’s made you your own Iron Man suit, even if you don't wear it  - He let you design the colours and add new features that you really want - If you start working on a project he’ll want to get involved - He gets all pouty if you gently ask him to back off - He’ll pretend not to talk to you for the rest of the day - But he can’t go that long without talking to his little ray of sunshine - He has so many nicknames for you - And you hate pretty much all of them - But you love him so you put up with it - But he seriously finds your ideas really interesting - You might find him looking through your plans in the middle of the night
- You’d be able to pretty much do whatever you want - But within reason - He can be a bit of a coddler though - He wants to make sure that you get enough sleep since he knows how bad insomnia is - He wants to make sure you’re eating properly - Especially if you’re sick - He can’t really drill you that hard about it though - After all he might as well be nocturnal sometimes - But you get why he worries so you humour him and do as he requests
- He’s given you your own floor in the compound - If you like to read then he definitely would give you your own library - You have a home cinema too - And of course you want to have compulsory movie nights with everyone at the compound so that they don’t all get sucked into their work - Why would he say no - He rolls his eyes every time you bring it up - But he secretly loves it
- He would want to send you to Midtown Tech - He knows Peter goes there, so it must be a good school - He talks about Peter a lot but you don’t mind - He’s secretly hoping that you two might get together so Peter can become his actual son in law - He’s always happy to help you with homework - You don’t really need it though - You normally do it in the lab while he’s working  - Sometimes even while you’re working on a project - You just multitask - He’ll help you revise for tests - He’ll test you on facts while you work together
- You have quite a sarcastic relationship with your dad - There is always friendly banter between you two - But as well as having that you can talk to him about everything - He always makes sure you’re ok - Especially after missions - He would be quite hesitant about letting you join the team - But you would try to prove yourself constantly - And basically annoy him into letting you into the Avengers - But you’ve saved his bacon multiple times and he’s grateful that you’re there - Even if he’s constantly worrying about you dying on him - But he knows how hard it is to have PTSD or anxiety - He never wants you to have to go through what he has - Another reason why he was so hesitant to let you join the team
- If you have anxiety or depression he’ll do everything in his power to help you - He’ll pay attention to any form of mental health issue - And he will most definitely not dismiss it as tEeNaGe hOrMoNeS - Even if you’re just worried that you might have depression - Or just worried about a test - He’ll be there - Because he’s your dad
And he’ll always be there
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marvellous-fangirl · 5 years
Headcanon request? Dog breeds that the Avengers would be or that they would want?
I can just imagine all of them getting suprised with puppies and my heart is exploding!
Tony 🛠A Border Collie - smartest dog breed there is of course. He would teach the dog to help him out in the lab like DUM-E, and then he’d program DUM-E to pet the dog when he doesn’t have any free hands.
Rhodey ✈️A Beagle that he could take for long walks after a mission or a flight to stretch his legs.
Steve 🇺🇸A Golden Labrador or Retriever who is as blonde as he is. A really sweet and doting puppy, just like him.
Bucky 🐺A German Shepherd. If you got him one with three legs he’d cry, especially if it’s lost the same limb as him.
Sam 🦅A Pinscher. He’d walk around in his sunglasses and a leather jacket, with his dog on a chain lead to look really intimidating, but as soon as he sees someone he wants to talk to, he goes instantly soft.
Thor 🌩Golden Retriever who’s kind of dumb and goofy but absolutely adorable. Thor would just cook it bacon all the time and the dog would be worryingly overweight, but very loved.
Loki 🐍He’s not really a dog person, get him a cat. Dogs require too much effort and love, whereas cats can just be themselves and don’t require much. Cats seem to warm with him too.
Bruce 🧪A big fluffy Leonberger who could lay around the lab while he works. A gentle giant, to remind him that he can be gentle too. Plus, the walks would clear his head for work.
Nat 💄Doberman Pinscher. Angular and scary looking, but like her, the dog would be adorable, soft and cuddly.
Clint 🏹A little corgi waddling around for his kids. Lila, Cooper and Nate would be besotted. He’d foster and raise guide dog puppies too. Might write an extended headcanon on this…
Wanda 💋A Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. She would dress them in red and the dog would sit in her lap every time she watched tv or read a book.
Pietro 💨A Greyhound of course. He would briefly consider asking someone to genetically modify the dog so it could run as fast as him but then he’d almost cry at the thought. The dog would be fast enough to compete, but god forbid he enter his dog into anything that could injure it.
Peter 🕷Get him any form of puppy and he’ll melt into a puddle on the floor. His favourite breed would have to be a Staffie though. They look big and tough but are gentle softies.
Shuri 🔬She loves cats like her brother, but she can’t resist a floppy dog like a Newfoundland or Leonberger. A big black fluffy dog like a panther would make her smile as she works in her lab and she’d take the dog for long long walks around Wakanda in her spare time.
