#may 2020 job vacancies
zoobus · 1 year
A 19th-century abortion ban, now being enforced because of last year's Supreme Court decision undoing guaranteed abortion rights, is widely expected to be overturned. Further, a GOP-penned redistricting map that heavily favors Republicans may be revisited, and matters involving voting rights and the appointment of presidential electors may be decided by the court as well.
"Our state is taking a step forward to a better and brighter future where our rights and freedoms will be protected,” Protasiewicz said at a Milwaukee victory party after liberals took a 4-3 majority on the state Supreme Court for the first time in 15 years.
Kelly – who had been appointed to the state court in 2016 by GOP Gov. Scott Walker to fill a vacancy, then lost in an election to the post in 2020, was defiant after his second failure to get the job in an election.
“I wish that in a circumstance like this I would be able to concede to a worthy opponent. But I do not have a worthy opponent to which I can concede," Kelly said Tuesday night.
"This was the most deeply deceitful, dishonorable, despicable campaign I have ever seen run for the court. It was truly beneath contempt," he added, calling Protasiewicz "a serial liar."
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mariacallous · 11 months
When a team of three top Biden administration national security officials gave a private briefing to the House of Representatives on Oct. 11, they proposed working with Congress on emergency funding to tackle multiple foreign-policy crises at once: the Israel-Hamas war, the war in Ukraine, support for Taiwan, and the U.S. southern border.
In the past, such a proposal wouldn’t elicit much controversy. Even in the hyper-partisan House, support for Israel is virtually unanimous, while nearly all Democrats and most Republicans broadly agree on funding to back Ukraine and counter Russia and China. But when the administration officials brought up the idea of a joint supplemental funding package in the briefing, a group of Republicans responded by jeering them with a chorus of boos.
The exchange, described to Foreign Policy by one lawmaker in attendance and three congressional aides briefed on the matter, offers a glimpse into how the chaos in the Republican-controlled House is morphing from a domestic political circus into a massive foreign-policy headache for the Biden administration. How that chaos plays out could have major implications for the scale and timing of U.S. security assistance to Israel as well as the continued flow of U.S. military aid to Ukraine, seen as critical in its war against Russia.
National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby warned last week that Washington is “running out of runway” to send security assistance to Israel and Ukraine without additional funding from Congress—all stymied by the glaring absence of a House speaker amid unprecedented infighting among House Republicans. The Republicans are inching closer to naming Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan, a staunch supporter of former President Donald Trump and skeptic of U.S. support for Ukraine, to be speaker, but he still faces an uphill battle to scrape together enough votes from the Republican caucus to get the job.
“The sooner that there’s a speaker of the House, obviously, the more comfortable we’ll all be in terms of being able to support Israel and Ukraine right now,” Kirby said. “Because of existing appropriations and existing authorities, we’ve been OK. But that’s not going to last forever.”
The House has been mired in dysfunction ever since a fringe group of Republicans ousted former Speaker Kevin McCarthy from his job two weeks ago, with no succession plan in mind. Republicans are in the midst of a mini-civil war politically over how to climb out of the mess.
The first question is: Who will the next House speaker be? Under current rules, the House is extremely limited in what it can do without a confirmed speaker. At this point, the House can’t even pass a resolution voicing support for Israel after the Hamas terrorist attacks that has support from more than 400 of its 433 members, let alone pass complex security assistance funding packages. (There are currently two vacancies in the House.)
While nearly all Republicans and Democrats will back funding for new security assistance packages to Israel, Ukraine is more complicated. A coterie of the GOP House opposes further aid to Ukraine, with some arguing the United States has given the eastern European country enough, and with at least one, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, parroting Russian talking points on the origins of the conflict. If Ukraine becomes more politicized on the right, more members could follow suit and begin opposing—or, at the very least, not proactively supporting—Ukraine aid. Those dynamics matter when the Republicans have a razor-thin majority in the House.
Jordan, a longtime budget hawk who has championed Trump’s falsehoods about the results of the 2020 election, has emerged as the only front-runner who may actually net enough votes to be speaker. Jordan still has to sway dozens of Republicans to his cause, including foreign-policy hawks and centrists who are skeptical of his leadership credentials. Since the Democrats will not vote for him, Jordan needs to convince 217 of the 221 Republicans in the House to back him to be elected, leaving little margin for any dissent.
The second question is whether defense hawks can use the House speakership race to their advantage to clinch gains for national security funding, including on Ukraine.
Jordan notched some significant wins on Monday when two prominent Ukraine supporters endorsed him. Rep. Mike Rogers, chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, and Rep. Ken Calvert, who leads the powerful defense subcommittee on appropriations, both threw their weight behind Jordan. Those endorsements may signal that Jordan is willing to make deals on keeping U.S. military aid to Ukraine flowing, though neither Rogers nor Calvert explicitly said so in their statements.
The third question is what happens to future funding packages—known as supplementals—for Israel, Ukraine, Taiwan, and border security. Three administration officials confirmed that the Biden administration wants to bundle funding together into one big package to pass both the House and the Senate—though the administration has yet to unveil the specifics of this plan. The package the administration is drafting could be presented to Congress as soon as the end of this week, these officials said. Democrats endorse the strategy of bundling these four national security measures into one supplemental, as do some prominent Republican lawmakers such as Rep. Michael McCaul, chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee.
Nearly all Republicans endorse boosting funding for Israel, which has outsized significance in American politics, and for Taiwan, to counter China. Nearly all Republicans also want to pressure the Biden administration to spend more on border security. The hitch is Ukraine, where a sliver of the slim Republican majority can derail funding. Democrats, as well as some centrist Republicans, figure that linking all the funding together would make it all but impossible to block more money for Ukraine. Not all Republicans, including Ukraine supporters like Nebraska Rep. Don Bacon, are sold on that plan, however.
The next big question is what those aid packages will contain. The Senate, fed up with the chaos in the House, is rushing to draft its own supplemental aid package for Israel and potentially Ukraine without waiting for the dust to settle in the House. Any final bill would ultimately have to pass both the House and Senate. The Senate Foreign Relations Committee separately has scheduled confirmation hearings this week for President Joe Biden’s picks to be ambassador to Israel, Jack Lew, and ambassador to Egypt, Herro Mustafa Garg, as the crisis highlighted the growing backlog of national security nominees in limbo.
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer traveled to Israel over the weekend and said he discussed what a U.S. aid package to Israel would entail. Among the Israeli wish list that Schumer outlined is replenishing stocks for Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense system, precision-guided bombs, and 155 mm mortar shells.
So far, the White House and Senate leadership have been quiet on what Ukraine might get. However, several Western defense officials familiar with the inner workings of U.S. military aid to Ukraine say a supplemental would likely include funding to replenish U.S. weapons stockpiles as older weapons and artillery munitions are transferred to Ukraine, as well as training, upkeep, and maintenance for Ukrainians using and being trained on advanced U.S. weapons systems such as long-range artillery systems and M1 Abrams tanks.
Past supplementals for Ukraine have also funded salaries—to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars—for U.S. service members deployed in Europe to train Ukrainians and conduct more military exercises with NATO allies in a bid to deter Russia from expanding the war.
The political battles in Washington constitute an existential issue for Ukraine, according to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. During a visit to Washington in September, Schumer recounted to reporters how Zelensky summed up his dilemma to U.S. lawmakers: “Mr. Zelensky said, ‘If we don’t get the aid, we will lose the war,’” Schumer said.
