#match recs
fang-revives · 15 days
taking everyone here by the hand and passionately recommending Minoru Suzuki vs. Konosuke Takeshita from this past week. Just...wow, like everything you would want in a pro wrestling match. I think MiSu is a great study in how to use props in an evil way that doesn't come across as "I need to CHEAT to win". I never feel like when he pulls out a chair that he's doing it out of desperation. it's always like "i deserve a chair. for the lulz. and for more evil :3 ". Anyways they both go so hard. There's a spot with a top rope jump that transitions into a submission hold that made me yell. just excellent stuff.
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dilf-in-peril · 22 days
Here's some matches I recently watched and enjoyed.
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Bryan Danielson vs. Nigel McGuinness (ROH Unified) - I watched their whole feud and this is maybe not the best match out of the lot, and you should watch them all anyway, but this his was the moment where I started getting emotionally invested in Nigel because he suffers so bravely. And then he suffers and he suffers and he suffers some more. Oh god, how he suffers.
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Mad Dog Connelly vs. Demus (ACTION DEAN~!!!) - Nasty, graceless, brutal, horny dog collar match.
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CM Punk vs. Austin Aries (ROH Death Before Dishonor III) - Yeah, I watched it again. I just needed to study the kind of babyface pranks Punk is doing. The kick out at one. Beating the canvas in rythm to Miseria Cantare. The Hogan shit! Never before have smarks been this worked and gotten to.
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Austin Aries & Jack Evans vs. Bryan Danielson & Samoa Joe (ROH Third Anniversary Celebration - Day 2) - Fuck Jack Evans up competition. Joe slaps the shit out of him, Bryan bends him in positions you didn't think were possible. It's all very charming. There is breakdancing too.
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Jimmy Rave vs. CM Punk (ROH Manhattan Mayhem) - I really can't get enough of this. It's so sick. Punk bleeds so well and it all feels gross and weirdly sexual in a way nothing else in ROH feels at that time. Incredible finish made up by a madman, according to Rave he had to be talked into doing that to Punk. And then he's suffering himself out of the room like Jesus and cutting an insane Possession 1981 promo backstage.
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Chigusa Nagayo vs. Dump Matsumoto (AJW, 8/28/1985) - The hair match, or rather the hair post match angle. It's such an absolutely insane experience of hysteria and carthasis like I've never seen before. The crowd is weeping. I wrote "what if jesus was a dyke" in my match sheet.
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Greg Valentine vs. Roddy Piper (MACW) - Hard to believe they only wrestled each other this one time before the dog collar match. It's impressive how emotionally engaging this match is when they are really mostly just throwing punches. Things used to be different. For one the lighting was amazing and made them look like Gods.
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thistledropkick · 8 months
Since New Japan is wiping most of the NJPWWorld archive soon, I wanted to recommend a few older matches that won't be available once the new version of the service launches. These aren't in any order and they're just my personal recommendations based on my own taste. I'll post more of them as I think of them but here's the first one.
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El Desperado vs Kushida - Destruction in Hiroshima 9/16/2017 - for the IWGP Jr Heavyweight title
Japanese commentary - English commentary
Desperado recently referenced this match in his post-match comments to Kushida during this year's Junior Tag League. I suspect his history with Kushida will come up again and he'll get that singles rematch he's hoping for. When he does, it'll be a big contrast to this one, from the height of his cheating Suzuki Gun days.
The Desperado of 2017 was very different than he is today, back when he was living up to his nickname "the rogue luchador". I loved his work back then and I love this match.
Desperado won the chance to challenge for the belt by beating Kushida in the BOSJ that year (a match that you can watch here) and then went all-out trying to win the belt from him here, in true Suzuki Gun style, and with the desperation of a wrestler who had never held a singles belt in his entire career.
Desperado brings a guitar case with some poetry written on it to the ring for this fight, but unlike when he challenged Ibushi, this guitar case doesn't hold a bouquet of roses. (Also the poetry on the guitar case is from the Hellsing anime)
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debbiechanclub · 7 months
bestie…. i fear i need finlay match recommendations 😗
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Bestie. I have loaded you up with 20 matches. I told you if you give me an inch where Finlay is concerned, I will take a mile.
Now, first things first. All but three of my recs are on NJPW World (and two are free to watch without an account). If you don't have an account, I'm more than willing to share my login with you in the name of spreading the gospel of Debbie Chan.