T’Challa 🐾I mean, of course he’s a cat person, but he does love Rottweilers. They’re big and beefy and he loves to go for a run in the morning with his companion - something he can’t get from a cat.
Strange 🌀A Pointer would suit him just fine. It would give him some company when he’s guarding the Sanctum.
Carol ⚡️A Border Collie that’s full of energy and bouncy and always ready for her after a flight. She’d leave the dog with Maria and Monica when she’s out of the solar system (and let Monica name it too).
Valkyrie ⚔️An Australian Shepherd. She loves the look of them and they’re so soft and loving. After a long night, she loves coming home to her ball of fluff and relaxing with them on the sofa.
Nebula ⚙️You know those robotic dog toys for kids. An upgraded one of those. Painted blue.
Hope 🐝A Westie, that won’t shed so much that it’ll ruin her suits, will look professional if she needs to take the dog with her to any meetings and is cuddly enough to help her lie down.
Scott 🐜A dog like a Jack Russell that he could spend hours with when he’s on house arrest. Cassie would name him something ridiculous and Scott would pretend he wouldn’t keep the name but he would.
Ava ⭐️Some sort of grey or white mongrel. She would love to spend time at the shelter and adopt an abandoned puppy.
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marvellous-fangirl · 5 years
Please can I request headcanons to the avengers having a crush on girl who has photosensitive Epilepsy. Thank you for your time and have a great day :)
Of course it would be my pleasure! I’ve done a bit of research about photosensitive epilepsy so I hope this is accurate - Sorry it’s short, but enjoy! :)
Avengers Crushing on a Girl with Photosensitive Epilepsy
- They would all get very overprotective of you- It would be a little bit annoying - But it’s also really sweet at the same time
- Wanda would ask Tony to check about what frequency of light her powers emit- Pietro would also check that his superspeed didn’t emit a potentially triggering frequency either- Peter would ask Karen about things before he surprises you with anything, just to be sure- Thor would hardly ever use his lightning around you.- He’d ask Tony to check light frequencies for him and hopefully learn to create lightning with a safer frequency
- Tony would install a new programme for Jarvis or Friday to run, to make sure that no light bulbs in the compound flickered at all, let alone any frequency that could trigger a seizure- They would all extensively research any movie or performance you want to go see or watch, to make sure that there are no flashing lights or triggers- Tony would probably make a programme for that too- Literally every single one of them would take a medical course to learn how to aid you during one of your seizures- And they would make sure they know how to help prevent one if they can - Not like you wouldn’t know; they’re just over protective- They adore you, so they couldn’t let anything happen
- But most importantly each of them would treat you completely normally- Sure they can get really annoying sometimes- Like when you know a movie will be fine because you’ve seen it before, but they insist on checking it first- But you can tell that they really care about you- And if anything happened to you, they would never forgive themselves
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marvellous-fangirl · 5 years
Headcanon: Tony buying you a giant plushie for your birthday
Omg aww that’s really cute!
Tony Buying You a Giant Plushie
- He spent ages trying to find the right one- I mean months of planning went into this- He would interrogate all of your friends to find out what your favourite animal is- And when I say interrogate, I mean with the Iron Man suit and everything- He used his blasters as the bright light- At least one of your friends lost their shit by the way- But he did his research let me tell you
- When he finds out what it is, if it’s something practical like a rabbit, then he’s overjoyed that it’s simple- But if your favourite animal is something like a caterpillar he’s just so done- He has to find some sort of other animal that’s feasible - He’ll start randomly dropping animals into conversation to see which one you like the most- Obviously you get suspicious- So he panics- And says something random like he might buy a zoo- And you believe him because its Tony Stark- He spends ages trying to find someone that will make a plushie large enough- It has to be perfect- It can’t be some sort of common plushie- It must be very Tony Stark™
- It gets to the point where he considers sewing one himself- How hard can it be right?- I mean he became an expert in thermonuclear astrophysics overnight- He tries sewing- He hates it- He gets so many tiny holes in his hands because he kept poking himself- He was up in the middle of the night doing it- You were going to go downstairs and check on him but you heard loads of swearing and just decided to let him be- FUCKING DEMONIC PIECE OF SHARP METAL- Let’s just say he quit while he was ahead
- So he keeps doing his research- And he finds someone and let me tell you he celebrates for days- I mean days- And he is prepared to pay this guy millions of dollars- But it’s only like $500?- And for Tony this is cheap as hell- He’s ecstatic 
- So he has to hide it from you- And he did not think this through- Oops- He tries to get it delivered on a specific day but it falls through and it has to get delivered early- So he gets all of the Avengers in on it to brainstorm how to hide it- Even Bruce can’t think of anything- Banner seriously what are those 7 PhDs for anyway? - So he decides to just hide it in the lab- You barely come down there anyway- He has to move everything that's in there to fit it in though- And then all of the Avengers have to get involved again just to cram it down there- But you do it- And he has to get it out again on the morning of your birthday- He almost cries
- He makes the Avengers get up at who knows what time in the morning- They all hate him for this by the way- If you don’t like it then they’ll kick you out
- But thank god you do- If you don’t then you pretend- Because you can just tell how much work went into this present- The pair of you settle down to watch some TV- He’s asleep within seconds with his head in your lap
- So you decide not to tell him that you knew about it all along
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marvellous-fangirl · 5 years
Head-canon for Bruce and Tony being anxiety science bros...