House Democrats, meanwhile—stuck on the sidelines while they wait for Republicans to elect their own replacement speaker—have made their frustrations clear.
“We have a war in Europe, a war in the Middle East, challenges around the world, tensions in the Indo-Pacific, and the United States is unable to elect a speaker of the House,” Democratic Rep. Andy Kim told Foreign Policy in an interview. “What kind of signal does that send to our adversaries and our competitors?”
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fahadventure · 2 years
My TEFL Journey In a nutshell
Alhamdulillah, by the grace of Almighty, in the 2nd last year (2021), I have passed the 198 hours Level 5 TEFL certification course (168 guided hours + Teaching English online 30 hours) from The TEFL Academy. For those, who might want to know, Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) involves teaching English abroad or online where English is not the primary language. TEFL educators can work for international and global schools, foreign companies, international organizations and associations, and internationally recognized universities, just to name a few. You can read more about my adventures in  Fahadventure.
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I have been thinking about doing this since 2018, just after my Graduation from the Institute of Business Administration, Dhaka University (IBA, DU), Bangladesh, but could not really focus much as I got involved in corporate culture, after joining an event management company, namely Asiatic Experiential Marketing Limited. Later on, in May,2019, I joined a locally reputed bank, BRAC Bank where I continued to work for two and a half years. In the meantime, the overall lockdown phases during 2020 and 2021 finally came as a blessing among all those office workloads, few trips and some personal hassles which motivated me once again to work from home and pursue my dreams. This certificate is just like a passport to travel the world while I'll start working on attaining the visa i.e jobs abroad once it reopens. For now, I am exploring the online possibilities to start with. Check out the vacancies for better exploration.
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Just after leaving the job of my previous organization, BRAC Bank, I got the opportunity to join a global platform within few months, named as "Native Camp" where my everyday work nowadays involves teaching and talking people online, mostly from China, Japan & Taiwan and I can't even explain how happy I am right now to have those sessions and exchange our thoughts with fun while doing so. I am also an avid learner and traveler with interest in knowing cultures and norms from all around the globe. I have worked for a very short time in this period with Lingua Roma, a global teaching company where I had to work with South Africans, Russians, French, Kenyans etc. Apart from that, while traveling in various parts of India and Thailand, I resided in the local hostels and houses to mingle with mixed races and know more about them. You can have a look at my teaching profile.
Being a TEFL tutor is a great way to build transferable skills, like communication, creativity, adaptability, critical thinking, problem solving, and leadership etc. It's been a tiring journey with lots of obstacles since I didn't know who to connect with for suggestions; specially anyone from my country. So, I had to look for international blogs, knock random people and gain idea on this. I would humbly request to expand my knowledge if anyone wants to know & explore this beautiful world together. I'll be writing other detailed posts about my journey and other tefl course online, tefl jobs in the coming days. For now, you can look the official website if it fits your budget. Please keep me in your prayers so that I can smoothly advance towards my dream journey, not just by sitting at a corner of the office. Thank you all. Soooo excited! 🤩
Read the full article again and know more about my adventures in  Fahadventure.
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oliviajames1122 · 2 years
Pay raises fail
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Pay rises fail to keep up with the cost of living
Average pay rises are failing to keep up with the rise in the cost of living, the latest official statistics show.
While wages rose in the year to November, they did not rise as fast as prices over the same period.
This meant that average weekly earnings - adjusted for price rises - fell for the first time since July 2020.
"Salaries are growing reasonably strongly, but some people are saying they are not feeling much better due to rising prices," the ONS told the BBC.
Regular pay, excluding bonuses and adjusted for inflation, fell 1% in November compared to the same month in the previous year.
·£150,000 starting salaries as firms fight for staff
·UK economy above pre-Covid levels in November
In November, the inflation rate rose to 5.1% and is expected to reach at least 6% in spring, according to the Bank of England.
The Resolution Foundation think tank said: "Real wages officially began to fall in November, and the current period of shrinking pay packets is likely to get worse before it starts to ease in the second half of 2022."
Salaries, however, are still above pre-pandemic levels. Average weekly pay, excluding bonuses, rose to £550 in November compared with £510 in March 2020.
Over the longer three-month period, between September and November, wages rose at an annual rate of 3.8%, the ONS said. That was slower than the 4.3% recorded in the three-month period between August and October many business listings.
Today's figures showed that pay increases failed to match the accelerating cost of living for the first time in over a year in November.
However, with the jobs market heating up, economists say that may be short-lived.
The latest numbers suggest that not only have the vast majority of livelihoods survived the end of the furlough scheme but - with vacancies at a record high of 1.24 million - many employers are grappling with a shortage of skilled workers.
That's been heightened by the departure of more than 400,000 people from the labor market since the pandemic started - typically those who have become students, taken early retirement, or are long-term sick.
Those factors are likely to give workers the upper hand when it comes to seeking - and getting - bigger pay raises this year.
Overall, the Office for National Statistics said that the unemployment rate fell to 4.1% - close to pre-pandemic levels.
But Shane O'Neill, from Valid us Risk Management, said: "This number, though positive, will be taken with a pinch of salt - it predates both the Bank of England rate hike and the onset of Omicron, which caused significant economic scarring."
Meanwhile, companies added 184,000 people to their payrolls between November and December, taking the total to 29.5 million business listings.
UK job vacancies soared to a record high of 1.24 million between October and December, the ONS data showed, with vacancies 462,000 higher compared with the three months before the pandemic.
Darren Morgan, director of economic statistics at the ONS, said the total number of people on payrolls was "now well above pre-pandemic levels".
He added: "New survey figures show that in the three months to November, the unemployment rate fell back almost too where it was before Covid-19 hit."
However, he said that while job vacancies had reached a new record, "they are now growing more slowly than they were last summer".
Danni Hewson, financial analyst at AJ Bell. Said this increase "could well be tied to the return to education for many young people looking to better their prospects and nervous of setting out on their career during such an unpredictable time".
"Nerves may also be playing a part in the number of over 60s choosing to stay in the workplace, some deciding to take early retirement, others perhaps waiting until the spring and summer to take on additional hours."
With job vacancies rising and the number of economically inactive growing, companies such as the insurer Phoenix Group are tailoring their job adverts to attract older applicants - by banning words such as "energetic" and "enthusiastic".
Phoenix Group, which is led by Andy Briggs - who is also the government's "business champion for older workers", believes using "younger-age stereotypical words" could deter people aged over-50 from applying for a job, according to the Daily Telegraph.
'Pay me what I'm worth'
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Gary Palmer is the local GMB Union organizer in Eastbound
As the cost of living rises, refuse workers across the southeast want a pay boost free business listings.
They argue that HGV drivers, who are in short supply and in great demand, are better paid than the lorry drivers who work in the rubbish.
Refuse truck drivers in Eastbound have now gone on strike after the local council offered a 7% pay rise which officials described as "very generous".
But Gary Palmer, an HGV driver, and local GMB union organizer say: "It's not only the cost of living, people understand that the poor are going to work and in-work poverty is growing.
"All those points have come together and GMB members here have said: 'No, enough. Pay me what I'm worth and recognize my true value'."
The union is holding out for an offer closer to 20% and has said that if refuse drivers are not offered a "decent pay rise", they will be tempted elsewhere by higher pay packets.
"Workers right across the country have seen 10 years of flat-lining wages and it's time they saw some of the benefits that are coming to society come to them," Mr Palmer says.