That being said, if you think you might want to sign up for an account, now is a GREAT time to do it because they're actually launching a brand new website this Thursday (11/9), complete with apps for Android and iOS, which they didn't previously have. It's only $9 USD/month, so I think it's well worth it. However, you won't be able to sign up until Friday, after the new site is live. Additionally, as part of the overhaul, they're upgrading a massive portion of the archive footage, and, unfortunately, nothing from prior to 2021 will be available to watch until they put it back up. (All my recs except for one on YouTube are from 2021 on.)
Again though, I will absolutely share my login with you (and you'd be able to log in right away and watch as mine is an existing account). Just let me know!
Okay, now that that's out of the way, onto the recs! And my apologies because this... is long.
FYI: I've listed these in chronological order, and they're best viewed in that order as it really helps to tell the story of how Finlay became who he is today :)
FinJuice vs. G.o.D (YouTube) - YouTube comes in clutch for a pre-2021 match! This is good viewing because 1) FinJuice was a well established and fairly successful tag team, and don't even get me started on all the messiness of Juice running around with Jay in Bullet Club Gold while Finlay is literally leading real Bullet Club now; and 2) Since overtaking Bullet Club in March, Finlay has almost exclusively feuded with G.o.D. (he finally put an end to it this past weekend at Power Struggle). And it's crazy seeing Finlay's evolution from then to now.
2021 New Japan Cup Quarter Final vs. Jay White (3/18 show) - This was a HUGE win for our boy because, going into this match, Finlay was on an 0-12 losing streak against Jay. And he and Jay will be forever intertwined because they came up in the NJPW dojo together and were roommates and best friends and everyone constantly compared Finlay to Jay (they still do now), and that created a MASSIVE chip on his shoulder that lead to him clocking Jay over the head and subsequently taking control of Bullet Club. So yeah. V. important match in the lore of Finlay.
2021 New Japan Cup Semi-Final vs. Will Ospreay (3/20 show) - I hope you're ready for a lot of Ospreay, because he and Finlay have history. Back in 2021, Ospreay defeated Finlay in the semi-final of the NJ Cup and then went on to win the tournament and the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship. This plays into why Finlay is gunning for Ospreay now.
Resurgence 2021 vs. Jay White - This match was for the NEVER Openweight Title. Jay retained... but Finlay eventually went on to win that title after taking over Bullet Club, which also used to be Jay's.
G1 Climax 32 vs. Juice Robinson (7/26), Will Ospreay (8/2), and El Phantasmo (8/10) - Finlay returned to Japan for the first time in over a year for the G1 Climax 32, and he had a really strong showing. This was when I first started to get the brainrot for him. I really recommend watching all his matches from that tournament... but these three are the most important to Finlay's character because of his history with Juice and Will and what would come later with ELP and Bullet Club.
Burning Spirit 2022 vs. Will Ospreay (9/25 show) - This match was for the IWGP United States Championship, the very one and same that Ospreay currently holds and that Finlay destroyed with a giant mallet at Power Struggle this weekend. Ospreay retained back then. But I have a feeling (and sincerely fucking hope) that there's a new title in Finlay's future.
NJPW World TV Championship Tournament vs. ZSJ (YouTube) - After coming up short in the G1 Climax 32 and against Ospreay (again), Finlay still had a chance to win the newly created NJPW World TV Title; and then ZSJ eliminated him in the second round. I really think this loss was the straw that broke the camel's back and really set the stage for Finlay's frustration and his comeback as the leader of Bullet Club.
2023 New Japan Cup vs. Tomohiro Ishii (3/6 Anniversary Event, free to watch without an account!), Tama Tonga (3/19), and Sanada (3/21) - And we've reached Bullet Club Finlay! Finlay's match against Ishii was the first match of the tournament, and no one―absolutely no one―expected him to come out in Bullet Club gear with Gedo, of all people, in his corner. And not only that, but he handily disposed of Ishii. He made it all the way to the final where he lost against Sanada, but he sent a loud and clear message during the entire tournament that this was a new David Finlay (and I was a goner).
Capital Collision 2023 vs. AR Fox (YouTube) - I think you've seen this one? But including it because it's a good match and also the night Finlay recruited Clark Connors, the first member of what would become Bullet Club War Dogs (and I was there!).