As someone with anxiety and who tries to be open about it, I enjoy writing about the characters in the MCU who have similar mental health issues since they’re literally heroes and are idealised as perfect, but still have flaws :) Enjoy!
Anxious Science Bros
- Bruce is quite a gentle soul- He tends to worry more openly about things- Tony hides it more- He has this whole big image of Iron Man who’s tough- He feels like he can’t talk about it- Which is why it gets worse because he bottles it up
- But the lab is a safe space- Almost sacred really- No jokes are allowed- Even if they’re made light heartedly- By someone who’s supportive- It’s just not allowed- And of course no self deprecation- Ever.
- But Bruce and Tony get on really well- And of course having something like anxiety in common makes them work even better together- Something might go wrong like Ultron did- Bruce will get really stressed out and panic- As well as Tony, he has Natasha to help calm him down- She’s good at that too- Since she’s known Tony for so long- And looked after him too- But so Tony will also be freaking out- But inside - He has to maintain his Cool™ vibes
- But everyone can tell how stressed he is- Because they just don’t see him for days on end- Because he’s just in the lab- Working away- To try and get all of the negative thoughts out of his head- By just drowning them in his work- It’s his coping mechanism
- Bruce lets him do it for a little while- He understands that he does have to do it or he’ll completely lose his cool- Which would make him feel even worse- But after about a day or two, Bruce creeps down to the lab- And he just sits with Tony- Who talks to him when he’s ready- He keeps working for a while- And ignores Bruce- But eventually it all comes spilling out- And Bruce is equally as stressed as him- And hypothetically it’s a bad idea to talk to someone who’s anxious about why he’s anxious- But it gets it all out into the open- And they can both get it off their chests
- And that’s all they need
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marvellous-fangirl · 5 years
headcanon: peter and reader going on a date and its peters first real date and hes nervous af
that’s so sweet! I hope I can do it justice :)
Peter’s First Real Date
- It took him a really long time for him to actually ask you out - Like a long time - He would start a conversation with the intention of asking you out - But he’d always back out at the last minute - When he finally does it he instantly regrets it - ‘I mean you don’t have to if you don’t want to. Actually you know what don’t worry it’s fine.’- He is completely shocked when you say yes - Like completely shocked - He goes silent for a few seconds - You wave your hand in front of his face but there‘s no response - And then he literally can’t stop smiling for the rest of the day - More like the rest of the week 
- He’s really nervous about where to take you - He keeps asking you about where you want to go - To the point where it could get annoying but he’s so cute it’s impossible to find him annoying - You eventually say that you should go out to eat somewhere, but he has to decide which place - He eventually choses and decides to surprise you - But then you ask him what kind of thing you should wear and he just tells you where you’re both going - The cute little takeout place near his apartment that he and Aunt May go to all the time - He’s really embarrassed about it - He thinks you’ll hate it - But you’re really excited - You love takeout and can’t stop talking about it - And again he’s all smiley and it’s the most adorable thing ever 
- He picks you up at about 7 - He’ll have you back at a reasonable time - Of course - You guys decide to walk - It starts off a little bit awkward - But conversation gets easy as you find a topic to talk about - Star Wars- You get into a heated debate about character arcs and plotlines and which trilogy is best - All of the awkwardness melts away - You were really nervous too - But you didn’t want to tell Peter given how nervous he was - But it was a lot better than both of you imagined 
- When you get there you just order a load of food and share it all - But there are a couple of dishes you refuse to share - You get all playfully defensive of your food - You fight him with cutlery as he tries to scoop something out of one of your bowls - You accidentally flick some rice onto his face - He looks really offended - You guys are so close to having a food fight but the guy serving you clearly seems to be way too tired to have to deal with it- Peter insists on paying for the food too- You offer to pay but he stamps on that faster than you even try to protest- You can’t help but watch him as he pays- He sticks his tongue out a tiny bit- Dear god he’s so adorable
- He walks you home of course- You both stayed out later than you meant to- It’s about 1am at this point- They didn’t kick you out of the restaurant because they love Peter so much and they were actually enjoying seeing him having a date- Your family don’t mind either since they trust Peter too- Could it be any better?!- But you’re both slightly hysterical since you’re so tired- Peter keeps shushing you when you laugh too loudly at something he said- You shove him lightly every time he shushes you- Then he catches your hand one time that you push him and you’re just holding hands and swinging your arms together and giggling quietly- It’s perfect
- You get to your place and everyone else there is asleep- He gets very shy just as you’re about to say goodnight- Then he tells you that it was his first ever proper date- And you just have to kiss him at that point- He doesn’t respond for a couple of seconds but then he kisses you back- Then you say goodnight and go to sleep- And you text each other until the sun rises- And neither of you can wipe the smiles off your faces
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marvellous-fangirl · 5 years
Singularity x MCU
So in case you haven’t realised, I am a massive fan of Singularity from the A-Force Marvel comics. (I’ve reblogged a lot of fan art for her and my pfp is her too) ANYWAY. I would love to see Singularity appear in Phase 5, maybe as a way to properly introduce the multiverse other than the Dr Strange sequel and these are just a few interactions that I really want to see :)
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Bruce He would be fascinated by her and I honestly want to see him trying to comprehend her existence or study her and she’s just sitting in a wheeley chair and spinning or poking buttons and breaking things and hoping he doesn’t notice.