The UK economy surpassed pre-Covid levels for the first time in November after recording stronger-than-expected growth.
The Office for National Statistics said gross domestic product (GDP) expanded by 0.9% between October and November.
That was higher than economists' expectations and meant the economy was 0.7% larger than in February 2020.
But there is concern growth slowed again after the spread of Omicron and the introduction of Plan B measures.
"The economy grew strongly in the month before Omicron struck, with architects, retailers, couriers, and accountants having a bumper month," said ONS chief economist Grant Finer.
"Construction also recovered from several weak months as many raw materials became easier to get hold of."
Analysts at Capital Economics said the economy was boosted by 3.5% growth in the construction sector, adding "the unusually dry weather probably helped".
It also said manufacturing output also improved and the professional sector also picked up, "apparently due to architectural and engineering activities being brought forward from December".
What is GDP?
GDP or Gross Domestic Product is one of the most important ways of showing how well, or badly, an economy is doing.
It's a measure - or an attempt to measure - all the activity of companies, governments, and individuals in an economy.
GDP allows businesses to judge when to expand and hire more people, and for government to work out how much to tax and spend.
Rising GDP means more jobs are likely to be created, and workers are more likely to get better pay rises.
If GDP is falling, then the economy is shrinking - bad news for businesses and workers.
The Covid pandemic caused the most severe recession seen in over 300 years, hurting business and employment, and forcing the government to borrow hundreds of billions of pounds to support the economy.
·Read more about GDP here
Economists had been expecting GDP to expand by 0.4% in November.
Chancellor Rishi Sunak said the stronger growth was "a testament to the grit and determination of the British people".
But Samuel Tombs, chief UK economist at Pantheon Macroeconomics, said: "GDP almost certainly dropped in December, as households hunkered down in response to the Omicron variant."
The Omicron variant emerged at the end of November and Plan B measures were introduced on 8 December.
Mr Tombs said data such as restaurant diner numbers, transport usage, and cinema revenues "point to a pullback in consumer services expenditure" last month, while "Omicron also depressed labor supply".
However, he added: "Omicron looks set to fade almost as quickly as it arrived, thanks partly to the rapid rollout of booster jabs. As a result, we expect the government to allow Plan B rules to automatically expire on 26 January and for GDP to bounce back in February."
These figures show that the reopening and recovery of the UK economy were motoring just before Omicron struck.
The economy had for the first time regained, on a monthly basis, all the very heavy losses during the pandemic lockdowns. The business had been returning to something approaching normality after the government's decision to ax restrictions since the summer.
Monthly figures are quite volatile though and usually not provided by other countries. It is possible that the Omicron-linked hit to the economy in December could undo the impressive growth in November on the key fourth-quarter figure. Using this more usual and internationally comparable quarterly basis, it is still not certain if the UK economy has recovered these losses.
The bigger question is about the impact of Omicron. With hopes that the rapidly-spreading variant has peaked, economists are now confident it will have far less of a hit than previous Covid waves. Retailers' results over the festive period have been very encouraging.
But the response of the public and its attitude to going out and spending is the big economic unknown. And while Omicron's concern fades, the hits to disposable income from rising prices are very real.
So while the chancellor called today's GDP milestone "amazing" it's probably not the moment for celebration.
The ONS said that, on a quarterly basis, in the final three months of 2021 the UK economy will reach or surpass pre-Covid levels seen in the last quarter of 2019 if GDP grows by at least 0.2% in December and there are no downward revisions to figures for October and November.
However, several economists pointed to a bumpy road for growth in the first months of this year.
"We expect growth to slow in 2022 as it will no longer be able to simply rely on the [Covid] rebound effect to propel it," said Yael Salving, chief economist at KPMG UK.
"In addition, rising taxes and borrowing costs, as well as elevated inflation, will squeeze households' purchasing power, while the lingering effects of supply chain bottlenecks together with a persistent shortage of labor could constrain production this year."
Inflation is expected to hit 6% by spring, according to the Bank of England which raised its key interest rate in December and is forecast to lift borrowing costs again this year.
The government will raise the National Living Wage by 6.6% for over 23 year-olds in April but that is the same month when energy regulator of gem will implement the new price cap on household gas and electricity bills.
Of gem is widely expected to lift the price cap following a sharp rise in wholesale gas prices last year which forced around 20 smaller energy companies out of business.
Also from April, employers, workers and the self-employed will all pay 1.25p more in the pound for National Insurance.
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gulf-post · 6 days
Guide to Landing Opportunities in Gulf Job Vacancies for Freshers
The Gulf region, known for its rapid economic growth and diverse job opportunities, is an attractive destination for fresh graduates seeking to kickstart their careers. With countries like the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Kuwait continuously expanding, the demand for skilled labor is on the rise. This blog post will guide you through the landscape of job vacancies for freshers in the Gulf, providing tips on how to secure a position that aligns with your career goals.
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Understanding the Job Market
The Gulf job market is vibrant and diverse, covering sectors such as:
Hospitality and Tourism: With major events like Expo 2020 and a booming tourism industry, there are numerous opportunities in hotels, restaurants, and travel agencies.
Construction and Engineering: As cities expand and infrastructure projects are launched, there is a constant demand for engineers, project managers, and skilled labor.
Healthcare: The healthcare sector is evolving rapidly, especially in the wake of global health challenges. Positions are available for nurses, technicians, and administrative staff.
Information Technology: With the digital transformation underway, there’s a significant need for IT professionals in areas like software development, cybersecurity, and data analysis.
Education: International schools and universities in the Gulf are on the lookout for fresh educators, particularly in subjects like English, Mathematics, and Science.
Where to Find Job Vacancies
Online Job Portals: Websites like gulf post, Bayt, GulfTalent, and NaukriGulf are excellent platforms to find job listings specifically for the Gulf region.
Social Media: LinkedIn is a powerful tool for networking and finding job opportunities. Make sure your profile is updated and engage with industry-specific groups.
Recruitment Agencies: Partnering with recruitment agencies can help you gain access to job openings that may not be advertised publicly.
Company Websites: Many companies prefer to list job openings on their own websites. Research potential employers and keep an eye on their careers page.
Tips for Freshers
Tailor Your Resume: Customize your resume for each job application. Highlight relevant skills, internships, and projects that relate to the position you are applying for.
Networking: Attend job fairs and industry events. Networking can significantly increase your chances of landing an interview. Connect with professionals in your field to gain insights and referrals.
Internships and Volunteering: If you’re struggling to find a full-time position, consider internships or volunteer opportunities. These experiences can enhance your resume and provide valuable industry exposure.
Prepare for Interviews: Research common interview questions and practice your responses. Be ready to discuss your skills and how they align with the company’s goals.
Stay Updated on Visa Regulations: Understanding the visa process is crucial. Ensure you’re familiar with the requirements for working in the Gulf, as they can vary by country.
The Gulf job market is filled with opportunities for fresh graduates. With the right approach, persistence, and preparation, you can land a job that sets the foundation for a successful career. Stay proactive, keep learning, and embrace the adventure of working in this dynamic region. Good luck on your job hunt!
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epacer · 1 month
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Teacher shortages improve, but not everywhere
The post-COVID teacher shortage is dwindling, but significant gaps linger in the field as the new school year arrives.
While some recovery from the pandemic shortages is a hopeful sign for the profession, experts say schools, particularly low-income ones, are struggling to fill positions.
