#she is short smart and extremely bossy
tyrantisterror · 5 months
Why are Bulma and Piccolo your favorite Dragon Ball characters?
It might sound weird, but I love Bulma because of her very glaring flaws. She is loud, short-tempered, vain, self-centered, arrogant, too-clever by half, and extremely bossy, all of which are traits that are generally given to villainous women so that we hate them. But Bulma's not a villain - she's a hero, and for all her faults, she's also incredibly smart, resourceful, and resilient. Bulma never says die, never gives up, always tries to come up with a solution to whatever shit gets thrown her way, and goddamn, she manages to pull something together more often than not! In fact, most of her virtues are connected to her flaws - that arrogance pushes her to defy the odds and succeed, her tendency to overshoot when showing off her smarts will lead to situations where she can apply those smarts under pressure to more spectacular results, and you know what, she is really fucking pretty, so why shouldn't she be proud of it? Like, I've said before on a few occasions that I love it when a hero has villain coding, and Bulma has all the same villain coding as Jessie from Team Rocket - but she's a hero, she's unambiguously a hero, and a hero we need more often than not, and that's so damn cool. I love that she gets to be this loud, bossy, arrogant, vain person who's nonetheless a good friend and incredibly reliable and resourceful ally, that for all her abundant faults she's still a lovable and iconic hero. Girl characters don't get to be those things often enough! We need more Bulmas in the world.
My love for Piccolo is a bit simpler/more obvious. One, he's got a kickass character design - he and Aku from Samurai Jack cemented my love of costumes with big fucking shoulder pads/pauldrons. Two, as a person who had never seen Dragon Ball and found out about the series when they aired Dragon Ball Z on Toonami back in the 90's, Piccolo was the weirdest thing that first episode threw at me, and it threw a LOT of weird shit at me in that episode. Talking turtles, cats, and pigs, a lady with blue hair, a guy whose kid has a monkey tail, aliens, all sorts of shit. But then there's this big green guy who everyone is terrified of for reasons the episode doesn't really explain (because there's a whole series you're supposed to have watched before it) who asks the father of the monkey tail boy to team up with him against the monkey tail alien, and the green guy has these weird pink ridges on his arms and the coolest fucking outfit I had seen at that point in my life, and when he takes off his weird purple ball hat thing it turns out he has antenna under it, and his teeth are sharp like a vampire, and he blows a hole through the dad guy's chest, like holy shit what an icon, I loved him immediately.
And then Piccolo proceeds to train the monkey-tail kid, claiming he's going to use him to take over the world, but as the show goes on it's clear that Piccolo is not as evil as he claims to be, and clearly cares for this kid despite claiming to only be using him as a tool, all leading up to the big battle with Nappa where Piccolo, that ruthless green slug vampire motherfucker, takes the killing blow to save the kid he stole. Blew my goddamn mind. There were almost no other characters in the media I had consumed as a child up till that point who matched Piccolo's moral complexity- about the only ones I can think of that compare are Dinobot from Beast Wars and Hexadecimal from Reboot, and, well, I'm also obsessed with those two, so here we are.
Piccolo had a great character arc and defined so much of what made Dragon Ball Z instantly special and unique in my eyes as a kid. There was no one like him, no one who did what he did, no one who looked as cool as he did. What a fucking legend.
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seroothincs · 2 years
Do you have any headcanons for Legs? If not, then that’s okay <:)
Oh you better believe I have headcanons, especially for a man like Legs. He's pretty mysterious and doesn't say a lot which gives me the pleasure to make stuff up about him based on the little things we do know from the show. Legs is mysterious, very, he ain't saying nothin, he ain't trustin nobody and the only people he talks to are his close friends. And some of these headcanons are:
Now it's obvious that both him and Louie have been friends with Tony since childhood but I believe, what happened before they met, Legs had his own gang and would usually terrorize other students on the playground of the same catholic school the three were all attending. And one day when Tony witnessed what Legs and his team were doing to a kid, he realized the talent that this young boy has and so he asked if Legs would join his junior mafia. Legs said no at first but after he realized who Tony was the son of, he decided to give the junior mafia a try and what followed after was a long and tight friendship. (I will write a huge origin story one day, with thoughts and my own imagination at play. Because if the writers are not gonna do it then I'll do it myself)
In "Homie the clown" he said that he saw four krustys even after he rubbed his eyes to see straight, (Even though there were only two krustys) which makes me think that he could possibly be short sighted and therefore would wear glasses. Though he doesn't at times when he's at work because according to himself, "No person would ever be afraid of a mobster with glasses." But he does wear them while he's at home.
We obviously know he has a son named "Calves" who appeared in the comics along with Louie's son and Michael. But I choose to see that as non-canon (Since he only came up once in comics, counting as his only appearance and the show never hints to Legs's son), yeah Calves is cute but I don't really see him being Legs's son. Who I do see as his daughter would be Piper from Bossy riot in "Bart vs. Itchy & Scratchy", she has the same level of mischievousness as Calves does and is pretty extreme in her pranks. She's obviously Legs's daughter, with the way she's already in a sort of gang like friendgroup like Legs once was in his early childhood. (But I admit, calves could also exist in the real show. Though he would be the child of Legs's ex-wife, they divorced because of an affair he went through and so he sort of lost custody over Calves. Calves was also like 2 years old when that happened.) - Despite being so mysterious, he's actually the most kindest of the bunch. And he has been ever since childhood, his usual rambunctious demeanor was just for show and not tell what lies underneath him. But I do admit, he was more wild as a young kid than he is now. That likely changed due to his age but he is more calmer and friendlier than his childhood counterpart. He's the type of guy you can always wend yourself to if you have any problems and he also works as a sort of therapist for the other members, seeing as he has a degree in Psychology that he studied for as a second profession if his plans didn't go through in college. (he's a smart man, like I said)
Now Johnny Tightlips is a capo and Frankie is a soldier, Tony is the underboss and Don vittorio is the actual boss. Other mobsters we see are genuinely just soldiers or associates. Which leaves Louie and Legs to be uncategorized, And they're not really caporegimes either since there's already Johnny, Lefty and Righty in that position. Mafia's usually have three or four capos but I still choose to see Legs and Louie not as such, it just doesn't make sense. They started out with Tony as a small gang with only themselves to trust, it would have made sense if those two were capos back then since the gang was still small and struggling in the east end but as time flew by and more joined, Louie and Legs decided to step down from their capo positions to make room for Lefty and Righty, two more experienced capo's. And so they would stand back and just be hit-men, still involved in Tony's plans and operations.
Their friendship with Tony is what brings me to this conclusion, as capo's they had to spend most of their time outside on the streets with their soldiers, not even being close to Tony. So after Lefty and Righty joined, the two reduced themselves to being hit-men and bodyguards of Tony so that they could stay closer by his side and to protect him. Which would even make sense in reality since the two were never stated to be capo's, in the book Chief Wiggum's Book of Crime and Punishment, Legs is classified as the "Hired Goon" And the police records on the Springfield Mafia describe Legs as a "Gangster/Criminal/Suspicious" type of mobster. It wouldn't make sense for them to be capo's if they are so closely connected with Tony.
You know, Legs is very accompanied with the yakuza and other japanese mafias in springfield and the U.S.A so I feel like he knows a bit of japanese to talk with them. And he probably took karate when he was young.
Apparently in the Simpsons: Tapped out game Legs has 172 swiss army knives and he can't pay his rent because of that, which makes me think that he's got a serious problem. But hey, the man loves knives.
what He also mentioned in Tapped out was that he got a Master's in Fiscal Studies which makes me think Since he's an experienced mob doctor like Tony himself said
(Look at his cute ass smile when Tony mentions the slug, that is the smile of a son whose Father is telling other relatives about his talents) Which got me thinking. Okay so he went to college for two different reasons
He prolly studied another subject if his career as a doctor didn't go as planned. He's a pretty smart dude but still manages to fall for pranks set by other people, including Bart's. (One example is in the hilarious "Homie the clown" when Krusty asked to go the bathroom but actually left the country in reality, Legs said "When He's done in there, I gotta go" (Oh Legs, you sweet innocent man)
We don't even know his real name other than he's known as "Legs" because he's tall? And it can't be Max Legman 'cuz that just sounds like a child made it up, it's probably just an alias he uses when checking into hotels or telling girls in the nightclub to keep his cover. ( He's also shown to be quite the party animal seeing as he has appeared in some scenes like "Homerazzi" and "Flaming Moe's". Man likes to have fun.)
We know he has a slouched back and poor posture, which leaves some options for why it became that way. Maybe a injury to his spine or a disease that formed in his early childhood. I personally believe it could be Scheuermann's Kyphosis that caused his figure to turn out that way, it formed in his early childhood and when he was taken to the doctors because of it they advised for him a back brace since he was still a child and growing. His parents couldn't afford that, neither could they get physical therapy for him, they just barely could get money for pain medication to at least have their son in not all so much pain. But nowadays he got the needed Money to get physical therapy so that his condition isn't gonna get any worse.
I feel like he likes to listen to classical Italian music, opera especially, he's a big fan of Renata Tebaldi and Andrea Bocelli. Though his musical taste often gets in the way of Louie's whenever they are driving in the car, always arguing about what to put on. And sometimes even Tony gets caught in between their squabble, forcing the three to often drive around just sitting in silence.
His favorite dessert is Panna cotta. Which he usually orders when he, Louie, Johnny, Frankie and Tony go to La Coffee Nostra for some afternoon tea break from their work. - he's a professional pool player, just try and challenge him to a match, in the end you will only leave with a broken spirit. - He's honestly such a women magnet, not because it's his manners and ways of treating ladies but because it's also of his looks. (Man's got a good fashion taste) Each time he enters a new club all the ladies just swarm him and treat him to a drink. He often leaves clubs with lipstick marks all over his face. - Since he's the tallest out of everyone in the family, he likes to pick on Frankie and Louie who are the shortest of the bunch. They know it's all just fun and jokes but even they can get annoyed by Legs. Especially when he bends his knees to get down on their eye level to talk with them. Now these are just some of my many headcanons about it, Made for my own enjoyment.
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10blue10 · 2 years
TNR: Next Generation Spin Off
Consider… the 9 Realms but it’s a next gen sequel with the kids of the OG cast.
Obviously in this AU the dragons don’t leave, but most things are the same.
The next generation of riders, thirteen to fifteen years old, set out to explore the Hidden World and beyond. The five discover a tunnel in the crystalline caverns that leads them out onto a massive landmass, the biggest they’ve ever seen, with eight different habitats to explore going further and further inland.
Main Characters
The Leader (15F)
Zephyr is now called Ashildr, or Ash for short. She’s clever, loyal and passionate, but also stubborn, sometimes insensitive, cynical and kind of a perfectionist. Tends to think her way of doing things is the best way. Inherits her mothers’ battle prowess and her fathers’ inventiveness. She rides Dart.
The Lancer (15F)
Heidi is Eret’s adopted daughter. She’s relaxed, has a great sense of humour and thinks her friends are all crazy, but in a good way. Never fails to call them out on their bullshit. Heidi can take charge but prefers to stay on the sidelines. Has a crush on Ash. She rides Magpie (aka Ruffrunner, I changed the name.)
