#maximum cash
rithmeres · 1 month
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talk about being in the wrong place at the wrong time!
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redhotarsenic · 1 year
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I love when women
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crocodykes · 8 months
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Someone had to do it
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dullahandyke · 4 months
gods strongest soldier I'm so sorry you got a popular post, my condolences
its not that bad bcos i muted it way back when it only had like 150 notes n i only found out bcos i logged in to a shitton of followers and someone atted me on it but like. genuinly baffled. its the middest unfunniest post in the world, not even making an attempt at observational humour its just observation, and ive SEEN the 'lol tumblr is sooooo random' edition thats been floating around and thats not funny either!!! i have so many awesome posts and this is the one thats on the verge of breaking 40k notes??? why is it always the shitty posts that go viral i wish this had happened to 'serving fish', my elevator pitch for a comedy movie abt a cishet man who has to dress in drag to join an oyster eating contest and dominate the competition (because oyster eating was recently mandated to be done only by nonbinary people). like it was a bad movie pitch but i still think about it on occasion which is more than i can say for that post
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queenlua · 1 year
i hate when i realize i am in fact the best-qualified person to write the stupid lil fanfic that i want to read
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takineko-arts · 10 months
So that last vid I posted about that young dude being Vash, I was right.
They're just... Wolfwood and Vash...
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firebuyerscash · 9 months
Selling Your House in Its Current Condition
Connecticut's As-Is Home Selling Guide: What Sellers And Buyers Must Know
When selling a house in Connecticut "as-is," there are specific legal requirements that both sellers and buyers must adhere to. In this As-Is home selling guide, we will cover the basics of selling a house in Connecticut. Selling a property as-is means that the seller is not making any warranties or guarantees about the house's condition and is essentially selling it in its current state.
However, sellers can still disclose known defects. Connecticut law mandates certain disclosure requirements to protect buyers and ensure a transparent transaction.
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Disclosure Of Known Defects
If you are selling your home as is for maximum value, one of the fundamental legal requirements for selling a house as-is in Connecticut is the disclosure of known defects. Here, known refers to the information within the seller's knowledge. Even if the seller has yet to inspect the property comprehensively, any issues they are aware of must be disclosed. Failing to do so can lead to potential legal liabilities, especially if the buyer discovers undisclosed defects after the sale. This requirement emphasizes the importance of honesty and transparency in the real estate transaction.
Sellers must try to reveal any issues they are aware of to potential buyers. On the other hand, buyers should carefully review the seller's disclosures and consider conducting their inspections or hiring a professional inspector to assess the property thoroughly.
The Purchase And Sale Agreement
In addition to disclosing known defects, including that the property is being sold as-is in the purchase and sale agreement is crucial. The legally binding document sets the terms and conditions of the sale. By explicitly stating that you are selling your house in its current condition without any promises or warranties, the seller establishes clear expectations for the buyer. The buyer is responsible for any necessary repairs or improvements when the property is sold as-is. The buyer understands that the seller will only address issues after the sale.
Consult With Legal Professionals
Selling a house as-is can be complex, and legal requirements can vary. To ensure compliance with Connecticut's specific laws and regulations, sellers and buyers must consult legal professionals specializing in real estate transactions. An experienced attorney can provide guidance, review documents, and offer advice to protect your interests throughout the process.
In conclusion, these are some of the top tips for selling a home as is in Connecticut; adherence to state-specific legal requirements is essential. Disclosing known defects and explicitly stating the property's as-is condition in the purchase and sale agreement helps establish transparency and prevent legal issues. Real estate transactions can be intricate, so seeking legal counsel to navigate the process smoothly and protect your rights is wise.
To know more about cash offers for homes sold as is, visit Top Considerations for Selling Apartment Complexes.
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secondhandgoldbuyer · 10 months
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medicenpk1 · 1 year
High Vacuum Mens Pump In Pakistan-03074915265
Male Pumps for Handsome Vacuum Pump Enlargement Device Pro Extender Color LSJ
High Vacuum Mens Pump The price of a vacuum man’s pump in Pakistan is high.In Lahore,Karachi,Islamabad, You Can Order Handsome Vacuum Pump Enlargement Device Pro Extender Color Lsj.Made Of The Safest High Quality Material, Latex-safe, Phthalate-safe And Hypoallergenic.Strong Suction For Maximum Results.Free Cash On Delivery. High-quality, latex-safe, phthalate-free, hypoallergenic materials. Increase your performance easily, quickly and painlessly. Strong suction for Maximum Results. Removable silicone seal ensures an air tight fit. Handsome Penis Enlargement Device Pro Extender for Male Penis Enlarger medicenpk.com
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troonwolf · 2 years
tbh even with all the changes I liked the first few eps of IWTV and thought it had a lot of potential but I swear it’s almost intentionally designed to piss off it’s core audience more with each episode
which I don’t understand. who did RJ think would watch this? gay vampires is already a niche, especially if you ignore Anne Rice’s name slapped onto it. her name being there is the only reason people watched it, and then you almost go out of your way to make sure the story is unrecognisable to those people lol?
