#maters of the air headcanons
luminouslywriting · 4 months
what do you think would be the reactions of the different men when they’re falling for a single mum? I think going with the time it’s more likely a young widow than a girl with a kid out of wedlock but who knows maybe John Brady just feels the desire to make an honest woman out of a poor girl at church who’s man ran off or Bucky takes to teaching his neighbors kid baseball because he sees their mom is stressed… just whatever guys you think would fit this
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Nonny, this gave me actual brainrot so I hope you enjoy this so much 🥰🤍 as always, my requests are open and I don’t mind spam haha! More under the cut, cut for length, light spice sprinkled in:
Bucky Egan: (I had to run with the baseball idea haha)
-Absolutely the type of man who does not care about the past sexual history or life of a partner....and he's kinda looking for someone to date at the moment??
-But there's this kid on his block who's about six and he watches this kid attempt to throw a baseball every day and it just pains his soul because the form is awful and where is this kid's dad??
-So one day, he rolls on over to the yard of said kid and just starts offering pointers—he always wanted to be a baseball coach in his free-time and he just hasn't gotten around to it yet
-This sweet little boy makes him a deal that if Bucky comes over and teaches him how to throw a ball, lemonade will be made and given by you (his mom) and he will help Bucky paint his fence
-Bucky thinks it's a swell idea and it's at this surprising point to you that your son brings in the attractive war hero Bucky Egan straight to the kitchen and demands lemonade
-Well you and Bucky get to talking and you tell him that your husband died in the Pacific pretty early on in the war and your son has never really known a father
-That being said, it's a slow burn. He really enjoys getting to spend time with you and your son and he's afraid that he'll mess things up. But then your kid is inviting Bucky to dinner and you're telling him that it's no problem and you usually make too much food anyway.
-And somewhere along the way, he starts thinking of your house as more of a home to him than his own lonely home that he purchased. So naturally, this man panICS and has to call Gale and ask what he should do because he doesn't want to spook you or ruin the nice thing you've got going on.
-Gale definitely has to reassure him that if you both clearly want him there, then he should just go for it; Bucky deserves to be happy too.
-But he DRAGS his feet in the process....right up until your son accidentally calls him dad after hitting the ball with the baseball bat
-And then there's actual panic between you and Bucky and he's trying to apologize because clearly he's overstepped
-It would be at this point that you have to tell him that it's quite alright and you'd really like to get to know him more...because you like having him around and clearly your son adores him
-CUE THE FIRST KISS (first of many, might I add)
-It's the most darling domestic thing and he absolutely views your son as his son and he's never been so happy in his life
Gale Cleven:
-I think the most logical move here is that he finds you after Marge's passing. It was a short and love-filled marriage for them, but it was gone so quickly.
-He's devastated, naturally. And he doesn't really have anything left in Wyoming, so he sets out for Wisconsin.
-Now the thing about this is that John Egan has married Josephine Pitz—and Josephine Pitz's best friend is you. Your husband was a Marine during the war and died in action, leaving you with two little kids.
-You're doing your best but it's hard being a working single mom during the early 1950s.
-Cut to Josie and John setting this up just so
-Bucky makes the point that your car needs some work and you're a good friend of Josie's
-So this is how Gale Cleven is introduced to you—matchmaking via car-service haha
-Your two boys? Absolutely just wanna watch him work and wanna hear about everything that he's doing to the car
-But you're no fool and you know that Josie and Bucky are trying to set this up for the two of you
-So you just flat-out confront him about it and tell him that they're trying to be sneaky and that you're sorry he got caught up in their schemes
-But the thing is?? He's perfectly happy and used to their schemes. There's also the fact that this is the safest and calmest he's felt since Marge died.
-So he admits that he'd be willing to give this thing a chance if you are
-So it's a slow-burn for the two of you as you're trying to navigate around the fact that you've both already lost a partner and the fact that you have kids
-But he's so good with them and helps with the homework and genuinely just tries his best
-It's not a surprise to anyone when you're married a year later
Robert Rosenthal:
-On his way to the Nuremberg Trials, he meets you—a young lawyer who has recently just found out that you're pregnant (not that you're telling anyone that).
-You two become fast friends and he finds out that your husband was a British RAF Pilot who died. He's entirely sympathetic and sweet about the situation.
-The pair of you team up for the trials and it's amidst the preparations for the Trials that he finds you doubled over with morning sickness. This man assumes that it's the flu. Babe, it is not the flu.
-So a few weeks into you being sick and dealing with the trials, he's getting real concerned and you just have to spill the tea that you're pregnant.
-Not gonna lie, Rosie's heart shatters a little bit for you. It's not as if you want to leave the Trials to deal with pregnancy but you're also a whole ocean away and who do you have to rely on?
-Well he makes a promise that he's gonna help you through it
-And along the way, he's absolutely falling in love with you—with your dedication and kindness, the way that you're soft about the baby and continue to focus on work, and the way in which you're so determined to do everything entirely on your own
-He definitely very quickly makes you an offer that you're a little befuddled by
-The offer is marriage—and the thing is?? It's a damn good offer. You're a recent widow trying to do her job at the Nuremberg Trials, just found out you're pregnant, away from home, and have no support system
-So naturally you accept and this is a marriage born out of convenience and kindness to you....but there is so much affection and care.
-He's had feelings for you for a while and he's perfectly happy taking his time in the relationship and understands that you might not reciprocate the feelings in the same way.
-If nothing else, at least you'll be provided for, your child will have a father, and you'll always have a friend by your side
-It's at this point that your feelings start to develop because he's just such a good person and treats you so well and so clearly loves you
-The two of you are icons during the trials (Mr. and Mrs. Rosenthal), and he comes back from Europe with a wife and daughter on his arm....and no, he didn't tell anyone so it was quite a shock to everyone.
John Brady: (Also decided to run with it haha)
-Listen, this man has a picture perfect plan for what he wants to have happen when he gets home from the war and that's all fine and dandy, but this man was NOT planning on you haha
-You faithfully attend the same church as he does and it's pretty obvious that you're pregnant.....
-But man the gossip is bad. And he's not one to listen to idle gossip and just believe what people say. But evidently your fianceé had run off when he found out you were pregnant and had taken any chance of a reputable life. It's ROUGH, okay??
-And the thing is, John Brady is out here just trying to do his Christian duty by seeing if you need any help over at your house....because he also passes it on the way to Church and YIKES, your yard is going through it
-It's the first time that someone just offers to do something nice for you??? You're so thrilled about it
-So he comes over that summer and does your yard work for you and you make little sandwiches and he gets to have lunch with you
-The thing is, you two get to talking and he finds out that you weren't even planning on having kids for a while anyway and it was YOUR former man who wanted to do the deed and refused to help out in any way. This is entirely a man's folly and has ruined things for you.
-Now he feels bad, he does....
-But he's not trying to make a move or anything. At the moment anyway haha. Instead, he invites you to spend some time with his sisters because you need friends anyway and they all have kids so they can help you know what to expect for pregnancy.
-Well it's all going great and he's pretty happy with the fact that you now have a support system and he's starting to make some waves in work. And then the yard is done and finished.
-And for some reason he's offering to help with the plumbing and the inside work too? It's definitely not because he's worried about you and it's definitely not because he's very very attracted to you in any way shape or form lol.
-I don't think anything actually happens until you're right ready to pop....at which case YOU kiss HIM because you're just real impatient
-And he doesn't get to respond to anything because your water breaks and he's taking you to the hospital
-So while you're in labor, this man is processing the fact that he MAYBE really really likes you and has already planned out the rest of your lives together, but that's BESIDES the point
-He still feels like he's taking advantage here....right up until you have a son and you name him Johnny because Brady was the only person that was kind to you during pregnancy and this man just melts on the spot, professes love to you—and tells you that he wants to take care of you for the rest of your life.
-Chef's kiss tbh
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zaunseye · 9 months
[GLIMPSES OF THE PAST:a headcanon / prompt collection - ACCEPTING]
He sat in the warm water of the bath tub, surrounded by lit candles and empty wine bottles. Liquid truth was sometimes needed to confront ones less savory aspects of existence.
It was approaching the six month anniversary of the drowning. Each day further from the event felt like a step toward oblivion. It was an ever-extending pathway into nothingness. His fingers ran over the still healing scars from that night. A jagged wound ran along the curve of his eye socket, terminating at the outer corner of his eye. The doctors surgery and healing tonics had done all that they could for his eye and skin, leaving behind a grizzly, contorting visage that he no longer recognized. He hadn't died. That was the only boon to his next complexion that he could admit. He looked at himself in the reflection of the bath water, distant and empty.
He sank down into the wet, testing himself with every inch. Normally he would do a towel bath, or a shower, but avoided the tub. It was like a condensed little pocket of the River Pilt -- his own personal slice of hell.
He had fought long and hard to destroy the good memories of Vander, now tainted with the image of his silhouette amongst bloodied waters. He repressed all feelings of lingering love, instead fanning his flames of hatred. But the power that brought him was limited by the recollections of that night, staining his mind with fear and confusion. Well, it was time to confront that particular trip down memory lane, taking his mental first steps on healed broken bones.
Down a few more inches, and he was up to his chest in the water. His heart thumped behind his ribs. Breaths drew shorter in anticipation. The sound of water flowing over his moving body sent a shiver down his spine. But he didn't sit back up. He cupped some of the bath water in his hands, splashing it over his face. The brief moment of his face being met with water made his nerves flash alight with a warning reaction.
He sank down further, now up to his neck. As the water rushed around him -- next to his sensitive ears -- his breath hitched in his lungs. He could practically feel the hands growing tighter around his throat. Fear snapped at his mind. Instincts tried to force him into sitting back up right. The Weaker Man reared his ugly little head. He shoved that down, along with the feelings of growing trepidation.
He took a deep breath, and sank further.
He let his head slip under the water, which flowed up over his face and permanently opened eye. Burning consumed his nose as water rushed into the open cavities, flushing foreign fluid against delicate inner skin. Through the scarred oculus he saw the world in a film of hazy red, and while under the surface, it was hard not to see the illusion of blood in the water, just like that night. He fought the urge to burst back into the open air. His hands gripped the sides of the tub with snowy white knuckles and blanched pink fingertips.
Now his heart was running laps in his chest, and his mind was fighting him every step of the way. No, he couldn't resurface. He had to fight it. He had to get back to that same feeling he had when he was being drowned. He had found that, in that moment, he was closest to his true self. Not even the killing of his father had brought him so close to the monster inside. He wanted to reach into that void again, and feel it reach back.
Even in the candlelit room his mind found ways to play tricks on him, making him see Vander's thick and full silhouette above him in the water. All simple illusions that he refused to bend to, no mater how much it ached to see them. Clawing, screaming, raging. Can't breathe. Can't breathe... Finally, his lungs gave in, and he released the air left within them. He stayed there, under the water's surface, waiting for the beckoning to begin. Vision began to wobble and blur, and his abdomen ached with the urgency of his diaphragm. Still, he remained there, lingering in the hold of his memories.
Finally, he felt the choice beginning to be posed to him. Live or die? Give in or continue the fight? The immediate instincts of survival kicked in too strongly for his will to stomp back down. He jolted upright, water sloshing over the edge of the tub. Hacking up the small amount of water he'd managed to breathe in, he wiped the wet out of his good eye. His hair hung over his brow in messy clumps, dripping into the water below. He stared down at the reflection again, distorted and even less recognizable through the ripples and disruption.
It was a glimpse -- barely a figment of the monster lurking within him. He slammed his hand into the water's surface, splashing out a good amount of his bath onto the floor below the tub. Frustration gnawed at his psyche. He needed to be stronger. He needed to be that beast within. It was the only way he could survive the world as it was. The Weaker Man was dead...
...And he couldn't be allowed out of his watery grave.
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rustedleopard · 2 years
Here’s my personal interpretation of Jeff and Dr. Andonut’s relationship:
IDK who or what sort of woman decided to get into a romantic relationship with Dr. Andonuts, but I feel that Dr. Andonuts met his future partner in graduate school. The relationship did go well initially, but over time, Dr. Andonuts got more involved in his work and grew emotionally distant and this put a strain on the relationship. Jeff was essentially a sort of last ditch effort to try to make things work, y’know the classic “maybe if we throw a baby into this failing relationship, it’ll tie things together” maneuver. It didn’t work out.
Dr. Andonuts was fine with having a kid with her because he saw it as cultivating a future investment; having another Andonuts to work with him in the lab once they grew up enough would do wonders with him in the scientific field. He didn’t really consider that his child will be their own thinking, feeling being with their own agendas.
