#mateo and xochitl
fearhims3lf · 11 months
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PARTIES: @vanishingreyes @fearhims3lf
TIMING: Current
SUMMARY: Trying to find a place to relax, Mateo and Xóchitl pick the same spot, and decide to share.
Between the bullshit music Leticia was forcing upon the shop, and the never-ending city sounds, it was difficult to find a place to simply be. That was the problem with the states. Everything and everyone moved so quickly, there was hardly a moment to sit in the quiet. Mateo missed Mexico for a lot of reasons, but that was a big one. You could find yourself on any rooftop, at any time of the day, and there would hardly be a disturbance. Cars were common, sure, but most people took to walking or riding bikes.
It was so much simpler there. While Mateo always searched for something new and shiny, his roots were in the calm and quiet. There was safety in that. Because of this, finding a little piece of safety was important. Mateo had picked out a spot in the woods, not far off from a hiking path. He had his guitar strapped to his back, ready to play some tunes in a place no one would see him or hear him. Well, that was the plan. Sadly though, there was someone encroaching on his apparently not-so-secret spot. 
“Uh…” Mateo scratched at his temple, “You hanging out right here?”
She’d liked Boston for how busy it could be. It wasn’t New York City levels of loud, usually, but it was loud enough when she was little that it did a wonder to keep her mind off of distinctly less pleasant sorts of things, things that she did her very best to ignore as often as she was able to. Wicked’s Rest, on the other hand, was painfully quiet. Even before losing her friend, Xóchitl had had a number of moments where things were too quiet, but Mackenzie had always eliminated any worries that came to mind. Not that there’d been tons of worries, before.
Now that she was back, she did her best to find moments of quiet. Shutting herself in her office did the job sometimes, as did stretch sessions in her home. Not quite yoga, though she tried, but calling them stretching sessions seemed more reasonable. Today, though, she’d decided to go out for a walk, to clear her mind.
She’d been doing more of that lately than she wanted to entirely acknowledge, but that was for her to talk to her presently-non-existent therapist about. Even though she’d told her moms that she had someone she was seeing. What they didn’t know wouldn’t hurt them. She was better now, after all. 
Except that someone else was in the space she’d elected to walk to. “I was planning to,” Xóchitl replied to his question. “Unless it’s taken.”
Oh…oh. The woman impeding on the space was gorgeous. Or was Mateo the intruder in the scenario? He was inclined to believe he was, all sensible thought tossed to the wind for the sake of swooning a beautiful woman. Mateo was nothing if not a creature of habit. 
“You were here first, right? I’m not a barbarian. I respect the rules of dibs.” He smiled playfully, hoping that it was as disarming as it usually was. Tattoos be damned, Mateo had full confidence in his personality—or at least the kind facade he put on for strangers. After all, they’d remain strangers even after they got to know each other’s bodies. But that was still a big what if. 
Mateo adjusted the guitar strap on his shoulder and looked around, his eyes landing back over to the brunette. “I’m Mateo, by the way. I actually come here all the time—kinda my cute little spot, ya know?” He chuckled, his sight flickering to her lips. “Surprised I haven’t seen you before. It’s cheesy as hell to ask, but do you come here often?” A common rouse for the mare, utilizing cheesy pickup lines, but actually making them pertain to actual conversation. Thus, making the horrible joke have some sort of charm. Usually. 
“I mean, you arrived first today, seems like.” Xóchitl turned her head, examining him. “I didn’t think you were a barbarian and I mean, I didn’t really call dibs, and even if I had, you didn’t know, which maybe overrides it, I don’t know.” She smiled at him. He seemed nice enough, and hell, she was lonely, so having someone so immediately ready to talk to her who wasn’t paying to get therapy was nice. Really nice.
She brushed a strand of hair out of her face. “Xóchitl,” she let her gaze fall over the guitar, and, admittedly, in turn over the man. He was handsome - probably in the way that her parents would’ve disapproved of, if she’d had the mind to have an actual relationship in highschool. Though again, Mama and Manman had never really been the sort to judge. That also was neither here nor there right now.
“It is a cute little spot.” She rolled back her shoulders, just slightly, because maybe she was showing off just a bit. Maybe Xóchitl liked the attention, and that couldn’t be any sort of flaw, could it? “I come about sometimes, I’m surprised I haven’t seen you before.” A shrug. “You know, I don’t think I’d mind the company too much.” She sat down, a few feet away from him, and stretched out her legs. “If I’m not a bother to you.” A small smirk crossed her lips.
The charm was working, as thick as it had been laid. That was the benefit of having been at it for a while. Mateo had navigated his way through enough stale conversations to handle the more responsive ones with ease. “Nah,” Mateo grinned, “Rule of dibs applies still. It’s like you haven’t called dibs on anything before. Maybe you’re the barbarian.” An obvious jest, one that made Mateo chuckle lightly as he set his guitar case down.
“So what are you doing out here, Xóchitl?” There was a bit of emphasis on her name, the Latine accent prominent. “Don’t you know there’s monstros out here?” Much like Mateo, but he kept that information to himself. “That’s what the town says anyway.” He took a seat, leaning his back against a neighboring tree as he outstretched his long legs and glided his eyes over Xóchitl’s every feature. “You must be one of those women who can beat the shit outta someone, huh? Dope shit if that’s the case. Strong women are a favorite of mine.”
“I’m not so sure that I like the idea of being a barbarian, but if you say so…” Xóchitl made the slightest of faces, “then perhaps I am.” It seemed to be what he’d want to hear, and he had to have been joking, and even if he wasn’t, she was determined not to let it get to her too much. At all would’ve been impossible, and since she had her thoughts all to herself, she let herself sit with it.
“Hmm?” His accent made her grin, “Sí? qué clase? Bears? Lions, Tigers? Whatever else’s in that Wizard movie?” Xóchitl shrugged. “The town says a whole lot of things. I’m inclined to believe what I see, not rumors. I don’t see any monsters, so I think I’m good.” She let her gaze flit across his jawline, across his lips. “I mean, I don’t have loads of experience, but probably, if I wanted to. I can certainly appreciate a man who likes strong women. Especially one who admits it so readily.” Her lips curved into a smile, and even though she’d very much set out for quiet, she found that she didn’t especially mind this company. Not too much at all.
The Spanish made everything feel softer than anticipated. Being away from home was difficult enough, but to realize there was no one to share his language with made it that much harder. Maine was so far north that Mateo felt displaced most days, but right then? It felt like he had a touch of home with him in the most unlikely of places, with a stranger of all people. 
“What wizard move you talking about? They got cooler shit than just regular ‘ol bears, lions, and tigers. There’s fire-breathing birds, venomous dogs, and shit like that.” Mateo scooted closer, leaning back on his hands. “You don’t even believe them even a little? Like…” Him, for example. Though he wouldn’t say that aloud. Mateo would offer a different species. “Like those vampire guys. They don’t look like monsters. They’re, like, handsome devils like me.” He bit his lip as he smiled, unable to contain the laughter that spilled out. 
Twilight was funny for so many reasons, except for the glittery skin. Somehow they mixed up vampires and mares in that regard, but it wasn’t something that Mateo minded terribly. The sparkling made him look ridiculous, but that couldn’t be helped. “Well, Xóchitl, here’s to you not having to kick ass. Certainly not mine, at least. I’m a good boy and just wanna relax.” He breathed, leaning toward Xóchitl,
“Was even gonna play some tunes, but that’s more of a fourth date kinda ordeal.”
“Something about Oz, I don’t know, a friend made me watch it when I was six. There’s talk about being lost in the woods with bears and tigers and lions, I think.” Xóchitl paused, “yes, I’ve heard stories about those too.” Stories that she avoided, if possible. Stories that were all entirely something fake, made up, cruel. No matter how popular they might have been.