it literally lost more viewers than it gained episode to episode. y’know who those viewers were? yeah, the core audience of book fans slowly giving up with each new bad plot reveal and clumsy interpretation of the story
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it couldn’t even stay at a steady 500k, it lost viewers each time it aired. AMC might drag it on for a few more eps to fulfil the contract but this is already dead on the table.
and it’s honestly all because of RJ’s hubris in thinking he could re-deliver a beloved story to an old fandom in a completely butchered form and we’d somehow think he was a genius for it. 
basically we’re watching his delusions of grandeur fall apart in real time which is more entertaining than the show itself rn.
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cassolotl · 2 months
UK government planning to scrap a major disability benefit
I'm only just scraping by and the government are proposing to take away PIP (a disability benefit), which would be HALF of my income wiped out.
"Reforms to personal independence payments (PIP) could include stopping regular cash payments, and instead offering claimants one-off grants for things like home adaptations." -- "Disabled people face end to monthly benefits cash", BBC News, 29 April 2024
"The plans, which will be consulted on over the coming months, also include proposals to “move away from a fixed cash benefit system”, meaning people with some conditions will no longer receive regular payments, but instead access to treatment if their condition does not involve extra costs." -- "People with depression or anxiety could lose sickness benefits, says UK minister", Guardian, 29 April 2024
That's what the NHS is supposed to be doing...
Genuinely absolutely terrifying.
Can anyone living in the UK join in with an (hopefully!) overwhelming cascade of unique emails to their MP opposing this? WriteToThem.com makes it very quick and easy.
They're proposing to replace it with one-off grants that the individual can apply for, which is absurd and horrifying, so feel free to point out how that won't work as well!
Here's what I'm writing, and do not just copy-paste my letter/email, because that makes it less legit. Do your own thing, even just one sentence telling your MP that you're opposed is enough if that's all you can manage. Whatever you want to say is what your MP needs to hear.
Dear [MP's name], Today I learned that the government plan to scrap PIP, and maybe replace it with something like a one-off grant application process, before the next election. ("Disabled people face end to monthly benefits cash", BBC News, 29 April 2024: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cn0ry09d50wo) PIP is about half of my income (about 44%). I don't spend it on occasional large purchases, I spend it on countless things that are more expensive for me than they are for other people. PIP is in place to acknowledge, as it says in the above article, that disabled people's lives are more expensive than non-disabled people's lives by hundreds of pounds per week. ("Previous research from Scope suggests households with at least one disabled adult or child face an estimated average extra cost of £975 a month to have the same standard of living as non-disabled households." That's £225 per week, and the maximum amount of PIP you can get is £184.) So firstly, it could be argued that PIP doesn't even cover the additional expenses of the average disabled household. And next, the cost of implementing an alternative system would be worse for disabled people, totally unsuited to its purpose, and more expensive to run. Worse for disabled people: Currently PIP acknowledges that being disabled takes a lot more work to maintain a comparable standard of living, and as it's an amount of work that the claimant cannot sustainably do, they are given money so that they can pay someone else to do it. These costs are distributed across all living expenses, in addition to occasional one-off purchases of e.g. mobility aids. Having to apply for one-off payments for expenses would be more work on top of that, so if the disabled person isn't able to do it (which is very likely) they will either have to work less in their day jobs in order to spend more time applying for one-off grants, or they will have to also apply for one-off payments to pay someone to apply for more one-off payments. This is self-evidently a waste of energy and time, and totally impractical, as well as being counter to the entire point of disability benefits. It would also be extremely undignified for the disabled people, and arguably against human rights (right to private life and dignity), to have to justify each purchase to the government. Totally unsuited to its purpose: One off-grants are not suited to ongoing higher expenses such as having to buy more prepared food (e.g. carrot batons are more expensive than raw carrots and go off much more quickly). Does this policy assume that disabled people's PIP is only for things like wheelchairs and walking sticks? More expensive to run: The system for PIP applications is already fairly backlogged, in that my last application took over 6 months to complete. I was awarded PIP for 10 years. If every application for a one-off grant had to be accompanied by an application of a similar scale that wouldn't be workable, so presumably an initial PIP application like the current system's would still be required to qualify for the system in the first place, and then following that, numerous smaller applications for money (e.g. for taxis, pre-chopped veg, painkillers, specialist clothing, etc.) would be carried out per person per month. The disability benefits system would have to be scaled up significantly, and it would be much more expensive. It is far cheaper to give people a set amount of money based on their needs; it's the same money that you would be giving them in grants anyway, but without having to process each purchase/one-off application. I implore you to oppose this proposal. It is blatantly unworkable to the level of absurdity, but more importantly it is inhumane. I look forward to your reply detailing your stance. Many thanks in advance. Yours sincerely, [My name]
But, again, if you can't manage anything long or complicated like that, your best is good enough. Even if they're not all perfectly written and detailed, we want to bowl them over with sheer quantity of emails.
