#maxi x naty
samtallchester · 6 months
My favorite characters in 2014: Francesca , Napo, León, Maxi
My favorite characters now: .... what? You thought they changed? 🫠
My favorite ship in 2014: Ludmila x Maxi, Andrés x Naty, León x Vilu
My favorite ships now: definitely not tomletta, I assure you that.
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sahaias · 10 months
Finished Violetta season 3
Idk how to feel now that i have no content left to watch (outside of the reunion special and movie that I consider non-canon), this is my comfort show and to have it gone kinda sucks
I guess some thoughts on season 3 as a whole:
Still my least favorite season, but it wasn't bad like I remembered
Gery and Clement feel like such pointless additions who would've been better off being one-off antagonists for like 10 episodes at most.
The Milton plotline is genuinely so stupid and forgettable. Once he's gone at the halfway point and he's nonexistent, it feels like "why did we waste so much screentime on him?"
Vilu and Leon should've been together the whole season, facing barriers in their relationship but never breaking up. The season was at its best when they were together, and it's genuinely so fucking annoying that they were together for the longest amount of episodes in season 1 over season 2 and 3 when Tomas was still a thing.
Fuck the whole Roxy storyline, it was so aggrivating
The side couples' plots were kinda boring imo. I like Naty and Maxy but their storyline was a bit blah. Diego and Francesca have telenovela drama and then just kinda exist in the show it feels like. Broduey and Camilla's relationship was super boring imo.. I'm not very interested in Federico even if Ludmila was super interesting this season. And I don't even care the slightest about Gery x Clement, Pablo x I forgot her name (though Pablo deserves to be happy after losing Antonio), or Nicolas x Jade. All are actual screen waste imo
Angie and German are hard for me to root for bc he and Maria were together when she was a little girl? Even if she's like 30 in the present, the whole knowing her back then aspect ruins any interest in the relationship for me
I actually thought the Andres love doctor plotline was kinda funny, and it matches how so many queer people in my life are amazing at analyzing others' relationships but struggle with finding relationships themselves
Ludmila's development was definitely the highlight of the season, but I don't think it's enough to carry the season
The whole "new kids in the studio" plotline was cool for giving Maxi his career development story, but the characters were weird. It was weird how one of them was played by an actress in her 20s and was set up as Andres's love interest, only to suddenly leave, Meanwhile, the rest were just children who looked younger than the studio students we saw up until that point (being like 12-15 instead of 17-18)
The last few episodes felt so rushed through with a ton happening, which was annoying considering how much the conflicts dragged on throughout most of the season
The show is still my comfort show bc I love the characters (most of them) so much
I'll definitely watch Soy Luna soon, and I'm excited since it'll be my first time watching it. But it probably won't be until a while into 2024. I work 12 hours a day 4-5 days a week, and I think I'm going to watch stuff that's lower commitment for now. Plus, I have a massive game backlog. My free time is super limited
Thanks for reading my thoughts while I rewatched Violetta! I don't know what I'll post about moving forward (definitely Soy Luna but that might not be for a hot minute), but it was nice to interact with everyone! I hope we can continue!
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ravenelyx · 1 year
Thank you for tagging me dear @sebastianswallows <3<3
Ships: I'd probably need a year for that -- for HP it's definitely Hinny (tho the movies messed me up with that Neville x Luna thing ngl I actually liked it a lot more than I'm willing to admit), as for HL I don't really ship anyone, though, against all odds, I'm starting to like Ominis x MC a lot more (along with Poppy x MC)
First Ship: ngl I think it was from Violetta when I was a kid LMAO me and my cousing were obsessed with Naty and Maxi
Last Song: The Lighthouse by Halsey (unless we count Danza Kuduro which played this morning agaist all odds)
Last Movie: The Nun (2018)
Currently Reading: A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara
Currently Watching: nothing tbh, only an HL playthrough. I don't really have much time -- or will to start something new -- lately
Currently Consuming: I just had coffee ice cream with dark chocolate chips in it
Currently Craving: water fr I need to drink
Tagging: @eternalremorse , @peacedreamer14 , @spaceyaceface , @finalgirllx , @xmercurialxhighx
If you've already been tagged, I'm sorry :'''') I'm not as active lately so I miss a lot of stuff
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putonmyfavoriteshow · 3 years
Please enjoy my Violetta canon endgame ships wedding predictions 👰‍♀️🤵‍♂️💒💍
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bchemiqn · 2 years
Violetta for the ask game! :D
Favorite male character: LEON!!!
