#matt the radar technician headcanons
upon-a-starry-night · 6 months
Star Wars Masterlist
Requests/asks are open!
Main Masterlist
🌶= Spicy times
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☆ While We Dream - Ongoing
As Kylo sleeps he finds himself mysteriously transported to your modern world, while you sleep you find yourself following alongside Kylo as he goes about his duties as “supreme leader?” who even was this guy? And why does he keep talking about ‘the force?'
☆ Forced Connections -Coming soon!
You’re working as a lowly unnoticeable technician aboard The Finalizer when you develop Force powers after an interaction with Kylo Ren. 
The new technician Matt knows a lot about The Force and you agree to let him help you hone your powers as long as he sticks to your one condition: Dont. tell. Kylo.
One Shots:
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cosmic-ships · 6 months
for the ask game, answer the questions for the april first f/o please. :)
~ @kentofukamiya
-What made me like them
A lot more laid back than his other persona. Still shows a lot of aggression....actually makes me laugh with my entire chest. <3
-My favorite thing about them
The way he snaps back at people... unless of course ya know...he murders them- but even then he makes it light hearted and my sick twisted ass laughs- >_>
-Nicknames we have for each other
I call him Sweetheart, cutie, darling.... He calls me love and babe.
-A headcanon of our relationship/friendship
This man is JEALOUS not in a super toxic way but like if I'm talking to someone he will come over and throw his arms around me and make sure they person gets the message that I'm taken.
-My favorite image of them.
Not an image but a gif...
HeLp mE
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-Anything else!
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techniiciian · 1 year
let's keep it short, simple, & fun.
this is a silly, goofy, funtime depiction of matt the radar technician loosely based & inspired by the snl skit star wars: undercover boss & personal headcanons.
indie. semi-selective. 18+. highly canon divergent. est. 2016 // rebooted. 2023 adored & written by aer.
icon by the lovely and skillful @stillsolo .
header by the lovely and skillful @machodoodle .
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millllenniawrites · 5 years
New Years Eve (with triplet Kylo/Ben/Matt)
I’m trying something new!! This was requested by a lovely anon and someone explained what it meant (I feel like such a grandma) so I decided to do a series of headcanons with the triplets! I feel like I probably haven’t done this exactly the way anon wanted but I did my best. 
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Kylo Ren
he’s probably stressed out of his mind most of the time so holidays aren’t celebrated unless you make it a priority 
he had been out on a mission and was yelling at hux when you reminded him that it was new years
this mans loves you so much he just immediately stops and tells you he would meet you in your shared quarters 
it would take him a second 
probably ripping Hux a new one 
but he would eventually come home 
you always make him leave his lightsaber at the door 
more that one scary moment while undressing him was enough for him to listen to you
you guys would sit and watch out the window for a star to come into view and treat that like it’s the new year
he would kiss you softly and tell you that he’s grateful for you 
and you would tell him how proud you are of him 
ruling at such a young age 
struggling with his parents abandoning him
you’re so so proud of him
his face softens and he hugs you so tight 
he won’t ever admit it but he is so in love with you he isn’t sure what to do with himself when he’s around you
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Ben Solo
ben is such a squish when it comes to celebrating things like this 
he would always make sure you were into the New Years hullabaloo 
but when you tell him you are, he gets so excited he’s like a little kid 
you guys could be wherever and he would figure out when exact midnight was to kiss you
no matter where you were
in the middle of a street
in the dining hall 
it wouldn't matter
he would be so so sweet with you 
so much of your relationship was new things to both of you and he never wanted to come across as clingy 
he also never wanted to be too much 
but this would be one exception 
against your lips
he would tell you how much he loves you 
how he’s so grateful that you brought him back to the Light 
and how he would only leave your side if you told him that it was what you wanted 
it’s so hard not to just melt in his arms
you always have a New Years Eve cuddle session 
laying in bed together 
kissing slow 
reminding each other how much you love each other 
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Matt the Technician
matt is so awkward so you guys probably had a bunch of conversations about things like valentines day and New Years 
just cause he doesn’t want to ever make you uncomfortable with traditions that you don’t want 
you guys spend New Years alone 
he is such a lightweight that after one glass of champagne that he’s all cute and giggly 
it’s like 8pm and he’s all over you 
telling you how cute you are
and how soft your lips are
and how much he wants to just kiss you and not ever stop
and you laugh and push him off but love every second 
at midnight he gives you the biggest kiss on your lips 
sloppy but in the cute way not in the gross way
he tells you how he’s looking forward to spending the next year with you 
only if that’s what you want 
he never wants to impose and gets a lil insecure whenever he feels like he is 
so you’re very careful to tell him how you’re looking forward to it too
and then you tuck him into bed cause the poor baby needs to sleep
he won’t let you get far and asks for cuddles 
and you happily oblige
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floral-and-fine · 6 years
Solo triplet headcanons- How they are similar to Darth Vader/ Anakin
A while back I wrote a soulmate fic inspired by the Solo triplet AU but with the boys being clones instead (Kylo and Matt being Ben's clones). (Read here: Exposing What's Significant) And when writing it I came up with some headcanons.
