#mash was made in the 70s
marley-manson · 1 year
sorry to vague but seeing someone compare Hawk/BJ fans celebrating Mike Farrell’s quote about BJ walking to Maine to queerbaiting and accusing them of “lying” is really putting into perspective the huge divide between my era of fandom and current fandom lol
I cannot imagine seeing people talk about a 70s sitcom and believing there’s any actual gay intent behind it. Like man, only a decade ago all gay readings came with the implicit understanding that it’s all 100% fanon - maybe with intentional subtext behind it in the case of 90s/00s shows, but no one would ever read a post about how gay something is and go “wow you lied, this wasn’t textually gay!”
Like I’m happy for younger people who grew up with gay representation in their fun fandom media, but Mash has none (well aside from Very Special Episode George) and no one involved in the show is ever going to say that they deliberately wrote a downlow gay romance into it lol. The best you’re gonna get is jokes like Alan Alda calling Wayne Rogers a better kisser than Mike Farrell, or the usual “It’s great that gay fans can see themselves in those characters :)” rote statements. And if you expect more than that based on how fans talk about the ships, I really think that’s on you in this case.
And like there are a lot of young Mash fans who do seem to take a lot of the jokes as like... intentional secret gay rep or something, and maybe do think Mike Farrell played BJ as gay lol, and I personally find that take kind of weird and exasperating, but that’s not lying either, that’s just ignorance.
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batcavescolony · 6 months
Every few M*A*S*H episodes
Frank+Margaret: THIS IS IT! Pierce has taken it TOO FAR. we're going up the chain of command to get him fired!
General Margaret had a fling with: I'm here to see Captain Pierce.
Hawkeye Pierce: forgive me General I have no fucks to give 🍸
Patient: *needs help*
Hawkeye: *saves lives because he's got no respect for higher authority but will save every man woman and child he can*
General: hmm..maybe we jumped the gun. This man is the best damn surgeon in all Korea.
Frank+Margaret: 😡
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I think Peacemaker and Jaime watched a bunch of 70s k.amen rider together once and Peacemaker realized like during episode 1 that Jaime was gonna make him teach him how to ride a motorcycle. Turned to look at him during the opening and was like Shit.
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oneforthemunny · 2 months
light my morning sky |rockstar!eddie munson x nepo baby!reader|
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prompt: three wedding ceremonies, and it's stop number two in vegas. a night with your friends, celebrating you the way both of you love, and it leads to a rather intense wedding night for the two of you in sin city.
contains: minors dni. smut. fluff but mainly smut. drugs and alcohol, overall just partying in vegas. getting married in vegas. dom!eddie x sub!reader. bratty overtones to sub!reader. more of a soft!dom with rockstar!eddie bc he's in loooveeeee. spanking with implement (paddle/crop). thigh riding kinda. crawling. pinvsex. language. nothing too harsh or mean bc it's their (second) wedding night lol.
"I now pronounce you married." Elvis, or one of his many replicas on the strip, rasped in his low, exaggerated drawl mimicking the beloved singer. His hair perfectly coiffed, sideburns trimmed, and dressed in a black jumpsuit with wings, red and gold sequins trim.
Flamboyant, over the top- it was Eddie's dream.
Eddie grinned at you, his hands in yours, thumb brushing over the large stone on your left hand. He looked like The King himself in his white tasseled suit, pointed collar, and blue beading down the deep V of his shirt- an identical suit made to look exactly like Elvis' infamous jumpsuit from his time in Las Vegas in the 70's. It had been a prop in some show your father was producing, one that you and Eddie borrowed after the wedding.
"Eddie, you may now kiss your little darlin' here." The officiant grinned, stepping back towards the faux-rose garland, strung with bright lights.
Your heart swelled in your chest, just as light and giddy as the first ceremony, letting Eddie cup your face, pulling you in to seal with a kiss, far more passionate and needy than the ceremony in California.
Cheers erupted from the small crowd of friends you'd rallied for the big day- well, the second big day. Their booze soaked giggles and screeches mashed to the tune of Can't Help Falling In Love pouring out of the static filled old speakers. Flashes blinded your vision, even behind your closed eyes, camera clicks and bright snaps of camera light capturing every moment.
For a moment, you tensed, aware of your rounded shoulders, of Eddie's hand grabbing at your ass, eyes opening and cutting towards the aisle. Jonathan stood there, face hidden by the camera. Eddie had insisted his friend from Hawkins come instead, replace the snooty photographer that had done the ceremony before. Your parents had raved about him, but Eddie didn't see what the big deal was with him. He just made you both look so stiff, so unnatural in your portraits.
Eddie's hand slid up the silk material of your tiny dress, gripped onto your hip, bunching the material. You could feel his wedding band in the small of your back when he pressed his hand there, steadying you before he tipped you back. A deep dip of a kiss, your thigh hiked around his hip.
The small bouquet of white roses you'd bought at the front of the chapel fell onto the patterned carpet, your friends' screeching and whooping laughs ignited by the dramatics. They expected nothing less from Eddie- from both of you.
"Lord have mercy," The officiant laughed, fanning himself dramatically, long metallic sleeves rippling. "These two have lots of hunk-a, hunk-a burnin' love, don't they folks?"
Eddie could feel your lips twitch against his, a snort of a giggle, hot air blowing against his lip. His dopey and dimpled grin met you when you finally pulled apart. It left you weak, blistering in his intense, love filled gaze.
A pop of Perignon filled the room, Gareth and Farrah bumbling closer with two glasses, trying to stop the excess spilling over. A celebratory toast to the two of you, to keep your buzz going after the break in the bender you took for the ceremony.
Since you'd landed on Thursday night, the party hadn't stopped. Liquor flowing, loud music, sloppily piling into a stall with your own friends, taking bumps off your room keys before stumbling back to the club in your designer shoes, ready to keep the party going.
The afterparty was no different. Tucked away in a private villa at Ceasar's, you didn't make it to the club. Eddie had insisted he had to go first, nearly pushing Jeff over to get to the door, scooping you up in his arms and walking you through the door.
