#everyone is salty compared to danny
108garys · 2 years
Random Man of Medan thoughts
The MoM cast is shockingly willing to drop into dark crusty places they have no guaranteed way back from
It amuses me that you could have a boss fight and/or the main antagonist could keel over and die in a random corner(I've actually lost the boss fight and then Olson celebrated by off and dying like that)
Imagine if during said boss fight all the bags of Manchurian gold falling out like that caused mega hallucinations and it made it switch between a firey hellscape or back to the ballroom or some other character specific thing due to the overwhelming chemicals(that would be exciting)
Junior is the one and only chosen npc and I love him based solely on the fact that I could save him(after all these years I finally did it✨)
The ending where everyone goes to jail makes so much more sense because even though there isn't an explicit interviewer it seems a lot more like they are giving their account to some authority compared to the other endings where they say the same thing looking straight ahead without interacting with the person next to them
It's actually surprising this game doesn't have cannibalism endings, for stuck on either non functional boat, it could be implied that on the duke if there's more than one character easily
Just imagine a "josh Washington" type ending where like Alex or whoever is taking a little nibble on characters who died or a bunch of rats if everyone lived(lord knows the ship has plenty of rats)
It's possible to contact the military then leave and it's possible for Conrad to get help and find no one, but what if this happened together and he and the military run into each other equally confused
Curie: not a sole survived
Danny: excuse me?
Doing nothing in the curator's cut for "plunged" is so funny because Danny straight up saves both Alex and Julia from drowning and they try to kill him for it
All these bitches had time to change so I can only conclude some of them chose not to wear shoes on the rusty crusty ship
Julia wears Alex's shirt to bed and it's gonna be real awkward in my next playthrough when she rejects his proposal and wears it anyway
Given Julia can make a point of keeping her last name you'd think she'd actually have one
Yes I'm still salty about Conrad and Julia not having a last name
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Danny Rand giving Kate Bishop a piggyback ride.
Danny is SUPER OVERJOYED he’s handing her hotdogs and bagels and coffee
and Kate has her chin resting on his absurdly fluffy hair being a total grumpypants frownyface about this with a bandage on her nose and her arm in a cast (danny def drew the Iron Fist symbol on it and Clint has for sure written “Hawkeye <3 Daredevil” with a little arrow going through heart and Jess has written “FUCK OFF” on it and Billy drew a bird that looks more like a penguin than a hawk)
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flightfoot · 3 years
Holy fuck, it’s a good thing I’ve found you and more level-headed fans combating against the salt. I used to be one of those dumbasses reading that trash until reading some deconstruction fics, realizing how OOC everyone is. I’m even reblogging some of them to mine as an anti-salter. I swear even just seeing the first summary sentence of salt fics on TVTropes makes me lose my sanity and faith in the fandom, and even wanting to remove all my social media accounts just to get away from the tsunami of toxicity. I think it’s also great that I realized the salt is even killing my mental health, so I filtered that toxic shit out wherever I am. Not even joking, when I tried to read a Danny Phantom/Fenton x Marinette fanfic on FanFiction.net, Adrien is automatically a jealous yandere!
Jeez, not even amino is safe from the salt, the apps that’s usually chill compared to most sites! It’s literally been a few years since Chameleon! The salty “fans” better get over it! It’s just fiction! I’ve never seen a toxic fandom side this bad before! Hell, even I’ve seen way better revenge fics of other fandoms doing a better job because at least those fans keep the characters in character! For some reason those other fandoms seem more rational than miraculous fans when it comes to protagonists getting revenge or am I the only one noticing this?
Eh, I read some of the saltfics too for awhile, mostly for Lila karma. Then my tolerance for the bashing and twisting of Adrien, Alya, the class, etc got lower and lower and the salt got further and further away from anything rational and... yeah at this point just seeing the tags for a saltfic or summary for one massively pisses me off.
I filter it out whenever I can as well. I’ve got over a dozen tags filtered on AO3 to cut down on it, and the people I follow aren’t into it, which helps.
Trust me, you’re not gonna surprise me with the revelation that some crossover ship with Marinette involves bashing Adrien. That is very normal, sadly. I’ve been reading the ML AO3 page daily for two years now, I’ve seen it.
With how the revenge fics are still going on and how much they rely on twisting the characters in specific ways that were only barely hinted at in Chameleon and didn’t come up past that, I get the feeling a lot of it is of a “well I want to write a revenge plot and this is already built into the ML fandom” than actually having anything to do with canon. Usually saltfics resemble Mean Girls more than they do ML. Which makes me think that something like “Gossip Girls” (which no I haven’t read or watched, I’ve only heard of it) or some other teen drama series would be more suitable for whatever the salters are trying to get out of ML.
Eh... I’d say the Harry Potter fandom has worse, more OOC popular revenge fics, but outside of that? Yeah I haven’t seen any that top the ML fandom.
I’m hoping that with season 4 airing those saltfics die down. I’m certainly sick enough of the entire plotline.
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indiguus · 3 years
first lines of last 20
@stellarm tagged me. i got a feeling it'll be a bunch of very short simple sentences for first lines. 😅 btw, i'm skipping those ficlet collections. guidelines: list the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all.) choose your favorite opening line, tag some friends!
20. why don't you kiss me? [9-1-1, Eddie/Buck] After months of hellish training and strict diet, Buck got into the best shape of his life. And more importantly, he got his spot on the LAFD firefighter calendar. Some might think it vain but he felt accomplished -- challenging himself and succeeding with discipline he didn't even know he was capable of. Nobody could take this victory away from him.
19. floating [9-1-1, Eddie/Buck] "I'm going on a coffee break!" yelled Buck, without turning his head as he stepped out of the tent.
18. speeding [9-1-1, Eddie/Buck] It was a small sip of wine that Buck almost choked on. If it was to happened it would be a great deal more embarrassing than getting choked by a piece of bread. And yet across from him, Maddie reacted like this was well within the confine of her expected outcomes when those words left her lips.
17. fighting [9-1-1, Eddie/Buck] It was a regular medical call for the 118. Hen & Chim was treating a woman for dehydration and what appeared to be a severe migraine attack. Buck was distracting the woman's 5 year-old daughter trying to keep her calm.
16. feasting [9-1-1, Eddie/Buck] "Mi querido, Evan!" Buck was spotted the moment he walked and immediately got pulled into a tight hug, as the restaurant owner ambled over to him. Without missing a beat, he guided Isabel over to a nearby empty booth to sit down, with a hand on her elbow and settled himself opposite her.
15. cleaning [9-1-1, Eddie/Buck] Buck wasn't a sloppy guy. He put a lot of effort into keeping his apartment clean and comfortable, because after a 24-hour shift he would like a clean bed with fresh sheets to pass out in. Or maybe a comfortable couch with no crumbs to pass out on after 6 hours of Fortnite.
14. soaring [9-1-1, Eddie/Buck] Evan Buckley did not like to fly. No matter what the statistics said, he did not feel comfortable stuck in a metal tube floating thousands of feet above the ground.
13. Can we not rewrite our history? [9-1-1, Eddie/Buck] "What the fuck are you doing here?" Buck growled low, once everyone else cleared out of the locker room after Bobby introduced Eddie to the team, with Buck's back facing outward and his head seemingly stuffed into his own locker.
12. ko `u `uhane [Hawaii Five-0, Steve/Danny] "Could you tell the story again please, Danno? Pleeeeeeeeease?" Even with Danny's resolve, it was impossible to give in to Grace's pleading accompanied by her earnest stare.
11. Quiet [Hawaii Five-0, Steve/Danny] In contrast to Danny, Steve didn't make much noise. He wasn't quiet but neither was he talkative. Utilitarian, one might even categorize Steve as when it came to spoken words – unless he was arguing with Danny. In the physicality sense, Steve carried himself with a feline grace gliding between spaces without making much sound. And when he stood up to or someone, he would become a towering 12-feet thick steel reinforced concrete wall – imposing, unmovable, and most of all silent.
10. The Menace [Hawaii Five-0, Steve/Danny] If anyone asked, Danny had a well rehearsed presentation about his partner completed with visual aids if required.
9. Solus [Hawaii Five-0, Steve/Danny] Car ride with Danny was many things -- entertaining, frustrating, or aggravating. Boring though, it never was. Nor was it ever quiet.
8. Boxed [Hawaii Five-0, Steve/Danny] It took Steve hours after the fact to realize. There was a game on the TV for background noise, as Steve sat down to process the day's events while having a Hapa Brown Ale. It was unfair to compare the hand-to-hand combat skills between Danny and him, but Danny could fight with the best of them and Steve had unadulterated faith in Danny having his back. Normally Steve would be too engaged in subduing other perps to observe Danny, though today was different.
7. Agreement [Hawaii Five-0, Steve/Danny] Freddie tilted his head back eagerly exposing more of his neck to Danny, silently begging for lips, tongue and teeth, at the same time Danny's two well-lubed fingers breached him. It was a deftly practised dance for them, this familiar foreplay. With the tip of his tongue, Danny traced the often traveled path from clavicle up to earlobe humming softly while savoring the salty tang of Freddie's skin.
6. Frayed [Hawaii Five-0, Steve/Danny] His body and his story keep moving forward. There is no stopping or slowing down. However that inhale of air filled with slightly spicy musk has been locked away in the sensory vault in the deepest recess of his mind. That moment in time, a pair of strong arms embracing him before he left the tiny motel room, propels him forward and gives him the will to survive.
5. When I Climb the Stairs and Turn the Key [Stargate SG-1 & Stargate Atlantis, Cameron Mitchell/John Sheppard] "I'm too old for this shit," Jackson muttered from his crouched position behind a nearby boulder. Cam shot him an exasperated look while spears, arrows and darts continued to rain down on them. Because Jackson always said things like that - how he should do more research and fewer front line missions, but at the first mention of a Maya-like civilization, he jumped on-board immediately. All previous declarations conveniently forgotten. So, the chance of him ever feeling too old for field trips through the gate was slim to none.
4. Proximity [Hawaii Five-0, Steve/Danny] Danny rants. It's an irrefutable truth like humans need oxygen to survive. Danny rants and complains like nobody Steve has ever met. Danny even rants about things that not necessarily bother him but he does it anyway just because he can. To dissect and discern which ones really matter, is something Steve has learned early on.
3. More Than Three [Hawaii Five-0, Steve/Danny] "Seriously?" Steve grunted in mild frustration, trying to lock his face down to military blank because he didn't need more names to his expressions. He didn't have faces.
2. Faded Memories [Hawaii Five-0, Steve/Danny] Swallowing down the rest of his beer, Steve set the empty bottle on the bar top behind him without looking, his attention homed in on the blond across the empty dance floor. It was early evening on a Wednesday, and this man was the best in the club at the moment -- not that he wouldn't stand out in a full house on a Saturday night. A good half foot shorter than Steve, the man's shirt might be covering his skin, at the same time it enhanced the display of his musculature.
1. Downward Dog [Hawaii Five-0, Steve/Danny] Danny's hiding something. Steve is sure of it. He's certain it's nothing to be paranoid about because he knows Danny, trusts him implicitly; but the thing is, Danny's hiding something.
tagging: @tari-aldarion, @agentlemuse, and @finduilasclln.
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scrawnsenior · 5 years
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Brands Hatch GP Ducati Cup Rd4
In stark contrast to the previous round, laps of the GP circuit at Brands Hatch are a rarity. I have only ever been around the full circuit at British Superbike meetings. In total prior to the 2019 meeting on paper I had completed 159 laps. A fair few and enough for me to have to cross “I don’t know the circuit” out in my excuse book but not quite enough say it’s a favourite circuit.
I had my lap time goal and points target set and was fairly confident of achieving one or both over the weekend. 
