#maxwell x sophie
alj4890 · 1 year
How does your characters celebrate Halloween?
This is a good question @kyra75 😂 I am all about the holiday fics/AU's so I've given this a lot of thought for some of the couples I've written for. I'll narrow the answer down to four of my pairs 😂
My OTP Thomas Hunt x OC have had a variety of Halloween adventures at Universal's Halloween Horror Nights, watching horror movies, their daughter's first Halloween, Halloween parties, and even spending the night at the Winchester Home so that Thomas could get inspiration for an upcoming film; which usually end with my OC terrified 😂 She does not enjoy the scary evenings at all even though Thomas adores it.
For Tobias and Casey, I see them going all out costume wise, decorating their home as a haunted house, jump scaring each other, having the best treats, and just thoroughly enjoying themselves during the Halloween season. They would be the couple hosting the annual Halloween party for their friends and family.
For Ethan and Sophie, I see them as the low key couple. Sophie would make special autumn themed treats. Ethan would remark how silly he found people like Tobias and Casey still acting like children and how grateful he is that Sophie knows how to be an adult 😂 She'd tease him for being a grumpy pumpkin, then demand that they at least watch a horror movie on Halloween night while passing out goodies to any trick or treaters who stop by. Ethan would be a good sport about giving in to at least that much.
Since Maxwell and Olivia are one of my new otp's, I think that Olivia would indulge Maxwell's need to throw a costume party each season. Though she'd roll her eyes and think it is ridiculous, she'd give in to his urges to dress up and simply have fun. She would insist though in dressing up as Zenobia or one of her other impressive ancestors. No need for monsters or fictional characters for her, LOL.
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tessa-liam · 18 days
Life Goes On
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Marabelle Series
Chapter 15 – Part 2
Choices – The Royal Romance, AU – (cross-over with Rules of Engagement)
Series Premise – An American teenager from New York City is introduced to the world of a small European country and its society of royalty, nobility, and commoners. How will her life story be transformed? Will this new adventure bring her happiness...or regret?
Marabelle Series Masterlist, My Complete Masterlist
Main Pairing – Crown Prince Liam Rys x F!OC Lady Sophia (Sophie) Taylor
Other Pairings – Maxwell Beaumont x M!OC Daniel (from NYC), Drake Walker x F!OC Melanie Smithson
Most characters belong to Choices/Pixelberry Studios
Series Rating – M*🔞Warnings: this series will have NSFW material, drinking, crude language & innuendo, gun violence
Many thanks to @selina012 for pre-reading.
Category – Alternate universe/on-going series/angst/fluff/cross-over with Choices Rules of Engagement
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Chapter Summary – Liam returns home to Cordonia to find Sophie and to address his nation about the university terror attack.
Music & Title Inspiration: Life Goes On, Ed Sheeran, Luke Combs; Run To You, Lucy Thomas
A/N1: Bethany Beaumont, Maxwell’s mother, is originally from the U.S. and is Barthelemy Beaumont’s second wife. Annabelle Beaumont (deceased) is Bertrand’s mother.
A/N2: ‘Social Season’ in this AU series refers to a traditional period in the spring/summer for royalty and members of the court to take part in Balls, dinner parties and charity events.
A/N3: Heartfelt thanks to @Selina012 for joining me in writing ideas and with dialogue/content for this chapter and series.
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Aboard the Royal jet, Rashad peered outside the window and took in the white sands of Cordonia's shores passing by. Suddenly his ears popped, and the pilot spoke over the intercom, announcing the estimated arrival time was in 5 minutes. He felt nervous and helpless and could not help but repeat his fears in his mind: ‘There hasn't been any good news’.
Drake watched Liam walk away from his seat, his hand curled around a glass tumbler filled with an expensive scotch. He wondered if they would hear news before they landed. Remembering his best friend's emotional spiral downward after the past assassination attempt three years ago at the palace; this had the makings of that same pattern. This time though, Drake was not going to leave Liam alone.
The dire problem of not having any clues where Sophie was at the moment was suffocating.
As they waited to land, the minutes seemed to draw out. There was not much he or any of Liam's guards could do but wait and prepare to offer the crown prince their full support.
Liam finished off his scotch, the fiery liquid barely registering, and tried to review the notes for his upcoming address to his nation in his head while stepping into his private suite onboard.
There had still been no update on his beloved Sophie's whereabouts or circumstances.
He took a deep, long breath and turned to Bastien walking next to him with unmistakable determination. "Bastien, contact the security team back home immediately. I need all the current details on the scene and an update on the rescue operations."
Bastien sprang into action, calling the security team leader and putting him on speakerphone so that Liam could hear the conversation in real time. Captain Sean Wilson answered the call.
"Captain, this is Crown Prince Liam Rys, requesting an update on the incident at the University of Cordonia." Liam's voice came through the phone speaker, clear and strong.
"Your Highness, the situation at the scene is complicated and we have deployed additional rescue teams to help facilitate the speedy rescue and recovery process.”
The captain’s voice was tired but remained professional. "We have confirmation that multiple students have been injured in the shooting. We have increased security three-fold around the campus and are working diligently to track down the suspects."
Liam's fists clenched involuntarily, but he remained stoic as he continued. "I need a complete list of all the known casualties. I want to know about each and every one."
"Your Highness, we have established a comprehensive emergency response mechanism. At present, we are compiling the information and rescue teams are working at full ability. The list of casualties is being urgently collated, and I will send it to you via encrypted channels as soon as it is completed."
Liam nodded, and though he could not be seen, there was an unmistakable insistence in his tone: "I need this completed as soon as possible. In addition, please continue to strengthen the search and rescue efforts to ensure the safety of all students. At the same time, increase the manpower to hunt down the suspects and I demand that they be brought to justice in the shortest possible time."
Shortly after hanging up, the sound of an encrypted email rang on Liam's tablet, which he quickly clicked on; and displayed a list of known casualties on the screen as asked. There were fourteen people in the column of the dead, and dozens of names in the column of the injured. Liam took a deep breath and began to go through the list of names, one by one, each name like a sharp blade, stabbing at his heart. He searched carefully, afraid to miss any possible detail. But until the end, he did not find Sophie's name.
Liam clenched his fists, his eyes shining with unshakeable determination. "Bastien, as soon as the jet lands, we will go to the scene and assess the situation personally.”
Bastien, at once responded: "Yes, Your Highness. I will ensure that everything is in place."
Liam turned his head to stare out the window at the clouds; his heart was in turmoil. Although Sophie's name did not appear on the list of casualties, his fears did not diminish. He knew that the lack of news did not mean that Sophie was necessarily safe. That she might still be struggling, or that for some reason she might not be able to communicate with the outside world. He had to ensure that Sophie was safe personally.
Thinking of this, he took out his phone and touched Sophie’s number with trembling fingers. But all he heard on the other end of the line was a cold, robotic voice: 'Sorry, the number you are trying to reach is unavailable.'
Sending a text, he carefully tapped every letter, as he expressed his worries and thoughts.
'Love, please call me as soon as you get this message. I'm worried about you.'
'Where are you? Are you safe? Why can't I reach you?'
'I'm already on my way back to Cordonia. Please wait for me. Please.'
As the minutes ticked by, the 'unread' message on the screen was an ironic and cruel reminder of the futility of all his efforts.
Frustrated, he then tried to call Sophie's aunt and then sent a text message to Maxwell. 'Max, are you okay? Where are you? Have you heard from Sophie?'
Shortly after, his phone vibrated and Liam checked the text immediately .... only to see Maxwell reply,
"Liam, me and Daniel are at the Malic Hotel now, we're all right. But Sophie got separated in the confusion!!!!😢 I have been trying to reach her without success. I'm really worried about her.'
Receiving this update, Liam, although still anxious, was also relieved that Maxwell felt safe. He immediately replied: "Max, good to hear you're okay. Please keep in touch, I'll be back as soon as I can, and we'll find Sophie together."
Liam then picked up his phone again and sent a text message to Sophie's Aunt Bethany:
'Duchess Bethany, this is Liam. How are you? Have you heard from Sophie? I am very concerned for her safety.'
A few minutes later, Bethany replied to his message: 'Your Highness, I'm fine, but Sophie hasn't been heard from since the ceremony. I am also anxiously awaiting her contact. Please try to not worry, I'm sure she will be all right'
Liam's heart sank to rock bottom as he closed his eyes, silently praying that she would be found safe and unharmed. At the same time, he also felt a deep sorrow for all the innocent victims of the attack. He understood as crown prince, he had the responsibility and obligation, along with his father, to ensure the security of the country and its people. This attack was an acute test of his leadership.
University of Cordonia, Capital
As Sophie wandered aimlessly through the maze of people, her eyes welled up. The adrenaline of an earlier escape from the auditorium faded and she felt more sadness, fear and heartache than she had ever felt before. For a moment, she could not control her emotions and tears ran down her cheeks. How she wished it all had been a bad dream, that she would wake up and find that it had all been a false alarm.
An hour later, Sophie and other surviving students and guests were evacuated in an orderly manner to a hotel outside of the campus, the Malic Hotel. The hotel was temporarily requisitioned as an emergency shelter and was surrounded by police and security personnel to ensure internal safety and order. But even so, there was an indescribable tension and unease still in the air.
Sophie had been assigned to room 302. The moment she stepped into her hotel room; Sophie could finally catch her breath. She sat wearily on the edge of the bed, looking out of the window with empty eyes, but her mood could not be calmed. She was eager to know more about what happened at the graduation, especially the mysterious men in black masks, their identity, purpose and why they were there; all of these became lingering questions in her mind.
She instinctively wanted to turn on her phone, hoping to find some clue or news report that would at least give her a sense of what had happened. But reality threw icy water at her - her phone screen was broken and riddled with cracks. She quickly pressed the power button, but the screen only flickered a few times, and then no longer responded. Sophie's eyes flashed with despair, as her contact with the outside world was completely cut off.
Thoughts came like a flood. She missed her Aunt Bethany, who supported her no matter what she was going through, who gave her endless warmth and encouragement, and who always made her feel at home in Cordonia. At the same time, she missed her horse, Marabelle. Every time she mounted Marabelle's back and galloped across the wide fields of Ramsford, all her troubles seemed to go away with the wind. Marabelle's eyes were always full of trust and loyalty, and there was a tacit understanding between them without words. How she wished now that she could feel the freedom and joy of running with Marabelle again.
But most of all, she missed Liam. In this unknown and dangerous moment, how she wished he could be with her, give her support and comfort. Liam, the man she was in love with, who gave her strength. She had never been so impatient to see him, to feel safe in his arms.
Now, however, she could only face all this alone; tears in her eyes had slipped down once again. In addition to missing Liam, Sophie's mind was filled with anxiety about the attack. She did not know how many people had been injured or even killed in the attack; whether Candy and Tom would get better, or what was going on with Maxwell and Daniel. They were her friends and family, and their safety stuck with her. She prayed silently that they would be safe.
Amidst this anxiety, there was so many questions. Who were those men in black at the graduation? Why would they target innocent students? What is the purpose behind this attack?
What puzzled her even more was the emblem of the earth and the baby. What does it mean? What has it got to do with the attack?
Her mind was full of confusion and uneasiness, questions swirled with no answers in sight, leaving her breathless. She tried to piece together every detail of the night in her mind, hoping to remember a clue or an answer. But the images were fragmented, leaving her unable to grasp and put together any useful information.
"Liam ..." Sophia muttered under her breath. She recalled what Liam had said about what he had experienced as a young prince and the memories of an assassination attempt that had fear cutting through his heart like a sharp blade.
Exhaustion came flooding in, overwhelming all her thoughts and feelings. Sophie lay in bed, breathing smoothly and deeply, and her body relaxed, as if all her worries and pain had been temporarily released at that moment. She drifted off to sleep with all her doubts, uneasiness, sadness, and longing for Liam.
The Royal Palace, Cordonia
The press was relentless. Inside the throne room, King Constantine stood stoically, as members of the press core demanded answers about the campus attack. Constantine cleared his throat and addressed the press directly and with the assurance of his years of reign and released a statement:
“At this dark hour, I stand before you with profound grief and pain in my heart. Like many of you, I am mourning the lives lost today, and we pray for the wounded to make a full recovery.
While we grieve the senseless violence that struck our country, we are also furious with the loss and sorrow brought on by those responsible for this evil act. We cannot and will not tolerate the murder and harming of innocent lives simply because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Those who commit such unspeakable acts will be held accountable and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the crown.”
Stepping down from the dais, Constantine was at once escorted by his royal guard out of the throne room. He looked visibly shaken and gripped his cane, trying to stand straight and upright.
