#matte mediu
she-karev · 6 months
Cousin Jen
Age Rating: 12+
Chapters: Six of Six
Fandom: Grey’s Anatomy
Summary: Amber and Andrew finally diagnose Matt and inform them of what they found.
Words: 3757
After we talked to Shepherd about our theory Andrew and I led her to an exam room where Matt and Jen are waiting for us anxiously. It’s early morning and we need to see if my diagnosis is correct even if it makes them uncomfortable. I know it’s gonna make Matt and Andrew feel that way given how skittish they are on the subject of sex which I find ridiculous but will save for a later discussion. I close the door behind us as Jen and Matt stand up from their chairs.
Matt see’s Shepherd and looks at me confused, “I-I thought this wasn’t a neuro issue.”
“We thought so too.” Andrew tells them and clears his throat clearly discomforted, “But I talked to Amber and Shepherd about what Jen told me yesterday during your EKG.”
“I spoke to you in confidence.” Jen says offended and I step in.
“Jen, I promise you there is a point to this.” I get into doctor mode and ask them blankly, “You two have been having a lot of sex, right?”
Matt’s eyes widen behind the glasses, “Um I don’t think I can disclose that with-”
Jen slaps his diaphragm annoyed and answers, “Yes.”
Shepherd asks, “Different positions? Or has it been just one for a while now?”
Matt scoffs and looks uncomfortable, “What kind of doctors are you?”
Andrew chuckles, “Hey man be thankful my sister isn’t here she would be less discrete trust me.”
I roll my eyes at that, “Oh don’t be such a prude you two we’re doctor’s not the pope’s vicars.”
Jen agrees with me as well, “Ugh tell me about it and they say the girls are purer than guys.”
Amelia chuckles, “Okay guys let’s get back on topic here, now how many sex positions have you done in the last few weeks?”
Jen answers, “Most one position I tweaked my hip a month ago, damn revolving doors. I’m more comfortable on top.”
I nod liking where this is going in the medical sense, “Can you show us?”
Matt balks at it, “Oh for the love of-” Jen doesn’t have it though as she moves him against the exam table so he’s leaning back against the edge, “Jen!”
“Shut up and do what the doctors say.” Jen commands as she puts her jean clad leg over his giving us an idea of what the position looks like. Shepherd and I look on in a clinical sense as Andrew looks up at the ceiling trying to be respectful, “This is about what goes on in the bedroom only with no clothes on.”
Matt groans, “I think I pulled a muscle.”
“You can’t pull what you don’t have.” I inform him as I walk to the other side of the table so I’m behind them and feel around the back of Matt’s neck with Shepherd beside us looking on.
Matt gets stiff at me touching him while Jen straddled him, “This is where I draw the line.”
“Oh, don’t pretend you haven’t fantasized this.” I snap back and feel something around the scalenus medius, “I feel something it’s like a marble.”
“Okay press down on it.” I do as Shepherd asks and press down causing Matt to suddenly fall asleep. I stop pressing and it takes a moment but Matt comes to causing Jen to look on in shock. I press again and the pattern repeats confirming my theory as Matt wakes up again.
Shepherd steps in and flashes a light in Matt’s eyes to check the pupils, “Pupils are equal and reactive, Matt how do you feel?”
“Humiliated but I’m fine, I feel fine.” Jen stops straddling him and they turn to us, “What happened?”
“All that repetitive motion formed a trigger point in the muscle causing a silent migraine.” Shepherd informs them, “You move the wrong way and you pass out.”
“A silent migraine?” Matt asks incredulously.
“What is that?” Jen asks and I explain.
“It’s like a regular migraine only you don’t get the headache all the other neurological symptoms like fainting are present though.”
Matt looks perplexed at how simple this condition is, “That’s all it was?”
Amelia grins, “A recommended course of treatment is trigger point injections to break up the muscle tension as well as ibuprofen to control the symptoms until then.”
I add in something to Jen, “And I’ll have ortho take a look at that tweaked hip so you’ll use more than one position.” I clear my throat as I walk out the door and head down the hall until Jen rushes to me and kisses me on the cheek smiling at me.
“He loves me.” Jen finally states as I raise an eyebrow giving a sly grin.
“I told you.”
“Thank you, thank you, thank you.” Jen repeats still happy, “Forget bridesmaid you’re the maid of honor.”
I chuckle at that, “No I love you but I am not good at speeches and weddings to me are just for the open bar.”
Jen grins, “You’re a true romantic, fine but next time you’re in the city I’m buying you dinner and we’re getting all the desserts. Let me show my thanks by giving you that.”
I grin at her, “Deal, now go back home and love that man and give him hell when he deserves it it’ll probably be soon.” Jen smacks my arm playfully, “I’m glad I could help with your life now I have to get back to mine let me know what color dress you pick for me remember no pastel or bow.”
“Come out with us tonight.” Jen says, “I mean since I’m here I might as well celebrate your half birthday. I don’t know if Hamilton is on tour but maybe we can catch The Vagina Monologues make our boys blush.”
I chuckle imagining that scene, “That’s sweet but I think we’ve spent enough time catching up I think it’s best we go our separate ways and celebrate in different places. I’ll get back to you on how I’m gonna do it after work when I catch up with Andrew.” Jen narrows her eyes presenting a question, “I made a bet with Andrew that he was a girl magnet back when cooties existed. If I’m proven wrong, he can plan my half birthday and If I’m right I get the satisfaction of winning.” Jen’s eyes widen at that and looks at me like I have a spider on my head. I look at her frightened, “What is it?”
“Oh my god.” Jen starts to smile, “You’re falling for him.”
I scoff in disbelief thinking it ridiculous, “Oh please you’ve seen us together for like an hour.”
“Yeah and in that hour he’s got you risking losing control of an important event in your life because you.” Jen grins as she gets closer so she can speak in a hushed voice, “Amber Stevie Karev are full on falling in love with him and it is dropping your guard. It’s like with me and Matt and it is happening to you, my friend.”
I laugh at that, “Okay that revolving door also hit your head because you are talking crazy. I have to go and type up Shepherd’s paper excuse me.” I turn around and briskly walk away but she’s walking beside me and I curse at her for walking at a fast pace even in five-inch heels.
“This is amazing.” Jen is still convinced of her theory as she looks at me in awe, “I mean I knew you liked him but I didn’t think you could fall for him. No offense it’s just you have never fully committed to someone let alone loved someone not since I’ve known you. I didn’t think you could get to that point but you just proved me wrong.”
“And you know this based on how I made a bet?” I counter sarcastically.
“You never let us plan your half birthdays, and you never made a bet that involved your plans.” She continues as I step inside the research library, “It’s not just about you losing control, it’s about you trusting him enough with something important in your life because unlike your family you don’t think he’s gonna botch it up.”
I stop at a shelf for neuroscience textbooks and shake my head convinced she has lost her mind, “It’s been four months and we agreed to keep it simple and take things slow. And me falling for him at this point is not taking things slow, truthfully, it’s something Helen did with Jimmy and we both know how that ended.” I use my parent’s horror story as an example to make her see how crazy it would be if I fell for him which I am not.
She shrugs, “Okay fine but even if you don’t love him that doesn’t mean your not starting to.” I glare at her, “Just because our mom’s loved the wrong men doesn’t mean we’re going to. I mean look at my guy he fell for a mess like me and now I have a rock on my finger.”
I chuckle, “Yeah but you’re not as screwed up as I am.”
“True.” Jen admits, “But at least you’re not as screwed up as your brothers.”
I snort, “I can’t tell if I should be happy or sad about that.” Jen rubs my arm in comfort, “Now go away.” Jen nods and leaves me to my work as I reel from her words convincing myself it’s not true. Even if I was falling for him there is no way he would feel the same for someone like me, it’s a sad fact and I’ve learned to accept it and just enjoy him while I can. Unlike her and Matt we’re both our own versions of screwed up and love is not something I am ready for at all. Liking him is something I never thought would happen to me and I think at the moment it’s the best I can do.
After spending the entire day going over journals and clinical trials Alex and Shepherd told us what they want to do for the surgical contest. Kimmie Park’s brain tumor inspired them to look into using ultrasound waves to break down the cancer cells of inoperable gliomas without cutting. If I wasn’t so tired I would be excited to go from spray on skin to brain surgery without using a scalpel.
We worked tirelessly on the proposal and after triple checking our resources and reading it over about a dozen times we were satisfied and even enticed by our own proposal. I walk down the hall sipping the last of my Red Bull so I can find Shepherd and Alex and give them the physical copy. I spot Jackson down the hall outside the conference room that I heard is where we drop off the papers. I head in his direction knowing Alex and Amelia would come by as well and I pause when I notice he is talking to Dr. Pierce.
I stop in place a few feet away because I know the look that she’s giving him. It’s the same look Jen gives Matt, like she is fighting the urge to kiss him. I can’t see Jackson’s face but I can tell he’s relaxing around her based on his shoulders and the way he tilts his head at her in that way that makes most girls giggle. Pierce walks away from him and I finally go up to him giving him a knowing look.
“Hey.” He greets me casually.
“Hey. I see you finished the proposal.” I look at his hands and notice he’s carrying two sets of papers, “I take it that’s your mother’s paper you’re handing in?”
“Yeah.” Jackson looks at it conflicted for a minute before looking at me inquisitively, “Let me ask you something from one surgeon to another.” I nod, “Would you rather work to start spray on skin that can save millions of lives in about…40 years give or take? Or would you rather revolutionize vaginoplasties that already exists only you could make the end result more life affirming for trans patients and make them feel comfortable in their own skin?”
I raise an eyebrow at his question, “Jackson right now you have what most people have accused me of.” Jackson raises an eyebrow curious, “White girl problems, you have white girl problems my friend.”
