#matt the radar technician imagines
A Stuffy Called Geb Chapter 1
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Summary: It was your turn to help train Matt , and as usual the kylo fanatic was quick to bring up the magnificent supre leader, who you actuallyheld in high regard yourself. Bonding ensues, but you might have gotten a little too comfortable with Matt and over shared some personal embarrassing details about yourself. But it could be worse? I mean it wasnt like the leader of the first order was going to find out or anything... Right?
Warnings : DDLG, Age play, Anxiety, fluff, homour, swearing, closet little trying to make a friend.
A/N: so i cant get the idea of daddydom!kylo finding a little hidden within his ranks. I love ddlg dynamics and really do think kylo has a soft nurturing side thag in canon he hates. But what if he had an outlet? One single person he could fawn over to get it out of his system so he can be a hard ass on everyone else?
Wordcount: fairly short for me.
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You entered the break room, cautiously crossing the space making sure to wav out of everyones way lest you become the butt of another joke. You managed to arrive at your destination; the caf pot. You moved quickly grabbing a fresh cup silently praying there was some actual caf left on the pot, and that it was still warm. Luck had to be on your side as the pot poured hot fresh caf into you cup.
"Oh thank the stars for that" you muttered before moving to place the pot back down. Only to pause when another cup emerged from behinde you. You yelped slightly, not hearing anyone creep up beside you, and nervously turned hoping it wasnt one of the bullies you unfortunately had to work with. But you were pleasantly surprized. Instead of a Jake or his little posse of ass kissers and assholes there stood the tall handsome yet clumsy newbie called Matt.
You flicked your gaze up faltering slightly. You drew a deep breath. Oh yeah you had Matt with you today. Not that you minded, you just werent the most social. But then again years of torment and bullying by your peers would do that to you. You calmed yourself somewhat and craned your head up higher and higher realising once again just how over whelmingly big he was. He was huge, in every aspect. You smiled up at him trying desperately not to screw up a chance to possibly make a freind.
"M-morning Matt. Caf?" You offered whilst busying yourself popping three sugars into your caf and stirring. Matt eyed you carefully before nodding quietly.
"Morning, yes caf please." he answered in his usuall awkward yet slightly demanding tone. But his eyes locked onto you, staring at you intently, a slight quirk to his brow. You smiled anxiously youd worked with Matt only once and that was when youd found him abandoned by karen in the corridor and decided to help him fix the little blunder he'd made on the calcinator.
"So i dont know if youve been told already, but today your with me" you anounced quickly pouring out a cup for him and handed it over trying to ignore anxiety building inside of you. You really didnt want to mess up and have another colleague laughing at you behinde your back. You had to act normal. Just be calm and normal.
"Oh good, i want to avoid Karen" he added following you away from the caf pot to let the others get to it. You flicked your gaze around noticing the others were sending you side eyes and smirking at you. Clearly they were waiting for you to make a fool of yourself as usual.
"We all do. Shes err, difficult. Well we dont have much for today but you sir are a lucky duck~ we are working in the rear star destroyer dock today and the finaliser is finally scheduled to dock there. Isnt that cool? Were gonna see her come in" you babbled nerves getting the better of you. He always made you nervous, he wasnt like he seemed? He had a strange aura. Powerful, stern, authoritative. He felt like a; no. No way. There was no way Matt was one of those. But god he was definitely huge enough to make you feel little. Fuck. That was a dangerous thought, now all your going to imagine is how easily he could man handle you if you were a brat. Shit.
"You like the finaliser?" Matt asked following you out of the break room grabbing your tool bags from the small cubbies by the door. You looked down and shrugged embarrassed by the way he said it. He'd noticed your odd enthusiasm.
"Yeah, sorry i get too excited. Ever since i was a kid I'd wanted to see a star destroyer." You uttered twiddling your fingers in the strap of your bag.
"So do you like star destroyers in general or just the finaliser?" He asked this time in a less abraisive tone. He sounded careful, gentle. Nothing like the matt youd seen before now. You looked at him confused by the change but offered him a small smile.
"All of them i suppose, growing up stories of the old empires fleet and stuff? I could never get my head around them. Their just so huge and stuff; even now i get excited just seeing them" you explained slightly dejected knowing youd made a fool of yourself. But still a little thrown off by his change in demeanour. He seemed to back off? The stern prickly aura tht surrounded him mellowed out. It was nice, like he was reassuring you in some unspoken way.
You couldnt help glancing up at him nervously, trying to figure him out. If anything he didnt seem to mind your small outburst, he just carried on wth the conversation as you both walked the halls towards the elevators like getting over excited was a normal thing in the first order. You flicked your gaze away quickly before he caught you staring. Fuck. He didnt look like he thought less of you for getting all giddy over something so small.
"I understand that. They are awe inspiring, an engineering marvel" Matt's lip quirked ever so slightly when you perked up again beaming up at him bouncing back from your self doubt quickly.
"Exactly! We might even see her dock if we're lucky; did you know its the first time shes coming in to dock since the supremacy? Shes never been on the supernova before" you chirped happily scanning your pass at the faster maintenance elevator.
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"Soo you take this rag and slip it over the clamp and just pop it here... no this way, remember righty tighty... your right; thats it. Then that way the pannel cant spring back and catch your fingers" you explained leaning over to hold the spring loaded sliding door back out of matts way so he could place a clamp in front of it.
"Huh... Thats alot easier" he uttered with a grunt as you released the hatch door letting it meet the clamp and stay open without risking any fingers.
"I take it the others didnt show you that trick?" You sighed with a frown as he marveled at the now secure hatch door for a second.
"No, i caught my fingers alot see?" He growled, one eye twitching in irritation before holding his hands up showing you a few nasty bruises and small cuts where these finger death traps had clearly pinched him. You winced hissing through your teeth
"They are all bullies, dont let it get to you. They think their hot shit because they work on the supernova now. But like its not that hard you know? Its a big ship they need tonnes of us here. Personally I'd rather work on her" you reassured him with a light pat on the arm before flicking your eyes to the huge ship that was docked no more then forty feet from you.
You shook your head, shoving the longing from your mind before peeking into the hatch useing your torch to dig around for the problem.
"Ah. Jakes handy work." You uttered spying the issue. A lower voltage cable haphazardly bridging two connectors. Luckily you had some of the correct sized wire spare this was a common issue.
"Hmm? How do you know that?" He asked with a frown not likeing the way you didnt sound surprized by a mistake. Like this was a regular occurrence.
"He always uses this for everything. This sector needs thicker cables for the higher voltages going to the star destroyers. He doesnt like carrying it down here because... well im not sure why to be honest" you explained moving over to show him the problem wire. You ended with a shrug but pulled back from the hatch to dig around in your bag.
"All we have to do it replace this small section and it shouldnt short anymore, lets get to it" You said over your shoulder as you began pulling things out of your bag to get to the replacement wire.
"Now see these wires are already stripped? We just smoosh them together and then twist, it makes the most reliable connection... good job! Now we tape it" you instructed watching Matt work the electrical components and secure it in place. Luckily Matt had picked up alot on the job and had not only disconnected the useless wire, but replaced the connecters either end just to make sure everything worked.
"So why are the others so nasty to you?" He asked out of the blue as he tightened the two screws securing the plastic safety cover on the open wires. You stuttered at him before shaking your head deciding to pretend you didnt know what he was talking about. But he sat up fixing you with a single look making you feel like a kid caught in a lie.
"The others, they avoid you unless they are tormenting you. Why? You seem... competent and pretty harmless, actually nice" he pried again this time not giving you any room to deny or deflect. you sighed defeated, slumping on the spot feeling pretty pathetic.
"You noticed that? Well they are bullies" he frowned at that it was the second time youd called them that. This time he was determined to get to the bottom of it,his eyes grew colder. You shuddered. This man? There really was something about him. Something completely feral yet contained? He just had something dangerous about him. But not in a 'im big and we both know i could crush you' way. It was? Darker, refined, pronounced. Honed.
"But why?" He coaxed again, his voice growing sharper. You got the distinct feeling he wasnt used to asking a second time. And most certainly never had to repeat himself a third time.
You swallowed dryly feeling a tense curiosity grow between you both. He wasnt going to drop this, you might aswell tell him so he can laugh at you and be done with it.
"A few things, as you noticed i tend to get excited quickly, sometimes i say things without thinking? They also know about my past failures... And well they found out about my hobby and i became a joke" you trailed off hoping he'd get the hint from your vague answers and leave the conversation there. But he didnt instead he seemed to perk up his gaze intensified.
"Hobby? Not many people still have hobbies in the first order?"
"I know its sad right? Just because we work here doesnt mean we gotta be a bunch of faceless boring old farts" you covered your mouth quickly but the words hd already escaped. Fuck, why are you like this? The one time you could really use a thought to mouth filter it failed again.
"So whats your hobby?" You did a double take before frowing confused. Why did he care?
"I err well i make clothes for dolls and stuff" you mumbled, mixing your words a little bit. Some part of you still waring you this was a bd idea nd he was just going to make fun of you for it. The other more submissive part reasoning he wasnt the type to be refused.
"Dolls?" you cringed at his tone, he didnt sound creeped out, or as if he was about to laugh in your face but he sounded off? Strained? As if he'd been anticipating something like that but had hoped youd say something different.
"Yeah it started when i was a kid... When the first order took over my home planet the the job market crashed especially when the first order began conscripting kids" you paused for a moment gauging his reaction before deciding you should elaborate more.
"There wasnt many options for anyone i got conscripted but I failed the physicals and at the time couldnt read so failed the IQ tests. But my reaction time was quick so they wanted to train me as a pilot but i got terrible motion sickness. In the end they said i was useless and dumped me back home. I failed to be worthy of any resources" you recounted trying your best not to sound pathetic or depressed. But honestly being dumped back home for being useless really did a number on your self esteem for a good few years.
