#matsuda yuri
c-hamdeok · 8 months
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Nome completo: Matsuda Yuri
Data de nascimento: 20 de maio de 2000 (23 anos)
Local de nascimento: Osaka, Japão
Esporte: Skateboarding
Dormitório: Aereus (dupla)
Hall da Fama: Reconhecimento nacional e internacional moderado
Perfil: @hdcyuri
Faceclaim: Kyoya Honda - ator
Com tantos Centros de Treinamento Olímpico espalhados pelo mundo, por que o Hamdeok Complex?
Me interessei pelo fato de ser um grande centro que busca alavancar atletas asiáticos, sinto que precisamos de mais apoio para nossos atletas. Alguns esportes só conseguimos apoio se formos para os EUA, o que foi o meu caso, mas agora finalmente posso ficar um pouco mais perto de casa. E, claro, além de ter a chance de aprender um pouco mais com a Skirk que eu admiro há muitos anos.
E como você entrou? Alguém te indicou e você passou pelos testes, você se inscreveu voluntariamente para fazer os testes ou houve alguma contribuição monetária envolvida?
Eu precisava de um lugar pra treinar que não fosse tão longe de casa. Fiquei nos EUA durante muitos anos pela falta de apoio que o Skateboarding tem no Japão, mas tenho voltado cada vez mais. Quando minha mãe comentou sobre o Hamdeok ter aberto vagas eu não pensei duas vezes antes de aplicar pra lá. Fiz todos os testes e passei, mas felizmente tenho ajuda de alguns patrocinadores para pagar os custos.
Você certamente se destaca no esporte que pratica. O que motivou a sua escolha por ele?
Pode parecer idiota, mas sempre achei o máximo os personagens que andavam de skate em desenhos animados. Eu gostava de assistir desenhos ocidentais, então eu assistia muito Rocket Power e Os Simpsons e, para a tristeza dos meus pais, queria ser que nem o Bart. O resto é história.
Pode nos contar, brevemente, sobre sua trajetória no esporte até o momento?
Quando comecei a me interessar quando criança, implorei pros meus pais para que eles comprassem um skate pra mim. De primeira eles não quiseram, pois achavam que eu ia me machucar feio e ia me impedir de focar nos meus estudos, mas depois me deram um de Natal quando eu tinha uns 9 anos. Eu treinava numa praça perto de casa todo dia, ia pra escola todo remendado, mas eu adorava. Conheci uns adultos que andavam de skate em outro bairro e fui conhecê-los escondido porque meus pais não iriam deixar, eles que me apresentaram às competições, essas de bairro mesmo. Depois que participei de algumas eu falei aos meus pais, de primeira eles enlouqueceram, mas depois deixaram e até me levaram.
Depois de uns anos descobri que nos Estados Unidos eles treinavam pra valer e tinha competições mundiais lá, eu queria muito ir, mas meus pais não tinham certeza se era uma boa ideia. Chorei muito pra tentar convencê-los e eles resolveram passar as férias de verão lá, eu sabia que tinha sido muito caro e eu me senti meio culpado, mas eu fiquei muito feliz por poder me inserir na cena de verdade. Tive umas aulas com gente que praticava outro nível de skate, eu me senti entrando em um novo mundo. Passei basicamente todo o meu tempo das férias praticando, eu nem saía com meus pais pra canto nenhum. Fiquei um mês nos Estados Unidos e não fui pra Disney (a de Tokyo é mais legal).
Quando voltei pro Japão, já estava decidido que queria competir profissionalmente, meus pais sabiam que não tinha como me impedir, então ao menos me ajudaram pra que eu não passasse nenhum perrengue. Eu queria morar nos Estados Unidos, o skate ainda era mal visto no Japão e eu sabia que não conseguiria ir muito longe ali, mas meus pais não tinham condições de se mudar para outro país e não queriam me deixar morar sozinho, mas eu iria dar um jeito. Continuei em contato com o pessoal que conheci nos EUA e descobri que teria uma nova competição da SLS (Street League Skateboarding), eu implorei pra participar, meus pais concordaram. Eu disse que se eu ganhasse eles deveriam me deixar morar lá porque mostraria o quão sério eu levo o skate, e pra minha sorte eles concordaram.