Jackson chuckles, “Can you take my question seriously please? Five minutes of serious talk that’s all I ask.”
“Fine.” I think his question over and come to a decision, “Spray on skin is something that’s gonna take years and probably your whole trust fund to make a go of. But this vaginoplasty your talking about already exists and it would take months to perfect it and get a better outcome for trans women. As someone with a lot of fabulous friends from New York I say they will much appreciate you for this.”
Jackson nods and looks down the papers before throwing one of them in the trash, “Hopefully my mother will add my name and make less orgasm jokes at my request.” I grin at that proud of him, “Thanks and sorry but I have enough people on my team and an assist won’t be necessary but it would’ve been cool for you to be on the team.”
I grin at that, “Oh please by the time this contest is done Shepherd and Alex are gonna leave you in the dust crying your pretty eyes out.”
Jackson grins smugly, “Really? You think so?”
“Your gonna fix vaginas and we’re gonna take tumors out without any surgery done, you and your mama are going down buddy.”
Jackson looks at me offended and amused, “You are very competitive you know that?”
“It’s a quirk, now I get to mind probe you in return for helping you with your conflict.”
“What are you talking about?”
I click my tongue, “I couldn’t help but notice a moment ago that Dr. Pierce was looking at you pretty intensely and based on your shoulders you reciprocated.”
Jackson looks at me like I’m crazy, “Really? I was just looking at her like I do all my co workers and so did she.”
I scoff at that, “Yeah? Do you two look at all your co workers like you want to dry hump them on the spot?”
Jackson groans in defeat, “Sometimes I wish you were as socially inept as the other interns.”
“Well unfortunately for you I know how to interpret different signals.” I inform him as he looks down in shame, “I take it she’s the reason you don’t want my gifts?”
“…Yeah she is.”
I nod and remember how he and Pierce are connected and look at him disturbed, “It’s hard to keep track but if I recall her dad is Dr. Webber right?”
Jackson clears his throat still looking down, “He is her uh biological father yes.”
I curl my lips, “And he is married to your mother.”
Jackson sighs and finally looks at me and I see the conflict in his eyes again, “Yes again.”
I connect the dots and I keep my face void of disgust, “…So that makes her your stepsister.” He closes his eyes at that, “Your stepsister you just had eye sex with.”
“Now you see why I am reluctant to take your gifts.” Jackson admits in a bitter tone.
“Yeah, you gotta bury that.” I advise him and he nods, “Like way deep in the ground like it’s a body. Bury it man. I suggest giving that lawyer lady a call and she can carry the shovel for you.”
Jackson sighs and eventually sees my point, “Find send it to me.”
I pull out my phone, “I’m already texting you the info.” He turns to leave me to it and as I hit send, I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn to find Alex and Amelia, “Hey I already got it printed.”
I hand Amelia the paper who looks it over, “You double checked everything? No plagiarism or grammatical error?”
“I triple checked it and if they are not impressed by it, I will let you slap me.” Alex shakes his head amused by my dramatics, “Don’t worry we’re talking about cutting out tumors without actually cutting it the judges would be idiots to reject it. Joe’s tonight?”
Alex nods, “Yeah we’ll see you guys there.”
After our shifts ended Andrew and I went to our respective homes to get our childhood photos so we can settle this bet once and for all. After we go to Joe’s to hear the results of the contest. We sit across from each other at the table before Alex and Amelia get there. I’m wearing a Rolling Stones graphic t shirt, jeans and white converse while Andrew is wearing a blue button down with jeans.
“Jen and Matt are on a plane back to New York, their gonna continue treatment there and I told Jen to call next time she comes into town so we don’t get another surprise visit.” I inform him.
“No half birthday party?”
“No, I told them I would celebrate here on my own because god knows those two are gonna want some alone time.” I sip my beer, “How I’m gonna spend it depends on how this bet goes so come on you first prove me right.” Andrew chuckles and I rub my hands together to brace myself as he scrolls through his phone and shows me a school yearbook of himself at age 12, I think and I was so wrong. Instead of a leather jacket and wispy hair I see a dopey looking kid smiling with his long brown hair pulled back wearing a purple jacket as if he wanted to win a biggest geek contest. I grab the phone and look at it in still shock and back at the gorgeous guy in front of me comparing both causing him to laugh.
“Yeah I know.” Andrew sips his beer smiling, “I was 12 in that picture and I had just moved from Italy to Wisconsin with my mom after she and my dad divorced. I wasn’t really a stud in my new school, more like the dud among my peers who hated me. I could barely speak any English, they called me ‘DeLoser’ for two years straight.” I look at him in sympathy, “You think I wouldn’t notice you I think it’s the other way around. But I guess that depends on what 12-year-old you looked like.” He takes back his phone and rubs his hands together mocking me, “Come on I showed you mine show me yours She-Karev.” I groan instantly regretting making this bet and I pull my picture out of my purse that I dug out of my scrapbook from middle school and hand it to him.
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He looks at the picture of me when I was 12 years old. In that photo I look like any other kid with a smile that shows my teeth, no makeup, my brown hair is down to my shoulders and I’m wearing a white and blue baseball tee with the number 13 printed at the front. I was in a girl’s baseball team at the time and we wanted to commemorate with individual pictures.
He looks at it fascinated and I don’t know why until he speaks, “Nope 12-year-old me would never have had a shot with 12-year-old you.”
I grin thinking he’s messing with me, “Shut up.”
He chuckles still looking at the photo, “I’m serious how do you look so good even back then? You should look into that.”
“Trust me if you knew me then you would be scared once you got past the perfect hair and perfect smile.” I crack a peanut shell, “I was rude and angry for reasons you know about and that combined with teenage hormones I would have stabbed you. And then there are the massive violent bodyguards I call brothers. They would scare you away before I did.”
“I believe it.” Andrew hands me back the photo, “So what do you get someone for their half birthday?” I smirk at his smugness, “Half a bottle of champagne? Halfway trip to Miami? No wait I got it, half bikini.”
I chuckle at that, “Perv. No promise me you are not gonna get half a giant cake for a half-naked stripper to pop out of or I’ll give you half a piece of my mind.”
Andrew grins, “Okay I promise nothing extravagant, I still got four months so I’ll think of something.”
“It shouldn’t be half as hard as the last few days.” I chuckle at my half joke as well as Andrew, “Okay that’s the end of the half puns, no more halves till the big half day got it?”
“Don’t worry I know you’re a glass half empty kind of girl so-” I look at him annoyed by his use of the word half and he chuckles, “I’m sorry last one I swear.”
“Yeah, you know that wasn’t half as clever as you thought it was.” I smile at my pun and he chuckles before Alex and Amelia join us.
“Hey what are we talking about?” Alex asks.
I clear my throat, “Nothing, any word about when the results will be announced?”
“They said by tonight.” Amelia tells us drinking her water.
“Okay everyone.” We all turn to find Webber coming in with an announcement, “The results are in.”
I gasp and Alex and Amelia scroll through their phones. Andrew leans over Amelia’s shoulder as I lean over Alex’s, “Come on hurry up!”
“Stop yelling I’m scrolling.” Alex tells me and finally opens the page and scrolls through to find our project but we don’t see it.
My stomach drops and I grab his phone, “Let me see maybe it’s…” I scroll through it slowly the second time…and the third time. I look at Alex and shake my head and his face turns to frustration. I silently handed him back his phone that he slams down on the table. I try to explain, “I don’t know what happened our paper was perfect I swear to god Alex.”
Andrew speaks up frustrated as well, “I can’t believe it I can’t believe we didn’t get in.” Suddenly Alex’s face shifts from frustration to worry as he looks at Amelia.
“What are we gonna do about Kimmie?” With that question looming over us we sit silently not knowing what we’re gonna do next.