"The only other careers i could try once home were prostitution, serving girl, seamstress or try to abandon the planet and join the resistance. I became a seamstress because it meant i could learn to read patterns and stuff. Luckily because of my small hands i was ideal for making clothes for infants and smaller races" you added proud of your achievements. Although they were small you had done it all by yourself, no schooling or first order academies. Just you in your tiny bunk studying at night.
"But how do you get from illiterate seamstress to first order engineer?" Surprisingly the question didnt sting, nor was it harsh. He seemed invested in hearing how you actually ended up here. It was flattering in a way.
"Oh i had to learn to read as part of my apprenticeship; for patterns and stuff then i learned how to fix the machinery in the warehouses, i was the best person for the job because again small hands" you giggled raising your smaller then average hands and wiggled your fingers at him.
"I could reach where others couldnt when the sewing and press machines died. Then the first order came back to the planet looking for those with mechanical skills, they were desperate. We were taken to the supernova in its early days; just after snoke died and the commander becme supreme leader. I was trained up to keep things running smoothly while the more senoir engineers were sent to the more technical sectors" you ended your tale there wasnt much to say after that, youd gone through training and been assigned to your sector.
You moved to the open hatch and began loosening the clamp prompting matt to catch the door and let it slide shut without capturing your fingers.
"And why did the others laugh at you? I mean you just make clothes?" He pried not letting you escape his initial question.
"Yeah... its everything really? They already think Im too childish and get mysel upset or excited easily. Then they found out about Geb." You grunted, cursing yourself for letting Gebs name slip through knowing that this was going to be the point he began to ridicule you.
"Geb?" You nodded without looking up at him while making yourself busy by collecting your toold and playing your own game of tetris tryingnto fit everything neetly back into your bag
"Yes he is... he's a small bear stuffy, i brought him with me to remind me of home and i make all my outfits for him and dress him up. I made him little first order uniforms and tropper armour and stuff."
"You dress him up in uniform?" He asked his face breaking out into a grin. Though you couldnt tell if he was trying not to laugh or not.
"Yeah but not just officers and stuff; hey you like the supreme leader right? I did him" you changed the topic quickly, hopeing bringing up the man would send Matt into a kylo ren ted talk and get yourself out of the metaphorical hot seat.
"You made geb a kylo ren uniform?" He reiterated slowly as if needing to say it to let it sink in. You eyed him curiously waiting to see if he was offended on the commanders behalf or not. But when he finally chuckled you relaxed before gushing over the small bear you loved.
"Yeah i even did a little light saber too and and his helmet is removable and a little hood on his cloak oh oh and he has his little belt but the best part is his little fluffy ears poke out through his mask and stuff he is so cute, Geb's lived in it since i made it" you cooed letting yourself getting carried away explaining the little outfit youd spent almost a week creating. Matt beamed at you nodding along encouraging you, enjoying the show of pure innocent adoration. But stunned you into silence as he cut through all the talk with one single question.
"You think kylo ren's cute?"
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You sputtered quickly glowing red as the huge man chuckled down at you almost cooing sweetly in a very un-matt way. Clearly something about all this had tickled him pink. He looked pretty smug actually. Good lord you hope he wasnt really freinds with the big man, youd die if any of this got back to him.
"Wha; err no. I err i dont err well maybe? I've never seen him in person; not close up anyway but i? I suppose he's probably cute; handsome? I dont think he'd like the word cute but handsome is good i suppose? But I meant Geb is cute... his fluffy little ears poke out the top of his kylo mask" you began scratching at your head lightly, trying to figure out how to get out of this with at least a shred of dignity. If that was even possible. It took your around three seconds to start talking yourself in circles nervously, your thoughts warning you not to insult your beloved leader 1. Incase matt lost his cool about it like he did at lunch the other day and 2. Well if matt was close to the kylo? Youd rather the leader of the first order knew you thought he was hot instead of cute.
"What do you think about kylo ren? You must like him to make an outfit for Geb" ah theres the matt you know and love. Thank god you thought youd lost him for a second there.
"Well yeah. I think he is a good leader, hes a smart tactician and skilled. Hes an astounding pilot and a frightening warrior;"
"You think he's frightening?" You frowned at the indignation in matts tone, the way he tensed and became clearly aggravated made you falter, why was he offended?
"Well dont you? He's so soo big, but then again so are you so you probably dont think he is scary; but to me your both soo huge!" You questioned blinking up at him curiously. Wasnt Matt scared of the supreme leader? Didnt he hear all the stories? You quickly grew uneasy with the mans simmering stare and tried to diffuse the situation by making a little comparrison between him and kylos impossible hieghts waving your hand at him animatedly. He finally cracked a smirk before tipping his head to the side .
"Your scared of my size?" He teased with a chuckle.
"No, i mean i was at first but now im not. You wont hurt me. But Kylo might if i annoy him and well most people think im annoying. But he is really scary he's stupid strong and people say he gets angry super quick and it just... he is really scary to me. i mean people chuckle about the way he says he is going to surpass darth vader but i think he already has in his own way" your words continued, thoughts and opinions on the commander that youd never shared with anyone pouring from you. You werent a fangirl but you did understand alot more of the subtleties that whent hand in hand with the commander and his abilities.
"You do? How?" Matt was quick to ask, he seemed eager to hear everything you had to say. As if he were glad someone else shared his love of the commander.
"His saber. Its all erratic and static-y, people can laugh about it. But that just shows they have no clue to what it takes to do something like that. That kyber crystal? Its gotta be cracked or something." You explained letting your theory out. Youd never really had anyone to explain this too before. It was actually nice to talk about so ething other than work a.nd food for a change
"How do you know about kyber?" You finched back at the sudden cold demanding tone. Warning? Threat? No, something else. Defensive. but your not sure why?
"I grew up on stories of the old empire. My grandpa was an inquisitor, i know the red sabers are made with bloodied angry kybers" you shrugged trying to play off the uneasy feelings matt gve you.
"You know not even vaders rage and hate managed to damage his kyber crystal. So for Ren to... the power it took to do that?" You spoke up again trying to make him perk up and snap out of the eerie calculating gze he had trapped you in. Luckily praising the commander seemd to do the trick. Thnk god, matt was a big guy, he was scary when his mood soured.
"Exactly! Its about time someone understood!" you grinned as mtt beamed down at you with an oddly fanatic look bout him. He relly did love to commander... it was almost creepy. But he was brightening up gain so you run with it.
"He's already got more going on then lord vader did. I just hope people dont manipulate him like its said they did with lord vader. Ren could be so much more. I mean as long as people dont mess with his head and stuff he'll finish what lord vader started, he has more drive." You summrised, in all honestly it was all true. Atleast in your mind, and thats not to sy you worshipped the ruler, well not like Matt seemed to anyway. But you did hold lot of respect and helthy amount of fear for the man. You secretly hoped youd never come face to face with him, youd probably die from a heart attack.
"You sound like you care for him despite your fear?" You faltered for a moment mulling over his words. You hummed for a moment contemplating your reply. Not just to keep him happy, but also genuinely cpnsideringnthe truth to hois statment. Finally you nodded to the huge man.
"I do. I mean I've never met him, if i did id either wet myself or he'd kill me for doing something stupid... like wetting myself probably" you chuckled trying to add a little humour, wanting to hopefully change the subject soon. You didnt exactly want to get caught gossiping about kylo. The last thing you needed was to give him an excuse to peak inside your mind, god knows what he could find...
"I dont think he'd kill you. You admire and respect him, he'd see that" Matt held your gaze leveling you with a stare, serious conviction that was sobering. Your demeanour changed once more uncertainty washing through you as his eyes bore into you. It was enough to make your head ache. But you ignored the light pressure of an oncoming head pains to continue your playfull facade.
"Like in my head? Oh god thatd be terrible what if he saw Geb? Or worse what if he found out i think hes good looking under that mask and has a gorgeous butt?" You panicked playfully, flushing at the small nugget of truth hidden in your teasing. You breathed a sigh of relief as the pressure receded in a stuttered jagged reversal.
"You've been staring at the commanders butt?" Why did he sound so smug about that? Unless he swings that way? oh maybe thats it? Matt had a crush on him~ that was actually quite sweet.
"Yeah, have you seen the man climb into the silencer? Thats the best butt in the first order! Besides toffee face had the old gnarled and ugly covered right? And huckleberry has the pale and sickly outer rim orphan thing going on, so kylos gotta be the young and handsome" you blushed as Matt suddenly boomed a laugh, holding his stomach as he lost himself in his belly laugh. You watched queitly, you got the feeling he didnt get a laugh very often. It made you feel a little sense of pride knowing youd given that to him.
"Did you just call Snoke toffee face?" He uttered chuckling between words still trying to compose himself. But even when he managed to cease the laughter his grin stayed across his face lighting up his handsome features, almost giving him life eyes sparkling with something youd not noticed in them before.
"Yeah... err dont tell anyone about that; especially the supreme leader and you most definitely cant tell him about geb, or that he has a cute butt! Pinky promise?" You rubbed the back of your neck nervously before perking up again and held out your pinky. You froze as you did so feeling embarrassed at showing such childish behaviour. But instead of being put off he smirked down at you, tipping his head forward, raising a hand to hover next to yours.
"Sure, but only if I get to see geb dressed up as kylo" he anounced lowering his voice as he inched forward locking eyes with you. You could only manage to look him in the eye for a few seconds before blushing again brighter and avert your eyes, focusing on the vast open space of the docking bays behinde him.
"Err sure but only if you dont make fun ok? Its bad enough with the others" you mumbled aprihensively nodding to him.
