#matteo fumagalli
Volevo provare sempre di più quel senso di spaesamento tipico di chi si trova di fronte a qualcosa che sta involontariamente raschiando il fondo del barile
Matteo Fumagalli - Travolti dal trash nell' immenso mare del brutto
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hebeandersen · 2 years
Ormai la mia vita da lettrice consiste solo in libri che farebbero venire l'urticaria a tutto Booktube Italia (anche se certi, mah, non capisco perché) e va bene così.
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mlaura-solointer · 7 months
«È che a volte amare significa stare con qualcuno, con chiunque, pur di non essere soli. Nessuno merita la crudeltà della solitudine» - Pajtim Statovci, Gli invisibili
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pietroleopoldo · 3 months
Io che chiudo internet nel momento in cui mia madre arriva come un adolescente che sta guardando un porno ma sto guardando un video di Matteo Fumagalli (sta leggendo ad alta voce la scena di sesso più brutta mai scritta da mani umane)
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officialpenisenvy · 20 days
appena aperto un video di matteo fumagalli per la prima volta in un anno o due ma scusate da quant'è che ha i capelli grigi
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hemlockdrunk · 7 months
comunque l'evoluzione estetica di matteo fumagalli esempio principe di twink death –> dilf birth
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deathshallbenomore · 9 months
il dott. matteo fumagalli unica persona ad aver capito come commentare la narrazione della sventura ferroviaria di alain elkann
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ninfettin · 2 years
Una delle poche cose che mi stanno tenendo in vita in sti giorni è la recensione, a puntate, infinita kiss me fatta da Matteo Fumagalli
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pesciolyni · 11 months
rivoglio indietro i video recensione su kiss me like you love me di matteo fumagalli :(
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purrvaire · 2 years
my love!!!! for the fanfic ask!!!! im curious about end train station scene and did it hurt 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀
MY DARLING DEAREST <3 you will like the end train station scene bc basically it's the beginning of the final part to the kingsman au (which i will finish someday I PROMISE SWEAR TO GOD AND HOPE TO DIE) you already know and read the important bits!! here's an extract that you can use as a threat against me if I don't finish it lmao
Well, that’s me fucked then”, he mutters bitterly. “‘S like Clovis said, I’m just a chav from the estates.”
Obi-Wan arches an eyebrow. “You’re not just anything, Anakin. You are a brilliant young man, who raised above difficult circumstances, and made something of himself. Regardless of what happens tomorrow, you should be proud of yourself. As I am.”
The last part is spoken with such an unwavering confidence that Anakin wants to cry a little because what has he ever done to deserve such trust? Such faith?
Obi-Wan’s body is tilted toward the left and his legs are stretched languidly under the desk; despite the relaxed pose, Anakin feels squirming under the watchful, steady gaze.
He slouches a little, leaning into the armchair, but in doing so his long legs open and he’s been through enough training that he doesn’t miss Obi-Wan’s eyes turning dark.
“Yeah,” he whispers, mouth suddenly dry, “I should.”
Obi-Wan clears his throat. “Besides, being a gentleman is something one learns.”
Anakin barely remembers what the hell they were talking about. “How?”
“First, you should’ve asked for permission before taking your seat.”
God, Anakin hates how his mind works sometimes.
[inser matteo fumagalli che dice se questo non sembra l'inzio di un porno gay io non so cosa sia] [it's really not] [... or is it? 👁]
• as for did it hurt it's a flashfic i wrote for sara (who else lol) like in 2018 LMAO and i thought who knows maybe ONE DAY i'll develop it nicely and post it and.... it's still there LMAO anyway it's your average enjoltaire reincarnation au, the prompt was a text we had as matching header on twitter: did it hurt when you fell from the musain's window?
here's an extract for you <3
"What did you say?”
The words slip out easily. “Did it hurt when you fell out the Musain’s window?” Grantaire whispers.
There’s something, in the back of his mind, whispering him of lost memories.
"Do you know what is the Musain?” Enjolras asks, still using this new soothing tone.
“It’s a café in Paris. We used to meet there.” He answers again and he feels so scared.  “I didn’t mean to say this too, what is going on?”
send me an ask about my wips <3
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auxoubliettes · 1 year
i libri degli influencers vengono pubblicati solo per essere recensiti da matteo fumagalli
l'unica nota positiva di quei libracci sono le sue recensioni trash effettivamente, hai ragione
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dakovas-basette · 1 year
Comunque mi sto recuperando il video di Matteo Fumagalli su Sanremo e devo dire che continua a essere il re delle opinioni corrette
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evoldir · 1 month
Fwd: Conference: London.MathMolBiol.Aug29-30
Begin forwarded message: > From: [email protected] > Subject: Conference: London.MathMolBiol.Aug29-30 > Date: 27 March 2024 at 04:42:40 GMT > To: [email protected] > > > Registration and abstract submission for the next MASAMB (Mathematical > and Statistical Aspects of Molecular Biology) meeting at Queen Mary > University of London 29th-30th August 2024 are now open. > > With typically around 100 participants from mathematics, statistics, > computer science, bioinformatics, biology and related fields, the > MASAMB meetings provide an intimate setting for exchanging ideas in > methodological and applied research. Research students and scientists > newly entering the field of genomic research are particularly welcome > and encouraged to submit abstracts. > > Please visit our website for more information on the venue and the > registration process: https://ift.tt/akjrLFB > > We offer grants for caring duties and are able to accommodate for other > needs to offer an inclusive in-person meeting. > > Looking forward to seeing many of you in East London this Summer. > > Matteo Fumagalli > > > Matteo Fumagalli
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messinacalcio · 4 months
Mister Modica convoca 22 calciatori del Messina per la sfida contro il Monopoli
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Per il match Messina-Monopoli valevole per la diciannovesima giornata del campionato di Serie C, che si disputerà il 22 dicembre alle ore 20.45, mister Modica ha convocato 22 calciatori. Portieri: De Matteis Jacopo, Di Bella Antonio, Fumagalli Ermanno. Difensori: Darini Matteo, Lia Damiano, Manetta Marco, Pacciardi Federico, Polito Vincenzo, Salvo Giuseppe, Tropea Lorenzo. Centrocampisti: Firenze Marco, Franco Domenico, Frisenna Giulio, Giunta Francesco, Ortisi Pasqualino, Scafetta Domenico. Attaccanti: Cavallo Carlo, Luciani Pierluca, Ragusa Antonino, Santoro Vittorio, Zammit Andrea, Zunno Marco. Read the full article
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belteppismo · 10 months
Ho deciso che passerò la serata a guardare le recensioni trash di Matteo Fumagalli
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hemlockdrunk · 11 months
scusate LIBERALI ma ci sono solo DUE GENERI (ilenia zodiaco e matteo fumagalli)
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