Strange Just two people/quantum singularities bonding over the nature of the multiverse and it’s endless possibilities.
Carol Of course they already know each other (or not! (probably not if she were to appear in the MCU)), but I’ve always gotten the impressions that Carol is quite a headstrong character, but obviously with a soft side. It would be really cute to see Carol and Singularity interact with the ‘Blue’ nickname being thrown around. Also there’s a scene where Blue is playing with a cat in the comics and please GIVE ME THAT INTERACTION WITH GOOSE!
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Shuri I could see Blue being a really helpful for Shuri around the lab in Wakanda and it’d be really cute. Also her performing little experiments on Blue like how adorable??
Peter In Far From Home (no spoilers - literally just saw it and I’m not a spoiler person), there is a moment when Peter starts rambling about the multiverse and the singularity and I can imagine him finding her fascinating and nice company, even though she doesn’t talk much.
MJ This is brief but I reallllyyyy want to see MJ with her mace standing next to Singularity, both of them looking deadly.
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Tony Now I know that he would never interact with Blue, but I think it would be canon that if he were alive, he would adopt her.
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marvellous-fangirl · 5 years
Headcanon: you ask tony if you can get a puppy and Tony buys you like an entire pet shop or something idk I just love tony being adorable like that:)
That’s so cute! And so Tony lmaoEnjoy! :)
Tony Buying You a Puppy Litter
- One day you’re just relaxing in the compound- You’re probably watching TV- And Tony is bustling around in the kitchen- Making you guys some snacks or drinks or something- And you’re not really thinking straight- Probably quite tired- But you express that you really want a puppy- And Tony’s mind just starts whirring- The plans start forming in his mind
- He continues to plan for weeks- And secretly drops hints- I mean you get suspicious- But you’re so used to him doing stuff like that, you don’t bat an eyelid
- He subtly drops questions about dog breeds and types- Sometimes actually really subtle- And even you don’t notice- And you know Tony very well at this point
- But he acknowledges your favourite dog breed- You are still a bit suspicious- It takes him so long to sort out, you actually forget about it
- Then one day, you’re sitting on the sofa again- Then Tony comes and steps in front of the TV - And he’s holding a big, heavy looking cardboard box- And you’re a little annoyed that you can’t see the TV, so you pause it- He sets the box down on the floor- And he lifts out a puppy- And you melt- You crawl onto the floor- OHMYGODLOOKATYOUUUYOUREADORABLEARENTYOUBABBYYY- And you’re playing with this puppy and cuddling it- And Tony isn’t saying anything- He’s just looking in the box
- And then another head pokes out- And another- And another and another and another- And soon you’re swamped by eight puppies- And you might as well be a puddle on the floor at this point- And you tackle Tony to the floor in a bear hug- And the puppies are just crawling over you
- You say you can’t keep them- But Tony shuts you up by just piling the puppies into your lap- And telling you about his master plan
- And I swear to God, you couldn’t love that man any more
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marvellous-fangirl · 5 years
Avengers During a Thunderstorm
Currently on holiday and there’s a massive storm happening, which I’m normally hyped about, but the electricity just cut out and my anxiety is starting to take over since I’m not at home so let’s hope this can take my mind off it all
Tony 🛠 Doesn’t bat an eyelid. Probably down in his lab working so he can’t hear it. If he’s out of his Iron Man-Cave, then he’ll be watching in a darkened room with a whiskey, just silently gazing out at the storm.
Rhodey ✈️ He is the guy to go to if you're bored and stuck inside during a storm. He had a load of missions rained off when he was in the Air Force so he’s great with coming up with stuff to do.
Steve 🇺🇸 Likes to watch them, but probably won’t stay to watch for long. He’ll stay for a couple of good lighting strikes, but he’s seen a lot of storms in his life and he gets a little bored sometimes.
Bucky 🐺 He will not go outside with his arm. But he’ll enjoy standing just outside the front door, whether it’s sheltered or not. The smell just reconnects him with the Earth, as do the sounds and the feeling in the air. It’s all comforting to him. Grounding.