Constantine's face was pale, and his eyes were filled with deep sorrow, his elderly face looked worn. But he refused to shed tears, still maintaining his dignified manner, while in public.
Lawrence, his personal guard, moved quickly to his side, “Your Majesty, the Royal jet has just landed with your son.”
Malic Motor Hotel, temporary safe house, University of Cordonia
The second group of surviving students were transported to the Malic hotel in orderly batches by the police in the pre-dawn night. The bright lights in the lobby could not hide the tension and in these in the air. Police officers, security personnel and medical staff were busy shuttling through the hallways to ensure that every student was properly accommodated.
The noise of footsteps and a murmur of conversation broke the sounds of the night. Sophie woke up, opened her eyes slightly, and through a gap in the half-closed curtains. She saw several figures hurrying along the corridor, as if new survivors had been brought in. She got up and dressed. Soon the door was gently opened, and a figure slowly entered the room. It was a girl about Sophie's age, a little wobbly in her step, visibly shaken by the night's horror and still reeling from the shock.
"Hey, um ... excuse me. I was assigned to this room. Is it okay if I come in?" The girl's voice was small and trembling, and her eyes were slightly timid.
Sophie at once stood up and smiled back, "Hello, come on in." The girl came closer, and Sophie could see her face. She had an East Asian face, long deep brown hair, and large black eyes full of fear and confusion, as if she had just woken up from a nightmare.
The girl said softly, "thank you, my name is Hana. What happened tonight was terrible ..."
Sophie took Hana's hand and sat her down on the edge of the bed. "Hi Hana, my name is Sophie. I know we have been through the same horror. But it is all right now. We can talk together and maybe it will make you feel better." Sophie tried to sound calm and friendly, hoping to bring some comfort to the girl.
Hana gave Sophie a grateful look, and took a deep breath. She began with great determination to recount her own experience at the graduation.
"I was with friends and all of a sudden the lights went out and they were gunshots ... I tried to run away, but there were screams and chaos all around me. I really don't know how I got out. I was taken to the stadium with some people and stayed there almost overnight until we were brought here. But I never saw my friends again. I got separated from them, I do not know what became of them..." Hana wiped tears from her eyes.
Sophie listened quietly, with a surge of sympathy and understanding. She thought of her friends Candy and Tom, and her cousin Maxwell and Daniel, and a pang of worry filled her heart.
"Hana, I've had my own friends injured and go missing too. Candy's arm was hit by shrapnel, Tom was shot in the shoulder, and they are both in the hospital; and Maxwell and Daniel got separated from me when they escaped. I am really worried about them. But I'm sure they will be all right. Your friends must have gotten out safely, too. You must believe that."
Hana's eyes flashed with emotion and trust as she listened to Sophie's words. "Sophie, you are such a strong person. If only I could be as brave as you."
Sophie patted Hana's arm gently and smiled wryly.
"Hana, it's normal to be afraid in this situation. In fact, I am also afraid, and all the people who have been through this attack."
Then Sophie's tone became a little heavier, and she decided to tell Hana what she had seen. With that, Sophie picked up the paper and pen on the table in the room and drew the sign from memory. Hana's face turned pale when she saw Sophie's drawing; her eyes widened, and she repeated in disbelief, "you saw this sign?"
Sophie nodded, her words unmistakable, "Yes, I'm sure. It was a very strange sign. I saw it clearly. They acted quickly and in an orderly manner. They were not ordinary thugs."
Hana held Sophie's hand tightly, her voice shaking slightly. "This sign, I have seen on the news, but with what specific event, I can't remember. However, it is definitely unusual and must be the hallmark of an organisation or group."
Sophie's eyes sharpened, and she frowned in thought. "This is no coincidence. The men in black were clearly prepared, and their attack may well have been targeted. We must tell the police about this as soon as possible.”
Hana shuddered, her voice filled with fear and worry. "But... will that put us in danger? If they are really that powerful, will they retaliate?"
Sophie's heartrate quickened. Of course she was afraid. The scene of Candy and Tom being shot and wounded replayed again before her eyes. The blood staining their shirts, the pain and helplessness weaving in their desperate eyes. These were images that she could never forget.
Then, in her mind, the panic of people running away, their faces showing fear and helplessness. Screams, cries, and pleas for help made up the most tragic symphony of the night. Fires were burning, the smoke was billowing, and the whole evening was enveloped in despair and confusion.
But thinking of the students who had been victimized, of Maxwell and Daniel who were still missing, and of Candy and Tom who were still in the hospital ... Sophie took a deep breath and quieted her heart. She could not let her fear consume her. She knew that her friends needed her. ... 'If you do not step up, Sophie, this kind of tragedy will happen again.'
Sophie stiffened her resolve, her voice was soft, yet powerful: "No, Hana, we cannot stay quiet. Candy, Tom, and your friends are just some of the many people who were hurt tonight. If we stay silent because we are afraid, more people will be hurt in the future. We can't let this continue to happen."
Hana's fear was replaced by a kind of courage as she listened to Sophie's words. "You're right, Sophie. I won't back down," She nodded firmly.
"Sophie, I'm so happy to meet you." Hana looked sheepishly at Sophie, blushing.
"If it wasn't for you, I don't know what I would have done."
She touched Hana's arm and smiled, "I know you have determination, too, Hana." Sophie was genuinely happy ... happy to be friends with Hana.
Sophie hesitated for a moment, then whispered to Hana, "Hana,can you show me the news? My phone broke during the attack." She pulled out her cracked cell phone.
Hana nodded, and picked up her phone from the nightstand to open the news app. Together, they stared at the small screen, searching for news related to last night's university shooting.
On the screen, several shocking reports soon came into view. The mass shooting at the University of Cordonia had attracted widespread attention from the national and international community. The report detailed the chaos and bloodshed of the night, but also said that the police were fully investigating the incident and promised to bring the perpetrators to justice as soon as possible. As she read, she felt mixed feelings.
Sophie continued browsing. Suddenly, a marked headline hit her eyes and made her heart beat faster. --
"Crown Prince Liam Rys urgently ends his visit to Italy and returns home to respond to the shooting incident at Cordonia University."
She tapped eagerly; the live broadcast of the news began automatically.
On the screen, Liam stood in the doorway of the familiar white, shadowy auditorium, behind which the smoke had not fully cleared and live images of ambulances and police cars could be seen. Liam's figure stood unwavering behind press microphones.. He wore a black suit, his eyes were slightly solemn, but his face was more resolute and decided, that could not be ignored.
Sophie stared intently at the screen, every subtle expression of Liam tugging at her heartstrings. His voice came clearly over the phone, calm and strong.
Sophie's eyes were red and brimmed with tears. Her heart was racing, as she felt Liam's deep emotion coming through the screen. And then Liam's words turned to unquestioning determination:
Sophie stared at the screen, her tears spilling onto her cheeks. The moment she heard him say the words, 'Our Cordonian family', her heart swelling with indescribable excitement and pride; she wanted to run to his side and face all of this with him. However, this emotion was quickly overcome by reason, knowing that she could not expose her relationship with Liam, especially when there were other people around watching. She gently turned down the volume on the phone for fear that Hana would notice her emotional reactions. She clutched the phone tightly, as if she could feel Liam's presence and power in her hand.
"Sophie, what's wrong?"
Hana's voice sounded softly, interrupting her thoughts. Sophie suddenly came back to herself with a disguised smile, trying to sound natural. "Oh, nothing, I just didn't expect Prince Liam to be back so soon, it's only been a few hours since the shooting."
There was a subtle tremor in Sophie's words, afraid that her mind would be read by Hana and cause unnecessary trouble for Liam. She knew that at this particular moment she had to be careful not to reveal her relationship with Liam.
"Hana, could I possibly use your phone again? I want to send a text to my family and tell them about my situation."
Hana heard her words, a flicker of concern in her eyes. She seemed aware of Sophie's inner struggle and longing, but out of respect and trust, she did not ask any more questions, just smiled and nodded, "Of course, Sophie." You can use it whenever you need."
Sophie gave Hana a grateful look, and a warm wave came through her heart. She quickly opened the text messages on the phone, her fingers jumping over the keyboard, as she sent two messages. The first one to Aunt Bethany and the second one to Maxwell. In the text messages, Sophie told them that she was doing well and that they should not worry. She expressed concern for Maxwell and Daniel and hoped they were safe.
After sending the two texts, Sophie took a deep breath and began her text to Liam. She edited the text carefully ...
"Hi, Li, this is Sophie.
I'm all right. I am in Room 302 at the Malic Hotel at the university.
There was a shooting at the graduation, and I was lucky to escape. My phone is broken, and now I'm texting you on my roommate, Hana's phone.
I know you must be terribly busy and worried at the moment, but please believe me, I am fine and safe.
Don't worry about me. Just focus on what's needed right in front of you. I love you and look forward to seeing you soon."
The message didn't mention Liam's real name, and Sophie was confident that he would get her message. After pressing the send button, the words "Delivered" appeared on the screen. Suppressing her feelings, she quickly removed the text message, making sure it left no trace.
It didn’t take long for Sophie to hear back from Maxwell and Aunt Bethany.
“Sophie, it’s so good to hear from you! Daniel and I are at the Malic Hotel too, and we are doing fine. We were looking for you, too. Just relieved to hear you are okay. We’ll talk more when we meet up.”
Aunt Bethany:
“Dear Sophie, I’m so happy to hear from you! Thank God you are okay. We are all so worried about you, but now we can relax. Be safe and we will see each other soon.”
After receiving notifications of incoming messages, the corners of her mouth cannot help but raise in a happy smile, a big stone in her heart finally fell to the ground. Sophie held the phone and re-read their loving words, feeling the warmth and support from her family.
A ray of sunlight penetrated a gap in the curtain and gently spilled into the hotel room, shining on Sophie's face. She gently closed her eyes, quietly feeling the warmth of the sun, the soft light made her very at ease, like a pair of warm hands, smoothing her fear and anxiety away. She was relieved that Maxwell and Daniel had escaped safely and that she could tell Aunt Bethany about herself.
And Liam will know that she's safe. Sophie found a trace of comfort and strength in reaching out to him.
"Thank you, Hana." Sophie smiled and handed the phone back to her new friend.
Hana took the phone and put it away, quietly watching it all, with a warm glow in her eyes. She may not know the story between Sophie and Liam, but she could sense that there was a deep emotion and connection with him in Sophie's heart. In this time of uncertainty, they were supporting each other and facing life's challenges together.
Cordonia International Airport
The Royal motorcade was situated on the tarmac in wait to take Liam and his men to the university.
Liam strode quickly and confidently to his SUV after his security detail had provided Liam with a report of all the victims and fatalities. Sophie's name was not listed, and Liam's heart remained uncertain, until he saw her with his own eyes.
His duty of keeping alert and informed for his country allowed Liam to control his fears of the possibility of seeing his beloved injured or worse. He fought against every fiber of his being to not burst through the chaos, with full disregard, to search for Sophie among the evacuated students. Liam, surrounded by his royal guard, Drake and Rashad, he walked onto the university grounds.
Drake, on the other hand, was not worried about propriety and cared for none of it. He rushed in and did not pay attention to anything but finding Sophie and Maxwell. He broke past some of the law enforcement and was met by a swarm of flashing cameras and press microphones.
"Back away!" He snapped, having to put his forearm up, and not relent. The flashing bulbs, whirring of camera lenses and questions being thrown at him was enough to drive any sane person mad.
"Don't you have decency? What type of scoundrels and fiends are you?"
An officer who recognized Drake, yelled, "settle down, everyone, he's an American friend of the prince's, stand down and don't crowd him."
On the campus of the University of Cordonia, even after several hours had passed, the chaos in the auditorium had not abated by a minute. Several police cars and ambulances, flashing their warning lights, stood by the side of the road at the ready. Police officers and ambulance workers were busy moving around the scene, serious and focused, although physically and mentally exhausted, but still stuck to their posts, to deal with the incident.
A police cordon has been placed around the scene to seal off the auditorium from the outside world. Liam saw the chaos and destruction ... and the despair of his people.
Liam took a deep breath, adjusted his emotions, and walked resolutely into the crowd and up onto the raised dais. The crowd grew quiet, and all eyes turned to the crown prince.
" Last night, our university campus has experienced an unprecedented trauma. On behalf of the royal family of Cordonia, I extend my sincere comfort and deepest condolences to all those who have been hurt and who have been affected by this tragedy. Your pain is the pain of all Cordonia. We will do everything possible to provide the necessary support and needed assistance to make sure everyone gets through this."
At this point, Liam's eyes flashed a subtle tenderness, that is his endless miss and love for Sophie.
But Liam took a deep breath and condensed his emotions and anger into a powerful determination.