Similar to Anakin, Ben is pretty damn confident/cocky in his skills as a Jedi and a pilot. Loves to show off. Him and Kylo are both determined and will go against orders.
He's the best pilot in the resistance (Putting Poe in second place) and better at piloting than both Kylo and Matt. I really think Ben would be a great pilot seeing how it runs in the family on both sides (Anakin, Luke, and Han) and I'm sure Han had taught his son a few tricks.
Completely tech savvy and great at repairs. Like Anakin, Matt is insanely smart and easily figures out how to take something apart and put something together. He is honestly always tinkering and inventing.
Adorably awkward around his crush/love interest. (*ahem* Anakin around Padme awkward) Shares random tidbits about himself in an attempt to start a conversation or says something very romantic but it's only like the 2nd date.
Kylo inherited Grandpa's quick temper and deep connection to the force. While in my fic, both Ben and Kylo are force sensitive, Kylo is the better force user out of the two and more skilled in combat with a lightsaber.
Also like Anakin, Kylo also struggles with finding balance, feeling pulled to the light side and dark side. He's also willing to risk everything for the people he cares about.
Tags: @xfeathered-serpent, @i-wished-upon-a-star-one-night
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thirst-refinery · 7 years
Disneyland Headcanons {Solo Triplets x Reader}
A/N~ In December I visited my best friend @faestae ( @faestae-writes ) in California! She’s such an amazing friend and took us to... you guessed it, Disneyland! During our adevnture, and much time spent waiting in lines, we came up with headcanons for what it would be like to visit the most magical place on earth with the Solo Triplets. So here they are folks! I hope you enjoy them, and make sure to give lots of praise to Fae; because she essentially wrote all of these.
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• Matt plans for Disneyland weeks in advance. He made a paper countdown chain to hang over his door and everyday he tears a link off with you until there’s none left.
• According to Matt’s meticulous plan, you’d be sharing part of the day with each triplet. Ben in the morning, Matt in the afternoon, and Kylo in the evening.
• Ben drags you directly to Fantasyland, choosing to spend his time with you there.
• Taking advantage of the morning’s short lines, you hit as many rides as possible and King Arthur’s Carousel is first. Ben skips like a happy child to the front of the line and makes sure your horses are next to each other. Like a proper prince, he helps you up and gives your horse a pat before leaping up on his own. Locking hands in the middle, you go up and he goes down, admiring you in the early morning light. On Peter Pan’s flight he puts his arm around your shoulder like he was Peter himself pretending to sprinkle pixie dust into your hair as the pirate ship takes off. He looks on London and the island of Neverland in awe, leaning precariously over the side of the ship. He tells you one of the lovely mermaids in the lagoon remind him of you. And despite the unnaturally long line for Small World, it’s a must. It was his grandmother’s favorite ride in the park and as you cruise around the happy world with his hand in yours, he remembers her.
• Afterwards you take a break, choosing to get beignets as a late breakfast. Ben practically eats his whole then watches as you take your time enjoying the sugar topped pastry.
“You’ve got something-” he gestures to your powder sugar covered mouth after you finish. “Here let me take care of it.” He leans over taking your chin between his fingers, and licks the sugar off your lips. “All clean.”
• After breakfast Ben takes you to The Mad Tea Party. Just before your turn Ben begins stretching as if he’s an athlete about to compete in the Olympics. He lunges low, bringing an arm across his chest and holding it there for a few seconds before switching to the other. He continues the process, asking you to pull his elbows back, then stretching each arm behind his head then swinging them in front of him, shaking out his wrists as the cast member allows you to pick a cup.
• You end up in a blue one, and as the ride starts Ben places both hands firmly on the wheel in the center.
“Hold on tight, kid.”
It starts gradually, but in a matter of seconds the cup is spinning so fast you fear falling out. Ben’s hands are flying flying around the wheel, arms flexing as he uses every ounce of his power to turn spin around and around. As Alice chimes in that the tea party was coming to an end, Ben leans back with an exasperated sigh, panting as he wipes the sweat from his brow.