Sam 🦅 He gets all tough and macho and pretends he’s not scared, but you can tell that he jumps every time there’s a flash or a rumble. He just finds them unnatural. If Bucky notices then no one will hear the end of it for weeks - especially if Bucky ropes in Thor to help him torment Sam.
Thor 🌩 Literally I feel like I don’t even need to write this for him; he’s living for this. He’s so energised. He might just go for a run or stand out on the roof of the compound just to flex on everyone.
Loki 🐍 He has kind of grown to dislike thunderstorms due to his brother’s powers, but he does admit that he finds them oddly comforting...
Bruce 🧪 He really is not a fan. He’ll probably lock himself in his lab and get some work done to distract himself. Either that or he’ll stick to Thor like glue. He knows that Thor won’t get hurt by the lightning and can control it so surely if he sticks with him then nothing can happen right?
Nat 💄 She likes watching people during a storm more than a storm. She can notice more things about a person’s face when it’s fleetingly illuminated by a flash of lightning than when it’s just in plain daylight. She also enjoys observing the reactions of those who are less comfortable during a storm.
Clint 🏹 He’ll sit right next to the window and feel the thunder through the glass with his fingertips. He might close his eyes and just have the lightning burn through his eyelids every few seconds. But feeling the thunder, especially when it’s overhead. It gives him a lot of pleasure.
Wanda 💋 She’s quite calm about all of it. She likes to meditate during storms, despite that sounding overly spiritual. She also likes to wrap herself in a blanket and just read in her room by the window, or just watch the rain trickle down the glass.
Pietro 💨 Shows off during a thunderstorm that he doesn’t care. He’ll go outside for a jog or open loads of windows to get some ‘fresh air’. If anyone’s really scared though, he’ll be happy to comfort them. After all, there’s nothing to be afraid of.
Peter 🕷 He’s between liking them and disliking them. One time he’ll be happily sitting wrapped up in a blanket, another he’ll be hiding in his room playing some oud music with his eyes tight shut. Most of the time he’s fine though.
Morgan 🎀 Poor girl would be terrified at the start, but Thor would look after her and show her that it’s nothing to be afraid of and she’d grow to love sitting up in the middle of the night, just watching the lightning. When she’s away from her superfamily and there’s a thunderstorm, it eases her homesickness and reminds her of her uncle Thor.
Shuri 🔬 She just loves them. She has no fear whatsoever and just dances out in the rain - might even join Thor on the roof, despite her mortality. Her brother would stop her, but he’s so tired of her that he can’t really be bothered to try.
T’Challa 🐾 He tends to get a little bit jumpy, but he’s used to loud noises coming from his sister’s lab. He isn’t afraid of getting electrocuted either, since Shuri has played numerous pranks on him with buzzers of varying voltages.
Strange 🌀 He finds them calming as they help him to focus on his work. They provide some white noise for when he is wanting to study or learn new spells.
Carol ⚡️ Doesn’t care really. She’s seen more intense storms than those on Earth on other planets. She doesn’t really have time to pay attention to weather phenomena. However she might sit down and watch a horror film if it’s an intense storm. Just to hype herself up and get that adrenaline going.
Valkyrie ⚔️ She wants to make it a party when there’s a thunderstorm. Break out the booze since it’s rave time. In other instances, she’ll just chill on the sofa, not really batting an eyelid.
Nebula ⚙️ She will stand completely in the centre of a room, away from all plug sockets. Somehow, electricity seems to jump towards her since she’s a conductor and she isn’t overly fond of being electrocuted like her father used to do to her.
Hope 🐝 She tries to pretend she isn’t interested, but she’ll wrap herself up in a blanket and make a mug of tea or coffee or something and just stand in the window to watch. Might even stand in the porch, but depending on how dangerous the storm is. She isn’t stupid.
Scott 🐜 He finds them quite entertaining. He’d play games with Cassie during storms where he couldn’t move when there was lightning, but he’d try and get as close as he could without her seeing him, then jump scare her as best he could. He always smiles when he thinks of that.
Ava ⭐️ She is very scared by them. She’ll lock herself in a room and wrap herself in duvets and surround herself in pillows to keep herself safe. She welcomes any company she can have, especially if they can make her laugh so she can forget about what’s happening outside.
Cassie 🥜 She likes to gather all of her stuffed animals and line them up so they can see out the window and watch with her. She’s never been afraid of them. It’s just weather after all.
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marvellous-fangirl · 5 years
Okayyyyyy so... Tony going suit shopping with his son and Peter?