“We would definitely still think that there’s a teacher shortage. It is improved in some ways, and in other ways, it’s stayed the same,” said Hilary Wething, an economist at the Economic Policy Institute.
“I think there is some good news in that we’ve seen state and local education employment fully recover to pre-COVID levels, to February 2020 levels, of employment, but that’s not really the full context, because the employment levels in that industry in February of 2020 were still below what we would expect to have a fully robust education employment in our country,” Wething added. 
In June 2020, teaching jobs were down more than 15 percent, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. By this June, the numbers have reached pre-pandemic levels of a 0.7 percent annual increase. 
“This is good, but it’s not the level that we really want to settle for when we think about public education, employment, we never really fully recovered from the austerity measures that were put in place following the Great Recession,” Wething said. 
“Once we had COVID, both private and public employment dropped, and private employment actually rebounded much faster than public employment. One of the reasons for that was because private sector wages managed to grow pretty fast, and so that induced more people into the private sector,” she added. “Public sector wages were pretty stagnant in the kind of months and years following the pandemic, but within the last year have finally begun to keep pace with private sector wages. And so, it’s possible that we think that one of the reasons why that gap finally in public sector employment has closed is because of those rising wages in the public sector.”
This June, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported 290,000 job openings in state and local education jobs but only 152,000 hires.
And wages may not solve all the problems as the education sector has seen for years a decline in those going into teacher programs, part of what created a compounding problem during the pandemic. 
“I think that teacher shortages have existed in the United States for a long time. The pandemic has certainly made the teacher shortage worse in many ways, right? In particular, what we’re seeing is that enrollments and completion in teacher preparation programs have decreased 30 to 35 percent over the last 10 years, so the number of people who are enrolled to become teachers have just decreased substantially over the last 10 years,” said Tuan Nguyen, an associate professor at Kansas State University who has studied teacher vacancies.
“We have less teachers who are coming into the profession and we have now more teachers who are leaving the profession over the last several years.” he added.
Experts say teachers’ shortages vary greatly state by state, especially as emergency pandemic funding comes to an end. 
In September, the almost $200 billion that was given to schools during COVID-19 will disappear, and some districts may have to lay off staff they hired using the relief money. 
“I think we’re actually going to see some layoffs happening in some states where they have hired several thousand additional teachers. And then, there’ll be states like Kansas and Missouri, where I am now, that you will see continuing a worsening of the teacher shortage,” Nguyen said. 
Some experts argue the new emphasis on teacher shortages has been short-sighted due to the continuous difficulties with the issue even that were only exacerbated by COVID-19. 
According to data from the National Center of Education Statistics in 2023, 45 percent of public schools felt understaffed, an improvement from 2022, when 53 percent of schools felt the teacher shortage.
Most of the drop came from schools in low-poverty neighborhoods, with a 10-point drop in concerns of staffing shortages from 2022 to 2023.
But for schools in high-poverty areas, fears of vacant positions among educators held at the same level between 2022 and 2023 at 57 percent.
“There were and will continue to be schools and school districts that struggle to hire teachers, and there will, there were and will continue to be subjects in which it’s much harder to hire teachers,” said Dan Goldhaber, vice president of American Institutes for Research and director of the CALDER Center.
“And so, a lot of the stories about teacher shortages tend to be pretty generic and say the teacher shortage without the nuance that it’s always been much harder to staff special education and STEM classrooms than elementary ed classrooms. It’s always much more challenging to hire teachers into high-poverty schools. So I think that those challenges, those sort of more specific challenges are likely to continue even when there’s not a big focus on the teacher market overall,” Goldhaber added.  *Reposted article from The Hill by Lexi Lonas on August 13, 2024
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varshamedblogs · 2 months
Radiologist Opportunities in India: A Radiant Career Path
Have you ever considered becoming a radiologist in India? Radiology’s role in the modern medical field is crucial and is expected to see tremendous growth in the forthcoming years. Besides, the advent of new and advanced technologies makes the imaging sector more precise and in demand worldwide.
Medicine is the most preferred and highest-paying profession in India. After completing school education, most Indian students prefer to pursue medicine as their career. They try to acquire it in all possible ways, including aspiring for specializations such as a fellowship in radiology.
When it comes to PG courses after MBBS and specialization, not everyone gets what they aspire to. However, there are plenty of medical specialities with better scope and demand in India. Radiology ranks third among the best medical specialities in India. Thus, it proves that there is a huge scope for radiologists in India.
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What Are the Advantages of Being a Radiologist in India?
Besides being a booming medical speciality, radiology holds many benefits for the doctors who become qualified as radiologists. If you are aspiring to become a radiologist in India, you will be thrilled to know how advantageous this profession is. Here are a few advantages that you can enjoy as a radiologist:
High Demand for Radiologists in India
As of 2019, India has only 10,000 radiologists, which may sound great, but it is too low for a country with a 136.6-crore population. Now, the number must seem very low. This number has to be increased as the population is growing every year and there will be a huge shortage in the next 5 years.
Therefore, the need for radiologists in India is high, whereas the supply is very low. Taking up radiology as your career can open the door to better opportunities
Potential Market Growth
The radiology sector is expected to grow tremendously in the near future. In recent years, patient awareness about radiology has grown, driving its market growth. The market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 8.7% from 2020 to 2027. The radiology sector and the ever-evolving medical field are expected to grow significantly in India by 2026.
Various government initiatives in the healthcare sector have fueled its growth. Besides, new technologies have been implemented in the industry, making it more advanced and reliable for various medical interventions.
With the high demand for radiologists in India and the expected market growth, exploring career paths for FRCR doctors in India presents lucrative opportunities as the field continues to expand and evolve.
Plenty of Job Opportunities
Since there is a huge demand for qualified radiologists and better space for potential growth in India, specialists to access more radiologist jobs in India. If you choose radiology as your career, you will be in a safer hand where you will have job security and potential career growth. There is a huge vacancy for radiologist jobs in India. Finding one would be a matter for you as the opportunity is everywhere.
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Andrew Prokop at Vox:
In a normal presidential campaign, the announcement of a running mate gets a lot of media attention — but has little immediate importance.  But Donald Trump’s campaign this year is not normal. And his veep pick this year could well be the most important such choice of our time – with major implications for the future of both the Republican Party and American democracy as a whole.
The vice presidency of the United States is an odd office. Its main function is to simply have someone on deck if the president dies or resigns. But the office has very few formal powers. Modern presidents sometimes delegate tasks for their vice president to do, but veeps mostly just hang around waiting for their chance at the big job. “I am nothing, but I may be everything,” the country’s first vice president, John Adams, famously said. [...]
So usually, the veep is the (possible) future of the party, but a new veep typically has to wait eight years (through a presidential reelection campaign) to get to that future, and his or her nearer-term importance in governing is less clear. But there are three unusual features about Trump’s situation that mean his veep pick will be more immediately important than usual.
1) Trump is term-limited, and there’s much uncertainty about the post-Trump GOP: Let’s start with the obvious: If Trump wins in November, the Constitution is clear that he can’t be elected for another term in 2028. So unless there’s a total collapse in constitutional government and the rule of law — fingers crossed there’s not! — he starts as a lame duck. Enter his vice president. Modern veeps are nationally known figures who have at least a good shot at winning their party’s presidential nomination in the future. There have been 20 presidential elections since World War II, and 12 have featured a veep — current or former — on the ballot. So Trump’s VP will be widely interpreted as his possible successor. On top of that, Trump’s persona has loomed so large over GOP politics for the past decade that it’s hard to imagine what the post-Trump Republican Party will look like. His choice could well determine whether the party gets even more extreme, or whether there’s a relative return to normalcy.