Participei da competição, era minha primeira competição a nível mundial e eu estava muito nervoso, cometi uns erros, mas ainda terminei em 3⁰. Eu deveria estar feliz por ter conseguido isso na minha primeira competição e com só 16 anos, mas eu só conseguia chorar em pensar que eu não poderia me mudar pros EUA. Alguns meses depois eu participei de outro campeonato, dessa vez o Asian Skateboarding Championships e eu consegui prata, acho que aí a minha família finalmente entendeu que eu realmente falava sério quando eu dizia que queria competir profissionalmente. Meus pais me deixaram mudar pros EUA depois disso, eles iam pra lá a cada 3 meses passar uma semana comigo e às vezes eu também ia pra Osaka.
Depois que me mudei pros EUA, minha carreira decolou. Participava de ao menos 3 grandes competições todo ano, eu conseguia ficar no pódio em quase todas. Consegui alguns patrocinadores pequenos no começo, mas que já me davam só menos um alívio que eu conseguiria viver daquilo mesmo. Mas o momento mais inacreditável da minha carreira foi quando consegui representar o Japão nas Olimpíadas de Tokyo em 2021. Ver o Skate finalmente ser reconhecido como esporte Olímpico já era muito emocionante, mas poder competir foi ainda mais. Poder competir também nos Jogos Asiáticos em 2023 foi absurdo, são coisas que não consigo acreditar muito bem até agora. Depois de ter competido em Hangzhou, decidi sair dos EUA e voltar pra Ásia, então apliquei para o Hamdeok para poder me aprimorar cada vez mais e ficar um pouco mais perto da minha família.
Quais são suas maiores qualidades e maiores defeitos? Como elas influenciam seu dia a dia como atleta?
Sou muito teimoso, muitos dizem que é um defeito, mas no caso do Skate acho que é até uma qualidade. Não paro até conseguir o que eu quero, tudo bem que às vezes acabei caindo feio e tendo que ficar um tempo parado, mas ao menos sou determinado. Sou meio estressado, o que me causa ser um perdedor ruim, eu detesto perder, fico emburrado sempre que perco algo, é algo que tento trabalhar em mim.
Uma parte do meu nervosismo ficou pra trás, agora sou mais confiante. Então tenho plena noção de que isso me ajuda em competições, consigo manter a calma e executar minhas manobras como precisam ser executadas.
Sabemos que é uma grande honra ser convocado para representar seu país nos jogos olímpicos, mas existe alguma outra razão pela qual você deseje isso?
Andar de skate me dá uma sensação de liberdade, pode parecer idiota, mas eu me sinto quase como se estivesse voando. Eu gosto de poder quase deslizar pelo mundo sem a menor preocupação, e claro, me sinto muito maneiro fazendo as manobras. Mas acho que roda a cena do skate representa muito do que eu sou, mesmo que eu não faça mais competições, nunca vou parar de praticar porque faz parte de mim.
Dedicação: 16
Determinação: 18
Equilíbrio: 11
Sorte: 09
Jogos Nacionais de Verão (2016) - Medalha de Bronze
Jogos Mundiais (2017) - Quarto lugar
Jogos Nacionais de Inverno (2018) - Medalha de Prata
Jogos Asiáticos (2019) - Medalha de Ouro
Olimpíadas de Verão em Tokyo (2020) - Medalha de Prata
Jogos Mundiais (2021) - Medalha de Prata
Jogos Nacionais de Inverno (2022) - Medalha de Bronze
Jogos Asiáticos (2023) - Medalha de Ouro
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mortemlifeness · 8 days
DDLC x Danganronpa.
Nagito — Sayori.
Yasuke — Natsuki.
Mukuro or Mikan — Yuri.
Junko — Monika.
Makoto — Player.
(maybe, Izuru — Protagonist... For me Protagonist ≠ Player in DDLC-)
Then, based on my ddlc's OTPs... Izuru/Nagito (Protagonist/Sayori), Yasuke/Mukuro or Yasuke/Mikan (Natsuki/Yuri) and Junko/Makoto (Monika/Player). Sounds funny.
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kickbutt-avenue · 6 months
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Street Fighter V: Champion Edition: Ending art
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princescar · 4 months
Guys I might name him Yuri...