Wrestling Dontaku 2023 vs. Tama Tonga (5/3 show) - Remember how I said that Finlay eventually won the NEVER Openweight Title after taking over Bullet Club? This was when he did it.
Dominion 6.4 in Osaka-Jo Hall vs. El Phantasmo - This. This is the match and night that ruined me forever. After kicking ELP out of Bullet Club (basically because he was and is close with Jay and didn't respect Finlay), Finlay defended the NEVER Openweight Title against him and proved that he could back up all the shit he was talking. But besides that, this was the night the War Dogs were formed. I highly recommend also checking out the end of the IWGP Junior Tag Title match just so you can see Drilla Moloney turn on United Empire and join Bullet Club. It quite honestly altered me forever.
G1 Climax 33 vs. Tama Tonga (7/26), Eddie Kingston (8/8), and Will Ospreay (8/10) - Did I mention that Finlay has spent most of this year feuding with Tama/G.o.D? They tried to kill each other in this year's G1, and it was fantastic. He and Eddie also tried to kill each other. But Ospreay beat him in the quarter-finals. Just more fuel for why he's going after Ospreay now.
12-Man Elimination Match: Bullet Club vs. G.o.D. and Intergalactic Jetsetters (10/1 show, free to watch without an account) - Because I would be remiss not to rec a match with all the War Dogs (and Chase is there, too). This is a fun one, if not a bit of a clusterfuck. (And shout-out to Kevin Knight, who I also adore.)
Destruction in Ryogoku 2023 vs. Tama Tonga (10/9 show) - This is the last of Finlay's singles matches against Tama, and unfortunately he lost the NEVER Openweight Title back to him (which I don't think anyone expected). But it's a good match and Finlay looked strong despite his loss. And now that I know he likely (hopefully?) has a new belt coming to him after the start of the year, I'm honestly okay that he lost. (Because Tama doesn't even have the title anymore, believe it or not).
So there are my Finlay match recs. I'm well aware this is overkill lmao, but I really am excited that you want to know more about him, and I want to do him justice. Because he really is my favorite guy, and he deserves to be recognized as his own wrestler and person not just in relation to Jay or Juice or anyone else.
But I won't blame you if you don't watch all of these, because I know I went insane 😂
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orange-catsidy · 2 years
hi. do u mayhaps have any recommendations of mcmg stuff currently im just sort of watching random matches and i like them
!! some of my personal favs that are on youtube:
vs the briscoes - good times great memories 2007 (link)
vs kevin steen & el generico - death before dishonor 2008 (link)
sabin vs shelley - genesis 2009 (link)
vs the bucks - no surrender 2010 (link)
vs the bucks (empty arena) - impact 2010 (link)
vs beer money (ultimate x) - impact 2010 (link)
vs team 3d - turning point 2010 (link)
vs aussie open - impact 2022 (link)
sabin vs shelley - impact 2022 (link)
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pepperstreak · 1 year
Match rec
Cara Noir vs Fabio Ferrari
There's an in-video add right after both entrances have finished that's really loud so volume warning for that. (I'm very sleepy while watching so it really startled me)
Fabio is an evil badminton player I think, very old school lol. He's a good heel for the match and he puts cara in an elevated bridge that is absolutely gorgeous and painful looking. He also tries to hit him with the badminton racket (cause he's the birdie get it? Haha!)
Cara starts barking towards the end calm down
Short match but a fun one 👍
(also commentary is in Italian, if commentary is important to you {I like it sometimes})
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Hey I saw your post about matches! If anything I think you should check out OVW and Enjoy Wrestling. Enjoy wrestling is a queer league that posts their stuff of YouTube and Wremix! If I could suggest any enjoy match it would be their latest Battle Royale (it’s like a Royal rumble and it is AWESOME!)
OVW is Al Snow’s wrestling company and they post on YouTube! the match I’d suggest is the luchador match in episode 1233 the match itself is around the 23:00 minute mark! These are just recent matches I’ve seen though and if there’s more I find and really like I’ll suggest em!!! I hope you like them!!
Thank you! I definitely try checking them out when I can, I’ll be saving them so I don’t lose them
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sybilius · 2 years
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Absolutely obsessed with how right I am about the ELP/KENTA dynamic tbh look at these clowns. See also: ELP trying to get KENTA to do the “dick belt” thing at the start and KENTA being like “what are you twelve? come on”
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fang-revives · 6 months
Syb's 2023 MOTY List!