The Smart Guy (13M)
Nuffink is now called Stoick II, but goes by the nickname ‘Stick’. He’s kind, adventurous and creative, but also reckless, bossy and sometimes bad tempered. Doesn’t have a habit of banging his head on things. Inherits his fathers’ way with dragons and his mothers’ tactical skill. He rides Pouncer.
The Big Guy (13F)
Remora mostly takes after her father in build with her mothers’ hairstyle and eye colour (I picture her as looking like the concept art of Snotlout as a girl). She’s just as loyal as her brother and has a sensitive side, but hides it by being abrasive to seem more ‘Viking-y’. She rides a male Gronckle named Rockslide.
The Heart (15M)
Fishnut takes mostly after his mother in build, but with his father’s eye colour and hairstyle. He is kind, generous and loyal, but also timid, easily distracted and prone to dramatics. Essentially he’s the groups’ resident drama queen. He is also best friends with Stick. He rides a female Scuttleclaw named Splash.
Main Dragons
Dart is adventurous and independent, as well as extremely curious about new places. She is extremely self confident and thinks she can handle any danger that she faces. However, having a rider has made her become much more cautious and thoughtful. Dart is also very friendly and encouraging.  
Magpie is much more cautious and reserved than his siblings. However, if his brother starts a play fight, Magpie is more than willing to finish it. Out of the three, he’s the most level headed and sensible one. Sometimes he’s a bit of a coward, but usually pulls through the fear for the sake of those he cares about.  
Pouncer is energetic, playful and feisty; he tends to leap first and look later. He rarely stops to consider if something might be dangerous. This often gets him and Stick into a lot of trouble. Pouncer’s favourite game involves hiding and then jumping out at passers-by to scare the living daylights out of them.
Splash is green with yellow markings. She loves the water; swimming, diving, and of course splashing. Splash does her best to encourage Fishnut, but can often get impatient with him. Ironically she’s better at focusing than he is, but only on one thing at a time; which might be for the best, all things considered.
Rockslide is brown with green bumps. He is the lazy one of the group, and would prefer to nap or eat rather than go on adventures. However he is just as loyal as any other dragon, and one of the few beings who gets to see Remora’s softer side. He uses what she calls ‘weaponised farting’ against any threats.  
The Nine Realms
New Berk: equivalent of Midgard. This is their home base, literally.
Twisting Tunnels: equivalent of Svartalfheim. Mountains riddled with the tunnels of a Screaming Death (who may or may not still be around). A confusing labyrinth that ultimately leads to the tunnels of the Hidden World.
Foggy Forest: equivalent of Niflheim. The east coast of this new landmass is overgrown with a foggy/misty temperate rainforest. It’s home to Smokebreaths, Snafflefangs, Dervishes, Hobblegrunts and other forest dwelling dragons.
Mount Magma: equivalent of Muspelheim. This is an active volcano, and home to an Eruptodon, as well as other boulder class dragons like Goregutters, Gronckles and Hotburples (since most of them prefer not to be around lava.)
Bewilder-Bay: equivalent of Jotunheim. A large, icy cove that’s now home to Drago’s Bewilderbeast. He just wants to be left alone, but tolerates the presence of various tidal class dragons, including Sliquifiers and Tide Gliders.  
Glistening Glacier: equivalent of Alfheim. Located above Bewilder-Bay, these glacial icy peaks to the north of the landmass is home to Snow Wraiths, Silver Phantoms and even Light Furies that made their way from the Hidden World.
Verdant Valley: equivalent of Vanaheim. Located to the south, it’s a lush river valley/floodplain home to Thunderclaws and other free roaming dragons. The river runs between the two mountain ranges that bisect the new landmass.
Ghastly Graveyard: equivalent of Helheim. This is home to Boneknappers and Grim Gnashers. They have a mutualistic relationship; the Knappers take corpses back to their nests and the Gnashers eat the flesh to reveal the bone.
Perilous Peaks: equivalent of Asgard. Located to the west, these high peaks are where the gang discovers what their parents never did: Night Furies. The  elusive dragons are distrustful of humans, having fled hunters decades before.
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shellclans-demise · 2 years
Cloudclan Allegiances
Leader Joystar - A pale grey and white molly with orange eyes. She's charismatic and a great hunter. She's 90 moons old. She has 8 lives remaining and has been leader for 15 moons.
Deputy Inksplash - A beautiful black lynx-point and white tom with bright hazel eyes. He's adventurous and extremely smart. He's 73 moons old.
Medicine Cat Skypond - A long-haired brown tabby molly with dark blue eyes. She's fierce and a great speaker. She's 74 moons old.
Warriors Koifin - A long-furred white molly with bright blue eyes. She's patient and very smart. She's 84 moons old and was formerly a kittypet. She wears a bright green ribbon around her neck. (Apprentice: Slugpaw)
Tumbleheart - A beautiful short-furred tan and white lynxpoint tom with dark blue eyes. He's childish and has a very strong connection to Starclan. He's 74 moons old and brother to Trillbeam.
Trillbeam - A short-furred ticked tabby orange tom with bright blue eyes. He's lonesome and a fantastic teacher. He's 74 moons old and brother to Tumbleheart. (Apprentice: Snailpaw)
Gulldrop - A long-furred black and white tom with green eyes. He's compassionate and an excellent fighter. He's 65 moons old and brother to Irispelt.
Irispelt - A short-furred grey and yellow calico molly with green eyes. She's strict and a good fighter. She's 65 moons old and sister to Gulldrop.
Glass - A blue-grey ticked tabby molly with sharp blue eyes. She's shameless and very smart. She's 35 moons old.
Pearlcry - A gorgeous long-furred black and orangy tabby calico molly with green eyes. She's daring and an excellent speaker. She's 23 moons old and mates with Songspots.
Songspots - A pretty silver bengal molly with bright yellow eyes. She's troublesome and a good hunter. She's 20 moons old and mates with Pearlcry. She wears a blue bell collar around her neck.
Eeltail - A black tabby cat with a white chest and tail tip and yellow eyes. She's thoughtful and a great fighter. She's 18 moons old. She's an adoptive mother to Beachkit.
Squid - A long-furred grey and white cat with dark blue eyes. They're responsible and a good teacher. They're 14 moons old.
Nestlight - A brown and orange tortoiseshell molly with hazel eyes. She's insecure and a good speaker. She's 13 moons old and sister to Pebbleeyes.
Pebbleeyes - A sandy-colored marbled bengal molly with amber eyes. She's ambitious and a great hunter. She's 13 moons old and sister to Nestlight.
Apprentices Snailpaw - A creamy colorpoint molly with sky blue eyes. She's thoughtful and training under Trillbeam's mentorship. She's 6 moons old and sister to Slugpaw.
Slugpaw - A brown ticked tabby tom with dark blue eyes. He's empathetic and training under Koifin's mentorship. He's 6 moons old and brother to Snailpaw.
Kits Wavekit - A small grey molly with amber eyes. She's inquisitive and smart for her age. She's 5 moons old and daughter to Lilacpuddle and sister to Splashkit and Tsunamikit.
Splashkit - A brown and white molly with green eyes. She's a daydreamer and often lost in thought. She's 5 moons old and daughter to Lilacpuddle and sister to Wavekit and Tsunamikit.
Tsunamikit - A brown bengal molly with blue eyes. She's daring and fierce for her age. She's 5 moons old and daughter to Lilacpuddle and sister to Wavekit and Splashkit.
Beachkit - A ticked-tabby orange tom with yellow eyes. He's bossy and strong for his age. He's 1 moon old and adoptive son to Eeltail.
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airyairyaucontraire · 4 years
I'm watching Australian children's TV again, because why not, and Ezra in The InBESTigators just had a rather delightful line.
"I think sometimes I get tongue-tied around Maudie because she's so smart... Either that or I panic, because I'm not used to the pressure of being taller than someone."
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oceanbaby888 · 3 years
Hey y'all!
- I am finally settled and I am ready to give you some more astro knowledge to keep in the books!! Today we will be talking about the Ascendant (ASC for short) through the first 6 signs!! Part 2 will come out tomorrow!
- But first, what is an ASC sign?
-I'm glad you asked honey! First things first, your Ascendant is an angular house! Angular houses are the Ascendant, Descendant, IC (Imum Coeli), and MC (Medium Coeli). I'll do a post on what angular houses mean later on! Or do feel free to research on your own time :)
-Your ASC sign is what's popularly known as the sign (or sign traits) you may give off as a first impression to the outside world. According to the book, The Only Astrology Book You'll Ever Need by Joanna Woolfolk, she asserts that our personality is a blend of our Sun Sign in combination with our ASC sign. This has some truth in it as our ASC can also represent our self-interests, how we process self-awareness, our goals, our objectives, & how we assert our self-sufficiency! Think of your ASC sign as the sign when you walk in a room full of people.
- You can find your ASC here! Below is my chart( credit from Astro.com) for my visual learners! The ASC will be on the left side of your chart (marked AC); usually your angular houses are marked! In this example, my ASC is in the sign of Sagittarius!
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-Have you ever had someone guess your sun sign but they were wrong? Chances are, they probably are guessing your ASC sign!
-With that being said, let's get into it!!!!
Adventurous and pioneering!
Typically the ones to be "the first" at something.
Likes to get shit done! Act first ask questions later kind of energy.
Leader of the pack vibes.
Possibly have a very muscular, strong body.
When they walk in the room, they give such a strong sense of power, strength, and exuberance!
Possibly can be red-headed. Aries rules the color red and also rules the head. Doesn't mean every red-head is an Aries ASC though. Or they may like to wear alot of red.
They can give a direct, kinda bossy attitude but also a very free-child-like attitude I love it!!
Be careful with sharp objects. Sharp objects like knives are ruled by Mars (Mars rules Aries) and you may be a bit more accident prone so be careful, according to Woolfolk.
Very stable and calm energy when they walk in the room.
Patient & steadfast people.
Love the arts, could be talented at composing music esp!
Love comfort and the comfort their materials bring them.
Can have super beautiful necks. Necks/throats are ruled by Taurus.
Also, they may have larger, rounder eyes ooooo so cute!! Almost like a doe.
Can accumulate wealth over time.
Loves security and things that make them feel safe.
Many people think they are lazy, but that is not the case. A Taurus ASC does not believe in wasting time on things that don't bring them joy or comfort. They are hardworking, if it means they can attain the goals they set out for!! Once again, THEY ARE NOT LAZY!
Witty & charming.
Extremely smart and sociable.
Also can thrive in the entertainment industry as actors, writers, TV hosts, or comedians. They can really captivate an audience with their social and witty behavior!
Gemini rules the arms & hands, so they can have really nice hands/arms. If Venus is in aspect to their ASC, this can possibly point to someone who is a hand model.
The type to always want to be constantly stimulated and learn something everyday so they don't get bored.
May like to travel alot or move alot.
They also can marry more than once in their lives.
Extremely intellectual communicators. Very good with using their words as their best assets!
Could have big, wide eyes. This is just a personal take as I have seen multiple Gemini risings with big, wide eyes.
Love security & comfort.