The weekend was fairly uneventful out on track for me compared to Donington. Free practice and qualifying went without much faff. A small issue in qualifying meant spending slightly longer in pitlane than I wanted mid session. A tyre pressure gauge sticking led to a bit of tail chasing with the front tyre pressure until we realised what was going on. I still managed to get out and get a decent lap in and qualify 16th. A little off the pace but I freely admit I am not really a qualifying rider. I tried to follow Phil Atkinson when he passed me but that only works for a few corners before he is gone. He qualified 4th by comparison and nearly a full 3.5 seconds a lap quicker. 
Race one on Saturday was supposed to be over 12 laps. The rain was threatening as we lined up on the grid but we got underway all the same. After just a couple of laps I could see rain on my visor as I got to Hawthorns. I was following Ben Broadway at the time and we had both raced in similar conditions at Cadwell recently. Everyone seemed to back off but myself and Ben kept pushing and chose to ignore the rain. At that point I was happy to continue so raced to the flags rather than conditions. It wasn’t until we approached Druids at the top of the hill that the red flags came out. I had already committed to a pass on Jack Thompson when I saw them so carried it through before putting my hand up. The circuit still seemed fairly dry at that point and I wanted to get back to pitlane as quickly as possible to give the team more time to change wheels if required. It wasn’t until I approached Hawthorns again after the red flag that I realised why the flags were out. It was wet on that section of the circuit and yellows were out too. Someone had fallen at Hawthorns due to conditions. I saw my team mate having a full on tantrum with his bike in the gravel after he went down, even though he’d backed off. Just sheer bad luck for him as the bike in front went around the corner at exactly the same speed but the other rider stayed on. 
The rain passed and most made the call to stick with dry tyres for an 8 lap restart. Quick restart so only one team member on the grid in the same place I had qualified. I got a decent start but effectively stayed where I had qualified for the first two laps due to the absence of Salty, my team mate. He didn’t make the re-start unfortunately. It felt like I spent the first two laps stuck behind Jack Thompson with the group in front seemingly getting away. In reality he wasn’t holding me up, I just wasn’t riding well enough to pass. I knew I needed to pass him and crack on so hung back into Sterlings before catching and passing him into Clearways. That turned out to be a full rehearsal for another pass to come. Michael Tustin had already passed us both by this stage and was working at catching Paul Slade and Ben Broadway. The fact that he had gapped me a little probably worked in my favour as we headed through Clearways to start lap four. Slade went down hard in front of Broadway as he exited Clearways. Big high side and both Broadway and Tustin had to take avoiding action. I saw the sparks but was far enough back to continue as normal and get on the gas. It felt a bit unfair at the time but I took the opportunity and passed Tustin over the line. He came back at me straight away though just before the flags came out for the Safety Car. 
Three laps under the Safety Car was far from sedate. It took nearly the full three laps to catch up with the main pack before the car went in. I normally run Clearways in fourth gear but just as the restart came I dropped to third and got right on Tustin’s back wheel. I knew we only had two laps left so was determined make the most of it. Ben Broadway is riding well at the minute and I spend a lot of time racing against him at both National and club level. Tustin got by him and I wanted to go with. Same move as I’d pulled on Thompson before the safety car was the order of the day. I got decent drive out of Sterlings but it took all my effort not to back out as we entered Clearways. I braked late and hard but as I crossed the point where the Indy circuit meets the GP there is a bump. The back wheel came up and left so I had to let off the brakes and commit to the apex. I’d got through but knew I had run wide and potentially sat Ben up a bit. I also knew that he would try and come back under me onto the start straight so held my normal line towards the marshal post at the end of pitlane. It worked and I managed to keep 13th place for the final lap. There really wasn’t much in the lap times of the little group we were racing in so I knew the race on Sunday was going to be fun. 
Sunday brought the rain. Morning warm-up was the opportunity to scrub a new rear wet tyre and bed my new brake pads in. No need to push too hard as the forecast was for a dry race at the end of the day. 
I had moved up the grid for race two. P15 and a better position over on the right of the grid helps with turn one. Decent start and held station in 15th for the first two laps. Scott Pitchers tried twice to pass me into Sterlings but ran wide so I had the place back, the second time he did it I had a good long look back to see if he had a problem. He finally got by me at the start of lap three but as I lined him up for a pass on the Cooper straight he put his hand up and disappeared. Clearly a bike issue that had been causing him trouble. I found myself behind Jack Thompson again. He has a different riding style to me which means we are both have similar laps times but makes him difficult to pass. He is very much a stop, turn and squirt kind of rider and I have learned to carry a lot more corner speed on the Ducati. I was just working out where I could put a pass in when Salty came by into Graham Hill bend. He’d started at the back of the grid due to the crash on Saturday. I chose to use him to pull me along so I got past Jack by the end of that lap and followed him. My race then seemed to turn into a proper scrap. I caught up with Danny Shaw and dived up the inside into Surtees. I ran wide a little but kept it pinned. I did give him a little wave to say sorry but racing is racing I suppose. Whilst all this was going on I didn’t realise Broadway was waiting to pounce, unfortunately he went down mid-race so that threat went away. I then set my sights on Tustin who was scrapping with Salty just in front of me. I was trying to get into a position where I could get by at the same time as my team mate. A True Heroes double whammy. It didn’t quite happen like that as just at the point where I felt like I was in a position to make a pass I made a mistake. I missed a gear going into Surtees and because I was leant over and running wide I couldn’t get my toe under the shifter. Danny repaid the favour from earlier and came under me with two laps to go. I worked hard to get back up to Danny but couldn’t quite do it. He put his hand up as we crossed the line just 0.042 seconds apart. He had seen a red flag somewhere that I had missed so even if I had beat him to the line the place would’ve been his. 
Overall a good productive weekend with two 13th place finishes and some good hard racing. My fastest lap of the weekend was my very last lap, not quite the 1:32 I wanted to achieve but within .5 of a second so I am happy. The bike was spot on all weekend thanks to Tina and Calvin who turned the spanners. Few weeks off now until Snetterton as the Ducati Cup doesn’t travel north to Knockhill. 
Thanks to everyone else who turns up and does their thing, the list is long but you know who you are. Keep an eye out to the team social media for a feature by the the Global Press Agency, AFP. They were with us on Friday to produce a piece about the team and what it stands for. 
I’m still at the helm on twitter @heroesracing so tweet away and say hello if you feel that way inclined. 
Images by Barry Clay, thank you Barry. 
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forte7 · 6 years
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Forte’s Fan Character Flashback Friday - #7
Name:: Valarie Masters Series: Danny Phantom Background: Holey moley guacamole! I missed Fan Character Flashback Friday! I mean... today is a Friday, but I was supposed to post this last week! Dangit! I'm sorry! Things are kinda crazy on my end still and it only dawned on me today that I had forgotten to do something - and it was this.
A thousand apologies for my tardiness, but going on about that still won't get this posted.
I've actually been waiting to post this character because I KNOW I had old art of her SOMEWHERE around and I cannot, for the life of me, find it, and unfortunately, I'm down in Texas right now to help out my aunt and uncle so I can't even continue looking for the physical copies of said old art if it even still exists. I KNOW it exists, because I used to post art for this character on a Danny Phantom fan forum I would RP on and heck, I even found that old forum, managed to log in to see if any of those old links still worked, and NOPE.
Guess I deleted them off the Photobucket I once had them on at some point and where the physical copies are, I'm not sure, because I don't remember seeing them when going through my old drawing binders.
It's really quite frustrating.
Anyway, this is Valarie, who I named forgetting about the actual Valerie Grey character from the series, cause the name fit the general bad fan character naming system of "it starts with the same letter of the character I like and is kinda similar, so I'll go with it".  I kept it anyway, cause little me reasoned, "well, this Valarie spells it with two As while the other is with an A and an E, so it's fine."
Just kinda funny that they're both linked to Vlad though, so yay, I guess? Hahah, I dunno.
Anywho, Valarie was set up/designed to be Vlad's daughter, but not even his biological daughter, though not a clone like some of my other fan characters, though with things that happen later in the actual series, it would actually be... possible/viable. Instead, she was a extraordinary creation of the Ghost Zone and was more or less "born" of the supernatural energies that construct that dimension.
I guess you can kind of compare her existence to that of Maria from Silent Hill 2. The Born from a Wish scenario kind of implies that Maria was manifested by the town using James' subconscious memories and feelings regarding his wife. Valarie, in the same vein, was manifested by the Ghost Zone, for whatever reason, to help placate Vlad's need and want for a family of his own.
Mind you, this entire backstory was cobbled together before Kindred Spirits introduced Dani Phantom and her entire storyline... which... is.... kinda the same, really, to Valarie's, and I remember at the time, was kind of mad about it back in the day.
Speaking of Dani Phantom, I remember how a lot of people were mad about Butch Hartman's apparent laziness in her character design and creation, cause it was pretty akin to many "bad fan characters" that you see out there, which, hey, I won't deny; that's what this whole Flashback thing I do is about, but you know, this just serves as a good example of the fact that pretty much... everyone does this. Everyone makes bad fan characters, even for their own things, so I think it's just more healthy for people to realize this and embrace it, hahaha.
Going back to Valarie - she's more or less a person who exists to help Vlad chill the fuck out and maybe not ruin things for everyone or everything. A more recent reason I came up with for this was that Clockwork and/or The Observants that are seen in the Ultimate Enemy special with Dark Danny foresaw Vlad's ambitions proving to be too troublesome in the future, so to prevent this from causing way more havoc than it's worth, even with Danny around to stop him or whatever, they're like "hey just throw him a kid; that'll keep him busy a little, right?"
Even with her supernatural origins, Valarie is half-human and half-ghost like Vlad and looks much like him thanks to just her being a physical manifestation of one of his subconscious desires. Physically, she’s about seven or eight years old and generally acts playful, though polite, but can occasionally come off as spoiled.
She shares many of her father’s sentiments towards various issues and people, though it’s safe to assume she doesn’t fully understand his reasoning for those feelings due to how young she is. For example, she harbors a dislike for Jack, though finds his clumsiness more amusing than idiotic and only really says she hates him because Vlad does.
In regards to Danny, she likes him and finds him fun to play with, but in her terms, that means toying around with him. Despite her small size, she can hold her own in battle and has a good handle on her ghost powers and won’t hesitate to use them to pull pranks or harass other people, especially if she has or is told to. Her antics can be described as impish while in ghost form, though she likes to feign innocence if caught.
A big point of curiosity with her is her memory; she has no memory of a time before not “being” and has no real answer when asked about her childhood. She doesn’t seem bothered by this lack of knowledge and usually shrugs it off, intent that she exists because she does; she feels no need to question it further. For her things are simple: if her father is happy, she’s happy. Be this just some childish thought process or some more ingrained sense of purpose because of her strange origins is up for debate.
More was actually done with this character than others and like I said, there used to be old sketches of her about. If I ever find them (and I hope I do, really), I’ll be sure to post them.
