#maximilian meyer
My all-time favorite fictional character- Felix Sommer!
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He may be canonically a bachelor, but he is a father at heart you can't convince me otherwise.
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"You´re brave. You could become a good doctor, if you were a man." "I could as a woman, too."
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power-chords · 6 months
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Defying boundaries of taste and time, Martin Greenfield made suits for President Dwight D. Eisenhower, the gangster Meyer Lansky, Leonardo DiCaprio and LeBron James. Men skilled in the arts of power projection — along with fashion writers and designers — considered him the nation’s greatest men’s tailor.
For years, none of them knew the origins of his expertise: a beating in Auschwitz.
As a teenager, Mr. Greenfield was Maximilian Grünfeld, a skinny Jewish prisoner whose job was to wash the clothes of Nazi guards at the concentration camp. In the laundry room one day, he accidentally ripped the collar of a guard’s shirt. The man whipped Max in response, then hurled the garment back at the boy.
After a fellow prisoner taught Max how to sew, he mended the collar, but then decided to keep the shirt, sliding it under the striped shirt of his prison uniform.
The garment transformed his life. Other prisoners thought it signified that Max enjoyed special privileges. Guards allowed him to roam around the grounds of Auschwitz, and when he worked at a hospital kitchen, they assumed that he was authorized to take extra food.
Max ripped another guard’s uniform. This time, it was deliberate. He was creating a clandestine wardrobe that would help him survive the Holocaust.
“The day I first wore that shirt,” Mr. Greenfield wrote seven decades later, “was the day I learned clothes possess power.”
The culmination of his hopes and efforts was his business, Martin Greenfield Clothiers. It managed the improbable feat of thriving by doing the opposite of the rest of its industry.
Local garment manufacturing had been declining for decades by the late 1970s, when Mr. Greenfield set up shop in the East Williamsburg section of Brooklyn, in a four-story building that had housed clothiers since at least 1917. He refused to manufacture overseas and never changed his standards.
As a result, Greenfield Clothiers was able to offer services that New York’s designers and wealthy suit-wearers could hardly find anywhere else. It is now New York City’s last surviving union clothing factory, Tod Greenfield said in an interview for this obituary in March last year.
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viasplat · 2 years
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I typed up the Pentiment bibliography for my own use and thought I’d share it here too. In case anyone else is fixated enough on this game to embark on some light extra-curricular reading
I haven’t searched for every one of these books but a fair few can be found via one of the following: JSTOR / archive.org / pdfdrive.com / libgen + libgen.rocks; or respective websites for the journal articles.
List below the cut!
Beach, Alison I, Women as Scribes: Book Production and Monastic Reform in Twelfth-Century Bavaria. Cambridge University Press, 2004
Berger, Jutta Maria. Die Geschichte der Gastfreundschaft im hochmittelalterlichen Mönchtum die Cistercienser. Akademie Verlag GmbH, 1999
Blickle, Peter. The Revolution of 1525. Translated by Thomas A. Brady, Jr. and H.C. Erik Midelfort. The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1985
Brady, Thomas A., Jr. “Imperial Destinies: A New Biography of the Emperor Maximilian I.” The Journal of Modern History, vol.62, no.2, 1990. pp. 298-314
Brandl, Rainer. “Art or Craft? Art and the Artist in Medieval Nuremberg.” Gothic and Renaissance Art in Nuremberg 1300-2550. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1986
