#mavis is 128 johnny is 31 and dracs 542 woohoo
drericka · 6 years
i finally saw some 2015-era plot descs of HT2 that says something like “7 years after HT johnny and mavis are married, but when they have a baby-” (or something like that) and now i can see why a lot of people seem to think that it took mavis and johnny so long to get married
but i think it was a poorly worded way on the producers part of saying that the (then) CURRENT events of HT2 is 7 years after the first movie, which would make more sense seeing as we know it now, Drac’s only aged 10 years since then (532 in HT, 542 in HT3)
so it’s not 7 years later johnny and mavis get MARRIED, but 7 years later, they’re married and have an (almost) 5 year old son, which then leaves like a 3 year gap between then and HT3, rounding out to 10 years hooray
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