eightfordentistry · 7 months
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whumpy-daydreams · 9 months
Types of surgery
So... you want to know about surgery. Well buckle in folks because this is just the first in an eleven part series. Enough of the humour though let's get medical. I've split this into 'categories', or how soon do you need this; and 'specialties', or what needs fixing
Categories of surgery
Elective - this is planned ahead of time, and isn't very time sensitive. also the majority of surgeries
Expedited - not life threatening but should be done asap. Includes tendon and nerve injures, some minor bone fixes, some stents and eye stuff
Urgent - needs to be done within a few hours to prevent loss of function/life. Fixing badly broken bones, perforated bowels, eye injuries, D&C (dilation and curetting)
Emergency - needs to be done immediately with threat to life or organs/limbs. Haemorrhage (loads of bleeding internally or externally), burst appendix, ruptured cancers, emergency c-sections
This is not a complete list of surgeries, and amputation can be any of these categories
There may also be extra categories at different hospitals that specify actual times. Emergency c-sections have time limits, with the most urgent needing to be started within an hour.
Surgical Specialties
Breast - pretty obvious, it's boob surgery and it's harder than you think (part of general surgery)
Cardiothoracic - treats the heart, lungs and airway, usually long surgeries with lots of equipment
Ear, nose, throat (ENT) - think tonsils, think deviated septum. I hate it. It smells bad.
Endocrine - if it's got gland in the name you're good. Think thyroid, pancreas, adrenal etc. (part of general surgery)
Gastrointestinal - deals with the stomach, intestines, colon, and rectum (part of general surgery)
Gynecology and obstetrics - treats the uterus and related reproductive organs (no penises here sorry). It can smell a little bad but not as bad as ENT
Neurosurgery - zombies love it but they got their medical licence revoked. Yep it's brain time baby (and the spinal cord but who cares about that). Known for being difficult and long
Oral and maxillofacial (maxfax) - mouth and face (not to be confused with plastic surgery, though they get involved), bones, teeth and soft tissue of the face as long as it's not ear, nose or throat.
Other general stuff - kidneys, liver, pancreas, gallbladder and random things in the abdomen
Plastic - reconstructing things. It's not always cosmetic, they make a big difference to trauma patients and also do cleft palate. Absolute perfectionists so prepare to be there for ages
Trauma and orthopaedic - bones and joints like fixing broken bones, carpal tunnels, and joint replacements. This is my favourite speciality because I think the surgeons are funnier and I like hammers
Urology - all the penises! And testicles and related reproductive system. Usually amab patients but they do treat afab patients too - everyone has a bladder
Vascular - blood tubes and lymphatic system (don't ask me to explain it please I beg you), can be really long surgeries and is usually done under a microscope
And I'm done (for now)
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daisydoctor13 · 7 months
Absolutely cackled firstly casualty are reusing an actor that's been in Holby, now they've decided to name a maxfax surgeon Ms Campbell?
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now-we-say-c0ral · 11 months
November 2, 2023
I was a bit late at work today and was a bit upset that I wasn’t allocated in MaxFax and Eyes today. Apparently there were no cases lately for the speciality that’s why they were booking me elsewhere. I was assigned in Th2 to do SNAPS with Kuya JM and Humaira.
We were supposed to be doing three cases but the other one got cancelled due to some bed issues. I scrubbed for the TOF repair and it’s my first ever open major general case and I got through it. It was really all basic but it’s a big major case and I’m glad that Miss Mullasary acknowledged how much I helped out in the operation. It’s these little things that keep you going, really. I’ve never experienced that in Orthopaedics.
The day ended with nothing much to write about. It was an okay day!
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richardsonshospital · 4 years
Hip bone graft harvesting for oral surgery conducted successfully in the Richardsons Face Hospitals by Dr Sunil Richardson, world renowned maxillofacial  surgeon based in India . 
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mieliboo · 7 years
TMJ Athroplasty - 6 Months Update
TMJ Athroplasty – 6 Months Update
Can you believe it is 6 months since I had my TMJ surgery? I certainly can’t – it has simply zoomed past me. Time for a quick update!