“How did I do?”
• Next is Matterhorn. Ben may be fond of children's rides, but Matterhorn is a guilty pleasure. He screams with delight on every whipping turn
• As Ben’s time comes to a close you’ve ridden almost every ride in Fantasyland, except one; Snow White’s Scary Adventures. You insist that you can’t ride everything but exclude one. He disagrees as he glares at the Evil Queen in the window.
“I’ve never liked this ride, ever since I was a kid.”
It takes some convincing, but he agrees to ride it with a promise that you’ll reward him later for his bravery. Ben sits as close as possible in the already compact cart, holding your hand so tightly his knuckles turn white. Your cart traverses each dimly lit scene, and each time the Evil Queen pops up, Ben throws a protective arm in front of you; cursing under his breath.
• Finally it’s Matt’s turn. He meets you at the entrance to Adventureland and Ben hands you off to him with a kiss before joining Kylo. Matt asks where you’d like to go first, listing off a few things, but you already knew where he wanted to go. You take him by the hand and bring him to his favorite, Indiana Jones: Temple of the Forbidden Eye.
• The lines are much longer now, especially for such a popular ride, but you don’t mind; after all you have each other for company. Old forties music plays over speakers while you wait and when he sees you swaying, he smiles. Matt takes your hands, swaying with you to the tune of the music. Before long you’re in his arms, dancing in what little space you had, shuffling forward with the line
• The wait goes by faster than you’d expected and soon it's your turn to board a Jeep. When you’re buckled in, Matt turns to you with deadly seriousness.
“Whatever you do, don’t look into the idol’s eyes.” he says, “Promise me.”
You locked pinkies on it. And when the time came, the idol beckoned you to sneak a peak with its sinister voice. Matt quickly covered your eyes, and you did the same to him.
• After Indiana Jones, you stop at Jungle Cruise; another one of Matt’s favorites. He helps you into the boat, and you find a place to sit right in front. The guide’s jokes throughout the ride are terribly cheesy, but Matt bursts into deep laughter at each one, muffling his giggles into his hand.
• Eventually you find yourself in the Adventure Outpost, Matty following you through the shelves of toy snakes and jungle inspired fashion. You get a prescription from a mechanical witch doctor, that you thought was a fortune teller at first, and when you go to find Matt you catch him trying on a hat identical to Indiana Jones with a matching whip.
“Look at you!” you laugh as he poses like he’s on a movie poster.
Despite his gentle insistence that you didn’t have to, you bought him the hat and whip.
• He didn’t take them off, even when getting pictures taken with Disney characters. You ran into Jasmine and Aladdin outside of their oasis and you couldn't help but stop to talk with them.
“What a handsome adventurer you have!” Jasmine had said.
Matt grinned proudly in his new hat.
“He’s the best,” you agreed “I’m very lucky.”
•The sun sets, signaling Kylo’s turn. You meet him outside The Haunted Mansion, which he’s already acquired two fast pass tickets to.
• In the elevator Kylo stands behind you, tickling your sides at the scream and lightning strike. You leap up in surprise and Kylo catches you, chuckling into your neck with a kiss. Kylo helps you into the Doombuggy, and when he settles in beside you, you admire his handsome profile in the dark. You can’t stay mad at him and when you lean apologetically against him, he puts his arm around you. In the descent to the graveyard is the only time you’ll ever hear him sing, his deep voice mumbling along. You make a silly face in the mirror and he makes one right back and to the ghost sitting between you.
• You grab something for dinner at The French Market, the two of you sharing a bread bowl of hot gumbo to save room for the churro. You break the churro in half for Kylo, then take his hand for the stroll to Tomorrowland
• You start with Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters, in line Kylo boasts about his unbeatable high score; a true Astro Blasters sharpshooter. He shows you all the secret targets but you always forget—desperately trying to follow his aiming so he slows down his usual target blitz to show you the secret target on the roof of the red hallway. When you see that he beat you anyway by a long shot, he shrugs and insists he went easy on you.
• On the Astro Orbiter Kylo sits behind you, letting you work the controls. He holds your waist, resting his chin on your shoulder as you take the ship as high as it can go. From here you can see the surrounding area twinkling with lights as you go around and around. You point out the things you recognize while Kylo hums in acknowledgment. As the ride ends and your little ship returns to ground level, he pecks your cheek before hopping out.
• After dragging Kylo to Star Trader, you spy a pair of classic Mickey ears that light up in sequence. Mesmerized, you simply hold them up to him and he rolls his eyes as he fishes for his wallet. When he asks you if you want anything else, you grab another pair for him. Begrudgingly he agrees, but secretly loves the accessory.