Jeff’s mom did hang around for a few years raising and taking care of him, which is why he didn’t die from straight up neglect during early childhood, but she eventually got tired of being in an unfulfilling relationship esp. with the baby not helping to tie things together and just up and left one day without bothering to try to fight for custody. This happened before Jeff was mentally developed enough to gain any significant memories of her. While he can understand why she left, the fact that she did so without even trying to remain in his life through some method or another means that he’s entirely indifferent to her. This is worse than his feelings about Dr. Andonuts.
Dr. Andonuts raised Jeff for only six months before essentially chucking him into Snow Wood Boarding School. Those few months were... really terrible for both of them.
Despite the fact that Snow Wood is a boarding school, they have an age restriction for enrolling children in the boarding school program (8 years old, at minimum, though most start enrolling for the boarding program around age 11). Dr. Andonuts had enough influence both as a graduate and as a famous scientist that they were willing to make an exception for his son, who was enrolled at age 4.
Jeff did spend the first few months separated from Dr. Andonuts lashing out and exhibiting behavioral problems (y’know, on the account of being a neglected child), which the school diligently reported back to Dr. Andonuts. While he read the reports, he never once did reconsider his decision. As soon as Jeff realized that no matter what he did no one’s coming for him, he stopped acting out.
The reports the school filed got thinner over the years, until they could basically be summarized as “he’s doing fine” (which actually means not causing problems/being disruptive). The bedwetting comment that Dr. Andonuts makes on your second trip to Winters was the last significant thing that got reported back to him, and that was many years ago.
Because Dr. Andonuts is so famous and because Snow Wood Boarding School is his alma mater and because he left such a strong impression, even after graduating, lots of people (staff, students, faculty) make comparisons between the two of them. Dr. Andonuts and Jeff are alike in some regards (like being very driven, intelligent, and a bit eccentric) but considering the fact that comparing a child to his neglectful father is very *winces and sucks air through my teeth*, he sees it more as an insult than a compliment.
I’ve seen some headcanons that Jeff was causing lots of explosions/was getting into detention a lot/was known as this mad scientist around school, but I’ve personally never seen him like that. I’m not saying that he never invented anything (of course he did, he’s Jeff), but if your dad is known as this “super scientist guy” and you want to dodge comparisons between the two of you, then you’re gonna try to keep your interest for science on the down low. This means not enrolling in the science club he founded and keeping your outward interest in the subject as quiet as possible when you’re around others and inventing stuff in private and not showing off to others.
This also ties into my belief that Jeff was a rule follower at Snow Wood: not because he feared the consequences of causing problems or because he believed that rules were made to be adhered to (in fact, he’s stolen a bunch of stuff like mercury thermometers that the school was slated to throw out and did all sorts of dangerous stuff for the sake of science), but rather because he just didn’t want to stand out. He got very good at hiding his passions from the world.
Pre canon Jeff wished that he didn’t care so much about his relationship with his dad.
Post Stonehenge is when Dr. Andonuts first starts to realize that Jeff is his own person and that he might have missed out on something significant by shipping him off to Snow Wood.
The reason why Jeff remained with Dr. Andonuts in Saturn Valley post canon is 1) Snow Wood Boarding School temporarily shut down on the account of settling everything that happened with some of their students getting kidnapped and 2) Because his father extended interest in trying to work on their relationship. Jeff was giving him a chance.
Despite that though, their relationship can’t really be described as familial. They work well together, they like lots of the same things, they can have casual conversations about whatever insane thing they read in their favorite scientific magazine, but missing out on approximately 10 years of life together has left a deep gouge in their relationship that none of them are willing to address. While Dr. Andonuts might be willing to talk about more personal subjects with Jeff, Jeff would not do the same with his father.
While pre canon Jeff defined his life on dodging comparisons between him and his father as much as possible to the point that it prevented him from doing things that he wanted to, post canon Jeff isn’t hung up on this. He knows that he’s his own person, that he has people that care about who he is as a person (Tony, Maxwell, Ness, Paula, Poo), and that he’s not his father. If someone is approaching him with the expectations that he’d be a mini-Dr. Andonuts, then that’s their shame for being myopic. The fact that he starts inventing things publically without fear of being compared to his father is great for his character, but it’s absolutely menacing for all the staff at Snow Wood who were used to him being meek.
Dr. Andonuts and Jeff did end up collaborating on quite a few projects together and even ended up sharing a patent on the Instant Revitalizing Machine, among a few other things.
Two to three years in the future, when Dr. Andonuts got kidnapped by Porky, he isn’t able to leave a note explaining what happened to him nor are there any signs of struggle, so Jeff just assumes that Dr. Andonuts up and abandoned him. It was a very upsetting time for him because, from Jeff’s angle, it looked like Dr. Andonuts decided to go back on all the work that they both put into trying to reforge their relationship. Jeff didn’t even bother to look for him because he just assumed that his father decided not to bother to change.
Jeff did end up inheriting his father’s lab, all of his patents and blueprints for new machines, and his fortune. Jeff had the lab demolished, sorted through the blueprints to remove the more useful invention ideas from the eccentric ones designed to make money, sold most of the patents, and invested most of the money in philanthropy.
Jeff grew up, got married to Tony, and adopted and raised a happy family. His new laboratory was located in a small city where he willingly took on interns from the local university, and helped to bolster the careers of those around him. Most of his inventions focused on things that could help people, such as food printers, more efficient methods of harnessing nuclear energy, and robotic prosthetics that broke the boundary between the biotic and abiotic worlds. The patents for his inventions were incredibly cheap because he made his inventions to be shared with the world. Despite the importance of what he was creating, he remained incredibly modest and down to earth.
Some people might say that he did that to spite his father, a notorious recluse who’s inventions focused more on flashiness than on usefulness in the day-to-day world, but Jeff isn’t nearly so shallow. He merely saw what sort of man his father was and decided that he was a person not worth imitating. While he never reached the same levels of fortune and fame that his father did, he lived a long life and died happy and beloved.
Several hundred years in the future, Dr. Andonuts ends up on Nowhere Islands. He recognizes the blueprints for reconstruction projects on animals that break the boundary between living and machine; he recognizes the designs for the robots with advanced artificial intelligence and nuclear powered batteries: while they are reverse engineered from alien technology, Jeff always did have a distinct touch to his designs. If he knew to what ends his inventions were used for, Jeff would be spinning in his grave like he was centrifuged.
When Dr. Andonuts searches for more information regarding the fate of his son, he stumbles across a bibliography written about Jeff’s life written in collaboration with him. It covers his early life at Snow Wood Boarding School, a vague account of the War on Giygas with most of the grittiness as well as some secrets of the Earth scrubbed out, his life during university and graduating, his rise to fame and inspirations for his inventions, and some accounts about his personal life (with much respect to his husband’s and childrens’ privacy). There isn’t a single mention of his father in it.
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pas-de-la-kaamelott · 2 years
Parce que je n’ai toujours pas de self-control, voici deux petits drabbles rapport à mon headcanon que mani et caius dans une modern au durant leurs jeunes années se battaient souvent
Sous les ponts et les arcades
(Hurt! Mani)
Aujourd’hui était une journée calme.
Parce que Caius avait enfin deux minutes pour se poser, pour une fois ses devoirs étaient finis avant minuit, et là tout de suite il était bien, dans son plumard, à se mater un épisode de sa série. Tranquille, pépouze, peinard, et tous les adjectifs dérivés du mot calme.
Ça, c’était jusqu’à ce que la porte du dortoir ne claque tellement fort qu’elle fit vibrer les murs.
« Eh nan mais ça va pas non- » protesta-t-il. Il s’interrompît brusquement devant la vision qui s’offrait à ses yeux.
Mani se tenait au bout du lit, le fixant d’un air terrible, du sang coulant à flots d’une grosse entaille au niveau de son sourcil droit. Outre cela, il avait l’air particulièrement énervé, preuve en était de ses poings qui s’ouvraient et se refermaient machinalement. Le sang gouttait sur sa chemise (a présent irrécupérable) et menaçait de tacher les draps.
« Putain, mec.» marmonna Caius en se levant précipitamment de son (si chaud si douillet) lit. « Encore ? »
Mani ne daigna même pas répondre. Caius avait déjà la main dans le placard où était rangée la trousse de soins - qu’il sortait un peu trop souvent ces jours-ci à son goût -, la saisit et se retourna vers le lit. Mani s’y était assis, la mine orageuse. Caius tira la chaise à petites roulettes du bureau à lui, dézippa la trousse et sortit de quoi épancher et désinfecter la plaie toujours dégoulinante de sang.
« Sincèrement, si t’avais pas l’arcade sourcilière pétée, j’te mettrai une avoine dans la gueule. » dit-il calmement, l’application du désinfectant sur la plaie de l’autre sans ménagement arrachant à Mani ce qui ressemblait beaucoup à un feulement. « C’était pour quoi cette fois ? »
Un grognement inintelligible fut sa seule réponse.
« Articule quand tu parles, merde. »
« Ils avaient traité Licinia de pute. »
« Ah. Je comprends que ça puisse te mettre en rogne, m’enfin de là à cogner ? »
« Ça s’est envenimé. »
Caius lui aurait bien répliqué que avec lui les disputes ça s’envenime toujours assez vite, mais il eut la présence d’esprit de se dire que ce n’était vraiment pas le bon moment. Quand Mani était en colère, il pouvait vraiment être flippant, avec son regard d’habitude si doux se changeant en pierre. Caius finit son petit travail, appliquant un pansement sur la plaie d’où le sang avait cessé de s’échapper en rivulets, et tapota le tout. Il avait pris cette habitude de sa grand-mère quand il était petit et qu’il s’était râpé le genou en tombant de vélo. Se relevant d’un mouvement souple, il posa une main compatissante sur l’épaule de son ami.
« Je vais me doucher. Essaie de pas faire plus de trois conneries à la minute le temps que je revienne. »
Caius s’éloigna avec un large sourire aux lèvres. Il avait réussi à en tirer un, timide et fatigué, de celles de Mani.
C’est un roc, c’est un cap, il est cassé
(Hurt! Caius)
C’est pas le tout, mais ce DM de géo commençait doucement à le faire chier.
Qu’est-ce qu’il pouvait détester la mondialisation. Depuis la sixième qu’on leur rabâchait la même chose, sincèrement faudrait arrêter le tir un peu, ça devient redondant.
La porte du dortoir s’ouvrit doucement et se referma dans le même bruit feutré. Manilius n’avait pas besoin de relever la tête pour savoir que Caius venait de rentrer, il avait appris à reconnaître le pas de ses différents copains de chambrée avec le temps. Ce qui était plus inhabituel, c’était qu’apparemment Caius n’avait pas bougé de la porte, alors que d’habitude il courait vers son lit pour s’y vautrer. Peut-être que la journée avait été particulièrement éreintante et qu’il avait la tête appuyée contre le bois de la porte pour se reposer deux minutes - Arturus avait bien cette petite manie. Les pas reprirent et se rapprochèrent du bureau où Manilius planchait sur son devoir.
« Mani. » Caius appela.
Ce dernier pris le temps de finir d’écrire sa phrase avant de répondre.
« Ouai-» il pila net en levant les yeux vers son ami. Caius avait le nez ensanglanté, une blessure au milieu de la ligne droite que formait auparavant son os, qui dégoulinait du même fluide rouge foncé qui s’échappait de ses narines. Et il avait pas l’air jouasse. « Oh putain, ils t’ont pas loupé ce coup-ci. T’as le nez pété ou je rêve ? »
« Ta gueule et aide-moi, je suis en train de dégueulasser le lino avec le sang, là. Iuventius va encore dire que c’est de ma faute et me faire laver tout le dortoir. »
« Tu veux pas lui dire merde juste une fois, à Iuventius ? » demanda Manilius avec nonchalance tandis qu’il attrapait la trousse de soins rangée dans le placard. « T’avais pas de mouchoir, t’avais pas de mouchoir et puis voilà, c’est quand même pas ta faute si les autres cons t’ont pété le nez. »
« Je crois pas qu’il soit pété- AÏE ! » La morsure inattendue du désinfectant arracha un cri à Caius. « Bordel, tu pourrais prévenir ! »
« Arrête de faire ta chochotte. » ordonna Manilius avec un sourire. « Pourquoi tu t’es fait tapé ? »
« Je prenais une photo d’un nuage que je trouvais marrant, va savoir pourquoi y’a une espèce de grosse brute monté comme un taureau qui a cru que je prenais des photos de sa meuf. M’a pas laissé m’expliquer. »
Manilius eut un petit rire. Caius trouvait décidément toujours le moyen de se faire taper pour des raisons de merde.