Pain wise – it’s great! Before surgery, holding a conversation was impossible, eating was a challenge, to say the least, and I was in constant pain. Now, I still have the odd twinge or reduced opening occasionally – mainly when I’m a little lax on my physio – but…
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drstam-plastics · 7 years
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Midnight selfie 🤳...tired but happy 😊 #plasticsurgery #plasticsurgeon #reconstructivesurgery #reconstruction #cancer #maxfax #maxillofacialsurgery #cancerfight #cancerawareness #surgeon #surgeonlife #doctor #microsurgery #microsurgeon #freeflap (at Κλινική ΑΓΙΟΣ ΛΟΥΚΑΣ/St. Luke's Hospital)
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dxmedstudent · 7 years
Hi! I'm the dental student...looks like part 2 got lost! I was just saying I find it challenging to be expected to have publications when there isn't much contact w/maxfacs as a dental undergrad, & research is emphasised far less than it is in med school. But thank you! the case report/reviews was not something I'd thought of! (I've also realised that audits (while obv not the same as research) are also v valuable/possible as a student
ALSO (sorry it's the dental student again aha) as you're expected to work as a dental SHO in a maxfacs ward for 1-2 years before trying for medschool - I suppose there'd be further opportunities there to write up reports/do poster presentations etc? anyway thanks once again ! I'll stop spamming your inbox now haha            Ah, no feel free to spam away! I answered your part 1 because I realised you probably didn’t know that tumblr ate the rest. People don’t usually leave their asks on a cliffhanger!You’re right, audits are also something that you have access to, particularly on clinical rotations. I don’t know about where you’re studying in particular, but med students don’t get a particularly large exposure to research; a standard UK 5 year medical degree has almost no opportunity for actual research in most med schools. However, if people are doing an intercalated BSc then they may be able to do research during that year, depending on what their university sets up for their intercalated degress. Even someone doing a proper science degree with a full research project at the end might not get their data published! For example, the data from my BSc only made it into presentations years after I did it. Many people I know never got actual publications out of it.So I find it surprising if they’d expect a lot of research. I think it’s desirable in the sense that it definitely looks good, but unless all the candidates have it, I doubt they’d turn you down on that alone. However, if you have time to try, then it doesn’t hurt to try and get some stuff done, if you can. I don’t know about working on a maxsfacs ward (I write maxfax usually, whoops), even when I’ve worked in hospitals that have an MF department, they are so separate that I barely see them. I’ve referred patients to them, or asked for advice but I couldn’t tell you much about the caseload they get. I’m sure you’d see some interesting cases if you worked there as a dental SHO for a while, so you might get some good opportunities. When it comes to medical applications, the exact speciality of your publications doesn’t matter. It’d be nice if it’s in the speciality you’re aiming for (because it shows a bit of commitment, I guess) but it doesn’t have to be. So even if your reports or research or review etc is more dentally oriented than pure maxfacs, it’s probably OK. Hope this helps :)
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Being neurotic
Me: anxiously explains symptoms to on-call MaxFax person
Them: Oh, no, that sounds fine, that’s nothing to worry about, just keep doing the saltwater mouth rinses! 
Me: ... when do I NEED to start worrying about it?
Them: *audibly dies inside but still helpfully tells me the worrying things to look for* 
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kristinjack33 · 7 years
Today I sat in the Crew Clinic and waited to see the doctor and while I waited the sweetest ladies with the biggest smiles came singing and dancing down the hallway, each one in a bright hospital gown. Each one of them with a new future because they’ve received a surgery to correct their obstetric fistula and will now be dry.
My heart smiled and I got tears in my throat.
When I went to pick up my prescription from the Pharmacy I walked by two boys in wheelchairs each with two straight legs in casts. I’d seen these two boys from my cabin window when their legs were bent to an extreme, now they have smiles and two legs that will let them run and play and open more doors for their future.
My heart smiled and I got tears in my throat.
Last week I met the patient I’d donated my blood to, his tumor has been removed and he was up walking about, alive and well in part because of the blood our crew donated. He looked so happy and free.
My heart smiled and I got tears in my throat.
I held a baby with a cleft lip who was admitted because he’s too malnourished for surgery just yet, he’s in the process now to get fattened up so he can have the surgery. And when this little guy smiled I realized I think cleft lip and palate smiles are something so precious and I am going to miss seeing them on an almost daily basis.
My heart smiled and I got tears in my throat.
Israel and his mom wait on the dock during MaxFax screening.