• The last thing on your to do list is the Finding Nemo Submarine Voyage. Kylo protests your decision, hating the thought of being enclosed in a small space underwater, but you push the vision of the ride at night to him anyway. Clearly, you really want to go, so he goes.
• Inside the submarine, you and Kylo share a window cheek to cheek. You look out, pointing gleefully at each display of vivid color and plastic reef.
“Kylo, look!” you motion to the window, but he only shakes his head.
“I know.”
You turn to him in the dim light and he stares back at you, dark eyes taking each detail of your form. He admires the way your face seems to glow with absolute joy.
“Try and enjoy yourself a little.” you tease.
Kylo smiles, his face barely an inch from yours; to him it was just the two of you in this submarine. “I am.”
Bonus: When your feet get sore from standing in line, they each put in effort to alleviate your pain. Ben gets down on one knee as if proposing and offers you his lap to sit on. He rests his arms around you, nuzzling his face against your neck and occasionally peppering you with sweet kisses. Matt wraps his arms around your middle, lifting your feet barely off the ground as he leans against the nearest wall or pillar for support. Kylo dead lifts you, picking you up like a child and cradling you against him until your feet feel better.
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glassbxttless · 3 years
I just got my nipple pierced and IT FUCKIN HURTS can I have Matt helping me with it? Or Randy? OR PAT WITH CAM GIRL!READER?!
No rush on this please. Do ur other thing.
Matt doesn’t think you’re going to actually do it, even when you drag him to the tattoo shop. He doesn’t think you’ll do it when you’re pulling your shirt off and letting the piercer get it even.
Matt is only convinced when both piercings are placed snugly into your nipples and when he catches a glimpse— he’s hard immediately.
Matt helps you clean each one every morning and every night.
But it’s always accompanied with some teasing about being comfy when you sleep. And you remind him he can’t suck or cum on them until they’re full healed and he shuts up real quick.
Matt catches you ordering new jewelry once. Little bars with hearts on each side— one saying Cum, the other Here.
Matt gives you his debit card to order those.
And when he finally is able to get his hands on your tits again, he specifically requests those piercings and he gets a pretty picture of his cum all over your tits and the piercings.
And it’s probably one of his favorite pictures he has ever taken.
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Can I have some Solo Triplets headcanons about a first date?
yes yes yes!!! I love this so much 🥰 hope you enjoy! I made this modern btw cause I feel like it suited it better rather than Star Wars Canon.
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Ben Solo
Ben is truly a hopeless romantic.
When he firsts asks you out, its old fashioned, sweet.
He definitely asks your parents/guardians first, has a huge sit down with them before he takes you out, tells them what time he’ll have you back by or what his intentions are. (That is if you still live with them.)
He doesn’t take you to a restaurant though or something huge, its so simple, something out of a movie.
It would probably be a picnic somewhere beautiful, with an amazing view before you.
He brings all your favourites, and packs it all into a basket along with a sheet to lay down.
Him feeding YOU grapes or strawberries ☺️
He asks to kiss you, its short and sweet, doesn’t linger for too long, and yet you still feel fireworks.
He ensures there will be a second date, and makes plans for the next one as soon we he drops you off.
Kissing you at your doorstep !!
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Matt Solo
If you think Matt would actually have the guts to ask you out straight up-
You’re fucking wrong.
He’s your friend first. Unlike Ben whom makes his intentions clear, Matt beats around the bush, having a crush on you in secret.
One of his brothers would have to do it for him, probably Kylo knowing how spontaneously annoying he is.
“ Matt wants to go out with you.”
Ben would give Kylo the biggest “what the fuck dude??” Look, Meanwhile Matt is sitting in the corner OBLIVIOUS.
Matt is too nervous to go on a talkative date, he rather go to the movies with you, and do something easy going rather than super planned.
Its still romantic though as he holds your hand during the movie.
Leia taking pictures of y’all for her scrapbooks 😳 before you leave IM
Sharing popcorn and accidentally reaching at the same time.
You ask him out on the next date, and kiss his cheek before you leave his car.
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Kylo Solo (Ren)
The date definitely does not feel like a date.
Kylo isn’t one for romantic gesture nor cheesy dates.
You kind of get pissed off at him for the first couple “dates” he plans in which you don’t even know are dates.
“ I just want you to be honest with me, what the fuck is this? Between us?”
“ Well- I mean Enjoy your company-“
“ Just tell me what this is.”
He sighs, “ I’m not good at this- I’ve never, felt this way before- fuck I’m sorry for not being more straightforward.”