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boopshoops · 2 months
Joel Bullion - Makings of Greatness
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Name: Joel Bullion
Nicknames: Buzzbait, Thistle
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/they
Sexuality: Aromantic Asexual
Birthday: November 30 (Sagittarius)
Age: 39 (In canon and AU)
Height: 6'2 or 188cm
Voice Claim(s): Jellzybelle
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Twisted from: John Silver from Treasure Planet.
Unique Magic: "Rattle the Stars" Summons exactly that in the palm of Joel's robotic hand: a star. However, this is not just any star, this star's life flashes before your eyes, resulting in a controlled supernova. It creates a burning hot flash bang, with tremors forming cracks in the ground depending on the magnitude of the star itself. The explosion knocks enemies away from Joel. The size of the star dictates how much magic they will use, as well as how much blot he will accumulate. He is unsure what the maximum size of a star he can create is, but he does know that he has gotten dangerously close to overblotting while trying. In his current state, the blast is not deadly and primarily works to stun opponents or, at most, render them unconscious.
Grade: Teaches Freshman, Sophomores, and Juniors
Class: Teaches Culinary Crucible, Astrology, and Tech. Occasionally aids with Physical Education.
Hobbies: Treasure hunting, finding constellations, hiking, traveling, spelunking, deadlifting, cooking.
Likes: Pernil, old school tech, adventure novels, hard cash, or anything he can sell for gold really, pranking Ezra and Crowley, telescopes, planetary science, zodiac signs.
Dislikes: Grading (this man should not be a teacher), any dish with fish in it, sticklers, staying still, overt formality, the cold, humorless individuals.
Fears: Immobility, optometric illnesses, not amounting to anything, not living his life to the fullest, birds.
Summary: "Why does he even teach?" is a question that crosses the mind of almost every NRC student in one of Joel's classes. He's shameless, sarcastic, and finds entertainment in messing with students and staff alike. Teaching is only a side job for him, his real passions lie elsewhere. Nonetheless, he is highly skilled in a variety of subjects, making him indispensable.
He abuses that privilege, of course, taking the time to have as much fun as he can in what he calls a boring dump of a school and make sure everyone around him suffers for it. Though this usually just amounts to light teasing and pranks. They do not behave like an educator or mentor. He does not typically enjoy interacting with most of his students in a serious manner, and the ones they do enjoy talking with are treated more like casual, distant friends.
With the responsibility of teaching so many subjects heavy on their shoulders, he does make plenty of time to shrug it off to work on his true dream: getting as rich as possible. Now, now, there are plenty of figures at NRC who want that, yeah? But Joel wants the lottery. He wants to struggle, look high and low, and come out above everyone with something ancient, shiny, and, hopefully, covered in expensive jewels. Over everything and everyone, they enjoy the hunt of it. To the point where he values it above people and relationships. Hell, they'd fly to the moon to get it if they had to.
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Outfit Inspiration
Author's Notes: JOEL. Ahhh Joel. I'll admit, this was harder to write compared to the others! Everyone else's development, personality, struggles, etc. came very naturally to me, while, with joel, I really had to sit and brainstorm for awhile. Though, I can now say that he has grown on me a lot, and I plan on giving him more of a role in TCOAV like Ezra! I have lots of plans for him! Old ass man <33 (affectionate, /j) this will probably be the last new TCOAV oc for a while! But just know, there will be more >:)
Tag list! v
@lowcallyfruity @kitwasnothere @distant-velleity @thehollowwriter @justm3di0cr3
@skriblee-ksk @cecilebutcher
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mayakern · 11 months
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y’all i’m gonna cry. i’ve been saving up for so long so i could have an all sea snail locker but apparently the maximum you are allowed to own is 10. i saved up so much fake splatoon cash for this. why would you do this to me nintendo 😭
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chronicallycouchbound · 11 months
I refuse to call government assistance programs “welfare” or “benefits”.
I’ve been on government assistance programs my whole life. I have never lived above the poverty line.
It’s a system that doesn’t care about my wellbeing, they care about doing the bare minimum to keep people alive enough to function and work, and if you’re disabled and cannot work, they give significantly less of a fuck.
And benefits?? What benefits?