Byars, Jana L., “Prostitutes and Prostitution in Late Medieval Barcelona.” Masters Theses. Western Michigan University, 1997
Cashion, Debra Taylor. “The Art of Nikolaus Glockendon: Imitation and Originality in the Art of Renaissance Germany.” Journal of Historians of Netherlandish Art, vol.2, no.1-2, 2010
de Hamel, Christopher. A History of Illuminated Manuscripts. Phaidon Press Limited, 1986
Eco, Umberto. The Name of the Rose. Translated by William Weaver. Mariner Books, 2014
Eco, Umberto. Baudolino. Translated by William Weave. Boston, Mariner Books, 2003
Fournier, Jacques. “The Inquisition Records of Jacques Fournier.” Translated by Nancy P. Stork, San Jose University, 2020
Geary, Patrick. “Humiliation of Saints.” In Saints and their cults: studies in religious sociology, folklore, and history. Edited by Stephen Wilson. Cambridge University Press, 1985. pp. 123-140
Harrington, Joel F. The Faithful Executioner: Life and Death, Honor and Shame in the Turbulent Sixteenth Century. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2013
Hertzka, Gottfied and Wighard Strehlow. Große Hildegard-Apotheke. Christiana-Verlag, 2017
Hildegard von Bingen. Physica. Edited by Reiner Hildebrandt and Thomas Gloning. De Gruyter, 2010
Julian of Norwich. Revelations of Divine Love. Translated by Barry Windeatt. Oxford University Press, 2015
Karras, Ruth Mazo. Sexuality in Medieval Europe: Doing Unto Others. Routledge, 2017
Kerr, Julie. Monastic Hospitality: The Benedictines in England, c.1070-c.1250. Boydell Press, 2007
Kieckhefer, Richard. Forbidden rites: a necromancer's manual of the fifteenth century. Sutton, 1997
Kümin, Beat and B. Ann Tlusty. The World of the Tavern: Public Houses in Early Modern Europe. Routledge, 2017
Ilner, Thomas, et al. The Economy of Dürnberg-Bei-Hallein: an Iron Age Salt-mining Centre in the Austrian Alps. The Antiquaries Journal, vol. 83, 2003. pp. 123-194
Làng, Benedek. Unlocked Books: Manuscripts of Learned Magic in the Medieval Libraries of Central Europe. The Pennsylvania State University Press, 2008
Lindeman, Mary. Medicine and Society in Early Modern Europe. Cambridge University Press, 2010
Lowe, Kate. “'Representing' Africa: Ambassadors and Princes from Christian Africa to Renaissance Italy and Portugal, 1402-1608.” Transactions of the Royal Historical Society Sixth Series, vol. 17, pp. 101-128
Meyers, David. “Ritual, Confession, and Religion in Sixteenth-Century Germany.” Archiv für Reformationsgeschichte, vol. 89, 1998. pp. 125-143
Murat, Zuleika. “Wall paintings through the ages: the medieval period (Italy, twelfth to fifteenth century).” Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, vol. 12, no. 191. Springer, October 2021. pp. 1-27
Overty, Joanne Filippone. “The Cost of Doing Scribal Business: Prices of Manuscript Books in England, 1300-1483.” Book History 11, 2008. pp. 1-32
Page, Sophie. Magic in the Cloister: Pious Motives, Illicit Interests and Occult Approaches to the Medieval Universe. The Pennsylvania State University Press, 2013
Park, Katharine. “The Criminal and the Saintly Body: Autopsy and Dissection in Renaissance Italy.” Renaissance Quarterly, vol. 47, no. 1, Spring 1994. pp. 1-33
Rebel, Hermann. Peasant Classes: The Bureaucratization of Property and Family Relations under Early Habsburg Absolutism, 1511-1636. Princeton University Press, 1983
Rublack, Ulinka. “Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Female Body in Early Modern Germany.” Past & Present, vol. 150, no. 1, February 1996. pp. 84-110
Salvadore, Matteo. “The Ethiopian Age of Exploration: Prester John's Discovery of Europe, 1306-1458.” Journal of World History, vol. 21, no. 4, 2011. pp. 593 - 627
Sangster, Alan. “The Earliest Known Treatise on Double Entry Bookkeeping by Marino de Raphaeli”. The Accounting Historians Journal, vol. 42, no. 2, 2015. pp. 1-33.