After that he gets Ben’s help to plan something out of his league, but still himself.
Kylo sets up this huge dinner for you, he cooks for both of you, getting help from his mother.
The family all goes out and leaves you two alone for the night.
It surely makes up for all the confusion.
He’s out of his mind nervous but he would never admit that.
The date finishes with a slow, passionate kiss 🥰
This was so bad I’m so sorry y’all
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fridasfandoms · 5 years
Ben Solo was born with the signature blonde Skywalker hair, but he started dyeing it black during his emo MySpace days and it stuck with him - just like his online alter ego Kylo Ren did
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thepilotanon · 5 years
Oh! Can we get Triplet!Matt and his girlfriend? Something sweet, like I don’t know, a picnic? He’s just so cute
Triplet!AU is weird for me, but I’ll give it a shot!
Matt is not used to sweet and soft. Matt is used to having to be loud and front because his other brothers are also loud and push him around, so softness is not easy to come by with him. However, once he finds a partner who he is infatuated with, he struggled a lot to think of sweet things to do.
Matt tries to make homemade gifts: Cookies that get burned every time, hand-crafted cards with blood smears on it when he tried using scissors to make hearts, or breaks every fragile ornament he tries to purchase. You always tell him you appreciate him trying so he shouldn’t feel bad...that doesn’t help Matt at all.
Matt goes to his last resort...magazines and romance blogs. He looks up ideal dates and what are more “original” and romantic. He finds that picnics are usually something they can make extra special (and, thankfully, he can make sandwiches and wash apples), so he does that and finds a nice, secluded spot at a park.
But with Matt’s brothers and their insatiable appetite, some sandwiches wind up missing and Ben takes a bite out of an apple he found. Matt’s pissed, of course, but you just laugh it off and point out how Ben’s teethmarks reminded you of dinosaurs with how HUGE the bite is - you eventually get him to laugh.
...Matt doesn’t like bees. The romantic spot he found for you two have beautiful flowers, colorful petals and sweet aromas, but he never thought of bees being nearby. The bees, of course, aren’t going to hurt either of you, but Matt FREAKS.
His signature yelling, the frantic movements of running around, cursing and everything... It’s sad for Matt, yeah, but you can’t help but end up laughing because Matt just makes you so, so happy and makes you laugh without even trying!
Matt eventually calms down and you honestly can’t help but hug him and thank him for making this the most romantic date ever, which...confuses him as all heck. He asks and you just explain that him just putting in the effort and getting you to laugh is all enough for you to see him being romantic. Matt just mentally pats himself on the back and fall back on the blanket with a dorky grin.
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chandrilanheir · 5 years
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For every “⏳” I receive, my muse will openly talk about a bit of their backstory.  @landspeeding​​​ said:  ⏳
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He wasn’t that good about talking about his past or himself for that matter. Ben rather would like to speak about his parents, his uncle Luke, Lando, anyone at all. Kriff, even the rebel alliance leader aka the senator of the new republic Mon Mothma would had been a better topic for him to answer. But Rey did ask and was quite persistent about the whole thing so here Ben was, spilling about his memories of when he was growing up.
----“Despite me living on the planet Chandrila for ten years, I’ve never did like going out towards the seas and oceans there. Too much sand. I never quite understood why I didn’t care for sand actually. I mean, I didn’t know about my grandfather until I was in my twenties or so. All I can remember is dad trying to teach me how to swim and I kept refusing. Eventually, mom made a bridge for me to walk on and put things around the irritating grains of sand so I wouldn’t see them. I know it seems strange but I just hated sand. It’s coarse and GETS IN EVERYWHERE!!”.
Ben didn’t mean to get so heated by yelling that last line but really. Who in their right mind would even like sand? Surely, not anyone he knows, right?
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direnightshade · 4 years
Can you give us some fluff headcanons about matt?
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Matt is a massive cinephile. One of his all time favorite things to do is lie on the couch with you in his arms while the two of you watch a movie. There isn’t much that Matt hasn’t seen, but every now and again you’ll surprise him with a movie so obscure that even he hasn’t heard of it.
He loves to bake, though that fact is a well guarded secret. Not even you knew about it when the two of you started dating. He’d bring over treats like muffins, scones, breads; anything and everything, all under the guise that he’d bought them at a nearby bakery. It wasn’t until you pressed him to know where you could get them from that he fessed up. Now he bakes for you constantly.
If there’s one weakness that Matt has (besides you) it’s cats, even though he’s highly allergic to them. A few months ago he’d found a stray on the side of the road, scared and huddled against the guardrail for safety. He picked it up and brought it home. He might sneeze and sniffle his way through his time spent at home, but you’ll catch him more often than not perched up on the sofa with the cat either on his lap or laying soundly on his chest.