Of course! I hope you like this! :)
Suit Shopping with Dad and Peter
- One day, Tony just drags you out of the compound- Before you know it, Peter’s in the car too- Neither of you have any idea where you’re going- But Tony’s just driving- You’re in the car for a very long time- Like a long time- To the point where you can’t place where you are- Then you pull up at an airport?- ????- Your dad’s jet is there are you and Peter just share a look- But don’t question it- I mean you’re both used to him being extravagant
- So you get on a private jet- Because Tony Stark is not common™- You both want to know where you’re going - Neither of you want to ask- So you both just enjoy taking a ride on a private jet- Peter is kinda freaking out - He’s never been on a private jet- And he’s worrying about Aunt May- But Tony tells him he checked with her before picking him up- You don't think he did
- You check your phone as you land- And take it off airplane mode- You get a text:  “ Welcome to ITALY”- Again: ????
- You’re in Milan- You just took a private jet to Milan- Sorry whomst- You get in another car- Your dad drives of course- And you’re just whisked away
- You end up at a really fancy tailor- Tony’s one of course- It turns out to be really fun- You get all of your measurements done really quickly- Then spend the rest of the time trying on suits, getting them altered etc- You also find some really funny ones- One wasn’t even really a suit, but it had really long arm tassels and you couldn’t help but put it on
- Tony helps you both find some suits that suit you both- pun intended- But he doesn’t tell you guys what it’s for - Peter worries about the prices - Because let me tell you they are expensive- But your dad insists that it’s just a gift from him
- You take the jet home after a long day- And you still can’t work out what the special occasion was- But you decide to let it slide- You and Peter just eat a load of food after having to avoid large meals before the fitting- And end up falling asleep in front of your movie- Tony can't help but grin
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marvellous-fangirl · 5 years
how they act around their crush?
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Tony 🛠Total show off. Will perform over the top dramatic gestures, but if it makes you uncomfortable he’ll start leaving you small things like little notes and presents instead. He’ll host lots of parties and insist that you come, sometimes buying you outfits and refusing to stop complimenting you until you give in to being his date.
Rhodey ✈️He acts pretty normally and doesn’t act very weird. The only way you’ll know that he has a thing for you is that he’ll tell other people (like Tony) how much he likes you and what he loves about you, like your personality, your hair, the way you fangirl about things etc. So of course Tony has to inform you of all of this and he acts as an intermediary between the two of you.
Steve 🇺🇸He struggles to talk to you sometimes and doesn’t avoid you but he gets a but flustered when you try to hold a conversation. He might not engage directly, but he’ll do little things like make you a cup of coffee in your favourite mug in the morning, or clean up the coffee table because he knows it annoys you when it’s messy and covered in old glasses and magazines.
Bucky 🐺He will be really shy and if you accidentally brush past him, then he’ll not exactly flinch, but skin to skin contact is a little bit weird for him. He respects you and thinks you’re amazing. He loves to watch you fighting during training practise and you can always notice him out of the corner of your eye. He’ll sacrifice his own comfort for yours, like giving up an armchair if there’s nowhere else for you to sit, or giving you the last of the food even if he’s starving.
Sam 🦅Very suave. Will show off, but not to the point where it gets annoying. He’ll offer to buy you things and will do favours for you. He loves treating you, not to buy your affection but because you deserve to be treated right.
Thor 🌩Very sweet and doting. He asks for your help with everything, even if he doesn’t need it. Sometimes he needs it with weird devices like microwaves, but other times he’ll ask about how to open the fridge. If he sees you reading a book, he’ll ask you dozens of questions. He loves listening to the way you explain the plot and tell it better than it’s actually written and how you describe each of the characters.
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Loki 🐍Completely ignores you because he wants to crush the feelings he has. He might be quite snide and maybe even rude, but don’t take it personally. He finds it hard to deal with romantic emotions and gets quite uncomfortable with them. If you’re gentle with him or Thor talks to him about it, then he’ll realise that it’s not so much of a bad thing and he’ll start having more conversations with you, normally about books or plays.
Bruce 🧪He’s so sweet and soft. He gets really shy and shuts down a little bit, but if you ask him about something he loves he’ll start to glow slightly? Not literally but having someone he respects and cares about show interest in something he loves means a lot to him and just increases his feelings for you more.
Nat 💄She acts unnaturally and you wouldn’t expect her to. She’ll try to impress you but will fumble and slip up. She’ll want to train around you so she can show off. She tries really hard and always gets you something if she gets something for herself like a smoothie or a snack. It’s really sweet because you can see that she’s not just a cold assassin, but she’s really soft and gentle around you.
Clint 🏹He doesn’t hide it at all and he handles it really well. Acts completely naturally and doesn’t exactly flirt shamelessly, but you know exactly when he’s interested in you. He basically acts like you’re dating already and honestly it’s just so comfortable around him that you’re fine with it.
Wanda 💋She’s very sweet and wants to spoil you, but she’s not always able to buy you something, so instead she makes you little handmade gifts which are adorable. She loves spending time with you, whether it’s chores around the compound or discussing the latest episode of your favourite TV show.
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Pietro 💨A complete show off oh my god, he speeds around so much more and does his best to find an excuse to be shirtless. If you own it and flirt back he gets a little flustered but takes it in his stride.