2) Trump poses threats to democracy — would his VP stand up to him? Typically, the veep’s only formal power of note (besides being the successor-in-waiting) is being the tie-breaking Senate vote, as the president of the Senate. But on January 6, 2021, another VP duty — presiding over Congress’s counting of the presidential electoral votes — became hugely important as Trump tried to steal the election from Joe Biden. The count is usually a formality, but Trump pressured Vice President Mike Pence to effectively seize control of the vote count, tossing out swing state results where Biden won. Had Pence actually done that, it would have thrown the process into chaos. But, relying on legal advice that he had no such authority — and, perhaps, on his own conscience — Pence refused. What if someone more unscrupulous had been in the VP job on that day?  The exact circumstances of the 2020 election crisis are unlikely to repeat. But a second-term Trump may well try to degrade democracy in other ways that are difficult to precisely foresee. Which raises the question: Will Trump’s future veep stand up and defend democracy, or not? [...]
3) Trump’s age and corruption make it more likely he’d leave office involuntarily ahead of schedule: Finally, though veeps have often gone on to be elected president, the more common way they’ve ended up in the job is through its sudden vacancy, due to health or scandal reasons. Both are a bit more likely to befall Trump than the average president. Trump is about to turn 78, and his advanced age makes it somewhat more likely that health reasons would prevent him from making it all the way through another four-year term. The odds of that are probably still low — Trump isn’t known to have serious health problems and would benefit from top-notch care. Still, sometimes old people decline quickly. (All this applies to Biden as well, of course.) Apart from death, the only other reason the presidency has been vacated early is a corruption scandal, when Nixon resigned to avert certain impeachment and removal from office. Trump is famously corrupt and is already the only president to be impeached twice. So it isn’t much of a stretch to suspect that there might be some corruption or abuse of power scandals leading to another Trump impeachment effort in his next term.
Vox’s Andrew Prokop analyzes the importance of Donald Trump’s Vice President pick, ranging from how to chart a path to a post-Trump GOP, whether that person would follow Mike Pence’s path to reject Trump’s worst authoritarian impulses or feed them instead, and readiness to step in should Trump be driven out or die in office.
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olko71 · 1 year
New Post has been published on All about business online
New Post has been published on https://yaroreviews.info/2023/07/us-jobs-growth-weakest-in-more-than-two-years
US jobs growth weakest in more than two years
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US jobs growth slowed last month in a sign that the weight of higher interest rates may be starting to slow the world’s largest economy.
Employers added 209,000 jobs in June, the smallest gain in more than two years, the Labor Department said.
That was fewer than expected, though the unemployment rate still fell to 3.6%, down from 3.7% in May.
The labour market is being watched closely, as the US central bank lifts borrowing costs to fight inflation.
Hiring has remained strong, despite the Federal Reserve’s benchmark interest rate jumping to more than 5% in little over a year.
That held true in June, when analysts said the 209,000 jobs added were more than enough to accommodate growth in the labour force, despite it being the smallest number since December 2020.
Wages also continued to climb, with the average hourly pay up 4.4% from a year ago.
But the monthly report comes alongside other data, such as a drop in job vacancies, that suggest the labour market may be cooling.
“Today’s jobs report is slightly weaker than many expected,” said Richard Flynn, managing director at Charles Schwab UK.
“The labour market remains tight, but investors will likely interpret these numbers as a sign that cracks are beginning to emerge.”
Economists have been predicting a slowdown for months, as higher interest rates force consumers to cut back spending in other areas and make borrowing for business expansions more costly.
But jobs growth had consistently outpaced forecasts and a strong hiring report from private payrolls processor ADP earlier this week raised expectations for a repeat.
The ADP figures triggered a sell-off in shares on Thursday, as investors adjusted bets on how far rates might have to climb.
However, the Labor Department report painted a slightly different picture, showing government and healthcare firms driving the hiring in June.
Retailers and transportation firms shed jobs, while leisure and hospitality businesses added just 21,000 positions – keeping overall employment in that sector below pre-pandemic levels.
Analysts said they still expected the US central bank to raise rates again at its meeting this month.
Though inflation in the US has fallen sharply since last year, at 4%, it remains higher than the Federal Reserve’s 2% target.
Forecasts released by the bank at its last meeting indicated that most officials thought they would need to push interest rates higher to stabilise prices.
“Jobs growth has slowed but remains too strong to justify an extended Fed pause. More significantly, with average hourly earnings surprising to the upside, wage pressures are still too strong,” said Seema Shah, chief global strategist at Principal Asset Management.
“Today’s report will give the Fed little reason to hold off from hiking at the July meeting.”
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Various job roles after Data Science course
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In 2019, there were 97,000 analytics and data science job vacancies in India, according to latest figures. Data scientists will remain in high demand.
According to the Economic Times, by 2020, there will be over 2 lakh job vacancies in data science. Because of the advancement of data science, industries may now make careful data-driven judgements.
According to studies, the need for data scientists is increasing at an exponential rate, notably in the BFSI (Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance), energy, pharmaceutical, and e-commerce businesses. The title of "Sexiest Employment of the Twenty-First Century" has been conferred to data science.
How to get a job after pursuing Data Science
Let's take a look at how to become a data scientist and how to get work in the industry.
Bachelor's Degree - To get a head start in data science, consider pursuing a bachelor's degree in mathematics, statistics, or computer science. But, if you hold a degree in a different field of study, you may always enrol in online certification programmes and courses to gain the essential skills.
Improve Your Skills - Technological talents are essential for the type of job that a data scientist undertakes. Some of these include programming language skills, machine learning techniques, data visualisation, statistics, arithmetic, and so on. They are not, however, the only ones that are relevant. You will face difficult situations that will require extra skills such as effective communication, leadership, collaboration, and so on.
Choose a specialisation - Specialisations are typically preferable to developing a specialised area of interest. Choose a speciality, such as database administration, artificial intelligence, research, or machine learning, and focus your efforts on honing your skills in that area. If you accomplish so, both your earning potential and the quantity of opportunities will increase.
Take a Job/Internship - The best way to learn about data science is to get a job (either part-time or full-time) or an internship, ideally in an entry-level position. It will not be enough to just specialise and acquire new skills. Working is the only way to learn about data science and obtain valuable experience. You will also be able to develop a portfolio to submit to potential employers. Select a company that has opportunity for growth or a small corporation where you may do a range of roles. As a consequence, you will improve your skills.
Obtain a Degree in Data Science - The next step is to supplement your present knowledge with a formal degree. After you've shown your ability on the job, you'll know where your interests lie. You should seek a master's degree in data science now that you've honed your skills in your chosen field. Individuals who do not wish to commit for an extended period of time can always select from the several certifications available.
In India, the job market is hesitant to hire a young data scientist. Everyone out there wants at least two years of experience, but how will we get it?
Creating a portfolio is critical in this situation. As you are a freshman, I assume you acquired data science through online classes. The analytical skills required to clean data and apply machine learning algorithms to it are only learned via experience; they only teach you the essentials.
Publish all of your projects on sites like GitHub so that a recruiter can see that you have practical experience and are familiar with the fundamentals when they look at your profile. This will get you a long way. A technical portfolio will illustrate the information you have previously learned when you are a recent graduate seeking a job as a data scientist.