"I wont make fun of you, its nice to see someone recognise our leaders greatness, you idolise him enough to create an efergy of him. Its cute" He smirked curling his pinky around yours sealing the deal with a little shake of pinkies.
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Kylo couldnt help the way his body warmed as his mind began twisting itself around the idea of you. This little promise was much more then you realised, he was swearing to himself youd become his. It was only a matter of time.
He couldnt stop. He couldnt erase you from his mind. The tiny naive technician he'd spent the day with. It was rare for him to be so drawn to someone. But you? You admired him, and understood his greatness more then most, understood him more than even he could ever imagine. You belived in him, worshipped him! It had taken everything in him not to reveal himself then and there. To tell you how right you were, how smart he thought you were. But he hadnt. He'd simply left the shift with a spring in his step. The knowledge that someone as sweet and innocent aboard the ship actually respected him was enough to make him giddy. And he didnt get giddy. He'd quickly brought the undercover project to an end after that. Not wanting to endure another day with irritating jobs worths and bitching. And he was far to tempted to smuggle you into the safety of his own chambers. Word got out about the whole thing, and that Matt was actually kylo. Some people suspected as much but by that point he didnt care. He was too wrapped up with thoughts of his tiny technician.
He had suspicions on the type of woman you were. Shy, sweet kind and open hearted. But naive and excitable a childlike quality. something he adored and secretly craved. There was something that pulled him to such a woman. He'd dabbled in erotica, reading up on all types of fantasies during those odd few years after escapeing to the darkside. Suddenly he was free to explore in that respect. Reading kink, watching porn on the holonet and having his first few sexual encounters. He thought it was strange but it was the careing aspect of control he craved more then anything. He had odd tastes in sex had lead him to almost abstinence. He liked being called daddy, loved being much larger then his partner. Feeling needed, having soemone obey him because they trusted him to make the right decisions. He needed someone to be his entirely, someone to absolutly adore him and listen. Someone fun who could brighten up his days. He just wanted one person to give themselves to him entirely without an ulterior motive. But it was difficult to find such a woman aboard the supremacy, they all had plans to ensnare him in some stupid plot to fame and fortune or worse. Children. Sure he was aware oneday he'd have to continue his legacy but not now, not in the middle of a god damned war!
But here he may have found what he was truley looking for in you. He wanted a permanent lover, sweet, small and genuinely innocent. You were unique a gentle somewhat clumsy person with little quirks, enough little quirks for him to wonder if you were indeed a little. He was no expert, he'd only ever really seen and played with littles in the clubs he and his knights frequented when the stress of the military got too much. But you were sending all the signals, maybe he just needed to take the reigns and give a few sharp tugs to snap you into little space. From the looks of it, you wouldnt need much coaxing. Well unless nerves got in the way but a few swift trips over his knee and some playful swats would probably be enough to stop any denile.
The anticipation that quivered inside of him, shook him to his core. Sweet, small, naive and breakable. A little. Fuck. A little here of all places?! Double fuck. Now was not the time to find that kind of gem! But then again who was he to kick a gift horse in the mouth? For such a rarity to wind up here of all places and land in his lap like that must be a sign from the universe? You must be a reward, you were perfect! And you were his. He just had to draw you in. He needed a reason to see you, a reason to get you to his chambers. And then he just had to keep you there.
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bits-and-babs · 1 year
My love, I am begging for the tiniest crumb for Matt the Radar Tech. Anything related to him I’m so soft for. Whatever your heart desires! the sluttier the better tho— I have such a weakness.
⋆ 𝐍𝐀𝐓 𝟐𝟎
Matt the Radar Tech x f!Reader
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word count: 1.3k
warnings: written by someone who has absolutely no fucking clue how D&D works, so PLEASE take all of this with a grain of salt. Weirdly inspired entirely by the Roll For Sandwich series on TikTok by @adventuresinardia. Filthy nerd talk, a lil’ dry humping, Nipple play, p in v sex, cream-pie (shut up, I know).
summary: Matt can’t seem to focus while introducing you to D&D.
matt masterlist I| main masterlist |I follower celebration I| ask
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“Wait,” you mumble, staring at the copious sets of dice displayed across the durasteel tabletop, “You mean… I get to choose my character?”
No amount of Jedi foresight or Sith Holocron visions could possibly explain how Matt had managed to rope you into playing Dungeons and Dragons. Of course, you always supported his hobby— but throwing yourself into a roleplaying game that you had little to no understanding of left you feeling like you were floating in dead space, even with his arms wrapped firmly around your waist to keep you rooted to his lap.
“Yup,” he nods simply, pointing to the little sheet of paper with his scratchy handwriting detailing the breakdown of each character option. “You get to choose who you wanna be.”
You swallow thickly, feeling nerves settle in the pit of your stomach. Why did this feel like a Jedi youngling choosing its first kyber crystal? A path-defining choice that sealed your fate from the beginning?
“Uhm-… Well. Who do you play as?” You ask cautiously, feeling Matt’s chin settle on your shoulder, the frame of his glasses digging into your cheekbone as you pick up the character sheet.
“I’m the DM,” Matt speaks again, matter-of-fact in that frustratingly-adorable way that makes you turn your head pointedly and give him the kind of look that simply states ‘go on’. “Oh-… Dungeon Master. I control the gameplay- kinda. Don’t sweat the rules right now, Sunshine; just pick the one that speaks to you.”
Stars, Matt’s illegible handwriting is near enough impossible to read as it is, but throwing in unknowns like ‘NPC’ and ‘entangle spells’ leaves you feeling as though someone has removed your brain's hyperdrive.
Thankfully, each character class has been given its own pros and cons table, detailing why you should and shouldn’t choose them. Matt presses delicate kisses across your neck as you read through each list, words blurring slightly when he runs his hands over your thighs.
“Uhm…” you squeak, face burning hot as you stare at the white sheet. “T-The Fighter seems like a good option?”
“Good choice,” Matt mumbles, earnest in his compliment. His palm squeezes at your hips, humming softly as he slips the other under your perfectly ironed uniform. “They’re easy for beginners.”
“Yeah? Good,” you sigh shakily, happy that you’d at least made an intelligent decision. “Did-… Did your brothers play this with you growing up?”
“Randy did,” Matt nods, cupping one of your breasts and squeezing it through the thin material of your bralette. It’s hard to focus, to give him your full attention when he rolls your nipple between his thumb and finger. “Kylo had a habit of losing his temper.”
“Oh,” you whisper, and it’s so pathetically breathy that you want to smack yourself. Trying, instead, to distract yourself from Matt’s wandering hands, you point at the number set on the table. “Do-… Do you roll the dice to make decisions?”
“Mhmm-hm,” he hums, dragging his tongue across the flat of your neck with a muffled groan. He’s so clingy today, seemingly unbothered by your sudden interest in his roleplay game as he smothers you with kisses. “-or an outcome. Roll. See what you get.”
Shakily, you scramble to capture the golden, glittery D-20 in your palm. Matt continues to traverse your body, both hands squeezing at your tits now as he grinds his hips up into you. You can feel his cock, hard beneath your ass.
Desperate to distract yourself from the growing heat in the pit of your stomach, you practically throw the die across the table. It clatters, clanging against the metal before coming to a sudden halt. The gilded ink stares right back at you, a 20 clear as day on the face pointing to the ceiling.
“Oh- I got a twenty!” You say quickly, throwing your hands up in victory. Sure, you’re not sure what it means, but surely it’s good?!
Then your stomach squeezes, erupting in butterflies because you can feel the smirk that dances across your neck. Matt’s plotting. It’s not good when he plots.
“Know what that means?” He hums, his nimble fingers popping the button of your fitted uniform trousers with ease. “Means I get to fuck you.”
His filthy mouth floods your body with heat, jaw slack as he yanks the material over your hips. “U-Uhm- I don’t think that’s in th-the rules-!”
“I’m the Dungeon Master,” Matt states pragmatically, already pushing your panties to the side and fishing his hard cock from his flight suit, “I control the game.”
The head of his cock notches your entrance, your body begging for it with how easily you take his length. He groans loudly, burying his face into the crook of your neck as you seat your hips against his, taking him fully with one easy glide of his hips. He stretches you just right the head bumping something cataclysmic inside of you in this position.
“So fuckin’ sexy when you talk D&D,” he moans in your ear, frantic hands rumpling your uniform as he tugs it over your chest to gain access to your body easier. “Turns me on.”
“I-I don’t-“ you want to tell him how you have no idea what you’re talking about, that none of it makes sense and that you’re just guessing, but he rolls his hips beneath you, and your foundations crumble. You cover your mouth quickly, muffling your moans as he fucks up into you with skilled thrusts.
“Wanna dress you as a Druid. Wanna fuck you right here on this table during a campaign,” he runs his mouth, using his grip on your hips to push you down onto his cock, reaching depths inside you that have your eyes rolling. You tilt your head back, resting it on his shoulder as he pinches your nipple, teeth worrying your neck and sucking on the tender flesh so that a bruise will peek over your collar in the morning.
Commander Ren will kill you.
“Do you think they’d mind, hmm?” Matt asks you; his voice strained as his cock twitches inside of you. “I don’t think so. Think they’d be happy to pause the game to see these pretty lips around my dick.”
“Matt-“ you choke out, feeling him tear up against something ruinous inside of you. It surges up, his filthy words spurring it on as it amplifies.
“That’s it, Sunshine. That’s it, can feel it coming,” he slurs, dipping his hand under the waistband of your underwear to bear down on your clit with the pad of his index finger. “You gonna be good for me? C’mon, give it to me.”
Your vision goes white. It sparks static, rips through you like Matt had aimed a StarKiller superweapon straight at you. You arch your back against his chest, sobbing out a slurred mix of his name and a curse as your orgasm crackles through you.