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shslpookiebear · 1 year
what i love so much about matsukamu is the inherent tragedy of it all.
post sdr2 matsudas been dead, body reduced to nothing. izuru has for the most part disappeared in favor of the return of hajime. all their feelings memories conversations are trapped in the recesses of hajimes brain, behind memories he would prefer to not acknowledge the existence of.
matsuda and izuru wouldve been the only ones to know of their relationship. the kamukura project was already a secret, their relationship was an even bigger one. maybe someone like junko was aware of it but again: the dead tell no tales. any tangible records of it are in matsudas long burned project notes and memories a character like izuru wouldnt see the significance in sharing
idk theres something really compelling about that— their feelings were so real to them but because theyre doomed by the narrative its erased. the love was real but now theyre gone.
in a non despair au izuru arguably wouldnt exist, matsuda would be able to cure junko their paths would never cross and if they did it would be hajime instead.
theres no resolution to it, their bond reduced to ashes like the rest of the world— one they were both complicit in the end of.
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onceupona-crossover · 9 months
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Sean Matsuda (Street Fighter) x Yuri Sakazaki (SNK King of Fighters)
Requested by:anon
-Mod rapunzel
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went back to watch the making of zbl2 for mr spiders jeremy and goddamn i need s3 PLEASE
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elmaxlys · 1 year
Go TS main5, Senya and one more character from TSA of your choice for character ask. Yes a lot. Yes no TS-Juo. Yes I'm merciless =D
Hahaha alright I'll do my best! xD
one aspect about them i love
Yuri: how despite it all she still deeply remains a 16yo girl and how even her trauma and reactions to it reflect that
Nise: her thing with Hayabusa
Yu-chan: his fear of heights. hard same, big man. it puts everything differently for him like, everyone else is like uwaah it's high and the lad is 10 seconds away from passing out and still kicking ass hard
Kuon: the way she's ruthless in a way even the villains find disturbing. I suppose it's not surprising coming from me but it's really what makes her character so compelling 🙏
Rika: I love everything about him help god if I have to mention only one here.... his unconditional love for Yuri. He'll do anything for her. He'll brag about her to near strangers. He'll die if it means protecting her. He's ready to lay down his life if it means she won't be abandoned the way he was. He taught her everything. She means everything to him. He's just. He's so!! you know?
Senya: his obsession with space!! The way he goes ":O an alien!!" at literally anything. Cutie.
Shika: she's the only person that asked to be taken. She didn't know shit about what was on the other side she just knew Shintarou had disappeared and she wanted him back and that was enough. Impulsive but oh so badass.
one aspect i wish more people understood about them
Yuri: She's only 16!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cut her some slack!!!!!!!!!! I hate how people (irl/fandom) judge her actions when!!!! they make sense? regarding 1) her age, 2) her personality, 3) it was in the heat of action most often than not. Of course she's imperfect! She's a 16yo kid tasked to keep the entire world running!! Bitch!!!
Nise: she has extensive traumas from before the realm and she's more than just a "knife lesbian"
Yu-chan: he's completely and utterly pathetic (I say this with love). Also. very important to me. He's not a fucking perv. He kills pervs. Come on!!!!
Kuon: she is absolutely and completely terrifying
Rika: he is the damsel in distress. He is the Mary Sue. He is the coolest. He's everything fandom has pushed onto the other mains 😤 (still accurate but slightly more desperate answer: he exists in the story. haha. *cries*)
Senya: I don't know how to say this. I haven't seen a lot of people talk about arrive, apart from you and Choco. I saw some complaints once but I don't remember them much, only that my reaction to them was he's 14. he's a baby. he's a freaking KID. So there you go.
Shika: never saw anyone talk about her i have no idea what way people misinterpret her :v
Globally, though, what I wish people would remember are the characters' age. A lot of actions they take make sense once you keep their ages in mind. And from the way they're written, it's clear Miura keeps it in mind - so y'all should too.
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have about this character
Yuri: "what's the point of being bi if you only like boys who look like girls" (aka she is weak for pretty boys)
Nise: post-canon the Honjo fam take her and Hayabusa in until she can accomplish her dream of having her own place. She then stays friendly with them (Honjo parents) throughout her life
Yu-chan: caffeine addict. He spends the entire time in the high-rise world with a killing headache bc unlike his cigs he can't get his coffee fix
Kuon: After all is said and done she starts experimenting with her appearance in the psychic realm. What's the point of being incorporeal if she can't have fun with that
Rika: He wants to get in law so that situation with his father's will doesn't happen again. (flimsy hc i have thought about exactly once in my life but it's the only one that comes to mind atm)
Senya: Has cried to his parents to "buy a star" at some point (you know that program that lets you buy/name a star? that.)