Throop, Priscilla. Hildegard von Bingen's Physica: The Complete English Translation of Her Classic Work on Health and Healing. Healing Arts Press, 1998
Usher, Abbott Payson. “The Origins of Banking: The Primitive Bank of Deposit, 1200-1600.” The Economic History Review, vol. 4, no. 4, 1934. pp. 399-428
Waldman, Louis A. “Commissioning Art in Florence for Matthias Corvinus: The Painter and Agent Alexander Formoser and his Sons, Jacopo and Raffaello del Tedesco.” Italy and Hungary: Humanism and Art in the Early Renaissance. Edited by Péter Farbaky and Louis A. Waldman, Villa I Tatti, 2011. pp. 427-501
Wendt, Ulrich. Kultur und Jagd: ein Birschgang durch die Geschichte. G. Reimer, 1907
Whelan, Mark. “Taxes, Wagenburgs and a Nightingale: The Imperial Abbey of Ellwangen and the Hussite Wars, 1427-1435.” The Journal of Ecclesiastical History, vol. 72, no. 4, 2021, pp. 751-777.e
Wiesner-Hanks, Merry E. Women and Gender in Early Modern Europe. Cambridge University Press, 2008
Yardeni, Ada. The Book of Hebrew Script: History, Paleography, Script Styles, Calligraphy & Design. Tyndale House Publishers, 2010
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Happy Pride!
it's been a while since I've done a headcanons post so here's some of my own sexuality headcanons for some Royal Tutor characters that I've been thinking of sharing for a while
Hetero or possibly comphet. He's always bragging about being popular with the ladies but as the series goes on there's really not much to back up this claim. I once saw a headcanon that he might have had a little bit of a crush on Maximilian from back when they were living in town. It's not a headcanon I share but I thought that was interesting
I don't know and he probably also doesn't know. Maybe he'll figure it out one day, but it's not important to him right now. He'll like who he likes, it doesn't matter as long as they get along and can have fun together. If I were to give a label I think aromantic pan demisexual could fit
Similar to Leonhard, I don't know and I think he has not stopped to consider it because he's too occupied with other things. He'll probably like someone who shares his academic interests, and he probably thinks it's a given that he'd marry a princess for practical diplomatic reasons. I like the idea of him developing some sort of relationship with Smerdyakov but I'm not sure how old he is so I haven't given it much thought. I'm not sure if sapiosexual (or sapioromantic??) is an ok thing to call him, so if I were to give a label I like greyromantic demisexual
Aroace with strong aesthetic and sensual attraction to any gender. I'm not sure if this makes him very compatible with Beatrix's expectations (and I think she also might be comphet) but I think they would be quite understanding of each other and able to work something out
🩵Eins🩵 (WARNING spoilers for vol. 15!!)
I think he also hasn't given it much thought because he's always just assumed he would marry a princess and that's the set path for him in life. But Princess Matilda meant a lot to him after he got to know her, so I think he could be demi hetero
Definitely definitely gay for Eins I could almost say this is canon and the tragedy is delicious
💜Herr Mitter-Meyer (aka Felix Sommer)💜
I find it funny to think what if he was straight and just has no time to date, but I also like to think that he and his bartender/manager friend Herman Koenig have something going on, and he did seem very focused on Viktor's looks the first time they met. Actually I have no headcanons for this I just wanted to put this here
Biromantic and possibly also bisexual
Demiromantic gay ace (possibly greysexual) with strong aesthetic attraction regardless of gender. Maybe this isn't super related but I also headcanon that his favourite thing to read during his free time is girl-meets-guy romance novels varying from the cheesy type to Jane Austen. I also like the idea that he's trans but I'm not sure if I would call it a headcanon for me
These are just my headcanons for fiction, based on what I can remember about the characters right now and I feel like I've forgotten a lot, so they can change any time and for any reason, and also sometimes I have multiple different headcanons existing at the same time
I'm probably also projecting somewhat and I'm not super well versed in all the ways we can identify, so I'm curious to know if anyone else also shares these headcanons. I've seen some pretty nice ones out there, let me know what's yours!