“I’ve read Twilight. Wasn’t impressed. Don’t see the appeal of pasty men who - anyhow, my point is, you’re handsome, yeah - of course - but I think things like that would look weird, if they were real.” Whatever had killed Mackenzie certainly had, and Xóchitl felt sick to her stomach, for only a moment, before she refocused on the man in front of her, who was now closer than he was before. Which she found that she didn’t mind all too much. After all, anything they were talking about was entirely surface level, which meant she was safe. Meant she didn’t have to keep up her guard as much.
“You seem like a very good boy, and I came here to relax too, so I have no plans to kick your ass. Don’t know if I’m wearing the outfit for it. Is there an outfit for that kind of thing?” She mused, more to herself than anyone else. “Fourth date, really?” A grin spread over Xóchitl’s lips. “Well then what should we get up to now? Though I would love to hear music, but I understand I’ve got to work for that.”
Mateo threw his head back with laughter, the jab at pasty men doing well to humor him. Twilight got so many things wrong, but the sheer lack of color on most of the characters was just offensive. The blue tint overlay didn’t help much either, but Mateo wasn’t going to get into it. “Okay, okay. So you’re saying you’ve got taste. Glad to hear it.” He grinned, settling into the earth on his side with his head propped up. His guitar was all but forgotten in the midst of such wonderful conversation. Mateo was never really one to talk so much, but it all felt so familiar and comfortable—like he wasn’t so far from home anymore.
“Hey, you can kick ass in any outfit if you believe. I’ve had to do it in a suit.” A shrug, “Listen, it got ruined, but I did, indeed, kick some ass.” Mateo laughed again, rolling onto his back and lacing his fingers behind his head. The sky that peeked through the trees was peaceful enough to get Mateo to let out a relaxed sigh, enjoying the moment as long as he could. “Maybe we could discuss favorite music. I am a professional and even work at the Vinyl Countdown in town. By the fourth date, maybe I’ll play a song you like.”
“I have got taste, thank you for noticing.” Xóchitl couldn’t help but grin. “Seems like you do, too, though we’re still getting to know each other, so I can’t say for sure.” It was easy to play playful here, now, even if she didn’t fully feel it in her gut, but he was a stranger, and so he didn’t have to know that her laugh was just the tiniest bit forced. 
“A suit?” Xóchitl raised an eyebrow. “Well, don’t you just keep getting more impressive.” She switched to Spanish for a moment, “Are you new in town? I only ask because I don’t always see people like us around, though it’s not awful, as far as towns go.” She nodded at his next words. “Sí, en español o en inglés?” In Spanish or in English? “I’m impressed you already want to try to get to a fourth date. I hope I can make this one worth your while. But yes, what music do you like?”
“That’s what I do, ma. I’m full of surprises and unexpected tastes.” Mateo’s expression fell at the sight of the sun, managing to finally hit his skin. He covered it as quickly as he could, knowing the sparkle would only incite questions. “I, uh…” Eyes flitted from his own skin to Xóchitl, attention difficult while the sun remained a problem. “I’m new in town, yeah.” Mateo replied in Spanish, “All the way from Texas. Left a big family, but it was time to…” Ensure they wouldn’t get hurt with his new job. “Spread my wings.” He sighed, picking at invisible dirt on his arm. 
“I actually like punk rock mostly.” Mateo gestured to his battle vest. Well, his day-to-day one. The one he wore to concerts had much more on display, pins and patches of his favorite groups and what he believed in. The one he had on in particular then only had a few patches. The Misfits, Public Enemy, Dead Kennedys, and Bad Brains, all of which were stitched carefully and placed strategically. But that was hardly what mattered at the moment. Mateo was feeling confident with how Xóchitl proclaimed the time they were spending something else. “So, uh…you’re saying this is a first date?” He grinned, “Never fallen into one before.”
“Can’t say I always like surprises, but also I can’t say that I mind this sort too much.” If nothing else, this continued to prove a useful distraction from everything that was going on. Even if less was going on now than at other points of her life, a distraction never could hurt. “I’ve never been to Texas, but I’ve heard it’s beautiful. It must be nice to have a big family -” Xóchitl continued in Spanish, “mine’s just me and my moms. But yeah, I came back here to, I guess, spread my wings too.” Or at least that was the easiest sort of excuse to make regarding her plans for being here. 
“Ah yes, I see.” Another nod. “Can’t say I have too much experience with punk rock, but what little experience I have, I appreciate. I like?” She made a small face. “Regardless, that’s a good genre.” Xóchitl laughed, “I say that like I have even the slightest bit of authority on music. Which, I mean, I play the piano, so… but I don’t think that’s the same as knowing music like you seem to.” An eyebrow shot up at his next question. “If you want it to be. I don’t usually date, but I have been known to do things that get me what I want, and I’d like to hear you play music, so, if this is what it takes…” her voice trailed off.
The way Spanish flowed freely was a growing comfort, something Mateo felt like he could lay in for hours. As much as Puro Vida and the fact that Leticia was Latine herself was a saving grace in Wicked’s Rest, there was always a longing for more. Mexico was so far away, and keeping his family safe was the priority in Mateo’s life. He’d take what he could get. In that moment, it was simple conversation with a stranger, who just so happened to be his type. Beautiful, funny, and witty. He was a simple guy. Sue him. 
“Depends where in Texas. We moved to Temple, which is close to Austin. Big Latine community and lots of nightlife. Best tacos you could eat if you weren’t in Mexico.” Mateo shrugged, licking his lips as he traced patterns in the dirt. It was easier to talk that way when emotions began to build. He missed home. “Big family can be nice. Not the easiest to be away from them. Most of us stay close to the nest, you know?” 
Sighing, Mateo looked back up, smiling at the way Xóchitl talked about music and how she played an instrument herself. She was getting cooler by the second. “Oh, dip? You play piano? Not knowing the beauty of punk rock is fine now that I know you play.” Mateo sat up and laughed, growing excited at an idea that came to mind. “Listen, I don’t usually date either, so this doesn’t have to be anything. If you wanna hear me play, then I’ll do it as long as you play for me. I’ve got a keyboard back at my crib, but it’s up to you, ma.”
She didn’t have to think as much when she spoke Spanish, which was a relief unto itself. Enjoying the conversation was an added bonus, as were Mateo’s looks. “That’s nice. God, now you’ve got me craving tacos - especially carnitas.” She sighed at the very thought of it. “Yeah, I do know. As much as I like independence, I do miss being around my mama. But you know, maybe this town isn’t so bad after all.” So what if she made an extra effort to throw a smile in his direction. She was allowed to have fun, wasn’t she?
“I do, and glad you’ve found it in your heart to forgive me. It’s appreciated.” Her lips curved into another smile. “I’d like to see your place, yeah. I’ll play for you, absolutely. You can even make requests for what I’ll do,” Xóchitl paused for a moment, “and I’ll do my best to perform to your satisfaction.”
Xóchitl had more game than the mare cared to admit. The smile she shot at Mateo felt like she was turning the tables on him, and he wasn’t sure if he liked that or not. He chose to ignore that for the time being. “If you’re craving tacos, there’s literally one place you can get some that actually taste good.” Mateo grinned, thinking of the sopapillas he could get to scarf down. God, he loved sugar, and always had. The craving was just a bit stronger now. 
“Sweet,” Mateo grinned in return, “So it sounds like we’re getting tacos and I’ll definitely be getting sopapillas on the side,” He sat up slowly, looking toward his guitar. “Then you can play me piano and we’ll see where the day leads us. Sound good, ma?”
“Oh yeah, where’s that?” She responded, “I’m a shittier cook than I’d like to be, but I can also whip something up, probably.” Xóchitl grinned at him. “I’m starving now, especially with you mentioning that.” Starving for more than one thing, surely, but that was neither here nor there right now.
“Good, yes. You better get two orders of those, because now I really want them. I have some ideas of where the day could lead us, but I’m always up for suggestions, and just to see where things take us.” Xóchitl murmured, “and of course, I’ll play piano – I won’t miss a shot to show off a bit, though I’m welcome to receiving feedback, too.” Her fingers found the top of his hand and she gave it the lightest of taps. “You look like you’d be good at that.”
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starburst2000 · 3 months
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Make way for more of the National Engines' carriages!!!!