Aside from community, friends and the like the thing I will miss the most about this life are my ward walks. For the last few years I’ve tried to walk through the wards at least once a day, to pass by and see the amazing beauty and life that happens in our hospital.
©2016 Mercy Ships
I’ve laughed with kids playing with balloons, cheered on kids learning to walk again on straight legs, clapped with the women as they sing and dance down the hall and followed behind caregivers (mothers, fathers, grandparents, aunties) as they walk with their beloved child.
And even on the times when the ward has been empty for my 30 second commute I’ve peaked in wards to see patients laughing with each other, nurses helping to make patients more comfortable, epic games of Jenga and lots of colored pictures and handmade crafts on display.
My most cherished memory of the ward hallway was at the start of the Mada 2 field service when the tiniest little baby was admitted to D Ward. This little weighed next to nothing. This little’s mom was exhausted at trying to keep her baby alive. A kind and outgoing new nurse, Anne, let me hold the baby and walk with her up and down the hall until feeding time. Each night for a week I came down to walk with this little baby up and down the hall for an hour. I loved this late night hour. I loved that I could help mama get some rest, that I could help this baby feel safe and content until the next feeding. I loved that I was allowed invited to participate in this patient’s life.
Just thinking about it my heart smiles and I get tears in my throat.
Though I am so sad that I only have a few more days to walk through the hospital and I know I will miss this daily routine of mine… I am beyond thankful that for so many years this has been my normal.
  The One about the Best Hallway in the World Today I sat in the Crew Clinic and waited to see the doctor and while I waited the sweetest ladies with the biggest smiles came singing and dancing down the hallway, each one in a bright hospital gown.
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secretemetoblog · 3 years
i need to puke so bad but nothing is coming out 😩
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richardsonshospital · 4 years
Watch How Anesthesia Affects Your Brain And Body from Richardsons Face Hospitals in NAgercoil . Dr Sunilr Richardson renowned oral and maxillofacial surgeon.  
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paranoikosnews-blog · 8 years
Απο την στιγμή που η Σερβία σήκωσε το ανάστημα της βρίσκεται στο μάτι του κυκλώνα
Απο την στιγμή που η Σερβία σήκωσε το ανάστημα της βρίσκεται στο μάτι του κυκλώνα
Το ΥΠΕΞ Σκοπίων καλεί τη Σερβία να σταματήσει τη χρήση του όρου «FYROM»
Το υπουργείο Εξωτερικών μέσω της διπλωματικής οδού απαίτησε την άμεση διόρθωση της 
ονομασίας του νοτιου σλαβικού κράτους των Σκοπίων, από τις σερβικές αρχές, σύμφωνα με ανακοίνωση του, την οποία δημοσιεύει το σκοπιανό ‘Maxfax’.
Η αντίδραση προήλθε από την εμφάνιση  πινακίδων  στους αυτοκινητόδρομους της Σερβίας…
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'kay my jaw's being really weird and I'm getting these shooting pains through it and my chin right now..
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12818-tomhanks · 12 years
I got the first Luigi's Mansion in my Christmas stocking in 2001 and ever since it came out I always thought it looked like such an awesome and inspired concept. But every time I tried to start a game when I was little I could never figure out the vacuum mechanics and would give up during the tutorial. I've never had a lot of patience with games, but I love a lot of them and I've been trying to be more patient and allow myself to enjoy things lately, so I've started playing Luigi's Mansion and it's so uniquely endearing.
It's 12 years old, but everything from it's soundtrack to the overall tone and feel is so fresh and fun and even creepy which is saying a lot for a Mario game. It's one of the only games on the Gamecube that captures the way Nintendo 64 games made me feel and that's so cool to be able to find that feeling in something new! 
here are some cute little details that I love a lot.
the coins act like physical coins and don't just fall in a default standup position.
The music is so wonderfully catchy and spooky.
Luigi's cute lil' nose bounces when he walks.
The game is really fair in a good way.
The mechanics are so clever and original.
Because it strays from the traditional Mario format, the threat seems more imposing, I guess? It doesn't feel like you're progressing through levels but progressing on your journey at large instead.
The cloth physics are fun
When you find Mario's hat and pick it up, it makes the sound effect from Super Mario 64 and I don't know it's just really cute and fun.
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secretemetoblog · 3 years
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