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movienized-com · 6 months
Der Schatten
Der Schatten (2023 Mini-Serie) #DeleilaPiasko #AndreasPietschmann #LuisaCélineGaffron #ViethaLuong #JuliaAnnaGrob #ChristophLuser Mehr auf:
Mini-Serie / The shadowJahr: 2023 Genre: Drama / Mystery / Thriller Hauptrollen: Deleila Piasko, Andreas Pietschmann, Luisa-Céline Gaffron, Vietha Luong, Julia Anna Grob, Christoph Luser, Aaron Friesz, Lukas Spisser, Annely Gerda Prey, Elisabeth Rath, Maximilian Meyer-Bretschneider, Bernd-Christian Althoff, Anneke Schwabe, Agnes Kiyomi Decker … Serienbeschreibung: Die Journalistin Norah…
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goalhofer · 1 month
2024 olympics Germany roster
Florian Unruh (Rendsburg)
Katharina Bauer (Berlin)
Michelle Kroppen (Kevelaer)
Charline Schwarz (Nürnberg)
Velten Schneider (Leonberg)
Yannick Wolf (Munich)
Owen Ansah (Hamburg)
Joshua Hartmann (Siegen)
Jean Bredau (Potsdam)
Robert Farken (Leipzig)
Marius Probst (Herne)
Manuel Mordi (Hamburg)
Joshua Abuaku (Oberhausen)
Emil Agyekum (Berlin)
Constantin Preis (Munich)
Karl Bebendorf (Dresden)
Frederik Ruppert (Aachen)
Lucas Ansah-Peprah (Stuttgart)
Kevin Kranz (Frankfurt)
Marc Koch (Berlin)
Manuel Sanders (Duelman)
Samuel Fitwi-Sibhatu (Stadtkyll)
Amanal Petros (Nürnberg)
Richard Ringer (Überlingen)
Leo Köpp (Konstanz)
Christopher Linke (Potsdam)
Tobias Potye (Munich)
Bo Lita-Baehre (Düsseldorf)
Torben Blech (Siegen)
Oleg Zernikel (Landau)
Simon Batz (Offendorf)
Max Hess (Chemnitz)
Henrik Janssen (Norden)
Clemens Prüfer (Potsdam)
Miká Sosna (Hamburg)
Max Dehning (Leverkusen)
Julian Weber (Mainz)
Merlin Hummel (Kronach)
Sören Klose (Porta Westfalica)
Mona Mayer (Munich)
Skadi Schier (Lübben)
Domenika Mayer (Böblingen)
Rebekka Haase (Zschopau)
Gina Lückenkemper (Hamm)
Majtie Kolberg (Ahrweiler)
Nele Wessel (Annaberg-Buchholz)
Hanna Klein (Landau In Der Pfalz)
Carolina Krafzik (Niefern-Öschelbronn)
Olivia Gürth (Diez)
Gesa Krause (Ehringshausen)
Lea Meyer (Löningen)
Alexandra Burghardt (Mühldorf Am Inn)
Sophia Junk (Trier)
Lisa Mayer (Giessen)
Eileen Demes (Neu-Isenburg)
Alicia Schmidt (Ingolstadt)
Laura Hottenrott (Heilbad Heiligenstadt)
Melat Kejeta (Baunatal)
Saskia Feige (Potsdam)
Christina Honsel (Dorsten)
Imke Onnen (Langenhagen)
Anjuli Knäsche (Preetz)
Mikaelle Assani (Pforzheim)
Malaika Mihambo (Heidelberg)
Laura Müller (Verrenberg)
Alina Kenzel (Konstanz)
Katharina Maisch (Bad Urach)
Yemisi Ogunleye (Bellheim)
Kristin Pudenz (Herford)
Marike Steinacker (Wermelskirchen)
Claudine Vita (Frankfurt)
Christin Hussong (Zweibrücken)
Till Steinforth (Magdeburg)
Niklas Kaul (Mainz)
Leo Neugebauer (Stuttgart)
Carolin Schäfer (Bad Wildungen)
Sophie Weissenberg (Neubrandenburg)
Fabian Roth (Saarbrücken)
Max Lamsfuss (Saarbrücken)
Marvin Seidel (St. Ingbert)