Favorite female character: either Naty or Vilu
Least favorite character: Gery
Prettiest character: Vilu, Leon or Fran
Funniest character: Leon or Naty
Favorite season: I think S2 because i love chaos
Favorite episode: oh boy this one is going to be hard, definitely all the first and last episodes of each season. im just going to tell you some scenes because I can’t for the life of me remember which ep they’re from. The Toby funeral cracks me up, paint fight, Maxi in the chair, MADRID STORYLINE!!!
Favorite romantic ship: not to be basic but Leonetta
Favorite family ship: Angie and Vilu (i live for the cute aunt/niece moments) or Germán and Ludmila (angsty whoooo)
Favorite friend ship: Leon x Fran or Vilu x Fran (although, I also ship Franletta romantically)
Worst ship: Gery x Leon or Vilu x Clement… i just hate them. ALSO ANYTHING INVOLVING TOMAS I HATE THAT MAN.
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Just realised I have watched 40 eps of Violetta 2 now so I might aswell just make a quick summary:
Season 2 is my favorite season
And it’s the gayest season
Like it’s gay x a million I can’t even
Franletta? This is the season that made me ship them. The season literally STARTS with them
The amount of times Fran have wanted to go to Vilu’s house alone?? Like she always suggests they can go home and practise a song, go home and watch a movie, etc... Fran just really wants to be alone with her 👀
The Ludmila/Naty/Camila love triangle is still present but this time there’s this weird hints of it being something more (I CAN AND WILL NEVER SHUT UP ABOUT LUDMILA SAYING THAT TALKING TO NATY MADE HER SO THIRSTY AND NATY JUST SMIRKING AS A RESPONSE)
Diego is a creep. He knows no boundaries, he’s out of control... but it’s kind of fun to see just how FAR he can go. Like after a while I didn’t even react to the fact that he bursted into Vilu’s room. I will however, never forgive him for 2x20
Though, Diego and Leon? The tension 🤯 So much more tension than Leon and Tomas. The Dieleon tension is on ANOTHER PLANET. IT LOOKS LIKE THEY’RE ABOUT TO KISS EVERY TIME THEY INTERACT
I’m glad Maxi and Cami just ended as friends but it also ended so weirdly?? Because they claimed none of them felt anything, but they sounded like they were lying, and I remember the first time I saw it I thought Camila was lying because she later told Francesca about it, and then it became this whole thing with Marco being mad at Fran for not telling Camila’s secret... and then they never, ever discussed it again. They buildt up Caxi for so long and then just... ended it like that.
It would have been more fun if Esmeralda was working alone and we thought she was nice but the more we go the more stranger it gets, until it’s revealed. Jade and Matias can be funny (especially when Jade sang opera, that was fun) but I feel like they took away screen time we could have focused on other characters
If I rewrite this show, I would have gotten less of Jade and Matias and bring back Napo, Braco and Luca to take up the screentime
I’m pretty sure Jackie and Angie used to date and it ended badly so now they have a bitterness around each other and that’s why they were so mad at each other in the first episode. I gotta say, with that mindset, all the scenes with them have gotten so much more funny
The code of friendship trio (which is something only I call them, as far as I know lmao) really got formed here, but even though I love this bisexual power trio, sometimes I feel like Camila is third wheeling on franletta
Even though Ludmila has a big scheme to destroy Violetta, I do like that in the majority of the time she doesn’t really so much else, so she just vibes and does random stuff and honestly I love that for her
I like how Lara is the chill and ”no lovey dovey stuff for me, please” kind of girl, yet sometimes she can be cheery, jump around in excitement and just get giddy and happy too, and I love that for her
I’m very tired rn but I love season 2 so much it’s such good vibes all around and it’s also so GAY
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Violetta Hogwarts!au (part 1/?)