Food stamps that run out within two weeks because I am budgeting with 8$ a day with literally dozens of dietary restrictions? Or do you mean the housing voucher that I have to never even have a gift card, penny to my name, Sams club membership, phone bill, literally anything that could be “income” in order to qualify? That same housing voucher system that if I mess up even once with I not only lose all government aid for at least 5 years, it’s also mandatory PRISON time for 1 year?? “Oh but they would never do that, right?” Nope! I have several friends who are now felons for minor lease violations and unhoused as a result! Oh maybe you mean the state health insurance that doesn’t cover most treatments, specialists, and testing I need and if I tried to make a gofundme to cover, I would lose aforementioned housing? Oh and we can’t forget all the money I get for being disabled, which is exactly 0$. I’m still fighting for SSI and have been for 6 years! That’s over 6 years with absolutely zero income. ZERO. And guess what, whenever I *do* get on SSI, I will lose my housing voucher. And I won’t be able to afford my current apartment because even in subsidized low income housing it’s too expensive for the maximum SSI “benefit” amount. And on SSI you can’t have savings over 2000$. Oh and they do make housing for people who are low income where you pay 30% of your income but I can’t even be on the waitlist since I don’t have any income. And on top of all this, I can never get married because I’ll lose all of the programs.
I could keep going. That’s not even half of the programs I’m a part of.
• None of them give me cash in hand. Even for vouchers I have to provide receipts for everything.
• Food stamps just straight up won’t even cover ineligible items. Which includes hot foods.
• I genuinely don’t believe that there’s a way to “game the system” and why would you? You would gain literally nothing.
• It’s designed to keep people poor. Once you make over a certain amount, you lose all or almost all benefits. There’s no way to slowly transition out of the programs, if you’re someone who’s able to. It’s all in or all out.
• All of these barriers are made significantly worse while unhoused/homeless. I’ve been homeless for over half of my life and there’s so many fucked up rules. If I missed one night staying in the shelter, I lost my housing voucher because I no longer was “verified as homeless” even if I was sleeping outside still.
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takineko-arts · 8 months
Cash still not beating the allegations that he's Vash the Stampede.
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flowerandblood · 1 year
Robbed and gifted (1/6)
[ arranged marriage • modern!Aemond x female ]
[ warnings: sex content, angst, smut, violence ]
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[description: (Anon Request) She and Aemond are faced with a situation, where they must form a fictitious marriage. They are complete strangers to each other, who cannot find themselves in a new reality. When his wife stands up for him at a family dinner, something changes between them. Smut, angst and a lot of sexual tension.]
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
Previous and next chapters: Masterlist
She had only signed a few sheets of paper, but she felt as if she had sold herself to a slave market. She despised herself and her uncle. His proposal. She despised her husband and his father. That they made a deal with each other over their heads, making their artificial marriage a route to easy cash flow and money laundering.
She was surprised when her uncle, Arthur, her mother's brother, called her with the proposal. When he offered to pay for her college and financially support her parents, who were in debt because of her father's gambling addiction, she thought he must be crazy.
Then he began to mention a family with whom he had close ties. About the young man who was their son. About how she could help him a lot, and with this favor ensure her future and safety.
“We would need this marriage for about a year, maximum two, so that our money would be filtered through your bank accounts in several tranches. Your community of property will make things easier for us - and then you can divorce." He said as they sat in a small restaurant where he had invited her.
She was about to take a piece of spaghetti in her mouth but she put the cutlery on the plate, staring at him with her mouth open. She didn't believe what she just heard.
"You want to sell me?" She asked, feeling her whole body tense, cold sweat running down her neck. Her uncle laughed, taking a sip of wine from his glass.
"Of course not. You are only to make appearances. Of course, we wouldn't want the rest of the family to know about this deal, so you'd have to live in the same apartment in case someone came to visit you, and show up at family events once in a while. What you do privately is up to you. It is as if you have been given an assignment and a mission for a certain period of time for which you will both be handsomely paid.” He said with a calmness and serenity that terrified her. She wondered how he could talk about such things so lightly.
"Are you proposing me a sham marriage to a stranger for money?" She asked, pale, her eyes wide, her hands trembling slightly. Her uncle smiled warmly at her.
“I offer to take care of your future, for your small favor and sacrifice. Think about this." He said, putting some bills on the table, definitely more than their dinner was worth and left, leaving her with disbelief written on her face.
She came home angry and distraught. She felt that her uncle treated her like garbage, like a bargaining chip, an item that he could put up for auction. She felt an unpleasant lump in her pit as she saw that her father was gone again.
She walked over to her mom who was just lying on the couch watching TV, bored. She stood for a moment in the doorway of the room, pursed her lips.
"Where is dad?" She asked quietly. Her mother shrugged.
"Probably where he always is." She murmured, taking a sip of tea from a large mug. She felt a tightness in her pit at her words. She went to her room without asking for anything else.
In the night, she heard the sound of a door opening, followed by a loud thud and a scream. She saw the hallway light was on and peeked through the door, opening it slightly. Her mother was standing over her father who lay slumped against the wall, drunk, his vision completely blurred.
"How do you look? How much have you lost on those fucking slot machines again today?" She asked low, angry.
She saw her mother kick her father in the stomach. She cringed, as if she felt the pain too. Her father was only moaning, what she might call gibberish. Her mother began to sob and continued to yell at him. She slipped into her room, closing the door, feeling her whole hands tremble.