🍲Khernovina is Turnov's Dining Car. She and Turnov have been working and racing together since the late '60, and eventually had two sons, Vladimir and Boris (like the famous authors Vadimir Propp and Boris Pasternak). Her red and white motives on her outfit are inspired by classical Slavic embroidery, while the name comes from a Siberian sauce made out of horseradish.
(@spiral-pilled and @goblinlovesmusicals this is for you!!!)
🏵Xochitl is Cesar's Yellow Caboose. Her name means "Flower" in Nahuatl, and she's in a poly relationship with Cesar and an Horse Car named Bronco. She got the painted flowers on her chest during a Guelaguertza celebration.
🍵Mateo is El Pibe's Bar Car. On him, the most popular drinks are coffee, chocolateada, dulce de leche liqueur, and, naturally, yerba mate (where he gets his name from!!), whose plant of origin is represented on his apron.
🎨Evaristo (pronouns 🇧🇷 elx/elu 🇬🇧 they) is Carioca's Passenger Carriage. They're in some ways similiar to Flat-Top, (graffiti, hair, body mods) but their personality is the polar opposite: Evaristo is cheerful, easygoing, and always ready to start their day with a smile on their face. They're enby, abrosexual, and gay, and made friends with many of the graffiti artists who painted them.
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nov. 3
Reflejando la luz del Hijo
Xochitl Dixon
Vosotros sois la luz del mundo… (v. 14).
Mateo 5:14-16
Después de tener un conflicto con mi madre, ella finalmente accedió a reunirse conmigo a más de una hora de distancia de mi casa. Pero cuando llegué, ella ya se había ido. Enojada, le escribí una nota, pero la releí al sentir que Dios me impulsaba a responder con amor. Cuando ella leyó mi mensaje revisado, me llamó. «Has cambiado», dijo. Dios usó mi nota para llevar a mi mamá a preguntar sobre Jesús, y finalmente, lo recibió como su Salvador personal.
En Mateo 5, Jesús afirma que sus discípulos son la luz del mundo (v. 14). Dijo: «Así alumbre vuestra luz delante de los hombres, para que vean vuestras buenas obras, y glorifiquen a vuestro Padre que está en los cielos» (v. 16). Al aceptar a Cristo como Salvador, recibimos el poder del Espíritu Santo, quien nos transforma para que seamos testimonios radiantes de la verdad y el amor de Dios.
Mediante el poder del Espíritu Santo, podemos ser luces alegres de esperanza y paz que se parecen más a Jesús cada día. Todo lo bueno que hacemos se convierte en un acto de adoración agradecida, que les resulta atractivo a los demás al percibirlo como una fe vibrante. Con el poder del Espíritu, podemos honrar al Padre, reflejando la luz del Hijo: Jesús.
¿Cuándo notaste que la luz de Jesús brillaba a través de otra persona? ¿Cómo te han incentivado a alabar a Dios las buenas acciones de alguien?
Jesús, resplandece con tu brillante luz de amor en y a través de mí, para que otros confíen en ti.
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sims4-premades · 2 years
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ka1rosnan · 1 year
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꧁-Capaz y disponible-꧂ 30 de enero de 2021 Lee por favor: Salmo 46 El evangelio en un año: Mateo 20:1-16 Dios es nuestro amparo y fortaleza, nuestro pronto auxilio en las tribulaciones (v. 1). Mientras mi esposo estaba en el trabajo, me enteré de que a mi madre le habían diagnosticado cáncer. Le dejé un mensaje y llamé a algunos amigos y familiares, pero no encontré a nadie. Con manos temblorosas cubriendo mi rostro, sollocé: «Señor, ayúdame». La seguridad de que Dios estaba conmigo me consoló en esos momentos en que me sentí tremendamente sola. Di gracias al Señor cuando mi esposo volvió y mis amigos y familiares llegaron, pero la calma que sentí en aquellas primeras horas de angustia en soledad me confirmó que Dios siempre está disponible dondequiera que necesitemos ayuda y en cualquier momento. El Salmo 46 afirma que Dios es nuestro amparo, fortaleza y auxilio (v. 1). Cuando todo parece un caos y pensamos que el mundo se nos cae encima, no debemos temer (vv. 2-3). Dios no falla (vv. 4-7). Su poder es notorio y eficaz (vv. 8-9). El Señor, nuestro refugio, permanece con nosotros siempre (v. 11). Los creyentes debemos sostenernos en oración y alentarnos unos a otros, pero Dios afirma que Él siempre es capaz de actuar y que está disponible. Podemos confiar en su promesa de proveer lo que necesitemos. El Señor nos consolará a través de sus hijos, como así también con su presencia personal. — Xochitl Dixon Los hijos de Dios tienen el encargo de ser quienes lleven consuelo y fortaleza, somos la versión humana del "pronto Auxilio", y también somos los encargados de hacer que las personas reciban la palabra que consuela, fortalece, que llena de gozo y paz, reprende e instruye, eso hacen los hijos de Dios, paralelo a ello oran y ayunan haciendo del sacrificio personal, físico y espiritual una ofrenda agradable a Dios, tu eres lo que las oraciones de quienes te aman piden que seas, tú, ¿por quién oras?, ¿porque oras?...que tengas un magnifico día y que Dios te bendiga mucho a ti y a tu casa…¡shalom! -Señor, gracias por asegurarnos que siempre estás disponible porque estás con nosotros https://www.instagram.com/p/CoCiiwOu-Zq/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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WOW sometimes I hate my teaching classes
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not-a-ghost-town · 7 years
Spectacular Halloween: End of Part 1
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"For me?" Xochitl beams, taking the taped together puzzle offered to her. 
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All around she sees eyes shining with excitement, sugar addled fidgeting intensifying despite the late hour. "Oh, I see.. You want to know the story of the Crooked Man, do you? I think an old woman has energy enough for that." "Come now, mijos y mijas, sit around the bonfire with old Xo and and lets have one last cup of cocoa before bed. Let me tell you the story. It's about time you all know about the Crooked Man..." "Fifty years ago, or so, when we were still just a few tasked with re-settling the land, he came. The Crooked Man with his crooked grin and twisted soul. "Halloween had snuck up upon us- Our babes, just a few, had no candy or sweets, but we had plenty of food to share. It was enough. We celebrated. They donned their masks of painted paper and found feathers from the land, running person to person and shouting 'Trick or Treat!' We gave them what we could. Nuts and dried fruits, jerky, sparkly rocks from the mines, riddles, and hand puppets. Our Mayor had left to the city with the promise to bring back apples, bananas, and sweets on her return and so they eagerly awaited her after supper, playing with their puppets and telling stories around the fire. "One bye one, we drifted off. The air was warm and the town secure, so after little fussing, we allowed our babies to set up camp right here in the main street and sleep among the stars. The night was perfect. We were safe. "Until the Crooked Man come. "While his mask was gruesome- crookedly grinning from a knife gash of a mouth, skin stretched taut, eyes and teeth yellowing with age- he seemed a kind fellow. He shared his rations of beans and bacon, gave pennies when the children came calling, so little was thought of when he begged stay a single night. "I'll take second watch over the children," he said. "I need but three hours of sleep, and you have been so kind to me. Why, I have children of my own, waiting on me at home. They will be safe with me." "So off to slumber land we fell, dreaming of spooky masks, penny sweets, and apples. "The next morning did not dawn, so much as it did arrive with a thunderous crack and a furious torrent of rain. In our sleeping clothes, we ran to fetch our babes only to find .. no one. The bonfire, like this one, stoked by magic untouchable by the elements, had been extinguished. Their little cots and blankets were peeled apart, shoes left behind leaving bare foot prints of running and joyous playing being washed away by waves of blood running down from the edge of town. "Masks, toys, and sweets wrappers littered the path we ran along, slipping on thick, red mud and calling the names of our children and their nighttime guardians- Mateo! Amanda! Nicole! Maria! Carlos! Dominic!- over and over and over. Even when their bodies had at last been found, we continued to call their names. We pleaded with them to wake, but their eyes opened no more. "As for the Crooked Man, he was gone, though he left behind just one thing. In the blood of our babes, scrawled upon the largest boulder outside of town. A single word: "BEWARE."