Yvonne Li (Mülheim An Der Ruhr)
Isaac Bonga (Neuwid)
Oscar Da Silva (Munich)
Maodo Lô (Berlin)
Niels Giffey (Berlin)
Nick Weiler-Babb (Arlington, Texas)
Johannes Voigtmann (Eisenach)
Franz Wagner (Berlin)
Victor Wagner (Berlin)
Daniel Theis (Salzgitter)
Dennis Schröder (Braunschwieg)
Johannes Thiemann (Trier)
Andreas Obst (Halle)
Satou Sabally (Freiburg Im Breisgau)
Nyara Sabally (Freiburg Im Breisgau)
Alexis Peterson (Columbus, Ohio)
Alexandra Wilke (Berlin)
Marie Gülich (Altenkirchen)
Leonie Fiebich (Landserg Am Lech)
Luisa Geiselsöder (Ansbach)
Alina Hartmann (Bamberg)
Frieda Bühner (Georgsmarienhütte)
Emily Bessoir (Berlin)
Lina Sontag (Kleinmachnow)
Romy Bär (Chemnitz)
Svejna Brunckhorst (Berlin)
Sonja Greinacher (Essen)
Elisa Mevius (Rendsburg)
Stella Reichert (Kassel)
Magomed Schachidov (Munich)
Nelvie Tiafack (Cologne)
Maxine Kloetzer (Chemnitz)
Sideris Tasiadis (Augsburg)
Noah Hegge (Augsburg)
Stefan Hengst (Hamm)
Jakob Thordsen (Hamburg)
Anton Winkelmann (Berlin)
Max Lemke (Heppelheim)
Jacob Schopf (Potsdam)
Tom Liebscher-Lucz (Dresden)
Max Rendschmidt (Bonn)
Sebastian Brendel (Schwedt)
Tim Hecker (Berlin)
Peter Kretschmer (Schwerin)
Enja Roesseling (Berlin)
Maike Jakob (Magdeburg)
Hedi Kliemke (Haldensleben)
Elena Lillik (Weimar)
Ricarda Funk (Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler)
Jule Hake (Olfen)
Paulina Paszek (Munich)
Pauline Jagsch (Berlin)
Lisa Jahn (Berlin)
Yannick Flohé (Essen)
Alexander Megos (Erlangen)
Lucia Dörffel (Chemnitz)
Philip Schaub (Ludwigsburg)
Nils Politt (Cologne)
Max Schachmann (Berlin)
Maximilian Dörnbach (Heilbad Heiligenstadt)
Luca Spiegel (Kaiserslautern)
Stefan Bötticher (Leinefelde-Worbis)
Tobias Buck-Gramcko (Göttingen)
Roger Kluge (Eisenhüttenstadt)
Theo Reinhardt (Berlin)
Tim Teutenberg (Mettmann)
Julian Schelb (Breisach)
Luca Schwarzbauer (Nürtingen)
Alina Beck (Garmisch-Partenkirchen)
Franziska Koch (Mettmann)
Liane Lippert (Friedrichshafen)
Antonia Nidermaier (Bruckmühl)
Mieke Kröger (Bielefeld)
Lea Friedrich (Dassow)
Emma Hinze (Hildesheim)
Pauline Grabosch (Magdeburg)
Franziska Brausse (Metzingen)
Lisa Klein (Saarbrücken)
Laura Süssemilch (Weingarten)
Lena Reissner (Gera)
Nina Graf (Berlin)
Kim Müller (Remscheld)
Lars Rüdiger (Berlin)
Moritz Wesemann (Halle)
Timo Bartel (Würselen)
Jaden Eichermann-Gregorchuk (Munich)
Saskia Oettinghaus (Rostock)
Pauline Pfeif (Berlin)
Jette Müller (Rostock)
Lena Hentschel (Berlin)
Christina Wassen (Eschweiler)
Frederic Wandres (Kehl)
Michael Jung (Bad Soden)
Christoph Wahler (Uelzen)
Philipp Weishaupt (Augsburg)
Christian Kukuk (Warendorf)
Richard Vogel (Mannheim)
Jessica Von Bredow-Werndl (Rosenheim)
Isabell Wurth (Issum)
Julia Krajewski (Langenhagen)
Szabó Mátyás (Dormagen)
Anne Sauer (Bonn)
Field hockey
Mathias Müller (Hamburg)
Mats Grambusch (Mönchengladbach)