Matt is a cuddler, and on top of that, not a morning person. You typically have to pry yourself free from his grasp every morning. Each attempt to get out of bed is usually met either by Matt tightening his arms around you, or grabbing your arm to drag you back to him for more cuddles before he, too, has to get up for work.
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sleepinglotuses · 6 years
Frankenstein! Matt Headcanons
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· The world can be mean. Is what Matt learns as he first meets the outside world. He stands out; his tall body hovering just above everyone, his big hands dangerously strong, and his big brown eyes showing emotions like a movie. And the people around him make sure he never forgets he's a creature. Not a human.
· Snoke, the person that had made him, watched. Feeling little sympathy for the monster, as he got rejected from society.
· Most of Matt's time was spent inside, reading and bettering his speech. But after reading all the books he could find, he went out again.
· The bookstore he decided to go to was a nice little place hidden somewhere behind a set of big buildings. Green vines decorated the entrance and as he hesitatingly stepped inside he was greeted with a nice feeling. Calmness.
· A high-pitched bell chimed as Matt entered, making the heads of some customers look up. He just avoided their gazes, quickly walking away.
· The walls of the store were hidden behind big bookcases, plants hung from the ceiling, and somewhere near the back behind the counter is where you were.
· Half of your face was hidden behind a copy of Cervantes' Don Quixote, but he could tell that you were absolutely beautiful. Your hair was tied up in a ponytail, red painted nails quietly tapping against the cover, and he felt tempted to just walk right over, but he didn't.
· The bookcase he stopped in front of held Science Fiction books, his favorite. The different flashes of colors and foreign words had him kind of overwhelmed, but as he started recognizing some titles, the anxiety faded.
· After standing - hands in pockets - reading book titles for about 10 minutes, another person appeared beside him.
· "Do you need help?" Matt looked over and saw the girl from the counter standing with a polite smile. He felt a spark spread from his fingertips to his chest, and he smiled.
· "Uh- yes, I do. C-could you maybe recommend me a book. It's a little overwhelming."
· The smile on your lips widened and the spark in Matt's fingers almost seemed to burn. "I have to be honest, I haven't actually read many Sci-Fi books, but I really liked Fahrenheit 451. So, maybe you should give it a try?"
· Right around there a friendship was created.
· The next week he found himself wondering to the small bookstore. He had finished the book, but he really just wanted to see you again.
· Turns out that you were also kind of awaiting his return because as the bell rang and you looked up, you almost jumped out of your chair when you saw him.
·  The next few Mondays would consist of Matt passing by and reading whatever book you recommended and coming back the next Friday to follow you around the store and tell you all about it. Because god, he just loved being around you.
· One Monday though you already have a book ready for him. And the whole time he's in there your blushy and fidgety, but Matty just finds it cute.
·  When he returns home that day, he sits down on the couch that is a little too small for him and opens the book to find a note.
Next Friday, walk me home X
· Matt comes that Friday with sweaty palms and shaking fingers, but its all soothed when you show him that smile of yours.
· You take the path through the park and sit down on a bench with the view of the orange sunset. You talk, and talk, and talk until the sun has disappeared behind the park trees and the moon is starting to show.
· When you're just a couple of streets away from your apartment, the rain starts to pour, and like the child-like adults the two of you are, you challenge each other to who can make it to the apartment first. And of course, Matt wins.
· "What's my price?" He yells over the loud rain.
· You think for a second before placing your hands on his shoulders and gently pulling him down until you can place a soft kiss on his cheek.
· And Matt blushes. A lot. And it's nice, because he feels human.
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floral-and-fine · 7 years
When they're sick (Solo triplets)
A/n: my first time doing headcanons 😊 (just thought these were cute)
When Matt is sick:
Matt practically quarantines himself the moment he notices that it’s more than a cough or a sneeze.
Is super concerned about getting others sick.
Is incredibly adorable when he’s drowsy on cold meds.
Cutest bedhead.
Worries that he’ll get you sick, but loves getting extra attention from you.
Easiest patient ever, like he’s literally no trouble to take care of.
Keeps himself occupied with activities he can do in bed like drawing and crossword problems.
Somehow has a cute sneeze.
When you’re sick:
Takes the best care of you.
Brings your favorite soup to you on tray with all the necessary supplies, box of tissues, throat lozenges, your favorite book.
Makes sure you take the proper dosage of meds and at the right times.
Personally, enjoys feeling needed and responsible for you.