I had a lot of fun doing this roundup last year! Though it feels like a patchier year than 2022 for great wrestling, there were still a few real standouts that blew my socks clean off. Here's my top 5 recs!
Jay White NJPW Departure Series (Wrestle Kingdom 17 IWGP Heavyweight Belt 04.01.20203, Loser Leaves Japan Match vs. Hikuleo 11.02.2023, Loser Leaves NJPW Match vs. Eddie Kingston 18.02.2023) 
It was so hard to pick a single match from this series so I chose not to. The sequence of these really tells a complete story I was fully glued to in real-time. The IWGP WK match I slept on a little bit because everyone was buzzing over Omega vs. Ospreay, but  I have to say when I finally watched it, it has wormed its way into my brain and has not stopped chewing. The Hikuleo match broke me a little for the last offered too-sweet. And if you forced me to pick a match of the three to recommend, it would be Eddie vs. Jay. There’s something special about Eddie being the man with so much integrity, so much love for puroresu, that he almost made me believe Jay would fight for New Japan and win. I’ll close this by saying it felt really graceful that Jay got to put an endpoint on his time in New Japan, and tell a little story with it. I’m not sure most wrestlers get the chance for whatever reason when their contract ends, but this felt like a beautiful Shakespearean tragedy, and a great way to end a killer run in NJPW.
Yota Tsuji vs. Ren Narita (G1 Climax 33, 18.07.2023) 
The most memorable G1 Climax match for me by a long shot. Physical, deranged, so many gorgeous spots (that I will miss dearly from Narita specifically as he heads off to do…whatever it is that you can call House of Torture spots). I rewatched this three times. I loved the tie booking for the Reiwa Three Muskateers, it made A-block super fun. I was really hopeful after Tsuji’s backstage comments that they’d make a story out of Narita shedding Shibata’s shadow…alas for the booking that wasn’t. 
Saki Akai Retirement Match (Tag match with Yukio Sakaguchi & Hideki Okatani, vs. Kazusada Higuchi & Naomichi Marufuji & Miyu Yamashita, 12.11.2023) 
There is so much to miss about Saki Akai. Although I honestly and sincerely wish more wrestlers would retire younger and let their bodies rest (or at least do a soft retirement and then come back to do bullshit) – god, I’m going to miss her. She’s been a mainstay on the DDT roster for as long as I’ve been watching and before, and carries the intergender work with unparalleled grace. This match was booked as a unique treat for me; who had an Eruption moment back when Sakaguchi and Higuchi had their singles match, and who loves both Marufuji and Yamashita. 
Swerve Strickland vs. Hangman Page Texas Deathmatch (AEW Full Gear 18.11.2023) 
TOXIC!!! YAOI!!! DEATHMATCH!! INSANE!!! This match probably would have made it on the list for the “stapling my son’s drawing and then drinking the blood from the wound” spot alone, good god. If people didn’t believe Swerve was a mega-star before this match, they surely do now. Match that made me dissolve into monkey noises, and easily my favourite AEW match this year. 
Mask vs. Mask 5-Way Cage Survival (Dragon Kid vs Shun Skywalker vs Strong Machine J vs Ultimo Dragon vs Diamante, 02.07.2023)
Dragongate is honestly a promotion I’d love to have the time and attention span to carve out some more space for. Luckily I do have puro friends who are willing to catch me up on the dynamics so I can swing by for banger matches like these. And wow, holy shit, this was a cagematch for the age. Pulling on the drama of Dragon Kid who promised the survival of his older mentor Ultimo Dragon – leading into the personal beef of Strong Machine J and Diamante, and crystallizing to another horrible moment from one of wrestling’s best working heels right now, Shun Skywalker. This match had it all!
Honorable Mentions
Eddie Kingston vs. Claudio Castagnoli (AEW Grand Slam 2023, 20.09.2023) 
Jun Kasai & El Desperado vs. Masashi Takeda & Rina Yamashita Thumbtack Board & Razor Cross Board Alpha Death (Pro Wrestling FREEDOMS, 11.08.2023) 
Hiromu Takahashi vs. Kazuki Hirata"Let's Have Fun!!" What Will Happen!? Fun Death Match (DDT Ultimate Party 2023, 12.11.2023)
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dilf-in-peril · 3 months
Here's some matches I recently watched and enjoyed.