"We will not sit idly by and let go of any of these terrorists. I promise that the Crown will use all resources in its power to track down the attackers and punish those responsible for this tragedy. We will bring justice to the victims, and to our people, to our Cordonian family."
The sky in the east gradually lightened as the night slowly faded; like the tide falling, as if in response to his words. A ray of dawn pierced the darkness, and the sun rose at last. The golden light slowly and gently spread over the campus, silently dispelling the darkness and cold; to bring a touch of warmth to the morning. There was renewed trust and hope in the eyes of the crowd. At this moment, they are silently praying, their hearts are full of deep hope: may such a tragedy never be repeated, so that the dead can rest in peace, and so that the living can find the strength to move forward; In the hope that the murderer will be punished, and there will be no hiding places of any crimes and evils.
As the Royal guard escorted Liam from the stage, Bastien approached with Liam’s mobile phone in hand.
“Sir, Lady Sophia has left you a message.”
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Thanks for reading ❣️
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unfortunate-arrow · 11 months
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general disclaimer: do not support or agree with jkr’s views or actions, but not here to explicitly discuss my personal or political views
OC x OC Connections: 1870s-1950s • 1960s-2000s
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general disclaimer: these guys have no connection to the actual hogwarts legacy game. they just happen to be around the same time as the hphl mc.
Orla O’Rourke
Cillian Lynch
Tadhg Lynch
Niamh Kelly
Vincent Fitzroy
Brianna O’Rourke
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Maxwell Pembroke
Georgie Parsons
Edmund Kennedy
Minerva Kennedy
Simon Battersea
William Devlin
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Ophelia Lovell
Linus Sullivan
Colm O’Shea
Minor OCs
⤷ Eugene Lovell • Ralph Myers
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general disclaimer: these ocs only have tangential ties to the movies and are not involved in anything that has to do with the movies.
Rory O’Neill
Aisling Lynch
Minor OCs
⤷ Francesca Ashby
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Ruth Lyman
Ryan O’Donnell
Cara O’Donnell
Sara O’Donnell
Conor O’Donnell
Minor OC
⤷ Cian Jacob O’Donnell
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Camila Valdez
Nicholas Wraxall
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Finn MacKade
Nate MacKade
Jack Whitten
Benedict Whitten
Thea Whitten
Minor OCs
⤷ Paddy MacKade • Owen MacKade
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Sophie Pembroke
Luke Battersea
Declan O’Donnell-Lee
Quinn Power
Jude Cozens
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Hogwarts Legacy & Victorian Era | part 1 • part 2
Fantastic Beasts & WW1
Hogwarts Mystery
Magic Awakened & Next Gen | part 1 • part 2
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HP 12 Months of Magic (2023) one-shots
30 Day (2020) OTP Challenge
Valentine’s Day 2022 Challenge
Spring Break 2022 Challenge
Summer Break 2022 Challenge
Back to School 2022
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pleasereadmeok · 2 years
A Goode Year 2022
I’m doing this a bit early coz I won’t be around much over the holidays.  Every year I sit down to write these thinking - hmm - we didn’t see enough of Matthew Goode this year.  [NEVER enough]  But then each year I’m surprised by how busy he is. 
January was all about season 3 of A Discovery of Witches. 
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[📷 Sky]
Sadly it was a shorter season due to Covid but we got to see Matthew Goode back in the suit and cashmere for Prof Clairmont once more.  And he held babies.  😁
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Stop animation ‘The House’ was released on Netflix - 
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[📷 Nexus]
...  and we all watched and wondered what the hell it was all about.  Matthew played this guy called Raymond - 
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Coz you just look at Raymond’s felty face and your first thought is ‘Matthew Goode’? Nope.  Anyway this got quite a following from the stop animation fans and won some noms and awards so all goode. 
Also in January we got our very first glimpse of Matthew Goode in ‘The Offer’ when this little teaser dropped - 
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[📷 Paramount +]
There he is - BOB!  
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More promos appeared later in January including this gem - 
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[📷 Miller Mobley]
February gave us more of Matthew Clairmont in his sharp jackets and cuddlesome cashmere. 🤤
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We also got the amazing trailer for ‘The Offer’ and all of our hopes were fulfilled when we got our first look at Matthew’s awesome portrayal of Robert Evans. 
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The best thing was that other people noticed it too and at last Matthew got some love for his acting skills from the critics.  
In other news - The Wine Show moved to it’s new home on AcornTV AND Matthew surprised us by attending the London Premiere of ‘The Duke’. 
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He was obviously excited to be there and we loved seeing him in the flesh again. 
‘The Duke’ was just what Brits returning to the cinema needed - an old fashioned Brit comedy drama.  Matthew shone as ‘star’ barrister Jeremy Hutchinson and he was so convincing that he’d definitely be the one I’d call if I needed representing in court - 
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 In March we said a final farewell to ‘A Discovery of Witches’ 😢 but not before we got to see some adorable Matthew outtakes - 
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Meanwhile Matthew was clearing out his wardrobe and putting a lot of goodies into the ‘Auction for Ukraine’.  It wasn’t until later that we found out that the idea and most of the organising had been started by Matthew and that he roped in some high profile friends to help. 👏 
April was wall to wall ‘The Offer’ promotion.  We haven’t seen Matthew do so much promotion for a project since 2014 so this was heaven for Goode fans -
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 So many funny and engaging interviews to enjoy but I swear if I hear him say ‘timbre’, ‘cadence’, ‘YouTube’ and ‘wormholes’ ever again I might have to scream.  
Better still - Matthew attended the LA premiere for ‘The Offer’ so we got another red carpet interview and even more new pics of him - 
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[📷my edit from Extra TV youtube]
When ‘The Offer’ premiered on the 28th April - OMG Matthew was incredible as Robert Evans.  A stunning performance in every way. 
The Bob show continued through May and we got more goode interviews and articles to enjoy.  Just going to highlight this one in the LA Times - https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/tv/story/2022-05-05/the-offer-paramount-cast-matthew-goode-robert-evans   coz of the gorgeous pictures by Dania Maxwell
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[📷 Dania Maxwell/LA Times] 
Matthew and Sophie were also invited to the London premiere of ‘Top Gun’ - presumably by Miles Teller?  Anyway - he gave us a little wave on red carpet TV - 
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[📷 screenshots from Red Carpet TV and Tristan Fewings]
At last we saw Matthew do another chat show!  In June he was a guest on NBC's ‘Late Night with Seth Meyers’ and joked about getting into American Football and trying to get X [R] rated movies from his local store as a kid ....  
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Matthew attended the New York Premiere of ‘The Offer’ the next day - 
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[📷Michael Loccisano/Getty Images]
Paramount + launched in the UK later in June and Matthew introduced ‘The Offer’ to the audience - 
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[📷 Mike Marsland/Dave J Hogan] 
Matthew’s amazing work on the Auction for Ukraine was finally revealed in a fun guest appearance on The Chris Evans Radio Show.  We also got the first hint about his next project - with an acting hero 🤔  
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[📷 Virgin Radio]   
One of the top auction lots was a lunch hosted by Matthew and friends at Hide restaurant - 
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[📷 Hide Restaurant]
Before Matthew headed off for his summer holidays in July he found time to guest on ‘This Morning’ with Alison and Dermot.  
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He talked about how he nearly missed out on getting the part of Robert Evans due to visa issues 😱 and he confirmed that acting hero he would be working with was indeed Anthony Hopkins!
Matthew headed off to Greece for a family holiday but found time to take a selfie with some fans - 
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[📷 Paul and Kerry Hulme - cropped for privacy] 
July also brought us the official trailer for ‘Medieval’ and we got to see Matthew swaggering about in lavish cloaks and that glorious ginger hair - 
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Matthew turned up with Hugh Bonneville at a Coldplay gig at Wembley arena in August - 
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Medieval was released in September so we saw more of Matthew’s spectacular costumes and THAT hair - 
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What happened in October?  Not a lot but in November we did get confirmation that Matthew would be working with Anthony Hopkins on the movie ‘Freud’s Last Session’.  
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The movie will be based on the play by Mark St. Germain and Matthew will play C.S. Lewis.  
So I think that brings us up to date.  It’s been a Goode year for showcasing Matthew’s superb acting skills with his perfectly crafted role as Robert Evans in ‘The Offer’ and watching him actually enjoy promoting a show has been a highlight for me.   But if I have to choose the best part of the Goode year - Matthew’s work in getting together the Auction for Ukraine needs a special mention - coz he sure won’t mention it.  He obviously worked really hard on calling in favours and getting things moving and as a result the Auction raised £838,900!  So well done Matthew and all of your friends who helped! 👏
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jxrm · 4 days
book log - 2024 (so far)
diva by daisy goodwin
the heiress by rachel hawkins
only if you’re lucky by stacy willingham
the chateau by jaclyn goldis
just stay away by tony wirt
the other mothers by katherine faulker
middle of the night by riley sager
the disappearance of astrid bricard by natasha lester
every time i go in vacation, someone dies by catherine mack
the last caretaker by jessica strawser
just for the summer by abby jimenez
house of glass by sarah pekkanen
the mayor of maxwell street by avery cunningham
first lie wins by ashley elston
the phoenix crown by kate quinn
murder road by simone st. james
the fury by alex michaelides
happiness falls by angie kim
the house of last resort by christopher golden
run rose run by dolly parton
the chalice of the gods by rick riordan
there should have been right by nalini singh
the mysterious case of the alperton angels by janice hallet
darling girls by sally hepworth
the pieces around us by leigh fields
love, theoretically by ali hazelwood
the teacher by frieda mcfadden
x by jack croxell
iron flame by rebecca yarros
the only suspect by louise candlish
throwback by maurene goo
the housemaid is watching by frieda mcfadden
zara hossain is here by sabina khan
slice by angie caedis
the ways of the dead by neely tucker
orphan train by christina baker
a court of silver flames by sarah j. mass
come and get it by kiley reid
the drowning woman by robyn harding
when i bleed: poems about endometriosis by maggie bowyer
the house in the pines by ana reyes
only say good things by crystal hefner
the mother-in-law by sally hepworth
daughter of mine by megan miranda
lore olympus: volume four by rachel smythe
this time it’s real by ann liang
anna o by matthew blake
the girl with the louding voice by abi dare
where the forest meets the stars by glendy vanderah
a friend in the dark by samantha m. bailey
the wife app by carolyn mackler
howl’s moving castle by diana wynne jones
the spanish love deception by elena armas
divide by jessa russo
lies and weddings by kevin kwan
the foxhole victory tour by amy lynn green
dying to tell by keri beevis
my father, the panda killer by jamie jo hoang
the wedding party by l.r. jones
girl gone mad by avery bishop
starter wife by bethany lopez
the queens of new york by e.l. shen
theater lovers by ciara blume
once upon a broken heart by stephanie garber
the surrogate mother by frieda mcfadden
crying in h mart by michelle zauner
don’t forget to write by sara goldman confino
the next girl by carla kovach
the paradise problem by christina lauren
ivy league liars by grace costello
every summer after by carley fortune
the ballad of never after by stephanie garber
a curse of true love by stephanie garber
the devil’s storybooks by natalie babbit
expiration dates by rebecca serle
the murmur of bees by sofia segovia
growing up hadley by dana harp
the vacation by john marrs
rum punch regrets by anna kemp
the five-star weekend by elin hilderbrand
people to follow by olivia worley
the treasure hunters club by tom ryan
you shouldn’t be here by lauren thoman
trophy wife by bethany lopez
seven summers by paige toon
veridian sterling fakes it by jennifer gooch
the friendship club by robyn carr
women of good fortune by sophie wan
the smuggler’s apprentice of guatemala by lachlan page
this summer will be different by carley fortune
natural selection by elin hilderbrand
the passengers by john marrs
asap by axie oh
island of shadows by christopher kvintus
swan song by elin hilderbrand
lore olympus: volume five by rachel smythe
blue hawaiian by carla luna
the villain edit by laurie devore
hermione granger and the order of the phoenix by sara baines-miller
the hotel nantucket by elin hilderbrand
bummer camp by ann garvin
pink glass houses by asha elias
cut and thirst by margaret atwood
the exception to the rule by christina lauren
#crimetime by jeneva rose
incidents around the house by josh malerman
the mistress by valerie keogh
kiki’s delivery service by eiko kadono
when we were friends by jane green
the honey-don’t list by christina lauren
worst wingman ever by abby jimenez
the perfect couple by elin hilderbrand
home is where the bodies are by jeneva rose
the only good indians by stephen graham jones
roar by cecelia ahern
the wedding people by alison espach
look in the mirror by catherine steadman
fit to die by daniel kalla
uglies by scott westerfield
hideaway by nicole lundrigan
the fortune teller by natasha boydell
crazy rich asians by kevin kwan
the wish by nicholas sparks
how the penguins saved veronica by hazel prior
the plus one by s. c. lalli
the haters by robyn harding
china rich girlfriend by kevin kwan
rich people problems by kevin kwan
0 notes
fukounaboy · 10 days
Kayden Kai Amia Angel Duckie Sal Sy Ant James Sophie Charles Ford Wade Bella Rogue Cassie Hannah Erik Dirt Sal Carnage Catalyst Skulk Hush Vine Moss Puddle Cove Fern Panda Admin Program Observer Fero Randy Pool Monty Sovereign Amonaly Levi Josh John Kenny Luna Lunair Spider Pyro Nuke Ronan Aurora Kazoo Vesper Apostolis Atlas Vayu Icarus Phoenix Voxxine Inferno Ghost Adrasteia Diwata Swan Celestina Atreus Light Nicholas Kumaz Vivian Zack Rin Ray Dove Feather Maxwell Solar Alex Mason Benadryl Elisa Ezio Ignis Ivy Lyxan Lucas Sal Tank Chalk Mako Sharkbite Xember String Cheese Breen Styrofoam Koncrete Concrete Marker Salad Bleebo Flumble Scarf Knife Hologram Maggot Ribs Illusion Cringe Soap Fridge Toast Cigarette Sockit Milk Duck Trinket Oddity Rascal Tragedy Bean Glitch Bottlecap Bugs Lemon Sprout Pigeon Pitch Tuesday Soup Skittles Squeaker Mittens Cedar Yoyo Kazoo Ezra Sodapop Dotcom Lust Prey Disc Sacrifice Censor Crisp Basil Fishy Ivea Sprinkles Selfishness Ealsile Elsarine Sharkie Silly Mutt Forgotten Hollow Twix Ram Bear Bee Jamba Aikshal Asphodel Azriel Delirium Stair Zip Ducky Faun Kiwi Swan Tsunami Vortex Socks Aspect Jasper Celain Eden Velki KitKat Bookworm Lite Forrest Enigma Pod Ronnie Theo Wiggly Firecracker Semicolon Glaze Bonz Scarlett Cloud Dagur Azalea Theseus Anth Perla December Krow Acrobat Dash Hero Kael Qwerty X Nemesis Critter Bullet Crayon Yogurt Melon Microbe Bats Stone Rye Casket Wilt Roan Puddle Hunter Clown Voss Prince Mallard Egg Tawny Eggplant Doe Knife Tony King Fizzy Fluff Amdromeda Sait Serotonin Splatter Scrap Cannon Razor Paw Silly Ant Mist Twig Conan Nuke 01 Solitaire Patience Torrent Quake Puppy Jester Bloodmoon Pluto Leviathan Void Spirit Oats Blaze Astro Harbor Lexi Lizzie Quill Sunny Harper Enox Branch Breeze Chrlorine Cyanide Flippy Dreamer Dazy Limbo Scooter Starlight Void Saturn Neptune Honey Zodia Vigilantis Dell Zody Zeta Teddy Steven Alastair Eddie Max Pezzy Entity Fenrir Forest Kalvin Blaz 
here you go :3
I thought there'd be like. 20 or something WOAGH.