« Ah ouais d’accord, tu ris de ma douleur en fait ? » lança Caius, indigné.
« Mais non. » dit Manilius en apposant un pansement sur le nez de son colocataire. « Voilà. Un pif tout neuf. Ça te donne même un p’tit côté bad boy, avec ta veste. »
Caius se retourna et chercha des yeux le miroir de la salle de bains, se tordant pour l’apercevoir à travers la porte entrouverte.
« Pas faux…. »
Manilius le poussa gentiment. « T’es con. T’as le nez pété et tu penses qu’à ton style. »
« Quitte à faire… » dit Caius en lui rendant son sourire.
Arturus rentra dans la pièce, les bras chargés de manuels, comme à son habitude. Il avisa Caius, écarquilla les yeux et s’exclama :
« T’as le nez pété ? »
Voilà c’est tout pour moi, j’espère que ça vous aura plu !
@hatoyume est-ce que je commence doucement à shipper ce mani et ce caius là ? Possible.
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Empires on the Horizon XIV
Jason is a CEO: Part XIV
masterlist for other parts, more jercy, bad headcanons, and an abundance of crackships
SURPRISE!!! i finally got my laptop back and thankfully they didn’t have to wipe anything so i still had all my work! Between you and me i was more worried about all my fanfics than my uni work...... But I’ve learned my lesson. Do everything on google docs now!! Anyway this is a Percy POV and i hope you enjoy because i’ve missed this little universe more than you could possibly know and we’re finally (only fourteen chapters later) getting to the jercy part of this fic?! LOL it’s been wild.
i know i’m releasing a ton of fanfics at the moment so i hope you guys don’t feel overwhelmed. You know i adore your comments and thoughts but please don’t feel pressured to read all the fics i’m posting. I’ve just had a lot of time in the last weeks so it’s been easier to create. Please take care  of yourself, i love you very much and i hope you have a magical holiday season!
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Percy Jackson stretched his legs out in front of him and draped a blanket over them. There were few things he indulged in, but a good plane seat was one of them. He was spoilt for it but having the space to lay his unreasonably tall body down for eight hours seemed like a worthy investment. The announcements that continuously filtered through the crackly speakers were background noise as the bustle of people getting to their seats flowed throughout the cabins. He stared out his little window at the neon-jacketed guides and airport officials directing people to wherever they needed to be. He loved watching people just do things. There was something calming about knowing others weren’t interested in him in any way. That people got on with their lives despite the turmoil nobody knew about.
A flight attendant stopped next to him with a polite smile, “Champagne sir?”
“No thank you, a water please. Too early for alcohol.” He grimaced.
Mirth danced in her eyes as she glanced up at the rest of the passengers, some dangling flutes between their fingers. “Absolutely sir, anything else?”
He shook his head, before leaning back in his seat and closing his eyes. His pre-flight ritual, which consisted of him snuggling as comfortably as possible it his seat and trying to fall asleep, was already behind. The presence of a certain blonde-haired, blue-eyed CEO taking up the scattered pieces of his mind. It was crazy to think they had met almost a year ago, crazier still to think that about how much they had changed in that time. Percy at least felt like a completely different person to the one who had stepped off a plane from Hawaii all those months ago and attended his alma mater’s dinner. Although the university had surprised them with plaques honouring their contributions, it was seeing Jason Grace, learning about him that felt like the real reward. Hell, he was only half joking when he said he’d marry the guy the next Tuesday.
“Good morning ladies and gentlemen. Please take your seats and fasten your seatbelts. We will be taking off shortly. In the meantime please turn your attention to the screens in front of you for a video detailing the safety measures you will need to know while aboard this flight.”
He blinked back into the world and turned half his attention to the screen and the other half to locating the blonde he couldn’t seem to keep away from. He knew the safety briefings by heart, but he always felt bad for not paying attention. Someone worked hard to make those. He didn’t spot Jason in the two minutes the video played and then it was too late because the plane gave a low rumble and suddenly, they were lurching into motion. His heart climbed to his throat and he gripped his fingers underneath the blanket.
“Okay Percy,” He mouthed to himself, “You can do this. It’s at most fifteen minutes of instability and then you’ll be up in the air and you won’t even feel it.”
“Just fifteen minutes.” He kept repeating, taking deep shaky breaths. “Fifteen minutes.”
The plane jaggered down the runway, slow enough that he could still read the road signs indicating altitudes and compass directions and all sorts of fun information he didn’t care about. He felt the huge machine turn into the long stretch of tar that led them to the sky and his stomach clenched painfully. This was always the worst part. Take off. It felt like his entire body flew off with the plane while he stuck to the ground, superglue cementing him to the floor with no escape. He didn’t feel free. He felt torn.
The plane gave a horrible lurch and then it was screaming down the runway, grass and yellow lines blurring past them. They were going so fast he’s sure they’d break the sound barrier. He squeezed his eyes shut. Knuckles white as he twisted his hands together. The plan flew down the road and into the sky. His whole body felt suspended in space. He wanted to come down. He didn’t want to be here. Even with his eyes closed he could feel how high they were. He hated it.
Slowly, the plane started to level out until he felt his body realign: feet under him, hands beside him, head above him. He opened his eyes, spots dancing in his vision as they got used to the light once more. The seatbelt sign dinged above him, and a series of clicks followed. People got up to use the bathroom and grab things from the overhead compartments. He wasn’t going to get up until he was out of this plane. So he shoved his headphones over his ears and pressed play.
I will always love you how I do
Let go of a prayer for you
Just a sweet word
He gazed out the window, clouds close enough to whisper to, and his lips pulled up in a soft smile. The sky was beautiful. It just sucked that they had to get into a death trap to get to it. With his ocean eyes pinned to the balls of cotton hanging in the blue expanse his mind drifted. Reyna. He blinked. It was almost shameful how little he had thought of her since their breakup considering their year together. She had taught him tai quan do and baked him blueberry tarts. They had escaped to a little bubble in the forest and watched the leaves turn brown as they tumbled in bed. He knew she tapped her right foot when she was annoyed but her left fingers danced when she was excited. He knew she liked her eggs fried hard because she didn’t have time for sloppy yolk, but she liked them scrambled soft because it meant a richer croissant. But despite this she did not light his soul on fire. And he did not light hers either. They were merely striking matches without wood to burn. He heaved a sigh as he watched the threads of his relationship flutter before his eyes and fell asleep to them disappearing in gold strands leaking into the clouds. He succumbed to the bright sun and the soft warmth of memories and he didn’t wake until a loud announcement gave the signal that they were landing.
It was over so fast he didn’t have time to panic and he was grateful. Finally he was collecting his bags and walking out. A driver with his surname scribbled on a plaque stood front and center and with a quick flash of his ID and a hello they were piling into the car. He didn’t get a chance to see the blonde beauty, but the island was small and time was a plenty. They would find each other again.
“To the hotel sir?”
“Yes Luca, and then please stick around for half an hour. It’s just a quick freshen before I go to work. We have a lab meeting.”
The man nodded and then focused on the busy Italian streets they were navigating. He took in the colours and sounds as they whizzed by. It felt like a different universe. People were loud and excited and full of life and the little markets seemed to pull energy from the sun and direct it into joy. He wanted to tell Luca, to pull over, screw work, and take in the beauty of this little section of the world. But his phone buzzed in his pocket and he knew with a disappointed sinking in his chest that adventure would have to wait.
“Hello Percy,” Rachel Elizabeth Dare bubbled, ‘I assume you’ve arrived?”
“Yes Rach,” He sighed but amusement caught between his lips, “Have you got news for me?”
“No,” She sounded suspicious, “Why would I have news for you?”
“Because you only track my exact times when you want something but you’re too scared to ask me so you wait till I’m halfway across the country before asking.” He wanted to laugh as she made an indignant sound.
“Okay fine,’ She grumbled, “I wanted to know if I could close up the scuba for the weekend. I met a girl and i wanted to go out on Friday night with her.”
He couldn’t hold in his laugh any longer, “Of course you can Rachel. But I’m curious to know…” He trailed off.
“Ugh you are impossible.” He could imagine her eye roll so vividly. “It’s Clarisse. The principal from your old school.”
“Well, well, well,” He grinned, “I better be getting premium seats to the wedding.”
“Why does everything always end in weddings for you?” She groaned.
“Scuse me for wanting a happily ever after.” He scrunched his face, “Oh and guess who’s here?”
“Is this a good guess or a bad one?”
“Good.” He smiled, “Very good.”
She gasped, speaker crackling at his ear, “Tell me!”
“Jason Grace.”
“What?” She squealed, “Are you guys going to have hot rebound sex and then realise you like each other more than just casual fuck-buddies and end up getting married and adopting like six children?”
He burst with amusement, “Slow down there Rach. I know I throw around the marriage idea, but kids seem like a big commitment.”
“You right,” She said decidedly, “Kids are a lot of effort. Just get married then. But no eloping!” He pictured the crease in her freckled brows. “I want to be a bridesmaid.”
“Can’t promise anything,” He giggled.
“Perseus Jackson!” She scolded.
“Oof the full name.”
“I will tell your mother and she will kick your ass.”
“Okay, okay,” He laughed, “No eloping. I have to go. But remember to take the keys for the scuba with you. We do not need the fire department breaking the door again.”
She grumbled about hating him and then blew him a kiss and ended the call. With a smile still playing on his lips he thanked Luca and rushed into the hotel. Thankfully the check in was painless and fast and he was stumbling into his room in no time. He barely had time to appreciate the gorgeous floor-to-ceiling windows and the ocean view it laid out before him. He promised himself he would take the time when he got back.
Quickly he hopped into the shower cursing when he realised he’d forgotten to take his socks off. With a horrified shudder he peeled them off and chucked them into the laundry basket, thankful it gets emptied every day. The water beat against his back, fogging up the glass and calming the racing in his veins. He gave himself the luxury of one extra minute to just take a deep breath and screw his head back onto his shoulders and then he jumped out and shoved on a pair of black slacks and a white button down. He didn’t bother to do the top few buttons, figuring he’d have time in the car. Instead he fastened a watch to his wrists, rolled up the sleeves till they sat at his forearms– any attempt to bear the Italian heat– and then he slid his feet into a pair of sleek ankle boots and mussed his damp curls. With half a moments glance at the mirror to make sure his face didn’t have patches of sun-cream and his collar was straight he grabbed his briefcase and walked out.
Glancing at his watch distractedly he rounded the corner, only to bump right into a hard chest.
“Oh,” He frowned, stepping back into a door. “Jason.”
“Hey,” The blonde smiled, “What a coincidence?” He laughed.
“You’re staying here?” It was really starting to feel like the universe was trying to tell him something.
‘Yep,” He gave a shy smile, blue gaze bright. “Guess you’re going to see a lot more of me then you expected huh?”
“I think you may be at more of a disadvantage than me.”
Jason looked at him, eyes dragging from his face down his body and eventually dropping to his shoes. Percy gave an involuntary shiver as the blonde tracked the same slow pace back up. “I think this could be very advantageous.”
“If you don’t stop staring at me like that I’m going to be very late for my meeting.”
He laughed, the previous sultriness giving away to a sparkle and flashing white teeth, “See you around Jackson.” He started walking away.
“Wait!” Percy called, “Date? Tonight? We can explore the city together?”
Jason smiled as bright as diamonds, “Sounds fun. Meet you in the bar at?”
He realised their time depended on when his meeting finished and suddenly, he wanted to cancel the whole thing and start now. ‘Seven thirty?”
“See you there. And have a good meeting.”
The blonde walked away, and Percy felt this time like he was floating away while his body remained superglued to the floor. He wanted to live in this feeling. Because this did not feel like being torn apart. This felt like coming home.
The elevator dinged down the passage and he crashed back to reality. With a string of curse words he raced for it and jumped in just as the doors began to close.
The meeting and subsequent lab tour felt endless and he concentrated on little less than half of what was being said, his mind more interested on the things waiting for him at the hotel, the person. But eventually it was over and him and Luca were cruising towards the Casa de Vita.
“Anything else you need sir?” His driver looked at him from the rear-view mirror as they turned into the hotel road.
“Recommend any good places for a first date?”
“Already met a lady sir?” Luca’s dark eyebrows almost touched his hairline in surprise.
“A man actually.”
