#maudie inbestigators
grezzaler · 9 months
does anybody notice that it is implied that maudie's mother might have passed away from illness?
ok, serious topic, not usually me but in the show, maudie lives with her dad, brian miller, with no mention of a mother. later then, in the episode of "the case of the very lost notebook", maudie said that she couldn't remember her mother well after she got sick. maybe that it was implying that maudie lost her mother at a young age and has been living alone with her dad ever since.
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cosyatp · 4 months
i want to put maudie, sherlock and edwin all in a room and let their english detectives neurodivergent asses geek about detective studf or whatever idk iwould love to see it unfold though
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personinthepalace · 1 year
Inbestigators reunion!! Look at how much they have grown 🥺
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From Aston Droomer’s instagram
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nicxxx5 · 2 years
Watch InBESTigators on netflix
(it’s a kids show idc there is only two seasons)
Maudie Miller is autistic. (hc) Watch the show you will love her so much.
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omg she's a little peanut! i'm definitely gonna bookmark this for later and when shits not so crazy in my life anymore i definitely will!
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lesbiancarlgrimes · 5 years
maudie: kyle u r so unobservent
kyle: im like. 10
maudie: so am i?
kyle: WHAT?? i thought you were like. 30
maudie: ??????? im in grade five with you
kyle: huh. you got me there
maudie: ???????
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deathboytm · 5 years
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on god watch inbestigators on netflix for wholesome 10 year olds solving mysteries content 
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sio-th3-r4nd0 · 5 years
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I’ve been watching the Inbestigators and I just love Maudie
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espopstar · 3 years
Hehe The InBESTigators is great I like it. Little mystery kids. And Maudie’s a girlboss, she’s my favorite. I also really like Ezra. None of you know what I’m talking about but this is my one exception for preferring animation. It’s not like a comfort but close I like it a whole lot.
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starzels · 3 years
The show "the inbestigators" on Netflix should get more hype.
Like, the characters on that kid's TV show to me, was well written and nice!
Kyle is one of the sporty kid who likes sports but isn't that smart.
Ezra is a smart kid, but still acts like a kid.
Ava is that one loyal/trustworthy and fun friend who loves glitter and cupcakes.
Maudie is literally the kid that acts like a grown up detective in a child body.
WHY IS nobody paying actual attention to this show? (You know what? I'm probably just going to write more stuff about them in the future)
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airyairyaucontraire · 4 years
I'm watching Australian children's TV again, because why not, and Ezra in The InBESTigators just had a rather delightful line.
"I think sometimes I get tongue-tied around Maudie because she's so smart... Either that or I panic, because I'm not used to the pressure of being taller than someone."
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And we’re back with another month wrap up! August involved a lot of TV watching (as per usual), but I feel like I watched a lot of things I’ve already talked about before (ex: The 100, Violetta). So it was a little bit harder to feature some new titles. I felt accomplished this month because I finished quite a few series. So, without further ado...let’s do this!
Spoilers!! But you knew that already :) 
So I know I’ve spoken about some of these shows A LOT recently, but I still had to include them in this wrap up because they were a good amount of the month. (Even if they feel like they were so long ago.) 
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This book to screen adaptation on Netflix following Nimue (AKA the Lady of the Lake) re-invents the King Arthur myth. It was an entertaining and enjoyable watch that makes me hope there’s a second season. There were certain parts that bothered me and I wish some characters had more time on screen, but as someone who likes King Arthur and fantasy TV I’d recommend it. 3/5 for me. 
For more on my thoughts regarding the show check out my earlier post: **Spoilers** Featuring Cursed
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A show that I’ve often been documenting my reviews/feelings after watching each episode. (That’s how you can tell IT’S THAT GOOD.) While it was a bit slow in the beginning (mainly because of it having the quality of being on a streaming service-ending on a cliffhanger for you to binge the next episode immediately kind of feel), it picked up and has easily become one of my favorites for the year. (YEAH...I KNOW. I SAID YEAR.) You can check out my page for more specific reactions in my posts, but here are some of the moments that stick out to me the most when I think about season 1.  