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ratbits · 7 years
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Berry Retch - Merry Jo Carter 9 x 12; acrylic, watercolor, matte medium, assorted glitter ig: MerryJW Etsy: Litany Bazaar
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tabloidtoc · 3 years
National Examiner, March 22
You can buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson -- his journey from thief to superstar
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Page 2: These stars wheely like to bike -- Hugh Jackman, Eva Longoria, Matthew McConaughey, Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn, Russell Crowe, Arnold Schwarzenegger
Page 3: Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez, Al Roker, Pierce Brosnan and Keely Shaye Smith, Matt Damon, Justin Theroux, Ethan Hawke
Page 4: Jennifer Aniston's roles and costumes
Page 6: Susan Sarandon is 74 and single now and she admits she likes to date younger men because they have more inquisitive minds than older guys
Page 7: Golden Age of Glamour -- the shocking beauty tips, tricks and secrets of Hollywood's most stunning stars -- Mae West, Marilyn Monroe, Rita Hayworth, Sophia Loren, Elizabeth Taylor, Joan Crawford
Page 8: Listen to Granny -- older media influencers are getting into the act on social media, with women in their 80s and 90s earning huge followings and lots of money on Instagram -- while some are all about their head-turning styles, others go with decorating or fitness to create their granfulencer brands
Page 9: Go ahead and binge that new TV show because it's good for your mental health -- new research shows the lack of social connection we're all feeling now because of COVID-19 restrictions can be filled, at least to some degree, by watching TV, reading books and listening to music
Page 10: Lucia DeClerck has some advice for living a long life, and she knows what she's talking about because she's 105 years old -- not only did Lucia live through the 1918 Spanish Flu, she's the oldest person in her nursing home and she just beat COVID-19 -- how does she do it? Gin-soaked golden raisins
Page 11: 8 ways to prevent back pain
Page 12: Stars Still Strong and Sexy As They Hit Milestone Notorious 90 -- Marla Gibbs, Gavin MacLeod, Angie Dickinson, Barbara Eden
Page 13: William Shatner, Olympia Dukakis, Dan Rather, Rita Moreno, Willie Mays, James Earl Jones
Page 14: Dear Tony, America's Top Psychic Healer -- all marriages need care and attention to flourish
Page 15: There are nicer, more medically accurate ways to describe it, but "dead butt syndrome" says it all, that feeling of numbness or achiness from sitting too long -- it is no joke to the many people who experience the discomfort of DBS, otherwise known as lower cross syndrome, gluteal amnesia, or gluteus medius tendinosis -- people who sit at their desk all day for work are particularly prone to this syndrome, where muscle tightness in the hip flexors and weakness in the gluteus medius muscles in the buttock combine to create hip and lower-back pain, leading to numbness -- luckily there are simple remedies you can try to alleviate symptoms and even reverse the syndrome
Page 16: Princess Diana: little girl lost -- Diana's brother Charles Spencer reveals truth about heartbreaking childhood
Page 18: There are about 100 prepaid food receipts fluttering on the wall of Ruma's Deli in Missouri and if you're hungry and your pockets are empty, you can grab one, bring it to the counter and get a free meal, no strings attached
Page 19: Pixel the cat is so creepy-looking even a professional exorcist crossed himself and ran -- Alyson Kalhagen's cat has giant googly eyes, a Halloween pumpkin smile and oversized bat ears and he's also fond of making funny faces but the two-year-old has racked up a fan base online, where more than 12,000 followers find Pixel's peculiarities precious
Page 20: Cover Story -- Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson is huge in every way -- the muscle-bound ex-wrestler has starred in dozens of blockbuster films, has tons of projects in the works, millions of bucks and a brand new show about his childhood but he hasn't always been on top of the game -- the dynamo has gone through so many tough times and bad decisions they would sink a lesser man but he's an open book about all of them and how he fought to get to the top every step of the way
Page 22: After a long break to raise her children, Michelle Pfeiffer is on the silver screen again and looking better than ever -- the 62-year-old is in a new film called French Exit, in which she plays a tragic widow who packs up and moves to Paris with her son -- the actress says to return and thrive in an industry formerly known as being obsessed with youth is a gift -- although her husband David E. Kelley has been behind dozens of hits like The Undoing and Big Little Lies, Michelle doesn't want to work with him because she's seen a lot of couples where they seem to have a great marriage, and then they work together and next year they're filing for divorce -- next up, Michelle will play Betty Ford in the upcoming series The First Lady
Page 24: A Texas grocery delivery driver got more than just shelter from the storm when her car became stuck in a customer's driveway -- the people who lived there took her in for five days and made her feel like part of the family
Page 26: Deep Focus -- stunning underwater pix from an unseen world
Page 32: Pet Projects -- family portraits get everyone into the picture -- photographer Tasha Hall creates "farmaly" photos, which include each and every one of the household where they've got two feet, four feet, paws, claws, hooves or wings
Page 34: While everyone loves a comfortable, cozy mattress, having a really good becomes more important with age because a bad one may leave you with aches, pains and posture imbalances but the problem is that these specialty mattresses are very expensive -- fortunately, Medicare may cover up to 80 percent of the cost if you go about this purchase the right way and you'll then be responsible for the remaining 20 percent, as well as any deductible
Page 40: Psychic Self-Defense -- many people are born with a psyche that is naturally sensitive -- there has been a modern-day rise in occultism and practicing psychics and the way of the world at this time had made many more people seek help -- this has produced a far greater awareness of the need to protect and defend ourselves when working in a magical or psychic context -- we are all constantly being bombarded with psychic vibrations, not all of them good
Page 42: 20 Things You Never Knew About Tiger Woods
Page 44: Eyes on the Stars -- Jenny McCarthy is in high spirits as she preps to tape a new episode of The Masked Singer in L.A. (picture), Goldie Hawn works out in L.A. (picture), Jane Fonda has given up on getting hitched -- she has three failed marriages and being single means she can watch whatever she wants on TV, Kelly Clarkson admits that since her marriage soured she no longer considers marriage a fairy-tale thing and she can't imagine being married again, Charlize Theron admits she hasn't made the grade when it comes to homeschooling her kids Jackson and August, Patrick Schwarzenegger is looking to follow in the footsteps of his dad Arnold Schwarzenegger but says his dad hasn't offered any pointers when it comes to a career in showbiz, Bindi Irwin is close to welcoming her little wildlife warrior with husband Chandler Powell and her 17-year-old brother Robert Irwin has some opinions about his sister's ever-expanding figure saying she's massive
Page 45: Duchess Kate and Prince William hold video calls with folks shielding at home during the pandemic to discuss the positive impact of the COVID-19 vaccine (picture), Chrissy Teigen goes shopping with daughter Luna (picture), Mary-Kate Olsen finalized her divorce from French banker Olivier Sarkozy and she was spotted in NYC having dinner with businessman John Cooper, Gordon Ramsay is steamed after being diagnosed with arthritis, Jessie J has a new boyfriend with dancer and choreographer Max Pham Nguyen, Alec and Hilaria Baldwin dropped a bombshell -- they've welcomed their sixth child via surrogate
Page 46: We all get a bit snippy at times, but if you tend to fly into a rage, it's not good for your health or friendships -- here are some simple anger-management techniques you can do any time
Page 47: Curious Earthlings have always been hungry for movies about the moon and its mysteries -- Cat-Women of the Moon, A Trip to the Moon, The Right Stuff, First Man, Gravity, Apollo 13, Hidden Figures
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matthcn · 4 years
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          ◜  gyeongmin "matthew" han, 23 anos, é estudante de artes. está na Califórnia há pouco mais de dois meses e trabalha num restaurante como garçom. mora com a avó no terceiro andar de um prédio residencial e costuma fazer barulho até as 1 da manhã. nos fins de semana pode ficar fora o dia inteiro, mas se estiver deprimido vai cantar muito elvis presley e românticas dos anos 80 no karaokê. cultiva os próprios temperos, mas vai negar se for perguntado. a bicicleta preta com uma cesta é dele (pode rir, ele a usa para transportar os baguettes de manhã). não dá bom dia, nem boa tarde ou boa noite, mas vai sorrir de educação se o desejarem. é da zeta zeta rho, do jornal acadêmico e do atletismo.
◜ nome completo: gyeongmin han, mas o chame de matthew
◜ idade: 23 anos
◜ aniversário: 10 de setembro de 1997
◜ gênero/pronomes: cismale, ele/dele
◜ orientação sexual: bissexual
◜ orientação romântica: birromântico
◜ qualidades: divertido, sagaz, esperto
◜ defeitos: desonesto, estressado, fechado
◜ hobbies: cozinhar!!!, fazer doces, fazer truques de mágica, ouvir música, ler tarot, dançar, andar de bicicleta, correr
◜ playlist: holiday (green day), mess around (cage the elephant), attention (charlie puth), what goes around comes around (justin timberlake)
( plot 1 ) muse tem um pé atrás com matthew porque conhece o jogo de cartas que ele faz nos espaços públicos para roubar dinheiro do povo, e já viu ele aplicar esse golpe. ele costuma ir para lugares distantes para não entrar em contradição com nenhum vizinho ou colega da aias, mas acabou falhando. 
( plot 2 ) matthew roubou um pertence de muse, mas conforme conversava com elu e percebeu que era gente boa, decidiu devolver e iniciar alguma coisa parecida com uma amizade.
( plot 3 ) muse se viu afim de matthew e desde que o conheceu convida ele para sair e tudo mais, só que isso dá uma dificultada nos planos dele de aplicar os golpes porque elu tá quase sempre em cima.
( plot 4 ) muse não estava num bom dia quando foi um cliente sem razão no restaurante em que matthew trabalha, e como ele também não estava e o espírito mais infantil se apossa do corpo dele, ele derrubou de propósito o pedido de muse nele mesmo. deu o maior rolo, o patrão passou pano depois de escutar a parte de matt, e desde então ele e muse se detestam.
( plot 5 ) matthew costuma fazer barulho quando está em casa, e muse, u vizinhe, precisa trabalhar cedo. só porque muse não mediu direito as palavras quando foi reclamar, impulsionade pela raiva ou qualquer coisa assim, matthew faz mais barulho ainda, então vivem em pé de guerra.
( plot 6 ) muse é a pessoa dos sonhos de matthew. tudo o que elu é, é o que ele sempre quis para si. então, o que não falta é cantadas, presentes, tentativas de impressioná-lu, inesgotáveis convites para sair e um irreparável coração apaixonado. só que mesmo que muse sempre recuse as investidas, matt tem garra de brasileiro que não desiste nunca.
( conexão 1 ) muse, desatente que é, é um frequente alvo da mão leve de matthew, que simplesmente não suporta ver tanta abertura e não fazer nada. muse vive com as coisas “sumindo”.
( conexão 2 ) muse é cliente assíduo do restaurante e quase sempre, matthew atende sua mesa, chegou a ser costume elu pedir “o de sempre”.
( conexão 3 ) muse sempre pede para que matthew leia as cartas do tarot para elu, e ele o faz com o maior prazer.
( conexão 4 ) matthew é o babá do pet de muse.