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Mariko Yoshida vs. Nozomi Takesako (T-1 Grand Prix) - 5'4'' Butch dominates 4'11'' Femme.
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Colt Cabana vs. CM Punk (FIP Payback) - Tom & Jerry kind of match. Amazing that you can fill 45 minutes by doing nothing but bits.
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CM Punk vs. Daniel Bryan, with special referee AJ Lee (WWE Money In The Bank 2012) - Love seeing Bryan being so mean to Punk and AJ apparently loves it too.
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James Gibson vs. Christopher Daniels vs. CM Punk vs. Samoa Joe (ROH Redemption) - Punk passing the torch. The bits of Punk being so scared of Joe are of special interest to me. Love the curtain call at the end.
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Kenta Kobashi vs Kensuke Sasaki (NOAH Destiny) - The legendary match that made a hundred indie wrestlers chop each other raw but you're not them and this is not the Tokyo Dome.
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Jun Akiyama vs. Katsuyori Shibata (WRESTLE-1 Grand Prix 2005 - Opening Round) - Shibata is a cunt.
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thistledropkick · 8 months
NJPW World archive match rec 2:
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Jushin Thunder Liger vs Suzuki Minoru - King Of Pro Wrestling 10/14/2019
Japanese Commentary - English Commentary
Liger announced in 2019 that he would be retiring after Wrestle Kingdom in January of 2020. Suzuki had a lot of feelings about it, and he expressed those feelings in his usual ways. The story ended with one final, emotional singles match between them.
This entire feud remains one of my favorite things I've ever seen in all of pro wrestling. Suzuki stole Liger's mask and threatened to eat it, Liger almost stabbed Suzuki after being unmasked by him, and throughout, they both remained fixated on their one actual shoot fight, which you can watch here. Liger wore the same "Battle Liger" mask that he wore in Pancrase to this match too.
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debbiechanclub · 5 months
isn't anything recent or from ddt pro matches, but bss (pete dunne & tyler bate) vs cck (chris brookes & kid lykos) from progress chapter 55 is a pretty good one, it's available on youtube <- it's the first match of the show :] bss were heels at the time, and it's a ladder match for the tag titles
Ahhh, thanks so much, Sledge! I'll definitely be checking that one out!
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sarahsimmerxo · 2 months
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The Balance & Grace Collection ☁️✨ by @joliebean and @daylifesims
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betweensims · 5 months
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Talia's Favourite Long Hairstyles
I hoard hairs like they're going out of fashion so I thought I would put together a compilation of my favourite long ones and share it with you guys. I'm planning to do one of these for medium, short, updos and masculine hairs as well so keep an eye out for those!
♡ 1 | 2 | 3 ♡ ♡ 4 | 5 | 6 ♡ ♡ 7 | 8 | 9 ♡ ♡ 10 | 11 | 12 ♡
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Thank you so, so much to all these wonderful CC creators for making this compilation possible! @aharris00britney @aladdin-the-simmer @simcelebrity00 @daylifesims @greenllamas @laeska @miikocc @oakiyo @simandy @simstrouble @twisted-cat
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naeplays · 10 days
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Maxis match hairs that I'm obsessed with, and I think you should be too. 🤷🏻‍♀️🫶🏻
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Humongous thank you to the ever-so-talented cc creators! ✨🫶🏻@daylifesims @simstrouble @aladdin-the-simmer @greenllamas @arethabee
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fang-revives · 9 months
Yes please drop your Jay White match recs I would owe you my life!!! Those gif sets of White and Okada have been rotting my brain for the last two days now I need to know what their deal is 😭
HIIII!!! Sorry it took me a day-ish to get to this but I’m so excited to drop some match recs! 
So the gifs driving us all up the wall are mainly from the conclusion of Wrestle Kingdom 17 (link: https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTkzMjA1ODM0OA==.html?playMode=pugv&frommaciku=1 ), the main event! In many ways, this is the denouement for Jay White, the last step towards a devastating spiral that would see him exiled from NJPW just two big matches from this moment. It was also the first match I saw that really made me obsessed with them, so of course, I recommend it passionately as a first go even if it is at the end :) 
Post match comments are also basically required viewing, featuring Jay at his most pathetic and gut-wrenching (https://youtu.be/UxIM0FkYoSY?t=693 )
I think the overarching thing to understand about Jay and Okada’s whole deal is that it’s a very simple wrestling story at its core. Okada is the golden boy, the ace, the native heir to New Japan’s wrestling legacy. Jay is the gaijin, the heel outsider, good but willing to do whatever it takes to put himself at the top. But they both bring really really good layers to their roles that brings something new to every time they clash in the ring. And they’re both just, of course, really fucking good in ring, as top guys have wont to be. 