"Watch your fuckin' head, baby- don't lean back." You could smell the alcohol on his breath, a pungent mixture of too many to name, mixed with the faintest whiff of smoke from his cigarettes.
It didn't take long for Nick to find the boom box, blaring his party mixtape at a wall shaking volume, everyone scattering. Some to the kitchen to scour through the piles of empty bottles for a full one, others to collapse into the couch and let someone line up a pick me up before plunging in the hot tub outside.
"You," Eddie slurred, his head dipping down to press against your forehead. "Look so fuckin' beautiful." Nose brushing against yours, red from his own party favors.
You giggled nasally, blinking blearily eyed to focus on him to close to you. The effects of the tequila and champagne and hodge podge of liquor you'd mixed and consumed catching up with you.
"You know what, baby? You look really good, Mr. Munson." You whispered, hand cupping his jaw. "Like- hic!- too good to be fucking true."
"You're sweet talkin' me? Huh? Bein' s'nice to me?" Eddie grinned, fingers sinking into your hips.
"Yeah." You hummed.
"Tryna get my pants off or somethin', huh, baby? G-Get in my pants by bein' so sweet? You think that's gonna work?" Eddie teased, tilting his head to the side.
"Yeahhh..." You nodded, staggering against him, manicured nails raking down his bare chest. "We have to- to consummate the marriage, Ed."
"What?" Eddie furrowed his brows. "We gotta do what? Wait- I thought you wanted to fuck."
You laughed, head tilting back letting out that mean little cackle that always got Eddie worked up- a little mocking, mostly genuine. It left him flushed in heat, crawling up his chest and splattering over his cheeks.
"You dumbass, that is what that means." You rolled your eyes at him.
Eddie's eyes narrowed with you, catching your chin easily. "Oh? That's how you wanna play tonight, hm?" He shook his head, your body erupting in a fiery heat. "You're not gonna be nice to me?"
"I'm always nice to you." You countered, hand closing around his wrist gently, steadying yourself. "You're the one who's mean."
"Yeah?" Eddie grinned, eyes shining, glimmering in the low light of the room, the music from the other side thudding in a low roar, still shaking the walls. "You want me to be mean to you tonight? That's how you wanna do this?"
"Yeah." You sighed, a devious little grin that had Eddie's heart swelling, body buzzing with bouts of electricity. A shock to his system that brought him into something animalistic and primal and thrilling. Something new he only felt with you.
"I was hopin' you'd want to. Figured you would. Went ahead and got you a little somethin'." Eddie hummed, pulling you close into him. His breath hot on your cheek, booze soaked and warm on your skin.
"A gift?" Your eyes lit up, bright and devious all at once. Positively troublesome.
"Yeah. A gift. Just for you, baby." Eddie's lip dragged over your cheek, nose, hands sliding up your neck into your hair. "A wedding gift, but-but not for the wedding. For the after."
"Mm," You moaned lightly, his lips brushing with yours, teasing. Just enough to make you want to kiss him fully, leave you waiting and wanting more. "It's after now, Ed." You batted your lashes up at him.
"Is it?" Eddie muttered, fingers curling around your hair the back of your head.
"Yeah." You whispered, voice raspy from the liquor. "Time to give me my gift."
"Ooh, you're gonna be demanding?" Eddie pulled back from you, holding you at arms length so he could see you. Your pout, glassy eyes rounding instinctively- a classic look, teetering on demanding and begging, a signature look for you.
"'M not being demanding." You huffed, hands sliding over his arms. He could feel the diamonds of your wedding band scratch lightly over his skin. "You said you had a gift for me."
Eddie bit back a smirk, squeezing your shoulders with firm, gentle affection. You grinned triumphantly when he stumbled to his closet, puling a red gift bag tied together with a gold bow.
He smirked at your squeal of delight, hands clapping together excitedly when he gave you the bag. "What is it?" You beamed, a peal of excited, drunken giggles spilling from your chest.
"Open it." Eddie clicked, shaking his head at you. "What's in it- open the damn thing, baby. It's a present. 'M not tellin' you w-what I got you." His words slurred, still silly and playful.
You laughed, head spinning and intoxicatingly airy with glee, unraveling the gold spun ribbon with a dramatic tug of your hand. Underneath the piles of tissue paper, a long box lied at the bottom.
There, inside the felt lined box, a small heart shaped paddled. Black and leather, with a black, metal handle. It was small, smaller than most of Eddie's chosen paddles. The heart shape at the end firmer than the crop, not as flimsy as you expected.
"Look," Eddie pointed, swaying gently in front of you. He turned the handle clumsily around his hands before he turned it to you. There in etched gold, your names and the date carved into the metal handle.
"Ed." You cooed, head tilting back to meet his gaze. "You got this f'me?"
"Well, kinda." Eddie nodded. "I mean, for me to use on you, but yeah. Wanted something to-to remember this by."
Lips pulling in a smile, you stood, arms wrapping around his waist, pulling him flush to your own chest. "You're so sweet." You hum, swaying with him softly. "So sweet to me."
Eddie's cheeks flushed, matching the drunken red heat painted on his neck. "Yeah." He hummed, hands sliding over your cheeks, smearing your already rubbed off foundation, tilting your head back towards him.
"'M not gonna be sweet to you f'long." He muttered, lip twitching in a curling grin. Staticky prickles of excitement licked at your neck, shimmering all the way down to your core. Eddie's tongue ran over his teeth, brow raising. "That alright with you, baby?"
"Yes." You whispered, nails digging into his hands lightly, steadying yourself.
Eddie caught your chin, pulling your gaze towards him. "Who?" His tone dropped, low and raspy but punctuated.
The nervous, maybe excited, giggle spilled out of your lips before you could stop it. Eyes shining, swaying with excitement, you batted your lashes towards him. "Yes, Sir." You purred, hands sliding, nails raking down his forearms.
Eddie grinned, ducking down to catch your lips in a hungry kiss. Hand pressed to the small of your spine, you could taste the liquor on his tongue as it slid past your teeth. A sloppy, needy, alcohol fueled make out. Hands grabbing, pulling at the other, pushing your bodies closer and closer together until it felt like they might fuse together, mold into one. Hands sliding, bunching the material of your dress up your hips.