Naxi (Hufflepuff!Naty x Slytherin!Maxi)
Fedemila (Slytherin! Ludmilla x Ravenclaw!Federico)
Leonetta (Hufflepuff!Leon x Griffindor!Violetta)
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divokaliska · 6 years
Milý Ježíšku 2018
Tak podzim nám ještě pořádně nezačal a rodina už se začíná ptát, co bychom chtěli k Vánocům. A protože si některá svá přání schovávám do Vánoc, představu nějakou mám. Tady je.... 
Nejvíce bych si přála, aby dárečků bylo co nejméně a abychom si společně užili kouzelnou atmosféru Vánoc, oslavili narození Ježíše Krista a byli prostě jen spolu. Tak snad tento seznam pomůže v rozhodování při pořizování dárků pro mě a pro kluky, abychom nebyli přehlceni a aby se nenakupovalo jen proto, že se přeci něco koupit musí. 
Já: Tatínek vždy kupuje parfém. Moc bych si přála parfém Mantra od firmy Kripa. Tento jeden dárek u rodičů by byl pro mě víc než dost.
U rodičů mého muže bych pod stromečkem mohla najít zase kuchařku. Kamila Rundusová vydává letos druhý díl Nejbarevnější kuchařky, tentokrát mexickou. 
Ludi, velmi přesná malá váha na domácí kosmetiku a nějaké ty nádobky jako minulý rok, však víš :)
Kryštof: Taťka bude chtít koupit auto, to je jasné. a já myslím, že jedno takové houkací auto, ať hasičské nebo jiné, bude pro Kryštofa největší radost.
U druhé babičky a dědy by mohl pod stromečkem najít velkého dinosaura (kdyby vydával zvuk nebo otevíral pusu, to by bylo!) nebo zubní kartáček. Není to obyčejný kartáček, funguje s aplikací, kdy děti čistí zuby sobě a zároveň i zví��átku ve hře a sbírají body. Zábava a také super věc, jak naučit dítě čistit zuby. 
Tadeáš:Tak tady se nám hodí eko pleny, nějaké velké balení :)
U druhé babičky a dědy by mohl najít Grimms duhu, ale je to celkem drahá záležitost, tak klidně může být něco podobného a levnějšího. 
Drobnosti od rodiny: prosím, nekupujte nám žádné oblečení, žádné zbytečnosti, žádnou kosmetiku. Naprosto postačí oříšky, rostlinné mléko, sušené ovoce, Kryštůfkovi se vždy hodí kvalitní spoďáry pro dvouleťáka (bude mít sice tři, ale trenky pro tříleté mu padají ze zadku), Tadeáškovi se hodí sušenky nebo křupky pro děti do prvního roku. Klidně mohou být i domácí :). Mně se hodí třeba nějaká malá kokedama nebo jakýkoliv sukulent ve skleněné maličké nádobě Zahrada na stěnu. Malé závěsné aerárium s tillandsií se cenově pohybuje kolem 200Kč. Nebo kaktus. 
zahrada na stěnu
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putonmyfavoriteshow · 3 years
Maxi/Naty are cute and Fede/Ludmi seem to be fan favorites (I have yet to watch their story play out), not to mention the queercoded Ludmi/Naty friendship that's also loved among the fandom, but I still can't get over wtf this was back in s1. Like they went off on this duet and just never acknowledge it again lmao.
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