The Italian chuckled, nodding his head as if in on some invisible joke, “The Tesora. It is just down the path and near the ocean.”
“Thank you Luca, have a goodnight.”
“And you sir.” Luca winked before peeling out of the entrance and fading into the setting sun.
Percy strolled to his room with a smile on his face, lost in a world full of possibilities. It was unsurprising then that he didn’t see the extra bag against the wall, or the shoes neatly placed by the door that weren’t his.
He took off his watch and undid the few buttons on his shirt, head lost to the glimmer of the ocean. He let his shirt fall open as he slipped off his shoes and walked towards the windows. The view really was spectacular. No matter how much he travelled it always blew his mind the places that existed, that he had yet to learn of. It was irresistible. It was perfect. It didn’t fail to cross his mind that the ocean was the exact same colour as a certain pair of gorgeous blue eyes. He blinked the image away, turning around, and his gaze landed on that exact aquamarine gaze.
“Jason?” He gasped, clutching his chest in surprise. “What are you doing in my room?”
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vnities · 4 years
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ϟ ━ was that EMMA VANITY around the leaky cauldron ? SHE disapparated before i could approach them ! what a pity, for they are CAPTIVATING and TENACIOUS but maybe it’s best to keep my distance because they are also HEDONISTIC and OVERINDULGED. i remember they were a SLYTHERIN back in school but have since made a name for themselves as a PROFESSIONAL QUIDDITCH PLAYER. rumor has it their stance on this alleged war is with NEUTRAL, which may explain why they remind me of NAILS LACQUERED IN A LIGHT TONE TO DISTRACT FROM THEIR SURPRISING SHARPNESS ; SWATHS OF SILK AND SATIN WRAPPED AROUND WITH CARE, TO HIDE HOW TONED YOUR BODY HAS BECOME ( VERY UNLADYLIKE, YOUR MOTHER CHASTISED ) ; ENOUGH GRIT AND AMBITION TO MAKE YOU NEARLY FOAM AT THE MOUTH WITH WANT ; A KINGS’ RANSOM WORTH OF JEWELRY, CARELESSLY STREWN AROUND YOUR ROOMS ; THE COLD AIR & SMELL OF BROOM WAX THAT HITS DURING EVERY QUIDDITCH MATCH AND TASTES LIKE FREEDOM TO YOU ( cis female / sofia carson / twenty-three / pureblood )
hello, hello, hello! my name is mar, and this is my trash daughter, emma! i have an about page for her over here, with headcanons, stats & just a few wanted connections as well & under the cut i’ll be filling out the list of stats from the main. feel free to come hit me up and we can do some plotting!!!! i’m super excited to meet you guys & write with all the amazing characters 💓✨
full name : emmanuella victoria vanidad.  monikers / nicknames : ems, em. gender & pronouns : cis female, she/her. date of birth & age : august 12, twenty-three. zodiac sign : leo sun, aries moon. orientation : bisexual, biromantic. marital status : single.  occupation : chaser & captain for the montrose magpies.
ministry file.
blood status : pureblood, distant unknown veela heritage. languages spoken : spanish, french, english, latin, some arabic. alma  mater : hogwarts, slytherin class of ‘78 ( i think ).  academical  accomplishments : chaser on the quidditch team, captain for four years, member of the slug club, chess club & potions club. n.e.w.t.’s :  potions — o, charms — o, history of magic — o, herbology — p, transfiguration — o, study of ancient runes — e. wand : elm wood, white river monster spine, 14½”, inflexible.  amortentia : ogden’s old firewhiskey, jasmine flowers, wakefield’s broom wax. boggart : herself, dressed as an old-timey housewife, with a shiny golden ring on her finger and shackles around her wrist.  patronus : a dolphin, though she struggles casting.  affiliations :  neutral.  known relations : antonella vanity — mother, bautista vanity — father, cressida vanity — older sister †.
faceclaim : sofia carson. hair colour / style : dark brown, often worn straight & down, with the exception of special events or quidditch matches.  eye colour / shape : hazel, almond shaped. height : 163 cm or 5'4". build : athletic, lean.  recognizable markings : various small quidditch-related scars, a leaf-shaped birthmark on her right hip.
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ewoodx · 4 years
ETHAN WOOD SEASON 3 !! [GREGG SULKIN , MALE , HE/HIS ] do you hear [PHENOMENAL BY EMINEM ] coming from the beach ? oh, that has to be [ ETHAN WOOD] . they are a [ TWENTY THREE ] year old [PROFESSIONAL SOCCER PLAYER ] from the outer banks, and they’ve been living there for [TWENTY TWO YEARS ] . they were chosen to be on the show because they are a [ KOOK] , but really , I heard it’s because they can be [ ILL TEMPERED  & DEMANDING ] . if you get to know them though , they’re pretty [PROTECTIVE & ENERGETIC] . they might become a quick audience favorite due to their [ SIGNATURE SMIRK, PRETTY BOY CHARM & RIPPLING PECTORALS]
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Hello hello hello !! I’m Ally & this is the updated bio for Ethan Wood, your favorite arrogant, footballer with a hot temper && a secret heart of gold..I promise ;) Shoot me a message if you’re interested in plotting.
Full name;  Ethan Alexander Wood
Nicknames; E, Wood
Age; 22
School; UNC
Birthday; August 19th
Height; 5’11 but he’ll tell you he’s 6ft
Parents; Oliver and Heidi Wood
Siblings; two brothers: Julian (older) & Damian (younger)
Occupation; Striker for Inter Miami FC 
Birth place; the eight, OBX 
Current location; Miami 
Sign; Leo
(+) ; protective & energetic.
(-) ; ill-tempered & demanding
Sexuality; heterosexual
Pogue or Kook; Kook
Character Inspiration;  zach siler (she’s all that) chuck bass (gossip girl), mickey milkovich (shameless), damon salvatore (vampire diaries) tim riggins (friday night lights) asher adams (all american) billy hope (southpaw) joe kingman (the game plan), ares (greek mythology) 
Ethan Wood was born and raised to do one thing and one thing only: play soccer. Being the middle child of legendary University of North Carolina starting forward Olivier Wood and renowned athleisure wear designer Daphne Wood, there was only one path for this budding young soccer prodigy. And it was to follow in daddy’s footsteps donning the prestigious Carolina blue and white of his father’s alma mater. 
His childhood was pleasant, raised on his family’s estate in the coveted Eight and filled with family getaways and father/son trips to UNC/Wake Forest rivalry matches. Matches that he hoped to one day play in. Young Ethan was a natural talent and he picked up the game rather quickly, spending every free moment practicing in the yard or scribbling down strategies. He wanted nothing more than to make his father proud and carry on his legacy. 
Ethan was sent to one of the finest private schools on the island that money could buy. Of course, he wasn’t there for his grades and what he lacked in brains, his skills on the field made up for. He made varsity soccer his freshman year and then went on to become captain during his senior year, reveling in all the perks that came with being a star athlete: parties, hookups, popularity. As Ethan’s athletic abilities along with his ego continued to grow, so did his competitive edge, arrogance, and hot temper which is known for getting him into trouble on and off the pitch. He’s no stranger to an alcohol induced bawl and struggles to keep his temper under control. 
It’s no secret that in the OBX money talks and Mr. Wood had deep pockets. A library donation and a legacy later, Ethan finally realized his dream and secured a spot on his beloved UNC soccer team. His temper being the reason for the trouble in the first place. It didn’t take long for him to become the frat star worthy of his reputation. Sure, he had to overcome those pesky freshman years, team hazing, and locker room banter, even spending the half a season on the bench for his hot headed temper. Nonetheless, he managed to make a name for himself even if slightly tarnished.
Fresh off his college graduation, Ethan returned to the Outer Banks with his sights set on playing professional soccer in the upcoming season. Before entering the real world in the fall, he joined the show for one last hurrah and boy did he get what he signed up for. The summer was filled with all sorts of shenanigans, parties, booze, and hook-ups. 
Ethan rounded out the first season of OBX rather unscathed, save for a secret hook-up and an unlikely friendship that he formed with a pogue. He gained some notoriety from the show and it was a perfect launch for his new life in the public eye.  
Ethan started footy training in the fall after the reality show ended, and he played for Inter Miami FC, a team owned by David Beckham himself. He took up residence in Miami for the soccer season and traveled the country with his team becoming the soccer star he always wanted to be. His rookie season was one for the books, and if you thought his ego couldn’t get any bigger, check again. 
In his off time, Ethan maintained his growing popularity by making appearances at all the Miami hot spots and keeping up a rather impressive social media presence, constantly posting his fitness routines and workouts in addition to his nights out. This earned him a reputation off the pitch, and his name managed to find its way into the local papers and magazines. He did his best to keep in touch with his friends from the show despite his busy schedule, and even visited the OBX whenever he could. 
With his first professional soccer season in the books, Ethan returned to the reality show for another summer, much to his PR team’s dismay who was working to clean up with reputation, not add to it. It was another summer filled with partying, booze, and messing around. A well deserved celebration after a triumphant soccer season. Ethan grew closer with his housemates and even started forming stronger connections with some of them as family, friends, or more. 
High off another successful season of Outer Banks, Ethan went back to Miami with a newfound air of confidence about him and an extra pep in his step. He worked and trained twice as hard, determined to play even better than last year. He managed to  keep up his scoring average and earned ‘man of the match’ in several games. Ethan spent less time in the OBX, but instead invited his buddies to come matches and come visit whenever he got the chance. He loved to preform and there was something about having the cast around that made him play even better. 
With only a handful of games left, Ethan suffered an injury that cut his season short. He tore his MCL and spent the months leading up to the summer recovering and going to physical therapy in Miami. His PR team advised him against returning to the show to focus on getting in shape for the upcoming season, but Ethan couldn’t pass up the opportunity to spend the summer in Australia with his crew. 
Ethan got into his fair share of Pogues vs Kooks scuffles back in high school. Nights filled with stupid boyish banter, booze, and blows. He likes to think he’s above all the rivalry now— playing pro ball and all—  but sometimes he still struggles to truly let go of the past and be the bigger person. He’s an athlete though and though, and rivalries are all just a part of the game.
Despite the ever present confident air about him, Ethan is super generous especially when it comes to nights out and tipping. He is always happy to pick up the tab and doll out rounds of shots for him and his buddies at no charge. As selfish as he can be sometimes, he loves it when his friends are having a good time and is a firm believer in the more the merrier.
To help him keep his tempter on and off the pitch under control, Ethan got into boxing/mma and incorporates it into his workouts whenever he can. He can be found either going to a gym to practice his upper cuts or on beach working on them on his own. He does it mostly for fun, but every now and again finds himself having to throw down. 
For the most part, Ethan can’t really cook, but on the off chance he’s not sneaking out after a one night stand, he makes a killer breakfast, usually in his boxers.
He has secret love for astronomy and mythology particularly hero myths and the stories behind the constellations. Growing up, he always found them fascinating and was the only one of his brothers who would actually sit and listen to his grandfather babble on about them. Those were some of his most cherished memories, and he often celebrates his goals by blowing a kiss to the heavens to dedicate them the ol’ man. 
Moana is his absolute favorite Disney movie, and he will never say no to watching it. He also thinks Maui is the shit and knows all of the words to “You’re Welcome” by heart. Beware, he will actually belt it out if asked.
let’s make ‘em jealous; There’s no denying that Ethan and this person have chemistry. They are super flirty and all over each other, but in reality it’s all a rouse. They aren’t really into one another and are merely using each other to stir up some drama, cause a scene, and make the ones that really do catch their eyes jealous.  [OPEN]
the role model; Ethan didn’t really have many positive role models to look up to growing up, mainly just his father and his toxic masculinity. This person helps Ethan balance all that out and helps him deal with all those pesky emotions he was taught to keep suppressed inside in order to “be a man.” This person also keeps him in check and isn’t afraid to give him a much needed smack to the upside of the head when necessary. [OPEN]
the rival; To say Ethan is competitive is the understatement of the century, and he and this person have a rivalry for the ages. The two don’t like each other and this person never fails to get under Ethan’s skin. It could have even started back in school and carried over to now. Perhaps the reason Ethan had some trouble getting into UNC for soccer? Bonus points if they have to put all their differences aside and work together at some point for a common goal. [OPEN]
the hook-ups; Ethan really isn’t the type to stick around after a hook-up and is usually out before the sun comes up, never wanting to get attached. If anyone wants to give him a much deserved slap upside the head or just wants to keep things casual and flirty, let me know! [OPEN]
the real bros; for those looking for a second muse, Ethan has two brothers xD. Julian and Damian (names can totally change! I just headcannon them all ending in -an) He has one older brother who rejected the athlete/UNC/kook life leaving Ethan with the pressure to fill daddy’s soccer boots. They had a fall out and their relationship is shaky at best. Ethan also has a baby bro who he is definitely closer with. They get on rather typically through harmless banter and school boy shenanigans. He also has an innate protectiveness over him because he is older. [OPEN]
Totally open to anything and everything, so feel free to shoot me a message!! Also if you read all that WOW. You are the real MVP.