"Wait!" Your eyes flew open, pulling apart with an urgency that had Eddie jumping.
"What? What's wrong?" Eddie's brows furrowed, vision fading blearily in and out of focus.
"I forgot," You turned towards your suitcase. "I bought something special for tonight. S-Somethin' to put on." You muttered, swaying drunkenly, hands on his waist to steady yourself.
"Baby, it's alright. Just save it for tomorrow-"
"-No." Your tone was cutting, huffy with a hint of demanding- bratty. You did it best, Eddie supposed, his cock twitching at the sound.
He wanted to grab the paddle, haul you over his knee right then, feel you scratch and scream at him like old times. Instead, he let you stomp off, bunching a flash of white material to your chest, stumbling towards the bathroom.
It was worth it, Eddie decided. Legs spread on the edge of the bed, knee bouncing with anticipation until the doors opened.
"Are you ready?" He could hear your grin, hidden by the door.
"Yeah. Show me, baby. Come on out." Eddie's lips tugged in a half grin.
The door opened painfully slow, your own teasing reveal, until you stood before him in a tiny, white, see through lacy lingerie set. A classic, more scandalous and revealing than before. Bra and panties so revealing it left little to the imagination, hip hugging garter that connected to two leg holders, both with their own loops. Eddie pictured for a moment tying you up by them, stringing the rope through them, tying your legs wide open and spending the rest of the night- hell, the whole week in between them.
Maybe tomorrow night. Tonight, he had other plans.
Eddie's loud wolf whistle mixed with your bubbling giggles. "Holy shit, baby, look at you. No, look at me, but I wanna look at you." Eddie rasped, hands sliding over your exposed skin, rubbing the lace of your garter, pulling the tiny strap of your panties so it snapped to your skin.
"You like it?" You whispered, watching his eyes carefully. You knew he did. He always did.
"You kidding? Love it." Eddie grinned. "Worth the wait, beautiful."
Your cheeks burned with a rush of euphoric excitement, hands sliding up his shoulder, your ring sparkling even under the dim lights of the room.
"Ok, I'm ready now." You said boldly, lashes batting up to Eddie sweetly. "I just wanted to put this on for you."
"Oh? You're ready?" Eddie snorted lightly, lips curling in a smirk. "You callin' the shots?"
You huffed, an eye roll that had Eddie swallowing hard, trying to ignore the throbbing of his cock. "No," Your tongue clicked sarcastically. "Obviously you're in charge for right now."
"Oh, it's like that?" Eddie scoffed. "You're gonna act like that?"
"I'm not acting like anything, Ed." You bit your lip playfully. "I don't know what you're talking about." Oh, you were playful tonight. Eddie's heart swelled, palms twitching with excitement.
"Hm," Eddie hummed, tongue running down the inside of his cheek.
"Why don't you go get your gift." Eddie nodded towards the discarded paddle at the other end of the bed. You stepped towards it. "Nuh-uh-uh." Eddie clicked, head shaking.
"You know how you're supposed to get things for me." His eyes darkened, narrowing towards you.
Your thighs twitched, aching between them with a familiar heat. "Ed," Whiny and nasally, shoulders slumping for effect.
"You're gonna whine? C'mon, I know you know better." Eddie shook his head. "I don't wanna be mean to you tonight. Not too mean, anyways. Don't make me be mean. Go get your gift and bring it here, you know what to do. You be good for me, and I'll be good to you."
It didn't take much convincing, not when your head was spinning the way it was, desperate to please him. You knew he was true to his word, that he'd make you feel so good, which was exactly why you sunk to your knees. Crawling across the carpeted floors, you crept slowly towards the paddle.
Eddie watched through heavy lids, the sway of your hips, tiny panties riding up into your ass with every crawl. Your eyes met his when you raised up, gently grabbing the paddle off the bed. Eddie's heart lurched with excitement when you slipped it between your teeth, sinking back to your knees.
"Holy shit... Baby," Eddie groaned, leg shaking furiously when you rounded the corner of the bed, crawling straight for him. "Look at you. Jesus Christ, you know what you're doin'?"
You sunk back on your knees, settling between Eddie's open legs, eyes rounded so sweetly up at him it answered his question- you knew exactly what you were doing to him.
"'M just trying to be good." You whispered sweetly, head tilting to the side when he took to the paddle from you. "I just want to be so good for you always and forever, Mr. Munson."
Eddie thought he might snap the paddle in half, grip strangling in a tight hold around the pole. For a second, he contemplated again diving right between your legs, kinky foreplay be damned. Instead, he pulled you over his knee, let you straddle his thigh, covered cunt hot on his knee.
"Look at me." Eddie rasped, pulling your chin up, letting it rest on his chest, your body folded over his. "I wanna look at you. Wanna see you the whole time."
You pressed your lips together, swallowing back a pathetic whine. One hand cradling the back of your head, the other dragging the paddle along your exposed cheeks.
"You wanna be good for me?" Eddie whispered. You didn't reply, didn't get the chance to before the paddle snapped onto your ass. A jump, a whine, followed by Eddie's coaxing whisper back onto his knee.
"I asked you somethin', sweetheart." Eddie muttered, the crop tapping your other cheek. "You wanna be good for me?" Two sharp hits one to each cheek had you hissing.
"Yes." You hissed through gritted teeth, stilling your hips not to grind on him, hump his leg mercilessly. You knew that'd just fuel his cruel teasing even more.
"Yeah?" You yelped at the sharp sting.
"Yes, I wanna be good for you." Your spine ached at the uncomfortable bend in position, still you didn't dare move. It was true, you did want to be good for him.
"Are you going to be good for me?" Eddie whispered, nose nearly touching yours.
You bit back a giggle, stopped by three more sharp spanks of the crop to your ass, already itchy with growing agitation. "Yeah." Your eyes shone up at Eddie's, a silly, love sick grin that had him swooning.
"Yeah?" Eddie mocked back with a light snort. It was growing harder to keep the mean, domineering persona he tried to. When you were being this sweet, when you were being so good for him.