Distantly, you hear the groan of bliss as Matt drives deep inside of you, the fluttering of your cunt drawing an agonised gasp from his throat as he cums. You’re sobbing loudly, the pulse of his load filling you, surging you towards a euphoria you didn’t think was possible.
The thudding of your pulse drowns out the sounds of the StarKiller base, and when you open your eyes, you find yourself gazing at the ceiling. You’re arched awkwardly against Matt’s body, the crown of your head resting on his shoulder as you come down from your impossible high.
“Oh…” you mumble weakly, listening to his heaving breaths in your ear. Your question comes out sounding more like a wheeze. “Are-… Are you sure you’re not a wizard? Is… that even a class?”
It’s quiet at first—a chuckle. But then Matt bursts into laughter, squeezing you tight to his body as it shakes with the peals.
“Yes! Yes, it is!”
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azrael-landfill · 8 months
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he looks so pretty when he's being threatened
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montysstuffs · 2 years
I can’t think y’all
TW: Cunnilingus 🥴🥴
AN: I just needed to get this out of my brain. Sorry if it’s literally just rambling.
I wanna be lying on my back while he works his tongue along my wet pussy. Slurping and humming while I run my fingers through his hair. A pull a bit tighter, earning a sound heard in the depths of his chest. He knows I’m so close. His big, veiny hands holding and smoothening over my thighs. The comfort a contrast to the orgasm that rushes through me. And for a brief moment, his pretty, big eyes are fluttering with satisfaction. Capturing my clit in his mouth to help me ride my wave.
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daddykylokenobi · 1 year
can you pls write matt the radar technician smut their simply is not enough of it in this world
Thank you so much Anon for this request! I’ve never written anything Matt before so this is a really fun change of pace from my usual characters. I hope you enjoy!!!
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Warnings: piv sex, Dom!Matt, begging, fingering, use of the petname “baby”, cussing, overall filth.
Matt the Radar Technician x Y/N
You had Had your eye on Matt for some time now, always checking him out when you’d pass in a hallway, watching him from the other side of the common room, any chance you got to melt over him you lavished in each second.
But you had only spoken a few times, always small talk about what work you each had that day, the current news or gossip around the ship, or little questions you’d sprinkle in to try and get to know him better. This specific day you two had matched eyes in the cafeteria, you were watching him as always and he had finally caught you, he’d seen you staring out of the corner of his eyes before but whenever he looked over to meet your gaze you had quickly looked away with red flushed cheeks.
This time instead of darting your eyes away as quickly as possible to evade any awkward feelings later you decided to hold your ground, you both stared forward ahead at eachother, lost in each others gaze you felt that familiar heat you’d get when watching him rise to your face. He saw the mauve shadow begin to color your cheeks and a little devilish smirk crossed his lips. Matt was feeling bold as well this day, he in a split second decision flashed a wink to your blushed face.
Panic set in as this happened, without thinking you pushed yourself away from your lunch table and headed straight for the elevator to run, hide, get away from this blaze that was growing in your core. As much as you hated to admit it you were quite shy around people you liked, especially ones like Matt. He was much taller than you and broad shouldered, his messy blonde hair and dark eyes enthralled you from the second glance and ever since you had busied yourself each night by thinking of him, thinking of what he’d look like beside you in bed, that stupid gray jumper he had to wear thrown on your floor along with Your clothes. Part of you felt guilty for touching yourself while thinking of Matt, but when it was late and you couldn’t sleep from the ache inside the only thing that seemed to satiate that desire was imagining him on top of you, burying himself as deeply as possible while you cried out his name.
Just as the doors of the elevator were about to close a large hand slipped between them causing them to slip back open, you jumped slightly as this stole you away from the impure thoughts raiding your mind. You looked up and watched the same thing you were running from step into the elevator, Matt stepped silently beside you then leaned forward to close the elevator doors.
He then stood beside you and you both watched the doors close, you swallowed hard while peeking to your left to look at him, he was already peering over at you.
“H-how’s your day going?” You nervously asked while trying to pretend that 30 seconds ago he Didn’t wink at you after catching you staring at him.
“Fine.” He answered plainly, “You?”
“Uh it’s been pretty good, boring I suppose.” You mumbled while hiding your stare to the floor.
Just as the words left your mouth the elevator stalled causing you both to stumble back, Matt grabbed your arm firmly to help you stand back up and you both started quickly looking around the elevator, the lights had begun to blink and stutter then finally shut off except for a small red emergency light in the corner that was dimly lighting the small room.
“What the hell?” He hissed under his breath, he let go of your arm then reached over to grab the com device from the elevator panel. “Hello?” He asked into the small box.
“We are currently working on the problem, the elevator should be back and running soon.” The voice on the other end was robotic and stiff, a hint of annoyance in their voice. “The rest of the elevators are down too so just give us a few minutes.” Then the voice cut off.
Matt stepped back to your side then looked at you. “Hope you didn’t have anywhere to be.” You could practically hear him roll his eyes, Matt had.. a bit of a anger issue problem, you had seen him flip out more times than you’d have cared too.
“Eh no I actually didn’t, my work was done for the day so..” Your voice was almost at a whisper, how in the galaxy could you two have gotten stuck in an elevator together just seconds after your first flirty encounter? You felt your body begin to rise in temperature and you quickly began to strip your jacket off your shoulders.
Matt eyed you up and down then asked with a smirk, “Hot?”
His question was like a stab to the stomach, his voice dripped seduction and the way his mouth curved to the side was making you feel a certain way.
“A little..” you quietly answered, you knew your face was red, you could feel the heat radiate from them even just being so close to him.
Matt turned to face you, “So.. what was that about earlier?”
“What do you mean?” Your lip shook as he asked this.
“You running off?” He scoffed with a raised eyebrow. “Just after I thought we.. had a moment.” He said while stepping towards you.
Instinctually you stepped back, 2 more and your back had hit the wall leaving you no where to go, Matt followed and put his hands on each side of the wall behind your shoulders, you were trapped.
“I-I just had to leave…” You stuttered as you looked up at him, he was easily towering over your smaller frame.
He tilted his head down to look you in the eyes, his glasses slipped down his nose giving you the first naked glance into his eyes that you’d had. You felt his hot breath wash over your face as he huffed out lightly.
“Uh huh.” He said with an uninterested tone, he brought his mouth down towards the side of your exposed neck, you shook with him being so close.. his mouth so readily available to do whatever it was he pleased…
“Matt what a-are you doing..?” You whispered as you squeezed your eyes shut trying to pull your raging emotions together.
He grabbed your chin with his thumb and pointer fingers then lifted your face upto his, you creeped your eyes open and felt your breath catch in your lungs as you were met with his face directly in front of yours.
“I thought this was what you wanted..? You’ve only been watching me for weeks now..” He had one eyebrow raised.
You felt embarrassment take over, you thought he hadn’t noticed your casual stalking but knowing now that he had…
“I-… I’m sorry I wasn’t trying to be weird I ju-“
Matt cut your defense in half as he roughly slammed his mouth to yours, he exhaled through his nose loudly while pressing his body against yours.
You were left breathless at this, his lips were warm and his mouth engulfed yours, he quickly began to lick and suck at your bottom lip, leaving no time to warm up to the sensation.
For a moment you tried fighting back, you pressed your hands to his hard chest and squirmed underneath of them before giving into the euphoric feeling his lips were giving you.
“Hmmphh..” you moaned against his mouth as he slid his tongue past your lips to taste you deeper, he was sporadically grabbing and pulling at your hips trying to feel you as closely as possible.
Without thinking you began to bring your right thigh up to curl around his leg, in one swift motion he momentarily bent down to snake his left arm underneath your leg to then pick you up and push you against the wall.
“Hey-!” You yelped.
He then dove himself into the right side of your neck where he wasted no time to start biting and sucking dark hickies into you.
“M-Matt wa-wait” you stuttered breathlessly as his lips against your neck started to soak the space between your legs.
“I know-… you want this..” He said inbetween breathy moans.
You wrapped your legs around his waist and arms around his neck, you were too embarrassed to answer his question, you just moaned into his shoulder as your reply.
“That’s what I thought..” he sighed.
He continued marking your neck up and down each side, you could feel his erection against your inner thigh and again the breath in your lungs seemed to disappear, you had fantasied about this kind of thing so many times but now that it was happening it felt unreal.
Just as you noticed his bulge he began to grind his hips forward into your core, raspy rhythmic breaths escaped his mouth with each roll of his hips.
“Oh… Matt..” you whined as his lap lined up perfectly with your wide open legs, his hard erection was grinding perfectly aligned with your own heat, it gave you Just enough friction for your walls to clench around themselves, aching for something to fill them.
“Fuck” he hissed as his tip rubbed up and down against the inside of his jumper.
You brought your hands forward to start undoing the front zipper, it trailed down his chest then followed all the way down to his hips. You pulled his jumper down off his shoulders and helped him pull his sleeves out.
He roughly grabbed onto the sides of your pants and yanked them down, you let him pull each side off until the only thing between his heat and yours were 2 thin layers of clothing.
He continued intertwining your tongues, he sucked hard on your bottom lip and you knew that in the morning it would definitely be bruised from him biting it.
You began to whine and cry out to him, “Matt please…” you pleaded with him as you looked down to his large bulge which was pressed against the outside of your underwear.
Again that mind numbing smirk crossed his lips, he brought his hand to your front and began to rub his palm up and down against your pussy. “Tell me what you want.” He demanded.
“I-I-…” your body shook at his dominant request. “I want you i-inside me Matt..” your voice was shaking just as much as your body was.
He breathed out like he had been punched in the stomach, “Fuck baby, that’s all you had to say.” He cursed as he reached down to grab your underwear and slip them down your legs which he then placed back around his waist.