Peter 🕷He’s really soft and awkward. He struggles to find things to say and sometimes he might get distracted just by looking at you. He blushes a lot but he’s such a softie he doesn’t expect you to like him back.
Shuri 🔬Shows off in her lab a LOT. It’s really sweet though because you can see how proud she is of what she does. She’ll be happy to do any favours for you too and will constantly offer to do things for you so you’re happy and comfortable.
T’Challa 🐾Freezes. He tries to show off, but sometimes he just can’t stop staring at you. He will eventually begin to show off, normally he tries to arrange training sessions when you’re around so you can watch him.
Strange 🌀Quite quiet sometimes, but will be very gentle and acts normally most of the time. He’ll always strive to start conversations with you over other people though, as he likes hearing your opinions and thoughts so he can try and find interesting things that you might want to do with him.
Carol ⚡️She gets really cocky. She’ll try to seem really confident in front of you and laughs so much to the point that it gets a little excessive, but she means well. She’ll completely ask you out if you give her even the slightest hint that you like her in the same way.
Valkyrie ⚔️Loves showing off and is normally tipsy or completely trashed. She will act like you’re dating and will hug or kiss you naturally. She’s not all about drinking though and doesn’t want to come across like that in front of you. She will take you out to all of these great places that you will have no idea exist, even if you’ve lived there for years. She might not have been there before, she just has a knack for finding small hideaways, which she knows you love.
Nebula ⚙️Completely blanks you. There is no way to tell if she likes you, except if she chuckles at something you say. And trust me. It’s the best sound in the world.
Hope 🐝Will be a little bit mean, which is her way of testing you to see if you can handle her on her bad days. She will be really kind and caring towards you once she’s let off the pressure a little bit and makes sure that you’re happy, comfortable and safe.
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Scott 🐜He’s not afraid of being a little bit of a dork around you. At the beginning, he’ll try to suppress his weirder side, but if he sees you laughing or even smiling, he’ll strive to make sure that you smile more and will perform little tricks just for you.
Ava ⭐️She becomes insanely shy. She will avoid having to talk to you, but if you talk to her and don’t come across too shyly, then she’ll warm to you and she’ll always laugh with you more than anyone else.
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marvellous-fangirl · 5 years
Scarlet Witch
Maybe she is a modern day witch?
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I like to think that Wanda practices witchcraft. I know that she’s never referred to as Scarlet Witch in the MCU, but I like to think that she supports that aesthetic.
I don’t think that she would exactly believe in all of this stuff either but it’s something that suits her and she would find it quite interesting.
She already wears chunky rings, but I can see her with crystal and beaded necklaces. I don’t see tea leaves as her thing, but I can see her with books of old scriptures, about astrology and crystal healing and with chakra or palm diagrams. She might have a dusty crystal ball on a bookshelf somewhere and a deck of tarot cards that she likes to play with. 
Her room is quite a light, comfortable place, with armchairs and cushions and blankets. But I can see her with thick velvet curtains, which she can pull shut and she would have lots of candles that she can light and read by.
It would just be a comfy and warm place that has quite a heavy or stuffy atmosphere, but it’s safe for her, despite its darker connotations.
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Jewellery from shop dixi online, which always gives me Wanda vibes
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marvellous-fangirl · 5 years
Ok but what for being Tony Stark's son??? Hope you can write it even if it's a male!reader!!
Of course! Sorry I normally tend to write about female main characters, but I’m going to try and start changing my writing to 2nd person so that I don’t need to specify the gender and it’s just you! 