May have a oval face or round face. The moon rules Cancer so I won't be surprised if your face is shaped as round as the moon.
Sensitive to other's emotions & intuitive on how people may feel or react.
Amazing creatives. They use their emotions to make the best projects. Some of their projects (story writing for example) can be based on their lives at home or their hometown.
On the outside they may come off reserved and even cold. This is the "hard on the outside soft on the inside" effect. Deep down they are very soft, sweet, giving, & sensitive.
They want public recognition for their efforts, as you should!!!
According to Woolfolk, they are very good with saving money and handling it as well. Being the opposite sign of Capricorn (the sign of conservation), I am not surprised since opposing signs do share qualities of each other in one way or another.
Very grand people and luxurious YESSSS BITCH!!!
People may notice their hair first. Know how Leo is the lion? We see the lion's mane (or hair) first. This also applies for Leo ASCs.
A personal take- Leo ASC have this sun-kissed glow about them (lol pun intended). It's like their skin is so bright and glowy and it is so beautiful.
Give off a very happy and exuberant energy.
Extremely likeable people.
Views life as a stage!
Prides themselves on being a leader and delegator.
Can easily find fame or people will scout them out easily.
Also can be surrounded by alot of influential people. This helps their image if they want to be famous one day. Get to networking!!!
Can have a very nice back. Leo also rules the back.
Another personal take: why do so many Virgo ASC or Virgo placements have to wear glasses? That's interesting.
May have a frail looking body, but that does not mean they are sick yall.
Looks at life through a filter. Meaning, they like to hold on to valuable information that they can actually use and apply in their life.
^Yet, this can also mean that they may become too dependent on details to make decision. Don't forget to look at the bigger picture.
They love order and reason.
Thrive in intellectual pursuits. Especially if they are scientific and not philosophical.
Likes to gain rewards from their own efforts and not due to what others think. They love to listen and be assured in their own reasoning as YOU SHOULD!!!
May forget to take others' opinions into consideration.
Could come off shy and distant.
May own property in their later lives? Idk but Woolfolk mentions this and if anyone can chime in here I would be happy to hear it!
-That's it for PART 1! Part 2 will be out tomorrow!
-Also, to show your appreciation, do feel free to tip me! I have so much more content I want to teach and tell yall and I'm excited! You can tip me at my cashapp: $DellyRelly if you appreciate my content in more ways than just following me! Anywho, see yall tomorrow!
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moths-wc-aus · 2 years
clan gen; starting allegiances vs current
Leader;     Rabbitstar A ginger tabby point tom with dark blue eyes.  49 moons old, wise, great speaker.
Deputy;     Littlemask A long-furred white and dark ginger she-cat with green eyes.  114 moons old, fierce, great speaker.
Healer;      Dawnbloom A long-furred silver and white tabby tom with green eyes.  45 moons old, charismatic, good speaker.
Warriors;     Ferrettail A white tom with grey speckles and hazel eyes.  66 moons old, altruistic, great hunter.
    Pantherbreeze A pale grey tom with hazel eyes.  37 moons, loving, excellent fighter.  Apprentice, Pearpaw.
    Palecreek A pale grey tabby she-cat with pale green eyes.  22 moons old, daring, excellent speaker.
Apprentices;     Pearpaw A dark ginger tabby she-cat with hazel eyes.  8 moons old, loving, good hunter.
Leader;     Pantherstar A pale grey tom with hazel eyes.  61 moons, loving, excellent fighter.
Deputy;     Pearholly A dark ginger tabby she-cat with hazel eyes.  32 moons old, loving, good hunter, excellent fighter.
Healers;      Dawnbloom A long-furred silver and white tabby tom with green eyes.  69 moons old, charismatic, good speaker.
    Goldbranch A pale grey tabby tom with amber eyes.  18 moons old, nervous, childish, great fighter.
Warriors;     Ferrettail A white tom with grey speckles and hazel eyes.  90 moons old, altruistic, great hunter.
    Palecreek A pale grey tabby she-cat with pale green eyes.  46 moons old, daring, excellent speaker.  Apprentice, Shellpaw.
    Ruststripe A ginger tabby she-cat with hazel eyes.  21 moons old, impulsive, strict, great fighter.  Apprentice, Hootpaw.
    Brindlestripe A ginger tabby tom with dark blue eyes.  16 moons old, sweet, bloodthirsty, fantastic hunter.  Apprentice, Frogpaw.
    Rushfur A pale grey tabby she-cat with dark blue eyes.  16 moons old, bossy, strange, good teacher.
    Kiteclaw A pale grey tabby she-cat with hazel eyes.  12 moons old, noisy, empathetic.
    Emberburr A pale grey tabby she-cat with green eyes.  12 moons old, daring, cold-hearted, excellent fighter.  Apprentice, Brownpaw.
    Fernseed A pale grey tabby she-cat with pale green eyes.  12 moons old, daring, righteous, extremely smart.
    Sparkleaf A pale grey and white she-cat with blue eyes.  35 moons old, daring.
Apprentices;     Hootpaw A pale ginger tabby tom with yellow eyes.  6 moons old, nervous, ambitious.
    Frogpaw A dark ginger and white tabby she-cat with dark eyes.  6 moons old, insecure, shameless.
    Shellpaw A short-furred ginger and white she-cat with dark blue eyes.  6 moons old, bully, empathetic.
    Brownpaw A dark brown point she-cat with blue eyes.  6 moons old, noisy, adventurous.
Queens;     Junipershadow A white tom with amber eyes.  81 moons old, cold-hearted.
Kits;     Goldkit A white tom-kit with amber eyes.  4 moons old, bully.
    Rockkit A cream and grey tom-kit with pale green eyes.  2 moon old, daring.
Elders;     Littlemask A long-furred white and dark ginger she-cat with green eyes.  138 moons old, fierce, great speaker.
    Maverick A short-furred black and white she-cat with amber eyes.  120 moons old, sneaky.
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tangledinmdzs · 4 years
you’re gonna wanna be mine, jiang siblings hcs
continuing the best friend head cannons but with our lovely jiangs (honestly who wouldn’t want to be their best friend?)
`*:;,.★ ⌒ ☆・:.,;*
Wei Wuxian
you meet this infamous person in college 
he’d been the loud, flirtatious but morally just person at your first college party
he actually saved your butt when someone was trying to invade your personal space at said party
and well, you’ve felt indebted to him ever since
but Wei Wuxian would become more than someone that you were just paying debts back and forth with 
because he’s a bit older than you, his guidance in whatever classes that you take (that he may have already taken) is really helpful
and he’s actually really smart
when he’s not messing around with people here and there
or drinking a bit too much
and because you end up actually having classes near the same buildings/areas you see him a lot
walking around campus with Wei Wuxian made you feel less alone in a place that you would have otherwise been
his free spirited personality helps you to break out of the timid that you had tried to hard to get rid of in college
but your rationale and patience helps to draw him back from the ‘extremes’ that he usually would feel, whether that be happy or sad
once you become better friends, you even become his ‘wingman’
“is this too much? too many emojis?” Wei Wuxian asks for the fifth time as he’s sprawled out on your bed
you huff an annoyed huff at him
“it’s perfectly fine, you’re just asking Lan Wangji how his day is,” you answer, typing away on your report
“but what if it’s too many colors? it’s a bit dreary today, isn’t it? should i make it more pastel tones, he seems to like that-”
you cut his sentence short by snatching his phone from where he’s holding it and pressing send on the message yourself
Wei Wuxian yells at you, a distressed war cry as the iphone message leaves his drafts with a soft zuup
“y/n! you’ve ruined my life!!” Wei Wuxian wails, thrashing around in agony on your bed
you roll your eyes at him
you’re pretty sure you haven’t
you’re 95% sure you haven’t.
`*:;,.★ ⌒ ☆・:.,;*
Jiang Cheng
being friend with Jiang Cheng was actually, quite a situational thing 
you were study partners for your health class in sophomore year.
after you learn that he’s not as unapproachable as his natural frown-y face is, you become pretty good friends
you learn that he’s 
really smart
passionate about things 
has a knack for martial arts
a bit bossy (haha)
but is sensitive, and emotional at heart
and you also come to realize that for all of Jiang Cheng’s side eyes and scowls he’s actually quite the shy guy
“are you trying to telepathically communicate with her?” you tease as you come up behind Jiang Cheng’s still form by the lockers.
said friend jumps at your words and turns around quickly just to slam his back into the lockers
you’re closer than he’d expected.
“n-no. what are you talking about?” Jiang Cheng denies, because of course he would.
you shake your head and laugh at him, opening your locker to grab your books in the transition to next class
“she’s way out of your league,” you comment, glancing over to Wen Qing and where she’s stood talking to a few other students
Jiang Cheng huffs at you, but you know it’s his signature pouty sigh
you laugh at him again and then lean around him and his backpack to gauge the distance
you close your locker
“you’re gonna thank me for this later,” you say, matter-of-factly and then do your duty as his friend
you push him
Jiang Cheng splutters a curse as he stumbles right into Wen Qing’s path, and very nearly would have crashed into her if it weren’t for her hands coming up to steady him
Jiang Cheng spins around to mouth a curse at you, but you just shoot a thumbs up
yet when he turns back around to Wen Qing with an apology on his lips, he’s surprised at the slight smile on her usually serious face
it throws him for a bit of a loop
and wow, she’s so pretty when she smiles, Jiang Cheng finds himself thinking
and then, yea, he’s going to thank you later for this. 
`*:;,.★ ⌒ ☆・:.,;*
Jiang Yanli
you meet Jiang Yanli for the first time at your town’s annual street festivals
and she’s one of those really pretty, really kind girls that are intimidating because they’re abnormally perfect
and you being the clumsy, shy person you were had a hard time bridging that
but, you found a friend (a protector even) in Jiang Yanli when she shooed away a customer that was hustling your street shop too much
and seeing you manning the business alone, she even decided to help out
it’s not hard for you both to get along
and ayo, you basically got yourself a new sister
after that, she adopts you as one of her own and adores you a lot
not just because you’re really lovable
but like you also have a braincell
because obviously her two brothers don’t
any ways
because you’re Jiang Yanli’s best friend, you obviously become the plus one in every Jiang family function
and her brothers take a liking to you quickly
because their sister usually had a great taste in friends
“but not boyfriends,” Wei Ying spills to you one day when you come over to their house and catch him in the living room
you’re a bit confused and a lot worried as you come up to Yanli’s bedroom door, closed for the first time since you’ve known her
that day becomes the first day that you see her cry 
and as her friend, it absolutely rips your insides apart
especially when you realize that she had shed so many tears over a boy (๑・`▱´・๑)
absolutely no one was worth her tears
“he’s not worth your tears, jie” you comfort even though she’s a little older than you
Yanli huffs helplessly, balling up her tissues in her hands as she sniffs
you sigh at her, taking a clean tissue and dabbing her eyes gently
“no one should make you cry this much, especially if they loved you. you deserve better” you repeat, and hold her hands in yours once her hiccups have calmed
Yanli meets your eyes fully then, letting out a long breath
but after, she smiles once again
and shining clear or teary-eyed, you’ll take any smile on her face
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marcholasmoth · 3 years
OSRR: 2776
today was a normal day. i worked with nico who was stressing over his upcoming physics midterm so we talked about legos to help him calm down a bit.