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redwylde · 5 years
Lightning McQueen for ask
Favourite Thing About Them
He is a cocky little shit who survives by being extra every second he can. Even as an old man, aged and wise, he will miss no opportunity to be a smartass. Look at this.
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Least Favourite Thing About Them
I'm not a fan of his Radiator Springs livery, I know that's blasphemous but I'll always prefer his stickers look.
Favorite Line
Lightning / Mater, they are the CUTEST best friends.
Can it be anything other than SalQueen?
Lightning x Cruz or Jackson
That is his DAUGHTER and that is a BITCH. NO THANKS.
Random Headcanon
Lightning has a collection of little mementos from his travels to and from races. Where his trailer used to be plastered wall to wall in his own merchandise he now has keepsakes from Radiator Springs and other places of value to him close by, where he can look at them and feel at peace.
Unpopular Opinion
The alternate ending of Cars 3 where Lightning beat Jackson on his own wearing Doc's livery is canon, I don't make the rules.
"Hey Jackson; Storm's over" is the biggest dick line I have ever heard so it's canon now.
Song I Associate With Them
Either Up In The Air by 30 Seconds To Mars (his big crash, training, desperately clinging to his life as a racer)
or You're Not There by Lukas Graham (grieving Doc's death)
Favourite Picture Of Them
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THIS ONE, from the Radiator Springs 500 1/2 short we got by the Tales or Radiator Springs TV series. I caught it on a pause and I've been crying ever since.
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And this one from another Tales of Radiator Springs episode that either never aired or it was removed from broadcast shortly after when the show got cancelled, I can't remember.
I've never seen this one but apparently some new police cars come to Radiator Springs to make the town more safe and they go way overboard, so our boy Lightning over here gets busted for speeding (I think the joke is he was driving under the speed limit in town) and they put him back in driving school, stick huge indicators on him and the student driver sign, it sounded amazing tbh lmao this is the only picture I've been able to find of it and look at his little shit face, this little asshole car. Pixar did an amazing job making a car SO expressive. Lightning is one of the most expressive characters I've ever known.
And fuck it, this one too. He's SO EXTRA and I love it.
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Avatar Hunk AU Sneak Peek
So, I wanted to have a few Avatar Hunk stories ready for @hunk-appreciation-week , but I bit off more than I could chew & don’t have any of them done. To compensate, I thought I would share some backstory, Headcanon, story ideas, and other stuff that I want to put in my Avatar Hunk AU.
Part 1 - The Premise
Before I get too far, I need to give credit where credit is due. @avatarpabu97 was the one who originated the idea of Hunk being the new Avatar. I thought it was cute at first, but the more they shared about their Headcanon & the more I thought about it, the more I realized how it was a fantastic idea. It fit with the cycle of the preceding Avatar shows, it gave our favorite sunshine boi a chance to shine, and it could lead to some awesome stories that combine the best of Voltron AND Avatar! @avatarpabu97 had a lot of cool ideas for what kind of Bender everyone would be and who would be where, and our ideas might overlap in some spots. But I had a few ideas of my own for how the Voltron folks would fit in the Avatar universe.
Anyway, the Premise. For my Avatar Hunk AU, it would be set in the world of Avatar about 70-80 years after the events of Legend of Korra. The tech levels would be more advanced than what we have (given their access to Spirit Energy, Bending, etc.), but not quite on, say, Star Trek levels. Korra has died (of old age, or at least peacefully in her home), and the world has started to look for the new Avatar. But given the technological advancements made since Korra’s time, this is seen as more of a side quest by the general public. The White Lotus & the New Air Nation dispatch a few teams, and some ambitious mover producers decide to create game shows to find the new Avatar, but for the rest of the world, life moves on. A new research and development corporation, Galra Tech, starts to make serious advances in harnessing Spirit Energy. The CEO, Zarkon Daibazaal, is a suave businessman who started his company to help people. But having all this power at his disposal leads to corruption, and the chief scientist for his company - his wife, Honerva - has been performing more and more unsettling experiments. They may have plans to invade the Spirit World to reap untold power, conquer the world, yadda yadda yadda. So the Avatar will be needed once more to prevent the exploitation of the Spirit World, another Spirits vs Humans war, and possibly the destruction of the planet? Haven’t planned that far yet.
Part 2 - The Characters
Hunk - Born and raised in Zhao Fu, Tsuyoshi Hershel Seidou Garrett is the only son of Tsuyoshi Garrett, an Earthbender (and a distant descendant of Haru from the original series), and Lisa Seidou, whose family immigrated from the Northern Water Tribe after the Earth Empire dissolved. His nickname was a misnomer, since he was a very small baby, but he quickly grew into it. His parents always knew their child was special (Spirits used to gravitate towards him when he was a baby, he took to Earthbending like a turtle duck to water when he was five, he started Metalbending & helping his father in the family Satomobile shop when he was ten, and he’s always been the sort to end disputes & help those in need), but they wanted Hunk to discover his destiny on his own, let him decide if he should let the world know he is the Avatar. Hunk earns an academic scholarship to the Hiroshi Sato School of Technology & Exploration at Republic City University, where he meets a colorful group of friends & discovers the dangers of Galra Tech’s Spirit Energy experiments. When Hunk starts to realize he’s the Avatar, he’s not sure what to think. I mean, the Avatar is supposed to save the world every other week, isn’t he? And the Avatar’s always been some confident badass who can take out armies by themselves & never backs down from a fight. Hunk wants to help however he can, but he’s not sure he has what it takes to be the Avatar. Until he realizes just how much is on the line, in which case Hunk decides it doesn’t matter if the Spirits made a mistake or if someone else should be the Avatar. He has the ability to help others, and he’ll do whatever he can to save the people he loves.
Gyrgan - Hunk’s animal companion, an Armadillo Lion. Hunk saved him from poachers when he was a cub, and the two have been inseparable ever since. Gyrgan is slow to trust new people, but once he has accepted someone in his life he becomes a giant lap kitty. Threatening those he loves, however, can lead to a death more terrifying than failing an Altean linguistics class. Hunk has taught him proper manners, so he’s not a menace & is permitted to be boarded at RCU. Much like Naga and Appa, he’s huge & can be ridden by Hunk, but typically won’t let others ride.
Lance McClain - A Waterbending mischief maker from Whale Tail Island, Lance and his family move to Zhao Fu when Lance is 12 years old. The two instantly bond over their love of “Nuktuk, Hero of the South” (who, much like Captain America and Wonder Woman, has evolved past his propaganda origins into a pop culture hero with multiple reboots, spinoffs, and Saturday morning cartoons). Lance isn’t quite the scholar Hunk is, but he does manage to get into RCU on a Probending scholarship & is excited to go to his sister Veronica’s alma mater. Until he finds a certain big-eyed mullet boy is on his Probending team & in his classes (not sure how far the Klance stuff is going to go, because I have little writing experience & even less experience with LGBT+ rep. But I want it to keep true to the 30+ years of Klance sexual tension that dates back to GoLion.) Still, when the world starts to fall apart, Lance won’t be left out of the action. (Might also make Lance a descendant of Sokka and Suki, but not sure how to work that into the story)
Katie “Pidge” Holt - The daughter of the head of the Technology department at RCU, Pidge is a child prodigy when it comes to computers. She manages to skip a few grades & get into the Hiroshi Sato School of Technology at the age of 15. Pidge has a pet Owl Cat named Rover who becomes instant besties with Gyrgan. Pidge’s mother was the daughter of Air Acolytes, and Pidge is a skilled Airbender. However, Pidge doesn’t really connect well with others. Until she gets to Computer Algorhithms class and meets Hunk, the first person close to her age who not only understands her techno jargon, but contributes with his own tech knowledge instead of scoffing & calling her a nerd or teacher’s kid. She’s not so sure about his buddy/roommate Lance, but he kind of grows on her & they eventually bond over their love of Space Sword video games. Pidge’s brother Matt was interning at Galra Tech when their experiments in the Spirit World started to spiral out of control, and Pidge will do whatever it takes to bring him home. Even if it means fighting the entirety of the Spirit World.
Keith Kogane - You know how Mako & Bolin had it rough, growing up on the streets after their parents were killed by a Firebender? Now imagine if either one had to do it alone & never knew what happened to their mother because she took off when they were babies. After Keith’s father is killed in a freak industrial accident, the young Firebender falls in with the Blade of Marmora Triad. He’s caught during a raid by Detective Takashi Shirogane and his partner Ulaz, a former Blade, but instead of putting him juvenile detention Shiro decides to give the kid a shot at a new life (maybe he shows mercy to someone the Blades ordered him to kill, or he has impressive Firebending skills, or Shiro’s a sucker for mullets). Keith starts channeling his aggression into Probending, playing against a certain hotshot from Whale Tail Island over the years, and he eventually gets into the Lin Beifong School of Criminal Justice at RCU. He’s less than thrilled to be on the school’s Probending team with Lance, and after Shiro disappears Keith considers dropping out. But when Shiro reappears (backstory below), Keith will put aside his petty rivalry with Lance and help Shiro with taking down Galra Tech once and for all.
Takashi “Shiro” Shirogane - A skilled Metalbender & brilliant detective, Shiro is everything Hunk thinks an Avatar should be. Intuitive, compassionate, a great leader, skilled in a fight - is there any chance Raava can pick this guy to save the world? But one night, Shiro & his partner Ulaz (not sure if they’re just platonic partners or if they’re also partner-partners, also not sure where Adam & Curtis will come in if they exist at all) are sneaking through a Galra Tech laboratory after receiving anonymous tips that Honerva was capturing Spirits to experiment on, an explosion destroys the building. Shiro loses his partner, his arm, and six months of his life (which Honerva May or May not be responsible for). When he finally returns to his Republic City apartment, he’s visibly distraught by the lost time & a vague memory of something horrible coming. Pidge & Hunk work together to make Shiro a prosthetic he controls with Metalbending, at which point Shiro realizes Hunk is the Avatar & warns him about the Spiritpocalypse. Hunk isn’t sure what Shiro expects him to do about it, and Shiro promises to stand by his side in the coming war to defend humanity & avenge Ulaz.
Allura & Coran will also be part of the story, but I haven’t quite figured out their motivations or backstories yet. Allura will be a powerful Healer from the Northern Water Tribe (not sure if she’ll be a Princess or the daughter of Alfor of Altea Industries, a company that was bought out by Galra Tech through shady deals, corporate espionage, and some old friend backstabbing), and Coran will be Varrick’s grandson & heir to Varrick Industries.
Part 3 - The Stories
I’ve only got a couple of plots right now, but more are coming.
1) A New Beginning - this will be a prologue for the series, confirming the death of Avatar Korra & introducing everyone to baby Hunk. We’ll also get to see Tsuyoshi, Lisa, and a bit of their extended family. Expect maximum cuteness. This is the only story I’ve started so far, and I have it all figured out in my head. I just need to transcribe it.
2) The Boy and the Armadillo Lion - this will be how Hunk meets Gyrgan & when he starts to suspect he might be the Avatar. There will be some tough stuff in here regarding poaching, but most of the animal torture will be implied. One of those “this guy needs to be returned to his mother/oh, don’t worry, he’ll be with his mother soon enough” situations. We’ll see “a boy and his future pet” bonding similar to Hiccup & Toothless, lots of fighting & chasing, and Baby’s First Avatar State. Also debating if I want Old Man Meelo to make a cameo. I love the idea of Meelo deciding to be a hermit in the Swamp because the Avatar’s going to need a cooky wise old mentor in the swamp, but it may raise too many questions if he watches Hunk fight off the poachers without doing anything to help. Maybe Hunk will ride through the Swamp on his way to RCU while wrestling with his insecurities about being the Avatar, and after fighting a few Swamp Hallucinations in the form of past Korra baddies Meelo will pop out of nowhere like Rafiki saying something like “You forgot to be the leaf!”