But aside from that, like I said, I did role play with this character on a Danny Phantom fan thread and boy was that a cringy time. I will admit now, that back then, when I was like 12 or whatever, I was an obnoxious brat who didn’t know how to really socialize or what she was doing on the Internet. Hahaha, when going back there to find the old image links, I ventured onto some of my older posts and…. Whooooo boy, no thank you.
I know at that point I did also write short fanfics from time to time, but I think those might be locked on boot drives from our old computers and don’t have a way of looking for them now either. For those, if I ever do find them, I might also post them, but it all depends on just HOW much cringe I want to trudge up and share, hahaha.
I know I’ve been ranting a lot now and it’s already now past Friday, even for the time zone I’m in, but I’m gonna go on a little side story as… an apology, though it just means a bit more ranting.
When I said I RPed on this site, I can’t actually say a lot of actual character development happened. I don’t remember what the system was for RPing canon show characters and the times they did pop up, it was on a situational basis, because more people were interested in playing their own character and pretty much everyone on that forum had half-ghost, half-human characters that had their powers for one reason or another.
There was one thread that was particularly popular though that I spent a lot of time in with most of the other players, called Halfa High, so it was just kids in high school. Characters, like mine, that were younger than high school age, had various reasons for being there, like they’re super geniuses or they have a sibling there they’ve come to see or something like that; it’s a fandom RP so anything can happen. Most of the stuff in here, because it was 12-14 or whatever year olds, was just characters pairing up with each other, cause I guess that’s just what kids care about, hahaha. I don’t know, I’m just an old lady now.
Anyway, this thread went on for a good number of pages and eventually they started a second one. And then they had one where everyone went to summer camp, so other weird adventures could be had without the confines of going to school.
This was the one I remember doing the most in though frankly, I don’t remember what the overarching storyline was at the time, though I don’t think I knew what was really going on back in the day either.
One of the big points I do remember was the fact that many of the people on this forum looked up to one particular member, who I’ll call Susan, because that was her character’s name. I’m pretty sure she was in her early 20s at this time, so a lot of the younger people gravitated towards her because she was mature and knew how to keep things moving in terms of RP story; she was more or less the main storyteller of the Halfa threads, coming up with a lot of the plot points and twists. She was also just popular cause she had been there for a while, I think, and she was a pretty good artist on the forum.
She wasn’t necessarily a bad person and usually always open to adapting an RP to involve suggested ideas, but I remember at the time, I was super jealous of her. One, because she did have really good art and I felt like a poo-poo artist and two, because she seemed to have a lot of sway in terms of what she wanted to happen in most scenarios, so much so, it was treated as forum canon that her character was married to Dark Danny and had two kids with him.
Nowadays, of course, I don’t give a damn. Whatever. But back then, it was annoying to me. And I guess some part of me wanted to pair my characters with Older Dan. I remember actually being openly mad about it on the forums and to her in private messages about it and did get in trouble for being a salty, little brat for it. One time, I even wrote a bitter fanfic that was less than subtle in regards to it, but I remember cooling my jets enough for them to not just full out ban me.
Like I said, I was obnoxious back then; it’s a phase all kids go through I guess, cause I see it in kids that age even now.
Anyway, this actually developed into a story point in the RP when I agreed to not be such an Angsty Annie about the whole thing and the Halfa Summer Camp thread took some weird turns. Besides the usual pairing of everyone’s characters with one another and other summer camp-y hijinks, it had time travel, an evil group that were named after the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, and political unrest regarding a ghostly royal family.
The royal family, of course, consisted of Susan and Dan, and their two kids. They had a son and a little girl, who I don’t remember the names of in the slightest. Susan got crowned? Queen of the Ghost Zone after she and some members of some Ghost Council? Were able to seal away Pariah Dark… and in that timeline, Dan was a fugitive, so they got married in secret and still managed to have secret relations enough to have their two kids.
But see, that was in the future of the Ghost Zone, which was like 20-30 years away from the time of the events of the actual RP. Why they were going back in time, I don’t remember, but I think it was something to do with Clockwork sending them back or something, who knows.
Valarie, however, is also technically part of the Ghost Royal Family (cause that’s a thing here…. hahaha), because I guess Susan was… Vlad’s niece? Somehow? So that made her and Valarie cousins, but because Susan was the one who sealed the Big Bad away, that meant she got to be Queen, just… because? There will be a lot of uncertainty with this recollection, cause again, heck if I actually knew or know what happened then.
Anyway, I guess in the uhm… present timeline, Susan was going to summer camp and this was before her and Danny were even a thing, cause doesn’t happen until they’re adults? I think, but she runs into a version of Dan that’s… in between him being a teenage and the future version that’s married to Susan… and… there was some contention with that, but again, I don’t remember what…
But eventually, everyone’s future selves end up appearing at summer camp, again for their own various reasons, along with Susan’s future kids, who get caught up in things, mainly because of misunderstanding and people having grudges and just wanting to kill other people without talking it out.
This loops back to my annoyance with Susan getting her character paired with a major canon character and the aforementioned political unrest, because it led to Older Valarie being a quiet, hardened soldier with a hidden, strong, but deeply unrequited love for Dan, which of course, causes a bit of tension with her and Susan, who is the Queen in the future. Also, apparently, I guess? There was a Ghost War or something? In the future or at some point that they set up a Royal Guard and Army, cause Valarie was more or less the Captain of all that, along with the personal trainer of the eldest son of the Royal Family. Future Susan, of course, is fine with her being in such a position of power cause I guess she’s proved it by this point and she doesn’t know of Valarie’s feelings for her husband, so it’s all right as rain as long as she just… stews about it silently to herself, because that is totally the healthy thing to do.
Older Valarie also goes back in time though, because eventually, people start coming across the aforementioned Four Horsemen, which aren’t really horsemen, because they don’t even have horses, but again, are named after them and are supposed to be the “living embodiments” of their namesake. So we have super powerful characters named War, Pestilence, Famine, and Death running around for… reasons? That I can’t even remember. Certain members’ characters are actually the younger versions of the Four before they’re… corrupted? Or something like that and given those names and most the people who turn into whichever, of course, have to fight their evil, older selves cause that’s cool or whatever.
Younger Valarie, at the time, was just hanging about and I guess fawning over a teenage Danny or the in between Dan (this is just as confusing to remember as it is to read, trust me), and I think makes friends with the Future Prince and Princess, who again are running around. I think the Prince was there to try and find Dan, because he believes he? Killed his father? Even though Dan is his father? And Dan was there anyway to protect the younger version of his future wife…? And the Princess was there just cause she wanted her mom, which is Future Susan, who went back to… do…. Something…?
But anyway, Younger Valarie ends up getting approached by her future self, who had originally come to serve her duty as Captain of the Royal Guard and protect Future Queen Susan, but eventually starts to realize that she could perhaps mess with the past to change things to the way she really wants them (even though I know now that would probably create some annoying paradox but please don’t get me on time paradoxes cause we’ve been here long enough already), so she starts to put it in her younger self’s head that everything going on here isn’t fair and she should do more than just be obedient and trusting and take whatever Susan says without question, because by not being more open and honest about your feelings just leads to a life of misery, pain and loneliness.
However, Younger Valarie just doesn’t get why she would say these things and rejects that line of thinking, which kinda makes Older Valarie snap and be like “okay, fine, I guess I’ll just go kill some peeps and then you’ll see what I mean”... I mean, I think? She does try to stop influencing her younger self and try to take matters into her own hands though.
Because at one point, we did have it where Older Valarie confronts Older Susan about her deep, dark hidden feelings, and they get into a fight over it, especially after Older Valarie threatens to go kill the Prince, but being a trained soldier and the Captain of the Royal Guard, Older Valarie does kick Older Queen Susan’s butt, but I think… is interrupted by one of the Four, that being War.
I think Older Dan also comes in at some point and chides Older Valarie for her actions, but heck if I remember. To be honest, if I fully cared and wanted to really relive some cringe, I could probably go to the forum and just read over the whole thread, but that was like 200+ (if not more) of pages and I…. do not feel like doing that, hahaha.
Anyway, Older Valarie and War end up getting into a fight, because it turns out War himself has some issue with Older Valarie. And it turns out that he used to be like her second in command? Or something? Who disappeared while on a mission and ended up into some spoopy, dark, dangerous, evil place, where he got corrupted and turned into War and it turns out he was okay with it, because he was also angry and bitter, cause surprise! He himself had feelings for Older Valarie, but poor guy got friendzoned and his attempts went unnoticed because she instead had feelings for Older Dan, because love triangles are also a cool plot twist to do, cause why not, I guess.
Uhm… I think during this fight was when Older Valarie started to notice the error? Of her ways? Or something like that after seeing one of her closest subordinates fall into darkness, so her story shifts to trying to get War to remember who he used to be. This character did have an original name, but I totally forget what it was… Anyway, War claims that there’s nothing she can do because he embraced and was more than willing to give up his soul or whatever for the power to actually make Older Valarie notice him or something.
I… actually don’t remember much past this point, though. I want to say she did end up getting through to him, but that might just be me rewriting history. That character, though, was more or less being set up to give someone for Young Valarie to pair with and I do thing there was a present day or at least an uncorrupted version of that character pop up at one point….
But besides that, I don’t even remember if that RP was finished, mainly because I think I started to stop going there as much and lost interest. The RP itself, actually, I think started to slow down, mainly because people got busy with other things, especially Susan and because she was again, more or less the driving force behind most things, it petered out.
I’m actually uncertain how old I was when there, because I will admit, when I was in my first year of college, I toyed around with some of the concepts from this RP and wanted to repurpose it into a story. It was mainly the stuff that took place in the future with the Royal Family and with the Four Horsemen, where basically, it would follow Older Valarie (hell, the “rewrites” character name might have just been Valarie for simplicity sake) as she dealt with her feelings with the Royal family and her relation to it, trying to protect the Kingdom and its people, and eventually deal with the disappearance of her Second in Command and his reappearance as a giant threat later on.
…. Really, I still kinda like the idea…
ANYWAY, I have talked long enough and am tardy enough with just this post as it is, so I’ll leave it at that. According to the Google Doc where I’m writing all this before actually posting, this is six pages long, so even more apologies for my rambling.
Still, hope you liked this month’s look back in time and look forward to the next one!
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Ike Broflovski
Here he is, with his beady little eyes and his flapping head!
out of character info
Name/Alias: Alice 
Pronouns: She/Her 