( conexão 5 ) colegas de curso, pessoas que também querem fazer gastronomia como ele e se reunem para aprofundar seus conhecidos (lê-se: fazer bagunça 
ele nasceu nos estados unidos, papai e mamãe coreanos, mas um belo dia eles reagiram a um assalto e então morreram à tiros. matt tinha doze anos.
até esse fatídico dia chegar ele teve uma infância bem comum. aprendeu inglês e coreano quase ao mesmo tempo.
a mãe e o pai dele bancavam os mágicos, só que eles eram mais uma dupla de golpistas do que tudo. eles faziam aqueles jogos de azar em metrôs, em praças, justamente pra roubar dinheiro do povo e quando dava ruim metiam o coreano na língua pra se safar (se não rolasse, correr era uma boa saída). ele cresceu aprendendo a como tirar a moeda da orelha de alguém, aparecer e reaparecer um objeto, também a como afanar uma carteira sem ser percebido.
a família, mesmo pequena, sofria com a questão do dinheiro, então essa era a rota de fuga que alternavam para contornar as dificuldades. os pais não possuíam diploma e já estavam acostumado a aplicar os golpes mesmo no coreia do sul, então foi o jeito.
a morte precoce dos pais dele acarretou na ida forçada dele ao orfanato. por muito tempo se manteve fechado (nunca foi tratado devidamente, então ele ainda é reservada), com raiva (hoje em dia é mais tranquilo) e triste, chorando pelos cantos. nunca se acostumou de verdade ao orfanato, dispensava amigos, mas abraçava colegas apenas por conveniência — algumas pessoas para conversar/brincar só para passar o tempo.
sempre roubava os pertences das crianças, mais velhas ou mais novas, não importava, gerando confusões e brigas para saber quem era o ladrão. por ter zero valor material aqueles objetos, senão o sentimental, ele os devolvia no fim do dia no sigilo. o que o motivava eram as discussões, falsas acusações e é isso.
aos 17 anos, um ano antes de sentir a liberdade, saiu da escola e foi até o metrô bater carteira para ver se conseguia pagar aqueles cafés caros do starbucks e sair com os amigos da escola no dia seguinte. no entanto, foi pego e só porque a diretora do orfanato implorou para os oficiais, eles o liberaram, mas prometeram ficar de olho.
aos 18 anos teve, enfim, liberdade. continuou o que os pais faziam desde que ele era pequeno, fazia shows de mágica na praça e morava junto a um amigo da escola na garagem dos pais dele, de favor. ele demorou algum tempo, conseguiu emprego de babá e garçonete, mas a vida de honesto não ‘tava funcionando pra ele, só que dava pra guardar o dinheiro que guardava então… sem muitas reclamações. então ele passou a efetuar golpes por telefone, daqueles que “o banco” pede os dados do cartão pra realizar uma checagem e no fim do dia clonam o seu cartão. ele conseguiu comprar várias coisas online fazendo isso.
teve a proeza de roubar as chaves de uma carro mais ou menos, então ele o vendeu por um bom preço que deu para uma passagem só de ida para San Diego, onde sua avó morava. a velha não ficou muito feliz com a vinda dele, não, mas hoje em dia é muito parceira de matthew. o mais novo roubou apenas uma vez dela: um dólar para comprar balas.
foi ideia de Miyoung que ele entrasse na faculdade. não era segredo que matthew era uma criança prodígio, ele havia ganhado competições regionais e nacionais de soletração, redação e afins, mas os pais nunca deram apoio nessa parte então ele largou o interesse. com um pouco de pressão, a avó fez com que ela ao menos tentasse uma bolsa de estudos, já que havia sido exemplar na escola. ele tentou e conseguiu uma vaga na área de artes.
atualmente trabalha como garçom num restaurante próximo a área nobre da cidade e tem uma santa lábia para fazer os clientes gastarem mais do que o pretendido.
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 6 years
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By Scott Reid on @drawingwithdinosaurs
Name: Aepyornis 
Status: Extinct
First Described: 1851
Described By: I. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire
Classification: Dinosauria, Theropoda, Neotheropoda, Averostra, Tetanurae, Orionides, Avetheropoda, Coelurosauria, Tyrannoraptora, Maniraptoriformes, Maniraptora, Pennaraptora, Paraves, Eumaniraptora, Averaptora, Avialae, Euavialae, Avebrevicauda, Pygostylia, Ornithothoraces, Euornithes, Ornithuromorpha, Ornithurae, Neornithes, Palaeognathae, Notopalaeognathae, Novaeratitae, Apterygiformes + Aepyornithihformes Clade, Aepyornithiformes, Aepyornithidae 
Referred Species: A. gracilis, A. hildebrandti, A. maximus, A. medius
And now on to the Elephant Birds! Aepyornis is the larger of the two genera of elephant birds, and the largest bird in the world until it went extinct about 1,000 years ago. These birds lived entirely in Madagascar, and lived there throughout the Holocene, so from 12,000 years ago to 1,000 years ago. Genetically - so with analyses of ancient DNA still present in Aepyornis remains - it is most closely related to modern Kiwi, indicating that a flighted ancestor of both diverged into a group that reached Madagascar, and another group that reached New Zealand, and both evolved flightlessness independently. It is thought to have been about 3 meters tall and weighing up to 400 kilograms. Its eggs had circumferences of up to over 1 meter - 160 times greater than chicken eggs. 
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By Matt Martyniuk, CC BY-SA 3.0
Aepyornis (purple) is shown here alongside other dinosaurs such as the modern Ostrich (red), which it is significantly larger than, the extinct raptor Utahraptor (green) which it is about the same size as, the extinct raptor Deinonychus (blue) which it is much much larger than, and the chickenparrot Gigantoraptor (orange) which is significantly larger than the Elephant Bird. Subfossils of this genus are found throughout Madagascar, though it is uncertain whether or not they lived in rainforests (like a scaled-up cassowary) or in grasslands (like a scaled up rhea), though they had small wings and as such probably weren’t fast runners, instead were slow moving birds with strong, stout legs. Eggs are occasionally found in the fossil record, and they’re the largest bird eggs known. They seem to have mainly eaten coastal wetland plants, though very little is known about their life habits.  
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By José Carlos Cortés on @quetzalcuetzpalin-art​ 
Aepyornis probably died out due to human activity. They were widespread on the island, but they began to be more and more restricted in range during the time of human settlement. Evidence exists that human families would use their large eggs for food. It is difficult to tell exactly when they went extinct, but it seems to have been about 1000 years ago. They may have also caught diseases from the domesticated birds humans brought with them for food. 
Mayr, G. 2017. Avian Evolution: The Fossil Record of Birds and its Paleobiological Significance. Topics in Paleobiology, Wiley Blackwell. West Sussex.
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seowebdeveloper · 3 years
Matt Ferrell explorează subiectul, iar dacă ești în domeniul construcțiilor și nu ai luat deja în considerare transformarea clădirilor în baterii pe termen mediu și lung o să ai doar de pierdut (bani, afacerea, etc).
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janiziolima · 3 years
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#janiziolima Covid-19: Pfizer e AstraZeneca são eficazes contra variante indiana As vacinas da Pfizer e AstraZeneca são eficazes contra a variante indiana do coronavírus, segundo estudo da agência de saúde pública da Inglaterra divulgado na noite deste sábado (22). O estudo identificou que o imunizante da Pfizer tem eficácia de 88% contra casos sintomáticos causados pela variante indiana B.1.617.2 duas semanas após a segunda dose. Em relação à variante britânica, a efetividade é um pouco maior, de 93%. Já a vacina AstraZeneca teve 60% de efetividade contra a variante indiana após a segunda dose, contra 66% no caso da variante britânica. “Estou cada vez mais confiante de que estamos no caminho certo, porque esses dados mostram que as vacinas, depois de duas doses, funcionam com a mesma eficácia”, disse Matt Hancock em entrevista. O estudo foi feito entre os dias 5 de abril e 16 de maio e mediu o quanto cada vacina conseguiu reduzir os casos sintomáticos de Covid-19 por cada uma das variantes. Dados publicados pela agência neste sábado mostraram que o número de novos casos de Covid-19 na Inglaterra aumentou 10,5% nos sete dias precedentes a 22 de maio. O primeiro-ministro Boris Johnson ordenou que seja acelerada a aplicação das segundas doses restantes em pessoas com mais de 50 anos e em pessoas com comorbidades. Hancock afirmou que os novos dados da pesquisa reforçam como receber as duas doses da vacina é “absolutamente vital”. https://www.instagram.com/p/CPWR0aEj8uG/?utm_medium=tumblr
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cutiecrates · 4 years
Cutie Reviews: NMNL Feb 20
With this box, it’s officially been a year since NMNL changed its box to feature cuter Korean and Japanese products in the box.
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“We hope you're getting the love you deserve this February! We’re back with your monthly dose of Japanese and Korean cosmetics, skin care, beauty tools and more. Whether you plan on pampering your loved one(s) or yourself on Valentine’s Day, we support you and hope you will enjoy this month’s beauty box!“
Glam Gift and Contest Prize
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For Valentines Day the box was focused on romantic colors and sweet, chocolate-themed products.
For this month, our horoscope’s would tell us our perfect matches. For example, I’m a Libra, and it suggests I would go good with Leo, Taurus, and Aquarius.
Dear My Soap
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Our first item is this adorable little pastel colored soap, available in pink,blue, or white with matching ribbon sweetly tying it in place. It has a lovely Bulgarian rose scent, and it contains rosehip oil.
The booklet says it’s moisturizing... and to be honest, I couldn’t bring myself to un-tie this and try it out like I usually would <3< I feel bad because I try to use everything prior to writing a review, but it’s so... cute-looking, I couldn’t help it! I want to keep it as is.
Momocos Colored Eye Pencil
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The Momocos monsters have been becoming more popular these days, I keep seeing them in these boxes! They’re so cute, and this time we get an eye pencil, available in this black color, pink, blue, and red.
As fun as they are to draw with, I’ve been afraid of stabbing myself with eye liner pencils. It applies really smooth when I tried drawing a line on my hand, but on the eye it pretty much blotches along the lid like the liquid. I really can’t tell if it’s me, my eye, or what...
A’pieu Chocolate Milk Mask & Medius Heart Eye Mask
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If I recall properly, we got one of these milk masks the previous years box. At least I think, I could be off. I also see it when I go to Target, so I thought it was a funny coincidence. It felt really nice on my skin, but it doesn’t smell like chocolate. To me it actually kinda smells like coconut and hand sanitizer.