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I can’t wait for season 2!!
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June doesn’t feel like that long ago, but because I started season 1 two months ago (and because of the world of quarantine) it feels like a long time ago. Especially when this show is only 18-20 episodes that are each about 20/25 minutes. For me, I enjoyed season 1, but not as much as seasons 2 and 3. I definitely watched the first season slower because of this. Once the Ba Sing Se plot happened I was very invested. I enjoyed most of Book 2 in the Earth Kingdom before this, but Ba Sing Se was definitely the best. I was so impressed that they put that into a kid show. Then again, there’s so much in this show that is well done and brings up such relevant issues to a younger audience. I loved following Aang, Katara and Sakka and enjoyed Toph’s addition to Team Avatar. Overall I think Uncle Iroh is my favorite character in the show. I loved all the wisdom he had and how he saw the best in Zuko the entire time. Their team up was great and I am so happy he got his tea shop in the end. His escape from prison was amazing. I love a good redemption arc and from the start was excited to see Prince Zuko’s (it’s one of the ‘spoilers’ I knew going in). I think it was really well done and I liked how they showed him struggling with it. The last agni kai between Zuko and Azula was such a beautiful scene and the music score behind it was so chilling. I love how they chose a slow, instrumental song to play in the background. It’s not what I was expecting and it was such an awesome choice. Overall, I really liked the music and have added it to my writing playlist. I’m really glad I decided to watch Avatar the Last Airbender. 
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From one binged show starting in June to another....
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It’s crazy; you don’t think 80 episodes would go by that fast, but they do. Once you hit episode 50, I just zip by the rest in the season. So many of the plots get SO GOOD, you can’t help but watch so many episodes back to back (to back). For season 2, episode 75 was one of my favorites for the whole season. I love how some of the cast actually got to go to Madrid. (Even the intro music changed when they were there.) Diego really grew on me. I loved the added plot of discovering who his dad is! Feels very telenovela. Gregorio’s reaction was priceless-such great acting-and I loved how much it has changed his character so far. I’m excited to see where he is headed for season 3. 
Leonetta forever! The reason they weren’t together was a bit weak, but I get they needed the love triangle. Overall the Leon/Violetta/Diego love triangle was a lot stronger than season 1′s (in my opinion). It felt better developed. I enjoyed a lot of the couples this season. Frederico and Ludi are a pair I didn’t know I wanted till it happened. Olga and Ramallo actually got a kiss!!! I loved hearing Ramallo talk about how Olga is the only woman in his life. So rare to see such emotions from him. Fran and Leon’s friendship was adorable. I loved their moments in Madrid. She was their #1 shipper. I know in the beginning I said there wasn’t a lot of music and performances, but as the season progressed we definitely got a lot of new songs (which I cannot stop singing). I miss my time at the Studio and hope the third season will be streaming on Disney Plus soon. I heard it could be September 18th so fingers crossed!! 
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Filling the void that was left by Little Lunch (and produced by the same studio) is the InBESTigators! A show that follows 4 elementary students who live in Australia and solve mysteries. One of the things I really loved about Little Lunch was how serious they made really trivial, kid-like things sound. I have often described it as an Office-like children’s show, where they talk about their problems directly to the camera and give several ‘Jim’ stares and glances to the camera. With the InBESTigators it’s a similar set up where our four sleuths, Ezra, Maudie, Ava and Kyle, relay a mystery they solved directly to us the viewer, while we watch in flashback. All of the mysteries are typical things that could happen in school or home; from overwatering a neighbor’s prize-winning flowers, packages getting stolen, a lost notebook or catching a cheater during a test. All of the kids are entertaining and funny. They each have a different dynamic that brings something to the team. Currently two of the seasons are on Netflix, and there will be a third season (but who knows when it will be filmed-I’m just happy it will eventually happen). 
If you’re looking for a fun/light-hearted watch look no further. You’ll have a good time. 