Event Wrap Up
Status: End of Part 1
No major property damages have been reported, although Lt. Tarak Bhalli did apprehend some mischief makers attempting to egg the police dormitories, directly across the street and in plain view of the police station. Perpetrators were laughed at and sent home without enjoying night one of the Halloween festival.
No major personal injuries have been reported.
Nurse Winter Storm Sinclaire of Shafter General Hospital has given out leaflets to your trick or treaters with instructions on how to treat the impending too-much-sugar tummy ache. Among his tips are chamomile tea before bed, mint tea in the morning, hot water packs for the tummy, and lightly burnt toast- the carbon of which are said to absorb the toxins causing the ache. He cautions to not flood the hospital resources with your concerns unless the stomach ache is accompanied by high fever lasting more than two days, or persistent vomiting.
The puzzle was completed via collaborative effort. Congratulations! 
One last shot at personal glory to come. Prize titles to be given out at the end of the event.
Part 2 will be announced shortly
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alfareria · 3 years
Fool, high priestess, emperor, the world! 💕🌎
Hi bestie hiba!!! Thank u for the asks u angel 💓💕
the fool: do you have any nicknames?
I do!! my besties call me rebecky which they just just started calling me one day and I think it's the cutest. my family and ppl I've know since I was a baby call me becky. some hs friends used to call me becca but I don't really like it anymore.
the high priestess: what is your dream date?
answered this already but another cute date to me would be like going to the boardwalk and playing games in the arcade and then laying a blanket down at the beach and just hanging out. dates are for getting to know each other u know?? so I feel like just spending some time hanging out is a great time for that.
the emperor: what are some names that you like?
omg I have so many!!! most of these I really like in the Spanish pronunciation bc they're so beautiful to me: Rosario, Guadalupe, Xiomara, Xochitl, Salomé, Rocío, Fátima, Imogen, Mateo, Augustine, Samuel, Sebastian, Emmanuel, Gael, Adam
the world: do you like waking up early?
I HATE WAKING UP EARLY. The concept of it?? so good love it but actually waking up early sucks bc I go to bed really late. If i had a good sleep schedule and went to bed at like, 9 I would love waking up early bc it can be really nice. Especially during hot days bc in the mornings the weather is still cool and everything seems so still... idk something abt early mornings but also absolutely not.
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fearhims3lf · 5 months
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TIMING: A few weeks ago
PARTIES: @vanishingreyes @fearhims3lf
SUMMARY: Mateo invites Xóchitl over for some homemade pozole, and the two discover some scary truths.
The stew simmered quietly, the meat sizzling in the neighboring pan as Mateo hummed to the music playing from his speakers. Angel, just a few feet away, lay in her bed, sleeping soundly. Wicked’s Rest had never felt more like home, but the ache and longing for Temple was still persistent. He took a deep breath and exhaled, moving on as quickly as he could to focus on making the red sauce for the stew.
He threw everything in, letting it all mix together with a press of a button to bring the blender to life. A knock at the door took Mateo’s attention for a moment, and he quickly called for his new pet. “Angel, c’mere.” Her tendrils writhed, moving toward him with care. Mateo smiled adoringly, taking a few extra moments with Angel before sending her to her room. He couldn’t exactly let Xóchitl see her, could he? Or anyone, really. Next best thing was giving her her own room so she could sleep soundly with plenty of enrichment to keep her busy.
“Okay…” He trailed off, wiping his hands on his apron before walking to the door and opening it with a grin. “About time you showed up.” A tease, really. Xóchitl was actually on time, but Mateo could never help himself when it came to things like that. “Pozole isn’t done yet, but you can make yourself at home. You know the drill.” Walking away to the stove, Mateo trusted Xóchitl to close the door and get settled in while he finished dinner. It’d become a sort of routine for them, one that made him question a few things, but he wasn’t the type to linger. 
She just wanted to go and get food, and so what if maybe she felt a little safer around Mateo? There wasn’t anything worth analyzing in that, other than the fact that he was fantastic to sleep with, and they’d developed something sort of routine, even, and Xóchitl certainly didn’t need that, but she also wasn’t complaining. Having someone else make her food, especially food that made her think of home, wasn’t bad in any way, shape, or form.
“Well, I’m sorry for the inconvenience, I’ll make it up to you later.” She wrapped her fingers around his shirt, pulling him close before giving him a small bop on the nose, before dropping her hand from his shirt. “I’ve got my shoes off, and I feel plenty comfortable. I could use a drink, though.” Xóchitl hummed, a smirk (that she probably hoped was alluring) crossing over her lips. 
She nodded. “I’m already in something cute,” Xóchitl pressed her tongue against the back of her teeth. “How much longer until it’s ready, do you think? I can be patient, though, it’s well worth it, that much I know.”
“Yeah, you better be sorry, ma. But you’re right. You are already in something cute.” Mateo smirked, confident and playful, enjoying the tease Xóchitl had in return. It was enough to keep himself from recoiling at the intimacy of it all. Hiding behind stolen glances and good old fashioned bullying always made it easier to believe he wasn’t feeling a bit more than just friendship. 
“I’ll get started on that drink. The usual, right?” The mare began a dance he knew well, moving to his bar and pouring everything he needed to make Xóchitl her favorite drink. “We got about another twenty…thirty minutes or so. Plenty of time to just…” Trailing off with a semi-awkward smirk, Mateo looked toward the couch and then back to his bar, pouring himself a whiskey to sip on. “Whatever you want, really.”
“I’d say you’d need to get your eyesight checked if you didn’t already think I was in something cute. Which goes for pretty much whatever I wear…” So maybe she was being a bit too cocky about all of this, but it was easy to relax around Mateo, and Xóchitl wasn’t going to focus too much on that, or whatever that might have implied.
“The usual sounds perfect,” she cooed, just slightly, following his gaze to the couch. “I mean, I do like lying down on the couch…” Xóchitl bit her lip. “But we could do anything you’d like. You are the host, after all, I’m happy to go with the flow.” Which she was, usually, but perhaps, on some level, even more with him, and people like him, because she felt comfortable. “You know if you let me have my way at least some of that time will be spent with my lips on yours.” Flirting was easy and comfortable.
“Whatever.” Mateo rolled his eyes in jest, taking his drink and plopping himself on the sofa with a smile that faded slowly. By the time Xóchitl placed herself in her usual spot, the mare rotated the glass of whiskey in his hands, pondering. There was plenty of time to have a little fun, but for some reason, for the first time in what seemed like…ever, Mateo didn’t feel like moving to his home’s favorite spots. The bedroom, or the couch, or as Xóchitl had said it before, the walls. He, oddly, wanted to talk, but his voice wouldn’t comply. Instead, he sat there quietly, idly rotating his glass for a minute or two before snapping himself back into focus. 
“Sorry, ma.” He cleared his throat and grabbed the remote to flip on the television to keep himself from fully reacting to what Xóchitl had said. It automatically turned to a music channel that was pre-programmed. Much to his relief, the music was something lively and a bit distracting. Though it wasn’t enough to keep Mateo from awkwardly tensing up when he looked back at Xóchitl. She was his friend, and they’d already agreed that developing a crush wasn’t an option. Hooking up only. And the occasional night over with some cooked meals, too. But none of that meant anything to Xóchitl like it did to Mateo, did it? He didn’t think it was possible. It wasn’t. Not for a guy like him. Not when he hadn’t even told her exactly who he was. She only knew a certain version of Mateo. It was him, truly him, but if she knew the rest, would she stay? Not even as a girlfriend, but as a friend at all? He didn’t think so. But that didn’t really stop him from blurting out something stupid, with his voice bordering on soft. 
“I like it when your lips are on mine.”