Age: 17 

Join Our Discord: Yes my username is Alice #0567

Timezone: Central 

Activity: 9 

Triggers: Got nothing 

Password: Dildo 
Character that you’re applying for: Ike Moisha Broflovski 

Favourite ships for your character: Uhhh nothing really he’s a kid 

in character info
Full name: Formerly Peter Gintz although officially known now as Ike Moisha Broflovski 

Birthday: November 28th 

Sexuality, gender, pronouns: Homosexual, but in extreme denial. Male, He/Him 

Age and grade: 12, although he’s a Junior bc he’s a genius. 

Ike is at an average height for his age, standing at 4'10. Ike didn’t get any of the Broflovski appearance traits, considering he was adopted. He has white skin, which sometimes has bruises on it from playing hockey. He has freckles under his eyes, which are fairly light as well. Ike has blue eyes, that often have a hint of mischief or arrogance to them whenever he’s causing trouble. Which is a lot. They are fairly big as well, giving off an innocence he doesn’t have. However it’s fairly useful for getting out of trouble. He has a big nose, something he’s kinda salty about. His lips are always slightly chapped, and almost always seem to be in a smirk. Ike has messy black hair, no matter how much he tries to tame it, its like a mop on his head. It drives Shelia crazy, but he really can’t do anything about it. He’s constantly battling it away from his eyes, and has too much pride to accept a bobby pin from Karen.
As for clothing, Ike’s style definitely changes occasion to occasion. He can most often be found in just a T-shirt and jeans, with red converse. He avoids sweaters like the plague because that’s something that’s associated with the rest of his family. His attire is also dependent on how hard he wants to try. If it’s on one of the days he’s not trying, Ike can show up to school in a large hoodie and sweatpants. Ike is the type of person who totally owns weed socks, and other meme related clothing. But makes it clear that he’s only wearing it for satire or ironic purposes. Ike is also not a fan of tight clothing, because he feels like it restricts him in his movements. 

Ike can often be described as, well, an asshole. He’s arrogant, as he frequently boasts about his intelligence and isn’t afraid to flaunt it in the face of others or use it to intimidate. He’s largely self centered, thinking himself as the center of the universe. It’s his world, and everyone else is just living in it. He feels responsible to ‘educate’ people if they are ignorant in his mind. He likes to think he’s very mature for his age, and in a way he is, in the fact that he gets and understands a lot of adult issues and knows how to act appropriately in public. And doesn’t have 12 year old™ behavior. Ike is very petty and sarcastic, he doesn’t take criticism well and lashes out. He’s defensive to a fault. He’s also incredibly flirty, especially with girls. To overcompensate of course.
Ike is intelligent. There’s no other way to describe it. He likes books that test his knowledge, tv shows that expand his knowledge and enjoys intellectual debates. Ike is a child prodigy, and has common sense for days. He has a strong thirst for knowledge, and is ruthlessly ambitious to achieve his goals. He’s good at coming up with convoluted plans. He shoots for the stars and by god he’s gonna get there. Ike has a caring side to him that doesn’t get shown often. Although he hides it pretty well, he’s sensitive and gets his feelings hurt rather easily. He’s courageous and extremely brave as well as loyal. You know the kid that argues with the teacher and entertains (or annoys) the class? That’s Ike.
In short, Ike is a little asshole. But he’s an asshole with heart. 

History: (At least three paragraphs)
Ike was born in Canada, as Peter Gintz to Eliza and Harry Gintz. He was born during the Cola Wars, and since his birth family couldn’t afford to have a child they put him up for adoption. He was adopted by the Broflovski’s and has been part of their family ever since. He was frequently babied by his entire family, pampered and spoiled beyond his wildest dreams. Although they did place high expectations on him because he was such a genius. He grew up idolizing his brother, and cared deeply for him. A care that has carried on throughout his years even if it isn’t as obvious. Ike skipped many grades. Placing him in the Junior class in high school whenever he is a 12 year old.
Ike has been picked on a lot. For his intelligence, his Canadian looks, for being adopted, for being Jewish, basically anything. He’s gotten in trouble at school for getting into verbal fights with students or sassing off to teachers. He also began rebelling against his family and parents more and more. Becoming less family oriented and more career and intelligence oriented. Instead of joining the family for game nights and such, he’d be in his room studying or playing mind games. Ike spends his summers away at math and science camps, and does a ton of extra courses on the side. In constant pursuit of knowledge to further supplement his intelligence.
Ike is still a mamas boy though. Shelia still babies him, even though she put locks on his windows and doors as precautions. They are never in use. While he does get scolded, he never gets in serious trouble or grounded. He somehow manages to worm his way out of it with a smile and a few quick words. He has experimented with sex, drugs and alcohol. He does regularly take acid, and drinks wine. He’s a hardcore 12 year old that’s for sure. Ike’s relationship with his father is more rocky. He never forgave him for his skankhunt actions. Out of all the family, he’s the most distant from his dad. Although his dad does make efforts, Ike barely recuperates. Overall, Ike is distant from his family but still deeply cares about them in his own way. Oh yeah. And he’s still a Canadian Knight. Just saying.