Shika: metalhead just needing the slightest push to awaken
one character i love seeing them interact with
Yuri: I'm not gonna lie, nothing beats seeing her with Rika
Nise: Sniper. Besties material.
Yu-chan: yeah, I'm going with Nise too
Kuon: Yuri
Rika: :3 You Know. Everyone Knows. I have to say his name at least once, JUO.
Senya: Mochizuki. Wish we had more...
Shika: I can count the times they were together on the fingers of one hand but. with Shintarou. I love themmm
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one character i wish they would interact with/interact with more
Yuri: Faceless-kun. Can't explain this one
Nise: Kuon, for the "more" category
Yu-chan: White Feather. Raised in foreign countries solidarity
Kuon: yeah, Nise. also Juo.
Rika: Aikawa's angels post canon. I am so curious. (also, the other Juo. I have to see that.)
Senya: Oribe
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have that involve them and one other character
Yuri: she never gets over her Sniper trauma but it gets slightly better once he starts going without mask
Nise: she becomes very protective of Mayu and treats her like she would a younger sister.
Yu-chan: He and Nise have silent hanging out times where she sits with her knives and he reads
Kuon: I want to say something about Nanami here but the most I have are static noises
Rika: he desperately wants a talk with Yuri about the whole siblings thing but she won't let him and it's killing him. He wants to apologize but she doesn't mind; he wants to explain but she already know. It changes nothing for her so that's a relief to him but still, you know?
Senya: he'd be friends with Yoshida is what I'm thinking
Shika: all my hcs here depend on whether she's Shintarou's in-law or step sister....
Give me a character and I will give you my thoughts on
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mr-president · 1 month
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makoto voice chat am i rizz
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youkaigakkou-tl · 3 months
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Anime news roundup - July 3
The official site got an update!
Releasing in October!
Studio: Satelight
Director: Katsumi Ono
Series Composition: Deko Akao
Character Design: Natsuki
Sub Character Design: Sudako Ehime, Baku Hamaguchi, Mariko Itou
Youkai Design: Hiroyuki Taiga
Prop Design: Mitsuru Souma
Art Supervisor: Yuri Matsuda
Color Design: Yoshimi Kawakami
Director of Photography: Yuujiro Yamane
Editing: Ryouko Kaneshige
CG Director: Hiroyuki Gotou
2D Works: Noriko Nakamoto
Sound Director: Takahiro Fujimoto
Music: Takahiro Inafuku
Music Production: Kappa Entertainment
They're going to be revealing a VA every day for the next few days!
Haruaki: CV Ryota Osaka
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queeranotkira · 5 days
ik this isn’t your usual post, but which dn character would you match up with an infp? just curious because they’re all my favs
Rem is canonically an INFP and she’s paired with Misa 😝
I think Matsuda or Near maybe? An INFP could be a good sidekick to Matsuda’s antics. Fuel his Ne but also be introspective enough to encourage him to reflect upon his behavior a bit more before jumping head-on into the action, lol.
Naomi Misora, Papa Yagami, and Watari are all INFJs and those usually get along swell with INFPs.
Matt is an ISTP and they can sometimes work really well together too (example: Clannad)
The schizophrenic drama version of Near is an ISFP, but the idea of INTJ anime/manga Near having to deal with a moe version of himself that channels his existential trauma through a Mello puppet he then uses to verbally abuse himself will never not be appealing to me.
Also maybe Mello, just because Yuri Plisetsky from Yuri On Ice is a mirror of him personality-wise and Katsuki Yuri is an INFP. Their relationship is really chaotic and borderline abusive though lol and ENTJs get fed up with INFPs being mopey and emo very easily but it would be entertaining to watch.