“I – what?” Xóchitl shook her head, jumping just slightly when he turned on the television and some sort of music came on. It was a welcome distraction from where her thoughts kept wandering, kept her from having to rein them quite as frequently. Because maybe she had said something a step too far, being softer rather than the more usual forwardness. Talking about just lips was romantic, she figured, at least to an extent, and that wasn’t what they were. So the music was great, and she let her thoughts be partially carried off and away.
Except then he was responding, and the music was no longer any sort of a good distraction. “We seem to be in agreement on that.” 
She wasn’t even entirely sure what she was doing, but soon enough she found herself sitting on his lap, straddling him, but in a sort of gentle, soft, and wholly-unlike-the-two-of-them way. “This okay?” Xóchitl asked, suddenly shy, suddenly brushing her nose against his, her lips against his. Soft, in trepidation, at first, before more fully, yet still not with the usual urgency that came along with their meetings.
“Do we have to eat?” She pouted, wide-eyed. “I think I like where I’m sitting right now.” She also liked how soft his gaze was, how he smiled secretly as a new song came on. A smile that wasn’t for show or anything other than appreciation of the music. “But I also like everything you make, so I can be persuaded. Probably.”
“Yeah.” He whispered, “It’s okay. I like it.” I like you. Was what he wanted to say, but he thought better of it knowing his place. It wasn’t an uncommon occurrence for Xóchitl to find herself on top. She was there so often because that was one of Mateo’s favorite views. But when he looked up like he had done many times before, her eyes were different, and so were his. Then, when she became playful and entirely way too soft for what they were supposed to be, Mateo smiled with a bit of apprehension, unsure whether he should continue to let himself live in the dream. After all, he was, and always would be, a nightmare.
“This is different.” Mateo muttered, ripping off the bandaid and forcing himself awake. “Um…I, uh…” A bewildered sigh escaped him, and it was all he could do to not back out of what needed to be done. “It’s been feeling different—to me. I don’t know. I’m fucking this all up, but if I don’t say nothing, it’s all gonna go to shit even worse so…” With his eyes tightened shut, Mateo leaned his head back onto the headrest of the couch and groaned. He didn’t know how to word it all, or whether or not he should just be blunt. It was the much simpler route, but it was faster, too. Which meant he thought he was on the brink of seeing Xóchitl walk out the door. 
“Glad you like it.” She looked down at him, her smile once again far more gentle than the usual sort of look that she gave him. His look almost seemed to match hers, though, which was as equally terrifying as it was charming. Xóchitl enjoyed the feeling that this particular position gave her, and as much as she loved ( – or rather enjoyed – loved seemed too strong of a word) looking up at Mateo, there was a certain feeling of satisfaction that came with sitting in a position of power.
And he had said that he liked women in positions of power, hadn’t he?
“It’s –” her words caught in her throat. “You’re – I – it’s. Yeah.” Xóchitl wasn’t sure what to say, or if Mateo even wanted her to respond, so instead she ran her hands up and under his shirt, pressed her lips against his. “Let me take care of you, alright?” Except that he was apologizing, and she pulled away, pulled up the shoulder of her top, and looked at him in intense confusion. “Why are you sorry?” She did her best to have it not sound overly harsh, or even slightly judgemental, but she wasn’t sure how well she did in succeeding at that. “Do you want me to stop?” Her lips remained centimeters away from his, and she could smell him so easily, and it was such a comforting smell that she nearly winced.
“You don’t have to take care of me.” He shook his head, getting a little distracted by the hands trailing over his skin, and the pressure on his lap. How was he supposed to think in those conditions? Mateo swallowed a groan down and looked to the ceiling to avoid Xóchitl’s gaze a little longer. There was no turning back anymore. He’d begun opening the can of worms, and they were creeping out before the lid was even fully removed. 
“It’s not that, Xó. It’s not…” Mateo absentmindedly traced patterns on Xóchitl’s skin, no real rhyme or reason to the movements. He just liked her warmth and wanted to soak up as much of it as he could before he ruined it all. Because villains didn’t get the girl, did they? Murderers weren’t meant to love without horrible consequences, and Xóchitl didn’t deserve that. Pain was inevitable, a crucial part of life, but Mateo didn’t want to be the cause. He much rather bring out her smile and laughter. That’s what he was after, all that time. He was going to miss seeing it. There was no point in beating around the bush anymore.
“I fucked up.” His entire body tensed, and he rubbed at this scalp a few times as he forced himself to keep going. “I, um…you’re not…” Come on, Mateo, just say it. “I know we weren’t supposed to do more than fuck, but I, uh, yeah. I fucked up.” That was clear, right?
“But I like taking care of people.” She didn’t like that her voice had turned whiny, but she also found herself wholly unable to do just about anything other than whine. His whole body was cold – it always was – but she didn’t mind. She’d never minded – or asked about it, but it wasn’t like his being cold (physically, at least) had any significant effect on their arrangement. 
Except then he was looking away from her and saying other things and those made Xóchitl only want to focus on the physical, because none of what he was saying made any sort of sense given what they were. What they’d explicitly agreed to. Besides, she’d seen how people looked at him in public, and though she was not even the slightest bit in doubt about her good looks (not to the point of self-centeredness, but just a healthy appreciation of reality), but the way people looked at Mateo had a certain sort of hunger to it, and she didn’t want to think that she’d switch him off of wanting to flirt with everyone.
Unless he was like her – though she still didn’t know this for certain, either – and could become infatuated with more than one person at once. It gave Xóchitl a headache, having suddenly gone from actively avoiding friends (to still end up with a few) to having multiple people she cared about, and people who’d gone past just –
Fucking. Yes, that was what they’d agreed to. It was an abrasive word in some ways, but fit. Energetic, thrilling, but then over. Except then she’d started staying over, and she liked his bed, and Xóchitl liked being in a bed with someone else, and … she needed to focus on what he was saying, though her hands hadn’t been able to stop themselves from running along his chest. “How – what – I’m a ditz right now, Mateo, I’m – you’re going to have to clarify, so I don’t run off with some assumption. Some assumption I might think, but it’s –” she pulled her own shirt over her head, and then sat there, frowning for a moment. “I - instinct.” Was all she said.
How much clearer could he get? Albeit, the statement was maybe, purposely, accidentally vague. After all, what was the concept of thinking anyway? “Ma…” He trailed off. Thinking was difficult, near impossible, when pretty, warm hands were dragging across his chest. And it was only going to get worse with Xóchitl sitting there with no shirt on and a pout on her face. Mateo was beginning to lose his nerve. If he had one at all in the first place.
“You ain’t a ditz. I’m just…not being as clear as I should be. I’ve never done this before and-and we agreed, ya know? We agreed to not…do this.” He covered his face with his hands and groaned, leaving a few moments of silence between the pair. When he finally broke it, Mateo returned his gaze to meet Xóchitl’s. He was memorizing her, scanning every feature he could to commit her to memory. Her presence had been a comfort on more than one occasion, and fun in every single one. Sometimes he’d watch her sleep when she talked during a dream, never daring to feed on them. In fact, when she stirred, many times, Mateo would lull her back to slumber with a careful touch. She always rose in the morning looking fully rested, much to his relief. He was going to miss that. 
Finding his nerve, Mateo swallowed thickly with his eyes shut. With a final deep breath, his brown eyes met hers, soft and anxious, and he leaned forward to give Xóchitl what he thought was a final kiss. It was thoughtful and slow, a tenderness Mateo thought impossible to produce. Pulling back, the mare sighed. “I caught those damn feelings. For you.” He confessed, adjusting his seat uncomfortably as the truth hung in the air. As he waited for Xóchitl to walk away from his mistake. “I like you. I’m sorry.”
Her distraction seemed to be doing its job, but then Mateo wasn’t even totally focusing on her and Xóchitl hated that she cared about that beyond her usual craving for attention (so maybe her parents dressing her up as Tinkerbell when she was three made some kind of sense), how she didn’t want him to look at her with anything but desire, but desire laced with care, and she couldn’t focus on that right now. Focusing on his body and how much she wanted to kiss it was much easier.