When Ben is sick:
Ben ignores all his symptoms.
Will argue with everyone about how he’s perfectly fine.
Overdoes it on non drowsy cold meds.
Continues with his normal routine until he passes out or someone forces him to go home.
Gets people around him sick.
Whines about how you won’t properly kiss him.
Like literally does not care about getting you sick, because then the two of you can be sick together.
Still tries to be sexy even though he’s a mess.
When you’re sick:
Tries to take your mind off of being sick.
Lays and snuggles in bed with you despite your protests.
Watches light hearted rom coms with you.
TV marathons.
Massages your feet.
Does not leave your side.  
There’s a good chance if you’re sick that he’ll get sick too (like on purpose).
When Kylo is sick:
Kylo turns into a total baby.
Falls asleep anywhere and in the most uncomfortable positions.
Gets incredibly clingy.
He follows you around the house with a blanket draped around his shoulders.
When he wakes up and notices your not in bed anymore will call your name (with his sore throat, and coughing) until you’re back in the room with him.
Gets bored and frustrated rather quickly of having to stay in bed.
Complains about everything except you.
When you’re sick:
Surrounds you with comfort, soft pillows and warm blankets.
Is constantly asking you if you need anything.
Strokes your hair until you fall asleep.
Frequently checks in on you while you’re sleeping.
Uses his hand to check if you have a fever.
Gets pissed off if anyone disturbs your rest.
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thirst-refinery · 7 years
October Writing Challenge~ Cuddle Up {Triplet Matt x Reader}
A/N~ Started a bit late but here is day two of the October Writing Challenge created by some of the mods over on TOCR! This is a drabble more then anything, but here you go! Have some rainy morning cuddles with Matty!
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The sound of drops hitting the ground outside create a natural symphony for those willing to listen. The subtle scent of wet pavement mixed with crisp fall air dances through your open window, the only thing keeping the rain at bay is a dingy screen and sheer off white curtains that almost seemed to glow with what little light escapes through the dark clouds. 
Matt stirs next to you, mumbling something as he slept. Your eyes find him through the groggy haze of lingering sleep. His glasses sit lopsidedly on the bridge of his large nose, like a door on broken hinges. He always forgets to take them off at night. Carefully, you slide them from his face, the motion momentarily wakes him.
Matt smacks his lips lazily, as he stretches like a flower reaching towards the sun. His eyes only open long enough to see you fold the glasses and place them on the bedside table. With a sigh he surrenders once again to the heavy influence of sleep.
On the street below your window, a car roars by splashing through the growing puddles. For a moment you’re relieved it wasn’t you being forced to face the trials of the day. Today you weren’t tied down by responsibility, you were instead met with the comfort of rain and Matt’s presence. It’s your own definition of peace. 
You gaze back up at him. Curly blonde locks messily frame his face, while the soft lighting illuminate his prominent features, making him look more like a Renaissance painting then a man. You move closer, absorbing his heat. One arm falls comfortably across Matt’s waist while your head comes to rest against his chest. Tucked against his side, you feel so small compared to his large frame, but with it comes a sense of security. 
From your position you can hear Matt’s steady heartbeat. The sound fills the silent corners of your mind, accompanied by the patter of rain, creating for you a personal lullaby. You draw nearer and nearer to sleep. With your last bouts of consciousness you feel the warm sensation of Matt’s plush lips against your head. 
“Good Morning, princess.”
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Congratulations on 500! Could you possible do Head-cannons for triplet!Kylo where he’s had a crush on the reader since they were little? Like what their relationship would give as they grew up?
A/N: I’ve never really dived into the Solo!Triplets before, so I apologize if this doesn’t jive with the rest of the theories.  Also, I used some female pronouns, but feel free to ignore it.