Also here’s a poll because I accidentally clicked on it and my phone won’t let me delete it (referring to Near as Nia so I have more text room):
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Sprite Resources
//This is where I will have link to sprites and even credits for fangans
Characters from;
Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc
Super Danganronpa 2
Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls
Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope’s Peak Academy
Danganronpa Gaiden: Killer Killer
Danganronpa Another and Super Danganronpa Another 2 -  LINUJ
Sprites from;
Chisa Yukizome | Danganronpa 3 and Sato | Miaya Gekkogahara | Natsumi Kuzuryu | Student Council, Older DRA girls and Older Setsuka | Yasuke Matsuda | Yuto Kamishiro | Ryoko Otonashi | Isshiki Madarai | Santa Shikiba | Izuru Kamukura and Sayaka’s little sister | Fashionista!Junko | Mukuro 1 and 2 | Various character expressions | Adult!Yuri, Hibiki and Kanade |  | Heterochromia! Hajime | Slash Eye!Fuyuhiko | Older!Hiyoko | FF!Makoto 1 2 3 and 4 | DR3 Kyoko | Maskless Jataro | Ted Chikatilo | Takaaki Ishimaru | Sayaka’s idol group | Takemichi Yukimaru | Kanon Nakajima 1 2 and 3 | Cure!Nagito | Teruteru’s mom | Voidswap | Diaya Oowada | Mekuru Katsuragi | Rei Shimizu | Older Komaru | DRA + SDRA2 sprite edits | Older!Komaru, Toko, Masaru and Jataro | Remnants of Despairs | HPA!Peko| Taichi Fujisaki | Algorithm and Utsuro's sister
Otherwise any sprites that you do see that aren’t credited here were made by me.
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princessmeepa · 6 months
I am going to pick the voice actors for my gods, RS’ dream cast for her LO live action is just for points and not even there to play the roles and she only picks her celebrity crush Mads to be Christian blue I know. So I am going to pick the voice actors who can fit my characters perfectly and here they are. So let’s start with the gods. Ok let’s gooo!
Note: some of the characters have the same voice actors and who voiced their characters from the same anime, because I want to fit some of the voices, who can fit my characters.
Adonis: Justin Briner, who voiced Hanako from Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun
Amphimarus: Brian Timothy Anderson, who voiced Sousaku Yubiwa from Pretty Boy Detective Club.
Ampelos: Kyle Igneczi, who voiced Sosuke Mitsuba from Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun.
Anteros: Aris Athanasopoulos, who voiced Hermes in Immortals: Fenyx Rising.
Apollo: Adam Croasdell, who voiced Apollo in Blood of Zeus.
Ares: Matthew Mercer, who voiced Levi from Attack on Titan.
Astraeus: Brad Swaile, who voiced Light Yagami / Kira in Death Note.
Cerberus: Landon McDonald, who voice Rampo Edogawa from Bungo Stray Dogs.
Charon: Clint Bickham, who voiced Shoichiro Yukimura in Maid Sama.
Chiron: Justin Doran, who voiced Daichi Sawamura from Haikyū!!
Cronus: Yuri Lowenthal, who voiced Dainsleif from Genshin Impact
Dionysus: Landon McDonald, who voiced Enmu from Demon Slayer.
Endymion: Max Mittelman, who voiced Resasuke from Aggretsuko
Erebos: Kirby Morrow, who voiced Teru Mikami from Death Note.
Eros: Vic Mignogna, who voiced Greece from Hetalia (if that is possible).
Ganymede: Howard Wang, who voiced Nagahiro Sakiguchi from Pretty Boy Detective Club.
Hades: Corey Hartzog, who voiced Kanato Sakamaki in Diabolik Lovers.
Helios: Jerry Jewell, who voiced Aion in Show By Rock.
Hephaestus: Clint Bickham, who voiced Kenma Kozume in Haikyū!!
Hercules: Bryce Papenbrook, who voiced Meliodas from The Seven Deadly Sins.
Hermes: Todd Haberkorn (my favorite) who voiced Hikaru Hitachiin from Ouran High School Host Club.
Hypnos: Greg Kasavin, who voiced Hypnos from Hades.
Morpheus: my former dream voice actor Billy Kametz, who voiced Rui from Demon Slayer (I love that guy 🥲) or Cory Yee, who voiced Hermes in Record of Ragnarok.
Nerites: Justin Briner, who voiced Mio Chibana from The Stranger by the Shore.
Ouranos: Jonah Scott, who voiced Sniper Mask from High-Rise Invasion in a Greek accent.