The next day she called her uncle, saying that she agreed to his proposal.
She just wanted him to take her away.
Then everything went fast. She had to appear at the Registry Office to sign the documents, together with her fictitious husband. She saw him for the first time and this was not how she had imagined him.
The fact that he was dressed all in black made him look very pale. His blindfold made her think that he was some kind of character in a movie, not a real person. As if it was all some kind of theater in which she played one of the main roles. She thought, looking down at her short, flowing black dress that they were both dressed as if they were going to a funeral.
When everything was settled, Aemond, as it turned out was her current husband's name, simply left the room without saying even a polite farewell. She looked down at her feet, pursed her lips, and decided that he owed her nothing. Neither she to him.
She wasn't going to take her frustrations out on him.
Her parents were privy to the whole thing. They were furious at first, but when her uncle gave them the exact numbers that they would get for it and the payment of their father's debts, they both calmed down and decided that two years wasn't that long after all.
She stared blankly at them, wondering who these people were at all. They seemed alien and distant to her as never before.
In accordance with her uncle's demands, she had to move into her husband's apartment. She had wanted to vomit just thinking about it for most of the morning. She felt like a puppet controlled by someone else. As if she sold her life for a few bills. She thought that maybe she wasn't so different from her parents after all, and the thought hit her hard.
She came with a moving team. Aemond showed them a room to set up her bookshelf, desk, and any other furniture she wanted to take. It was obvious to her that they would sleep separately, almost as if they were roommates. Aemond didn't say a word to her as the men brought in everything and she paced the apartment, looking around.
The apartment was large and had huge windows, the walls were white, so it seemed very bright and pleasant inside. She saw a lot of old oak furniture and plants.
She thought she liked it here.
That whoever her husband was, he had good taste.
She heard the door close suddenly and then there was silence. She felt her heart start pounding.
She turned towards him. He stood in the corridor and looked at her dispassionately, as if she were an intruder, a whore greedy for money, someone empty and worthless. She felt it in every cell of her body, but she couldn't be mad at him.
Part of her wanted him to treat her that way.
"I have someone." He spoke calmly, coolly, empty. "So I don't want you asking me who and where I'm going out with. I hope that's clear."
He said it in such a way that she felt, as if he had slapped her in the face. She swallowed hard, looking away. For some reason she wanted to cry, her hands were shaking. After a moment she forced herself to choke something out.
"I wouldn't dare to expect that. I'm sorry." She said, although she did not know for what.
She saw something change in his eyesight, his pupil narrowed, his mouth tightened. She thought his expression looked almost sympathetic for a moment. He nodded.
"Make yourself comfortable." He finally said a little softer and turned away, opening one of the rooms and locking himself in. Only then did she allow tears to run down her face.
For the next few days he wasn't in the apartment. It didn't bother her, she felt more at ease then, she wasn't afraid to go to the kitchen or the living room. She didn't go into his office or bedroom, thinking it was impolite.
She spent her days filling out college papers and buying books. The thought that she would actually go to medical school cheered her up.
One night, lying in bed, she heard a soft turn of the lock, and then saw that someone had turned on the light in the corridor. Her heart pounded at the thought that he was back.
She thought that he must have forgotten something or had come for some clean clothes and was about to leave again, but he hadn't. She heard him turn off the light in the hall and lock himself in his office. Her throat tightened.
She spent the rest of the night spinning around, unable to sleep a wink. She got up at dawn, unable to bear it any longer, and went to the kitchen. There was practically nothing in the fridge.
She thought then that they might live apart, but that didn't mean that they had to dislike each other. She decided to go shopping and make them breakfast.
Lighten up the atmosphere somehow.
She quickly went to the store for fresh rolls and vegetables, eggs, cheese and ham. When she returned, she decided to make sandwiches with fresh lettuce, radish, tomato and chives with a delicious sauce, and casseroles, which she put in the oven in the meantime.
She flinched as she heard the sound of the door opening. She heard Aemond enter the bathroom. She felt her hands tremble.
After a while he left the room and went into the kitchen. He measured the large plate on the table where she had placed her sandwiches. He headed for the coffee machine and she plucked up the courage to say something.
"I made us breakfast." She said and cut him off quickly, seeing that he wanted to tell her to give up her efforts because it wouldn't work anyway.
“It will be hard for two years to pretend we don't see each other. Can't we just be roommates like in college? Who sometimes meet in between and talk?" She asked quietly with a warm smile. She felt him tense as he stared at her, his face set to stone.
"You mean college like the one that you're going to, that was paid for with my money?" He asked suddenly, and she looked at him, shocked. She opened her mouth, feeling her entire stomach clench, shaking her head.
"I…my uncle told me…" She stammered, but he didn't let her finish.
“Your uncle is just a venal pig. Just like your whole family, apparently." He said it so calmly and dispassionately, that she felt tears welling up in her eyes. She stared at the bun that she had just sliced and put the knife aside, her lips pressed together.