Job Roles in Data Science Career
Data Analyst - Data analysts are in charge of a wide range of responsibilities, including data visualisation, munging, and processing. They must also run queries on the databases on occasion. Optimization is one of the most crucial talents of a data analyst. This is due to the fact that they must develop and tweak algorithms that can be utilised to extract information from some of the world's largest databases without altering the data. SQL, R, SAS, and Python are some of the most popular data analysis technologies. As a result, accreditation in these areas can readily increase your job applications. You should also be skilled at problem solving.
Data Engineers - Data engineers create and test scalable Big Data ecosystems for organisations so that data scientists may run their algorithms on reliable and well optimised data platforms. To boost database performance, data engineers also update old systems with newer or improved versions of current technology. If you want to work as a data engineer, you should be familiar with the following technologies: Hive, NoSQL, R, Ruby, Java, C++, and Matlab. It would also be advantageous if you are familiar with major data APIs and ETL technologies.
Database Administrator - A database administrator's job description is fairly self-explanatory: they are responsible for the correct operation of all of an enterprise's databases and provide or revoke its services to the company's personnel based on their needs. They are also in charge of database backups and recovery. A database administrator's important abilities and talents include database backup and recovery, data security, data modelling and design, and so on. It's a big plus if you're adept at catastrophe management.
Machine Learning Engineer - Nowadays, machine learning engineers are in high demand. Nonetheless, the work profile is not without its difficulties. Machine learning engineers are required to do A/B testing, design data pipelines, and implement common machine learning algorithms such as classification, clustering, and so on, in addition to having in-depth understanding of some of the most powerful technologies such as SQL, REST APIs, and so on. To begin, you should be familiar with technologies such as Java, Python, and JavaScript. Second, you should be well-versed in statistics and mathematics. After you've mastered both, it'll be much easier to land a job interview.
Data Scientist - Data scientists must understand business concerns and provide the best solutions through data analysis and processing. For example, they are expected to execute predictive analysis and sift through "unstructured/disorganised" data to provide actionable insights. They can also do so by recognising trends and patterns that will assist businesses in making better judgements. To become a data scientist, you must be proficient in R, MatLab, SQL, Python, and other related technologies. It can also benefit if you have a higher degree in mathematics, computer engineering, or something similar.
Data Architect - A data architect builds data management plans so that databases may be readily connected, consolidated, and secured with the greatest security methods. They also guarantee that the data engineers have access to the best tools and technologies. A profession in data architecture necessitates knowledge of data warehousing, data modelling, extraction, transformation, and loan (ETL), among other things. You should also be familiar with Hive, Pig, and Spark.
Statistician - A statistician, as the name implies, is well-versed in statistical theories and data organisation. They not only extract and provide significant insights from data clusters, but they also contribute to the development of new approaches for engineers to use. A statistician must be passionate about reasoning. They are also proficient in a wide range of database systems, including SQL, data mining, and numerous machine learning technologies.
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skillslash · 1 year
Various job roles after Data Science course
In 2019, there were 97,000 analytics and data science job vacancies in India, according to latest figures. Data scientists will remain in high demand.
According to the Economic Times, by 2020, there will be over 2 lakh job vacancies in data science. Because of the advancement of data science, industries may now make careful data-driven judgements.
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According to studies, the need for data scientists is increasing at an exponential rate, notably in the BFSI (Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance), energy, pharmaceutical, and e-commerce businesses. The title of "Sexiest Employment of the Twenty-First Century" has been conferred to data science.
How to get a job after pursuing Data Science
Let's take a look at how to become a data scientist and how to get work in the industry.
Bachelor's Degree - To get a head start in data science, consider pursuing a bachelor's degree in mathematics, statistics, or computer science. But, if you hold a degree in a different field of study, you may always enrol in online certification programmes and courses to gain the essential skills.
Improve Your Skills - Technological talents are essential for the type of job that a data scientist undertakes. Some of these include programming language skills, machine learning techniques, data visualisation, statistics, arithmetic, and so on. They are not, however, the only ones that are relevant. You will face difficult situations that will require extra skills such as effective communication, leadership, collaboration, and so on.
Choose a specialisation - Specialisations are typically preferable to developing a specialised area of interest. Choose a speciality, such as database administration, artificial intelligence, research, or machine learning, and focus your efforts on honing your skills in that area. If you accomplish so, both your earning potential and the quantity of opportunities will increase.
Take a Job/Internship - The best way to learn about data science is to get a job (either part-time or full-time) or an internship, ideally in an entry-level position. It will not be enough to just specialise and acquire new skills. Working is the only way to learn about data science and obtain valuable experience. You will also be able to develop a portfolio to submit to potential employers. Select a company that has opportunity for growth or a small corporation where you may do a range of roles. As a consequence, you will improve your skills.
Obtain a Degree in Data Science - The next step is to supplement your present knowledge with a formal degree. After you've shown your ability on the job, you'll know where your interests lie. You should seek a master's degree in data science now that you've honed your skills in your chosen field. Individuals who do not wish to commit for an extended period of time can always select from the several certifications available.
In India, the job market is hesitant to hire a young data scientist. Everyone out there wants at least two years of experience, but how will we get it?
Creating a portfolio is critical in this situation. As you are a freshman, I assume you acquired data science through online classes. The analytical skills required to clean data and apply machine learning algorithms to it are only learned via experience; they only teach you the essentials.
Publish all of your projects on sites like GitHub so that a recruiter can see that you have practical experience and are familiar with the fundamentals when they look at your profile. This will get you a long way. A technical portfolio will illustrate the information you have previously learned when you are a recent graduate seeking a job as a data scientist.
Job Roles in Data Science Career
Data Analyst - Data analysts are in charge of a wide range of responsibilities, including data visualisation, munging, and processing. They must also run queries on the databases on occasion. Optimization is one of the most crucial talents of a data analyst. This is due to the fact that they must develop and tweak algorithms that can be utilised to extract information from some of the world's largest databases without altering the data. SQL, R, SAS, and Python are some of the most popular data analysis technologies. As a result, accreditation in these areas can readily increase your job applications. You should also be skilled at problem solving.
Data Engineers - Data engineers create and test scalable Big Data ecosystems for organisations so that data scientists may run their algorithms on reliable and well optimised data platforms. To boost database performance, data engineers also update old systems with newer or improved versions of current technology. If you want to work as a data engineer, you should be familiar with the following technologies: Hive, NoSQL, R, Ruby, Java, C++, and Matlab. It would also be advantageous if you are familiar with major data APIs and ETL technologies.
Database Administrator - A database administrator's job description is fairly self-explanatory: they are responsible for the correct operation of all of an enterprise's databases and provide or revoke its services to the company's personnel based on their needs. They are also in charge of database backups and recovery. A database administrator's important abilities and talents include database backup and recovery, data security, data modelling and design, and so on. It's a big plus if you're adept at catastrophe management.
Machine Learning Engineer - Nowadays, machine learning engineers are in high demand. Nonetheless, the work profile is not without its difficulties. Machine learning engineers are required to do A/B testing, design data pipelines, and implement common machine learning algorithms such as classification, clustering, and so on, in addition to having in-depth understanding of some of the most powerful technologies such as SQL, REST APIs, and so on. To begin, you should be familiar with technologies such as Java, Python, and JavaScript. Second, you should be well-versed in statistics and mathematics. After you've mastered both, it'll be much easier to land a job interview.