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Our other mask focuses on the eyes with a lovely rose scent. It moisturizes and its made from the same, jelly-like material the lip masks are made from. It includes extracts of cacao and pearl, along with collagen and ceramide.
Unfortunately, something seemed a bit unusual with mine. After I opened it, I noticed one eye was cut much more widely than the other, it fit okay, but I had some issues wearing the mask. Not only that, but my allergies have been bothering my eyes lately, I kept trying to find the best time to wear the mask but it wasn’t happening. The product or something kept getting into my eyes and was irritating them, even when I kept moving it around. It smelled good and felt nice, but it was too hard to keep on for the full 30 minutes. I took it off at almost 15 minutes.
Beauty World Makeup Palette
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I love when we get such pretty palettes, especially when they include colors I’d actually wear. For this month’s box, there was 4 different ones: Daily Color, Elegant Color, Tropical Color, and Natural Color. If I translates this right, mine is the elegant.
What I like about this palette are its unique textures. Some are smooth and silky, some feel scratchy (especially the one that’s SUPER-glittery), and there’s 4 of them with a diamond pattern that feels lovely to rub~
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I don’t have the best lighting for these types of pictures <_< I’m sorry.
Melliesh 3-way Multi Heart
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We tend to get these types of cute little cosmetic pieces pretty often. In fact we did get a single-colored heart from this brand a year or so ago, I still have it but I don’t use it very often.
This one is not just cheek and lips though, but also eye. The colors could be pink, cherry red, rich brown, or cassis berry. It has a bit of glitter in it and is pretty shiny, but it blends into the skin pretty well too. I’m not sure I could pull off straight up red eye-shadow, but I’m sure it could blend in with other colors nicely.
Capsa Lip Plumper & Heart Crush Lipstick Creamy Velvet
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The Capsa lip plumper is a special product made with pepper extract that heats up the capillaries to increase blood flow. It comes in clear gloss, moisturizing lip serum, or as a red gloss. It also has a wonderful minty scent!
I was a little nervous trying this out because I never used a heating type of lip product before. It was kind of exciting too though. I tried it out and it’s actually not very hot at all :3 it does warm up a little but not to an uncomfortable level. I’ve been using it since the start of the week, noticed a teensy bit of a plumping but nothing too impressive. I’m not really big on thick, fuller lips though so I don’t really mind. It’s also very sticky, but that’s nothing new and it doesn’t personally bother me. 
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Our final item is by the famous brand Holika Holika. There was 9 possible variations of pink, coral, red, and beige you could get in this collection!
Mine is New Woman 01 PK, I think that means it’s a pink shade. Although it looks pretty close to red.
I’ve seen these lipsticks online a LOT and always wanted one of my own, but I haven’t actually seen it on a website to buy from before, so you can imagine how happy I was to receive this! I couldn’t believe it!
I’m not a huge fan of matte lipsticks, but it’s so cute, and it doesn’t look too bad. You could also just use it for a heart stamper if you wanted ;3
♥ Cutie Ranking ♥
Content - 4.5 out of 5. The items are nice, no leakages or issues this time. I didn’t hate anything, although as usual I can’t use the eyeliner, and the eye mask gave me a bit of a problem, but that’s just me personally.
Theme: 5 out of 5. It featured lovely sweet items and definitely gave me a Valentines Day vibe.
Total Rank: 8 out of 10. I liked this more than our previous box, but I think I liked the Valentine’s Day box we got last year a bit more. The items are all kind of on the small side, but they’re also cute and fun to use, re-usable, practical, both playing important roles in these types of boxes. But I will say that I’m getting pretty tired of seeing eyeliner in these boxes, not only that but I wish there was a little bit more variety. It’s almost entirely for your face, and mostly the eye and lip regions.
♥ Cutie Scale ♥
Lip Plumper - I love how it smells, I don’t mind the stickiness at all. I actually kind of like the warming behind it too~
Lipstick - It’s so cute!
Palette - The colors are so pretty, I love rubbing my fingers over them. I’d recommend buying one of these if you can find them (Japan Haul shop may have them still). 
Multi Heart - Pretty color, but no scent. I can’t stand the outside yellow color either, it’s so ugly, the worst shade of yellow for me. No offense to anyone who likes it though, it’s just my personal opinion.   
Soap - I really want to use it but it’s so cute, I just can’t! 
Heart Eye Mask - I thought I’d love this but it was so uncomfortable.
Chocolate Milk Mask - The scent wasn’t super-appealing to me. A basic mask.    
Eyeliner - Once you get past the cute sticker label there isn’t really much to this.
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Druid Week: New Druid Circles
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image credit: parallelodrome
Circle of Blight
A Circle of Blight druid is a mockery of other druidic orders. They believe only in the death of all nature and life. Perhaps they were abandoned by nature or spurned by their gods, but they have turned against protecting nature and now seek its end. They leave a swath of burned and spoiled land.
//While making this class it originally felt very flavorful but very situational, so I ended up giving them Animate Dead Animals at 6th level in addition to speaking to them. If you have access to dead animals (perhaps by seeking them out and killing them) you can have consistent team of four undead animals. The once-per-day requirement prevents you from ever becoming as competent a necromancer as other classes that can cast Animate Dead, but you have some minions. Darkseed is usually useless, Deforestation is more of a crutch than a power, Undead Wild Shape is situationally useful, and Plague is more for story or intimidation than combat, so the druid’s main abilities are having a more powerful Blight spell and undead servants. Fair enough. WOuld make a great villain, though!
Deforestation: Beginning at 2nd level, you must absorb life force from the surrounding landscape to fuel your spells. All plantlife in a 25 ft. radius per druid level ceases to absorb sustenance and withers into dry, brown husks within 24 hours. This ability can be used once per day, and you cannot cast non-cantrip spells if you have not used this ability within 24 hours.
Undead Wild Shape: Beginning at 2nd level, when you use Wild Shape to transform into an animal you instead transform into a zombie or skeleton version of that animal. Your type becomes Undead and you are immune to poison damage, the poisoned condition, the charmed condition, and exhaustion.
Darkseed: At 2nd level, you can implant a necrotic seed into a plant or plant creature, dealing one damage to it every hour. This usually kills tiny inanimate plants after one hour but can take days to kill bushes, trees, or plant creatures. You can use this ability at will.
Speak with Dead Animals: Beginning at 6th level, you can cast Speak with Dead on a dead animal. You can understand the animal’s speech. You cannot use this ability again until you finish a long rest.
Animate Dead Animal: Beginning at 6th level, you may target up to four skeletons or corpses of dead animals (or on skeletons or zombies which you wish to reassert your control of) and cast Animate Dead on them once per day.
Blight: At 10th level you are always considered to have the Blight spell prepared. When you cast the Blight spell, it deals a bonus 1d8 damage in addition to any increased damage from higher level spell slots.
Plague: Beginning at 14th level, once per long rest, you can summon a plague of your choice.
Plague of Vermin: You summon 3d4 swarms of bats, rats, or ravens, or 2d4 swarms of insects, rot grubs, or quippers that attack all creatures they encounter in a 1 mile radius (except for the druid). They last until destroyed.
Plague of Disease: You infect all creatures you designate in a 5 mile radius as if with the Contagion spell.
Plague of Blight: You destroy all plantlife in a 5 mile radius and all water in the area becomes foul and brackish. No plantlife can grow there ever again unless a Hallow spell is cast at the location for 7 days in a row.
Plague of Darkness: You cause dark, stormy clouds to block out the sun in a 10 mile radius, shrouding the area in pitch darkness for 7 days.
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image credit: Vance Kovacs
Circle of Ruin
This druid circle is one that abhors civilization of all kinds. Nature was not meant to be disturbed; not meant to be forged to the will of mortals. The Circle of Ruin druid attempts to undo what mankind has done, destroying buildings, destroying objects, and sowing chaos wherever they go. They have the power to inspire savagery in otherwise civilized people with Crown of Madness and Confusion added to their repertoire of spells. They are resistant against charm spells that would force them to follow orders and law.
//This class took a bit from the Circle of the Land druid by having additional spells, but I restricted what cantrip you had to choose and didn’t give them Natural Recovery so they have less spells per day. Nature’s Vengeance is like Conjure Elemental but for plants, and half as powerful, so I thought it would be fair. Their key ability is Nature’s Reclaim as it makes this druid a pivotal addition to an adventuring party as they can circumvent a variety of obstacles in a man-made dungeon, which is why I only allowed it every short rest.
Nature’s Reclaim: Beginning at level 2, you may destroy up to a 10 ft. cube of inanimate, nonmagical material. The target must be synthetic, manufactured, or otherwise unnatural. For instance, you can destroy a section of a dungeon or castle stone wall, but not burrow into a stone mountain. You cannot use this ability again until you finish a short rest.
Thunderclap: Beginning at level 2, gain Thunderclap (Elemental Evil) as a cantrip.
Circle Spells: At 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th levels you gain access to new druid spells that you always have prepared to aid you in the upset of civilization:
3rd level: Crown of Madness, Shatter
5th level: Erupting Earth (Elemental Evil), Plant Growth
7th level: Confusion, Freedom of Movement
9th level: Destructive Wave, Conjure Elemental
Nature’s Vengeance: Beginning at 6th level, when you destroy an object with Nature’s Reclaim, you may also summon 1 Vine Blight, 2 Needle Blights, or 4 Twig Blights which obey your mental commands for up to 1 hour.
Spurn Law: Beginning at 10th level, you can’t be charmed by spells.
Beginning at 14th level, you may cast Earthquake, but only to target a Structure. Once you use this ability, it can’t be used again until you finish a long rest.