You pulled his face closely to yours then started to lick and kiss at his jawline, pathetic whimpers left your lips as he rubbed his middle finger up and down your slit, you were soaking wet as he slipped his fingers inside of you.
“Ah-ahh!” You cried out as he pumped his fingers roughly in and out of your tight entrance.
After a moment he pulled them back out and brought his fingers upto his lips.
You watched in adoration as he slipped them into his mouth and licked each finger clean while keeping eye contact with you the entire time.
Your gut begged to be full of him, quickly you moved your hands down to push down his boxers and reveal his aching member. You let out a sigh of satisfaction at his size, you wrapped your hand around him and knew just from the girth alone that he was going to fill you up So good.
He hissed as your small fingers wrapped around him, he grabbed your wrist tightly then pulled it away.
“You have to ask for it.” He said while trying to catch his breath.
You stared up at his eyes with bewilderment, you didn’t expect him to be so dominant, so demanding. You also didn’t expect it to have the submissive power on you that it did.
“Please..” you whimpered. “Please Matt I Need you so bad..” you could’ve cried from the aching in your core.
As you said this he lined up his tip with your entrance then in one slow thrust he pushed himself deep inside of you hitting your back wall easily.
“Haahhh..” he moaned out, he then began to push and pull himself in and out of your seeping wet hole.
You dug your fingers into his back as he stretched your walls so perfectly, your head felt so heavy with euphoric sensations that for a second you wondered if you were going to pass out.
You muttered out little moans and whimpers against his chest as he continued abusing your small entrance.
“Ugh fuck baby, you’re taking me s-so good” Matt was leaned against your shoulder with his mouth huffing hot breath on your neck.
He took his right hand back down to your heat and started rubbing little circles onto your clit, your entire body twitched at this new addition of pleasure and you knew it wouldn’t be long before you’d crumble underneath of him.
“Matt I-I’m gonna cum” you quickly breathed out as you felt the wave rising inside of your stomach.
“Come on, beg for it” he groaned into your neck as his thrusts started to become stuttered from his own orgasm nearing close.
“P-please… please Matt I wanna cum for you s-so bad!” You yelped loudly as he let his last few thrusts become painfully rough but blissfully pleasurable.
And then as your orgasm crashed through the surface your hot walls clenched around his slick length, the pressure sent him over the edge as well and he released hot bursts of cum into your hole.
You both heaved in and out loudly as you leaned forward onto each others bodies. A few moments passed as you each caught your breath, slowly he leaned forward and placed you back on the floor. You scrambled to find your clothes and pull them back on, Matt was already zipping his jumper back up when the light in the elevator flipped back on and you both felt it begin to move again.
You flashed eachother a glance then Matt cupped your right cheek, he leaned his tall body down to meet your height then pressed a quick kiss to the top of your head, this small gesture made you melt even more than the sex just had.
You looked up at him with doe eyes and a tiny smile graced your lips.
“You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for this.” He confessed.
You were shocked at this, you didn’t think he liked you the way you did or for how long you had either.
“Me to..” you whispered.
He leaned down once more to deliver a kiss to your mouth, this one was longer and not just filled with lust, it was caring, and warm.
In this moment you realized that you and Matt weren’t just going to be small talk friends who flirted for fun, you were going to be something more.
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babbushka · 3 years
Into The Shadows I Follow
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Kylo Ren x F!Reader (Set in the Solo Triplet Vampire AU)
A/N: Once again I am so grateful to be participating in the Writer Wednesday challenge as presented and curated by @autumnleaves1991-blog and @clydesducktape! When I saw this week's photo, I knew I had to bring Vampire!Kylo out of retirement. I hope you all enjoy!
4k; explicit descriptions of blood (blood drinking because, vampires) & NSFW (PIV, desk sex, blood-drinking induced orgasms, body worship)
Available on AO3
The bells toll seven, as they do at the beginning of every morning. Though Matthias’ synagogue is on the south side of the property, those bells can be heard across the land, and they are the signal for life to wake from its deep slumber once more. They wake you as well, their persistent ringing a gentle yet firm call to rise from the dreams which have kept you company all night long.
Sunlight pours in slim beams of light from the thick drapes which are closed shut, and you know that despite the sound of the bells, your boys will not open their eyes until the drapes are opened and morning light can flood the room.
Stretching, you blink your sensitive eyes open and let out a happy sigh. But when you move to sit up, and as the luxurious silk sheets slip away from your naked body, a pair of strong arms wraps around your middle, pulling you back down.
You are in the big bed, of course. A castle such as theirs has so many grand rooms, and such rooms were not put to use. Each of the brothers have their own wing of the elaborate floor plan, with their own bedrooms and offices, as do you. But every now and again, the three of you find yourselves seeking comfort, and so at the end of a long day and an even longer evening, you retire to the largest bed in the largest room. It is here, in this bed that could surely fit ten people with ease, do you feel the enveloping cocoon of arms around your body.
Smiling, you let yourself be moved by Benji; out of the three of the brothers, he is the least likely to want to start his day. Ben will sometimes sleep for a week straight if he can get away with it, although you tend to not let him, for it often results in a week of pure chaos from all his reserved energy. Mattie on the other hand, likes to keep his schedule, so while Ben remains an iron grip on you nestling you against his chest, Mattie slips out of bed and throws the drapes wide open himself, unlocking the windows and letting the sweet smell of late summer air into the room.
“Ugh.” Is all that Ben has to offer by way of a morning greeting, tucking you underneath his chin, his undead skin smooth like marble against your cheek.
Ben’s hands wander across your naked body, cupping at your breasts and rubbing his thumbs over your nipples, making them stiff underneath his touch. He nudges a knee between your legs, and you can’t help but let out a sleepy eager chuckle at the way he is so keen to fuck you. If he should be awake, he thinks, he might as well enjoy a good morning.
Matthias tsks his tongue against the roof of his mouth though, walking around the enormous bed to sit on the edge of the mattress where you and Ben have rolled away.
“Good morning sweetheart,” Mattie pries you away from his brother, kissing you on the cheek sweetly, that gentle way that he has always treated you, whispering against your sleep mussed hair, “Kylo’s looking for you.”
At that, Ben lets you go with another irritated groan, knowing that if the eldest Organa is in want of you, no one is allowed to interfere.
Oh how things have changed, you think with a smile, as you kiss Ben before leaving the bed. You’re no longer a maid, no, you haven’t been for quite some time, not since that fateful evening a year ago where they professed their love for you and turned you into an immortal just as they are. You’re a Lady now, with a proper title, proper riches, and more affection than you knew what to do with between Kylo and his brothers.
It was undeniable though, that between the three of them, Kylo had the greatest claim on you -- was certainly the most possessive of you, at least -- and so, with the birds of the estate chirping, you know it would not do to keep him waiting, if only you knew where he had snuck off too.
“The study.” Matt replies to your thoughts with ease, and though you are now used to their mind reading -- an ability you were sad to discover you yourself did not develop when you were turned -- it still tingles up the back of your spine.
“That doesn’t help.” You tease playfully, knowing there are a dozen studies in this castle.
Mattie smiles back, kisses you once more, the barest hint of lips upon lips, before draping a robe over your bare body, not saying a word all the while. Then, he is gone, and you know he will likely not leave his scrolls’ side for many hours. Turning to Ben, you find that he has fallen back asleep, so with a fond shake of your head, you leave the room and set about finding Kylo.
On the third try, when you knock on the door, there is a shuffling of movement inside that stills, and you know that you’ve found the right study, when a deep voice calls out, “Darling, is that you?”
“Yes, I’m coming in.” Elated, you turn the doorknob and push it open. Before they had changed you, such a task required immense effort, as the doors in the castle were nearly three times your height, and solid wood or stone. But now, with the otherworldly strength afforded to you by immortality, the door opens with ease.
“Hello beautiful girl, good morning.” Kylo is at your side in an instant, still wearing his traveling clothes. He must have only returned then, you think, and Kylo nods, reading your thoughts.
Leaning down, he presses a deep thoughtful kiss to your lips, his hands smoothing up your arms, across your shoulders, trailing up the length of your throat, before landing to cup your cheeks, pulling your face ever closer to his. He smells like smoke, and your eyes slip shut as you indulge in this ritual of breathing each other in, tongues slipping together, hot breath on one another’s teeth.
“Good morning,” You murmur, eyes still shut as he clutches your body to his, feeling through the thin veil of your robe. Your curiosity gets the better of you, and in between deep breaths, you cannot help but ask, “Where did you sneak off to in the middle of the night?”
“I had an errand to run. It was of little importance, but better done sooner than later. I’ve brought you something to make up for it.” He smiles, the sharpness of his teeth grazing against your lower lip -- before he is gone altogether.
He does this often, they all do. On the rare occasions when they leave the castle, they always bring you back something, a token of affection. While Kylo retrieves his gift, you sit yourself down on one of the green velvet armchairs that furnish the room.
This study was one that you and Kylo have spent the least amount of time in, simply because he preferred a study with the fireplace, and this particular room didn’t have one. Still, it was a lovely place very fitting for Kylo, what with its dark wood walls and black iron accents. A double-tall room, there were balconies on each side that housed bookshelves stocked with records as far back as the family had been living there.
On the lower level were plush seating arrangements; two velvet green armchairs and a matching loveseat, as well as two wing-backed armchairs all situated around various rugs and coffee tables. A candle-lit chandelier sparkled like the stars in the center of the room, the only other light coming from two lantern lamps on the ornately carved wooden desk.
Another reason why Kylo didn’t care much for this study was the window -- though it was grand, it always seemed to be blocked by foliage, creating a dark and mysterious aura at all hours of the day.