"I didn't know." She whispered. He chuckled at her words, but it was ironic, aloof, incredulous laugh.
"Right. You women never know. Everything around you happens by itself.” He hissed as he took his coffee mug and left the kitchen, locking himself in his office.
She took several sandwitches in her hand, breathing raggedly, wiping her tears and nose, as she wrapped them in cling film for him. She knew that he'd be leaving for work soon, so she wanted to at least give them to him for lunch.
When she got home after going to the college she saw, that what she had left at his door, wrapped in a cardboard box, he had thrown into the bin.
She gave up trying to make contact with him. It made her cry often, feeling like an intruder and knowing what he thought of her. She started classes but she wasn't proud of it at all. She was convinced that she was like a parasite that clung to him. She wasn't surprised that he couldn't look at her.
He tried to pretend that she didn't exist.
One day, he surprised her by knocking on her bedroom door. Since their exchange she ate alone, not in the dining room. She opened the door. He didn't even look at her when he was talking to her.
"Get ready. We're going to my parents' house in an hour. My family wants to meet you." He said indifferently and turned away, disappearing back into the living room. She felt as if someone had poured ice cubes into her body.
She felt like she was about to die.
She put on a pretty, blue, girlish dress with tiny flowers and let her hair down. She decided that she couldn't embarrass him and had to present herself as best as she could.
She left the room and told him that she was ready. She saw him look her up and down as if to see, if she looked acceptable, then nodded and they both left the apartment.
They rode in complete silence, listening to the radio. She flinched when she heard his voice.
“We met by chance at one of the business events. You were there with your uncle. We fell in love right away. We kept our relationship a secret for a year. Do you understand?” He asked with emphasis on the last words, his voice as cold as ice. She swallowed loudly.
As they entered his house, she smiled widely. She decided to play her role as best as she could. His mother, Alicent, hugged her tightly. It seemed to her, that she knew nothing about what was really going on between them.
Their house was huge, modern, terrifyingly opulent. She felt uncomfortable there, as if something was missing. She sat down at the table in the indicated place and she was immediately bombarded with questions.
Aemond sat next to her, crossing his legs and placing his hand on her thigh. She looked at him in surprise, and he didn't even glance at her. She thought that he was trying to pretend, just like she was.
At the table were his father, mother, and siblings, but also his sister from his father's second marriage, Rhaenyra, with her children and now-husband, Daemon. From what she understood, they were all in the big family banking business.
They talked to her about things that she didn't understand at all, but she nodded and talked to them about nothing. If there was one thing she was good at it was simple, warm chatting. People opened up to her easily because she created a comfortable field for them to discuss.
Wine was poured with dinner. So many dishes were placed before them, that she did not know where to look. She saw a lot of cutlery in front of her and thought that she felt like in that movie, where they sit some worker at the table with the nobility and make him guess which fork is for what. She shuddered, snapped out of her thoughts when she heard her husband's voice in her ear.
"I don't advise you to take soup or roast, because everyone will be looking at you." He said indifferently, serving himself the soup. Apparently, what he meant was that his family for some reason cared a lot about how someone ate. She asked what he could offer her.
"Everything but roasts and soups." He said dryly and she rolled her eyes, impatient with his behavior. She saw him purse his lips at the sight, displeased, his hand tightening on the skin of her thigh.
"Don't make faces like that." He whispered through clenched teeth, looking at her sharply. She looked at him expectantly.
"Decide for me, husband. Let your will be done." She whispered, leaning over him, her moist lips slightly parted.
She saw his gaze flit from her eyes to her lips, then back to her eyes. He tapped his finger against her knee, as if he was thinking hard about something.
"Careful." He said low and she shivered.
After a moment he looked away, leaning over the table, reaching for a salad. Pretending, that nothing had happened she poured some of it on her plate and began to eat. She hasn't had anything in her mouth since morning.
Suddenly, Viserys and Daemon went from light subjects and stories to business topics. Although Alicent tried to add a funny anecdote, Daemon interrupted her, continuing his thought.
"I mean, if you don't have anyone to give it all to, what's the point of all this?" He asked, spreading his hands.
"I think Jace would be a better fit." He said, several people moved uneasily on their seats.
She saw Aemond reach for the glass of wine in front of him and take a swig from it, taut as a string, in his eye a fury and madness that she had never seen in another human being. After a while his father spoke up.
"Well, that's a bit of an unfair assessment on your part. However, I agree that Aemond is not as dedicated to the company as I would like.” He said. Her husband put his glass down loudly on the table, so that everyone turned their eyes to him.
"Are you fucking serious? I am not sacrificing enough for the company?” He hissed, she could feel him boiling. His hand on her thigh was clenched into a fist.
She swallowed hard, looking from him to his father. His father shifted uneasily in his seat, knowing what he was implying.