The crop fell again, this time your hips did roll. Just enough to dull the ache between your legs, a momentary release that had you melting further into his chest.
Eddie didn't miss it, pulling you closer to him, readjusting you on his thigh. "I don't know if I believe you." Eddie hummed, cracking the crop down again in short, sharp successions. "Are you really gonna be good to me? For the rest of time?"
You whimpered, hips rocking slowly, a steady rhythm that nearly had your eyes rolling back. The burning stretch of your ass mixed with the slow, pleasure-filled rolls of your hips.
"I will, I promise." You hummed in a high, breathy tone. "I swear I will be. I'll be a good wife for you. Forever and ever and ever."
Eddie's heart nearly burst at the words. How sweet they still sounded, even if you had technically been his wife for a few weeks now.
He let the paddle fall, his hands grabbing at your waist, pulling you into his lap. Lips on yours, your legs wrapping around his hips before he rolled the two of you, body slotting over yours, drunken giggles filling the air.
Hand intertwining with the other, Eddie's eyes rolled back at the feeling of your ring scraping over his when he finally slid into you. Mrs. Munson, forever. Forever his, just as he was forever yours.
Eddie had you pressed against the window of the suite, hips rutting into the fat of your ass, marked with the etching heart shape of the paddle. Overlooking the city's skyline, the sun was just beginning to peak over the horizon. Your cheek pressed to the window, Eddie's pressed to yours, skin smushed to skin, the two of you weren't close to being done. Just getting started, started on forever, started on a life together.
For now, in a hotel room in Vegas, insatiably happy and in love with one another. Mr. and Mrs. Munson, for the second time.
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summerreign4077 · 6 months
Can’t find the original post I made awhile back, but we are now only 70 fanfics away from having 4077 stories posted in the MASH (TV) tag at AO3! Pleeeaase, somebody take a screenshot of it! I definitely will if I get to see it.
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xxlittle-miss-horrorxx · 11 months
So a very minor nitpick on Helluva Boss….
I know I said I should only ramble with a sideblog for Helluva boss and Hazbin hotel to put a lot of u criticisms in (it’s not gonna be like an anti blog or anything, the show is still very much a guilty pleasure for me) but I just feel like getting this out of my system
I recalled seeing a critical post about Helluva boss’s lack of music diversity and how we sadly don’t see much other music genres than generic pop songs and musical numbers… They mentioned how they wish they saw more metal music and all of that and it reminded me why I have a massive issue with the show’s misusage of the word goth.
I don’t think anyone outside of the goth subculture or most people (even critical blogs) know this, but goth isn’t really a fashion aesthetic. Just like with metal, punk, and grunge, it’s a music based subculture that originated from the punk movement during the late 70s and on forward gave birth to goth as we all know.
That being said, it’s why I have a massive issue with the show labeling Loona and Octavia being goth, when they literally don’t even show signs of listening to goth music (like the Bauhaus, The Cure..) and mostly just get emo or pop songs.
Loona to me just comes off more like an emo girl than a goth, not even a mallgoth (since mallgoths are more like metalheads) since she’s shown to like bands like My Chemical Romance and even the song when searching for Octavia gave odd 2000s emo vibe. Why couldn’t y’all just went with calling her emo instead of goth 🙃🙃🙃
Now Octavia to me, could come off as a baby bat exploring the goth subculture but she always plays pop music for her and idk… I get it, most baby bats won’t be familiar with goth music right away but idk it be nice to hear those themes.
That being said, Helluva Boss isn’t the only cartoon guilty of this. Majority of cartoons in general were always made by normie people and they don’t know much about the goth subculture and only relied on stereotypes normal people have about goths.
However, there are adult cartoons that actually did research better when writing goth characters and giving them more accurate music that fits them.
Take the South Park goth kids for an example
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In their room, you notice a poster that’s called Skippy Puppy and the Blauhaus, which are spoof bands of real bands called Skinny Puppy and The Bauhaus which are two bands that are very much liked by goths (bauhaus being the first goth band that gave birth to goth, and skinny puppy is more industrial than goth, we consider that goth adjacent since back in the 90s, goth and industries music were very much mashed together in goth clubs )
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Even by character designs, Michael and Henrietta were modeled after Robert Smith and Siouxsie Sioux, who were very much the big time iconic goth musicians.
Matt and Trey themselves are huge fans of the Cure and even had a cameo of Robert smith and even hung out with goths before, so you can see why they got a depiction of them to notch. And the whole thing with them and the vamp kids was a real thing that happened with the 90s with goths and mall goths, i suggestion checking out Angela Benedict’s video for that.
Another example is Venture Bros since Triana believe it or not, is very much an accurate depiction of a goth. And they even referenced bands like the Bauhaus, Alien, Nik Fiend, and Deathrock music as some of Triana’s interests.
But the big kicker is Triana herself, is voiced by Lisa friggin Hammer!
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For anyone who doesn’t know, Lisa hammer was an iconic goth musician during the 90s and was in two ethereal wave bands known as Mors Siphlitica and Requiem in White. The fact they had her voice their goth character shows me they did their research.
Even Seth McFarlene got this right (yes you heard me) with American Dad with Debbie and her goth peers, not only making her a very down to earth person but they made their main theme “Love will Tear us Apart” from Joy Division
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For those that may not know, Joy Division is one of the Big 5 of goth bands along with the the Bauhaus, the Cure, Sioxusie and the Banshees, and Sisters of Mercy. So I was surprised that Seth got this right, since he’s known to stereo things in his shows.
And of course we also have Daria, with having two goth characters and no I don’t mean Daria and Jane. (Having a cynical personality doesn’t make you a goth) But rather do I mean Andrea and Trent
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She was so obviously modeled after Robert Smith and Siouxsie Sioux since those two were very iconic with goth fashion back on the day, we sadly don’t see much of her but you can tell they took inspiration.