Kylo Ren
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Despite him being the most intense out of hissiblings, he is the most awkward turtle when it comes to romance
He doesn’t say what he feels, but he shows it inlittle ways
When you were kids he’d always just be around,making sure you didn’t get hurt or the other kids didn’t mess with you
He’d always be there for you, even if you wereplaying a game he didn’t really like because, well, it was you
This was also the time he got a bit of apossessive streak
You bet your ass he would get jealous if youhung out with Matt or Ben more than him or played with other kids on theplayground
He didn’t understand why he would get so angryat the thought of you liking someone else
Of course, as he got older, he understoodexactly why, and would not be able to deal with it at all
There was a brief time when you were 12/13 wherehe avoided you all together
It broke your heart and he hated himself for it
He did come back since he missed you so much andapologized over and over again
You forgave him, chalking it up to weird boyhormones
Everything was fine, until you started dating
Kylo made absolutely no secret he didn’t likeanyone you were dating
He’d storm out mid-conversation if he saw thetwo of you together to go sulk
God forbid if any of them broke your heart
After your boyfriend cheated on you it took Ben,Matt, Poe AND Finn to pull Kylo off the guy
After this incident, you went straight to Benand Matt to ask them what was up since Kylo wasn’t going to give you anyanswers
They of course, knew Kylo had liked you sinceyou were kids
Matt was all ready to spill the beans before Bencut him off saying it was something Kylo had to explain himself
You’re ticked off at both of them, but decide toconfront Kylo about the whole thing
Maybe it was the look on your face, or the painmeds his mom gave him for his nose, but he told you the truth: he was in lovewith you, and always had been
You stood in stalk silence processing theinformation, not fully able to believe it
Unfortunately, he took your silence as rejectionand immediately tried to take it back, but you cut him off with a kiss and therest is history.
Ben Solo
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For all his swagger, Ben can bejust as awkward as Kylo sometimes when it comes to romance
For the longest time, he doesn’t thinkhe has a crush on you
He just thinks you’re a reallygood friend that he just happens to like a bit more than his other friends
As you get older though, he startsto notice things
Like how much he loves hearing youlaugh and seeing you smile, especially if he’s the one to do it
Or how you seem to look good inliterally anything you were
Or how when you occasionally talkabout your crushes, he gets this unpleasant twisting feeling in his stomachthat lingers for days
He eventually figures it out, he’sin love with you, and also in deep shit
He can’t just talk to you the wayhe talks to other girls
He knows, you know all his movesand the last thing he wants is for you to think he thinks of you had some fling
You’re way too important to himfor that
He first tries flirting with you,but unfortunately, flirting is his default setting and you don’t notice at all
He then tries veering theconversation towards romance and who you might have a crush on
This backfires almost immediatelysince you start to name people who aren’t him and he just gets frustrated
Eventually he decides “fuck it”and kisses you right in the middle of the hallway in front of everyone
It does not have the effect he wasintending as you slap him hard across the face with tears in your eyes
You think he’s just messing withyou, it never even occurs to you that he could like you back in that way
You each fall into a bit of a depressionafter that
You avoid him at every opportunityand he thinks he’s lost you for good
Poe is the one to clear the air,telling Ben that you’d had a crush on him ever since you were kids, but thoughtyou stood absolutely no chance
Ben runs straight to your house,using the hidden key under the matt to get in and all but breaks down your doorto get you to talk to him
He tells you everything, and begsyou to take him back, even if it’s just as a friend
You open your door, and uponlooking at him, realize he’s completely serious
You kiss him right then and there
Matt The Radar Technician
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Oh sweet boy, he makes it so obvious
When you were kids he asked you to marry him
You of course said yes, and Ben presided over the ceremonywhile Kylo watched in absolute disgust, thinking it was gross grown up stuff
As you got older however, you dismissed it as kids beingkids and don’t think anything of it, but Matt doesn’t
Matt held onto his childhood crush until it blossomed intofull on, head over heels love for you
Ben and Kylo tease him about it CONSTANTLY
Unfortunately, since you’d known him for so long, you justthink his shy demeanor around you is just Matt being Matt
He had no idea how to approach the subject with you
He’s not cool like Ben, he doesn’t have that dangerous badboy thing Kylo has, he’s just Matt
So, he keeps his mouth shut happy to be just your friend
After one of your boyfriends breaks up with you, you got toMatt’s to talk and for comfort
Matt of course is there for you as you pour your heart outand even stay over for the night
This is the breaking point for Ben and Kylo
As soon as you leave, they come down on their brother askinghim why the hell he doesn’t just ask you out or tell some of these jerks toback off
He tells them both off quickly, saying how he’s not going toward off some guy just because he doesn’t have the guts to ask you out
He then explains very simply that he doesn’t want to loseyou, and explaining his feelings would only push you away
It becomes very clear that Ben and Kylo have to take thisinto their own hands
Ben invites you over to hang out to which to except
Matt and Kylo are there too and you’re all set to play somegames
Ben says they’re in the closet, and Matt should help you getthem down
Before you know it, Ben pushes you both into the closet andKylo locks the door behind you and explains neither of you can come out untilMatt tells you something very important
Matt denies it at first, then begs, then tries to break downthe door, until eventually he gives in
He tells you he’s loved you ever since he first saw you andthat if you don’t feel the same, he wouldn’t blame you
He begins to ramble, but you cut him off with a kiss
You only stop when Ben calls through the door and asks ifyou’re done making out yet
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