Pan: Todd Haberkorn, who voiced Keroro from Sgt. Frog
Phantasos: Vincent Tong, who voiced Touta Matsuda from Death Note.
Philomelus: Cristina Valenzuela, who voiced Bennett from Genshin Impact.
Phobetor: David Hurwitz, who voiced Mello / Mihael Keehl from Death Note.
Plutus: Jeannie Tirado, who voiced Norman in The Promised Neverland.
Poseidon: Bumper Robinson, who voiced Poseidon from Record of Ragnarok.
Tartarus: Erik Kimerer, who voiced Obanai Iguro from Demon Slayer in a Greek accent.
Thanatos: Chris Saphire, who voiced Thanatos from Hades.
Triton: Cory Yee, who voiced Gorou from Genshin Impact.
Zagreus: Darren Korb, who voiced Zagreus from Hades.
Zephyrus: Bryson Baugus, who voiced my Shoyo Hinata in Haikyū!!
Zeus: Ben Schwartz, who voiced Yogurt Cream Cookie from Cookie run Kingdom.
Demigods and heroes and mortals
Achilles: Daman Mills, who voiced Milk Cookie from Cookie Run: Kingdom.
Asclepius: Adam Gibbs, who voiced Koshi Sugawara from Haikyū!!
Hector: Matthew Mercer, who voiced Hermes from Blood of Zeus
Helenus: Griffin Burns, who voiced Muichiro Tokito from Demon Slayer.
Hyacinth: Lucien Dodge, who voiced Zoisite (in a playful and funny tone) from Sailor moon.
Jason: Griffin Burns, who voiced Ryota Suzui from Kakegurui.
Iasion: Khoi Dao, who to voiced Herb Cookie in Cookie Run: Kingdom.
Odysseus: Liam O'Brien, who voiced Nephrite from Sailor Moon.
Orpheus: Greg Kasavin, who voiced Orpheus from Hades.
Paris: Jessie James Grelle, who voiced Armin Arlert in Attack on Titan.
Patroclus: Behzad Dabu, Lilac Cookie in Cookie Run: Kingdom.
Peleus: Kyle McCarley, who voiced Hitohito Tadano from Komi Can't Communicate
Perseus: David Matranga, who voiced Takumi Usui from Maid Sama.
Theseus: Cyrus Nemati, who voiced Theseus from Hades.
Crocus: Josey Montana McCoy, who voiced Kaeya from Genshin Impact.
Icarus: Antony Del Rio, who voiced Pit from Kid Icarus.
Narcissus: Jalen K. Cassell, who voiced Thor from Record of Ragnarok.
Thamyris: Lucien Dodge, who voiced Ookami from Aggretsuko
What do you think?
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lynxskip · 1 month
Rating Shows/Movies That I've Watched in the Past Months
Hazbin Hotel
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4/5 stars
-1 star for the amount of sexual shit
I'm not one of the weird ones I SWEAR
I gen like this (I'm also very easily entertained)
Fav Characters: Alastor (not a weird fan), Vaggie, Emily, Sir Pentious
Danganronpa 3 - Despair Arc
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5/5 stars
Chiaki needs to make motivational posters
Nagito 😍
Chisa's the best teacher
Fav Characters: Nagito, Chiaki, Juzo, Chisa, Ryota
Danganronpa 3 - Future Arc
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5/5 stars
Naegiri best straight ship fr
I love Aoi
Makoto's brainwashing scene is like fr traumatizing
Fav Characters: Chisa, Juzo, Great Guzo, Ryota, Makoto, Aoi, Kyoko, Koichi
Ghost Stories
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5/5 stars
English dub makes it 10000x better
The Promised Neverland
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5/5 stars
I REALLY loved this, that one episode in Season 2 actually surprised me.