i was also supposed to work with another person for chemistry but they never showed, so i was able to change and get to manchester in time to work with the kiddos today.
we worked on finding averages, and we worked on a little bit of spelling, but my favorite thing was working on adjectives. the oldest was given an assignment to find twenty five adjectives that describe herself, so we wrote a bunch of things down. i refused to let her be negative about herself. not "nosy," curious. not "bossy," adamant. not "annoying," energetic. and certainly not dumb! "smart" was the second adjective on our list. (this kid has the highest grades in her class. no way she's dumb.) (and besides, i refuse to believe anyone is really dumb; they just have a different capacity and different strengths that can't be quantified by tests.) (it's taken me a long time to get to the point where i can say that. and i'm proud of myself that i can say it.)
so in our making of this list, she tried to put "gamer" down, but gamer is a noun, so it can't go on our list of adjectives.
this girl, at word 19, goes, "oh! i'm sus." and scribbles "sus" down on the line. a moment passes, then she says quietly, "cops are sus."
specifically i was laughing because she called herself sus. the other part, though, makes me angry. because she's fucking right.
it is important to note that my students are black.
and i want to express my extreme disgust at the united states both in general and specifically about the police we have, because this ten-year-old knows about the fucking deplorable state of this country and its shitty cops who are poorly trained at best and racist as shit because that's how the country was built. it's not okay. it's not fucking okay. and i'm livid because this little girl knows the injustices that face her and people who look like her because this country is shitty towards anyone who isn't white or "normal."
i swear to any god that exists that if anything happens to these children i will fucking tear the world apart to make it better, to find justice for them. i don't care who i have to yell at, who i have to manipulate, or who i have to annoy the shit out of until they relent.
i will use my privilege to make sure they are treated well, treated fairly, treated kindly, like everyone deserves. and if i can extend my influence to more than just this one little girl, i will. right now, she believes in god. i may not, but i will do the right thing for her and for her family because it is the right thing to do.
changing the world starts small.
a lot of that was in reflection of the situation from earlier today. i also ended up letting the two girls know that "sus" was short for "suspicious" and it became popular because it's hard to type suspicious when all you have are two joycons or whatever.
anyway, i love all of those kids more than anything.
i also (!!) got to see joel today. (!!!) after working with the kiddos i went and picked him up from work and brought him home. i got to hang out with him for a bit before making my way back home myself, where i made pierogis for dinner and watched battle bots with my parents. i also finished off half a container of chocolate ice cream not too long ago, and it was good but i should've only eaten half. eh.
anyway, i think that's all for now. i'm tired and i have therapy tomorrow so i should probably go to sleep. here's hoping that i can sleep.
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iheartgracie · 3 years
mina bishop soft quotes part 1
“Mina has the windows rolled down, her hands dancing to the music, rings glinting in the late afternoon sunlight as we speed past barbed wire fences and scrabbly ranches, the mountains stretching out behind them.”
“After the crash, Mina had insisted I needed a hobby and presented me with a preapproved list. I’d chosen gardening to get her off my back, but then, as usual, she’d taken it to extremes”
“Mina had painted hearts and infinity symbols on the outsides of the beds, adding to them when she’d sit out here with me: her favorite quotes surrounded by stars, a pair of crooked stick-figure girls holding hands and faded red balloons.”
“Congratulations! As of 5:15 this morning, you are officially sixteen. Proceed to your closet for part one of your surprise.
P.S. Yes, you have to wear what I picked out. No arguments. If I leave it up to you, you’ll just wear jeans. Please, go with me on this for once. The color is perfect.”
“Mina loves birthdays.”
“I look down over the railing and finally spot her on the north side, down the trail near the riverbank. She’s a blur of yellow, her dress bright against the gray railing. She waves.”
“Get out of bed, then,” she says.
“I don’t want to.”
“Too bad. Your mom says you won’t leave your room. And when your mom starts calling me for help, I know there’s a problem. So—up! You reek. You need to shower.”
“Just leave me alone.”
“Yeah, right, that’s really gonna work on me.” Mina rolls her eyes.”
“For a second I think she’s turned the shower on in the bathroom, but then the pillow I’m holding is yanked out of my hands and, when I open my mouth to protest, Mina dumps a glass of cold water over my head.
Mina giggles, delighted, dancing out of the way and then back, tilting the empty glass in her hand teasingly at me.
“Bitch,” I say, yanking my dripping hair out of my eyes.
“You can call me whatever you want, smelly, as long as you shower,”
“Mina had liked it that way. She’d always been restless at night, writing until dawn, baking cookies at midnight, throwing rocks at my window at three A.M., luring me out for mini road trips to the lake.”
“You’re the one who broke her crown.”
I don’t bother to hide my grin. “I didn’t mean to step on it! That float was totally unstable. And I was already at a disadvantage.”
“Uh-huh, I believe you, Soph,” Mina says. ”
“Mina’s awake, but she’s pretending not to be. She can’t fool me; years of sleepovers have taught me when she’s faking.
“I know you’re awake.”
“Go to sleep”
“Soph, if you don’t open this door in the next five seconds, I’ll break it down. I swear I will.” Mina knocks harder.
“Whenever you’re around, I think about her telling me, the look on her face…” He lets out a shuddering breath. His Adam’s apple bobs under the collar of his polo shirt. “She was so relieved. Like she’d wanted to say it forever.”
“She liked girls,” I continue when I’ve got a hold on myself. “She only liked girls.”
“She comes up with a splash, her dark hair flying everywhere as she beams at me in the moonlight.”
“She was bossy,” I say finally. “And spoiled. But really thoughtful. And smart. Smarter than everyone else. She could bullshit her way out of anything by just smiling. She was a bitch when she needed to be and she’d never apologize for it. She’s the first thing I think of when I wake up, the last thing I think of when I go to sleep, and the only thing I think about in between.”
“Mina pulls her phone out and stomps around, trying to get a signal. I don’t tell her it’s useless, because she’s got that determined look on her face”
“She gallops back to hug me. The scent of vanilla floods me, the smell of damp and green from the forest mingling with it to make the best perfume.”
“She collapses on my bed, scattering throw pillows everywhere. She’s wearing a hot pink dress that’s so short, her mom would throw a fit if she saw it—which, of course, is why Mina changed into it at my house. There are little beads on the three-quarter-length sleeves, and they keep catching the light, like she’s twinkling.”
“You should see the line of girls at the docks every weekend,” Mina says, snickering. “They loll around frying in the sun and watch him—it’s ridiculous. If he took his shirt off, I think they’d have a collective fit. Disgusting.”
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juuls · 3 years
Pharmacist/Me = 1 🏆 Doctor/Nursing Staff = 0
Thank you in advance for reading this rant. I’ve been really frustrated and just needed to get this off my chest, and today at least I had a wonderful knight in a white lab coat. 🩺❤️‍🩹🥽🥼💪🏻
Content warnings and squicky squicks: (further down there is) an image of a medical vial with a clipped image of a more benign part of a syringe, health conditions (endometriosis, fibromyalgia), menstrual cycles and associated terms such as bleeding and other things, lack of empathy in my specific healthcare system, hysterectomies, pain, swearing and losing patience. Most important warning: self-administered syringes and injection discussions of legal medications (Depo-Provera) approved of by professionals and properly researched. P.S. this may sound rather Karen-like but I would never do this to someone’s face. Online ranting and acknowledging where I could do better is not the same as screaming in public for bossy requests or comps, etc. Ew.
Another ‘warning’… pharmacists being kick-ass allies and giving a damn about their patients.
I’m really annoyed because (and I know healthcare and scheduling is a clusterfuck right now, but…) for over a month now I’ve been trying to get an appointment in person to get this injectable medication that is, yes, birth control, but is also used for endometriosis in my case. And I have severe endometriosis (exacerbated severely by fibromyalgia, siiiiigh) to the point I bleed enough and lose so much I have to go to the hospital when my care is not properly preventative… like in this case, and the pain is unbelievably severe also to the point I’ve spent time in the hospital, including my 11th Christmas Eve and Day. I started this injectable medication at 13 because it was the only thing that came close to helping reduce my endometrial tissue. Even a hysterectomy wouldn’t help as much, unless they decided to go the super invasive route and remove all the organs (or parts of them) that had become ‘infected’ by the tissue. Again, tissue where it’s not supposed to be, and it causes extreme pain as the tissue tries to flush out of my body each period, even if it’s attached to, like, my pancreas. Just no. That does not work at all. No. That is not fun.
SO. I’m 31, nearing 32, and the doctor’s office knows this. I’ve had the same doctor since I was 10. Been on this medication nearly non-stop for just shy of two decades (with appropriate precautions such as bone density tests) because of the absolute severity of the pain and my inability to function when it hits… which can be months at a time of non-stop bleeding and morning sickness-level nausea and vomiting, migraines and the occasional complete inability to move—in other words, it’s debilitating.
My doctor (even the nurses, as it’s in large print at the top of my file in the system) knows all about this. They’re supposed to call me if I’m overdue by a certain margin (I get they’re busy but months and months???). But my doc’s also a bit of an airhead (albeit a smart one when he focuses) and takes forever to reply to anything on time, even when it’s a severe issue, but not severe enough to go to the hospital. But it’s gotten to the point where the nurses say to go to the ER and then the ER nurses and doctors there get SUPER pissed off (AT ME AND SOMEHOW NOT AT MY DOCTOR/NURSES AND THEIR ORDERS) at the ‘waste of time’, and it’s just a clusterfuck.
Oh yeah, and that ER visit while I was overdue for my injection? Internal intestinal bleeding along with a lovely, even if small, perforation in my fucking uterus from the growth of endometrial tissue. I MEAN COME ON — WHAT IN THE HELL. Totally preventable if they fit me in when I called literally over a month ago.
But I will not change my doctor (the other docs at the practice know what is going on and have offered to take me on, but they don’t have the experience with myself and my conditions or the history, but they can do little else because of professional conduct—it’s between myself and my doc) because he is the only one who treats me with humanity and understands fibromyalgia, endometriosis, pre-MS and pre-RhA/PsA, endo-related IBS, (ulcerative) colitis, and other neurological conditions with any degree of empathy. (See, I told you I’m a mess!) There is no way I’m switching offices in the perpetual shortage of doctors in Canada moving elsewhere for m o n e y (plus Covid-19 being a teen hooligan and constantly coming back to wreck more goddamn shit, including everyone’s sanity, then setting things on fire like the real hooligans in my village have been doing this summer — I mean… what in the hell!?!?), so with all that in mind I actually thank my lucky stars. So I put up with a lot of this shit because he treats me, besides him being an airhead, like an actual human being deserving of compassion and care and quality of life despite my severe disabilities and pain. So.
I’m usually treated really well (even if they often think I’m a nuisance for daring to be severely chronically ill/in pain all the time) so I try to be patient and good and understanding when I can.