He returns then, with a small velvet box that he holds with care in his large palm. Eagerly, you nod once, and Kylo slowly opens the lip, revealing a pair of beautiful earrings. They are elaborate, from the clasp which sits through your ear, a flower with rough cut diamonds in each petal dangles. The flower head is attached to a short stem that has six leaves, each leaf also embedded by a diamond. And then as if that were not ornate enough, dangling from the base of the stem is a conical gold and diamond encrusted bead, followed by two freshwater pearls with yet another gold bead sandwiched between them.
It is without a doubt, one of the most intricate pieces of gold jewelry that you have seen, and certainly one of the most elaborate pieces that Kylo has ever given you. Fleetingly, you wonder where he had gone to obtain such jewelry, but Kylo usually never says, and that’s alright with you.
“Won’t you put them on?” He asks softly, and you smile, accepting the earrings carefully.
They are heavy, but not in a way that would become uncomfortable, and when you clasp them through your ears and the light of the chandelier catches the diamonds, sending small sparkles onto your cheek, it’s all Kylo can do to kiss you again and again and again.
“Perfect, you’re absolutely perfect, my marvelous girl.” His teeth are sharp, and his mouth waters as he pulls you as close to him as possible, backing you up against the desk until he’s lifting you just enough to sit you down on the surface.
“You look hungry.” You whisper, your lips ghosting over his, noses rubbing together.
“Starving.” He replies, eyes darkening with something other than bloodlust, lust of another kind entirely, even as he tips your chin up up up with the tip of his finger, exposing your rabbiting pulse. “How lucky are we, that for whatever reason, you did not turn all the way.”
Humming in agreement, you untie the sash of your robe, letting the fabric pool around your hips where it hits the desk. He watches you carefully, his hands clenching and flexing into fists, open close open close, trying his best to be patient as you reveal yourself to him. He saw you last night before leaving of course, but there is something so delicious about sex during the day, in the light of morning, where you can truly see one another.
“We still have no answers for that, do we?” You reach your hands out to him, and at once he steps forward and fills the gap between your bodies, already beginning the tearing apart of his own clothing.
“No, not yet. But it has only been a few months, there is time to find them.” He grunts as your fingers make quick work of his cravat, his own hands popping open the buttons of his vest, and soon after, the shirt that sits underneath it, “Although, I do not think anything will be as lovely as the sound of your heart beating. It would be a shame to silence it.”
“I am in no rush to change,” Your breath quickens as you push the open jacket and vest off of his arms, before lying backwards on the desk, your bare legs spreading for him, “I like this, I like being needed this way.”
His hands pause on the buttons of his breeches for just a moment, drawn instinctively to the glistening between your legs, your pussy just as desperate for him as he is for you. Moving only so much as to shove the breeches down enough to pull his hard cock free, Kylo immediately settles himself between your spread legs, kissing each of your knees as he rubs the head of his cock through your folds.
“We like needing you.” He groans, the velvety heat of your cunt welcoming and so wet, tantalizing in the way it clenches around nothing, wanting to be filled. “Never before has there been blood so sweet, and never again are we to find it anywhere other than you, of that I’m sure.”
He has yet to push himself all the way inside of you yet, a remarkable amount of restraint for a man who hasn’t fucked you in over ten hours. You are not so patient, not so restrained, and so as he hovers himself over your naked body, your hands clutch at his shoulders to pull him down fully on top of you.
“Take your fill, but save some for the others,” Your head lies flush against the desk, throat exposed and lengthed to the best of your ability, breathing out in a thick gasp, “They’ll likely be hungry too.”
“Have you come yet?” Kylo asks, and at this you groan in your frustration at being so close to getting fucked and yet still not being thrust into.
“Kylo, please! I’ve only just awoken.” You complain, and that seems to be the magic words, because as soon as they leave your lips, he has grabbed your hips and pulled them towards his own, your bodies colliding together perfectly as his hard thick cock throbs inside you.
“Good, I like being the first one.” His baritone is deep, it rumbles through your chest as he wastes little time building a rhythm that is steady yet brutal at the same time.
Your feet can’t find any purchase on the edge of the desk like this, so he grabs your ankles with one hand and throws your legs up, resting them against one of his broad muscular shoulders. He kisses an ankle delicately, before ramming his dick so far into you and with such force that it scrapes the desk against the rug.
“Oh yes!” You breathe, a great big grin forming on your face as your eyes shut and you revel in the building pleasure that he gives you. “Yes Kylo, fuck me harder, give me everything!”
His breath comes in heavy pants then, as he listens and gives you exactly what you want, his thrusts speeding up, pulling out just enough to knock the wind out of you when he pushes back in.
If you were mortal, his grip on your hips would have surely broken your bones, but you are not so fragile as you once were, and he doesn’t hold back. He buries himself to the hilt every time, the stretch so delicious and intoxicating that you can’t help but moan loudly, gasping and sighing in sharp surprise each time he grazes against your gspot. Though they all take turns making love with you, it is Kylo who is the most passionate with you, the one who craves you the most.
“Beautiful,” He is hypnotized by the way your body is stretched out on the desk for him, your flesh rippling and bouncing from the force of his thrusting, the sounds of your wet cunt squelching and dripping onto the table, your nipples painfully stiff as your arms are thrown up over your head, “So gorgeous, all ours, ours forever, just like this.”
A prophecy a hundred years ago gave them the hope that you would join them, and every evening since then Kylo has imagined what it would be like to have you, to keep you, should you want this eternal life. He loves you, oh how he loves you! How he has loved the idea of you for so long, desperate to sleep decades away so that he would have you in his dreams, so that he would not have to wake and spend the days without you. A lonely existence it once was, but no longer, he thanks the stars above that it is no longer.
“Yes! Yes, oh Kylo touch me, please I -- I need it.” You moan, arching your back clean off the desk when he fucks your gspot once again, the feeling like lightning as it sparkles across the nerves in your body.
At once, he bends himself over your body and begins a barrage of kisses and bites all across your chest, one of his hands abandoning your hip to press his calloused thumb against your swollen clit. His teeth are so sharp, but he is careful not to draw any blood -- not yet, at least.
No, instead as he continues to thrust wet hot fast hard into your pussy, he sucks and leaves dark marks across your breasts, the stimulation of your nipples only making your cunt drip more more more, your thighs twitching, wanting to wrap around his waist and keep him there forever.
“Louder,” Kylo orders, his eyes black and glittering with a dangerous possessive sort of lust, his fangs protruding out further, “Let the castle know, let the villagers know, let the world know who fucks you so well.”
“Kylo!” You’re shouting now, and somewhere in the back of your mind you hear the door being compelled open by Kylo’s telekenetic abilities so that the castel staff can indeed hear you, and something about that makes your voice carry even louder when you gasp and plea, “Oh fuck, right there Kylo! Your dick’s so big, I -- I’m so close to coming, make me come Kylo, please!”
And he does, oh, how he does, with his tongue his fingers his teeth his cock, he fucks you and pinches at you and rubs at you and sucks sucks sucks at you, so much so that you don’t even realize it at first when his fangs have pierced your throat. But he has latched himself onto you, and your body shudders and jolts and shakes as the fireworks explode behind your eyelids, body going limp from the pleasure.
Somehow, he has enough presence of mind to pull you off the desk and stumble backwards into the velvet armchair that is only a foot or two behind him, tugging you back onto his cock as he sits you on his lap, his fangs never once leaving your throat as your blood floods his mouth.
“Be gentle.” You whisper, as his hands crush your body to his, one arm wrapped around your waist, the other cradling your head and supporting it in his palm as he groans and moans as he drinks you down.
Had you been told years ago that having a vampire drink your blood would feel so good, you would have thrown yourself at the castle gates, begging to be dinner for whomever had lived inside. It is so good in fact, such a thick and heady feeling, that you grow dizzy from it, your body like lightning once again, a second orgasm before you’ve even finished riding the high of your first one.
Kylo can feel it, can feel the pleasure that pulses out of your body, the hot gush of slick that coats his breeches, still half-dressed in all his desperation, and he grinds his hips upwards, a slower, deeper pace set to fuck you through it as he sates all of his hungers.
“Darling I’m -- ” His voice is muffled against your throat, but you don’t need him to speak the words for you to know what he’s going to say, what he’s going to ask.
“Yes, please, come inside me.” You sigh, moving almost in slow motion as you card your hands through his hair, combing the silken dark locks away from his face as he continues to moan and pant against your neck, his hips grinding up up up, fucking you on his lap, until he finally stills and shudders out a deep rumbling orgasm of his own.
The two of you stay like that for some time; your body wrapped around his on the velvet armchair as he clings to you, his eyes shut as he moans out gratitude against your pulse. He’s good about the way he drinks, he never takes too much. You are dizzy and weak afterwards, but never so much that you are in any real danger. Immortality helped greatly with that, even if it wasn’t a complete transformation into the undead as Kylo and his brothers were.
“Thank you, oh fuck, thank you.” His fangs retract back into his gums, and with a bloodied tongue, he licks closed the puncture holes that he has pierced, a kindness to not mar your skin that all three brothers give to you. He noses at one of the golden dangling earrings that have warmed against your skin from all the hot breathing, “I’ll never get tired of that feeling.”
“I should hope not.” You smile softly, a playful jest that has him smiling back -- a rare sight from Kylo.
With trembling hands, you cup Kylo’s cheeks and guide his face to yours, kissing your own blood off of his lips. It doesn’t taste nearly as sweet as your boys think it does, but that’s alright, you’re not the one drinking it after all.
“Can you walk?” Kylo asks after a while, and you let out a silent puff of a laugh, the obvious answer being no.