Data Scientist - Data scientists must understand business concerns and provide the best solutions through data analysis and processing. For example, they are expected to execute predictive analysis and sift through "unstructured/disorganised" data to provide actionable insights. They can also do so by recognising trends and patterns that will assist businesses in making better judgements. To become a data scientist, you must be proficient in R, MatLab, SQL, Python, and other related technologies. It can also benefit if you have a higher degree in mathematics, computer engineering, or something similar.
Data Architect - A data architect builds data management plans so that databases may be readily connected, consolidated, and secured with the greatest security methods. They also guarantee that the data engineers have access to the best tools and technologies. A profession in data architecture necessitates knowledge of data warehousing, data modelling, extraction, transformation, and loan (ETL), among other things. You should also be familiar with Hive, Pig, and Spark.
Statistician - A statistician, as the name implies, is well-versed in statistical theories and data organisation. They not only extract and provide significant insights from data clusters, but they also contribute to the development of new approaches for engineers to use. A statistician must be passionate about reasoning. They are also proficient in a wide range of database systems, including SQL, data mining, and numerous machine learning technologies.
Given the fast-paced nature of data science, it is critical to keep up with new developments. Data science occupations have expanded and evolved in every field throughout time. Programming languages, software, tools, and technologies that are always growing and becoming more powerful will define data science. To be more industry-relevant and to have a successful data science employment, keep up with market trends. Now that you have a better understanding of how to get work, I'd like to attract your attention to an ed-tech platform that offers intermediate and advanced level certification courses. As the name suggests, Skillslash prioritises skills above academic qualifications, which is most important in this domain. The most important material for students and enthusiasts who want to thrive in this field is condensed into Skillslash courses like Business analytics and Advanced Data Science & AI.
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meghalayacareer · 1 year
RGSA WJH Recruitment 2023: Programme Assistant and Accounts Assistant cum DEO Vacancy
RGSA WJH Recruitment 2023: District Programme Coordinator (RGSA) District Rural Development Agency, West Jaintia Hills District has released an employment notification for the recruitment of the Programme Assistant and Accounts Assistant cum DEO position under RGSA on a contractual basis for a period of 1 (ONE) year or may be likely to be extended. The last date for submission of the application is 30th June 2023. 1. Post Name: Programme Assistant - No. of Position: 1 (One) - Minimum Qualification: PG in MSW/Economics/Sociology/Agricultural Economics/Rural Development from any recognized university. - Experience: Minimum 2- 3 years in related fields. - Place of Posting: Namdong C & RD Block - Remuneration (Per month): 25,000 p.m 2. Post Name: Accounts Assistant cum DEO - No. of Position: 1 (One) in each Block - Minimum Qualification: Graduate in Commerce & 1-year PGDCA (Compulsory) from any recognized university - Experience: Minimum 2- 3 years in related fields. - Place of Posting: All Blocks - Remuneration (Per month): 20,000 p.m How to apply for RGSA WJH Recruitment 2023: Programme Assistant and Accounts Assistant cum DEO Vacancy? The applicants should submit their applications in standard form along with their Bio-Data & self-attested testimonials, educational qualifications, Experience Certificate, 2 (TWO) passport-size photographs, and address for communication to the office of the undersigned. Applicants can also submit their application via mail to [email protected] enclosed in one pdf file mentioning the post applied for in the subject line of the email on or before the 30th June 2023 up to 4:30 pm. Advertisment No. DRDA/RGSA-APPTT/2020-21/211 Those who wish to apply are advised to go through the below official notification in detail before submitting applications. Download Official Notification Click Here Job Updates on Telegram Click Here Read the full article
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morpheusindia · 1 year
What does a recruitment consultant do?
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The landscape of hiring has grown increasingly formidable, presenting a formidable challenge for numerous firms. As the calendar turned to 2020, an overwhelming 54% of businesses voiced their struggle to find adequately qualified candidates. Looking ahead, a forecasted shortfall of over 85 million vacant positions globally by 2030 adds to the mounting pressure. Nevertheless, a silver lining emerges in the form of employment agencies, poised to revolutionize the hiring process and offer unparalleled ease to businesses, irrespective of their size.
How does an employment agency work?
It takes a lot of effort to recruit employees, and many businesses need help finding the time to do it well. An employer frequently has to review a large number of applications before he discovers the ideal candidate for the position. Recruitment is very much a numbers game. That certainly does seem awful and impersonal, and it is. An expert in recruitment fills a particular demand. Employers need the proper applicants for their open positions, but they sometimes lack the time to go out and discover these candidates themselves. To free up more time for applicant interviews, they hire a recruitment consultant to handle this task on their behalf.
A Day in Recruiting:-
A recruitment consultant will secure clients' business (that is, they will win an assignment to fill a vacancy).
International recruitment agencies use LinkedIn searches and job postings on websites like Jobsite, Monster, or Reed to locate the finest individuals for each position. To identify a qualified candidate, employment agencies may also go out to their contacts; recruiters all have significant networks of beneficial relationships.
The best candidates are then introduced to the client after an interview to determine how good they are. After that, agencies frequently follow up with the customer to make sure the candidates' initial weeks or months went well.
Finding candidates, interviewing them, and delivering them to our client(the company that employs them) takes up most of our days. Since it takes a lot of work to be successful in the recruitment and you have to juggle many tasks every day, some recruitment firms give new consultants daily goals they must meet in order to hit the necessary productivity levels. These goals may include the number of sales calls they must make to clients and the number of resumes they must submit for each opening.
Responsibilities of a recruitment consultant-
Employment agencies can offer a company complete staffing options, such as:
Knowing the business's workload requirements.
Identifying the personnel needed to fulfill the same.
Interviewing and selecting a candidate to shortlist.
Screening potential applicants using criminal history records and job history.
Creating agreements and analyzing legal issues.
Providing instruction in the event of gaps
Monitoring the performance of the temporary employees to determine whether the requirements are met
Additionally, it is the staffing agency's responsibility to terminate the hire and provide any necessary compensation if the employee is not a good fit.
Benefits of Employment agencies:-
It involves more than merely meeting an urgent need. Working with a staffing agency has a lot of benefits for a company.
1. A recruitment consultant can find the proper talent thanks to their specialists. They use tried-and-true methods, establish goals for efficiency, and use technology to make hiring easier. You might not have access to these.
2. A talent pool is kept up by staffing companies. They actively work to create a network of knowledgeable individuals. To expand their talent pool, they engage with groups, seek out passive applicants, and even organize their own events.
3. Faster and more precise hiring can be done by employment agencies. They are able to identify qualified individuals more quickly than your own teams since they have access to the proper personnel. To promptly meet your needs, they make reference to sourcing tools, professional portfolio websites, and associated platforms.
4. Customized solutions are available from staffing firms. Staffing companies come up with a hiring strategy that is ideal for your business using the various hiring models that are accessible.
5. You could concentrate exclusively on your development with the help of a recruitment consultant. Staffing firms make sure that the responsibility of carrying out the full hiring process of qualified applicants falls on their shoulders given the variety of services they offer.
How can Morpheus Human Consulting help you?
Morpheus Human Consulting Pvt. Ltd. is the leading recruitment consultancy in India. With more than 18 branches and around 150+ consultants empanelled in our recruiting team in India and the Middle East, we cover close to all industry sectors. Morpheus is focused on hiring the right people for your organization. Our satisfied customers include leading MNCs and large Indian firms across industries.