“What can I say, math is absolute. Your results could be better." He said, spreading his hands, speaking lightly as if it didn't really matter. "But of course everyone can have a bad time, it's natural."
Aemond leaned back against the back of the chair, his mouth slightly parted, his chest heaving and restless. She had seen, going to the bathroom at night, that the light was on in his office late into the night. That if he wasn't with his woman, he was still working. For some reason her heart clenched tight.
“My husband works from morning to night. Even when I'm asleep he's still doing reports. Are the results he is supposed to strive for even achievable?” She blurted out suddenly, frowning, causing silence at the table.
Feeling a cold sweat on her back, she glanced quickly at Aemond, fearing that he would kill her for the outburst. But he just stared at her, his gaze expressing disbelief, his mouth slightly parted.
He cleared his throat, taking a glass in his hand and taking another sip of wine, several people at the table looked at each other. His father smiled knowingly at her.
"It's nice to see such a loving and devoted married couple." He spoke calmly and she felt a lump in her throat.
She knew that he was the only one in the party who understood what their marriage really was, and he was mocking her. She flinched as Aemond abruptly got up from the table, throwing his napkin on it.
"We're leaving." He said dryly to her as he headed for the hallway. She stood up quickly, following him, terrified. His mother tried to stop them, but he didn't even look at her.
"He humiliated me and you didn't fucking say anything, as usual." He said coldly to his mother, slamming the car door behind him.
She humbly sat in the passenger side, fastening her seatbelts and closing the door behind her. He took off with a squeal of tires, causing her to be pinned to the seat for a moment.
He didn't even turn on the radio, lost in his thoughts, running his free hand over his chin and mouth. She thought, looking at him closely, that he was a really handsome man.
She smiled slightly at the thought and he looked at her suddenly. She swallowed hard and looked away.
They entered the apartment without a word. She thought that he was going to lock himself in his office as usual, but he didn't. He went to the living room and started rummaging in the bar. She stood in the corridor, not knowing what to do. She wanted to go to her bedroom, but his voice stopped her.
"Would you like a drink?" He asked indifferently, looking at her from a distance. She swallowed hard, feeling her whole body tremble. She thought that maybe this was the moment.
That maybe they will get closer to each other.
She nodded, and he took the other glass from his bar without a word. She entered the living room hesitantly, watching as he poured himself a drink. He looked at her expectantly.
"What are you drinking? Wine?" He asked, but she shook her head.
"Vodka. Vodka with orange juice." She said softly, the corner of her mouth turning up into a slight smile.
She saw the surprise in his eye, and then something like amusement flashed across his face. He made the drink she asked for and gave it to her.
He walked around the couch and sat on it, sighing heavily, covering his face with his hand. She sat down next to him at a safe distance, pulling her legs under her buttocks, making herself comfortable. For a while they just drank their drinks in silence, not even looking at each other.
“My mother in twenty-eight years of my life never stood up for me, and a strange girl did. Funny, don't you think?" He chuckled lowly, but he didn't sound like he was enjoying it at all. She dropped her gaze, sighing softly.
"I'm sorry. All my life I watched my mother humiliate my father. I tried to defend him, but one day he told me not to do it." She said, pressing her lips together, inhaling loudly.
She realized that she had never said that out loud to anyone. She was afraid to look at his reaction. After a moment, she turned to face him. He looked at her thoughtfully, his expression unreadable.
"Your father is a gambler." He said low, more stating than asking. She nodded, embarrassed, looking down, taking a swig of her drink, fiddling with the glass in her hand.
"Did your mother ever hit you?" He asked suddenly, and she looked at him in surprise.
She didn't want to tell him about it, in fact, she'd rather forget about it altogether. She looked away, pursed her lips, her body trembling. For a moment she was unable to utter a word.
“When she was angry with me, she pretended I didn't exist. Sometimes for a day, sometimes for a week. She didn't anserw me when I spoke to her, she didn't look at me, she didn't make me breakfast for school or lunch, she didn't drive me to school. As if she didn't have a child." She said and pursed her lips, feeling tears welling up.
"That's why I can't stand it, when you pretend I don't live here." She said with a shrug, tears streaming down her cheeks. Her lower lip trembled slightly.
"I have no intention of imposing on you and I swear, I didn't know my uncle would take my college money from you." She spoke honestly, truthfully. She was having a little trouble breathing normally, her body shaking slightly.
A strong, violent shudder went through her, as she felt his large hand on her thigh. She wasn't able to move as he rode her higher, to her hips, then lower again, to her knee. She thought it was the alcohol, that they both didn't know what they were doing, but she felt wetness between her thighs.
"Look at me." He said softly, almost mildly for the way he usually spoke. She was unable to comply with his request, her body froze completely, trembling slightly.
Her lips parted slightly as she felt his hand slowly move to her hips again, but this time it slipped between her thighs. Her breath caught in her throat.