“We agreed.” Xóchitl echoed his words. His gaze on hers felt almost more intimate than them being completely naked in bed had been. Which was strange, because she would’ve expected that sex would have been the most vulnerable a person could have been – yet in the same train of thought, she had to acknowledge that sex wasn’t too vulnerable for her, because it was somewhere where she felt comfortable and incredibly at ease. This? Not so much. She slept easier around Mateo, and she couldn’t totally explain why. She liked waking up to his breakfasts, enjoyed talking with him until she drifted off to sleep, impressed by how he never seemed to get tired before she did.
“You don’t – don’t say sorry.” She kissed him back, blinking rapidly, trying to process what he’d said. Feelings. Which they weren’t supposed to do, full stop. Getting close meant bad things could happen, and she was already close enough just by staying over as often as she did. “Feelings are natural – it’s – it’s stupid to make rules like that, right? Lo siento, Mateo – I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” Xóchitl steadied her breath, wondered if she should move, but instead brought her hand to his jaw, kissed him again. “I like you too. A lot. I feel safe with you, and you’re one of the first people I think of when I want to share something good that happened – I – but I’m not – I’ve never done relationships. It’s not – I don’t know if I’m girlfriend material.”
Mateo raised his brows slowly with surprise, an unsteady feeling circling his stomach and twisting it. He kept people at a distance, molded an image that held his most genuine traits while withholding the messier side of himself. Killing people as an undead creature of nightmares wasn’t something just anyone could accept. It was just easier to keep those things hidden, especially when there were hunters out there trying to kill people like the mare. But Xóchitl was no hunter, and whether Mateo wanted to admit it or not, she had become important to him. So few people could make him consider such a leap, but she was definitely one of them. He knew better than anyone that the truth couldn’t stay hidden forever. If Xóchitl liked Mateo back too, then there was only a matter of time before she discovered every part of him. 
That idea terrified him, but the possibility of never getting a chance at all scared him more. He didn’t know how that made him feel, and it didn’t really matter. Not anymore. Xóchitl had confirmed the impossible, and Mateo let himself take on a softer disposition. Like he always did around her. She just rarely had a chance to see it because he was always helping her back to sleep. “I’ve never done this shit either, Xó. I mean, you saw how long it took me to just say anything at all.” Mateo paused, looking at Xóchitl softly and taking her hand in comfort. If anyone didn’t have the capability to be any sort of worthy material, it was Mateo. At least, that was his opinion. What came out though, was a reply far more thoughtful and sincere. Maybe a little hopeful, too. “I think…I think we get to decide what that material is.” He shrugged, “Like, I decide what makes the material for my girlfriend, and you decide for your boyfriend. Everything else is just…” With another shrug, he locked eyes with Xóchitl, stroking his thumb over the back of her hand. “Nerves. You know?” Mateo would like to think he did, but truthfully, he was completely lost and acting from the thing in his chest he reserved for his family.
She’d distinctly made an effort to not get too close to anybody. It had already failed with a few, but that had been all friendship-adjacent. This was something entirely different, wholly new, and completely strange. Xóchitl liked the way that he made her feel, even if he didn’t know everything about her. Even if, despite all the complicated feelings that arose whenever she thought about him – or them together – she didn’t know if she wanted him to know everything, because maybe knowing everything would shatter some sort of illusion that he had of her. She did figure that whatever his vision of who she was was better than she actually was. She didn’t want to shatter that view that he might’ve had of her, because maybe (or more than maybe), she liked the fact that he might have thought of her highly.
“Fair enough.” She giggled, “it did take you a while to say that. I thought you were just going to ask me to do something extra strange in the bedroom. Which, still not opposed, but I – I like this.” She nodded between them, “this is nicer. Softer, ‘teo.” Xóchitl let him take her hand and she rubbed her thumb against the back of his hand. “I – yeah.” She didn’t especially enjoy feeling at a loss for words, but she did, and she couldn’t help herself, now, and Mateo had been honest with her and wasn’t she supposed to show him some honesty in return? “That’s true. Yeah. We can decide. Because fuck the norms of whatever society expects boyfriends and girlfriends to be.” His thumb was on the back of her hand now and it was maddeningly distracting, so much so that she had to close her eyes for a moment. “Yeah – nerves. I – same. I’m – those are a thing.” She opened her eyes and kissed him again. “So – I – wait, is your food going to burn? Not that I’m even really thinking about that now, but I’d prefer to not be the cause of your house catching fire, or your hard work going to waste.” She sat back a moment. “That does mean I have to get off, and I don’t like the idea of that much at all.”
Relief washed over Mateo, and despite not needing air, he was greedy for it with a deep and calming inhale. He sighed, thankful that he wasn’t the only one stumbling over his words. It was nice to not be alone, and to have feelings returned. He’d never been proven wrong like that before, even found that it wasn’t so bad to not be right. “Yeah.” Mateo agreed with a nod and a smile, “Fuck norms. All of ‘em.” With a chuckle, he moved his hands up Xóchitl’s arms, trailing his way to her shoulders and down her back. He’d long forgotten about the pozole, but knowing himself, Mateo had already set the stove to an appropriate temperature in case the two got way too distracted. 
“Left that baby on simmer. You and I tend to…” He bobbed his head back and forth, making a playful face at Xóchitl. “You know. Time usually gets away from us. But I mean, who says you have to get off?” Bouncing his brows, Mateo placed his hands firmly on Xóchitl’s hips and rose from the sofa. She was secure in his arms, her face close enough for several more pecks to her lips and cheeks. He opted to focus on the walk to the kitchen instead, placing her on the counter next to the stove. “Hmm…” Mateo took a few sniffs from the pluming steam, humming with satisfaction at the smell. It was ready to eat, and he clapped his hands together before looking back to Xóchitl to give her his full attention once more. 
“With confessions outta the way, do you wanna pour some bowls and…” His smile faltered at the idea of discussion, knowing he’d likely have to delve into the subject of emotions, of which he avoided often. But, if Mateo was allowing himself to feel something more than lust for someone, didn’t that mean he could possibly be evolving in other places, too? He swallowed nervously, sighing. “Talk. We should probably talk…more. You know?”
His hands were trailing around her back and it, once again, distracted her from any other thoughts she might’ve had. It was a certain delightful distraction. “Fuck the norms.” She repeated, once again. Xóchitl didn’t like to consider herself someone easily at a loss for words, but right now she very much was.
“That’s true, we do tend to get distracted. I’m impressed we’re still talking given that I have my shirt off, but…” Xóchitl shook her head. She was deflecting again, and she knew that she was, even if she didn’t want to admit it. Except then he was picking her up and she didn’t even have time to fully comment on what was going on before it was already happening and she had to admit that it wasn’t so bad at all. In fact, there was a certain sort of delicate intimacy to it all, and that made her both completely calm and utterly unnerved. It was also endearing to watch Mateo move around the kitchen, and she loved how at home he looked, and how his smile looked, and how lovely his humming was.
Then he’d turned back to her and she did nearly a double take, trying to register all that was going on, trying to jolt herself out of whatever half-trance she’d been in. “What, you aren’t going to feed me while I’m shirtless on your kitchen counter?” Xóchitl grinned, another eyebrow raised. “But … yeah. We should do that. Bowls and stuff and also talking.”
Mateo laughed at Xóchitl’s remark, looking at the pot and then back to her. “You want me to feed you hot-ass caldo while you’re shirtless? Isn’t that, like, how you get burned?” Still, he grabbed the ladle and the dish towel hanging from the oven handle. Slowly, he filled the ladle’s bowl and planted it carefully onto the towel to eliminate the possibility of dripping or spilling onto Xóchitl’s skin. “Here, ya big baby.” There was a wink added to the end of the statement, accompanied by Mateo’s signature shit-eating grin. 
“Say ‘ah…’” He tilted the stew into her mouth and arched a playful brow before placing everything aside. “There. Happy?” She did, at least by Mateo’s observation, and he smiled even bigger in return with a soft tug to his lips. There was a terrifying nature to the entire encounter, but it didn’t seem so bad in the moment and it didn’t make his smile faster that time. Mateo could let himself enjoy what they had, if only for a little while. Ruining things was in his nature, but he’d take great care with the fall and accept whatever comes. 