Tom Grambusch (Mönchengladbach)
Lukas Windfeder (Mülheim An Der Ruhr)
Niklas Wellen (Krefeld)
Johannes Grosse (Berlin)
Thies Prinz (Berlin)
Paul-Philipp Kaufmann (Mannheim)
Teo Hinrichs (Mannheim)
Gonzalo Peillat (Mannheim)
Jan Rühr (Düsseldorf)
Justus Weigand (Nürnberg)
Marco Miltkau (Hamburg)
Martin Zwicker (Köthen)
Hannes Müller (Köthen)
Malte Hellwig (Mülheim An Der Ruhr)
Moritz Ludwig (Berlin)
Jean-Paul Danneberg (Cologne)
Alexander Stadler (Heidelberg)
Emma Davidsmeyer (Bremen)
Kira Horn (Hamburg)
Amelie Wortmann (Hamburg)
Nike Lorenz (Berlin)
Selin Oruz (Krefeld)
Benedetta Wenzel (Berlin)
Anne Schröder (Düsseldorf)
Lisa Nolte (Düsseldorf)
Lena Micheel (Berlin)
Charlotte Stapenhorst (Berlin)
Nathalie Kubalski (Dinslaken)
Sonja Zimmermann (Grünstadt)
Cécile Pieper (Heidelberg)
Viktoria Huse (Braunschweig)
Felicia Wiedermann (Hamburg)
Stine Kurz (Stuttgart)
Jette Fleschütz (Hamburg)
Linnea Weidemann (Berlin)
Stephan Jäger (Chattanooga, Tennessee)
Matthias Schmid (Regensberg)
Esther Henseleit (Hamburg)
Lexi Försterling (Berlin)
Pascal Brendel (Hochtaunuskreis)
Lukas Dauser (Ebersberg)
Nils Dunkel (Berlin)
Timo Eder (Ludwigsburg)
Andreas Toba (Hanover)
Fabian Vogel (Düsseldorf)
Helen Kevrić (Stuttgart)
Pauline Schäfer-Bach (Chemnitz)
Sarah Voss (Dormagen)
Magarita Kolosov (Fellbach-Schmiden)
Darja Varfolomeev (Fellbach-Schmiden)
Anja Kosan (Fellbach-Schmiden)
Daniella Kromm (Fellbach-Schmiden)
Alina Oganesyan (Fellbach-Schmiden)
Hannah Vester (Zornheim)
Emilia Wickert (Ulm)
David Späth (Kaiserslautern)
Johannes Golla (Weisbaden)
Luca Witzke (Kempen)
Sebastian Heymann (Heilbronn)
Justus Fischer (Hanover)
Juri Knorr (Flensburg)
Julian Köster (Bielefeld)
Renārs Uščins (Magdeburg)
Kai Häfner (Schwäbisch Gmünd)
Tim Hornke (Hanover)
Andreas Wolff (Euskirchen)
Rune Dahmke (Kiel)
Lukas Mertens (Wilhelmshaven)
Christoph Steinert (Berlin)
Marko Grgić (Eisenach)
Jannik Kohlbacher (Bensheim)
Alina Grijseels (Wesel)
Meike Schmelzer (Weisbaden)
Lisa Antl (Ingolstadt)
Xenia Smits (Antwerp, Belgium)
Emily Bölk (Buxtehude)
Annika Lott (Henstedt-Ulzburg)
Sarah Wachter (Berlin)
Julia Maidhof (Aschaffenburg)
Antje Döll (Haldensleben)
Jenny Behrend (Rendsburg)
Katharina Filter (Hamburg)
Viola Leuchter (Hamburg)
Julia Behnke (Mannheim)
Johanna Stockschläder (Siegen)
Timo Cavelius (Munich)
Erik Abramov (Potsdam)
Igor Wandtke (Lübeck)
Eduard Trippel (Rüsselsheim Am Main)
Katharina Menz (Backnang)
Mascha Ballhaus (Hamburg)
Pauline Starke (Nürnberg)
Miriam Butkereit (Hamburg)
Anna-Maria Wagner (Ravensburg)
Renée Lucht (Hamburg)
Marvin Dogue (Ludwigshafen Am Rhein)
Fabian Liebig (Berlin)
Rebecca Langrehr (Berlin)
Annika Zillekens (Berlin)
Jonas Gelsen (Frankfurt)
Anton Finger (Berlin)
Moritz Wolff (Berlin)
Julius Christ (Leverkusen)
Sönke Kruse (Leipzig)
Frederik Breuer (Bonn)
Benedict Eggeling (Eschwege)