And you may be thinking, but why Trent? He doesn’t even dress goth and just seems like he likes any music. While he’s that may be true, but I Remeber having this conversation with other goths in Instagram where we had a huge disccuin of goth characters in fiction. And one of my peers mentioned Trent also counts because he’s shown to have an interest in goth music if you look at his bedroom. So I thought I check out and what do you know
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There’s a poster of Bauhaus and Sisters of Mercy inside his bedroom :) and honestly guys, there are actual goths like this I knew in real life. Where they don’t dress the part but are still a huge fanatic of the music. Like you don’t need to dress all dark to be goth, that’s optional, you just really need to enjoy goth music to be goth.
And of course we have Serena from Downtown who actually was not only based off of a goth in real life, but she’s shown interests in goth bands like Dead Can Dance and a satire of Sisters of Mercy as shown here.
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The Brothers of Creation is basically a parody of sisters of Mercy. But not only that, she even brought up on one episode how she got tired of goths being badly judged and stereotyped by others (even being lumped by Masonites, which we all know how controversial Marilyn Manson was back then and how his fanbase ignited a horrible stereotype about goths. He was never a goth artist, but normies had the assumption that all goths are like him and his fanbase based on how they just dress similar to goths) and her annoyance with neckbeards that thirst over goth women just makes her relatable to me. Since sadly, there are many men that creep on goth women like us and we get tired of it.
Now honestly, it really should not be that hard to add some goth music to give for Loona and Octavia. They do that modern day humor so much with Instagram and tik tok, they literally could had use a parody of Dusty from Vision Video (who’s a very popular goth tik toker and even has his own bad that’s very similar to the cure) and given we have knowledge now, this amount of research to write goth characters SHOULD NOT BE THAT HARD.
But you know, all would be forgiven if they don’t have hints of liking goth music if they just made Loona a lot more likable. My main pet peeve with her is that she comes off as a negative stereotype of goths that a lot of us don’t like. It just gives normies a really bad idea of us that we are all shitty people.
So anyways rant over, Vivziepop REALLY needs to try and branch out different music genres or research alternative subcultures better before making goth characters.
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timefadesaway · 16 days
there have only really been two pieces of media that truly changed my life and they are true detective and mash. when i watched true detective i was really depressed but it made me read nietzsche and camus for some reason and bc started trying to get better and was keeping active and doing things with my life i somehow became an optimistic nihilist out of it and it created an actually helpful life philosophy. and mash i got unbelievably obsessed with bad enough that i finally got myself referred for an autism assessment (which i eventually got) and also it kick-started my whole Thing about 60s and 70s media by introducing me to people who got me into old stuff and media analysis etc etc which has led to me the way i am now (which is good bc i have a special interest i enjoy and hobbies and a personality 😁). well technically it's three pieces of media bc i met some of my closest friends through roosterteeth but let's ignore that
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onestopfanficshop · 2 years
dating carmy berzatto
warnings: language
author’s note: literally just a mish-mash of random headcanons + little phrases i think this man would say/do ; if my feeble brain allows i’ll make a part 2 🤷🏾‍♀️
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"honey, that knife is really fuckin' sharp. be careful, yeah?"
never even considered or cared about quitting smoking until he met you. after your first date he went to his local bodega and started buying packs of nicotine patches and gum
"shit. are we outta onions?"
so we all know that carmy would usually hate it when people bug him while he's in the zone and he's cooking, right? okay but picture this. you're over at his place. he's making pasta sauce and he just looks so peaceful and before you even know what you're doing you walk over and wrap your arms from behind him and you kinda just rest your head against him. he's taken aback at first. yes you two started dating but... physical touch? he kinda tenses up a little.
"is this okay?' you ask cautiously.
a beat. "yeah... it's great," he says with a little smile, turning back to look at you. now he can't cook at home without you hugging him :,)
you once tried to convince him to let you sit on his head and tug on his hair while he was cooking
"like the rat in ratatouille!" you had said excitedly. he looked lost. "you know... the movie? ratatouille? isn't that... like... required reading for chefs?"
apparently he had never even seen it which made you shed a tear for his childhood
of course you had made him watch it with you that very night. he mumbled something about health codes and about how anton ego's assholery reminded him of his old boss but he thought the movie was pretty cute. a rat that could cook? he would have to remember to text richie later that he had found a biopic that was based on his life story
"soooo?" you said expectantly when the credits started rolling. again, he looked lost. "will you let me be the rat?" you say with feigned seriousness.
"absolutely not."
he drinks his coffee black. when i say black i mean black black. only occasionally does he get it with two sugars if he really feels like it. when he tried that shaken oatmilk espresso brown sugar or something (he could never remember the name) that you always get from starbucks, the sweetness of it had him shocked
"honey, this is like... 5% coffee and 95% milk ಠ_ಠ"
you two have made it a tradition where you'll go over to his place and dust off one of his dozens of cookbooks, flip to a random page, and make what's on it. sometimes it comes out absolutely awful, but you've found some real gems, too. you two's favorite ravioli recipe had come from a weathered cookbook that was at the bottom of one of his piles
farmers market dates are a given
he likes to knock on coconuts to see if they’re “ready” (michael taught him this)
on the rare occasion he drinks, he goes for white wine. the drier, the better.
i know i said he's not big into physical touch, but i'd like to think that if he drank enough of that aforementioned wine, he would become super touchy. drunk carmy (and sleepy carmy) just would not be able to keeps his hands off you (and it's kinda hot)
“does this need more salt, hon?”
i feel like this man either has a shit ton of aprons at home or he has only one that he has used to absolute death; no in between
his favorite candy is any flavor salt water taffy (except banana) or super dark chocolate (i’m talking 70% cacao content or more) with carmel inside
i feel like his receiving love language would be words of affirmation. he loves being assured, even if he doesn't quite believe you. he's a sucker for a good old-fashioned "i'm proud of you". in terms of giving, his love language is definitely acts of service. you have some dry cleaning ready? no problem he'll pick it up for you on the way back from work. you have a stomachache? don't worry, his mom has a recipe for that and he'll whip it right up for you. had a bad day at work? he's already on his way to get you your favorite thai food, even if it's out of his way. this man lives to please you :,)
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soraviie · 11 months
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— type: Taehyung x gn! reader ━ navigation
— about: fluff, meet-cute; bring the cheese sort of beat
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Nonchalant. Never before has a weight that heavy been assigned to a word so small. Like a moth to a flame, your eyes want to drag and curl around the stranger on your left, to drink him in like a wine mom would her favourite bottle but you don't. Staring is creepy. Staring was rude. Staring made you seem like you're a slobbering, flabbergasted individual of a sickened society. He just wants to browse through the records and be left alone. You all but cringe recalling how you felt when that fragile piece was interrupted. When someone thought a cheap pick up line or a prurient smile was worth breaking your attention, worth stealing your time.