“Come on.” He kissed Xóchitl one more time, lingering his lips above hers for a few seconds before helping her down from the counter to get to work on their bowls. “Go sit down. I’ll get the food and drinks together, and then join you.”
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ka1rosnan · 1 year
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꧁-Capaz y disponible-꧂
30 de enero de 2021
Lee por favor: Salmo 46
El evangelio en un año: Mateo 20:1-16
Dios es nuestro amparo y fortaleza, nuestro pronto auxilio en las tribulaciones (v. 1).
Mientras mi esposo estaba en el trabajo, me enteré de que a mi madre le habían diagnosticado cáncer. Le dejé un mensaje y llamé a algunos amigos y familiares, pero no encontré a nadie. Con manos temblorosas cubriendo mi rostro, sollocé: «Señor, ayúdame». La seguridad de que Dios estaba conmigo me consoló en esos momentos en que me sentí tremendamente sola.
Di gracias al Señor cuando mi esposo volvió y mis amigos y familiares llegaron, pero la calma que sentí en aquellas primeras horas de angustia en soledad me confirmó que Dios siempre está disponible dondequiera que necesitemos ayuda y en cualquier momento.
El Salmo 46 afirma que Dios es nuestro amparo, fortaleza y auxilio (v. 1). Cuando todo parece un caos y pensamos que el mundo se nos cae encima, no debemos temer (vv. 2-3). Dios no falla (vv. 4-7). Su poder es notorio y eficaz (vv. 8-9). El Señor, nuestro refugio, permanece con nosotros siempre (v. 11).
Los creyentes debemos sostenernos en oración y alentarnos unos a otros, pero Dios afirma que Él siempre es capaz de actuar y que está disponible. Podemos confiar en su promesa de proveer lo que necesitemos. El Señor nos consolará a través de sus hijos, como así también con su presencia personal.
— Xochitl Dixon
Los hijos de Dios tienen el encargo de ser quienes lleven consuelo y fortaleza, somos la versión humana del "pronto Auxilio", y también somos los encargados de hacer que las personas reciban la palabra que consuela, fortalece, que llena de gozo y paz, reprende e instruye, eso hacen los hijos de Dios, paralelo a ello oran y ayunan haciendo del sacrificio personal, físico y espiritual una ofrenda agradable a Dios, tu eres lo que las oraciones de quienes te aman piden que seas, tú, ¿por quién oras?, ¿porque oras?...que tengas un magnifico día y que Dios te bendiga mucho a ti y a tu casa…¡shalom!
-Señor, gracias por asegurarnos que siempre estás disponible porque estás con nosotros todo el tiempo-.
-Dios siempre está capacitado para ayudarnos y disponible para hacerlo-.
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ka1rosnan · 1 year
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꧁Más que vencedores ꧂ 8 de enero de 2023 La Biblia en un año: Génesis 20–22; Mateo 6:19-34 … en todas estas cosas somos más que vencedores por medio de aquel que nos amó (v. 37). Lee por favor: Romanos 8:31-39 Cuando mi esposo era el entrenador del equipo de béisbol de nuestro hijo, recompensaba a los jugadores con una fiesta de fin de año y les reconocía sus progresos durante la temporada. Uno de los jugadores más jóvenes, Dustin, se me acercó durante un evento y preguntó: —¿No perdimos el partido hoy? —Sí —respondí—, pero estamos orgullosos porque dieron lo mejor. —Lo sé —dijo—. Pero perdimos, ¿no? Asentí con la cabeza. —Entonces, ¿por qué me siento un ganador? —preguntó Dustin. —Porque eres un ganador —dije, sonriendo. Dustin pensaba que perder un partido significaba que era un fracasado, aunque había dado lo mejor de sí. Como creyentes en Jesús, nuestra batalla no se limita a un campo deportivo, pero a menudo, somos tentados a considerar que las etapas difíciles de nuestra vida determinan nuestra valía. Sin embargo, Pablo reafirmó la relación entre nuestro sufrimiento presente y nuestra gloria futura como hijos de Dios. Aunque todos experimentamos dificultades y persecución, el amor inalterable de Dios nos ayuda a perseverar (Romanos 8:33-34). Aunque seamos tentados a permitir que las luchas definan lo que valemos, nuestra victoria final está garantizada. Por más que tropecemos, en Él siempre seremos «más que vencedores» (vv. 35-39). Es por eso y más que Dios anhela que te detengas, que te arrepientas, que te bautices y te conviertas en la persona vencedora que Él quiere que seas, quizá hoy te resistas pero te cautivará tarde o temprano porque te ama, que tengas tu y tu casa un bendecido día, shalom ! -Xochitl Dixon Reflexiona y ora: ¿Cuándo tu confianza en el amor de Dios te ha ayudado a seguir adelante? ¿Cómo afirmó Él tu valía como su hijo amado, aun después de una gran pérdida? https://www.instagram.com/p/CnJ6f95uvo6/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ka1rosnan · 1 year
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꧁Más que vencedores ꧂ 8 de enero de 2023 La Biblia en un año: Génesis 20–22; Mateo 6:19-34 … en todas estas cosas somos más que vencedores por medio de aquel que nos amó (v. 37). Lee por favor: Romanos 8:31-39 Cuando mi esposo era el entrenador del equipo de béisbol de nuestro hijo, recompensaba a los jugadores con una fiesta de fin de año y les reconocía sus progresos durante la temporada. Uno de los jugadores más jóvenes, Dustin, se me acercó durante un evento y preguntó: —¿No perdimos el partido hoy? —Sí —respondí—, pero estamos orgullosos porque dieron lo mejor. —Lo sé —dijo—. Pero perdimos, ¿no? Asentí con la cabeza. —Entonces, ¿por qué me siento un ganador? —preguntó Dustin. —Porque eres un ganador —dije, sonriendo. Dustin pensaba que perder un partido significaba que era un fracasado, aunque había dado lo mejor de sí. Como creyentes en Jesús, nuestra batalla no se limita a un campo deportivo, pero a menudo, somos tentados a considerar que las etapas difíciles de nuestra vida determinan nuestra valía. Sin embargo, Pablo reafirmó la relación entre nuestro sufrimiento presente y nuestra gloria futura como hijos de Dios. Aunque todos experimentamos dificultades y persecución, el amor inalterable de Dios nos ayuda a perseverar (Romanos 8:33-34). Aunque seamos tentados a permitir que las luchas definan lo que valemos, nuestra victoria final está garantizada. Por más que tropecemos, en Él siempre seremos «más que vencedores» (vv. 35-39). Es por eso y más que Dios anhela que te detengas, que te arrepientas, que te bautices y te conviertas en la persona vencedora que Él quiere que seas, quizá hoy te resistas pero te cautivará tarde o temprano porque te ama, que tengas tu y tu casa un bendecido día, shalom ! -Xochitl Dixon Reflexiona y ora: ¿Cuándo tu confianza en el amor de Dios te ha ayudado a seguir adelante? ¿Cómo afirmó Él tu valía como su hijo amado, aun después de una gran pérdida? https://www.instagram.com/p/CnJ6drhuIEk/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ka1rosnan · 1 year
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꧁Más que vencedores ꧂ 8 de enero de 2023 La Biblia en un año: Génesis 20–22; Mateo 6:19-34 … en todas estas cosas somos más que vencedores por medio de aquel que nos amó (v. 37). Lee por favor: Romanos 8:31-39 Cuando mi esposo era el entrenador del equipo de béisbol de nuestro hijo, recompensaba a los jugadores con una fiesta de fin de año y les reconocía sus progresos durante la temporada. Uno de los jugadores más jóvenes, Dustin, se me acercó durante un evento y preguntó: —¿No perdimos el partido hoy? —Sí —respondí—, pero estamos orgullosos porque dieron lo mejor. —Lo sé —dijo—. Pero perdimos, ¿no? Asentí con la cabeza. —Entonces, ¿por qué me siento un ganador? —preguntó Dustin. —Porque eres un ganador —dije, sonriendo. Dustin pensaba que perder un partido significaba que era un fracasado, aunque había dado lo mejor de sí. Como creyentes en Jesús, nuestra batalla no se limita a un campo deportivo, pero a menudo, somos tentados a considerar que las etapas difíciles de nuestra vida determinan nuestra valía. Sin embargo, Pablo reafirmó la relación entre nuestro sufrimiento presente y nuestra gloria futura como hijos de Dios. Aunque todos experimentamos dificultades y persecución, el amor inalterable de Dios nos ayuda a perseverar (Romanos 8:33-34). Aunque seamos tentados a permitir que las luchas definan lo que valemos, nuestra victoria final está garantizada. Por más que tropecemos, en Él siempre seremos «más que vencedores» (vv. 35-39). Es por eso y más que Dios anhela que te detengas, que te arrepientas, que te bautices y te conviertas en la persona vencedora que Él quiere que seas, quizá hoy te resistas pero te cautivará tarde o temprano porque te ama, que tengas tu y tu casa un bendecido día, shalom ! -Xochitl Dixon Reflexiona y ora: ¿Cuándo tu confianza en el amor de Dios te ha ayudado a seguir adelante? ¿Cómo afirmó Él tu valía como su hijo amado, aun después de una gran pérdida? https://www.instagram.com/p/CnJ6ZaeOkjx/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ka1rosnan · 1 year
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꧁Más que vencedores ꧂
8 de enero de 2023
La Biblia en un año: Génesis 20–22; Mateo 6:19-34
… en todas estas cosas somos más que vencedores por medio de aquel que nos amó (v. 37).