Max John (Malchin)
Mattes Schönherr (Berlin)
Wolf-Niclas Schroeder (Wismar)
Oliver Zeidler (Dachau)
Marc Weber (Lich)
Max Appel (Ratzeburg)
Tim Naske (Hamburg)
Laurits Follert (Duisburg)
Torben Johannesen (Hamburg)
Olaf Roggensack (Berlin)
Jonas Wiesen (Koblenz)
Alexandra Föster (Meschede)
Pia Greiten (Ostercappeln)
Leonie Menzel (Mettmann)
Tabea Schendekehl (Lünen)
Maren Völz (Schenkenberg)
Sebastian Kördel (Radolfzell)
Jannis Maus (Oldenburg)
Jakob Meggendorfer (Rosenheim)
Andreas Spranger (Mühldorf Am Inn)
Simon Diesch (Tettnang)
Philipp Buhl (Immenstadt Am Allgäu)
Paul Kohlhoff (Bremen)
Theresa Steinlein (Starnberg)
Julia Büsselberg (Berlin)
Marla Bergmann (Hamburg)
Hanna Wille (Hamburg)
Anna Markfort (Berlin)
Leonie Meyer (Kiel)
Alica Stuhlemmer (Kiel)
Maximilian Ulbrich (Berlin)
Robin Walter (Berlin)
Sven Korte (Berlin)
Christian Reitz (Löbau)
Florian Peter (Berlin)
Anna Janssen (Berlin)
Josefin Eder (Berlin)
Kathrin Murche (Elsnig)
Lisa Müller (Weingarten)
Joslyn Beer (Goslar)
Doreen Vennekamp (Gelnhausen)
Nadine Messerschmidt (Suhl)
Nele Wissmer (Hanover)
Tyler Edtmayer (Lenggries)
Lilly Stoephasius (Berlin)
Merle Frohms (Celle)
Sarai Linder (Sinsheim)
Kathrin Hendrich (Eupen, Belgium)
Bibi Schulze (Bad Soden)
Marina Hegering (Bocholt)
Janina Minge (Lindau)
Lea Schüller (Tönisvorst)
Sydney Lohmann (Pürgen)
Sjoeke Nüsken (Hamm)
Laura Freigang (Kiel)
Alexandra Popp-Höppe (Gelsenkirchen)
Ann-Katrin Berger (Göppingen)
Sara Doursoun-Khajeh (Cologne)
Elisa Senss (Oldenburg)
Giulia Gwinn (Tettnang)
Jule Brand (Germersheim)
Klara Bühl (Hassfurt)
Vivien Endemann (Oldenburg)
Felicitas Rauch (Peine)
Etonam-Nicole Anyomi (Krefeld)
Tim Elter (Berlin)
Camilla Kemp (Cascais, Portugal)
Artem Selin (Krasnoyarsk, Russia)
Luca Armbruster (Essen)
Peter Varjasi (Erlangen)
Timo Sorgius (Saarbrücken)
Josha Salchow (Troisdorf)
Lukas Märtens (Magdeburg)
Rafael Miroslaw (Bloomington, Indiana)
Oliver Klemet (Frankfurt)
Sven Schwarz (Hanover)
Florian Wellbrock (Bremen)
Ole Braunschweig (Berlin)
Marek Ulrich (Dessau)
Kaii Winkler (Miami, Florida)
Melvin Imoudu (Schwedt)
Leonie Märtens (Magdeburg)
Nicole Maier (Bottrup)
Nele Schulze (Berlin)
Nina Holt (Erkelenz)
Julia Mrozinski (Hamburg)
Isabel Gose (Berlin)
Anna Elendt (Dreieich)
Angelina Köhler (Dernbach)
Laura Riedemann (Halle)
Leonie Beck (Augsburg)
Table tennis
Dimitrij Ovtcharov (Düsseldorf)
Qiu Dang (Nürtingen)
Timo Boll (Erbach)
Annett Kaufmann (Wolfsburg)
Nina Mittelham (Willich)
Xiaona Shan (Düsseldorf)
Wan Yuan (Berlin)
Lorena Brandl (Pförring)
Dominik Koepfer (Tampa, Florida)
Maximilian Marterer (Stein)
Jan-Lennard Struff (Warstein)
Alexander Zverev; Jr. (Monte Carlo, Monaco)
Kevin Krawietz (Munich)
Tim Pütz (Usingen)
Angelique Kerber (Puszczykowo, Poland)
Tamara Korpatsch (Hamburg)
Tatjana Maria (Bad Saulgau)