Also also some of these names are so silly i love them all sm. I'm gonna look through all them soon... :3
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msjr0119 · 4 years
Birthday One Shot
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A/N1: So it’s my girls birthday today. My favourite drunk partner. Hope you have had a fabulous day @drakexwillow !!! I can’t wait to have an alcoholic drink with you and fall asleep again 😆
A/N2: Some of the dialogue used was actually texts between us. I’ve rushed this as I’ve been busy passing out all weekend - bypass any stupid grammar mistakes 🤣
A/N3: Thank you to your other half, ‘Beany’ for helping me out with some things- I hope he didn’t spoil it for you ❤️👍🏼
Book: The Royal Romance (A/U)
Pairing: Drake Walker (Michiel Huisman) x Willow Downing (Jessica Lowndes)
Song inspirations:
Gun Machine Kelly- Drunk Face
Gun Machine Kelly- Hangover Cure
Mood- 24kGoldn and Ian Dior
Warnings: Adult language, mention of sex, mention of being drunk.
Tags: Thinking of those who like Drake x MC especially Willow- don’t feel obliged to read if you don’t want to 😊
@drakexwillow @burnsoslow @axwalker @annekebbphotography @kingliam2019 @kimmiedoo5 @i-bloody-love-drake-walker @bascmve01 @yukinagato2012 @lodberg @cordonianroyalty @texaskitten30 @nomadics-stuff
Drake Walker had been dating Willow Downing for many years now. Every birthday that came around he always struggled with new ideas about what to do for the love of his life. At times he was tempted to ask for advise from his closest friends Maxwell and Sophie- however, if he did that he knew that it would just end in a disaster. A big drunken mess. He would usually impersonate a babysitter for the three of them, especially Willow. Thinking back to past birthdays, she wasn’t a bad drunk. Or was she? There had been times when she would get the ‘munchies’- gather food everywhere then not clean up after herself. Rice. That was the worse time for this common food reoccurrence. If it wasn’t the issue of food, there was the spilt drinks residue surrounding the place instead. Which Drake had to clean up. One of the worse ‘Willow moments’ since they had began dating had been when she vomited in their bed- and all down herself, Drake had turned into a domesticated goddess for the night. Stripping the bed, before assisting her in the shower. Oh, then there was the time when Maxwell and Willow had gotten matching tattoos of a peacock with the words ‘House Beaumont Rules’ sprawled underneath it. That night was karma in Drake’s eyes. Regardless of her drunk past antics, he loved her with all of his heart and wouldn’t change it for anything. She was the one.
🎶Why you always in a mood?
Fuckin' 'round, actin' brand new
I ain't tryna tell you what to do
But try to play it cool
Baby, I ain't playing by your rules
Everything look better with a view🎶
“I’m not in a mood!” Drake defended himself- as his other half entered the kitchen singing. Yes, he was known to be the moody one. The one that always wore a scowl. But for once he wasn’t ‘in a mood’. Not for now anyway.
“Sometimes you are. But no, it’s a song. You really need to get down with the kids Drake and watch TikTok.” Snuggling behind him, it was the best option as she knew exactly what his expression would be like. Hearing a heavy sigh escape from him- soon she felt him relax, both feeling content.
Fucking TikTok. He muttered to himself. The social media app had become his worse nightmare recently. When they laid in bed on a night, she would promise him that she was only watching it for five minutes. That five minutes soon turned into an hour, which then elaborated into sometimes three or four hours. By that time he had fallen asleep. No intimacy. It’s a phase- she will soon get bored. Again, he wouldn’t change his relationship with her.
Later on that night after they had eaten, Drake had put one of Willow’s favourite TV series on. Usually she would be ‘glued’ to it- no matter how many times she had seen this specific episode.
“I thought that you’d want to watch The Office? But instead you’re just listening to that garbage. Can’t we just have one night with no TikTok or listening to him?” After his original snappy attitude, that turned eventually into a plead- Drake attempted to make eye contact with her. Knowing full well that she wasn’t fully listening to him.
“But, he’s amazing. Gorgeous. Sexy.....” Swooning deep down inside as she expressed this, Willow eventually locked eyes with a now pissed off boyfriend. Before TikTok became a ‘thing’, she was in a similar situation whenever a new game for the PlayStation was released. Karma at its best.
“Obviously not as sexy as you though Mr Walker.” Attempting to redeem her previous words, Drake responded with only an eye roll. Maybe she was slightly addicted to Machine Gun Kelly and TikTok. In all honesty, lockdown was to blame for this ‘addiction’. Being stuck in the house. With nothing to do. Well, there was other things to do. Most time spent to begin with was the two of them entangled in each other.
“I’m sorry, Drake. Allow me to listen to one song, then we will watch this- no phones. Just Drillow time.” A smile finally crept upon his face. Finally she was cooperating with him in his mind.
“Sounds like a good deal. Which song are you going to choose?” He asked, not that he was bothered or interested. Just eager to spend time without any distractions.
“I like too many songs- I’ll try and pick a favourite...’Drunk face’. It’s off his new album. ‘Hangover cure’ is also a good one by him.” I bet it is.
“I wouldn’t know. I haven’t listened to it.” Faking a sincere yet interested tone of voice, Willow was still debating which song to hum and listen along too. Just hurry up and chose one.
“I can’t believe he’s with Megan Fox and he keeps using her in his music videos it’s so cute.” Getting easily distracted again, Drake bit his lip as she did this in a silent frustration.
“I thought that Megan Fox was still with Brian Austin what’s his face?” Surprisingly, he wasn’t aware of their unexpected split when it was breaking news in the show business world.
“No they split up the start of the year I think it was....I didn’t think they’d look that cute together and pictures of them together he towers over her and it makes them look adorable.” Like us, Drake compared the celebrity couple to themselves as he always towered over a ‘shorter’ Willow.
🎶Wake up, still drunk from last night
The first dates are always uncomfortable
Stayed up, I couldn't sleep last night
I'll admit, I'm a little dysfunctional
Are you okay with the fact I'm a little off track, to be honest
I've been through relationships, I've never been in love, but I want this 🎶
“Anyway, let’s finish watching this before my birthday tomorrow.” Finally placing her phone out of reach, Drake couldn’t quite believe that she had detached herself from it. Almost hallucinating due to the fact.
The two of them didn’t quite finish watching the episode. One thing led to another. Clothes were scattered all over the floor, before Drake had carried Willow bridal style to their bedroom. The rest of the night was bliss, an early gift for the birthday girl. Walker style.
Knowing that it was now officially her birthday, she snuggled into the soft warm sheets with a content feeling. Subconsciously she had dreamt about how Drake would make her day special. As he always did. Rolling over, there was no sign of him. Blinking her eyes she believed that she could possibly still be half asleep- that was until the realisation of the sun peeping through the cracks of the blinds. Forcing herself out of bed, she searched the house for Drake with no avail. Wondering what he was upto, she put those thoughts to the side for now and got ready for the day. Her day. A day that she had planned to be filled with fun and laughter with the people closest to her. He will be back before I’m finished.
An hour later, the wanderer still hadn’t returned. Willow had become slight panic stricken before the banging on the door distracted her pondering any further.
“Happy birthday!” The two friends shouted enthusiastically before pulling her in for a group hug. A hug that could have potentially suffocated her. “Where’s Drake?”
“I... I don’t know. It’s not like him to leave without saying goodbye at least, Soph.”
“Well it’s eleven o’clock. Never too early for a birthday cocktail. It’s the evening somewhere in the world. Maxwell sort the birthday girl out with a drink.”
“Yes ma’am. Come on, Lo.” Sophie watched the two of them disappear out of sight before dialling the number on her phone.
“Drake. Where are you?”
“I’m just getting Lo a present, I’ll be back soon Soph. I promise.”
“A present? How long have you been together? You should be more prepared Drake! You know it’s her birthday. This is not the time to go awol, Walker. Or at least explain to her where you are going!”
“Sophie, just please.... just distract her with some shit off of TikTok. I’ll be back soon, I promise.”
An hour or so later after Sophie’s and Drake’s brief conversation- there was a quiet knock at the door, which made them all question who it could be. They had arranged to have a quiet time together as a foursome. Threesome at the moment. As far as they was concerned in the morning; the three of them didn’t want to wake up still drunk from last night. They were still young, wasting their youth. Promising to grow up next summer. They didn’t want Drake to always be in a mood.
“You girls carry on drinking, I’ll get the door.” Maxwell suggested as he leapt off of the bar stool.
“May I help you?” Maxwell questioned as he peered through the peep hole with one eye shut and the other attempting to examine the mystery person. In all honesty, it didn’t help that he was already slightly tipsy. He would be useless as an eye witness.
“It’s me you idiot! Are you going to open MY door?”
“You sound like Drake, but you don’t look like him. How do I not know that you’re here to rob us by impersonating my bestie?”
“One. Do you think that I’d dress like this if I was going to rob you? Two... you are not my bestie Beaumont!”
“Wow! You’re really good at this whole Drake Walker act.”
“Just fucking let me in Maxwell, before I throttle you!”
“How much is Drake paying you? He would actually say something like that to me... okay, I’ll ask you a couple of questions. If you get them right you can come in Drake.” Empathising the name, Maxwell still wasn’t convinced that it really was Drake. His drunk mind wondered why he wouldn’t just use his key and allow himself in.
“What’s my middle name?”
“Lucky guess. What’s my peacocks name back home?”
“Petunia. Now get the chain off and let me in!” Oh that’s why he couldn’t get in. I forgot that I put the chain on when me and Sophie first arrived. Doh! Safety first!