Sample paragraph: 
The sounds of blasters and guns, as well as other kids voices pumped through his ears. His posture was hunched, as his gaze looked all over the TV. His mind worked a million miles per hour, he took a quick sip of his energy drink before getting right back into his groove. His team was compromised of idiots. He was used to it, though, and luckily he had enough brainpower to compensate for their shortcoming. “Matt, Thomas, Greg, flank left. I want Danny and Zach with me so we can go in from the back.” Ike ordered, his voice was high compared to the other deep voiced males.
“How come you get to be in charge?” Someone whined. Ike rolled his eyes before smirking. “I don’t know Johnny, maybe because my IQ is higher than your salary? Or maybe it’s because you’ve only gotten 6 kills while I had a 50 kill streak in the first five minutes of gameplay.” Ike said, his voice pompous. He heard laughter and other stereotypical gamer insults being thrown to Johnny. Ike didn’t care about the roast, as long as they followed him and they won, Ike didn’t care what they did. They were close to the heart of the battle, Ike could feel it in his veins. His foot tapped, his eyes widened as he got more and more into the gameplay. Then, came the attack he knew and prepared his team for.
After five minutes of fast and furious gameplay, Ike’s team had come out on top. He set down his controller and stretched, a smirk on his face. “Eat shit motherfuckers!” Ike yelled into the headset, his team mates cheered in agreement. Ike then heard heavy footsteps coming up the stairs and he groaned, knowing what was coming. He quickly turned off the headset and turned off the violent video game before picking up the thick book of quantum mechanics beside him. Simple stuff way below his level, but his mother couldn’t tell the difference between a square root and a square.
His mother barged into his room, her eyes set in a narrow glare. “Did I hear naughty language young man?” She asked, her hands on her hips. Ike’s eyes quickly widened in surprise, as if he could never do something so wild. “No mama, I would never use such filthy vocabulary.” Ike said, making his voice deliberately innocent. Ike tilted his head innocently. “But I heard Kyle playing a video game, I think he was using some vulgar terms.” Ike said, trying to hide the smirk on his face. His mother looked semi relived but also annoyed. “Of course! Thank you bubby.” His mother said, and Ike glowed from the compliment. That would have been enough, but Ike remembered Kyle had kicked him out of the living room while he was watching TV so he and Stan could watch something instead. Payback time. Ike made his face turned to curiosity. “Mommy, what’s a dildo? I heard Kyle talking about it earlier on the phone to his friends. Apparently he has a collection. Can I collect them too?” Ike said, the picture of innocence. His mother’s face grew in fury before she closed the door. He could hear her voice yelling his brothers name.
Ike laughed before picking up his headset and turning on the TV. “So? You assrammers ready for round two?” 

-His dream university is Oxford University, and hopes to get a doctorate in Astrophysics. 
-His best friends are Karen, Ruby and Firkle. 
-He has a crush on Firkle, although he’s in serious denial. 
-He’s a Republican, although he doesn’t support Trump. 
-He enjoys playing pranks on others. Especially his brother. 
-He’s a Rick and Morty fan. He’s not one of /those/ fans though. And actually spends time laughing at them.