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image credit: Matt Cavotta
Circle of the Beastlord
The Circle of the Beastlord druid cannot wild shape, but instead gains an animal companion to aid them in battle. They form a strong bond with their companion, even taking on new abilities based on their companion. When the druid is worse for wear, their companion enters a barbarian-like rage, resisting damage and dishing out more damage with every attack. The druid even learns to befriend other animals they encounter with their natural affinity for beasts.
//Taking away the druid’s Wild Shape undermines a lot of the druid’s versatility. This class is therefore more oriented towards combat. The companion effectively gives you an additional attack, and your choice of companion and their relative totem power usually grants some sort of either minor combat or utility bonus to make up for the lack of Wild Shape. You don’t dish out as much sustained damage as a ranger, but you can still cast far more spells than a ranger. If the class feels too underpowered (I don’t think it will) I would give them one use of Wild Shape per long rest instead of their Totem Power at 2nd level.
Animal Companion: At 2nd level, you gain an animal companion at the expense of your Wild Shape class feature. You learn to use your magic to create a powerful bond with a creature of the natural world. With 8 hours of work and the expenditure of 50 gp worth of rare herbs and fine food, you call forth an animal from the wilderness to serve as your faithful companion. You may select a companion from among the following animals: an ape, a black bear, a boar, a giant badger, a giant weasel, a mule, a panther, or a wolf. The companion has an Intelligence of 4 or it’s current INT score (whichever is higher) and can communicate telepathically with the Druid. This ability otherwise functions like that of the Unearthed Arcana Revised Ranger’s Animal Companion and Companion’s Bond abilities.
Totem Power: Beginning at 2nd level, you gain an ability based on your chosen animal companion.
Ape: You count as a large creature when determining your maximum carrying capacity.
Black Bear: Your maximum hit point pool increases by 5+your level.
Boar: You deal an extra 1d6 damage when you travel at least 20 feet before hitting with a melee attack.
Giant Badger: You gain resistance to poison damage.
Giant Weasel: You add a bonus equal to your proficiency modifier to Deception checks. This does not stack with the Expertise class feature.
Mule: You gain advantage on STR and DEX saving throws against effects that would knock you prone.
Panther: You add a bonus equal to your proficiency modifier to Stealth checks. This does not stack with the Expertise class feature.
Wolf: You have advantage on Shove attempts.
Animal Affinity: Beginning at 6th level, you may cast Animal Friendship. When you use this ability, you can’t use it again until you finish a short rest.
Blood Bond: Beginning at 10th level, you and your companion share an even greater bond. Whenever you cast a spell with you as the only target, you may also target your animal companion. In addition, whenever you fall to less than half of your maximum hit points, your companion’s damage increases by 3 and they gain resistance to nonmagical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.
Greater Totem Power: Beginning at 14th level, you gain another ability based on your chosen animal companion.
Ape: You gain a Climb speed of 40 ft.
Black Bear: You may use a bonus action on your turn to make an extra melee attack against a creature within 5 ft.
Boar: When your hit points are reduced to 0, your hit points are reduced to 10 instead. You cannot use this ability again until you finish a short or long rest.
Giant Badger: You gain a burrow speed equal to your movement speed.
Giant Weasel: You can force a creature that succeeded at a saving throw against one of your spells to reroll their save and take the new result. You cannot use this ability again until you finish a long rest.
Mule: When you travel at least 20 ft. before making a melee attack, your attack deals a bonus 1d6 damage and knocks the target prone if they are Medium or smaller.
Panther: When you hit with an attack roll against a creature for the first time each turn, if you had advantage on the attack roll, add 2d6 to the damage roll.
Wolf: You gain advantage on attack rolls against a creature if at least one of your allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn’t incapacitated.
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Just Pinned to Charlotte Tiblury Glowing, Pretty Skin Palette Review & Swatches: Glowing Pretty Charlotte Tilbury Glowing Pretty Skin Palette ($75.00 for 0.54 oz.) includes five cheek colors and one setting powder (Medium). While I can understand the inclusion of a finishing powder I dont understand it so much in a release where theres just one palette to choose from since the finishing powder is flesh-toned and not translucent. In larger cheek palettes there are often shades that may or may not work for a single skin tone but everything about this palette seemed geared toward fair to light skin tones. I did not find that the powders felt as smooth or as finely-milled as the brands standalone blushes bronzers/contours and highlighters. 0 1 Glowing Pretty 0 1 Glowing Pretty B Limited Edition Where to Buy Affiliate Links NordstromBeautylishSelfridgesBergdorf GoodmanNet-A-PorterCharlotte TilburyCharlotte Tilbury (UK)Harvey Nichols (UK)John Lewis (UK)FeelUnique 8.5 Product 9 Pigmentation 8 Texture 8.5 Longevity 5 Application 87% Total Medium (2) Medium (2) is a soft light-medium yellow with subtle warm undertones and a matte finish. It is supposed to prevent excess shine and brighten complexions. It is a shade from a permanent formula which also includes Fair and Dark shades. Medium is too dark for my complexion to apply all-over (I find Fair to be too light). It added warmth to my complexion more like a subtle bronzer with a very soft slightly drier texture. I did not feel it was as velvety or as finely-milled as the permanent version. It did mattify and smooth out the area I applied it though and it seemed to stave off shine for a little longer than usual. Ingredients TALC MICA POLYMETHYL METHACRLATE DIMETHICONE SILICA PENTAERYTHRITYL TETRAISOSTEARATE CETEARYL ETHYLHEXANOATE ZINC STEARATE ZEA MAYS (CORN) STARCH CHLORPHENESIN POTASSIUM SORBATE TOCOPHERYL ACETATE PEI-10 PROPYLENE GLYCOL PRUNUS AMYGDALUS DULCIS (SWEET ALMOND) OIL ROSA MULTIFLORA FLOWER WAX TETRASODIUM EDTA WATER/AQUA/EAU DIMETHICONOL TILIA CORDATA FLOWER EXTRACT (TILIA CORDATA EXTRACT) METHYLPARABEN ETHYLPARABEN PROPYLPARABEN BUTYLPARABEN [MAY CONTAIN/PEUT CONTENIR (/-): TITANIUM DIOXIDE (CI 77891) IRON OXIDES (CI 77491 CI 77492 CI 77499)] 0 0 Medium (2) 0 0 Medium (2) B Permanent Where to Buy Affiliate Links NordstromBeautylishSelfridgesBergdorf GoodmanNet-A-PorterCharlotte TilburyCharlotte Tilbury (UK)Harvey Nichols (UK)John Lewis (UK)FeelUnique 8.5 Product 9 Pigmentation 8 Texture 8.5 Longevity 5 Application 87% Total Pretty Pretty is a pop of light-medium pink with warm undertones and a fine golden sheen. It had good pigmentation that applied evenly and blended out easily on my skin. The texture was soft slightly dusty in the pan and it seemed to darken slightly within a few minutes of wearing it. The color lasted well for eight hours on me. Top Dupes Ingredients Top Dupes View Swatches View All Dupes Tom Ford Beauty Frantic Pink (Discontinued) (DC $60.00) is lighter (95% similar). LORAC Dance 'Til Dawn Blush #2 (LE ) is brighter (95% similar). Natasha Denona Golden Pink (P ) is brighter (90% similar). MAC Spellbinder (LE $24.00) is warmer (90% similar). Colour Pop Holiday (P $8.00) is darker cooler (90% similar). MAC Mother o' Pearl (LE $34.00) is warmer (90% similar). Hourglass Incandescent Electra (P $38.00) (90% similar). KIKO 103 Golden Peach (P $12.00) is cooler (90% similar). Benefit CORALista (P $29.00) is more shimmery warmer (90% similar). Too Faced Love Hangover (P $26.00) is cooler (90% similar). More dupes -- click to see the full list! Ingredients 1 0 Pretty 1 0 Pretty B Limited Edition Where to Buy Affiliate Links NordstromBeautylishSelfridgesBergdorf GoodmanNet-A-PorterCharlotte TilburyCharlotte Tilbury (UK)Harvey Nichols (UK)John Lewis (UK)FeelUnique 8.5 Product 9 Pigmentation 8 Texture 8.5 Longevity 5 Application 87% Total Illuminating Glow Illuminating Glow is a light peach with a hint of pink and a luminous sheen. It had semi-opaque pigmentation but a very strong white base that significantly lightened the color when applied to the skin (compared to how it appeared in the pan). The consistency was soft slightly dusty and thinner but it blended out without trouble and wore well on my skin for seven and a half hours. The finish was rather subtle and only visible at certain angles or under the right lighting conditions. Top Dupes View Swatches View All Dupes NARS Rêve Salé II (LE ) is more shimmery (95% similar). NARS Corniche (LE ) is darker (95% similar). Colour Pop Main