No, you decide firmly albeit sadly because holy hell one does not run into the likes of him every day, I'll be good and leave him be.
And maybe the removed memory of a beautiful stranger stings a little bit because of all the "what if's" but by tomorrow's evening he's just a glimmer and the next day he's already gone.
Gone from your mind he may be but not gone from the weird amalgamation that is a coffee shop and a records store mashed together in one horribly eclectic establishment. In the middle of the next week he's browsing the same wall he had been before — bundle records — rifling cautiously if a bit disinterestedly through the piles. You give him wide berth at first but as the line drags on and you realise how much time you have to wait to get your coffee, the boredom takes over. You have to do something and in your own defence all of this is just a coincidence.
The same as before you decidedly don't look at him, not even so much as turn your head into his general presence. The only time you crane your neck was to gander at what smelt so deliciously finding the source in a small cup situated by a nearby. It's a hot chocolate on the name of Taehyung.
Taehyung, you echoe in your mind, nice name.
At first, everything is going just swimmingly. No one is breaching the social norms imposed; everyone is off to themselves only then you spot movement. The dark coat Taehyung's wearing is easy to make out in the otherwise grey environment. In a rush you flick your gaze to where he's at, slightly perplexed as to why he had just suddenly tossed himself from 1990's shelves to 80's but then you shrug, assuming, no, knowing it's none of your business. However, there's that movement again, shuffling cautiously albeit quickly to the side. You find Taehyung standing suddenly in the 70's, one foot firmly planted already into 60's. He pretends to not see you — his figure is fully engrossed into browsing but it seems almost too  inconspicuous. He's exactly as you were — looking while trying not to look. Still you turn back to the record of your choice, leaving him be because god damn you're a good person who does not go accosting beautiful, beautiful strangers but it's too late. Two more times and suddenly Taehyung bumps into you as though he hadn't seen you at all.
"I'm so sorry, I'm just so clumsy," he apologizes airily, brown eyes crinkling above the mask. Perhaps he was really socially conscientious. He seemed kind just not as clumsy as he claimed. "I didn't see you there."
"Really?" you counter, trying your damnedest not to smile. You don't know what it is about him but it was as though he was just oozing some form of childish, innocent glee that like a pitcher of cold water soothed a parched sensation of the lingering monotony. "Cause it appeared to me, mister, you were watching me."
He laughs behind the mask, one hand reaching up to rub his hair awkwardly.
"You caught me — I was. The name's Taehyung."
"I know," you reply, just before stammering ever so slightly. "I saw it on your cup."
That piques his interest and inclining his head to the side, he examines you so thoroughly that want to or not — you grow shy, a torrid heat capturing your face whole.
"You've been watching me as well," says he and the smile in his voice is so clear you can almost see it just behind the flimsy fabric.
Oh, to hell with being good.
"I have," you admit boldly, half taking by surprise even yourself. "What are you going to do about it?"
"Well, why don't you and I take a seat right there," he points at one of the more secluded spots in the entire store where the atmosphere falls more hushed and...intimate. "So we can stare at each other together?"
"Sure," you shrug, once again trying to put some sort of emphasis on nonchalant. You don't think it's working. "I'm ____________, by the way."
"Yes," Taehyung replies with something fond briefly passing his eyes. "I know."
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send in a picture of the boys and I’ll write a scenario
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scotianostra · 8 months
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On October 15th 1902 Edinburgh's Balmoral Hotel opened its doors for the first time.
Look out for my own connections to this grand old hotel, both in a personal sense and through my home town of Loanhead.
Back then it was called The North British and in Edinburgh a lot of people, myself included, still refer to it by the initials NB.
On Wednesday 15 October, 1902, on the front page of The Scotsman newspaper, a small advert appeared: “North British Station Hotel. This hotel in direct communication with Waverley Station is now open F.T. Burcher, hotel manager.”
According to the hotel’s official history, the North British was “a vanguard for the railway company which built it, a surrogate for the grand station they had never been permitted to erect in the sensitive site between Old and New Town.” The architecture, executed in golden sandstone, features towers and balconies galore. It’s a glorious mash-up of influences from across northern Europe. Expensive to build as well as to run – it gobbled upwards of 200 tons of coal every month – the hotel was seen as a “sign of the future heralded by the railways, the newly opened Forth Bridge and the electric lights switched on in Princes Street just seven years earlier”.
Nevertheless, some believed the Caledonian, which opened a year later, boasted the more advantageous location. And some detractors found the sheer size of the hotel gauche, complaining “it is coarse and obstructive at once”.
The hotel – working name “Waverley Station Hotel” – was the brainchild of George Wieland, a former NBR company secretary who retired to its board in 1890. Having toured some of the most lavish hotels in the world – where he realised the importance of having a banqueting hall to bring in business – he hired W Hamilton Beattie to draw up plans for Edinburgh. The hotel would have 300 bedrooms, 52 bathrooms, and 70 lavatories, and was designed to encourage the circulation of fresh air. Lifts shot people straight from the station into the hotel’s foyer, and beyond that, to rooms furnished with mahogany, leather and crimson moquette. It’s said that the bill for plants and flowers exceeded the bill for gas, and there was even a special machine to burnish the silver. Weiland made sure the new hotel’s cellars were full of the finest champagnes, hocks, ports, and whisky, the better to entice his ideal customers – wealthy, landed families moving between their multiple residences.