Anything else: Nothing really.
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kpoptarotvibes · 7 years
Kcon Day 2 Concert Experience
Day 2 Concert
So we got to Staples center we found our seats we were four rows back from the ground area and we were sitting right next to when the artist come in and out of to go on stage. Me and my friend Paris was freaking out. Getting our cameras ready. Then my friend Paris says is that Danny from LA. And I was like huh what??? I look down Danny is there in the crowd looking at the stage and talking to someone. I took pictures that’s my man right there. He paved the way for Big Bang.
So the show opened with really cool beat boxer I cant remember his name he did Blood Sweat and Tears cover and then Lydia Peaks came out and we were so surprised. If you don’t know her she is a singer songwriter and has worked with GD and other YG artist. I haven’t heard from her in a while so I was excited to see her she looked great and her voice was great as well. She sang Blood Sweat and Tears over the beat boxing it was dope.
They also had a dance cover of BTS Not Today it was really good. It was a violinist that I can’t remember the name of to save my life. It was him and his crew doing the dance cover.
Link Here: https://goo.gl/photos/PW1C7EYVc4cBZZnA6
After that the show began and SF9 was leaving out beside us and going up into the bleachers. I have a clip of that. Everyone started coming out even Seventeen I got to touch a couple of their hands. Girl’s Day was walking out to hit the stage. VIXX came out but they went another way to enter around the other side of the stage. I didn’t get to touch none of their hands but my friend Paris did.
So they were basically having every artist hit the stage and say hi and wave. Then all those artist had to come back and change and that’s when I got to touch most of seventeen members hands. I touched VIXX hands again but Leo refused to touch anyone like he was avoiding everyone hands. LOL!
Show Beginning All Groups on Stage: Link Here: https://goo.gl/photos/ULpFt2nT9yVsiZ5C8
So the show starts SF9 is performing unfortunately some how I lost most of my performance footage on them I’m so sad. I should have just left it on my phone I was trying to move them for more space. Well anyways while watching them perform I turned into a fan. That choreo was everything to Fanfare. Omg they had another song where they were straight doing to acrobatic stuff. I was impressed. Then they had there talking part at the time I didn’t know who this dude was at the end of the stage that kept looking over at me and my friend Paris. I looked him up later he was Youngbin the leader of the group. He was looking over at us so hard that I had to ask Paris was he really looking at us and she was like he sure is. One of the members had to get his attention for his talk part and he was like uh.
When they came down from off of stage I got to touch his hand too. As well as the rest of the members. Up next was Cosmic Girls sorry their group is not my cup of tea. They were cute tho. Sorry not into the cheerleader concept I’m not in my twenties anymore. Like I said they were cute gave great fan service waved made heart signs to their fans they were good.
Then I guess the singing unit of Seventeen came out sung a song their voices was so nice. Then the rap unit came out with their song S.Coups was getting it on our side of the stage. The next to go up was Girl’s Day and they slayed in heels. I have no idea how they did all that slayage in heels but they was working it out.
Girl’s Day coming off the stage: https://goo.gl/photos/Drr5FK9RJiyxojQTA
Once they finished Seventeen had a talk part. I don’t know why they even had this part I think it was to get other people in the back ready in place. Then they finished Cosmic Girls came back out with I Need You Girl BTS dance cover. It looked good from where I was looking at first I was like uhh can they even get this complicated dance. But they did well. SF9 came up when they were done and did Super Junior Sorry. As a old kpop fan I was dancing hard to that but I stopped at some point because. Two members from the real Super Junior was coming out and I had to see them. They waved and said hi at us and was kind of dancing to their own song they were nice. SF9 finished and Super Junior D&E went out. It was a nice performance even tho our side got ignored most of it. It’s okay I’m a little salty about that.
Then the moment I’ve been waiting for which was VIXX performance. Then VIXX came out and killed it. Seeing them compared to Kcon 2014 their dancing and performance it's at pro status right now. They all looked so good. *sighs*
I would say maybe the second to last song is when Seventeen started coming out I gave up on trying to get a hi five from them. Obviously one member Dino was very friendly with my friend Paris he was feeling her up. LOL. But Vernon was walking past us like we wasn’t even there.
So Seventeen was the last to perform I don’t really follow this group because they jailbait. I only know a few songs like Boom Boom and Don’t Wanna Cry song that’s it. So at the end everyone came out to hit the stage and say bye. I got good footage of VIXX waiting to go back on stage along with Seventeen.
Link Here: https://goo.gl/photos/Y3iZ6uJdxzukteD48
When they left the stage I got most of the SF9 members hands. They were the nicest group next to Cosmic Girls and Girls Day that touched everyone hands. Most of the members was nice too from VIXX I got everyone hand expect Leo. Like I said Leo was literally teasing fans like he was going to touch their hands but dodged them and laughed. I never realized how evil my husband was. LOL! I touched most of VIXX hands again. I only got a few members from Seventeen.
So that is all that had happened for Day 2 we had a blast we were shook we got to touch so many people. We looked forward to the next day because we wanted to touch KARD hands next.
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rapfornication · 7 years
A List of a Bunch of Songs We Liked by Siya Mbatha & Norman
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2016, what a year. Included in this list are the emotions and memories that came with these songs. Here is a list that attempts to consolidate a most uniquely strange year .Fuck Donald Trump and enjoy the links to other pieces we thought you might enjoy too. And also fuck Donald Trump. 
Danny Brown – When It Rain 
Produced By Paul White Album: Atrocity Exhibition
One of the more left field songs that still somehow has an underlying jitty foot-light feel to it. It sounds like ‘Dip’ if it grew up in a dark basement and suffered from crippling anxiety. Danny Brown matches the atmosphere with some of his most vivid, impressive writing to date as he describes Detroit as a city that sees no change but gentrification, grannies getting robbed and more guns than necessary. Unforgettable.
Kendrick Lamar - untitled 02 | 06.23.2014.
Produced By Yung Exclusive & Cardo Album: untitled unmastered.
Cornrow Kenny brought out the circus tricks without losing his seriousness. The build-up is one captivating performance but once his voice swings into high pitched, the stunting and trumpets go into overdrive and you’re left pleasantly stunned. Get God on the phone.
Fat Joe & Remy Ma Feat. French Montana & Infa Red - All The Way Up
Produced By Cool & Dre & Edsclusive Album: Plata O Plomo
They say regionalism is dead but this all NY affair begs to differ. Cool and Dre provide the bass and unforgettable horns and the legends (plus Montana) rip it apart like a swaggier version of The Avengers. Remy Ma came back and ignited desperately needed fire.
Fat Joe & Remy Ma Feat. Infa-Red, Jay Z & French Montana -  All The Way Up (remix)
Produced By Cool & Dre & Edsclusive
 Lean Back left a lasting legacy, even for the millennials like my whack self who remembers slogans like Terror Squad, before Khaled was Billy Ocean, back when Fat Joe had the red parka in the video
"Lemonade is a popular drink and it still is". Lemonade the album that I still haven't listened to has just dropped and every beyhive fan on Twitter was up in arms mad that Jay Z was getting his lemonade from a woman named Becky -if you're into that kinda thing. And that’s all Hov was gonna do in terms of speaking on it. One more time, let it sink in. Lemonade is a popular drink and it still is. He pretty much ethered Beyoncé if you think about it.
Rihanna – Needed Me
Produced By Kuk Harrell & DJ Mustard Album: ANTI
For the first time in her long career, Rihanna sounded liberated. ‘Needed Me’ amplifies the dark, sexual charisma she always displayed in ways that feel less put-on (Rated-R, basically) and more like self-expression. A fantastic wonky Mustard beat gives her room to remind her past flame who really was doing who a favour. Savagery personified in one song. Oh, that shot of Robyn in a lacy blue dress, gun in hand, looking out to the beach? Iconic
BBNG Feat. Samuel T. Herring – Time Moves Slow
It’s been great watching BBNG grow into their own. The legendary Sam Herring lends his heartfelt voice to this perfectly crafted number. Personally, it got me through a messy situationship. Unreciprocated love makes it feel like time is moving slow.
Kid Cudi Feat. Travis Scott - Baptized In Fire
Produced By Mike Dean & Plain Pat Album: Passion, Pain & Demon Slayin'
This is the most Kid Cudi Kid Cudi has sounded for a long time. And it's scary to figure that your preference for an artist is derived in their articulation of their personal pain and struggles, I mean it's why we fuck with a Basquiat right? But here, here it's like Cudi just wanted to make his number one fan Travis Scott happy. The reserved role that La Flame takes in this feels like that, like he's soaking the moment in. The production overall sound is very reminiscent of Man On The Moon, if not a remake considering Plain motherfucking Pat, Mike Dean, La Flame and Cudder were all on this, SQUAD.
Schoolboy Q – JoHn Muir
Produced By Sounwave Album: Blank Face LP
Deadly basslines and triumphant horns score Q’s coming of age tale to churn out one of the best songs on ‘.Blankface’. Can’t help but poorly crip walk when this album cut comes on.
Kemba – Already
Produced By Frank Drake Album: Negus
Honestly, one could have chosen any song on Kemba’s often brilliant LP, ‘Negus’ but ‘Already’ takes the cake for two reasons: it’s Frank Duke’s hardest beat since ‘Fuckin’ Up The Count’ and the artist sounds angry, dissatisfied and wounded by the awful recurring problems surrounding race. Isn’t that how we all felt in this bizarre year?
Samiyam Feat. Earl Sweatshirt - Mirror
Produced By Samiyam Album: Animals Have Feelings
This song was supposed to come right after Faucet but looking in this in totality it's fitting that it only dropped in 2016, a year later. A resolute Earl spits his way through his insecurities and imperfections "despite how they praising your face I'mma make do!". Earl's raps are never really about us, mans just telling his story and again we find ourselves in it. Looking in the mirror, seeing the only the nigga we wanted to be. It's not angry, it's aggressively encouraging.
Isaiah Rashad – Park
Produced By Park Ave. & D. Sanders Album: The Sun's Tirade
Trying to follow the topics Rashad dives into is genuinely exciting. In lesser hands, it just wouldn’t work but he’s always saved by the mere fact that he’s a compelling writer. Over fluttering hi hats and knocking sparse bass, he compares himself to Nicki Minaj and Guwop, reveals sexual infidelity while denouncing his savagery and still sneaks in discerning bars about fatherhood and religion. What really trips one out is how effortless it all sounds.
Noname – Freedom Interlude
Produced By Phoelix & Saba Album: Telefone
Out the shadows, Noname took her spot as one the more talented rappers of her generation. ‘Freedom Interlude ‘  is all her strengths wrapped in one warm song. Her intricate soliloquies spill over some steady drums and calming chords as she wanders and aches about Bill Cosby, perception, motherhood, becoming and everything in between.
Jeff Chery – Salty
Produced By Stefan Green