But his STAFF (I know they’re busy and I’ve been patient but they’ve been so awful honestly to the point I cried hard enough my dad noticed my red eyes and frustration-tear fracks on my face)! And the doc himself’s inability to reply to notes on time even when urgent and when he knows the circumstances (I admit I am a bit of a hard patient so I can understand if he just kinda ignores me sometimes, honestly). But in this case I was THREE DAMN MONTHS LATE for my injection and they’ve always called in the past when I was coming due if it looked like I hadn’t scheduled an injection, so that I was all on time and squared away and didn’t risk severe pain and damage to my already-fucked hormonal system (learning I couldn’t have kids was absolutely heartbreaking, let me tell you, but even a hysterectomy in that case would solve nothing — this is by far the easiest option, especially considering how my fibromyalgia would fuck with my post-surgery recovery and leave me with lasting pain for years if not decades; sigh).
Anyway. So. After some ridiculous levels of back and forth and some truly remarkable levels of lack of compassion (she kept giving me the exact same, word for word response in a bored tone UGH) considering the severe pain I was in (I was told, in front of OTHER PATIENTS AND STAFF, that I could just wait until I talk to the doctor myself at my next phone appointment and then schedule my injection for my next MONTHLY followup — 4.5 months overdue at that point, it would’ve been — because, and I quote, ‘am used to dealing with pain because of my fibromyalgia and years of dealing with it and other conditions’ which they named in front of others!!!!!!!! what. the. fuck. But I kept my cool because I know all these people, my mom taught their kids music, they’re a fixture of the community, etc. and I refuse to be a Karen…. At least externally.
But here comes the nice part that makes me love our new (okay, he’s been here like 5 years but still, in a small town that’s pretty new lmao) pharmacist that much more. Rasik was aware of my frustration with the doctor and nurses and was even the one who brought to my attention that, at the time, I was 2 months late for my injection and he was a bit concerned since he’s privy to how much pain I exist in without throwing in one or more knives directly into my womb, ovaries, tummy, hips, and other areas my endometrial tissue has taken root. He’s such a sweetheart and he really does care for his patients— the work he does with my father’s diabetes (the tricky one where you’re not obese) management is above and beyond the call of a pharmacist and I will forever be grateful for that alone, never mind how he cares for me.
So I went in today to pick up another medication, after yet another frustrating stop-over at the nurses’ desks, and he suggested I ask for my injectable medication (it’s Depo-Provera, by the way) and the syringe plus the two tips necessary — I’m actually familiar with this since I had to learn epinephrine injections from an early age (not Epipen) and how to give testosterone daily to my ex-husband (sorry not sorry, dude, but congrats on your first kid *grouchy thumbs up*). But yeah! Legally he’s not allowed to suggest I give it to myself, but he was getting super fed up with the nurses and doctors dragging their feet and ‘being assholes with little empathy’ in his own words, so I took the hint and requested my vial plus syringe, as well as the drawing and injection gauge needles…. which he gleefully filled for me, and I reiterated that it was ‘fully my idea, not yours, Rasik, because everyone knows I’m dumb and would never think it’s you if something happened’ (I’m not dumb and I’ve given injections to others many times looool).
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Long story short: HERE’S TO PHARMACISTS AROUND THE WORLD, BEING AMAZING AND CARING FOR THEIR PATIENTS AND ‘BENDING BUT NOT REALLY BENDING’ THE RULES TO MAKE SURE THEIR CLIENTS ARE CARED FOR PROPERLY. They are amazing and deserve every last bit of your courtesy, especially when they pull double duty every. single. day. because of Covid and their subsequent boosters. (i.e. boosters in the form of humans who are fucking stupid if they have no medical reason not to get the vaccine… I mean JFC.)
Rasik? You are amazing and I am 100% going to find you some Indian-Canadian (or North Indian; I believe that’s where he’s from originally) treats or desserts or make some myself after slyly asking his assistant what he leans toward liking.
Be kind to one another, yeah, but… my goodness: be kind to those who can truly make a difference in your health, sanity, and even life or death.
Pharmacists, volunteers, and frontline health workers: the true heroes of these times.
Thank you so much. So very much.
P.S. … now I just gotta stab myself intramuscularly after making sure there’s no air bubbles and etc., and swap out to the proper gauge needle (different, smaller, to draw from the vial, larger to inject so that it goes in more quickly and, oddly enough, hurts less haha). I don’t think air bubbles are as much of an issue as when injecting intravenously (ummm I have a doctor uncle and grandma nurse and nurse friends, so shush 😆). But I’ve done this for others and animals so I should be good! :)
I’m a smart enough cookie even if I’ve lost a few nibble-size pieces around the edges. 😉😘 buahaha
Cheers to my pharmacist!!!! You are amazing and I can’t wait for the pain and months and months of bleeding to settle down.
Remind me again why humans are the only mammals (animals?) with monthly fluxes? UGH wtf ever. 🙃
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ikemen-stories · 5 years
~My MCs list~
It's a hobby of mine creating OCs so it was just a matter of time before I ended up creating a bunch of MC for my favorite games. Unfortunately I'm not very good at drawing so I had to use picrew to create an image of them.
Ikemen Sengoku
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Name: Kokuri Momose
Age and birthday: 26 years old ~ 8th August (Leo)
Personality: A bit of an airhead with a child-like nature, she's a sunny and clumsy tornado with a great adaptive capacity and a very low self-preservation instinct. She doesn't have a lot of patience and can't stay quiet to save her life: the only way to have her sit down is to give her sewing work. Because she's always running around without paying attention to her surroundings, it's not uncommon for her to get hurt but she usually laughs it off.
Kokuri is very touchy and likes to give and receive hugs. She also usually needs to establish some kind of body contact while she's talking with someone but she's not completely aware of it, it's more like a habit, without any other meanings.
Likes: girly stuff like ribbons, outside spaces, running, hugs.
Dislikes: being unable to move freely, sour things, having to stay inside all day, silence.
She has a habit of switching her glasses with Mitsunari's and Sasuke's just for fun. She's also the kind of person that can be found searching for her glasses while they are sitting right on top of her head.
She gets scolded by Hideyoshi on a daily basis but she usually gets away with it by searching Nobunaga's protection.
Any attempt to flirt with her goes right over her head, doesn't matter who is trying.
She doesn't understand sarcasm and that drives Ieyasu crazy. "Not another one...!"
Every morning, when Kokuri opens her eyes, Hideyoshi feels a new massive headache coming.
Ikemen Revolution
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Name: Maeve Walsh
Age and birthday: 27 years old ~ 11th May (Taurus)
Personality: She's calm and collected, with a good head on her shoulders. She has a somehow arrogant way of talking but she's extremely hardworking and she's willing to do any necessary chores, being them as humble as they can be. She doesn't have a great adaptive capacity so at the beginning, when she arrived to Cradle, she freaked out a bit in her head and it's been difficult for her to come to terms with the fact that she was in another world with magic and all.
She has a sweet-tooth but doesn't like to admit it and pouts everytime someone points it out.
Likes: sweets, work, being independent, coffee, smoking.
Dislikes: inactivity, having no control over what happens to her, rapid changes.
She's Irish. She moved to London because she's aiming to work for a famous patisserie of the city one day. She was gaining some experience in another less famous patisserie before ending up in Cradle.
She like to smoke but she only do it when she's anxious, sad or in a bad mood because it helps her relaxing.
She may look easy to order around due to her usually calm behavior but the sassiness is strong with this one. She doesn't esitate to answer harshly if someone disrespect her. She usually doesn't even raise her voice but being a huge smart-ass she's able to make almost anyone lose their temper.
After a while everyone agreed to NEVER put her in the same room with Jonah or Oliver.
She usually wears a formal and mature attire and doesn't appreciate frilly things.
Ikemen Vampire
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Name: Chika Kitowa
Age and birthday: 24 years old ~ 19 December (Sagittarius)
Personality: She's an easygoing and enthusiastic girl that's always up to try new things and visit new places. She's very extravagant and lives in her own little world so she may come across as a lightheaded person. A little gullible, it's easy to fool her and she's not able to convincingly lie.
She's not able to hold a grunge against someone and, even when someone menages to piss her off, she always ends up forgiving them after the fight. The time needed for her to forgive them depends on how the other part reacts: she's not against giving someone the cold shoulder for a while if they really crossed the line without even say sorry.
Likes: her cellphone and headphones, discovering new places, listening to music, reading.
Dislikes: being told to shut up, being ignored, going to sleep.
She is one thing with her headphones and cellphone and it's been a real shock for her to learn that she was going to live without it for a while.
After the charge of her headphones run down she kept hanging outside Mozart's room in order to listen better to his music. In the end, she menaged to even befriend him to the point that he even allowed her to stay in the same room while he plays.
She tends to talk too fast and sometimes even her thoughts aren't able to keep up with the speed of her mouth.
She's a natural redhead but she completely dyed her hair of a light sky blue a while ago. Now she keeps just a few locks dyed.
It's not uncommon for her to start singing loudly while doing her chores around the house, singing even louder if someone shouts at her to shut up.
I like Izumi too much to substitute her with someone else so for A3! I've created an "extra".
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Name: Noriko Moriyama
Age and birthday: 19 years old ~ 17th October (Libra)
Personality: She's a nerd type of person, always with her nose stuck in a book. Being quiet and a little shy, she doesn't have a lot of friends. Despite her reserved personality, she does a 180 degree turn when she talks about her favorite stories and linguistic facts: she becomes kind of over-excited and very talkative, nearly impossible to stop.
She has a weird sense of humor and often comes up with terrible jokes that usually she keeps in her head due to her shyness: that's why sometimes she giggles on her own.
Likes: every kind of stories, over-sized hoodies, linguistic, bad jokes.
Dislikes: insects, math and any type of calculation, headpats.
She studies linguistic and literature at the local University and she has became close with the Mankai company through Tsuzuru since they share some classes. She often helps him as a sort of beta-reader for his script.
She's very small and looks a lot younger than her actual age to the point almost no one believes her when she says how old she is.
She's easily embarrassed: the smaller compliment is enough to set her face on fire.
She's a scaredy-cat but she keeps watching horror movies because she likes them. But she need someone to hold on for dear life and hide her face when there's a jumpscare.
Nobody is able to take her seriously the few times she gets angry.
Being a big fan of Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic and already having Solomon in game, I couldn't help myself and I ended calling my MC Sheba. I had to!
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Name: Sheba Nirmal
Age and birthday: 25 years old ~ 20th February (Aquarius)
Personality: An extremely strong-willed girl, she has a very short temper and a bossy attitude. She's smart but has a tendency to do dumb things due to her contrarian attitude. Also, she has a mischievous side and won't esitate to organize pranks on people that gets on her nerves.
Despite being always ready for a fight and a hothead, she has a weak spot for cute things and she likes playing with children.
Likes: any type of cute things, pranks, eating, riding a motorcycle, kids.
Dislikes: finding someone stronger than her, people bossing her around, rules that she doesn't understand, smart-ass remarks.
Her signature phrase is "Fight me!". She uses it almost as filler words so after a while nobody takes her seriously anymore when she says it.
In the human world, when she was younger, she was a member of a motorcycle gang and kind of a thug so she used to knows how to handle a fight. But of course now everyone could pulverize her in a moment and this really piss her off.
