#mathilde oc
derpy-thebdayclown · 8 months
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part 2 of derpys too many ocs!! the scouts and campers who come later in the series!
perry gets introduced in a fake episode after eggs benefits, where neil finds another egg and, being the scientific scholar he is, decides to experiment on it. thus making his greatest achievement and biggest mistake, perry!
mathilde is introduced alongside the other exchange campers in s3, but was the only one who wasn’t actually a spy (she was very confused)
oc questions are always welcomed!
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letters-of-fire · 8 months
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ok alright here're my pieces for the ockiss week!! basically Howard kissing a bunch of people. thank you to everyone who let me borrow their guys for this!
Brett Heroux belongs to @thedandy-detective
Lionel Whittaker belongs to matcha_monarch on discord
Mathilde Gaarder belongs to @the-masterless-press
Florence Penbrook belongs to @neathbound-fiends
Martin Marsh is my oc :)
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luvwich · 2 months
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wait, one more. Riv what is this face you're making...? okay that one was cute, let's do one more though
look!!!! at these adorable shots of my babes that @streetkid-named-desire took using @rosapexa's latest shippy pose pack mod :3
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the-masterless-press · 6 months
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i am having fun with the free emote bases takimikiku put out! these are the ones i drew so far, featuring @n-yarr's Charismatic Thief!
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im-ej-arts · 9 months
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well, well, well. the courier went to jail.
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the-clay-quarters · 4 months
🎲 For Mathilde, whichever of your ocs shall she smooch
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38. A kiss while one party is carried, not what he was expecting her to do for sure!
[Ask game]
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endlessly-cursed · 6 months
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make me choose meme; @gaygryffindorgal asked apprentinces of gryffindor, hufflepuff, ravenclaw or slytherin?
mathilde belongs to @camillejeaneshphm
eadric belongs to gaygryffindorgal
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eisenrosen · 3 months
Mathilde and Zelda are so pretty omgs 😳
Can I please hear more about them?
[Vibrates with excitement]
Yeah I can spare some details
Oh Zelda…. Where do I begin. He’s been relegated to one of those people you don’t really talk about, and if you do it’s brief and in passing because you just kind of don’t want to think about him (everyone having different reasons not to)
In his life he truly was terribly hard to befriend, unapproachable, cold, and seemingly uninterested in talking to others. And he was, to a degree, these feelings moreso relating to his feelings of “if I open up to these people they will find my weaknesses, and when they eventually leave this will be used against me” and unfortunately this was proven to be right time and time again. His constant state of hyper vigilance and feelings of having to fight for his life at every turn had left him a high strung individual with a penchant to jump to violence as a means to protect himself. He was also in full belief that he wasn’t liked by anyone, though that was far from the case.
Despite all that, he really was a caring person, this usually shown through small unrecognizable acts of service and the very rare compliment. He had a love for animals both big and small, he treated every horse he had with more love than he had shown to (almost) anyone in his life, he was Old Fritz’ personal dog walker even. He also had a soft spot for children, Alexander (America) being one of them.
I wasn’t really lying when I said that fatherhood made Zelda a better person. He had never really aspired to be a father in the past, but as fate would have it, he gave birth to a lovely bundle of joy (Germany) that would eventually come to be the literal death of him. But he loved that boy, more than he ever thought he could love something, and he forced himself to change for his child. He forced himself to learn kindness, to learn patience and love, so his child wouldn’t grow up the way he and so many other countries did. He wanted the best for him, he really did, and often found himself wishing Markus had better. But that was his boy, his son, his flesh and blood, and he would do anything for him. He would die for him.
And in the end he did. He went out quietly, spending his last month writing to anyone and anything that would listen, settling his feuds, forgiving and forgetting, making sure Markus would be able to move on from this loss. And when all was said and done, he simply disappeared. Nobody truly knows what happened to him in the end, one night he kissed Markus goodnight and left, his name just a whisper on the wind and his legacy simply a memory.
And then Mathilde was born in the fall of 1949. She had always felt like a ghost in the eyes of others, sharing the same cold grey eyes and silver hair as Zelda, down to the mole under her left eye. She grew fast compared to others, only adding to her feelings of being out of place among her other colleagues. She craved the love and affection a human child would, but was treated as more of a pawn than the young girl she was at the time.
She could never understand why everyone looked at her like that, something lingering in their eyes that she wished she could understand. She’s struggled with feelings of inadequacy her entire life, which only grew worse with the Reunification. She felt like she was floating through life, no real purpose other than to be a ghost, a horrid reminder of a past that does not exist anymore. But she pushes through anyways, she gives her life meaning through acting as the second in command to Markus, she makes friends, she dances and she laughs and she lives. She lives for herself. Something Zelda could never do.
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czolgosz · 10 months
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mathilde bouvier
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cowperviolet · 9 months
Mathilde *Mega-Responsible Heiress Whose Dead Merchant Prince Father Lives in Her Head Rent-Free* van der Welde is going to be so angry in the chapter where his young and resentful secretary/fixer would tell her how exhausting it is to always be grateful to someone who plucked you out of obscurity. I can’t wait.
(Yes, they end up together)
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lenzimanotmoved · 5 months
arghh I wanna bring back more of my ocs so badly 😭😭😭
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derpy-thebdayclown · 2 years
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my kiddos again! been forever since i did a group shot lol
i got a new one named fish (the one with the fish. they/he/she) who isnt REALLY new- i scrapped them back in 2021 but i never stopped thinking about them so 😭 welcome back bud!
friendly reminder mathilde is a camper who is just very tall
if you have oc questions id love to answer!!! :)
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morvantmortuary · 1 year
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“pink and frothy as a ballerina’s tutu”/“it was the dress she was to be buried in.”
“‘summer here. forever, I hope.’”
- in cold blood, truman capote
I’ve been thinking about Mathilde a lot lately.
She’s absolutely not blameless in any version of this story - she really was a horrible mother, all in all - but she’s someone that was put in a no-win situation, and then made every wrong choice from there when she realized she could never get what she wanted.
she could’ve run on her wedding night, as soon as she realized Vincent wasn’t what he said he was.
she could’ve taken the twins and left with Ranza and Hector when Ranza begged her to when she understood just what kind of future awaited her children if they were to stay.
she could have sided with her best friend and the one of two people who ever really loved her unconditionally and put her foot down once and for all.
she could’ve undone the cycle that countless mothers before her in her family line had perpetuated.
but she had been promised a singular vision of her future. she could only imagine one version of things being better. of being happy.
and when it wasn’t what she dreamed (as it never is, for anyone), all she could think to do was try to make the pieces fit together like she thought they were supposed to
no matter how much she had to bend and twist and shove them into place.
even when she died, the House was never the same as before she got there. like a rotting flower pressed between its walls, she left a permanent impression. a shadow.
…anyway, I thought it was time she had her own playlist.
oddly enough, she gets more air time in the boy au than anything else I’ve written so far, even though she’s still already dead. go figure!!
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luvwich · 4 months
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two (2) available moods
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the-masterless-press · 3 months
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Me? Putting off working on my fic to do memes that took me a whole day? Impossible
using emotes i did ages ago cause i cant be arsed to make new drawings
character sheet template by @t6fs
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im-ej-arts · 8 months
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since it is new years, here is an older drawing of mathilde as a silverer!
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