In 1922, the hotel became part of the London and North Eastern Railway Company and by all accounts the hotel sparkled from top to bottom, but after the Second World War, when the railways were nationalised, and Prestwick airport began getting transatlantic traffic, things began a slow downward trajectory. Even so, the hotel remained the destination for Edinburgh society events, be they corporate or personal. In 1983, British Rail sold off its rather faded North British Hotel. In 1988, it closed for refurbishment, it was in dire need of this, some of the rooms were looking a wee bit shabby, the wooden window frames unable to open fully, and how do I know this? Well I used to be the window cleaner in the hotel and the windows that didn't open meant I had to find one close by and edge along the crumbling sandstone ledges, the worst affected, and highest were on the south of the hotel and there was a six storey drop down to the train station below.
At the start of the 1990s, Balmoral International Hotels, an Edinburgh based company, bought the venue. In 1997, the Balmoral became the first hotel bought by Sir Rocco Forte as he assembled his portfolio of hotels. It currently boasts Scotland’s only Bollinger Bar, as well as the Michelin-starred Number One restaurant run by executive chef Jeff Bland, a spa, and ten function rooms accommodating up to 450 people.
Famous guests over the years have included Elizabeth Taylor, Michael Palin, Beyoncé and JK Rowling, who finished the last Harry Potter novel here, on 11 January, 2007, and then daubed her signature on a bust in her room.
A second wee link with the hotel, is Charles Forte, Grandfather of the present owner began his working life in my home town of Loanhead when he moved to Scotland from Italy.
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marley-manson · 3 days
Dear Comrade is one of the better non-gay late Mash episodes and generally pretty satisfying
The A plot with the army's doctors not knowing jack about the rash but Kwang's local remedy working perfectly was good overall in the point it makes. A little too much 'ew foreign goo' lol, but yk for a 70s sitcom it's solid. Kind of ridiculous that they didn't ask any Koreans themselves, but since Kwang points out their ridiculous ignorance in the narration, it works.
Loved Hawkeye's howitzer B plot, as always Hawkeye's attitude towards guns fills me with joy and his vibes were excellent. BJ coming up with the cement idea was a nice moment for him, and we have another example of BJ's mechanical knowledge at work when he dismantles it and removes the firing mechanism. Taking "do I turn it this way or this way" in Patent 4077 as a joke, I think it's more established than not that BJ is adept at mechanical tasks, with him being unable to do anything in The Bus as an outlier.
That moment where Mulcahy holds up his crucifix and says "See? Good guy!" to a North Korean patient who thinks Mulcahy is poisoning him is very obnoxious on Mulcahy's part, but on the narrative's part it's not as bad because the patient still doesn't trust him lol and Mulcahy still needs to taste the food first. Still not great since we're meant to see it as a cute naive Mulcahy moment, but I do love the narrative being firmly on the North Koreans' side.
And yeah in that vein, just in general I always enjoy when Mash depicts the North Koreans as not just people, but likeable, correct, and often better people than the Americans. Kwang's narration is fun and always fair lol, we're meant to essentially agree with him and his assessment of the Americans throughout rather than thinking he's mean and biased. Like the way his rote 'capitalist pig' style insult is reserved for Charles - who can argue with that? He's right that the Americans are idiots for coming to Korea without knowing a thing about it, like, Hawkeye has made comments along those lines many times too. etc.
The scene where he gets a commendation for curing the rash is also kind of great - it could've easily felt pro-army, yk like they do the right thing and acknowledge the little guy, but the joke felt like it was firmly on uncle sam for unknowingly saluting an enemy spy, and on the war itself for being fought when both sides can get along so well and easily help each other on a personal level.
Honestly I love Mash for having episodes where North Koreans attempting to sabotage the US military are framed lightheartedly and positively - the other one I'm thinking of is the subplot in The Korean Surgeon where a couple of North Koreans steal medical supplies successfully and the joke is firmly on Frank. Great vibes.
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kafkaguy · 5 months
why was everything from the 70s tailor made for me. lou reed transformer. george harrison all things must pass. the muppets. and sesame street. mash my bestest tv show. al pacino dog day afternoon. bruce springsteen early discography. fleetwood mac. and grace jones. the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy. john cassavetes. marvin gaye whats going on. the princess bride novel. toni morrison books. listen i know its dumb when people say they were born in the wrong generation but listen i would have been so powerful in that decade i would have thrived. im the only person to ever feel this way
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deedala · 9 months
🌱Macy's Tag Game Twosday🌿 (x2 actually because i have some other tag games i need to catch up on and im mashing them all togther in one post) so thank you for tagging me to play one or more of these following tag games!! @celestialmickey @crossmydna @mmmichyyy @creepkinginc @lingy910y @energievie @suzy-queued @metalheadmickey @mickeysgaymom @ardent-fox @m4ndysk4nkovich @rereadanon @mikhailoisbaby @tanktopgallavich @scurvgirl 💖💖💖 name: deanna🌱
your birthday: Nov 17
where in the world are you? O Hi O 🌽
when did you join tumblr? 2011
do you have any sideblogs? yeah not very active though
mobile or desktop? both both both
your perfect sleeping conditions: 70 degrees, flannel comforter, face mask and bonnet, cozy sweatshirt and socks. Yes i sleep in fuzzy socks dont at me.
a movie you think everyone should see at least once: hmmm... The Fall (2006)
what shoes do you wear the most often? slip on sneakers
describe your keys to me: key to my house with a pink cover, key to my parents house with no cover, my car key, my husbands spare car key, a loop wrist strap made from a piece of a limited run woven baby wrap design that was dedicated to the FB babywearing group i helped found like 8 million years ago, and my red wallet attached by TWO carabiners because listen you just never know when you'll need a second carabiner. Also i have a picture of my kids in the little wallet window where you're supposed to put your ID (ig?) 😊
find the book closest to you. turn to page 7. what’s the 7th word? "was"
what’s your favorite snack? popcorn
one of your aspirations: inner peace
and finally, tell me a random fact about yourself: ive been white water rafting a few times. as a youth...i dont think i'd ever go again though lol
rest of the tag games under the cut!
next up this picrew
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(i need a fucking hair cut)
Favorites Collage: (as always my favorites change based on mood and day but these are pretty common favorites!!)