The faster way to distract her and keep her from fight someone is to give her a cute plushie.
She risks to get killed almost once a day, sometimes even twice. Among the brothers, the only one that never tried to kill her so far is Mammon but the two of them bicker on a daily basis.
She has a 9-years-old sister in the human world that she believes being the cutest thing in the entire world and used to spoil rotten, so she really doesn't understand why the brothers relationship is falling apart.
Mystic Messenger
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Name: Yun Pyeon
Age and birthday: 22 years old ~ 17th September (Virgo)
Personality: She has a caring and mother-like nature, a type of calm behavior that is able to shoote the ones around her. She is very patient and usually puts others well-being before herself. She's also very emotional and a bit of a crybaby when it comes to sad stories; also, she is not good at all at hiding her emotions and thoughts. She can be quite stubborn when she makes up her mind and is known to be extremely scary when enraged.
Likes: cuddles, animals, fluffy and warm blankets, playing with other people's hair.
Dislikes: people who yell a lot, bullies and violence, crying.
A disapproving glance from her is able to put anyone to shame (but she almost never gives it to anyone).
100% determinated to hug and comfort-cuddle everyone in need.
She worries a lot about RFA members's sleeping schedule and what they eat.
She gives a lot of headpats, the sweet and gentle type. It doesn't matter if the receiving end is taller or older than her, headpats are her favorite way to comfort someone whom she is not close enough to hug.
She doesn't like being seen sad or troubled, that's why she really hates crying in front of someone else.
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wapwetasspirates · 4 years
The Ladies Of WAP
The tale siblings renamed themselves after washing up around the reefs, taking their namesakes from the landscape around them. The first of the skeletons to land in the human world, their story of how they became pirates seems to change depending on who you ask and their mood. The stories surrounding them filled with just as much truth as embellishment its a wonder anyone knows anything about them, they seem to be the only siblings who know how and why they got to the human world but keep tight lipped on it. 
Atoll (captain): The quieter of the two, they are not soft spoken by any means and is friendly and a great conversationalist but you can talk to them for hours and leave never even having gotten their name. Whip smart but they like to play the part of the lazy idiot and uses it to their advantage. Atoll has a slow temper and holds grudges like you wouldn’t believe. Fiercely protective they sometimes steps on Corals toes and patience with their constant micromanaging. Coral (quartermaster): Where her sister is quiet, Coral is loud, but everything she said is carefully thought over and never said without reason. Mechanical genius and enjoys flaunting it, she can be prideful but it is not without merit much to everyone's annoyance. Seemingly filled with endless patience, the truth is she just has no desire to put stock in being angry but she never forgets a slight. A bit bossy she prefers doing herself rather than delegating and is usually found fussing over someone, especially if they are injured. 
Relationship: Close and over protective, these two siblings work flawlessly together. Probably the biggest issue the two have is Atoll often trying to baby her sister but Atoll is like that with everyone and Coral tries to be understanding that as Captain is comes part and parcel and though Atoll may hide things from others there is nothing she keeps from her sister (even if takes a bit to pry it out of her). The two are the most openly affectionate of the siblings and are known for their wild stories and secrets they keep regarding their arrival and the reasons they are all there. 
They arrived at the same time as the Lust siblings and neither of the pairs were pleased. But unlike the Tale siblings they needed little time to adjust to pirate life and even little time gaining their footing as shortly after they arrived Coral and Atoll appeared and made them part of the crew. Being the Gunmen of the ship they named themselves after the weaponry and their powerress with weapons on solidifies the choice. 
Buckle: Loud and harsh, she comes off hard and is very much as she seems. She has far less faith and patience than her sister and much like her Tale counterpart she never forgets and rarely forgives. She doesn’t have a temper so much as she doesn’t take shit from anyone, whatever you give her she’ll give back, whether it’s kindness or cruelty. This tends to give people the assumption she is manipulating them and they wouldn’t be far off from the truth, her only loyalty is to Cutlass. 
Cutlass: Deceptively quiet when Cutlass speaks you will listen. She doesn’t take kindly to being ignored or to much of anything really. Her temper is legendary but she has a short memory and is surprisingly quick to forgive when shown you mean it, words mean little to her otherwise. She is a woman of action and it shows. But she is also one of little patience and has a hard time being still, where you’ll find Coral the type to fuss Cutlass tends to be a bit distant, expecting everyone to be able to hold their own. Whether this is faith in their abilities or her still adjusting to the softer aspects of the human worlds is anyone's guess. 
Relationship: Though they seem loud these two care deeply. They are verbally abrasive and physically aloof with each other but they work seamlessly even while there personal relationship seems to be a bit stilted. So used to hiding their feelings they are working on being more emotionally supportive of each other but their arguments are legendary and its best people stay out of the way and let them work it out. 
Arriving when the Fells did the two did not get along off the bat and were less than pleased at having to deal with the human world. Though they can fight they are “fighters not lovers, do it yourself” sort and after much haggling run the brothel and all the land on the stronghold the skeletons own. No one comes or enters without their say so, and while they are known for being very, uh, welcoming, if they want you to stay for any reason you’ll find it surprisingly difficult to leave. 
Treasure (account keeper/cooper): She likes to call herself everyone's treasure, she has a head for numbers and business and will have you paying twice the going rate for anything before you realize you’ve done it. Then you’d thank her for it. Flirtatious to a fault, her brain sometimes is led by her pants and Coffer has pulled her out of numerous less than ideal situations. With a tendency to look before she leaps you’ll always have a good time with Treasure, if you can survive it. Coffer (doctor/surgeon): Sweet and coy, Coffer enjoys making people stumble over their words in an effort to please her. She is subtly domineering with a knack for reading people, likely the softest of any of her counterparts she is also the hardest, her anger is a quiet, vengeful thing and no one is allowed to cross her twice. The healer for everyone she is very tactile and is probably the most openly affectionate of any of them though she keeps herself more emotionally guarded than her sister. 
Relationship: Given their universe they take fiercely protective to extreme levels and where one is the other isn’t far behind. And while they are quick to call each other out, heaven help anyone who does it. There is nothing they don’t know about each other and seem to gauge each other moods before they even hit. Their closeness often surprises people at first but a few smiles and drinks and no one questions it when it is clear there is no Treasure with Coffer and vicer versa. 
The last of the skeletons to arrive, the siblings were probably the most caught off guard. Their world hadn’t even had a human fall yet and they needed the most guidance. In order to keep an eye on them and to shield them from the harsher aspects of their work, they were given the merchant front. In running it they allow the others to know when and where to attack but mostly keep their hands free, rarely visiting the stronghold or their counterparts. 
Maroon (Merchant): They named themself after feeling abandoned by their counterparts but also their love for the color. Adventurous and bullheaded, it is impossible to sway them once they’ve set their mind. Maroon takes great pride in the fact that no one seems to know whether to call them sir or ma’am on any given day, and is generally cheerful and carefree on the surface but much like their Tale sister, you will barely remember their face let alone their name when they’re through with you. Compass (Navigator): A watcher and a careful speaker, she hardly speaks and when she does it is usually short and to the point. She has little ability to play with words and says exactly what she means. Lazy to a fault her intellect is usually only put to avoiding work her sister heaps on her and finding the quicker ways to not do anything. A bit of a shit starter she enjoys using her frankness to get the desired result without ever having to lie. 
Relationship: The most distant of the siblings, they are the youngest and it shows in them trying to navigate each other. They care deeply but often are at odds with each other. Maroon is trying to fill the parental role and Compass bucks at every opportunity, wanting her sister and not their parents. 
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shadlay · 5 years
My unnecessary Naruto House Sorting Essay
**Naruto Rookie 9- HP Sorting Hat
A dissertation by Shadlay
Part 1- Sorting
“The decision of the Sorting Hat is generally considered to be final, although its decision can be influenced somewhat by the desires of the wearer.  “
“Very rarely a “Hatstall” occurs in which the Sorting Hat takes a long time to decide where to place a student.  “
Sorting the rookie nine from Naruto is sometimes a divisive topic among niche fans, With debate from many angles for each member.
The four houses from the Harry Potter series (Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw) each represent a set of qualities or traits found in first year student. Although at the beginning of the Naruto series, the Rookie Nine are all 12 years old, this is the point in time I will make my judgements on.
This is an important note. By being both their earliest age in story for both HP and Naruto, it is before any character from either story have had much of a chance to reveal their true characteristics.
I will be taking backstories into account where applicable for each character. Although, obviously adapted into the English setting of HP. Only characters with distinct friendships will know each other before meeting (let’s say everyone interacts briefly on the Hogwarts Express)
So Shikamaru and Chouji, Ino and Sakura along with their crush on Sasuke, and Hinata and her crush on Naruto.
Now onto each houses qualities. Direct from the Harry Potter wiki.
Gryffindor- “The Gryffindor house emphasises the traits of courage as well as "daring, nerve, and chivalry," and thus its members are generally regarded as brave, though sometimes to the point of recklessness. “
Though, during the HP series, several negative traits are also shown in Gryffindor characters. Arrogance, and self righteousness.
Ravenclaw- “Ravenclaw House prizes learning, wisdom, wit, and intellect in its members.[4] Thus, many Ravenclaws tend to be academically motivated and talented students. “
“They also pride themselves on being original in their ideas, and methods. It's not unusual to find Ravenclaw students practising especially different types of magic that other houses might shun. “
“Often hard-working and diligent, as often is the case with intellectuals with a predisposition for academics, some of the pupils sorted under the blue-bronzed eagle are known to be inclined to dismiss certain social expectations for the sake of satisfying their own intellectual curiosity. “
“not all Ravenclaws were motivated by academic prowess – the inherent expectations of certain academic prowess that comes with being sorted into it as well as the often somewhat natural ability of its members to gain popularity among their peers”
**Hufflepuff- ** “Students belonging to this house are known to be hard-working, friendly, loyal, honest and rather impartial. It may be that due to their values, Hufflepuffs are not as competitive as the other houses, and are more modest about their accomplishments. “
“Students in Hufflepuff are known to value everyone and treat them as equal. “
“Hufflepuff is the most inclusive among the four houses; valuing hard work, dedication, patience, loyalty, and fair play rather than a particular aptitude in its students. “
S****lytherin- “Slytherins tend to be ambitious, shrewd, cunning, strong leaders, and achievement-oriented. They also have highly developed senses of self-preservation. “
“the qualities which Salazar valued in the students he had chosen included cleverness, resourcefulness, determination, and "a certain disregard for the rules."
While there is some overlap in house qualities, we can make clear distinctions in each houses characteristics.
Ok, let’s get into the fun part.
Part 2- The Rookie Nine’s Placement
Naruto Uzumaki- Gryffindor
Sakura Haruno- Ravenclaw
Sasuke Uchiha- Slytherin
Ino Yamanaka- Slytherin
Shikamaru Nara- Hufflepuff
Chouji Akimichi- Hufflepuff
Hinata Hyuuga- Gryffindor
Kiba Inuzuka- Gryffindor
Shino Aburame- Ravenclaw
Part 3- My Justification
Naruto Uzumaki.