She shifted and twisted as she felt him massage her there with slow, gentle strokes. She felt her nipples harden and thought it must have showed through the thin fabric of her dress.
She thought that she needed this. She desperately needed someone's closeness, relaxation, pleasure, acceptance. Everything at once.
She didn't flinch as his thumb pushed the fabric of her panties aside and his fingers ran over her wet, throbbing, hot entrance. She heard him draw in a whistling breath, her hand set her glass lightly on the table next to her, her breathing ragged and quick.
"Do you want me to stop?" He asked so quietly and uncertainly that she shivered.
She parted her shiny, swollen lips slightly, his fingers pressing steadily against her, teasing her clit. She couldn't stop her hips from moving towards his hand, a wonderful warmth spreading over her lower abdomen every time he rubbed her.
“No.” She whispered and he jumped up suddenly.
In one swift motion, he placed her on her side, laying down behind her back. She heard the sound of her belt being unfastened and shivered all over, her wetness running down her thighs. She didn't look at him, her chest heaving fast. She wondered what they were doing.
She squealed softly as he pulled her against him, feeling the material of his shirt against her back, his hot breath, his mouth against her ear, his nose teasing her cheek.
"How about we get to know each other better now? For the sake of our common, platonic acquaintance." He hummed, she heard him undo his pants, his throbbing, hard manhood hitting her buttocks hidden under her dress. She felt a tickling heat run through her body at the sensation.
"Y-yes, I guess, that's a good idea" She mumbled softly, it seemed to her that everything around her was hazy, her head was spinning with lust and desire. She thought it was pathetic, but all she wanted was to feel him inside her.
A soft moan escaped her lips as she felt him slide her panties off her thighs in one, swift motion, his large hands pulling up the fabric of her dress so that she could feel him now, hard and swollen.
She involuntarily lifted her thigh, allowing him to slip in, rubbing against her hot juices. She heard him inhale loudly at the sensation, snuggling her closer to his chest. They both sobbed as the tip of his cock began to press against her, pushing a little into her throbbing, fleshy inside.
"I'll just slide him in for a moment." He whispered, panting with her, their bodies shivering as he thrust deeper into her, pushing her hot walls to the limit.
"Mhm" It was all she could muster.
She moaned sweetly as he slid all the way into her, then began to move inside her suddenly, imposing an intense, fast pace, his thighs slapping wetly against her buttocks, soaked in her juices. They both gasped loudly and groaned alternately, her hand tightening on his arm which wrapped around her waist.
"Jesus Christ" He panted, feeling how tight she was, clenching around him, all hot and wet.
He sped up even more, thrusting into her more aggressively, his cock digging in with a loud slap, stretching her throbbing, swollen muscles, they both felt surprisingly close to fullfilment. He tightened his hand on her thigh which he held slightly up, allowing himself to thrust even deeper.
She sobbed loudly, as she felt his cock rubbing her exactly where she needed to, building up unbearable tension in her. She could feel his hot, quick breath on her cheek, she knew he needed it as much as she did.
If she could think coldly at that moment, she would wonder why he didn't go to his woman, but right now all she wanted was to be fulfilled.
"I'll stop soon, I promise" He whispered in her ear, and she felt such a strong shiver at his words, that she just came. She sobbed loudly, her eyebrows twisted in pain, her mouth parted in a silent moan. She heard him groan low, feeling her walls begin to tighten on him, his thrusts quick, brutal and sure.
"Oh, fuck, yes" He gasped loudly and came hard, moving for a moment longer, his cum flowing in waves inside her. They were both panting, trembling in disbelief, his terrified voice rousing her.
"You're taking pills, right?" He asked as if the pleasure had taken away his common sense. She just nodded, not having the strength to say anything.
She heard his loud exhale of relief, then his nose buried in her hair. They lay there, trying to calm down, she felt his chest rise and fall steadily, his soft cock still throbbing inside her.
She felt that both of them realized what they had done. He slid out of her suddenly, and she covered her buttocks with the dress, swallowing loudly.
She could feel his cum flowing out of her straight onto the couch. He saw it as he got up, zipping up his pants. He swallowed hard, looking at her with black eye. He got up from the couch, obviously not knowing what to say for a moment. In the end he managed only two words as he headed towards his bedroom.
"Good night."
Aemond Taglist:
(bold means I couldn't tag you)
@its-actually-minicika @notnormalthings-blog @nikstrange @zenka69 @bellaisasleep @k-y-r-a-1 @g-cf2020 @melsunshine @opheliaas-stuff @chainsawsangel @iiamthehybrid @tinykryptonitewerewolf @namoreno @malfoytargaryen @qyburnsghost @aemondsdelight @persephonerinyes @fan-goddess @sweethoneyblossom1 @watercolorskyy @astral-blossoms @randomdragonfires @amirawritespoorly @apollonshootafar @padfooteyes @darylandbethfanforever9 @fudge13
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