Attraction (LE $8.00) is warmer (95% similar). Hourglass Absolute Strobe Light (LE ) is darker (95% similar). Laura Geller Peach Glow (P $26.00) is darker cooler (90% similar). Jouer Citrine (P $24.00) is darker (90% similar). Makeup Revolution Radiant Lights (P $6.00) is more shimmery lighter (90% similar). MAC She's a Rainbow (LE $34.00) is darker (90% similar). bareMinerals The Soiree (LE $26.00) is warmer (90% similar). Tom Ford Beauty Soleil d'Ambre (Highlighter) (LE ) is warmer (90% similar). More dupes -- click to see the full list! 0 0 Illuminating Glow 0 0 Illuminating Glow B Limited Edition Where to Buy Affiliate Links NordstromBeautylishSelfridgesBergdorf GoodmanNet-A-PorterCharlotte TilburyCharlotte Tilbury (UK)Harvey Nichols (UK)John Lewis (UK)FeelUnique 8 Product 9 Pigmentation 8 Texture 8 Longevity 5 Application 84% Total Bronze and Contour Bronze and Contour is a soft very light brown with warm undertones and a satin finish. It added a hint of color and definition on my skin tone (light to light-medium) so if youre more medium in complexion or deeper it may not show up at all. It had semi-opaque buildable pigmentation a a soft dusty texture that was a bit thinner and less velvety compared to most of the brands powder products. The powder blended out well and stayed on for eight hours on me. Top Dupes View Swatches View All Dupes Burberry London With Love (LE $68.00) is darker (90% similar). Viseart Ablaze (Bronzer) (P ) is less shimmery darker glossier (85% similar). Makeup Geek Sunkissed (P $22.00) is darker (85% similar). Colour Pop Opening Act (LE $8.00) is less shimmery darker (85% similar). Charlotte Tilbury Filmstar Bronze (Original) (P ) is darker (85% similar). Guerlain Terracotta Gold Light (LE $60.00) is darker (80% similar). Laura Mercier Bronze (02) (P $40.00) is darker (80% similar). Physicians Formula Light Bronze (P $14.99) is darker warmer (80% similar). Laura Mercier Bronze (03) (P $40.00) is darker (80% similar). Estee Lauder Java Sun (LE $65.00) is darker (80% similar). More dupes -- click to see the full list! 0 1 Bronze and Contour 0 1 Bronze and Contour B Limited Edition Where to Buy Affiliate Links NordstromBeautylishSelfridgesBergdorf GoodmanNet-A-PorterCharlotte TilburyCharlotte Tilbury (UK)Harvey Nichols (UK)John Lewis (UK)FeelUnique 8 Product 8.5 Pigmentation 8 Texture 8.5 Longevity 5 Application 84% Total Summer Summer is a light-medium pink with warm undertones and a satin finish. It had opaque color coverage with a soft velvety consistency that was smooth and blendable. The blush applied well to bare skin and wore well for eight hours before fading noticeably. Top Dupes View Swatches View All Dupes MAC I'll Hold My Breath #2 (LE ) is more shimmery darker (95% similar). MAC Spring Flock (LE $24.00) is brighter (95% similar). Sephora Shame On You (01) (P $14.00) is warmer (95% similar). KIKO 108 Orange Coral (DC $12.00) is darker (95% similar). NARS Day Dream (LE $30.00) is more shimmery (95% similar). Tarte True Love (P $29.00) is darker (90% similar). Colour Pop Holiday (P $8.00) is cooler (90% similar). NARS Angel Pride I (LE $30.00) is warmer (90% similar). Guerlain Ors et Merveilles #7 (LE ) is darker (90% similar). Tarte Smashing (LE $29.00) is darker (90% similar). More dupes -- click to see the full list! 0 0 Summer 0 0 Summer A- Limited Edition Where to Buy Affiliate Links NordstromBeautylishSelfridgesBergdorf GoodmanNet-A-PorterCharlotte TilburyCharlotte Tilbury (UK)Harvey Nichols (UK)John Lewis (UK)FeelUnique 9 Product 10 Pigmentation 9 Texture 8.5 Longevity 5 Application 92% Total Highlighting Glow Highlighting Glow is a light gold with warm yellow undertones and a sparkling sheen. It had medium buildable pigmentation with a drier thinner texture. It was buildable though and the more I layered on the more metallic the finish read on my skin (but did not emphasize my skins natural texture). It lasted well for seven and a half hours on me. Top Dupes View Swatches View All Dupes Tarte Goddess Glow (LE $35.00) is less shimmery (95% similar). Colour Pop Siren (LE $8.00) is more shimmery (95% similar). Tarte Spotlight (LE ) is more shimmery (95% similar). Morphe Extra (P $14.00) is more shimmery (95% similar). Urban Decay Cliché (LE $26.00) is more shimmery (95% similar). MAC Get It Glowin' (LE ) is more shimmery (95% similar). Colour Pop Boujee Call (P $8.00) is lighter (95% similar). Dior Golden Glow (003) (P $48.00) is more shimmery (95% similar). Colour Pop Strobe Globe (P $7.00) is more shimmery (90% similar). Too Faced Blessed (LE ) is lighter (90% similar). More dupes -- click to see the full list! 0 0 Highlighting Glow 0 0 Highlighting Glow C Limited Edition Where to Buy Affiliate Links NordstromBeautylishSelfridgesBergdorf GoodmanNet-A-PorterCharlotte TilburyCharlotte Tilbury (UK)Harvey Nichols (UK)John Lewis (UK)FeelUnique 7.5 Product 7.5 Pigmentation 7.5 Texture 8 Longevity 5 Application 79% Total Charlotte Tilbury Glowing Pretty Skin Palette Charlotte Tilbury Glowing Pretty Skin Palette Charlotte Tilbury Glowing Pretty Skin Palette Charlotte Tilbury Glowing Pretty Skin Palette Charlotte Tilbury Glowing Pretty Skin Palette Charlotte Tilbury Glowing Pretty Skin Palette Charlotte Tilbury Glowing Pretty Skin Palette Charlotte Tilbury Medium (2) Airbrush Flawless Finish Pressed Powder Charlotte Tilbury Medium (2) Airbrush Flawless Finish Pressed Powder Charlotte Tilbury Medium (2) Airbrush Flawless Finish Pressed Powder Charlotte Tilbury Medium (2) Airbrush Flawless Finish Pressed Powder Charlotte Tilbury Pretty Blush Charlotte Tilbury Pretty Blush Charlotte Tilbury Pretty Blush Charlotte Tilbury Pretty Blush Charlotte Tilbury Pretty Blush Charlotte Tilbury Pretty Blush Charlotte Tilbury Pretty Blush Charlotte Tilbury Pretty Blush Charlotte Tilbury Pretty Blush Charlotte Tilbury Pretty Blush Charlotte Tilbury Pretty Blush Charlotte Tilbury Illuminating Glow Highlighter Charlotte Tilbury Illuminating Glow Highlighter Charlotte Tilbury Illuminating Glow Highlighter Charlotte Tilbury Bronze and Contour Bronzing Powder Charlotte Tilbury Bronze and Contour Bronzing Powder Charlotte Tilbury Bronze and Contour Bronzing Powder Charlotte Tilbury Bronze and Contour Bronzing Powder Charlotte Tilbury Summer Blush Charlotte Tilbury Summer Blush Charlotte Tilbury Summer Blush Charlotte Tilbury Summer Blush Charlotte Tilbury Highlighting Glow Highlighter Charlotte Tilbury Highlighting Glow Highlighter Charlotte Tilbury Highlighting Glow Highlighter Charlotte Tilbury Highlighting Glow Highlighter Charlotte Tilbury Glowing Pretty Skin Palette Charlotte Tilbury Glowing Pretty Skin Palette Charlotte Tilbury Glowing Pretty Skin Palette Charlotte Tilbury Glowing Pretty Skin Palette Charlotte Tilbury Glowing Pretty Skin Palette Charlotte Tilbury Glowing Pretty Skin Palette Charlotte Tilbury Glowing Pretty Skin Palette Charlotte Tilbury Medium (2) Airbrush Flawless Finish Pressed Powder Charlotte Tilbury Medium (2) Airbrush Flawless Finish Pressed Powder Charlotte Tilbury Medium (2) Airbrush Flawless Finish Pressed Powder Charlotte Tilbury Medium (2) Airbrush Flawless Finish Pressed Powder Charlotte Tilbury Pretty Blush Charlotte Tilbury Pretty Blush Charlotte Tilbury Pretty Blush Charlotte Tilbury Pretty Blush Charlotte Tilbury Pretty Blush Charlotte Tilbury Pretty Blush Charlotte Tilbury Pretty Blush Charlotte Tilbury Pretty Blush Charlotte Tilbury Pretty Blush Charlotte Tilbury Pretty Blush Charlotte Tilbury Pretty Blush Charlotte Tilbury Illuminating Glow Highlighter Charlotte Tilbury Illuminating Glow Highlighter Charlotte Tilbury Illuminating Glow Highlighter Charlotte Tilbury Bronze and Contour Bronzing Powder Charlotte Tilbury Bronze and Contour Bronzing Powder Charlotte Tilbury Bronze and Contour Bronzing Powder Charlotte Tilbury Bronze and Contour Bronzing Powder Charlotte Tilbury Summer Blush Charlotte Tilbury Summer Blush Charlotte Tilbury Summer Blush Charlotte Tilbury Summer Blush Charlotte Tilbury Highlighting Glow Highlighter Charlotte Tilbury Highlighting Glow Highlighter Charlotte Tilbury Highlighting Glow Highlighter Charlotte Tilbury Highlighting Glow Highlighter https://ift.tt/2Ly38Ts
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strongmagazine · 8 years
Ein Knackarsch ohne Squats? Ist das überhaupt möglich?? Die Kniebeuge gilt doch als die Königsdiziplin aller Po Übungen – ohne Squats kein geiler Hintern… oder doch? In diesem Artikel möchten wir Ihnen ein paar Alternativen für Ihr Po Training anbieten. Denn viele von uns – uns eingeschlossen – haben Probleme bei tiefen Kniebeugen. Sei es Sie kommen nicht tief genug runter, weil Ihnen die Beweglichkeit fehlt oder Sie von der Anatomie (Oberkörperlängen-Verhältnis zu Unterkörper) einfach nicht wirklich für diese Übung gemacht sind. Und bevor wir zu Butt-Wink, Knie rutscht nach Innen oder nur halben Kniebeugen (die eigentlich nur den Oberschenkel treffen) neigen, machen wir doch lieber alternative Pomuskel-Übungen die den Hintern mindestens genauso gut trainieren wie die Kniebeuge, wenn nicht sogar besser… – also: Shut Up and Do other Things than Squats!