3) A series of vignettes about young Hunk developing his Bending skills. Earthbending sand castles with his dad, figuring out Metalbending while watching him work on his uncle’s racing Satomobile (oh, he has an Uncle Filo who races Satomobiles professionally), thinking he’s using Lavabending to weld a broken pipe (but Tsuyoshi realizes it’s Firebending), healing his friend Lance when he gets scraped up after trying to pull off a Nuktuk dive while their families vacation at Lake Laogai (which, without the Dai Lee hideout, is a fairly popular vacation spot), that sort of thing.
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theonceoverthinker · 6 years
OUAT 2X07 - Child of the Moon
...Do I seriously have nothing better to do than just sit around writing long ass reviews for a show that already ended?
...Well then, I suppose ANITA LIFE!
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Shut up, you love them. Now go under the cut for some actually semi-intelligent thoughts!
Press Release
Ruby’s fear about turning into a wolf during the first curse-free Storybrooke full moon is confirmed when one of the town’s residents is viciously murdered, and Ruby is the prime suspect; Decker - aka King George - threatens to expose David as a shepherd, not a prince, and not fit to run the town as sheriff; and Leroy stumbles upon some treasure in the Storybrooke mine that could help bring Mary Margaret and Emma back into our world. Meanwhile, in the fairytale land that was, Red Riding Hood finds a kindred spirit in Anita (Annabeth Gish), a charismatic and mysterious leader of a pack of humans who, like Red, turn out to be wolves.
General Thoughts - Characters/Stories/Themes and Their Effectiveness
Red’s journey in this episode is so well put together. The insecurities established in “Red-Handed” and then re-established here about her half-wolf identity acts as a great source of conflict. You can see how that sense of fear is decreased as Red spends more time with the wolfpack, and after establishing that bond, gets tested against an equally powerful bond with Snow. This is a great conflict because it’s entirely character based and expands on what we already know about Red.
Not all segments need a message to work, but their needs to be some level of growth, and while it does happen to Ruby, it’s only through being given information and a pep talk that she’s able to reaffirm her control over her wolf form. While I genuinely liked this segment for it’s plot, characters, pacing, and the broader story, I feel like Ruby was somewhat sidelined in her own episode because what is reinforced is never gleamed through her own experiences or anything that she learns about herself. It’s David who investigates the mystery and he and Belle who never give up hope while Ruby largely defaults to regarding the situation as her fault until David gives her the evidence to contradict that. While I commend Ruby for being a realist and very mature about her situation, I wish that there had been a moment where she attempted for her own happiness (Think like a “Let It Go” moment) or if there was a moment that she noticed that called her murder into doubt.
Insights - Stream of Consciousness
-Those mine crystals look so bad! XD
-You better not be driving after drinking that beer, David! You’ve got a kid in the car!
-I’ll take those 38 lasagnas!
-Ruby is so amazingly mature. She understands her capabilities, but takes into account risks as to protect others.
-Snow is one hell of a fighter!
-Also, I can’t help but feel like that’s the first time Snow ever saw her wanted poster (This is before she met David). Look at that amazing frustration and sadness in her eyes as she’s seen how Regina has scarred her reputation. And that’s all before she and Red even converse about it moments later. Great acting, Ginny!
-I can’t get over how great Red’s costume is. It’s perfectly balanced between being something that gels with the classic fairytale while still looking like something a young adult would wear.
-Stranger stalking Red: You might want to get your eyes checked for jaundice! XD
-”Wh-wh-what are you doing here? Where’s David?” Damn, that hurt just watching it. I can’t even imagine how Regina must feel hearing Henry all but reject her comfort. :(
-”He got an emergency call this morning and asked me to look after you.” Good job, David! That was very good pushing aside your hatred of Regina for Henry’s sake!
-I just realized that Ruby is essentially Elsa in this episode! XD
-Ruby is fucking tough as nails! We’ve got to get her into a Street Fighter movie or something!
-I really want to know more about Quinn! The actor played him very well and he has this air to himself of both a vagabound and someone with something a bit deeper to him. Like, he’s an octave down from Killian on the drama-meter.
-”Is this some kind of trick?” Red, don’t follow the man into the scary basement until he answers that very important question! Didn’t Granny teach you stranger danger?!
-I want to live in an underground castle! Holy shit! I’d have all the space I want, stay cool, AND avoid other people! Hell to the fucking yeah!
-”I’m your mother.” My season 4 vibes and her later attitude are compelling me to say “I don’t care.”
-”It’s Billy’s truck.” “Who do you call to tow a tow truck.” It’s my personal headcanon that Billy’s truck is Mater from Cars. XD
-”I certainly never cared what would happen to them after they woke up...until now.” I love that look Henry gives Regina as she says this. It’s such a subtle Regal Believer moment.
-”Sometimes in sleep.” Why do I feel like that line was specifically put there for ass covering?
-”Once one controls something, one no longer need fear it.” Another instance of a villainous character (Though not in this episode!) giving the moral of the episode! That said, I wish it was said to Ruby herself, but I’m not peeved about that. Also, Rumple’s posture is incredibly comforting as he crouches to Henry’s level and gives him the necklace for free, giving some nice pre-confirmed Grandpa Gold feels.
-Charming! Good job calling out your cursed self for his shittiness!
-It may just be the result of my recent foray into the MCU, but I am getting some crazy Ego vibes odd of Anita.
-”That thing. That she-wolf.” George, you are the WORST.
-”Protecting your friend instead of everyone else.” He literally has her locked in a jail cell! It’s not like he’s forcing her to roam free!
-That was a great display of a Gopro camera on a wolf!
-I like how the montage was unclear about the exact amount of time it took between Red’s entrance into the castle and that latest transformation.
-George, you have the tiniest fucking group possible for this rebellion! How successful do you really think you’re going to be?
-I like the visual cue that the wolf gang sleeps like a pack.
-”Of course not.” I love how Snow clearly doesn’t believe that Red’s pack will hurt her, but still wants to be supportive of Red.
-”David see the good in you.” Ummm, what about you, Belle? Girl, you know I love you, but you already know all about Ruby’s goodness! She took you in!
-”I’m sort of an expert when it comes to rehabilitation.” Ummm, I’d say you’re getting there, but expert is a little too much.
-”I need to pay for all I’ve done.” Umm, Ruby. Your old village couldn’t kill you. What makes you this the D-List Storybrooke mob will do any better?
-I don’t know why, but I find it so funny that King George’s cursed name is “Spencer.” I think it just makes me think of iCarly.
-”May you always run free below the moon’s pale light.” This is a really well written line and I wish we could’ve heard it again outside of this episode.
-I like how in the D-List Storybrooke mob, only one person had the common sensibility to bring a fucking flashlight!
-Granny! You could’ve killed someone! That was a big Michael Bay-worthy explosion! I can only hope you sensed that that building was abandoned beforehand otherwise you’d have a body count!
-So someone in the D-List Storybrooke mob calls out “we’re not sheep,” and I’m just laughing because they followed George on a fucking dime!
-So I love how this is more or less David’s arc in “White Out” as well! XD
-George is so fucking confident about that hat, like there aren’t at least a couple of other magical items in this town! XD
-Also, how the hell did he get the hat?
-Red’s monologue in the final leg of the flashback has me thinking: What happened when Red and Granny reunited after the events of this flashback? There must’ve been some serious resentment on Red’s part and I wish we got to see how that resolved itself.
-Ruby, not that that run isn’t well earned, but you owe Belle on hell of an apology!
-Snow, your clothes are so clean right now! Did you find a laundromat in the Enchanted Forest?
Arcs - How are These Storylines Progressing?
Storybrooke getting Snow and Emma back - We gain one method of communicating with the EF and lose a way of getting there. I find that this arc is pretty good so far. The steps feel appropriately paced and I enjoy that the arc actually has a dead end. It makes for opportunities to use more characters (Ruby, King George, and Jefferson) and given them growth while allowing for the plot to feel more like a journey.
Rumple’s Redemption - I pointed this out in “Insights,” but Rumple’s more comforting attitude towards Henry, especially since neither knows they’re related yet, is a good follow-up step to the redemption that Rumple’s attempting for himself that was established in “Broken.”
Favorite Dynamic
Red and Snow - Red and Snow’s friendship has always been this nice delight, and in this episode, there’s a marvelous setup and payoff to it. Snow is beyond supportive to Red, understanding her and yet still fighting for a future where they can be happy and safe together. Like, she risks traveling by Regina’s bloodthirsty men for Red and is willing to give the wolfpack the benefit of the doubt for her! And even whe Red opts to stay with the wolfpack, Snow is nothing but understanding and gives a very in-character reason as to why! Honestly, I’m borderline shipping these two because they’re so good together!
Last season’s human home runs (Ian and Andrew) are at it again. The writing for this episode is largely great, using very rich dialogue and a good theme of taking control of your own life to deliver two well put together segments.
10/10. This is a legitimately great episode. It’s entertaining, and our mains are in fine form. The lore of the OUAT world is used well, as it contributes to the story in the past segment and not just the plot (An important distinction). While I take a small issue with a less impactful Ruby in the present, it simply doesn’t take away from the incredible storytelling that goes on elsewhere throughout both segments.
Flip My Ship - Home of All Things “Shippy Goodness”
Billy/Ruby - While I never thought much of them in “The Price of Gold,” their bit of flirting is absolutely heartwarming and Ruby’s grief following Billy’s death is so sad.
Red Beauty - These two! These fucking two! Belle and Ruby are just the two most supportive beans in the world! Also, “think of it as girl’s night.” Am I the only one thinking about how chains and whips can be quite exciting, especially when one’s hungry like the wolf?!
Sorry if this review was a little simplistic. Sometimes, there’s not a lot to say about an episode other than “this was good,” and I didn’t just want to say that a million times, but next time I’ll make like that episode’s title and see how “Into the Deep” I can go! For now, thank you for reading and to the fine folks at @watchingfairytales for putting this project together and giving my reviews a home on their page!
Season 2 Tally (67/220)
Writer Tally for Season 2:
Adam Horowitz and Edward Kitsis: (20/60)
Jane Espenson (17/50)
Andrew Chambliss and Ian Goldberg (20/50)
David Goodman (10/30)
Robert Hull (10/30)
Christine Boylan (7/30)
Tags: ouat, once upon a time, watching fairytales, ouat episode code, ouat rewatch, jenna watches ouat, ships mentioned
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gxmumu · 3 years
ecker, RACHEL
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born: jan 1, 1945 (76 years old) appears: 45 years old zodiac: capricorn hometown: Manhattan, NY ability: rapid regeneration
bio – tw: torture 
Rachel’s parents escaped Copenhagen right at the start of the war, coming to American with connections from an uncle who’d moved a handful of years prior.
They were considered lucky, by all accounts, despite the fact most of their family perished in Denmark, having been taken to camps. 
New York was as good a place to settle as any and the Eckers began their family 5 years after moving to the states.
Rachel was born on a cold winter night, in the early hours of a new year and for a while, things were good. Sure, her father had been a respected banker before now relegated to working in a local shop and even if her mother had been a housewife before, she didn’t mind her new job as a seamstress.
It was a simple life, but Rachel was brought up with care and love and the knowledge that her parents had narrowly escaped a very different fate. 
The first signs of change came when Rachel was eight years old. She and some other children were playing on the sidewalk, chasing a ball when it went into the streets and Rachel dove after it. She didn’t see the car, and the car didn’t see her.
She was like a rag doll, flying through the air. The pain was immense and hope was slim. Her parents came running, on their way to rush her to the hospital when they noticed her arm wasn’t quite bent the wrong way anymore...and her broken nose didn’t look as crooked as before...the blood was lessening, her collar bone straightening, her knees mending and her breathing evening ou.
To say it terrified them was an understatement as the first real signs of Rachel’s ability showed themselves.  
They said it was a miracle, that God had saved their daughter the way he’d saved them. There’d been too many witnesses to deny it had happened but, thankfully, no witnesses to see their daughter’s body heal itself. Their local doctor, a family friend, had no explanation apart from a miracle as well and so...they believed it. 
As years went on, however, it was clear that Rachel was not normal and as more things began to show themselves, the stricter her parents became. They were terrified of what might happen if someone were to see what she could do –– how she healed, and so they did everything they could to protect her from harm.
She wasn’t allowed to play with other kids anymore, wasn’t allowed to do anything that might remotely cause injury (biking, running, swimming). They kept a tight leash out of fear and eventually, it pulled too tight.
Rachel rebelled and it cost her more than she knew. 
She was sixteen and went sledding with friends late one night, past her curfew, and certainly not approved by her parents.