Being Tony Stark’s Son
- He would be overwhelmed when you were born- And have a bit of a preparental freak out when he find’s out that you’re going to be a boy- He would be really worried that he was going to ruin you- Or just be a terrible dad because he had one and he doesn’t want you to go through that- He would stay up really late reading up about how to look after a baby boy- And go on mumsnet to ask questions about how to not be a terrible father- He would go by the name Deborah and she had 5 daughters, with one son on the way- But when you were born he would hold you in his hands and realise that it might just be ok
- If he adopts you he’d see it as an opportunity to give you a family which you might never have had before- It would let him feel that he wouldn’t be that terrible a dad from the way that you look at him like he’s your hero
- He would give you your own floor, but wouldn’t tell you yet because he’d want you close by first- So you’d have a room on his floor - When you turn 12 or 13 then he gives it to you as a birthday gift - The look on your face when he shows it to you makes him feel like he isn’t going to be as bad a father as his dad was
- You would have your own lab- But there would be an area where you can both work together- You’re really smart by the way- Whether it was his genetics or just Bruce’s teaching- Even if you’re not then he doesn’t care- He indulges all of your likes and hobbies- He’d build you an iron man suit- With your own colour scheme of course- If you want to stick with the red and gold he melts a little bit inside- Even if you don’t like working on projects of your own, he loves it when you help out with him- He uses all of your ideas- Even if they’re kind of bad and you thought of the when you were half asleep
- He would be a very relaxed parent and let you do pretty much whatever you want- Within reason- He respects your personal space, but not too much- He doesn’t want to be as distant as his dad was- If you go out with friends, you shouldn’t be surprised to see an Iron Man flyby- Just to check if you haven’t been kidnapped- But he might coddle you a bit- Sleep is big for him - He knows how bad insomnia is- And if you don’t eat properly he might force some food down your throat- But of course since he isn’t that great about sleep himself he can’t be that bad about it- But you found some files about his dad when you were looking for something for school- And you understand how much he hated him- So you humour him because you know how much of a good dad he wants to be
- Like I said, he’ll indulge all of the things you enjoy doing- If you love to read, he’ll give you a library- If you like to swim, he’ll build you your own pool- He’d build you a home cinema- And you’ll want to have movie nights with everyone in the compound- He can’t say no to you- He tries to pretend that he doesn’t want to join in- But he loves it- As an excuse to spend more time with you
- He would probably home school you in your younger years- If any kid started to bully you, he would tear them apart- But as you get older, he realises that you’ll need an education which is more than he or Bruce know- So he sends you to Midtown Tech- Peter goes there, so it must be a good school- He does talk about Peter a lot- And he’s like a brother to you- There’s a part of Tony that hopes that you two might get together- When it comes to homework he wants to help you- He wants you to get high grades- And not because it might ‘tarnish the Stark reputation’- He just loves it when you succeed- If you ever need help then you can find him in his lab- And he’s happy to shoot you with questions to help you revise for tests or exams
- It would be insanely hard for him to let you join the Avengers- He just would not want you getting in harm’s way- You would have to nag him a lot- He’d be constantly worrying about you getting hurt- And you wouldn’t be able to take the training protocol of your suit for a solid few months- But you prove to be a valuable member of the team- Which he’s proud of- But it’s also a little bit annoying because he can’t look out for you as much as he wants to- Even if he’s constantly worrying about you dying on him- But he knows how hard it is to have PTSD or anxiety- He never wants you to have to go through what he has- Another reason why he was so hesitant to let you join the team
- If you have anxiety or depression he’ll do everything in his power to help you- He’ll pay attention to any form of mental health issue- And he will most definitely not dismiss it as tEeNaGe hOrMoNeS- Even if you’re just worried that you might have depression- Or just worried about a test- He’ll be there
- He’s the perfect dad really- You do pretty much everything together- And there’s always a lot of friendly banter- But you can talk to him about anything- Even if it’s a little weird- He always makes it less weird- Sometimes when you were little, you would find him quite intimidating- But he’s done everything in his power to get rid of that image in your eyes
- You’re his pride and joy- And he couldn’t love you any more than he does
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marvellous-fangirl · 5 years
How the avengers would react if the cat they adopted like 7 months ago turned out to be Loki
HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA THAT’S SO FUNNY IM DYINGI HOPE I WRITE THIS WELLI mean not many people have met Loki so this will be quite short but OMG I STAN THIS IS MY FAVE
Tony 🛠He would be completely shocked, but he would then find it so funny he would literally be pissing himself
Rhodey ✈️He just wouldn’t know how to react‘You know what. I’m out.’
Steve 🇺🇸Jumps and swears way too loudly‘Language Cap!’ - Tony
Bucky 🐺‘what the fUCK!’ *falls off chair, screaming*
Sam 🦅He hasn’t had a proper run in with Loki before, so he’d just think that was his power‘What, so you’re Catman?‘
Thor 🌩He would be angry for a split second, but SO happy to have his brother back aww
Bruce 🧪Slightly shocked, but he knows Loki‘I mean at least he wasn’t trying to kill us.’
Nat 💄*jumps* *glares at Loki* 
Clint 🏹Doesn’t flinch.
Wanda 💋Has no idea what just happened
Pietro 💨He would be scared for his life and then pretend that he was completely cool the entire time
Peter 🕷Shocked but excited to see him*falls off ceiling* ‘Mr Loki!’
Morgan 🎀‘Kitty!’ *pets Loki’s hair*
Shuri 🔬Cannot stop laughing for days
T’Challa 🐾Severely affronted. Cats are supposed to be cats.
Strange 🌀Isn’t really phased, but still surprised
Carol ⚡️Completely chilled. She’s used to cats doing weird shit all the time‘Oh I thought he was a flerken’
Valkyrie ⚔️*eye roll*
Nebula ⚙️She would not enjoy being betrayed like that so would probably give him a taste of his own medicine*stab*
Hope 🐝*slaps him out of surprise*
Scott 🐜‘Wow. I mean ok. Wow. So you have cat powers. I mean cool.’
Ava ⭐️Screams and locks herself in her room
Cassie 🥜Insane laughting and would plot with Loki for more pranks
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