At Morpheus Human Consulting, we understand that to achieve the big dream, you first need a dream team. Keeping this in mind we use our expertise to identify the skills sought by employers across industry verticals. Alongwith a reputation of consistently delivering results, having a clear understanding of the client requirement and high standards of quality, we also service our clients with a host of HR solutions, encompassing recruitment, corporate training, contractual or deputation services and compensation. Also our MHC academy partners with client organizations in building enduring relationships.
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Canada: Ageing Workforce, Boosting Immigration
Like many developed countries, Canada is facing a labor shortage aggravated by an ageing workforce. From 2016 to 2017, the number of Canadians aged 65 and older rose 18.3 percent, the second highest increase in 75 years. In the country’s working-age population, more than 1 in 5 individuals are now close to retirement. When those trends are combined with Canada’s declining fertility rates, it hardly comes as a surprise that many parts of the country have a large number of open jobs. For 2022, for example, Ontario reported 372,000 job vacancies—double the number from 2020.
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One response from the Trudeau government has been to encourage and welcome new immigrants. In 2015, the Prime Minister announced a goal of accepting a half million new immigrants per year by 2025. The government is seeing significant progress toward that objective: international migration has accounted for almost 96 percent of the country’s recent population growth—the highest since 1957. A recent report from Statistics Canada suggests that this growth should help the country meet future labor needs.
Most visibly, Canada has been active in welcoming people displaced by conflicts like the Russia-Ukraine war, the crisis in Afghanistan, the recent earthquakes in Turkey and Syria, and violence in South and Central America—all in line with both its stated immigration goals and longstanding pro-immigrant tradition. In the case of Afghanistan, Canada is on track to welcome at least 40,000 of those who fled the Taliban takeover in May 2021. In the case of Ukraine, Canada has extended a program offering to temporarily resettle Ukrainian families—a program that has already approved 600,000 applications.
That’s not to say that Canada’s generous immigration policies have been painless or universally supported. The growing numbers of asylum seekers and legal migrants help to address labor needs, but they can also lead to challenges in housing, infrastructure, and transportation. Provinces like Québec and Ontario have issued warnings about the rising costs that inevitably accompany the influx of new immigrants and asylum seekers.
A small, but growing chorus of critics has called for Roxham Road—the famous unofficial border crossing between New York and Quebec—to be shut down for asylum seekers. During President Biden’s recent trip to Canada, the two governments announced that a loophole in the 2004 Safe Third Country Agreement, which prevents Canada from turning away migrants at unofficial crossing points, would be closed. In other words, even with Canada’s enduring reputation of being open to newcomers, political leaders see the need to bring order and rules to the process.
Source: Wilson Center
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chicago-realtor · 2 years
Investing in Chicago's Real Estate Market: Is Now the Right Time?
You’ve been eyeing the Chicago real estate market for a while now. You’ve heard the rumors of a potential boom, but you’re not sure if now is the right time to invest. Let’s take a closer look.
First, let’s talk about the current state of the market. Chicago’s real estate market has been steadily growing over the past few years, with a 2.4% increase in home values in 2020 alone. This growth is expected to continue, with experts predicting a 3.5% increase in home values in 2021.
But what about the impact of the pandemic? While COVID-19 has certainly had an impact on the market, it hasn’t been as severe as some may have expected. In fact, the pandemic has actually led to an increase in demand for suburban homes, as more people are looking for larger living spaces outside of the city.
Now, let’s talk about the advantages of investing in Chicago real estate. For starters, Chicago is a major city with a diverse economy, meaning there are plenty of job opportunities and a steady stream of renters and buyers. Additionally, Chicago has a strong rental market, with a high demand for rental properties and a relatively low vacancy rate.
But perhaps the biggest advantage of investing in Chicago real estate is the potential for appreciation. As the market continues to grow, so too will the value of your investment. And with interest rates at historic lows, now is a great time to secure a mortgage and take advantage of the potential for long-term appreciation.
Of course, there are also risks to consider. The market could experience a downturn, or unexpected events could impact the value of your investment. That’s why it’s important to do your research and work with a knowledgeable real estate agent who can help you navigate the market.
So, is now the right time to invest in Chicago real estate? Ultimately, the decision is up to you. But with a growing market, strong rental demand, and the potential for long-term appreciation, it’s certainly worth considering. Just be sure to do your due diligence and work with a trusted professional to make the most of your investment.
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shivanijakhar · 2 years
India as a nation is faced with a massive problem of unemployment. Unemployment can be defined as the state of being without any work both for an educated and uneducated person, for earning one’s livelihood. Unemployment may be elaborated as a state of not finding work by an individual who is fit and willing to work. It is usually measured in percentage; the number of individuals without work out of the total “labour force” of the country or specific social groups.
Unemployment casts some short-term ripples throughout the economy by reducing an individual’s contribution in terms of services and taxes. The unemployed also does not possess purchasing power, thus in effect contributing to bringing down the demand for goods in the market and creating more unemployment. This vicious cycle creates a cascading effect throughout the economy and trickles down to different social strata. India currently has a population of about 1.25 billion. According to a recent United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) report, during the period of 1991 to 2013, the Indian economy has experienced maximum growth and yet less than half the number of Indians seeking jobs have managed to land one during this period. Statewise figures reveal that Tripura has the highest unemployment rate in the country at 19.7 percent while Gujarat has the lowest at 0.9 percent in 2015-16. On the other hand, the unemployment rate is higher among women at 8.7 percent versus 4.3 percent among men. Women unemployment rate is higher in the rural areas than in urban sectors of the country. Experts fear that at present, India is experiencing a jobless growth with not enough jobs being created for its working-age population (15-64 years). There is ample scepticism afloat about the country not being able to cash in on its demographic bonus, predicted to be 869 million by the year 2020—the world’s largest.
Our economy has grown and there has been development but not enough to generate a sufficient number of jobs. Another factor that has led to unemployment is the growth in population. Ours is a thickly populated country with the population increasing by leaps and bounds. But jobs and gainful avenues of employment cannot be generated in the same proportion. The jobs are restricted in number, but the people applying for them are many. So, a large section of people are left without a job.
The population of our country is ever-rising. The abnormal rise in population has intensified the problem of unemployment in India. That is why the issue of unemployment has been getting more and more acute every year. It is the responsibility of the State to provide work to the people. But the number of the unemployed persons in India is increasing at an alarming rate. More than one-third of the total population still lives below the poverty line. The number of registered unemployed, not to speak of those whose names are not in the register, is quite shocking. The number of job seekers also on the register of employment exchanges is increasing by leaps and bounds. There are three classes of employment here. In the villages, those people who live on agriculture work for four or five months in a year, idle away the rest of the time. During that period they practically remain unemployed. In the towns and cities, there is another class of unemployed people who find no employment in the factories due to the setting up of big machines there. Lastly, there are a large number of educated people who are unemployed. The masses, the uneducated and even the illiterate adopt some way or the other using which they can earn their living. The educated, however, cannot do this.
The problem of unemployment among the educated youth is a serious one. For every vacancy, there are dozens of applicants. Out of many candidates who are interviewed, only a few get the job. A student dedicates several years of his life to studies. It is a worrisome condition that even after getting Bachelors and Masters Degree, India’s youth is facing unemployment.
The root of the problem can be traced to a host of reasons that contribute collectively towards this problem.
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