So when she was sent flying off the sled, into a light post, the secret was out. Her arm had broken in two places but was setting itself right within minutes and the deep cut on her head stopped bleeding far too fast as it knit itself together. 
Rachel begged her friends not to say anything, trying to explain that her injuries only looked worse than they’d been.
The whispers started shortly thereafter. It was only a mater of time before people came and when they did, there was nothing to be done to stop them. 
Rachel remembers waking up to her father’s voice shouting at someone to stop before a hand went over her mouth and darkness filled her vision.
When she woke up, it was on a cold table in a sterile room that became home for the next four years. 
Even she can’t recall everything that went on, what she went through. Still, memories come to her in dreams, the glint of a blade before it was lowered, cutting from her sternum down to her naval. The sensation of ribcages being cracked open, of organs being poked and prodded, all while they kept her awake. Sedated but aware. Blinded by pain, but unable to succumb to it. 
For four years this went on and her spirits broke, along with the others there. Mutants. Abominations. Spawn of Satan. Words that weren’t so different from those spoke overseas not so long ago. 
There didn’t seem to be an end in sight until one day she was on the table when the tools began shaking, when the lights started to flicker and anything metal went flying. 
Rescue seemed a foreign concept –– a distant dream that would never actually happen so when it did...Rachel wasn’t sure how to process it. She and the others rescued from the government facility were told of a way to make things right, an organization that would care for them and fight for them so long as they fought for it.
Her parents had been killed the night they came for her. She didn’t have anyone else and despite not knowing where she fit in...Rachel knew that peace was a lie. Her family had exchanged one horror for another in America. The promise of freedom hadn’t been made to them and she didn’t think it ever would. So she joined, having no where else to go.
She speaks English, Danish and German primarily growing up. Over the years she’s learned Hebrew, French and Spanish.
Rachel began noticing her aging, or lack thereof, when she was thirty, still looking like she was in her early 20s. 
She’s filled many roles for the Brotherhood over the years, first as a recruiter, later as a fighter. It turns out that her inability to be mortally wounded (and succumb) made her an ideal candidate to go on certain, more dangerous missions. 
She changed her name upon joining the Brotherhood to Rachel Howell and 15 years later took on Rachel Ecker again.
Rachel was never able to bury her parents but was able to reclaim some of their items through a third party from their landlord who’d kept several of their belongings. Their deaths had been ruled as part of a home invasion, with Rachel presumed kidnapped. 
She feels most at peace outside, having dreamt about freedom those first years she’d been a lab rat and she still doesn’t keep any door completely shut. 
She “left” the Brotherhood in a formal capacity in 2000, but still supports their cause in other ways. 
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whipplefilter · 7 years
do you think sarge can see his army friends ghosts on halloween but nobody else can so they're scared of him because he's talking to cars who supposedly aren't there and think he's crazy for that day and he just hides in his store sort of lonely talking to the ghosts until midnight
Nah, Radiator Springs doesn’t think he’s crazy. The ghosts do come, though, and Sarge’s friends do worry. It’s a difficult circumstance to try to address, but everyone–including Sarge–does their best. Here’s a little fic about it! 
Just a head’s up for readers: This fic contains supernaturally-tinged depictions of PTSD. It also borrows from @greenpanic6‘s Lightning-with-depression headcanon.
And one more note: This is a ghost story, but it’s not a horror story. 🎃
fic: Ghosts Story
The way Fillmore tells it, there is a ghost in the machine. And these ghosts, they can make All Hallow’s Eve a treacherous thing. Because sometimes, they come back.
It’s Daniels first, who’d never properly been in the war. He’d stalled out during a cold water training maneuver back in McClellan and that was that. There was a war on, after all, and not nearly enough materiel to go around. The first thing he says about Radiator Springs is that it’s a place he’d always imagine ending up, and he likes what Sarge has done with the place.
As ghosts go, Daniels himself is harmless, almost charming. But ghosts need not be vengeful to haunt.
Carhartt and Grey are next. They don’t say anything at all, their hoods puckered by artillery fire and their engines blown to nothing.
Sarge drinks his oil in the morning and tries not to look at them. He stares at the soft film of red sand that blew over the town last night. Ramone asks if he’s okay.
Ramone knows, though–even if he’s the least willing to admit it. Sarge’s ghosts come every year.
The town worries about him, he knows. Especially now that they don’t have Doc to look to. Their worry is worse than the memories. He’s never really talked about it, and no one’s ever brought it up, but every Halloween the town tries its best to get busy and Sarge gets scarce. And if this is not entirely a winning strategy, it’s the best applicable option.
That’s what you said about those landmines, says Nichols. (Nichols doesn’t look like anything at all. His ghost is sound alone. No one knows what happened to his body.)
Halloween in Radiator Springs, like any holiday, is an aggressively cheerful affair. This year Lizzie, Sally, and Flo are cooking up some true thrills at Wheel Well, but that sort of thing gets banished to the outskirts of town. For Red’s sake, they’d never make the town into something that felt unsafe. At least, that’s what they say. For Red’s sake.
They don’t even put ghosts up in town–just scare tractors and pumpkins, cobwebs and candy corn.
Sarge had never believed in ghosts, though now of course he must.
Ghosts in the machine, he thinks, his head filled with Fillmore’s voice. A ghost for every car, dead or alive.
On Halloween, old ghosts come to visit him. They come to visit the ghost inside him. They take him by the headlights, and they pull.
Lightning asks if Sarge needs anything from the pharmacy, since he’s headed out there anyway. He tries to sound casual, but he’s never been inside Sarge’s private quarters before, and he seems nervous to be there now. He’s been living in Radiator Springs five, maybe even six years at this point, but this is his first Halloween here; usually he’s away. He’s unfamiliar with Sarge’s annual visitors.
When Daniels throws a ghostly canteen at Lightning’s face, Lightning flinches, but doesn’t seem to register the motion. He can’t see Daniels, after all.
Nothing from the pharmacy, no, says Sarge. He says, Nothing’s ever worked.
Lightning frowns. It’s a frown of concentration more than disagreement; he’s banking on the pharmacy working always. Always, eventually. That’s why he’s home right now, if only until Friday: It hasn’t been working for him. It hasn’t been working all month.
“And what about you?” Sarge asks.
“Yeah,” says Lightning, after a pause. It’s not much of an answer, but Lightning’s moods are rarely mysterious. He’s not doing well.
Sarge would tell him about the ghosts, the ghosts in machines and the ghosts that rise up out of the crack in time–the heaviness of this time of year and the hunger of the ghosts. For what’s in him, and probably for what’s in Lightning. Ghosts, everywhere–unbridled and pulling wherever they see the opportunity.
But Sarge is not sure that would be helpful. In fact, he’s almost positive it won’t be. Lightning doesn’t believe in ghosts, and it doesn’t seem like the time of year to be straining Lightning’s sense of eschatology. The only reason Sarge had taken all the ghost talk as well as he had was because he’d had no other choice. He’d been at the end of his rope, and Fillmore had had to save him somehow. Lightning’s not anywhere near there yet.
Frankly, it’s been so long now Sarge isn’t even sure if he’d seen the ghosts before he’d been told them or not. Maybe he hadn’t. Maybe Daniels wasn’t Daniels until Fillmore had explained the ghost in the machine. Nor Carhartt, nor Grey, nor Nichols. Maybe the explanation created the ghosts. But maybe it doesn’t matter: Sighted or not, they’ve always been felt.
“Keep marching, soldier,” says Sarge.
“Aye aye, captain,” Lightning replies, because he’s never been a soldier in his life. Something must sit wrong, though, because he doubles back and says instead, “Yes, sir.”
Keep marching, barks Nichols. The sun has long since set, and Sarge is alone with his ghosts. Organ music emanates from Luigi’s down the street. Mater is acting as Carburetor County’s loudest residential vampire. Sarge can hear Fillmore humming next door, as he mixes what Sarge knows to be large vats of punch, dry ice plumes turning the air even hazier than usual. Sally’s checking in on Lightning, as she’s been all day, but she’s overdue at the ladies’ horror hotel. Lightning assures her he’s fine.
Do you want to join the festivities? Sarge hears Sally ask, outside. Her voice is muffled, but the music and Mater are such that every conversation needs to be yelled.
Lightning doesn’t respond, but his answer is no.
That’s okay, Sally assures him. There will be other Halloweens!
Definitely, says Lightning.
Only if you keep marching! shouts Nichols. Keep marching, soldier!
Keep marching.
“There are like, exorcisms and stuff we could look into maybe,” Ramone had pointed out, earlier today. He’d said it like even the breath of the word could attract bad mojo. But his desire to help outweighed his desire to keep his soul snug and sound.
Sarge told him an exorcism would not be necessary. Even if he believed in that kind of thing. (Ghosts? Plausible. A means of dealing with them? Less so.)
His ghosts don’t deserve to be banished, in any case. They’re not trying to take him anywhere. They don’t want him to join them in death. They just want to live.
They want to grab hold and let him pull them back–back here, back home.
Sarge would if he could.
When Sarge wakes the next morning, Daniels and the others are gone, the same way they vanish every year. His suspension eases with relief. He takes a deep breath. And he yearns.
Sarge hates his ghosts; he loves them; he will always miss them. A true ghost story never ends.
At dawn’s early light, Sarge exits his tent and raises his flag.
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the-kings-tail-fin · 7 years
Can u write a mini fic about what happens when lightning goes through the rs haunted house for the first time? (With fin and holly plz) Oki thx
Based on this headcanon.
“Stickers, aren’t you supposed to be a part of this? Why are you up here?” Sally was confused and tired of yelling instructions at the guests.
“We put all this work into it, I figure I might as well see if it’s any good.” he shrugged. “It’ll be fun.”
Sally rolled her eyes at him, but let him pass. “Remember, no touching.”
Lightning entered the front door and was immediately greeted by a costumed Mater, sitting in a darkened room full of fog.
“Abandon all hope ye who - oh hey McQueen!” Mater seemed surprised to see his best friend.
“Mater, aren’t you supposed to be in character?” Lightning laughed.
“Oh!” Mater remembered his role and resumed his vampiric stature, talking awkwardly through his fangs. “Abandon all hope ye who enter here! Beware the horrors, beware the nightmares!”
Lightning was thoroughly amused, and started to move on to the next room. He took one last look at Mater to see him following closely behind. While he was distracted, Mater pulled a switch and several rubber spiders dropped from strings in the ceiling.
“Whoa!” Lightning had forgot about that part. He shook them off, recollected himself, and entered the next room.
Immediately he was immersed in a war movie. There were explosions and gunshots in constant cacophony. The strobe lights were disorienting. Finally Lightning saw Sarge, covered in gore, crawling toward him. An extra loud boom sounded from behind Lightning and something, he couldn’t tell what, shot straight at the veteran. This angered the undead. 
“You!” Sarge shouted. “You think you can defeat me?”
This is fake. This is all fake. These guys are just really good actors. Lightning told himself. Still, the Jeep was advancing toward him quickly, angrily. It put the racer on edge. All it took was one lunge and Lightning rushed into the next room.
This room was peaceful, the only sound was a music box playing in the far corner of the room, a corner so dark he couldn’t see. He stayed on the lit path as he slowly, carefully made his way across the space. 
This ain’t so bad. He felt like he was in a child’s play room. But then the lights all went out and the music slowed to a stop. Lightning could hear himself breathing, and a slight breeze made him shiver.
The music returned and sped up as a spotlight appeared out of nowhere. Red’s giant, clown-adorned face was mere inches from Lightning’s front fender.
“Ack!” he let out an audible sound of surprise.
Red slowly grinned and continued to stare at Lightning with wide, unblinking eyes. It was extremely uncomfortable. Lightning nervously laughed as he began to move towards the next door. Red followed him, never making a sound, never straying more than a foot away. Lightning hurriedly entered the next room.
Cozy. Lizzie was rocking back and forth in a rocking chair, looking at a book in front of her.
“Would you like to hear a story, my dear?” she asked, gazing his way.
Lightning couldn’t help but smile at the kind, old woman she was able to play so perfectly. She smiled back at him and started in on a bed time story. Lightning was by then relaxed enough, he wouldn’t have minded taking a snooze.
“Once upon a time in a land far out west, there lived a herd of tractors, peacefully roaming where - “
The fire promptly went out and Lightning felt the cold chill of fog rising around him. A light flashed brightly a couple times, immediately followed by a roaring clap of thunder that rolled into oblivion. Lizzie cackled as the fire rekindled itself with a fury so that it was bigger than before. In the span of about three seconds, she’d moved from the chair, somehow obtained a witch’s hat, and was eagerly moving towards Lightning.