“Drake it is you!” No shit Sherlock. “You look a complete knobhead by the way. Welcome to Chateau A La Walker.”
“Leave the French talking to someone who can actually express the language, Max.”
“Colson?” Drake sighed looking at Willow. Knowing how ridiculous this whole situation was. “Drake?”
“Tonight Matthew I’m going to be Colson Baker- Machine Gun Kelly. I’ve even got some nail varnish so you can do what Megan does to him in that music video. I’ve got red, pink, purple, black........”
“Drake... I like him and his music. But I love you. I love you for you... why are you doing this?”
“Do you love me more than him and TikTok?” Now that is a predicament to be in. Hmmm...
“Of course I do, you idiot.”
“Thank fuck for that! This wig was itching me too much.” Relieved to finally take it off, he flung it onto the floor- not caring how much it had cost him to recreate somebody else’s look.
“You don’t suit blonde hair anyway. These tattoos are so realistic.” Willow smiled softly towards him.
“Well... the reason... that... they look so realistic.....”
“Oh my god you didn’t!”
“Well these ones are just stick on ones. I did have one done this morning- hence why I’m late. I’m sorry.”
“You will later..... I promise.”
“He’s probably had it done on his arsehole or something? Can’t be as bad as Maxwell’s ‘Turn Back Now’ Pennywise balloon tattoo above his ass.” Sophie suggested and explained with an oblivious Maxwell not understanding why suddenly he was the clown of the group. Drake couldn’t help but blush thinking about his surprise tattoo, in his mind it was ridiculous- he had regretted it as soon as it had began.
“Drake? Are you going to show me? It is my birthday after all...” Fluttering her eyelashes, he was done for. Simple gestures such as these turned him into a big ball of mush.
“Follow me to the bathroom. I’ll show you....” Stripping off out of the ‘rapper’ clothes that he had borrowed to complete his MGK look- he wrapped a towel around him in a flash. Not wanting to spoil the surprise immediately.
“So... don’t laugh, Lo. On the count of three- okay?” She couldn’t contain her excitment, being too eager and intrigued about the tattoo- she quickly whipped the towel away.
“Oh my god. You had a tattoo in honour of me.... Don’t you ever, criticise me for getting a tattoo. The peacock one- I was drunk. You had no excuse to get this. I might actually cry- with laughter. I love you, Drake Walker. Best birthday present EVER! I’ll get us both a drink. Come back into the kitchen when you’re ready.”
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Not so little Walker- property of Willow ⬇️
Those words would now be permanently written across his pubic bone. Yes, it would be humiliating if anybody other than Willow found out the true extent of this tattoo. But what would be more embarrassing was if she was to reject his second surprise of the day now her name was on him for life.
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felixcatton · 4 years
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I’m sorry, I just... Can we go somewhere else? What? Let’s go somewhere else. I don’t really feel like being around people. Okay, name it.
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KLAW Masterlist 2022
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Day 1: Liam the Person
Liam strumming his guitar by @sazanes
Liam with a bouquet of flowers by @bayleedrawsx
Character Sketches
Detailed character page by @thecapturedafrique
Character Sketch of King Marquise by @khoicesbyk
Coping Strategies, Food and Fashion Headcanons by @lizzybeth1986
My Top Nine Fun Headcanons About Liam Rys by @cassiopeiacorvus
Fashion Headcanons by @boujeechoices
Character Sketch of King Marquise + Edit by @khoicesbyk
King Liam Playlist by @lizzybeth1986
Positivity Quotes
Quote for Liam by Maya Angleou, by @storyofmychoices
Day 2: Liam the King
Our Sword of Damocles by @lizzybeth1986
Heavy by @lorirwritesfanfic
Liam Planting the Heir's Apple Tree by @sazanes
Liam in a Crown by @bayleedrawsx
Liam in Cordonian Colours (Anointment Outfit) by @cassiopeiacorvus
Marquise as A King by @khoicesbyk
Day 3: Liam the Historian
Liam and the MC at Eiffel Tower by @bayleedrawsx
Liam at the Bell Tower by @sazanes
A Lesson In Sources by @cassiopeiacorvus
Monuments, Memory, Meaning: King Liam and Historical Sites by @lizzybeth1986
Day 4: Liam the Friend
Liam and Drake Laughing by @bayleedrawsx (Liam & Drake)
Liam and Hana at the Shanghai Night Market by @sazanes (Liam & Hana)
Liam and Hana Friendship Chart by @cassiopeiacorvus (Liam & Hana)
Character Appreciation
Liam's friendship with Drake and Maxwell by @khoicesbyk (Liam & Drake, Liam & Maxwell)
A Piece of Land To Call My Own by @lizzybeth1986 (Liam & Hana)
Day 5: Liam the Lover/Liam and His Family
Liam with MC and kids by @bayleedrawsx
Liam with the MC in labour by @bayleedrawsx
Liam, the MC, Eleanor and The Baby by @sazanes
Ship Asks for Liam and Esther by @lizzybeth1986 (Liam x MC)
Family Asks for King Marquise by @khoicesbyk
Romance Headcanons for Marquise x MC by @khoicesbyk
Family Asks for Liam (and Sophie) by @sazanes
Ship Asks for Liam and Sophie by @sazanes
The Royal Couple: Twenty Years Later by @cassiopeiacorvus (fic + art)
Silver Spoons by @thecapturedafrique
When the Sun Kisses the Sea by @lizzybeth1986
Favourites (Part 1 and Part 2) by @mand-delemonde
Day 6: Liam's Childhood
Liam, Drake and Olivia as Pirates by @bayleedrawsx
Liam and Leo by @bayleedrawsx
Liam climbing the tree at the hedge maze by @sazanes
Eleanor's Kitchen: Vartanush by @lizzybeth1986
Character Appreciation
Liam's childhood by @boujeechoices
Thank you so much to everyone who participated and encouraged all of us! There's been a lot of amazing content, of different types, and I hope you all enjoy them. If there is content that I have missed, do let me know!
Hope we can celebrate more like this soon!!
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simplynotaneggworks · 2 years
Fandoms and Ships
Disney Ella x Henry Cinderella Lady x Tramp (Human AUs) Lady and the Tramp Mary x Bert Mary Poppins Duchess x Thomas O’Malley (Human AUs) The Aristocats Pete’s Dragon (no specific ships; both original and live-action) Ariel x Eric The Little Mermaid Belle x Adam Beauty and the Beast Nala x Simba (Human AUs) The Lion King Kiara x Kovu (Human AUs) The Lion King Bo Peep x Woody (Human AUs) Toy Story Jessie x Buzz (Human AUs) Toy Story Mulan x Shang Mulan Jane x Tarzan Tarzan Kida x Milo Atlantis: The Lost Empire Dory x Marlin (Human AUs) Finding Nemo Violet x Tony The Incredibles Janice x Jesse Bridge to Terebithia Clarion x Milori Tinkerbell Tinkerbell x Terence Tinkerbell Tiana x Naveen The Princess and the Frog Alice x Tarrant Alice in Wonderland Rapunzel x Eugene Tangled Brave (no specific ships)  Elsa x Hans Frozen Anna x Kristoff Frozen Inside Out (no specific ships) Judy x Nick (Human AUs) Zootopia Coco (no specific ships) Izzy x Buzz Lightyear Miranda x Roland Sofia the First Sofia x Hugo Sofia the First Amber x Hildegard Sofia the First Elena x Mateo Elena of Avalor Isabel x Javier Elena of Avalor Cassandra x Varian Rapunzel’s Tangled Adventure
Dreamworks Miguel x Tulio The Road to El Dorado Fiona x Shrek Shrek Astrid x Hiccup How to Train Your Dragon Valka x Stoick How to Train Your Dragon Roxanne x Megamind Megamind Rise of the Guardians (no specific ship) Eep x Guy The Croods
Illumination Lucy x Gru Despicable Me The Lorax (no specific ship)
Sony Ericka x Dracula Hotel Transylvania
Blue Sky Linda x Tulio Rio
Harry Potter (in no particular order) Willow (OC) x George Draco x Harry Nymphadora x Remus Sirius x Remus Lily x James Narcissa x Lucius Emma (OC) x Charlie Merula x Rowan Penny x Ben Molly x Arthur Oliver x Percy Hermione x Ron Seamus x Dean Luna x Neville Luna x Rolf Tina x Newt Queenie x Jacob Albus x Scorpius Andromeda x Ted Victoire x Teddy Fleur x Bill
Other Jedidiah x Octavius Night at the Museum Norman x Ethan Heavy Rain Kara x Conner Detroit: Become Human Simon x Markus Detroit: Become Human North x Josh Detroit: Become Human Rose x Hank Detroit: Become Human Aloy x Erend Horizon Zo x Varl Horizon Beta x Drakka Horizon Elisabet x Sylens Horizon Alva x Kotallo Horizon Jane x Gunther Jane and the Dragon Jester x Smithy Jane and the Dragon Pepper x Rake Jane and the Dragon Gwendolyn x Caradoc Jane and the Dragon Nancy x Jonathan Stranger Things Steve x Dustin Stranger Things Will x Mike Stranger Things Joyce x Jim Stranger Things Fran x Maxwell The Nanny Katniss x Peeta The Hunger Games Effie x Haymitch The Hunger Games Lucy x Coriolanus The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes Emma x George Emma Elizabeth x Fitzwilliam Pride and Prejudice Marianne x Christopher Sense and Sensibility Elinor x Edward Sense and Sensibility Daniel x Johnny Karate Kid/Cobra Kai Robby x Miguel Karate Kid/Cobra Kai Ali x Amanda Karate Kid/Cobra Kai Dutch x Bobby Karate Kid/Cobra Kai Demetri x Eli Karate Kid/Cobra Kai Kumiko x Chozen Karate Kid/Cobra Kai Ellie x Alec Broadchurch Beth x Paul Broadchurch Rose x Ten Doctor Who Yuuri x Viktor Yuri on Ice Yuri x Otabek Yuri on Ice Marinette x Adrien Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir Alya x Nino Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir Chloe x Luka Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir Luka x Adrien Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir Elizabeth (OC) x Ydris Star Stable Online Maya x Alex Star Stable Online Elizabeth (non-OC) x Avalon Star Stable Online Anne x Lisa Star Stable Online Novalee x Forney Where the Heart Is Claire x James Outlander Elizabeth (OC) x Fergus Outlander Brianna x Roger Outlander Aziraphale x Crowley Good Omens Anneliese x Julian Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper Erika x Dominick Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper Sophie x Nicholas Barbie: Princess Charm School Skipper x Jonas Barbie and Her Sisters In a Pony Tale Barbie x Ken Barbie Dreamhouse Adventures Barbie (Margot Robbie) x Ken (Ryan Gosling) Barbie
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metronn · 3 years
playlists + moodboards
this is a masterlist of every playlist i've posted with graphics. it's going here until i know... where to put it.
star trek
spock (character)
bones (character)
kirk (character)
mcspirk (ship)
wolf 359
wolf 359 as a podcast
kepcobi (ship)
eiffel and hilbert (ship? characters? something???)
renée minkowski (character)
warren kepler (character)
daniel jacobi (character)
hera (character)
alexander hilbert (character) (soundtrack)
alana maxwell (character)
doug eiffel (character) (soundtrack)
isabel lovelace (character)
sheriarty (ship)
sherlock holmes (character)
the magnus archives
peter lukas (character)
tim stoker (character)
oliver banks / mike crew (ship)
mike crew (character)
oliver banks (character)
melanie king (character)
basira hussain (character)
daisy tonner / basira hussain (ship)
jonathan sims (character)
martin blackwood (character)
jonmartin (ship)
peter lukas / elias bouchard (ship)
daisy tonner (character)
elias bouchard (character)
the magnus archives (the entities)
the buried
the corruption
the dark
the desolation
the end
the extinction
the eye
the flesh
the hunt
the lonely
the slaughter
the spiral
the stranger
the vast (my beloved)
the web
sidney prescott (character)
billy loomis / stu macher (ship)
dewey / gale (ship)
stargate: sg-1
daniel jackson (character)
stargate: atlantis
john / rodney (ship)
the empty man as a comic
secrets of the immortal nicholas flamel
sophie newman (character)
niccolo machiavelli (character)
josh newman (character)
john dee (character)
billy / john / niccolo (ship - old)
inception as a movie
arthur / eames (ship)
the cabin in the woods as a movie
the old guard
the old guard as a movie
andy (character)
booker (character)
nile (character)
joe / nicky (ship)
andy / quynh (ship)
the binding of isaac (playable characters)
the forgotten
the lost
lock, stock, and two smoking barrels
soap / tom (ship)
lock stock as a movie
dirk gently's holistic detective agency
dirk / todd (ship)
will / hannibal (ship)
the x-files
mulder / krycek (ship)
mulder / scully (ship)
destiel (ship - new)
destiel (ship - old)
arthur ketch (character - new)
mick davies (character - new)
harry osborn / peter parker (ship)
pacific rim
newt / hermann (ship)
neon genesis evangelion
kaworu / shinji (ship)
terminator: dark fate
dani / grace (ship)
dark matter
three / one (ship)
dan / rorschach (ship)
avatar: the last airbender
zuko (character)
stranger things
murray / alexei (ship) (lol)
nancy / jonathan / steve (ship)
three billboards outside ebbing, missouri
red welby and jason dixon (ship? characters? something?)
young avengers
tommy / noh-varr (ship)
kate / america (ship)
agents of shield
fitz / ward (ship) (ouch)
agents of shield as a show (early seasons only)
cherik (ship)
the umbrella academy
vanya (character)
ben (character)
five (character)
allison (character)
klaus (character)
diego (character)
luther (character)
reddie (ship)
stenbrough (ship)
the binding
lucian / emmett (ship)
the thick of it
adam / fergus (ship)
malcolm / jamie (ship)
john dies at the end as a book
doctor who
john simm as the master (character)
david tennant as the doctor (character)
good omens
aziraphale / crowley (ship)
herbert west (character)
gravity falls
gravity falls as a show
sad/afraid (for bill-related reasons) gravity falls playlist
these are the playlists i’ve uploaded with graphics so far.