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animal: house finch movie: The Fall (2006) season: autumn character: today right now its Mickey color: mint hobby: vidja gams book: The Masked Empire by Patrick Weekes song: The Boxer by Simon and Garfunkel drink: lemonade
and finally... this or that? ABO or Soulmates // fake dating or secret dating // fix-it or post-canon // mutual pining or friends-to-lovers // slow burn or angst // smut or romance // Reality TV au or Porn au //Enemies to lovers or Enemies to friends to lovers // Domestic Fluff or Hurt/Comfort // Coffee Shop au or College au // one-shot or multi-chapter // Crossover or canon compliant // mpreg or adoption // online romance or workplace romance // single parent au or sports au // neighbours or roommates // sci-fi au or magic au i was thinking of picking fix-it..but i think the fix-it type things i usually end up reading fall more under AU canon divergent rather than what is probably simply fix-it. also excuse me but smut IS romantic imo lolol. also also slow burn tends to be angsty so i felt like i could secretly pick both of those by picking slow burn haha.
and okay time to tag some nuggets to do any or all of these games!! 😆 Everyone up top + @harrowhark-a-vagrant @michellemisfit @too-schoolforcool @juliakayyy @heymrspatel @gallawitchxx @callivich @thepupperino @transmickey @grumble-fish @gardenerian @imikhailo @jrooc @milkmaidovich @grossmickey @sleepyfacetoughguy @themarchg1rl @sickness-health-all-that-shit @babygirlmickey @sweetbee78 @xninetiestrendx @vintagelacerosette @purplemagpie @squidyyy23 @sirrudo @alihendrjx + anyone else seeing this and wanting to play a thing 😋
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top ten first watches of 2023?
I assume you mean films, right? Anyway, top 10 in no particular order.
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Crash was a long time coming, but it took a podcast I used to listen to weekly to finally get to this Cronenberg classic. Bodily modifications? Violent eroticism? Body as a machine? Death & eroticism? It has it all and much more.
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For those of you in your 20s and 30s (or even older) who feel alienated in the urban landscape, surrounded by crowds whilst feeling lonely and yearning for any type of human connection, this film is for you.
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It's no secret that Brian de Palma wanted to be Hitchcock since he was a baby (I assume, but it sure does look so). You can see it in so many movies of his and Body Double is a perfect example. It even has the misogyny down to a T. But it's also really good and I'm a fan of voyeurism in cinema (from a critical position mostly). This is like Rear Window and Vertigo mashed together, but with 80s hair.
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Now this was probably the highlight for me this year. Editor by day, sex worker by night, Kathleen Turner is a force in this film, alongside Anthony Perkins, the perverted priest. But if that is not enough to do the trick, the cinematography and that anal sex scene might do the trick 😉
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Who knew Joan Crawford had such a big issue with wire hangers? Not me, but I sure found out in that crazy scene that has one of the most memorable meltdowns in cinema. Every shot of Faye Dunaway screams "I want that Oscar, god damn it!"
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Fedora is the late 70s version of Sunset Boulevard and it has the same director. Not as good as that classic, but my god, the clothes! I'd watch it again just for the clothes, particularly that white suit Fedora is wearing in the garden of her villa when she receives that honorary Oscar.
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I don't think there's any Paul Schrader film that I didn't like. It wouldn't make sense to call him underrated, but he's better than others from that 1970s gang (cough *de Palma* cough). In Hardcore, a father finds out his daughter went to Los Angeles and started acting in porn. He gets the confirmation when he actually sees her in one film in some shady movie theater. It's a weird and very uncomfortable scene and by comparison, not much, knowing how it will unfold later.
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Of course Madonna is always in control of her image and what she allows to be seen or how she comes across. But that doesn't mean there's nothing genuine there, on the contrary. And the camera captures that. The backstage, the everyday conversations, the relationship with the dancers. Real people with real emotions and the more darker parts are allowed to slip in through the cracks. On top of that, it has footage from her tour in 90-91, a reminder of how Madonna is one of the best performers out there, making me wish there'd be a time machine so I can see her live during that time.
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For anyone who is a fan of Sex and The City, how about a late 1930s version? Fast pace dialogue, outfits to die for and a cast made almost entirely of women.
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The second Cronenberg on the 2023 list. I watched M. Butterfly after seeing Madame Butterfly at the opera. The film is slightly different and it deals with some of my favorite themes in fiction and media lately: gender identities, criticism of colonialism, orientalist fantasies that obscure realities and so much more.
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vigilante-duck-hawk · 5 months
Not to be dramatic but MASH is the best television show ever made. What sitcom has been more impactful and to be so explicitly anti war in the 70s and 80s. It is truely the most incredible thing I've ever watched
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Question & comment.
Are you/were you a radio do? (I was and am).
And thanks for posting Pomplamoose! I went down a wabbit hole today with their voluminous covers & mash ups. I I can say is “wow.” And “where the hell have I been?”
Hey there @newmexicow and welcome!
No dj's here. But what we do have is an eclectic mix of miscreants and ne'er do wells lol We all, there is 5 of us, have mostly different tastes and musical expressions but they do overlap. Everyone of us has experienced and lived music from a very young age. It helped form the people we became and got us through our difficult times.
Speaking for myself I have musical family. Have an aunt and uncle in Vermont that have played bluegrass for decades. The French's. And my cousin , their daughter Jeanne Marie French, has toured all over the world and worked with musical giants. And other family members are musically inclined as well. But those of us that can't hold a tune in a bucket have a passion for music. My folks passed that love on to me growing up in the 60's 70's and 80's. So this made my tastes extremely varied. This love I passed along to my kids and they to theirs. It's very common for our summer months be filled with attending concerts in venues large and small. Last few years my list included local artists as well as the likes of Slipknot, Flogging Molly and Ghost.
So that is what we all bring to our blog. We may not be in the business but we still find a way for it to be our outlet. I love finding new artists to listen to. And that's how I personally came across Pompalamoose. Found them in my own rabbit hole. And while I draw breath I'll always be on the lookout for new music.
Thank you for joining us and happy listening! Never be too old to discover new music.
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