“You look like what I’ve been missing!” she said, her enthusiastic voice sounding enough like an actual witch she didn’t need to try and change it. “What if I just take a small piece and add it to my brew? What do you think, dear? A headlight? A wheel?”
She lunged at him, and he did his level best to get out of the way in time. On his way out, he felt a familiar slap on his rear bumper, followed by more cackling and frustrated Italian ranting somewhere behind a wall.
The next room was bright and colorful, with uplifting music playing in the background. It felt like he’d driven right into a festival. Flo and Ramone approached him in full Day of the Dead makeup. Only Ramone could come up with art this convincing.
“Welcome, sugar.” Flo said almost as if they weren’t in a haunted house at all. “Why don’t you come join us?”
“There’s plenty of room for everyone, man.” Ramone said in a slightly less relaxed tone. “We can be family forever here.”
“Come on, sweetie.” Flo added, driving closer, and sounding even more desperate.
Lightning saw where this was going. He took liberty to leave before it got too intense. After his interaction with Lizzie, he wasn’t so sure they wouldn’t actually pull him ‘to the other side’. He’d never heard Ramone or Flo yell or scream before that night, and he didn’t intend on hearing it again. 
He knew he had reached the end when he entered the room he normally played a part in. But he figured it would be empty, and it most certainly was not empty. It was filled with old medical equipment that looked more like torture devices than anything else. Sitting in the middle of the cold room, behind the jail-room bars was Finn. What was he doing here? Mater hadn’t said anything about having visitors.
Finn looked half dead, prosthetic parts and gore all over him. As Lightning looked around, Finn cracked his eyes opened and looked at him. Then he started to panic.
“Mate, you’ve got to help.” Finn croaked. “You’ve got to - AARRRRGGG!”
Bands of electricity shot down some wires that appeared to electrocute him. It was so convincing, Lightning wasn’t sure it was fake. Then, an innocent but loud laugh came from the rafters and Holley appeared, floating down to the ground with the help of her rocket boosters. Finn panicked and started to struggle, screaming for help as Holley calmly administered more shocks with a smile.
It was pretty disturbing, he’d admit. Having seen all he wanted, he made his way to the exit, but before he could move more than a few inches, arcs of electricity appeared in the air in front of him, and Holley started manically laughing. 
“Nope!” Lightning exclaimed as the arcs disappeared. He gunned it for the exit, leaving Finn’s tortured screams behind him.
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Few Blocks Over Headcanon. Inspector Cooper believes in what is Legally Right, not Morally Right. To him, it doesn't mater if someone mines opals in the outback or chops down trees in Canadian wilderness, as long as it's being done to the fullness of that country's laws. and Honor? well, I think Falstaff said it best. “What is honor? a word. What is in that word honor? what is that honor? air. A trim reckoning! Who hath it? he that died o' Wednesday. Doth he feel it? no. Doth he hear it? no.”
Pretty good quote. I prefer Revan’s, though: “Honour is a fool’s prize. Glory is of no use to the dead.” I appreciate it’s the same sentiment, but for this subject matter you want something short and brutal.
Anyway! Yes, this is a good suggestion for Inspector Cooper’s potential morality. Sticking to Star Wars, the Empire’s whole deal is to Create Order. By the same token, he could be one of those villains who’s trying to create what he thinks is the right kind of world; even if it sucks for everyone else
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fireandgloryrpg · 7 years
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Congratulations Kcat and welcome! We’re so happy to accept your application to play Wesley Austen Novak with the faceclaim of Matthew Clavane in Fire & Glory RPG! We can’t wait to begin roleplaying with you so please remember to look over our checklist!
!! tw: death mention, bullying !!
Name: kcat Pronouns: she/her/they/them Age: 21 Timezone: EST
Name: Wesley Austen Novak Age and Birthday: 18 (to be 19 shortly), 25 October 1998 Faceclaim: Matthew Clavane (preferred because closer in desired age), Ezra Miller Heritage: Child of Thanatos Affiliation: Fifth Cohort Legionnaire
Necromancy: can communicate with the souls of the recently deceased; can raise the spirits of the dead for a brief period of time – raising the dead continuously drains their energy and must be used carefully, but if spirits are already present (i.e. hauntings), speaking with them takes no toll despite the fact that it might appear odd to watch them chatting with thin air.
Touch of Death: while the children of Thanatos can’t actually kill anyone via touch, they can drain a bit of their opponent’s life force – this ability at its maximum can render others unconscious, but while it may charge the child of Thanatos for a short time, the obtained energy will eventually wear off and the power won’t be available again until at least a few hours’ recharge.
Invisibility: Thanatos is known to carry out his reaping duties while invisible and his children have inherited this ability, but can only hold it for a maximum of about five minutes at a time with at least thirty minutes in between uses.
Can sense death nearby whether human, faunal, or monstrous.
Can handle Stygian iron weapons.
Wes literally lives for Halloween. They’re usually more on the quiet and reserved side of things, but come October, their mood can switch to bright and bubbly at a moment’s notice. Halloween itself is that one rare day in the whole of the year that they don’t feel the label of “freak” clinging to their back. Wes has been finding comfort in graveyards since well before they were aware of their godly heritage, and they have often made better friends out of spirits than the living.
Wes is a solitary practicing witch. They don’t have powers like the children of Hecate or Trivia, however. Their status as a witch is purely spiritual and the craft they practice is a matter of reverence and regard to natural energies. Being thrust into the world of Greek and Roman gods has not changed their beliefs, but, in fact, widened them. Wes makes use of Temple Hill to send prayers and/or requests to the gods.
!! tw: death mention, bullying !!
Imagine if you died and met your second dad. Sounds crazy, right? Well, then I guess that makes me a fucking lunatic.
Wesley Austen Novak met their godly parent en route to the emergency room. Lying there in the ambulance, they found themself blinking up at a Mr. Tall Dark & Handsome as he briefed them on two realities: one, that accepting Trevor McClane’s dare to swim across the pool in the middle of a thunderstorm was about one of the most idiotic things they’d ever done, and two, they were the demigod child of the god of death, aka. the “grim reaper”, which was one of the very few reasons why they’d be coming back from this dumbass stunt.
Wes always knew they were a little odd, but a demigod? Talk about a plot twist.
Wesley’s unbeating heart started up again seemingly on its own, to the shock and befuddlement of the Landen paramedics. As soon as they snapped up on their stretcher like something out of a horror movie jump scare, Thanatos was gone.
Wes was adopted and they were never told otherwise. Their single father was a lawyer who would be a hypocrite if he raised his kid on a lie while he preached the value of honesty. However, Wesley struggled to be honest with their father from a young age. Christopher Novak had always wanted a son. It was evident in his encouragement for Wesley to play sports, join Boy Scouts, play video games or go exploring with the other guys in the neighborhood… Wesley was good at all of these things, but they didn’t see why it was frowned upon when they invited the girls to play with the boys or why they were being lame when they wanted to do arts and crafts instead of staging an army mission on the playground. They didn’t understand, but they didn’t argue.
Wesley’s dad was everything to them. They wanted nothing more than to make him proud, and if that meant being the son he had always dreamed of, so be it. Landen, Ohio was a small, conservative, Midwestern town. Terms like genderqueer and nonbinary were practically unheard of in a district supported prominently by private religious education. Classes were tight-knit and theology was woven into the class material whether the students followed the faith that sponsored the institution or not, but the parents often paid this spiritual discrepancy little mind. The private schools held the highest ratings in the region, and who didn’t want that esteem for their child?
Wesley wasn’t the only child in the private school system who didn’t conform to the schools’ ideals. When they were admitted to their father’s Jesuit alma mater – an all-boys academy – they were just as thrilled as he was. The pride Christopher attributed to his high school had won Wesley over to the desire of attending it early on, but as the months went by, Wes started to realize that the glamour built up around St. Xavier Academy wasn’t all it was chalked up to be.
High school came with the opportunity for Wesley to start branching out and becoming their own person, but rather than drifting towards those who could have been their true friends, Wesley allowed their father to herd them with the boys of his own high school companions. Christopher had been a rather popular figure in his day, so it didn’t come as much of a surprise to Wesley when his friends, and thus their sons, also turned out to be popular among the student body. Wesley got swept up in their tide, pinned by a seemingly indomitable force of peer pressure and the need to please their parent. They pretended to be someone they weren’t, and it ended with them electrocuted in Trevor’s backyard swimming pool at a party that he wasn’t supposed to be having.
After Wesley met Thanatos, everything changed. When they say death changes a person, they aren’t kidding. Finding out they had a god for a parent turned Wesley’s entire world upside down. Suddenly it made so much sense why they spent all of their after-school study sessions in the cemetery and why they were drawn to a spirituality that dealt with balances between life and death. It also explained why their classmates in theatre kept giving them bizarre looks when they started chatting with the attractive young guy that hung around in the rafters, who, according to them, wasn’t really there.  
Wesley started doing research on their parental deity (as one does when they suddenly find out they’re a demigod) and soon became hooked on the repeated theme that death has no gender – which makes perfect sense, when you think about it. Everybody dies at some point, right? Everybody mortal, anyway. Race, sexuality, gender– in pretty much every representation around the world, Death didn’t give a fuck. And oftentimes, Death didn’t have any defining identities either. So Wesley thought, ‘If death has no gender, why should I?’ Finding courage in the history and nature of their parent finally prompted Wes to step up and release the feelings they had kept caged nearly all their life.
Coming out as genderqueer at a conservative, religious, all-boys high school didn’t go well for Wesley. They lost the fake friends their dad had matched them with, and worse, suddenly they were the one bearing the brunt of their teasing. They tried to make new friends, but having hung around with the school terrors, even on the passive fringes, meant that their name was permanently tarnished within the halls of the academy. The administration, too, struggled with how to handle their declaration when certain parents called in in an uproar. Eventually, Wes made it easy for the lot of them: they dropped out.
Christopher was furious. Wesley was mortified. He urged Wesley to return to school, assuring them that they’d work something out, but Wesley couldn’t bring themself to do so. What’d been done, was done. The child of Thanatos had seen their last of private education. The day after dropping out, while Christopher was out at work, Wesley woke up to someone’s unrelenting knocking at the front door. When they finally dragged their ass out of bed half-awake to answer it, they found a pretty little satyr quivering on the step with a folded note and a small box in hand.
The note came from their father and spoke of a camp up in New York State where they could be free to express themself away from the threats of the mortal world. The small box contained a gift – a simple necklace with a black, crescent moon pendant hanging on the string. ‘Not to be rude,’ they told the satyr, ‘but this is all starting to sound a little far-fetched to me.’ Wesley kept the pendant but, with their apologies, sent Sage – the satyr – away. Not even her hooves had yet convinced them out of their gloom. It wasn’t until they took a walk over to their favorite cemetery that afternoon to think things over that Wes came abruptly face-to-face with the fact that they weren’t actually going crazy. One doesn’t exactly unsee a young, grieving widow transforming into a bloodthirsty empousa, nor do they forget their necklace expanding into the form of a large and very very sharp scythe at its owner’s sense of danger. The scythe bit probably would have been cooler if Wes had had the slightest clue how to use it; but alas, it was Sage who saved the day.
The satyr led them to safety and further to the sanctuary of Camp Half Blood. Wesley didn’t get to say goodbye to their father and he was never enlightened about their true parentage. For his own safety, Wesley has not contacted him since their departure.
Wesley arrived at Camp Half Blood when they were sixteen years old. In April of 2017, they transferred to Camp Jupiter and joined the Legion in hopes of improving their combat skills and someday taking up classes at UNR. Their aloofness, lack of recommendation, and lax attitude toward authority has placed them in the Fifth Cohort, but Wes doesn’t pay any mind to labels. They’re still figuring out their place in this world of gods and monsters, and being a graceus in Roman territory doesn’t make it any easier.          
Para Sample: skipping because I’m eager and you already know Adri soooo ♡
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whipplefilter · 7 years
You know what one of my fav things about mater and holleys relationship is? The fact that he'll undoubtedly brag about his "bee-autiful spy girlfriend" to people like his cousins who don't believe she exists, only for her to show up and they're like. 😳 Headcanon that the couple get a HUGE kick out of these reactions.
Sometimes she makes a big entrance and flies in. Other times she drives up casually, only to depart by air to really drive home the reality of her existence. She and Mater have got a whole playbook for these bits. :PP
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