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alj4890 · 1 year
Suggestions/Requests Welcome!
To get out of the writer's block I have for my WIP's in my drafts folder, I decided to challenge myself to write thirty drabbles in thirty days with various Choices pairings/storylines and the below list of kiss prompts I came across on my dashboard that @missameliep shared. I could use some help with which pairs I should put with certain prompts, so please feel free to suggest who you would like to see in the comments. The ones with a checkmark have been written with pairs already requested while others have pairs I first thought of when I read the prompts. Also please feel free to challenge yourself with these! I'm having so much fun with it (so far🤣)
Thirty Kisses in Thirty Days Kiss Challenge prompts
1. sharing a kiss while sitting by a campfire. LOA (Quinn Michaels x Aislinn Tanaka) ✅
2. a kiss given between ocean waves. (Prince Ellis x Emily Beaumont) TRR*While We're Young AU ✅
3. kissing your lover because you believe you're going to die. The Unexpected Heiress (Hugh Crawford x MC) ✅
4. kissing the tears that roll down your lover's cheeks. (Ethan x Sophie) OH ✅
5. a kiss while being held bridal style. (Tobias Carrick x F!MC) Open Heart ✅
6. a playful kiss given between laughter. (Maxwell Beaumont x Amanda) TRR ✅
7. finally kissing the friend you've been yearning for. (Thomas Hunt x Amanda) RCD
8. kissing your enemy while holding them at knife point. (Drake Walker x Olivia Nevrakis) ✅
9. a kiss in the aftermath of a fight. (Tobias Carrick x F!MC) OH ✅
10. forbidden lovers sharing a kiss in the shadows. Desire and Decorum (Ernest Sinclair x MC) ✅
11. kissing down your lover's body.
12. kissing at a crowded party. (Liam x MC) ✅
13. a kiss shared against a tree. (Thomas Hunt x OC) *Regency AU* ✅
14. a kiss to end sexual tension. (Bertrand Beaumont x MC) TRR ✅
15. kissing to pretend that you are in a relationship together. (Emerick Rhys x Juliet Nevrakis-Walker) TRR *While We're Young AU* ✅
16. a kiss to prove you no longer have feelings for your lover. (Leo x Madeleine) Rules of Engagement ✅
17. a kiss that leads to undressing each other.
18. a kiss to say goodbye. (Maxwell x OC) ✅
19. kisses against a wound. It Lives Beneath (Tom x F!MC) ✅
20. a kiss to the forehead, meant to soothe. (Thomas Hunt x Amanda after Maxwell's death) RCD/TRR *While We're Young AU* ✅
21. an 'i love you but i can't be with you' kiss. (Jax x MC) BloodBound ✅
22. passionate kisses that end in ripped clothing. (Tobias Carrick x Chris Valentine) OH ✅
23. your lover going to walk away, but you grab them and pull them back in for a kiss before they go. (Jackson Nevrakis-Walker x Nicky Beaumont) TRR *While We're Young AU* ✅
24. a kiss shared underneath fireworks. (Thomas Hunt x OC) Red Carpet Diaries ✅
25. A kiss to the neck from behind (Ethan Ramsey x OC) Open Heart ✅
26.an "I'm in love with someone else, but you're here," kiss (Liam x Madeleine) TRR ✅
27. An "I forgive you." Kiss (Liam and his daughter) *Family Fluff ✅
28. A kiss that leaves lipstick marks (Thomas Hunt x OC) RCD ✅
29. A kiss to make someone else jealous (Ethan Ramsey x OC) OH ✅
30. A kiss at a masquerade ball (Jackson Nevrakis-Walker x Nicky Beaumont) TRR/While We're Young AU ✅
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tessa-liam · 25 days
Chapter 15 – Part 1 
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Life Goes On - 1
Choices – The Royal Romance, AU – (cross-over with Rules of Engagement)  
Series Premise – An American teenager from New York City is introduced to the world of a small European country and its society of royalty, nobility, and commoners. How will her life story be transformed? Will this new adventure bring her happiness...or regret?  
Marabelle Series Masterlist, My Complete Masterlist  
Main Pairing – Crown Prince Liam Rys x F!OC Lady Sophia (Sophie) Taylor  
Other Pairings – Maxwell Beaumont x M!OC Daniel (from NYC), Drake Walker x F!OC Melanie Smithson  
Most characters belong to Choices- Pixelberry Studios  
Series Rating – M*🔞Warnings: this series will have NSFW material, drinking, crude language & innuendo, terrorist/gun violence 
Many thanks to @selina012 for pre-reading. 
Category – Alternate universe/on-going series/angst/fluff/cross-over with Choices Rules of Engagement  
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Chapter Summary – It’s graduation night for Maxwell and during the evening, the venue is attacked by the “Sons of Earth”, an anti-monarchist terror group. After being alerted, Liam rushes home to Cordonia from an Italian political summit. 
Music & Title Inspiration: Life Goes On, Ed Sheeran, Luke Combs 
A/N1: Bethany Beaumont, Maxwell’s mother, is originally from the U.S. and is Barthelemy Beaumont’s second wife. Annabelle Beaumont (deceased) is Bertrand’s mother.  
A/N2: ‘Social Season’ in this AU series refers to a traditional period in the spring/summer for royalty and members of the court to take part in Balls, dinner parties and charity events.  
A/N3: Heartfelt thanks to @Selina012 for joining me in writing ideas and with dialogue for this chapter.  
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Main Auditorium, University of Cordonia, Capital  
11:15 p.m. 
Sophie's POV 
It's dark now. The air around me is thick and stings the back of my throat. The sound of fireworks rings in my ears. There's an awful taste in my mouth. Something cold and metallic. It's blood. Where it's coming from, though, I'm not sure. The smell of it hits my senses in full and makes me feel woozy, as if I'm drunk. 
At first there are just shrieks of confusion, and the smell of gunpowder in the air. As it settles though, I realize that one of the sharp sounds is a scream. 
Then, out of nowhere, someone runs past. Another joins them, and then more and more people seem to flood the room. They're rushing in from what was, minutes earlier, the exit; and now it feels like a long and twisted nightmare. 
I see the figure of a man, dressed in black standing in front of me, frozen in place, as if there was a weapon pointed at him. "Watch the front", I shout, and dropped down to the floor, pulling Tom and Candy down with me. 
"Sophie---" Before Candy and Tom could react, there was a loud bang and a champagne tower behind us exploded, shattering glass and spraying champagne everywhere.  
Sophie had closed her eyes instinctively, and when she opened them, she saw Candy looking at her gratefully. 
"Thank you, Sophie." Tears welled in her eyes. 
"Don't give up. We'll get out of here." Sophie comforted them and that seemed to cheer herself up, as well. She whispered Liam's name in her mind, as if that would give her more strength. 
Finally, after a difficult trek, and not meeting those men in black again, they came to the emergency exit. Sophie pushed the door open forcefully; a breath of fresh air ...the smell of freedom greeted them. 
"We're out at last!" Candy cried, her tears falling. 
"Quick, get out of here; as far away as you can." Sophie urged them. Around her, other students and guests screamed in panic and stumbled away. Some were covered in blood, others were unable to walk, some supported by peers or carried on their backs. 
They saw the flashing lights and sounds of ambulances and police cars in the distance, and Sophie quickened her pace, almost with all her strength, and led them toward the light. 
Police cars and ambulances roared in as police with security forces moved in quickly to evacuate people while paramedics treated the injured. 
Sophie, Candy and Tom were quickly met by paramedics for aid and assessment. In the ambulance, nurses performed a simple dressing for the cut on Sophie's face and assessed the bruising that was starting to appear. Meanwhile, Candy and Tom lay on stretchers being taken care of by doctors. 
"How are you? Feel all right?" Sophie asked her friend anxiously. 
Candy managed to smile, though her body was still shaking slightly from the shock of the pain. "I'm fine -- just my arm still hurts and I'm a little dizzy." 
"...Tom ... how is Tom?" Sophie watched as Candy struggled to sit up, but she was soon stopped by the nurse who bandaged her. Tom looked pale and clenched his teeth, trying to bear the pain in his shoulder. 
He nodded hard. "I'm okay --Candy ... sweetheart. Just ... I hope my shoulder doesn't get damaged later." 
Sophie gently held the hands of the two friends, with a little comfort and positivity in her heart, "You both will be all right, and soon we will be sent to the hospital." She whispered to them. 
A few moments passed and the doctor's voice came from the front of the ambulance, "Sorry, you need to get off, miss. We have limited space and must give priority to getting more seriously injured people to hospital." 
Sophie nodded, and though she did not want to, she knew it was necessary. She gave her friends a meaningful look and then said firmly, "you must hold on. I'll be waiting for you." 
With that, Sophie is led out by another doctor and watched the ambulance drive away with Candy and Tom. Looking around the parking lot, she noticed that Maxwell and Daniel were nowhere to be found, having been separated from her during the escape. She turned her eyes to the crowd around her and searched, trying to find Maxwell and Daniel among them. 
Her heart was filled with deep anxiety and worry, as she silently prayed that Candy and Tom, and Maxwell and Daniel, would be safe. Other ambulances around her were open, and she saw medical staff treating the injured students and guests in a tense and orderly manner. Many of the students were injured and their bodies and clothing were covered with blood. Some were clutching their wounds while others crouched on the ground, their expressions contorted with pain. Some persevered through gritted teeth, though their faces were pale. Others cried out in pain, their voices filled with fear and despair; several others had lost consciousness and had been carried out by their companions, lying motionless on stretchers, lifeless in the crowd. However, she still could not find Maxwell and Daniel. 
Italian Parliament, Rome
Liam's POV: 
Bastien stood in the lobby with his hands clasped behind his back. He lifted his head when he heard my footsteps, "Your Highness," He nodded politely. After intense all-day meetings, I was looking forward to the dinner invitation at the home of an Italian statesman and his wife. Francesco di Pietro was married to a Cordonian noble; a friend of my late mother. 
"So," Liam began, walking at a quick pace, side-by-side with Bastien, "Did you track her location?" 
"Unfortunately, not, sir. It looks like either she didn't have her phone with her, or she switched it off." 
"Okay." Liam exhaled deeply. His heart fell, wondering why she did not answer his calls and messages. "Well, please keep trying. Let me know immediately when you are successful." 
"Understood, sir." 
As he exited the building, Liam spotted Rashad on the corner, talking with the limo driver and Rashad’s assistant. 
He caught sight of Liam as the staff and the driver bid goodbye. Rashad turned to the crown prince and clapped him on the back as they walked together. 
"Let me say again that it was a job well done, Li. The outcome of your meetings was exactly what we hoped. The Prime Minister himself will present the results in Parliament later this week." 
"Excellent," Liam replied, his mind clearly elsewhere. 
The pair rode together in the limousine, this time on their way to the reception. Rashad relaxed into the soft leather seats. He examined Liam and could sense his distraction. "You look agitated, Li." 
Liam's eyes refocused. He turned towards Rashad and exhaled. "There is something I wish to discuss with you." 
The atmosphere in the vehicle at once turned somber. Rashad's voice was steady. "Alright." 
"I need a financial audit completed of the duchy of Krona." 