Knackarsch ohne Squats – 5 Pomuskel Übungen für einen knackigen Hintern
Knackarsch ohne Squats – Pomuskeln trainieren ohne Kniebeugen Trainingsplan
Hinweis: Alle Übungen sind auf das Training im Fitnessstudio ausgelegt.
Hip Thrusts (Hüftheben)
Setzen Sie sich vor eine Hantelbank. Stellen Sie diese am Besten vor eine Wand, damit Sie nicht nach hinten wegrutscht. Oder Sie benutzen die Bank von der Bankdrück-Station, die sind i.d.R am Boden festgeschraubt.
Nun nehmen Sie eine Langhantelstange und machen zuerst einen Aufwärmsatz ohne Gewicht. Das geht wie folgt:
Rollen Sie die Langhantelstange über die Beine bis zu Ihrer Hüftbeuge.
Benutzen Sie zum Schutz Ihrer Hüftknochen am Besten ein Polster und zwar das, was die meisten für den Nacken bei Kniebeugen benutzen. Ist das nicht in Sicht, nehmen Sie Ihr Handtuch oder rollen eine Matte zusammen und legen sie zwischen Stange und Hüfte. Warum? Bei sehr hohem Gewicht, kann die Stange in der Hüfte schmerzvoll drücken und blaue Flecken verursachen.
Jetzt legen Sie Ihren Schultergürtel auf der Hantelbank ab. Sehen Sie zu, dass nur noch Ihre Schulterblätter die Hantelbank berühren, so haben Sie einen größeren Winkel.
Nun heben Sie Ihre Hüfte mit der Stange an, bis Ihre Beine einen rechten Winkel erreicht haben und ihr Oberkörper ganz parallel zum Boden ist.
Achten Sie darauf, dass Sie ihre Knie möglichst parallel zueinander stehen haben und oben den Po ganz fest zusammenkneifen (Je paralleler die Knie zueinander stehen, desto mehr Effekt/Muskelreiz auf dem Hintern).
Nun ganz langsam wieder ablassen. Aufwärmsatz 15 WHDs
Nun laden Sie Ihr ganz persönliches Gewicht auf die Stange. Beginner nehmen 5 kg pro Seite für 8-12 WHDs, Fortgeschrittene 10 – 15 kg für 8-12 WHDs und Profis 20 – 25 kg pro Seite oder mehr (Sie wissen sicherlich selbst am Besten was Sie schaffen)
3 Sätze a 8-12 WHDs.
Walking Lunges (Ausfallschritte mit zwei Freihanteln)
Nehmen Sie zwei Freihanteln, Scheiben oder Kettlebells in die Hände und stellen Sie sich schulterbreit hin.
Nun setzen Sie den rechten Fuß weit nach vorne in den Ausfallschritt. Achten Sie darauf, dass das Knie nicht über den Fuß hinausragt. Das belastet Ihre Kniescheiben zu sehr.
Das hintere Knie geht Richtung Boden.
Achten Sie darauf, dass das vordere Knie nicht nach Innen knickt.
Nun ziehen Sie das hintere Bein nach Vorne und setzen Sie den linken Fuß neben den Rechten.
Der Druck kommt dabei aus dem vorderen Fuß und zwar aus der Ferse und der rechten äußeren Seite der Fußfläche. So treffen Sie den seitlichen Pomuskel optimal.
Achten Sie während der gesamten Übung auf die Spannung im Bauch und halten Sie Ihren Rücken möglichst gerade.
Nun gehen Sie mit dem linken Fuß nach Vorne, in den tiefen Ausfallschritt und ziehen dann den rechten Fuß nach.
Suchen Sie sich für diese Übung am Besten einen freien Gang im Fitnessstudio in dem Sie mindestens 8 – 10 Ausfallschritte pro Bein machen können (Umdrehen auf der hälfte des Weges erlaubt).
Romanian Deadlifts (Rumänisches Kreuzheben)
Nehmen Sie sich eine Langhantelstange und machen Sie erstmal einen Aufwärmsatz ohne Gewicht.
Legen Sie die Langhantelstange vor sich auf den Boden.
Stellen Sie sich schulterbreit vor die Hantelstange.
Nun beugen Sie Ihren Oberkörper, die Beine bleiben dabei die ganze Zeit gerade (nicht komplett durchgestreckt, aber mit einer kleinen Beuge in den Knien)
Der Rücken ist komplett gerade, die Bauchmuskeln sind fest angespannt.
Nun Beugen Sie Ihren Oberkörper, sodass er im 90° Winkel zu den Beinen ist und greifen die Stange schulterbreit im Obergriff oder im Unter-und Obergriff je nachdem wie stark Ihre Griffkraft ist.
Jetzt heben Sie die Stange vom Boden an und richten Ihren Oberkörper auf.
Oben angekommen rollen Sie einmal Ihre Schultern nach hinten unten und drücken Ihre Hüfte nach vorne, sodass Sie Ihre Pomuskeln zusammendrücken (denken Sie an die Kokosnuss, die Sie zerquetschen wollen).
Und jetzt langsam wieder herunterlassen, bis die Stange kurz den Boden berührt.
Machen Sie einen Aufwärmsatz ohne Gewicht für 15 Wiederholungen und anschließend 8-12 Wiederholungen für 3 Sätze mit einem Gewicht Ihrer Wahl. (Anfänger beginnen mit 2,5 – 5 kg pro Seite)
Die Stange berührt bei dieser Übung – anders als beim klassischen Kreuzheben nicht Ihre Oberschenkel, sondern berührt nur Ihre Hüften wenn Sie sich komplett aufgerichtet haben.
Achten Sie darauf, den Bauch wirklich ganz fest dabei anzuspannen, damit Ihr Rücken stabil bleibt.
Setzen Sie sich in die Beinpresse. (Am effektivsten ist das Modell was oben im Bild abgebildet ist, denn damit treffen Sie den Pomuskel besser als bei der Beinpresse wo Sie relativ gerade drin sitzen).
Positionieren Sie Ihre Füße im 45°Winkel relativ weit außen oben, sodass Ihre Fußspitzen zu den Ecken der Platte zeigen.
Nun lösen Sie die Sicherung (die Hebel an der Seite aufdrehen) und lassen die Fußplatte langsam absenken Richtung Oberkörper.
Nun drücken Sie aus Ihren Fersen und den Fußaußenseiten die Platte nach vorne oben – GANZ WICHTIG: Die Knie bleiben die ganze Zeit nach außen gedrückt!! (Keine X-Beine!! Haben wir gestern noch live beobachtet – aua!)
Halten Sie sich mit den Händen rechts und links unten an den Griffen fest, das gibt Ihnen noch mal Stabilität.
Atmen Sie aus beim Hochdrücken der Platte.
Machen Sie einen Aufwärmsatz und danach 3 Sätze a 8 – 12 Wiederholungen mit einem Gewicht nach Wahl.
Cable Hip Extension (Beinstrecker am Kabelzug)
Holen Sie sich aus dem Zubehör Kasten oder von der Rezeption die Lederschlaufen für die Fußgelenke.
Nun stellen Sie sich vor einen Kabelzug und haken erstmal Ihre rechte Fußschlaufe in den Anker ein, den Sie vorher runter bis auf den Boden gestellt haben.
Beginnen Sie mit der Übung erstmal mit ganz leichtem Gewicht. So können Sie die richtige Ausführung üben und merken, wie Sie den Fuß und Oberkörper zueinander drehen müssen, um den seitlichen Pomuskel zu treffen.
Stellen Sie sich etwas schräg seitlich rechts vor den Kabelzugturm.
Fassen Sie mit den Händen die beiden Griffe an um Halt zu haben.
Nun beugen Sie Ihren Oberkörper leicht nach vorne (Achtung: einmal nach hinten schauen damit Sie niemanden treten ja ist uns auch schon passiert)
Der Fuß ist geflext und Sie führen Ihre Hacke seitlich nach hinten oben, sodass Sie deutlich Ihren seitlichen Pomuskel spüren. Je höher, desto mehr Kontraktion.
Halten Sie Ihren Bauch dabei die ganze Zeit unter Spannung.
Machen Sie pro Seite je einen Aufwärmsatz von 15 Wiederholungen mit leichtem Gewicht.
Anschließend pro Seite 3 Sätze a 8 – 12 Wiederholungen mit einem Gewicht, mit dem Sie die Übung sauber ausführen können. (Weniger ist bei dieser Übung mehr, es kommt auf den Radius an, den Sie sauber ausführen können).
Knack-Po Trainingsplan für Frauen
Knack-Po Trainingsplan für einen knackigen Hintern
Sind Sie in Pomuskel-Stimmung gekommen? Wenn Sie das ganze nun mit Konzept angehen wollen, dann empfehlen wir Ihnen unseren Knack-Po Trainingsplan für Frauen. Die Sache ist nämlich die: Sie können die besten Übungen für den Hintern in Petto haben, ohne einen konkreten Trainingsplan bringt das beste Po-Training nichts. Es ist extrem wichtig wie Sie die Reihenfolge, Wiederholungsanzahlen und Satzpausen der Übungen wählen um schnell Erfolge zu erzielen! Unser Knack-Po Trainingsplan ist darauf ausgelegt, Ihren Hintern rundum (also alle 3 Pomuskeln > Gluteus Maximus, Medius und Minimus) im 360° Winkel zu trainieren. Es ist ein Supersatz Pomuskel-Trainingsplan für Frauen, der durch die Doppelsätze zusätzlich noch die Fettverbrennung ankurbelt und Ihnen einen knackigen „Brazilian Butt“ verschafft.
Are you STRONG enough?
Der Beitrag Knackarsch ohne Squats – Pomuskeln trainieren ohne Kniebeugen erschien zuerst auf STRONG Magazine.
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