Wow, putting the main character in Gryffindor is real original right? Well, twelve year old Naruto fits in their just right. I’ve seen arguments for Slytherin and Hufflepuff, but here’s why I disagree.
Naruto is an extremely outgoing character, quickly able to form bonds and his main goal is to be acknowledged by everyone. He grew up isolated and unloved, and is desperate for any form of recognition, even playing pranks and causing a messes to gain the attention of others.
So Naruto is not the humble stereotype we give to Hufflepuffs, not to mention his competitive personality, as shown through his interactions with Kiba and Sasuke.
Now why not Slytherin? Twelve year old Naruto is ambitious, seeking his dream of being Hokage, resourceful, in his scrappy fighting style and has a cunning streak. But these actions can also be viewed as brave and reckless.
He’s pretty close between Gryffindor and Slytherin, even to the degree I’d argue he’d be a Hatstall, like Harry himself.
Butttttt, something that will be important throughout this list, is in fact, alphabetical order. People are sorted alphabetically. So our R9 would go in this order.
Aburame Shino
Akimichi Chouji
Haruno Sakura
Hyuuga Hinata
Inuzuka Kiba
Nara Shikamaru
Uchiha Sasuke
Uzumaki Naruto   <-----
Yamanaka Ino
Sasuke goes right before Naruto in this case! Sasuke who is a Slytherin, whom Naruto would certainly already have a grudge against. Their rivalry is the main focus of the Naruto series, so yes, I believe it would affect their sorting.
Naruto’s reaction to the offer of Slytherin? NO THANK YOU!
**Sakura Haruno **
Ah Sakura, the passionate young woman of Naruto. At twelve, she was boy obsessed, studious, and naive to others problems.
Obviously the book smartness of Sakura is an instant hint towards her Ravenclaw nature. Sakura was the only Genin in the written tests of the Chuunin exams to be able to pass through her sheer knowledge.
Early Sakura also lacks the bravery she develops of the course of the series, often floundering in battle and faltering when tough choices need to be made. Her development over the series shows a brave and strong woman grow from this fragile girl, however, I don’t believe that’s something the Sorting Hat would take into account. This is genesis Sakura.
Sakura is a seeker of knowledge through and through. When she realsied she was no help on the battlefield, rather than throw herself into the same training as her peers, she sought out Tsunade and became a medical ninja.
“They also pride themselves on being original in their ideas, and methods. It's not unusual to find Ravenclaw students practising especially different types of magic that other houses might shun. “
Since Sakura would go before both Ino and Sasuke, their placement does not affect her.
Sasuke Uchiha
Ah Sasuke, motivated by his ambition and lust for revenge, even from the age of twelve.
He is a seeker of power, views others as lesser to himself, and those who he sees as stronger, he seeks to surpass. He rejects the help of others, even when their interactions can make him happy.
Sasuke seeks to restore his family (clan), but this obviously does not mean physically restoring them. He seeks to restore the honour that Itachi took from them in his massacre (which I guess in this setting would mean a whole lot of Avada Kedava)
But that is just his motivations? What about his qualities?
They can could be easily spread between the houses.
Hard work? Sasuke trains more than any other member of the R9, and even tailors his diet to build the strongest form he can.
Seeking Knowledge? Sasuke would jump to learn anything that could give him an advantage over everyone else.
Daring and Nerve? He ran straight at Kakashi during their first bell test, aiming to fight him as an equal, when Kakashi was years better than him. Sasuke also initially takes on the leadership role when Kakashi is not present early in the series.
Overall, all Sasuke seeks in early Naruto is power. He wants to be stronger, and why wouldn’t the reputation of Slytherin offer such power? His goals are short sighted, but learning Dark Arts through his more questionable peers ( because lets face it, there’s always someone dodgy in Slytherin) would be the quickest way for him to avenge his family.
Ino Yamanaka
Ino, the confident, the bold, the loyal. So why Slytherin? It’s not ultimately the evil house, so we’re really working on Ino’s traits here. We’re really working with process of elimination here.
Gryffindor and Slytherin share a lot of traits, especially when applied to Ino, but there’s a few things that I’ll get to that lean her more towards the snake side.
She’s not the studious type like Sakura, choosing to cheat of the girl in question than even begin to tackle the written test, and although she seeks to learn medical jutsu later on, it’s done in the name of becoming stronger, but rather to help others and to not let Sakura overtake her.
Her loyalty is also one of her stronger traits, but when it comes to others, she takes on a more submissive supporting role, rather than the fierce defence other’s would say is loyalty. She is kind at heart, and treasures her friends.  
But you know a key event before the series? Sakura dumps her as a friend.
Ino is hurt and prickly after this, choosing to seek the attention of Sasuke, perhaps more so as a rival to Sakura rather than any clear feelings towards the boy.
Ino’s fighting style also reflects a Slytherin nature, as she often makes moves that are considered out of the box for a person such as herself. When she cannot physically best Sakura in their fight she chooses to chop off her hair and run her jutsu through it in a very resourceful move, especially considering the flat and open area.  
In her team she is the first character to take on a leadership role (followed later by Shikamaru and then Chouji). Being considered bossy by her team, she makes bold and expressive manoeuvres against the Sound trio in their brief scuffle.  
But ultimately it comes down to one thing. Ino is sorted last.
The last ‘fuck you’ to Sakura is getting sorted into the same house as Sasuke.
Shikamaru Nara
If there’s anyone I’ve spent hours thinking about, it’s Shikamaru. He’s in my opinion the hardest member of the R9 to place in a house due to both his character and lack of character. The lazy boy who wants to do as little as possible is tough to nail down if you think to hard on it.
As a twelve year old, at a glance, he just wants it easy. Not really a trait that fits in any of the house. But the Sorting Hat can look deeper, and see who he truly is inside (something I’m sure he’d find troublesome). He wants to live an unremarkable life, he has a deep devotion to his friends (in this case, just Chouji for now), a strong moral compass and a sharp, but hidden mind.
So initially, a lot of people would say Ravenclaw. You don’t get smart by just sitting around right?
Well, Shikamaru explicitly admits he doesn’t like to seek out new things. During the pursuit of the Sound Four, he mentions “his dad forced him to read” a book on trap ninjutsu.  Even in later life, he holds to this, as shown in Shikamaru Hiden.
“If you said he wanted to be one of those ninja who practiced vigorously to improve their ninjutsu, you’d be wrong. He certainly never thought about studying medical ninjutsu and becoming a specialist in the vanguard back-up, either. If you said he wanted to be someone with a high rank in encryption or in medical surgery, you’d be wrong too.”
Shikamaru’s intelligence comes from his instinct. To quote Asuma, during their fight with Hidan:
“Shikamaru has a brilliant, swift analytical prowess that lets him see the next 200 moves, and the instinct to pick the right one”
Ok, what about Gryffindor or Slytherin? He’s clever, resourceful, chivalrous and has a strong nerve. But you know what?
Shikamaru doesn’t value that part of himself. He calls himself a coward. He’d rather play possum than get in a dangerous fight. He refuses to hit women, but bonks their heads into walls and jokes about punching Tayuya when she changes form.
It’s not until he’s accepted the responsibility of being a Chuunin that he starts embracing these traits. The Sorting Hat can’t see the future, it knows they are there, but the same can be said of everyone.
So what does he value? Chouji. Chouji and Shikamaru are very loyal to each other, both willing to risk their life for the other, with the utmost confidence in the other. It doesn’t matter if he’s fat or ‘weak’ like others say, he is his best friend.
Chouji is before Shikamaru in the ceremony. Shikamaru wants to be in the same house as Chouji.
The hat sees traits in all the houses, but ultimately, Shikamaru gets to influence its choice.
He picks the easiest one.
Chouji Akimichi
Ahh the sweet Chouji. The kind, the caring. Strengths not considered strong by a teenage boy, but valued by everyone else. He has a short temper when his weight or Shikamaru is insulted, but is otherwise a mild and gentle boy.
Chouji is distinct in Naruto to be one of the last characters to truly realise their power. What he lacked in confidence, he made up for with his bonds.
So Chouji is a textbook Hufflepuff, all you’d need to tell him is that the dormitories are next to the kitchens and he’s in.
We’re talking about the boy who nearly killed (by taking the red pill and crushing Jiroubo in one blow) himself because someone called his friend ‘ a shadow loving depressing moron.”
**Hinata Hyuuga **
Hinata is a bit of an oddball. Soft spoken, shy, polite to a fault. She dislikes confrontation altogether.
She’s also noted to be a very supportive person, tending to her teammates and Naruto, being inspired by them. She works hard to overcome her flaws and doesn’t give up in the face of adversity.
So why did I pick Gryffindor? Why not Hufflepuff?
Because of her first real establishing moment. Her fight with Neji. Someone she knew she could never win against. She cried when he belittles her, but in the end she gives her all in that losing battle. Her heart got damaged, and even during the battle her arms was covered in spots from her chakra being sealed off.
If that’s not bravery, I don’t know what is.
Hinata is also bold enough to choose not the path her family dictates for her, but the one she made, of following Naruto.
Hinata doesn’t get sorted before Naruto, but the Sorting Hat sees what she’s willing to do for her dreams.
**Inuzuka Kiba **
Kiba, poor Kiba. One of the least developed members, second only to the last person on this list.
With so little to go on, Kiba is a boastful, impulsive and proud young man. He’s fiercely loyal to initially Akamaru, and later on his friends. He’s considered a ‘problem child’ by his mentors, takes charge of his team right off the bat and feels threatened by Shino’s advice, claiming he’s trying to take charge.
Kiba is also pretty chummy, finding it easy to get along with people he likes, like Hinata, and later on Naruto. He gets frustrated when Naruto overtakes him, but still views himself as a worthy rival.
Kiba is such a wild, fierce and impulsive character, its hard to see him in any other house.
Shino Aburame
Shino has always been a bit of an outsider, even among his friends. Even with his teammates he holds himself at arms length and keeps his personal problems to himself. He also holds grudges like no other.
Side character for life, his goals, dreams and personality beyond what is shown is hard to grasp. Heck, his Infinite Tsukiyomi dream was to discover a new breed of giant insect.
Shino embodies the side of Ravenclaw that represents eccentricity. He gets called ‘creepy’, refuses to show more than his calm persona to others and he’s nitpicky when it comes to others.
I chose to put him in Ravenclaw, simply because no other house seems to embrace his quirky nature. I believe the hat would sort him there so he could grow in a house that has other members with such personality, where he’d be free to grow and learn in an environment free of judgement.
Well, that was a few hours well wasted!
Although I think I’ve made some strong arguments, I’d love to hear your feedback in the comments. It’s such a divisive subject with many interpretations.
Heck if you have anything to say at all on the subject I’d love to hear it.
Thank You for reading :D
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thankskenpenders · 5 years
So there’s this little cartoon you may have heard of...
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As I’ve said on this blog before, I’d never watched all of SatAM. This might be shocking to hear from someone who runs a blog dedicated to Archie Sonic and one of the top twenty Bunnie Rabbot fangirls in the world. But it’s true.