Rashad pursed his lips thoughtfully. He reached into his breast pocket and produced a mobile phone. His long fingers rapidly punched numbers, and within seconds he spoke clearly. 
"Good evening. We need a financial audit conducted at the earliest. I will send you the details via e-mail later this evening. This is confidential." 
Liam settled into his seat, as Rashad confirmed an appointment for himself with the inspector general the next morning. As he rang off and returned his phone to his breast pocket, Rashad looked at Liam, "Consider it done ... can I ask if there is something in particular that you are looking for?" 
"Let's just say, I have a hunch."   
Arriving at the residence of Signore and Signorina di Pietro. Bastien opened the limo door and let the men out at the main entrance. The ambassador's residence was a grand marble palazzo surrounded by elegant greenery and flowers in the style of the gardens of Versailles. The Italian marble entrance was brightly lit, showing the rich texture of the red, white and pink-hued material. 
They were ushered inside and offered cocktails, as Francesco and his wife, Isobella, greeted them in the foyer. 
The meal was exquisite; the chef served them an amorous appetizer, risotto ai frutti demare, a seafood risotto, before serving the main course, porcini mushroom filled chicken in a truffle glaze, paired with a delicious wine from the estate’s winery. 
Even though it was exquisite and luxurious, it could not help Liam through his restless state of mind. He listened politely as Francesco’s wife, Isobella, told stories that involved her experiences with his mother and Cordonia. 
Francesco turned and raised a toast. "To Cordonia and our rich future of diplomatic and financial cooperation. May our new alliance continue to blossom, 'come un fiore al sole'." (Like a flower in the sun.) 
Liam responded graciously. "Grazie, and saluti." [thank you, cheers] 
Isobella held out her hand and her daughter, Carmella, placed it in her mother's. Carmella walked with a poised, graceful step towards Liam, her dark hair styled in a braided crown. She had almond-shaped brown eyes that gazed at him demurely. 
As she drew closer, Liam could make out her petite stature, a slim yet feminine figure underneath her blush-toned gown. 
"Buonasera, Vostra Altezza,” [Good evening, Your Highness}, she softly spoke, dropping down into a graceful curtsy. Liam nodded at her in greeting. “Buonasera Carmella, e un piacere incontrarti.” (Good evening, Carmella, it is lovely to meet you). 
Francesco addressed Liam warmly. “Forgive her timidity, Your Highness, she's not yet used to entertaining royalty." 
Liam flashed his charming faux smile and glanced at the beautiful girl before him. "The pleasure is mine." He bowed and nodded. 
Carmella flashed a coy smile and batted her eyes coquettishly. Her flirtations were unsuccessful, though. Liam politely kept his distance and turned his attention back to her parents. Francesco openly showed disappointment with Liam’s response to his daughter, “È adorabile, vero? Liam..”. [She is lovely, no? Liam...] 
"Oh my, have a look," Carmella announced loudly, interrupting her father. A look of horror dawned on her face as she motioned towards a mounted flat screen in the adjacent family room. 
Liam turned his attention to the breaking news to watch the images on the television screen, as reporters recounted in rapid-fire Italian, the events of a shooting incident at the University of Cordonia. Liam's mouth went dry, a sinking feeling in his stomach, as he heard the beating of his heart pounding in his ears.  
"Sparatoria di massa alla laurea dell'Università di Cordonia, numerose vittime." [“Mass shooting at Cordonia University graduation, multiple casualties.”] 
Liam gritted his teeth. The news video is shocking: the chaos, the panicked crowds, the victims.... Anger and grief mangled in his heart, and he felt overwhelming fury at this indiscriminately violent attack. 
He continued to listen, his heart stung by the reporter's words - “according to witnesses, there are student casualties at the scene.” Liam's mind flashed to Sophie's image as he absorbed this information. 
Liam was glued to the screen, looking for any clues that could relate to Sophie. But the reporter did not mention the names of specific victims. Nevertheless, his anxiety and worry had reached the climax. He knew that Sophie was not only someone he loved, but one of the people he cared about most in the world. If something should happen to her ... he dared not think further 
Rashad clapped him on the back gently, whispering "let's go, Li. Come on." 
Liam murmured a rushed farewell and left the room, his face flushed with anxiety. His hands were clenched into fists, his veins bulging revealing his inner struggle and determination. He must return to Sophie as soon as possible to ensure her safety and as Crown Prince he must personally deal with the vicious incident that has shocked the nation. 
Outside the estate, Bastien rushed to the door to meet Liam, who rushed into the limo and commanded calmly and firmly. 
"Prepare the jet." 
Within moments, the black limo was rushing through the streets to the private jet waiting for them at the airport. Liam knows that, as Crown Prince, he must remain unflappable and rational. But at the moment, he is just a man who loves Sophie deeply and cannot contain his deep concern for her welfare. 
 On the way to the airport Liam closes his eyes and contemplates, but his mind is in turmoil. He can't forget the shocking images in the news, the helplessness and despair of the victims. At the same time, every moment he spent with Sophie came back to him; those sweet, happy and romantic memories. He vowed himself that he must bring justice to the victims of the shooting and bring the perpetrators to justice; at the same time, he must find Sophie and protect her from all harm, no matter what the difficulties. 
Within moments, the black limo was rushing through the streets to the private jet waiting for them at the airport. 
Aboard the jet, Liam impatiently paced the floor, his thoughts racing and his heart thudding wildly in his chest. It was not long before Bastien came through the hatch with a folder in his hand. 
"I have the cell tower records for the past 12 hours. Lady Sophia’s mobile last pinged at 8:32 p.m. with no further activity since.  We also pinged it before the attack and after and checked the towers; it has yet to send out another signal" 
 Rashad watched Liam’s face pale. The evidence strongly suggested that Sophie is, as at that moment, missing. 
His heart was beating at the speed of a thousand miles per hour, the hairs on his nape rising, his chest tightened. 
"We just need to trust that they are alright," Rashad insisted as he looked through his tablet, his hands shaking as he stared at the horrific photos that appeared on social media, of the aftermath of the campus violence. He swore under his breath in French, wishing they would provide more updates on the situation. 
He handed Liam his device, nervously watching Liam’s reaction, his heart pounding wildly. 
"One of my informants gave me this footage before we left the statesmen’s home. I think you need to take a look." 
Liam watched the blurry security camera footage as dozens of masked figures, bearing firearms, stood just outside the building that was clearly recognizable as the auditorium where the graduation ceremony took place earlier this evening, as they lined up several of their colleagues the unmistakable emblem displayed, 'The Sons of Earth'. 
After receiving Bastian's firm and urgent phone call, Drake rushed into the airport his eyes quickly scanning Bastien’s solemn face. “Get on the plane, we don't have time,” Bastien ordered curtly and forcefully. 
Drake nodded and stepped quickly into the cabin without question. His eyes at once caught Liam in the front row. Drake walked quickly toward Liam, filled with concern and sympathy. He slowly sat down across from Liam, trying to control his emotions so as not to disturb his friend's heavy mood. 
“Liam, I just heard that Sophie and Maxwell ... This is so sudden, are you okay?” 
Liam looked up at Drake, slightly tired, but then turned firm again. “Not very well, but I have to stay calm. Sophie and Maxwell are in danger. I must find them and make sure they are safe.” 
His tone was tight, but every word betrayed a firm determination. 
Bastien stood to the side silently observing the interaction between the two men. 
“Your highness, we have done everything possible to ensure a smooth flight and the most important thing now is to get to Cordonia as soon as possible to understand the actual situation.” 
His words were short and powerful, adding a touch of confidence to the dreary atmosphere. 
Drake nodded and looked out the window at the receding ground, silently praying for Sophie and Maxwell.  
“We are all here for you, Liam. Sophie and Max are strong, and they will be fine.”  
He tries to comfort Liam with his words, even though he knows what this sudden disaster means. Looking at his best friend, Liam's expression remained unreadable. 
The jet started to move as it began to taxi away from the parking bay. As the plane accelerated down the runway, it soared into the air with a roar, piercing the thick clouds and soaring into the sky. 
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Coming soon, part 2.
A/N4: This chapter had a mind of its own🫢, and is long ...so I broke it into 2 parts🫣. It's already written and will post in a few days...
Thanks for reading ❣️
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unfortunate-arrow · 4 months
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Feel free to block any tag. I try my best to tag things appropriately. Please be respectful, though.
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general disclaimer: expect spoilers for both the books and the show amongst all of my bridgerton tags. my next gen ‘verse involves like 90% book canon and 10% of show canon (aka book canon supersedes show canon). auggie basset & ernest livingston are only in a modern au.
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𝓛𝓪𝓭𝔂 𝓥𝓲𝓸𝓵𝓮𝓽 𝓑𝓻𝓲𝓭𝓰𝓮𝓻𝓽𝓸𝓷’𝓼 𝓖𝓻𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓬𝓱𝓲𝓵𝓭𝓻𝓮𝓷
⤷ Edmund, Miles, Charlotte, and Mary Bridgerton
⤷ Charles, Alexander, William, and Violet Bridgerton
⤷ Agatha, Thomas, Jane, and George (“Georgie”) Bridgerton
⤷ Amelia, Auggie, Belinda, Caroline, David, and Edward Basset
⤷ Amanda, Oliver, Penelope, Georgiana, and Frederick Crane
⤷ John and Janet Stirling
⤷ Katharine, Richard, Hermione, Daphne, Anthony (“Ant”), Benedict (“Ben”), Colin, Eloise, and Francesca (“Frannie”) Bridgerton
⤷ George and Isabella St. Clair
Tags: #bridgerton next gen | #bridgerton next generation
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𝓜𝔂 𝓞𝓒𝓼
⤷ Juliet Knight, Grace Hill, Rupert Townshend, and Arthur Townshend
⤷ Helena “Nell” Shepherd, Emma Rutledge, Róisín O’Connolly, and Jonathan “Jack” Fullerton
⤷ Stephen Ridlington, Eleanor Dane, Morgan Howell, and Olivia Sharpe
⤷ Ernest Livingston, Phoebe Wycliff, and Molly Campbell
⤷ Alice Linfield, Christopher “Kit” Barrington, Leopold “Leo” Wivenly, and Beatrice Winslow
⤷ Adeline Meadows and Samuel Prentice
⤷ Gabriel “Gabe” Montgomery, Elizabeth Winslow, Neil Pemberton, Timothy MacMillan, Felicity Holroyd, Vivian Marsh, Evangeline “Evie” Wright, Adam Howe, and Nathaniel Moore
⤷ Lilliana Steele and Patrick O’Donovan
Tags: #bridgerton next gen oc | #bridgerton oc
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𝓢𝓷𝓪𝓹𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓽𝓼 𝓲𝓷 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮: 𝓐 𝓜𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓹𝓸𝓼𝓽 (coming soon…)
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general disclaimer: do not support or agree with jkr’s views or actions, but not here to explicitly discuss my personal or political views. canon storylines are utilized mostly for the hphm ocs.
OC x OC Relationships: HL & VE | HM | MA & NG | Misc.