“In a moment.” You roll your eyes, just wanting to sit there with him for a little while, still so dizzy and sex-drunk that you need to catch your breath and let the room stop spinning for a few minutes. He recognizes this and simply returns to kissing you sweetly, gentle chaste presses of his lips on yours.
Like that you both stay, until the bells toll twelve, and the sun is so high in the sky that even through the foliage outside the study window, light streams through in ethereal ribbons between the branches. A streak of light lands on your bodies, and even after all this time of worrying that you’d burst into flame, all that happens is the ever so slight tingling of your skin, no different than that of the way Kylo makes you feel.
Realizing just how late it’s gotten, Kylo groans and carefully pats your thigh, a signal to get off of his lap and stand on your own two feet. He follows suit, and the two of you look at each other, admiring one another’s bodies. He tucks his cock back into his breeches and buttons himself back up, not bothering with the vest or jacket. You reach for your robe, and attempt to fix the disaster that your hair has become, to little success.
“Why don’t we go to lunch and show my brothers your pretty new gift?” Kylo suggests, knowing that the noon bell would draw Mattie and Ben away from their respective activities long enough for a bite or two to eat.
“They’ll be angry with you for not sharing.” You point out, but Kylo only gives you one of his dangerous smiles.
“I know.” He winks, and you roll your eyes, wondering how on earth these boys have gone five hundred years without killing one another, the way they rile each other up so.
Opening the door wider for you, Kylo allows you to step out of the study and into the corridor first like the gentleman that he is, and when you reach out his hand and he whisks you away to the formal dining room, you can’t help but feel so lucky that this is the life that they have given you, and lucky that you still have something you can give to them in return.
As Ben and Mattie both immediately begin to protest that Kylo did in fact keep you all to himself for the entire morning, you satisfy your own hunger with blood drunk from your diamond goblet, smiling to yourself over their bickering antics.
And though there are answers to questions you have asked that remain secret to you, though you may not have the extent of the abilities that they do, you know that no matter where they go, into the shadows so too will you follow.
Tagging some Kylo lovin' friends!
@mochabucky @sacklerscumrag @artsymaddie @bitchydecisions @direnightshade @reyloaddict55 @thembohux @kylorenswhxre @sunflowersinthesnow @babayagakeanu @safarigirlsp @steeevienicks @materialisthicc @hswritingrecs @rosi3ba3z @chapterhappygirl @schopenhauerdeathsquad @loverofallthings @groovetoob @bxnnywriting @glassbxttless @angel-bxby3 @smallgirlbigpersonality @lovelyyy-luna @2000andwhat @raddo1975 @cornmousequeen @metsienmenninkainen @caillea @painttheskylineforme @holding-on-to-starwars @kylo-ren-is-alive @caitlin-was-here @icarusinthesea @princessflip @goddessofsprings @mrs-gucci @baubub @bucky-j-barnes @mindyoshiii @beachwoodmonet @darkhairedmenrule @eagerforhoney
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jynzandtonic · 3 years
BESTIEEEEEE I bring a challenge: matty being sweet (gasp! Say what now??!)
You have no idea how hard I had to restrain myself from writing Matty fucking your face, but I will oblige with some sweetness hehe <3
(cw: succulents lolz, matt fluff, very light verbal degredation)
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"MUFFIN!" he bellows through the apartment, dropping all his bags and shit on the floor in a heap by the door. "I'M HOME!"
You squeal with excitement.
He's back from his work trip.
Throwing your arms around his neck, you smother his face in sloppy kisses as he wrinkles his nose and pretends to evade your onslaught.
"Alright, alright, all-fucking-right! I get it—you missed me."
"I did," you pout.
He grabs a handful of hair at the nape of your neck, tugging to tilt your face up to his. "I missed you, too, you little skank," he says, catching your lips with his own. "Oh. I, uh, got you a little fuckin', uh, thing."
"A present?" you grin.
Reaching into a small paper bag, he pulls out a tiny little cactus in a llama-shaped pot.
"Oh my god, it's fucking adorable," you say, snatching it from his hands.
"No, it's badass. It's got spikes and shit."
"I love it," you smile, kissing him on the cheek. "It's just like you—cute and grumpy!"
He scowls.
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thirst-refinery · 7 years
Can you do headcanons for triplet Matt being best friends with you but having a huge dorky crush on you ❤
A/N~ Who bullet points headcanons anymore? Thanks for requesting boo, I had fun writing these!
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Matt’s feelings for you existed long before you’re friendship ever did. In year one of middle school you loaned him a book during silent reading and from then on he couldn’t suppress the warm fuzzy feeling that arose whenever you were around. Your simple act of kindness resonated with Matt and it stuck with him until the final year of middle school when a friendship began to blossom between you. You bonded over an English assignment you were assigned to do together and you’ve been inseparable ever since.
As luck would have it you went to the same high school. Matt was there to help you every step of the way. School projects? He’s there to tell you all you need to know. Drama with your other friends? He was there to listen to all your complaints. Prom date stood you up? Matt showed up to your house in a tailored suit and a bouquet of roses. He was the perfect best friend.
But it didn’t stop there. You applied to the same college and through another stroke of luck, you both were accepted. Matt followed you through every up and down. Buying you coffee and staying up all night to help you study for tests, celebrating when you aced them, wing manning for you at parties, taking you home safely when you got a little too drunk, late night conversations about life, your shoulder to cry on after your first bad break up. Matt was everything. He just wanted to see you happy even if it wouldn’t necessarily make him happy.
He finally told you how he felt during one of those late night conversations. As you sat outside admiring the stars Matt sat next to you admiring something else. You spoke of what you wanted to do after college, where life would take you. You asked him that question and in the softest voice he responded “Wherever you go.” it wasn’t much but it was a simple admittance of his feelings and you had heard him.
Send Me A Requests!
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Can I have some Solo Triplets headcanons about a first date?
yes yes yes!!! I love this so much 🥰 hope you enjoy! I made this modern btw cause I feel like it suited it better rather than Star Wars Canon.
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Ben Solo
Ben is truly a hopeless romantic.
When he firsts asks you out, its old fashioned, sweet.
He definitely asks your parents/guardians first, has a huge sit down with them before he takes you out, tells them what time he’ll have you back by or what his intentions are. (That is if you still live with them.)
He doesn’t take you to a restaurant though or something huge, its so simple, something out of a movie.
It would probably be a picnic somewhere beautiful, with an amazing view before you.
He brings all your favourites, and packs it all into a basket along with a sheet to lay down.
Him feeding YOU grapes or strawberries ☺️
He asks to kiss you, its short and sweet, doesn’t linger for too long, and yet you still feel fireworks.
He ensures there will be a second date, and makes plans for the next one as soon we he drops you off.
Kissing you at your doorstep !!
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Matt Solo
If you think Matt would actually have the guts to ask you out straight up-
You’re fucking wrong.
He’s your friend first. Unlike Ben whom makes his intentions clear, Matt beats around the bush, having a crush on you in secret.
One of his brothers would have to do it for him, probably Kylo knowing how spontaneously annoying he is.
“ Matt wants to go out with you.”
Ben would give Kylo the biggest “what the fuck dude??” Look, Meanwhile Matt is sitting in the corner OBLIVIOUS.
Matt is too nervous to go on a talkative date, he rather go to the movies with you, and do something easy going rather than super planned.
Its still romantic though as he holds your hand during the movie.
Leia taking pictures of y’all for her scrapbooks 😳 before you leave IM
Sharing popcorn and accidentally reaching at the same time.
You ask him out on the next date, and kiss his cheek before you leave his car.
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Kylo Solo (Ren)
The date definitely does not feel like a date.
Kylo isn’t one for romantic gesture nor cheesy dates.
You kind of get pissed off at him for the first couple “dates�� he plans in which you don’t even know are dates.
“ I just want you to be honest with me, what the fuck is this? Between us?”
“ Well- I mean Enjoy your company-“
“ Just tell me what this is.”
He sighs, “ I’m not good at this- I’ve never, felt this way before- fuck I’m sorry for not being more straightforward.”
After that he gets Ben’s help to plan something out of his league, but still himself.
Kylo sets up this huge dinner for you, he cooks for both of you, getting help from his mother.
The family all goes out and leaves you two alone for the night.
It surely makes up for all the confusion.
He’s out of his mind nervous but he would never admit that.
The date finishes with a slow, passionate kiss 🥰
This was so bad I’m so sorry y’all
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silowrites · 4 years
being a rebel spy in the first order. You end up getting captured because you placed your trust in Matt. Little did you know it was Kylo Ren posing as a technician. 
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millllenniawrites · 4 years
New Years Eve (with triplet Kylo/Ben/Matt)
I’m trying something new!! This was requested by a lovely anon and someone explained what it meant (I feel like such a grandma) so I decided to do a series of headcanons with the triplets! I feel like I probably haven’t done this exactly the way anon wanted but I did my best. 