SatAM was very difficult to track down compared to other Sonic cartoons when I was a kid, and I just never got around to watching it as an adult. So for the longest time, I had only ever seen the first episode, which I found uploaded in parts on YouTube in 2007. As the one cartoon featuring the characters I liked from the comics, it became sort of this holy grail of Sonic media for me as a kid, especially with people online always talking it up as the best thing ever and petitioning for a revival. Hell, to this day, a lot of people hold it up as this masterpiece and act like the Archie comics were a complete mockery of it
Anyway so I finally got around to watching the whole series with my boyfriend these past couple weeks, and it was pretty good. So instead of covering a comic today, here are some thoughts on the cartoon that started it all
General Thoughts
SatAM is a pretty good show. It isn’t the greatest piece of Sonic media ever, unlike what some older fans will tell you. It might not even be the best Sonic cartoon (you could easily make a case for the Japanese version of Sonic X, or Sonic Boom if you’re looking for something more comedic). It hasn’t aged the most gracefully, in some ways. The animation’s cheap, the stories sometimes bland. But for a DiC-produced video game cartoon from the early ‘90s, it’s really solid
I think that in many ways, SatAM is carried by the strength of its ideas over its actual execution. The darker, more serious tone is a really cool idea, even if at times it can get a little dull, and even if the show actually gets silly as hell pretty often. (This is a show where Snively literally tortures a captive Antoine by preparing French cuisine improperly.) That opening scene of Robotropolis in the first episode actually sets the mood really well and feels like it came straight out of some cyberpunk anime from the ‘80s or ‘90s. The concept of Robotnik turning people into robot slaves is really cool, even if surprisingly little was done with this aside from Uncle Chuck’s storyline. And I think the Freedom Fighters make a great supporting cast for Sonic, even if the writers didn’t use them to their full potential
Interestingly, I’d often heard from fans that season one was the stronger of the two, when I’d say that the opposite is true. Season one episodes were pretty samey, usually involving low stakes missions to Robotropolis with no real continuity, and Sally ended up being a damsel in distress more than I’d like--hell, so did Bunnie in a few episodes. It wasn’t bad, but it was highly repetitive, and I got a little bored at times. Season two had a few real stinkers (the Antoine episodes) and Dulcy was an unwelcome addition, but I thought the heavier focus on continuity gave the season some real momentum and more emotional weight, which made it way more enjoyable overall
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Things I Liked
Sonic. I quite liked this version of Sonic, actually! Jaleel White is a great Sonic, and he was written pretty well. At times the extremely tubular ‘90s lingo was grating (I never wanna hear “Gotta juice!” again), but I was surprised to see that this version of Sonic had a lot of heart. He really cared about the well-being of his friends and Uncle Chuck, and they even let him cry a couple times. I thought they struck a good balance between snark and sincerity with him
Sally. I don’t think SatAM Sally was perfect, but I liked her. I’m still of the opinion that she should have been given more ways to defend herself physically (maybe some kind of power of her own) so that Sonic didn’t have to save her as much, but I liked the banter she and Sonic had. Unlike the early Archie comics, Sally doesn’t come off as the bossy girlfriend who ruins Sonic’s fun. Maybe it’s Jaleel White and Kath Soucie’s performances doing most of the work, but they had a fun back and forth dynamic, with Sally’s sarcasm keeping Sonic’s ego in check, but there still being clear chemistry between the two of them
I also liked the greatly reduced emphasis on her being a princess compared to much of Archie’s material. Like yeah, it’s there. Her dad’s the king, and left her some classified info via Nicole. But her status doesn’t really affect things much. They don’t talk about her having this grand destiny and being the next in line to rule. It’s clear that she’s in charge of the Freedom Fighters not because of her status, but because she’s smart, brave, and gets shit done. That’s the Sally I like.
Plus! In the finale, Sally insisted upon going with Sonic for the final confrontation, and was a crucial part of the climax. Her powering up with Sonic and matching his speed and strength ruled. Compare that to the climactic defeat of Robotnik in Archie, where she was fucking dead
Robotnik. I don’t think much needs to be said here. Jim Cummings rules as Robotnik, like everyone has always said. He’s just so evil and so much fun to watch
Snively??? I’ve never cared for Snively as a character, but Charlie Adler rules and his over-the-top performance made the character way funnier than he should’ve been. Just something about all the little noises he makes, and the way he almost shifts into the Red Guy voice at times
Nicole. It was fun to see Nicole start to get more of a personality in season two, having some banter with Sonic and also picking up some slang from him. It makes the later decision to turn Sally’s computer into a full character (which would have happened in season three, and obviously eventually became a big subplot in the comics) make a lot of sense
King Acorn. While he was only around briefly, I liked that he wasn’t a huge dick, unlike Archie’s King Max
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Things I Didn’t Like
The misuse of the other Freedom Fighters. This is, by far, the show’s greatest crime.
I already write approximately 100k words a week on this blog about how I think Bunnie Rabbot is amazing and criminally underused, so I’ll keep this brief, but I was shocked to see how little she was used in this show. People tend to say Dulcy stole her screentime in season two, but she didn’t have much to do in the first season either! We somehow never got a single episode focusing on her. The one where she got temporarily deroboticized focused much more on Uncle Chuck. We never got to learn the story behind her roboticization, or delved into her feelings on the matter much. She mostly just served as a positive, lighthearted supporting member of the team who acts cute and gets some funny lines, but usually stays home
Antoine might have been even worse, honestly. Like, they used him so much! They had multiple episodes focusing entirely on him! And yet I’m not sure he ever really helped. Sonic and Sally kept taking him along, but every single time it felt like it would’ve been a wiser decision to bring Bunnie instead. The jokes about his broken English were just dumb, and god, the way he constantly hits on Sally and starts kissing her hand at the most inappropriate times is just SO fucking creepy. SatAM Antoine is just a horrible, one-dimensional stereotype. There’s a reason why readers of the Archie comics wanted him out of the series until later writers majorly rehabilitated him
Rotor also didn’t get much use, which was a shame, but it at least felt like he was used efficiently. I got the vibe that Rotor was much more bitter about the war with Robotnik than his friends, and it would’ve been interesting to see this explored more. At least we got that one fun episode where he went to space with Sonic
Dulcy. Oh my fucking god. I wanted to like Dulcy! I really did! But most of the time she was just a clutz used for comic relief, and they kept reusing the same joke where she crashed, bumped her head, got dizzy, and thought she was talking to her mom. This happened in almost every episode she was in.
The other miscellaneous Freedom Fighters. Like in the early Archie comics, none of the other miscellaneous Mobians they meet were as interesting as the core cast. They just always felt very bland and I was never as invested in them as the writers wanted me to be. Ari was boring, and that episode where they found the underground city and this other dude started hitting on Sally was a drag. Lupe’s cute though
Rings. This is a common problem in Sonic adaptations, but the fact that rings always serve as Sonic’s instant win button kind of sucks. Basically any time Sonic’s in a pinch, he pulls a ring out of his backpack, powers up, and wins. Not exactly a recipe for suspenseful action
Oh, also, I did kinda find it weird how much Sonic and Sally kissed? Like, all the time? Often while their friends just stand there and stare at them? Not something I’d expect from a Sonic cartoon
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Things Archie Did Better
I’ll limit this to the first 50 issues or so, since I don’t think it would be fair to compare two short seasons of SatAM to the highlights of nearly 500 issues of comics
Tails. Tails is okay in SatAM, Archie just used him as Sonic’s sidekick way more. He was barely even in the show. Poor little guy only gets to play dirt hockey all day
Bunnie. Again, Bunnie was underutilized in both series, but the Archie comics did her better. They actually showed the story of how she got roboticized (even if it was a silly story), and they got to flesh her out a bit more. Gallagher showing that she was a carrot farmer before her roboticization and saying she wanted to be a hairdresser was at least something. And as I keep harping on, Rich Koslowski’s backup story in #37 where we find out Bunnie has recurring nightmares about her robot parts taking over and making her a threat to her friends? This single backup story did more to flesh her out than all 26 episodes of SatAM combined
Antoine. Not hard to do better than SatAM here, really. He was really bad early on, serving as little more than Sonic’s punching bag, but eventually they started to set up a romance between him and Bunnie and explored his past a bit, saying that Antoine’s father (his personal role model) was a member of the royal guard who was roboticized in the war. While he still had a long way to go, these were important first steps towards him being a decent character. Hell, these days, being Bunnie’s love interest is one of Antoine’s defining characteristics! And it doesn’t come from the cartoon at all
Roboticization in general. I was surprised how little this came up in the cartoon! In the comics, it’s such a central element. We see more of the heroes’ loved ones turned into robots, and we even got some fun stories where characters like Sonic and Sally were roboticized temporarily. The Freedom Fighters’ efforts to reverse the process was a major part of the plot for quite a while. Bunnie’s fear of losing control is a pretty important part of her character (even if it was only touched on briefly), and after they’re rescued, the rest of the Mobians fear that the “Robians” (including Sonic’s entire family) will turn evil again. It comes up a lot! There are interesting things to discuss here! But SatAM only really talks about Uncle Chuck. We never even see what happened to everyone else
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Closing Thoughts
SatAM is not the best show in the world, but it is a solid and enjoyable one. It’s easy to see why people who grew up with it are fond of it, even if I think that it’s long past time certain fans quit acting like it’s the only valid take on the Sonic source material and petitioning for a third season. At the very least, the concepts and characters introduced here are strong ones, and it’s easy to see how they spawned over 20 years of comics exploring said ideas in greater detail. While I’m not sure I could recommend it to non-fans, I think it’s definitely worth checking out for Sonic fans who missed out on it (especially fans of the Archie comics)
Anyway I got to see Bunnie dropkick some Swatbots twice her height so I had fun
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theherocomplex · 6 years
I’ve realized, over the past year or so, I essentially have two archetypes for my heroines, and they are all either: 
An Eliza (the First Eliza, Eliza Shepard, Jennet Surana (minus the height), probably Prescient Oddity if she ever grows up): 
obscenely tall
prone to anger and hypocrisy
buy into their own hype a little but learn how not to take themselves too seriously
intensely loyal 
extremely elegant
mistress of the stealth insult
too smart for their own good 
terrified of being alone 
not physically attractive but physically compelling 
tend to get quieter the more angry they get
socially awkward
pale-eyed, sickly skin
melee fighters of intense brutality
surrounded by wolf or death motifs 
A Sirin (Sirin, Rhyssa Hawke, Ruby Nightflower, Harrit): 
short to medium height
the picture of good health
musically gifted
distractingly attractive 
a bit daft
emotionally perceptive
unconsciously manipulative 
cries when they’re angry
a squishy little plum who’s better fighting at a distance and picking off dudes on the edges of a fight 
likes spicy food 
favors golds/dark blues 
incurably romantic 
tends to develop blind spots regarding the flaws of their loved ones
associated with water and birds 
...but, recently, a third archetype has developed. 
A Raine (Raine, Salome Vayet, Peter): 
powerful healing magic
memory loss 
a know-it-all 
no family to speak of 
secretly the toppiest top to ever top 
good at keeping secrets, usually to their detriment
usually dressed in greens and yellows 
associated with cats and foxes 
down to fuck at all times 
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