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𝐇𝐨𝐠𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐋𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐜𝐲 𝐄𝐫𝐚
Orla O’Rourke | profile
Cillian Lynch | profile
Tadhg Lynch | profile
Niamh Kelly | profile
Vincent Fitzroy | profile (wip)
Brianna O’Rourke | profile
Fankids (wip)
Tag: #hphl
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𝐕𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐄𝐫𝐚
Maxwell “Max” Pembroke | profile
Georgie Parsons | profile
Edmund Kennedy | profile
Minerva Kennedy | profile
Simon Battersea | profile
William Devlin | profile
Fankids (wip)
Tag: #hp victorian era
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𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐖𝐚𝐫 𝟏 𝐄𝐫𝐚
Ophelia Lovell | profile (wip)
Linus Sullivan | profile
Colm O’Shea | profile
Minor OCs → Eugene Lovell • Ralph Myers (wip)
Fankids (wip)
Tags: #hp wwi era | #hp ww1 era | #hp ww1 verse
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𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐬 𝐄𝐫𝐚
Rory O’Neill | profile
Aisling Lynch | profile
Fankids (wip)
Tags: #fbawtft oc | #fbawtft era
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𝐇𝐨𝐠𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐌𝐲𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐄𝐫𝐚
Ruth Rosen | profile
Ryan O’Donnell | profile
Cara O’Donnell | profile
Sara O’Donnell | profile
Conor O’Donnell | profile
Minor OCs → Cian Jacob O’Donnell (wip)
Fankids (wip)
Tags: #hphm | #hogwarts mystery
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𝐀𝐜𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐬 𝐄𝐫𝐚𝐬
Oscar Lynch | profile (wip)
Nicholas Wraxall | profile (wip)
Fankids (wip)
Tags: #hp professor oc | #hp marauders era oc
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𝐌𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐜 𝐀𝐰𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐄𝐫𝐚
Finn MacKade | profile
Nate MacKade | profile
Jack Whitten | profile
Thea Whitten | profile
Minor OCs → Paddy MacKade • Owen MacKade (wip)
Fankids (wip)
Tags: #hpma | #magic awakened
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𝐍𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐄𝐫𝐚
Sophie Power | profile (wip)
Luke Battersea | profile
Declan O’Donnell-Lee | profile
Jude Cozens | profile (wip)
Fankids (wip)
Tags: #hp next gen | #hp next gen oc
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In Which William Bridgerton Is Born Prematurely
I’d Still Dance with You
To See My Son Become a Father
You Belong Somewhere You Feel Free
You Must Know You Are Beloved
The Aftermath
Bridgerton Writing Requests (closed)
𝐇𝐏 𝐎𝐂 𝐖𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐬
HP 12 Months of Magic (2023) one-shots
30 Day (2020) OTP Challenge
Valentine’s Day 2022 Challenge
Spring Break 2022 Challenge
Summer Break 2022 Challenge
Back to School 2022
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garadinervi · 4 years
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Wall inscription reading "Nieder mit Hitler" ["Down with Hitler"] on the facade of Munich's university library on Ludwigstraße, probably taken by the Gestapo, February 1943 (photographer unknown, digitally reworked) [Weiße Rose Stiftung e.V., München]
«The group of friends experiments with other ways of expressing their opposition as well: Hans Scholl, Alexander Schmorell and Willi Graf paint slogans of freedom on walls across Munich during three nights in February 1943. Alexander Schmorell has fabricated a stencil (25 x 15 cm) for the purpose and the slogans are painted with black tar coal. They write "Freedom" and "Down with Hitler" in large letters on the entrance to the university several times on 04 and 09 February 1943. The slogan "Mass murderer Hitler" and crossed-out swastikas appear on buildings around the central areas of Marienplatz and Viktualienmarkt on 16 February. The slogans are applied to about 30 different facades. The Gestapo has them removed immediately, but not always entirely successfully.» – From the Weiße Rose Stiftung e.V. website
«In the warm springlike days of early February after the Battle of Stalingrad I was riding in a commuter train from Munich to Solln. Next to me in the railway compartment sat two Party members who were discussing in whispers the latest news from Munich. "Down With Hitler!" had been painted in large white letters on the university walls. Leaflets calling for resistance to the regime had been scattered, and the city had been shaken as if by an earthquake.» – Inge Scholl, (1952), The White Rose. Munich 1942-1943, With an Introduction by Dorothee Sölle, Translated from the German by Arthur R. Schultz, Wesleyan University Press, Middletown, CT, 1983, p. 3
«In the early morning hours of the same day [February 4, 1943], Hans Scholl and Alexander Schmorell painted their first slogans—"Freedom" and "Down with Hitler"—on the walls of Munich's university quarter. [...] After Stalingrad debacle, he [Willi Graf] also joined Hans Scholl and Alexander Schmorell in their nocturnal efforts to mobilize the student population by daubing the walls on the university quarter with slogans ("Down with Hitler," "Freedom," etc.).» – At the heart of the White Rose. Letters and Diaries of Hans and Sophie Scholl, (1984), Edited by Inge Jens, Translated from German by J. Maxwell Brownjohn, Preface by Richard Gilman, Harper & Row, Publishers, New York, NY, 1987, p. 275 and p. 314n224
«Die im Stadtgebiet München am 4. 2. 1943 unter Beteiligung aller verfügbaren Stapo- und Kriminalbeamten und unter Einschaltung der Ordnungspolizei, Bahnpolizei usw. durchgeführte Grossfahndung nach dem im hiesigen Fernschreiben vom 5. 2. 1943 näher bezeichneten Flugzettelverteiler ist ergebnislos verlaufen. [...] Die Schmierereien "Nieder mit Hitler" und "Freiheit" sind neuerdings in der Nacht vom 8./9.2.1943 am Universitätsgebäude angebracht worden. Bei sämtlichen Schmierereien wurde die gleiche Ölfarbe‚ diesmal in Grün, verwendet, sodass bei beiden Schmierereien der oder die gleichen Täter am Werke waren. Die chemische Untersuchung der benützten Ölfarbe wurde veranlasst. Da es der oder die Täter offenbar gerade auf das Universitätsgebäude abgesehen haben, wurde dieses unter entsprechende Überwachung gestellt.» – Rundschreiben der Staatspolizeileitstelle München an das Reichssicherheitshauptamt sowie an alle süddeutschen Staatspolizeileitstellen vom 11. Februar 1943 (text here) [Bundesarchiv, Coblenza]
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waywardodysseys · 5 years
Risky Behavior - Oneshot
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Pairing: Pedro Pascal x female reader
Warnings: teasing, fingering, cussing
Requested? Yes from this ask - Ok like not to be full on but like I could imagine Pedro using his fingers under the table at the award show 👀👀👀🥵
Author’s note: none?!; enjoy!!!
~   ~   ~
Pedro sees you out of the corner of his eye on the silver carpet outside of the Shrine Auditorium. You’re dressed in a curve hugging, floor sweeping, thigh-high split black dress. Your Y/H/C hair is wavy. Pedro knows you don’t like to put much effort into wearing your hair up, you always prefer it down – so did he because he likes running his fingers through those soft Y/H/C locks.
You smile at the cameras when the photographers say your name, when they tell you to look one way, or another. You place a hand on your hip and give a sultry stare. That sultry stare made men grovel, but Pedro knew your body more than the men who drooled after you, knew your body well enough to know how to make you melt like butter under his touch. You belonged to him, he belonged to you. Pedro and you had been keeping your relationship under wraps for nearly a year and now you both were at an event together. In front of an enormous crowd, in front of cameras.
“Pedro?” His assistant’s voice cuts through the noise.
Pedro keeps his eyes on you. “What?”
“Entertainment Tonight wants a quick interview with you and Y/N. Is that okay? Her assistant says it’s fine as long as you are fine with it.”
Pedro nods, “yeah. It’s fine.”
Minutes later Pedro is standing centimeters from you on ET’s platform stage. He can smell your gardenia and lavender perfume. That scent covers his bedsheets, intoxicates him when he nuzzles your neck and inhales that scent. It’s a scent he’ll never forget, a scent he never wants to tire of.
Pedro smiles at you. “Y/N.”
“Pedro.” You say simply back to him.
“Alright,” Keltie Knight begins, “we have Pedro Pascal and Y/F/N Y/L/N here. You two work together on The Mandalorian. Are you still trying to get over the fact people are already clamoring for more Baby Yoda? And to see the Mandalorian be a single dad?”
Pedro laughs, “Baby Yoda makes the show. Well besides all of the crew and cast.”
“We are shooting season two here and there. I think people will be in for an amazing journey as they watch the Mandalorian be a single father to Baby Yoda,” you answer.
“Now there are rumors, Pedro,” Keltie pauses, “you could be in the Marvel Universe. And Y/N here, is already in the Marvel Universe. She going to pull any strings for you?”
Pedro looks at you then back at Keltie. He shrugs, “if she thinks I’m a good fit. Hopefully.”
“Y/N? Anything you could give us?” Keltie asks.
You smile, “no. Pedro’s already great as a masked Mandalorian, not sure if the world needs him to be under a mask again. I mean,” you lightly touch his face, “who’d want to keep this face hidden away?!”
Pedro’s body heats up at your light touch. His fingers ache to touch you in return.
You lightly place your hand on his shoulder, then run your hand down his arm. Your fingers graze his. You feel his thumb rub over your wrist before you tuck your hand away.
“Pedro could you give us anything about Wonder Woman 1984?” Keltie asks.
Pedro grins, “if I said anything they’ll come after me! I don’t want that to happen!”
“At least we know you are playing Maxwell Lord.” Keltie states.
“Correct.” Pedro replies.
“Alright you two, thank you for stopping by.” Keltie says with a smile.
“You’re welcome,” you and Pedro say at the same time.
Pedro watches as your assistant drags you off to another interview. His own assistant tells him it’s time for him to go inside. The SAG people need him backstage for a quick overview of what he’s going to be doing.
Pedro watches as you smile and nod at another interviewer. He sees your eyes lift and find him. He sees the sly smile you give, and he gives you one in return. Pedro couldn’t wait to see you inside.
Inside the auditorium Pedro finally takes a seat at his table. Everybody is mingling as the lights begin to indicate five minutes before the program is about to begin. Pedro eyes the crowd, trying to find you. He finally lands his eyes on you as you make your way past Laura Dern, Reese Witherspoon.
He watches you walk toward him in a dress he can’t wait to unzip and take off because he wants to devour and touch the skin the fabric is hiding. Your curves, your moans, your intimate touches on his skin belonged to him.
“Y/N.” Pedro whispers. His voice is lathered with lust and desire. 
“Pedro,” you grin as you take a seat next to him.
“Mi amor. Necesito tocarte.”
His voice, his accent. He knows talking in Spanish will send a heatwave to your core.
You lean over, brush your lips against his ear. “I need your hands on me Pedro. Please.”
Pedro inwardly moans, mumbles a “fuck” under his breath. Without bringing attention to himself, he moves his chair closer to you as he slides his hand over your bare skin along the slit of your dress. You move some of the material over your lap, hiding his hand.
His touch is light, he feels the goosebumps covering your flesh. He then reaches your core, and you are without panties. Pedro shifts in his seat as his cock hardens instantly.
You bite your lip as Pedro’s fingers stroke your folds, opening them slowly, inserting one finger then two. He moves them slowly up and find your clit. You grab hold onto the table as he begins circling your sensitive nub slowly.
You look around the table. All eyes are on the stage. None on you and Pedro’s naughtiness, or risky behavior. You turn your head and brush your lips against his ears. “Keep going Pedro.”
He turns and looks at you. You Y/E/C eyes are looking into his coffee colored ones.
No one else matters in this moment as Pedro begins circling your clit faster.
Fuck!, your mind screams.
Your fingers grasp the table, your knuckles turning white then Pedro withdrawals his hand just as fast.
He leans over and places a chaste kiss on your lips.
“I want you craving my touch all night mi amor. I’m not giving into you just yet.”
You watch him leave. He knows you enjoy you watching him walk away because of his ass. It’s all yours. You grab it all the time – at home, out and about, during sex. Pedro Pascal is all yours. You moan inwardly at the thought of you both going home tonight and fucking each other like crazy.
Pedro walks on stage with Sophie in his goddamn glasses. You look at him with pure carnal lust and desire.
Mine!, is all your mind screams as your fingers ache to touch him, your mouth aches to kiss him.
He sees the look you give him. Pedro winks at you, knowing full well he is going to have you melting like butter when he returns to the table. He wants to take the risk; he wants to see you cum at his touch in public. He doesn’t care about the others; he cares about you.
Pedro decides to keep his glasses on as he walks back to the table and takes his seat next to you.
You reach out with your hand; you stroke his cheek with a finger. You press your lips against his ear. “I’m ready for more.”
He looks at you as he shoves his hand under your dress. “You. Are. Mine.”
“You shouldn’t be tempting me with your glasses Pedro,” you smirk then inwardly moan as his fingers slide into your pussy.
Pedro’s thumb finds your clit and begins rubbing it slowly. He watches as your fingers grasp the table. “Keep your legs uncrossed mi tentadora,” he hisses as you begin to cross them under the table.
You bite your lip, look down at your fingers. Your knuckles are turning white from the amount of pressure you are applying to the table. “Fuck,” you half moan, half whisper.
Your orgasm is building quickly inside of you. Pedro’s not going to stop until you’ve come undone, until you’ve melted like butter under his touch. You always melted like butter under his touch, ever since the first time he touched you with his mouth, his tongue, his hands.
You think about his hard, thick cock entering your pussy slowly. Filling your depths completely. Your hand snakes under the table. You touch his groin and feel his hard, thick cock under the material of his pants. Yes, you couldn’t wait to feel his cock inside of your pussy later.
The crowd around you begins clapping, standing to their feet.
Your orgasm explodes inside of you. You can’t contain your pleasure, can’t contain yourself anymore. You stand and clap and cheer. “Yes! Yes!”
You don’t know what you’re standing for, clapping for in the auditorium but privately you are clapping for the orgasm Pedro just gave you.
You look down at him and smile.
Pedro stands up and smiles at you. He kisses you deeply as he pulls you up against him. “Mi amor.”
“Pedro.” You whisper against his lips. “I can’t wait to get you home.”
Tags: @pascalisthepunkest​
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