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Kylo Ren
he’s probably stressed out of his mind most of the time so holidays aren’t celebrated unless you make it a priority 
he had been out on a mission and was yelling at hux when you reminded him that it was new years
this mans loves you so much he just immediately stops and tells you he would meet you in your shared quarters 
it would take him a second 
probably ripping Hux a new one 
but he would eventually come home 
you always make him leave his lightsaber at the door 
more that one scary moment while undressing him was enough for him to listen to you
you guys would sit and watch out the window for a star to come into view and treat that like it’s the new year
he would kiss you softly and tell you that he’s grateful for you 
and you would tell him how proud you are of him 
ruling at such a young age 
struggling with his parents abandoning him
you’re so so proud of him
his face softens and he hugs you so tight 
he won’t ever admit it but he is so in love with you he isn’t sure what to do with himself when he’s around you
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Ben Solo
ben is such a squish when it comes to celebrating things like this 
he would always make sure you were into the New Years hullabaloo 
but when you tell him you are, he gets so excited he’s like a little kid 
you guys could be wherever and he would figure out when exact midnight was to kiss you
no matter where you were
in the middle of a street
in the dining hall 
it wouldn't matter
he would be so so sweet with you 
so much of your relationship was new things to both of you and he never wanted to come across as clingy 
he also never wanted to be too much 
but this would be one exception 
against your lips
he would tell you how much he loves you 
how he’s so grateful that you brought him back to the Light 
and how he would only leave your side if you told him that it was what you wanted 
it’s so hard not to just melt in his arms
you always have a New Years Eve cuddle session 
laying in bed together 
kissing slow 
reminding each other how much you love each other 
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Matt the Technician
matt is so awkward so you guys probably had a bunch of conversations about things like valentines day and New Years 
just cause he doesn’t want to ever make you uncomfortable with traditions that you don’t want 
you guys spend New Years alone 
he is such a lightweight that after one glass of champagne that he’s all cute and giggly 
it’s like 8pm and he’s all over you 
telling you how cute you are
and how soft your lips are
and how much he wants to just kiss you and not ever stop
and you laugh and push him off but love every second 
at midnight he gives you the biggest kiss on your lips 
sloppy but in the cute way not in the gross way
he tells you how he’s looking forward to spending the next year with you 
only if that’s what you want 
he never wants to impose and gets a lil insecure whenever he feels like he is 
so you’re very careful to tell him how you’re looking forward to it too
and then you tuck him into bed cause the poor baby needs to sleep
he won’t let you get far and asks for cuddles 
and you happily oblige
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fan-fantasies · 4 years
Sea Enchantress (p.6)
A/N: yes, this is back, crazy right? Anyways, this will likely not contain smut, it will be implied but I’m just so out of the loop in writing smut that I don’t think it would come out well. I’m not sure how many more chapters i’ll do. I have requests that I am planning to do.  So I guess we will see how well this does. -Breezy
Warnings?: implied smut,
words: 1,234 (short as hell I apologize)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3* Part 4* Part 5
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“Thank you, Kylo.” She said softly as she caressed his cheek before her eyes flashed purple once again. 
The spirit was in control again. 
Her purple eyes closed slowly as she fell into a slumber. Kylo slowly stood throwing his pants on before his brothers came down to the living room to see the naked female on the couch.They both looked at Kylo and he shrugged not particularly wanting to hear their comments. 
“It’s clear this girl is gaining control of her body back, slowly,” he began as he walked to the kitchen to get himself some water.  “The siren wasn’t present until we were done.” he tells his brothers before taking a sip of water. The three of them were silent, it was a rather long pause as they tried to think of what to do. 
The next two weeks went on like this, the siren picked one of them, they would sleep together and she would sleep. Some days she would wake up and want to fuck again but other times she just rested for the rest of the day. During this time, Matt spent most of his time researching how they were to fix this. It’s really all he did unless he was chosen by her then he was typically occupied.  There were so many different ways to get rid of the spirit. The easiest one would be to bring her to the beach where they found her. They would have to try and call onto those of her family in order to help but would they actually come? 
“So what are we gonna do?” Ben questioned his geeky brother, Ben was covered in sweat meaning he had just come from the guest bedroom where the siren was. 
“The easiest would be to bring her to the beach,” Matt began, “Though we will need the help of her family. I’m not even sure if they would come if we called.” he explains. 
Ben nods, “But that’s not the only way?” 
Matt pauses again, “It’s not the only way, but I feel it may be the easiest way.” he explains, “Some sources say we need a witch. Others say we can’t really don’t anything at all or that the siren is tamable.” 
Ben’s gaze instantly snapped to his brother, “Can be tamed?” he questioned with wide eyes. Matt rubbed the back of his neck,  “Well when push comes to shove, the siren will get bored and will leave her body. Though that could take months, years even.” 
“Well we don’t have that long,” Kylo says as he walks into the room, “I think she can fight back though, with enough help.”  Matt and Ben looked at Kylo confused at this,
“Seriously? Neither of you have noticed?” he let out a heavy, “I told you two weeks ago. Sometimes during occasions, you can see that her eyes change color and her personality may change briefly.” Kylo states almost in a matter of fact tone, “If we can get a few moments to talk to her and not the siren, then we may be able to get somewhere.” 
“But the full moon is tonight, do we risk taking her to the beach and see what happens? Or what else?” Ben questioned, 
“I say we go to the beach, see if her family shows. If they don’t then we will have to find a new way.” Kylo states before leaving the room. Ben opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by the sweet calling of the siren. 
“Beeeeeennnnn, where did you go?” Ben looked at Matt before leaving the room with a huff. Matt sat himself back in his desk chair, he pushed up his glasses before sighing. Tonight was going to be a long night.  The siren giggled as Ben flopped down in the bed next to her, 
“Where did you go?” she pouted, “I missed you,” she nuzzled into his side.  “I went to go to the bathroom and ended up talking with my brothers.” she looked up at him just as Kylo walked by the door. 
“Speak of the devil. Why don’t you join us?” Ben says looking at his brother. Kylo just shrugged before entering the room, closing the door behind him.  She looks at Ben and then at Kylo, both of them? She was silent as Kylo placed a hand on her exposed thigh. From behind her, Ben kissed the side of her neck. 
“Is this alright? Is this what you want?” he questioned, his voice low and sensual. Without a second thought she nodded her head. The two brothers looked at each other before Kylo instantly took charge. He climbed onto of her quickly, a hand instantly grabbing her neck gently. Her eyes went wide with shock before Kylo smashed his lips to hers. She knew of Kylo’s dominance but this was something new. 
Kylo pulled away and looked at the siren, “I hope you’re ready,” he said lowly, a shiver running down her spin. She didn’t say a word but she nodded at his statement. Things seemed to quickly escalate, Kylo quickly losing his clothes and joining the two in bed.  Just as Ben and Kylo guessed, the siren fell asleep right after their encounter with her. The two brothers silently got dressed, neither of them daring to speak mainly cause this was the first time they had done anything like this. 
Kylo scooped the girl up, bringing up the girl out the the car. Matt was already downstairs waiting for them. 
“Took you two long enough,” he states, 
Ben snickers, “If you wanted to join, you should have asked,”
“No,” Kylo says as he enters the room, “Now lets get going,” 
The three of them got in the car, they didn’t know what to expect when they got to the beach. Would her family actually show up? Or would they have to take this into their own hands? It was quiet, no one dare say anything.  Upon arriving to the beach, it was completely empty. The three of them brought her out towards the shore, Matt held a notebook in his hands which had everything they needed in order to hopefully call this. 
“I am calling to the merfolk of the sea, please come to us.” Matt calls out to the ocean, his voice echoing slightly. All that could be heard was the sound of the waves crashing on the shore. The tide slowly creeping higher and higher. They waited for what seemed like hours but no one came to them. 
“If the tide keeps moving in, we are gonna have to leave.” Ben states as he stays by the siren. She begins to stir in the sand, when her eyes open they weren’t their signature purple. 
“Th-They won't come... No matter how much you call,” her voice soft, clearly full of sadness. “They don’t care about me,” Tears began to fall from her eyes. The brothers looked at each other, unsure of what to do. 
“Just leave me here, the ocean will take me away and I will perish by the sunrise.” Tears continued to stream down her cheeks, she seemed to be giving up. The brothers seemed to not want to take that as an answer. 
“No, we are going to help you get rid of this monster. We are just gonna have to find another way.” Ben says picking her up and bringing her back to the car. Before leaving, Matt pulled two jars from his pocket, throwing in sand in one and water in the other. This would be one interesting encounter for sure.  Permanent for all: @lokilvrr @m-a-t-91 @blueeyedbesson​  Taglist: @babiee-solo​
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babyspiderling · 4 years
Personal update
Hey Guys, I’m headed to Disneyland in a couple weeks to celebrate the big one-eight. This will hopefully spark some inspiration for any and all fics I’ve got. So please, give me your Disney AU’s and park themed requests!
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jynzandtonic · 3 years
Okay @barbers-glimmerin-darlin just made me think about forcing feral Matty to try classic rollerskating with you as a date and I literally cannot stop laughing.
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leah-halliwell92 · 4 years
Rey’s First Flight
Imagine Matt taking Rey to Disneyland for the first time.
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Matt Solo swallowed nervously as he drove up the road to that leads to the main parking. He wanted to do something special for his girlfriend since this her first time visiting where he grew up versus his folks and brothers going to visit them. Plus its their one year anniversary and he wants to do something cheesy and cute for his lady.
To her benefit, Rey was resisting the urge to jump on her seat as she saw the signs as they drove into the parking structure. Before nearly jumping out of the car when she saw the price for parking alone.
“Don’t worry Rey,” Matt said taking her hand in his, “Mom didn’t give me room to argue so said to treat you.”
Rey blushed adorably waited till they were out on the parking lot to shake the nerves out and warm up some. Its early, too early some would say. But Matt convinced her it was a necessary evil if one wanted to get on the good rides with a moderately waiting time.
The look on Rey’s face when she first walked through the gates was priceless. Matt took a picture while she wasn’t looking and nearly fell when she tackled him into a hug.
“This is amazing,” she said with a wide smile.
“Yea,” he said still staring at her as if she held the key to everything.
They did every ride and took what felt like every picture, both taken by a cast member and selfies. But Matt didn’t mind. So far she loved the everything.
At the end of the day Matt nearly had to carry Rey to the car she was so tired. And maybe...just maybe the next time they came for a visit he’d be ready to propose in the Beast’s library?
Star Wars Tag list:
@nite0wl29​, @nancylovesreylo
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cocainfo · 4 years
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A relationship with Matt Organa-Solo.
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