Fav Characters: Ray, Thoma, Lannion, Phil
Death Note
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5/5 stars
If only everyone listened to L
Me, my bsf, and cousin (prob) are gonna watch the americanized version and from what I read on the wiki, it sounds like SHIT
Making my mom watch this and she LIKES IT (she's only watched the american version), she also hates Light (common mom W)
Fav Characters: L, Near, Ryuk, Matsuda
Yes, No, or Maybe
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4/5 stars
the like second to last scene burned my eyes..
it's decent
Sasaki and Miyano
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5/5 stars
I LOVE Sasaki's VA
I've watched this twice now (thrice when I go see my friend and cousins again)
Danganronpa: The Animation
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3/5 stars
the game is better and I don't like how Makoto looks
I've also seen THH too many times, prob why it's so low
Favorite Character(s): Mondo, Kyoko, Byakuya, Aoi
The Stranger by the Shore
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5/5 stars
watched this while my family was having a serious convo
watched this with my bsf and cousin, they kept making jokes abt how Suzu was a pedo :( (i WILL NOT take the slander istfg)
The Goldfinch
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5/5 stars
idk what to put here
Alive Sheet (Americanized Death Note)
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1/5 stars
me, my cousin, and bsf watched this and OH MY GOD did we have a fun time shitting on it, IT WAS SO SO SOOOO BAD
+1 star for L's actor
only redeeming quality
my bsf renamed Light Turner to White Turner and now I use that whenever I talk abt the movie to my mom
Bungou Stray Dogs - DEAD APPLE
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5/5 stars
loved this!!
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5/5 stars
i didn't expect it to end the way it did
Bungou Stray Dogs
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5/5 stars
new special interest
i finished it like last week or smt and i'm already rewatching it help
i've also watched like 3 episodes at least 4 times
Yuri!!! on ICE
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5/5 stars
gay ppl!!
kinda mad they didn't kiss but alr
inspired me to go ice skating so i'm going this week
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imasallstars · 29 days
学園アイドルマスター「復活!初星学園HR #4」
from 2024.08.29 19:00 JST~    Cast: Mao Ito (China Kuramoto), Yuri Usui (Rinami Himesaki), Ayane Matsuda (Ume Hanami), Hidefumi Komino (GAKUMAS Producer)
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gangnamsearch · 1 month
podem dar opções de mwf? de preferência chinesas e japonesas!
Claro, meu bem. Separei algumas opções com idades variadas, meu bem!
JAPONESAS — Nakamura Ataru (1985), Okamoto Tao (1985), Akimoto Kozue (1987), Yuka Mannami (1991), Anna Sawai (1992), Miyauchi Haruka (1993), Yoshioka Riho (1993), Lyrica Okano (1994), Baba Fumika (1995), Kawaguchi Haruna (1995), Furukawa Kotone (1996), Sakurai Hinako (1996), Nana Komatsu (1996), Ayaka Miyoshi (1996), Takahashi Juri (1997), Miyawaki Sakura (1998), Tsunematsu Yuri (1998), Tomonaga Miku (1998), Miyoui Mina (1998), Mashimoto Hanna (1999), Sakamoto Mashiro (1999), Abe Haruno (2000), Matsuda Momoka (2000), Hamabe Minami (2000), Kurusu Rin (2000), Katsuno Rise (2001), Tokunaga Yuuri (2001), Utaha (2001), Yabuki Nako (2001), Emi Fujita (2001), Honda Hitomi (2001), Tanaka Miku (2001), Fukutomi Tsuki (2002), Asaya Jurin (2002), Moki Koyuki (2002), Lisa Yamada (2002), Sakata Sora (2003), Nakamura Kazuha (2003).
CHINESAS — Yin Tao (1979), Xin Zhilei (1986), Liu Yifei (1987), Ni Ni (1988), Angelababy (1989), Sun Feifei (1989), Ming Xi (1989), Song Yi (1989), Wu Jinyan (1990), Zhang Yuxi (1991), Zhu Xudan (1992), Jenny Zeng (1993), Chen Fang Tong (1993), Bai Lu (1994), Liang Jie (1994), Ju Jingyi (1994), Esther Yu (1995), Meng Ziyi (1995), Xu Jiaqi (1995), Jelly Lin (1996), Kong Xueer (1996), Leah Lewis (1996), Wan Peng (1996), Zhang Ruonan (1996), Shen Yue (1997), Guan Xiaotong (1997), Caroline Hu (1997), Zhang Nan (1997), Silja Kang (1997), Estelle Chen (1998), Zhao Lusi (1998), Amberly Yang (1998), Cheng Xiao (1998), Zhou Jieqiong (1998), Lareina Song (1998), Elkie Chong (1998), Zhang Jingyi (1999), Ren Min (1999), Song Yuqi (1999), Shen Xiaoting (1999), Sabrina Zhuang (2001), Ning Yizhuo (2002).
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