Jay is compelling because he is in many ways equal parts caring and conniving in his role as Bullet Club leader. He takes the time to have fun and gas up his teammates, even get goofy with them in a way that hardline Bullet Club leaders shy away from– but every so often this insecurity rears up that drives him to pre-emptively stab back. This is also present in his in-ring work– he starts as a cocky upstart heel who can truly out-wrestle opponents and cheats in a kind of cheeky “because I can” way. But into the 2021 ish you start to see him using the cheating as more of a crutch because of his insecurities, and it’s eating away at him. By the time this WK17 match has happened, he’s IWGP champ, yes, but he’s also pre-emptively backstabbed two core members of his Bullet Club and his kind of a deranged wreck. 
Okada’s whole deal really starts with Hiroshi Tanahashi – and I haven’t deep-dived their series, but there’s a pair of great summary videos if you want the supplemental reading here: https://archive.org/details/showbuckle-pack/The+Battle+for+Ace+of+NJPW+Okada+vs+Tanahashi+Part+1.mp4 .  What I love about Okada is that even though he’s mainly in kayfabe a cocky little shit grown into the role of New Japan’s ace, off-duty he’s a really silly weird dude (no, really – Shinsuke Nakamura in his autobiography referred to him as “the weirdest guy he’s ever met”. Let that sink in, I’m sure Shinsuke has met so many weird dudes). Anyways, in the few moments where Okada is off-duty as ace, he’s done some real compelling and memorable character work. 
Which brings me to the actual next set of match recs – the Balloon Okada / Jay White’s initial rise to prominence in NJPW. This was a fantastic co-incidence of storytelling that really cemented being obsessed with their rivalry to me. Jay had just come back from excursion as “Switchblade”, and was coming in hot; with a title challenge to Tanahashi right from the get-go, teasing joining Bullet Club only to ratfuck Kenny Omega (then Bullet Club leader), and nab the IWGP US belt. And he joined up with Okada’s faction, CHAOS. 
Okada was just coming off of the IWGP-belt reign of his life, a record-breaking reign after he finally unseated Tanahashi to ascend as the ace. But when he lost the belt to Kenny Omega, it triggered a super weird mid-life crisis in him, the “balloon Okada” era. He dyed his hair an ugly red. He changed his gear to long bois (which everyone hated! Covering up those thighs is a crime!!!), he yells SCOOBY DOOBY DOO as he’s jumping off the ropes. He was weird. Because he didn’t know who he was without that belt. Here’s my favourite summary article about that: https://www.how2wrestling.com/articles/okada-and-the-portrayal-of-a-crisis 
So with that, I recommend for you three other matches! 
Destruction in Kobe 2018, Tanahashi vs. Okada but Jay is there I pinky promise. Also heck Tana and Okada are just Really Fucking Good so enjoy :)  (https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1kW411z7Sv/?spm_id_from=333.337.search-card.all.click ) 
Wrestle Kingdom 13, Okada vs. Jay White (https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1j4411F7g9/?spm_id_from=333.337.search-card.all.click ) 
G1 Supercard, Okada vs. Jay White(https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV15b411u7Q8/?spm_id_from=333.337.search-card.all.click ).
If you’ve ever heard Jay bray about “selling out Madison Square Garden” that’s this match! It’s also super fucking funny that he credits that all to himself considering Okada is like. The Guy in Japan lol <3 love him 
There are some other matches narratively in between – if you’re really in for it you can check out Jay getting the IWGP belt off Tana. But for the OkadaJay highlights, these would be a great place to start. Something about a rivalry that shakes you out of your worst moment (Okada) and gets that fighting spirit going in you again…
Anyways, if you’ve read all this, thank you, and enjoy! Would love to hear how you liked the matches, and let me know if you find any other recs, it’s very possible I haven’t seen em yet – big back-catalogue :”) 
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