The cliché goes: if you don’t have haters, you aren’t doing anything noteworthy. So, naturally, songs about them are probably my favourite. Nothing like glorious flexing as a defence mechanism to truly propel a song and Chery leans into his naysayers over woozy bass and autotune.
J. Cole – Neighbors
Produced By J. Cole Album: 4 Your Eyez Only
Certain people will always let prejudices rule their perception of others. As a young black man, the hurtful reminders creep up on you every time who walk pass a car and the white person inside frantically locks their door or when you call your friends for a get together and your racist nearby residents bring the police to your doorstep to break it up. Cole explores this reality in a way that’s both relatable and fittingly hopeless. No matter who or where you are, the burden of being black is sometimes too heavy.
DJ Khaled Feat. Drake - For Free
Produced By Jordan Ullman & Nineteen85 Album: Major Key
I didn't want Khaled and Drake to have another anthem so they made another anthem. And as audacious as Drizzy Drake Rogers might be, as irritating as his love "Serana, Rihanna and JLo in one year" life might be, this is a really nice song. Like those moments after when you're feeling yourself, appreciating your agility wanting to ask the person next to you “... Is this sex so good I shouldn't have to fuck for free?"
Ma-E & AKA – Lie 2 Me
Produced by: Brian Soko, Mr Kamera & Ma-E 
Ma- E is basically your uncle who tries way too hard to look/sound ‘hip’ but still somehow pulls it without coming off corny. This ‘Township Counsellor’ gem hides the lingering insecurity of being rich/famous and always wondering if people like you for you or what you offer. Roping in SA’s erratic egoistic makes perfect sense as the pair smash this one out the park.
Ka – Just
Produced By Ka Album: Honor Killed the Samurai
Gangster turned firefighter, Ka writes like how one would imagine if they found themselves in a ‘I Am Legend’ type world. Even the pragmatic, bare-knuckle beats can’t dull the emotionally profound bars about backstabbers, dead loved ones, poverty and unfulfilled potential. Guilt more than anything invades this samurais’ nightmares.
Lil Yachty - One Night (Extended) 
Produced by TheGoodPerry Album: Lil Boat
It's really the most pleasant mean way to tell a hoe she ain't no wifey, matter of fact to tell anyone she ain't no wifey. But the video is tight tho, very Odd Future 2011-esq and very much Lil Yachty's assertion that he's pretty much here to do whatever the fuck he wants with this hip hop thing, and even scarier is that you actually can't stop him. Hook hella catchy tho.
Cousin Stizz Feat. Larry June – Down Like That
Produced By Puff Daddy Album MONDA
Billed as a showcase of star potential, Stizzy breaks out of the seriousness that drives ‘MONDA’ for some old fashioned hijinks. But Larry June truly murks this sizzling beat with one of the verses of the year. Who else can deliberately rap off beat, admit and end the bar with cold ‘fuck rap’?
Belly Feat. 2 Chainz, The Weeknd & Yo Gotti - Might Not (Remix)  
Produced By Merlin Watts, DaHeala & Ben Billions
Between the time the original and now Belly had delivered consistently cold bars embodied in solid projects twice. And hip hops heavy hitters and OGs aren't asleep to this, Belly's signed to Roc Nation. Everyone on here does their part but it's 2 Chainz who steals the show with his playful but vicious flow with audacious lines like, "IF YOU LOVE ME TAT MY NAME ON YOUR UTERUS!". Belly comes through cold tapping into the drug taking, model fucking persona The Weeknd had before he went full pop on us. And while Yo Gotti's verse is otherwise forgettable, mans didn't go down without a fight. 
Young Thug - Digits/Swizz Beats
Produced By Wheezy Album: JEFFERY
Thug’s output makes it hard to pick a favourite but these two highlight why I love Slime’s style. He’s a unique, eccentric singular voice that constantly defies rap norms and conjures up memorable hooks with ease.
A$AP Mob Feat. A$AP Rocky, A$AP Ant, A$AP Ferg, A$AP Nast, A$AP Twelvyy & Juicy J  - Yamborghini High
Produced By Hector Delgado Album: Cozy Tapes Vol. 1: Friends
First off, s/o and daps to A$AP Mob for executing skits on a tape the way we remember skits on a tape, niggas too fucking cozy. It's the type of contextualising taking us back to Pesos. A corner store in Harlem. Second, you gotta want to believe that Yams in heaven tripping the fuck out not only watching the most tumbler-esque video but fact that the whole tape is not only an ode to Yams but also the preservation of his legacy.
Denzel Curry – ULT
Produced By Finatik N Zac, Nick Leon & Ronny J Album Imperial
The most gifted pick on 2016’s XXL Freshmen List. ‘ULT’ is the perfect song if you’re unfamiliar with Curry’s work. It’s high tempo and ferocious coupled with unyielding intelligence. Denzel sounds unflinching in the face of racial profiling and police brutality as he basks in the idea of unity. The chorus carries its 2Pac influence proudly. Revolt music.
Chance The Rapper feat. Saba - Angels 
Produced By The Social Experiment & Lido   Album Coloring Book
Chance is that guy, he either irks you or like Obama he's on your playlist(s). So this song found its way onto mine. This is the soundtrack to my success, the background music to scenes of triumph, the sound of joy, a thugs prayer of gratitude ..that's this song. Pain is beautiful but it takes real skill to articulate happiness. 
 ASAP Mob - Telephone Calls Feat.  Yung Gleesh, Playboi Carti, Tyler, The Creator & A$AP Rocky
Produced By Plu2o Nash Album Cozy Tapes Vol. 1: Friends
The best thing about this song outside the quotable, outside Tyler stepping his flow up, outside walk Gleesh walk and outside "POST MAN, who dis?" is A$AP Rocky's verified lyrics where he writes about Tyler "I wish I knew this nigga my whole life" ❤
Frank Ocean Feat. KOHH – Nikes
Produced By Malay Ho, Om'Mas Keith & Frank Ocean Album: Blonde
Frank’s writing displays vulnerable humanity that we all try and tap into on our best days. ‘Nikes’ is filled with hilarious shit talking, short eulogies to passed peers and kin, lines about doing lines and trying to stay young. Life in your 20’s captured in 5 minutes.
Isaiah Rashad - Free Lunch
Produced By Cam O'bi Album: The Sun's Tirade
 Damn, I hate to say this but drugs and depression gave depth to this man’s music and made it interesting. After Clivia Demo, I had feared that under the shadow of TDE/Kendrick hype, that like other almost kinda famous sorta artists we were going to lose him, collateral damage so to speak. But instead Rashad in the most cliche of ways turned tragedy into triumph. 
Skepta – Man(Gang)
Produced By Skepta Album: Konnichiwa
The appeal of grime is its ability to be entertaining and aggressively haughty simultaneously. Skepta comes for everyone’s head on this ‘Konnichiwa’ standout. Fake fans and friends, washed rappers &wannabe fashionstas; no one is spared. London boyz made noise in 2016.
Childish Gambino – Me & Your Mama
Produced By Ludwig Göransson Album: "Awaken, My Love!"
The signal to the stars. Sitting through this ever mortifying gospel-rock joint feels transient. A shift from dick inspired punchlines to channeling Parliament Funkdelic; Donald Glover is proof of the rewards of artistic progression.
Danny Brown - Dance In The Water 
Produced By Paul White Album: Atrocity Exhibition
I'd like to think that this song would fit perfectly in a Tarantino film that's already been made, maybe that one about the car with Rosario Dawson and the lady who did stunts for Uma Therman. I'd like to think those things, a perfect middle between the old world and new. Danny Brown, at his peak, paints the most perfect picture of curated chaos.. 
Saba & Noname – Church/Liquor Store
Produced By Cam O'bi Album: Bucket List Project
Two of Chicago’s more gifted writers take us on a ride through their hometown. Saba is insightful, sorrowful and clear headed as he tackles addiction, gang violence, gentrification and the school to prison system. Noname acts as the perfect foil. It soars with gorgeous keys and beautiful choir worthy voices that only add to the misery
Earl Sweatshirt & Knxwledge – Balance
Produced By Knxwledge Album: 2016 Adult Swim Singles
A sensible union. Two talented non stars whose styles fit each other like big feet & AF’s 1.Earl’s attention to detail add a personal touch to universal gripes of being young, black & confused. His mumblings feel at home over Knxwledge’s lush, anxious phrases.
AKA ft Yanga – Dream Work
Produced by KJ Conteh
Sampling ‘Street Fighter’ should already make this a classic but AKA takes it a step further by rightfully staking a claim to SA rap’s crown. The hook is masterful; Yanga’s voice complements the thumping bass perfectly and AKA sounds focused, sharp and agitated. A continuation of a 5 year streak that doesn’t seem to be ending anytime soon. Long Live Supa Mega.
Terrance Martin – Valdez off Crenshaw
Produced by Terrace Martin Co-Produced by Robert “Sput” Searight
Modern music would be less great without Terrace Martin. One could go on an endless tangent listing countless accolades and contributions but rather we stick to this one moment on “Velvet Portraits”. It’s a mesmerizing piece of jazz leaning funk that contains an electric guitar solo that’s so beautifully over the top you can’t help sit in awe. An experience.
D.R.A.M Feat. Lil Yachty – Broccoli
Produced By J Gramm Beats Album: Big Baby D.R.A.M.
There's this phenomena taking place where new kids want to be their own, don't want to inherit problems, keen to dictate their own narrative. This song is a prime example of this. D.R.A.M is on here with his puppy hugging positive healthy outlook on life bars and Lil Yachty is here in his whole self. The millennials Big Pimpin', I’m calling it.
Kadhja Bonet – Honey Comb
Produced By Kadhja Bonet Album: The Visitor
‘Classical music’ can be an off putting label. But Bonet puts a modern spin on the genre and breathes new life into it. It sounds so good it possess the power to you cleanse all your proverbial sins. Gorgeous piece of music.
 Solange Feat. Lil Wayne - Mad 
Produced By Troy "R8DIO" Johnson, David Longstreth, Sir Dylan, Solange &Raphael Saadiq Album: A Seat at the Table
Very rarely are us folk, black folk, worldwide given the space to be angry. Our sorrow, our pain and small glimmers of happiness have their time, designated hours. So when you're mad, you're mad on your own, you're carrying it on your own .. and when you finally exhale it's a lot. Mad about inabilities and inadequacies of the self. It's always just too much to never have someone ask "why you mad son?". It's a relief to have a song like this affirm that anger. Affirming the experience of holding on anger only for it to be dismissed, invalidated to be "why you always be so mad"-ed. I praise Solo for speaking this truth. 
Rae Sremmurd Feat. Gucci Mane – Black Beatles
Produced By Mike WiLL Made-It Album: SremmLife 2
Mannequin challenge aside, ‘Black Beatles’ was destined to be a hit. Swan Lee sounds like a fallen angel; cautious and courageous. Jimi admirably keeps up and Gucci is his outrageous melodic self. Mike Will brings out the trademark ear wormy tunes and you’ve got a stellar song that celebrates youthful exuberance like no other this year. Rae Sremmurd > The Beatles
Rich Chigga - Dat $tick 
Easily the hardest bars and hardest beat of the year, or the 2nd Quarter.  Upper Echelon bars. YOUR FAVORITE RAPPER WAS SHOOK WHEN HE HEARD IT. 
DJ Esco Feat. Future & Rae Sremmurd - Party Pack 
Produced By Southside & DJ Esco Album: Project E.T. Esco Terrestrial
 If you questioned the longevity of Future's "glow up" or how Rae Sremmurd would navigate beyond being the cute small guys then this song stands as testament. On this song Future sounds energized, he sounds damn near competitive on a song that features another well executed Swae Lee hook and a very well placed Slim Jxmmi.
Boogie – Nigga Needs
Produced By Keyel Album: Thirst 48, Pt. 2
Boogie has a knack of simplifying nuanced thoughts and conflicting feelings. Coupled with a video of him as a bleeding centrepiece in an art gallery, The Thirst 48 rapper tries to come to terms the difficultly of self-improvement in a world that conspires against him.
Travis Scott Feat. NAV - Beibs in the Trap
Produced By NAV Album: Birds In The Trap Sing McKnight