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This ABC sitcom fits well on the network and like it would be on Friday nights, but has a stronger day in airing thanks to the pandemic. I hadn’t really heard much about the show and then BAM it was advertised. It felt like the network had it in its back pocket. Nevertheless, I am really enjoying it. The actors have a nice dynamic and it is very funny and relatable. I like how it represents a family with two different cultural backgrounds, but doesn’t make that the main focus of the show. Instead it is discussed naturally. Overall, I don’t know how many people know about it, so I wanted to share it as one of my picks for the month and suggest you watch it if you are looking for something both funny and optimistic. 
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I LOVE this family! As TLC is a network with predictable choices in TV shows, one about a family with multiples does not seem shocking. However, this is not your average family with multiples. At the start of the show, Karen and Deon have a total of 11 children (with only two of them being what they called ‘singletons’). They have twins, quints, and another set of twins (that would have been triplets). Her last three pregnancies were multiples and then she becomes pregnant with triplets. AGAIN! This family is considered a miracle because she had no IVF or anything like that for her conceptions. I love watching them because they seem like a great group to be apart of. They are what the epitome of family should be like. There is so much love. I know when my family watches the show we are all so impressed by how well behaved all of the kids are. People with half the amount of kids often have trouble teaching them to behave. I highly suggest giving the Derricos a watch. New episodes are now airing on TLC. 
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I know Ben Platt’s concert has been available on Netflix for a while now, but I just got the chance to watch it this month. It was SOOO GOOD and I was upset when it was over. It felt so fast! I had already added a lot of his songs to my playlists, and after watching added the last few I had missed. Now I’ve been listening non-stop. I loved how his concert welcomed us so much into his personal life. The added stories in-between songs helped to see why he created that specific one. Watching the concert was a fun time and something you should consider if you are feeling down during quarantine. 
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Every Saturday night we try to watch a movie while we eat dinner. It’s become a new tradition since quarantine began and we were unable to go out to eat or to the movies. This week Jojo Rabbit was the pick. Going into the film, I didn’t know much expect, but that it was a comedy and I assumed a satire. What I didn’t expect was how dark of a turn it would take. It’s amazing how a film can have you laughing uncontrollably at the start and then have you crying at the end. This is definitely a film I could see analyzing in a film studies class. There was so much foreshadowing and moments where so much more was going on then what was shown on the surface. I think it did a great job making the viewer think not only about the time in which it was supposed to take place, but also our current world. I know it’s a good movie when it still has me thinking about it days later. I even did some research into it after watching. Definitely can understand the hype about it and will watch it again in the future. 
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When I was putting this list together I was just starting to watch Umbrella Academy. I know, I’m late to the party, but with the newest season coming out this summer I knew it was now or never. (I just had to finish some of the other stuff I was watching first.) Currently, I only have 1 episode left in the first season and am really enjoying it. I was pretty good about spoilers going into it, so a lot of it was new to me. I made some theories on who I thought would be the cause of the apocalypse and so far I am right. I am very interested to see how this season ends and get into the next one because I heard that the majority of people liked that one more. I’ll have a more detailed review in my September Picks, I’m sure of it!  
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personinthepalace · 3 years
The InBESTigators
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zhumeimv · 5 years
The InBESTigators Season 1 Trailer Fandango Family
The InBESTigators Season 1 Trailer Fandango Family
Date: 2019-07-31 21:23:55
[aoa id=’0′][dn_wp_yt_youtube_source type=”101″ id=”gKI9dIhG3ww”][/aoa]
Check out the new The InBESTigators Season 1 Trailer! Let us know what you think in the comments below.
Want to be notified of all the latest TV trailers? Subscribe to the channel and click the bell icon to stay up to date.
US Air Date: August 9, 2019 Starring: Abby Bergman, Anna Cooke, Aston Droomer
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lesbiancarlgrimes · 5 years
watching this cute show on netflix inbestigators and main character maudie is autistic on god
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personinthepalace · 3 years
Maudie and Ezra [Be Your Guy by DynaMIGHT] - The Inbestigators
Updated version of my first ever fanvid! Also happy (early) birthday to The Inbestigators!!
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personinthepalace · 4 years
The question is: who’s Holmes and who’s Watson?
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From Abby Bergman’s instagram
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