Lee por favor: Romanos 8:31-39
Cuando mi esposo era el entrenador del equipo de béisbol de nuestro hijo, recompensaba a los jugadores con una fiesta de fin de año y les reconocía sus progresos durante la temporada.
Uno de los jugadores más jóvenes, Dustin, se me acercó durante un evento y preguntó: —¿No perdimos el partido hoy? —Sí —respondí—, pero estamos orgullosos porque dieron lo mejor.
—Lo sé —dijo—. Pero perdimos, ¿no? Asentí con la cabeza. —Entonces, ¿por qué me siento un ganador?
—preguntó Dustin.
—Porque eres un ganador —dije, sonriendo.
Dustin pensaba que perder un partido significaba que era un fracasado, aunque había dado lo mejor de sí. Como creyentes en Jesús, nuestra batalla no se limita a un campo deportivo, pero a menudo, somos tentados a considerar que las etapas difíciles de nuestra vida determinan nuestra valía.
Sin embargo, Pablo reafirmó la relación entre nuestro sufrimiento presente y nuestra gloria futura como hijos de Dios.
Aunque todos experimentamos dificultades y persecución, el amor inalterable de Dios nos ayuda a perseverar (Romanos 8:33-34).
Aunque seamos tentados a permitir que las luchas definan lo que valemos, nuestra victoria final está garantizada. Por más que tropecemos, en Él siempre seremos «más que vencedores» (vv. 35-39).
Es por eso y más que Dios anhela que te detengas, que te arrepientas, que te bautices y te conviertas en la persona vencedora que Él quiere que seas, quizá hoy te resistas pero te cautivará tarde o temprano porque te ama, que tengas tu y tu casa un bendecido día, shalom !
-Xochitl Dixon
Reflexiona y ora:
¿Cuándo tu confianza en el amor de Dios te ha ayudado a seguir adelante?
¿Cómo afirmó Él tu valía como su hijo amado, aun después de una gran pérdida?
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ka1rosnan · 1 year
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꧁Más que vencedores ꧂
8 de enero de 2023
La Biblia en un año: Génesis 20–22; Mateo 6:19-34
… en todas estas cosas somos más que vencedores por medio de aquel que nos amó (v. 37).
Lee por favor: Romanos 8:31-39
Cuando mi esposo era el entrenador del equipo de béisbol de nuestro hijo, recompensaba a los jugadores con una fiesta de fin de año y les reconocía sus progresos durante la temporada.
Uno de los jugadores más jóvenes, Dustin, se me acercó durante un evento y preguntó: —¿No perdimos el partido hoy? —Sí —respondí—, pero estamos orgullosos porque dieron lo mejor.
—Lo sé —dijo—. Pero perdimos, ¿no? Asentí con la cabeza. —Entonces, ¿por qué me siento un ganador?
—preguntó Dustin.
—Porque eres un ganador —dije, sonriendo.
Dustin pensaba que perder un partido significaba que era un fracasado, aunque había dado lo mejor de sí. Como creyentes en Jesús, nuestra batalla no se limita a un campo deportivo, pero a menudo, somos tentados a considerar que las etapas difíciles de nuestra vida determinan nuestra valía.
Sin embargo, Pablo reafirmó la relación entre nuestro sufrimiento presente y nuestra gloria futura como hijos de Dios.
Aunque todos experimentamos dificultades y persecución, el amor inalterable de Dios nos ayuda a perseverar (Romanos 8:33-34).
Aunque seamos tentados a permitir que las luchas definan lo que valemos, nuestra victoria final está garantizada. Por más que tropecemos, en Él siempre seremos «más que vencedores» (vv. 35-39).
Es por eso y más que Dios anhela que te detengas, que te arrepientas, que te bautices y te conviertas en la persona vencedora que Él quiere que seas, quizá hoy te resistas pero te cautivará tarde o temprano porque te ama, que tengas tu y tu casa un bendecido día, shalom !
-Xochitl Dixon
Reflexiona y ora:
¿Cuándo tu confianza en el amor de Dios te ha ayudado a seguir adelante?
¿Cómo afirmó Él tu valía como su hijo amado, aun después de una gran pérdida?
0 notes
ka1rosnan · 1 year
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꧁Más que vencedores ꧂
8 de enero de 2023
La Biblia en un año: Génesis 20–22; Mateo 6:19-34
… en todas estas cosas somos más que vencedores por medio de aquel que nos amó (v. 37).
Lee por favor: Romanos 8:31-39
Cuando mi esposo era el entrenador del equipo de béisbol de nuestro hijo, recompensaba a los jugadores con una fiesta de fin de año y les reconocía sus progresos durante la temporada.
Uno de los jugadores más jóvenes, Dustin, se me acercó durante un evento y preguntó: —¿No perdimos el partido hoy? —Sí —respondí—, pero estamos orgullosos porque dieron lo mejor.
—Lo sé —dijo—. Pero perdimos, ¿no? Asentí con la cabeza. —Entonces, ¿por qué me siento un ganador?
—preguntó Dustin.
—Porque eres un ganador —dije, sonriendo.
Dustin pensaba que perder un partido significaba que era un fracasado, aunque había dado lo mejor de sí. Como creyentes en Jesús, nuestra batalla no se limita a un campo deportivo, pero a menudo, somos tentados a considerar que las etapas difíciles de nuestra vida determinan nuestra valía.
Sin embargo, Pablo reafirmó la relación entre nuestro sufrimiento presente y nuestra gloria futura como hijos de Dios.
Aunque todos experimentamos dificultades y persecución, el amor inalterable de Dios nos ayuda a perseverar (Romanos 8:33-34).
Aunque seamos tentados a permitir que las luchas definan lo que valemos, nuestra victoria final está garantizada. Por más que tropecemos, en Él siempre seremos «más que vencedores» (vv. 35-39).
Es por eso y más que Dios anhela que te detengas, que te arrepientas, que te bautices y te conviertas en la persona vencedora que Él quiere que seas, quizá hoy te resistas pero te cautivará tarde o temprano porque te ama, que tengas tu y tu casa un bendecido día, shalom !
-Xochitl Dixon
Reflexiona y ora:
¿Cuándo tu confianza en el amor de Dios te ha ayudado a seguir adelante?
¿Cómo afirmó Él tu valía como su hijo amado, aun después de una gran pérdida?
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