 Ay, millennials finally get our own cocaine raps, that tight. But say no to drugs. Drugs ruin lives. Drugs also cost way too much money to pick it up as a habit. Also, who actually does cocaine anymore. Isn't tripping on anxiety meds, though troubling cos clearly in the purest sense of self we have proved incapable of dealing with the realities of this world, the wave? I dunno, just don't do crack kids. That's not glamorous. Neither is crushed up Ritalin on your gums. Great song though 5/5 shout outs NAV for the harmonies and production s/o Justin Beiber.
Westside Gunn & Action Bronson – Dudley Boyz
Produced By The Alchemist Album: Flygod
Wrestling and food references? Boasting about hardness and superior garments over velvet soft chords? Why didn’t this collaboration happen sooner? Old heads need to pay more attention to Westside and stop complaining about mumble rap.
DJ Khaled Feat. Jay Z & Future – I Got Keys
Produced By Jake One, G Koop & Southside Album:Major Key
The God MC came down a couple of times this year to bless his subjects but this Future – assisted joint was a highlight. Not a world beater but admirable considering it is a 42 year old taking a jab at a relentless Southside banger.
2Chainz – Ounces Back
Produced By DJ Spinz Album Daniel Son; Necklace Don
This Christmas, I’m thankful that the most entertaining rapper on earth was inspired all throughout the year. A performance littered with ludicrous lines about forgotten apartments in Jupiter(???), expensive jewelry and his upper echelon sex game. The flow is never forced or out of pocket over dreamy bass and stuttering keys. How is he over 40 and more inventive than rappers half his age?
21 Savage – No Heart
Produced By CuBeatz, Southside & Metro Boomin Album: Savage Mode
The line between fantasy and realism grows blurry with each social media update. We continue to laud rappers who seem to draw from real life experiences more than the ‘posers’ and that what makes ‘No Heart’ so great.21 is way too specific & menacing not mean any of his threat- filled lines. Metro Boomin’ matches the dead eyed feel with his most minimalist work to date and the end product is as enthralling as it is terrifying. 
Chance The Rapper Feat. 2 Chainz & Lil Wayne - No Problem 
Produced By BrassTracks Album: Coloring Book
Chance The Rapper Feat. 2 Chainz & Lil Wayne - No Problem Produced by: Album: Coloring Book  Coloring Book is one of those polarizing projects, you either felt it or you didn't .. I didn't. But he made songs like this that didn't make you feel like you were at Christian Rap Camp, some menacing statements were made on here echoed by your mum’s church choir. Wayne told us about freeing the choir, Chance threw threats about labels meeting the real south side and 2 Chainz? Man that man effortlessly floated just right on this pleasant song that even this weird iPhone class project video even is enjoyable.  ZBo8QA/K2O8
Migos Feat. Lil Uzi Vert – Bad & Boujee
Produced By Metro Boomin Album: CULTURE
An ode to classy fly women that even Uzi Vert couldn’t ruin. Offset’s show-stealing hook sticks in your mind like a deferred exam. A shining example of the power of Migos as a hit-making collective.
Kanye West Feat. Kendrick Lamar -No More Parties in LA
Produced By Kanye West & Madlib Album The Life of Pablo
It's only fitting that the most flagrant and audacious bars would find themselves sitting on this masterpiece. It's almost felt like a battle rap, Kendrick urging Kanye to rap again and Ye coming the fuck thru, "that God for me!" Pablo declares triumphantly and the song is so good, it's such a Kanye signature sample old heads the energy in the recording studio is crazy with McDonald's and Hennessy. Crazy. Fucking magical is what it is.
G.O.O.D Music Feat. Kanye West, Big Sean, Quavo, Gucci Mane, 2 Chainz, Travis Scott, Desiigner & Yo Gotti - Champions
Produced By Kanye West, A-Trak, Lex Luger & Mike Dean Album: Cruel Winter
Briefly, for but at least a second it looked like Kanye, Pusha T, fucking Kid Cudi, La Flame, 2 Chainz and even Big Sean .. it looked like the gang were back together. This single came as a result of hysteria, a just released Gucci, Kanye West finally releasing an album, a Quavo in his prime on a fucking MIKE DEAN track. In this moment, with the whole world in a frenzy doing everything they could do to somehow get their hands on these super stars, we were reminded that this label, GOOD Music, is a home to champions.
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olwog · 5 years
George has been busy stripping my door, refitting my windows in the front and doing a lot of painting but there’s a huge amount yet to do. Lee Waring, my builder, has been revealing my original fireplace and chimney and renovating them using reclaimed bricks and Danny has removed the last of the concrete that was having such a disastrous effect on my old bricks and Lee will get them ready for the lime plaster that will be used to bring them back to the condition that they were in when I was built all those years ago. I’m feeling optimistic and delighted that work has re-started.
    People have been stopping to talk to George as he’s been working on my front, they’re a friendly bunch here in Whitby. I overheard talk of Whitby Hospital refurbishment and George had a couple of wonderful anecdotes illustrating the pricelessness of the NHS and the caring nature of the Whitby people.
I remember telling you of the establishment of the hospitals and the caring staff that make them work. When Princess Margaret opened the Cottage Hospital she mentioned that the hospital was for the people of Whitby and all the visitors who make this beautiful town what it is.
Recently, I overheard a conversation regarding a lovely American lady called Kathy who, along with Otto from Canada, had just finished the Coast to Coast walk. That, in itself, was a credit to them as Kathy was 76 at the time of the walk and Otto a mere youngster at 66.
George and Cecilia had picked them up from Robin Hoods Bay and were intent on taking them back to York but became concerned about Kathy’s face. She’d taken a fall on the last day of the walk and was quite bruised around the eye socket and there was a deep gash below it which Kathy had treated with some Elastoplast. Things were not right and they persuaded her to allow them to take her to the Accident and Emergency unit at Whitby Hospital.
Even through the trauma of the injury, they were captivated with Whitby as they passed through and were promised a little tour together with a look at me after the visit to the hospital.
They took Kathy into the A&E Unit and were being booked in by a kindly person who needed her address together with name and nationality. Kathy, in the meantime, was opening her purse and thumbing through credit/debit cards ready to pay. She was asked to walk a very short distance to the waiting area where she was looking around the room for the ‘Accounting Office’ where she could pay. Within a couple of minutes, a delightful nurse came to her and she asked him where to pay but the response was a smile and reassurance that the important thing at the moment was to get her patched up then worry about payment. 
Otto was smiling in gratitude and Kathy was perplexed at the concept of ‘being patched up’ before taking a credit card imprint whilst George is just proud and delighted with such priceless NHS service and promises himself in the future to not take it for granted. 
Fifteen minutes later, Kathy re-emerged with clean wound, clean dressing and a management plan together with a quick word to her friends, “If she becomes ‘odd’ or unconscious, then take her to A&E wherever you are and explain the situation”. None of this is necessary as it turns out but the most wonderful moment was on leaving. Kathy asked once again where she should pay and the nurse said, “There was no scan or expensive equipment involved, please enjoy your stay in the Whitby and the UK, there’s no charge”. We love the NHS…
The conversation went on to talk about the ‘good old days’ when ‘proper food’ would be served from the big casserole on my fire grate and everyone was so much healthier from being exposed to germs and bacteria that, in turn, produced all the antibodies.
Hmmm, I remember before vaccinations pre-1970s when my upper rooms would be darkened with heavy curtains as youngsters with measles were sent to bed.  The room was in darkness because their eyes were sensitive to light. George remembers going to school with friends who were suffering from the effects of Polio. If they were lucky they’d have leg callipers, the unlucky ones were in iron lungs hoping that they’d recover their ability to breathe unaided. There were adolescent boys walking like John Wayne if they contracted mumps and young girls with their own version of discomfort nursing swollen ovaries or meningitis for the unlucky few. I remember the day one of the youngsters came home from school and announced that his teacher thought he had German measles and would he take a few days off school. I had the lovely lady from next door not long married and excited about the rest of her life, she paled and announced, “I’m pregnant” before running out in terror. Rubella rarely leaves the victim with much in terms of side effects but it can have disastrous consequences for an unborn child rendering it with blindness, deafness, mental disorders and heart defects. There was whooping cough leading to weeks of serious discomfort or worse for the child, diphtheria with the possibility of nerve and/or heart damage. Before that Tuberculosis (TB) was rife and only became managed after the formation of NHS and the widespread use of antibiotics; however, it’s still around and certainly hasn’t been eradicated like some of the childhood diseases.
Most of the above were well on the way to being just an unpleasant memory when warnings were issued about the combined vaccination causing or contributing towards autism and many parents decided against having their children immunised not only exposing them to the dreadful diseases but destroying the firebreak that had emerged due to the vaccination programme that had been established. I heard that Dr Wakefield had been struck off for the inaccuracies and contrived ‘evidence’ in his paper and the subsequent suffering of children due to the lack of immunisation. 
However, nothing compares to the horrifying diseases that were rife in the 1700s when I was being built, and Whitby, being a sea-faring town, witnessed some diseases that were quite rare and exotic. I remember the ‘Quarantine Bible’ being used well after The Plague had done it’s worst. I heard my occupants talk of a quarantined vessel being moored 3 miles off the coast and a Boarding Officer being assigned to go out and demand the Master (Captain) of the vessel to swear on the Bible that, 
“…neither he, nor any member of his crew were suffering from the Plague or any other malady that would prejudice the health of the people of the town”. 
The Bible was referred to as the Plague Bible as it was encased in copper and passed to the master on the end of a long pole then dragged through the salty sea on the way back to the cobble to cleanse it of any infection. The whole process was reliant on: 
A) the master being a Christian  B) that he was being honest
Neither of the above was guaranteed as the boat would be full of cargo and quite often perishable so the necessity to unload may have influenced the process.
I’ve seen huge change during my 250 year lifetime and heard many stories of tragedy and triumph around my dinner table but the tales of Kathy and Otto. Two lovely people from the New World being treated so well at Whitby Hospital warms my soul.
    Next up is my dormer and rear windows and more restoration on my walls.
With luck and a fair wind, all of the loving restorations should see me good for another 250 years! 
Take care.
With love from The Little Yellow Cottage…x
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Little Yellow Cottage – Update 13 – Health and Disease George has been busy stripping my door, refitting my windows in the front and doing a lot of painting but there’s a huge amount yet to do.
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