Laura Siegemund (Stuttgart)
Tim Hellwig (Neustadt An Der Weinstrasse)
Lasse Lührs (Wingst)
Jonas Schomburg (Hanover)
Nina Eim (Itzehoe)
Laura Lindemann (Berlin)
Lisa Tertsch (Offenbach Am Main)
Nils Ehlers (Berlin)
Clemens Wickler (Starnberg)
Christian Fromm (Berlin)
Moritz Reichert (Dudweiler)
Johannes Tille (Mühldorf Am Inn)
Grozer György; Jr. (Budapest, Hungary)
Julian Zenger (Wangen Im Allgäu)
Lukas Kampa (Bochum)
Anton Brehme (Leipzig)
Anton Schott (Berlin)
Moritz Karlitzek (Hammelburg)
Tobias Krick (Bingem Am Rhein)
Tobias Brand (Mainz)
Lukas Maase (Dresden)
Svenja Müller (Hamburg)
Cinja Tillmann (Hamburg)
Laura Ludwig-Bowes (Berlin)
Louisa-Christin Lippmann (Herford)
Erik Thiele (Berlin)
Lucas Lazogianis (Stuttgart)
Jello Krahmer (Lorch)
Anastasia Blayvas (Halle)
Annika Wendle (Lahr)
Sandra Paruszewski (Stuttgart)
Luisa Niemesch (Karlsruhe)
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gunwalt · 6 months
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george-russell63 · 5 years
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May 12: Crystal Palace vs AFC Bournemouth
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maxmeyersource · 6 years
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February 9: Crystal Palace vs West Ham United
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maximilianmeyer07 · 6 years
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June 30 (2017) U21 Germany vs Spain 
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"... after a while you'll realise that a hospital is quite interesting."
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@angelo_milano_88 via Instagram
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ermuellert · 6 years
Also Meyer smells great 😍😍 when I met him he probably had taken a bath right before. God damn
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Max via Instagram Story
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sporkolik · 3 years
New Post has been published on Sporkolik.net
New Post has been published on https://www.sporkolik.net/fenerbahce-meyeri-gonderdi.html
Fenerbahçe Meyer'i gönderdi
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Fenerbahçe Alman futbolcusu Maximilian Meyer’i FC Midtjylland’a kiraladı.
Danimarka’da transferin son gününde FC Midtjylland Fenerbahçe’den Maximilian Meyer’i kadrosuna kattı.
Maximilian Meyer bu sezon başında Köln kulübünden bonservis bedeli ödenmeden transfer edilmiş ve sadece 7 karşılaşmada forma şansı bulabilmişti.
Fenerbahçe kulübünden yapılan resmi açıklama;
Alman orta saha oyuncumuz Maximilian Meyer satın alma opsiyonu ile birlikte sezon sonuna kadar Danimarka Süper Lig ekibi FC Midtjylland’a kiralandı. Futbolcumuza yeni kulübünde başarılar diliyoruz.
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